RUDN Journal of Russian History 2020 Vol. 19 No 1 119–135 Вестник РУДН. Серия: ИСТОРИЯ РОССИИ Научная статья / Research article Soviet-Tajik Writing Intelligentsia in the Late 1930s Nicholas Seay Ohio State University; 203 Annie and John Glenn Ave., Columbus, Ohio, 43210 USA;
[email protected] C оветская таджикская писательская элита в конце 1930-х годов Николас Сии Университет штата Огайо; 43210, США, шт. Огайо, г. Колумбус, Энни энд Джон Глен Авеню, 203;
[email protected] Abstract: This paper looks at the formation of a Tajik-Soviet writing elit e in the 1930s, exploring how a new generation of Soviet writers in the late 1930s emerged out of new state institutions. Prior to their emergence, the founders of Tajik literature – Sadriddin Aini and Abolqosim Lahuti – used their unique position vis-à-vis Moscow to shape the direction of Tajik literature. Despite the former’s important place in Soviet hagiography, it was the younger generation of Tajik writers – including writers like Mirzo Tursun- zoda, Jalol Ikromi, Sotim Ulughzoda, and others – that emerged on the all-Union writing scene in the late 1930s and became key cultural and political fi gures in the post-war era. While the role of the Tajik writer inevitably became the portrayal of the national subject in the modern context of Soviet development, this article shows how comparing the themes and writings of these two generations in the 1930s demon- strates how Tajik national identity building related to the nationalities policies of the early Soviet Union and, in particular, the relationship between Tajik national identity and territory.