Eighth Session, Commencing at 2.30 Pm WORLD SILVER & BRONZE
2328 Eighth Session, Commencing at 2.30 pm Netherlands East Indies, an extensive collection of duits and half duits and other denominations, housed in a Hagner System spring back album, generally each piece is described, VOC issues from Gelderland from 1731-1792 (16); Holland 1735-1791 (26); Utrecht 1744-1794 (31); half duit 1753 (3), 1755; West Friesland 1733-1792 (30); WORLD SILVER & BRONZE COINS Zeeland 1727-1794 (29); duits 1804-1810 (16), 1815-1821 (4); half duits (10) 1808-9; Java duits (4) 1813-1820; silver quarter gulden 1826, 1840, 1854 (2); one stuiver 1825-1826 2325 (2); half stuiver 1810, 1811, 1812, 1819-1823 (6), 1824, Nepal, proof set, 1981 King Birendra Coronation series of 1826; quarter stuiver 1826 (3); two cents 1838; one cent seven coins (KM.PS9). In prestige timber case of issue with 1836-1840 (3); half cent 1857-1860 (6), 1934; Sumatra certifi cate number 0272 of only 1,000 issued. duit; Ceylon, one stuiver 1791. Generally fi ne - very fi ne, $80 several scarce. (203) $800 2326* Netherlands, Willem II, two and half gulden, 1846, fl eur-de- lis privy (KM.69). Good very fi ne. $200 2329* Nicaragua, proof ten, twenty fi ve and fi fty centavos, 1939, London mint (KM.17.1, 18.1, 19.1). Lightly toned, edge bruise on ten centavos, FDC. (3) $400 2330 Nicaragua, proof fi ve centavos, 1946 (KM.24.1); 1962 (KM.24.2); proof ten centavos, 1962 (KM.17.2), London mint. Nearly FDC - FDC. (3) $250 2331 Nigeria, Manilla or Slave Token in oxidised bronze, raised by divers from the wreck of the English schooner 'Duoro' sunk off the Isles of Scilly in 1843.
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