
Targeted Flora and Fauna Habitat Survey of Proposed

Development in Swan View Prepared for Statewest Planning

Ref: T18022

Terratree Pty Ltd ABN 48 159 6065 005

Unit 3, No. 42 Street, Midland WA 6056

Telephone: (08) 9250 1163 Mobile: 0400 003 688 Email: [email protected] www.terratree.com.au

Document Control

Revision Details Date Author Reviewer

Rev 0 Internal Review 10/01/2019 . Maslen . Grehan

Rev A Draft for Submission to Client for Review 23/01/2019 G. Maslen J. Grehan

Rev Final Submission to Client 07/02/2019 G. Maslen . ’Hara

Joseph Grehan Director and Principal Ecologist

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning i

DISCLAIMER This document is prepared in accordance with and subject to an agreement between Terratree Pty Ltd (“Terratree”) and the client for whom it has been prepared (“Statewest Planning”) and is restricted to those issues that have been raised by the client in its engagement of Terratree and prepared using the standard of skill and care ordinarily exercised by Environmental Scientists in the preparation of such documents. Any organisation or person that relies on or uses this document for purposes or reasons other than those agreed by Terratree and the client without first obtaining the prior written consent of Terratree, does so entirely at their own risk and Terratree denies all liability in tort, contract or otherwise for any loss, damage or injury of any kind whatsoever (whether in negligence or otherwise) that may be suffered as a consequence of relying on this document for any purpose other than that agreed with the client. Terratree Pty Ltd

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning ii Executive Summary Statewest Planning (Statewest) commissioned Terratree Pty Ltd (Terratree) to undertake a Targeted flora and significant fauna habitat survey of the proposed subdivision on behalf of the owners of Lots 350 & 351 Viveash Rd and Lot 103 Tunnel Rd, in Swan View, WA (hereafter referred to as ‘the survey area’). The owners propose to apply for a Scheme Amendment covering eight properties in Viveash Rd and Tunnel Rd, Swan View including block subdivision as well as road and sewer creation. The Targeted flora and vegetation survey was conducted during the peak flowering period on 23rd November 2018 by Principal Ecologist Joseph Grehan and Ecologist Glenn Maslen of Terratree. The survey area was traversed by foot to verify and further define vegetation communities within the study area, and to find Threatened or Priority flora which had appeared during desktop database searches. Relevés were conducted to delineate vegetation communities as they were encountered. that are known to support Black Cockatoo breeding and had an adequate Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) were recorded by GPS during the survey. A total of 84 vascular flora including 16 introduced (exotic) species, were recorded within the survey area, representing 66 genera from 32 families. Families with the highest species representation were (11 taxa), (11 taxa) and (9 taxa). Appendix lists all vascular flora species recorded in the survey area. Two vegetation communities were identified during the survey. Type 1 vegetation was characterised as a granitic heathland community, with an overstorey of Allocasuarina huegeliana over a heathland of Melaleuca, Fabaceae and Proteaceae species. This was the main vegetation type in Lot 103, with some presence also in Lots 350 and 351. Type 2 vegetation was characterised as having an overstorey of and , with an open shrubland understorey consisting of species including sanguineus, erinacea and . The slopes of Lots 350 and 351 were dominated by Type 2 vegetation. None of the vegetation communities matched any description of Priority or Threatened Ecological Communities. A map of vegetation communities can be found in Figure 1. A large portion of the survey area (77.24%) was rated as either Degraded or Completely Degraded, and therefore has limited significant vegetation value. Two small pockets in Lots 103 and 350 were classified as in ‘very good’ condition. A map of the vegetation condition of the survey area can be found in Figure 2. No Threatened (Declared Rare) Flora were found during the survey. One Priority species, purpurea (Priority 3), was found throughout Vegetation Type 1 as a main understorey species. B. purpurea is an erect or spreading , which grows from 0.3m-1.5m high. The species is found on rocky slopes or granitic soils and has red from October to December. B. purpurea was found mainly in areas where vegetation was in ‘very good’ condition. A total of 13 significant Black Cockatoo habitat were recorded within the survey area, with four trees possessing potential Black Cockatoo breeding hollows. Significant trees were all Marri (Corymbia calophylla) and Wandoo (Eucalyptus wandoo). Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus naso) were observed during the survey. Flora species that are known to be used by Black Cockatoos for breeding, foraging and roosting were identified during the survey. A map of the locations of significant habitat trees can be found in Figure 3. Much of the survey area is densely infested with weed species. Most notably, Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera was found across all vegetation communities. Other significant weed species included Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum) and Common Wild Oats (Avena fatua). No Weeds of National Significance or Declared weeds under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 were found during the survey. Terratree makes the following recommendations for future development on site: ▪ Ensure machinery entering site, especially earth-moving equipment is ‘clean on entry’ to the survey area i.. free of soil and vegetative materials to prevent the introduction of weeds and pathogens;

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning iii ▪ If significant populations of Priority flora are to be impacted, then every effort should be made to minimise impacts by demarcating populations prior to ground disturbance activities; ▪ Impacts to Black Cockatoo habitat should be focused on avoidance and mitigation, as per Table 2 in the EPBC Act Referral Guidelines for Three Threatened Black Cockatoo Species (SEWPAC 2012). Specific recommendations for the survey area include: - Trees that provide significant habitat for Black Cockatoos should be retained if possible during construction; and - Avoidance and control of the introduction of pathogens and diseases during activities which may negatively impact retained or surrounding habitat of the development.

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning iv Contents Executive Summary ...... iii 1 Introduction ...... 8 1.1 Project Location...... 8 1.2 Scope of Work ...... 8 2 Regulatory Context ...... 9 2.1 Threatened and Priority Flora ...... 9 2.1.1 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999) (Commonwealth of ) 9 2.1.2 Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) () ...... 9 2.1.3 Priority Flora ...... 9 2.1.4 Locally and Regionally Significant Flora and Vegetation ...... 10 2.2 Threatened and Priority Fauna ...... 10 2.2.1 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999) (Commonwealth of Australia) 10 2.2.2 Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) (Western Australia) ...... 11 2.2.3 Priority Fauna ...... 11 2.2.4 Threatened and Migratory Species ...... 11 2.3 Threatened and Priority Ecological Communities ...... 11 2.4 Environmentally Sensitive Areas ...... 11 2.5 Introduced Flora ...... 12 2.5.1 Weeds of National Significance (WONS) ...... 12 2.5.2 Declared ...... 12 2.5.3 Environmental Weeds ...... 13 3 Existing Environment ...... 14 3.1 Climate ...... 14 3.2 Topography and Soils ...... 14 3.3 Regional Vegetation ...... 14 4 Desktop Review ...... 16 4.1 Threatened and Priority Flora ...... 16 4.2 Threatened and Priority Fauna ...... 17 4.3 Threatened Ecological Communities ...... 18 5 Methods ...... 19 5.1 Flora and Vegetation ...... 19 5.2 Relevés ...... 19 5.3 Vegetation Condition ...... 20

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 5.4 Potential Significant Fauna Habitat ...... 20 5.5 Mapping ...... 20 6 Results ...... 21 6.1 Flora ...... 21 6.1.1 Threatened and Priority Flora ...... 21 6.2 Vegetation Communities ...... 21 6.3 Vegetation Condition ...... 21 6.4 Weeds ...... 21 6.5 Significant Fauna Habitat ...... 22 6.6 Threatened Ecological Communities ...... 22 7 Discussion ...... 23 7.1 Vegetation Condition ...... 23 7.2 Vegetation Communities ...... 23 7.3 Threatened and Priority Flora Species ...... 23 7.3.1 Beaufortia purpurea (P3) ...... 23 7.4 Threatened, Schedule and Priority Fauna Habitat ...... 23 7.5 Weeds ...... 24 8 Limitations ...... 25 9 Conclusions and Recommendations ...... 26 10 References...... 27 11 Figures ...... 28 12 Plates ...... 31 Appendices ...... 34

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning vi List of Tables Table 1: Control categories for declared pests. 12 Table 2: Threatened and Priority flora recorded within 5km of the survey area. 16 Table 3: NatureMap and EPBC Protected Matters database results for Threatened, Schedule and Priority Fauna species. 17 Table 4: Threatened Ecological Communities within 5km of the survey area 18 Table 5: Keighery Vegetation Condition Scale (Keighery, 1994) 20 Table 6: Area Statement of Vegetation Community Types in Survey Area 21 Table 7: Area Statement of Vegetation Condition Ratings in Survey Area 21 Table 8: Potential limitations and discussion of their relevance to the study area 25

List of Figures Figure 1: Vegetation Communities Map 28 Figure 2: Vegetation Condition Map 29 Figure 3: Significant Fauna Habitat Trees Map 30 Appendices Appendix A: EPBC Protected Matters Search Tool Report 34 Appendix B: NatureMap Species Report 35 Appendix : Conservation Codes 36 Appendix D: Complete Species List 41 Appendix E: Vegetation Community Descriptions 43

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning vii 1 Introduction Statewest Planning (Statewest) commissioned Terratree Pty Ltd (Terratree) to undertake a Targeted flora and significant fauna habitat survey of the proposed subdivision on behalf of the owners of Lots 350 & 351 Viveash Rd and Lot 103 Tunnel Rd, in Swan View, WA (hereafter referred to as ‘the survey area’). The owners propose to apply for a Scheme Amendment covering eight properties in Viveash Rd and Tunnel Rd, Swan View including block subdivision as well as road and sewer creation. 1.1 Project Location. The survey area is 6.72ha, comprised of 3 properties: Lots 103, 350 and 351. The survey area is heavily impacted from residential development. Two Lots, 350 and 351, are next to the John Forrest National Park, an A Class Nature Reserve spanning 2678ha. 1.2 Scope of Work The scope of work included the following: ▪ Conduct a desktop assessment; ▪ Conduct a Targeted flora survey to identify Threatened (Declared Rare) and Priority flora; ▪ Review the impact on remnant native vegetation; ▪ Review Threatened and Priority Ecological Communities; ▪ Provide recommendations for the management and minimisation of the following environmental impacts to be included in the report: o Minimising damage to vegetation including physical damage and introduction of weeds and pathogens; o Impacts and conservation opportunities to significant fauna habitat, including breeding and foraging values for Black Cockatoo species; and o Any other flora, fauna or wetland related impacts that are identified during the desktop review and field survey.

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 8 2 Regulatory Context The following is a list of relevant government legislation, government policy, publications and project reports pertaining to the site: Legislation ▪ Biodiversity Conservation Act (BC Act) 2016 (Western Australia) ▪ Environmental Protection Act (EP Act) 1986 (Western Australia) ▪ Western Australian Planning and Development Act 2005 (Western Australia) ▪ Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act (BAM Act) 2007 (Western Australia) ▪ Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act) 1999 (Federal) Government Policy and Publications ▪ Position Statement No. 2: Environmental Protection of Native Vegetation in Western Australia (EPA 2000) ▪ Position Statement No. 3: Terrestrial Biological Surveys as an of Biodiversity Protection (EPA 2002) ▪ Environmental Protection (Clearing of Native Vegetation) Regulation 2004 ▪ Environmental Protection (Environmentally Sensitive Areas) Notice 2005 ▪ EPBC Act Referral Guidelines for Three Threatened Black Cockatoo Species (Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities [SEWPAC] 2012). ▪ EPA Technical Guide – Terrestrial Flora and Vegetation Surveys for Environmental Impact Assessment (EPA 2016) 2.1 Threatened and Priority Flora 2.1.1 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999) (Commonwealth of Australia) At a Commonwealth level, Threatened flora are protected under the EPBC Act, which lists species that are considered Critically Endangered, Endangered, Conservation Dependant, Extinct or Extinct in the Wild (Table C.1., Appendix C). 2.1.2 Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) (Western Australia) Taxa which have been adequately searched for and are deemed to be either rare, in danger of extinction or otherwise in need of special protection in the wild, are gazetted as Threatened Species (Schedule 1, BC Act 2016). Threatened Species are further categorised by the Department according to their level of threat using IUCN Red List criteria: ▪ CR: Critically Endangered – considered to be facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild; ▪ EN: Endangered – considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future; and ▪ VU: Vulnerable – considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future. These taxa are legally protected and their removal or impact to their surroundings cannot be conducted without Ministerial approval, obtained specifically on each occasion for each population (Table C.2., Appendix C) 2.1.3 Priority Flora The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA, formerly DPaW) maintains a list of Priority Flora taxa, which are considered poorly known, uncommon or under threat but for which there is insufficient justification, based on known distribution and population sizes, for inclusion in Schedule 1 of the BC Act. The list of Threatened (Declared Rare) flora is reviewed annually by a scientific panel that assess a taxon’s conservation status and ranks them into categories. The Priority Flora list is dynamic. As new information becomes available conservation status is reviewed and changes to the listing may result. The

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 9 categories for Priority Flora give an indication of the priority for undertaking further surveys based on the number of known sites, and degree of threat to those populations. A Priority taxon is assigned to one of five priority categories (Table C.2., Appendix C) 2.1.4 Locally and Regionally Significant Flora and Vegetation In addition to plant taxa being recognised as significant through their Declared Rare of Priority Flora status, they can also be significant for a number of other reasons. The EPA Technical Guide for Flora and Vegetation Surveys (EPA 2016) states that flora and vegetation can be “significant” for a range of reasons including but not limited to: Flora ▪ “Being identified as threatened or priority species ▪ Locally endemic or association with a restricted habitat type (e.g. surface or groundwater dependent ecosystems) ▪ New species or anomalous features that indicate a potential new species ▪ Representative of the range of a species (particularly, at the extremes of range, recently discovered range extensions or isolated outliers of the main range) ▪ Unusual species, including restricted subspecies, varieties or naturally occurring hybrids ▪ Relictual status, being representative of taxonomic groups that no longer occur widely in the broader landscape”. Vegetation ▪ “Being identified as threatened or priority ecological communities ▪ Restricted distribution ▪ Degree of historical impact from threatening processes ▪ A role as a refuge ▪ Providing an important function required to maintain ecological integrity of a significant ecosystem”. 2.2 Threatened and Priority Fauna In a legislative context, the conservation of fauna is covered primarily by the following legislation and international treaties: ▪ Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 ▪ Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 ▪ Environmental Protection Act 1986 ▪ Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 ▪ China Australia Migratory Bird Agreement (CAMBA) ▪ Japan Australia Migratory Bird Agreement (JAMBA) ▪ Republic of Korea and Australia Migratory Bird Agreement (ROKAMBA) The following documents are relevant to the management of fauna: ▪ EPA Position Statement Nº. 3: Terrestrial Biological Surveys ▪ EPA Guidance Statement Nº. 51: Terrestrial Flora and Vegetation Surveys ▪ EPA Guidance Statement Nº. 56: Terrestrial Fauna Surveys ▪ EPBC Act Referral Guidelines for Three Threatened Black Cockatoo Species (Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities 2012). Any that is native to WA is protected under the State's primary wildlife conservation legislation, the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016). Some fauna species have additional protection at a Federal level under the EPBC Act. Penalties apply for any damage to individuals, populations or habitats of protected species. 2.2.1 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999) (Commonwealth of Australia)

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 10 At a Commonwealth level, Threatened fauna are protected under the EPBC Act, which lists species that are considered Critically Endangered, Endangered, Conservation Dependant, Extinct or Extinct in the Wild (Table C.1., Appendix C). 2.2.2 Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) (Western Australia) Fauna species which have been adequately surveyed and are deemed to be either rare, in danger of extinction or otherwise in need of special protection are gazetted as Threatened Species (Schedule 1, BC Act 2016). These taxa are legally protected and their removal or impact to their surroundings cannot be conducted without Ministerial approval, obtained specifically on each occasion for each population (Table C.3., Appendix C) 2.2.3 Priority Fauna DBCA has produced a supplementary list of "Priority" fauna, including species that are not considered "Threatened" or scheduled under the BC Act, but for which DBCA considers require attention (Table C.4. Appendix C). These categories are determined by the total distribution of the species within Australia (and internationally where migratory species are concerned), not just within Western Australia.

2.2.4 Threatened and Migratory Species The EPBC Act protects matters of National Environmental Significance (NES), including threatened and migratory species protected under international agreements such as the Japan–Australia Migratory Bird Agreement (JAMBA), the China–Australia Migratory Bird Agreement (CAMBA), the Republic of Korea– Australia Migratory Bird Agreement (ROKAMBA) and the Bonn Convention (the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild ). The EPBC Act states that the proponent must not take an action that is likely to have a significant impact on any matters of NES without approval. 2.3 Threatened and Priority Ecological Communities Ecological communities are naturally occurring biological assemblages located in a particular type of habitat. At a national level, Threatened Ecological Communities (TECs) are protected under the EPBC Act. TECs are listed under the EPBC Act as either ‘Critically Endangered’, ‘Endangered’ or ‘Vulnerable’ The DBCA also maintains a list of TECs endorsed by the Minister of Environment (DEC, 2015) that are classified as being either ‘Presumed Totally Destroyed’, ‘Critically Endangered’, ‘Endangered’ or ‘Vulnerable’. The DBCA maintains an additional list of Priority Ecological Communities (PECs), for communities that could potentially be classified as TECs, but are not currently adequately defined or surveyed. Communities are placed into one of five Priority categories (1-5). Definitions of these conservation codes are provided in Table C.5 and Table C.6., Appendix C. 2.4 Environmentally Sensitive Areas Under section 51B of the EP Act the Minister can, by notice, declare an area of the State specified in the notice or an area of the State to be an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA). ESAs are protected under the Environmental Protection (Clearing of Native Vegetation) Regulation 2004 and are selected for their environmental values at state or national levels. ESA’s can be assigned with regard to the following criteria: ▪ Protection of rare or threatened species of native plants; ▪ Protection of wetlands and water courses; ▪ Protection of sites that have other high conservation, scientific or aesthetic values; ▪ Protection of Aboriginal or European cultural sites; or ▪ A declared World Heritage property as defined in section 13 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) of the Commonwealth. An ESA is defined under Regulation 6(1) of the Environmental Protection (Clearing of Native Vegetation) Regulation 2004 as including:

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 11 ▪ An area that is registered on the Register of the National Estate, because of its natural values, under the Australian Heritage Commission Act 1975 of the Commonwealth; ▪ A defined wetland and the area within 50 of the wetland; ▪ The area covered by vegetation within 50 m of rare flora, to the extent to which the vegetation is continuous with the vegetation in which the rare flora is located; ▪ The area covered by a threatened ecological community; and ▪ A Bush Forever site listed in “Bush Forever” Volumes 1 and 2 (2000), published by the Western Australia Planning Commission, except to the extent to which the site may be cleared under a decision of the Western Australia Planning Commission. 2.5 Introduced Flora 2.5.1 Weeds of National Significance (WONS) At a national level there are twenty weed species listed as Weeds of National Significance (WONS). The Commonwealth National Weeds Strategy: A Strategic Approach to Weed Problems of National Significance (2012) describes the broad goals and objectives in managing these species. 2.5.2 Declared Plants The Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act, DAFWA, 2007) seeks to prevent serious animal and plant pests and diseases from entering the State and becoming established, and to minimise the spread and impact of any that are already present. The BAM Act, and associated regulations, replace the Agriculture and Related Resources Protection Act 1976 (and associated regulations). The BAM regulations were enacted on 1 May 2013, placing organisms into four categories: ▪ Permitted organism (listed under Section 11) – permitted in Western Australia subject to regulations; ▪ Prohibited organism (listed under Section 12) – prohibited in Western Australia subject to regulations (i.e. is a Declared Pest for the whole of the State); ▪ Permitted organism: permit required (under regulation 73) – must not be imported unless in accordance with an import permit; and ▪ Permitted organism: Declared Pests (under Section 22) – can apply to a part of, or the whole of, the State. The current Western Australian Organism List (WAOL) (DAFWA, 2018) lists organisms in each of these categories. Unlisted organisms must not be imported (unless in accordance with an import permit and regulations). The BAM Act further categorises Declared Pests in one of three control categories (Table 1): Table 1: Control categories for declared pests. Declared Plant Description Category Pests assigned to this category are not established in Western Australia and control C1 - Exclusion measures are to be taken, including border checks, in order to prevent them entering and establishing in the State. Pests assigned to this category are present in Western Australia in low enough numbers C2 - Eradication or in sufficiently limited areas that their eradication is still a possibility. Pests assigned to this category are established in Western Australia but it is feasible, or desirable, to manage them in order to limit their damage. Control measures can prevent C3 - Management a C3 pest from increasing in population size or density or moving from an area in which it is established into an area which currently is free of that pest. *Source: BAM Act 2007 and WAOL (DAFWA, 2018).

