www.ukrweekly.com • - - ~*---ggr.- -. — . . . ., , rrtrnn l • - І І І ГХ-- < l • t Dedicated to the ideals Address and interests of young UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Americana' 4І Ukrainian 8ECTION descent. 81-83 Grand Street Informative, - і instructive. Jersey City 3, N. J. Supplemena of Tel. HEnderson 4-0237 Ukrainian р$у Svoboda УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ щолвшшж UKRJLtUMAN DAlhV Publiahed by the Ukrainian National Ukrainian National Ass'n Association. The Ukrainian Weekly Section Tel. HEnderson 5-8740

РІК LXHI Ч. 153 SECTION TWO SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SECTION. ^SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1956 SECTION TWO No. 153 VOL LXin 100th ANNIVERSARY of IVAN FRANKO'S BIRTH 1856 — AUGUST 15th — 1956 THE VALUE OF IVAN FRANKO The Conquistadores Percival Cundy Admirer of Address by PROF. CLARENCE A. MANNING at the Cora- Ivan Franko memoration of the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Ivan By IVAN FRANKO The first extensive compila­ ing the ensuing years, the con- Franko at Toronto's Exposition Hall, July 1, 1956. tion of Franko's works appears sciousness of their unity de­ We are met today .to comme-j simple as well as In Its Stalin - Across the stormy ocean, own confession for it is the While billows seethe and roar. in a book entitled "Ivan Fran­ veloped so that they became morate the 100th anniversary of ist and Khrushchevist form. problem of the leader who Our fleet sails onward, fighting, ko—Selected Poems" from a fully, aware that they were the birth of Ivan Franko. What It meant as he showed in "Za- must impart his ideals to the Ukrainians and underwent the To reach an unknown shore. translation by Rev. Percival khar Berkut" a gathering of masses around them, never does that mean to Ukrainians With straining masts, torn can­ same transformation as their free men cooperating for the yield to their inertia and not Cundy, a great admirer of Ivan and persons of Ukrainian vas ... relatives in Europe. good of all without a master push on too far ahead of them. Franko, published through the ' This made a great impres­ origin? What does it mean to When lo, the peaceful strand! or a slave. Of course his ideas His hope, the hope of "Moses," efforts of the Ukrainian Nation­ sion upon Dr. Cundy. He Now veer, and steer together the world? were advanced for the 80's.wa s in the young who would al Association. learned their language and be­ '• To reach the longed-for land! There is no doubt that the He was snubbed by society, take up the torch where his Dr. Cundy was born in Man­ gan to publish translations of Cast out the rusty anchors! greatest Ukrainian poet was even that of the conservative wearied hands laid it down. He chester, England, in 1881. As their poems. Of all the authors Leap out upon the bank! , the awaken- Ukrainians and , hated by thedi d not call upon the masses a boy he was brought to Can­ Franko made the greatest im­ No sound!... Tis scarcely dawn­ er of the Ukrainian people. Poles. He held his ground de­ to submit under threat. He ada and received his education pression upon him because of ing ... There is little doubt that Leaya spite charges of revolution was no Stalin, no Khrushchev in the University of Manitoba. his intellect, hia humanitarian Ukrainka ranks third. Ivan and atheism and he won out boasting of the joint action of All quiet... Stand In rank! As a Presbyterian minister, he interests, ami his steady perse­ Franko hoids an undisputed Step by step he advanced his an elite and threatening that The drowsy town still slumbers... travelled extensively through verance in his task as a nation- second place. cause. At times in anger he improper criticism would be We'll take them while they the prairie provinces which паї leader, even under hard­ laid himself open to misunder­ sleep... These three writers were stamped out by force, that brought him into regions set­ ships and difficulties. He felt a standing for he treated his Uk­ We'll wake them with our war- strangely different--• Lesya Uk­ criticism had to accept the tled by Ukrainians, largely natural and spiritual kinship rainian obligations not- as an cry, rainka was an invalid, afflicted frame work of Communist from Western , and he with Franko and used him as act of love but as burden And then the victory reap. from childhood with an incur­ criticism—or else. Franko's came to know them, to appre­ the key to all bis-studies. laid on him by fate. Yet he But ere we start, our vessels able disease and forced to live ideal was what the Anglo-Sax­ ciate them and to understand In 1937. Dr. Cundy came to bore it steadily and proudly. With fire let us waste. from and in her books. Yet on world calls democracy and their culture, their hopes and For us, there's no returning the United States where he she found the way to see the He wanted the Ukrainian freedom. He built the thoughts their difl&culties. planned an extensive program Back on the path we've traced. fate of Ukraine as a part of people to have the opportunity of Western Ukraine and of Uk­ When he commenced his of translations of Ukrainian A burst of smoke! A groaning the world problem of good and, and to be worthy to apply to raine as a whole and he' made work, he found among these masterpieces, во as to fam- the people ready^ for/the' move­ , Seems from our ships to rise. evil, freedom and, slavery. their own fate - those* ideals new Immigrants much of the illarize the English speaking . Shevchenko had a truly. . ro­ thai* had been developed by ment for ^rainjan" Inqependf In flames the ragged canvas samp confusion with Which v world with the achievements the West through the cen­ ence that flared ЦІ? a^M e Mfe Flares upwards to the skies. Ivan Franko had to contend. I mantic life. A serfv.trained in I of Ukrainian literature. The only a few months after ljiij art, he won his- freedom and turies. "It is not the time, not O'er all the cordage raging They were entered on the rec­ , completion of this program death. * . .,.:. ma l then after; only nine years was the time to serve either Mos- The fire типе amain ords as Galicians, Ruthenians, was cut short \ by his sudden sent to a Russian military kalor. РоЦ?> Jt, is the. time That is the value of Trarikb. Till nut' the masts are' standing, Austrians and Russians. Dur- і death In 1947. to serve Ukraine. і 1 punitive unit in Central Asia It transcends the greatness df Like candles'wrapped In flame from which he emerged a brok­ . From childhood 'he worked1 his' written :w6rks and it' gives We)'care not though hereafter, en mam Yet his love for hishan t first at physical and then Franko a value tq the world. ' Beneath llraa's dust we he; .. UKRAINIAN HOLDINGS IN THE country'^ever wayejred,' .'Д' , / National Song at mental labor. Even in the That wprid needs to learn the We die or else we conquer! • ! J < gyn>nasiutn he' hadT translated This is our battle cry. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ' The life of Franko was in a message too. and like Joshua By TV AN FRANKO ^ r . sense drab and uninteresting. an incredible .amourtt of Weet-Jajui bis feUowa breakthrough ./ The world belongs to heroes, No longer, 'nolonger should we' The devil take all fears! Under the title "Ukrainica literature, many rare secular Outside of his three arrests; era literature.\ He knew thor­ the iron curtain of Muscovite The Russian or Pole meekly servo! in LC" the Information Bul­ books were exhibited. Among there were few events of im­ oughly both German, and Po­ tyranny and restore freedom Ukraine's ancient grievances lie in the past — letin of the Library Vol. 15.-he m was a second edition of portance. He was ff'hard work­ lish. He felt every breath of to Ukraine, to the non-Rus­ Ukraine doth our whole Ufa deserve. Forget Not No. 28 (July, 1958) gives the the parody of the Aeneid by • ' ' ' ' '•£i ing journalist and writer and the literary life-of Vienna.- He sian slaves of the'Kremlin and No longer, no longer should tie . By IVAN FRANKO following information about I KoUiarevskyj, 'father of industry was his clyief quality. thought deeply as we can see to work for the remodelling of Shed blood for an alien throne, і the recent work on Ukrainian modern Ukrainian literature,' Forget not, ne'er forget His works have never been col­ from the "Death of Cain" and the United Nations into a Show love for a Tsar who oppresses our kin — holdings in the library: which was published in St. lected in full. Many of them "Moses." peaceful representation of free The days of youth so bright. Let love be for Ukraine alone. "Professor J. B. Rudnyckyj, Petersburg in 1808; early edi­ deal with minor reflections on The latter is in a sense his man everywhere. On life's dark path they cast A beam of radiant light. specialist in Ukruinica, who as tions of such Ukrainian writ­ contemporary happenings in NQ longer, no longer should we Endure in our homeland the blight a temporary consultant at­ ers as H. Kvitka, T. Shevchen­ Galicia written for Polish and The golden dreams of youth Of quarrels and strife. Let them perish and then tached to the Slavic and Cen­ ko, M. Markovych, and P. Ku- German journals. Yet side by 'Neath Ukraine's fair banner unite! Of love, of action bold, tral European Division has lish (the first translator Into side with these- he published Protest Visit of Russian Soccer Of pure Impulse, of such just completed a two-month Ukrainian of the Bible and of poems as "Moses" that can Be not ashamed, but hold. Team in Canada This hour much- promises, so study of the Library holdings Shakespeare's works); and — compare with the best in world In desperate struggle will we They pass, and then In gloom of Ukrainian materials, has of Interest in LC history—what literature. More thjm that, he E'en lay down our lives, if that honor and fame, Thou'lt labor like the mole, found this collection to be one seems to be the earliest dated was in a real sense a Ukrain­ A strongly worded protest "But do you know what's Dear Homeland, we may win for thee! And callouses will come Both on thy hands and soul. of the most extensive in the accession of Ukrainica, a text­ ian university for there was was issued by the Ukrainian hiding behind these Russian 1880 He only, who can love. free world and potentially the book by V. Kovalskyj publish­ almost no field of. the social sports clubs of Toronto, Can­ players and their soccer game? We hope you do. The Krem­ Endure, whose blood can thrill. leading one. In his survey, ed in Vienna in 1852 under the sciences and the arts that he ada, namely, the \ Ukrainian lin bosses' never do anything Whom hope can always heal. Professor Rudnyckyj, who is title 'RuskaChytanka' (Ukrain­ did not handle. He educated Soccer Team,, the Ukrainian Most Rev* Bishop Ambrose without an insidious political "Whose courage naught can still. chairman of the Department of ian Reader), which bears an the Ukrainian 'Intelligentsia Sports Club Tryzub, Suma and Who grieves o'er man's defeat. the Young Ukrainian National­ calculation and intrigue. All Senyshyn Second Ukrainian Slavic Studies at the Univer­ 1870 Library date stamp. and the Ukrainian masses to a Rejoices when he wins— ists against announced visit Russian "guest"' tours — are sity of Manitoba in Winnipeg, "Valuable Ukrainian serials sense of their own human dig­ always new patrols that pre­ He is a man complete. and play of the Soviet Russian Exarch in USA evaluated the Ukrainian mat­ shown included , begun nity. He nourished their de­ pare a pathway for the con­ Locomotive Soccer Team in Throughout thy life, perhaps. erials class by class, identified in 1881, and Pravda, begun In sire for freedom and order quest of the world. The clique VATICAN CITY.