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■ A i».7 (T W E L V B ^ • -V • yOL.UlInNO.8, CniMiiniiil AdrertUlat OB AS>-lo g MERIDEN MAN HIT lill^^itors Hav€(^^ I m BY NAZI SOLDIERS , y '1 -v^'.

Struck Twice in the Face Be-^ARREST SUSPECTS ^ w e r s of Meteors Lasted OiTiciab Fear ijn ReiactioR cause He Did Not Salute of BodgeU Hay IN MAINE HOLDUP Over Twoa Honr^ Am«h as Parade Passed Him in can Astronomer Ghres.ffis Dowa Present United Haii % 22 Years; BerEn. Ex-Convict and Two Women Theory of die Cause. States Standards. S s ^ WiA' Dsniiid Is Canght After Grocer Is W aahingte, Oct. 10—(AP) —To Senata Hrafcara Hoar o( R t e — New York Berlin, O ct 10.— (AP) — An By Howard W. Blakeslea American business man, Roland prevent what it termed the threat­ Vels, a native of Meriden, Conn., Shot by Bandit Philadelphia, O ct 10— (A P )-- ened “ passing of toe .puhlio free Irief Lewlers Fkdmg to The chances are 99 in 100 that tte schools” as a result of oadgst bal­ vdio now lives in Berlin, was struck ancing, the American Iteeration of rain.of falling stars in Europe last H i S e e . twice in the face by storm troopers Houlton, Me., Oct. 10.— (A P )— Labor convention today mdopte a Ee SsKO 1929. night is a shower of spaca-wandsr- because he did not salute a Nazi An ex-oonvlct and two ymmen, ap­ 12-point educational program call­ procession, he reported today. Ing stones which the earth never en­ ing for "the utmost endeavor for prehended at Molunkus early today, The incident occurred in Dussel* countered before, according to t>r. the protection of education from Waahingtte'^OeL 10 — (AP) — New York, Oct 10.—(AP)— dorf on Sunday while he was walk­ were detained by authorities in Chariee P. Olivier aatronomsr of tbs kiisdergarten through te university.” John H. M -^tecy, tor 22 years ing with Mrs. Velz in a street He The program cadled for “truly sold by Dillon. Bead their Investigation of the shooting University of Pennsylvania'. Demooratio leader of Brooklyn, notified George S. Messersmith, of James Young, grocer, in a hold­ Whether this stream of meteoric pr^esslonal standards” in the qlass A Gomifeny. to (ons of its Investment American consul gene*^ here, who room, smaller classes taught by trusts when prices were {dumeting was served wtt^ a demand that he up at Blaine last night stones is so large that the earth is comidained to police authorities 8& within its borders with possi­ trained teachers, a broader curri­ In 1929 were shown in toe Senate retire today by a majority of Us and both the Reich and Prussian They were: Sldmond Cote, 82, Nri- bilities of more meteoric displays to­ culum, an equitable wage for all In­ Investigating todaj^ to have deprsH d l^ et isaders. ministers of the interior. Ue Browning, 26, of Mara’ Hill and night, he said, is not certoln but structors with security of tenure d a t e mflliona in value since. MatUda Burlock, 23, formerly of and “decent” working conditions, Tracing the devious transaothms , A dslfratUm of 12 of ths leaders seems unlikely. balled on UcCooey, staunch ally of WOOLWOETH EXBOCnVB Mara Hill, but who gave her pres­ The European showers lasted the eetahlishment of teacher unions, through testimsmy by E. B. Tracy, ent address at (52 Eastern Avenue), maintenance of educational stand­ President of toe banking firms in- Tammany Hall, at county party Meriden, Oct. 10.— (A P )—Roland about two hours, just after sunset, Representatives of 112 eollegea and unlvendttss attended the 100th anni- h^qomrtors. Members of this dele- Velz, referred to in the Berlin, Ger­ Lynn, Mass. and whbn word of them was flash­ verseuy celebration of the founding of Havwford College at Haverford, ards, old ag> pensions ahd opportun­ vestmeiit trusts, the conitnlttee In addition to the trio, the IS- ity for teachers to help formulate learned that the portfolio of the gstlon. told newspapermen before many, dispatch as being stru|^ by ed to Dr. Olivier, who is head of the Pa. Anxmg th’e 46 college presidents at the ceremonies were Presidents the xneeting they were determined the storm troopers because Be did months-old son of the Burlock wo­ American Metem Society, he had wmiiun W. Comfort (left), of Haverford College; James Roland Angell educational policies. united States and Intenational Se­ man was also in the car which offi- The resolution embodying these curities Oorporatian last December te ete{> d o ^ to favor of some oth­ not salute a Nazi procession, is a the heavens watched for hours. Up (center) o f Yale, and William Mather Lewis of lAfayette. er man. son of Mrs. Anna A. Velz of 225 cera caught in the dragnet they to this forenoon he had not received featfirer was presented for toe fed­ 31 showed a 526,562,000 shrinkage Atkins street, this city. His wife la threw about the area sifter Youog reports of even one meteor sighted eration’s educational oommlttee by of assets. Swing To Btolee a native of Frankfort, N. Y. was shot on the American side of the Atlan­ Florence Curtis Hanson, of toe Of this, said commlttae oounsel, Ihe actioD reflects the swing by Mr. Velz went to Dusseldorf, Oontf tlon Serious. tic. American Federation of Teachers. Ferdinand Peeora, about 40 per cent the Dteocratlo districi leaders of Germany, about six yesurs ago as Young went down w;ith two .22 Probably SmaO Field Grea,t Danger or 511,192,000 was In stock of rafl- Broofct^ to Joseph V; McKss, to- an executive employe of the F. W. caliber bullets as he lunged at a This, he said, indicated that pro­ STUDENT SAW ONE MAN The report approved by toe con­ roads that have since gone into xe- deptelent Democrat and antl-Tam- Woolworth Company to open stores mAn who ordered him to turn over bably the shower was over com­ vention said that “no greater men­ edyerohip; stock that largely wa# many candidate for mayor. throughout Germamy, according to the money from the store’s cash pletely within a very.short time af­ ace to industrlaJ recovery could purchased from other DUlon, Read McOboey, famed throughout members of his fazoily. register. The holdup man then ter its first appearance. This com­ develop” than that brought by the Intexests. The roads were the Rock state political ^rdles for the mu^ scooped 5200 from the till and fled plete tennlnation could arise froni SET REICHSTAG BLAZE (posing of schools for economy’s Islaiid end the E^risco, cessfid way to whlbh Le baa kept in an automobile which was driven the fact that the stream of flying sake. It held this tenduicy was One of the most persistent ques­ toe Brooklyn oxganlmti

■ ■ ;■ V ML I hit BcviSfl snin of Dr. W«don, hi- oMMtructlnK tiu ‘m w w elans who wfll. and In t&o operatioa MEET HERE TODAY geney -oalU ;e '*y**IP! POSmON ON OCT. 17 -^wiryuHN- Saleetm u^hn L. Jannagr acpko in flavor bf Boginew Laberfe <3aar, w h ^ ha aaid, had a wlda aspatl* Sdectmeo D efored Tovrn enoa In Uia actual anglnearing prob- State Comrestioa B ^ Hdd lblW :.^lnf- laiii ooonaotad' with tha two prop- Eagi^r Appoinilii^ at artlaa. I t Hm Ceotx diurdi George L. OnuladlneC this town W)th t)ia Mdrar add watar oom- win conduct an auction of household October Appeared on Ootobor fl6> ii(^ •M". panlaa undar town control, tha an- furniture, at the storage, warehouse the year 6W a. 4. That is too ioiig H eir Last Heetiiig. glnaarlnf work In thia oonnactton Hoote. of George E. DewOy 4 Oompaay of ago to.ba regamted as oaa.iBf the T i l i i it H e r t will badona tha townwoclnaar. 886 Trumbull etreet, Hartford; to­ fomuhaara of laat alght’a ioa A fte r morrow momlBffi etertm t at {UhM a ta ia T t a ^ T i t e T h e re . A t tha naact m aatinf of tha Board Deiagatea from Unf*e Daugh- o’clock. The auotioB wlM ba hjfld Bagidw Phlladslphla, Get. (A^)— WaitelMkB*’'- 0 rain or shine. / of Salaotman on October 17, tha vota tare ravlea all ever Oenneoticut Tha only nguuw atyaam of wnfrld a Lataad. flr.. 0f,Dstroit, Joaaph BeU, a m d d ie t of 'Ia n - Joksph TO ALLOT SALT PORK gathered at Oentei Church House — ' '-.Sj aateoM aaar tha peeaedt datpe in on the appointment of Suparlntcnd* The G Oef Glee Chib presented a testified today in support of charges diester for (fflrtsHfoux jraafs, disd m aaagar at tea .WMhtngtjM this afternoon for the opening ses­ October are tea Orlotttjii, which i^>-^ mule in a dvll suit that Henry Ford this m6raiag At it* Fatariburg, ant of Roada and Bridfaa win be sion of the 87th annual convention, concert at the Newington Home for oftsB on tea night of October Florida. Daatem te teta to a oom- taken up. At tha organization TO MANCHESTER NEEDY following a hiaattng of the state of• Crippled Children la^ Sunday. from tea poaifioii fidted to keep 4 proiffiaa to pay ob­ 1 ______IT' ligations of m old lineto Motor pUeatloo of heart trouble and he AiBMlon league meeting of tha Board held on Oct. 8, flolel board a t 1 o’clock. of tea Constellation OrICte As Company, which ha bought b r^tfs disaaaa. Ha wardxty-three the vote on the appointment of tha Tha invocation was by Rev. Wat­ The lAdlee Sewing. Cireie o f' the Orion had not rlsaa itepn,. last ;rear, but Wia tomafl Total of 8,900 Poonds to Be Highland Park Oonununlty ohib will Ford Is sfflng tha Bwaatan Auto­ y oxn old. Giants for the Wofld i 1 auparintendant of roada and bridges son Woodruff, pastor of Center night’s m ateors wafb' saAte Dr. mobile company of Philadelphia for / Mr. BeU WAS a motorman with was split three •ways and falling to bUtrlbated — AppHcatioBa meet, tomorrow afternoon at 8 OUvlApatld tbaflAry AhocapAr eanno^ Congrentlonal church, and Mrs. o’clock at the olv^’ house. ’$8,800 alleg^ to be on promi­ the Conneotieilt Company for break the deadlock, the appointment ^ow. Being-Iteceived. Iqrmia Gilmore of Ever Ready Cir­ hi oottsidArad -aa aobw of |h a sery notes, whlla tea* Bwaatan com­ twenty-five y a n . Time years ago was deferred until the next jneet- cle, In a f ^ well chosen words, Orlottida gfttlng off lUxita proper he moved to Florida oa tha advice of cated It vns dooddcfiilfly The Women of The Ifooea wffl schadula. ^ pany has filed a counter stflt claim­ the $4<>.000 sMOttonad r t She: W fc ing. V welcoL'ed the visiting King’s meet tomorrow evening at tea ing $168,000 from Ford. bis phyddaa. Ba H atai hi# wife, Belectbian George'E. Keith nom* A total of 8900 pounds of salt Daughters, the req^onse being by Tha oablad daaortptteaii of 80 to 70 and two children, a idaugltter, Mrs. ^ irestarday of Cioiito^ pork will be allotitted to the thi town of Home Oub on Bralnard Plaoe. mateors s ndhuta maka laat night’s The Sweeten company seeks to irry, maaagfc of, tha . .. Inated J. Frank Bowen, ttie present Mrs. nank Crawford of New Ha-' Thursday evening they wlU oonduot recover alleged losses'Incurred after Leo Bdieadel, and a aoa; Rlehard Manchester by the gO‘ivemment for ven. Mrs. L. A. Wheeler of Nor­ disfflay ths graatssf ateos H ov^bar Ben, who la marrlod and Itees in The Ban F read seea, Who Wffl oAla-; incumbent; Selectman WilUams distribution among the charity a setiMtok p arty a t te e home of Mr. 1886, whan a atraam \of '^mateorlc Ford purchMed the linooln com named Hayden L. Griswold, engineer wich read the minutes of the con­ pany, whose oars tha Bwaatan com Hartford, beliif smployad by tee bnte his 87fh' idatotttor: in town. Applications are now be­ vention held In South Norwalk in and Mrs. Cyrus BUMchird of Fair- stonaa known aa tha-BIAlida dotted Bond Bakliig oompmty. Hla daugh­ smilingly told aowspitoanBND Ida with Cheney Brothers and Seleot- ing received for the meat at the field street . tea heavena wlte^iita.; The BieUds pany handled in the Philadelphia TtiM j, L. Jenney nominated La* 1983. The presiding King's Daugta- territory. ter was at blf beddda whan, he contract was ‘'satlsfocm^,j|tod,tkAt charity department headquarters in a rt Aonaldarad th|. hrokaa renonants psiised away. It' represented "a Barge Geer, also with the Cheney the M unldw btiUdlng. A meetihg of tea' Bermanent of Blalai’a oom at Leland teatliled that Ford orally engineering department. D kj romlsed his father, the late Henry The family will Have Florida for cnase over my iatoiry Charity Superintendent George H. Armlstloa ooihaittea will be until tea Duropaan aatnmoners Maaebester/wlte the body tomorrow ye-r." . " On the first three ballots taken, Waddell said this morxiiag that the held In the Army and Navy dub. dadda tha rad^t^ teat la tea point EI. DelAnd, th a t all oradltCHrs and aharteoldera of the LinooBi concern night. Burial will be la the Bast In signing “Joe” for three M in;, the vote was three for Bowen; two salt pork will be distributM only to Ail ipexabenr prsstet please. In tha haavana from whlob laat cemetery here. each for Griswold and Geer. The those on the charity lists, as an night's mataors radiated. Dr. Olivier Would be paid. Griffith followed the same pdoeW ka fourth ballot taken near the end of addltlcm to the menu. It is expected The witness testified tee Lincoln employed with “Buoky" Raima, nfov- ■aid It wlU ba difficult to oaUmlate 2&W. Ohariotto A* Jaobbaon the meeting remained the same. that the pork will come In m tes, thalr possible sources among the company went into receivership In selz a kld-maaager whan ha pflotad Civil Engineer J. Frank Bowen 100 pounds to each box, and will be streams of dust and stonaa whichi 1921 and' efforts w sre' made to in' Mra. Charlotte A. Jaoobaon, wife the Senaton to a world ebamptea-v has held the office of Superintend distributed directly to the homes of MRS. KELLY BOUGifT continually wandar through space. terest capital to buy the plant and at tea late Per Jaoobaon of HUls- ship In 1934, and W alter Jo ent 'of the town’s roads and bridges the appUoants duaetty tay truck protect creditors and stockholders. town, died early tela aiming at for many srean Waahington’fl' for th* p ast 16 years and during the upon delivery to the town mflclals. Ford htooh Interested. the bopia oi her niece, Mrs. Gerda train.” past several winters has completed Hie allots^nts per family will be THEMACfflNEGUN He said Henry Ford was very Greaves of 79 KIbbe street, Hart­ a large amoimt of work in conneo* based on the number of persons in much interested and agreed to buy ford. She bad been ill for several tlon with the various projetts si>on- each household, three pounds to FOREIGN ENGLISH the company. years. She was 83 yean of age and sored by the town and the Ifan^ each family under five in number “He said,” Leland testlfled, “he was a rexblent at EQUstown for the TAMMANY CHIEF IS Chester Bmergenoy Bmploymeint As* and six pounds to famiUss over firs Weapon Used m Urschel would supply tee money to pay past fifty-five years, moving to the sodatlon. At the present time the In number. COURSE ADOPTED creditors and stockholders*in full. home of her niece . three months TOLD BY LEADERS town en^eerlng department oon< Hs also said ha didn’t want tee mat­ ago. slsts of J. Frank Bowen, town en< KidnapiDg Purchased by ter to become public, telling me to Mrs. Jacobson leaves several glneer; Scott H. Smith, assistant STUDENT SAW ONE MAN oontinue negotiations with two nephews and nleeap, both to this TO GIVE UP POST engineer and Hans Jensen. other groups but not to commit my­ country and to Sweden. The funer­ Bandit’s Wife. Flood Night self. al will be held A tlnday afternoon It appears ^ a t the impulse cre­ "He also told me to wear old at 2 o’clock at Watkins Brothers, (OpiittoMd from Page Oksy ated in ^ Board of Selectmen SET REICHSTAG BLAZE Mrs, George H. Prior arises from the acquisition of the School Office So Sahject clothes and to go two or three days 11 Oak street Rev. K. B. Erickson ter was Mrs. George H. Prior of Oklahoma City, O ct 10.—(A P)— without shaving so as to give the of the Emanuel Lutheran church, umphantty rlstog back to power At water u d sewer companies. Both (Continued from Page One) impression that I was in very poor of which Mn. Jacobson was a tee next election. of the 'Cheney engineers are famll Jewett City, state president and “Kathryn," responded the child past international president. Isln c h te d . dreumstances.” member, will oflldate. Burial will “If we accept the theory of party lar with the sewer and water lines emment testimony today as the Used Back Boad. be In the West cemetery. government w* ttuit theratora a^ and eepedally the reservoirs and ’The attendance from local and purchaser of a xnachlne gun used in Leland further teatifled teat Bd- Watkins Brothers, will be open cept the acoompanytog obligation^’ water properties In town and In out of town olroles was large. The kidnaping Charles F. Urschel, and eel Ford called him on the telephone from 7 to 9 o’clock tomorrow nl$kt of party 103ralty. Glastonbury. day was perfect for motoring from her husband, George (Machine Gun) Ifanchester’s evening school will three Bulgarian defendants and for* h aw ' a course in Bkigllsh and invited him to come to the Ford for ftiends of Mn. Jacobson. “I can ooncei've of no reason wby, Selectman Frank V. WlUiama at msr Communist leader, snllvened a distance, and the members of the Kelly was pointed out as the gang­ home, but Instructed him to use a except in the case of toeptltuda w ttie organization meeting objected tbs oourtroom at the opening today orgsjiisatlon took advantage of it. ster who collected $800,000 ransom for foreign - bom students ’The decorating oommlttea, Mrs. after aU, as tee last - minute back road and enter through a rear dishonor on tee part of Nm p a rtj^ to the re*appdntment of Engineer when, In response to J u ^ Wilhelm for the oil millionaire’s release. gate. chosen candidate, any man should Busnger's roll oall of defense attor- William Kea-'i of Loyal Circle and J. Klar, fire arms dealer of Fort flood of ’ registrations last night Bowen and stated that Mr. Gris­ made it necessary to create such a Leland told of a meeting on Dec­ MEXICAN BORDER VETS be deflected from bis Ufe-lpog poff- wold wae better qualified for the n sv i ne dSdlsr#d* Mrs. Wallace Jones of Ever Ready Worth Texas, testified in the trial ember 29, 1922, held a t his father’s tlos of voting for tee oandldmta reg­ ^ l ’conduct my own dsfanss.” Oirole, used the colors of the order, dass. Thirteen persons have signed of the oouple on Federal kidnaping up for the course, and Superintend­ home because of tea latter’s indls- ularly nominated In the primary ^ Buenger at the outset stated that pui^e and white in the church charges that he sold Kathryn a podtlon. Hs said tee meeting was ATTEND A SMOKER the organization to which he b^^ from now on the witness “will have auditorium. The emblem in silver ent of Schools F. A. 