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 12 2.5.3 Environmental Weeds A second and much more extensive categorisation of weeds has been developed by the DBCA in the Environmental Weed Strategy (Department of Conservation and Land Management, 1999). Species considered to adversely affect the communities they invade are evaluated on the following criteria: ▪ Invasiveness: ability to invade bushland in good to excellent condition, or ability to invade waterways (scored as yes or no); ▪ Distribution: wide current or potential distribution including consideration of known history of widespread distribution elsewhere in the world (scored as yes or no); ▪ Environmental impacts: ability to change the structure, composition and function of ecosystems; in particular, an ability to form a monoculture in a vegetation community (scored as yes or no). Weeds listed as Environmental Weeds are ranked into four categories using the above criteria and scoring system: ▪ High: a species which scores yes to all three of the above criteria. A rating of high indicates a species that should be prioritised for control and/or research; ▪ Moderate: a species which scores yes for two of the above criteria. A rating of moderate indicates a species which should be monitored. Control or research should be directed to it if funds are available; ▪ Mild: a species which scores yes to one of the criteria. A mild rating indicates monitoring or control if appropriate; and ▪ Low: a species which does not score yes for any of the criteria. A low rating indicates a low requirement for monitoring.

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 13 3 Existing Environment

3.1 Climate

The climate in Perth is characterised as Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. These seasons extend into the autumn and spring months, which are transitional periods between the main seasons. The change in season usually occurs between April and May, with an average of 80% of the rainfall occurring between May and October. Average annual rainfall for the area is 782mm. There was higher than average rainfall in the summer of 2017/2018, however rainfall levels have been below average for every month since then, with the exception of August. Rainfall for the past 12 months has been lower than average, with 697.6mm. The average daily temperatures range between 16.5oC (min) and 30.9oC (max) in summer and between 8.4oC (min) and 18.5oC (max) in winter (Bureau of Meteorology, 2018). Temperatures have been on average higher than average, with the average maximum temperature being 25.11oC compared to the average of 24.53oC. Climate data for the area is presented in Graph 1.

180 35 Mean Rainfall 160 30 140 2017/18 Rainfall 25 120 ( Temperature Mean Max 100 20 Temp

80 15 2017/18

° Rainfall Rainfall (mm)

C) Mean Max 60 Temp 10 Mean Min 40 Temp 5 20 2017/2018 Mean Min 0 0 Temp Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Graph 1: Climate Data from December 2017 to November 2018 from Midland and Perth Airport weather stations (Bureau of Meteorology 2018). 3.2 Topography and Soils The survey area has an easterly aspect as the land slopes towards John Forrest National Park. The survey area is bounded by Tunnel Road and residences to the north, Viveash Road to the west, Pechey Road and residences to the east and residential development to the south. The survey area lies in the Darling Scarp Subsystem, characterised by very steep slopes with shallow red and yellow earths, loamy soils with many scattered gneiss rock outcrops (DAF, 2003). 3.3 Regional Vegetation The survey area lies within the Subregion of the Drummond Botanical Subdistrict, as described in Plant Life of Western Australia (Beard, 1990). The Drummond Botanical Subdistrict is described as ‘Mainly Banksia low woodland on leached sands with Melaleuca swamps where ill-drained; woodland of Tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala), Jarrah (E. marginata) and Marri (Corymbia calophylla) on less leached soils. The climate is described as ‘warm Mediterranean’, with winter precipitation of 600-1000mm and 5-6 dry months per year.

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 14 The survey area occurs in the Darling Scarp vegetation complex DS2, described by Heddle et al. (1980) as an Open Woodland of Corymbia calophylla, Eucalyptus wandoo, C. haematoxylon and Allocasuarina huegeliana over heathland of Borya sphaerocephala, bipinnatifida, , . elliptica, H. trifurcata, Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia, Trymalium ledifolium and .

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 15 4 Desktop Review

4.1 Threatened and Priority Flora A database search was conducted for NatureMap and EPBC Protected Matters databases for Threatened and Priority flora records within 5 kilometres of the survey area. In total, 29 flora species of conservation significance have been recorded within the search area, consisting of 14 Threatened, 9 Priority 3 and 6 Priority 4 flora taxa. Table 2 lists the Threatened and Priority flora species recorded within the search area, and the database in which the record was identified. Table 2: Threatened and Priority flora recorded within 5km of the survey area. Conservatio Species NatureMap EPBC Status aphylla X Anthocercis gracilis X X cyanea X breviseta subsp. breviseta X Diplolaena andrewsii X X micrantha X Eleocharis keigheryi X Threatened Eucalyptus x balanites X X subsp. incurva X sp. Fairbridge Farm (D. Papenfus 696) X Synaphea sp. Pinjarra Plain X Thelymitra dedmaniarum X Thelymitra stellata X Acacia oncinophylla subsp. oncinophylla X Beaufortia purpurea X teretifolia X Halgania corymbosa X Priority 3 Lasiopetalum glutinosum subsp. glutinosum X Pithocarpa corymbulosa X Tetratheca pilifera X Thysanotus anceps X Verticordia serrata var. linearis X Calothamnus accedens X Darwinia pimelioides X Lasiopetalum bracteatum X Priority 4 sulcata X Senecio leucoglossus X Thysanotus glaucus X

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 16 4.2 Threatened and Priority Fauna A database search was conducted for NatureMap and EPBC Protected Matters databases for Threatened and Priority fauna records within 10 kilometres of the survey area. In total, 11 species listed as Threatened under the BC Act or the EPBC Act, were identified in the database search, consisting of 2 Critically Endangered, 3 Endangered and 5 Vulnerable fauna species. In addition, 7 migratory bird and one specially protected species were identified. 2 Priority 3 and 2 Priority 4 fauna species were also identified as occurring in the local area. Table 3 presents the NatureMap and EPBC Protected Matters results for records of fauna of conservation significance within 10km radius of the survey area. Table 3: NatureMap and EPBC Protected Matters database results for Threatened, Schedule and Priority Fauna species. Conservation Type Species EPBC NatureMap Code Callidris ferruginea (Curlew Sandpiper) X CR, IA Numenius madagascariensis (Eastern Curlew, Far Eastern X Curlew) Calyptorhynchus baudinii (Baudin's Cockatoo, Long-billed X X Black Cockatoo) EN Calyptorhynchus latirostris (Carnaby's Cockatoo, Short- X X billed Black-Cockatoo) Rostratula australis (Australian Painted-snipe) X Calyptorhynchus banksii naso (Forest Red-tailed Black- X X Bird VU Cockatoo, Karrak) Leipoa ocellata (Malleefowl) X Falco peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon) X Apus pacificus (Fork-tailed Swift) X Motacilla cinerea (Grey wagtail) X Actitis hypoleucos (Common Sandpiper) X IA Calidris acuminata (Sharp-tailed Sandpiper) X Callidris melanotos (Pectoral Sandpiper) X Pandion haliaetus (Osprey) X X Tringa nebularia (Common Greenshank) X Australotomurus morbidus (cemetery ) X Insect P3 Euoplos inornatus (inornate trapdoor spider) X Dasyurus geoggroii (Chuditch, Western Quoll) X X VU Setonix brachyurus (Quokka) X Mammal Hydromys chrysogaster (Water-rat, Rakali) X P4 Isodon fusciventer (Quenda, southwestern brown X bandicoot) Mollusc VU Westralunio carteri (Carter's Freshwater Mussel) X X

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 17 4.3 Threatened Ecological Communities Analysis of Naturemap databases identified 3 Threatened Ecological Communities (TEC’s) as potentially occurring within 5km of the survey area. Table 4 lists these communities, their descriptions and their conservation status at State and Federal levels. Table 4: Threatened Ecological Communities within 5km of the survey area

WA Conservation EPBC Conservation Threatened Ecological Community Status (State) Status (Federal)

Banksia Woodland of the Swan Coastal Plain ecological community Endangered Endangered

Corymbia calophylla – Xanthorrhoea preissii woodlands and Critically Endangered shrublands of the Swan Coastal Plain Endangered Critically Shrublands and Woodlands of the eastern Swan Coastal Plain Endangered Endangered

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 18 5 Methods The Targeted Flora and Vegetation survey was conducted during the peak flowering period on 23rd November 2018 by Principal Ecologist Joseph Grehan and Ecologist Glenn Maslen of Terratree. 5.1 Flora and Vegetation The flora and vegetation field assessment was conducted in accordance with the methods described in EPA Technical Guide - Terrestrial Flora and Vegetation Surveys for Environmental Impact Assessment (EPA 2016). Specifically, the assessment included: ▪ a desktop study; and ▪ a Targeted survey for Threatened (Declared Rare) and Priority flora. After the initial desktop study, descriptions and photographs of Threatened (Declared Rare) and Priority Flora identified in database searches or previously recorded in the area, were compiled from FloraBase and available literature to produce a 'field guide' to assist botanists with identification of target species during the survey. The survey area was traversed by foot to verify and further define vegetation communities within the study area, and to find Threatened or Priority flora which had appeared during desktop database searches. Relevés were conducted to delineate vegetation communities as they were encountered. Where species could not be identified in the field, they were collected, labelled, pressed, dried and frozen in accordance with the requirements of the West Australian Herbarium. Subsequent to freezing the collected plant specimens were later identified by comparing collections with pressed specimens housed at the herbarium and using taxonomic keys and other reference materials. 5.2 Relevés A total of 4 relevés were sampled within the study. Relevé locations were selected using aerial photography, topographic features and field observations to represent the diversity of vegetation present. Standardised data collection sheets were used to ensure consistent data records for the following features in each Relevé: ▪ Observer ▪ Date ▪ Location/site ▪ GPS Location (GDA 94) ▪ Species observed ▪ Soil type and colour ▪ Topography ▪ Degree and nature of disturbance ▪ Vegetation community and condition Descriptions of communities were based on the nomenclature of the National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) (ESCAVI, 2003).

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 19 5.3 Vegetation Condition The level of classification of vegetation condition was determined based on the (perceived) ability of the bushland to maintain itself (Table 5). Disturbance and degree of alteration to the community in terms of structure and ecological function were also considered). Table 5: Keighery Vegetation Condition Scale (Keighery, 1994) Scale Condition 1 Pristine Pristine or nearly so, no obvious signs of disturbance.

Vegetation structure intact, disturbance affecting individual species and weeds are non- 2 Excellent aggressive species.

Vegetation structure altered, obvious signs of disturbance. For example, disturbance to 3 Very Good vegetation structure caused by repeated fires, the presence of some more aggressive weeds, dieback, logging and grazing.

Vegetation structure significantly altered by very obvious signs of multiple disturbances. Retains basic vegetation structure or ability to regenerate it. For example, disturbance to 4 Good vegetation structure caused by very frequent fires, the presence of some very aggressive weeds at high density, partial clearing, dieback and grazing.

Basic vegetation structure severely impacted by disturbance. Scope for regeneration but not to a state approaching good condition without intensive management. For example, 5 Degraded disturbance to vegetation structure caused by very frequent fires, the presence of very aggressive weeds, partial clearing, dieback and grazing.

The structure of the vegetation is no longer intact and the area is completely or almost Completely 6 completely without native species. These areas are often described as "parkland cleared" with Degraded the flora comprising weed or crop species with isolated native trees or .

5.4 Potential Significant Fauna Habitat Potential Breeding Habitat Trees as per the EPBC Act Referral Guidelines for Three Threatened Black Cockatoo Species (SEWPAC 2012) are described as: “‘…trees of species known to support breeding…” “…within the range of the species which either have a suitable nest hollow OR are of a suitable diameter at breast height (DBH) to develop a nest hollow. For most tree species, suitable DBH is 500 mm. For salmon gum and wandoo, suitable DBH is 300 mm.” Tree species that are known to support breeding and had an adequate DBH were recorded by GPS during the survey. 5.5 Mapping Vegetation community areas were digitised using QGIS 3.2 software (QGIS Development Team, 2018), by digitising vector polygons over a high-resolution aerial photograph layer. Vegetation mapping was conducted by delineating plant communities based on distinctive characteristics such as vegetation structure, dominant species and species composition. A combination of aerial photography and ground-truthing was used to interpret the vegetation patterns present in the study area.

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 20 6 Results

6.1 Flora A total of 84 vascular flora including 16 introduced (exotic) species, were recorded within the survey area, representing 66 genera from 32 families. Families with the highest species representation were Fabaceae (11 taxa), Proteaceae (11 taxa) and Myrtaceae (9 taxa). Appendix D lists all vascular flora species recorded in the survey area.

6.1.1 Threatened and Priority Flora One Priority species, Beaufortia purpurea (Priority 3), was found during the survey. This species was found throughout Community Type 1, as a dominant understorey species in the community. 6.2 Vegetation Communities Two vegetation communities were identified during the survey. The first community, Type 1, had vegetation that was characterised as a granitic heathland community. Vegetation Type 2 was characterised as having an overstorey of Corymbia calophylla and Eucalyptus wandoo, with a similar understorey to Type 1 vegetation. An area statement for both community types can be found in Table 6. Both vegetation communities had weed infestations, most notably Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera. A full description of the vegetation communities can be found in Appendix E. A figure spatially representing the vegetation communities within the survey area can be found in Figure 1. Table 6: Area Statement of Vegetation Community Types in Survey Area Community Type Area (Ha) % of survey area Type 1 1.98ha 29.47% Type 2 1.65ha 24.52% Not assessed due to vegetation being too degraded. 3.09ha 46.01%

6.3 Vegetation Condition Vegetation condition is usually rated according to the Bush Forever Vegetation Condition Scale commonly used in the Perth Metropolitan Region (Keighery, 1994). According to the definitions of vegetation conditions described in Table 5 the vegetation condition within the survey area ranges from ‘completely degraded’ to ‘very good’. A table with the areas and percentages of the study area of the degradation of the site can be found in Table 7. A figure spatially representing the vegetation condition throughout the site can be found in Figure 2. Table 7: Area Statement of Vegetation Condition Ratings in Survey Area Condition Rating Area (Ha) % of survey area Very Good 1.22ha 18.17% Good 0.31ha 4.58% Degraded 2.47ha 36.82% Completely Degraded 2.72ha 40.42%

6.4 Weeds Sixteen introduced flora species were recorded within the survey area, representing 19.3% of recorded floristic diversity. The vegetation understorey in most of the survey area is dominated by Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera. Other areas within the site are heavily infested with Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum) and Wild Oats (Avena fatua). No ‘Declared’ weed species listed under the BAM Act 2007 were recorded during the site visit. In addition, no Weeds of National Significance were recorded.

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 21 6.5 Significant Fauna Habitat An assessment of the fauna habitat values of the survey area was conducted during the survey. In particular, the fauna assessment focussed on potential habitat for the three Threatened species of Black Cockatoos: Carnaby’s Cockatoo (Endangered) Calyptorhynchus latirostris, Baudin’s Cockatoo (Endangered) Calyptorhynchus baudinii, and the Forest red-tailed Black Cockatoo (Vulnerable) Calyptorhynchus banksii naso. Potential nesting and roosting habitat species included 13 mature Marri (Corymbia calophylla) and Wandoo (Eucalyptus wandoo) trees. Four of these trees possessed hollows that could potentially be used as breeding sites for Black Cockatoos. The Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) for the Marri and Wandoo trees ranged from 50 to 80cm, and their locations have been mapped spatially in Figure 3. Potential foraging species include species such as and Allocasuarina huegeliana, which were found throughout Vegetation Type 1. 6.6 Threatened Ecological Communities No vegetation communities recorded during the survey matched the descriptions for Threatened and Priority Ecological Communities that were identified during the desktop survey as potentially occurring within the survey area (Table 4).

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 22 7 Discussion

7.1 Vegetation Condition Remnant native vegetation in the survey area is degraded as most of the land has been cleared or colonised by weeds, due to the location of the blocks within a residential area. A large proportion of the survey area (77.24%) was rated as either Degraded or Completely Degraded, and therefore there has limited significant vegetation values. An example of Degraded vegetation within the survey area can be found in Plate 2. In total 18.17% of the survey area was classified as Very Good vegetation, which was limited to the north- east boundary in Lot 103 and a small remnant patch in the centre of Lot 350. These patches are affected by weeds, however, still have good vegetation cover and species diversity. These patches are also the habitat areas for the Priority 3 species Beaufortia purpurea (P3). 7.2 Vegetation Communities Two vegetation communities were identified during the survey. The first community, Type 1, had vegetation that was characterised as a granitic heathland community, with an overstorey of Allocasuarina huegeliana over a heathland of Melaleuca, Fabaceae and Proteaceae species. Vegetation Type 2 was characterised as having an overstorey of Corymbia calophylla and Eucalyptus wandoo, with a more open shrubland understorey than Type 1, including , and Xanthorrhoea preissii. Both vegetation communities had weed infestations, most notably Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera. A full description of the vegetation communities can be found in Appendix E. Approximately 46% of the vegetation within the survey area was Degraded or Completely Degraded and therefore was not mapped as separate vegetation communities. This included areas that had significant weed infestations, such as areas of Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum) which were completely dominant (Plate 3), as well as some areas that were cleared of all vegetation. Type 1 vegetation was the main vegetation type in Lot 103, with some presence in Lots 350 and 351 around granite outcrop areas. The slopes on Lots 350 and 351 were dominated by Type 2 vegetation, with some areas of Type 1 vegetation. 7.3 Threatened and Priority Flora Species 7.3.1 Beaufortia purpurea (P3) Beaufortia purpurea is a Priority 3 erect or spreading shrub, which grows from 0.3-1.5m high. The species has red or purple flowers which appear in October to December. Beaufortia purpurea is found on lateritic or granitic soils and rocky slopes (Florabase, 2018). Beaufortia purpurea is distinguished from other Beaufortia species, in that the are 5-10mm long and the are hairy, being much longer than broad (Burbidge 2016). The species occurs on and near (including the base of) the Darling Scarp near Perth, where it has a limited distribution on and near the Darling Scarp, occurring in some small conservation reserves, with a maximum range of only 55km (Burbidge 2016). A photo of Beaufortia purpurea can be found in Plate 1. Beaufortia purpurea was found as a main understorey species in Vegetation Type 1 and was found across most of the survey area in areas where vegetation was considered Very Good. 7.4 Threatened, Schedule and Priority Fauna Habitat A total of 13 significant Black Cockatoo habitat trees were recorded within the survey area, with four trees possessing potential Black Cockatoo breeding hollows. Significant trees were all Marri (Corymbia calophylla) and Wandoo (Eucalyptus wandoo). The Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) for all of recorded trees was greater than 50cm, and they are therefore considered to be potential Black Cockatoo habitat trees. Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus banksia naso) were observed to be active in the area during the survey (Plate 5). No other species that can compete with Black Cockatoos such as pink and grey

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 23 Galahs (Eolophus roseicapilla), Rainbow Lorrikeets (Trichoglossus haematodus) or Eastern long-billed Corellas (Cacatua tenuirostris) were observed during the survey. A number of the flora species found during the survey would make adequate foraging species for Black Cockatoos, including Proteaceaous species such as Banksia sp., Hakea sp. and Grevillea sp., as well as Allocasuarina sp. and Eucalyptus sp. known to be used by Black Cockatoos (SEWPAC 2012). 7.5 Weeds Weeds were prolific in the study area, with Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera being present in all vegetation types (Plate 4). Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum) formed thickets in some areas. In total, 16 weed species were found during the survey. None of these weed species were Declared Weeds under the BAM Act 2007, or Weeds of National Significance. Weed presence is a major reason, aside from cleared land, that vegetation is classified as Degraded within the survey area.

