Bungendore Park Flora Species List

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Bungendore Park Flora Species List Insert to Flora of Bungendore Park report Jeff Lewis (July 2007) The Flora of Bungendore Park report was published in 2007. Since then additional species have been recorded in the park and there have been numerous taxonomic changes to the original list. This insert replaces Appendix ‘A’, pages 20–26 of the 2007 report. Genus and Species Family Common Name Fabaceae Winged Wattle Acacia alata Fabaceae Acacia barbinervis Fabaceae Acacia chrysella Fabaceae Acacia dentifera Fabaceae Wiry Wattle Acacia extensa * Acacia iteaphylla Fabaceae Flinders Range Wattle Fabaceae Gravel Wattle Acacia lateriticola * Acacia longifolia Fabaceae Sydney Golden Wattle Fabaceae Rib Wattle Acacia nervosa * Acacia podalyriifolia Fabaceae Queensland Silver Wattle Fabaceae Prickly Moses Acacia pulchella Fabaceae Orange Wattle Acacia saligna Fabaceae Acacia teretifolia Fabaceae Acacia urophylla Proteaceae Hairy Glandflower Adenanthos barbiger * Agave americana Asparagaceae Century Plant Hemerocallidaceae Blue Grass Lily Agrostocrinum scabrum * Aira cupaniana Poaceae Silvery Hairgrass Casuarinaceae Sheoak Allocasuarina fraseriana Casuarinaceae Rock Sheoak Allocasuarina huegeliana Casuarinaceae Dwarf Sheoak Allocasuarina humilis Ericaceae Andersonia lehmanniana Haemodoraceae Red & Green Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos manglesii * Arctotheca calendula Asteraceae Capeweed * Asparagus asparagoides Asparagaceae Bridal Creeper 1 Poaceae Austrostipa campylachne * 2Babiana angustifolia Iridaceae Baboon Flower 3 Myrtaceae Camphor Myrtle Babingtonia camphorosmae Proteaceae Bull Banksia, Pulgarla Banksia grandis Myrtaceae Darling Range Beaufortia Beaufortia macrostemon * 4Bellardia viscosa Orobanchaceae Sticky Bartsia Pittosporaceae White-flowered Billardiera Billardiera floribunda 5Billardiera fraseri Pittosporaceae Elegant Pronaya 6 Pittosporaceae Australian Bluebell Billardiera heterophylla Pittosporaceae Billardiera variifolia Rutaceae Bushy Boronia Boronia fastigiata Boronia spathulata Rutaceae 1 Was Stipa campylachne; ref. Jacobs & Everett, Telopea 6(4). 2 Babiana stricta misapplied against current name. 3 Was Baeckea camphorosmae; ref. B.L. Rye in Nuytsia 25:229 (2015). 4 Was Parentucellia viscosa; ref. S. Uribe-Convers & D.C. Tank in Syst.Bot. 41:682 (2016) 5 Was Pronaya fraseri; ref. Austral.Syst.Bot. 17:117 (2004). 6 Was Sollya heterophylla; ref. Cayzer, Austral.Syst.Bot. 17:119 (2004). Genus and Species Family Common Name Boryaceae Pincushions Borya sphaerocephala Fabaceae Common Brown Pea Bossiaea eriocarpa Fabaceae Broad-leaved Brown Pea Bossiaea ornata * Briza maxima Poaceae Blowfly Grass * Briza minor Poaceae Shivery Grass 7 Colchicaceae Milkmaids Burchardia congesta Burchardia multiflora Colchicaceae Dwarf Burchardia 8 Hemerocallidaceae Pale Grass-lily Caesia micrantha Orchidaceae Cowslip Orchid Caladenia flava Orchidaceae Sugar Candy Orchid Caladenia hirta Orchidaceae Pink Fairy Orchid Caladenia latifolia Caladenia longicauda subsp. clivicola Orchidaceae Hills Spider Orchid Caladenia longicauda subsp. longicauda Orchidaceae White Spider Orchid Orchidaceae Leaping Spider Orchid Caladenia macrostylis Orchidaceae