—The Vatic­ to the Most Rev. Archbishop Canada. •Twill not lie In thy power rare Ukrainica, and pointed the Ukraine in 1875. A full set and he made himself the of- Kremlin does not send an announced Aug. 8 that Pope Constantine Bohachevsky, ex­ The warning protest reads To be 'such man complete— out specific ways and means of (94 vols.) of the journal of spokesman for a generation abroad just anybody. They Pius XII has created a new arch of Philadelphia, has been following: send only the people who can Yet be one for an hour! further strengthening the col­ Ukrainian history, literature, and a nation. . , apostolic exarchate at Stam­ named exarch of the new area. "Fellow citizens! You areb e trusted without any reserve, lection. folklore, etc., published in Kiev When he appeared, serfdom ford, Conn., for followers of In the Eastern rite ah exarch And then in evil days. witnessing now a new inva­ trained and drilled until they "Every day in the Library from 1882 to 1908 under the had been abolished'but the Po­ the Byzantine rites in New-is the head of church with a When grief makes thy heart sion of Canada by the emis­ react like robots, whose skill­ sore. was a day of discovery, Dr. title 'Kievskaya Starina* (Kiev- lish landowners controlled the^ saries of the imperialistic red ful achievements may impress England and New York State, rank between that of a patri­ When thy hopes pass away. Rudnyckyj says. He segre­ an Antiquities), was hailed country and the illiterate peas­ Moscow, this time in a uniform you, but behind them is con­ formerly administered by the arch and a metropolitan. And feeling glows no more, gated dozens of Ukrainian especially by Professor Rud­ ants were not conscious evert of sport. Not so long ago you cealed not a noble spirit of exarchate of Philadelphia Previously, there had been When from the broad highways rariora, which have been trans­ nyckyj. He believes that the of those rights that they had have seen envoys in priestly sportsmanship only a numb Monsignor Ambrose Seny- only two jurisdictions of Byz- Where tides of life still sweep, Library is the only institution robes and under the mask of face of a subduer, of a master. ferred to the Rare Воокв Divi­ under Austrian law. My- shyn, who has been auxiliary I antine rite Catholics in the Thy way through bypaths leads, in the Western Hemisphere 'peaceful farmers.' "All Russian gains and -_— J USA. One was for those of sion. A large selection of these khaylo Drahomaniv guided the 1 Deserted, narrow, steep; possessing a full set of this "You're going to the sport- achievements rest upon a cruel Ukrainian nationality, at Phil- When cares compress the heart, books was placed on display in thoughts of the young Franko field, because you like to see journal. That the Library has regime of political, national Government of Canada to break adelphla> and comprises an When thorns thy feet shall the Whittall Pavilion on Fri­ toward socialism but that to foreigners and compare their long recognized the importance and social terror, oppression off all relations with the most I archbiehopi a bishop, 302 gall — day, June 22, when members Franko did trot mean the slave­ play with the play of Canadian of Ukrainian material in gen­ and exploitation of several dreadful fortress of evil and | . ^ 1(J9 pariahe8i and 323(. Thou wilt then life's springtime of the Library staff held a ry imposed by Marxism in its team*. eral and this serial in parti­ hundreds of millions of sub­ o_f ..crim. , e —,. which is "Moscow., _ 56' 4 communicants____,* i^-*-, lhти*e <,-.,sec. -I With gratitude recall! luncheon in Dr. Rudnyckyj's Let s bar th e way oMf the Tro- , , -. . cular is attested by the fact jugated people. . і* .. ,. .. ,'omi. for persons of Rusin, And those bright dreams shnll honor, and the exhibit remain­ "At a cost of millions of vic­ jan horse into the limits of ' , , _ . then ed on view June 22-25. that all 04 volumes of Starina Son of Ivan franko Shot by Soviets tims Russia nurtures those co­ the still free world. і Magyar. Slovak and Croatian A light on thy path bring. bear the IL evacuation seal, de­ horts, who are now being ex­ "Against the emissaries of і nationality is at Pittsburgh, Forget not. ne'er forget "The earliest book published noting that they were ear­ The Toronto newspaper "Ho- ian Plant, flier in the UHAhibite d beyond her borders to the imperialistic Moscow there which includes a bishop. 186 The days of youth, of spring! in the Ukraine that Dr. Rud­ marked for removal to a place is only one form of fight: com priests, 190 parishes and 317,- min Ukrainy" published In its bring her glory, gain respect 1882 nyckyj found in LC ie the Eu- of safety during World War II. (Ukrainian Army), gymnasium pel them to renounce their im 621 members. August 4th edition' a release for her in the West and at the chologion (Prayerbook) of the "In making his survey, Dr. teacher in' Kolomya and Lviw, same time create fear of every perialistic conquests and plans concerning'the fate of PetrO Metropolitan of Kiev, printed Rudnyckyj visited all custodial have proven not only of being new Russian imperialistic ma- because only that way the sub­ IVAN FRANKO CONCERT in the famous Kiev monastery Franko, son of Ivan Franko. jugated nations will be able to THE PRESS divisions that might have Uk­ noevre, that you vigilance AT SOYUZIVKA (Lavra) in 1848. Other items The release reads: The the truth, but authoritatively regain their personal freedom rainica, and he found the col­ r may be abated and your power When the history of this from this monastery press Editorial Department of "Ho- confirmed. and the threatend world will lections of the Law Library diminished. A concert to commemorate that were displayed were In- min Ukrainy" 'received In a Petro Franko was shot by regain its so desirable peace. age of peril, prosperity and especially rich. Some Ukrain­ "Beware! The Russians, that nocentiuR Gizel's manual for roundabout way accurate and the Bolsheviks already as a "The agents of red Moscow hnp<• for atom peace is fully the 100th anniversary of the ian material came to the Li­ you're inclined to applaud confessors of 1889 (described verified information about the deputy of the Supreme Soviet. the' Russian Locomotiv play­ described, great credit for birth of Ivan Franko will be brary from the Smithsonian for their game, are heralds of ers, should be given return in the Quarterly Journal of shooting by the Bolsheviks of In the jubilee year of com­ maintaining our freedom will held at F'v azivka this Sat­ Institution, but it was the pur­ the dreadful system, which tickets back to Soviet Russia Current Acquisitions, vol. 3, Petro Franko, son of Ivan memorating the memory of Moscow tries to impose on £o to the American press, and chase. In 1907, of the Com­ without playing here. urday, August 11th with oper­ No. 4, 1948); a 5-volume Bible Franko. Our assumptions as Ivan Franko—Red Moscow has Canada tomorrow. Do not in­ particularly the country and prehensive Yudin Collection of "There is no place among atic baritone, Mykhaylo Min- of 1788; and psalm books of to the fate of Petro Franko, an offered a "gift" to the great dulge in the treacherous policy the "honest"people "oV Canada [turban n^PnPer-"~,^r« Slavics that laid the founda­ of the 18th century. engineer In chemistry, one of stonebreaker in the form of his of the Kremlin. Try to influ­ for the delegates of a criminal I'"' Commerce Sinclair aky and soprano Veronica Ce- tions for the Library's Ukrain­ the organizers of the Ukrain­ son's head." ence the public opinion and the regime. ' Weeks. helska as soloists. "In addition to ecclesiastical, ian collection." 2 SVOBODA, LTKRAINTAN WEEKLY SECTION. ,-uTlT.PAY, AUGUST 11, 1956 No. 153 I II II ——"•*•*•"!'

Egyptian government by devi­ ош&шиї й* т<штш THE PROBLEM OF THE SUEZ CANAL ous ways and fetter Nasser's ' IDYL ««/нлиіі ищгнммж ^4Яр UK Я Лі VI ЛЯ Р1ІЛ freedom of action. In the end FOUNDED 1893 The Egyptian nationaliza- experiences of the last years France in North Africa and the present national govern­ By IVAN FRANKO Ukrainian newspaper published daily except Sundays. Mondays tion of the Suez Canal has have shown that good taten-jeven though the British had ments will be overthrown and • ,,_ ami holidays (Saturday and Monday issues combined) Soviet agents installed in pow­ by the Ukrainian National Association. Inc. presented the free world with tions are not enough and that; evacuated their base along the This poem is considered by one Ukrainian critic and biographer at 81-S3 Grand Street, Jersey City 3. N. J. its most serious problem since some form of aid from the Canal, they had not succeeded er and thus end the hope for of Franko as "on the whole, one of the finest things in our litcra- Entered as Second Class mail Matter at the Post Office of Jersey the ending of World War П. more highly developed;in overcoming the former dis- free and democratic І ititu- ture." As it was written the same year that Franko wa* married, City. N. J., on March 30. 1911 under the Act of March 8. 1879. It is a serious question whether natione is necessary if calami- ] liko which they had created tions. it may perhaps owe its inspiration to the thought* aroused by that Acepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for Section action or inaction, opposition or ty is to be averted. It is at]during the past century. The The proposed conference on event. 1130 of Act of October 3, 1917 authorized July 31, 1918 acquiescence is the more dan­ this point that the Soviet en-1 Western powers in the begin- August 16, if it is held, can gerous not only to peace but ters the picture. і nmg seem to have dallied over scarcely succeed. It will be im­ Long years ago this was. Two children small The Ukrainian Weekly to the very concepts of lawful During the last years Egypt 'the k»ns:f<>r the Aswan Dam possible ta exclude Soviet in­ Were trudging bravely, hand in hand, along freedom and of peaceful hu­ the Nile and ln Ле met A path that from their village led across English Language Supplement and indeed the entire Middle «" "-* fluence and Moscow will cer­ man development. Out of the East have undergone tremen- «'^ ІІ,ЄУ came to rpalize that tainly work as it has in the The lowland meadows, gay with flowers, under Subscription Rates for Ukrainian Weekly 53.00 per year The summer sun. ? -' - U N. A. Members \ \ $2.00 per year chaos of conflicting interests dous changes. The fact is flu*! the Egyptians almost without United Nations to prevent a no one can hope to profit ex­ ! The elder was в boy the Arab nations with a rising thinking had mortgaged their final settlement of any prob­ With ruddy cheeks, blond hair, and deep-blue eyes. '. cept the Soviet Union which ture for Address: "SVOBODA", P. O. BOX 346 — Jersey City 8, N. J. sense of their own national І i'" '*"rt*t arms. Hence lem. Present or absent, it will A stick he carried in one hand and 'neath has taken advantage of the re- dignity control the largest;came the withdrawal of the be able to nullify the best His arm, close hugged, a loaf of bread. suiting confusion to force its His ragged hat with flowers was adorned. '• deposits of oil in the world offers of aid for the Dam and hopes and good will, if such Yet 'twas the girl that led him on the way, way into a situation that was has changed the entire face of | then in anger Nasser national- still exists or can be fostered. Though younger far. Her eyes, like thorn-buds black. already sufficiently disturbed. There is only one possible Glowed like two red-hot coals and glanced swift Ivan Franko the area. This has rendered і izod the Canal and infuriated Darted at all around. Her plaited hair The administration of the anachronistic the old form of: those nations that he had been solution, even though that may Swayed like a mouse's tail. A tiny strand - August 15. 