Invasive Hakeas — Biological Control Implementations A. Fourie, A. J. Gordon1 and R. M. Krug2 17th October 2012 DRAFT 1Plant Protection Research Institute, Private Bag X5017, Stellenbosch, 7599 SOUTH AFICA
[email protected] 2Centre for Invasion Biology, Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University, Matieland 7602 SOUTH AFRICA
[email protected] DRAFT 1 rev 210, 14:28:27, 2012-10-17 Contents 1 The Hakea species4 1.1 Biology................................4 1.1.1 Hakea sericea .........................4 1.1.2 Hakea gibbosa .........................4 1.1.3 Hakea drupacea ........................5 1.1.4 Biology of Hakea salicifolia (willow hakea)........5 1.2 Ecology and spread.........................7 1.3 Control measures...........................8 1.3.1 Mechanical control......................8 1.3.2 Chemical control.......................8 1.3.3 Biological control.......................8 2 Agents 11 2.1 Gummosis fungus........................... 11 2.1.1 Description.......................... 11 2.1.2 Disease Symptoms...................... 11 2.1.3 Impact on Hakea sericea ................... 11 2.2 Seed weevil.............................. 12 2.2.1 Description.......................... 12 2.2.2 Life Cycle........................... 12 2.2.3 Feeding Damage....................... 14 2.3 Seed moth............................... 14 2.3.1 Description.......................... 14 2.3.2 Life cycle........................... 15 2.3.3 Feeding damage....................... 15 2.4 Stem-boring beetle.......................... 15 2.4.1 Description.......................... 15 2.4.2 Life cycle........................... 15 2.4.3 Feeding damage....................... 17 2.5 Bud-weevilDRAFT.............................. 17 2.5.1 Description.......................... 17 2.5.2 Life cycle........................... 17 2.5.3 Feeding damage....................... 18 2.6 Leaf weevil.............................. 18 2.6.1 Description.......................... 18 2.6.2 Life cycle........................... 19 2.6.3 Feeding damage......................