'Verpleinck, to­ machine gun for $250 bearing the day expressed the hope teat more attsnded by Federal Judge Arthur longs.” ; the floor,” adding: “Let them re­ on a field of purple was placed over same serial number as the weapon J. Tuttle, Bdsel Ford and Harold member they are Independent and the center of the pulpit. On the would enroll during this week. Manchester veterans of the later found betide the sleeping Har­ Sdenoe Class Emmons, tee Ford attorney. Le­ Mexican Border Campaign in 1916 responsible only to God and oon- platform were grttii baskets of vey Bailey on the Paradise, Texas, sdenoe.” * purpls dslphiniums and white car- The class will be taught by Mrs. land said that Emmons suggested attended a smoker fflven by the BUILDING NOTES ^ Tha First Wltaess natwpi, sent by the C..E. Wilson "IGdnap Farm” where the victim Marion Lynch. In former years the to him that be say nothing before Mexican Border Patrol last night in Haas Floater, a university stu­ and Burr nurseries,, ana palms from was hidden. Bailey is serving a Ufe enrollment in the English class for Judge Tuttle as to tee alleg^ prom­ the State Armory, Hartford. Five dent, was the first witness so far Anderson’s greenhouses. Other term on conviction of the kidnaping. foreign-bom students reached as ise of the Fords to pay off stock­ acta of vaudeville were presented Work was started this montof Used By Kidnapers high as 120 pupils. It was also holders. Leland said that he agreed and the feature of tee evening was on the ereoti'm of a new buHdlag beard to testify definitely that ha members and friends sent purple a minstrel show put on by members saw someone smash a window of asters and white cosmos. The co«6- The machine gun, prosecutors al­ found necessary to establish a class to this and it waa at this meeting to be located on tha north side of the Reichstag building and carry mlttee scoured the country-side lege, was-the one which was pointed in physios and chemistry, imder that an $8,000,000 piirchase price of tee association. After the enter­ East Center street for Joseph Ca- some sort of firebrand. yestyrday for the wild purple asters at Urschel when he was hustled John Cervinl, a graduate of Man- was agreed upon. tainment sandwiches, doughnuts vagnaro. A steam shovel waa. at But, to all questions as to and these were placed oelOW aUd At from bis home the lUght of Juty ^ IchASter High and Rensselaer Pole- Leland then gave .the testimony and coffee were served. work excqvatiag for ter whether there was not another man After testlinony by Ruth SbaipChf) ^fcAtenid jbunitete.vitere s^^ are bearing on the $168,000 claim by the; All local veterans of tea Mexioan Painters are at work to tha 90^ each side of the pulpit. Flowers in border campaign wishing to join the with the window-breaker. Floater In* profusion adorned the chapel, the 18 year old daul^ter of the donvli^ also desired ih th*a dm i. Sweeten company. This claim is'i called Hartman block on Norte When you’re HEALTHY slated “Z can only testify to what Z ted R. O. (Boss) Shannon on whose Although exact figures Could w>t based on an alleged promise by Mexican Border PatiiM saiay make Main street The brick woric .wap ladles parlor and adjacent rooms application to Jesse Edwards, at saw and I saw no second person nor and the banquet hall In the base^ Texas farm Urschel was held cap­ be obtained, pending g obeok-up It Henry Ford to maintain contracts recently touched up and the -aAw you’fo HAPPY even a shadow thereof.” tive, Joseph B. Keenan, assistant was estimate that more than 260 between tee old Lincoln company Matter’s Smoke Shop. Many good coat of paint is adding to the ap­ ment. times are liv the works for the win­ The student denied further that Mrs. Luther Packer of Norwich attorney general announced there persons h&vo' enroUed for the vari­ and its distributors so that the lat­ pearance of the buUffing. Joas^ he did not sea whether the man ous courses offered. Of this num­ ter could recoup themselves for ter and as many members as jmssI- Tammany baa the obntraot. will Conduct the devotional service was no need to can Pauline Frye, ble are sought for the local unit. HAffT days are usually healthy climbed through the broken window thl»> Ootobfr 10, 1868 Ity ^ rlo s Manuel such a scheme QOQld be effected. It '.3 was given last night for Miss Clara don in tee portico Cf 8 t Patar’e Olopades and bis little group of Is obvious that such a reduction of Klrschsieper of 19 Proctor Road at .fbUowers, marked tee openteg of gilted^ Aecurltiea In. tee Uhlted last June 26. Chiba’s long, b itter flgh^ for Inde- i ■ the homa ot MISs Bertha Cordner The oflloers all^fsd BuodgUone States would call for a readjustment of 86 '^ l e a ^ t s tre e t About 26 COMMUNITY PUYERS l^denoa from Spain.. < v of tee Investment heeurlty priees had oonfessed hdping plan tee A futile, hard fought-’T in Years* friends of the bride-to-be were planting of tee iMmib in a chaeklug there would not be without etfeet on present The decoratioas were in booth within tee portico of the Ffor”'that Mlowad ended abon after the priees of seeurltlAs here. ^ wi Boeue orchid and yellow. Games were REHEARSE NEXT PLAY OmfaAm hjmaalf was caught un- Carried far enough, such a sdiesM played until a late hour and a buf­ teedraL aiztad and alone one night, and would thaw froasB credit poiltloas The details were net revealad klUed hy Spanlab aoldlara. Fair and Square fet lunch was served by the host­ To PreMfit *Teg o* My Heart” and neither was his connection and raise prices to an extent which C /v . ess. ^liss Klrschsieper la to be mar­ Their leader gone, tea rebel bands makes its pesifflsnity leto tahtastlo t h , ried this month to Bdward Modean .at Ynilton Memorial on Tues' with Demetrio Solamon, who waa flfhtinf Spain’s armlaa aooaptad than at first sight salght appsnr. ..itj Prices of Gorman Place. day, November 7. arrested tee day after thA explo­ tarsaa at paaoa and Udd down tedr . MSII —...... sion, Aftada deaa^ ^ ffiea and machetes, to take them H.-O. Oatmeal, Quick i The Oommimlty Players began i again with tha outbreak In I89d OOUHIB BEHIND WHB WOBS Cooking, 2 p l^ . .. 1 Jj C FLORBA VOTING rthearsalx last bight for ths wdl . Four peraons were injured In tee' .anotear, saaoaMfnl war for free* 'xn Banka Coffee, >11 kxiown play, "Peg O’ My Hsait,” bomb explodoL in St. Petar’a Oa- Sdom. Hartford. Oct 10<—|AP) — So lb. t i n ...... f l l C wUeh they are to produce on Tuein teedral last June 26. Ona of teem, The .“Orlto . Da Tara” la one of for behind are tea Ikdaral judgaa ON REPEAL TODAY ^ evtlmiff, November 7 at the Alessandro Bpvtorit a Plea engtoeair C ^ 'a tdo prlnofoaL hottdnys. but in New York, teat Jlidgaa < s d i^ r. Balad Oil, w w I . , • Wmton Memorial hall for the bene­ vteo waa among tea ^ Holy r faw tea natim ^ wfflttM^truuhlte served S. Thomas and CanoU C. H todts 8-oz. glass Jug .,.. l i e crowds, was ab aaieiloualy injured k s at Cottnaotlout hard baen asked to (Oenttaned Page One) fit of the Manoheater Mothers club. to ireb th e day o f m&eh of tea lua- Krasdale Grape Juice, r y o Mrs. J. U Handley will bs the dl required hospital attaattoh. i|r It hak had In tha pait 'sit la New York for a total at four ^ explodOB oocurred a fav moatha before June 80, It was quart bottle__ ... C large who wffl officially exprew the rector. ^ Schpols,:stores, banks, offices and *Qie regular monthly business minutes after noon as a latfls pttbUo offices -ware closed. The Marked today. Beminole Toilet sy fu state’s stand on repeal Issue at) a crowd of pAo^e, inoludiaff u n y Ihia tBOTMaa in work win cause conventlen Ih Tiflaheseee Ni BCeethty of the Community Players untel salutary pdiadM,' patdotlo Tissue, 4 ro lls...... iw O C wfll take tdaoe tomorrow evening pilgrims, warn amgiaf in aad*^QW j^eaches and fpwhd pregrams in eoTijMaribla offleultgr m tela Athta, Gk>ld Dust, large 25c lA at 8 o’clock at ths olubrooms in ths of the main oateSiw doors folsote- aqhoola arArte,lMhteg.,atfiravdr, aa it wna ballavad.aa tha Daaaabar * Thabaltot ggn^lned the names of tng the oompjetien,. of -tea * last term wfll bagla to Hartford tha pkg. 2 f o r ...... A a l C 178-oaoidldates and hlenk Unas cm Baloh and Brown bullffing. The tety hava baAtt fof,aavaral years. guest spsaker will be the nCw man­ mass. ’s. Almost forflhtten. ak:tek day vfont flrat Tueaday to that siwnth, with Bi^es-AU, One Dish €% ^ which the voters oetidd w rite the ager at the State Theater, George ' The bomb bad bew Itaft ^ Judge Thomas on tea beahh, and nemee of others not smearing on aiuiUI(, aAft-votoMl' Ckrlos Towel Free, pkg. .. i b O C Hoover, effio will tell many of his small valise in a b o ^ tend ‘ fof’ PaOtoitodto, Boadt the flyat J n ^ BtoAkn begin n long case to the printed sheet A nil' tiwet of expCHenees in theatrical Ufe and checking umjrdlap. New Haven ysatarday. Idacaroni, bulk, q g . 87 w et bwuHdatas w u Mated as ^^tea''y raaidAite aafvad tSi daal w ith sefme of the problems of erty near thg main i t Tlntrtilfinili Yiraifaliiiit dut» S lbs...... a...,. plsdgM^Cor rdpeal. A groop of stage sCttii«e and properties. It feet from ter boty I d S t g sight drV oanadi^ was ilsteo as ikhtodldt tS S S e t foi- Ckit*Rite Waxed Paper, behooves tvety ipembM' to turn o WApMiBt r o ll...... D C opposed ^ repeal^ The thM group to hear Mr. Hoover. . H artford. Oot» x S ^ (A P ) of 101 oandlditei was winieui am damation Milk, Tha sxeeuthre committee will “^-ted j>y tea milifltod-, W Abapa.xnuat oloAa on d eslg n atl|9 ^ ^ the caijnMdate’e ■tanoi have a meeting to n ^ t at the olub- ^ rradt, Ooluml^ 4 tan cans... 25c rOozaS billed Ity A. If< Howes, chair- Novambrnr Xt, Armtotiaa Cx-Lax, 10c size, man of til* oommlttes on rsvlalon of annoonoad todiM by ^ 8 tins . . . ' e • « t e e e I by-laws.. It Is Impon^t that the notoadaslon. 'Aa rsein 20c Fenbnal Notices aoaa^ttaa piss on the no# constl- m nlcf the ftodtogof tutSott before It is prsssatad to tha stMwwif' ah Gah«^ thatteatoto. ■- V l O O e e e e e e e 'e 'e r e ie 'e -a ’ 2 S r vote if the meCtlaff toawfbw night bar fftopa to doas h n t hiRtoiffit n CA9POPflMNX8 tha'_____ -r— M AHlBiri We Wish to. thaadl WHnds and A a nb- aeithbofs. for. .ijHeii^'kUMses^ .and tAnlktt''t»'______OROCBRT ^ “ ...... ’With 188 StrMt KSTOGETHER I ■ t Famow Soprano to Be Pre­ dheses tor sented in Annua) Kellogg pooL From th Tdo a dtini bdtiBr ______Concert Course. wm he heM hifltoMha or fiMTsency Assodallm ta who know vm y' iRtte ahecit ssrlxh- ' ------■ . s ^ Frem tp SiSO a «Im » Ths Manamriisr Chib will Rosa Ponselle, the famous prfma M/todleatatf, will be held for 'IMtennediates. Wpm- msat tdaigM''a^ 7iao Vctook at, ths diet Revhals itllaaBrfliM BoU Affinal Meediig on soprano, will sing at Basi*- to^^jto, hjefc 'ISbkt: duttok t o past sn should sign ii^ for this daisi to­ hOBM of Fred BdwnriM at '71 Birth nell Memorial Hall, Hartford, neat night so that wtD he sn ri s M stMst. John L. RelBarts 'WiH dis- C B vdi. Prof, J. ,BW » ^ Monday Simday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the am miss sny of we IsssjhWr Iflas duct the'xmliteaa dafteg cbiii' the odnstruetiaa o f a hew, re- liiM ed to Itanoheater opening concert of ^Robert ELeBogg's Fenerty win be phid to talk liith the cdulng wMk - -U F 'W . anyone who is Utershted in'private cdvm of hk own dsilgh andta.'code 'the eleventh ■nwnid course. Mr. Kel­ m eriy vrith> fli© olassss, the time'tor which wiU be class for beginners.'4rtll be 'ktarted Beginning with a pand ‘Suat^ p^ Indloetsa that H e eimixal aoeetlng ot the Man- logg announces that tickets for the Iqr the to w h idi an Gospd team wWeK. tkb Si arifangod to the oonvenlenee of. school rally xuact Sunday mbnibig u n ited St»»teB^ tora to A'prtihoimced upward trend 'far -foe. TaeT ( otaeater Bmergency Employment Ponselle concert are nOw on sals swimmers. Ih teatn^ the cods are hr V at 8:80 o’dock, the Cburoh at the one of the be«t slngera In to ooadltions hmre," Mr. Balsted tiMeSik M Ubma aU rnKtU at hla office at 89 Asylum street, About 86 woinsa ,turned, out for Mr. Rdnarts will be absent tram Aiaodatlon, Ihc., wlU be hdd next Ustic wqtk todny* in t o ^ * 0 ^ t, % Itoeatha ar loNra w Hartford, and that good M ts may the regular Women'a. dsss Manchester durii||g the raht two Nasarene will oohduct a one weak Monday night at 8 o'clock, i It waa be had in the orchestra and in the Ui ^ TlM .tdephone company reeentto Monday night. 'TlmlM »tssep are w h^, attending meerings of the revival service from October'35^19 azmounceo today by Frank Cheney, first balcony. Season tickets tor bone pilfer. Hf has but ;i©c4ntiy diatrihuted to suhecribers a smah held weekly on Monday and WCd^ American Radio Relay League at Induslve. ..The evangelistic sei^pe* retiuMd fron a IT-moflto.'^tbui^ (rf fQldar. ujtoU which .was printed the Jr,, prealdwt pf the Association. the Kellogg course are still avail­ yamphie, Tenn;, and Blrmlnghamt able. Prices have beefi lowered for neaday from 7 to 8 and is opw to will be in charge of Rev, Stalld iS., China, Japan and India to 'TWHiloo toll oaQ ratea to the leaidtog popu- The i^ace of the meeting has not all R ec m em bers. thin season, though Mr. Kellogg re­ Ala. Crooks of Chicago, one of the w to k M iS ^ e cinWdiB fio m tW s -n n d la'Qtto ednttes o f the United States, 9t Stata niaataa been arranged as yet, but It may be At the kftemoon bridge party BaU Slais—m M ala St. gards the forthcoming series as <«e greatest of the women evangelists other towra are;expected at this as a matter of fact, held at the Municipal building. held at the West Side Rec on Mon­ R juuMaaehaata* of the best Be hais ever sponsored. in the United States. aeries of revival meetings^ the entire world. A portton of the It Is expected that the Association day afternoon MTs, Nelson Won R Opea 'niai■nianeav Bvaataxa Seven world famous artists are to Acootopanying ,the Chicago fodder. VTas set aside to .he used as U va«u a r. IL —Fhoaa S4M will discuss the advisability of re­ first prize and Mrs. Dower won sec- MRS. C. A. CARNEY HURT ' . suming its activities during the com­ be heard in the KeUogg series of six speakeriwill be Prof. J. & 7 on a 'memorandum to r' subscribers to >OWNSi; Sunday afternoon recitals. They ofid prize. The prises vary accord­ CHILDREN UNDEBNOilRiyttED jot down obtride pdkme numbers for Tba c»Bl7 ahanm la Thvaa vaceaat ing fall and winter. The Associa­ »aa maatfe aa aa*alS aaMaat at laaa* • 'if.T ing to the ntunher attending these ready ittfetehce in gase they put tion completed Its work early this pi^es. Ghuuea start at 2.00 p. m. IN F A U AT HER HOME summer and the office maintained Hartford, Got lOv—(AP) — De­ t^rrtiigh a to This booklet is Saturday morning 45 girls signed mand that communities take, steps at the center was closed. It has proving y e ij n o| m la r with telephone up tor the dasaea la tm> dancing to alleviate the condition at under­ been in existence for two years. and Friday afternoon 26 gizla sighed '^Mrs. Catherine A . Carney o f 78 users, esperisuy business men who Walnut street, widely known widow nourished, poorly boused and sick frecently have occasion, to make The present offloers are: Frank up tor swimming* New men^rs children, t o per<^tagn,,of.. ,..y^ob Cheney, Jr., president: Fred A. Ver- may sign up s g ^ this week. la- at John M. Carney, suffered a fall buafnsaa oaUs. has Increased kito formaUon may be bad by calling St her home late yesterday after­ aa a raaSr at planck, vice president; E. J. Mc­ ployment, and t o t reftifaS' 'Of the Miss Feherty at the Rec. Tomor­ noon and has a fihctursd right Cabe, secretary; Manchester Trust cbaracto of motion pietuves be TO EXTEND SEWER SYSTEM company, treasurer. The Board of row evening tiie Men's Life Saving shoulder in consequence. Coming out of the baek door of the house In brought, abo' t by pubUc refusal to Directors Includes, E. J. Holl, Wil­ classes will start and also the be­ Stratford, Oct 10.—(AP)—New ginners' class will hold their first company with her da\ighter, Mrs. patronize pictures which ara. re­ liam Shea, Aaron Cook, W. C. Che­ garded as detrim ental to .ohUitoen session. Life saving from 7:00- Jacob CorzUlus, Mrs. CAmey took a Town Qnmcil organizing for the ney, Arthur Knofla, Jay E. Rand,^ and whldh tend toward making 7:45, beginners from 7:46-8:30 p. m. backward step or two as she closed year lairt night adopted tor a first Mr. Verplanck, Mr. Cheney, Mr. the door, misplaced her foot at the people “hard and eru.l, vrtk''rt>loed readtog an ordinance for extension McCabe. The first session for the faculty ■ and business m en's volley ball wUl top of tne three steps of the porch today at the opening of the Natton of the 4ewe; ajrstem which will cost al conventlor of the American Hu­ be held at 6 o'dock this afternoon. and fell to the ground. Mrs. about $800,000. It is proposed to mane Association by Sirdn^ ‘H. F A C T O R Y The business men's reducing class CorzUius helped' her back Into the ask the Federal Government to SEN. GLASS REFUSES will be held tomorrow at 6 o’dock house and summoned Dr. Edwic C. Coleman of New York, president of guarantee the loan to be obtained OWNEHtPACTOBY Higgins and Dr. Le'Veme Holmes, the association. with the routine of this dass as fd - for the work. who set the broken shoulder. Mrs. HAND lows: boxing, rope skipping, bag A bout' tm hundred representa­ TO SIGN NRA CODE Carney withstood the rtock well but tives of humane societies in the punching, calisthenics, shower, will be confined to her bed for a few swim and rubdown following the United States and abroad >ra. In bofh ftnd RnloTiMBi . . "V days. Her arm and sbotilder are In attendance at the convention, Says His Newspapers Are on w ork ou t a oa st which will continue through H firs- Have to gel up coxl goodoMi In Rve Day Week and Wages day. On. the program are papers oiM iood &at knows, Higher Than Scale. AGAINST LARGE? NAVY PLATER’S NECK BROKEN and dlocueri^’oe on every phase of al night ? Torrington, Oct 10.— (AP)—The child welfare work,' and animal no dassdisttnefion^a Rosa Ponselle v'#3 Washington, Oct 10.—(AP)— Litchfield Ctounty Mlxfiateri* Union Concord, N. H., Oct 10—(AP)— welfawe. :A L promptly wi^ bladder today forwardec'. to Preeident Ernest Fairbanks, 20, was dying to­ Senator Glass (D., Va.) publisher of imsularito, bequenf tMsk call two newspapers in Lynchburg, Vir­ are Rosa Poxiselle, dramatic soprano Franklin D Rooeevdt and Benatori day while his father, O. K. Fair­ D MIIK of the Metropolitan Opera Com­ Crouse of Greensboro N. C., who 10 P. C. SALARY INCREASE Jand bumino or too frcqucnl patsage.. ginia, today reiterated his refusal to and Repreaentativea of Connecticut banks, a Keene grocer sat by his pany; Tito Schlpa, lyric tenor of the reaolutione aeklng that the United bedside. will be the song, leader during the sign the publishers’ agreement with Metropolitan: Fritz Krelsler, violin­ They may warn of lomc dsordcred the NRA under which newspapers Statea delegatee at Geneva be The elder Fairbanks has four week’s services. New York, Oct 10.