|||||I|||||| USOO5212343A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,212,343 Brupbacher et al. 45) Date of Patent: May 18, 1993 54 WATER REACTIVE METHOD WITH 3,377,955 4/1968 Hodgson ............................. 102/102 DELAYED EXPLOSION 3,388,554 6/1968 Hodgson ............................... 60/217 3,986,909 10/1976 Macri....... ... 149/19.9 75) Inventors: John M. Brupbacher, Catonsville; 4,034,497 7/1977 Yanda ........... ... 42/1 G Leontios Christodoulou, Baltimore, 4,188,884 2/1980 White et al. 102/54 both of Md.; James M. Patton, 4,280,409 7/1981 Rozner et al. ... 02/364 Annandale, Va.; Russell N. Bennett, 4,331,080 5/1982 West et al..... ... 102/301 Baltimore, Md.; Alvin F. Bopp; Larry 4,432,818 2/1984 Givens .................................. 149/22 G. Boxall, both of Catonsville, Md.; Primary Examiner-Peter A. Nelson William M. Buchta, Ellicott City, Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Gay Chin; Bruce M. Md. Winchell; Alan G. Towner 73) Assignee: Martin Marietta Corporation, 57 ABSTRACT Bethesda, Md. Devices and methods are disclosed for contacting a hot (21) Appl. No.: 573,960 reaction mass with water to initiate an explosive reac ar. tion. The reaction mass comprises a ceramic or interme (22 Filed: Aug. 27, 1990 tallic material that is produced by exothermically react 51) Int. Cl........................... F42B3/00; F42B 13/14 ing a mixture of reactive elements. Suitable reaction 52 U.S. C. .................................... 102/323; 102/302; masses include borides and/or carbides that are formed 102/364; 149/22; 149/108.2; 42/1.14 by reacting a mixture comprising B and/or C in combi 58) Field of Search ...............
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