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 24 8 Limitations The potential limitations of the survey, as outlined in the EPA Technical Guidance for Flora and Vegetation Surveys for Environmental Impact Assessment (EPA 2016) are outlined in Table 8. Table 8: Potential limitations and discussion of their relevance to the study area Potential Limitation Discussion Sources of information and availability of contextual Not a Limitation. There was adequate local and regional background information to inform information (i.e. pre-existing the Desktop study of the survey area. background vs. new material) Scope (e.g. what life forms, etc., Not a limitation. There were no limitations on the scope. The survey assessed vegetation were sampled) types and species within the study area, including Priority species. Not a limitation. The study was undertaken in accordance with the description of Targeted Surveys in EPA Technical Guide – Terrestrial Flora and Vegetation Surveys for Environmental Proportion of flora collected Impact Assessment (EPA 2016). Relevés were undertaken in accordance with the guide, and and identified (based on plant specimens collected when botanists were not able to identify plants in the field. sampling, timing and intensity) Opportunistic sampling was undertaken between relevés to ensure the survey area was adequately sampled. Completeness and further work Not a limitation. The survey area was adequately surveyed, with botanists covering the which may be needed (e.g. was entire survey area. the relevant area fully surveyed) Not a limitation. There were no significant limitations on taxonomic certainty. Species profiles, descriptions and photographs were compiled from specimens and information available on Florabase and resources in the WA Herbarium. These were used for field Taxonomic certainty identification of any species with potential to be a threatened or priority species. Specimens were collected for all potential threatened and priority species and all unidentified plants (as encountered), for identification in the WA Herbarium. Not a limitation. The vegetation mapping was based on the requirements outlined in the Mapping reliability EPA Technical Guide for a detailed Flora and Vegetation. For planning and mapping purposes, detailed aerial imagery was provided by the Client. Not a limitation. The targeted survey was completed during the peak flowering period, on Timing, weather, season, cycle the 23rd November 2018. Annuals species were observable at the time of the survey. Disturbances (fire, flood, Not a Limitation. While a large proportion of the survey area is Degraded due to the accidental human intervention pressures of residential development, such as weeds and land clearing, this did not impede etc.) the survey Intensity (in retrospect, was the Not a limitation. The intensity of the survey was adequate. By the end of the survey no new intensity adequate) vegetation types and few new plant species were being encountered. Not a limitation. The field survey, plant identification and reporting were all adequately Resources resourced. Experience levels (e.g. degree of Not a limitation. The field survey was carried out by suitably qualified and experienced expertise in plant identification personnel with extensive experience over a range of botanical districts with specific to taxon level). experience working in Banksia woodlands and on the Swan Coastal Plain.

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 25 9 Conclusions and Recommendations A large portion of the survey area (77.24%) was rated as either Degraded or Completely Degraded, and therefore has limited significant vegetation value. Two small pockets in Lots 103 and 350 were classified as in ‘very good’ condition. A map of the vegetation condition of the survey area can be found in Figure 2. Two vegetation communities were identified during the survey. Type 1 vegetation was characterised as a granitic heathland community, with an overstorey of Allocasuarina huegeliana over a heathland of Melaleuca, Fabaceae and Proteaceae species. This was the main vegetation type in Lot 103, with some presence also in Lots 350 and 351. Type 2 vegetation was characterised as having an overstorey of Corymbia calophylla and Eucalyptus wandoo, with an open shrubland understorey consisting of species including Calothamnus sanguineus, Hakea erinacea and Xanthorrhoea preissii. The slopes of Lots 350 and 351 were dominated by Type 2 vegetation. None of the vegetation communities matched any description of Priority or Threatened Ecological Communities. A map of vegetation communities can be found in Figure 1. No Threatened (Declared Rare) Flora were found during the survey. One Priority species, Beaufortia purpurea, was found throughout Vegetation Type 1 as a main understorey species. B. purpurea is a Priority 3 erect or spreading shrub, which grows from 0.3m-1.5m high. The species is found on rocky slopes or granitic soils and has red flowers from October to December. B. purpurea was found mainly in areas where vegetation was in ‘very good’ condition. A total of 13 significant Black Cockatoo habitat trees were recorded within the survey area, with four trees possessing potential Black Cockatoo breeding hollows. Significant trees were all Marri (Corymbia calophylla) and Wandoo (Eucalyptus wandoo). Black Cockatoos were observed during the survey. Flora species that are known to be used by Black Cockatoos for breeding, foraging and roosting were identified during the survey. A map of the locations of significant habitat trees can be found in Figure 3. Much of the survey area is densely infested with weed species. Most notably, Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera was found across all vegetation communities. Other weed species included Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum) and Common Wild Oats (Avena fatua). No Declared weeds under the BAM Act 2007 were found during the survey. Terratree makes the following recommendations for future development on site: ▪ Ensure machinery entering site, especially earth-moving equipment is ‘clean on entry’ to the survey area i.e. free of soil and vegetative materials to prevent the introduction of weeds and pathogens; ▪ If significant populations of Priority flora are to be impacted, then every effort should be made to minimise impacts by demarcating populations prior to ground disturbance activities; ▪ Impacts to Black Cockatoo habitat should be focused on avoidance and mitigation, as per Table 2 in the EPBC Act Referral Guidelines for Three Threatened Black Cockatoo Species (SEWPAC 2012). Specific recommendations for the survey area include: - Trees that provide significant habitat for Black Cockatoos should be retained if possible during construction; and - Avoidance and control of the introduction of pathogens and plant diseases during activities which may negatively impact retained or surrounding habitat of the development;

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 26 10 References Beard, J. S. (1990) Plant Life of Western Australia. Kangaroo Press. Burbidge, A.A. (2016). A taxonomic revision of Beaufortia (Myrtaceae: Melaleucaeae). Nuytsia 27 (165:202). Bureau of Meteorology (2018) (http://www.bom.gov.au/) Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia (2007) Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007. As at 01 Sep 2018. Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia. Government of Western Australia, South Perth. Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia (2018) Western Australia Organism List website at https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/organisms. Accessed October 2018. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (2018) NatureMap: Mapping Western Australia’s Biodiversity. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. http://naturemap.dpaw.wa.gov.au. Department of Conservation and Land Management (1999) Environmental Weed Strategy for Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Government of Western Australia, Western Australia. Department of the Environment. (2018) Protected Matters Search Tool: Report by Coordinates. URL http://www.environment.gov.au/webgis-framework/apps/pmst/pmst-coordinate.jsf Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPAC) (2012) EPBC Act Referral Guidelines for three threatened black cockatoo species. Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. Environmental Protection Authority (2002a). Position Statement No.3: Terrestrial Biological Surveys as an Element of Biodiversity Protection Environmental Protection Authority. (2002b) Terrestrial Biological Surveys as an Element of Biodiversity Protection. Position Statement No. 3. Environmental Protection Authority, Perth, .A Environmental Protection Authority (2004). Guidance Statement No. 56 - Guidance for the Assessment of Environmental Factors - Terrestrial Fauna Surveys for Environmental Impact Assessment in Western Australia. EPA, Western Australia. Environmental Protection Authority (2016). Technical Guidance: Flora and Vegetation Surveys for Environmental Impact Assessment. Executive Steering Committee for Australian Vegetation Information (ESCAVI) (2003): Australian Vegetation Attribute Manual: National Vegetation Information System, Version 6.0. Department of the Environment and Heritage, Canberra. Florabase (2018). Department of Environment, Western Australian Herbarium Heddle, E.M., Loneragan, O.W., and Havel, J.J. (1980). Vegetation of the Darling System. In: Atlas of Natural Keighery, B (1994) Bushland Plant Survey: A guide to plant community survey for the community. Wildflower Society of WA (Inc.) Nedlands, Perth. QGIS Development Team (2018). QGIS Geographic Information System. Open Source Geospatial Foundation Project. http://qgis.osgeo.org.

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 27 11 Figures Figure 1: Vegetation Communities Map

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 28 411000 411100 411200 411300 6472400 6472400 6472300 6472300 6472200 6472200 6472100 6472100 6472000 6472000

411000 411100 411200 411300

Vegetation Communities Map Legend 2018 Statewest Planning Vegetation Assessment Block Boundaries Road Network Local Road N Datum: GDA 1994 Vegetation Communities Scale: 1: 1500 at Projection: MGA Zone A3 Type 1 50 Type 2 Date: 31/12/2018 Prepared: G. Maslen Project No: T18022 Not Assessed Expiry: Checked: J. Grehan Revision: Figure 1 Project Location Review: Figure 2: Vegetation Condition Map

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 29 411000 411100 411200 411300 6472400 6472400 6472300 6472300 6472200 6472200 6472100 6472100 6472000 6472000

411000 411100 411200 411300

Vegetation Condition Map Legend 2018 Statewest Planning Vegetation Assessment Block Boundaries Road Network Local Road N Datum: GDA 1994 Vegetation Condition Scale: 1: 1500 at Projection: MGA Zone A3 Very Good 50 Good Date: 31/12/2018 Prepared: G. Maslen Project No: T18022 Degraded Expiry: Checked: J. Grehan Revision: Completely Degraded Figure 2 Project Location Review: Figure 3: Significant Fauna Habitat Trees Map

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 30 411000 411100 411200 411300 0 0 0 0 4 4 2 2 7 7 4 4 6 6 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 2 7 7 4 4 6 6 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 7 7 4 4 6 6 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 7 7 4 4 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 7 7 4 4 6 6

411000 411100 411200 411300

Black Cockatoo Habitat Tree Map Legend 2018 Statewest Planning Vegetation Assessment Block Boundaries Black Cockatoo Habitat Tree Size (Trunk Road Network at Breast Height) Local Road 50cm N 60cm Datum: GDA 1994 Scale: 1: 1500 at Projection: MGA Zone A3 65cm 50 70cm Date: 31/12/2018 Prepared: G. Maslen Project No: T18022 80cm Expiry: Checked: J. Grehan Revision: Figure 3 Project Location Review: 12 Plates

Plate 1: Beaufortia purpurea photo from Florabase (2018)

Plate 2: Degraded Vegetation within the Survey Area

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 31

Plate 3: Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum) thickets in some areas in Lot 103.

Plate 4: Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera is present through most of the survey area, with the species becoming the dominant understorey species in some areas of the survey area.

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 32

Plate 5: Potential Black Cockatoo Habitat Tree with Black Cockatoo pictured in background.

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 33 Appendices Appendix A: EPBC Protected Matters Search Tool Report

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 34

EPBC Act Protected Matters Report

This report provides general guidance on matters of national environmental significance and other matters protected by the EPBC Act in the area you have selected.

Information on the coverage of this report and qualifications on data supporting this report are contained in the caveat at the end of the report.

Information is available about Environment Assessments and the EPBC Act including significance guidelines, forms and application process details.

Report created: 14/12/18 17:56:54

Summary Details Matters of NES Other Matters Protected by the EPBC Act Extra Information Caveat Acknowledgements

This map may contain data which are ©Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia), ©PSMA 2010

Coordinates Buffer: 5.0Km


Matters of National Environmental Significance

This part of the report summarises the matters of national environmental significance that may occur in, or may relate to, the area you nominated. Further information is available in the detail part of the report, which can be accessed by scrolling or following the links below. If you are proposing to undertake an activity that may have a significant impact on one or more matters of national environmental significance then you should consider the Administrative Guidelines on Significance.

World Heritage Properties: None National Heritage Places: None Wetlands of International Importance: None Great Barrier Reef Marine Park: None Commonwealth Marine Area: None Listed Threatened Ecological Communities: 3 Listed Threatened Species: 23 Listed Migratory Species: 9

Other Matters Protected by the EPBC Act

This part of the report summarises other matters protected under the Act that may relate to the area you nominated. Approval may be required for a proposed activity that significantly affects the environment on Commonwealth land, when the action is outside the Commonwealth land, or the environment anywhere when the action is taken on Commonwealth land. Approval may also be required for the Commonwealth or Commonwealth agencies proposing to take an action that is likely to have a significant impact on the environment anywhere.

The EPBC Act protects the environment on Commonwealth land, the environment from the actions taken on Commonwealth land, and the environment from actions taken by Commonwealth agencies. As heritage values of a place are part of the 'environment', these aspects of the EPBC Act protect the Commonwealth Heritage values of a Commonwealth Heritage place. Information on the new heritage laws can be found at http://www.environment.gov.au/heritage

A permit may be required for activities in or on a Commonwealth area that may affect a member of a listed threatened species or ecological community, a member of a listed migratory species, whales and other cetaceans, or a member of a listed marine species.

Commonwealth Land: 1 Commonwealth Heritage Places: None Listed Marine Species: 14 Whales and Other Cetaceans: None Critical Habitats: None Commonwealth Reserves Terrestrial: None Australian Marine Parks: None

Extra Information

This part of the report provides information that may also be relevant to the area you have nominated.

State and Territory Reserves: 5 Regional Forest Agreements: 1 Invasive Species: 35 Nationally Important Wetlands: None Key Ecological Features (Marine) None


Matters of National Environmental Significance

Listed Threatened Ecological Communities [ Resource Information ] For threatened ecological communities where the distribution is well known, maps are derived from recovery plans, State vegetation maps, remote sensing imagery and other sources. Where threatened ecological community distributions are less well known, existing vegetation maps and point location data are used to produce indicative distribution maps. Name Status Type of Presence Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain Endangered Community likely to occur ecological community within area Corymbia calophylla - Xanthorrhoea preissii Endangered Community known to occur woodlands and shrublands of the Swan Coastal Plain within area

Shrublands and Woodlands of the eastern Swan Endangered Community known to occur Coastal Plain within area Listed Threatened Species [ Resource Information ] Name Status Type of Presence Birds Calidris ferruginea Curlew Sandpiper [856] Critically Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Calyptorhynchus banksii naso Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo, Karrak [67034] Vulnerable Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Calyptorhynchus baudinii Baudin's Cockatoo, Long-billed Black-Cockatoo [769] Endangered Roosting known to occur within area Calyptorhynchus latirostris Carnaby's Cockatoo, Short-billed Black-Cockatoo Endangered Species or species habitat [59523] known to occur within area

Leipoa ocellata Malleefowl [934] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Numenius madagascariensis Eastern Curlew, Far Eastern Curlew [847] Critically Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Rostratula australis Australian Painted-snipe, Australian Painted Snipe Endangered Species or species habitat [77037] may occur within area

Mammals Dasyurus geoffroii Chuditch, Western Quoll [330] Vulnerable Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Setonix brachyurus Quokka [229] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area


Name Status Type of Presence Westralunio carteri Carter's Freshwater Mussel, Freshwater Mussel Vulnerable Species or species habitat [86266] known to occur within area

Plants Acacia aphylla Leafless Rock Wattle [13553] Vulnerable Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Andersonia gracilis Slender Andersonia [14470] Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Anthocercis gracilis Slender Tailflower [11103] Vulnerable Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Diplolaena andrewsii [6601] Endangered Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Diuris micrantha Dwarf -orchid [55082] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area

Diuris purdiei Purdie's Donkey-orchid [12950] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Eleocharis keigheryi Keighery's Eleocharis [64893] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Eucalyptus x balanites Cadda Road Mallee, Cadda Mallee [87816] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Grevillea christineae Christine's Grevillea [64520] Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Grevillea curviloba subsp. incurva Narrow curved- Grevillea [64909] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Synaphea sp. Fairbridge Farm (D. Papenfus 696) Selena's Synaphea [82881] Critically Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Thelymitra dedmaniarum Cinnamon Sun Orchid [65105] Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Thelymitra stellata Star Sun-orchid [7060] Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Listed Migratory Species [ Resource Information ] * Species is listed under a different scientific name on the EPBC Act - Threatened Species list. Name Threatened Type of Presence Migratory Marine Birds Apus pacificus Fork-tailed Swift [678] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Migratory Terrestrial Species Motacilla cinerea Grey Wagtail [642] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Migratory Wetlands Species

Name Threatened Type of Presence Actitis hypoleucos Common Sandpiper [59309] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Calidris acuminata Sharp-tailed Sandpiper [874] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Calidris ferruginea Curlew Sandpiper [856] Critically Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Calidris melanotos Pectoral Sandpiper [858] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Numenius madagascariensis Eastern Curlew, Far Eastern Curlew [847] Critically Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Pandion haliaetus Osprey [952] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Tringa nebularia Common Greenshank, Greenshank [832] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Other Matters Protected by the EPBC Act Commonwealth Land [ Resource Information ] The Commonwealth area listed below may indicate the presence of Commonwealth land in this vicinity. Due to the unreliability of the data source, all proposals should be checked as to whether it impacts on a Commonwealth area, before making a definitive decision. Contact the State or Territory government land department for further information. Name Commonwealth Land -

Listed Marine Species [ Resource Information ] * Species is listed under a different scientific name on the EPBC Act - Threatened Species list. Name Threatened Type of Presence Birds Actitis hypoleucos Common Sandpiper [59309] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Apus pacificus Fork-tailed Swift [678] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Ardea alba Great Egret, White Egret [59541] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Ardea ibis Cattle Egret [59542] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Calidris acuminata Sharp-tailed Sandpiper [874] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Calidris ferruginea Curlew Sandpiper [856] Critically Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Calidris melanotos Pectoral Sandpiper [858] Species or species

Name Threatened Type of Presence habitat may occur within area Haliaeetus leucogaster White-bellied Sea-Eagle [943] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Merops ornatus Rainbow Bee-eater [670] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Motacilla cinerea Grey Wagtail [642] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Numenius madagascariensis Eastern Curlew, Far Eastern Curlew [847] Critically Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Pandion haliaetus Osprey [952] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Rostratula benghalensis (sensu lato) Painted Snipe [889] Endangered* Species or species habitat may occur within area

Tringa nebularia Common Greenshank, Greenshank [832] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Extra Information State and Territory Reserves [ Resource Information ] Name State Greenmount WA John Forrest WA NTWA Bushland covenant (0074) WA Talbot Road WA Unnamed WA45106 WA

Regional Forest Agreements [ Resource Information ] Note that all areas with completed RFAs have been included. Name State South West WA RFA Western Australia

Invasive Species [ Resource Information ] Weeds reported here are the 20 species of national significance (WoNS), along with other introduced plants that are considered by the States and Territories to pose a particularly significant threat to biodiversity. The following feral animals are reported: Goat, Red Fox, Cat, Rabbit, Pig, Water Buffalo and Cane Toad. Maps from Landscape Health Project, National Land and Water Resouces Audit, 2001.

Name Status Type of Presence Birds Anas platyrhynchos Mallard [974] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Carduelis carduelis European Goldfinch [403] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Name Status Type of Presence Columba livia Rock Pigeon, Rock Dove, Domestic Pigeon [803] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Passer domesticus House Sparrow [405] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Passer montanus Eurasian Tree Sparrow [406] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Streptopelia chinensis Spotted Turtle-Dove [780] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Streptopelia senegalensis Laughing Turtle-dove, Laughing Dove [781] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Sturnus vulgaris Common Starling [389] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Mammals Bos taurus Domestic Cattle [16] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Canis lupus familiaris Domestic Dog [82654] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Capra hircus Goat [2] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Felis catus Cat, House Cat, Domestic Cat [19] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Feral deer Feral deer species in Australia [85733] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Funambulus pennantii Northern Palm Squirrel, Five-striped Palm Squirrel Species or species habitat [129] likely to occur within area

Mus musculus House Mouse [120] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Oryctolagus cuniculus Rabbit, European Rabbit [128] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Rattus rattus Black Rat, Ship Rat [84] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Sus scrofa Pig [6] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Vulpes vulpes Red Fox, Fox [18] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Plants Anredera cordifolia Madeira Vine, Jalap, Lamb's-tail, Mignonette Vine, Species or species habitat Anredera, Gulf Madeiravine, Heartleaf likely to occur

Name Status Type of Presence Madeiravine, Potato Vine [2643] within area Asparagus asparagoides Bridal Creeper, Bridal Veil Creeper, Smilax, Florist's Species or species habitat Smilax, Smilax Asparagus [22473] likely to occur within area

Brachiaria mutica Para Grass [5879] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Cenchrus ciliaris Buffel-grass, Black Buffel-grass [20213] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Chrysanthemoides monilifera Bitou Bush, Boneseed [18983] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera Boneseed [16905] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Eichhornia crassipes Water Hyacinth, Water Orchid, Nile Lily [13466] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Genista linifolia Flax-leaved Broom, Mediterranean Broom, Flax Broom Species or species habitat [2800] likely to occur within area

Genista sp. X Genista monspessulana Broom [67538] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Lantana camara Lantana, Common Lantana, Kamara Lantana, Large- Species or species habitat leaf Lantana, Pink Flowered Lantana, Red Flowered likely to occur within area Lantana, Red-Flowered Sage, White Sage, Wild Sage [10892] Lycium ferocissimum African Boxthorn, Boxthorn [19235] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Olea europaea Olive, Common Olive [9160] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Pinus radiata Radiata Pine Monterey Pine, Insignis Pine, Wilding Species or species habitat Pine [20780] may occur within area

Rubus fruticosus aggregate Blackberry, European Blackberry [68406] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Sagittaria platyphylla Delta Arrowhead, Arrowhead, Slender Arrowhead Species or species habitat [68483] likely to occur within area

Salvinia molesta Salvinia, Giant Salvinia, Aquarium Watermoss, Kariba Species or species habitat Weed [13665] likely to occur within area

Caveat The information presented in this report has been provided by a range of data sources as acknowledged at the end of the report.