—(AP)—A Cloverleaf Dairy ist: Lily Pons, coloratura soprano kidney or bladder functioa Try iof the coimtry are operating pend­ urged to co-operate wtti the other sons, Ernest, the youngest. During As one of the outstanding Evan­ ten per cent st-lary increase was L W. TAYLOR, Prtp. of the Metropolitan: Sergei Rach­ ing completion of their formal code. nations In bwcuring the utmost pos­ their yeart of schooling, one by one gelistic churches in Manchester, granted 800 employes of the Mc- DoanVPiRl today. SuceessfJ for maninoff, pianist; Richard Bonelli, 142 JSwth Blato S t, Pkoae 48X1 ‘Tm running my own newspa­ sible reduction in naval armaments the boys asked their father’s per­ the Ch'iroh of the Nazarene annu­ Graw-HUl Publishing Ck)mpany to­ SOyean Used the world over. Sold baritone of the Metropolitan and ally holds revival services at thf day in recognition of Improved Watch Our Cream line. pers," he told reporters. ‘Tm not and expressing regre> that the mission to play football. Edcta was by dhiggub everywhere. Efrem Zlmbalist, vlollzfist United States government feels it refused. Ernest pleaded he wanted beginning at t o fall season. Many company business. letting anyone nm them for me.” Back from new triumphs in Eu­ Glass pointed out thdt his papers, necessary to carry on a naval to try tor the Keene high school noted revivalist have conducted to smnouncinF tbe increase, Mal­ MAR tS TM rope, Miss Ponselle was the “artist bxiUdlng program to the lim it o f team. The father yielded. services in the little churrh, includ­ colm Muir, president, said, adver­ the Lynchburg News and the L3mch- night” attraction of the 74th music burg Advance, went on a flve-day present treaty rights. The resolu­ Ernest was sent into the game ing such noted evangelists as Bona tising lilllngs of the company in Doan's festival in Worcester last Friday week basis seven months before the tions were sdcpt» at a meeting against Concord high here Satur­ and John Fleming, the reformed September showed a 85 per cent night, and she received enthusiastic yesterday, wber the Union elected day and In making a tackle a ver­ moonshiners ot Kentucky; Alfred increase over August “and the PILLS National Recovery Ac^ was propos­ applause from the S500 people who ed. His wage scal^ he said, is the Rev. Thomas Street of Wlnsted, tebrae In his neck was broken. Doc­ Carey uid others. Interest In these October trend indicates continued A [JIUKbTIC rOH IHE KlDNtrS packed the new auditorium there. president for th*- coming year. tors say he cannot live. services has always been at high improvement.’’ much higher thqn NRA require­ The celebrated prima dona is now ments. starting on a coast-to-coast tour. “As I understand it, no newspei- One of the high spots of the iU' per code has been adopted yet,” he temational music festival at Flor yuiH. "I decline to sign any blank­ ence, Italy, last spring, was the ap­ et agreement to let anybody run pearance of Miss Ponselle. Singing my buMness. When the code is in the land of her ancestors for the adopted then I will consider wheth­ ';4ii first time, the famous diva of the er to observe it or not” Metropolitan Opera Company scor­ Senator Glass voted against the ed a tremendous success in the lead­ recovery act in the Senate. Nei­ ing role of the opera “La'Vestale.” ther of his p ^ r s (hsplays the Blue She is expected to sing this role at Eagle. the Metropolitan again this winter for the first time in several years. In Italy, s^e was entertatoed sev­ f e a r 21 MEN LOST eral times by the cro'wn prince and crown princess, the first, profession­ AS FREIGifrER SINKS al artist to receive such honor. On one of these occasions she gave a concert in their home and, according Norfolk,' Va., Oct 10.—(AP>— to cable dispatches, took the prince The fate of 21 members of the crew to task for smoking a cigarette dur­ of the suixken freighter Annoula ing her performance. was imcertain today as sea-going The noted diva has sung on the vessels were asked to keep a look­ Kellogg course every season; and out for them. her annual visits here have come to The Annoula, a Greek vessel, be regarded in the nature of home went down six-hundred miles east ■coming celebrations. Bom and of Cape Lookout, N« C., early Sat­ brought up in Meriden, she began h C V t t o urday, a message from the Italian her career by singing in a nickt:o- Steamer Montello to the Coast dean and in a church Choir there. Guard said. The Montello reported Her father and brother still live in that city. she had picked up the captain and i four members of his crew in a life boat, and' said 21 other members of the crew were missing. OVER 2,000 DELEGATES Further details of the sinking were not given. The Coast Guard broadcast a message to all ships in AT FRENCH CONVENTION the vldnlty to keep a sharp watch for the missing men. The Annoula sailed from New­ Hartford, Oct. 10.— (AP)—More port News ten days ago for JLa than 2,000 gathered in the Foot ■'J E .^ < . ■» .* Xs'b.... Plata. She was a vessel of 4,853 Guard armory this morning for ths I > ' ' ' gross tons. opening business session of the thirteenth National convention of •Sv^ L'Union S t Jean Baptiste d’Amerl' que Emd among those who were present to greet the delegates from Overnight A. P, all parts of the country, were Gov­ ernor Wilbur L. Cross, Mayor Wil­ O O S t l^ews liam J. Rankin, United States Sen­ ator Felix Hebert, of Rhode Uand; Springfield, Mass.— M n. W . S. Leo P. Flamlon, president atthe lo­ Kellogg of Derby, Conn., elected cal chapter; National PreMdent president of the New England As­ Henri T. Ledoux, of Naidiua, N. H.; sociation of Holstein - Freisian and the Rev. Joseph V. B and aro lio vhiild^FHio > 20tb annual convention here today Berlin, Oct. 10.— (A P)—^Two hun- wlGi a busy program ahead of them, i •; T •; 1. meteor showers in 15 minutes including actlou

bdkd': #tt$fMiiA ft&d to* ftovy of. BM ____ JUmr^riitfr take by assault a tooHrtresig Bri posttten and toareby helpiBg to the ttoiuttg jmrfl wiff a war. steak RUNLESS HOME RUN& ocderrosnles PDBbUBBO B t ' TBB Four young men of the nolghbor-' By Dr. fkaak MeOoy vTrr - PM HTuJa OOMPAMT, DW. We dent know mudi about base­ It BIm *U StrMt hood "had AOSM . trouble’’ with a NafUa>s advaatars? lU aebM U r, OomiL ball any more, ataoe we date back Negro ia a drinking place. It isn’t WBOtMOBOsSm Naldsmah, HMrona 'pu1*r sayings, as fo r example, "An. label oaanot, 1m madkptrt n a as well),j goes goeo to Qooey, . _ and stQl'do.. . [ Re was ft, B artford 's “ Bone B attery,” GHlsaore doa’t go about singly seeking trou­ do half the avtatbra PabllBtatd fiTBrjr BtcBlBg BsMPt aple a day keeps toe doctor m y .” ch a n t R ls and A SoadByi BBd Bolidari> BBtBrtd at tB« aad Mack, but there’s one thing ble with t{uartets of wbltamea. At "M nSa arevnd Floyd Beonett.flelA . survive. Pott Offlo* at tCaaobBBUr. Cobb, as O i an especially ohoioe Objem. we baa bad a traaMadous______sffest__ oB ( the "People need thrlUa," Nal^rinan II ■sooBd Class Mall Mattsr. __ about the gaam that we'd like to an events the Negro drew a pUtoL ^Viatica hasn't any, Nw the 1 ’ 8LB8CRIPTION BATBt bay, "It is toe apple of his eye,” sad NaUsOo latomMal tread la feoya Whethss og liOi ^ ■re aiw agi get clear : Why is It that, whsa a It beiag a wicked thing la that ohildrea ask lor this fall, aooordiag boys who live to the air. X^’s tome. enough tedostotot f«oov e» suoh Open oart OasW M V Tsar,* v « a a » bya’ ^ aaallaasaasa . s...... s s.s5«* • • • • • • |A00 a clean housewife keeps tUngs la ~ ■ ------^ sral. It never- w ith Par MoBth. by la a l l ...... •to batter knocks a fair ban over toe country for a Negro to defend him­ "apple-ple order.” It la only natural to store reports. Most of mem get a far bigger kick to beodtos SlBfls oopUs ...... I •Ot laoreased sales of toys suoh as shotUd be r t a ? OslTvsrsd, OBS ysar ..'..w ...... M«00 fence aad out of toe umpire’s sight, self against the aggressions of thattos apple should become known out of a g ^ **^**^J^^!*’ in famiH*** proverbs as it is widely miniature jtoones, cash reglste,rs the chutes, or flgum thereby ringing up ^ himself one whites, the colored boy was arrest­ fUliag stauoas, building sms, oe- MBMBBIt OF THB AMOCIATXD used and liked by nearly everyone PRBM Inoontestible home run,, practioe, ed. When the shsM had taken North America is toe greatest apple maat mhurs, lead* foundertas, tram Atmosphere With Year Bleak systems, all ootot to an industrial The first oold snap bfBS never Tbs Assoslatsd Prsss Is saoloaiTPlT oustcas, traditteBS, superstltioBs— his gun away and looked Um up, country In the world; over one hun­ sBtltlsd to tbs nss for rspublloatlOB dred milUon barrels are produced recovery ‘ playthiags. n falls to remind old-timers of Beef­ of all BOWS dispatobsB ersdltsd to It or maybe some aadeat interpreta­ and there was no longer any risk in steak Oxarlle’A where you can or Bot otbsrwiss ■ersdltsd la tbls each year and the apple crop Is a iapsr sod also tbs looal asws p«b- tions of the rules—requires that the it, the four returned to toe affair. "Jim,” the 11-year-old son of Mil­ order a "rugged individuaTs” . dinner. F very valuable one. The nasslnx of time has worked Ishsd bsrslB. batter shall proceed to run around They went to the Jail and demanded This fruit is an everyday friend dred Gilmore and Robert Wohlforto Subtle Management All rights ot .rspnblloatloB of (both authors), is just finishing bis few pbangee upon this famous res­ spselal dlspatobss bsrsiB are also rs- the bases, touching each bag as that the Negro be turned over to and when eatefi before bedtime has taurant. This summer, to be sure, that tpsaki of EXPERIENCE earned the reputation of being a first novel, toe romance of a grace­ ssrvsA metleulously as though there were them. The "chief of poUee’’ told ful steaaa^eaglne who married a there was a fire, and almost every and FELLOW FEBUNQ ^ ‘1 gentle regulator. Those Wish one of those prised laoiag ploturM olloBt of M B A Bsr* a baU la play aad no arbitrary rule them to wait till dark and then Axhing yellow taxi-cab. The steam- Fall ssrrles to overcome a mild constipation find that lined toe wall was burned. The TlOS, IBO. existed makiag his wallop a that eating two or three apples wUl englno mother, trying to brtog up ROBERT K. ANDERSON come back aad they would find toe her little yellow taxi ebildren to be few that were rescued are. in their Funeral Director For Publlibsr's RsprossntatlTs: Tbs "hom er” ? Jail unlocked. They did this, took bring gOM results. Apples are place again and you have a fueling classed as sub-acid fruits, contain Spartans, admonishes them not to ^ WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. Julius Matbsws Bpselal Agsoojr—Now 10 cry. "Wipe off your wind-shields,” reproductions oc their destroyed We have taken this up with the the Negro out, drove with him down to 16 per cent sugar and are espe­ T b L Otooe 6171. House 748i. Tork, Cbloago, Dstrolt aad Bostoa. she says to them, peremptorily. "If companions will appear soon. These the road aad beat him to death. cially rich in toe mineral elements sports editor, the paper’s attorney you don’t, n i spank you on your racing pictures are famous. Every MBMBBR AUDIT BURBAU OF needM to build healthy blood. CIRCULATIONS, aad the offlee oat, but we remain Perhaps Ninety-Six would have rumble-seats!” one o f t o In today's article I am going to These astounding pictures, the In the dark. done as well if it had kept out of some of toe different vari­ Tbs Hsrald Printing Compaoy, loa, assumes no flnanplal responsibility If a hit over the fence is a home the new s^r another htmdred and eties. Borne kinds are best for bak­ for typograpbloa. errors appearing In nu, vrhy doesn’t that settle it? fifty years. ing, some best M e eating, some best advertlBsments In tbs Manobsstsr for applesauce and some are good Evening HeralA Why doesn't the batter thereupon * forb ^ eating and cooking. By retire to toe bench aad enjoy a well REGRETTABLE. knowing which ones to buy for the TUESDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1888 eoned rest? What earthly sense is purpose for which you are going to A very sincere feeling of regret use them, you will obtain toe most there la eompeUlag him to chase his Is aroused by the resignation from satisfactory results. shadow—or be chased by it—over TOWN REPORTS. thq chairmanship of the Connecticut The Baldwin is possibly toe most 860 feet of base line when by no popufar apple of them ail, especially nniversary Lonff years a ^ , In the era before Tercentenary Commission of Dr. A poesiUli^ could be be put out dur­ with those who grow apples for there were many newspapers, there George F. C. Williams of Hartford. their own use. This apple is very ing the journey? grew up in Connecticut the prac Dr. Williams possesses qualities of good for both eating and cooking Suppose he didn’t eve:^ g et d l the SALE tlce of presenting In pamphlet form personality, scholarship and affec­ and if you are looking for an apple way round. Suppose he tripped over for both-piirposes, you will be well the annual report of the selectmen tion for his state which have pecu­ satisfied. It has a bright red peel, sisoond base and broke a leg. Sup­ I , of each town, for the Informatioo liarly fitted him for the posllion he orlsp, juicy flesh of a yellow tint pose he was struck by lightning or and the daleotatkm of the voters In has filled with such marked success and toe add content is low. soaaebody shot Um. Wouldn’t the yearly town m eeting |seemble< and with so much gratification to The Northern ipy Is well-liked by I Jwiner still count in the score? many wiio...... Insist It Is toe finest...... wm- - m ore properly, to be aasembled; be* his associates. His has been six Then why shouldn’t he go sit ter apple. Handsomely colored, the catise the voters wanted their re­ arii/.ting job and one calling for the skin is a striped red and mi^ carry down. Instead of hobbirborseing all ports eaily enough so that they expenditure of vigor as well as in­ rich red patches. The apples arc toe smy way around those bases? l^ e and easy to pare as the skin might digest them aad well survey dustry. It is regrettable that its The fact that out of toe mffllons Is toi" and smooth. Good for both the stewardship of the town fathers, have proven so great that cooking and eating raw. of over-the-fsnoe homers that have 9x12 feet then go to town meeting prepared Dr. Williams does not feel warrant­ The Wlneeap is a well-knowD been hit no such problem has arisen favorite having been used for a long to speak their minds out p t suffi­ ed, in view of eome delicacy of as a plairer Claiming the nm with­ time. It Is relished ae an eating cient knowledge. health, to contintM In the work. apple, but cooks fairly well. A deep out the merry-go-round doesn’t red In color, with a glossy shine to The state law has alwrays required prove that one might not, some the skin. Its flesh Is hard and yellow. that town selectmen '‘shall keep a time or other. BEHIND THE SCENES IN The Yellow Newton had the honor Oriental true accounting of an expenditures of being sent to Queen Victoria What would toe umpire do then, from Vlrghila. This apple was ee- and exhibit it, truly verified by their poor thing? twmed for cider during the time the oath, at the aimual town meeting This is all by way of inquiry. We country wae being settled and is now Perhaps in the earlier days the recommended for oooking and eat­ really should like to know. ing. llxe flesh Is smooth and fine Reproductions selectmen complied with this com­ and the skin is a yellpw, tinted with mand of the law by having one fair BY RODNEY DUTCHER HILLQUIT The Evening Herald Weehlngton blush pink. copy of their report made by the Oorreepondent. The Roman Beauty is a juicy ap­ ple, almost white Inside and red and town clerk or the schoolmaeter, In the death of Morris Hlllqult Washingtop. — Washington has yellow on the outside/ Many chefs swearing to it and posting it on the American Socialism has lost a fig­ become a statisticians’ paradise. place It ffrst for cooking. The wall of the town hall—a mode which ure of major significance. There are Both the statistic and its manager flavor Is splendid after baking. The have been given enormously en­ apparently would Ise in full com- a good many Marxian Reds and a Dellcloua is a mellow eating apple hanced dignity and prestige xmder which Is ope of the newer ones, well- $3585 idtance with the low. But as the good many emotional Pinka but not the New Deal, Ilked, but does ndt cook well; It Is towns grew and most of them In tola country, any overwhelming 'This administration is concerned large in Mae, a dMp rich red and came to have some hundreds of number of Socialists who resemble vitally with the figures that show yellow In color, the odor Is tempting, progress or lack of progress in Its voters, the custom of providing as closely as did EUllquit the kind of the taste sweet. Those who -do not many efforts towahd recovery. The care for the tart or tangy sour ap­ printed copies of the annual report Socialists represented by Ramsay old days when the govenonent did ples ^11 nUsh it Some other good became established. And it has MacDonald and the more convinc­ tricks witli percentages and Index varieties are the White Pearmaln, Made by Bigelow Weavers figures in attempts to demonstrate persisted to this day, even in towns ing leaders of the British Labor Stayman’s Wlnesap, J(onathan, Improyement are over. Grimes Golden, Spltsenburg, Yellow which have newspapers and in Party. M*my of the country’s best, sta­ Bellflower 'aa well aa many others. which the pamphl^tc^ town report The Marxians call such Socialists tisticians have been attracted Into Over a thousand varieties of apples Bring new life to the drowsy, tired-looking home. Bring it is as redundant as a shirt on a pig’s as Hillquit “opportunists" and af­ government service. Most of them are known and from among them are economists as well and some you should be able to find, eevera’ new new character . . . with these Bigelow rugs. back. fect to hold them In contempt The may be considered members of the which appeal to you. Choose from the finest of Oriental designs . . . Sarouks, This year Manchester’s town re­ Pinks do not like them because of "Brain Trust” I would suggest that you use th' port cost the voters between $900 their hard fisted practicality. The Charting the New Deal and meas­ apple as a meal either by Itself or t” Pmians, Kirmans, Kashans, Ispahan^. Select from the K uring Its achievements requires com bination with cheese, i.utB, min' and 81,000—and the last of the is­ conservatives group them with rev­ many new figxirea never gathered or the non-starchy vegetables. I dr seasons’ most popular colorings . . . blue, beige, red, rust, sue was distributed on Satxirday, olutionary Communists and anar­ not consider it a good plan to add before. NRA economists, working rose, cedar rose and taupe. - live days after the town meeting chists, IndlserlmiMtely, after the on a code, must know approximate­ the apple to the ordinary meal un­ good old ctxMervatlve fashion. So ly how many persons a given maxi less It has first been baked or made was held. Almost all of the con­ into applesauce. Socialists of the Hillquit brand mum of working hours should re­ tents, all the sub-reports of major employ; then they must 'leanx how In preparing applesauce, cook the Every rug is new. Our 59th Anniversary makes this "all significance, had already