Environmental Monitoring Report

Bi-Annual Report July-December 2016

PAK: New Khanki Barrage Construction Project

Prepared by the Project Management Office (PMO) for Punjab Irrigation Department, and Asian Development Bank

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

Project Number: 2841-PAK (SF): Islamic Republic of Pakistan: New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) Financed by: Asian Development Bank and Government of the Punjab


Prepared by:

Ansar Abbas Senior Environmentalist SMEC/EGC Engr. Anwar Hussain Mujahid, Environmental Specialist SMEC International/ EGC,

For: Project Management Office, Irrigation Department, and Government of the Punjab

Reviewed by: Malik Pervaiz Arif, Acting Director, Environment & Social PMO Barrages, Canal Bank, Mustafabad, Lahore

SMEC International in association with - A - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank

ARE Assistant Resident Engineer

BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand

Cfs Cubic feet per second

COD Chemical Oxygen Demand

CRE Chief Resident Engineer

DO Dissolved Oxygen

DG Director General

EA Environmental Assessment

EC Electrical Conductivity

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

EMP Environmental Management Plan

EPA Environment Protection Agency

ESU Environment and Social Unit

E&P Equipment and Plant

IES Initial Environmental Screening

GEPCO Electric Power Company

GRC Grievance Redressal Cell

GRM Grievance Redressal Mechanism

HIV/AIDS Human immune deficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome

HSE Health, Safety and Environment

I/C In charge

IEE Initial Environmental Examination

SMEC International in association with - B - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

LCC Lower Chenab Canal

LMB Left Marginal Bank/Bund

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

NEQS National Environmental Quality Standards

NKB New Khanki Barrage

NOx Nitrogen Oxides

NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit

PM Particulate Matter

PMO Project Management Office

PPE Personal Protection Equipment

RAP Resettlement Action Plan

RMB Right Marginal Bank/Bund

PAPs Project Affected Persons

PID Punjab Irrigation Department

SFA Social Framework Agreement

SOx Sulfur Oxides

SSEMP Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

TBT Tool Box Talk

TDS Total Dissolved Solids

TL Team Leader

TST Triple Surface Treatment

TCU True Color Unit

UV Ultra violet

SMEC International in association with - C - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages


PART 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Introduction: ...... 1 2. Need to Reconstruct Khanki Head Works ...... 3 3. Peak Floods in River Chenab ...... 4 4. Detail of Physical Work Progress of New Khanki Barrage & Auxiliary Works Project in reporting up to 31th December 2016 ...... 5 a. Overall Physical Progress of Works on December 31, 2016 ...... 7 5. Changes in Project Organization and Environmental Management Team .... 8 i. Project Management Office (PMO)...... 8 ii. Construction Supervision Consultants ...... 8 iii. Contractor ...... 9 6. Relationship with Contractor , Owner and Lender: ...... 9 7. External Environmental Monitoring ...... 10 a) Ambient Air Quality Monitoring: ...... 10 b) Analysis of Results: ...... 11 c) Drinking Water Quality Monitoring: ...... 11 i. Analysis of Results: ...... 12 d) Waste Water Quality Monitoring: ...... 13 i. Analysis of Results: ...... 13 e) Generator’s emissions monitoring: ...... 13 i. Analysis of Results: ...... 14 g) Noise ...... 15 i. Analysis of Results: ...... 16 8. Internal Environmental Monitoring ...... 16 a. Surface Water Quality Monitoring () ...... 16 (i) Surface Water Quality Monitoring ...... 16 (ii) Collection of Samples: ...... 16 (iii) Analysis of Samples: ...... 16 b. Noise Monitoring ...... 17 i. Analysis of Results: ...... 20 9. Flora and Fauna Monitoring: ...... 20 10. Social Monitoring ...... 20 SMEC International in association with - i - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

a. Public Consultations ...... 20 b. Employment Opportunities for the Local Community: ...... 22 c. Implementation of LARP: ...... 22 d. Grievances Redressal Cell and Social Complaints: ...... 22 11. Initial Environmental Screening of LMB (Left Marginal Bund) Road and its Implementation ...... 23 12. Implementation of Initial Environmental Screening of Chanawan Road ...... 23 13. Initial Environment Screening of Auxiliary Building Works ...... 23 14. Performance Monitoring and ADB Delegation’s Visit ...... 24 15. Borrow Area’s Management Plans...... 26 16. Contractor’s Camp Sites and Implementation of EMP ...... 26 i. Laborer Barracks ...... 26 ii. Officer’s camp: ...... 27 iii. Hygienic Inspection of Dining Areas: ...... 27 iv. Sanitation Inspections of Living Area and Washing Facilities: ...... 27 v. Waste Water Treatment and Disposal: ...... 27 vi. Municipal Waste Collection and Disposal ...... 28 17. Solid Waste Management Plan and Its Implementation ...... 28 a. Cement and Slag Bags ...... 28 b. Scrape Iron and Its Cuttings ...... 28 c. Waste Collected from Site ...... 28 d. Medical Waste ...... 28 18. Traffic Management Plan and Its Implementation on Site ...... 29 a. Traffic Management Plan Approval ...... 29 b. Installation of Traffic Warning Sign Boards ...... 29 19. Construction Site Safety (HSE Best Practices) ...... 29 20. HSE Plan Implementation and Best Practices ...... 30 a. First Aid Facilities, Paramedic Staff, Doctor and Ambulance ...... 30 b. Safety Incentive/Award Program ...... 31 c. Personal Protection Equipment (PPEs)...... 31 d. Tool Box Talks: ...... 31 e. Training of Workers ...... 31 f. Emergency Preparedness and Response ...... 33 g. Fire Prevention and Protection at site ...... 33 h. Site Inspections and Audits ...... 34 i. Non- Compliance Notices: ...... 34 SMEC International in association with - ii - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

21. Tree cutting and removal ...... 37 a. Assessment of Trees Falling on Right Marginal Bank (RMB) Road and Its Auction: ..38 22. Tree Plantation Plan and Its Implementation:...... 38 23. Environmental Progress Review Meetings and Resolution of Non- Compliances ...... 42 24. Site Visits for Monitoring Environmental Compliance: ...... 42 a. Commissioner and DCO Gujranwala’s Visit ...... 42 b. Visit of higher management of Supervision Consultants ...... 42 c. Technical Visits by Different Universities: ...... 42 d. SMEC’s Environmental Specialist Visits ...... 43 e. PMO, Consultant and Contractor’s Environmental and Social Staff Joint Visit to the New Khanki Barrage Project and Contractor Facilities ...... 43 25. Good Practices at New Khanki Barrage and Lessons Learnt ...... 44

List of Annexures: Annexure I: Photo Log Annexure II: Environmental Monitoring Results by GEL Laboratories Annexure III: Internal Environmental Monitoring Results Annexure IV: Employment of Local Residents Annexure V: Complaint Register Annexure VI: Field Trip Reports of Environment Specialist Annexure VII: Good Practices at NKBP and lessons learnt

SMEC International in association with - iii - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages


The Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan (EM&MP) is an integral part of the New Khanki Barrage Project’s documents. The Environmental monitoring for the Construction of New Khanki Barrage started in the month of August 2013. The construction of New Khanki Barrage Project is being carried out by DESCON Engineering Limited under supervision of the Supervisory Consultants i.e. M/s SMEC International Pty Ltd in association with M/s ATKINS UK, M/s EGC Pakistan and BARQAAB, Pakistan. The construction work is in progress. The Contractor achieved the physical progress of 89.21%against the planned 89.79%up toDecember31, 2016 with a lag of -0.58%.

Environmental Monitoring of NKB Project is carried out regularly internally as well as externally, by a Third Party Analytical Laboratory. For external environmental monitoring, the Contractor has engaged M/s Global Environmental Laboratory (GEL) from Lahore. The external monitoring for the environmental parameters i.e. water and air is being carried out quarterly while environmental monitoring for gaseous emissions of various equipment and vehicles, waste water quality monitoring is being carried out bi-annually. During this reporting period, eleventh round of external instrumental monitoring was carried out on November 23, 2016.

Internal instrumental monitoring is being carried out regularly by the Contractor’s Environmental team in the presence of representative of the Supervision Consultant. For this purpose, the Contractor has purchased three meters i.e. Noise meter, DO meter and Multimeter. Noise meter is meant for measuring noise level, DO meter for measuring Dissolved Oxygen and Multimeter for measuring multiple parameters like Temperature, pH, EC, TDS of a water sample. In internal instrumental monitoring, the river water quality monitoring is being carried out periodically by DESCON and Engineer’s Environmental Team at the Chenab River upstream and downstream of the Coffer Dam as well as noise levels monitoring at the construction site(s), residential site(s) as well as for sensitive receptors.

The environmental conditions of the Project Area remained satisfactory during the reporting period because the Contractor on the advice of the Consultants tried continuously to minimize the impacts of construction activities on the environment of the Project Area and its surrounding. In the summer season, the air temperature increased and the dust emissions on access roads were suppressed by regular water sprinkling under enhanced frequency keeping in view the weather conditions. In the winter season, as the temperature receded, the Contractor has been advised to suppress dust by sprinkling water on need basis. Keeping in view all these conditions, ambient air quality has also been analyzed to check particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5) in air. The results show that all parameters were within NEQS. The noise level of various equipment, working sites and residential sites were also analyzed. It was found to be within NEQS. The other environmental aspects like waste water treatment, solid waste collection were also managed in an environmentally sound manner. The waste water was treated properly by using septic tanks and soakage pits. As the Project Area mostly lies in the river bed, water table in this area is high; therefore the waste water in soakage pit(s) does not soak completely. It is therefore transported in a water bowser and sprinkled on barren land near Khanki village. The

SMEC International in association with - iv - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

waste water from soakage pit at the main office and Labor Camp has been analyzed. The result of analysis show that all the parameters were within NEQS. The solid waste is being collected regularly by placing dust bins in Officers Camp and empty drums in Labor Barracks at designated points to facilitate collection of waste. Segregation of solid waste is carried out during collection and transportation by the sanitary workers of both the camps. The segregated material is stored in three pits constructed behind the Labor Barracks. From these pits, the waste is sold to the vendors. The remaining general waste is disposed off in the dump site located about 500meters away from Khanki village. The solid waste from the Officer’s Camp is collected from door to door and segregated. The general waste is collected in drums. This waste is disposed off at optimum frequency at designated site. The drinking water has also been analyzed for any contamination. For this purpose, water samples were collected from bottles being used at Officers Mess A and water dispenser at main office of DESCON. The basic source of both the points is water pump installed at Mess-A. The results show that the water is suitable for drinking purpose, chemically as well as biologically.

The hygienic and sanitation inspections were also carried out from time to time. For this purpose, joint visits were arranged by Senior Environmentalist SMEC, I/C HSE, Environmentalist DESCON along with I/C Administration DESCON. During these visits, few irregularities were observed that were communicated to concerned staff and resolved immediately. The food quality in the Labor Mess remained satisfactory. The sanitation of living rooms and washing facilities were also inspected regularly which also remained satisfactory during the reporting period.

The overall health and safety conditions of the project staff remained satisfactory as the Contractor on the advice of Supervision Consultants is paying proper attention towards health & safety issues. The workers have been trained about the safety precautions which are most important for them at work. For this purpose, safety orientation is most important for all the workers prior to mobilization on site. Al the workers are given safety shoes, helmet, coverall etc. after their orientation. Formal and informal safety training sessions were also arranged to discuss about hazards associated with work at height, crane operation and safety measures, manual handling, hazards associated with heavy equipment and plants, defensive driving, safe work practices, HIV/AIDS and different methods to safeguard the workers from the extreme weather. They were also trained about the hazard associated with electrical and mechanical work and how to avoid accidents on site. Provision of safe drinking water was made for the workers at site. The workers have been trained, as how to reduce injuries by safe work practices and by using Job Specific Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Job Safety Analysis (JSA) have been carried out for each task and communicated to all the site staff which helped a lot to reduce injuries.

In order to improve the environmental conditions of the area, Tree Plantation Plan has been prepared by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. The Contractor has planted more than 5123 trees at the project site to enhance the aesthetic value of the site. To uplift social conditions, Girls High School, Basic Health Unit and roads leading to Khanki Barrage including LMB Road & Chanawan Road have been constructed along with a Mosque. The construction of

SMEC International in association with - v - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

Recreational Park is under progress. The construction of Auxiliary Road network and the New Barrage Road linking District Gujrat (on the Right Bank of Chenab River) and District Gujranwala (on the left bank of River Chenab) will provide a boost to the transport sector and open new means of communication & employment opportunities for local residents.

The Project Area environmental conditions over all remained very satisfactory with the joint efforts of the Client, Consultants and the Contractor.

SMEC International in association with - vi - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

PART I 1. Introduction: The Punjab Irrigation Network which is one of the largest contiguous systems in the world was designed in order to bring more land under the canal command area. It consists of barrages/headworks across rivers, irrigation canals, drains, tube wells, small dams and flood protection infrastructure. The irrigation facilities in the Province of Punjab are provided through a grand network consisting of over 37014.912 kilometers of irrigation canals. This irrigation network is subject to major infrastructure and operational challenges and safety concerns due to ageing and system design constraints. The major challenges are water shortages, progressive deterioration of irrigation infrastructure, deterioration of water quality of canals, drains and rivers due to disposal of untreated industrial and municipal effluents, and over exploitation of groundwater. The rehabilitation and up-gradation of irrigation systems, modernization of barrages, lining of irrigation canals and improving canal operations is the need of the hour.

Khanki Headworks is the oldest Headworks of Pakistan. It is located about 52 km downstream of Marala Barrage and 32 km upstream of Qadirabad Barrage and is the second diversion structure on River Chenab after entering Pakistan. The Headworks is situated about 16 km south west of City in District Gujranwala (Latitude 32o45’ 00’’ North and Longitude 74o10’ 46.13’’ East). Figure 1 shows the location plan of Khanki Barrage and Figures 2shows the pictorial view of the existing Khanki Barrage before construction of new Barrage. The Lower Chenab Canal (LCC) off-takes from the KhankiHeadworks which irrigates about 1,440,000 hectors (3,556,800 acres) of fertile land in eight districts of Punjab i.e. Gujranwala, Hafizabad, , Nankana Sahib, Faisalabad, Toba Tek Singh, Jhang and Chiniot. The Lower Chenab Canal has a design discharge of 327 m3/sec (11,538 cusecs) during Rabi and 425.17 m3/sec during Kharif, whereas the old Khanki Barrage had design discharge of 800,000 cusecs (22,676 m3/sec) that has been upgraded to 1,100,000 cusecs in New Khanki Barrage.

The construction of New Khanki Barrage and Auxiliary Works is a project listed under the “Punjab Irrigated Agriculture Investment Program” of the Government of Punjab sponsored/ funded by ADB. Project Management Office i.e. PMO Punjab Irrigation Department is the Client of the Project and the key responsible government department. The Lead Construction Supervision Consultant is M/s SMEC International in association with M/s EGC (Pvt.) Ltd., Pakistan, M/s Barqaab Consulting (Pvt.) Ltd., and M/s AKTIN International (hereafter referred to as the Engineer or Supervisory Consultants).The Construction Contractor is DESCON Engineering Limited, Pakistan.

The Construction phase of the project is currently under progress. By December 31, 2016, the actual physical progress of overall project was 89.21% against the planned progress of 89.795% with a variance of -0.58%.In the reporting period, the construction of the following percentage of the new Barrage components has been achieved i.e. Main Barrage (overall) 69.11%, Buildings and Roads 8.36%, Head Regulator and LCC 4.33%, Electrical& ICT 0.70%and Mechanical Works 6.72%. The New Lower Chenab Canal was commissioned on October 24, 2016.