195G will mark the 100th anniversary of the Suez Canal has long been an almost tribal rule and it has I trying to court, seem hazardous. That is to Of ribbon red was twisted in the plait. broaden the subjects for dis­ Some cooked potatoes in a kerchief tied birth of Ivan Kranko. who. no doubt holds after Taras Shev- anomaly and typical of that bound these states closely with J The only result was to force She swung, and underneath her arm she bore chenko, the second position as a dominant literary figure in colonialism which is rapidly the economy of the free world, him nearer to the Soviet point cussion and to strike not at the Some sprays of green vine with pods thereon Ukraine. passing from the scene of world Ever since the development | of view which was aiming for efforts of Egypt but at Moscow SUU hanging. His contributions to the general literary development of affairs. From its very incep­ of the oil resources, the Arab j the disintegration of Western itself by raising again and de­ The boy somehow unwilling the Ukrainian people and his work in the economic fields assure tion there has been the peculiar finitely Moscow's own colonial- Seemed, and timid looks cast all about states have been lured inevit-j influence in the Middle East The little maid with ne'er a pause talked on. him an outstanding place in the history of Ukrainian literature situation whereby a French ably into the maelstrom of Moscow supported the idea Ism and its interference in the And strove her comrade's courage to maintain. л rights of the satellite states and in the political movements of the time. отрапу with a preponderant Western politics. At the .same that the Suez Canal should be "Aren't you ashamed! So big a boy as you," and the nations subjugated by And yet you want to cry' A boy, afraid! Franko commenced to write in the second half of the English influence has control­ time the Mohammedan coun­ entirely Egyptian without in­ Moscow itself. The West has Why should we be afraid? When I tell you. nineteenth century. He tried his hand at nearly every form o/ led a vital strip of territory tries have become more and ternational supervision eveft It's so. it must be true. Our grandmama • tried long enough to counter writing, lyrics, novels, plays, and some epics. He was an out­ entirely included in Egypt more aware of their position by the United Nations. This-of Would never tell us anything untrue. the Russian moves, without Come see! It cannot be so very fax. standing journalist of the Ukrainians; he was their foremost Through that strip runs the and are now trying to throw ourse appeals to the growing challenging Moscow's own ac­ Just to that place and then Oil is quite close; literary critic. Questions of education and of economic and Janal, one of the most import­ off whatever guidance they Egyptian nationalism and it Then up and up Mount Dil until we reach tions except by containment social improvement were then in the forefront activities of the ant waterways in the world have retained willingly or un­ gives the West the dilemma. The very top. And then we'll rest awhile, ' It is now the time for the West And maybe not Why should we rest at all, • patriots, and thus from the political significance of his work and one that is in constant willingly. The pipelines and the If they resist by force the When we're as close as that! We'll shout 'Hurrah!' to pass to the offensive by and from the social and economic policies which he advocated teed of the careful engineer- oil wells form a complicated the Egyptian claims, Egyptfs And with a rush we'll race right up to where some decisive action that will Those iron pillars are which hold aloft Kranko was an outstanding leader of his people. ng, repair and extension, The whole and as was shown in the example will' be 'followed by bring home to the Asiatic and The sky, and hide ourselves so quietly Kranko's life offers little that is picturesque, but it wa- .'anal is the chLf short artery case of Iran, the natives were the oil producing countries. Behind them till the evening shadows come, >etween Europe and Southern African peoples and the Mos­ hii motivated by a stern desire to be of service to his own pcopl< unable to compete in the world They will be pilloried before And don't you dare to grumble, or to sulk, without any regard for personal comfort. nd Eastern Asia and any in- lem world the fact that they Or shed a single tear! And then, when evening comes, markets through their own Asia .'.nd Africa, as continuing And Father Sun comes home to spend the night arference with its operations are only being used as cats- He was born in the village of Nahuyevichi in Wester: skilled men. he old colonialism. If they And at the big gate knocks—as quietly ., nvolves fantastic consequences paws by the most ruthless col­ As mice, we'll Just tiptoe behind him in. • Ukraine on August 15, 1856. He was not of a wealthy famil; Since World War I, the acquiesce in the Egyptian ac­ nor did he come from the humble stock. His parents wcr< to the economy of both conti­ onialism in the world. A Don't you remember what our grandma said? Western democratic powers tion, Egypt's example will be He has a daughter, oh. so beautiful. able to give him opportunity to study in the local schools, sc nents. As a result the great strong offence is the best de­ more or less intelligently and followed by the other Arab One never saw the like! She кееря the gate,. that in 1875 he was prepared to enter the University of Lviw. powers of Europe soon after fence and the West by broad And lets* her father In and out each day. clearly and not without huge states who will see their way which was tiien the highest center of education. He knew wel' its construction drew up con­ action can now turn an cm And she loves children just like - us, more than profits for themselves have to freeze the West out of the The whole wide world. But stern old Father Sun not only his native but also Polish and ventions to govern its use barrassing situation into one been working to improve con­ oil industry', even though they Will ne'er let any in for fear that she German. and provide for unrestricted that will hurt Moscow and Might run away with them from him. But we ditions in the Middle East, tr cut their throats in the process. Will creep in after him as still as mice In the University he plunged at once into various Ukrain­ passage for the ships of all bring hope to millions of al­ form new prosperous dasse. At the same time the commer- And snatch her by the hand and run so fast. ian party conflicts. These concerned various reforming move­ nations. ready enslaved peoples as the Hell soon be left behind. Don't be afraid. of the population and to fit ial agreements that will be ments, but he soon realized that these conflicts did not go tr The charter of the Suez Ukrainians for a better and And don't you dare to cry! It's not so far, them/or the modern mode ol orced by Moscow will bind the And we arc well provided for the way. j the bottom of the Ukrainian question. He came early under the Company provided that the creer future. life.' Despite the efforts' of : JJm sure that when we see her. the princess influence, of Drahomaniv, and felt the necessity of effecting ft Canal was to revert to Egypt some fanatical supporters о Will give us anything we care to ask. union within the Ukrainian race. He also became interested in 1968 and it was expected Say, what will you ask for? the old system in those lands Kin "Memo to the UNCHR" ' l" The little chap in the development of socialist movements in Austria in which that the transfer would be ef­ they have accomplished a great . Г) ;Laid finger to his lip. then looked at her,, ; t .•". , he played an important part. This brought him In close touch fected with the minimum of deal but'they have not been In the August 6th edition respect .for human . rights And said: "Maybe a splendid hobby-horse." , , with Polish groups and he worked with them in the common interference with the establish­ "Ha, ha!" the maiden laughed in silvery tones. abfe as' 'yet to make all' 'thr of the Daily News, 'there ap-j through international ..coopera- "Well then, I'll ask her for a nice new hat" ' cause of improving conditions in the province. He served as on He Lod e to 1 ed order. Not one ofi the .signa­ transfers; their rate of prog­ Cd an; edi^.under $£ f? " *"** 8 P"* "All right, you ask for what you like, but I — pcarj ; a correspondent for many German and Polish newspapers as tories of the 'Various conven­ «.e UNCHR to pay some atten< • I know what I shall ask.", і. , t.i-.' ress was too slow for the - '»»' -What Is it tell!" well as editor of Ukrainian publications. tions had ever expected: any - more ardent opponents of col Memo *#*, WCHR:,,VJTu,h; g^ ^ J^jan pris- 1 ' "Oh no, I shall not tell." He "was arreatcd" as a result of his activities in'July1877- or Otti-B^^'^eaMj^^j,^^ jii^a &r help, ahdteys ' "Tell me, pr else and imprisoned for nine months. Shortly after hie release, important-1 letter'^Йепг 'Sen-j that It'-'hi'time for the group- Г11 start to cry!" he was rearrested and again in 1889 he was put in prison for Г^^і^ЖМШ&аж^ІЙ' ''"' ' "An right cry-baby, crjri' bad figured in no one's plans. der these conditions a final suc­ James 0Л))>^Уа^ЛВ>Мі88.)и'^) Ush;of cut bait with re­ the third time. None of the arrests broke his spirit or his Yet that Interference came cess depended upon the 'exclu- sent to fienry Cabot Lodge Jr., spe^t, to J the bloody record of і 111 go myself and leave you here alone." і .,< n'si desire to devote himself to service and enlightenment. ''Why can't you tell me?" up with startling suddennes as'sion of Soviet intrigues from as chief 17;SJ. delegate' pa 'the' the, Kremlin pverlords." What grandmama told us ? The sun princess " Щі In 1886 he married and continued studies at the University StupW," don't you know part; of the drive against.col­ the area. . Unit&d . 'Nations.,, lis , sh)>,&ct І !