White Fairy Orchid Caladenia marginata Caladenia nana subsp. nana Orchidaceae Pink Fan Orchid Orchidaceae Little Pink Fairy Orchid Caladenia reptans Orchidaceae Darting Spider Orchid Caladenia uliginosa Myrtaceae One-sided Bottlebrush Calothamnus quadrifidus Myrtaceae Mouse Ears Calothamnus rupestris Myrtaceae Silky-leaved Blood flower Calothamnus sanguineus Myrtaceae Calytrix acutifolia Myrtaceae Calytrix depressa Lauraceae Tangled Dodder Laurel Cassytha glabella Lauraceae Dodder Laurel Cassytha racemosa * Centaurium erythraea Gentianaceae Common Centaury * Chamaecytisus palmensis Fabaceae Tagasaste or Tree Lucerne Xanthorrhoeaceae Blue Squill Chamaescilla corymbosa Pteridaceae Rock Fern Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia Pteridaceae Bristly Cloak Fern Cheilanthes distans Chorizema dicksonii Fabaceae Yellow-eyed Flame Pea 9 Ranunculaceae Common Clematis Clematis pubescens Polygalaceae Blue-spike Milkwort Comesperma calymega Polygalaceae Love Creeper Comesperma ciliatum Polygalaceae Milkwort Comesperma virgatum Proteaceae Slender Smokebush Conospermum huegelii Haemodoraceae Prickly Conostylis Conostylis aculeata Haemodoraceae Trumpets Conostylis androstemma Haemodoraceae Conostylis caricina Haemodoraceae Bristly Cottonhead Conostylis setigera Haemodoraceae White Cottonhead Conostylis setosa * 10Conyza sumatrensis Asteraceae Tall Fleabane 11Corymbia calophylla Myrtaceae Marri 7 Burchardia umbellata misapplied against current name; ref. Keighery & Muir in Nuytsia 15:347 (2005). 8 Caesia parviflora misapplied against current name; ref. Keighery & Muir in Nuytsia 15:351 (2005). 9 Was Clematis aristata var. occidentalis; ref. Hj. Eichler & J.A. Jeanes in Fl. Australia 2:304 (2007). 10 Was Conyza albida; ref. McClintock & Marshall, Watsonia 17:172–173 (1988). 11 Syn. Eucalyptus calophylla. Page 2 Genus and Species Family Common Name Asteraceae Craspedia variabilis Cryptandra arbutiflora Rhamnaceae Waxy Cryptandra 12 Orchidaceae Blue China Orchid Cyanicula gemmata 13Cyanicula ixioides Orchidaceae White China 14 Orchidaceae Silky Blue Orchid Cyanicula sericea Goodeniaceae Winged-stem Dampiera Dampiera alata Goodeniaceae Common Dampiera Dampiera linearis Myrtaceae Lemon-scented Darwinia Darwinia citriodora Fabaceae Bookleaf Daviesia cordata Fabaceae Prickly Bitter Pea Daviesia decurrens Fabaceae Prickly Bitter Pea Daviesia horrida Fabaceae Daviesia longifolia Fabaceae Daviesia preissii Fabaceae Bitter Pea Daviesia rhombifolia Restionaceae Desmocladus fasciculatus Desmocladus flexuosus Restionaceae 15 Hemerocallidaceae Blueberry Lily Dianella revoluta Dioscoreaceae Warrine Dioscorea hastifolia * Dipogon lignosus Fabaceae Dolichos Pea * 16Disa bracteata Orchidaceae South African Orchid * Dittrichia graveolens Asteraceae Stinkweed Orchidaceae Winter Donkey Orchid Diuris brumalis Orchidaceae Common Donkey Orchid Diuris corymbosa Orchidaceae Bee Orchid Diuris laxiflora Orchidaceae Purple Pansy Orchid Diuris longifolia Diuris magnifica Orchidaceae Pansy Orchid 17 Orchidaceae Dwarf Bee Orchid Diuris micrantha Orchidaceae Bristly Donkey Orchid Diuris setacea Orchidaceae Warty Hammer Orchid Drakaea livida Droseraceae Red-leaved Sundew Drosera bulbosa subsp. bulbosa Droseraceae Red Ink Sundew Drosera erythrorhiza subsp. collina