Binder Page ______Name ______Period ______CAUSES OF THE REVOLUTION Date ______

Year Event What Happened 1650s A series of laws made by Parliament. The laws said that colonies had to send their raw ​ and on materials only to Britain and that they had​ to buy their manufactured goods only from Britain. These laws used the theory called mercantilism to help make Britain richer and more ​ powerful, but they ended up costing the colonists a lot​ ​ of money. 1763 Treaty of , This agreement formally ended the . England gained all of the land east of the River. The end of the war also meant that England would have a large 1763 ​ debt to pay. ​

1763 Proclamation A British law forbade American colonists to settle west of a line that ran along the . Colonists didn’t like this rule becauseThey had won the war; of 1763 ​ The land was supposed to be British. ​

1764 British law that placed a tax on molasses. 1765 Stamp Act Law passed by Parliament that taxed legal documents, newspapers, almanacs, playing cards, and dice.

The biggest reason they objected to the tax was because it was ​ *** TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION ​

1765 A group of colonists who formed a secret society to oppose British policies. Members included such famous Americanas as Samuel Adams, his cousin John Adams, James Otis, Paul Revere, and Benjamin Rush.

Colonists began protesting the Stamp Act in many different ways including threatening to “tar ​ and feather” tax collectors. ​ Colonists also had riots. ​ ​ 1765 Stamp Act Nine British colonies sent delegates (representatives) to petition Parliament to end the Stamp Act, organize boycotts, etc. Congress 1766 Stamp Act Parliament cancelled the Stamp Act. Repeal means to cancel a law. ​ ​ Repealed (The Sugar Act was also repealed at about the same time.)

1765 Quartering Act British law ordered colonial assemblies to provide British troops with quarters, or housing. Quarters means the place where soldiers live. ​ ​ 1767 Townshend British laws that taxed goods such as glass, paint, paper, silk, and tea. (Was eventually repealed, but the tea tax was kept.) Acts Americans started smuggling goods, which caused the British to send even more soldiers. ​ ​ ​ The British also started using Writs of Assistance, which were legal documents that ​ allowed British officials to search any ship without giving​ a​ reason. 1767 Committees of Was a group of colonists from colonial legislatures who wrote letters and pamphlets to inform and unite the colonists against British rule. Correspondence Correspondence means: Writing letters. (later used again, in 1771-1774) ​ ​

1770 Boston The shooting of five Bostonians by British soldiers. A massacre is: A terrible one-sided slaughter, with an enormous loss of life Massacre ​ What did the Americans say happened at the Boston Massacre? The Americans said that the evil British soldiers had fired on innocent, defenseless colonists. What did the British say happened at the same event? The British said the Americans were out of control, and the soldiers had shot in self-defense.

1773 British law that allowed the British East Company to sell tea directly to the colonists. This act actually made the tea cheaper, but it put tea merchants out of business. It ​ also kept the hated tax on the tea itself. 1773 Tea Boycott Colonists refused to buy tea in protest of the Tea Act. A boycott is when a group of people ​ refuse to buy something in order to make a point. 1773 Boston Tea Colonial protest in which Bostonians, dressed as Indians, dumped British Tea into Boston Harbor. They were protesting the tea act. Party 1774 Intolerable Laws passed by Parliament in 1774 to punish colonists for the . Intolerable means that something is so bad that it cannot be accepted. Acts or ​ ​ Coerce means to persuade using force and threats Coercive ​ ​ These laws: 1. closed the port of Boston Acts ​ 2. shut down the colonial government of Massachusetts and replaced it with the military 3. said that British officials and soldiers would be tried in Britain, not the colonies 4. sent over more troops with a new Quartering Act

Tyranny means the unjust use of government power. A ruler who uses power in this way is called a Tyrant ​ ​ ​ 1774 Act Organized the government for Quebec. Allowed the Catholic church in Quebec. Extended the ​ ​ ​ borders of Quebec all the way to the River and west. Passed about the same time as the ​ . ​ ​

st 1774 1 ​ Continental Meeting of delegates from 12 colonies. They met in Philadelphia to discuss the problems in Boston. ​ Congress Continental means they came from across the Continent; most of the British colonies were involved ​ ​ Congress means that they were a group coming together to meet, to debate, and to vote on matters ​ ​ 1775 Minute Men The organizing of colonial volunteers who trained to fight the British. They were supposed to be ready at a minute’s notice. People who are not professional soldiers, but are ordinary people who have agreed to fight in an emergency are called militia ​

April Paul Revere’s He rode through the Massachusetts countryside to warn the colonists of the approaching British 18, troops. He was captured during the ride, but the warning got through. (The British troops were 1775 Ride coming because they expected to find the weapons and supplies that the militia had been storing.)

April Battles of Lexington The opening battles of the . 19, and Concord British soldiers beat the rather easily in Lexington, but the British were beaten back by 1775 the colonists at a bridge outside of Concord. Colonists continued to fire at the retreating British “The shot heard troops as they returned to Boston. ‘round the world.”