Щ fully agree with the edit- Has golden apples which she gives away. - of Vienna, and in 1894 he received from that institution the onialism, і But there is a re- Unfortunately the establish- was slave labor in Soviet Rus- [ orial comment in that "Khrush- . And those who from her such a gift receive, degree of Doctor of Philosophy. For a while he bad hopes of Their whole life long shall strong and happy'be verse side to the picture, for ment of Israel and the Western si an concentration camps, and chev, Bulganin & C. giving it And marvelously beautiful besides. • - - • • becoming Professor of Ukrainian at the University of Lviw, with the abolition of colonial- • failure to reconcile Israel and what the UN Commission on' out that the bad old days of Joe But only girls can get these golden gifts,'? „ • - I but the authorities refused to confirm his appointment. ism there arises the vital ques- the Arab states succeeded inf Human Rights ought to do. Stalin are gone with the wind "I want one, too!" the boy burst into tears. His activity was enormous as a journalist. His articles "Don't cry. you silly! Ask, and I will try tion as to the methods by which creating new barriers to this' about it. The letters smuggled and all is sweetness and light To manage it somehow to get you one. - '•' і; У ;. j on the literary, social and economic developments in Western efficient operation is to be'general policy and offered a out from a group of Ukrainian ш Russia, they ought to be And when each one of us has got a gift • Ukraine enjoyed great authority. political prisoners in Russia's urged to back up this claim by We'll run straight home and never say a word , maintained. At the present chance for the skilful Soviet To anyone. You won't tell?" He was one of the founders of the Western Ukrainian moment this second aspect, by agitators to interfere. The "No. I wont." Socialist Party in 1890, and the author of its original manifesto. far the most important, is neg- Western desire for peace rah of Red brutality, oppression system of slave labor. The "Remember, if you do, she'll take It back. The birth of this Party was characterized by a striking revival and injustice. UNCHR is one logical body to Agreed?" ' lected almost everywhere in afoul of the Soviet desire for "Yes." said the boy. і among the Ukrainian population in Galicia. The peasant masses the underdeveloped nations. disintegration of the social Sen. Eastland writes that do the urging. The UNCHR So on they went 1 awoke from their long slumber, with new watchwords as: free Few except their educated mi­ order. This came to a head the UNCHR was set up for should start urging — now"— Since that day many years have passed, and far dom of speech, press, reforms in taxation and agrarian affairs, the purpose of "promoting concludes the quoted editorial. Beyond all that their childish minds that day nority are aware'of the compli­ with the question of arma­ Conceived, the path more and more longdrawn seems suffrage a movement for political freedom for the Ukrainian cated machinery that is neces­ ments for both the Arab states That to the Sun's home leads. The earth, the sky, people. Franko realized the essential unity of the Ukrainians The sun, in many an alternating change sary to be kept constantly in and Israel, neither of which Americans interested in Ukraine The boy has seen. Yet in hie comrade dear on both sides of the frontier; he cooperated actively with great motion if the new order is to possessed a flourishing war No change, no alteration can he trace. scholars and publicists, urging the improvement of his people, succeed. The abolition of industry. The effort to mam- The Newark Star-Ledger president?" The reply was: Her same heart-lifting speech and merry song, and though often in despair, he never wavered in his work. "Ukraine, formerly the prin­ Her hopefulness unquenchable, her smile, , colonialism must, be' accompa- tain a balance in arms proved carries on its editorial page a Flow as a living stream that in the heart The type of poetry Franko wrote is dedicated to the task cipality of Kiev, was an inde­ nied by a self-discipline and a a fiasco and a revived Egypt question and. answer column, Links yesterday, tomorrow, with today. of singing his own sufferings and those of the Ukrainian people willingness to work constant­ which was seeking for УЦ pendent country before there Nor has her goal changed with the passing years. edited by Edgar A. MoWrer. But only larger grown, more glorious. There is nothing in them to compare with the lyric and melodic ly, if it is not to involve dam­ hegemony of the Arab states was any Russia and remained Many of the questions and re­ Thus on they fare along the great highway beauty of the works of Shevchenko, but Franko is deeply age and destruction. This is was induced to buy some un? so for 376 years. It became Which humankind still traces, meeting palp*,. moyed by the sufferings of his people and there is evident the hardest .lesson for the anti- specified amount of arms from plies are timely and very, in- part of Russia only in 1686. And disillusion harsh, yet in their breasts ' • ' But the Ukrainians are in some They guard their chiefes t treasure, childlike hearts. confidence that there is a way of helping them, if they can colonial peoples to learn and it the satellite state of Czccho- teresting, and of particular in­ The fool, with pride inflated, -rushes by only be induced to listen and to follow. His poems are rather is a lesson that they must Slovakia. In return Egypt terest is the question and re­ respects different from Great And mocks at them. The haughty magnate deigns • sketches of an incident, a feeling, a mood. Perhaps the great learn, if they are to achieve ply.which appeared in the Au­ Russians (of Russia proper). Them not a glance. But when some humble, soul promised to pay for these amis Meets them, he slakes their thirst with water cool. C3t of the collections of Franko are his "Withered Leaves." their objective of a better life by the sale of cotton and other gust 6th edition submitted by Their behavior in World War П Or points them out some easier path, or else So passed the years. In 1908 he became seriously ill. The for their people. raw materials to the Soviet Allen Thomas of Philadelphia, arouses a legitimate belief that Beneath his roof bids them to spend the night World War was a severe blow. The Russians occupied Lviw. who asks: "In what year did they might like to become in­ And so, still clasping each the other's hand. The legalistic theories of the nations. Without a care or fear they onward march His family had grown up and scattered. West have always assumed At the same time Egypt sup­ Ukraine win her independence dependent. If so, they should In quiet Joy to meet the setting sun. He ended his life as he began it, a man devoted to the cause for the rest of the world a re­ ported more or less openly the from Russia and what was the be given a chance to decide by 1886 of liberty and of freedom and of progress. He died May 28, cognition of this fact but the Arab movements against name of the first Ukrainian free plebiscite." (Translated by PatcrvAL CUNDY) 1916 at the age of sixty. Had he lived a short while longer, he would have seen his dream come true, a free and independent Ukrainian State. the west the population is pre iana a trifling concession to win whether the Ukrainians of guage was already at their Ivan Franko is an author of whom the Ukrainians may well IVAN FRANKO dominantly Polish, in the east a cheap gratitude and keep Galicia ought to consider disposal? They quite over­ be proud. As a poet, as a citizen, as a critic, he stands out in THE POET OF WESTERN UKRAINE it is overwhelmingly Ukrainian. the peasants subservient and themselves as belonging to one looked the fact, of course, that thus maintain an uneasy bal­ that little group which worked to forge close and common bonds By PERCIVAL CUNDY Historically, the Poles were of the supposedly threo com­ Russian was at one time mere­ between all parts of Ukraine. " the seigneurial class, the land­ ance. ponent "tribes" of the mighty ly the local dialect as spoken His works and concepts together with the concepts of The Tbnrs and the Man ed aristocracy, the exploiters The then prevailing ideal of Russian people, or whether around Moscow. On the other Taras Shevchenko also greatly influenced the moulding and (1) and oppressors of the Ukrain­ the Ukrainian bourgeoisie was they, together with the so-call­ hand, the younger generation progress of the Ukrainian Americans. Under the free American During the last three dc- been separated from the larger ian peasantry whom they held that the greatest good fortune ed Little Russians of Great felt themselves "Nationalists'* in bondage as long as they system, there was no censorship or banning of Franko's works. cades of the nineteenth centu­ entity for long centuries. From for a "Ruthenian" was to get Ukraine in southern Russia, in the sense 6»t they recog­ could. Generally speaking, the through the university and constituted a nation different Many of them were published in SVOBODA beginning from its ry, there was a great revival of early times the smaller portion nized in themselves distinct dif­ Polish aristocracy enjoyed the then "to cling with both hands in language, culture, and first publications. No one was forbidden to read Franko's Ukrainian life and culture in had been a field of contention ferences in heritage and cul­ work as was and still is prohibited in enslaved Ukraine. favor of the Austrian govern­ to the imperial doorlatch until history, from the Muscovites the province of Galicia, West­ between Poles, Muscovites, ture. Some of them dreamed Franko's ideas and concepts and those of Taras Shevchenko ment although it had a long one became an imperial offi­ of Russia proper. The older of restoring a separate Ukrain­ ern Ukraine, which was then and Ukrainians, but from 1382 very often found their way back to Ukraine through the in­ history of restivencss behind cial with secure prospects of generation liked to feel that ian nation based on the Kozak a part of the Austro-Hungar- to 1772 it remained under the terposal of former Ukrainian immigrants, returnees to their sway of the Polish state. The it The officials and the bureau- position, promotion and pen- they could rely on Russian traditions or republicanism ian Empire. In Great Ukraine, native Ukraine, who spread the ideas and thoughts of both Ukrainian inhabitants called cracy at Vienna, however, were sion, and to live out one's life support and influence and na­ with its seat.perhaps at Kiev. then a part of Russia, domin­ Ukrainian poets as they were expressed in original form. their country Rus and them* accustomed to employ methods under the aegis of the Aus­ turally - they leaned strongly Others aimed merely to develop ated by the absolutist Tsarist At this 100th Anniversary of the birth of Ivan Franko only selves Rusins and were desig­ based on the maximum divide trian Empire, which however, towards Russian culture. They and maintain their separate Ukrainians in the free world have the opportunity to freely regime, the Ukrainian people nated officially by the name rt impera in governing actually gave us nothing, and objected to any efforts to de­ identity without any very and without restriction commemorate the memory of this great had seen their language and "ftuthenian" as the name Uk­ their patchwork empire with did not even promise us any­ velop the "Ruthenian dialect" clear ideas as to the place man, a dominant figure not only in Ukrainian but world ideas national aspirations strangled, raine with its ancient associa­ itaNmany mutually hostile ele­ thing." Yet the Ukrainian as a literary medium. Why the nation should occupy. and culture. Let us hope that the time will soon come when those but at an opportune moment, tions was to both Pole and ments and its six official lan­ community at the time was try to refine a peasant tongue However, they, confined their ideas and concepts of Shevchenko and Franko* will be realized new life and cultural aspira­ Austrian alike. At the time 6f guages. As a result the gov­ split into two warring parties, into an instrument for literary patriotism chiefly to a wordy in Ukraine, in a free and independent Ukraine, *which according tions emerged again in that the first partition of Poland, ernment at Vienna would oc­ Muscophilcs and Nationalists. and scientific use when the warfare with,their opponents to Епшко will "blaze with glory in the family of free nations."!part of Ukraine which had the province fell to Auatruvjn casionally grant the Ukrain- The burning, question was highly developed Russian lan­ on inconsequeniiai details.

- ^ь^.\?^!::.?:;'':^'^^^''..л,^г:''^;<:.,^. No. 153 SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SECTION, SATURDAY, AUGUST-11, 1956


