Directions KUKA, Onsite Office Braunschweig KUKA Systems GmbH Gifhorn Onsite Office Braunschweig Uelzen Am Hafen 2 B214 4 38112 Braunschweig /Germany Braunschweig B Hafen exit A2 T +49 531 21 002 - 20
[email protected] Mittelland Canal Hansestrasse A2 B214 Hanover A391 Traveling from Berlin or Hanover Leave the A2 autobahn (highway) at the Hanse- Braunschweig A2 Braunschweig Hafen exit. After exiting, B214 Strasse Peiner Str. Nord Wolfsburg turn right in the direction of the harbor exit intersection Ernst-Böhme-Str. Berlin (Hafen). Travel over the canal bridge to the next large intersection with traffic lights A391 (Shell gas station = truck stop). At the A392 lights, turn right onto “Ernst-Böhme- Hamburger Str. A392 Strasse”. Continue straight ahead. Across from the wind turbine, turn right onto B4 B4 B248 “Am Hafen”. Then pull in to the first A391 property on the right. Our premises are Celler Str. B1 located on the 2nd floor. Braunschweig B1 Celler Str. Traveling from Kassel or Braunschweig B1 Zentrum B4 Leave the A391 autobahn (highway) Salzgitter at the Hansestrasse exit. At the lights, turn left onto “Hansestrasse”. Continue Grotrian-Steinweg-Strasse straight ahead through several traffic A2 Güldenstr. light intersections. Go past IKEA, porta, ESCOM and UPS, and then turn left at the next large intersection with traffic Mittelland Canal Hansestrasse Harbor basin lights (Shell gas station) onto “Ernst- Böhme-Strasse”. Continue straight Ernst-Böhme-Strasse ahead. Across from the wind turbine, turn right onto “Am Hafen”. Then pull in to the first property on the right. Our Hafenstrasse premises are located on the 2nd floor.