Congressional Record—House H3071
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May 17, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3071 emergency room, you do not have to This is not on the back of the doc- with regard to an employer filing of a give them extensive treatment for dis- tors. The doctors are freed from re- notice of contest following the issuance eases that are not at that moment life- sponsibility on that, because they no of a citation by the Occupational Safe- threatening. longer have to treat anything, unless ty and Health Administration; for con- Thus, they will take care of an illegal someone’s life is threatened at that sideration of the bill (H.R. 2729) to whose life is being threatened, but they moment. amend the Occupational Safety and will not have to take care and spend Let me add one other thing. If they Health Act of 1970 to provide for great- $300,000 or $400,000 for cancer treat- do treat an illegal immigrant in an er efficiency at the Occupational Safe- ments, and this happens, for all types emergency situation, my bill insists ty and Health Review Commission; for of transplants of organs, for hundreds that we go to the employer, because consideration of the bill (H.R. 2730) to of thousands and millions of dollars that is the only question that hospital amend the Occupational Safety and worth of health care that illegals are has to ask, who is your employer? And Health Act of 1970 to provide for an getting right now. if that employer has not done due dili- independent review of citations issued My bill says they do not have to do gence to see if he is hiring an illegal by the Occupational Safety and Health that. If they want to, they can, but immigrant, that employer has to pay Administration; for consideration of they do not have to do it. This legisla- for the emergency health care costs of the bill (H.R. 2731) to amend the Occu- tion is vital to make sure that the pool the illegal immigrant. Do you get that? pational Safety and Health Act of 1970 of money available to the American The taxpayers are off the hook. to provide for the award of attorney’s people for their health care goes to the What has happened is, this bill, fees and costs to very small employers American people and not to illegals. which would be an of incredible impor- when they prevail in litigation prompt- It also says that if someone is illegal tance to the middle-class Americans, ed by the issuance of citations by the and they come in and they are an this bill, which strives to protect us Occupational Safety and Health Ad- emergency and they are taken care at from having our limited health care ministration; and for consideration of the hospital, when they are seeking dollars being drained away by people the bill (H.R. 2432) to amend the Paper- compensation from the fund, they just who have come here illegally, this bill work Reduction Act and titles 5 and 31, have to make that same information is being attacked by the Chamber of United States Code, to reform Federal that they are collecting in order to be Commerce. It is being attacked by big paperwork and regulatory processes, compensated, they have to make that business on one end, and being at- which was referred to the House Cal- available in a computer for the Immi- tacked by the liberal left organizations gration and Naturalization Service and endar and ordered to be printed. that control the Democratic Party on the Department of Homeland Security. f the other. What we have heard again are bogus IRAQ WATCH arguments this morning, over and over I suggest tomorrow the vote on H.R. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. again, that this is going to increase the 3722 is one to watch, and whose side BLACKBURN). Under the Speaker’s an- paperwork of doctors; it is going to you are on will be determined by how make doctors policemen. they vote on that issue. nounced policy of January 7, 2003, the Not true. The bill we are talking f gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. DELAHUNT) is recognized for 60 min- about only says the information, that REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- they will collect anyway in order to utes. VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF Mr. DELAHUNT. Mr. Speaker, I will get compensated by this fund, must be H.R. 4359, CHILD CREDIT PRESER- made available to the INS and the De- shortly be joined by my colleagues, VATION AND EXPANSION ACT OF who, on a weekly basis, have come to partment of Homeland Security. They 2004 are not being turned in by anybody, it the floor of the House to discuss events is just available. The other government Mr. DREIER, from the Committee on occurring in the Middle East, specifi- agencies at that point have to take Rules, submitted a privileged report cally in Iraq and in Afghanistan. We over. There is no reporting on the part (Rept. No. 108–496) on the resolution (H. have called ourselves the Iraq Watch, of the doctors. Res. 644) providing for consideration of in an effort to have a conversation to So we hear these bogus arguments the bill (H.R. 4359) to amend the Inter- illuminate and educate not just our- over and over again, as if people are nal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase selves, but those who are interested, as going to bring some type of contagious the child tax credit, which was referred I think most people are, in these par- diseases into our country if we do not to the House Calendar and ordered to ticular matters. treat every illegal alien that comes be printed. It is clearly no secret, and it is a into our emergency health care. f most disturbing situation, that we Let me note this: If you want to see REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- have a deteriorating situation in Iraq. diseases that will spread in our country VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF One only has to remember the initial being brought into our country from H.R. 2728, OCCUPATIONAL SAFE- estimates of the cost that were put overseas, just make sure that every- TY AND HEALTH SMALL BUSI- forth by the White House. I think the body around the world knows that we NESS DAY IN COURT ACT OF range that was suggested by the Dep- are now paying for illegal aliens’ 2004, H.R. 2729, OCCUPATIONAL uty Secretary of Defense, Mr. health care in this country. No matter SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW Wolfowitz, was from $30 billion to $60 who gets into the hospital, they will be COMMISSION EFFICIENCY ACT billion. taken care of. They will bring commu- OF 2004, H.R. 2730, OCCUPATIONAL b 2200 nicable diseases from all over the SAFETY AND HEALTH INDE- world, and that is what is happening When the then-Chief Economic Ad- PENDENT REVIEW OF OSHA CI- right now. viser to President Bush, Larry Lind- We need to instead come to grips TATIONS ACT OF 2004, H.R. 2731, say, indicated that in his judgment the with what my legislation does, that if OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND range could be from $100 billion to $200 someone is indeed here illegally and HEALTH SMALL EMPLOYER AC- billion, he was eased out because there they are dissipating the use and the CESS TO JUSTICE ACT OF 2004, was a sense that that was not a real- amount of money that is available for AND H.R. 2432, PAPERWORK AND istic number. Now, of course, we are our own citizens or their health care, REGULATORY IMPROVEMENTS currently at the figure of $150 billion, that illegal alien should be sent home. ACT OF 2004 and that does not include future esti- They should go home to their home Mr. DREIER, from the Committee on mates, which again according to recent country. That is what H.R. 3722 says. Rules, submitted a privileged report reports just simply is for the military The information will be available to (Rept. No. 108–497) on the resolution (H. presence of American troops in support the Department of Homeland Security Res. 645), providing for consideration of for other military personnel there. and the Immigration and Naturaliza- the bill (H.R. 2728) to amend the Occu- That is an additional 50 or $75 billion. tion Service, and they will proceed pational Safety and Health Act of 1970 And of course that does not include the from there. to provide for adjudicative flexibility cost of reconstruction, both for Iraq VerDate May 04 2004 04:07 May 18, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17MY7.102 H17PT1 H3072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 17, 2004 and for Afghanistan. But, obviously, on the desire to control oil, we must I guess this is a question that I would most importantly is the loss of life, acknowledge that we have a problem have for the President, for the Vice particularly American personnel, both that has to be addressed. Let me just President, and for the Secretary of De- military and civilian. The number now recite some of those numbers: 51 per- fense: Why on February 27, months be- is well in excess of 700. That of course cent of the people in Russia believe fore the attack on the homeland, why does not account for the men and that that was our primary motive; 58 was a map being presented at a Na- women in our military who have been percent of the people in France; 60 per- tional Security Council meeting wounded.