CANADIANS By ALEXANDER F. DANKO Meeting ,The first week of every ing that they coud have rein- • UYL-NA CORNER judge. And seeing that -Walt By JOHN PANCHUK, (Battle Creek, Mich.) . The annual dinner meeting award to a Ukrainian Profes­ month the Ukrainian National stated themselves. has had fine successes with our Association accepts new mem­ Bring Your Youth to Buffalo! N. J. group activities, including a of the Ukrainian Professional sional, к »• There have also been cases . Ш (8) bers, reinstatements, suspen­ where members, moving from Churches "Miss Universe" contest, we Society of North America in 2. An annual -summer meet­ group as the most backward. Without a doubt whatever, any sions, and the like, in accord­ one city or State to another, Church and religion were organization (especially our Uk­ wholeheartedly back Walt for conjunction with the Ukrain­ ing of the Society at the Uk- However, it was the Buko- ance with the reports submit­ allowed themselves to be sus­ rainian .groups) hoping to exist this Contest Committee. Get ian'Youth's League of North rainiah"fceBOrts, important in be life of the winians with their tenacity to ted by the secretaries of its for any length of time, must have ready, you pretty Ukrainian America will be held Septem­ 3. Sponsoring Scholarships pended; they thought that, by early pioneers. By August 19, preserve their culture that has girls, for Buffalo! 500 branches throughout the N a definite and workable Youth ber 1, 1956 ip Hotel Statler, to the U.N.A. Cultural Courses. leaving the cities in which 1896, some 84 .Ukrainian fam­ made Gardenton the outstand­ United States and Canada. It Program, And In the case of our Buffalo, New York with a pro­ .Reservations for the dinner their branches were located, ilies were setUed'jn the Stuart- ing Bukowinian colony in Can­ New Jersey UYL is perturbing to note that, currently functioning Ukrainian gram prepared for discussion should be made prior to the they automatically forfeited burn area. This settlement has ada. They built their own The NJ-UYL will sponsor a month after month, the names clubs and organizations, the best and recommendation on the meeting by notifying the Sec­ their membership. This, of the distinction-,•«£ being the school and churches which "beach party" next Saturday of young American-born mem­ possible way to initiate a youth following subjects: retary Mis. Sophie Gulick, course, is not true/ but that first in Canada to be visited by services the community to this drive and set up a Youth Pro­ evening August 18 at 6 P.M. at bers are included among the does not stop the uninformed Seabright, N. i. Just several 1. Society making an annual 1155 Cherokee Drive, Youngs- a Ukrainian Greek Catholic day. Their children and grand­ gram is to Introduce our youth suspensions and cash surrend­ members from allowing them­ miles north of Asbury Park. "Man and Woman of the Year" town, Ohio. Priest, Rev. Nestor Dmytriw, children have become success­ to Ukrainian activities via a Na­ ers. Worse stilt is the fact selves to be suspended. Some­ who came from the United tional Convention of the Ukraln* There will be a wienie roast and ful farmers, business and pro­ other incidentals, plus a Walt that only a small percentage times it is not the member's States in the fall of 1896. He fessional men and women in ian Youth League of North Amer­ of these persons arc reinstated fault but the fault of an uni­ ica. Bodnar epic "King Neptune and was sent by the Ukrainian Na­ the various provinces of Can­ UYL-NA Buffalo Convention in the month following the formed branch secretary. The As is the rule of all UYL-NA the Mermaid Olga" (from the tional Associa^o^of "Shamokin, suspension. It would not. be UNA has received letters from ada and in parts of the United conclaves—socials, culture, ath­ Volga?). Registration Drive Rolling Pennsylvania," a fraternal as­ States. The Mihaichuk fam­ . All Ukrainian youth are in­ surprising if the main reason secretaries who wrote about sociation, and preached the letics, organization and the great ily gave the first Ukrainian Ukrainian Cause are all stress­ cited to partake in this affair. Michigan and Canada Lead With for this situation proved to be members "leaving town" and first Ukrainian religious serv­ dentist in Canada. Rev. N. indifference, misunderstanding, who instructed the UNA to ed, thereby resulting in a very Cultural Courses ice in Canada, sft*i Roehko and A. Wllchinsky, enjoyable time for all in at­ Most Advance Registrations or lack of information. "cancel their certificates." It is By May 13. 1897; there were A serious aspect of the NJ-. respectively from Breedock and tendance. Meeting old friends and Many suspended members apparent that some branch of­ 45 Ukrainian families, consist­ making new ones from all parts UYL is their sponsoring of 2 Several months ago, at a ber 'З, 1958) at the the Hotel Onuth, were ordained as min­ learn about their suspension ficers do not read the UNA By- of the North American continent fine youngsters, pretty 18 year pre-convention session of the Statler in Buffalo. N. Y. ing of 175 persons in the new isters of the United Church of when they see their names Laws. All that is necessary in certainly goes a long way In old HELEN LESKY of Carteret.'UYL-NA Executive Board, it Michigan leads with a total Stuartbura cojony. In addi­ Canada at the dawn of the listed under the "suspended cases where members are mov­ making these annual UYL-NA N. J. and 16 year old WOUAM .y^ decided to set up a "Quo- of 14 advance registrants while tion to the lafgefgroup from twentieth century. Pantelemon POPACA of B. Orange, N. J.. a „ ^ _ ing from one city to another conventions each Labor Day |ta Ghart for advance re members" heading of the Bukowina the counties of Zali- Bozyk from Onuth became an pair of honor students in their ^g ^ ^ Canada is a close second with are transfer letters. This trans­ weekend so memorable—as any traUons drive f monthly report released by the schiki, Borschiw^/ • Kolomeya 12 registranta. fer letter is a document, signed author and an orthodox priest, past conventioneer would testify. respective high schools, to the . . Recording Department of the Send your $13.50 registra­ by the branch officers, which and Tovmach, from east Gali- and later a priest of the Greek Therefore, as a reminder—note UNV sponsored Ukrainian Cub Anniversary "Good Neighbor" UNA for publications in the •,.«,t rv»„«*. «,» я «,.ч«и R*-; Convention of the Ukrainian tion fee to Miss Jean Lisko, 255 cia were represented. Rev. Catholic Church. to all thriving American and Can­ tural Courses at Soyuzlvkл aл Re-, Svoboda. Most of the suspend­ gives thc person to whom it is . Youth League of North Amer­ Indian Road, Toronto, Ontario, Dmytriw reported the Buko- As the settlers were pre­ adian Ukrainian organizations, sort In Kerhonson, N. Y. ed members receive notices issued the right to be admitted ica to be held this Labor Day town, Ohio* reports President winians were the moat" back­ dominantly Greek Orthodox, make It a point to attend the We recommend that all local,' from their branch secretaries. into any other UNA branch sectional and national groups Weekend (August 31-Septem- of UPS, Mr. Eugene Woloshyn. anywhere. ward, because o|; ..poverty, il­ they soon erected two churches 23rd Anniversary Convention of Uninformed members who find the Ukrainian Youth League of would likewise sponsor one> or literacy and tenacity in keep­ in Gardenton, the Onuteka and themselves suspended fail to There is a case where two ing the old country costumes North Afherlca thle Labor Day more students to this most * "QUOTA CHART"—1956 UYL-NA CONVENTION Lookiwska churches, named worthy, one month course held1 reinstate themselves because brothers, who had been mem­ and customs. Their faithful Weekend iAugu.it 31-Sepfember after the villages from which 3, 1956) at the Hotel Btatler in each August Two years ago, REGISTRATIONS they misunderstand the mean­ bers a long time, refused to ' 'adherence to the" Ukrainian the more influential builders the NJ-UYL sponsured STEtXA ing,of "suspended." They (and pay sick benefit dues to thejr Buffalo, N. Y. — and bring along Area .. 4, Mile* Quota Registrants Percent Greek Qrthodpfl.j.Church may came. . ZAH.VKCHUK of Elisabeth to the particularly those recently ad­ branch. Upon being told that 4 but definitely, all your teen-agers 40 15 have influenced} .'lo some , de­ 1. Massachusetts 460 в * and all other new. members In the 1st annual Ukrainian Cultur­ 20 0 ,n 0 mitted to membership) seem to the by-laws of trie branch gree his comments about the (To be concluded) al Courses, and Stella has been a 2. Rhode Island -.. 460 compelled them to pay these your respective, groups, 3. Connecticut .390 40 1 2.5 think that being suspended Convention Chairman WALTER vital factor in Ukrainian youth 50 5 10 means that their insurance cer­ additional dues they allowed affairs (at all levels) ever since. 4. N.Y.C.-L.1 400 WARWICK of Toronto and his 5. New York State 100 250 7 2.8 tificates have been made com­ themselves to be suspended. If Ukrainian Swims Across Lake very fine and hardworking Uk­ If we can continue this most 150 5 3.33 pletely null and void. Occa­ they had been given transfer worthy endeavor and help It ex­ 6. New Jersey 450 rainian Canadian Convention 90 5 5.55 sionally a member would write letters, with which they could Ontario pand, then the continuance of 7. E. Pennsylvania 380 на Committee, plus the other groups '8. W. Pennsylvania 225 85 9 '10.6 to the UNA.and ask if it would have been admitted into a who are. participating, are all our Ukrainian Institutions and 9. Delaware 400 25 3 12 be possible for him to rein­ branch that would not require In the sports, field, the Uk­ He started the race July 22, burning the midnite oil prepar­ traditions in North America is 10. Ohio 190 150 4 2.67. state himself somehow. Some them to pay sick benefit dues, rainians again hold first place. 1958 at 5:47 A.M. from the ing to make the forthcoming assured. 15Q 14 9.33 This time in the swim mara­ Niagara-on-the Lake point and How about it, you Ukrainian 11. Michigan 260 persons even make long trips they would be good standing UYL-NA Convention in Buffalo, 12. Ill.-Ind : „ 520 _ 50 2 4 thon across the* treacherous swam the 32 mile course reach­ individuals and groups who are Ш to the UNA office to inquire members today. N. Y. one of the best ever—one 13. Minn.-Wisc 750 25 0 0 Lake Ontario in Canada. ing Eastern Gap in Toronto that will be fondly remembered looking for some worthy project about ways and means of be­ is,« The UNA sends copies of the The second person in the July 23 at 3:02 a.m. a timing by the vast multitude ot-Ameri* io-backr. How about helping to* J*' Canada ...... 10Q "§•• •4 coming, members in good stand­ By-Laws, information book­ ; ! : 1»• • . ri • 11 world to swim across Lake of 21 hours and 15 minutes. ulld .the present enrollment of *V- Others ! '. \ ' ing again- All this is the re­ lets, pamphlets, and so forth, , | ,. \ . ' "i lift* .1 » Ontario* < was: Ivan Yarcmiy of The first swimmer to swim sult, of misunderstanding or to all of its branches at reg­ across Lake. Ontario was Mari­ & 3 ШттШШ&їїійШШtural- Courses this year to W or K-VW-M «*& Toronto, 37 year old-son of Uk­ So plan now and send your »49i laqk of. Information., , ular, intervals, and on request. rainian pioneers Sfrhb'-settled lyn Bell in a timing of 20 hours registration fee Of $13.60 to MiSS' even (Ю0 next year T It's not im­ * Approximate mileage fron* the j center, of. the listed, area - , The truth of the matter is Its certificates contain much in Canada in &tffa and 55 minutes. JKAN LISKO. 255 "Indian ' Road; possible ,you know, una the stu­ to, the convention city, of (BuffaJ4, N.iY. . . . f- dents will enjoy, the courses simply that p. member remains information that would be to — I .і i.'. Toronto, Ontario,- Jtanana.' For !.•.'. li'l 51 AtpXAKDBff P. DANKO, u the holder's advantage to read . . .•. this ШІ50 registration; fee, all while tne sponsors will enjoy J . •; ' • j .1 UYb-NA Publicity Director suspended- J st as. long as he "!U>» ,JJ пі ШЮР No Blending ••! tlie good'Ueed of helping to per-' :,і-ИГУі "c; 1 does not pay his monthly ducSr and .remember. There should regietrantSi(Wi«rei^i«e; a poo*-, ll '.11'її ІІИІ;''ЧЛ> l."'J .