
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2000;68:483–488 483 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.68.4.483 on 1 April 2000. Downloaded from Clinical syndromes associated with tomacula or swellings in sural biopsies

S Sander, R A Ouvrier, J G McLeod, G A Nicholson, J D Pollard

Abstract syndromes.8–11 Sausage shaped swellings of the Objectives—To describe the neuropatho- myelin sheath were first described by Behse and logical features of clinical syndromes Buchthal in 1972.1 Madrid and Bradley10 subse- associated with tomacula or focal myelin quently gave the name tomaculous neuropathy swellings in sural nerve biospies and to (latin: tomaculum=sausage) and described sev- discuss possible common aetiopathologi- eral mechanisms that may to the formation cal pathways leading to their formation in of a tomaculum—for example, hypermyelina- this group of neuropathies. tion, redundant loop formation, the presence of Methods—Fifty two patients with sural a second mesaxon, transnodal myelination, two nerve biopsies reported to show tomacula Schwann cells forming one myelin sheath, and or focal myelin swellings were reviewed, disruption of the myelin sheath. Sural nerve light and electron microscopy were per- biopsies typically show regions of myelin thick- formed, and tomacula were analysed on ening as well as features of demyelination and teased fibre studies. Molecular genetic . Electrophysiologically, these syn- studies were performed on those patients dromes most often present as multiple monone- who were available for genetic testing. uropathy (sometimes with conduction block) or Results—Thirty seven patients were diag- demyelinating sensorimotor neuropathy. nosed with hereditary neuropathy with In this study we reviewed 52 patients show- liability to pressure palsies (HNPP), four ing myelin swellings on sural . We with hereditary motor and sensory neu- describe the various clinical syndromes associ- ropathy type I (HMSN I) or Charcot- ated with focal myelin swellings, present their Marie-Tooth disease type 1 (CMT1), four morphological findings, and discuss disease with HMSN with myelin outfolding mechanisms. (CMT4B), three with IgM paraproteine- mic neuropathy, three with chronic in- Materials and methods flammatory demyelinating polyneuro- Samples were obtained by searching sural pathy (CIDP), and one with HMSN III nerve biopsy reports mentioning tomacula or (CMT3). myelin thickenings. The reports were gener- Conclusions—Most of these syndromes ated by three diVerent observers performing were shown to be related to genetic or clinical reports between 1976 and 1998. Each

immunological defects of myelin compo- sural nerve biopsy reported to show tomacula http://jnnp.bmj.com/ nents such as peripheral myelin 22 or focal myelin swellings on teased fibre studies (PMP22), (P0), or was subsequently examined. Only myelin myelin associated glycoprotein (MAG). thickenings measuring more than 50% of the These share the HNK-1 epitope fibre diameter were defined as tomacula.12 A which has been implicated in cell adhesion total of 52 sural nerve biopsies were analysed processes. Impaired myelin maintenance by light and electron microscopy. may therefore contribute to the formation

of tomacula and subsequent demyelina- HISTOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. tion. Sural nerve biopsy was performed according to (J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2000;68:483–488) standard techniques and prepared for light and electron microscopy as previously described.13 Institute of Clinical Keywords: myelin proteins; peripheral ; pathol- Neurosciences, ogy; sural nerve Teased fibres were prepared as described by University of Sydney, Low et al14 and classified according to Dyck et Sydney, NSW 2006, al.15 Australia S Sander The term “tomaculous neuropathy” generally R A Ouvrier refers to hereditary neuropathy with liability to QUANTITATIVE STUDIES JG McLeod pressure palsies (HNPP), which is most com- Diameter and length of tomacula were G A Nicholson monly associated with a deletion of chromo- measured using an ocular micrometer. Twenty J D Pollard some 17p11.2–12 including the peripheral fibres per patient were analysed. Only patients with HNPP carrying a definite molecular diag- Correspondence to: myelin protein 22 (PMP22). Although tomacula 1 Professor John D Pollard, are the pathological hallmark of HNPP focal nosis were included for quantitative analysis. Institute of Clinical thickening of the myelin sheath is also found in Teased fibre preparations of one patient Neurosciences, University of 2 carrying a P0 mutation did not allow quantita- Sydney, NSW 2006, IgM paraproteinemic neuropathy, hereditary Australia motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN) or tive analysis. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT),34 5 Received 26 February 1999 HMSN with myelin outfolding, other forms of MOLECULAR GENETIC TECHNIQUES and in final form 22 November 1999 hereditary neuropathy with myelin outfolding PMP22 deletion, duplication, and mutation Accepted 3 December 1999 or hypermyelination,67 and other clinical analysis was performed as previously 484 Sander, Ouvrier, McLeod, et al J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.68.4.483 on 1 April 2000. Downloaded from

Figure 1 (A) Transverse section of toluidine blue stained epon embedded sural nerve from a patient with HNPP (top arrow, adaxonal myelin breakdown products; bottom arrow, hypermyelinated fibre). (B) Electron micrograph showing a tomaculum with active myelin breakdown.