SMEC International in association with - 1 - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

Figure-1 Location Plan of Khanki Barrage SMEC International in association with - 2 - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

Figure-2 A view of old Khanki Head works

2. Need to Reconstruct Khanki HeadWorks

The Khanki Headworks was constructed in the year 1892 when the basic knowledge about hydraulic engineering was in infancy. In the initial forty (40) years after construction (1892 – 1932), the Headworks went through frequent repairs and modifications with the 1929 floods causing a major damage to its structure. During 1932 to 1935, various modifications were carried out by the Punjab Irrigation Department. The old Khanki Headworks had outlived its reliable life. It is pertinent to mention that the old Headworks had a design discharge capacity of 800,000 cusecs (22,676 cubic meter/sec) which was exceeded several times (the maximum was 1,086,000 cusecs during the 1957 floods). The control mechanism on the river flows and pond level was inadequate and regulation through the outmoded shutters resulted in significant leakages of water during periods of acute water shortage and keen demand for irrigation water. Based on various safety evaluation reports, replacement of the outdated Headworks with a new barrage became imperative.

With the co-operation of Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Irrigation Department, Government of the Punjab launched the New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) in the year 2013, at a cost of Pak Rs. 23,442 Million to be implemented over a 5 year period (2013-2017). Out of the total Project cost, Rs. 394 million were allocated for implementation of the Environmental and Resettlement Plans.

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New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

3. Peak Floods in River Chenab

River Chenab has been under exceptionally high floods during last 50 years. In 1973, it experienced a flood of 856,300 cusecs while in 1998; it tolerated a flood of 910,500 cusecs. In the recent past in September 2014, it again faced an exceptionally high flood with discharge exceeding 947,099 cusecs. The brief history of this flood which occurred during the construction phase of the new Barrage is described below:

In the first week of September 2014, the Engineer and DESCON got the information about high flood in Chenab River. Engineer’s Team Leader and other representatives advised DESCON to shift all the machines and equipment from the barrage area, reduce the laborer strength and start preparation for a river discharge exceeding 700,000 cusecs (19,841 m3/sec).

Figure 3: Flood data of River Chenab

On September 07, 2014 water flow in River Chenab surpassed a very high level of 947,000.00 cusecs(26,842 m3/sec) causing excessive flooding in the river and submergence of surrounding areas. (Figure 3shows the River Chenab’s Peak Floods during last 50 years)

The Coffer Dam around Pocket 1 was flooded on 7thSeptember 2014 while water discharge exceeded 700,000 cusecs (19,841 m3/sec). DESCON and the Consultant offices also came under flood. Furniture and office accessories were badly damaged by the rising flood water. However, the Contractor under the guidance/ advice of the Consultants evacuated the staff/ laborer from the LaborerCamps on time and fortunately there was no loss of human life. Soon after the flood, DESCON on advice of Engineer resumed working at site and also restored the damaged areas at Khanki Head Works in a very swift manner within a time lapse of only 3 weeks.

SMEC International in association with - 4 - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

4. Detail of Physical Work Progress of New Khanki Barrage & Auxiliary Works Project in reporting up to31thDecember 2016

The New Barrage’s construction work remained in progress during the reporting period. In September 2014, the high flood in River Chenab badly affected the progress of New Khanki Barrage Project. However, post flood, construction activities resumed in full swing at the New Khanki Barrage. Figure 4shows a view of the completed portion of New Khanki Barrage. In the reporting period, the following physical works of the Project were either completed or work on them remained in progress.

Figure 4: A View of New LCC Head Regulator and New Barrage

a) Roads and Buildings:

• Chanawan Road: The road is complete is all aspects except unpaved portion from RD 0+780 to RD 25+00

• LMB Road: The road is complete in all aspects except from RD -0+600 to RD 13+00.

• KotJaffer Distributary lining is complete.

• Work on Cook House, Annexe to the Rest House, Flood Office, Flood Control Office and Mosque is in progress

• Work on Recreational Park is also in progress

• Water Supply and Sewerage System of Colony Buildings is complete

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New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

b) Main Barrage and allied works: • Bridge along new barrage is complete except expansion joints and carpeting by Asphalt • Installation of Barrage Gates is complete • Work on Right and Left Upstream Guide Banks is in progress while downstream guide banks are complete

c) Electrical and Mechanical works: • Installation of Barrage Gates in complete • Most of the mechanical work is complete • Electrical work is in progress

4.1 Physical achievement of different components of the New Khanki Barrage & Auxiliary Works

Following is the percentage weightages achieved progress of various Project components of the New Khanki Barrage.

Area Weightage Achieved% Barrage Works 76.44% 69.11% LCC HR & Linkage Works 5.09% 4.33% Building & Road Works 9.25% 8.36% Mechanical Works 7.25% 6.72% Electrical & ICT Works 1.97% 0.70%

100.00% 89.21%

Whereas physical progress of different components of New Khanki Barrage against the above total percentages of the various project components is given in Figure 5 whileFigure 6indicates the overall actual physical progress against the planned progress in percentage for the construction of New Khanki Barrage.

SMEC International in association with - 6 - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

0.70% 6.72% Barrage Works 4.33%

8.36% Roads and Buildings Head Regulator and New LCC

69.11% Electrical & ICT

Mechanical Works

Figure 5: Achieved progress vs Percentage weightage of different components of NKB Project

a. Overall Physical Progress of Works on December 31, 2016

100 89.795 89.21 90

80 70 60

50 Planned

Achieved 40 30 20


0 Planned Achieved

Figure 6: Physical Progress of New Khanki Barrage The achieved actual physical progress was 89.21% against the planned progress of 89.795% on December31, 2016 which is only slightly lower than the planned progress as shown in Figure – 6. .

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New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

5. Changes in Project Organization and Environmental Management Team

There is no any change in the project organization and Environmental Management Team. The responsibilities of different organizations/departments to implement the environmental/social safeguards applicable to Khanki Barrage are summarized below: i. Project Management Office (PMO)

The overall responsibility for the implementation of Environmental Management Plan rests with the Head PMO along with the assistance of Environmental & Social Unit (ESU) of PMO. The ESU consists of Director Environment/ Social, Deputy Director Environment, Deputy Director Social, Deputy Director Development Assistance/ Resettlement and Deputy Director Communication.

• PMO ensures that the Contractor and the Supervision Consultants appoint dedicated and competent environmental officer(s) and allied staff. PMO also ensures that all environmental personnel are authorized to implement the environmental and social policies and requirements of the EMP. • ESU co-ordinates with relevant government departments and stakeholders on concerned environmental and social/ resettlement issues. • ESU has a mandate to inspect and monitor residual impacts of the project and record documentation of the impacts during the project. • ESU will also inspect the significance of impacts in case of any unanticipated change in the scope of the project. • Any major change in the project shall be reported to ADB before its execution. • Directorate of Environment PMO acts as the Environmental Management Office. • PMO will ensure that consultant’s team has an unhindered access to all relevant documents, persons and places to enable it to perform its functions effectively and efficiently.

ii. Construction Supervision Consultants The Construction Supervision Consultants Environmental Team consists of an Environmental Specialist assisted by a Senior Environmentalist and a Safety Inspector to monitor the environmental performance of the Contractor and the Environmental impacts of the project activities including any Health and Safety related issues at site.

The Consultants Environmental Specialist was mobilized on August 01, 2013 and the Senior Environmentalist was mobilized on November 01, 2013. The Environmental Monitoring team of the Consultant, comprising of the Environmental Specialist/ Sr. Environmentalist is responsible for the monitoring of the compliance of EMP with the assistance of the Safety Inspector and reporting any non-compliance of the Contractor to the PMO.There was no change in the environment and social team of the Supervision Consultants during the reporting period.

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New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

iii. Contractor

The Contractor is responsible for execution of the construction activities and for environmental protection through its environmental and social field staff. The Contractor is subject to environmental protection liabilities under environmental laws of Pakistan and the Project’s ESIA/EMP provisions under their Contract with the Punjab Irrigation Department (PID). The Contractor is also responsible for communicating environmental & social information and for imparting of necessary training to its staff in all aspects of the EMP.

6. Relationship with Contractor , Owner and Lender:

Undoubtedly, the Contractor and his staffconstitute the most important tier in the implementation process of the Project. The Engineer’s interaction in this regard is aimed at infusing adequate knowledge& skill to maintain the required degree of environmental standards during the Project’s execution.The overall relationship of the Employer, Supervision Consultant, Contractor and the sponsoring agency remained amicable during the reporting period.

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New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages


The Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan (EMP) is an integral part of the project’s bidding document and was broadly followed by DESCON Engineering Ltd while Engineer’s Environmental Specialist and Senior Environmentalist along with their team have regularly and strictly monitored the overall compliance related to environmental and safety issues. Third Party External Instrumental Monitoring for the environmental parameters was carried out on November 23, 2016.It was eleventh round of external environmental monitoring by DESCON, through M/s Global Environmental Laboratory, Lahore.

Internal instrumental monitoring of environmental parameters of river water quality was also carried out in the reporting period by DESCON and Engineer’s Environmental Team at the Chenab River upstream and downstream of the Coffer Dam as well as noise levels monitored at the construction site(s), residential site as well as sensitive receptors.

During the reporting period, one Coffer Damwas constructed at theRightside of ChenabRiver to facilitate the dismantling of right weir of old KhankiHeadworks, second coffer dam for dismantling of middle weir of the old Headworks. The new Coffer Damsinside River Chenab was constructed by using clay stock piled along ChanawanRoad.This material however can degrade the water quality and become a source of threat for aquatic life especially fish during construction and dismantling phase. The river water quality at the upstream and downstream of the Coffer Dam was analyzed which was found to be satisfactory. During the internal instrumental monitoring of River Chenab, it was noted that the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the river was more than 6.5 mg/l whereas minimum dissolved oxygen for existence of aquatic life/ fish is considered to be 4.0 mg/l.Hence the water was safe for sustenance of aquatic life.

7. External Environmental Monitoring As per approved SSEMP, 11th round of Instrumental monitoring of environmental parameters was carried out by the M/s Global Environmental Laboratory (GEL) for DESCON on November 23, 2016. During the external instrumental monitoring, ambient air quality, drinking water, waste water, gaseous emissions for generators and vehicular emission tests were carried out at different places of site as per approved SSEMP and as directed by Senior Environmentalist SMEC. The external instrumental monitoring results for air and drinking water are presented in Table 2 & Table 3 respectively. The Monitoring Results of GEL for the November 2016 monitoring are attached as Annexure-II with this Report. a) Ambient Air Quality Monitoring:

Air quality monitoring helps us in better understanding the sources, levels of different air pollutants, effects of air pollution control measures and exposure of various substances in the air we breathe. It helps us in improving and developing air pollution control strategies to reduce

SMEC International in association with - 10 - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

the effect of air pollution. The Contractor has carried out Ambient Air Quality analysis, results of which are attached as Annexure II:

Table 1 Ambient Air Quality Analysis

S. Paramet Unit NEQS Base RMB RGB U/S New LCC Remarks No. er line

1 Carbon Mg/m3 5 0 0.2 0.3 0.2 Within Monoxide NEQS (CO) 2 Sulfur µg/m3 120 BDL 5.6 BDL 2.6 Within Dioxide NEQS (SO2) 3 Nitrogen µg/m3 80 BDL 59 25 24 Within Dioxide NEQS NO2) 4 Particulat µg/m3 150 103.5 28 22 31 Within e Matter NEQS (PM10)

5 Particulat µg/m3 35 ------6 4 8 Within e Matter NEQS (PM2.5)

6 Noise dB(A) 75 ------53.1 55.6 60.8 Within Leq NEQS

b) Analysis of Results: The results of ambient air quality analysis show that all the parameters were within NEQS.

c) Drinking Water Quality Monitoring:

Safe drinking water is essential forhuman health. If workers are not provided with safe drinking water, it may pose risk to their health. As per Site Specific EMP, the drinking water quality analysis hasbeen carried out. The drinking water samples were collected from the locations below:  Dispenser installed near tea room of DESCON main office  Officer’s Camp Mess A from 20L Bottle

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Table 2 Drinking Water Quality Analysis

Sr. Parameters Unit NEQS Officer Camp Dispenser No. Mess A main office 1. Taste …… Not Normal Normal Objectionabl e 2. Odor Not 0.0 0.0 Objectionabl e 3. Turbidity NTU <5 0.24 0.07 4. Calcium hardness mg/l …… 120 135 5. Magnesium mg/l …… 50 45 hardness 6. Total hardness mg/l <500 170.0 180.0 7. Carbonate alkalinity mg/l 0.0 0.0 8. Bi-carbonate mg/l 180 140 alkalinity 9. Total Alkalinity mg/l <500 180 140 10. Total Dissolved mg/l <1000 328 320 Solids 11. pH 6.5-8.5 6.67 6.98 12. Arsenic mg/l <=0.05 0.010 0.005 13. Boron mg/l 0.3 BDL BDL 14. Chloride mg/l <250 18 12 15. Fluoride mg/l <=1.5 0.58 0.45 16. Nitrate mg/l <=50 0.7 0.8 17. Nitrite mg/l <=3 0.005 0.008 18. Residual chlorine mg/l 0.2-0.5 0.02 0.04 19. Zinc mg/l 5 0.02 BDL 20. Color 15 6 2 21. E-Coli Cfu/10 0 0 0 0ml 22. Total Coliform Cfu/10 0 0 0 0ml 23. Enterococci… Cfu/10 …… 0 0 0ml

i.Analysis of Results: Both the samples were fit for drinking purpose chemically as well as biologically.

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d) Waste Water Quality Monitoring: Wastewater treatment is an important requirement at the construction sites since it ensures that the water from the domestic as well as construction activities does not harm the surrounding environment and allows the site to operate by meeting the NEQS. The Contractor has been advised to collect a waste water sample from the outlet of soakage pit constructed at right side of new Barrage and Soakage Pit from DESCON’s Office. The results are shown in Table-3:

Table 3 Waste Water Quality Analysis S.No. Parameters Unit NEQS Conc. Conc. Remarks 1 pH value ….. 6-9 7.25 8.72 OK 2 Total Dissolved mg/l 3500 560 780 OK Solids 3 Total Suspended mg/l 200 50 150 OK Solids 4 COD mg/l 150 138 146 OK 5 BOD5 mg/l 80 52 58 OK

i. Analysis of Results: The results of analysis show that all parameters are within NEQS. e) Generator’s emissions monitoring:

Generators were periodically checked for their maintenance. For this purpose, noise and exhaust emission monitoring was carried out. Moreover record for the change of Mobile Oil for generatorswas also maintained by the concerned department. These tests help assess the generator efficiency and need for its repair and maintenance. Its record is being maintained at E&P workshops by the Contractor. The Generator gaseous emission results in the 3rd party Environmental Monitoring on November 23, 2016 are summarized in Table 4:

Table 4Generator Gaseous Emission Analysis

S. Parameters Units NEQS CC# CC# CC# Remarks No 73591 73498 73499 1 Carbon mg/Nm3 800 212.5 105.0 118.8 Within Monoxide (CO) NEQS 2 Sulphur Dioxide mg/Nm3 1700 65.8 71.5 60.1 Within


3 Oxygen (O2) % ------14.28 14.22 15.06 Within NEQS 4 Nitrogen mg/Nm3 ------20.5 40.2 24 Within

Dioxide (NO2) NEQS

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5 Nitric Oxide mg/Nm3 ------558.2 528.4 573.5 Within (NO) NEQS

6 Combined mg/Nm3 600 578.7 568.6 597.5 Within Oxides of NEQS

Nitrogen (NOx) 7 Carbon Dioxide % ------4.97 5 3.64 Within

(CO2) NEQS 8 Smoke Ringlemann 2 2 2 2 Within NEQS

i. Analysis of Results:

The results show that all parameters for generator’s emissions are within NEQS limit. f) Vehicles Emissions monitoring

The vehicles gaseous emission results in 3rdParty Environmental Monitoring on November 23, 2016 have been summarized in Table 5.