^..:. :•»< ' I petuate the . "Ukrainian ( Cause" j it; c. Avг^ц«Іпв«а щь& his August dues, for instance, Ra4ph..# *toQ/*jftipe of a lect­ ed such a principle in an im­ THIS WEEK IN AMERICAN HISTORY ft 4 sibns in. addition to." recel'yhjg the should read the facts about 1 ВІ will the suspended as of Au­ '.:*'•* г ure he attended. The •'speaker mortal phrase. He said that no convention journal and "badge, ..-)«>•:..•.•. >.. •> •- 1,4 Щ •• *r сі Шицй their organization. w^.a HjptbJ. college professor, nation can endure half slave The['Carpathian Ukrainian Ski gust 31. і If he pays his Au­ individual 'membership "to' UYif •On August 9, 1818, the Free, dent Whig, son and grandson Do not let lack of informa­ М gust and September dues in and the burden,oi.bis talk was and half free. This country's NA, and the ІЖ^#Л publica­ Ctub bf N.Y.C., an organization Soil Party, meeting at Buffalo, of Presidents. In the| election, Se ton h tion or misunderstanding re­ ij :-v Soil -Party boiled ШI P «'' .however, he is that "his native lftnd would power, as Mr. Moore well put tions "Trend** and' trendefte>* composed of newly arrived young i immigrants, have asked this col­ New York, nominated Martin p ror pUy l sult in the unnecessary sus­ never forsake, Лсщсгіцу for it, "stems from an almost *"Ґо be forewarned le'tb before- most 300,000 votes; but did not s " E***£ * * ** umn to'publicise their weekend Van'Buren'for President and that A Certlfi cate8 pension of your UNA member­ communism but would employ complete absence of force and armed." Two Important' factors prove strong enough to defeat Eft " \ " f t sports-outing at the Soyuzlvka prov,de for ship certificate. > And - do not the best in both ideologies to coercion. Its motivation is vol­ should be kept in mind by all Charles Francis Adams , for General 2acha»y Taylor, tW ^statement. in Kerhonksan, N. Y. on August It is unfortunate that mem-, be indifferent about your mem- build a new nation (dedicated to untary and therefore of spiritu­ Ukrainian youth, planning- to VlcepPresident. This new par­ JVhig candidate who wori' the 25th and 26th. Some of the bers, in many instances, do not the best interests of its people al nature." Soviet power, on take in this Buffalo convenUon. ty ''opposed the extension of election. The Free Soil Party bership. Take an interest in Thcy arc: the Buffalo Niagara planned activities irlblude tennis read their certificates careful­ and catering to no formal eco­ the other hand, stems from the your organization. Once you frontier area Is a heavily visited matches, a swimming meet and slavery to any territory ac- took part in the 1852 elec ly. That this has led to many nomic or political system now nse of absolute force and coer­ other sport events know all there is to know you spot over the 4 day Labor Day quired or annexed by the tions and then merged with unnecessary permanent sus­ existant." cion. The individual has no United States. Martin Van various other groups to form will understand what we mean weekend, thus putting good hotel This is another move toward pensions cannot be doubted. choice; he must submit to the Buren, the party's standard thc Republican Party. when we say your membership This, Mr. Moore observed, accomodations in Buffalo at a the blending of the newly arrived UNA organizers have reported will of the state or be destroy­ bearer, was an ex-President On August 11,1868, Thaddcus in thc UNA means something. would indeed be an ideal course premium, and all indications point Ukrainian youth with the North coming across many cases ed. to the fact that this UYL-NA , who had failed to be renomin- Stevens, American lawyer and Your certificate is valuable. —seems to answer^ all the ques­ Amerlcan born Ukrainian youth i, fay hi|j Qwn Dem0CraUc where former members ex­ For any nation to attempt convention may be the best at­ political leader, died in Wash­ Hold on to it! tions and solve- alt the prob­ Into one hard-hitting, cohesive Party ^ wae eager to defeat pressed surprise upon learn- THEODORE LUTWINIAK to reconcile such opposed sys­ tended Ukrainian youth conven­ ington, D. C. A Vermonter by lems. "But," Ire* then wrote, and functional force that augurs hig rivali thc Democratic can- tems, and to seek to employ the tion of all time, especially since It birth, he established a law "it simply won't Work because is mid-way between East and well for the "Ukrainian Cause." I didate, Lewis Cass. Charles best in each as the Hindu pro­ practice in Gettysburg, Penn­ West, and Canada and the U. Hope to see quite Vcrowd there I Francis Adama, the Vice-Preai- both democracy and commu­ fessor so hopefully urged, is, sylvania, where he defended S. A. at Suzy-Q In two weeks 'dcntial nominee, was a disai- nism are integrated patterns worse than impossible. It is many fugitive slaves without of life. One must accept or re­ suicidal. Freedom and op­ Soccer ; fee. Later, when a member of ject each in toto. There can , pression cannot blend any We were happy to hear from Congress, he continued his At. YARKMXO, successful Philadel­ be no blending"Sf'^arts." more than can oil and water. Labor Day Stamp Being issued strong opposition to slavery. phia businessman and former He played an important part UYL-NA officer regarding a pos­ WASHINGTON, D. C—At is the wording "Labor Day." sible soccer game between two in the formation of the Repufl Immigration and Naturalization the request of Secretary of Stamp collectors desiring of the best soccer teams In the lican Party in Pennsylvania. Labor James P. Mitchell, thc first day cancellations of the Question: JL.^amc to the an application to change your USA with large fan-followings During the Civil War. Stevens the Rocheater (N.Y.) Vkralniana Post Office Department is is­ stamp may send addressed en­ United States as?a,'.visitor sev­ status from a visitor to a stu­ became the exponent of a tw. the Philadelphia iPa.) Uk­ suing a 3-cent postage stamp velopes, together with money stern policy toward the South, eral weeks ago. Since my ar­ dent One of the requirements order remittance to cover the rainian*. This game, which Is be­ commemorating Labor Day. A opposing Lincoln's plan of re­ rival I have decided I would you will have to meet is to ing worked on by the Convention cost of the stamps to be affix­ total of 120 million of the construction. He broke with like to attend a school for spe­ show that the school which Committee, may possibly be held stamps will be printed. ed, to the Postmaster, Camden, President Andrew Johnson over cialised training in my field of you wieli to attend has been early Sunday afternoon (Septem­ N. J. An enclosure of medium First day sale will be Sep­ the Freedmen's Bureau Bilil, in work. However, the course re­ approved by the Attorney Gen­ ber 2), at the UYL-NA Buffalo tember 3, 1956 (Labor Day). weight should be placed in Convention, being squeezed In be­ 1866, and advocated impeach­ quires full-time attendance and eral for purposes of study by at Camden, N. J., the home of each envelope and thc flap tween the various morning ment proceedings. A firm be­ would last for" a number of foreign students. You can find Peter J. McGuire, the founder citlier turned in or scaled. The months Taeyorid the- time for out the names of approved services and the afternoon con­ outside envelope to the Post­ liever in racial equality, Thad- cert at 2:30 P.M. of Labor Day. which I was admitted. Is there schools and obtain the applica­ master should be endorsed deus Stevens insisted that he PLAN YOUR VACATION This will represent a fine oppor­ The stamp design is from a any way in which,!-can remain tion to change your status at "First Day Covers." Collectors be buried in a cemetery open tunity for closer cooperation be­ mural by Lumen M. Winter, in AT THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASS'N ESTATE the nearest office bf the Im­ to both Negroes and whites. in the United Stages in order tween the newly arrived imml-- the lobby of the new AFL- should bear in mind that this to go to school? , . migration and Naturalization grants and the native born North CIO building in Washington. is a verticaf stamp—it is 0.84 SOYUZIVKA! Service. by 1.44 inches in dimension— Answer: YesvYpu may make American Ukrainian Youth. The stamp, which will be blue, in thc heart of the Catskill Mountains Why be on the outside? Join the depicts a man, woman, and and envelopes should be ad­ in KERHONKSON, N. Y. "Miss Ukraine" child. In the lower left csrner dressed in the lower left cor­ Ukrainian National Association to­ Newly renovated rooms Excellent cuisine tfjp Another feature which the is the inscription "Labor Is ner, particularly when blocks day and read the "Ukrainian BATHING Convention Committee has In of four are desired. Weddy."! and other vacation facilities ІЖаг BERKUT mind is a possible "Mies Ukraine" Life^—Carlyle." Across the top La Make your reservations nowl Mail the below reservation by IVAN FRANKO contest which has proven to be a blank with deposit to: nice variety In the social events UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ESTATE FIRST J5NGLISH LANGUAGE EDITION of past UYL-NA conventions DANCE under the open skies Kerhonkson, N. V. Translated by Theodosia Boresky In connection with this event, *2AKHAR BERKUT' Is the story of a mountain sage and which would be held at the to thc strains his democratic idealism; the last free Ukrainian Communities Welcome Dance on Saturday UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASS'N ESTATE in the Carpathian region during the thirteenth century: their 01 the Kerhonkson, N. Y. — Telephone 5641 struggle against'the greed of the privileged class of Boyars evening (Sept 1.) at the Hotel and against the dreaded Mongol horde. Statler, we'd appreciate it very AMOR QUARTET Name INCLUDED IN THE VOLUME IS A BRIEF SURVEY OF much If all areas, state leagues, Address ' ц 'UKRAIN|AN H|SToRV. and district councils would back SPECIAL OFFER: "' ' '' • 1 or 2 pretty gals for this "Miss Every Saturday Enclosed is reservation deposit $ lor persons, Ukraine" contest. To parishes, Ukrainian organizations (or individuals) order- а I 1 2 inc ten (10) 01 -more books at a time, $2 30 per copy (23.00 GOOd friend WALTE8 BODNAR, a for 10 books). Individual copies $2.75. Sent prepaid: Write batchelor from Newark, N. J. and 3 „.. 4 ,...-....- Лате, addressrSmd number of books wanted on a post-card and NJ-UYL prexy, has already "vol­ SbYUZIVKA send to: vbt\ Date of arrival Time unteered" his services as possi­ THEODOSIA BORESKY, 390 Ferry St, New Haven 13, Conn- KERHONSON, N. V. for weeks. ble contest chairman and/or •'I ' яШшлш ' ШЮЗОЕА, Щ&#)|*Й WFmTB^BQN, S4TtT3AT-ATrgUgr.il, 4556 Ifo. 153