16 17 described. P0 mutations were analysed MOLECULAR GENETICS according to Bort et al.18 Nineteen patients with HNPP were available for molecular genetic testing. A chromosome Results 17p11.2 deletion was detected in 17 patients, PATIENTS two showed frameshift mutations of the Of 52 patients whose sural nerve biopsies PMP22 gene17 causing a premature stop showed focal myelin swellings, 37 were diag- codon, the result of which is eVectively the nosed with HNPP, four with HMSN type same as a deletion. Two out of four patients 1/CMT1, four with HMSN with myelin with CMT1 underwent genetic testing and outfolding, three with IgM paraproteinaemic showed the typical chromosome 17p11.2 neuropathy and positive anti-MAG , duplication including the PMP22 gene. A three with chronic inflammatory demyelinating myelin protein zero (P0) point mutation was (CIDP), and one with HMSN demonstrated in the CMT3 patient. Three out

III /CMT3. of four patients with CMT4B were tested for http://jnnp.bmj.com/ on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

Figure 2 (A) Transverse section of toluidine blue stained epon embedded sural nerve from a patient with IgM paraproteinemic neuropathy. (B) Electron micrograph showing hypermyelination and redundant loop formation. Clinical syndromes and tomacula or myelin swellings in sural nerve biopsies 485 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.68.4.483 on 1 April 2000. Downloaded from

Figure 3 (A) Transverse section of toluidine blue stained epon embedded sural nerve from a patient with CMT4B (top arrow: fibre with myelin outpouchings; bottom arrow: hypermyelinated fibre with redundant myelin foldings). (B) Electron micrograph showing excessive myelin foldings. P0 and PMP22 gene mutations. In one patient, (fig 1 A) and occasional early onion bulb exons 2, 3, and 4 of the PMP22 gene and exons formations were visible. The average number of 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the P0 gene did not show point myelinated fibres was not greatly reduced. In mutations (exon 1 of the PMP22 gene and the paraproteinaemic neuropathies (fig 2 A) exons 5 and 6 of the P0 gene were not and CIDP the degree of hypermyelination was sequenced). Complete sequence analysis in the less extreme compared with HNPP. By contrast two remaining patients disclosed no mutations with HNPP, in some patients marked fibre loss within the PMP22 nor the P0 gene. was evident. In HMSN with myelin outfolding (fig 3 A) the variation in myelin sheath thickness MORPHOLOGY was most pronounced. Most fibres were very Transverse sections (descriptive data) thinly myelinated, similar to those seen in Light microscopy—In sural nerve biopsies of Dejerine-Sottas syndrome, but there were also patients with HNPP many fibres were found to several fibres showing bizarre formations of be thinly myelinated, some showed profound myelin or many redundant myelin foldings.

hypermyelination or redundant myelin foldings Biopsies from patients with HMSN I (CMT1) http://jnnp.bmj.com/ on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

Figure 4 (A) Transverse section of toluidine blue stained epon embedded sural nerve from a patient with CMT3 and a P0 mutation showing several onion bulb formations and a fibre with bizarre myelin outfoldings (arrow). (B) Electron micrograph showing bizarre myelin outfoldings. 486 Sander, Ouvrier, McLeod, et al J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.68.4.483 on 1 April 2000. Downloaded from

Table 1 Classification of teased fibres

Age (y) A (% fibres) B C,D,F E G

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

HNPP 37.9 15.7 23.2 16.9 0 0 52.2 21.5 0.26 1.1 54 20.9 IgM PPN 64.3 14.2 11.7 12.6 20 30.4 65 40.9 0 0 52.7 9.3 CIDP 49 29.1 18.3 2.9 11.7 12.6 78.3 7.6 1.7 2.9 13.3 10.4 CMT1 28.4 24.4 8.8 17.5 16.3 32.5 67.5 39.5 0 0 18.8 8.5 CMT4B 4.19 1.6 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 100 0

Classification (Dyck et al15): A=normal; B=myelin wrinkling; C=demyelination; D=demyelination and remyelination; E=axonal degeneration; F=remyelination. HNPP=hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies; IgM PPN=IgM paraproteinemic neuropathy; CIDP=chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; CMT1=Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1. CMT4B = Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4B (HMSN with myelin outfolding).