been print­ haven’t, as a Yule, any great many have been re-employed with apples very slowly without sugar In a heavy aluminum pan. The flgyor time low price" possible. ed in the columns of this newspaper amount of emotlenal following. the code in operation. Prloes must be measured egalnst it m ost delicious and thA eAuoc. may well in advance of the town meeting They are not quite Utopian enough be used as a deasert tor dinner with, irebaatng power and the only way —a service, by the way, for which for the pinkish variety, not nearly toe moot meal, or tor breakfast le AAA can tell how Its farm pro­ Baked apples should be cooked slow^ the Herald received nothing. violent enough for the scarlet group gram Is going is by gathertiig gobs ly and no sugar added. The Herald has a circulation of and a very long way from being of figures to show the ratio be­ In giving fasts to children If wll) tween the farmer’s income and llv- Loomed by Bigelow Weavers m ore than 6,000 copies and is read submissive enough for the Tories. he found that they Improve while IxuT oofts. And 10 on* on a fast xislng nothing but ripe ap- in almost every family in Manches­ Morrle Hlllqult did oommead the “ without euch etattsUee, the of LIVELY WOOL respect of a great many Ameri­ pbi. Thoee may be token three ter. The issue of the town report whole recovery program might gn time* a day, u sl^ all desired, or on Pattoriu woven through to pamphlets is not mere than that cans, particularly New Terkere, to pot In a fog of ignoranoe and con­ apple or two may be eaten every book who are far removed from being fusion. That’s the new Cen­ two hours. Using apples in toll Hardly anybody read it tral Btatistldal Board, which In­ Sedaltsts In any degree at efl—or way. the obOd does not miss his Fringed ends We do not contend that the town cludes the ace etatletlolan-eoonom- meals and feels satisfied. / even liberals. But he did not exdte Isti of the federal agenclee. Is one Oriental designs authoritleB pay more for the print­ In giving apples to your family, J I admiration i a for InstaocA Nor­ of the most Important groups in nould advise you , to combine them ing and distribution of the annual All popular colors man Themae does. That may have town. I have suggested, whin you will Town Report than, In reason. Should Even statisticians can kid them­ find them highly beneficial. If Im* been because he toOked the pereon- be paid if such a service Is main­ selves. Some of them match the properly combined with other foods, wiMiiiuiiuiiira al charm of Mr. Thomas. He cer­ one about "if all the economists tained at all. What we do hold is both toe value of toe apoU le likely tainly was an abler exponent of toe were laid end to end they’d never to be lost and tos digestion of tbs that the whole system is arobaio reach a coneluaion” with toe aucr- cause they both advocate than ether feeds m iy be hindered. and wastefuL tton that “If > 11 toe itatlatldani Thomas Is, sad not on. toe whole, were laid end to cad It wouldn’t QUESnONS AND ANSWERS It is our beUsf that the proper a partlole mere latoloraat make any difference.” • • • place for the printing of the Town As aa latelleetual aad skilled (Uloerated..yarloosa V sIbs) Question; Mrp. Edith L. wHteei "X Custom Ma^’e Lounge Cliaira Report of Manoheoter is in the col­ theeretleUB aad tolakar, Hlllqult Is Deipita Sol Bloom's great bloen- umns of this nowspaper as betag tonnlal offort lost ‘ ‘ year, Iom atton* havs bod ulcerated voNooee veins by maay ersditod with baviag beea for the lost twenty-five •ysors and the only newspaper published la ^ tliMv-thartlii to to* dejbroiriaa— !■ 0. K.*d by n8|ply fvery man vlMtlng our lala Monday aad Tooidai; toe ipeaihsad of practical ■oetallma bring paid to Ooorgt Waoblagten. hnVe hod three operations fpr re- town, as being an Immensely better BBorlng the veins. Tbsro ore no ia Amcricft W u n l a g ^ '■ eld bom* and tomb Low, deep, luxurious, Just like men want thtm. Custom mid# . . p medium of puMMty than tlM cusa- at Mountvor’•non from May to Au vetns itieldBg out, and I bnvs often healed the wounds, whieh ore always; bersome n il; tH^SSsatly expeaslve gust were ^ t o d by only 166,000 ipeeially for the Annlveriary aad ipeclally •■fbr moat Hardwood i NINBTY-SIX. pertoni, on the ankle. Con you tell me why Town Rigasl. we make BO Thors W«re 880,00 In t o e ----- the yqunds,. whieh ore frames; hair and cotton upholstery; dow^ leati; rich the ankle always reopen? Also, I hsMS a M «M «B g the belisf that It la more than a century aad a period of 1881 and 888,000 in to* bl two-tone ta^^try coveri . . . fpaturei that guarantee eenteaMol year of 1888. have a tsrrlbls pressure opross the Em ■stsM-Mbauae it oaa give ta half ilaoe 'toe tiny vUlage of Nlae- • • • , lower book. X am fifty-one years of ' Mis essBeotlon immeasely better ty-Btk, leu to OaroUaa. got ItMlf age.” years o f ...... StortM that Governor Henry Mor- % : sMivtCe and give It In proper seasoa coBiploueucly late toe aewc. Dur- gentoaui Jr., of toe Farm Credit Answer! Vorioose veins ore 1 Adminlfetratlon hod been derignated caused by a ilugriah riroulatiqn in ' and never belatedly, aad beeause lag the RevelutloBary War It w m a the legs whieh fi frequenthr pro- the printing of such matter Is dis­ to carry out trade negotlatloai with itralgile pelat aad was lalded eaee the Seylet. Union iavolvinf 180,- duoed from prelapsod aedommal o^ tinctly in the line of pubheiaiag or twloa by Uartoa—or waa it turn- gons which totoRere.with the nor­ 000,000 or nwre were ■omewhot en- mal flew of blbed u It retume from legal notices, the service should be tcrt--8ad It waa toa aoehe of eae o g i ^ t e d . tM legs ito the heart. Sueh' pro- Genuine Mahogany Secretary. paid for. of tooM ringular i;apUlaea of Oen- So many gevemm ent' ogenriei Mpsus' may be eaushig toe pain* Ip were being bothered oonstontty by This n ew spi^ for years has been aral OhMcae whareby he auooeeded your book. If toe veins sontittus to This fs probidbly the laet time luch a find lecnitary cost bo - persons represehtlng or claiming to Ulcerate, tt,oan only bo• beeaunebeoaube o f> _,ian^ Made providing the people ^ this oom ta wtaalBf the war la toe South. represont Ruiria Itorif or an interest morbid ooodltion. of your — .blo^ i^ d i tlie'^cgdi&eiy wirrers. Booh Governor Tl^throp reproductions in genuine mahogany munity with their, tafom tlea on Bqdh ilttla faadUarlty aa tha eeua- in Rusrion trods that it was derid­ stssam . A Qlsito, e u rkOM a t .. dlM e w ed to sw d them oU to Morgenthau. ^ens to hand nuds of solid mrirng- town accounts without reeeiviag b y kfp lad with tha odd aaaM of bring ibout a permanent oure. traditional features you expeet in a good de«k • ; rineb nMOtiatteDi would involve onyl. Avtointie rsprodueOens. i'ly' th^ slightest oompeaaatlea, while the little baolHiOUBtry aattleaMat, form oredits.’ So the State De> AddiBon’e JMeensa oarved balHvid-claw feet; serpentine front; looks on aH\; r 1 the town has been throwtag away then, hpa beea aa with a very laooa- g t r t o a ^ A g r i^ tu n Deportment) Quftrtkmt T U. *'Wlll and other agencies how four drawer*; correct interior and top, Finely Anished* an annual 1800 or SP on a p spieuoua ahrlaft ThaM baa alway* You^plftM ten nu some , nbent out y S m V y Ob ^ 2 / e 0 9 orere <*"***g ’ tl MU ^ ^ J sketched ( we e<« • • a pbletsd report whieh always eomes to ftudaata tha a ^ ’a EiMBiUsd trade and Russian reo- stalely along too late be et any eariy'atrugglea. idtotthlaf >ewlo ogriflenn d U e n areo n in'the air, but thers'i on the riuot, r- servloe. It does not aialN asi ahqat tiM souad ^ 'W aatySlx,” < nothing dritadts. neck, sohM on I bave heyer- Abkod about tbs poUtloal rituo- This nswiQaper Is ^^npareff W tiMre gAilottt .a^'lfisdved othar olsk^~ih^do6t3r..al^t______Itr Itr but but n n tioft tn New ToriL when frliddW. nu-Y "" hod Adman*a DM- print every line of th s'liitiM thai ttttta liw «a is threntonod.3 ------OOMt^ with loss of 0PEN THURSDAY AN6 SAtUM>AY EVtoUNCS gees Into the Maaehesfif 9bwh lU- .Nfibeevrit repUed: "TheW4 J eon iig , but thorris n tot port, wsn ih ddvnaee ofJba •arail iriiig'iliib N M ts' tlN ■ti'QSSi* tw F d lfiS otn*t^tsh| town asestiag saeh year ^ ,wnMil B MOBlder Itself WSD seisEsaw lsfl If t o e t o o p«tlQUnn 4ti|e I d M % |pare paid tor timt wisely tbit A-riEPf froiii'|Pflittnai|er .Otoerni ■ v ’ ’M'S, l.w. V 1 .».<•: ' ^ S W : ‘'^r. ' , i ■. - I'*' • • i v;>-- ■ ■ ■'- •■■'y ■>■■- f ■■ ... ; V* • -f... V, r ^ *> . - aAinanwniR avsiniraBnuio, lUMerasm t; s ft I i

B l/y NO W . .. itty Your SALE OP in E TEAR! Although 7oq aro reading, eyery- Needs 1 •».'*5 . .'I iiM!'' Jl!>i'i commodity prices, you won’t Quickly! PC-I'll, II . ^5 have to pay ^ h t f prices during <•* sjiOf '^•'J .!• i •’•feOf our Anniversary Sale b ^ u se we iiemarkable Savings On IPI PifKj '••it pS* S. ordered early! < Timely Merchandise! jtiynji] m m Begins WEDNESDAY, Oct l i - “ fhe Greatest Sale of the Entire Yearl A “Top-Notcher” In Our 36th Anniversary Sale Values! 1,167 PAIRS! STYUSH, BRAND NEW A Striking Group—Styles Are Different — Furs Arc Stunning! Witii Prices of Woolens and Pur Pelts Soar­ ing, You Surely Must Realize That This Is An Unprece­ FALL FOOTWEAR dented Opportunity!

REPLACEMENT PRICE, $3.75! 2.79 3 5 Furred SUEDE OXFORDS... CALF OXFORDS . . SUEDE OPERAS . . . CALF OPERAS . . . black or brown black with perforated black stitched and black, others of pat- trimmed with cal', vamp and quarters, perforated very «it leather and calf, built-up 1 e a t h c built-up heels. smartly. Continental spike or Spanish heels. heels. heels. MAIN FLOOR COATS 36th Anniversary Sale Special! $ 2 7 - 0 0 Surely, An Eye-Opening Price for

Now, if ever, she who hesitates is lost* for fabrics, furs and labor costs have jumped since we placed our order for these coats! To all pres­ Fall ffits ent indications $27 for these coats is a price you will brag about DRESS later on. Beautiful wool crepes fashioned with the shoul­ der-interest that distinguishes the coat of 1933. Black, night brown, green, and wine.

REPLACEMENT Each coat is a leading fashion, superbly PRICE, $15.00 furred with selected POINTED WOLF, CARACUL, KIT FOX, WOLF, CHINESE BADGER, ARMOUR COON and SKUNK.

In Selecting These Dresses We Considered Fashion Every Bit As Important As the Money-Saving! Failles, rough crepes, sheers and new woolens .in every hue of Sports COATS the Fall color chart! Tailored models for business and school, dressy afternoon t5T>es and gay supper frocks. Sizes 14 to 20, 86 to 44, and 18^2 to 26V2. THIRD FLOOR $ 17.00 $22.50 Value! Every model is a unique combination of utility and 36th Anniversary Sale Specials! fashion.. .meeting the demand of the smart, busy woman for sports coat beauty, style and service. They’re tailored of luxurious coat­ ings, tweeds, monotones, kemp nob tweeds... in rhumba red, brown, and green. • *7.95 Silk suid Woolen THIRD FLOOR

36th Anniveraary Sale Special! DRESSES 3^th Anniversary Sale Special! Extra! Washable Girdles and $5.95 Glace Slipon Corsets The newest of styles and gorgeous colors.. .with the new, chin-cuddling necklines and shoulder treatments... many woolen sports models are in­ Cannot cluded. Sizes for misses and women. be replaced * for less than GLOVES 1.87 $2.95 and $3.95 Replacement Pricea, $5 Rabbit’s Hair and Angora Dresses $2.50 and $8.50! *Tlairy woolens” click the Paris cables! These are t Side booldnf or front elaeplnf gtitUea Leather Bags and back ladnf corset* of coutil or made smoother than usual by cotton backing. w ^ 1.29 broche; also satin-front stsp-lns with H U R D FLOOR —two initials with each bagl They're P. K. aewn and flniabed two-way stretch back. Extra Special with imartly pinked tope and you'll Value! love the euperb way they lit! SECOND FLOOR 36th Anniversary Sale Special! $ Brown.. .Beige.. G otham **Gold Stripe Smooth calf,1.89 gralnad and rough laathant B la c k .. .E el Gray! 79c Fine Quality Black,.navy, eel gray and brown! Envelope* MAIN FLOOR and poucbea with zlpperi and eafety pocketel SILK HOSE MAIN FLOOR Rayon UNDIES Stamped With the 3 Pairs for Anniversary Prices C $2.25 Appear On These Approval of Paris! HATS Panties, step-ins, vssts Qiiflfon, and Semi-Service! and bloomers. Flesh or tea rose in tailored lace, These are priced in first quality at 95c, $1.15 and $1.50! and mllaneee trimmed. These are very slight irregulars; we doubt if you can find the tiny imperfections. SUOOND FLOOR .- MAIN FLOOR Regnlftr $4.75 Values! Regular $3.75 Values! 36th Anniversary Specials! 36th Anniveraary Special! Featuring the New Featarhif the New $J3.98 Striped Women’s $2.50 Silk Chromium and Enamel ’^ADORABLES” “PIRATES” A trick bat for the perky miss! the off-the-face style becomiiig Flannel Crepe de Qiine Blouses 3>Pc. Dresser Sets * to eversronel *1.87 Newest Ascot and tailored styles in white, eggsbeU, tea rose and beige. Sizes 34 to 40. 60c Silk Neckwear Satin, moire silk and pique in all new HIGH STYLE and QUALITY Double breasted mo -■ -V '. -*J * • ay •A.' •tt- ;v-<( ,• .,v ’

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, H A I^B ST ER , OONN^' TOBSDAYi OCTOBER I t i I W ^ PA G E SIX tUMr daugkt^ Mra. UBMVlfa Gaatar Dr. PandletoB c t OolettMter, to ai^ Mr. Canter Sunday aztemoon. sovni cRDRqnflK whom- the boys wore taken, said IMDSEHIENTS Mr. and Mrs. Myron Pest of Bast WISE, SMITH’S SALE WAHING the powder Just Escaped the eye, Hartford and Mr. and Mn. Chua- burning the lower lid quite badly. oerlla of Glastonbuiy wen wisitqn INAVCDRATE Donald Masse; is spending aev^ Neither of the injuries turned out The Federated wotKers met at Sunday at Mr. and A. B: Postii end davs'at Ills hante a furlough. to be serious. XlLffiRT TORRID STAR Oommtasioaar J e w A OUTSTANDING EVENT the home of Mr*. Albert E. Stiles Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tiyoe of R«t . Hwrto Spealwr of kve- Miss BSva Jape* o* Hartford k r. and Mrs. Albert W. HUdlng Olastotibury spent S sp«it the wae)^»eind at the home of aid aanonhead tndisy* at Pleasant Valley, last Friday aft­ ning—^To Hfive Dr.,^ Phillips ernoon, with thirty-two members entertained four talflea of bridge IN HER LATEST FILM with her parents Mr. and'Mrs E. her brother, R. < Kne^land Jones. six road oonttjscts. teds at their home Friday evening. Buell. for November The 'Adlea meet at present and they received two new Guests from out ot town included Mrs. A. H. Post and Mrs.,Charles tiiese Jobs members at this meeting. The sub­ the Conunun,jr Bouae Wednesday Each Year Anniversary Mrs. Edward McMahon of New Fish were visitors Monday at Mr^. The Men’s Friendsh^ Chib of afternoon: lU s Will be the einnual tepiber 86. to* the ject for the afternoon was' “Edgar York City, In whose honor the party Displays TsI^nta Not Hitherto and Mrs. W. E. Hibbard’s in Man­ Guest’’. Several responded by read­ South Methodist Episcopal Churon meeting. Simpw Pdll be served. were received .on August was given, Mr. and Mrs. John Revealed in ‘*The Torch chester. soet In opening sesrion m r the sea­ MIm E. MtePbetiL Grover, 4-H awards are as toHows: - : •' Brings Exceptional Mer­ ing his poems, and Mrs. David Car­ Palifier, who have lately moved ^ger** Ctnaing to State. Mrs. Stone md mim Mildred Stone son lastavenljqi in the parlors .of the club agent, was tnarried to Oliver Town of CailtoB. Road Ms. 3 to ter gave a b^ef talk on bis life. here from Wethersfield, Miss Thelma at Hartford spent 'Bimday with Mr. church. Fifty men were present Cfiark at Vernon at her home In Antonio Airilo, ProvldiBn<^, “ Bl$0d0 chandise Vahes. After the business meeting, Mrs. Cummings, who was home from Claudette Colbert has been given and Mrs. CUftoiu R. Perry. and eoJd Mrs. George'Wilcox and road to Chariea Smith and BOos, tian’s holy day, instead of the Jew­ The picture was adapted from the Jn D ay’s News with 24 moi enrolled and will begin lished, but in these years the busi­ enjoyable afternoon. ish Sabbath. son George, Jr., spent the week­ Derby. ‘ ness has prospered under able guld A few sand or wood violets were Liberty Magazine story, "Iflke”, by its season at the Y; M. C. A. alleys end at Point o’ Woods at their cot­ Town of Warren: Nine, ssctlOBS ance and foresight until it now - The Rev. Walter Vey preached on Grace Perkins. Featured in the thia coming week. A volley oaJl picked on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. “Successful Failures,’’ at the Gilead tage. to J. DeMlchiel and BroSn Torplng- stands pre-eminent in Hartford and Walter S. Nevers last Saturday cast are Ricardo Cortez, David Man­ Chicago— Apparently Charles C. team is also being organized and Mrs. Carson ha.'^ returned from a ton. V ' ' the vast trading territory, served by and Hebrot Congregational Church­ ners, Lyda Robert! and Baby Le- Bittner is the kind of man who will seek ‘ competition with neigh­ October 7, and they also have an es on Simday. In the evening Roy. Ralph Rainger, composer of boring men’s groups. Musical selec­ visit in New York City. that city. Several times it has out- apple tree In blossom. pride In his work. Mr. and Mrs. Resinold Ward, Jr., g^o^^ its physical make-up and Vey was leader of the Christian EB- ‘Moanin’ Lbw,’’ this coimtiys first tions were pleasingly given by an GETS 8DKTT DAlTO The “Old North School Reunion’’ deavor meeting at the green, with torch song, has written several ‘ He teatified before Federal Judge instrumental quartet under the di­ of Ocean Grove, N. J., spent the each time that the store has been re­ was held last Satur^toy afternoon at James H. Wllkerson that be had week with Mr. Ward, Sr; modeled and enlarged it has emerg­ the topic, " W ^ t should a present songs which Miss Colbert slngfi in been rnaklng quarters that put the rection of Harold Turkington. The Mr. Swanson of Manchester, who New Haven, Oct 10—(AP>»?“M^- the Wapping Sdiool Hall with about day church be doing?’’ the picture. committee appointed to conduct the ed an even finer one until it has seventy-five present. The meeting real ones to shame. is employed a t the. Aetna Insurance Uam McDonald, 46, former ordariy arrived at its present size with nine A United Rally service will be 'Torch Singer” tells of the tra­ bowling league la comprised of the Company in Hsirtford, has pur- at the New Hisven. hospital, was was, called to order by ' President held next Sunday evening at the vails of Sally Trent, whose man “They,” he said, “wer' good quar­ following men: Archie Haugh, Wal­ g^eat fioors and baseifient. George A. Collins and all loined in ters. They had more sll-rer in them chEised five acres of land at Bolton sentenced to sixty dayt> In JaD after Shopping has been made very Hebron Green Congregational leaves her just as she is about to ter Harrison, Thomas R. Smith. Center which takes in the “CeUar he pleaded guilty today to th tft at singing “Americau" Reports of the Church, with the Rev. George Gil­ I five birth to his child. Impov­ the on4s th^ mint makes, and The speaker of the evening was esisy at Wise Smith’s with all the secretary and treasurer were read the design v-as Just as pretty.” the Rev. Leonard C. Harris, pastor Hole” property. 