Report of a Level 2 Flora and Vegetation Survey and Level 1 Fauna Survey along Collie-Lake King Road at Bowelling (SLK 64.5 - 71.0) Prepared for Main Roads Western Australia December 2016 Greg Harewood Zoologist A.B.N. 95 536 627 336 PO Box 755 BUNBURY WA 6231 M: 0402 141 197 PO Box 1180 Bunbury WA 6231 T/F:(08) 9725 0982 9721 1377 |
[email protected] E:
[email protected] Ecoedge Review release Version Origin Review Issue date date approval & purpose V1 M. Strang R. Smith 02/12/2016 V2 R. Smith M. Strang 06/12/2016 V3 R. Smith M. Strang 07/12/2016 M. Strang to Final R. Lupton M. Strang 03/01/2017 R. Lupton for 16/12/2016 draft (MRWA) review M. Portman M. Portman R. Lupton (prev. Strang), Final (prev. Strang), 16/01/2017 (MRWA) R. Smith, to R. Lupton G. Harewood 2 | Page Executive Summary Ecoedge was engaged by Main Roads Western Australia in August 2016 to undertake a Level 2 Flora and Vegetation Survey and Level 1 Fauna Survey along the Collie-Lake King Road (Coalfields Road) at Bowelling (‘Bowelling curves’). The survey area was 47.8 ha, approximately between SLK 64.5 and 71.0, in the Shire of West Arthur. Main Roads is conducting investigations for the future widening and re-alignment of Collie-Lake King Road. The flora and vegetation survey was carried out by Russell Smith (B.Sc. (Hons), MPhil. – Botanist) during visits to the site on 2, 5 and 28 September and 8 November 2016.