Table 2 Diameter and length of tomacula most frequent mechanism of tomacula forma- tion. Adaxonal myelin breakdown products (fig Age (y) Diameter (µm) Length (µm) 1 B) were most often seen in HNPP. The MSDMSDMSDappearance of myelin sheath thickenings in CMT1 was similar to that seen in HNPP. In HNPP 37.9 15.7 16.3 2 83.7 14.4 the paraproteinaemic neuropathies (fig 2 B) IgM PPN 64.3 14.2 14.4 3.9 45.9 5.8 CIDP 49 29.1 18.9 1.2 56.3 10 and CIDP, tomacula seemed less structured CMT1 28.4 24.4 14.1 3.5 77.4 16.1 compared with HNPP or CMT1. Biopsies of CMT4B 4.9 0.9 11.2 1.6 44.4 5.7 patients with HMSN with myelin outfolding HNPP=Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies; showed hypermyelination, redundant foldings, IgM PPN=IgM paraproteinemic neuropathy; CIDP=chronic and bizarre myelin outpouchings (fig 3 B). The inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; CMT1=Charcot- Marie-Tooth disease type 1; CMT4B=Charcot-Marie-Tooth biopsy of one patient bearing a P0 mutation disease type 4B (HMSN with myelin outfolding). showed occasional swellings that resembled those found in HMSN with myelin outfolding occasionally exhibited tomacula. The appear- (fig 4 B). ance of these was similar to those seen in HNPP. The biopsy of one patient diagnosed Teased fibre studies (quantitative data: tables 1 with Dejerine-Sottas syndrome (HMSN III or and 2) CMT 3) who had a P0 mutation showed the HNPP—Teased fibre preparations showed fea- typical findings of HMSN III, thinly myelinated tures of demyelination and remyelination and fibres that were enclosed in well developed tomacula in all cases; 23.3% of fibres were nor- onion bulb formations (fig 4 A). In addition, mal (A), 52.2% showed evidence of demyelina- occasional fibres showed redundant foldings or tion or remyelination (C,D,F); tomacula were bizarre myelin formations similar to those seen found in 54% of the fibres (G). The range of in HMSN with myelin outfolding. tomacula was from 13.1 to 20.2 (mean 16.3 Electron microscopy—In HNPP, both (SD 2) µm) in diameter and 71.3 to 117.2 µm hypermyelination— for example, an excessive (mean 83.7 (SD 14.4) µm) in length. number of myelin lamellae—and redundant IgM paraproteinemic neuropathy —Teased loop formation were seen, the second being the fibre preparations showed a high percentage of http://jnnp.bmj.com/

HNPP on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. CMT1A




Figure 5 Single teased fibres of patients with HNPP,CMT1, CIDP,IgM paraproteinemic neuropathy (IgM PPN), and HMSN with myelin outfolding (CMT4B). Clinical syndromes and tomacula or myelin swellings in sural nerve biopsies 487 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.68.4.483 on 1 April 2000. Downloaded from