Table 5 Vehicle Gaseous Emission Analysis

S. No Equipment Carbon Monoxide (CO) Smoke

NEQS Results NEQS Results Ringlemann 1 LES-9125 6 0.09 2 2

2 CC-71160 6 0.31 2 1 3 CC-65353 6 0.09 2 2 4 Dozer 6 0.13 2 2 8512 5 CC-65358 6 0.07 2 1 6 CC-71163 6 0.06 2 2 7 CC-65338 6 0.23 2 2 8 CC-65363 6 0.08 2 1 9 CC-75459 6 0.11 2 2

10 Cater pillar 6 0.08 2 1 966-F

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i. Analysis of Results: The results show that all the parameters were within NEQS limit and could be considered environmentally safe. g) Noise

Noise survey for various equipment and machinery is being carried out on regular basis. The noise level is being monitored internally on monthly basis as well as externally on quarterly basis along with external monitoring as shown in Table-6:

Table 6: Noise Measurement for Equipment of Machinery

Sr. No. Equipment NEQS (Vehicular Noise level dB (A) Emission)

1 LES-9125 85 72.4

2 CC-71160 85 74.5

3 CC-65353 85 73.9

4 Dozer 8512 85 70.8

5 CC-65358 85 73.6

6 CC-71163 85 73

7 CC-65338 85 74.2

8 CC-65363 85 74.3

9 CC-75459 85 75.1

10 Cater pillar 966-F 85 73.7

Area NEQS (Industrial) Noise level dB (A) leq

1 RMB road 75 53.1

2 RGB U/S 75 55.6

3 New LCC 75 60.8

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i. Analysis of Results: The results show that all the parameters were within NEQS.

8. Internal Environmental Monitoring

Internal instrumental monitoring has been carried out at Chenab River by DESCON under supervision of Consultant during the reporting period from July to December 2016. The results of internal monitoring are depicted in Table-7 and also attached as Annexure-III with this Report.

a. Surface Water Quality Monitoring (Chenab River)

The Contractor has raised the Coffer Dam on the Right Bank of River Chenab to facilitate construction of the remaining Barrage and the Right Guide Bank at upstream and downstream New Khanki Barrage Section. Another Coffer Dam has been constructed on the upstream left side of existing Head Works to facilitate construction of Left Guide Bank. As the Coffer Dams are constructed by using clay and stone material inside the River Chenab, this material can degrade the water quality and become a threat for the aquatic life especially fish during construction/dismantling phase of the Coffer Dam. The following parameters were therefore monitored including DO, TDS, PH, EC and temperature upstream and downstream of the Coffer Dams in River Chenab.

(i) Surface Water Quality Monitoring The river water quality monitoring was carried out by Environmental Officer of DESCON in the presence of Senior Environmentalist/Safety Inspector SMEC. Two samples were collected each month from different points. Currently one Coffer Dam has been constructed to facilitate construction activities of Right Guide Bank and dismantling of old Head Works at right side while second Coffer Dam has been made for the construction of guide bank at the upstream left side of the river. The guide bank construction activities are on both left and right side of the Old Barrage. (ii) Collection of Samples: Every month, one sample was collected from the upstream side of Coffer Dam raised for construction of Guide Bank and dismantling of existing Head Works while other sample was collected from its downstream side to evaluate impact on river water quality. (iii) Analysis of Samples: The samples were analyzed on spot with the equipment owned by DESCON. The samples were collected in sample holder and analyzed.

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Table-7 Internal Instrumental Monitoring Resultsof Chenab River Water Quality

July-16 August-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Sr. Parameter Unit NEQS U/s No U/s D/s U/s U/s D/s U/s U/s D/s U/s D/s U/s D/s . 1 Temperature C0 <=30 26.6 26.5 29.1 30.5 30.7 24.2 25.8 22.8 22.6 23.2 23.3 14.3 14.5 8.6 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.5 8.5 8.2 8.2 8.3 8.3 2 pH - 6.6-8.5

Total 110 170 80 180 240 90 80 90 100 130 110 160 140 3 Dissolved mg/l 3500 Solids (TDS) Electrical 240 280 160 180 280 190 170 210 230 270 240 330 310 µs/c 4 Conductivity 1055 m (EC)

Dissolved 8.50 7.73 7.74 6.80 7.89 6.96 6.38 7.80 7.67 7.32 7.16 8.3 8.1 5 mg/l - Oxygen (DO) Minimum DO for sustenance of aquatic life = 4.0 mg/l

As such all the above parameters checked, complied with the NEQS. The above river water quality seems to be quite satisfactory for the sustenance of aquatic life, as the Dissolved Oxygen level for survival of fish is 4 mg/l compared to the available Dissolved Oxygen of about6.0 mg/l or more in the River.

b. Noise Monitoring

Noise measurement survey for various equipment and machinery has been carried out on regular basis within the Contractor’s facilities and construction site(s). All the noise levels for various equipment and machinery have been found to be within the NEQS permissible limit. During site visits/inspection, if some vehicles or equipment are giving high noise levels, these are advised to report to Equipment and Plant (E&P)Workshop for repair and maintenance. The noise measurement results of Contractor’s internal monitoring are depicted in Table-8. Noise Level monitoring was carried out at various work sites/ equipment sites from July to December2016.

Table-8: Internal Instrumental Monitoring Results Noise

July 2016 NEQS Noise level dB Sr. No. Equipment (Vehicular (A) Emission) 1 Transit Mixture CC 78114 85 dB(A) 63.5 2 Transit Mixture CC 78107 85 dB(A) 62.8

3 Transit Mixture CC 78113 85 dB(A) 64.2 4 Hilux LEE 9067 85 dB(A) 66.8

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5 Hilux LEE 5543 85 dB(A) 67.2 6 Dumper Truck CC 77156 85 dB(A) 67.5 7 Dumper Truck CC 77150 85 dB(A) 62.7 8 Dumper Truck CC 77148 85 dB(A) 63.4 9 Dumper Truck CC 77154 85 dB(A) 67.7 Area NEQS Noise level dB (Industrial) (A) leq 1 Coffer Dam Up Stream 75 dB(A) 51.7 2 Right guide bank 75 dB(A) 58.6 3 Batch Plant 75 dB(A) 53.2 August 2016 1 Transit Mixture CC 78126 85 dB(A) 66.3 2 Transit Mixture CC 78118 85 dB(A) 65.6 3 Transit Mixture CC 78114 85 dB(A) 63.9 4 Dumper Truck CC 77151 85 dB(A) 69.6 5 Dumper Truck CC 77150 85 dB(A) 68.1 6 Dumper Truck CC 77146 85 dB(A) 70.4 7 HI-ace CC 76130 85 dB(A) 60.9 8 Dumper Truck CC 74151 85 dB(A) 70.4 Area NEQS Noise level dB (Industrial) (A) leq 1 RGB Up Stream 75 dB(A) 52.3 2 Site Office Area 75 dB(A) 52.7 3 Batch Plant 75 dB(A) 51.2 4 LCC Head Regulator 75 dB(A) 56.8 September 2016 1 Dumper Truck CC 77154 85 dB(A) 69.8 2 Dumper Truck CC 77159 85 dB(A) 68.4 3 Dumper Truck CC 77133 85 dB(A) 68.2 4 Dumper Truck CC 77157 85 dB(A) 70.1 5 Dumper Truck CC 77156 85 dB(A) 67.9 6 Dumper Truck CC 67161 85 dB(A) 68.6 7 Dumper Truck CC 67165 85 dB(A) 69.3 8 Dumper Truck CC 67159 85 dB(A) 71.8 Area 1 RGB 75 dB(A) 61.3 2 LGB Up Stream 75 dB(A) 63.4 3 Batch Plant 75 dB(A) 52.6 4 LCC Head Regulator 75 dB(A) 68.2 SMEC International in association with - 18 - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

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October 2016 1 Dumper Truck CC 74660 85 dB(A) 72.2 2 Dumper Truck CC 74673 85 dB(A) 70.6 3 Dumper Truck CC 74677 85 dB(A) 73.4

4 Dumper Truck CC 74684 85 dB(A) 71.8 5 Dumper Truck CC 74690 85 dB(A) 69.5 6 Dumper Truck CC 77133 85 dB(A) 70.7 7 Dumper Truck CC 77112 85 dB(A) 71.6 8 Dumper Truck CC 77120 85 dB(A) 72.8 Area 1 RGB 75 dB(A) 64.6 2 LGB Up Stream 75 dB(A) 61.2 3 Batch Plant 75 dB(A) 57.8 4 LCC Head Regulator 75 dB(A) 69.1 November 2016 1 Dumper Truck CC 74661 85 dB(A) 69.7 2 Dumper Truck CC 74670 85 dB(A) 72.4 3 Dumper Truck CC 74671 85 dB(A) 68.9 4 Dumper Truck CC 74698 85 dB(A) 72.0 5 Dumper Truck CC 77144 85 dB(A) 71.4 6 Dumper Truck CC 77148 85 dB(A) 72.6

7 Dumper Truck CC 77156 85 dB(A) 72.2 8 Dumper Truck CC 77159 85 dB(A) 70.9 Area 1 RGB 75 dB(A) 53.2 2 LGB Up Stream 75 dB(A) 64.8 3 Batch Plant 75 dB(A) 54.3 4 LCC Head Regulator 75 dB(A) 68.8 December 2016 1. LES-9125 85 dB(A) 72.4 2. CC- 71160 85 dB(A) 74.5 3. CC- 65353 85 dB(A) 73.9 4. 966-F (Cater Pillar) 85 dB(A) 73.7 5. Dozer-8512 85 dB(A) 70.8 6. CC-65358 85 dB(A) 73.6 7. CC- 71163 85 dB(A) 73.0 8. CC- 65338 85 dB(A) 74.2 9. CC- 65363 85 dB(A) 74.3 10. CC- 75459 85 dB(A) 75.1

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Areas 1 New LCC 75 dB(A) 60.8 2 RGB Up Stream 75 dB(A) 55.6 3 RMB Road 75 dB(A) 53.1

i. Analysis of Results:

The noise level in industrial premises remained within NEQS.

9. Flora and Fauna Monitoring:

There are no protected forests in/or adjacent to the Project Area. An area of land owned by PID has been assigned for use by the Contractor as the works area to be used for worker accommodation, materials and plant storage and concrete batching plant. The area is designated as grassland but there are occasional trees at the boundary and within the area. In the Project Area, Fishing is not allowed especially in the vicinity of the Barrage and also two fish ladders have been constructed for the upward / downward movement of the fish at Barrage. The fish which were trapped during the construction of the Coffer Dam were safely returned back to the river by the Contractor.

Biological environment after completion of works will boost local economy in terms of improved agriculture through ensured irrigation water by way of conveying water to tails, in LCC system command area. Tree plantations around project site in lieu of the cut trees will enhance the scenic value of the site.

10. Social Monitoring

The ADB's social safeguard policies are a cornerstone of its support to sustainable poverty reduction. The objective of these policies is to prevent and mitigate undue harm to people in the development process. The effectiveness and development impact of projects and programs supported by the Bank has substantially increased as a result of attention to these policies. Safeguard policies have often provided a platform for the participation of stakeholders in the project design, and have been an important instrument for building ownership among local population/community

a. Public Consultations A Number of public consultations were arranged on project site to facilitate the local residents regarding their complaints. Following is a brief about public consultation:

One public meeting was held at Golayki to address the issue of the local residents about their grievance regarding flood inundation after construction of New Khanki Barrage.. The meeting was held at the Dera of Ch. Akram. Seventeen (17) participants expressed their concerns. Waheed Ahmad Deputy Director PMO, Syed Raza Mashhadi Senior Sociologist SMEC and Hamdi Cheema Social Enumerator were also there.

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The local community raised an issue that there was a protection bund on Downstream Right Side Guide Bank to protect their lands from flood before the project started. Now that protective bund has been demolished and their agricultural land is vulnerable to inundation in flood season. The community was told by the Social Team that the new barrage has been constructed 900 ft. downstream of the existing head works. In the end, it was decided in the meeting that the community shall write an application to the Project Director and elaborate their concerns in detail. The issue will be resolved once it is duly considered by the PD, PMO Lahore.

The community of Kot Imam Buksh was suffering from the problem of rain water accumulation in their crops. This rain water accumulated due to stock of clay soil along Chanawan Road choking rain water runoff to the river side. A rain water culvert has been constructed by the Engineer at this point. This rain water was destroying the crops of the local residents. The social team visited the site, met with the locals and advised DESCON Engineering Limited to install a pump to drain out this water. The issue was solved with joint efforts of Social team of Supervision Consultants and the Contractor i.eDESCON Engineering Limited. However the culvert is presently non-functional and there is an urgent need to make it operational. (The Environmental Specialist SMEC already took notice of the same in his Field Trip Report of November 18, 2016 which has been shared with the Contractor for necessary action).

A public meeting was arranged at RattoWali to address the issue of the residents regarding paved ramps and access road leading to the village.

The said village is situated along LMB Road. The higher level of the road makes the village vulnerable to rain water infiltration into their houses. This situation has also caused their internal road/path to deteriorate badly. The residents demanded proper approach through construction of ramps.

Moreover, the rain water lands directly into their houses without any hurdle in the way. An application was sent to PMO Office for necessary action to be taken.

Three public meetings were arranged at ThathiBaloch, Burj and KotRatta to make the residents aware regarding construction of studs and benefit to the local population to retard the flow of flood, protect public property and the road. The residents were made aware about the location of these studs. They were thoroughly briefed about the benefits of these studs as to how same can help prevent their arable lands from the flood. These studs will protect the nearby population and roads in case of flood.

The local population showed their consent to handover their land for the construction of these studs. Now a process of Land Acquisition will start and owners will be compensated for the land as well as any crop affected by the new construction.

Another public consultation was held at Kathor Kalan village as the residents requested the Project Director PMO to provide a safe ramp before the railway crossing at the right SMEC International in association with - 21 - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

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side of LMB Road. There was already a ramp at this point which had gone down the road level after construction of LMB Road. The residents of the village showed their concern for constructing proper and safe ramp at the right side of LMB Road to ensure safe passage of public vehicles. The social team ensured the participants that their demand will be fulfilled as soon as possible.

b. Employment Opportunities for the Local Community: It is the contractual obligation to employ maximum workforce from the local residents. DESCON is bound to employ maximum number of local laborer for its construction work. A large number of semi and unskilled workers in the Project Area are being hired by DESCON. The Project has opened new job opportunities which the local population is availing. The district wise Contractor’s monthly employment record during the reporting period for Khanki and other areas is attached as Annexure-IV.

c. Implementation of LARP: The Punjab Irrigation Department (PID) has prepared and endorsed the land acquisition and resettlement plan (LARP), and is responsible for its implementation and monitoring. The LARP has been prepared in accordance with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS 2009), Pakistan’s Land Acquisition Act of 1894, and the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework (LARF).

d. Grievances Redressal Cell and Social Complaints:

A Grievance Redress Cell (GRC) has been established under the ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS 2009) constituting the following members:

• Resident Engineer of SMEC at NKBP Convener • Dy. Director (Resettlement)-PMO Member • Sr. Environmentalist (SMEC) Member • Sr. Sociologist of SMEC at site Member • Admin Officer of DESCON at NKBP Member • Incharge HSE from DESCON at NKBP Member • PAPs(Project Affected Persons) Members from Private/Irrigation Staff Member

It is preferred that the local community submit their complaints/ concerns in a Community Complaint Register (CCR), with the Consultant Social Staff at site consisting the name and address of complainant, description of complaint along with the contact number of the affectee. This register also contains the status of action taken, status of complaints, and other necessary information/ record and reasons in case the issue is not resolved copy ofthis register is attached with this report as Annexure V. Proper consideration is given to SMEC International in association with - 22 - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

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avoid the grievances of the people at initial stage during the implementation rather than moving to higher authorities. This is to ensure thetimely disclosure of information, frequent consultations/ interaction with the community and ensuring full participation of local residents &resolution of issues at the gross root level.

11. Initial Environmental Screening of LMB (Left Marginal Bund) Road and its Implementation

Engineer’s Environmental Specialist had carried out the Initial Environmental Screening of LMB and Chanawan Roads assisted by the Sr. Environmentalist, Junior Designer (Roads) and ARE (Roads). Salient observations about any trees to be cut/ removed, anticipated resettlement/ land acquisition issues, infrastructure (electric poles/ installations) etc. to be affected due to the proposed rehabilitation works were observed and noted in the Report. The IES Report was circulated to the concerned experts of new Khanki Barrage Consultants and the Contractor/ Client for further necessary action.

Implementation of the provisions/recommendations of Initial Environmental Screening Report of LMB Road had been carried out by M/s DESCON and Engineer’s site staff and a survey of LMB Road was carried out by the Engineer Enumerator/ Sociologist and DESCON’s surveyors to assess the number of trees which need to be removed/cut, the required resettlement, infrastructure replacement etc. and electric poles, pipes or culverts which need to be relocated.

