Algorithmic Approaches to Reconfigurable Assembly Systems Allan Costa Amira Abdel-Rahman Department of Computer Science and Engineering Center for Bits and Atoms Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA Cambridge, MA
[email protected] [email protected] Benjamin Jenett Neil Gershenfeld Center for Bits and Atoms Center for Bits and Atoms Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA Cambridge, MA
[email protected] [email protected] Irina Kostitsyna Kenneth Cheung Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Coded Structures Laboratory TU Eindhoven NASA Ames Research Center Eindhoven, Netherlands Moffett Field, CA
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract—Assembly of large scale structural systems in space ing reversible connections to allow for disassembly and reuse. is understood as critical to serving applications that cannot be These two properties, modularity and reconfigurability, have deployed from a single launch. Recent literature proposes the been appreciated throughout the history of engineered struc- use of discrete modular structures for in-space assembly and rel- tures, and can be found in applications ranging from truss atively small scale robotics that are able to modify and traverse units for infrastructure to LEGO-style consumer products the structure. This paper addresses the algorithmic problems in scaling reconfigurable space structures built through robotic and toys. Modularity can reduce complexity, and recon- construction, where reconfiguration is defined as the problem figurability can reduce material requirements for a variety of transforming an initial structure into a different goal con- of objectives. Combined, these attributes create significant figuration. We analyze different algorithmic paradigms and potential for cost saving, adaptability, and scalability.