Oberhofen (SUI), November 2010 2
To the INTERNATIONAL SKI FEDERATION - Members of the FIS Council Blochstrasse 2 - National Ski Associations 3653 Oberhofen/Thunersee - Committee Chairmen Switzerland Tel +41 33 244 61 61 Fax +41 33 244 61 71 th Oberhofen, 9 November 2010 Short Summary FIS Council Meeting 6th November 2010, Oberhofen (SUI) Dear Mr. President, Dear Ski friends, In accordance with art. 32.2 of the FIS Statutes we take pleasure in sending you today the Short Summary of the most important decisions of the FIS Council Meeting, 6 th November 2010 in Oberhofen (SUI). 1. Members present The following Council Members were present at the meeting in Oberhofen, Switzerland on 6th November 2010: President Gian Franco Kasper, Vice-Presidents Yoshiro Ito, Janez Kocijancic, Bill Marolt and Sverre Seeberg, Members Mats Årjes, Dean Gosper, Alfons Hörmann, Roman Kumpost, Sung-Won Lee, Giovanni Morzenti, Vedran Pavlek, Eduardo Roldan, Peter Schröcksnadel, Patrick Smith, Matti Sundberg, Michel Vion and Secretary General Sarah Lewis. Guest: Urs Lehmann, President of the Swiss Ski Association. The Council clarified that the position of the attendance of the President of the host National Ski Association at a Council Meeting (who is not an elected Council Member) is only extended for the Council Meetings in the host nation. Furthermore, the Council highlighted the following article of the FIS Statutes: 30.5 Council Members act and vote as independent individuals and not as representatives of their National Association. Following the admission from Council Member Giovanni Morzenti that he has been convicted by a court in Cuneo, Italy of extortion, the Council decided to accept the proposal of Giovanni Morzenti to provisionally suspend himself as a Member of the FIS Council until such time as the case is concluded.
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