Now the construction of LMB Road is almost complete, the IES of LMB hasalso been implemented to facilitate construction activities by the Engineer regarding tree removal, protection of Grave of Late Nuagazi Baba on LMB Road and relocation of electric poles. All the electric poles from LMB Road have been removed. However the Consultants Environmental Specialist in his Field Trip Report(s) of November 18, 2016 has again highlighted various safety measures to be taken due to the fact that at most sections LMB Road is raised than the adjacent ground elevation. Certain safety measures have also been suggested for Chanawan Road. Those recommendations need the attention of all concerned.

12. Implementation of Initial Environmental Screening of Chanawan Road Construction of Chanawan Road was initiated by DESCON through appointment of a Sub- contractor M/s GKG. The construction of this road is almost complete except unpaved portion from RD 0+785 to RD 25+00.Culvert at RD 2+450 is also complete which was a demand of local residents of Kot Imam Buksh. Many culverts have also been provided on the demand of local community on Chanawan Road for cross drainage of water. Relocation of electric poles on Chanawan Road is also complete. After the completion of the road works, signboards regarding public safety and speed limits are required at Chanawan Road particularly near settlements.

13. Initial Environment Screening of Auxiliary Building Works Under the auspices of the “Auxiliary Works of the New Khanki Barrage Project”, construction of a Basic Health Unit (BHU), Community School, CRE’s Offices/ Residencies & Staff Colony etc. were included in the scope of work.

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While carrying out the Initial Environment Screening of the Building Works, it was recommended that to preserve the environmental aesthetics and the beauty of the Canal Rest House at Khanki which was built in 1889, no boundary wall should be constructed around the newly constructed buildings close to the Rest House; rather it may be replaced with a “Green Edge”. This issue was discussed by the Environmental Specialist SMEC International Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid with Mr. EjazBajwa Construction Manager DESCON on March 13, 2015. The TL/ CRE of the Engineer instructed the Construction Manager DESCON to comply with the above recommendations.

14. Performance Monitoring and ADB Delegation’s Visit The Engineer’s Environmental Specialist and Sr. Environmentalist have monitored the Contractor’s performance against the stipulated compliance of Environmental Management Plan, Traffic Management Plan, HSE Plan and Solid Waste Management Plan in the field. The Senior Environmentalist along with his staff member i.e. Safety Inspector are deputed at site on full time basis to regularly monitor the performance of M/s DESCON Engineering Ltd. Joint visits have been carried out with DESCON’s Environmental officers for more effective monitoring and for achieving better performance objectives.

The field staff of the Supervisory Consultants is supported and guided by an experienced Environmental Specialist who performs his duties by field trips to the New Khanki Barrage followed by Field Trip Reports as well as regular interaction with the field staff from the Consultants Head Office located in Lahore.

Director Environment, Social & Resettlement, Deputy Director Environment and Deputy Director Social of PMO have been regularly visiting the Project Area in the reporting period supporting and reviewing the performance of Engineer’s Environment & Social Team and Implementation of EMP and other plans by DESCON.

During the reporting period, a technical delegation of ADB from Manila, Philippine led by ChaudharyAkhtarHussainvisited the NKB site on October 16, 2016. The delegation visited the Barrage construction site and was briefed by Team Leader SMEC about the physical progress of the Project. A comprehensive presentation was given by CRE/ Team Leader about the technical aspects of the NKB. After the presentation, a detailed meeting was held in the Meeting Room of DESCON for issues related to the financial as well as physical progress. The delegation overall seemed to be satisfied with the physical progress and thehealth, safety and environmental conditions at Site.

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Environmental Management is a set of plans and procedures that enable an organization to reduce its environmental impacts and increase its operating efficiency. Environmental Management System (EMS) refers to the management of an organization's environmental programs in a comprehensive, systematic, planned and documented manner. It includes the organizational structure, planning and resources for developing, implementing and maintaining policy for environmental protection. The overall Environmental Performance of New Khanki Barrage Project is satisfactory while efforts for continuous improvements are being undertaken. The status of approval of various Environmental Plans related to New Khanki Barrage Project is shown inTable 9.

Table 9: Status of Environmental Plans related to New Khanki Barrage Project Resubmission Resubmission Date of first Name of Plan No.I No.II Approval Date Submission (Date) (Date) SSEMP Main September 13, October 28, December 05, December 18, Barrage 2013 2013 2013 2013 November 04, December 05, December 18, HSE Plan July 25, 2013 2013 2013 2013 December 18, Traffic November 04, December 05, 2013 Management July 25, 2013 2013. 2013 (Provisional Plan (TMP) Approval) Solid Waste Management January 10, 2013 April 16, 2014 July 8, 2014. July 12, 2014 Plan (SWMP) SSEMP of LMB December 18, and Chanwan - - Submitted to ADB 2014 Road SSEMP Of Mechanical January 06, 2015 February, 2015 -- March 2015 Workshop Tree Plantation February 20, February 06, 2016 March 30, 2016 June 9, 2016 Plan 2016 Social Frame Singed on 27th November 2013 at Khanki Rest House between Engineer Work (RE) on behalf of PMO with Community Committee Chairman. Agreement

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15. Borrow Area’s Management Plans

The Contractor has not utilized any borrow area in the reporting period as there was sufficient stock of clay material available for the construction of coffer dams. This material has been extracted from the excavation of New LCC. Now the Contractor has enough material to continue his activities without any new borrow area. The construction of embankment for RMB Road is in progress but material is being taken from stock piles heaped at right side of the Barrage.

16. Contractor’s Camp Sites and Implementation of EMP

The Contractor has constructed two camps one for its officer’s and the other for the laborers. Both the camps have been maintained nicely as per guidelines approved in the Site Specific EMP. The Officer’s Camp has a drainage system sloping towards Old LCC to reduce stagnant water after rains while the LaborerCamp has also a drainage system removing water spontaneously after rains. Both the camps have well maintained walkways, solid waste collection and disposal system, waste water treatment system and disposal etc.

i. Laborer Barracks

M/s DESCON has overall improved the housekeeping in both Laborer Camp as well as staff camp. Walk ways construction was completed at both the camps. DESCON has also installed tube lights in washrooms at the instructions of the Engineer and roofs above wash rooms/ toilets. The laborer strength in July 2016 stood at 829 while it was 1113 in December31, 2016. Laborer Barracks have been regularly monitored by the Engineer’s Environmental Team. During the monitoring of housekeeping, walkways construction and usage, solid waste collection segregation and disposal, food quality and hygienic condition of toilets and kitchen were checked.

Solid waste is collected in plastic drums from residential colonies as well as from the site. These drums collect waste without any differentiation of reusable and recyclables. All the waste is collected from drums and transported in a vehicle for final disposal. The Contractor is now disposing off its solid waste in irrigation owned land known as BhattayWali 200 meters away from Khanki to Saroki Road and 300 meters away from Khanki Village. It is a barren land, about 8 to 9 Acre in area.

There is only one canteen that remained functional in the reporting period for provision of good quality food. The other canteens were not useddue to the decreasing number of workforce after completion of main construction works. According to the philosophy of good management, motivated and satisfied workers are expected to be more productive workers.

Contractor has installed cooling and heating facilities in the Laborer Barracks, Laborer’s Mess No 1 & 2 and the Mosque. Overall the Contractor seems to be continuously working for the improvement of the Laborer Barracks, under the supervision and guidance of the Engineer. SMEC International in association with - 26 - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

• Engineer’s Environmental Team has monitored the management of Mess at Laborer Barracks on regular basis. At more than one occasion, the Environmental Specialist and his team checked the quality of food at the Laborer Mess which was found to be satisfactory. • There are 5 different shops at the Laborer Camp Site to facilitate the laborer. (1). Barber Shop/Hair dresser (2). Juice/Cold Drinks Shop (3). General Super Store (4) Laundry Shop (5) PCO.

ii. Officer’s camp: The M/s DESCON Engineering Limited has established an officer’s camp at the left bank of Old LCC. The area has boundary wall. The camp has two entry points. One towards LCC and second towards CRE office. The camp has two messes, one for managerial staff, second for mid-career and supervisory staff. All the rooms have attached wash rooms except supervisory residences which have separate wash and bath rooms. The sanitation and hygienic inspection have been regularly carried out for living rooms as well as dining areas. All the walkways have been constructed with brick work. Green areas, belts and lawns have been made which cause aesthetic beauty. Few commissaries shop have also been provided in the Officer’s Camp. These include juice shop, barber shop, laundry shop and general store.

iii. Hygienic Inspection of Dining Areas: Regular hygienic inspections of dining areas have been carried out during the reporting period. The Senior Environmentalist along with Safety Inspector has regularly checked the hygienic conditions of all the messes of laborers as well as Officer’s Camp. The non- conformity is communicated to the I/C HSE and Environmental Officer for corrective action as early as possible.

iv. Sanitation Inspections of Living Area and Washing Facilities: Regular sanitation inspections of living rooms as well as washing area have been carried out during the reporting period. The Senior Environmentalist along with Safety Inspector has regularly checked the sanitation conditions of all the living rooms of laborers as well as Officer’s Camp.

v. Waste Water Treatment and Disposal:

Both the camps generate waste water that can be differentiated as black water as well as grey water. All the waste water from washing areas as well as from laundry is disposed off in soakage pit while black water from lavatories is first treated in 3 chamber septic tanks of sufficient capacity to settle and remove suspended and colloidal particles. As the water table is high in the area being a riverine bed, waste water does not seep fully in soakage pit(s), so the waste water from soakage pit is pumped in a tank and sprinkled on barren land.

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vi. Municipal Waste Collection and Disposal

DESCON has constructed three (3) waste pits for the segregation of solid waste behind the Laborer Camp. Wet solid waste and decomposable wastes have been disposed in Pit-1, burnable material/waste like papers and empty packing material etc. have been disposed in Pit-2 and recyclable wastes is put in Pit-3. Waste collected from Laborer Barracks, Canteen and other contractor facilities is collected in the above three pits. While in Officer’s Camp, all the solid waste is collected from door to door and put in plastic drums. From plastic drums, waste is transported to a point 500m away from Khanki village. The waste is also segregated at this point.

17. Solid Waste Management Plan and Its Implementation

Solid waste is collected in plastic drums from residential colonies as well as from the site. These drums collect waste without any differentiation of reusable and recyclables. All the waste is collected from drums and transported in a vehicle for final disposal. The Contractor is now disposing off its solid waste in irrigation owned land known as BhattayWali 200 meters away from Khanki to Saroki Road and 500 meters away from Khanki village. It is a barren land, about 8 to 9 Acre in area. The rest of the waste collected from different areas is collected, segregated and disposed of as under: a. Cement and Slag Bags The cement and slag bags are collected and stacked near the batching plants and sold to the vendor for recycling purpose. The rain damaged and solidified cement and slag bags have been stacked at the Defense Bund around Labor Barracks to strengthen it. b. Scrape Iron and Its Cuttings Small iron cuttings, wires and pieces are also generated in fabrication and construction activities. All type of metallic waste is collected from site for re-use or recycling. For recycling purposes, scrape iron is sold to market. c. Waste Collected from Site All type of solid waste is collected in plastic drums placed at different points at site. Plastic drums for wooden and steel waste are also placed at different points of waste generation. This waste is transported to steel yard and main warehouse from where it is packed in different lots and sold to vendors. d. Medical Waste The medical waste is collected and segregated in the first aid center. In the dispensary, three bins are placed to segregate the medical waste into infectious, non-infectious and general waste. The Contractor has assured he is not using syringes or blades, so sharp waste is not included in the waste. The waste includes packaging of medicines and infected cotton, bandages etc. With this covenant, the Contractor has been allowed to bury this waste as per

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Punjab Hospital Waste Management Rules 2014. Currently, the medical waste is collected at an optimum frequency and buried in the waste disposal area.

18. Traffic Management Plan and Its Implementation on Site

Traffic Management Plan was being broadly followed on this project during the reporting period. Performance of the Contractor in compliance of the TMP was overall satisfactory with some exceptions. DESCON Engineering has arranged new traffic sign boards for LMB Road and Barrage Area access roads. Speed limit sign boards are installed at Barrage Area at all access roads and on LCC Bridge. Reflectors for facilitating motorists/traffic were installed on the old LCC Bridge at the instructions of the Engineer. Contractor has improved the safety at Old LCC Bridge, firm protection in the form of guard rail has been provided to improve the safety of vehicles using Old LCC Bridge.

a. Traffic Management Plan Approval

The Traffic Management Plan was approved by the Engineer on December 18, 2013. This plan covered the traffic management of project access roads (LMB &Chanawan Road) and project’s internal access routes and Coffer Dam Area.

b. Installation of Traffic Warning Sign Boards

The Contractor has installed different sign boards for warning and direction of vehicles at different locations such as Coffer Dam in and out and warning signs at security check posts. Speed limit sign boards are also displayed at various sites. It is very essential that the provisions and regulations of the TMP be observed and complied with in letter and spirit.

19. Construction Site Safety (HSE Best Practices)

HSE and Environmental awareness sessions were delivered in the reporting period. DESCON’s HSE Team imparted trainings to their workers on regular basis to ensure the awareness of the project staff about the health and safety requirements at the project site. For this purpose, a separate training room has been provided where weekly training sessions are being arranged. Training sessions were being conducted during the reporting period on different topics, such as;

a) Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)/ HSE Plan of the New Khanki Barrage Project. b) Hazards at work area, safety concept and safety measures for protection of laborer and machines from anticipated hazards. c) Use of Personal Protection Equipment’s (PPEs). d) Work at high places and relevant safety measures. e) Construction accident(s), construction site safety, safe access on site, safe ladders, crane safety, and safety while working at the area involving electrical appliances. f) Housekeeping and solid waste management. g) Ensuring safety at work sites by the Site Incharge and HSE Staff. h) Communications in case of emergency and first aid facilities provision.

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20. HSE Plan Implementation and Best Practices

The HSE Plan was approved by the Engineer in December 2013 and is under implementation by the Contractor and supervised by the Engineer’s Environment HSE Team. This plan covered the safety, health and environmental components/issues of New Khanki Barrage Project. According to the HSE Plan, the Contractor is bound to provide safety (first aid, personal protection equipment, safe drinking water, clean accommodation, clean and sufficient food) to all workers/staff working on New Khanki Barrage Project. DESCON has hired their own laborer/staff while several subcontractors are also working for New Khanki Barrage Project.

It is important to mention that all subcontractors and their laborerers are presumed to be working for DESCON and HSE Plan application will include all staff/workers and subcontractors. Facilities described in HSE Plan are for both DESCON hired/appointed staff/workers and the subcontractors.

a. First Aid Facilities, Paramedic Staff, Doctor and Ambulance

The Contractor has three paramedic staff for day and night shifts as well as for site. Unfortunately, MBBS Doctor is not available as Dr. SajidHussain left DESCON due to some personal problem. At day time two paramedics are available at site, one in First Aid Centre and other at site while at night one paramedical staff and one assistant are available. The Contractor has been advised to appoint a full time medical doctor at site. Ambulance is also available at site. Contractor has nine first aid kits on site. Details of HSE Statistics are described in Table-10.

Table 10: Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Plan Score:

Category Current Month (Dec. 2016) Project to Date Project to Date Man Hours 338494 16225900

Safe Man Hours 338494 5281978 First Aid Cases 7 238

Medical Treatment Cases (MTC) 1 8

Lost Time Injury (LTI) 0 1

Restricted Work Injury (RWI) 0 6

Near Miss 12 509

No. of Environmental Damage 0 0

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Category Current Month (Dec. 2016) Project to Date Trainings 5 141

HSE Orientation 251 7838

Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) 0.590 0.184

b. Safety Incentive/Award Program Workers should be encouraged for the good works they do. A safety incentives/award initiative is a step in this way improving safety culture at site. Positive reinforcement is experienced by giving safety awards to workers. The workers consider it acknowledgment of their safe work, they have done during their job completion. DESCON has acknowledged workers performance by providing them safety awards. DESCON arranged a safety award ceremony at site on December 31, 2016. Its photographic record is shared in Annexure 1.

c. Personal Protection Equipment (PPEs).

