Metal manufacture, metal mining industry and extraction of precious metals NVESTMENT PROJECT № 1 Project Title Strengthening capacities TadAZ. Company name: Tajik aluminum plant Address: 735014, Republic of Tajikistan, Tursunzade. Tel. / Fax: (992 -37) 221-06-47, (992 - 37) 221-85-82, (495) 737-52-28 (Moscow on the Tajik Aluminum Plant). E-mail
[email protected]. Type of production of aluminum and aluminum products The aim of the project Strengthening capacity of the plant and improve the production of aluminum products. Brief Description of Project Upgrade vibroformovochnyh press production line mixing-press area. Reconstruction of the introduction of equipment for anode baking. The acquisition of the production line installation of the anodes. Acquisition of special cranes for roasting plant. Reconstruction of the pots with unification. The acquisition of manufacturing equipment. Rehabilitation and upgrading of special cranes aluminum electrolysis plant. Replacement of SCADA control systems. Acquisition and development of a system of centralized distribution of alumina. The introduction of partial transducers for special cranes roasting plant mixing-press department. Reconstruction and modernization of the gas cleaning plant dust collection units, the production of acid and fluoride salts. Total project cost: (million U.S. dollars) - 153.5813 of which: own funds - 43.7319 foreign investment -109.8494 Payback period (year) - 10 Proposal to investors: Possible forms of cooperation: Investment in the form of credit. Documentary substantiation of the project: feasibility study. Business Plan. INVESTMENT PROJECT № 2 Project Title Establishment of facilities for the production of antimony and compounds. Company name: JSC "Tamokhush-IGMZ." Address: 735920, Republic of Tajikistan, Sogd, Isfara, st. Lenin, 132 and Tel: (9923462) 2-17-34, fax: (9923462) 2-34-66 E-mail Type of production of modern materials of chemical and other industries based on rare and rare- earth elements.