3222.50, which bis wife had hidden improvements and facilities that bert of Middletown as principal erished, she is forced to give the Pupils wbo were perfect in at­ in a hope chest - and accepted and the officers were speaker. Mr. Gilbert is a well known baby up for adoption when the Eight years in prison was the of the church. His subj^t was have been --^ded In recent years. couk’s way 3t meiking answer. Getting the Right Perspective.” He tendance through the month of Mrs. McDonald’s cemplaint al­ Their restaurant on the ninth floor elected for the ensuing year, Presi­ Grange worker as well as being father’s family refuses help, and September at the Center school leged that after she had been Biar- dent Edward P. Collins, Secretary eminently successful In the rural her character undergoes a definite Milwaukee—A few more burglsurs said in part, that much of the diffi­ has enjoyed an enviflble reputation like the last one would help the culty of our day was the inability of are Marlb Ansaldi, John Carlevaro, ried only four months, she retaihed for years for its food and service. Mrs. Josephine Wetherell, and mission field. Hebron Grange and change. ^ Assuming the name John Varca, Laura Accomazzo, home from work one night to find Treasurer Janls M. Preston. The fol­ Benton, Sally becomes a Family Welfare AsaoJatlon to do folks to see things in their true light Anniversary time flnds the store neighboring granges are invited to some additional welfare work. and possibilities. He was urging Pearl Lee, Virginia Lee, Irma Mas- the chest in which she bad placed Just packed with new menjhandise lowing were elected as the Enter­ attend and a cordisd invitatli^n Is success in the night club songs sollnl, Mary MassoUnl, Enes Peace, the money for safekeei>ing, ran­ tainment Committee, Mrs. Made­ vrith her sizzling songs. He left the association’s head­ this as his message as a way out of for Fall and Winter and the anni­ extended to all. The meeting win our difficulties, as every one else Angela Slllanc, IsabeUe Stokes, sacked and her husband mlsslBg. versary at exceptionally low prices line Collins, Oscar D. Strong, and With, fame In her grasp, she quarters so hurriedly during the McDonald, wbo surrendered last open at 8 p. m. finds that it means nothing to her night he forgot to take with him has had thyr prescription for the Olive Swanson, Helen Wlppert, in face of present day price In­ Mrs. Alice Johnson. A short enter­ Howard Porter and Edward Pom- universal Ills effecting society. Men Tresa Lee. night ssdd be had been in New York creases on all commodities. Un­ tainment was enjoyed by all. A compared with the great longing his sheepskin coat and a pair of since the robbery two years ago. He prowicz witnessed the for her child. When she goes overalls. Neither did he steal any­ either cannot see or will not see the usual values have been secured for play was presented by members of iramesJn New York. truth of things. was arraigned before Judge Ray­ great sale event. CJrowds at Manchester Orange, which Was en­ back to the hospital to learn the thing. HRST NATIONAL STORES mond J. Devlin in City Court past anniversary sales have always joyed by an. Oscar Strong enter­ niames of Its adopted parents, she -Alva, Okla.—If Judas had creat­ ^ e r e Is a lack, he contended, of is refused the Information. ed a trust fund of one dollar and abOity to get the right slant on per­ been record breaking and officials of tained with harmonica music and sons and circumstances because the store are confident that this songs. Refreshments consisting of Then come the thrilling events interest of four per cent, had been HAVE SAFETY CAMPAIGN TOLLAND leading up to the emotional cli­ compounded semi-annually and al­ some folks live with half drawn year’s event will in turn exceed all sandwiches, cake, ice cream, fruit max which ^ves Colbert a real mental shades and never can or others. and candy were served, and the old lowed to accumulate, the estate to­ EXCURSION Tolland Grange took a class of opportunity to show what she can day would be worth 310,000,000,- never do permit the Ugkt of full The close oi the first year of an schoolmates then enjoyed dancing five to Vernon Grange last Friday grown and Intelligent Judgment to Intensive safety program for all the old-fashioned quadrille for a really do with a good p art 000,000,000,00o,000,00v,000. John N. TO n e w YORK evening to be inltlab^ with their Cameron, Northwestern State play on existing realities. Man sees 2800 stores and markets and the while before departing for their class in the first and second degrees, in life largely what he wants to see. four plants of First National Stores ANDOVER homes. Suffield Grange degree team initi­ Teachers (College mathematician, His perspective Is determined by the EACH SUNDAY IN OaOBER figurea H out shows a reduction in accidents of ROUND TRIP 0 0 Rev. and Mrs. David Carter at­ ated the class. GILEAD inner attitude of his mind and 18.2 per cent compared with the RAILROAD FAR* There wsus quite a little excite­ tended the ftmeral at Rev. Dudley Miss Helen Johnson and AUce Farre’l, Pa.—Peter Kudelkol is spirit. Christ had the greatest dif­ ment Thursday afternoon when a previous year, according to E. R. Lt. WlaSMT L e c k a ...... |«S4 i Snowman, last Saturday afternoon. Clark, teachers In Bridgeport, spent Mr. and Mrs. Percy (Jlarke of beginning tc believe one can’t put ficulty In raising men up to the level Sherburne, the Companjr’i safety large track owned by the State the - week-end with Mr. and Mrs. one's trust in anything or anybody. Lt. Hartford ...... fi4 4 i Highway Department and towing a Mrs. Eva C. Stoughton was the Hartford were recent visitors at Mr. of His viewpoint. He could see some director. Motor vehicle accidents Duo IZStll 8t. ..••«*•••••* .ItllS ' guest of her brother and sister-in- John H. Steele. and Mrs. J. Banka Jones. First, a stranger told him not to good In every individual and every were 18.89 per cent fewer than the Duo Now York* ...... lliS S i sanding while turning the Ira Wilcox, Master of Tolland Neighbors' night was observed at trust his 1600 tc the Postal Sav­ circumstance. The dust of the curve at Lewis Ph'-dpe* gfarage, law, Mr. and Mrs. Edwud P. Col­ preceding year. The four divisions Lt. Now York* ...... Z 'S S ’!!’ Grange and Lathrop West, Over ings. Said the government was actual never obscured for Him the t overbalanced and the sanding ma­ lins last Saturday. the last meeting of the Grange, of the Company, Bridgeport, Hart­ L . IZSth St...... 7IS0P JI. Miss Mjrrtle Barber was the guest seer, were guests of Vernon Grange, Norwich and Bozrah Grangers were close to bar’* 'uptcy and offered to pearl of the poeslble. The speaker’s ford Providence and Somerville are * Grand Control Tormina/, chine tipped over in tho road. For­ Friday evening. the visitors and they furnished the put the $60( in ms safe deposit closing appeal was for men to get A day tar otehltootuo—ntoUmg friondo so tunately no one was on the ma­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George competing for a silver trophy which rolathoo—tkoatro, A. Collins over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Reynell of program for the lecturer’s hour. The box. Kudelko asked the police to the viewpoint, tha perspective of the will be kept by the division with the chine and no one hurt. It took over Flushing, New York, are guests of Grange voted to donate 326 as a help him find the stranger, the subllmest mind u the ages for this PurckuM tiekots la adTaaoo. Nuaite two hours to get the machine out The Federated Workers will hold best safety record for three succes­ IkalUd to McoauBodatioao aa OMalal a set-back party at the home of .relatives. community project to the town to 3500 and th' safe deporlt box. he believed would be giving the sive years. The Providence division of the -u>ad. The machine had some Miss Anna Clark spent the week­ be used towards the expense of the Pittsburgh—A f2-year-old man world a common appreciation of eeacb trala. parts bent bpt no serious damage M n. Augusta Burgess, Wed­ finished first in the past year’s con­ nesday evening, October 11, at eight end with relatives in Vernon. tuberculosis test on the school fell dead Saturday whlia digging a life’s true nature and possihlMtlee, test. TH* NEW HAVEN*.*. was done. Miss Minnie Helen mcks and children. The Grange Booster Night ditch. Hours later he was identified enrble mankind to reach a higher Rev. Wallace I. Woodln, who was o’dock. Six prizes will be awarded Miss snizabetb Hicks entertained and rally will be held Sunday eve­ at the 'norguc as Francisco Ne- and more satisfying solutlori of Its ill with grip last week, is better and also door prizes for both ladles relatives from Boston Sunday. ning Oct. 16tb at 8 o’clock at the gonl. A search of the weather beat­ universal difficulties. and preached Sunday morning. and gents. Refreshments win be Tolland Grange sponsored a whist Hebron Congregational church. Rev. en shack in which he lived as a re­ Following the address, there was Mrs. Woodln is also recovering served. last Friday evening when, twenty- George G llb ^ of Middletown will cluse disclose 1 papers and bank­ a Serpentine introduction stunt en­ from a bei^ grip cold. Eklward SuUlvan was the guest at one tables of players and others be the speaker. books indicating he left an estate gineered by'the president in which Leslie Standlsb Is improving anf the home of bis father, Morris D. numbering between 90 and 100 en­ Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hutchinson of 3100,000. every man present shook hands and comes to his store three or four Sullivan last Saturday. joyed the evening. Refreshments of and their daughter Miss Mildred of Buffalo—There will be no more exchanged their fuli names in hours a day, that re{um to Willl- Miss Dorothea Nevers was the creamed chicken on rolls, cakes and Wilson were callers Saturday | t birds twittering : i Mayor Frank 31 greeting. A community sing pr.e mantic where he Is staying at the leader of the Christian Ekideavor coffee were served. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Foote’s. < Schwab’s campaign this fall—not qeded a march to the Parish Hall home of Mr. and ^Irs. A. C. Brown Society S\mday evening, which was A large number from Tolland at­ Mrs. Maud Brown and Lewis if, the May. r knows It. Until re­ where hot "iogB and coffee were at the Ridges. held at the Parsonage with Rev. and tended the funeral of Mrs. AUce Tracy of WUUmantic were Sunday cently, whenever the mayor made a served under the supervision of Among those who attended the Mrs. David Carter. Holman WiUi held a t Memorial callers at Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Post’s public ippearsmee the amplifier on head “(Jhef de-Guerre” Jim Hutch ff/ue f/o/ne Range O il FueTon 200th anniversary of the Ellington church in South WilUngton, Ms. B. W. Buell’s injured Monday in an automobile of Manchester. Fewer young women and children collision on the Pacific highway at Mr. and Mrs. Limdgren of Chica­ ket.’’ The first official record of are dying ot heart disease now, but and at Mr. and Mrs. Hart E. its use In this country was In 1660, Buell’s. Allen. go spent three days last week with the morteJity rate for men between Monslgnor McKinnon suffered Mrs. Lundgren’s aunt, Mrs. Clarice when another ancestor of the baby, 2& and 46 years old has increeised Recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. the Rev. James Fitch of Norwich, Romolo Sqgllo’s were Mrs. Josepb- broken back, fractured collarbone Yeomans. slightly, it was reported today to and possible fractured skull, physi­ Mrs. Clara Jillson and son Paul baptized Christopher Huntington, the 62d annual convention of tne ine Sagler, Mrs. Anna Fejy and Miss the first white male child bom in Alice FeJy of South Manchester and cians reported. With four priests of Fall Rlv«r, Mass., were visitors American Public Health Assoda- Mrs. Sllano'^ and her children of he was on his way to Seattle to at­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Norwich, who wore the robe. It tlon. tend installation ceremonies for was Christopher Huntington’s older Bolton. Phelps, Svmdaj. Dr. Louis I. Dublin ot New York The Ladles’ Aid society will meet the Most Rev. Gerald M. Shaugb- Mrs. Edna Wright is spending brother, bora in England, from City, however, said that “only in old with Mrs. Baedor, Wednesday after­ nessy, newly consecrated bishop of the week with friends in South whom the baby is descended. On age is the Increase in heart disease noon. Seattle. The other priests escaped Woodstock. his father’s side the baby Is de­ mortality serious. The situation thug Mr. and Mrs. E- W. Buell visited injury. Mr. "u ’ Mrs. Joseph Bnmell, M. scended from Charles Willson Peale, has some favorable aspects.” J. Greegan and Wylll; Weir of the famous portrait painter of Rev­ Dr. Dublin urgedTthe health of Burnside were recent guests of olutionary days. A cap' worn by fleers to continue to combat In­ Mrs. Florence Platt’s. Sophronisba, the painter’s daughter, fections such as scarlet fever, rheu­ Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Elmore as part of her b^tism al outfit, was matic fever and similar disease and Alfred Whitcomb of Rocl^ Hill also worn by the Sellers baby. ’The Which 'cause heart disease. and Mr. and Mrs. Harr. Sladei^of christening robe is now owned by The Portable Typewriters Manchester spent Sunday with Mr. Miss C. E. Kellogg of Hebron,' to NEW SPANISH CABINET smd Mrs. Lewlf Whitcomb. whom it descendei' in the female Madrid, OcL 9—(AP)—President Charles Manvll’e of New Haven line. About fifty friends of Mr. and Alcala Zamora today signed a de­ You Have Been Waiting spent Sunday with ''r . and Mrs. Mrs. Sellers gathered at their home cree' dissolving Congress and con­ George Merritt. for a social hour, after the cere­ voking an election for a new Parlia­ Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Mrs. mony. Coffee and cakes were ment November 19. The nevf Con­ Lewis r’helps and Mrs. Wallace served, Mrs. H. C. Biumer pouring. gress will asemble December 8. For— Woodln were callers in Hartford Meanwhile, the new RepubUcan Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Larcomb coalition Cabinet which was chosen Your Choice of Monday. of West Hartford spent the week Either the New Miss Amy Randall left fdr Chi­ end at their Burnt Hill camp. Mrs. by the new premier, Martinez Bar­ cago last week. She will visit the Larcomb also called on Mrs. Roger rios, held Its first meeting. Barrios Model exhibition and visit relatives. Miss W. Porter, her former colleague in Succeeded In forming a cMlnet with Randall expects to be gone a the Socialists omltM after eevera ROYAL or month. the Hebron Green schooL days of political crisis foUowiniLthe UNDERWOOD Miss Mudel Schatz spent the Allan L. Carr attended the pas­ reilfnatfon last week of Premier week-end with relatives in East tors’ tinlon at Union Monday, in Alejandro Lerroux and his govern­ Hartfofd. company with the Rev. Asa Mel< ment Nine of the new Cabinet w*ne Mrs. Henry Amman., spent the Unger of Columbia. members of the Lerroux group. The remains of Mrs. Ruth S. $45.00 “When twice as many pawoiis aak for PLYMOUTH week-end with her sister, Mrs. Ella DeMott of East I'utford. Cady, who died October 6, at WU- AS {<«: iuiy other car... there must be a reason!" Kenneth Schatz spent the past Umantlc, aged 78, were brought to Just Received From the Paetory—Come la and See Them week with his grandfather, Frank this place for burial Sunday, in St These machines have all the Matures of an office them younalL l|i Mftaen Peter’s Cemetery; The funeral serv­ A b b r t ZUOB*gte1SBdlof the Saleamen want a restful rtda, S (^ tz . machine and are standard in every detail Ohio U-Drtfo^It Company and Flymoath's Floating Power utes bahlnd tha.whaot ice. took place at the home of Wil­ OIL imUIPMENT OO80PANT mountings aHiwlaata vty DISCUSS ARMS PROBLEM liam H. Cady, son of the deceased, today Is o p e m tla t fteMp Plym- Whywot aoeept at South Windham, and was con­ NEW. Steel, Range OH DmiaSt RENTALS •uths tafoor a n y W I a ■ X . ^ ' J» • V t ports ooDoeming the ohenged atti- over from the Famrth, the property . ti?de of Germany on the arms ques­ of older brothers. Donald was AND THEORY tion- He reiterated that Germany pounding a Uaak/ -eartHqge -and Toms Moderate. MAiVMlNftMfT miPHpNKswia detfres general dlsarmameBt and an Kenaeth Intemational imderstaadtaif on eco- when I a sudden Phone 4219. , V noolo prohlama Wldob rdieve mto the Stfldio; M k dlebeea «< His irocKL' MANCHBISTBR EVENING OERAW, lft^(JHBfirnBRk ^Jd^fN- TUiS^AY# QCT^Batl^r I W