The Contractor has provided helmets, shoes, ear plugs, long shoes; rain cover, safety dresses, gloves and goggles mostly to their workers on site including subcontractors. Enforcement is required from DESCON to ensure continued and full-fledged use of safety equipment especially for sub-contractors staff.

d. Tool Box Talks:

Tool box talks were conducted by HSE Department on daily basis in day and night shifts at various working locations. Site Management also participated along workers in those TBTs. TBTs topics included manual lifting, work at height, housekeeping, rigging lifting, crane operation, vehicle movement and unsafe acts, use of PPEs, material stacking, electrical work safety, behavior base safety, firefighting etc Safety talks for various topics are being arranged regularly. Workers are periodically informed about the need for utilization of Personnel Protective Equipment like gloves, their usage and benefits especially while working with steel, concrete etc. on site and in camps. They were told as how these gloves can be helpful to avoid injuries while handling, molding fixing and moving steel rods. Another safety talk was arranged to tell the workers about how to avoid risks associated with concrete work. These workers were also told that it is mandatory for them to use rubber shoes and gloves while at work.

e. Training of Workers

Training of workers and staff is being arranged on regular basis to ensure the awareness of the project staff about the health, safety and environmental requirements of the Project Site. For this purpose, a separate training room has been provided by the Contractor where weekly training sessions are being arranged. Four to five training sessions were arranged each month on different topics. The detail is presented in Table-11:

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Table 11: Trainings to the Workers

Sr. Date Training Topic No of Trainer Designation No. Participants 1. 01-07-2016 Crane Operation 15 Abdul Khaliq Assistant Executive HSE 2. 15-07-2016 Scaffolding, Use of full 17 Sahib Dino Executive HSE body harness. 3. 18-07-2016 Defensive Driving 09 Abdul Khaliq Assistant Executive HSE 4. 21-07-2016 Rigging & Lifting 15 Asif Kamran Environmentalist 5. 26-07-2016 HIV/AIDS 22 Nazir Ahmed Sr. Paramedic 6. 05-08-2016 Electrical Safety 31 Abdul Khaliq Assistant Executive HSE 7. 13-08-2016 Scaffolding and Fall 22 Abdul Khaliq Assistant Executive protection HSE 8. 17-08-2016 Safety Plan for Flood 42 Abdul Khaliq Assistant Executive HSE 9. 20-08-2016 Hand Injury 38 Atta ulMomin Supervisor 10. 27-08-2016 HIV/AIDS 40 Nazir Ahmed Sr. Paramedic 11. 02-09-2016 Emergency Response 37 Sahib Dino Executive HSE Plan 12. 07-09-2016 Defensive Driving 53 Asif Kamran Environmentalist 13. 24-09-2016 Excavation 54 Abdul Khaliq Assistant Executive HSE 14. 29-09-2016 HIV/AIDS 58 Nazir Ahmed Sr. Paramedic 15. 08-02-2016 Work at height 34 Asif Kamran Environmentalist 16. 06-10-2016 Work at Height 54 Asif Kamran Environmentalist 17. 14-10-2016 Safe Crane Operation 29 Abdul Khaliq Assistant Executive HSE 18. 22-10-2016 Electrical Safety 54 Sahib Dino Executive HSE 19. 25-10-2016 Unsafe Acts& Unsafe 23 Syed Shah Head HSE (IP) Conditions Muhammad Division Qoraish 20. 04-11-2016 HIV/AIDS 52 Nazeer Ahmed Sr. Paramedic 21. 12-11-2016 Defensive Driving 53 Allah Ditta Supervisor 22. 20-11-2016 Natural Resource 40 Asif Kamran Environmentalist Conservation 23. 26-11-2016 Use of PPE’s 45 Allah Ditta Supervisor 24. 03-12-2016 Defensive Driving 51 Mr. Muhammad In charge HSE Aqeel I/C HSE

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25. 08-12-2016 Electrical Safety 43 Mr. Allah Ditta Supervisor 26. 14-12-2016 HIV/AIDS 42 Mr. Nazeer Sr. Paramedic Ahmed 27. 21-12-2016 Work at Height 53 Mr. Abdul Assistant Executive Khalique HSE 28. 28-12-2016 Housekeeping 54 Mr. M Asif Environmentalist Kamran

f. Emergency Preparedness and Response

Emergency preparedness and response is an integral part of anysafety management system. For this crucial task, the Contractor has prepared an Emergency Response Plan. This Emergency Response Plan deals with all kinds of emergencies at site i.e. injuries, flood, snake bite, fire emergency etc. In this Plan, two teams have been formulated to deal with all kinds of emergencies. One team is meant for firefighting while second team is designated for flood monitoring and emergency response. During any type of emergency, workers will inform their supervisor(s) or lead man who will inform his site incharge. At the same time, the supervisor/lead man will immediately inform HSE staff for any kind of emergency for which response will beinitiated. The site incharge is responsible toinform his Manager and the Manager to his Site Management Team.

g. Fire Prevention and Protection at site

Fire protection refers to measures taken to prevent fire from becoming destructive, reduce the impact of uncontrolled fire and save lives and property. It involves the implementation of safety planning practices and drills, and includes education about fire, research, investigation, safety planning, building construction, safe operations, training and testing of mitigating systems.

For fire prevention, buildings are constructed as per local fire safety code,so that all the buildings are protected from fire hazard. The main warehouse of NKB Project where there is storage of bulk material, risk assessment was carried out for fire hazard. As combustible materials are stored in the warehouse, fire hazard was of major significance therefore it was suggested to install a fire detection system, so that necessary response can be initiated in a safe and quick manner. The Contractor installed the fire detection system in his main warehouse which is now operational. Fire extinguishers of sufficient capacity are also provided in the main warehouse to respond in case of any fire. Fire extinguishers are a necessary tool for activation/ utilization in case of a fire incident. Recent inspection by the Consultant’s Senior Environmentalist and Safety Inspector in December 2016 found that few fire extinguishers need recharging, which was accordingly communicated to DESCON Engineering Limited. These are inspected regularly. The need to keep all the emergency preparedness equipment in a top notch condition needs no special emphasize.

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h. Site Inspections and Audits

Multiple site visits and inspections were carried out during the reporting period and non- compliances recorded and reported to Contractor for corrective action. Joint site inspections along with representative of the Contractor helped to resolve unsafe acts/ conditions spontaneously. The summary of the site inspections and audits is given in Table-12:

Table 12 Non Compliances S.No Date Area of No. of NCs Target date Remarks inspection 1 July 15, 2016 Barrage and 4 July 26, Resolved Camps 2016 2 August 9&12, Camps 5 August 30, Resolved 2016 2016 3 September Camps 5 September Resolved 05, 2016 15, 2016 4 October 02, Camps and 5 October 15, Resolved 2016 Barrage 2016 5 November Barrage 5 November Resolved 05, 2016 construction site 25, 2016 6 December Camp and 2 January 10, Pending 28,2016 construction site 2017 i. Non- Compliance Notices:

A number of non-compliance notices were issued to the Contractor. Most of the issues were resolved by the Contractor while few are still pending. The summary of non- compliance notices is presented in Table-13:

Table 13: Non-compliance Notices to the Contractor Sr.# Environmental Recommendation Severity Target date Follow up Status Issue date 1 Cartridges of UV Replace the High July 26, July 30, Closed filters have been cartridges 2016 2016 found immediately contaminated 2 Stagnant water Drain out stagnant High July 26, July 30, Closed

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has been water immediately 2016 2016 observed near main warehouse and in labor camp 3 Hard barricading Properly hard High July 26, July 30, Closed New LCC barricade the area 2016 2016 diversion is not as deep excavation proper can cause serious injury 4 Workers on Enforce PPEs on High July 26, July 30, Minor Barrage site especially 2016 2016 Improvement (especially stone under scaffoldings Apron and new and high risk areas LCC) and Chanawan Road work without PPEs 5 UV module of Replace the filter High August 9, August 10, Closed water Filter at immediately 2016 2016 Canteen No. 3 was non operational 6 Internal walls of Labor canteen Minor August 12, August 30, Closed LaborerCanteen require white wash 2016 2016 look untidy. at its interior walls 7 Lofty grass has Grass trimming is High August 12, August 30, Closed been observed required on urgent 2016 2016 in Labor Camp basis as well as in staff camp 8 Hygienic Improve food High August 25, August 31, Partial conditions of quality and hygiene 2016 2016 improvement labor canteen conditions and food quality is poor 9 Lack of PPE’s At least shoes be High August 26, August 31, Partial for the workers provided to 2016 2016 improvement working on Cook laborers working at house and these locations Annexe. 10 Wash rooms Wash rooms medium September September Addressed were found should be made 15, 2016 25, 2016

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nonoperational operational on in labor barracks urgent basis 11 Housekeeping in Daily sweeping is medium September September Addressed labor rooms in required in rooms 15, 2016 25, 2016 improper 12 Lack of lighting Arrange proper High September September Addressed at canal wards lighting as in the 15, 2016 25, 2016 access route of dark snakes can DESCON staff bite any employee camp 13 Hygienic Improve food High September September Improvement conditions of quality and hygiene 15, 2016 25, 2016 Laborer conditions Canteen and food quality is poor 14 Lack of PPE’s At least shoes be High September September Improvement for the workers provided 15, 2016 25, 2016 working on Cook tothelaborer house and working at these Annexe. locations 15 Guard rails at Repair the guard High Urgent/ October 16, Addressed old LCC head rails on urgent before 2016 regulator is basis evening broken. 16 Housekeeping is Improve the medium October 15, October 25, Addressed poor at cable housekeeping 2016 2016 trench at new barrage. 18 Over speeding Proper education, High October 25, October 31, Training of dump trucks training and 2016 2016 delivered is a safety enforcement of violation of TMP Traffic rules is required 19 Use of mobile Restrict the use of High October 25, October 31, Training phone has been mobile phone 2016 2016 delivered observed by during driving. drivers at site 20 Lack of care and Proper care and High November December Pending maintenance for maintenance is 30, 2016 15, 2016 trees planted required on daily along old LCC. basis. 21 Over speeding Proper education, High November November Addressed

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of dump trucks training and 25, 2016 30, 2016 is a safety enforcement of violation of TMP Traffic rules is required 22 Use of mobile Restrict the use of High November November Addressed phone has been mobile phone 25, 2016 30, 2016 observed by during driving. drivers at site 23 Oil spillage has Oil spillage Medium December December Addressed been observed response plan 15, 2016 30, 2016 at site training and implementation is required at site 24 Housekeeping is Improve Medium December December Addressed poor at site housekeeping at 15, 2016 30, 2016 site 25 Unsafe electrical Route the cable High December January 10, Pending cabling in steel properly to avoid 30, 2016 2017 yard is a source human contact of trip hazard 26 Over speeding Enforce speed limit High December January 10, Pending of vehicles at at site 30, 2016 2017 barrage area j. Corrective Action Plan The non-compliances noted during the reporting period require corrective action immediately. Following corrective action plan has been devised for the non-compliances reported during July to December 2016. Table 14: Corrective Action Plan Sr. Non-compliance Corrective action Deadline Follow up Remarks No. date Unsafe electrical Route the cable December January 1. cabling in steel properly to avoid 30, 2016 10, 2017 yard is a source of human contact trip hazard Over speeding of Enforce speed limit December January 2. vehicles at at site 30, 2016 10, 2017 barrage area

21. Tree cutting and removal

A total of 2057 tree have been cut to date. The number and location of trees cut to date is presented in Table 15: SMEC International in association with - 37 - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

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Table-15 No. and location of tree cutting Serial No. Area Number of tree 1. RGB, Right Divide Wall, RMB 1287 2. NEW LCC 43 3. LMB Road 17 4. Chanawan Road 45 5. Laydown Area, Old Mechanical Colony, Flood 665 Office etc Total 2057

The stocked trees downstream of RGB have been removed from site by the successful bidder.

a. Assessment of Trees Falling on Right Marginal Bank (RMB) Road and Its Auction:

The Consultant and DESCON’s survey team marked the area of Right Marginal Bank Road for identification of trees. A complete survey for identification of trees, plant species, girth and type was accordingly carried out, enlisting 882 trees and sent to Executive Engineer Khanki Division for onward submission to District Officer Gujrat on December 22, 2015 through letter No. 5065044/SMEC/CON/219. In order to pursue the commitment to preserve the environment and reduce tree cutting, few modifications were made in the design of RMB to reduce tree cutting. Another joint survey was carried out by the Contractor and Consultant and a list of 341 trees were finalized and sent to Executive Engineer Khanki.This list of 341 trees is in process. District Officer (Forest) DFO Gujrant has made his assessment and forwarded the list to the Superintendent Engineer Irrigation Faisalabad for further proceedings. The Executive Engineer will receive the approval from S.E office for further necessary action to get the last list of the trees auctioned.

22. Tree Plantation Plan and Its Implementation:

In order to improve the Project Area environment, EIA/EMP of NKBP envisaged the plantation of about 10,000 trees at different locations of New Khanki Barrage. The Contractor started tree plantation at different locations. Total 10,000 plants will be planted in three phases as shown in Table-16. In this connection, the Contractor submitted a “Tree Plantation Plan” to the TL/CRE, which after necessary improvements (but lacking some details) was provisionally approved by the CRE/TL on February 24, 2016. The Tree Plantation Plan was approved after amendments on June 09, 2016 by CRE/TL. The CRE/TL appointed Mr. Zafar Ahmad Resident Engineer SMEC as “focal person” for the proposed plantation at the New Khanki Barrage.

Table-16: Proposed Tree Plantation Phase Period Total Trees

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Phase 1 February to March 2016 4000

Phase 2 September to November 2016 4000

Phase 3 February to March 2017 2000

Till April 30, 2016, the Contractor had planted 5123 trees of various species at different locations including the Staff Colony, BHU, School, LCC and CRE Offices etc.

Since construction work was going on various project sites, due to which care of new plantation was not possible, the plantation of new trees has been postponed at the request of the Contractor till the spring of 2017. The location and kind of trees planted so far at NKB are presented in Table-17.

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Plant’s No. Laydown BHU Old LCC Chanawan Sr. No Colony Office School Total Name Planted Area Road

Planned plant in

Subjected Area

1 Alstonia 900 5 8 9 20 8 9 59

2 Neem 1200 20 128 10 12 30 200

3 Shesham 200 70 398 32 500

4 Bakain 600 180 492 82 196 50 1000

5 Fruit Plant 1000 569 101 76 746

6 Palms 700 8 34 25 4 4 75

7 Amaltas 700 12 80 8 100 Flame of 8 200 0 Forest 9 Shareeh 500 280 280

10 Peeple 500 0

11 Bohr 50 49 5 54

12 Cono 800 315 185 100 600

13 Arjun 300 0

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14 Ulta Ashok 1000 20 46 8 80 50 8 10 222

15 Termonaria 500 20 22 5 8 5 20 80

16 Shahtoot 200 200 200

17 Keekar 500 0

Bottle 18 150 20 77 4 15 2 30 148 Brush

19 Simbol 150 10 60 5 10 5 10 100

20 Saru 56 2 30 100 12

21 Rose 300 300

22 Eucalyptus 100 45 145

23 Plant Pot 45 100 145

24 Aerocaria 18 4 22

25 Habascus 22 22

26 Euphorbia 25 25

Total 345 2765 863 388 434 140 188 5123

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23. Environmental Progress Review Meetings and Resolution of Non- Compliances

Only (01) Environmental Progress Review meeting was carried out in the reporting period fromJuly 01 to December 30, 2016.

a) Environmental Progress Review Meeting-23 was held in Consultants Conference Room on July 15, 2016. These meetings provided good opportunity for resolution of major issues and review of the progress relevant to various environmental, social, health and safety issues of the New Khanki Barrage Project.