This report is designed to assist in identifying the locations of places which may be relevant in determining obligations under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It holds mapped locations of World and National Heritage properties, Wetlands of International and National Importance, Commonwealth and State/Territory reserves, listed threatened, migratory and marine species and listed threatened ecological communities. Mapping of Commonwealth land is not complete at this stage. Maps have been collated from a range of sources at various resolutions.

Not all species listed under the EPBC Act have been mapped (see below) and therefore a report is a general guide only. Where available data supports mapping, the type of presence that can be determined from the data is indicated in general terms. People using this information in making a referral may need to consider the qualifications below and may need to seek and consider other information sources.

For threatened ecological communities where the distribution is well known, maps are derived from recovery plans, State vegetation maps, remote sensing imagery and other sources. Where threatened ecological community distributions are less well known, existing vegetation maps and point location data are used to produce indicative distribution maps.

Threatened, migratory and marine species distributions have been derived through a variety of methods. Where distributions are well known and if time permits, maps are derived using either thematic spatial data (i.e. vegetation, soils, geology, elevation, aspect, terrain, etc) together with point locations and described habitat; or environmental modelling (MAXENT or BIOCLIM habitat modelling) using point locations and environmental data layers.

Where very little information is available for species or large number of maps are required in a short time-frame, maps are derived either from 0.04 or 0.02 decimal degree cells; by an automated process using polygon capture techniques (static two kilometre grid cells, alpha-hull and convex hull); or captured manually or by using topographic features (national park boundaries, islands, etc). In the early stages of the distribution mapping process (1999-early 2000s) distributions were defined by degree blocks, 100K or 250K map sheets to rapidly create distribution maps. More reliable distribution mapping methods are used to update these distributions as time permits.

Only selected species covered by the following provisions of the EPBC Act have been mapped: - migratory and - marine The following species and ecological communities have not been mapped and do not appear in reports produced from this database:

- threatened species listed as extinct or considered as vagrants - some species and ecological communities that have only recently been listed - some terrestrial species that overfly the Commonwealth marine area - migratory species that are very widespread, vagrant, or only occur in small numbers The following groups have been mapped, but may not cover the complete distribution of the species: - non-threatened seabirds which have only been mapped for recorded breeding sites - seals which have only been mapped for breeding sites near the Australian continent Such breeding sites may be important for the protection of the Commonwealth Marine environment.


-31.88 116.06

Acknowledgements This database has been compiled from a range of data sources. The department acknowledges the following custodians who have contributed valuable data and advice: -Office of Environment and Heritage, -Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Victoria -Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, -Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, -Department of Land and Resource Management, -Department of Environmental and Heritage Protection, -Department of Parks and Wildlife, Western Australia -Environment and Planning Directorate, ACT -Birdlife Australia -Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme -Australian National Wildlife Collection -Natural history museums of Australia -Museum Victoria -Australian Museum -South Australian Museum -Queensland Museum -Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums -Queensland Herbarium -National Herbarium of NSW -Royal Botanic Gardens and National Herbarium of Victoria -Tasmanian Herbarium -State Herbarium of South Australia -Northern Territory Herbarium -Western Australian Herbarium -Australian National Herbarium, Canberra -University of New England -Ocean Biogeographic Information System -Australian Government, Department of Defence Forestry Corporation, NSW -Geoscience Australia -CSIRO -Australian Tropical Herbarium, Cairns -eBird Australia -Australian Government – Australian Antarctic Data Centre -Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory -Australian Government National Environmental Science Program -Australian Institute of Marine Science -Reef Life Survey Australia -American Museum of Natural History -Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Inveresk, Tasmania -Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania -Other groups and individuals

The Department is extremely grateful to the many organisations and individuals who provided expert advice and information on numerous draft distributions.

Please feel free to provide feedback via the Contact Us page.

© Commonwealth of Australia Department of the Environment GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia +61 2 6274 1111 Appendix B: NatureMap Species Report

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 35 NatureMap Species Report Created By Guest user on 22/11/2018

Current Names Only Yes Core Datasets Only Yes Method 'By Circle' Centre 116° 03' 40'' E,31° 52' 59'' S Buffer 5km Group By Conservation Status

Conservation Status Species Records Non-conservation taxon 1457 15985 Other specially protected fauna 1 4 Priority 3 12 91 Priority 4 8 150 Protected under international agreement 1 1 Rare or likely to become extinct 12 625 TOTAL 1491 16856

Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area Rare or likely to become extinct 1. 3220 Acacia aphylla (Leafless Rock Wattle) 2. 6946 Anthocercis gracilis (Slender Tailflower) T 3. 1213 (Blue Tinsel Lily) T 4. 24731 Calyptorhynchus banksii subsp. naso (Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo) T 5. 24733 Calyptorhynchus baudinii (Baudin's Cockatoo, White-tailed Long-billed Black T Cockatoo) 6. 24734 Calyptorhynchus latirostris (Carnaby's Cockatoo, White-tailed Short-billed Black T Cockatoo) 7. 48400 Calyptorhynchus sp. (white-tailed black cockatoo) T 8. 13653 Calytrix breviseta subsp. breviseta T 9. 24092 Dasyurus geoffroii (Chuditch, Western Quoll) T 10. 4452 Diplolaena andrewsii T 11. 30751 Synaphea sp. Pinjarra Plain (A.S. George 17182) T 12. 34113 Westralunio carteri (Carter's Freshwater Mussel) T Protected under international agreement 13. 48591 Pandion cristatus (Osprey, Eastern Osprey) IA Other specially protected fauna 14. 25624 Falco peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon) S Priority 3 15. 14129 Acacia oncinophylla subsp. oncinophylla P3 16. 48574 Australotomurus morbidus (cemetery springtail, Guildford springtail) P3 17. 5390 Beaufortia purpurea (Purple Beaufortia) P3 18. 16245 Cyathochaeta teretifolia P3 19. 48579 Euoplos inornatus (inornate trapdoor spider (northern Jarrah Forest)) P3 20. 6686 Halgania corymbosa P3 21. 29775 drummondii P3 22. 45081 Lasiopetalum glutinosum subsp. glutinosum P3 23. 8163 Pithocarpa corymbulosa (Corymbose Pithocarpa) P3 24. 4540 Tetratheca pilifera P3 25. 1317 Thysanotus anceps P3 26. 12460 Verticordia serrata var. linearis P3 Priority 4 27. 5396 Calothamnus accedens P4 28. 5523 Darwinia pimelioides P4 29. 24215 Hydromys chrysogaster (Water-rat, Rakali) P4 30. 48588 Isoodon fusciventer (Quenda, southwestern brown bandicoot) P4 31. 5025 Lasiopetalum bracteatum (Helena Velvet Bush) P4 32. 2278 Persoonia sulcata P4 33. 8212 Senecio leucoglossus P4

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 1 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 34. 1334 Thysanotus glaucus P4 Non-conservation taxon 35. 15429 Acacia alata var. alata 36. 15466 Acacia applanata 37. 3231 Acacia auronitens 38. 3233 Acacia barbinervis 39. 15469 Acacia barbinervis subsp. barbinervis 40. 3294 Acacia dentifera 41. 3323 Acacia ericifolia 42. 3331 Acacia extensa (Wiry Wattle) 43. 3374 Acacia huegelii 44. 3382 Acacia incrassata 45. 18217 Acacia iteaphylla 46. 18597 Acacia longifolia subsp. sophorae Y 47. 3442 Acacia microbotrya (Manna Wattle, Kalyang) 48. 3454 (Rib Wattle) 49. 3464 Acacia obovata 50. 3502 Acacia pulchella (Prickly Moses) 51. 15481 Acacia pulchella var. glaberrima 52. 15482 Acacia pulchella var. goadbyi 53. 15483 Acacia pulchella var. pulchella 54. 3504 Acacia pycnantha (Golden Wattle) Y 55. 3527 Acacia saligna (Orange Wattle, Kudjong) 56. 30033 Acacia saligna subsp. lindleyi 57. 30034 Acacia saligna subsp. pruinescens 58. 30032 Acacia saligna subsp. saligna 59. 3541 Acacia sessilis 60. 3557 Acacia stenoptera (Narrow Winged Wattle) 61. 3574 Acacia teretifolia 62. 3591 Acacia urophylla 63. 3602 Acacia willdenowiana (Grass Wattle) 64. 3184 Acaena echinata (Sheep's Burr) 65. 24260 Acanthiza apicalis (Broad-tailed Thornbill, Inland Thornbill) 66. 24261 Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (Yellow-rumped Thornbill) 67. 24262 Acanthiza inornata (Western Thornbill) 68. 24560 Acanthorhynchus superciliosus (Western Spinebill) 69. Acariformes sp. 70. 27574 Acarospora citrina 71. 25535 Accipiter cirrocephalus (Collared Sparrowhawk) 72. 25536 Accipiter fasciatus (Brown Goshawk) 73. 42368 Acritoscincus trilineatus (Western Three-lined Skink) 74. Acroaspis olorina Y 75. 25755 Acrocephalus australis (Australian Reed Warbler) 76. 6203 Actinotus glomeratus 77. 6205 Actinotus leucocephalus (Flannel ) 78. 14970 barbiger 79. 1775 (Common Woollybush) 80. 11837 Adenanthos cygnorum subsp. cygnorum (Common Woollybush) 81. 25 Adiantum aethiopicum (Common Maidenhair) 82. Aganippe cupulifex Y 83. Aganippe rhaphiduca 84. 23474 Agrostocrinum hirsutum 85. 1261 Agrostocrinum scabrum (Blue Grass Lily) 86. 184 Aira caryophyllea (Silvery Hairgrass) Y 87. 185 Aira cupaniana (Silvery Hairgrass) Y 88. Akamptogonus novarae 89. 43820 Albuca flaccida Y 90. 1056 Alexgeorgea nitens 91. 1377 Allium porrum (Leek) Y 92. 1728 Allocasuarina fraseriana (Sheoak, Kondil) 93. 1731 Allocasuarina huegeliana (Rock Sheoak, Kwowl) 94. 1732 Allocasuarina humilis (Dwarf Sheoak) 95. Allocasuarina littoralis Y 96. 1734 Allocasuarina microstachya 97. 2648 Alternanthera denticulata (Lesser Joyweed) 98. 38755 Amanita ochroterrea 99. 38756 Amanita umbrinella 100. 2655 Amaranthus albus (Tumbleweed) Y 101. 2656 Amaranthus caudatus (Love Lies Bleeding) Y 102. Ambicodamus kochi

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 2 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 103. Amblyomma albolimbatum 104. Amblyomma fimbriatum 105. Amblyomma triguttatum 106. 6209 Ammi majus (Bishop's Weed) Y 107. 199 Amphipogon strictus (Greybeard Grass) 108. 200 Amphipogon turbinatus 109. Amphisopodidae sp. 110. 2380 Amyema miquelii (Stalked Mistletoe) 111. 2383 Amyema preissii (Wireleaf Mistletoe) 112. Aname mainae 113. Aname tepperi 114. 1058 Anarthria gracilis 115. 1059 Anarthria humilis 116. 1060 Anarthria laevis 117. 24310 Anas castanea (Chestnut Teal) 118. 24312 Anas gracilis (Grey Teal) 119. 24313 Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard) 120. 24315 Anas rhynchotis (Australasian Shoveler) 121. 24316 Anas superciliosa (Pacific Black Duck) 122. 6300 Andersonia aristata (Rice Flower) 123. 6311 Andersonia heterophylla 124. 6314 Andersonia lehmanniana 125. 11471 Andersonia lehmanniana subsp. lehmanniana 126. 6317 Andersonia micrantha 127. 47414 Anhinga novaehollandiae (Australasian Darter) 128. 11470 Anigozanthos bicolor subsp. bicolor 129. 1409 Anigozanthos humilis (Catspaw) 130. 11434 Anigozanthos humilis subsp. humilis 131. 1411 Anigozanthos manglesii (Mangles Kangaroo Paw, Kurulbrang) 132. 11261 Anigozanthos manglesii subsp. manglesii 133. 1416 Anigozanthos viridis (Green Kangaroo Paw, Kurulbardang) 134. 11566 Anigozanthos viridis subsp. viridis 135. 25319 Antaresia stimsoni subsp. orientalis (Stimson's Python) 136. 25241 Antaresia stimsoni subsp. stimsoni (Stimson's Python) 137. 25449 Antechinus flavipes (Yellow-footed Antechinus) 138. 24088 Antechinus flavipes subsp. leucogaster (Yellow-footed Antechinus, Mardo) 139. 11454 Anthocercis anisantha subsp. anisantha 140. 24561 Anthochaera carunculata (Red Wattlebird) 141. 24562 Anthochaera lunulata (Western Little Wattlebird) 142. 1116 Aphelia brizula 143. 1117 Aphelia cyperoides 144. 1118 Aphelia drummondii 145. 43548 Aphelia sp. Albany (B.G. Briggs 596) 146. 24990 Aprasia pulchella (Granite Worm-) 147. 24991 Aprasia repens (Sand-plain Worm-lizard) 148. 24285 Aquila audax (Wedge-tailed Eagle) 149. Arachnura higginsi 150. Araneus cyphoxis 151. Araneus eburneiventris 152. Araneus ginninderranus 153. Araneus senicaudatus 154. 7838 Arctotheca calendula (Cape Weed, African Marigold) Y 155. 41324 Ardea modesta (great egret, white egret) 156. 24341 Ardea pacifica (White-necked Heron) 157. Argiope protensa 158. Argiope trifasciata 159. 207 Aristida contorta (Bunched Kerosene Grass) 160. 222 Aristida ramosa (Purple Wiregrass) Y 161. 1264 Arnocrinum preissii 162. 25566 Artamus cinereus (Black-faced Woodswallow) 163. 24353 Artamus cyanopterus (Dusky Woodswallow) 164. 24356 Artamus personatus (Masked Woodswallow) 165. Artoria flavimana 166. Artoria linnaei 167. Artoriopsis expolita 168. Asadipus kunderang 169. 8779 Asparagus asparagoides (Bridal Creeper) Y 170. 1201 Asparagus officinalis (Asparagus) Y 171. 20249 leptophylla (River-bank Astartea) 172. Asterella drummondii

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 3 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 173. 7851 Asteridea pulverulenta (Common Bristle Daisy) 174. 4400 Asterolasia pallida 175. 6323 Astroloma ciliatum (Candle Cranberry) 176. 6334 Astroloma pallidum (Kick Bush) 177. 6336 Astroloma serratifolium (Kondrung) 178. 6337 Astroloma stomarrhena (Red Swamp Cranberry) 179. 6339 Astroloma xerophyllum 180. 48560 Auritella chamaecephala 181. Austracantha minax 182. Australomimetus aurioculatus 183. Australomimetus ovidi 184. 33972 Austromerope poultoni (earwigfly (southwest), scorpionfly) 185. 17233 campylachne 186. 17234 Austrostipa compressa 187. 17237 Austrostipa elegantissima 188. 17240 Austrostipa flavescens 189. 17245 Austrostipa mollis 190. 17253 Austrostipa semibarbata 191. 17257 Austrostipa variabilis 192. 231 Avellinia michelii Y 193. 233 Avena barbata (Bearded Oat) Y 194. 234 Avena fatua (Wild Oat) Y 195. 24318 Aythya australis (Hardhead) 196. 18279 Babiana angustifolia Y 197. 36441 Babingtonia camphorosmae (Camphor Myrtle) 198. Backobourkia brounii 199. Backobourkia heroine 200. 1382 Baeometra uniflora Y 201. Baetidae sp. 202. Baiami volucripes 203. Ballarra longipalpus 204. 32682 var. armata 205. 1800 (Slender Banksia, Piara) 206. 32678 subsp. bipinnatifida 207. 32580 var. dallanneyi 208. 32577 Banksia dallanneyi var. mellicula 209. 1819 (Bull Banksia, Pulgarla) 210. 1822 (Holly-leaved Banksia) 211. 1830 (Swamp Banksia, Pungura) 212. 1834 (Firewood Banksia) 213. 32080 Banksia sessilis var. sessilis 214. 32054 var. undata 215. 32315 Barbula calycina 216. Barnardius zonarius 217. 15037 Bartsia trixago Y 218. 744 laxa 219. 746 Baumea riparia 220. 747 Baumea rubiginosa 221. 748 Baumea vaginalis (Sheath Twigrush) 222. 5387 Beaufortia macrostemon (Darling Range Beaufortia) 223. 4598 Beyeria lechenaultii (Pale Turpentine Bush) 224. Bigenditia zuytdorp 225. 3157 Billardiera floribunda (White-flowered Billardiera) 226. 25788 Billardiera fraseri (Elegant Pronaya) 227. 25798 Billardiera fusiformis (Australian Bluebell) 228. 25796 Billardiera heterophylla (Australian Bluebell) 229. 24319 Biziura lobata (Musk Duck) 230. Boletellus obscurecoccineus 231. 4414 Boronia cymosa (Granite Boronia) 232. 4432 Boronia ovata 233. 4438 Boronia ramosa 234. 11381 Boronia ramosa subsp. anethifolia 235. 11564 Boronia ramosa subsp. ramosa 236. 1267 Borya constricta 237. 1272 Borya scirpoidea 238. 1273 Borya sphaerocephala (Pincushions) 239. 3710 eriocarpa (Common Brown Pea) 240. 3714 Bossiaea ornata (Broad Leaved Brown Pea) 241. 3717 Bossiaea pulchella 242. 18497 Bossiaea sp. Waroona (B.J. Keighery & N. Gibson 229)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 4 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 243. 3719 Bossiaea spinescens 244. 8661 Brachypodium distachyon (False Brome) Y 245. 7878 Brachyscome iberidifolia 246. 7882 Brachyscome perpusilla 247. 42381 Brachyurophis semifasciatus (Southern Shovel-nosed Snake) 248. 2997 Brassica oleracea Y 249. Brentidae sp. 250. 244 Briza maxima (Blowfly Grass) Y 251. 245 Briza minor (Shivery Grass) Y 252. 248 Bromus catharticus (Prairie Grass) Y 253. 250 Bromus hordeaceus (Soft Brome) Y 254. 41242 Buellia homophylia 255. 12770 Burchardia congesta 256. 1385 Burchardia multiflora (Dwarf Burchardia) 257. 25714 Cacatua pastinator (Western Long-billed Corella) 258. 25716 Cacatua sanguinea (Little Corella) 259. 24729 Cacatua tenuirostris (Eastern Long-billed Corella) Y 260. 25598 Cacomantis flabelliformis (Fan-tailed Cuckoo) 261. 42307 Cacomantis pallidus (Pallid Cuckoo) 262. Caenidae sp. 263. 1276 Caesia micrantha (Pale Grass Lily) 264. 15330 arenicola 265. 11136 Caladenia denticulata 266. 1586 Caladenia discoidea (Dancing Orchid) 267. 1592 Caladenia flava (Cowslip Orchid) 268. 15348 Caladenia flava subsp. flava 269. 15502 Caladenia footeana 270. 17980 Caladenia hiemalis 271. 15354 Caladenia hirta subsp. hirta 272. 1602 Caladenia longicauda (Common White Spider Orchid) 273. 15363 Caladenia longicauda subsp. eminens 274. 15365 Caladenia longicauda subsp. longicauda 275. 1603 Caladenia longiclavata (Clubbed Spider Orchid) 276. 1604 Caladenia macrostylis (Leaping Spider Orchid) 277. 1605 Caladenia marginata (White Fairy Orchid) 278. 15503 Caladenia paludosa 279. 15377 Caladenia reptans subsp. reptans 280. 19309 281. 10861 Callistachys lanceolata (Wonnich) 282. 5395 Callistemon phoeniceus (Lesser Bottlebrush, Dubarda) 283. 8466 Callitris columellaris (White Cypress Pine) 284. Caloplaca sp. 285. 5411 Calothamnus hirsutus 286. 5426 (One-sided Bottlebrush, Kwowdjard) 287. 35816 Calothamnus quadrifidus subsp. quadrifidus 288. 5428 Calothamnus rupestris (Mouse Ears) 289. 5429 Calothamnus sanguineus (Silky-leaved Blood flower, Pindak) 290. 5431 291. 5434 Calothamnus villosus 292. 7902 Calotis erinacea (Tangled Burr-daisy) 293. 16492 Calycopeplus paucifolius 294. 25717 Calyptorhynchus banksii (Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo) 295. 5437 Calytrix acutifolia 296. 5439 Calytrix angulata (Yellow Starflower) 297. 5441 Calytrix aurea 298. 5450 Calytrix depressa 299. 5461 Calytrix glutinosa 300. 5485 Calytrix variabilis 301. 32334 Campylopus australis 302. 32338 Campylopus introflexus Y 303. Carabidae sp. 304. 2952 glabella (Tangled Dodder Laurel) 305. 11857 Cassytha glabella forma glabella 306. 2954 Cassytha micrantha 307. 2956 Cassytha pomiformis (Dodder Laurel) 308. 2957 Cassytha racemosa (Dodder Laurel) 309. 11799 Cassytha racemosa forma racemosa 310. 18314 Casuarina cunninghamiana subsp. cunninghamiana Y 311. 1742 Casuarina obesa (Swamp Sheoak, Kuli) 312. 760