tomacula (52.7% of fibres); features of demy- of these myelin components may lead to elination and remyelination were seen in 65% impaired maintenance of the myelin sheath of fibres. The size of tomacula in biopsies of with formation of tomacula and subsequent this group of patients ranged from 10.3 µm to demyelination. 18 µm (mean 14.4 (SD 3.9) µm in diameter and 39.2 to 49.7 µm (mean 45.9 (SD 5.8) µm) PMP22 in length. HNPP most often involves a 1.5 Mb deletion CIDP—13.3% of teased fibres showed tom- of chromosome 17p11.2–12 including acula, and signs of demyelination or remyelina- PMP22.20 The same gene region is duplicated tion or both were seen in 78.3% of fibres. The in CMT1A.21 PMP22 point mutations have diameter ranged from 17.6 to 19.2 µm (mean been recognised in HNPP,17 CMT1A,22 23 and 18.9 (SD 1.2) µm), the length ranged from HMSN III/CMT3.24 46.4 to 66.4 µm (mean: 56.3 (SD 10) µm). HMSN I/CMT1A—Tomacula were found in 10% to 30% (mean 18.8%) and 20% to 100% MYELIN PROTEIN ZERO P0 HMSN III/CMT3 and CMT1B have been (mean 67.5%) of fibres showed signs of demy- 25–27 elination and remyelination. The tomaculum shown to be associated with P0 mutations. Tomaculous neuropathy associated with P0 diameter ranged from 11.7 to 19.2 µm (mean 4 14.1 (SD 3.5) µm); the length ranged from mutations was first reported by Thomas et al in a family with CMT1B. Gabreëls-Festen et 56.5 to 94.6 µm (mean 77.4 (SD 16.1) µm). 28 HMSN with myelin outfolding (CMT4B)— al described two divergent types of peripheral Teased fibres were all abnormal with features of nerve morphology in seven patients with extensive demyelination and remyelination and diVerent P0 mutations. Three patients showed the formation of numerous small regions of abundant formation of tomacula in their sural myelin thickening. The size of these ranged nerve biopsies. from 10 to 13.1 µm (mean 11.2 (SD 1.6) µm) in diameter and 38.6 to 50 µm (mean 44.4 (SD MAG/SGPG 5.7) µm) in length. Anti-MAG antibodies are found in 50%-75% HMSN III /CMT3—Teased fibres of this of patients with IgM paraproteinemic patient bearing a P0 mutation showed numer- neuropathy15 and hypermyelination and focal ous small focal swellings comparable with myelin thickenings in IgM paraproteinemic those seen in HMSN with myelin outfolding. neuropathy have been described.2 This specimen did not allow quantitative Chassande et al29 found anti-MAG antibod- analysis. ies in 65% and anti-SGPG antibodies in 91% Figure 5 shows typical tomacula of patients of patients with IgM paraproteinemic neu- with HNPP, IgM paraproteinemic neuropathy, ropathy. Occasionally, CIDP may be associated CMT1A, CIDP, and focal myelin swellings in with anti-SGPG antibodies.30 CMT4B. HMSN with myelin outfolding may be caused by defects of myelin components but no causative gene or protein has yet been identi- Discussion fied, although an autosomal recessive form has Various demyelinating neuropathies are associ- been linked to chromosome 11q23.31 http://jnnp.bmj.com/ ated with the formation of tomacula in sural PMP22, P0, and MAG are, together with P2 nerve biopsies. The frequency and size of these and (MBP) and con- focal thickenings of the myelin sheath are not a nexin32, the major myelin proteins in the specific feature, but they may assist in distin- peripheral (PNS). guishing diVerent forms of peripheral neu- PMP22 accounts for 2–5% of PNS myelin ropathy. protein,32 where it is localised to the compact In our study, teased fibre preparations portion of myelin.33 PMP22 is predicted to be showed numerous small focal myelin swellings an integral .34–36 It carries the on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. in all fibres of patients with HMSN with myelin HNK-1 epitope which has been implicated in outfolding and in one patient bearing a P0 adhesion processes.37 38 One of the possible mutation, a high frequency of tomacula in functions of PMP22 may be that it serves as a HNPP (54% of fibres), and in IgM parapro- structural component of myelin, responsible teinemic neuropathy (53% of fibres). Less for adhesion between myelin membranes,39 but often, tomacula were found in sural nerve it may also play a part in cell growth biopsies of patients with CIDP (13%) and of regulation40; this might explain hypermyelina- four patients with CMT1 (19% of fibres). tion or hypomyelination in neuropathies asso- ciated with PMP22 gene defects. Martini and 23 WHY DO TOMACULA FORM IN THESE DISORDERS ? Schachner propose that PMP22 is involved in Most of these syndromes are associated with controlling myelin sheath thickness and myelin defects of myelin proteins or antibodies di- integrity. rected against myelin components such as P0 is expressed in compact myelin and com- peripheral myelin protein (PMP22), myelin prises about 50% of PNS myelin protein. It is a protein zero (P0), myelin associated glycopro- member of the immunglobulin superfamily tein (MAG), or sulfoglucuronyl paragloboside carrying the HNK-1 epitope and is to (SGPG).19 In addition, all myelin components play a crucial part in the compaction and involved in these neuropathies share the maintenance of myelin; Giese et al41 showed HNK-1 epitope, which has been implicated in that in transgenic mice bearing a mutation of cell adhesion processes. Therefore, dysfunction the P0 gene, P0 is essential for normal 488 Sander, Ouvrier, McLeod, et al J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.68.4.483 on 1 April 2000. Downloaded from

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