24. Site Visits for Monitoring Environmental Compliance: a. Commissioner and DCO Gujranwala’sVisit

Mr. M Asif Commissioner Gujranwala Division and Mr. Tariq Mehmood DCO Gujranwala visited New Khanki Barrage Project on July 18, 2016. The district management was briefed about the project by the Project Director Mr. AmjadSaeed. The delegation was briefed about the salient features of the project and economic return of investment after completion of works.Later on during site visit, the visiting delegation was accompanied by the Project Director PMO, Team Leader SMEC and other concerned staff. The Commissioner appreciated the environmental conditions and physical progress of the project. b. Visit of higher management of Supervision Consultants On July 14, 2016 2016 higher management of SEMC and EGC including MD,EGC , GM Business Development and GM Finance & Administration visited the NKB Project. They visited the warehouse and appreciated safety arrangement at the Warehouse. They also visited the Laborer and Staff Campsand appreciated the housekeeping and HSE arrangements of the Contractor. The Senior Management of Supervision Consultants again visited the site on December 14, 2016 including a meeting with theContractor. The visitors appreciated the environmental conditions of the Project Area. c. Technical Visits by Different Universities:

During the reporting period, delegations from different universities/educational institutions visited the NKBP for raising educational awareness of their students. Those universities included Environment and Soil Sciences Department University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, University of Lahore, Irrigation Officer’s Academy, Lahore etc.

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d. SMEC’s Environmental Specialist Visits

SMEC’s Environmental Specialist Engr. Anwar Hussain Mujhaid paid regular visits to the New Khanki Barrage Project during the reporting period. The purpose of those visits was to check the implementation status of Site Specific Environmental Management Plans (SSEMPs) for Main Barrage and Roads. During field visits, he also made observations regarding different issues and produced Field Trip Reports, which were forwarded to the Contractor for the resolution and removal of shortcomings. SMEC’s Environmental Specialist’s Field Trip Reports are attached as Annexure-VI.

e. PMO, Consultant and Contractor’s Environmental and Social Staff Joint Visit to the New Khanki Barrage Project and Contractor Facilities

After the EPRM 23, PMO staff; Malik Pervaiz Deputy Director, Waheed Ahamd Deputy Director, Consultant’s staff Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid, Mr. Ansar Abbas, Mr. Tariq Jan and Contractor’s staff; Mr. Muhammad Aqeel, Mr. ShahidIqbal, Mr. Asif Kamran took a round of various sites on the new Barrage and made the following observations;

 It was observed that water sprinkling is needed near Laborer Camp. (However a water sprinkler was seen entering the area during inspection for the same purpose).  White washing of the Mess Canteen is required.  The food quality was checked by the PMO/Engineer’s representatives and found to be satisfactory.

After the EPRM 23, PMO staff; Malik Pervaiz Acting Director, Waheed Ahamd Deputy Director, Consultant’s staff Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid, Mr. Ansar Abbas, Mr. Tariq Jan and Contractor’s staff; Mr. Muhammad Aqeel, Mr. Asif Kamran took a round of various sites on the new Barrage and made the following observations;

i. A visit to the new Barrage Area (remaining section) was made and brief meeting with Mr. Javaid Rasul Construction Manager was held:

ii. It was observed that “Rest Areas” for laborer was made by DESCON & an ambulance is stationed at site. It was also observed that the pace of physical work at site was moving at an accelerated speed. The Contractors efforts in this regard and that of the Engineer’s Supervisory Staff are worth appreciation

Laborer Camps, overall housekeeping was satisfactory, food quality at Laborer Canteen was tested which was found to be satisfactory

SMEC International in association with - 43 - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

25. Good Practices at New Khanki Barrage and Lessons Learnt

Overall the environmental protection, health and safety situation at Khanki Barrage which is under continuous monitoring by the Engineer can be considered as quite satisfactory. Annexure-VII presents in nutshell the various good practices at New Khanki Barrage and the lessons learnt.

SMEC International in association with - 44 - Biannual Environmental M/s EGC, M/s Barqaab and Monitoring Report M/s Atkins International (July-December 2016)

Annexure 1

Photographic Record


Photo-1: A view of new bridge at NKB with Photo-2: view of completed Barrage installed gates

Photo-3: Low flood in Chenab River on July 26, Photo-4: Mr. M Asif (Commissioner 2016 Gujranwala) and Mr. Tariq Mehmood (DCO Gujranwala) visited New Khanki Barrage on July 18, 2016


Photo-5: Mr. M Asif (Commissioner Photo-6: EGC, GM Business Development Gujranwala) and Mr. Tariq Mehmood (DCO and GM (Finance & Administration) visited Gujranwala) visiting old Khanki Head Works Main warehouse of NKB on July 14, 2016 on July 18, 2016

Photo-7: Coffer Dam removal from up stream Photo-8: Coffer Dam removal from *Courtesy DESCON EMR July 2016 downstream. *Courtesy DESCON EMR July 2016


Photo-9: Filter cartridge was changed after Photo-10: Labour Colony Park is well noncompliance notice to the Contractor maintained.

Photo-11: PCO and Mobile Accessories Shop in Photo-12: sampling for river water quality the Labour Barracks is well maintained analysis


Photo-13: Dissolved Oxygen measurement Photo- 14: Mosquito prevention spray in upstream of left guide bank Contractor’s offices

Photp-15: Mosquito prevention spray in Photo-16: Unattended animals in Barrage Officer’s camp colony damaging trees


Photo-17: Unattended animal in Barrage Photo-18: Public meeting with local residents. colony damaging newly planted trees. The XEN Irrigation was accordingly requested for necessary assistance.

Photo-19: Public meeting with local residents Photo-20: Pak Flag welcomes the visitors on Independence Day at New Khanki Barrage.


Photo-21: Briefing to PMD Officials in Photo-22: Resident Engineer SMEC NKB DESCON Committee Room briefing the participants about the features of the Project.

Photo-23: Cleanliness of the Labour Photo-24: Compaction of embankment at RMB Canteen improved after issuing of necessary Road at RD 57+00 instructions to improve unhygienic conditions.


Photo-25: Mosquito prevention spray at Photo-26: Signboard at LMB Road. The DESCON Staff Camp Contractor has been advised to install more sign boards on LMB and Chanawan Road

Photo-27: The Contractor started work on Photo-28: Surface water quality analysis unpaved portion of LMB Road. The Asphalt work is almost complete now.


Photo-29: surface water quality analysis Photo-30: Daily TBT in the morning shift to downstream of the Coffer Dam. raise awareness about safety at site.

Photp-31: TBT during night shift Photo-32: Flood in Chenab River on August 07, 2016.


Photo-33: Welding, cutting and grinding of Photo-34: Workers at RMB Road are without different parts of radial gates in progress. PPE’s. Contractor was advised to arrange PPE’s at Proper safety was ensured during the process the earliest.

Photo-35: PMO, The Engineer and Contractor’s Photo-36: site visit by PMO, the Engineer and staff in meeting for review of monthly progress contractor’s staff after meeting at site


Photo-37: Training Session in DESCON Photo-38: Environment Specialist’s site visit with Committee Room Safety Inspector, Sr. Environmentalist SMEC and DESCON I/C HSE

Photo-39: River water quality monitoring Photo-40: River water quality monitoring for the upstream of new Coffer Dam sample collected from downstream of new Coffer Dam,


Photo-41: Road embankment is under Photo-42: Construction of new Coffer Dam is in construction from new LCC Head Regulator to RD progress for dismantling of Old Head Works 2+600 at Chanawan Road

Photo-43: Construction of new Coffer Dam is in Photo-44: RMB Road construction in progress progress for dismantling of old head works

Photo-45: Construction of U/S Left Guide Bank in Photo-46: Layout for new Flood Office progress


Photo- 47: Defensive driving training at E&P Photp-48: Daily Tool Box talk with the workers Workshop

Photo-49: Excavation of New LCC was at its Photo-50 Stone pitching and stone apron peak before October 24, 2016 work at new LCC.

Photo-51: New LCC and Head Regulator before Photo-52: Operation of new LCC was operation of new LCC inaugurated by Project Director PMO on October 24, 2016


Photo-53: CRE, SMEC PD,PMO during Photo-54: Environmental Specialist Engr. opening ceremony of new LCC. Anwar H.Mujahid visited NKBP site on October 20, 2016.

Photo-55: Environment Specialist examining Photo-56: Dismantling of old Head Works is Labour Canteen at Labour Camp. in progress


Photo-57: Cable Trench of New Khanki Photo-58: Transportation of dismantled Barrage material/ gates of old Head Works.

Photo-59: Citrus orchard in Contractor’s camp Photo- 60: Debris spoil disposal site along Right Guide Bank


Photo-61:Debris spoil disposal site along RGB Photo-62: Daily Tool Box Talk with workers. *Courtesy DESCON EMR Nov 2016

Photo-63: Internal river water quality analysis by Photo-64:vehicle with poor engine efficiency Contractor and Consultant’s representatives giving out black smoke was stopped from work *Courtesy DESCON EMR Nov 2016 and sent to workshop at Supervision Consultant’s advice


Photo-65: These trees are in spoil disposal area. Photo-66: Environment Specialist examining Contractor has been advised to preserve them. medicine stock at first aid center of DESCON.

Photo-67: Environment Specialist SMEC Photo-68: Food quality & hygiene inspection at visiting the new and old LCC Junction Area. Labour Canteen checked by Environment Specialist SMEC


Photo-69: Noise monitoring for local residents Photo-70: Hygiene inspection of Mess A Staff along RMB Road at Kot Moj Din Colony.

Photo-71: Walkways have been properly Photo- 72: Utensils have been covered properly barricaded to ensure workers don’t damage after washing and drying in Mess-B Staff green lawns. colony.

Photo-73:A good signboard to alert the staff Photo-74:Safety recognition awards to workers “wash your hand before meals”


Photo-75: worker receiving certificate for his Photo-76: worker receiving certificate for recognition of safe behavior at site recognition of safely completion of his job.

Photo-77: worker receiving certificate for his Photo-78: Driver receiving certificate in recognition of safe behavior at site recognition of environment compliance at site


Annexure II

Environmental Monitoring Results by GEL Laboratories

Annexure III

Internal Environmental Monitoring Results

Annexure IV

Employment Data of Local Residents

DESCON Engineering Limited New Khanki Barrage Project (NKBP) District Wise Skilled / Unskilled Labour for the Month of October-2016

DESCON Sub Contractor TOTAL Sr # Districts Total TOTAL Skilled Unskilled Skilled Unskilled Skilled Unskilled

1 GUJRANWALA 52 35 87 24 14 76 49 125

2 HAFIZABAD 33 19 52 18 6 51 25 76

3 CHINIOT 19 16 35 19 16 35

4 SHEIKHUPURA 20 21 41 20 21 41

5 NANKANA 19 17 36 19 17 36

6 FAISALABAD 62 12 74 62 12 74

7 JHANG 29 13 42 29 13 42

8 TOBA TEK SINGH 18 15 33 18 15 33

Gujrat (Barrage 9 98 34 132 38 2 136 36 172 adjoining villages)

Total 350 182 532 80 22 430 204 634

%age 71.28% 67.91% 70.09% 62.02% 51.16% 69% 66% 68%

10 Other Districts 141 86 227 49 21 190 107 297

Total Districts 491 268 759 129 43 620 311 931

66% Unskilled in used during the month of October-2016

DESCON Engineering Limited New Khanki Barrage Project (NKBP) District Wise Skilled / Unskilled Labour for the Month of November-2016

DESCON Sub Contractor TOTAL Sr # Districts Total TOTAL Skilled Unskilled Skilled Unskilled Skilled Unskilled

1 GUJRANWALA 61 37 98 28 16 89 53 142

2 HAFIZABAD 33 21 54 25 8 58 29 87

3 CHINIOT 19 16 35 19 16 35

4 SHEIKHUPURA 20 21 41 20 21 41

5 NANKANA 19 17 36 19 17 36

6 FAISALABAD 62 14 76 62 14 76

7 JHANG 29 13 42 29 13 42

8 TOBA TEK SINGH 20 16 36 20 16 36

Gujrat (Barrage 9 102 39 141 39 4 141 43 184 adjoining villages)

Total 365 194 559 92 28 457 222 679

%age 73.29% 63.40% 69.53% 48.94% 44.44% 67% 60% 64%

10 Other Districts 133 112 245 96 35 229 147 376

Total Districts 498 306 804 188 63 686 369 1055

60% Unskilled in used during the month of November-2016

Annexure V

Complaint Register

Complaint Register for Project (NKBP)

Name of Contact Status of Date of Sr# complainant Date Number Issue /Location Complaint Completion Remarks 1 Imtiaz 3237476606 Demand for Culverts at Solved 17/2/2015 Ahmed 10/2/2014 Chanawan Road Demand for Culverts/186+36 Zubair and 192+32 /Chanawan 2 Ahmad 1/1/2015 3026262531 Road Solved 5/1/2015 Demand for Mansoor Culverts134+71/Chanawan 3 Warraich 10/1/2015 3009806351 Road Solved 17/1/2015 Demand for Khizar Culverts/115+70Chanawan 4 Hayat 5/1/2014 3046205578 Road Solved 11/1/2015 Demand for Naseem Culverts/84+93/Chanawan 5 Hussain 10/12/2014 3015564233 Road Solved 16/12/2014 Demand for Master Culverts/56+37/Chanawana 6 Shafqat Ali 15/12/2014 3456498530 Road Solved 22/12/2014 Farooq Akbar Increase the rate of land DCO Office in Section V 7 Cheema 14/10/2014 3216273305 /LCC Process GRW in process Dr. Azhar Iqbal Small Bridge /Gunayanwala 8 Cheema 26/12/2014 3338402054 to Kot Jaffar Road Completed Rana Demand for Muhammad Culverts/19+200/ Chanawan 9 Khan 1/12/2014 Road 21+150 Completed Dr. Azhar Iqbal Repeated 10 Cheema App 3338402054 No 8 Applicaton Repeated. In Process Ghulam Sarwar Demand for 11 Cheema 12/4/2015 3036786566 Culverts/Chanawan Road Solved 19/04/2015 Head Mistress Irrigation 12 Girls School 21/05/2015 Play Ground/ Khanki In Process matter

Ghulam Cemented Ramp & Soling Drawing 13 Rasool 16/5/2015 3456596818 /LMB Road In Process awaited In Process Farooq at RE Akbar Drainage of flood Preparato 14 Cheema 21/5/2015 3216273305 water/Chanawan Road In Process ry Desk Demand for 15 Umer Hayat 14/5/2015 3216273305 Culverts/Chanawan Road Completed Hafiz SaifUllah Speed Breaker/ Footpath 16 Chatta 8/6/2015 3022786127 /Chanawan Road Completed Muhammad Aslam 17 Randhawa 9/6/2015 3066282001 Outlet /Chanawan Road Completed Haji Amjad Pervaiz Repair the old bridge 18 Randhawa 8/6/2015 3022786127 /Chanawan Road Completed Pervaiz Repair the old 19 Iqbal Bhatti 7/6/2015 3212332348 bridge/Chanawan Road Completed XEN Boundary wall / Play 20 Irrigation 9/6/2015 3455810002 Ground/Irrigation Colony Completed Master Nasir Change the location of 21 Mahmood 6/4/2015 3002786400 culvert/Chanawan Road Solved 13/04/2015 Waqas Withdraw Chatta Court Case /Chanawan n by 22 Advocate 11/4/2015 Road Solved 17/04/2015 applicant SDO Breakage of High Level 23 Headworks 9/7/2015 Channel Solved 11/7/2015

24 Umer Hayat 7/7/2015 3086464171 Hurdle on Chanawan Road Completed Farooq Akbar Drainage of Rain water from 25 Cheema 14/7/2015 3216273305 crops Solved 17/7/2015 Standing Rain Water in 26 Amanat Ali 22/7/2015 Colony Solved 23/7/2015 SDO Breakage of High Level 27 Headworks 28/7/2015 Channel Solved 29/7/2015 Sibt-E- Boundary wall of New 28 Hassan 19/11/2015 3006273305 Irrigatoin Colony Completed Hafiz Saif Ullah 0302- 29 Chatta 10/9/2015 2786127 Irrigation Water issue Completed Farooq Akbar 30 Cheema 27/11/2015 3216273305 Earthfilling of the Pond Completed Farooq Akbar Water level issue of Khanki 31 Cheema 28/11/2015 3216273305 village In Process In Process Ghulam 32 Rasool 25/1/2016 Demand of paved path In Process Johar Irrigation 33 Sarwar 1/2/2016 0302-8488888 Demand of Play Ground In Process matter Safdar Mumtaz 34 Sandhu 2/2/2016 3009622355 Demand of Mosque & Park In Process Farooq Akbar In process 35 Cheema 31/03/2016 3216273305 Demand of culvert In Process in PMO Muhammd demand of path from LMB 36 Hanif 7/4/2016 road Completed Muhammad 37 Nazim 20/05/2016 Demand of paved path In Process Muhammad Hanif 38 Saleemi 3/6/2016 3216273305 road level and culverts In Process

39 Ch. Akram 19/08/2016 Spur at right side Completed Kram 40 Rasool Culvert at Kot Imam Buksh Completed In Process Ghulam 25/08/2016 drawing 41 Rasool 09/09/2016 0345 6596818 Ramp at Rattowali awaited Farooq Akbar 42 Cheema 24/09/2016 03216273305 Sub base at road Completed Farooq Akbar 43 Cheema 1/10/2016 03216273305 Culvert on high level channel In process 44 Abdul malik 03/10/2016 Kot Imam Buksh Completed XEN GEPCO 45 Wazirabad 06/10/2016 Complaint Office In process Naseem Drawdown of water level at 46 Hussain 07/12/2016 0301-5564233 Head Khanki In oprocess

Total Application =46

Action Completed=31

In process 15


Annexure VI

Field Trip Reports of Environment Specialist

Field Trip Report - New Khanki Barrage Friday July 15, 2016

A Field Trip was made to the New Khanki Barrage by Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid Environmental Specialist SMEC alongwith Malik Pervaiz Arif Acting Director PMO Barrages on July 15, 2016. Traveling thru M-2/GT Road, the visiting team reached New Khanki Barrage from Lahore at 11:00 A.M.