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 5 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 313. Ceinidae sp. 314. 41566 Cenchrus longisetus (Feathertop) Y 315. 41568 Cenchrus setaceus (Fountain Grass) Y 316. 6539 Centaurium erythraea (Common Centaury) Y 317. 6542 Centaurium tenuiflorum Y 318. 7366 Centranthus macrosiphon Y 319. 1121 aristata (Pointed Centrolepis) 320. 13122 Centrolepis cephaloformis subsp. cephaloformis 321. 1125 Centrolepis drummondiana 322. 1131 Centrolepis inconspicua 323. 1133 Centrolepis pilosa 324. 2889 Cerastium glomeratum (Mouse Ear Chickweed) Y 325. 32462 Ceratodon purpureus subsp. convolutus 326. Ceratopogonidae sp. 327. 24086 Cercartetus concinnus (Western Pygmy-possum, Mundarda) 328. Cercophonius granulosus 329. Cercophonius sulcatus 330. Ceryerda cursitans 331. Cethegus fugax 332. 24186 Chalinolobus gouldii (Gould's Wattled Bat) 333. 24187 Chalinolobus morio (Chocolate Wattled Bat) 334. 18156 Chamaecytisus palmensis (Tagasaste) Y 335. 1280 Chamaescilla corymbosa (Blue Squill) 336. 11299 Chamaescilla corymbosa var. corymbosa 337. 1281 Chamaescilla spiralis 338. 8788 Chamaescilla versicolor 339. 1217 Chamaexeros serra (Little Fringe-leaf) 340. 5498 Chamelaucium uncinatum (Geraldton Wax) 341. 1513 Chasmanthe floribunda (African Cornflag) Y 342. 31 Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia 343. 34 Cheilanthes distans (Bristly Cloak Fern) 344. 12818 Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. sieberi 345. 24321 Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck, Wood Duck) 346. Chironominae sp. 347. 763 Chorizandra enodis (Black Bristlerush) 348. 764 Chorizandra multiarticulata 349. 8971 Chorizema cordatum 350. 3753 Chorizema dicksonii (Yellow-eyed Flame Pea) 351. 24980 Christinus marmoratus (Marbled ) 352. Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae 353. 11900 Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera Y 354. 6543 Cicendia filiformis (Slender Cicendia) Y 355. 24288 Circus approximans (Swamp Harrier) 356. 24289 Circus assimilis (Spotted Harrier) 357. 27663 Cladia aggregata 358. 27665 Cladia ferdinandii 359. 27668 Cladia schizopora 360. 28208 Cladonia cervicornis subsp. verticillata 361. 27694 Cladonia southlandica 362. 24774 Cladorhynchus leucocephalus (Banded Stilt) 363. 2929 Clematis pubescens (Common Clematis) 364. Clynotis severus 365. 25675 Colluricincla harmonica (Grey Shrike-thrush) 366. Coltricia cinnamomea 367. 24399 Columba livia (Domestic Pigeon) Y 368. 4550 Comesperma calymega (Blue-spike Milkwort) 369. 4564 Comesperma virgatum (Milkwort) 370. 48634 Commersonia corniculata 371. 1857 acerosum (Needle-leaved Smokebush) 372. 15607 subsp. acerosum 373. 1874 Conospermum glumaceum (Hooded Smokebush) 374. 1875 (Slender Smokebush) 375. 1876 (Plume Smokebush) 376. 1882 (Common Smokebush) 377. 15520 Conospermum stoechadis subsp. sclerophyllum 378. 15611 Conospermum stoechadis subsp. stoechadis (Common Smokebush) 379. 6348 Conostephium pendulum (Pearl Flower) 380. 6349 Conostephium preissii 381. 1418 Conostylis aculeata (Prickly Conostylis) 382. 11826 Conostylis aculeata subsp. aculeata

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 6 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 383. 11513 Conostylis aculeata subsp. cygnorum 384. 1420 Conostylis androstemma (Trumpets) 385. 1423 Conostylis aurea (Golden Conostylis) 386. 11438 Conostylis candicans subsp. candicans 387. 1429 Conostylis caricina 388. 12035 Conostylis caricina subsp. caricina 389. 1436 Conostylis juncea 390. 1454 Conostylis setigera (Bristly Cottonhead) 391. 11597 Conostylis setigera subsp. setigera 392. 1455 Conostylis setosa (White Cottonhead) 393. 6614 Convolvulus remotus 394. Conyza sp. 395. 20074 Conyza sumatrensis Y 396. 24361 Coracina maxima (Ground Cuckoo-shrike) 397. 25568 Coracina novaehollandiae (Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike) 398. Corduliidae sp. 399. 44528 Coreopsis lanceolata (Common Tickseed, Showy Tickseed, Garden Coreopsis) Y 400. Corixidae sp. 401. Cormocephalus aurantiipes 402. Cormocephalus rubriceps 403. Cormocephalus strigosus 404. Cormocephalus turneri 405. 2891 Corrigiola litoralis (Strapwort) Y 406. 48259 Cortaderia selloana subsp. selloana Y 407. Cortinarius erythraeus 408. 24416 Corvus bennetti (Little Crow) 409. 25592 Corvus coronoides (Australian Raven) 410. 17104 Corymbia calophylla (Marri) 411. 1285 Corynotheca micrantha (Sand Lily) 412. 24420 Cracticus nigrogularis (Pied Butcherbird) 413. 25595 Cracticus tibicen (Australian Magpie) 414. 25596 Cracticus torquatus (Grey Butcherbird) 415. 13354 Craspedia variabilis 416. 17701 Crassula closiana 417. 3137 Crassula colorata (Dense Stonecrop) 418. 11349 Crassula decumbens var. decumbens 419. 3139 Crassula exserta 420. 20271 Crassula extrorsa 421. 3142 Crassula natans Y 422. 3144 Crassula peduncularis (Purple Stonecrop) 423. 24918 Crenadactylus ocellatus subsp. ocellatus (Clawless Gecko) 424. 29054 Crepis foetida subsp. foetida (Stinking Hawksbeard) Y 425. 25398 Crinia georgiana (Quacking Frog) 426. 25399 Crinia glauerti (Clicking Frog) 427. 25400 Crinia insignifera (Squelching Froglet) 428. 25401 Crinia pseudinsignifera (Bleating Froglet) 429. 19861 Cristonia biloba 430. 35838 Cristonia biloba subsp. biloba 431. 4792 Cryptandra arbutiflora (Waxy Cryptandra) 432. 13470 Cryptandra arbutiflora var. arbutiflora 433. 9076 Cryptandra myriantha 434. 4804 Cryptandra nutans 435. 4809 Cryptandra pungens 436. 4810 Cryptandra scoparia 437. 30893 Cryptoblepharus buchananii 438. 24883 Ctenophorus ornatus (Ornate Crevice-Dragon) 439. 25039 Ctenotus fallens 440. 25047 Ctenotus impar 441. 25049 Ctenotus labillardieri 442. 7372 Cucumis myriocarpus (Prickly Paddy Melon) Y 443. Curculionidae sp. 444. 15114 Cyanicula gemmata 445. 15404 Cyanicula sericea 446. 768 Cyathochaeta avenacea 447. 769 Cyathochaeta clandestina 448. Cyclosa trilobata 449. 40660 Cycnogeton huegelii 450. 40661 Cycnogeton lineare 451. 24322 Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) 452. 281 Cymbopogon obtectus (Silkyheads)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 7 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 453. 283 Cynodon dactylon (Couch) Y 454. 285 Cynosurus echinatus (Rough Dogstail) Y 455. 783 Cyperus congestus (Dense Flat-sedge) Y 456. 806 Cyperus polystachyos (Bunchy Sedge) 457. 815 Cyperus tenellus (Tiny Flatsedge) Y 458. 816 Cyperus tenuiflorus (Scaly Sedge) Y 459. Cyrtophora parnasia 460. 30901 Dacelo novaeguineae (Laughing Kookaburra) Y 461. 7420 Dampiera alata (Winged-stem Dampiera) 462. 7428 Dampiera coronata (Wedge-leaved Dampiera) 463. 7451 Dampiera lavandulacea 464. 7453 Dampiera lindleyi 465. 7454 Dampiera linearis (Common Dampiera) 466. 7462 Dampiera pedunculata 467. 7484 Dampiera trigona (Angled-stem Dampiera) 468. 25673 Daphoenositta chrysoptera (Varied Sittella) 469. 5508 Darwinia citriodora (Lemon-scented Darwinia) 470. 5531 Darwinia thymoides 471. 18193 Darwinia thymoides subsp. thymoides 472. 1218 Dasypogon bromeliifolius (Pineapple Bush) 473. 6218 Daucus glochidiatus (Australian Carrot) 474. 3793 angulata 475. 3799 Daviesia cordata (Bookleaf) 476. 3805 Daviesia decurrens (Prickly Bitter-pea) 477. 19747 Daviesia decurrens subsp. decurrens 478. 18560 Daviesia divaricata subsp. divaricata 479. 11879 Daviesia hakeoides subsp. hakeoides 480. 12326 Daviesia hakeoides subsp. subnuda 481. 3815 Daviesia horrida (Prickly Bitter-pea) 482. 3819 Daviesia longifolia 483. 16585 Daviesia nudiflora subsp. nudiflora 484. 3831 Daviesia pedunculata 485. 3832 Daviesia physodes 486. 3833 Daviesia podophylla 487. 3834 Daviesia polyphylla 488. 3835 Daviesia preissii 489. 3839 Daviesia rhombifolia 490. 3845 Daviesia triflora 491. 25766 Delma fraseri (Fraser's Legless Lizard) 492. 17663 Desmocladus asper 493. 17691 Desmocladus fasciculatus 494. 16595 Desmocladus flexuosus 495. 299 Deyeuxia quadriseta (Reed Bentgrass) 496. 11636 Dianella revoluta var. divaricata 497. 25607 Dicaeum hirundinaceum (Mistletoebird) 498. 306 Dichelachne crinita (Longhair Plumegrass) 499. 1287 Dichopogon capillipes 500. 1289 Dichopogon preissii 501. 32346 Didymodon torquatus 502. Dingosa serrata 503. Dinocambala ingens 504. 1509 Dioscorea hastifolia (Warrine, Wararn) 505. 24929 Diplodactylus granariensis subsp. granariensis 506. 24939 Diplodactylus polyophthalmus 507. 9027 Diplolaena drummondii 508. 4746 Diplopeltis huegelii 509. 18589 Diplopeltis huegelii subsp. lehmannii 510. 19649 Disa bracteata Y 511. 7055 Dischisma capitatum (Woolly-headed Dischisma) Y 512. 7961 Dittrichia graveolens (Stinkwort) Y 513. 12943 514. 11049 515. 1634 (Bee Orchid) 516. 1635 (Common Donkey Orchid) 517. 12939 518. 46859 Diuris ostrina 519. 15436 520. 4757 Dodonaea ceratocarpa 521. 4761 Dodonaea ericoides 522. 4782 Dodonaea viscosa (Sticky Hopbush)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 8 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 523. 15406 Drakaea gracilis 524. 24470 Dromaius novaehollandiae (Emu) 525. 3092 bulbosa (Red-leaved Sundew) 526. 48724 Drosera collina 527. 13218 Drosera erythrogyne 528. 3095 Drosera erythrorhiza (Red Ink Sundew) 529. 3098 Drosera glanduligera (Pimpernel Sundew) 530. 3101 Drosera heterophylla (Swamp Rainbow) 531. 3105 Drosera leucoblasta (Wheel Sundew) 532. 3106 (Bridal Rainbow) 533. 14298 Drosera macrantha subsp. macrantha 534. 3109 Drosera menziesii (Pink Rainbow) 535. 11853 Drosera menziesii subsp. menziesii 536. 3110 Drosera microphylla (Golden Rainbow) 537. 15710 Drosera miniata (Orange Sundew) 538. 3113 Drosera neesii (Jewel Rainbow) 539. 3118 Drosera pallida (Pale Rainbow) 540. 29178 Drosera porrecta 541. 3125 Drosera pycnoblasta (Pearly Sundew) 542. 8911 Drosera rosulata 543. Drosera sp. 544. 3131 Drosera stolonifera (Leafy Sundew) 545. 3132 Drosera stricticaulis (Erect Sundew) 546. 13205 Drosera tubaestylis 547. Dugesiidae sp. 548. 33480 Dysphania pumilio (Clammy Goosefoot) 549. Dytiscidae sp. 550. 32351 Eccremidium pulchellum 551. 6681 Echium plantagineum (Paterson's Curse) Y 552. Egretta novaehollandiae 553. 347 Ehrharta calycina (Perennial Veldt Grass) Y 554. 349 Ehrharta longiflora (Annual Veldt Grass) Y 555. Elanus axillaris 556. 24290 Elanus caeruleus subsp. axillaris (Australian Black-shouldered Kite) 557. 822 Eleocharis acuta (Common Spikerush) 558. 353 Eleusine indica (Crowsfoot Grass) Y 559. 47937 Elseyornis melanops (Black-fronted Dotterel) 560. 1643 Elythranthera brunonis (Purple Enamel Orchid) 561. 1644 Elythranthera emarginata (Pink Enamel Orchid) 562. Eodelena lapidicola 563. Eolophus roseicapillus 564. 24652 Eopsaltria georgiana (White-breasted Robin) 565. 374 Eragrostis cilianensis (Stinkgrass) Y 566. 376 Eragrostis curvula (African Lovegrass) Y 567. 379 Eragrostis elongata (Clustered Lovegrass) 568. 13950 Eremaea asterocarpa subsp. asterocarpa 569. 5540 Eremaea fimbriata 570. 5541 Eremaea pauciflora 571. 14104 Eremaea pauciflora var. pauciflora 572. 415 Eriachne ovata 573. 20718 Ericksonella saccharata 574. 45215 Ericomyrtus tenuior 575. 15412 Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus 576. 15413 Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. undulatus 577. 15415 Eriochilus scaber subsp. scaber 578. Eriophora biapicata 579. Eriophora pustulosa 580. 4332 Erodium botrys (Long Storksbill) Y 581. 4336 Erodium moschatum (Musky Crowfoot) Y 582. 6219 Eryngium pinnatifidum (Blue Devils) 583. 15446 Eryngium pinnatifidum subsp. pinnatifidum 584. 5545 (Powderbark Wandoo) 585. 5688 Eucalyptus laeliae (Darling Range Ghost Gum) 586. 5708 (Jarrah, Djara) 587. 5739 Eucalyptus patens (Swan River Blackbutt, Dwuda) 588. 5763 Eucalyptus rudis (Flooded Gum, Kulurda) 589. 5790 Eucalyptus todtiana (Coastal Blackbutt) 590. 5797 Eucalyptus wandoo (Wandoo, Wondu) 591. 12906 Eucalyptus wandoo subsp. wandoo 592. 3872 Euchilopsis linearis (Swamp Pea)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 9 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 593. Eupograpta kottae 594. 25621 Falco berigora (Brown Falcon) 595. 25622 Falco cenchroides (Australian Kestrel, Nankeen Kestrel) 596. 25623 Falco longipennis (Australian Hobby) 597. 24474 Falco longipennis subsp. longipennis (Australian Hobby) 598. 11445 Ferraria crispa subsp. crispa Y 599. 430 Festuca arundinacea (Tall Fescue) Y 600. 1747 Ficus carica (Common Fig) Y 601. 18392 Freesia alba x leichtlinii Y 602. 25727 Fulica atra (Eurasian Coot) 603. 2969 Fumaria capreolata (Whiteflower Fumitory) Y 604. 900 Gahnia aristata 605. 34028 Galaxias occidentalis (Western Minnow) 606. 7321 Galium divaricatum Y 607. 25729 Gallinula tenebrosa (Dusky Moorhen) 608. 434 Gastridium phleoides (Nitgrass) Y 609. 3887 Gastrolobium acutum 610. 3891 Gastrolobium bilobum (Heart Leaf Poison) 611. 3895 Gastrolobium calycinum (York Road Poison) 612. 20475 Gastrolobium capitatum 613. 20513 Gastrolobium dilatatum 614. 20473 Gastrolobium ebracteolatum 615. 3899 Gastrolobium epacridoides 616. 3912 Gastrolobium oxylobioides (Champion Bay Poison) 617. 10981 Gastrolobium parviflorum 618. 19733 Gastrolobium retusum 619. 3923 Gastrolobium spathulatum (Poison Bush) 620. 3924 Gastrolobium spinosum (Prickly Poison) 621. 3933 Gastrolobium villosum (Crinkle-leaved Poison) 622. Gea theridioides 623. 24959 Gehyra variegata 624. 25404 Geocrinia leai (Ticking Frog) 625. 24401 Geopelia cuneata (Diamond Dove) 626. 4340 Geranium retrorsum 627. 25530 Gerygone fusca (Western Gerygone) 628. 1517 Gladiolus alatus Y 629. 1520 Gladiolus caryophyllaceus (Wild Gladiolus) Y 630. 20854 Gladiolus watsonius Y 631. 33620 Glischrocaryon angustifolium 632. 6143 Glischrocaryon aureum (Common Popflower) 633. Glossiphoniidae sp. 634. 47962 Glyciphila melanops (Tawny-crowned Honeyeater) 635. Gomphidae sp. 636. 3945 Gompholobium aristatum 637. 10909 Gompholobium confertum 638. 3950 Gompholobium knightianum 639. 3951 Gompholobium marginatum 640. 3953 Gompholobium ovatum 641. 3954 Gompholobium polymorphum 642. 3955 Gompholobium preissii 643. 3956 Gompholobium shuttleworthii 644. 3957 Gompholobium tomentosum (Hairy Yellow Pea) 645. 6149 Gonocarpus cordiger 646. 6159 Gonocarpus nodulosus 647. 6161 Gonocarpus pithyoides 648. 8614 Goodenia claytoniacea 649. 29362 Goodenia coerulea 650. 12520 Goodenia fasciculata 651. 12551 Goodenia micrantha 652. 7538 Goodenia pulchella 653. 13165 Goodenia pusilla 654. 24443 Grallina cyanoleuca (Magpie-lark) 655. 37500 Grammatotheca bergiana var. bergiana Y 656. 14282 Gratiola pubescens 657. 1964 (Fuchsia Grevillea) 658. 19628 Grevillea bipinnatifida subsp. bipinnatifida 659. 1965 660. 13429 subsp. diversifolia 661. 1997 (Spindly Grevillea) 662. 13450 subsp. manglesii

