Nominating Committee Welcomes Suggestions Judith N. Shklar

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Nominating Committee Welcomes Suggestions Judith N. Shklar Association News Francovic, CBS News; Peter A. Goure- vitch, University of California, San Diego; Ted Robert Gurr, University of Colorado; Ronald Kahn, Oberlin College; Barbara Nelson, University of Minnesota; Adolph Reed, Jr., Yale University; and Donald Searing, University of North Carolina. Continuing their 1987-89 terms are: William Bacchus, U.S. Department of State; Donald Kinder, University of Mich- igan; Jane Mansbridge, Northwestern Uni- versity; Dianne Pinderhughes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Margaret E. Scranton, University of Arkansas- Little Rock; Mary L. Shanley, Vassar Col- Fred Holborn and Judith N. Shklar at APSA Council reception honoring the IPSA Executive lege; Richard A. Watson, University of Committee. Missouri; and Aristide Zolberg, The New School for Social Research. German Marshall Fund Travel Grantees Wolfgang Reinicke, West Germany; Yale University Thomas Faist, West Germany; The New Nominating Committee School for Social Research Welcomes Suggestions Judith N. Shklar APSA's Nominating Committee, chaired by Bernard C. Cohen, University of Wis- Elected consin-Madison, seeks suggestions for President-Elect nominees to APSA offices. The Committee will make nominations for eight Council persons, as well as the Judith N. Shklar of Harvard University offices of secretary, treasurer, vice presi- has been elected to serve as president- dents (three positions), and president- elect of the APSA for 1988-89 and will elect. The Committee will meet in late assume the office of president in 1989-90. February in Washington and report to the Shklar was elected by acclamation at the President no later than April 15. Annual APSA Business Meeting on Sep- 'Members of the nominating committee tember 3 in Washington, DC, thus set- are: ting the stage for her to become the first Lucius Barker, Department of Govern- woman president in the 86-year history of ment, Littauer Center, Rm. 318, Harvard the Association. University, Cambridge, MA 02138. At the same meeting, Murray Edelman, Bernard C. Cohen, Vice Chancellor for University of Wisconsin-Madison; Robert Academic Affairs, Bascom Hall, 500 Lin- Jervis, Columbia University; and Martin coln Dr., University of Wisconsin-Madi- Shapiro, University of California-Berkeley, son, Madison, Wl 53706. were elected vice-presidents for 1988-89. Jennifer Hochschild, Center for Ad- Daniel Elazar, Temple University, was vanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, elected secretary for 1988-89. 202 Junipero Serra Boulevard, Stanford, The eight new members of the 16- CA 94305. member Council elected to serve a two- Herbert Jacob, Department of Political year term (1988-90) are: Christopher Science, Northwestern University, Evan- Achen, University of Chicago; Kathleen ston, IL 60201. 976 PS: Political Science and Politics CAPS Visits Annual Meeting Dale Rogers Marshall, Dean of the Col- lege, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 02181. Glenn Snyder, Department of Political Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC275I4. Delegation From Chinese Association of Political Science Visits APSA Members of the Chinese Association of Political Annual Meeting Science attend University of Chicago's recep- tion recognizing the retirement of Tang Tsou, I. to r.: Wang Yunkun, CAPS Secretary General; Yan Jiaqi, director of the Institute of Politics; APSA hosted a delegation from the Tang Tsou; Li Shenzhi, executive vice-president Chinese Association of Political Science of CAPS; and Hao Yufan, APSA program inter- (CAPS) from August 31 to September 15. preter. The visit by eight Chinese political scien- tists was the latest step in the bilateral scholarly exchange program begun in biner of Berkeley organized the last leg of 1985. Support for the project has been the delegation's visit. provided by the Asia Foundation. During their visit, members of the dele- The delegation was headed by Li Shen- gation examined the nature of a research zhi, Executive Vice President of CAPS and university, the relationship between re- Director of the Institute of American search and public funding, the nature of a Studies in the Chinese Academy of Social graduate department, and the process of Sciences (CASS). Accompanying Li were faculty review and tenure. The group also Yan Jiaqi, Director of the Institute of Polit- considered the relationships between fed- ical Science (CASS); Qiu Xiao, Professor of eral, state, and local governments, the re- Political Science, Suzhou University; Shi lationship between business and govern- Xiaochong, CAPS Vice President and Pro- ment, congressional leadership, and the fessor of Political Science, East China Nor- presidential elections. mal University; Wang Huning, Professor of Political Science, Fudan University; Hu Qian, Professor of International Law, Bei- jing University; Wang Yunkun, Secretary Report of the General of CAPS; and Zhao Bingchang, Treasurer of the CASS Bureau of Foreign Affairs. The delegation attended the APSA and American Political IPSA meetings and then left Washington Science Association, for visits to Atlanta where they were hosted by Dean Eleanor Main and the 1987-88 Department of Political Science of Emory Nancy H. Zingale University; to Boston where APSA Presi- College of St. Thomas dent Lucian Pye guided the delegation in visits to MIT and Harvard, and where Dean Dale Rogers Marshall hosted the The Association finished 1987-88 with a delegation at Wellesley College. From surplus of $74,385, extending its string of Boston, the group visited San Francisco budget surpluses to nine. Revenue in- where David Brady and Nina Halpern of creased by 3.3% over the previous year Stanford, and Nelson Polsby and Jane Tur- while expenditures increased by a slightly Fall 1988 977.
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