EASY TEACHER WEBPAGES a Professional Development Session Presented by the Instructional Technology Department Clark County Public Schools

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EASY TEACHER WEBPAGES a Professional Development Session Presented by the Instructional Technology Department Clark County Public Schools EASY TEACHER WEBPAGES A Professional Development Session Presented by the Instructional Technology Department Clark County Public Schools AGENDA Introduction • Web Safety • The Easy Teacher Webpage concept Set up • One-Time-Only setup process Getting Started • Resetting your Password • View your new page • Logging in to Administer Your Page • Navigating your new page: o Dashboard o Writing a post . Formatting Text . Adding hyperlinks . Adding images o Manage/Edit Posts o Creating Page Links Customization • Presentation Mode • Finding other Themes • Setting up special options Directing People to Your Site Additional Topics Time to get creative and explore your page! ONE TIME ONLY SETUP PROCEDURES These steps will only occur at the start of this session. You will never need to worry about this portion of the instructions again. STEP 1: Log into the set up page Open Internet Explorer In Address Bar type in: http://ilearn.clarkschools.net/sites/username STEP 2: Click on install.php STEP 3: Click “First Step” Continue to STEP 4 >> STEP 4: Enter basic information (this can be changed later, so don’t worry) Enter a working title Enter your Clark County email address ([email protected]) Click “Continue to Second Step” STEP 5: MOST IMPORTANT STEP – COPY YOUR ASSIGNED PASSWORD! BE SURE TO COPY THIS PASSWORD CODE. VERY IMPORTANT! Once copied, click “wp-login.php” Continue to STEP 6 >> STEP 6: Access the Administration Page for the first time The Username for everyone is “Admin” Use the password you just copied in the password box. Click Login STEP 7: Congratulations! You have just created your own webpage! The page you see on your screen is your Admin access page. This is NOT the page the public will see. Now let’s go find out how to customize it… GETTING STARTED Now that your page has been created, we will begin working with the tools that will allow you to customize your site. STEP 1: Reset your password Although your username will always be: ADMIN, we need to reset your password to something you will remember. Click “Users” in the Dashboard bar Scroll down to the Update Password section to enter your new password Click “Update Profile” when you are done. DO NOT LOSE YOUR PASSWORD! We can not reset it for you. STEP 2: How Does It Look? Let’s go view the page as the public will see it. Click “View Site” STEP 3: How People will see your page? STEP 4: Logging In to Administer Your Page When you log in as the Administrator, you can add to the page or make changes. To log in, click “Site Admin” on the right side menu list STEP 5: Navigating Your New Page A. The Dashboard This is the starting point every time you log in. Important requirements and news are listed here. B. Writing a “Post” Think of your webpage as a series of topic, with the newest one listed at the top of the page. Click “Write” on the menu bar to begin Writing a post is as easy as writing an email. 1. Give it a title 2. Write the body 3. Choose to “Save” if for later review, or “Publish” to everyone can see it on the internet. 4. Use the test formatting buttons to make the post stand out…just like you would use the format button in a word processor 5. If you wish to have a link from your post out to another webpage, do the following a. Insert the text that will hold the link b. Highlight that text with your mouse c. Select the “Hyperlink” format button (it looks like a chain) d. Enter the web address of the link page e. Choose “open link in new window” f. Enter a title for the link g. Click “Insert” h. You are successful when the text hyperlink turns blue and is underlined. 6. Insert an image: Go to the upload section. a. This is just like adding an email attachment b. Browse to the file/image you want to include c. Give the image a title and description d. Click upload. e. Browse to the file/image you want to include f. Give the image a title and description g. Click upload. h. The image will now appear under the “Browse” section i. Now, simply click, grab and drag the image from the browse window to the text window j. Use the format buttons to arrange the image in your content area (center it, etc) k. Drag the corners to resize the image to fit l. Click “Save” to keep for further editing, or click “Publish” to put out on the web for everyone to see C. Manage/Editing Your Posts Nothing you publish to the web is permanent. You can go back and change everything at a later time. Click “Manage” on the menu bar to get started. Choose “Edit” to open a post and change anything Choose “Delete” if you want to erase something completely D. Create Page Links Permanent links can be placed on the side menu of you page that are readily accessible from anyplace on your site. Page links can be seen here… To create a page link, choose “Links” on the menu bar Page Links that are automatically included are here. You can edit them the same way you edit a post…just choose “Edit” or “Delete” Usually, you will want to keep the standard link in tact and add a few of your own. To add a new link, choose the “Add Link” tab • Enter the URL, or address of the new link • Give the Link a name that will appear on your front page • Give it a short description • Choose what category the link belongs within o Link categories can be used to group similar links into manageable groups o To create new link categories, choose that tab Click “Add Link” and your new link will appear on the your page CUSTOMIZATION The best part of this web page is that it is easy for every user to customize the look and feel of you’re their page. The page uses a series of pre-designed themes that are available for free on the web. The user, to make your page feel more original and personalized, can often further customize those themes. To start customizing, choose the “Presentation” link on the menu bar Themes that are already available are just a click away. Scroll through the included themes and click on the one you wish to “try on” Once you click, you will see a new screen with the message: Check out your new look and decide if you want to keep it. Notice, all the posts and links you have created stay the same! These themes are available on numerous websites in the net. If you can’t find one that suits your tastes in the list provided, get online and do a Google search for “Wordpress themes”. A number of sites will list and you can browse through those sites to find on you love. When you find a theme you like, record the web address and name of the theme. Forward that information to your TRT and he will add that theme to your list. Then you can try on that theme, as well. DIRECTING PEOPLE TO YOUR SITE To start, you webpage address will look like the following: http://ilearn.clarkschools.net/sites/username (where “username” is actually your username, i.e. jsebulsky, etc.) Until you have your webpage set up the way you want it be, this will be your web address. When you feel your page is ready to release to the world, email your TRT and he will reset the web address to be what everyone knows: http://teach.clarkschools.net/username In effect, you have all the time in the world to play with the page before allowing it to be displayed for the world to see. We will not display that address until you tell us to do so. FURTHER OPTIONS and QUESTIONS If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your TRT. When you feel you are ready to get deeper into the webpage and it’s available options, please contact your TRT, also. We are happy to help you achieve the web presence you desire! Remember: Have fun. Experiment. You can’t mess this webpage up! .
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