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 10 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 663. 2056 664. 2066 (Woolly-flowered Grevillea) 665. 15990 subsp. ascendens 666. 2080 (Oak-leaf Grevillea) 667. 2101 (Catkin Grevillea) 668. 14421 Grevillea synapheae subsp. synapheae 669. 12824 subsp. vestita 670. 2122 (Native Fuchsia) 671. 32386 Grimmia laevigata 672. Gripopterygidae sp. 673. 1464 Haemodorum brevisepalum 674. 1465 Haemodorum discolor 675. 1468 Haemodorum laxum 676. 1472 Haemodorum simplex 677. 1473 Haemodorum simulans 678. Haemodorum sp. 679. 1475 Haemodorum spicatum (Mardja) 680. 2128 (Prickly Hakea) 681. 2131 682. 2136 683. 2149 Hakea cristata (Snail Hakea) 684. 2152 (Ramshorn) 685. 2158 Hakea erinacea (Hedge-hog Hakea) 686. 2166 (Marble Hakea) 687. 2175 (Honey Bush) 688. 2185 (Myrtle Hakea) 689. 45333 Hakea neospathulata 690. 2197 (Harsh Hakea) 691. 2203 (Candle Hakea) 692. 2206 (Narrow-fruited Hakea) 693. 2214 (Two-leaf Hakea) 694. 2215 Hakea undulata (Wavy-leaved Hakea) 695. 2216 (Variable-leaved Hakea) 696. 24293 Haliaeetus leucogaster (White-bellied Sea-Eagle) 697. 24295 Haliastur sphenurus (Whistling Kite) 698. 3961 Hardenbergia comptoniana (Native Wisteria) 699. 25408 Heleioporus albopunctatus (Western Spotted Frog) 700. 25409 Heleioporus barycragus (Hooting Frog) 701. 25410 Heleioporus eyrei (Moaning Frog) 702. 25412 Heleioporus psammophilus (Sand Frog) 703. 6838 Hemiandra linearis (Speckled Snakebush) 704. 6839 Hemiandra pungens (Snakebush) 705. Hemicorduliidae sp. 706. 25115 Hemiergis initialis subsp. initialis 707. 6856 Hemigenia incana (Silky Hemigenia) 708. 29632 Hemigenia parviflora 709. 6871 Hemigenia sericea (Silky Hemigenia) 710. 29397 Hertelidea pseudobotryosa Y 711. 1526 Hesperantha falcata Y 712. Heurodes turritus 713. 5108 Hibbertia acerosa (Needle Leaved Guinea Flower) 714. 5109 Hibbertia amplexicaulis 715. 5112 Hibbertia aurea 716. 5114 Hibbertia commutata 717. 20051 Hibbertia diamesogenos 718. 5134 Hibbertia huegelii 719. 5135 Hibbertia hypericoides (Yellow Buttercups) 720. 45534 Hibbertia hypericoides subsp. hypericoides 721. 5150 Hibbertia nymphaea 722. 5152 Hibbertia ovata 723. 5162 Hibbertia racemosa (Stalked Guinea Flower) 724. 5169 Hibbertia serrata (Serrate Leaved Guinea Flower) 725. 5171 Hibbertia spicata 726. 48381 Hibbertia striata 727. 5173 Hibbertia subvaginata 728. 48241 Hibiscus diversifolius subsp. diversifolius Y 729. 47965 Hieraaetus morphnoides (Little Eagle) 730. 25734 Himantopus himantopus (Black-winged Stilt) 731. 24491 Hirundo neoxena (Welcome Swallow) 732. Hoggicosa storri

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 11 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 733. Holasteron perth 734. Holconia westralia 735. 6222 Homalosciadium homalocarpum 736. 3964 Hovea chorizemifolia (Holly-leaved Hovea) 737. 3966 Hovea pungens (Devil's Pins, Puyenak) 738. 3968 Hovea trisperma (Common Hovea) 739. 12741 Hyalosperma cotula 740. 12742 Hyalosperma demissum 741. 5216 Hybanthus calycinus (Wild Violet) 742. 5221 Hybanthus floribundus 743. 12007 Hybanthus floribundus subsp. floribundus 744. 6223 Hydrocotyle alata 745. 6226 Hydrocotyle callicarpa (Small Pennywort) 746. 6229 Hydrocotyle diantha 747. 6236 Hydrocotyle pilifera 748. 11847 Hydrocotyle pilifera var. pilifera 749. Hydroptilidae sp. 750. 5180 Hypericum gramineum (Small St John's Wort) 751. 5817 Hypocalymma angustifolium (White Myrtle, Kudjid) 752. 5825 Hypocalymma robustum (Swan River Myrtle) 753. 27780 Hypocenomyce australis 754. 8086 Hypochaeris glabra (Smooth Catsear) Y 755. 1070 Hypolaena exsulca 756. Idiommata blackwalli 757. 48489 Inocybe australiensis 758. 912 Isolepis cyperoides 759. 917 Isolepis marginata (Coarse Club-rush) 760. Isometroides vescus 761. Isopeda leishmanni 762. Isopeda magna 763. Isopedella cana 764. 2221 Isopogon asper 765. 2227 (Spreading Coneflower) 766. 2229 (Pincushion Coneflower) 767. 2237 (Drumstick Isopogon) 768. 7396 Isotoma hypocrateriformis (Woodbridge Poison) 769. 7398 Isotoma pusilla (Small Isotome) 770. 3992 Isotropis cuneifolia (Granny Bonnets) 771. 19700 Isotropis cuneifolia subsp. cuneifolia 772. 1532 Ixia maculata (Yellow Ixia) Y 773. 3997 Jacksonia alata 774. 3998 Jacksonia angulata 775. 4005 Jacksonia condensata 776. 4010 Jacksonia floribunda (Holly Pea) 777. 4018 Jacksonia lehmannii 778. 4025 Jacksonia restioides 779. 4029 Jacksonia sternbergiana (Stinkwood, Kapur) 780. 1298 Johnsonia pubescens (Pipe Lily) 781. 19632 Johnsonia pubescens subsp. pubescens 782. 1178 Juncus bufonius (Toad Rush) Y 783. 1179 Juncus caespiticius (Grassy Rush) 784. 1180 Juncus capitatus (Capitate Rush) Y 785. 1186 Juncus microcephalus Y 786. 1188 Juncus pallidus (Pale Rush) 787. 1190 Juncus planifolius (Broadleaf Rush) 788. 1195 Juncus subsecundus (Finger Rush) 789. Karaops ellenae 790. 4037 Kennedia coccinea (Coral Vine) 791. 4044 Kennedia prostrata (Scarlet Runner) 792. 4045 Kennedia stirlingii (Bushy Kennedia) 793. 12008 Kickxia elatine subsp. crinita Y 794. 11898 Kickxia elatine subsp. elatine Y 795. 1221 Kingia australis (Kingia, Pulonok) 796. 5832 Kunzea ericifolia (Spearwood, Pondil) 797. 5841 Kunzea recurva 798. 3667 Labichea lanceolata (Tall Labichea) 799. 11289 Labichea lanceolata subsp. lanceolata 800. 3669 Labichea punctata (Lance-leaved Cassia) 801. 20019 Lachnagrostis filiformis 802. 18585 Lagenophora huegelii

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 12 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 803. 2249 multiflora (Many-flowered Honeysuckle) 804. 14083 var. darlingensis 805. Lampona cylindrata 806. Lampona yanchep 807. Lamponella ainslie 808. 45082 Lasiopetalum glutinosum subsp. latifolium 809. Latrodectus hasseltii 810. 13284 Lawrencella rosea 811. 1303 Laxmannia grandiflora 812. 11815 Laxmannia grandiflora subsp. grandiflora 813. 1307 Laxmannia ramosa (Branching Lily) 814. 11911 Laxmannia ramosa subsp. ramosa 815. 1308 Laxmannia sessiliflora (Nodding Lily) 816. 11464 Laxmannia sessiliflora subsp. australis 817. Laxmannia sp. 818. 1309 Laxmannia squarrosa 819. 7568 Lechenaultia biloba (Blue Leschenaultia) 820. 7572 Lechenaultia expansa 821. 7574 Lechenaultia floribunda (Free-flowering Leschenaultia) 822. 27825 Lecidea ochroleuca 823. 19989 Lepidium didymum Y 824. 1075 Lepidobolus preissianus 825. 18074 Lepidobolus preissianus subsp. preissianus 826. 925 Lepidosperma angustatum 827. 42741 Lepidosperma apricola 828. 41620 Lepidosperma asperatum 829. 930 Lepidosperma costale 830. 932 Lepidosperma effusum (Spreading Sword-sedge) 831. 936 Lepidosperma leptostachyum 832. 937 Lepidosperma longitudinale (Pithy Sword-sedge) 833. 939 Lepidosperma pruinosum 834. 940 Lepidosperma pubisquameum 835. 944 Lepidosperma scabrum 836. Lepidosperma sp. 837. 29141 Lepidosperma sp. Gosnells (A. Markey 1145) 838. 945 Lepidosperma squamatum 839. 947 Lepidosperma tenue 840. 948 Lepidosperma tetraquetrum 841. 949 Lepidosperma tuberculatum 842. 1653 Leporella fimbriata (Hare Orchid) 843. 1078 Leptocarpus coangustatus 844. 46375 Leptocarpus decipiens 845. 46380 Leptocarpus kraussii 846. Leptoceridae sp. 847. 2342 Leptomeria cunninghamii 848. Leptophlebiidae sp. 849. 5847 Leptospermum erubescens (Roadside Teatree) 850. 5850 Leptospermum laevigatum (Coast Teatree) Y 851. 1088 Lepyrodia macra (Large Scale Rush) 852. 25131 Lerista distinguenda 853. 25133 Lerista elegans 854. 25148 Lerista lineopunctulata 855. 6367 Leucopogon capitellatus 856. 6374 Leucopogon conostephioides 857. 6397 Leucopogon glaucifolius 858. 6400 Leucopogon gracillimus 859. 6416 Leucopogon nutans (Drooping Leucopogon) 860. 6434 Leucopogon polymorphus 861. 6436 Leucopogon propinquus 862. 6439 Leucopogon pulchellus (Beard-heath) 863. 28311 Leucopogon sp. Great Southern (.S. Cowan A 586) 864. 6444 Leucopogon sprengelioides 865. 40803 Leucopogon squarrosus subsp. squarrosus 866. 6447 Leucopogon strictus 867. 6451 Leucopogon tenuis 868. 6454 Leucopogon verticillatus (Tassel Flower) 869. 7676 Levenhookia pusilla (Midget Stylewort) 870. 7677 Levenhookia stipitata (Common Stylewort) 871. 25005 Lialis burtonis 872. Libellulidae sp.