Леся Храялива НА ГРАНИЦІ (Поворот 1041 року) ' «• . А це було осінніх перших днів ..у Рябіша — одягнулася в намиста* СГУДГНГСЬкГ Плугатаря там силюет виднів Понад ріллею і під небом гистим.' ешд •— і Тендітне золото у настрій вплів Вдумливий вересень ... Чито могли би ГОЛОС НЕСКОРЕННИХ ДЕВ'ЯТИЙ КОНГРЕС ЮСНСА Б. Тягла Розкрити тайни проминулих днів Рядами горні, ще вогкаві киби? .•• В днях від 21-31 серпня ц. бажання встановити тісніші Московський імперіялізм, що розгорнув свою дію в наш и ВИСТАВКА ПРАЦЬ МИСТЕЦЬКОЇ СТУДІЇ р. відбудеться на Університеті зв'язки .. . час під гаслами комунізму, не тільки що повів свою полі­ і Підготову до участи вже У ФИЛАДЕЛФІЇ В безмежне простягнувся зміст хвилин. тику супроти поневолених народів у напрямі економічної Шикаґо дев'ятий Конгрес Орае ступав, здавалось, по крайнебі... Спілки Студентства ЗДА розпочала Управа СУСТА че­ експлюатації, але старається їх цілковито вннародовити, рез віце-президента для зов­ З приводу одніс! виставки експонати були меншої вар- І стрепенулось ствердженням ясним зрусифікувати, або, як це офіційно називається — зсоветн- (USNSA). нішніх справ М. Поштаря. студентів мистецтва писав ре­ тостн. Якщо б обговорювати В душі: я ж повернулася — до себе! зуватн. 800 делегатів будуть репре­ цензент в одному з наших що­ виставку за авторами, треба Політика русифікації з приходом большевиків до влади зентувати 710.000 студентства денників, що нам нічого бо­ було б згадати праці на мис­ У настрій цей рябинових сльозин, постійно скріплювалась, а в час після другої світової війни ЗДА з 300 каледжів і універ­ ЮВІЛЕЙНИЙ КОНГРЕС ятись п|ю майбутній мистець­ тецькій висоті д-ра Кондрн і набрала таких велетенських розмірів, як переселення цілих ситетів. Крім інших справ ЦеОУСу кий дорібок. Цю думку без ва­ п. Дорошенка. Інші учасники 1 тайн що лиш розораних одгаю, національностей, чи більшости населення, з балтійських учасники Конгресу будуть В цьому році ЦеСУС від- гання можна повторити після виставки також виказують та­ До Неї — не майбутній — раз один, країн і масовий вивіз населення з України. обговорювати ролю студент­ значус 35-ліття свого існу­ оглянення виставки праць лант, але це передусім почат­ А щогодини — всоте повертаюсь... ства в розв'язці університет^ мистецької студії у Филадел- ківці. 1 вання і з цісі нагоди відбу­ Жорстоко, внаслідок експлюататорської і русифікацій­ ських проблем, таких, як все фіі, з працею в якій зв'язані ної політики, терпить молодь. Бо, замість університетів — її деться в Мюнхені Ювілейний Варто згадати, що хоч ви­ більший наплив студентства відомі в українському ми­ ставка була влаштована в ду­ жде заслання, концтабори чи т. зв. цілинні землі. А коли і Академічний Конгрес. Про­ Ярослав Вижннпькяй до університетів, сегрегація, відна тема Конгресу — .Де­ стецькому світі імена як проф. же невідповідний час (гаря­ пощастить їм набути освіту в зрусифікованих вищих шко­ академічна свобода і т. п. Го­ П Мегик, проф. Андрусів та лах, то їх призначують на працю, в більшості поза межі їх­ сять років української емігра­ ча літня пора), заівтересуван- НАШИМИ ДОРОГАМИ... ловну промову на Конгресі ції та П перспективи". проф. Кивелкж. ня громадянства не було ма­ ніх батьківщин. виголосить Гералд Тейлор, Конгрес попередить V-ий Коли не брати до уваги кіль­ ле. Цей приємний факт дас . 7 проходять вакації, як в А як революційним во­ президент Сараг Лоренс ка- Брутальну дійсність свосї поліційної системи большеви- Високошкільняй Літній Курс кох недотягиень радше тех­ запоруку, що громадянство книжці написано. гнем на оселі палає емігра­ леджу. ки закривають щільно т. зв. залізною заслоною і повінню Українознавства, що відбу­ нічного порядку, як примі­ Филаделфії цікавиться молод­ Мугить головік „овер- ційна ватра, слухаєш вели­ пропаганди, якою заливають' світ. Як і в попередніх роках деться на одній з осель біля щення з дуже поганим освіт­ дю. Це дуже важливе для мо­ тайми", на • обід роздираєких слів, гислиш зірки і аж Поневолені народи актами боротьби, еміграцією, героїч­ СУСТА одержала запрошен­ Мюнхену в днях від 16 до 21 ленням, або місцями досить лодих адептів, бо до запалу ,^юйзон айв¥', а в неділю кортить тебе вробити біль­ ними рейдами на Захід, як, напр., УПА і т. п., стало де­ ня, в якому, між іншим, гово­ серпня 1966. недбайливе розміщення експо­ працювати і передавати малю­ могить ноги на Оргард Бі­ше диму. монструють своє прагнення до свободи й незалежносте, та риться: „Ми особливо заінте­ Загальна тема V-ro Внсоко- натів (брак рам), виставка ро­ ванням причиняється багато гу. Казковими драконами па­ викривають справжнє обличчя московського імперіялізму. ресовані бачити вашу органі­ шкільного Курсу — „Акаде­ бить добре враження, і ці не­ почуття корнети для свосї Або їде на пікнік. дають тіні дерев, як замрі­ зацію зарепрезентоваву на доліки ніяк ие зменшують громади. Тієї приемности вже собіяний засихаєш. Останній акт у цьому напрямі — це звернення-апель мічне життя в УССР сього­ Конгресі з огляду на наше дні". вартості! праць. Інша спра­ І на кінець побажання: щоб годі відмовити. Ех, якби я так мав ато- українських політичних в'язнів до сумління народів світу. ва, коли говорити про про­ в наступній виставці студен­ Цілу суботу миєш кару, мову бомбу!? Хоч листи українських політв'язнів виповнені терпінням, то грамку чи каталог, хоч би ду­ тів мистецтва Ню Норку взя­ висмаровуеш різними сма- Вногі сняться пророгі і їх зміст і сам факт їх висилки говорять за їхню нескорен- же скромний. Організатори ли участь студенти з Филадел­ ровилами, щоб блищала, сни: ність і відданість ідеалам боротьби за визволення. Обидва ВИСОКЕ ШКІЛЬНИЦТВО НА УКРАЇНІ повинні вважати на склад­ фії. вона пів дня випробовує се­ Ніби то наша еміграція листи говорять про те, що їх автори свідомі свого станови­ ність оглядання виставки, де т бе перед дзеркалом і на­ погала наввипередки пла­ ща, але і свідомі своїх прав, свідомі своїх завдань і супроти Наприкінці 1955 року на демічному році, в 634 тех­ Україні було 134 високих на­ виставляється стільки праць решті їдемо. тити на Студентський Фонд. свого і супроти інших народів. нікумах України навчалося учнів різного віку без будь- ПЕРША літна КОНФЕ­ вчальних заклади, в тому чис­ 320,000 студентів. Технікуми РЕНЦІЯ ВИСОКОШКІЛЬНОІ За три години доїдеш до Аж бійку поголи. І хоч тяжко повірити, що вони зможуть змінити зовніш­ лі 7 університетів, 5 політех­ якої помічної програмки. Це тунелю, по дорозі на мості Тоді в певний момент В СССР стандартами приблнз? і дало причину, що я звернув МОЛОДІ ЗДА ню політику західніх народів супроти большевлків, на яку нічним інститутів, 20 сільсько­ но дорівнюють американським забракне бензини і якщо мигне перед тобою цілий вони заслуговують (коли до цього їх не спонукали ревеля- господарських інститутів і т. д. увагу на праці учнів студент­ В днях 13-16 вересня цього ще з раз на дощі зміниш поеот Кураторії і поволі за­ каледжам, або трохи нижчі за ського віку, а характер цісї ції про терор самих большевнцьких верховодів), то все таки Університети в Україні своїм них. Звичайно, деякі амери року відбудеться Перша Літ­ ,райру", навіть і без „піке­спокоюєшся. — це черговий сильний поштовх в правильнім напрямі. При освітнім стандартом дорівню­ сторінки Дас можливість ви­ ня Конференція Високо- ту" за скорість, маєш вра­ Є кому порозганяти. канські технічні каледжі сто­ словити свої помічений. належнім поставленні справи можна з допомогою цих ли­ ють європейським, а інші на­ ять навіть вище від деяких шкільної Молоді в ЗДА під жень на довший гас ... І засиплясш наново... стів значно поширити круг прихильників визвольної бороть­ вчальні заклади, які в біль­ інститутів в Україні. В 1955 Оглядаючи праці учнів, по­ загальною темою: „Україна би українського народу. і шості називаються інститута­ році українські технікуми ви­ мічається у всіх мистецький сьогодні". Наукова частина ми, рівнем стандартів дорів­ пустили 75,000 фахівців, я- ріст; і коли брати до уваги відбудеться з участю членів Українська молодь, а особливо студентство, чи то ново­ НТШ і УВАН-у в п'ятницю ВІСТІ З УКРАЇНИ прибула чи тут народжена, не може стояти осторонь, а му­ нюють американським універ­ кість яких, звичайно, різнома­ молодих адептів, то—це дуже потішаюче явище, що не ог­ і суботу (14 і 15 вересня),- а сить включитись в цю акцію. Бо ці листи — це не тільки ситетам і кращим каледжам, нітна. . -,-,.., (3ft совстгькою пресою і радіом) лядаємо праць учнів з масс-і в дні 16 вересня відбудуться документи про ганебне знущання над людиною, потоптання хоча ці інститути є вужчі і : Більше, як половина висо­ вим заінтерееуваяням, як уч­ наради присвячені проблемам „ЧОМУ В ІЧНІ ЗАБУЛИ ідеологією". І твори його со- її прав, не тільки документи про нескоренне прагнення до більш спеціалізовані- ких шкіл і майже половина нів, які за рік праці (від ос­ пожвавлення ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ! і СТЕПАНА ВАСИЛЬЧкЦ- розгрому „буржуазних націо- волі, але й пересторога для решти світу. . , , . У високих шкодах України, в 1955/56 академічному році технікумів України, за даннУ танньої виставки)! дають надії розбудови українського сту­ КАГ* встські видавництва, після Донести її до свідомосте широкої совстської опінії, — ось навчалося 212,000 студентів, ми на 1954 рік, були зруси­ на праці індивідуального', за­ дентського руху в ЗДА., яалістів", не •- друкували, а чого автори листів очікують від нас- Не можемо завести їх фіковані — виклади в них барвлення^*, прямування до .Конференція в і д б удеться Під таким 'заголовком міс- школі, бібліотеці і вулиці, де що було їф ТІЇ,ЩО більше, ніж стять „Радянська Україна*' сподівань. Не можемо ж стояти осторонь, коли йде боротьба провадилось російською мо­ власного творчого обличчя, як- на- „Союзівці", де. гіля учае і жив С. Васильченко, надано Ц попередньому році. Не МЄНГ лист до редакції мешканців за найосновніші права людини! ше як, ?5%\ студентів -вивча­ вою. Навіть совстські газети висдід сталої враді,* а переду­ нянів буде .знижка, за .перебу­ було імена московських при­ призначалитоді, Що це ут/. містечка Ічня на Чернігівщи­ служників. - Хібащо „новий . • ють технічніт природничі'на­ сім терпеливостя.1. мір _г вання. Згоуюшекня '' яісвай- - ні А. Дрофаня, Г. Коваля і І. И І 1 І • -г уки і лншеч25% 'гуманітарні. ,руднюс навчання , студентам^ .. є. відноситься до таланови­ ^щар^е ^^p,jukuXk на' адре- курс" Хрущова „реабілітує" проте політика Московськогог CvT ' " '' .'Y'. ;'.'і. »'• .'•'• Цинковського- Ось що пишуть також цього кдяснка україн­ 80% студентів одержують від тої X: Зелінської, заступленої су: : уряду в ділянці мови малЛДО- Miohaei -Pochiar вовн в своєму листі: ' ської літератури? держави • стипендії, розмір а ґ вЗіі^ЬЦа, }й<спр^т<(Ц. з яких „ З КАНЦЕЛЯРІЇ СУСТА . - -.. ступлнва. ' • иКлясик української літера­ . •.< . • і . . . . . • / кілька помітно відрізняються 58 Leslie St: • • '• : .) ' ' • Яких, одначе, невеликий:. в тури' 'Степан Васильченко на­ • Зеико Кранець, який не­ Українського Інституту Амери­ середньому 350 карб, на мі­ Прн закінченні високої шко­ лід інших шкільних праць. Kewa>fcf8,N:.J. ; лист з „цілинних 5 родився, жив і працював в Іч­ Зокрема в оліях — у Ціка- давно вернувся з армії, пере­ ки п. В. Джусом в справі спів­ сяць, тобто половина зарплат­ та студент на Україні, 'як і ні. Спогади дитячих років, ЗЕМЕЛЬ" брав, | на прохання Управи, праці з Інститутом. ні звичайного робітника. По­ в цілому СССР, підпадає піді вінтеягіці —поміяасться темг А Щ 4 життя ічнянського селянства, „Правда" з 1-го серпня ц. р. функції віце-президента для • Перше число журналу „Го­ чинаючи з •1956 p., за науку іатнск і збоку представників яерамент, фантазія, а ИДО- * їп££ ^Жй? внутрішніх справ, в заступстві ФОНД ЖУРНАЛУ містечкової бідноти лягли в містить лист тракториста П. ризонти" вже с в продажі.' В 1 в школах нічого не платиться, /ряду і мусить їхати на npav сім сміливість мазка і добрий ; Тариф Гунчака, який щойно тому числі взяли участь такі ав-і основу багатьох новель, що Семенця і ветеринарного але, щоб стати студентом, тре­ підхід в розкладі кольорів, На пресоинґі фонд журналу розпочав свою військову служ­ тори: АнДрІсвбька Є.,' ВоЯЧуК ЦО ТУДИ, КУДИ ЙОГО УРЯД ПО*; ввійшли в золотий фонд укра­ фельдшера \ Погорілка з бу. ба скласти досить тяжкі іспи­ особливо в картині „Квіте". зложили:' 3. Кравець — 5 дол. Б.. Федишнн Олег, Фізер Іван, •клас. Офіційно такого закоч і викликає зложити таку саму їнської літератури. В Ічні Сте­ створеного на цілинних зем­ • На останніх чергових схо­ Костко М., Кульчяцький В., На­ ти. . Н. Безбородько —виставила лу вемас і в кінцевому рахун- суму на ту ціль таких друзів: пан Васильченко написав та­ лях радгоспу. Ось що пишуть, динах Управи в дні 3 серпня гірний В. 1-е", Певний Б., Пет- добрі рисунки, малює темпе­ L Гуту. О. Віланюка, 3. Мель­ В 1955 році високі школи <У студент мас право відмови- кі чудові оповідання, як „Ве­ між іншим, ці українські хлоп, ц. p., обговорено, між іншими, ришин В., Рубчак В., Стопко В., раментно і з фантазією. ника, Є. Кульчнцьку і Бориса такі справи: видання СУСТА; Тарнавський Ю., Хриплива Л. України випустили 46,000 спе- •нея від пропозицій і вимог черя", „Волошки", „Мужиць­ ці, вивезені на „освоєння" ці­ Р. Лучаковська починає Плювка; М. Почтар — б дол. і підготовка англомовного числа і IIIмло-Баї:ун Р. ціялістів. є — вдвоє більше 'ряду, але в більшості випад­ викликає зложити таку суму на ка арихметнка", „Над Россю", лини до Кустанайської облас­ „Горизонті"; підготовка першої Замовлення на журнал ( в як у Франції в цей же рік. ав на такий спротив мало хто глибше розуміти мистецтво і ту ціль Я. Шаи'.