Droseraceae Giant Sundew Drosera gigantea Droseraceae Pimpernel Sundew Drosera glanduligera Droseraceae Pink Rainbow Drosera menziesii subsp. menziesii Droseraceae Golden Rainbow Drosera microphylla Droseraceae Pale Rainbow Drosera pallida Drosera stolonifera Droseraceae Leafy Sundew 18 Proteaceae Prickly Dryandra Dryandra armata 19Dryandra bipinnatifida subsp. bipinnatifida Proteaceae Ground Dryandra 20 Dryandra lindleyana Proteaceae Couch Honeypot 12 Was Caladenia gemmata; ref. Orchids of SW Australia, Ed.2:158 (1992). 13 Was Caladenia ixioides; ref. Orchids of SW Australia, Ed.2 (1992). 14 Was Caladenia sericea; ref. Orchids of SW Australia, Ed.2:156 (1992). 15 Was Dianella divaricata (taxonomic synonym). 16 Was Monadenia bracteata (nomenclatural synonym). 17 Declared Rare Flora. 18 Syn. Banksia armata. 19 Syn. Banksia bipinnatifida subsp. bipinnatifida. 20 Syn. Banksia dallanneyi. Page 3 Genus and Species Family Common Name 21Dryandra praemorsa Proteaceae Cut-leaf Dryandra 22 Proteaceae Parrot Bush Dryandra sessilis * Echium plantagineum Boraginaceae Paterson's Curse Orchidaceae Purple Enamel Orchid Elythranthera brunonis Orchidaceae Pink Enamel Orchid Elythranthera emarginata Orchidaceae White Bunny Orchid Eriochilus dilatatus Apiaceae Blue Devils Eryngium pinnatifidum Myrtaceae Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata Myrtaceae Blackbutt Eucalyptus patens Myrtaceae Flooded Gum Eucalyptus rudis Myrtaceae Wandoo Eucalyptus wandoo * Ficus carica Moraceae Common Fig * Fumaria muralis Papaveraceae Wall Fumitory 23 Fabaceae Gastrolobium nervosum * Genista monspessulana Fabaceae Montpellier Broom, Cape Broom * Geranium molle Geraniaceae Dove’s Foot Cranesbill Geraniaceae Native Geranium Geranium solanderi * Gladiolus undulatus Iridaceae Wavy Gladiolus * Gomphocarpus fruticosus Apocynaceae Narrowleaf Cottonbush Fabaceae Yellow Pea Gompholobium capitatum Fabaceae Gompholobium knightianum Fabaceae Gompholobium marginatum Fabaceae Gompholobium polymorphum Gompholobium preissii Fabaceae Orange -cluster Pea 24 Goodeniaceae Goodenia coerulea Goodeniaceae Bristly Goodenia Goodenia fasciculata Goodeniaceae Goodenia pulchella Proteaceae Fuschia Grevillea Grevillea bipinnatifida Proteaceae Spindly Grevillea Grevillea endlicheriana Proteaceae Woolly-flowered Grevillea Grevillea pilulifera Proteaceae Oak-leaf Grevillea Grevillea quercifolia Proteaceae Catkin Grevillea Grevillea synapheae Proteaceae Wilson's Grevillea Grevillea wilsonii Haemodoraceae Haemodorum simplex Proteaceae Hakea auriculata Proteaceae Hedgehog Hakea Hakea erinacea Proteaceae Honey Bush Hakea lissocarpha Proteaceae Harsh Hakea Hakea prostrata Proteaceae Narrow-fruited Hakea Hakea stenocarpa Proteaceae Two-leaf Hakea Hakea trifurcata Proteaceae Wavy-leaved Hakea Hakea undulata Lamiaceae Silky Hemigenia Hemigenia incana 25Hemigenia parviflora Lamiaceae 21 Syn. Banksia undata. 22 Syn. Banksia sessilis. 23 Was Nemcia reticulata, ref. Chandler et al. in Austral.Syst.Bot. 15:680 (2002). 24 Goodenia caerulea is an incorrect spelling. 25 Identification to be verified. Page 4 Genus and Species Family Common Name * Hesperantha falcata Iridaceae Dilleniaceae Hibbertia amplexicaulis Dilleniaceae Hibbertia commutata
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