CcegregstlGnsl ehurob will offleiata' as a patient at ths Windham Com­ wito ttt tbe ftiDtily {lo t ip tbti munity Msmorial Hospital in WlBk. SOUTH COVENTRY Nathan HiOe «a ia tt* y . Thought COUNTY C0UNCni mantle. Lawrence little spent thq week- ‘ DAILY RADIO PROGRAM M n . Lester RutchlBS, lire. Jds- eoA at hit home in New Brityi^ sph -Hutchins and son Merwln, •Mrs. E l i i ^ t k KlBgsbOty The ICiisen Ftorepee W helfh pad And tiie prayer of faith shaO save TUE&DAY, OCTOBER 10 (Central ana luaawm BtanoarQ iune> spent Tuesday at Cornfield Point. NEXT NRA* PROGRAM Mrs, EUsabetii Klngstaity, w i ^ Frances Shea, teachers at t^ the sick, io A tile Lord shoH raise Nata—AU proarwM to toy and baale ehalni or «ronp« IHss Katherine Christhilf has re­ of Dewitt Kinffibuty and’A reridmt Center schori spent the week-end at (0 him and If he have eommltted Bod;Not#—^ eoaat to to 0) doiianatlon Ineludoa all »v*llabto oUtlono. turned to N ew York after qisadlng of South Coventry, for 4^ year^ d l ^ their homes ifi Worcester, Mass. Cont. East. sins, they shoO be forglveii U m ^ Prooramo oubjoot to ehanoo* P. Mi the past two weeks in her cottage Saturday at a hospital in Provi­ M i l Bather Clark, who teaches to NBO-WEAF NETWORK 8:30— 8:30—Betty Bartell—eaat; Jack gomee 5:15. Armstrong—midwest repeat Will Take Care Of M Com­ Madison Woodward returned and was bom in OW Lym e, Conn., a week-end gueSt of her mother and Belief emuiste to accepting the wlar wta» wcoh wfl wilt wfbr w|g go Orchestra-midwest home after spewUng a ^eek at the daughter of JtunM and Matilua 6:00- 7:00—Myrt A M a r g ^ a a t only father, Mr. and Mrs. John (31ark of affirmations of the soil; unbelief, to wDon wcao wtam L vk$ home of Ms da.^hter, Mrs. EJvelyn (L ^ t e r ) j^iulbury. She Is survived wmAQ wcfl woc-who wow wdai wkdi 6:18— 7:18—Just Plain Bill — Mato street. \ dmjring them.— Emerson. NORTHWEST A CANADIAN - Naylor Oreh,—Dixie; Texas Rang- plaints And Help h Bay Richards in PSrry, N. Y. by a Mother, Bruce Bradbury of wlbo totp wobo wday klyr er^ cfcf e r^ w e s t; O’ Hars Orches.-mid­ The first it a Series of six ev ^ South View, and tWo sisters, Mrs. ’The winners at the weekly whist SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno ww wjwt west party of SL fie ry ’s Parish held last wfUfWsun wlod wim wmc wib wapi 8:30— 7:30—Fur Trappers — wabc; Now Drive. wUige for the showing of Communi­ Louis Hughes %of L 3rme and Mrs.’ TO PROBE DEATH wjdz wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kprc G la^s Rloe—east: Buck Rogers— ty movies was held at the hall George Cone of Saybrook. She was ’Tuesday evening to charge of Mrs. woal Ictbo ktho midwest repeat a member of the South Coventry Frank Luthle were as follows: Brookline, Mass., Oct. 10— (A P )— MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kglr tobl 6:48— 7:48—Bosks Carter, Talk — ba­ ’Thursday evening. Due to the sic; Between the Booksnds—west weather the attendance was small­ Congre^tional church where funer­ ladles prizes, hrst, Miss Agnes Sul- The body of John F. Fitzgerald, 39, PACIFIC COAST — k»o kfl k»w komo Washington, Oct. 10— (A P )— ^Mrs. kbq kfod ktar kyn 7 :00— 8K)0—The Mills Bros.—to o er the" had been hoped and expect­ al services were h ridtoday at 2 Uvan, WiUldkntlc, second, Mrs. a trolley car operator, was found 7:18— 8:18—SIngIn' Sam—basic; Or­ Louis Uynn, Wllltooantlc and third, Cont.^ Eaot. ches.—Dixie: Organalltles--west M a ^ Rumsey, chairman of the ed. The same pictures were given p. m. with the Rev. Charles G. John­ on the estate of Dr. CSiarles Sar­ 4i0 fr-8:00—Dr. Ortiz Tlrodo, Tonor 7:30— 8:30—Voice of Exp^lenoe^; N R A oonsumers protective commit­ for the schpol cMldren of t ^ town son officiating. Burial will be to Mrs. Thomas KeUey of South Cov­ gent, famous Harvard botanist to­ 4;S0— 8:30—Alma Sehirmor, Pianist In Gloaming—west; Orch.-mldw Friday afternoon. The next eve­ Nathan Hrie cemetery. South Cov­ entry. Men’s prizes, first, Raymond day. There was a -deep gash on the 4H8— 8:48—Nursory Rhymoo— c 7:48— 8:48—Kate Smith, Songs—to o tee, undertook today to form county 8i00— S:00—DInnor Concert—also cat entry, Conn. JehnsMi, South Coventry, second. 8:00— 9:00—Calif. Melodies—o to d councils to bring the consumey into ning will be two weeks _on October head and a medical examiner said it ■;3IVi> 8d0—Weakly Hymn Sing—to e 8:30— 9:00—Nino Martini, Tenor—to o WlUlam F. Wood Fred lind, Wimmantic and third, would take an autopsy to determine 8:48— 8:48—Shirley Howard—also cat 9K)0__10:00—Legend of Amsrioa—to c the recovery equation in balan 19- - « ^ Arthur Calsse (rf Storra The Ace ot 6:00— 7:00—The Mouritalnoors—weaf The heavy rain wMch fell most William F. Wood died at his home whether death was accidental, mur­ g:S(^10:S(^Ths Boswell Sisters—to c with labor and industry. hearts was won by Mrs. Jaifies Sul­ 8 :1 ^ 7:18—Billy Batchelor. Skoteh 9:48—10:48—Barlow Symphony—basic: ofV Thursday was not welcomed by Saturday evening following a long der or suicide. 8:30— 7rt0—Lum A Abner—eaat p^y A White House guest, Mrs. Rum­ livan of WlUimantic and the door Myrt and Margs-^epeat for west the apple growers in town who Illness. Bom to Danvers, Maas., Aug. 8:48— 7:48—The Goldbergs, torlal Act 10:18—11:16- News Broadcast—c to c sey and her sdd, Emily Newell Blair, prize by W. E. Taylor of South Cov- 7:00— 8d)0—Sanderson.CrumIt, Songs have Just started to pick their crop 11, 1852, he came here as a young 10:30—11:30—Isham Jones Orch.—« to c were invited into Mrs. Roosevelt'i try. Twenty-two tables enjoyed the 7*,30— 8:30—Wayne King’s Orchestra 11:00—it:00—Tom Gerun Orch.—« to c They report a large percentage of mA.T> and has resided here most of 8:00— 8d)8—Ben Bernie and the Lads press conference, where she out­ whist game after which sandwiches, 11:30—12:30—Clyde Lucas Orch.—c to c apples ifiarked b> a brief hail stonn his life.- He was a member of one 8:30— 8:30—East and Dumke—c to cat 12:00— 1:00—Dance Hour—wabc only lined plans to utilize the woman and coffee were served. The V 8:00—10KI0—American Horoos—also c buying power of the coimtry to­ of last summer, which bos damaged of the Well known families of wori- ' 8:30—10:30—Mme. Sylvia—also coast NBC-WJZ NETWORK party thig week Tuesday will be to them enough so that they caimot ^ en manufawjturera,____ being associated IMPORTANT! 8,48—10:48—Robert Simmons, Tenor BASIC — East: w li wba-wbaa wbal ward economic recovery. charge of Mrs. Mary Burke. 10d »—11:00—Henry King’s Orchestra wham kdka wgar w3r wlw wsyr w ^ ; Mrs. Rumsey said the economic shipped as first class apples, M- with his brother the late John Wood All Barber Shops Must Gose 10:18—11:18—Benny Meroff Ore.—east: Midwest: wcky kyw wenr wla kwk ■ education through the oonsumers thongh most of the damage was to until fire destroyed their miH in 1901 Lum ai:d Abner—mldws^repoat kwer koU wren wmaq kao wKor On Holidays Listed. 10:88-11 ao—Talkie Picture Time, Skit NORTHWEST A CANADIAN^ w ^ councils would widk tumd In hand the appearance of the apple, and after which he became well known THREE HURT IN CRASH 11d »—12:00—Ralph KIrbery, Baritone wlba katp webo wday kfyr o i « cfct with the “buy now” cami>aign. has not injured it for keeping pur- to the woolen manufacturers of New 11:08—12:08—Meyer Davla A Orchestra SOUTH — wrva wptf wwne wis wjax (^ty and Country England whom he called upon as a Shops Will Be 11^0—12:30—Reggie Childs Orchestra poses. . Somers, Conn., Oct, 10— (A P )— wfla-waun wlod warn y m o wsb wapl “Love a la Carte” the three act sales representative. After his re­ wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre She emiphaslzed that the new ’Three Massachusetts residents, CB8-WABC NETWORK slay presented last summer by tirement from the road he associst' woal ktbs ktbs ^__ . councils would be both urban apd Raymond Morin of Springfield, Closed MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl rural In composition, and that the some of the young people was re­ ed himself with bis son, Arthur BASIC—East: wabc wade woko w ^ PACIFIC COAST — kgo kfl k^w komo Bernard Backieo, and Miss Annette waab wnac war wkbw w krc_^k cklw boards would be composed of per­ peated iii Westchester Friday eve­ Wood to the manufacture of eye khq kfsd ktar . Bergeron of Feeding Hills, were in­ •wdro wean wlp wjaa w e a n ws; sons already In government serv- ning. Those taglng part in the play glass lenses, from which business he All Day Thursday wjsv; Midwest: wbbm wrn wfom km Cent. East. jured today when their car was to 8 the Misses Floia Wheeler, retired about seven years ago, lim o x wowo Whaa 4KX^ 8:00—Paul Ash’s Orch.—also o ice. ' - . j head-on collision with a truck at EAST A CANADA — wpg wlbw 4:30— 6:80—The Singing Lady-—east The 4,000 county agents and Ahlene Badge, Margaret Badge, He is survived by two sons, wbec wlba wfea wore wicc efrb. ck*e 4:46— 6:48—Orphan Annie—east only four comers. October 12 DIXIE — wjat wafa wbro w q m w ^ 8dX>— 6:00—Dick Messnsr’s Orchestra 5,000 N R A groups, she said, would Harriet Robinson, and Marlon Hurl- Arthur of South Coventry and Fred klra wrec wlac wdsu wtoc krld wrr 6:30— 6:30—Kathryn Newman — e y t ; furnish persons with the “consump­ butt, and the Messrs Herman of West Hartford and one daughter, All three were taken to Jackson Open Until 9 P. M. ktrh ktaa waco koma wdbo wodx wot The Singing Lady—repeat for tfgp tion economy viewpoint.” Spencer, Everett Cole, William Mrs. Helen Beerwort of Weteers- Memorial hospital to Stafford wdae wbl* wtar wdbj wwva wmbe wrta 6:46— 6:48—Lowell Thomas — eaat; Springs. Doctors said Morin was to MIDWEST — weah wrI wmt wmbd V Orphan Annie—midwest repeat "These councils will enable the Macht, Jr., and Rev. A. W . Mel- field, three grandchildren, a sister Wednesday. Utaq wlsn wlbw kfb kfab wkbn wcoo 8d)0— 7:00—Amos ’n’ Andy—east only rural consumer, and the city con­ Mrs. Ella Waphbum, of Bridtog, serious condition with a broken Unger. „ This advertisement paid for by 6:18— 7:18—Radio In Education—to o sumer to discuss their differences ’The committee for the competi­ Mich, and a brother, Oscar of back. Backieo and Miss Bergeron 8WUNTA1N—kvor kla kob k ^ 6^4»— 7:48—Don Carney Dog Stories the Master Barbers Association. COAST-kliJ koln kgb tol kfpy 7:00— 8:00—Crime Clues, Dramatic and iron out the minor ones right tive programs of the Columbia Moosup. Mr. Wood’s wife, Mrs. suffered cuts and bruises. kvl kfbk kmj kw f kern kdb k^mo 7:30— 8:30—Adventures In Health oil the home groimds,” said Mrs. Grange to be given on October 25 Mrs. Harriett (Capron) Wood, died 'The driver of the truck, Alexander RA. 7.43— 8:48T-Hlllpot and Lambert — Members of Cent. East. Rumsey. “After the complaints have already begun their respective last spring. Stovtoickl at Holyoke, Mass., was 3H8— 4:48—Happy Minstrel — wabe 8:00— 9:00—Music Memories A Poet have been sifted through thlls fun­ held while state Jtroopers of the w »n : Enoch ^Ight Orch.—c l ^ 8:30— 9:30—To Be Announced programs. William Wolff is the Fimeral services were held at Th e N R A 4:00- 8dX>—Sklppy, Sketch—east only 9:00—10;00-rPedro Vla’s Orchestra nel the ones which are broader and chsdrman for the men and Mrs. the home today, at 4 p. m. and Stafford Springs barracks investi­ 4 16 8:80—w 8 0 —The Miniature Theater involve National economy will be gated the accident. ; — 5:18—Phil Regan, Tenoi— to c 10d)0—11:00—Alder and Alpert—ew t; Edith Isham, chairman for the wo­ the Rev. Charles G. Johnson, of the 4:30— 6:30—Jack Armstrong—ea. only sent on to Washington.” 4:4^ 4:48—George Hall Orchss.—to o Amos ’n’ Andy—repeat for west men’s program. 8:00— 6:08—Buck Rogers—east only; 10:18—11:1 ^ T h e Poet Prince—basic Big Complaints Skippy, Sketch—midwest repeat 10:30—11:80—Ernie Holst Orch.—to c After the “Little complaints are I 1 J00—12:00—Dance Orches. Program THEATER IS BOBBED - 8:15— 8:18—The Rangers—eaat only; 11:80—12:30—Mark Fisher’s Orchestra sifted out from the bottom,” that is, Harriet Cruise—mldweat right in the coimty coimcils, Mrs. Rumsey said, the more important Worcester, Mass., Oct. 10— (A P )— ones will be sent here, where a The Palace theater, Worcester’s 5:45— cuttle Orphan Annie. largest motion picture house, was 6:00—Otto Gray and his Okla­ new “Bureau of Economic Educa­ tion” was today established for dl*- held up early today, by armed rob­ homa Cowb037S. bers who escaped with 84,500. 6:15— Happy Landings — Mitel seminatlon of comsumers* informa­ WDRC tion back into local districts. Prior to the robbery R. C. Mc- Green. Frank P. Graham, of North Growan, district manager of the Poll Etortford Oonn. 1880 6:30— Time, temperature. 226 Carolina, vice chsdrman of the con­ interests, which control the theater, VACUUM CLEANERS 6:34— Sports Review — Bill W il­ sumers’ council, was named to heac and Mrs. McGowan were held up liams. the bureau. and to short succession the bandits » . 8. T. 6:40— Weather. added to their victims by holding up Tuesday, October 10, 1988 6:42— ^Famous Sayings. Robert R. Portle, theater manager 4:00 p. m.— U. S. Navy Band. 6:b5—Today’s News — Lowell and Patrolman Michael Morrissey. a a a a lf You Have An Antiquated Model 4:80— ^NewB Flashes. Thomas. Morrissey’s revolver was taken 4:85—Enoch Light Ondiestra. 7:00— ^AmoiS ’n’ Andy. COLUMBIA away and he was forced into a 6:00—Skippy. 7:15—National Advisory Ootmcil small closet with Mr. and Mrs. Mc­ That Is Inefficient 6:15—Mahdi’s Magic Circle. on Radio in Education. Herman Spencer smd Mrs. Edith Gowan whUe Poatle, at gun point, TxhxTTi sang Monday evening at the ‘ 5:30— Jack Armstrong — All- 7:45— Don Carney’s Dog Stories. was forced to open the safe. Americam Boy. • 8:00— Eno Crime Clues. meeting of the Men’s Club of Liber­ ’The robbers escaped to an auto­ 8:46— ^Radlo Chat — Mayor W ll-I 8:30— ^Adventures in Health— Dr, ty mil. mobile. • i Hn.TTi J. Rankin. Herman Bundesen. Twelve UtUe girls, neighbors and aaaaOr I f You Have None At All TB:00— Buck Rogers— “Adventures I 8:45— Smith brothers—Trade and school mates, enjoyed a psu*ty Tues­ IN BANKRUPTCY in the 25th Century.” Mark. day afternoon after school lit the 6:15— H -Bar-C Rangers. 9:00—Household Musical Mem^ home of Janice Clarke. Janice and Hartford, Oct. 10— (A P ) — John 6:30— ^Eilizabeth Bsolhell. ories. Fanny Belle Hurlbutt got up the Record of New Britain was ap­ NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A NEW 6:45— ^Little Italy. 9:30— Bsun Dance. party and conducted the affair to pointed trustee for Bronislaw Bler- 7:00—Myxt sad Mgrge,.. ^ iio-on and GMeim. their sa’isfaction and all the other m'ackl, New Britain laborer, at a 7:ip—Captain Tim — Advaiture®! 10:30—Bradfordi(i!. by the 'Town. 6. T a wee what action the Town by suction alone or ity. Which is just wished to take to regard to trans­ by suction plus the another way of say­ ferring present Town Office to the gentle - beating ac­ ’Tracey-EUiott Office now owned by ing that you can get the Town. tion of the motor- 6. To so* which ajpproacbes to driven brush. Other State Road from Ripley Hill, the no better; they important ojperating Towfi wishes to retain. clean their way 7. To see if the Town win vote eonveniMces include to close roeul from Andover State lightly and thor­ tllghway' lending toward Briton the seif adjusting Center 0V9r R. R. Crossing No. nozsie which elimi­ oughly. They need I2»24e 8. see if the Town will vote to nates a hand ad­ no oiling, they have cloM the road in North Coventry justment in going leading from the State mgbway extremely powerful near Mr. Robertion’s pleice to Mr. from a rug of one Cooper's place. thickneM to an- suction, they are 9. To see if the Town will vote to closf the rodd from the Samuri othfr; W estlng- built with every de­ AT .A«rC. place near Mansfield Depot houte baU-bearing ^ WUDIMCCO. fort oews” of the ycarl leariaf to the State Highway near tail that makes for The •rif-aaine finous OiU>> motor; no oiling is NEXT TO STATE ARMORY the V^lBam Austin place. Matie *nieat without work or 10. To SOS what action the Town required. your comfort. worry” thst heotsmors hemes will take in regard to keeping rid than any ether ofl bamer ia the This im t ■nmartiing te put off entrance to Sfiver Street near world, U now built for the aidU until Foll-^our Speeieli Spring Am uda Peece’s farm, a public home, and, what Is stai meN Tama and « p ^ •mmnartbne highway. portent, it ia sold . . . ^ Arrangsmaate moka TODAY tba 11. By request to see what action tiOMtoaetl Oat aatte save money the Town will take to return to the AT A NIW y e v heating, and m^of real Annuel mectioh of Town Offieers. ''IfSS ITYLI^' TelaphooaNOWI 12. By request to see what action .50 .50 ' fi- the Town Wtt take to again become New Small-HoaM medd X1.S, Mke one voting district to '■U OU-O-lfatioi. buma haotyi 18. By request to see what action >29 ‘59 leweeet ftial ed, t e richar in faMt As Low As the Town will take about worn-out nni^pnd lewsr ifi pMes than eset- and unused road naeblnerjr. ■v’n ;! Her, light rilt meet bumwir mnet To do aay knd all other huetneas nee. InetsBedInany ty^'efheat- to come before this meet- ■■ J ing plant—steam,bet water, vapor orwennAr. Fntiydutomatie—ril at South Coventry, tUe 7tb day of OOtOb^ 198$. O’. JACOBSON JfQBIfSOM AiniXUR J. VINTON F h n i i i U ^ C e a t iM lM B mm* A ’.?*V2 ■•r PAGEEIQBP

Betterment ASsodatei^ .^tas held L 0 . 0 . F . HERE MADE Loc^ Stocks last evening Rev. K. Odtto of,tee DEFENDANT IN SUIT First Dfiteeten dbrnsa, ‘ wlD repre­ (Famished hy Patnam ft Oo.) sent tile R;I^n>d of New ^nrmgfieU Theatrical Firm 1 P . M. Stocks ?ow 3s m l IDilen On^ Ar- York which opens 00 Wednesday at T O E E R ^ A C E D the Trinity i^therfte church at To Book Stocks H artford. Brings Action for $50( Bid Asked H dn Takes T* May Be fia r d r fl^ Watw Cap Nat Bank ft ’Trust 9 SAate Highway De] ent Conn. River ...... /450 Damages. First National oTHtfd/ — 110 KM’s PiasL ' Bftcomineitiis That ty or POLICE TELETYPE m iteelkett. Htfd. Conn. TrUst____ 42 Town De the Job. Htfd. National B and T 14^ 16% Phoenix S t B and T . . 175 200 Detailed plans pave bate com­ King David Lodge, No. 31, L O. O Th Holliater StrcM ftthool was The highway oommittee of tea W est H artford ’T ru st.. — 175 pleted for the rebuilding and re­ TOBEmTALLED P., and Cbaiies W. Lathrop, No'ble burglarized taat night to the extmt Board of Seieetmen sresterday .in- Insurance Stocks of a few pencils and wooden mien, surfacing of St. Bernard's Terrace, Grand of the (»^er, are made co- 47 valued at not more tijiaa ^oventy-ftve speoted the bridge over the alqti?e-’ Aetna Casualty ...... 45 a private roadway which ia used by defendanta In a suit for 3000 18 emits in all. it became known today, way of the HilUard Company on ^tetna Life ...... 20 the public extensively and ‘ along brought by the Wood and Wood Aetna Fire .. 30 32 whoi Prhu^pal ’Tfidmas Bentley re­ which taxable properiy ia located Coiniiw$ioinrs Yote to In- Hilliard street in HBbordvllle ' and Automobile 18 20 ported the matter to local p Theatrical association, entered into Pnblio Utilitiea Stocks of the reonis on the first floor, after the Hrmack who - has ap­ grade be rsilsed about 4 inches near chain, and all messages of Import to New Brit Men. com.. — 8 tbe west end; that there be a cut under the act governing the use of do., pfd ...... — 60 A tchison ...... 56% der his or her picture, and send your peared before the microphone very the other state posts are sent from Meeting Held Last Night at of about 9 inches opposite the semi the fim ds .to complete the proposed Mann ft Bow^, Class A — 4 Auburn ...... 49% entry to the Merry Mix-Up Contest seldom, will attract the attention oz that d ty . Y. M. C. A. — Discuss Ex­ A viation Corrp ...... 9% private road on the north just connection of the Eighth DMrlcf do.. Class B ...... — 2 Editor, care of this newspaper. Most the Nation when he begins bis first There have been many changes Balt and Ohio ...... 28 and South Manchester sewers with periences. North and Judd ...... 15 17 correct, neatest and.most original extended series of radio concerts to­ souteerly of the church property; made in the teletype systems and Bendix ...... 15% that the grade follow the top of the an outfall at the se-wage disposal Niles, Bern P ond ...... 9 12 entries are going to win those morrow night, at 9:30 o’clock. Mc­ the machines since Manchester first Beth S t e e l...... 85% wall to a point about 90 feet west­ plant on Olcott street. “Garden Experiences, Successes Peck, Stow and Wilqox 2 5 prizes! More Merry Mix-Ui» in to­ Cormack’s rectory for the aeries was in the police signal group tnd Failures,” was the subject Russell Mfg ...... 16 . — Borden ...... 28 will Include both classic Ond aeml- erly of the east end where I recom- Formerly all newS sent out was Can P a c ...... 13% morrow’s paper! hanOled at last night’s meeting by Scovill ...... 23 26 cl«uisic numbers, those popularized nmbd a substantia} change in the received by all stations. Now the SWINDLER IS HELD the members of the Manchester Stanley W orks ...... 19 21 Case (J. I.) ...... 70 In his world-wide concert tours and ^vule by cutting down the wan and operator may talk with each Indlvi' Garden club, held at the Y. M. C. A. Standard Screw ...... 40 60 Cem Pe Pasco ...... 35% on maxiy phonograph records. Also, reducing the length about 10 feet to dual station cutting out all oteer Every member present was called do., pfd., guar...... 100 C ^ and Ohio ...... 42% there will be Included an occasional make a straight grade with the in­ stations. FOR HIGHER COURT on and the result was highly enter­ Smsrtiie Mfg Co...... 24 Chrysler ...... 45 ABOUT TOWN operatic aria apd new compositlpns tersection of the center of Oottage Included in the system at this time C oca Oola ...... 93% taining and instructive, as such pro­ Taylor and Penn .... — 110 selected, from the works of contem­ street are the Motor Vehlde Department, grams always are. There was a Torrlngton ...... 39 Col Gas ...... 16% tbe State Police and 'the State Po­ 41 Gel C a r b o n ...... 66% porary writers. Listen' to him to­ *1 also recommend that the cross Widow Tells P