чіса, О. Зшкеви- „На чужину", „У панів", „На ціні один доляр) можна слати ті!: Літньої конференції Внсоко- У високих школах в 1955 идважуеться. Тому більшість відважується на своєрідний ча, д-ра В. Салака, Д. Пілець- хуторі", „За мурами", „Осін­ шкільиої Молоді ЗДА; участь на адресу: підхід. В своїх малюнках во­ кого і В. Воцюркова; О. Феди­ Дорога Редакціє! української делегації в дев'я­ році викладало 14,425 профе­ шпускинків високих шкіл ній ескіз" та ін. Вже ставши HORIZONS на звертвс увагу на багато шнн — 5 дол. і вяклнкас зло­ ... Ми часто чулн від пра­ тому конгресі Національної Сту­ P. О. Box 353 сорів та викладачів, в тому скеровуються на працю уря- жити таку суму на ту ціль чле­ видатним письменником, С. цівників кустанайського обко­ дентської Спілки ЗДА і ЮСН­ елементів і дас запоруку на Cooper Station числі 775 докторів наук і по­ випускників українських шкі нів Управи Студентської Гро­ Васильченко в автобіографіч­ му партії,'облвиконкому про СА ); проблеми співпраці з Це- New York 3, N. Y. над 4,000 кандидатів наук- юм. Не більше, як дві трети­ доброго мнетця. мади Шикаґо; В. Питла — б СУС-ом і інші. ній повісті „Мій шлях" писав: те, що новоселам у найближ­ Звання „кандидата наук" иа Перелічення тих-' кількох дол. і внклнкас зложити на ту ни випускників українських, ціль: В. Зівнча, П. Крамарен­ „Містечко Ічня на Чернігів­ чому часі створять нормальні • 3 початком місяця лип­ Україні, як і в цілому Совст- шкіл дістають працю на Укра,- прізвищ не значить, що інші ня ц. р. В. Петришнн. організа­ З нагоди вінчання кол. В. Пе- ка, І. Дикайла, В. Мяхайлова і щині, де я народився, одно з умовний для життя і праці. ційний референт, відбув зустріч трншнна п А. Оленської, та В. ському Союзі, дорівнюй аме­ їні; багатьох відразу посила­ В. Кскіша. • кращих містечок на Україні. Про це вже не раз казали ди­ з представниками Ліги Україн­ Бойчука і А. ЗатовськоІ, Упра­ риканському „доктор філосо­ ють на працю до Росії, в Си­ Пожертва просимо слати па Вже багато минуло років, як фахівців різних національ­ адресу: ректор нашого- радгоспу і ської Молоді Північної Амери­ ва СУСТА. Редколегія „Сту­ фії", тоді, як звання „доктор бір, чи в Середню Азію, а з я вимандрував з його, проте секретар партійного комітету. ки з п-ю Анною ,Стек і п. В. дентського Слова" і ткурналу наук" с дуже високим і нада­ Росії, навпаки, —частину ви­ ностей теж Є ПОЛІТИКОЮ мо­ ІЧлпл М. Jawna ще й* тепер я часто з вдячніс­ Бакад, для обговорення спів­ „Горизонти" та колеги — шлють сковського уряду. 131 Lafayette Str. Але слова їхні, розходяться з праці між СУСТА І Лігою, як новоодруженим побажання — сться в рідких випадках. пускників уряд пересилає на, . Jersey City. N. J. тю згадую іченські поля та ділом. Почнемо з простих ре­ також відбув нараду з головою всього найкращого! В цей же час, в 1955/56 ака- Україну. Таке.перемішування Подав Всеволод Голуб Хто черговий?- ліси, стави між садами. Оста­ чей. У нас досі не побудовано • лась в пам'ятку моєму Ічня пекарні. Хліб печуть у«не при­ ще своїми піснями та напро­ стосованому для того примі­ О. Федишнн нів, як теж'іншим зацікавле­ не дозволяє Управі СУСТА]т а сили її народу. Такий са­ співпраці із іншими україн­ чуд хорошими голосами..." щенні І часто він буває такий ний, взяти в'ній участь. нав'язати ширшої діяльності! мий закид можна зробити ськими і чужими студентсь- Творчість письменника знає, глнвкяй, що. його не можна вбік більшости наших гро­ любить і шанує читач. І коли В ранцях першої літньої через наладнаний її організа­ кнмн і молодечими організа­ їсти. В радгоспі немає лазні, ДУМКИ ДО ПЕРШОЇ ЛІТНЬОЇ КОНФЕ­ мадських організацій в Аме­ думаєш про це, стає особливо конференції відбудуться та­ ційної сітки і у великій мірі ціями. Управа СУСТА поро­ шевської та кравецької май* риці. Обмеження ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ! прикро, що саме на батьків­ РЕНЦІЇ ВИСОКОШКІЛЬНОІ МОЛОДІ В ЗДА кож річні наради СУСТА. утруднює виконання наложе­ била вже певні кроки для по­ стерень. Подереться взуття, а них На неї завдань. Ця бай­ тих товариств до побутово- жвавлення політичної роботи, щині письменника — в м. Ічні направити нема де. В нашому Важливість цієї частини з'їз­ етнографічної програми ви­ про нього незаслужено забу­ В днях 13-16 вересня ц. р. що ми хочемо бути справж­ ду не менш велика, і тому я дужність є найбільш заміт­ як власними силами, так і в радгоспному містечку немає творило у багатьох із молод­ співпраці, з Інтими організа­ ли. Приїжджій людині ніщо ясел, дитячого садка. У нас у відпочинковій оселі „Сою- німи носіями і оборонцями хотів би заторкнутн ряд про­ кою серед наших молодших зівка" відбудеться перша літ­ української правди в захід- колег, як і тих, новоприїж­ ших людей почуття націо­ ціями. В місяці вересні ц. р. не нагадує, що саме тут жив навіть води питної і тої бра­ блем, які повинні на цих на­ видатний майстер художнього ня конференція ВИСОКОШКІЛЬ­ ньому світі, ми мусимо бути джих, що покінчили тут се­ нальної меншовартості! і повинно вийти в світ перше кує, бо колодязя й досі ие ви­ радах бути обговорені і які страх перед якоюнебудь зор­ англомовне число журналу слова, хоч у місті збереглись копали. Погань годують лю­ НОІ молоді. Організатором докладно поінформовані про мусять бути в такий чи ін­ редню освіту, та серед тут на­ конференції є Управа СУ­ розвиток подій на рідних зем­ ганізованою політичною ак­ „Горизонти" (українське- чи­ і будинок, де народився пись­ дей, які працюють на полі. ший спосіб розв'язані. Я пе­ роджених. Можемо сьогодні з менник, і школа, в якій він СТА. Наукова частина підго­ лях. Якщо хочемо направду цією. Правда, наші хорові й сло саме якраз вийшло з Іноді на снідання, обід і ве­ реконаний, що від їхньої роз­ гордістю ствердити, що укра­ учився. Ім'я письменника не товляється спільними силами боротись проти брехливої танкові групи зробили вели­ Друку), в англомовний ін­ черю механізаторам .готують в'язки у великій мірі зале­ їнці — це одна із нечислен­ надано ні школі, ні вулиці, ні наших двох наукових това­ пропаганди кремлівської клі­ них національних груп ш ку роботу і передали наро­ формативний бюлетень, який ті самі страви. Звичайно, лю­ риств НТШ і УВАН. так що жатиме дальший розвиток дженому тут поколінню лю­ буде видаватися в Шикаґо, бібліотеці. Не побачите ви в ди обурюються*. Але на це го- ки, мусимо користуватись їх­ українського с т у д ентського Америці, яка спромоглася Ічні і погруддя чи пам'ятни­ є повна гарантія що ця ім­ німи ж фактами. Подібно на­ створити в с є а м є рнканську бов до свого рідного. Це без­ має появитися в половині 'лова радгоспу зовсім не звер­ руху в Америці. Очевидно в перечно дуже добрий засіб ка Васильчевкові. •." преза буде поставлена на на­ ша робота серед чужинців тудентську організацію, і серпня. Це все буде очевидно тає уваги. Механізатори від лежному науковому рівні. Те­ цнх рядках ие можна зроби­ збереження любовн до укра- тільки початком, і Управа До цього листа можна бу­ зими до зими мешкають у по­ мусить бути базована на як- ти більше як лише заторкну­ гому вдержання її при жнт-, ма конференції — „Україна найдокладиішому зрозумінні іпської культури, але це тіль­ СУСТА долежить всіх ста­ ло б хіба додати, що Степана лі в иеогріванвх вагончи­ тн деякі з питань; Тхне пов­ ті мусить лежати нам всім на ки засіб, який не може сам сьогодні". Докладні назви по­ української підсовстської дій- рань, щоб цю роботу якнай­ Васнльченка совєтська влада ках. .." не обговорення матиме місце серці. Це очевидно, залежить еобою представляти цілі. Ми одиноких рефератів та пріз­ сности, врешті наша внутріш­ більше пожвавити. не „забула", а просто заборо­ А Хрущов говорить, з яким- на заплямованому з'їзді і їх­ від наших молодших колег, і повинні бути зацікавлені в вища прелеґентів будуть по­ Активність в українському нила була згадувати, як пись­ то „ентузіазмом" молодь осво­ ня робота не сміс бути чимсь ня розв'язка зможе бути ми мусимо за всяку ціну їх у плеканні українського народ­ дані згодом. Ціллю конфе­ ггудеитському русі — це най­ менника з .дрібнобуржуазною ює цілинні землі- замкненим та відірваним, на­ осяпнена тільки спільними тому переконати. ного мистецтва, але в жадно­ ренції є познайомити укра­ краща підготова до дальшої ша діяльність в Америці му­ силами всіх нас. Що є основною причиною му разі наша діяльність не їнське студентство, членів ін­ громадсько-політичної праці, сить бути тісно зв'язана зі байдужности серед наших, сміє обмежуватись виключне ших молодечих організацій але ця активність мусять бу­ змінами на рідних землях, бо Одна із надзвичайно важ­ молодших колег? На мою до цього. Політична акція Чи Ви вже зложили свою пожертву на та взагалі українське грома­ ти пов'язана із постійним ви­ тільки тоді ми зможемо бути ливих проблем сьогодні — це думку, це, в першу чергу, по­ мусить стояти у нас на пер­ дянство з сучасним станом вчанням сучасної України та справжніми оборонцями інте­ байдужність та брак зацікав­ чуття національної меншо- шому місці, бо тільки полі­ Український Студентський Фонд?!!! України — економічним по­ розповсюдженням інформація ресів українського народу й лення серед багатьох з-поміж вартости, яке знову ж випли­ тичною акцією ми зможемо ложенням УССР. людносте- про українське питання в За- прандниим виразником його нас вашою працею. Правда, ває із незнання нашого ми­ направду допомогти нашій РІК ПІ. СТУДЕНТСЬКЕ СЛОВО Ч. в (28) вямн змінами після другої є декілька активніших гро­ хідньому світі. Перша літня світової війни, українською прагнень і бажань. нулого та із незрозуміння справі. Я маю на думці полі­ мад, в більшості випадків од­ конференція ВИСОКОШКІЛЬНОІ повоєнною совстською літера­ Стільки про наукову кон­ сьогоднішнього с т а н о вища тичну акцію в її якнайшир­ наче студентські товариства молоді в Америці та річні на­ STUDENTS WORD турою, театром, музикою, ми­ ференцію. Слід тільки дода­ України. Тут у'великій мірі шому всеукраїнському зро­ ради СУСТА — це дві близь­ Редагув Колегія з рамена Пресової Комісії СУСТА стецтвом, науковим життям, ти, що ця конференція відбу­ мало рухливі і продовжують вина батьків, які не зуміли зумінні, а не діяльність в ко між собою зв'язані імпре­ Гол. редактор: Володимир СтоАко. шкільництвом і т. п. деться рівночасно в ШикаГо своє існування тільки завдя­ як слід висвітлити своїм ді­ якихсь вузьких і взаємно се­ Editor: Volodymyr Stoyko ки старанням І праці деяких зи, які повинні нам в цій під- або в ного околиці з такою тям важливости української бе поборюючих політичних 405 East 5th Street. New York City, N. V Про важливість і конеч­ самою програмою. Робимо це одиниць, яким вже ноже не справи в аспекті американсь­ угрупованнях. Акцію поваж­ готові допомогти, і тому кож­ ність такої конференції не в надії, що це вможливить довго доведеться залишитись кої і міжнародної політики, ними науковими засобами в нинийх іучастз нась повинен взяти в Статті, підписані повним ім'ям і прізвищем, чи тільки ІмиЩЙЙвк

потрібно багато говорити. Як- [більшому числу наших чле­ в наших рядах. Ясно, що це багатства української землі t яв конечно висловлюють погляди Управи СУСТА, чи Редакції

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