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 13 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 873. 25659 Lichenostomus leucotis (White-eared Honeyeater) 874. 25661 Lichmera indistincta (Brown Honeyeater) 875. 25415 Limnodynastes dorsalis (Western Banjo Frog) 876. 7075 Linaria maroccana Y 877. 4362 Linum marginale (Wild Flax) 878. 4363 Linum trigynum (French Flax) Y 879. 36160 Liparophyllum capitatum 880. 25378 Litoria adelaidensis (Slender Tree Frog) 881. 25388 Litoria moorei (Motorbike Frog) 882. 9289 Lobelia anceps (Angled Lobelia) 883. 7402 Lobelia gibbosa (Tall Lobelia) 884. 7403 Lobelia heterophylla (Wing-seeded Lobelia) 885. 7406 Lobelia rhombifolia (Tufted Lobelia) 886. 7407 Lobelia rhytidosperma (Wrinkled-seeded Lobelia) 887. 7408 Lobelia tenuior (Slender Lobelia) 888. 9356 Logfia gallica 889. 478 Lolium rigidum (Wimmera Ryegrass) Y 890. 1222 Lomandra brittanii 891. 1223 Lomandra caespitosa (Tufted Mat Rush) 892. 1228 Lomandra hermaphrodita 893. 1229 Lomandra integra 894. 14542 Lomandra micrantha subsp. micrantha 895. 1234 Lomandra nigricans 896. 1236 Lomandra odora (Tiered Matrush) 897. 1239 Lomandra preissii 898. 1240 Lomandra purpurea (Purple Mat Rush) 899. 1243 Lomandra sericea (Silky Mat Rush) 900. 1244 Lomandra sonderi 901. Lomandra sp. 902. 1245 Lomandra spartea 903. 1246 Lomandra suaveolens 904. Lophochroa leadbeateri 905. Lophoictinia isura 906. 4059 Lotus angustissimus (Narrowleaf Trefoil) Y 907. 8564 Lotus subbiflorus Y 908. 1092 Loxocarya cinerea 909. 4065 Lupinus angustifolius (Narrowleaf Lupin) Y 910. 4066 Lupinus cosentinii Y 911. Lycosa ariadnae 912. Lycosa godeffroyi 913. 1097 Lyginia barbata 914. 18049 Lyginia imberbis 915. Lymnaeidae sp. 916. 1656 Lyperanthus serratus (Rattle Beak Orchid) 917. 36375 Lysimachia arvensis (Pimpernel) Y 918. 6456 Lysinema ciliatum (Curry Flower) 919. 34736 Lysinema pentapetalum 920. 5281 Lythrum hyssopifolia (Lesser Loosestrife) Y 921. 2839 Macarthuria australis 922. 24132 Macropus fuliginosus () 923. 18119 Macrozamia fraseri 924. 85 Macrozamia riedlei (Zamia, Djiridji) 925. 25650 Malurus elegans (Red-winged Fairy-wren) 926. 24551 Malurus pulcherrimus (Blue-breasted Fairy-wren) 927. 25654 Malurus splendens (Splendid Fairy-wren) 928. 4961 Malva parviflora (Marshmallow) Y 929. 24583 Manorina flavigula (Yellow-throated Miner) 930. Maratus pavonis 931. 19421 Marianthus bicolor (Painted Marianthus) 932. 17637 Marianthus candidus (White Marianthus) 933. 17636 Marianthus coeruleopunctatus (Blue-spotted Marianthus) 934. 17635 Marianthus drummondianus 935. Megapodagrionidae sp. 936. 5876 Melaleuca aspalathoides 937. 5921 Melaleuca incana (Grey Honeymyrtle) 938. 5926 Melaleuca lateritia (Robin Redbreast Bush) 939. 20297 Melaleuca osullivanii 940. 18394 Melaleuca parviceps 941. 5952 Melaleuca preissiana (Moonah) 942. 5958 Melaleuca radula (Graceful Honeymyrtle)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 14 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 943. 5959 Melaleuca rhaphiophylla (Swamp Paperbark) 944. 5961 Melaleuca scabra (Rough Honeymyrtle, Wurru Bush) 945. 5964 Melaleuca seriata 946. 5983 Melaleuca trichophylla 947. 4085 Melilotus indicus Y 948. 14985 Melinis repens Y 949. 25663 Melithreptus brevirostris (Brown-headed Honeyeater) 950. 25184 Menetia greyii 951. 24598 Merops ornatus (Rainbow Bee-eater) 952. 953 Mesomelaena graciliceps 953. 955 Mesomelaena pseudostygia 954. 957 Mesomelaena tetragona (Semaphore Sedge) 955. Microcarbo melanoleucos 956. 6897 Microcorys longifolia 957. 25693 Microeca fascinans (Jacky Winter) 958. 485 Microlaena stipoides (Weeping Grass) 959. 1657 Microtis alba (White Mignonette Orchid) 960. 1658 Microtis atrata (Swamp Mignonette Orchid) 961. 15419 Microtis media subsp. media 962. 8106 Millotia tenuifolia (Soft Millotia) 963. 14344 Millotia tenuifolia var. tenuifolia (Soft Millotia) 964. 4097 Mirbelia ramulosa 965. 4100 Mirbelia spinosa 966. 7085 Misopates orontium (Lesser Snapdragon) Y 967. Missulena granulosa 968. Missulena hoggi 969. Missulena occatoria 970. Mituliodon tarantulinus 971. 7378 Momordica balsamina (Balsam Apple) Y 972. 29418 Monoculus monstrosus Y 973. 7410 Monopsis debilis Y 974. 37440 Monopsis debilis var. depressa Y 975. 4662 Monotaxis grandiflora (Diamond of the Desert) 976. 19585 Monotaxis grandiflora var. grandiflora 977. 19179 Moraea flaccida (One-leaf Cape Tulip) Y 978. 25240 Morelia spilota subsp. imbricata (Carpet Python) 979. 25192 Morethia obscura 980. 2412 Muehlenbeckia adpressa (Climbing Lignum) 981. Myandra bicincta 982. 25610 Myiagra inquieta (Restless Flycatcher) 983. 14187 Myriocephalus occidentalis 984. Nannoperca vittata 985. 1495 Narcissus tazetta (Jonquil) Y 986. 25426 Neobatrachus pelobatoides (Humming Frog) 987. 25686 Neochmia temporalis (Red-browed Finch) Y 988. 24738 Neophema elegans (Elegant Parrot) 989. Neophema pulchella 990. Nephila edulis 991. 492 Neurachne alopecuroidea (Foxtail Mulga Grass) 992. Nicodamus mainae 993. 6978 Nicotiana rotundifolia (Round-leaved Tobacco) 994. 25747 Ninox connivens (Barking Owl) 995. Notiasemus glauerti 996. Notsodipus muckera 997. Novakiella trituberculosa 998. Nunciella aspera 999. 2401 Nuytsia floribunda (Christmas Tree, Mudja) 1000. 25564 Nycticorax caledonicus (Rufous Night Heron) 1001. 24194 Nyctophilus geoffroyi (Lesser Long-eared Bat) 1002. 24742 Nymphicus hollandicus (Cockatiel) 1003. Occiperipatoides gilesii 1004. Ocrisiona leucocomis 1005. 24407 Ocyphaps lophotes (Crested Pigeon) 1006. Oecobius navus 1007. 6139 Oenothera glazioviana (Evening Primrose) Y 1008. 20052 Oenothera jamesii Y 1009. 6140 Oenothera mollissima Y 1010. 11937 Olea europaea subsp. europaea Y 1011. 8133 Olearia elaeophila 1012. 8143 Olearia paucidentata (Autumn Scrub Daisy)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 15 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1013. Oligochaeta sp. 1014. Ommatoiulus moreleti 1015. Ommatoiulus moreletii 1016. Oniscidae sp. 1017. 18254 Opercularia apiciflora 1018. 7346 Opercularia echinocephala (Bristly Headed Stink Weed) 1019. 7348 Opercularia hispidula (Hispid Stinkweed) 1020. 18255 Opercularia vaginata (Dog Weed) 1021. 46255 Orianthera campanulata 1022. 36177 Ornduffia albiflora 1023. 4113 Ornithopus compressus (Yellow Serradella) Y 1024. 7122 Orobanche minor (Lesser Broomrape) Y 1025. Orphnaeus brevilabiatus 1026. Orthocladiinae sp. 1027. 11749 Orthrosanthus laxus var. laxus (Morning Iris) 1028. 24085 Oryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit) Y 1029. Ostearius melanopygius 1030. 168 Ottelia ovalifolia (Swamp Lily) 1031. 18331 Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa (Pink Shamrock) Y 1032. 30375 Oxalis exilis 1033. 4352 Oxalis glabra Y 1034. 4355 Oxalis perennans 1035. 4358 Oxalis purpurea (Largeflower Wood Sorrel) Y 1036. Oxyopes gracilipes 1037. Oxyopes punctatus 1038. 25680 Pachycephala rufiventris (Rufous Whistler) 1039. 7117 Pandorea pandorana 1040. 41961 Panicum hillmanii Y 1041. 2966 Papaver somniferum (Opium Poppy) Y 1042. Paralampona marangaroo 1043. Paramelitidae sp. 1044. 27905 Paraporpidia glauca 1045. 17114 Paraserianthes lophantha subsp. lophantha 1046. Parastacidae sp. 1047. 25253 Parasuta gouldii 1048. 25681 Pardalotus punctatus (Spotted Pardalote) 1049. 25682 Pardalotus striatus (Striated Pardalote) 1050. 24630 Pardalotus striatus subsp. westraliensis (Striated Pardalote) 1051. 7089 Parentucellia latifolia (Common Bartsia) Y 1052. 1762 Parietaria debilis (Pellitory) 1053. 3673 Parkinsonia aculeata (Parkinsonia) Y 1054. 527 Paspalum dilatatum Y 1055. 532 Paspalum urvillei (Vasey Grass) Y 1056. 1542 Patersonia babianoides 1057. 1546 Patersonia juncea (Rush Leaved Patersonia) 1058. 1550 Patersonia occidentalis (Purple Flag, Koma) 1059. 30472 Patersonia occidentalis var. occidentalis 1060. 1551 Patersonia pygmaea (Pygmy Patersonia) 1061. 14433 Patersonia rudis subsp. rudis 1062. 1553 Patersonia umbrosa (Yellow Flags) 1063. 43765 Pauridia glabella var. glabella 1064. 43760 Pauridia occidentalis 1065. 43762 Pauridia occidentalis var. quadriloba 1066. 10828 Pavonia hastata Y 1067. Pediana occidentalis 1068. 4346 Pelargonium littorale 1069. 24648 Pelecanus conspicillatus (Australian Pelican) 1070. 40422 Pentameris pallida Y 1071. 6245 Pentapeltis peltigera 1072. Pentasteron securifer 1073. 16478 Pericalymma ellipticum var. floridum 1074. 2255 Persoonia angustiflora 1075. 2262 (Spreading Snottygobble) 1076. 2273 (Snottygobble) 1077. 48060 Petrochelidon ariel (Fairy Martin) 1078. 48061 Petrochelidon nigricans (Tree Martin) 1079. 48066 Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) 1080. 24659 Petroica goodenovii (Red-capped Robin) 1081. 2284 biloba (Granite Petrophile) 1082. 2299 (Pixie Mops)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 16 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1083. 2308 1084. 2312 1085. 19825 Petrorhagia dubia Y 1086. Peziza sp. 1087. 25697 Phalacrocorax carbo (Great Cormorant) 1088. 24667 Phalacrocorax sulcirostris (Little Black Cormorant) 1089. 24409 Phaps chalcoptera (Common Bronzewing) 1090. 25587 Phaps elegans (Brush Bronzewing) 1091. 20460 Pheladenia deformis 1092. 18529 Philotheca spicata (Pepper and Salt) 1093. 1172 Philydrella drummondii 1094. 1173 Philydrella pygmaea (Butterfly Flowers) 1095. 14306 Philydrella pygmaea subsp. pygmaea 1096. 1478 Phlebocarya ciliata 1097. 1479 Phlebocarya filifolia 1098. Pholcus phalangioides 1099. Phryganoporus candidus 1100. 48071 Phylidonyris niger (White-cheeked Honeyeater) 1101. 24596 Phylidonyris novaehollandiae (New Holland Honeyeater) 1102. 4675 Phyllanthus calycinus (False Boronia) 1103. 17794 Phyllanthus tenellus Y 1104. 4 Phylloglossum drummondii (Pigmy Clubmoss) 1105. Physidae sp. 1106. 1107. 2408 Pilostyles hamiltonii 1108. 5232 Pimelea argentea (Silvery Leaved Pimelea) 1109. 11667 Pimelea brevistyla subsp. brevistyla 1110. 11928 Pimelea ciliata subsp. ciliata 1111. 11404 Pimelea imbricata var. major 1112. 11402 Pimelea imbricata var. piligera 1113. 5259 Pimelea preissii 1114. 5264 Pimelea spectabilis (Bunjong) 1115. 12041 Pimelea suaveolens subsp. suaveolens 1116. 5269 Pimelea sylvestris 1117. Pinkfloydia harveii 1118. 8165 Pithocarpa pulchella (Beautiful Pithocarpa) 1119. 18352 Pithocarpa pulchella var. melanostigma 1120. Planorbidae sp. 1121. 7301 Plantago exilis 1122. 7303 Plantago lanceolata (Ribwort Plantain) Y 1123. 24841 Platalea flavipes (Yellow-billed Spoonbill) 1124. 25720 Platycercus icterotis (Western Rosella) 1125. 6249 Platysace compressa (Tapeworm Plant) 1126. 6253 Platysace filiformis 1127. 6255 Platysace juncea 1128. 25007 Pletholax gracilis subsp. gracilis (Keeled Legless Lizard) 1129. 32413 Pleuridium ecklonii 1130. 65 Pleurosorus rutifolius (Blanket Fern) 1131. 66 Pleurosorus subglandulosus 1132. 573 Poa drummondiana (Knotted Poa) 1133. 578 Poa porphyroclados 1134. 17016 Podalyria sericea Y 1135. 25703 Podargus strigoides (Tawny Frogmouth) 1136. 24679 Podargus strigoides subsp. brachypterus (Tawny Frogmouth) 1137. 45237 Podolepis aristata subsp. aristata 1138. 8175 Podolepis gracilis (Slender Podolepis) 1139. 8177 Podolepis lessonii 1140. 8182 Podotheca angustifolia (Sticky Longheads) 1141. 24907 Pogona minor subsp. minor (Dwarf Bearded Dragon) 1142. 24681 Poliocephalus poliocephalus (Hoary-headed Grebe) 1143. 8395 Polygala myrtifolia (Myrtleleaf Milkwort) Y 1144. 25722 Polytelis anthopeplus (Regent Parrot) 1145. 24683 Pomatostomus superciliosus (White-browed Babbler) 1146. 4688 Poranthera drummondii 1147. 4690 Poranthera huegelii 1148. 4691 Poranthera microphylla (Small Poranthera) 1149. 25731 Porphyrio porphyrio (Purple Swamphen) 1150. 24771 Porzana tabuensis (Spotless Crake) 1151. 48252 Prasophyllum cuneatum 1152. 1669 Prasophyllum cyphochilum (Pouched Leek Orchid)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 17 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1153. 1671 Prasophyllum elatum (Tall Leek Orchid) 1154. 1672 Prasophyllum fimbria (Fringed Leek Orchid) 1155. 1674 Prasophyllum giganteum (Bronze Leek Orchid) 1156. 16688 Prasophyllum gracile 1157. 1676 Prasophyllum hians (Yawning Leek Orchid) 1158. 1677 Prasophyllum macrostachyum (Laughing Leek Orchid) 1159. 1679 Prasophyllum ovale (Little Leek Orchid) 1160. 1680 Prasophyllum parvifolium (Autumn Leek Orchid) 1161. 10853 Prasophyllum plumiforme 1162. 25261 Pseudechis australis (Mulga Snake) 1163. 27997 Pseudocyphellaria neglecta 1164. 25259 Pseudonaja affinis subsp. affinis (Dugite) 1165. 42416 Pseudonaja mengdeni (Western Brown Snake) 1166. 25433 Pseudophryne guentheri (Crawling Toadlet) 1167. 13255 Pterochaeta paniculata 1168. Pterostylis aff. nana 1169. 1686 Pterostylis barbata (Bird Orchid) 1170. 10875 Pterostylis concava 1171. 1693 Pterostylis recurva (Jug Orchid) 1172. 12217 Pterostylis sanguinea 1173. 18655 Pterostylis sp. crinkled leaf (G.J. Keighery 13426) 1174. 1698 Pterostylis vittata (Banded Greenhood) 1175. 2716 Ptilotus declinatus (Curved Mulla Mulla) 1176. 11260 Ptilotus drummondii var. drummondii (Pussytail) 1177. 2720 Ptilotus esquamatus 1178. 2727 Ptilotus gaudichaudii 1179. 2742 Ptilotus manglesii (Pom Poms, Mulamula) 1180. 2763 Ptilotus stirlingii (Stirling's Mulla Mulla) 1181. 4172 Pultenaea ericifolia 1182. Purpureicephalus spurius 1183. 16367 Pyrorchis nigricans (Red beaks, Elephants ears) 1184. 8195 Quinetia urvillei 1185. 2932 Ranunculus colonorum (Common Buttercup) 1186. 2933 Ranunculus muricatus (Sharp Buttercup) Y 1187. 3061 Raphanus raphanistrum (Wild Radish) Y 1188. 24245 Rattus rattus (Black Rat) Y 1189. Raveniella cirrata 1190. Raveniella peckorum 1191. 24776 Recurvirostra novaehollandiae (Red-necked Avocet) 1192. 6012 Regelia ciliata 1193. 19183 Retama raetam Y 1194. 4822 Rhamnus alaternus (Buckthorn) Y 1195. 48096 Rhipidura albiscapa (Grey Fantail) 1196. 25614 Rhipidura leucophrys (Willie Wagtail) 1197. 13300 Rhodanthe citrina 1198. 15035 Rhodanthe corymbosa 1199. 13234 Rhodanthe manglesii 1200. 13312 Rhodanthe pyrethrum 1201. Riccia bifurca 1202. Richardsonianidae sp. 1203. 19942 Ricinocarpos undulatus 1204. 17020 Robinia pseudoacacia Y 1205. 1556 Romulea rosea (Guildford Grass) Y 1206. 11544 Romulea rosea var. australis (Guildford Grass) Y 1207. 14924 Romulea rosea var. communis Y 1208. 10931 Rosa chinensis x moschata Y 1209. 44608 Rosulabryum billarderii 1210. 32426 Rosulabryum campylothecium 1211. 32429 Rosulabryum torquescens 1212. 20496 Rubus laudatus Y 1213. 40425 Rytidosperma caespitosum 1214. 40426 Rytidosperma occidentale 1215. 40430 Rytidosperma pilosum 1216. 40427 Rytidosperma setaceum 1217. 2906 Sagina apetala (Annual Pearlwort) Y 1218. Sandalodes joannae 1219. Sandalodes superbus 1220. 2356 Santalum acuminatum (Quandong, Warnga) 1221. 7602 Scaevola calliptera 1222. 7603 Scaevola canescens (Grey Scaevola)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 18 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1223. 7613 Scaevola glandulifera (Viscid Hand-flower) 1224. 7634 Scaevola phlebopetala (Velvet Fanflower) 1225. 7635 Scaevola pilosa (Hairy Fan-flower) 1226. 7636 Scaevola platyphylla (Broad-leaved Fanflower) 1227. 13182 Scaevola repens var. repens 1228. 6263 Schoenolaena juncea 1229. 975 Schoenus bifidus 1230. 978 Schoenus brevisetis 1231. 979 Schoenus caespititius 1232. 984 Schoenus curvifolius 1233. 987 Schoenus elegans 1234. 991 Schoenus grammatophyllus 1235. 1002 Schoenus nanus (Tiny Bog Rush) 1236. 1006 Schoenus odontocarpus 1237. 1011 Schoenus rigens 1238. 1013 Schoenus sculptus (Gimlet Bog-rush) 1239. 1016 Schoenus subbarbatus (Bearded Bog-rush) 1240. 1019 Schoenus subflavus (Yellow Bog-rush) 1241. 1026 Schoenus unispiculatus 1242. 6033 Scholtzia involucrata (Spiked Scholtzia) 1243. 6034 Scholtzia laxiflora 1244. Scirtidae sp. 1245. Scolopendra laeta 1246. 6 Selaginella gracillima (Tiny Clubmoss) 1247. 32433 Sematophyllum homomallum 1248. 32483 Sematophyllum subhumile var. contiguum 1249. 8203 Senecio diaschides 1250. 20663 Senecio multicaulis subsp. multicaulis 1251. 25884 Senecio pinnatifolius var. latilobus 1252. 8220 Senecio vulgaris (Common Groundsel) Y 1253. 25534 Sericornis frontalis (White-browed Scrubwren) 1254. Servaea spinibarbis 1255. 4980 Sida hookeriana 1256. 2909 Silene gallica (French Catchfly) Y 1257. 15972 Silene gallica var. gallica Y 1258. 11803 Silene gallica var. quinquevulnera Y 1259. 2911 Silene vulgaris (Bladder Campion) Y 1260. 8224 Siloxerus filifolius 1261. 8225 Siloxerus humifusus (Procumbent Siloxerus) 1262. 14583 Siloxerus multiflorus 1263. 25266 Simoselaps bertholdi (Jan's Banded Snake) 1264. Simuliidae sp. 1265. 30948 Smicrornis brevirostris (Weebill) 1266. 7020 Solanum linnaeanum (Apple of Sodom) Y 1267. 7035 Solanum sisymbriifolium (Viscid Nightshade) Y 1268. 8231 Sonchus oleraceus (Common Sowthistle) Y 1269. 1312 Sowerbaea laxiflora (Purple Tassels) 1270. 1558 Sparaxis bulbifera Y 1271. 2912 Spergula arvensis (Corn Spurry) Y 1272. 4205 Sphaerolobium linophyllum 1273. 4207 Sphaerolobium medium 1274. 1700 Spiculaea ciliata (Elbow Orchid) 1275. 8710 Sporobolus africanus (Parramatta Grass) Y 1276. 6930 Stachys arvensis (Staggerweed) Y 1277. 4733 Stackhousia monogyna 1278. 9070 Stackhousia pubescens (Downy Stackhousia) 1279. 24645 Stagonopleura oculata (Red-eared Firetail) 1280. 16197 Stenanthemum emarginatum 1281. 3076 Stenopetalum filifolium 1282. 19403 Stenopetalum gracile 1283. 636 Stenotaphrum secundatum (Buffalo Grass) Y 1284. 2316 latifolia (Blueboy) 1285. 2317 Stirlingia simplex 1286. 25597 Strepera versicolor (Grey Currawong) 1287. 25589 Streptopelia chinensis (Spotted Turtle-Dove) Y 1288. 30951 Streptopelia chinensis subsp. tigrina (Spotted Turtle-Dove) Y 1289. 25590 Streptopelia senegalensis (Laughing Turtle-Dove) Y 1290. 24943 Strophurus spinigerus subsp. inornatus 1291. 24942 Strophurus spinigerus subsp. spinigerus 1292. 7681 Stylidium affine (Queen Triggerplant)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 19 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1293. 7684 Stylidium amoenum (Lovely Triggerplant) 1294. 17669 Stylidium amoenum var. caulescens 1295. 30278 Stylidium androsaceum 1296. 7692 Stylidium breviscapum (Boomerang Triggerplant) 1297. 7693 Stylidium brunonianum (Pink Fountain Triggerplant) 1298. 7694 Stylidium bulbiferum (Circus Triggerplant) 1299. 7696 Stylidium calcaratum (Book Triggerplant) 1300. 7698 Stylidium caricifolium (Milkmaids) 1301. 7699 Stylidium carnosum (Fleshy-leaved Triggerplant) 1302. 7702 Stylidium ciliatum (Golden Triggerplant) 1303. 7712 Stylidium despectum (Dwarf Triggerplant) 1304. 7713 Stylidium dichotomum (Pins-and-needles) 1305. 7716 Stylidium diuroides (Donkey Triggerplant) 1306. 7717 Stylidium divaricatum (Daddy-long-legs) 1307. 7719 Stylidium ecorne (Foot Triggerplant) 1308. 7721 Stylidium emarginatum (Biddy-four-legs) 1309. 19251 Stylidium eriopodum 1310. 7736 Stylidium hispidum (White Butterfly Triggerplant) 1311. 13083 Stylidium lateriticola 1312. 7752 Stylidium lineatum (Sunny Triggerplant) 1313. 25829 Stylidium neurophyllum (Coastal Plain Triggerplant) 1314. 7773 Stylidium petiolare ( Triggerplant) 1315. 7774 Stylidium piliferum (Common Butterfly Triggerplant) 1316. 7781 Stylidium pubigerum (Yellow Butterfly Triggerplant) 1317. 7783 Stylidium pycnostachyum (Downy Triggerplant) 1318. 33106 Stylidium recurvum 1319. 7785 Stylidium repens (Matted Triggerplant) 1320. 7787 Stylidium rhynchocarpum (Black-beaked Triggerplant) 1321. 7790 Stylidium roseoalatum (Pink-wing Triggerplant) 1322. 25806 Stylidium scariosum 1323. 7798 Stylidium schoenoides (Cow Kicks) 1324. 45594 Stylidium tenue subsp. majusculum (Showy Fountain Triggerplant) 1325. 23511 Stylidium thesioides (Delicate Triggerplant) 1326. 40947 Stylidium xanthellum 1327. Styloniscidae sp. 1328. 1260 Stypandra glauca (Blind Grass) 1329. 6476 Styphelia tenuiflora (Common Pinheath) 1330. Supunna funerea 1331. Supunna picta 1332. 2321 (Granite Synaphea) 1333. 2323 1334. 2325 Synaphea pinnata (Helena Synaphea) 1335. 29186 Synaphea sp. Udumung (A.S. George 17058) 1336. 15532 subsp. spinulosa 1337. Synothele durokoppin 1338. Synothele michaelseni 1339. Synthemistidae sp. 1340. 16839 Syringa vulgaris Y Y 1341. 25705 Tachybaptus novaehollandiae (Australasian Grebe, Black-throated Grebe) 1342. 24207 Tachyglossus aculeatus (Short-beaked Echidna) 1343. 24331 Tadorna tadornoides (Australian Shelduck, Mountain Duck) 1344. Talitridae sp. 1345. Tamopsis darlingtoniana 1346. Tamopsis perthensis 1347. Tanypodinae sp. 1348. 24167 Tarsipes rostratus (Honey Possum, Noolbenger) 1349. Tasmanicosa leuckartii 1350. 20135 Taxandria linearifolia 1351. 4251 Templetonia drummondii 1352. Tetragnatha demissa 1353. 1034 Tetraria capillaris (Hair Sedge) 1354. 1036 Tetraria octandra 1355. 35579 Tetraria sp. Jarrah Forest (R. Davis 7391) 1356. 667 Tetrarrhena laevis (Forest Ricegrass) 1357. 4535 Tetratheca hirsuta (Black Eyed Susan) 1358. 48342 Tetratheca hirsuta subsp. hirsuta 1359. 4537 Tetratheca nuda 1360. 1701 Thelymitra antennifera (Vanilla Orchid) 1361. 10856 Thelymitra benthamiana (Leopard Orchid) 1362. 1703 Thelymitra canaliculata (Blue Sun Orchid)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 20 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1363. 1705 Thelymitra crinita (Blue Lady Orchid) 1364. 1707 Thelymitra flexuosa (Twisted Sun Orchid) 1365. 11053 Thelymitra macrophylla 1366. 20736 Thelymitra maculata 1367. Thelymitra sp. 1368. 1718 Thelymitra villosa (Custard Orchid) 1369. 673 Themeda triandra 1370. 5080 Thomasia foliosa 1371. 5084 Thomasia grandiflora (Large Flowered Thomasia) 1372. 5087 Thomasia macrocarpa (Large Fruited Thomasia) 1373. 24845 Threskiornis spinicollis (Straw-necked Ibis) 1374. 19716 Thunbergia alata Y 1375. 28071 Thysanothecium scutellatum 1376. 1319 Thysanotus arenarius 1377. 1320 Thysanotus asper (Hairy Fringe Lily) 1378. 1328 Thysanotus dichotomus (Branching Fringe Lily) 1379. 1338 Thysanotus manglesianus (Fringed Lily) 1380. 1339 Thysanotus multiflorus (Many-flowered Fringe Lily) 1381. 1343 Thysanotus patersonii 1382. 1350 Thysanotus scaber 1383. Thysanotus sp. 1384. 1351 Thysanotus sparteus 1385. 1354 Thysanotus tenellus 1386. 1357 Thysanotus thyrsoideus 1387. 1358 Thysanotus triandrus 1388. 25203 Tiliqua occipitalis (Western Bluetongue) 1389. 25519 Tiliqua rugosa 1390. 25207 Tiliqua rugosa subsp. rugosa 1391. Tipulidae sp. 1392. 25549 Todiramphus sanctus (Sacred Kingfisher) 1393. 8248 Tolpis barbata (Yellow Hawkweed) Y 1394. Trachycosmus sculptilis 1395. 19041 Trachymene coerulea subsp. coerulea 1396. 6280 Trachymene pilosa (Native Parsnip) 1397. Trachyspina mundaring 1398. 44186 Trapelia lilacea 1399. 11112 Tribolium uniolae Y 1400. 1482 Tribonanthes brachypetala 1401. 1483 Tribonanthes longipetala 1402. 8251 Trichocline spathulata (Native Gerbera) 1403. Trichocyclus nullarbor 1404. 25723 Trichoglossus haematodus (Rainbow Lorikeet) 1405. 25521 Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) 1406. 1361 Tricoryne elatior (Yellow Autumn Lily) 1407. 1362 Tricoryne humilis 1408. 4289 Trifolium angustifolium (Narrowleaf Clover) Y 1409. 17145 Trifolium angustifolium var. angustifolium Y 1410. 4291 Trifolium arvense (Hare's Foot Clover) Y 1411. 4292 Trifolium campestre (Hop Clover) Y 1412. 17763 Trifolium campestre var. campestre (Hop Clover) Y 1413. 4295 Trifolium dubium (Suckling Clover) Y 1414. 17758 Trifolium hybridum var. hybridum Y 1415. 4300 Trifolium incarnatum (Crimson Clover) Y Y 1416. 17541 Trifolium incarnatum var. incarnatum Y 1417. 4302 Trifolium ligusticum (Ligurian Clover) Y 1418. 4313 Trifolium subterraneum (Subterranean Clover) Y 1419. 33677 centrocarpa 1420. 18587 Triglochin nana 1421. 4737 Tripterococcus brunonis (Winged Stackhousia) 1422. 38401 Tritonia gladiolaris (Lined Tritonia) Y 1423. 4839 Trymalium angustifolium 1424. 11665 Trymalium ledifolium var. ledifolium 1425. 13479 Trymalium ledifolium var. rosmarinifolium 1426. 33418 Trymalium odoratissimum subsp. odoratissimum 1427. 24983 Underwoodisaurus milii (Barking Gecko) 1428. Urodacus novaehollandiae 1429. Urodacus planimanus 1430. Uromycladium tepperianum 1431. 8255 Ursinia anthemoides (Ursinia) Y 1432. 38388 Ursinia anthemoides subsp. anthemoides Y