A ll . Ni N‘f- >;.’-« ,V,t -ft.':


M. H. S. MUST BEAT MERIDEN VINES BOOKED TO Cornell and, Wolverines REPORtS SAY SCRAm TO RETAIN HIGH STANDING Bitter Foes Since 1889 MANAGER TO RECEHfE WnVBILLTILD^ New York, Oct lO~-(AP)<--Cor-^^expected from Pitt and Notre Dame, nell’s trip to Ann Arbor to face picked before the season opened as Mlcbigau Saturday renews one of two front rank contenders for na- $40,000 CHECK YEARLY 1 ai w* vi* A I the oldest, as well as oire of the most tiorval honors. 'Itoe Panthers have LOCALS ARE TIED been far frorn impressiye In ^ tiiig Deposed Net „et Washington and Jefferson, aim West V r £.___ I iff. If . Michigan in 18S9, the s«K»nd year Virginia and N o ^ Dame were even Chims "fioddle System*’ ! WITH BRISTOL FOR RULES ON TICKirrS ^sioo to enforce rules indiscriminate­ le e r l^OPtreCt A fter flSOSt comeu played inter-coUeglate foot- less SO in the Rambler’s toocking ly. If this practice is conttoued dis­ I ball. R^tioBS were suspended m scoreless tie with Kansas. Pitt, P O R T W To Corporations, Clubs, Associa­ ciplinary action will be taif«n however, mi^ open i^> against Navy Main Thing That Deyelofh r tions and Persons engaged in'the against the club or clubs involved.. Disastrous S ^ n of ffisj gas an annual’ sertes ^toat lasted and Notre Dame should show im- 5 LEAGUE LEADERSHIP conduct of boxing exhibitions and Your attrition is also drawn to through the next seven years. provement in its second game wredtUng bouts in this state: the fu t that complimentary tickets Bams Butt Hard against Indiana. ed Confidence and. Coop- ^ I am enclosing herewith an are lim ited to not m ore thian tw o Brief Career. “Sleepy Jim” Crowley's Fordham Dixie Elevens Travel amendment to rule four of the pro­ per cent, of ^ seating c^;>acity of rams have rolled up 109 points in The South Is making certain of Red and White May Gain Un- fessional rules of the State of Con­ a hall, structiu'e, or premises where­ two “warm-up” games, but Jim de­ topping all other sections in toe Except for purpoees of record­ oration Among His Play- ' necticut, which has to do with the in the, exhibition or contest is held. New York. Oct 10—(AP) —Ells­ veloped a slight headache after look­ nurnber of intersectional games it ing the most dismal year for sale of tickets. This amendment Local iryspectors are being instruct­ worth l^ es finally has taken the ing over Satiuday’s scores. Of the contracts for. This week no fewer American tennla since 1927, when Ram’s future opponents. West Vlr- than seven outfits will sally north ers Dnring World Series. jiispated Possessiom of haw been approved by the Governor, ed to check the number complimen­ plunge into professional tennla. toe Davis Cup passed overseas on and is effective immediattly. tary tickets received at each exhi­ sdnia, St Mary's of California and or west of the Mason and Oixun a long jumsy, the official ranking May I draw your attention to the bition with the seating capacity of Hard on the- heels of the fiiost New York University, all were beat­ line. Vanderbilt’# Tuaale'Wlth Ohio First Place This Week; chafige which requires that you for­ the place where the exhibition or disastrous season of bis compara­ en, and Alabama and Oregon state State Jeada the way with MtSslMippl list of toe United States lawn t«i- By ALAN J. GOULD ward to this office sample copies of contest is held and report to the tively brief career, the 22-year-old tied. Boston College 'was toe only at Marquette, Kentucky at ChiCin- ’tds association for 1933 win not New York, Oct. 10.— (AP) —For the tickets to be used by your or­ State Athletic Commission if the Pasadena youngster has si^ed a winner. nati, Waabington and Lee at Yale, mean much. I a young man going on 36 who has Ekven Vastly Improved. one year contract with Big Bill Tfl- Ltno'On Notre Dame It is certain to to marked by one ganization? Tickets not bearing complimentary tickets exceed two Center at Boston College, Virginia the reputation of fighting for what '^3 the approval of the State Athletic per cent, of the seating capacity. den on terms TUden declines to dis­ This week should furnish a more at Columbia and Clemson at Gtoorge ot toe most radical ahakeups in our he wants — and getting it — Mem­ close, but which possibly will net Commissioner cannot be used in Joseph H. Lawlor, accurate line on What power may. be Waabington. tennla history but the unfortunate phis Bill Terry baa done pretty well Vines about |26,t)00 fo r 1934. After an inausplcloufl start, Man­ this state after October 16th. Athletic Commissioner. fact is that the changes will mark for bimaelf. top of leading the The tall Cslifornlan, amateur chester High’s 1933 football edition An extension to November 1st is more retrogression on the part of New York Glanta to a pennant and granted in which to submit your champion of the United States in young men who figured to to car­ world championahlp with one of the displayed a sudden reversal of form 1931 and 1932, and Wimbledori title tickets for approval. In the mean­ FORM CAGE TEAMS rying toe banners forward this greatest marches In his­ in its last tvro contests, which, if time, however, no tickets other than bolder in 1932, will make his pro- years than advancement Qpon the tory,, Terry marched out of club continued, may carry the Red and those on whi|m the price, number fesMonal debut in a match with Til- STAR DIXIE FOOTBALL part of our other hopefuls. headquarters today with a new five The Middletown Scholastic den in Madison Square Garden, iJan. White to the top of the Central and seal of thehstate appear may be Qpeedboys basketball team (former­ Frank X. Shieldi wW to the No. year contract as pkyer-manager. He Connecticut Inters6holastlc League used. ly the 1932-33 M. H. S. five) will 10. 1 for the fl^t time in hla career, before the week is out. Two league Your co-operation in this matter this season play under the name of Tilden exhibited a written state- without any real noom for argu- merit from Vines, dated at Pasadena ELEVENS CONSTRUCTED battles are slated this week, the will,be appreciated. Jack’s Limch Speedboys. “Jack' u>ent, solely on the batla o f hla do­ locals facing Meriden High at Mt. Joseph H. Lawlor, Fitzgerald, proprietor of Jack’s several days ago: mestic record. The New Yorker “Gosh, I’m glad I turned pro,” the Nebo field F.lday afternoon, while Athletic Commissioner. Lunch in Middletown, is sponsorihg made a gallant come-back, and statement read, “Why did Z slip last Bristol High meets West Hartford. October 6, 1933. the team. He is also puttmg a fast was toe last American 'o pass out season? I wasn’t sllpirfng. i wasi BY PILOTS FROM EAST May Lead League girls’ basketball team on w floor of the oational singles olmmplon- Both games wlL probably have a To Corporations, dubs, Associa­ which will be known as Jack's dead, killed to too muon and too many Offlclals. All I needed _ *« ■ ■hlp. Perhaps be was due for Just beating on the fina. standing of the tions and Persons engaged in the Lunch ^peedgirls. Both squads will he's at Duke, and Alabama has such a re-action as be experienced League. If Manchester can turn conduct of boxing exhibitions and be coinpletely outfitted and insured to play Ex-Army Frank Thomas, another pupil of against Jack Crawford toe semi­ back the Silver Qty outfit, the lo­ wrestling bouts in this state. Jade’s Lun Knute Rockne. Kentucky got Harry finals at Forest Hills, but it was a cals will still be deadlocked for Seotion 2202 of the General Qamage from lUlnola. L. S. U. distinct disappointment to those first place with Bristol, providing, Statutes among other things auth­ Mentor While Alabama only recently brought Biff Jones and who Lad watched the determined of. course, that the Bell City eleven orizes the State Athletic Commis­ the snappiest looking uniforms ever Bert Ingweraen from the Army and course .f hla oome-baok. defeats West Hartford. It will be sioner to make such rules and regu­ seen on a baMtetball floor.” Iowa, respectively. Notre Dame fur­ Shields is still a youth of 28, pe^ the first League tilt for the latter lations for the administration of his "Bing” Miller, Woodrow Wilson FOOTBALL Learns Notre Dame Style nished Chet W}mne to Auburn. hape the best equipped of any sur- team. A defeat for Bristol and a High school coadj, has been secured office as he shall deem necessary, And so on down the line. It 'vlvors of toe latest tennis wan to victory for Manchester will give to,.dlrect the drills of the two teams. THUNDERBOLTS VICIOB8 which rules and regulations shall be The Thunderbolt A. C. swamped of Play from R oebe Pro­ wasn’t long before the high-pow­ help lead next year's Davis Cup the locals undisputed possession of subject to the approval of the Gov­ He has crUled the first practice fo r challenge. next Wednesday qlght at the local the Hollywood Eagles 80-8. Murray ered prindpleB of football taught first place. ernor. scored ^ first touchdown on a by these men brought results, and Show Much Improvement Your attention is drawn to the State Armory. The Spesdlx^ tege; Is Reason for Grid Okut'^ Overlook Grant squad is made up of such court bril­ pass. ’The other two poihts scored with them came bigger squads Beaten 12-0 in the season opener professional rules of the Athletic and bigger crowds and bigger As to the rest of the homebred against Hartford High, Manchester liants as Charlie miler, Mike Ma­ on a safety. Greene scored two Commission of the State of Coimec- touchdowns, Dupont one, Ruitsell gates. list, eight or ten names might to tfeemed destined for a disastrous lone, Jelly McCarthy, Larry Cao- Rise. tlcut; approved March 26, 1929, and one, and Taggart one. Dupont made put in a bat and drawn out as toe season but crtensive , practice ses­ more particularly to rule number ciola, Johnnie O’Rourke, Pat many long runs. Ckie nm being 40 simplest means of making up toe sions strengthened the team consid­ Amenta, Jigger Dowling, Sal Cata­ • fi four, which has reference to the sale yards. Dupont, Greene, Russell and With the Increased prestige, balance of toe "First T'jn.” erably and in the next encounter lano, and Nifty Neville. many scifitfllating prep sch ^ stma of tickets. This rule is as follows: Taggart played best for the ’rhun- By HABBT MEHBB Bryan Grant, Jr., toe diminutive Middletown High was trounced by The Speedgirls will carry such came south, and southern boys who ‘Tickets: No person shall be dei^lt A. C., while Rubel and Football Coach, University of Atlantan who administered the &IUL TER.R.V a score of 13-0. The Red and White colorful court performers as “Elsie” bad been going north and east for admitted to any boxing or wrest­ Robertson played best for the Georgia final wallop of the year to Ells­ Kline, Skeets GayesW, Ange Chain, will get $40,000 a year, it la re­ showed its greatest Improvement ling contest or exhibition unless Slagles. expert instruction stayed at home. worth Vines, certainly will to in against Bristol last Saturday, play­ Bea White, Emn^a Anderson, Marion Hence, better records and reputa­ ported. he holds a ticket, with the excep­ The Thimderbolt A. C. would like Athens, Ga., Oct 10.—Invasion of toe five, all official objections to ing football in a manner that tion of the commissioner, and per­ Wells, and Kay Baldwin. Joseph tions. Back of Terry’s remarkable suc­ Carta is the manager and Frank J. gam es 'With teams under 14 years football coaches from prominent the contrary. caused ferns to believe that Coach sons designated in writing by him schools m other sections probably About all needed for a success­ Grant showSd no more respect cess of 1933 is toe story of some­ Neville is assistant manager. They o f age. Call Ruseell Johnson, 6159. thing new in toe ancient game of Tom Kelley has developed another for official duty , the ring officials Thunderbolt A. O. Hollywood^ is the foremost reason for the me­ ful foo'tball season is a coach who for toe solons of toe West Side ten­ cheunpionshlp eleven. It’s too early provided for under the law and will book gamAs for both the girls’ b^eball—toe “huddle system.” and bo3T8’ team. Manager Carta can T agga rt...... le ...... Pickles teoric rise of football in I^ e . knows his stuff and a squad of nis club ard toe U. S. L. T. A. than yet to figure that way as Manches rules, principals and seconds who Prom east and midwest came sufficient aize and ability to scam­ he did fo r Vines or arry other com ­ “ There were no secreto on my ball be reached at 64 College street, or ’Turner...... ___ It ...... CalUs club this year,” saye Terry. “I told ter still has three League geunes are to engage in the contest, po­ UUiano...... Ig Daniels grid professors well versed in foot­ per through a tough schedule. petitor he tatkled He was in a licemen, firemen, and public of­ phone NevlUe a^ 1108 between 5 toe players early in toe season that ahead, with Merldeil, East HArt' and 6 o’clock. R d b b h is...... c ...... Swartz ball tactics and soon thereafter the Southern schools have both now trapantrmood at Forest Hills and ford said West Hairtford. Neverthe­ ficials actually on duty. teams began to perk up and show and therein lies the reasons they orobably enjoyed himself more when they saw ne go over for a Manager -Carta expects, to open Qiovaninni...... rg ...... Arnold talk with toe , I wanted less, the local team is certainly one “All tickets, exclusive of work­ real class. can play the topnotchers in other than any other American contest­ the 1933-34 season on Thanksgiving S erver...... rt : ...... Murray them all in on It. We found it of the best ’in the League and ing press tickets, shall have the sections with assurance of a nip- night with two first class teams. R ussell...... r e ...... Hagenow Vanderbilt and Georgia Tech are ant, meanwhile giving toe gallery worked so well that we got more should prove the outstanding con price and date of exhibition or Greene...... q b ...... , R u lel and-tuck battle. some of its best entertainment of bout printed plainly thereon, shall Carta wishes to hear from such the two schools that long have and more into the habit of talking tender for the title. teams as the Fordham “Flashes,” Squatrito...... rhb ...... Miner been known for powerful football championship week. be consecutively numbered, and It is my sincere belief that you thtogs over and working them out, Meriden’s Record Rhymers, Sport Centers, St. Mary’s. D upont...... I h b ___ Robertson ’The rise of the sensational shall have a coupon attached teams, and about the only two can pick the five outstanding during the game, especi^y when a Meriden High was held to a 6-6 Nettletons, Manchester “Rees” and M urphy...... fb French Frankie Pwker, national clay court which may be held by the pur­ southern coaches within the last teams in' the south and the five out­ critical situation developed. tie in its first game and bowed to Guards, New London Coast Guard, Subttitutions: Thimderbolt A. C., champion, vias suddenly checked by chaser thereof. All tickets must decade. Dan McGugin has been at standing teams in any other sec­ ‘Hnddle System’ Worked -East Hartford, 18-12. Meriden has Hakoahs, Knights of Lithuania, All- Gallivan for Giovaninni, Qrfitelll for Vanderbilt almost since the turn of tion and the lads below the Mason- Keith GledhlU. Grant was baited by a fine passing combination in Pas- bear the seal of the commission. "You can call it toe 'huddle sys­ Bumsldes, Meriden North Ends, Gallivan; Hollywood Slagles, Mur­ the ^ntury after leaving Michi­ Dixon boimdary will take the ma- tall Lester Stoeffen, a handsome inskl and Gormley, this duo almost Tickets of different prices must be tem’ that’s all right with me. The Bristol Boys’ Club, West Haven ray for Swartz, Schleldge for Rubel. gan aa a player. BIB Alexander fjotity of declaibna. blond who has yet to realize his tying' the score against East Hart' printed on cardboard of different main thing is that it developed con­ Boys’ Club, Bridgeport Iroquois, R^eree, Mohr; umpire, Stiller. Thne started his fourteenth year at vast possibilities as a tennis play- fidence and a feeling of co-operation ford with an aerial attack th^t and distinctive colors. Bristol High Alumni, Alble Booth’s 15 minute quarters. en The Californian looked like a “Comporations, clubs, associa­ (Jeorgla Tech this fall. among all hands. The crowning ex­ netted much yardage. The team All Stars, and all other outfits that SUCCESSFUL DEBUT noidce against Fred Perry. i ample of how this system worked. tions ' and persons are prohibited ample of how this system lineup will probably be as follows class themselves in this group. PAWNEE'S 'TEAM WINS Along with toe sharp decline of for me, was when our infield pulled from selling any ticket for any ’Tulane brought in Bemle Bler- Panciera, le; Majowskl, It; White, Girls’ teams in the class of the 'Ihe Pawnees football team led by New York, Oct. 10.