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[email protected] Search & browse our inventory at: Catalog No. 290 Nineteen 16th & 17th Century Books Church History & Theology-- Recent Acquisitions Highlights from this Catalog: Item #1, Baxter’s Saint’s Item #18, Theophylact of Item #3, Wm. Cave's Works, Everlasting Rest, London, 1677 Bulgaria’s Gospels, 1527, 1529 Matching Calf, 1676, 87, 83 Item #12, 1st English Ed. Item #11, Jewel’s Defence Item #4 Cranmer & Item #13 Mede’s Works, Luther’s Table Talk Lond., 1567, 1st Edition Jewel’s Sermons 1676 Daniel & Rev., 1677 To order from this catalog click on the 5 digit number next to the authors name. It is a link that will take you to that book’s description on my webpage. Click on “Add to Shopping Cart” at the top or bottom of the page. You can also call us at 304-645-7169 or email us at:
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