Following is a synopsis of the main observations/activities made during the said field trip.

A. LMB Road – Need for Safety Measures It was observed that the Ashphalt work on LMB Road is mostly complete with the exception of the final section near the New Khanki Barrage where the work on the new Left Guide Bank is under progress.

The Environmental Specialist SMEC in his Field Trip Report of May 13, 2016 had already highlighted certain essential safety measures to be adopted for LMB Road (as per Annex-1 attached). It is imperative that those safety measures should be seriously considered by all concerned to avoid any untoward accidents. It was also felt that the barriers built on the eastern side of the LMB Road on the bank of the “wetting channel” should be raised to a suitable height for safety reasons.

B. EPRM-23 Soon after reaching the Khanki Barrage, the Environmental Progress Review Meeting-23 was held in the Engineer’s Meeting Hall in which the following participated.

(a) Malik Pervaiz Arif, Acting Director PMO Barrages (In chair) (b) Mr. Abdul Waheed Deputy Director Social PMO Barrages (c) Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid Environmental Specialist SMEC/EGC (d) Mr. Ansar Abbas Senior Environmentalist SMEC/EGC (e) Mr. Raza Mashhadi Senior Sociologist SMEC/EGC (f) Mr. Hamid Cheema Social Enumerator SMEC/EGC (g) Mr. Muhammad Aqeel Incharge HSE DESCON (h) Mr. Asif Kamran Environmental Officer DESCON

Following is a list of the major issues / items discussed during EPRM-23 (detailed Minutes of Meeting will be issued by Malik Pervaiz in due course)

1. The Final Draft of the Bi-Annual Report (January-June 2016) was reviewed / discussed by Malik Pervaiz, Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid and Mr. Ansar Abbas and it was agreed that the Final Draft is now ready for further necessary submission.


2. The 10th External Environmental Monitoring was carried out in the 1st week of June (at the request of PMO/Engineer) and the results obtained from MS GEL were incorporated in the Bi-Annual Report. The co-operation from all concerned in this regard is duly appreciated.

3. Mr. Aqeel informed that the removal of Coffer Dam is presently in progress. It was desired by Malik Pervaiz that photos of the same should be taken along with Dissolved Oxygen (D.O) measurement.

4. Work on Right Guide Bank / Left Guide Bank of the new Barrage is schedule to be taken up shortly (after Eid Vacation).

5. Present strength of workers in reportedly around 500.

6. Mr. Raza Mashhadi informed that Public Consultations were made in June 2016 on the issue of “Ramp” related to LMB Road & the 2nd issue was about “storm water drainage” for the local residents of Kot Imam Buksh (About which Malik Arif Pervaiz, Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid & Mr. Raza Mashhadi had a separate meeting with R.E. Zafar Sahib after EPRM).

7. Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid said that we should be ready for any “Flood Emergency” like the precautionary measures taken during the Peak Flood of September 2014, which proved to be very fruitful. Mr. Aqeel said that the new Barrage has been completed and all 65 gates are open to take care of flood of any peak capacity.

8. Abdul Waheed informed the meeting participants that necessary steps for land acquisition of 6.625 acres for the new LCC construction are being taken and rigorously followed up.

C. Meeting with Abdul Saeed Site Manager / Contractor’s Representative After the EPRM, Malik Arif Pervaiz, Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid and Mr. Raza Mashhadi had a meeting with Mr. Abdul Saeed and discussed with him the “Issue of storm water drainage” of Kot Imam Buksh. Mr. Abdul Saeed assured the delegation of his full support for taking any temporary as well as permanent steps / actions to remedy the situation and to provide relief to the area residents/local community.

D. Meeting with R.E Zafar Ahmad Malik Pervaiz Arif and Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid had a brief meeting with R.E Zafar Ahmad in his office and discussed the issue of “Safety Measures for LMB Road” and storm water drainage issue. The R.E expressed his agreement with the recommendations of the Environmental Specialist SMEC about the safety measures to be adopted for LMB Road, especially due to grade separation of around 10ft or more from the natural surface level (NSL) which is also a requirement of the AASHTO. Mr. Mujahid will send an Email to R.E Zafar Ahmad shortly (alongwith copy of his May 13, 2016 Field Trip Report in which the required safety measures were highlighted).


E. New Khanki Barrage Site Visit The participants of the EPRM paid a visit to the New Khanki Barrage Site, travelling on the new Barrage Road recently completed by DESCON. It is now possible to reach the other (right) bank of River Chenab through the newly constructed metalled road (while the old Barrage had no such facility). This new Barrage Road, opens a new link between District Gujranwala (located on left bank of River Chenab) and District Gujrat (located on the right bank of River Chenab) and as such will boost the transport sector in the Region. The New Main Barrage has also been almost completed with all its 65 gates installed and open.

This is by Grace of Almighty Allah, a welcome development and shows a commendable progress on behalf of all concerned i.e. the PMO, the Engineer and the Contractor.

Report Written by Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid July 18, 2016


Field Trip Report to New Khanki Barrage August 12, 2016

Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid Environmental Specialist SMEC made a field trip to the New Khanki Barrage on August 12, 2016 starting from Lahore at 08:10 AM and reaching Khanki Barrage at 10:45 AM.

Following is a synopsis of the major observations/activities made during the said field trip.

A. Review of the Quality Assurance / Quality Control Report The above cited Report is prepared / submitted by the Supervisory Consultants to the Client on an annual basis. The Quality Assurance / Quality Control Report for year 2015-2016 was prepared by Mr. Ansar Abbas Senior Environmentalist and reviewed by Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid.

Soon after arrival at New Khanki Barrage, the salient points arising as a result of the said review were discussed with Mr. Ansar Abbas. The Report was overall nicely written but needed some re-organization / re-arrangement of relevant annexures to bring it to proper order.

After necessary amendments, the Report was submitted to the Acting Team Leader.

B. Meeting with R.E. Mr. Zafar Ahmad A brief meeting was held with Mr. Zafar Ahmad R.E New Khanki Barrage. Two salient issues came under discussion.

(a) The Contractor need to submit their plan for plantation of the remaining plants, as soon as possible. R.E. Zafar Ahmad informed that they have already written to DESCON in this connection.

(b) Needed “safety measures” along LMB Road were discussed. Engr. Anwar Mujahid had discussed this previously with the R.E and the Acting Team Leader at Lahore. The Supervisory Consultants have already written to the Contractor thru their letter No. 5065044/0.87.15/3839-2016 dated August 03, 2016 (Please see Annex-I).

It is anticipated that necessary action will be taken by DESCON in light of the recommendations of the above cited directive.

C. Dust on LMB Road – Meeting with Mr. Muhammad Aqeel HSE Incharge DESCON (a) While travelling on LMB Road towards the new Khanki Barrage, it was observed that dust emissions were visible especially due to the excavation work on the western side of the LMB Road (upstream of the New Barrage). The need for


“water sprinkling” is realized and DESCON is requested to ensure continued water sprinkling till the construction work is completed on this road.

(b) Mr. Ansar Abbas pointed out that due to raising of road levels which have been reconstructed near the Irrigation Rest House, storm water is stagnant near the Rest House lawns, because the path for natural storm drainage seems blocked. Since asphalt work on those roads has yet to be carried out, cross drainage works through laying of “storm drainage pipes” under those roads at suitable distance may be examined to facilitate natural drainage.

(c) Although “detailed work” on safety measures on LMB Road has yet to be taken up as indicated in the letter placed under Annex-I, Mr. Aqeel agreed to get installed atleast two sign boards on LMB Road.

(i) One near the sharp Turn, in the early section of LMB Road. (ii) One near the start of Excavation work as mentioned under item c(a) above warning the motorists about “Construction work under progress and to drive slowly”.

• Mr. Aqeel informed that a flood of 418,000 cusecs magnitude passed on thru the New Khanki Barrage Alhamd O Lillah on August 07, 2016 without any damage to human life / property or material.

He also informed that Secretary Irrigation, PD & DPD PMO & RE Supervisory Consultants Mr. Zafar Ahmad were all present at New Khanki Barrage on that occasion.

The Environmental Specialist had already issued a “Flood Warning” thru an Email in the 1st week of August to Mr. Ansar Abbas to be shared with the Contractor. It is satisfying to notice that this event of high flood just like the September 2014 peak flood passed safely.

D. Visit to the New Khanki Barrage

A site visit to the New Khnaki Barrage was made along with Mr. Ansar Abbas, Mr. Muhammad Aqeel HSE Incharge DESCON, Mr. Asif Kamran Environmental Officer DESCON. While travelling thru the new Barrage Road following observations were made.

• It was observed that the work on the installation of the new “Gantry Crane” is in progress, which will be instrumental for manual operation of Barrage Gates (if so required) and for other maintenance purposes etc.

• It was observed that the upstream Coffer Dam is almost removed, while the removal of D/S Coffer Dam is in progress.

• It was observed that work on the Left Guide Bank (upstream of New Khanki Barrage) and Right Guide Bank is under progress along with final sections of LMB Road (upstream of new Barrage).


E. Visit to the Labour Camp The Labour Camp Canteen 3 was visited. It was almost noon time and the Camp Labour were taking their lunch. The quality of food was checked and food to be satisfactory.

However, the Camp Incharge was directed to get “white washing” of his canteen, which was suggested even during an earlier visit. DESCON’s HSE Incharge committed to get the same done at the earliest possible convenience.

Report Written by Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid August 15, 2016


Field Trip Report to New Khanki Barrage September 06, 2016

A field trip was made by Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid Environmental Specialist SMEC to the New Khanki Barrage Project Area on September 06, 2016.

Following is a synopsis of the salient observations/activities made during the said field trip.

F. Meeting with Mr. Zafar Ahmad R.E (Resident Engineer) The above meeting was held in a cordial atmosphere at the R.E’s Consultant Office. Following issues were discussed.

• Plantation & Uprooted Trees It was agreed that since some of the trees have been uprooted for various reasons, the Contractor DESCON needs to plant new trees; (afterwards in a meeting with Mr. Aqeel HSE Incharge DESCON, Mr. Aqeel showed his company’s willingness to plant the uprooted trees after Eid ul Azha).

• Plantation of Trees in Phase-II The Contractor has shown his reservations in planting the trees (mandated to be planted in Phase-II) due to the ongoing construction work on LMB Road, RMB Road & Left Upstream Guide Bank & New LCC etc. The RE as a “Focal Person” for Planation effort at site, found some basis in the Contractor’s point of view & thought that Phase-II of Plantation may start from February 2017.

• Erection of Sign Boards DESCON has displayed some sing boards near the Left Guide Bank / Upstream of existing Barrage, where work is presently under progress.

However the “signboards” near the early section of LMB Road / sharp turns have reportedly been installed but stolen.

The case for installation of permanent sign boards as per standard highway design in the meantime is under process.

G. Site Visit to Project’s Work Sites • After meeting with the R.E, visited the site of the Cook House (Cook of the Rest house) and the Annexe to the existing Irrigation Rest house both under construction, • It was informed by Mr. Ansar Abbas that “stone stock area” on the bank of River Chenab, earmarked for building of the “Recreational Park” is being cleared. • While passing through the old LCC Bridge, it was observed that a part of the “Old LCC Bridge Railing” is broken. Mr. Aqeel HSE Manager DESCON was requested to get this railing repaired as soon as possible. • The construction work on new LCC is in progress. It was informed that the “LCC Closure” period is planned from October 06. (New LCC as such should be ready by that time).Work on Chanawan Road Bridge is also


reportedly in progress. There was apparently dust emission on some of the roads, Mr. Aqeel informed that all the three (03) browsers were out of order & will be fixed soon to resume water sprinkling as per routine. • The man-power strength as per Mr. Aqeel has been reduced to around 750 including Sub-Contractor’s labour. • The HSE Manager DESCON ensured that the uprooted trees will be planted after Eid.

H. New Khanki Barrage Drove over the New Barrage Road. It was observed that River Chenab had very limited discharge, with some of its sections almost dry.

• Mr. Aqeel was requested to get some of the “mud stains” from the newly construction bridge removed for a neat appearance. He indicated that the same will be drawn to the concerned Construction Manager’s attention and will be removed.

The downstream Coffer Dam has been effectively removed. Work on the upstream Guide Bank / Right Guide Bank is in Progress, whereas work on the RMB Road (4km length) has yet to be taken up. This road link will connect District Gujranwala (lying on the left bank of River Chenab) to District Gujrat (lying on right bank of River Chenab) and provide a boost to the transport sector in the Region.

I. Labour Canteen White washing of Labour Canteen (as pointed out in the previous Field Trip Report) has been carried out. • The food quality was checked by the Consultants team members and was found to be quite satisfactory. The overall housekeeping in the Labour Canteen has been improved.

Field Trip Report Written by Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid September 08, 2016


Field Trip Report to New Khanki Barrage October 20, 2016

A Field Trip to the new Khanki Barrage was made on Thursday October 20, 2016 by Engr. Mr. Anwar Hussain Mujahid Environmental Specialist. Engr. Anwar Hussain Mujahid alongwith Mr. Muhammad Arif Mahmood Measurement and Contract Engineer started from Lahore around 08:10 A.M and reached Khanki Barrage around 11:10 A.M. On the way to NKB, Mr. Arif disclosed the following information about LCC (Lower Chenab Canal)

• October 20, 206 is supposed to be the end of excavation for LCC • A “special closure” period starting 6th October was obtained for LCC to facilitate linkage works of the new LCC and old LCC • October 25th is anticipated to be the desired date for linkage of the old LCC with the new LCC

For reaching NK (New Khanki Barrage) travelled on the LMB Road. Near the sharp turn, a notice board warning the motorists about the dangerous turn and advice about careful driving has been installed, which is a step in the right direction. However this notice board should be placed on both sides of the turn (both for north bound and south bound traffic).

Final coat “wearing course” is being applied in some sections of LMB Road, whereas sub- base is being laid in the unpaved section (RD 0+600 to RD 3+600) for which the traffic is being diverted to a katcha lane. Mr. Ansar Abbas Senior Environmentalist ensured that proper sprinkling on various roads is being carried out by DESCON. a) Meeting with R.E. Mr. Zafar Ahmad

• Soon after arrival at NKB, a brief meeting with R.E Mr. Zafar Ahmad was held, who is also the “Focal Person” at site for the proposed plantation. The R.E informed that as per previous policy decision, the Contractor is bound to plant the remaining plants during spring 2017 and that the recent plantation outside the R.o.W of LMB Road seems to have been made without R.E’s approval at Contractor’s own initiative. • The R.E Sahib also agreed in principal about the information about “LCC” work provided by Mr. Arif Mahmood listed above. b) In-house meeting with Mr. Ansar Abbas Senior Environmentalist and Mr. Tariq Jan Safety Inspector

Afterwords a meeting with Mr. Ansar Abbas and Mr. Tariq Jan was carried out. Mr. Tariq Jan informed that the “dismantling work” of the old barrage is under progress; 15 gates have been dismantled and three (3) are remaining. It was desired that Mr. Ansar Abbas & Tariq Jan should carefully study the various provisions of the “Dismantling Plan” prepared by the Contractor, for ensuring compliance. It was ensured by both the staff embers that overall the provisions of the plan are being complied with

After the initial meetings, a site visit to the various work sites was carried out alongwith Mr. Ansar Abbas, Tariq Jan from the consultants side and Mr. Muhammad Aqeel HSE Incharge, and Mr. Kamran Sr. Environmentalist from DESCON side.