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 21 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1433. 7145 Utricularia menziesii (Redcoats) 1434. 7148 Utricularia multifida 1435. 7153 Utricularia tenella 1436. 25218 Varanus gouldii (Bungarra or Sand Monitor) 1437. 25526 Varanus tristis (Racehorse Monitor) 1438. 7665 Velleia trinervis 1439. 8257 Vellereophyton dealbatum (White Cudweed) Y 1440. Venator immansueta 1441. Venatrix pullastra 1442. 15431 Verticordia acerosa var. acerosa 1443. 12388 Verticordia acerosa var. preissii 1444. 6076 Verticordia densiflora (Compacted Featherflower) 1445. 12411 Verticordia densiflora var. cespitosa 1446. 15432 Verticordia densiflora var. densiflora 1447. 6088 Verticordia huegelii (Variegated Featherflower) 1448. 12429 Verticordia huegelii var. decumbens 1449. 15433 Verticordia huegelii var. huegelii 1450. 15434 Verticordia insignis subsp. insignis 1451. 6107 Verticordia pennigera 1452. 12449 Verticordia plumosa var. brachyphylla 1453. 15618 Verticordia plumosa var. plumosa 1454. 4322 Vicia sativa (Common Vetch) Y 1455. 4325 Viminaria juncea (Swishbush, Koweda) 1456. 722 Vulpia bromoides (Squirrel Tail Fescue) Y 1457. 724 Vulpia myuros (Rat's Tail Fescue) Y 1458. 12052 Vulpia myuros forma megalura Y 1459. 7384 Wahlenbergia capensis (Cape Bluebell) Y 1460. 7386 Wahlenbergia gracilenta (Annual Bluebell) 1461. 7388 Wahlenbergia multicaulis 1462. 7389 Wahlenbergia preissii 1463. 13328 Waitzia nitida 1464. 8281 Waitzia podolepis 1465. 8282 Waitzia suaveolens (Fragrant Waitzia) 1466. 13103 Watsonia borbonica Y 1467. 18375 Watsonia knysnana Y 1468. 1566 Watsonia marginata Y 1469. 18108 Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera Y 1470. 18118 Watsonia meriana var. meriana Y 1471. 32455 Weissia controversa 1472. 1394 Wurmbea dioica (Early Nancy) 1473. 12072 Wurmbea dioica subsp. alba 1474. 1401 Wurmbea pygmaea 1475. 8287 Xanthium spinosum (Bathurst Burr, Common Cockleburr, Spiny Cockleburr, Spiny Y Clotburr) 1476. 28105 Xanthoparmelia antleriformis 1477. 28123 Xanthoparmelia digitiformis 1478. 28128 Xanthoparmelia elevata 1479. 29032 Xanthoparmelia imitatrix 1480. 28156 Xanthoparmelia nana 1481. 28356 Xanthoparmelia verrucella 1482. 1249 Xanthorrhoea acanthostachya 1483. 1253 Xanthorrhoea gracilis (Graceful Grass Tree, Mimidi) 1484. 1256 Xanthorrhoea preissii (Grass tree, Palga) 1485. 6283 Xanthosia atkinsoniana 1486. 6284 Xanthosia candida 1487. 6285 Xanthosia ciliata 1488. 6289 Xanthosia huegelii 1489. 44861 Xerochrysum macranthum 1490. 1049 Zantedeschia aethiopica (Arum Lily) Y 1491. 25765 Zosterops lateralis (Grey-breasted White-eye, Silvereye)

Conservation Codes T - Rare or likely to become extinct X - Presumed extinct IA - Protected under international agreement S - Other specially protected fauna 1 - Priority 1 2 - Priority 2 3 - Priority 3 4 - Priority 4 5 - Priority 5

1 For NatureMap's purposes, species flagged as endemic are those whose records are wholely contained within the search area. Note that only those records complying with the search criterion are included in the calculation. For example, if you limit records to those from a specific datasource, only records from that datasource are used to determine if a species is restricted to the query area.

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 22 Appendix C: Conservation Codes Table C.1 – Definition of codes for Commonwealth Listed Threatened Flora and Fauna Code Definition Ex Extinct Taxa which at a particular time if, at that time, there is no reasonable doubt that the last member of the species has died. ExW Extinct in the Wild Taxa which is known only to survive in cultivation, in captivity or as a naturalised population well outside its past range; or it has not been recorded in its known and/or expected habitat, at appropriate seasons, anywhere in its past range, despite exhaustive surveys over a time frame appropriate to its life cycle and form. CE Critically Endangered Taxa which at a particular time if, at that time, it is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future, as determined in accordance with the prescribed criteria. E Endangered Taxa which is not critically endangered and it is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate or near future, as determined in accordance with the prescribed criteria. V Vulnerable Taxa which is not critically endangered or endangered and is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future, as determined in accordance with the prescribed criteria. CD Conservation Dependent Taxa which at a particular time if, at that time, the species is the focus of a specific conservation programme, the cessation of which would result in the species becoming vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered within a period of 5 years.

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 36 Table C.2 – Definition of codes for Threatened and Priority Flora (DPaW) Code Definition T Threatened Flora – (Declared Rare Flora – Extant) Taxa which have been adequately searched for and are deemed to be in the wild either rare, in danger of extinction, or otherwise in need of special protection and have been gazetted as such (Schedule 1 under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016). X Presumed Extinct Flora (Declared Rare Flora - Extinct) Taxa which have been adequately searched for and there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual has died, and have been gazetted as such Schedule 2 under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016). P1 Priority One – Poorly Known Species Species that are known from one or a few collections or sight records (generally less than five), all on lands not managed for conservation, e.g. agricultural or pastoral lands, urban areas, Shire, Westrail and Main Roads WA road, gravel and soil reserves, and active mineral leases and under threat of habitat destruction or degradation. Species may be included if they are comparatively well known from one or more localities but do not meet adequacy of survey requirements and appear to be under immediate threat from known threatening processes. P2 Priority Two – Poorly Known Species Species that are known from one or a few collections or sight records, some of which are on lands not under imminent threat of habitat destruction or degradation, e.g. national parks, conservation parks, nature reserves, State forest, vacant Crown land, water reserves, etc. Species may be included if they are comparatively well known from one or more localities but do not meet adequacy of survey requirements and appear to be under threat from known threatening processes. P3 Priority Three – Poorly Known Species Species that are known from collections or sight records from several localities not under imminent threat, or from few but widespread localities with either large population size or significant remaining areas of apparently suitable habitat, much of it not under imminent threat. Species may be included if they are comparatively well known from several localities but do not meet adequacy of survey requirements and known threatening processes exist that could affect them. P4 Priority Four – Rare, Near Threatened and other species in need of monitoring (a) Rare. Species that are considered to have been adequately surveyed, or for which sufficient knowledge is available, and that are considered not currently threatened or in need of special protection, but could be if present circumstances change. These species are usually represented on conservation lands. (b) Near Threatened. Species that are considered to have been adequately surveyed and that do not qualify for Conservation Dependent, but that are close to qualifying for Vulnerable. (c) Species that have been removed from the list of threatened species during the past five years for reasons other than . P5 Priority Five - Conservation Dependent species Species that are not threatened but are subject to a specific conservation program, the cessation of which would result in the species becoming threatened within five years.

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 37 Table C.3 Definition of DBCA Conservation Codes for Protected Fauna Code Type Definition “Facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the CR - Critically Endangered immediate future, as determined in accordance with the Species criteria set out in the ministerial guidelines”. “Facing an very high risk of extinction in the wild in the near Threatened EN - Endangered Species future, as determined in accordance with the criteria set out in Species the ministerial guidelines”. “Facing an high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium- VU - Vulnerable Species term future, as determined in accordance with the criteria set out in the ministerial guidelines”. “There is no reasonable doubt that the last member of the EX - Extinct Species species has died” ”Is known only to survive in cultivation, in captivity or as a Extinct naturalised population well outside its past range; and it has Species EW - Extinct in the wild species not been recorded in its known habitat or expected habitat, at appropriate seasons, anywhere in its past range, despite surveys over a time fram appropriate to its life cycle and form” “Fauna that periodically or occasionally visit Australia or an external Territory or the exclusive economic zone: or the MI - Migratory Species species is subject of an international agreement that relates to the protection of migratory species that binds the Commonwealth” Specially “Fauna of special conservation need being species dependent Protected CD – Species of special on ongoing conservation intervention to prevent it becoming Species conservation interest eligible for listing as threatened, and listing is otherwise in (conservation dependent fauna) accordance with the ministerial guidelines” “Fauna otherwise in need of special protection to ensure their OS – Other specially protected conservation, and listing is otherwise in accordance with the species ministerial guidelines”

Table C.4 – Definition of DBCA Conservation Codes for Priority Fauna Priority Definition Priority 1 Taxa with few, poorly known populations on threatened lands

Priority 2 Taxa with few, poorly known populations on conservation lands

Priority 3 Taxa with several, poorly known ppoulations, some on conservation lands

Priority 4 Taxa in need of monitoring Taxa that are conservation dependent (i.e. their conservation status is dependent on ongoing Priority 5 active management).

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 38 Table C.5 – Definition of codes for Threatened Ecological Communities Code Definition An ecological community that has been adequately searched for but for which no representative occurrences have been located. The community has been found to be totally destroyed or so PD: Presumed Totally extensively modified throughout its range that no occurrence of it is likely to recover its species Destroyed composition and/or structure in the foreseeable future. An ecological community will be listed as presumed totally destroyed if there are no recent records of the community being extant An ecological community that has been adequately surveyed and found to have been subject to a major contraction in area and/or that was originally of limited distribution and is facing severe CR: Critically modification or destruction throughout its range in the immediate future, or is already severely Endangered degraded throughout its range but capable of being substantially restored or rehabilitated. An ecological community will be listed as Critically Endangered when it has been adequately surveyed and is found to be facing an extremely high risk of total destruction in the immediate future. An ecological community that has been adequately surveyed and found to have been subject to a major contraction in area and/or was originally of limited distribution and is in danger of significant modification throughout its range or severe modification or destruction over most of its range in the EN: Endangered near future. An ecological community will be listed as Endangered when it has been adequately surveyed and is not Critically Endangered but is facing a very high risk of total destruction in the near future. An ecological community that has been adequately surveyed and is found to be declining and/or has declined in distribution and/or condition and whose ultimate security has not yet been assured and/or a community that is still widespread but is believed likely to move into a category of higher VU: Vulnerable threat in the near future if threatening processes continue or begin operating throughout its range. An ecological community will be listed as Vulnerable when it has been adequately surveyed and is not Critically Endangered or Endangered but is facing a high risk of total destruction or significant modification in the medium to long-term future.

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 39 Table C.6 – Definition of codes for Priority Ecological Communities Code Definition Ecological communities with apparently few, small occurrences, all or most not actively managed for conservation (e.g. within agricultural or Pastoral lands, urban areas, active mineral leases) and for which current threats exist. Communities may be included if they are comparatively well- P1: Priority One known from one or more localities but do not meet adequacy of survey requirements, and/or are not well defined, and appear to be under immediate threat from known threatening processes across their range. Communities that are known from few small occurrences, all or most of which are actively managed for conservation (e.g. within national parks, conservation parks, nature reserves, State forest, unallocated Crown land, water reserves, etc.) and not under imminent threat of destruction P2: Priority Two or degradation. Communities may be included if they are comparatively well known from one or more localities but do not meet adequacy of survey requirements, and/or are not well defined, and appear to be under threat from known threatening processes.

(i) Communities that are known from several to many occurrences, a significant number or area of which are not under threat of habitat destruction or degradation or: (ii) Communities known from a few widespread occurrences, which are either large or within significant remaining areas of habitat in which other occurrences may occur, much of it not under imminent threat, or; P3: Priority Three (iii) Communities made up of large, and/or widespread occurrences that may or not be represented in the reserve system, but are under threat of modification across much of their range from processes such as grazing by domestic and/or feral stock, and inappropriate fire regimes. Communities may be included if they are comparatively well known from several localities but do not meet adequacy of survey requirements and/or are not well defined, and known threatening processes exist that could affect them.

Ecological communities that are adequately known, Rare but not threatened or meet criteria for Near Threatened, or that have been recently removed from the threatened list. These communities require regular monitoring. (a) Rare. Ecological communities known from few occurrences that are considered to have been adequately surveyed, or for which sufficient knowledge is available, and that are considered not currently threatened or in need of special protection, but could be if present circumstances change. These communities are usually represented on conservation lands. P4: Priority Four (b) Near Threatened. Ecological communities that are considered to have been adequately surveyed and that do not qualify for Conservation Dependent, but that are close to qualifying for Vulnerable. (c) Ecological communities that have been removed from the list of threatened communities during the past five years. P5: Priority Five Ecological communities that are not threatened but are subject to a specific conservation program, the cessation of which would result in the community becoming threatened within five years. Ecological communities that are not threatened but are subject to a specific conservation P5: Priority Five program, the cessation of which would result in the community becoming threatened within five years.

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 40 Appendix D: Complete Species List Family Species Conservation Code Weed Status Amaranthaceae Ptilotus drummondii Actinotus leucocephalus Apiaceae Xanthosia candida Lomandra sp. 1 Lomandra sp. 2 Thysanotus gracilis Thysanotus multiflora Asteraceae Taraxacum sp. (Dandelion) * Boryaceae Borya sphaerocephala Brassicaceae Raphanus rapenistrum (Radish) * Campanulaceae Isotoma hypocrateriformis Allocasuarina huegeliana Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina humilis Celastraceae Tripterococcus brunonis Lepidosperma ?costale Lepidosperma tenue Mesomelaena tetragona Schoenus brevisetis Hibbertia commutata Hibbertia hypericoides Dilleniaceae Hibbertia racemosa Hibbertia subvaginata Ericaceae Leucopogon pulchellus Acacia iteaphylla (Flinders Range Wattle) * Acacia podalyriifolia (Queensland Silver Wattle) * Acacia pulchella var. pulchella Cristonia biloba subsp. biloba Cytisus proliferus (Tagasaste) * Fabaceae Daviesia horrida Gastrolobium dilatatum Gompholobium marginatum Hovea trisperma Jacksonia alata Medicago sp. (Burclover) * Goodenia aculeata Goodeniaceae Goodenia fasciculata Haemodoraceae Haemodorum simulans Haloragaceae Gonocarpus cordiger Agrostocrinum hirsutus Hemerocallidaceae Tricoryne elatior Freesia sp. (Freesia hybrid) * Iridaceae Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera (Watsonia) * Cassytha flava

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 41 Family Species Conservation Code Weed Status Linaceae Linum trigynum (Yellow Flax) * Babingtonia camphorosmae Beaufortia purpurea P3 Calothamnus sanguineus Corymbia calophylla Myrtaceae Darwinia citriodora Eucalyptus rudis Eucalyptus wandoo Hypocalymma angustifolium Verticordia pennigera Oleaceae Olea europaea (Common olive) * Orobanchaceae Bellardia trixago (Mediterranean linseed) * Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus calycinus ?Cenchrus sp. (Feathertop grass) * Avena fatua (Common Wild Oats) * Brachypodium distachyon (Purple False Broom) * Briza maxima (Blowfly Grass) * Neurachne alopecuroidea Pennisetum setaceum (Crimson Fountain Grass) * Poaceae sp. Rytidosperma sp. Banksia armata Banksia dallanneyi subsp. dallanneyi Banksia sessilis Conospermum huegelii Grevillea bipinnatifida Grevillea endlicheriana Proteaceae Hakea cyclocarpa Hakea erinacea Hakea lissocarpha Petrophile striata Stirlingia simplex Synaphea acutiloba Desmocladus asper Trymalium ledifolium Rhamnaceae Trymalium odoratissimum subsp. odoratissimum Stylidium amoenum Stylidiaceae Stylidium dichotomum Thymelaeaceae Pimelea imbricata Xanthorrhoeaceae Xanthorrhoea preissii Zamiaceae Macrozamia riedlei

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 42 Appendix E: Vegetation Community Descriptions Easting: 411232 Relevés: C1R1 Date: 23/11/2018 Northing: 6472287 Species % of survey 64 species Area (Ha): 1.98ha 29.47% Richness: area: Vegetation Description: Low open woodland of Allocasuarina huegeliana, Corymbia calophylla over closed shrubland of Calothamnus sanguineus, Xanthorrhoea preissii, Grevillea endlicheriana, Banksia armata, Hakea erinacea, Beaufortia purpurea (P3), Trymalium ledifolium over low closed shrubland of Borya sphaerocephala, Stylidium dichotomum, Synaphea acutiloba, Stirlingia simplex, Lepidosperma ?costale, Freesia sp., Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera. Granite outcropping, sandy clay over laterite, quartz gravels, shallow.

Type 1 vegetation in Lot 103

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 43

Easting: 411215 Relevés: C2R1 Date: 23/11/2018 Northing: 6472076

Species % of survey 51 species Area (Ha): 1.65ha 24.52% Richness: area:

Vegetation Description: Tall open forest of Corymbia calophylla, Eucalyptus wandoo over tall shrubland of Calothamnus sanguineus, Hakea erinaceae, Xanthorrhoea preissii, Trymalium odoratissimum subsp. odoratissimum over shrubland of Hakea lissocarpha, Hibbertia hypericoides, Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera, Macrozamia riedlei, Phyllanthus calycinus, Lepidosperma ?costale. Clay loam, little outcropping

Type 2 vegetation in Lot 351

Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning 44