Following work sites were visited: a) New Lower Chenab Link Canal (LCC)

Visited the new LCC excavation work in the tail reaches of new LCC link canal, which seemed to be going in full swing. It was reported that 24 hours work is in progress to initiate the canal opening by 25th October, since there is too much pressure of the downstream users to open the LCC. (Needless to say that the LCC irrigates eight(8) districts of Punjab Province and as such is a very major Irrigation Canal). Therefore it is a gigantic challenge to meet the deadline for prompt opening of the canal on time.

According to Mr. Aqeel all the earth / soil excavated is to be locally utilized along the banks / filling of old LCC etc.

Since the work also continues at night, Mr. Ansar Abbas was advised to visit the site at night and ensure proper “illumination” at night time. Overall the workers seem to be wearing. PPE’s / helmets etc. b) NKB / RMB

• Drove over the new NKB Bridge to reach the right bank of the old Khanki Barrage, which is being presently dismantled. • On the NKB Bridge observed a water browser sprinkling water. However it was observed that the mud-stain have not yet been removed as advised in the Sept. 06, Field Trip Report. To present an athletic look of the newly Constructed Bridge, these mud-stain must be removed. c) Dismantling of old Khanki Barrage

• Fifteen (15) gates have been dismantled& three (3) are remaining. Mr. Aqeel informed that the dismantled concrete / stone aggregate / debris etc is being deposited in the designated “Disposal Site” which is located on Irrigation Department’s land. The metallic portion will be weighed and handed over to the Irrigation Department. Mr. Ansar Abbas was advised to visit the said “Disposal Site” at his earliest convenience. • It was infored by Mr. Aqeel that the embankment filling for the new Right Marginal Bund (RMB) Road is in progress. This Road will be about 3.75km long and will provide a new road link between District Gujrat (on the right bank of River Chenab) and District Gujranwala (on the left bank of River Chenab). • It was informed by Mr. Kamran that the present labour strength is 852. d) Labour Camp / Canteen

• Food quality was checked & found to be satisfactory. • Overall improvement in housekeeping / clearing of ceiling fans etc was suggested to the Canteen Manager.


On the way back from visit to work site(s) it was observed that a new “cookhouse” is being constructed near the Irrigation Rest House.

Since many visitors visit the Rest house including members from the public, if the “Construction Area” can be cordoned off, the aesthetic appearance of the Irrigation Colony will be preserved. Even otherwise, this is a requirement of the “Standard Construction Protocols”

Field Trip Report written by Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid October 21, 2016


Field Trip Report - New Khanki Barrage November 18, 2016

Engr. Anwar Hussain Mujahid, Environmental Specialist made a field trip to the New Khanki Barrage on November 18, 2016. Following is a synopsis of the salient observations / activities carried out during the said trip.

A. LMB Road • Starting from Lahore at 08:00 A.M, travelled thru M-2/G.T Road to reach L.M.B Road around 10:15 A.M. It was observed that the asphalt work on LMB Road is almost complete. At the “ends” of the rehabilitated distributary (located on the left / eastern side of LMB Road) small size cement blocks have been constructed to show the “end of the Road”. As pointed out earlier due to the 8’-10’ grade separation between the LMB Road & the Natural Surface Level (NSL) there is a genuine need for similar arrangements (with installation of reflectors) along remaining sections of LMB Road to avoid serious accidents during fog / periods of low visibility.

• A notice board has been erected near the Sharp-Turn before Kot Jaffar warning the motorists about driving carefully (such a notice board should also be installed for the north bound traffic-travelling towards Rasul Nagar Road). Similarly speed limit signs need to be installed all along LMB Road, as there is an observed trend for reckless driving on the newly reconstructed LMB Road.

• The earth filling work for the new Recreational Park is in progress. Mr. Ansar Abbas was requested to please search for the relevant papers about the Recreational Park including approval (if any) / layout plan etc.

• A visit to the DESCON’s Site Clinic was made. Mr. Nazeer Ahmad Senior paramedic present at the clinic reported that various first aid medicine including instruments for B.P/Sugar testing are available in the clinic.

B. Meeting with Contractor’s HSE Representative

A brief meeting was held with Mr. Muhammad Aqeel HSE incharge DESCON and Mr. Kamran Senior Environmentalist. Mr. Aqeel informed that according to the DESCON’s Internal Audit Team, HSE practices at NKB were determined / rated to be “Excellent” including documentation & environmental monitoring, in the DESCON’s recent internal audit. He also informed that the Third Party Environmental Monitoring by the independent Laboratory GEL is expected to be carried out in the 3rd week of November 2016.


C. Site Visit to New LCC, Old Khanki Barrage Dismantling, Labour Barracks • Visitation to the various Project sites was subsequently carried out.

• At the New LCC, the junction of new LCC Link Canal and the old LCC was visited. The new LCC was commissioned on schedule on October 25, 2016, which was witnessed by (along with others) Project Director PMO / CRE SMEC / Deputy Team Leader SMEC and Project Manager DESCON. (The “Stone Pitching” of the last section of new LCC has been reportedly postponed till the annual canal closure period). The on-schedule operation of the new LCC which is a lifeline for the irrigated areas of eight (8) districts, deserve due commendation for all concerned for the timely completion of the works.

• The Environmental Specialist recommended that plantation of new plants on the Right Bank of the new LCC should be included in the next phase of Plantation by DESCON.

• After the view LCC, travelled on the new Barrage and observed that adequate water sprinkling was being done (sometimes a bit excessive) on the new Barrage Road, however no mud stains removal has been carried out which is otherwise aesthetically desirable. This new Barrage Road has been completed in a very swift manner, and should present a beautiful appearance for the visitors / travelers. This was discussed with Mr. Aqeel who promised to get the mud stains removed.

• It was observed that downstream of the new Barrage, River Chenab is almost dry & most of the discharge received from Marala is being diverted towards the new LCC.

• The dismantling work of the old Barrage is under progress. The stone structure of the old Barrage was being dismantled at the time of the site visit; the debris of which is being disposed off in the nearby disposal site, which was visited.

• At the Disposal Site, met briefly Mr. Zafar R.E who was supervising the dismantling operation alongwith his staff. RE sahib said that the Contractor was currently dismantling the 1892/1930 structures.

• Mr. Ansar informed that with mutual consent of Mr. Aqeel / Kamran form DESCON an effort has been made to save unnecessary cutting of trees at the disposal site, which was a step in the right direction. Trees are an asset for the national environment and indiscriminate cutting of trees tend to create adverse climate change impacts.


• The disposal of the newly dismantled concrete / stone apron at the disposal site is also strengthening the new Right Guide Bank of the NKB. However it was desired that the labour working on the Right Guide Bank should also be wearing the PPE’s.

• On the way back from the new Barrage, a new storm-water culvert on Chanawan Road at RD 2+450 was inspected, which has been constructed to facilitate storm- water drainage from the nearby “Kot Imam Bux” village. However the culvert is presently non-functional / blocked from both upstream & downstream side. Fortunately the winter rainfalls are normally not very intensive. However the culvert need to be made operational as soon as possible to allow proper storm-water drainage from the village (at the end of Left Guide Bank downstream) into River Chenab.

• Near the Irrigation Rest house “Cook House Construction” is under construction. As recommended in the Oct. 20, 2016 Field Trip Report, for aesthetic reasons and / or otherwise as per standard construction protocol, the construction area should be cordoned off.

Field Trip Report written by Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid November 21, 2016


Field Trip Report - New Khanki Barrage December 15, 2016

Engr. Anwar Hussain Mujahid, Environmental Specialist SMEC made a Field Trip to New Khanki Barrage on December 15, 2016.

Starting from Lahore around 08:30 A.M, reached New Khanki Barrage (NKB) at 11:00 A.M. Following is a synopsis of the major observations/activities carried out during the said Field Trip.

• While travelling to NKB, it was observed that Lahore area (M2 including By-Pass to Kala Shah Kaku) was rather free of fog; however Kala Shah Kaku onwards, there was dense fog on the G.T. Road, with sometimes visibility reaching around zero level (Gujranwala – Wazirabad Section and onwards on Rasul Nagar Road).

• The asphalt work on LMB Road is almost complete

However, about six(6) speed breakers are under construction on this newly constructed road. (Two of them near the Railway Track of Wazirabad-Khanewal Section). Ideally all the speed breakers should be proceeded by a “Warning Sign Board” about 200 meters ahead.

• As was reported in the November 18, 2016, Field Trip Report “End of the Road” making/construction of Cement Blocks etc every 50-100 meters may be considered due to the grade separation between the Natural Surface Level (NSL) and the LMB Road. Reflectors also need to be installed to show the same especially at night time/periods of low visibility.

• The Notice Board cautioning the motorists about the “Sharp Curve” on LMB Road should be placed both before the north-bound and southbound side of the LMB Road.

While at NKB, brief meetings weres held with Mr. Muhammad Aqeel HSE Incharge DESCON and Mr. Tariq Jan Safety Inspector SMEC including a brief encounter with Mr. Zafar Ahmad R.E. Mr. Aqeel informed that the results of the External Environmental Monitoring carried out on November 23, 2016 have been received and are being incorporated by Mr. Ansar Abbas Senior Environmentalist SMEC in the Bi- Annual Environmental Monitoring Report. The timely action by M/s GEL/DESCON is duly appreciated.

• After the meeting with DESCON official, a site visit to the New Khanki Barrage /Road, site of Dismantling of old Khanki Barrage & the junction point of New LCC with the old LCC (Lower Chennab Canal) was carried out.

• The mud stains on the NKB Bridge Road are still visible. Mr. Aqeel informed that due to water sprinkling, this is an obvious result. We still hold the opinion that clean up of the mud stains will improve the aesthetic appearance of the newly constructed bridge especially for the visitors to the Barrage Area.

• The control station for LCC is under progress.


• While visiting old Khanki Barrage Dismantling Site, it was observed that the steel structure of old Barrage has been removed but the stone structure removal is under progress. The purpose of the dismantling of old Barrage is to ensure the smooth flow of Chenab River water through the new Barrage. A Coffer Dam has been constructed to facilitate removal of old Barrage (which was structurally quite strong).

• A dumper truck carrying backfilling material on Chanawan Road was observed to be throwing soil on the ground. It should either have a “rear barrier” or the material in the truck should be filled to the level upto where is does not spill outside.

• High Level Channel (located on the right hand side of LCC) is still non-functional. It would be reportedly made operational after construction of the Pump House.

• Labour Barracks were checked for general housekeeping. Mr. Aqeel informed that the labour strength at the Project has somewhat reduced due to lesser work in the field. The food quantity of the Labour Mess was checked and found to be satisfactory.

Report written by Engr. Anwar H. Mujahid December 16, 2016


Annexure VII:

Good Practices at NKBP and lessons learnt

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

GOOD PRACTICES IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD MANAGEMENT The overall responsibility for the implementation of the Environmental Management Plan of New Khanki Barrage rests with the Head PMO (Project Management Office) alongwith the assistance of Environment & Social Unit (ESU) of PMO. The ESU consists of Director Environment / Social, Deputy Director Environment, Deputy Director Sociology etc. The Construction Supervision Consultant’s (Messers SMEC International & its joint venture partners) Environmental Team consists of an Environmental Specialist assisted by a Senior Environmentalist & Safety Inspector to monitor the environmental performance of the Contractor and the environmental aspects of the project activities including any health & safety related issues.

The Contractor i.e. DESCON is responsible for execution of the construction activities and environmental protection through his staff which includes a full time HSE Manager and an Environmentalist.

One of the crucial achievements of any organization and/or Project entities is the development of the basic documents for running its business/ day to day operation. Keeping the ADB safeguards 2009 and SIA of the New Khanki Barrage Project, the following documents have been prepared utilizing a team work approach and after thorough review by the Supervisory Consultants.

i. Site Specific Environmental Management Plan (SSEMP) ii. HSE-Health Safety and Environment Plan iii. TMP-Site Specific Traffic Management Plan iv. Solid Waste Management Plan v. Initial Environmental Screening Report of LMB (Left Marginal Bund) Road vi. Initial Environmental Screening Report of Chanawan Road vii. Site Specific EMP of LMB & Chanawan Road viii. Site Specific EMP of Mechanical Workshop (at Emin Abad Gujranwala) ix. Initial Environmental Screening of Auxiliary Building Works The implementation of above documents and their provisions has been very instrumental in guiding the activities of the Contractor DESCON and its staff / sub-contractors in streamlining their activities in an environmental friendly manner.

2. Regular inspections & reviews A full time Senior Environmentalist and HSE Inspector are posted by the Supervisory Consultants at site to supervise and guide the Contractor in carrying out their operation in an environmentally sound manner and in accordance with the approved SSEMP. The Site Staff of Supervisory Consultant is assisted and guided by an experienced Environmental Specialist who keeps continuous contact with the site supervisory staff through internet/ telephone as well as by making frequent field trips to the site from time to time. (each field trip is followed by a Field Trip Report consisting of major observations during the site visit and recommended actions). This model of operation has provided a sound basis for the working of the Environmental Team of the Consultants as well as necessary support to the Contractor and his staff.

3. Health, Safety and well-being of the workers and employees at the New Khanki Barrage Project

New Khanki Barrage Construction Project (NKBP) PMO Barrages

The health, safety and well-being of the workers at NKB Project has been the corner stone of the Environmental Policy of the Project. For example the Contractor was advised to arrange for both the heating and cooling facilities for the labourers at the labour camp during the winter and the summer seasons respectively.

Similarly the food quality provided to the labourers is checked by occasional visits to the Canteens of the Labour Mess and by both the PMO and Supervisory Consultants staff actually taking their lunch/ dinner alongwith the labourers at the Labour Camp.

Continuous reminders are sent to the Contractor to direct both their staff & their Sub- contractor(s) staff to wear the PPE’s (Personal Protection Equipment) etc & to keep all available emergency facilities at site including deputation of a fulltime medical doctor at site and first aid kits, etc.

4. Holding of EPRMs The Environmental Progress Review Meetings are held at least once a month at Khanki Barrage to review & discuss the environment & safety related issues which are participated by the representatives of the PMO, Supervisory Consultants and the Contractor DESCON.

These EPRMs have been found to be very helpful in providing an opportunity for open discussion and facilitating future line of action about various desired actions and activities by all the stakeholders of the NKB Project.

5. Public Consultation Public Consultations have also been made on several issues related to various environmental/ social issues. For example, a sensitive issue of the “relocation of a grave “ from the Coffer Dam downstream of River Chenab was handled very amicably by mutual discussion with the local religious notables & community members.

Similarly when a complaint of “dust” was received from the community living on “Chanawan Road (undergoing reconstruction)”, the Contractor was immediately asked for corrective action resulting into the submission of a “Water Sprinkling Frequency Chart” by the Contractor; the effective implementation & supervision of which ensures the dust abatement in the Project Area.

6. Lessons learnt & Recommendations i. A team work approach should be adopted for enforcement of various safeguards/ environmental protection measures. ii. “Patient persuasion” and creation of necessary awareness is required including change of “mindset” to convince the Contractor / Sub-Contractor’s labour about the use of PPE’s etc (especially keeping in view the severe weather conditions etc). iii. A visionary & forward looking approach is needed to deal with emergency situations like the timely evacuation of labourers and staff from the Labour Camps during the September, 2014 flood, which saved valuable human lives. iv. Resettlement issues etc should preferably be dealt with before actual construction starts to avoid unnecessary delays in the implementation of the Project.