— (AP)—Don toe over-tennlsed Vines and Wll- that double play at the finish of the Ig; Caulkins, c; O’Brien, rg; pipce other than the price printed man, who since has gone to Mirme- Stamford Holy Names, Aetna Life, johimy McCarthy easily trounced sots, after developing many fine McCorkindale, tall, game heavy­ mer Allison, stars like Cliff Sutter fourth game of toe world series in Bi^ks, rt; Gormley, re- Nedza, qb; thereon, or to change the price of Aetna Fire, Lee Hatters, Meriden the Burnside Atltietlca Sunday af­ and Sidney Wood failed to strike that tough eleventh inning. Boltim, tickets at any time after tickets teams. Teimessee ended toe 'vlotory weight from South Africa, has Paslnski, Ihb; "lobson, ’•hb; Schee Insilco, are requested to get in ternoon at Mt. Nebo, toe score being cleared toe first obstacle in what any startling notes of progress. a plncb-hitter vras coming up, with fb. for the exhibition have been plac­ touch with Carta or Neville for a famine in 1925 by bringing in Bob 16 to 6. ’The Pawnees played a good Neyland from toe Army- 'The next may turn out to to a successful, if one Out, the bases tilled, wlto Hiib- The East Hartford-Middletown ed on sale, or to sell a i^ tickets booking. Last year the girls de­ brand of ball and toe fans stand Look 'Em Over bell pitching. So we went into a at any time during the tehlbltion m . a ffATwR I to was made head coach and not specially lucratl’-e Americar^ battle has bee; postponed from feated Adrian Brennan’s orack tour. More or less for the sake of try­ huddle. We talked about a double Friday until Monday. for less price than tickets for the Aetna Life team and also toppled proceeded to complete hla staff with were pleased. The Burnside team Bill Britton and Paul Parker, also-i... While a care four thousand fans ing to bring some order out of the play, but didn’t know how fast same seats were sold or offered many other strong girl quintets in fought every minute cf the game Army men. looked on, MoCorklndale boxed bis situation, hero’s our suggestlos for Bolton was. Then word came from for sale before the exhibition. the state. but the Pawnees were too strong the "First Ten" this season: Charley Dresaea on the bench, that “No exchange of tickets shall North Carolina drew on Notre way to a ten-round deolalon over , Yours In sports, for them. The Pawnees made 11 1. Frank Shields of New York. he knew Bolton was a slow runner. be made except at box office Dame for “Chuck" OoUins. "Clip­ Patsy Perron!, young Cleveland JOSEPH CARTA, first downs and' toe Athletics only 2. Sidney B. Wood, jr« of New That settled it. Ryan Critn Tickets in the hands of agencies made five. The officials were Sla- per” Smith, from toe same school, battler. In Madison Square Ga^rden went back, Hubbell made Bolton Ut must be returned to the box office went to North Carolina State last night. L. so doing, toe South York. monds, referee; toe uihpire, Mike 8. Bryan Grant, Jr., of Atlan­ into toe ground and toe double play not later than 9 p. m. on the day THE TOWN SERIES and I am from Notre Dame, too. African displayed an educated left Svetieno and toe head linesm^ was ta. was a cinch. of the contest No ticket shall be Joe Scranton. Wallace Wade didn’t come dl- bsmd and a strong dlslnolination to Doable Play Settled It redeemed after the contest has Sports Dept, -rectly from Brown to Alabama, assume a horizontal attitude when 4. Ellswortii mnee, of Pas­ The Pawnees will bold a practice adena,' Oailf. “You ask me for the three out­ taken place without the consent Dear Editor: , Friday night and there will be a but that is where he played. Now be was tagged full on the chin. standing. turning points of the se­ By Assodated P ^ s ‘ 6. Gregory Mangin of Newark; of the commissioner.” , I wish to know why the MaS' short scrimmage Saturday morning ries? That double play was one of It has been drawn to my attention cheater Green baaebal’ team con' N. J. Montreal—Jim Browning, Vero­ in preparation for Simday's game 6. Clifford B. Sntter of New them. The others were my stab of ‘that several clubs operating in this wders Itself a contender for the which is to Up played out of town. (Joslln’s bard drive, choking off a na, Mo., defeated Sander Szabo, state have sold special ringside town championship? What have Orleans. Hungary, Szabo imablc to continue. 7. WUmer Allison of Austin, threat by toe Senators in the eighth tickets on which the following does they done tc earn the right to EAGLES PBAOnOE inning of the first game, and Gua Wilmington, Del.—Mayes Me-' not appear on the ticket: the price play? The only offensive threat it Toxs Lain, Iowa, threw Mike Mazurki, The Eagdes football team will Joey. Raynor Is Leading 8. of Los An­ Mancuso’s successful execution of of the ticket; the number; or the has is this ne\^aper and their fa­ New York. practice tonight at Hickey’s Grove the squeeze play in the stxtb toning State seal of the Ck)mmisslon. These vorite saying “Champions of the geles. Portland, Me.—Nick Lutze, Cali­ at 6:46. All members are requested rally, we staged for six runs |n the tickets are sold for a stated M^^hester American Leane. ” to to present 9. Keltii Gledhin of Santa Bar- fornia, and Eld Don George, North second game. Boy, I don’t mind amount covering the State Athletic That so-called American League baa^ CaBf. telling you I got a real thrill out of Java, N. Y., drew, each one fall. 10. Prank Parker ef BaUbara, Tax and service charge. This is in consisted of nothing but seco^- «BAST SIDES PBACTICE Slugger Of Sub-Alpines fh em .” New York—Jim McMUlen, Chi­ direct violation of the section quoted J»ta teams. The Green was formal- N . J. Terry does not ooiitamplate any cago, threw Vanka Zellnska, Rus­ The East Sides football team will above. practice at the Charter Oak field at f ■ major changes in sia. ^ sarlas when Gtants tor The professional rules of the Ath­ toe Sub-Alpines beat them four 6:80. All members are asked to ba base blowi, getting nine with 11084. Camden, N. J.—Pabl Boesch, letic Commission require that all frames out of five played, all by there as a meeting w ^ fellow prac' Boggini and^ O’Leary each getting “We must havv d u b In New York, drew -with D ick Shlkat, Has Ayerage of ^ 6 4 for Sea­ Last Night ’« Fightf complimentary tickets shall be Pirates ev«i beat tice. eix. . Sturgton and Sullivan were [ New York,be sa' “That's limply Philadelphia. , ked “complimentary” in large tied for tti^ei wlth^three each end good bueineea. team is most- Detroit—Jackie Nichols, Tampa, them. Joe Hublard ought to be letters and clipped. The tickets re­ jo j^ a r of the Columbus baseball son; J. Antonio Second O’Leary hit the molt hbmera, get' By The A. P. young and baa Just found itself. FhL, threw Charley Carr, Shreve­ ferred to are not coa^pllmentary ting four to two totoh for Suluvaa Theretere are only a few old fellow s port, La- team and we might find the Amerl- New Torir,—Donald MoOerids- tickets within the meaalst of tiis ^ champs playlnrthe BOWLING and Sartor. Joqy Raynor led the dale, South AfHoa, e u ti^ te d Patsy like Ortti ^ m yN lL but w s aM law, but are in effect zingsiM New York Giants for the world with 3S2; Team Won 23 stickers with a nlee average Parronl, Cleveland, 10; Bob Olifi, net through yet, by a long_ shot, tickets sold at a price lower than championship. of .864. Joey baa proved to be a "Vergesbarges willwtil be I back inIn shapeanape in OHEVBOLET8 BEAT New York, outpointed Ed (Ub- thatcharged fbr bleacher seats. Still the Green prints such State­ and Lost 12 Garner very nlee leadoff man. “Lank' mown) Winston. Hartford, six; the aprtog. Players like Joe Moore, Rule four of the professional rules ments as these: "Blaefields-West PLYMOUTH8 O’Leary-ead "Hor8e"^>Boggini, Bingo Prank FuUam, New York, outijolnt- George Davis, Gua Mancuao, Blondy of the Athletic Commission of the moes-Alpines series wm be settled Sturgeon, Chick Fraaer and Mlka- Ryan, Hal Sobumacher and Roy The Cbeyrolets took two games ed Frankie O'Brien, Hartford; six. Parmelee, are Just developing. They State of Connecticut is amended to to the extent that one of the trio O lea ry and Boggini Field­ Icit did moat (ff the pitching. Grand Rapids, Mick,—Tony H e r - ______^ include the following: firom the Plymoutha in a Recreation will be better next year. And as for ^ to qualified to meet the Batting Avtoagee. rara, El Paeo^ Tax., outpototed Wes- I Hubtell, hie wiu remain the greateet “Donkey baseball,’’ in which the “On or before. October 16th, Green. ’ I like the word qualified in Girl’s bowling league at the Rec - Fonowlng are the team’s batting ey Ramey, Grand RapMi, Mich., pitcher in baabbeiu for some years to players Are moimted on trained don­ each corporation, club, association, there. Another phrase—"Green has Onter alleys last night. The score ing Stars. or person oigaged in the conduct for the first garne was 878 to 341 averages: 1®- V cqme. There’s only one like him.” keys, has become popular as a stimt been waiting the determination of Phlladelphisr—Oble pik WiDier, —------:______s p ^ •in the Southwest of boxing exhibitions and wrest­ and for toe second game 407 to The key, G. P. game# played; pi ' town %lladelphii^ outpointed George | EAST SIDE Tia n Paul Bumam, successful fresh­ ling bouts in this state is required title. Why, fans'Who didn’t know' 362. E. B3einedimldt wu high The Sub-Alpine bsaeball team H., bits; A. B., at bat. man footbaD coach at Alabama, was to submit to the State Athletic bowler' In the two strings with a GP H. AB. AVE Godfrey, LdpervUle, Pa^ 10. toe Green might actuaUy Fh«nir cloeed another good eeaaon Sunday Buffalo—Lou SooBza, Buffalo. N. The Eaet Side's football team sever aide to make his varsity letter Commissioner fo r 'bis aj^Hroval ^ had a team by reading their ■core of 109 and 103. although tbey^dd tak^ a beating. J. Raynor .. ..1 8 16 44 264 samples of the tickets to be used T., outpointed drarley Belanger, traveled to .Soothlngton arid ^ay^ a t th e university. ^ night’s paper It ChevnMet The record of toe team this year is J. Aintonio . ...8 0 19 54 .352 / .The term “love” emt>loyed in scor- by said' organization. Tickets of R Sturgeon ..2 8 ' 29 85 241 Winnipeg, Can., ten. ed the Southington Blues to a tie ‘The West Sides by defeating H. Qilacnt ...... 51 46 28 victories, 12 defeats and one tie. game, 6-aIl. ’ilie Blues are ing tennis is said to be derived from different prices ipiut be printed B. Armstrong ...... 82 88 L. Johnson . ...2 4 28 84 .338 .Chicago—Milllo Mllltti. Omaha, the A pines' jresterday morning The Alpines bad a bard time getting and fast The East Sides the French phrase "I’oeuf,” meaning on cardboard of different and A. R eale...... fiS 91 J. Lovett .. ...8 6 27 81 .338 Neb., outpointed Bill Cmuell, Mon­ earned the right to meet the along this year due to toe la ^ of a thdr. opponents all' through “ the egg.‘' tlnctive colors, must be numbered N. Haggart-...... 78 69 A. B(^glni . . . .3 8 24 78 .329 mouth, IlL, ^ yto toe depression is permanent manager and coach. gilbe. Bob LaCoss climbed a Tedder Ray Prim, southpaw pitcher re­ in consecutive numbers, and must falling off but times ' aren’t so E. Klelnachmldt ...... 109 108 J. Sullivan . ...8 4 29 120 225 New Orleans—Eddie Flyrm, New Next year, however, a coach will be Orieana, outpointed E ly Klsert and interoepted a pasa on h)f tiwp cently purchasqd by the Washings show the established price. Fed­ good that “b^fgars can to choos­ sought and a good manager w in J. O’Leary . ...3 1 24 76 216 ton Senators, play^ cdlege base­ eral and State tax, and total sell­ ers.” D. Farr .309 Tulea,'0]da., ten. 45-yard Hne.and^ran 6B yards" fo i' 878 407 also be found. ...3 8 25 81 a touohdowic ball at Auburn. ing price. No ticket for a ring­ I don’t blame the West Sides in R ym onth ’The Alpines have toe material P. Vinca ... , . . 6 7 23 .304 Miami, Fla.—Joe lOng, Lakeland, side seat may be sold for a price The E ast SUlea played'H he thsgr Weight o f ’Tulane football players the least for playing the Gketo. It’s H., Llebman ...... 78 92 but tack the punch in the pinch imd R. Fraser .. ...3 6 35 86 .291 ffia., outpointed Carl Xnowiea; less than a bleacher ticket. The Rome, Ga., terr. Sad alvmys had a foottiall. la w S r this year ranges from the 149-pound a good chance to pick up some easy M. Llebman ...... go 84 it is that pimch that wins BsU H. Fraser .. ...1 8 16 59 .271 halfback, William Brower, to 220 price charged for tickets must be N. Boggini . ...8 4 33 263 Gal'veston, Texas—David Sfaa- ids. The starting Ub m b fa r tM money. Perhaps if ibe Green wins B. Runde ...... 78 75 games. ’The foUowlng men are re­ 91 Bast Sides: GMgUo, re ' ------pomds of Thomas Lawson, tackled proportional to toe location of toe the second gau-o the money bags B. Robinson...... 64 quested to report at the SifikAlplne J. Sartor .. ...8 4 20 82 .244 rlro, Galveaton, ou^Kdnted Carlos seats. No tickets shall bear toe 6^ Both are from New Orleans. vdll weigh a little more. TTnptwg D unuqr ...... 61 46 haU on Bldridge str^t 'nuirsday Jl. Smith . . . . . 7 > 12 .416 Sards, Meatioo City, tsB« seal of tire commission until said that Santa Claus brings nice n«# night at fiI16. A busineai meeting J. Miekoldt ...1 4 6 86 .187 Houston, ’Texas-^aok GtlA), ticket shall hove been approved bans and bats for the deciding w fll be tield during which, they wiU G. Rossi ...... 1 0 3 27 .074 louston, outik>inted Jutiito Rovfrt, WBST SIDES FETED by the State Athletic Commission­ 341 362 O m , Ihb; game of this series, I remain, decide what to do with the eea eon’s Pltdringi * New Orleans, 10. ' ' Lovett for er. No corporation, club,' associa­ P. W. Ture Haute. Ind. — Frankie The West Side baseball tea^ A SPORT FAN. recel^ : Joe Raynor, Joe BuQlvan, Badertha, H tion, or person engaged in the M ikoleti .... .10 5 crowned town champidha, OU1BOANT18 FAVOBBD* Joe Sartor, Joe Lovett,' A Boggini, lukee, Clinton, md., outi)ointed A1 rpv)akl-fbr oondudt of boxing exhibitions and N. Boggini . . 8 afternoon wrae toe guests O’Leary, Jlaf AatoM^, D!qg F to, ••••as ?v SatWno, flyraeuse, N. Tn 10. . Praottees to wrestling bouts in this state shall Combining the namea of Pop ^•w Market, Eng., O ct 10—(AP) Smith ...... e e e e • e John. Andlsio, proprietor toe N. Bbopni^ P|8 Vlaiee, Gen« Ronl, . 0 3 Etolybke, ^JCass.—.Lon AnObiF, o f o f ehuge toe form .of the ticket uii- WamSr and Claude B. TbonhiU In­ —^Lord Derby's Qutootoit ruled * R. Fraser .. Oak' stfeet Tavern. ’The manage- Henry StuzfMn, R. Fraser, H. e e • e. 7 4 Itotiktiaor, N. 'f-i outpointid JOhany til such change has been approved to a coined word, Sfiutford gridiron cod tevorite at 18 to todiqr fbr tka H. Fraser .. ment-(ff the West Sides takes this 8 Fraaer, L. Johnimi, J. mitoleit, Oor- e e e • e •. 6 8 C a tto ,' New York, lO; - by the State Athletic Commis­ fans are terr ng the Indiana 19S8 Ceaarewitek, grw t -tottuku) 'kaott' < portu ity to thank toe owner for na ahd Gene Itorlob. Sturgeon ... • .14 > 5 Albany,. ■ N. T.—Ebnor CScoona^ 9 0 sioner.”, .. ■ ..___ __, . of-footbaD, the '‘Thdrher*' tys- C19 , Be run h w i Jehniion .V.. Ida hoq^tattta;; ^ • see e'e. 4 ..- 0 It to ^ i i it l e « » o£ this fiommis- '1 tom. wur at^lftoe iBS « la tw o • e a-o/aw-^ X 0 LOST AND FOUND AUIDMOBILES FOR SALE 4 BOARDERS WANTED 59^A BOUSES FOR JtBNT with gt^ vofeps M the riders strag- She returtittt . W* took un- died ih by twoa and four*. siBiltng. ■ V' LOST—PASS BOOK No. 22.62S— 1988 WILLT8 SEDAN, 1938 WUlys FRONT BEDROOM With bdsrd, for r e n t s OF EVEK2 Des^pOon Oui and a alanoar, blond girl “ThatB vbe Barbara,” he Notice is hereby given that Pass Coupe, 1932 Chevrolet Coadx, 1929 , gentlemen, reasonable, private and price. Siiiglea, flats, tenements Joan bad not aaan b a f^ mat her said. "LmVa L FORSrMtf.6>J0 Book No. 22,528 issued by The Ford Plckiq), 1928 Ford Coupe, family. 3 Oakland street, one block —no charge. Dial 8601. John F. and Jim as they came out of the Jim opened tile ear door and Savings Bank of Manchester has 1927 Dodge Coupe. Cole Motors, from Main. Telephone 448L Shannon, 79 Russell street garden. “Jakn, I’ve bean looking Joan got in. “iJI'eet?” he asked. been lost or destroyed, and written at the Center. 6463. all over for ^u! Was^tifls a c- She noddeA ai^ Jim’* car shot Waribliteton, Oct. • applicatian has been made to said TO RENT —SEVERAL desirable total of 3b ^f^ipBeationk five, six and seven room bousea, spiracy of Jlmfs?” Not waiting for bank by the Person in whose name APARTMENTS—FLATS— a reply Carol went on,''^Joan, this Bob had been m er^ polite, Joan Oonnectient poatinasterabtp* single and doutfie; alsor h n te d such book was issued, for payment FOR SALE—1930 FORD roadster, TENEMENTS 68 is Enid Frendi.” decided. U nl^ he cared for Bar­ been Bled with the etvtt t e i m very cheap |125. Call 4333. apartments. Apply Edward J. HoU, bara why had they e^me in from miwsfaffi today, the ftiiaJ date F-'/ of the amount of deposit represent­ BOB WBkTON, son of a mB- "You. all Weren’t riding?” queried ed by said book, or for the issuance FOR 'RENT—^AT .26 Elro street Phone 4642 a^d 8025. the ride so much later than the receipt of apidicatioos. v \ FORDS— i m r o a d s t e r ! 1929 Uoeatre, Is In love with JOAN Enid. of a duplicate l^ k therefor. first floor, modem five room flat others? Alxubst a tihour! Why tiad The offlcee, ealaxy'pald by,-aaai‘ \ coupe, 1929 roadster, 1928 1^ ton WABING, pretty Memphis girL “You couldn’t drag Jim on a they stayed ajone all afternoon, Mi,FrCh« Brown’s Garage, West Center FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement WANTED TO RENT— furnished tOm, pbatt. He flnt saw Joan on as wen dress. We'U probably be all assume that Bob and Barbara TE. R. Bergin, J; Tnft.iftng daily trip to Middletown garage. Inquire 33 Lewis street* Mr. Hoover, State Theater. Tele­ honw from CoDege becaose of her I forgot' to them we .were go­ ’They drove in silence for a vdfile dan and Patrick L. Bhea. < • and return. For details Phone 3089. phone 7832. family’s jlnsneial dUOoaltles. ing to Kay Tront’a barbecue.” and then Jim said suddenly: South NiMrwalk, $3,700^Tbomaa'^ MOVING—TRUCKING— FOR RENT—6 HUDSON street l%e Wsrlngs have Htrie money. “W h y ?” asked Blnld curiously. “You’re lovely, Joan.- I’m afraid P. Horan. STORAGE 20 two modem six room tenements. Joan’s fatiter, a memher of an Carol’s laugh was a little embar­ I’m going to fall hard for you. But Westport, $8,860!—John J. Mut^ AUIDMOBILES FOR SALE 4 Phone 6573. HOUSES^ FOR SALE 72 aristooratlo family* tdUed hiiweif rassed as she glanced at Joan. you seem very troubled. Are you phy and James E. DriacoU. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE years betoru. MBS. WABING longs “There’s no telling when those twd trou bled?” Clinton, $2306—Jdheph J. KdMy, FOR SALE—1923 Studebaker light moving, general trucking, Uvory FOR SALE—SMALL PLACE on fo r her dsu$d>terB to have tim so­ win come in. We haven’t seen a “Yes,” Joan answered honestly. Ernest R. Knopf end Frank Re!uy. six touring car. Very cheap. Call service, bur affiliation with United MODERN FIVE room lower flat at Hartford Road, 7 rooms, odbps, cial poUtlon denied her. Joan’s shadow of them since they left. ‘W h y ? ” Darien, $2,700—^Paul F. Sherraa. 6145. Vans Service means lower rates on Oak Place. Telephone 5555. garage, fruit trees and half acre yoonger sister, PAT, loves pleas- Isn’t it ridiculous the way people ‘Td rather not answer, I Rockville, $2,800—F. G. Harten- furniture moving to distant polnte. stein, Daniel P. HoHoran, Maurice ' Wk BUy, SELL and exchange used land. Price $2500. ’Two 5 room are°and pretty cloilies. She is in­ will pair off?” shouldn’t have come to this house Large modem trucks, experleneod FOR RENT—TWO THREE and fatuated with JEBBY FOBBEST- L Spurling, John J. McKenna aad cars all makes and models. Armory singles, built 8 years, oak floors 'T m beginning to be quite In party, for one thing." men, prompt service, all goods in­ four room furnished or unfurnished EB, son of her emidosw. “She’s Intorestoc'ln Westim,”'Jim George Foster. Oarage, 60 Wells street Telephone and trim, French doors, hot water sympathy with it,” ^Hm grinned. sured while In transit are features apartments. Manchester Construc­ BARBARA COURTNEY, a So­ decided. “And that dumb idiot has Springdale, $2,400 — J. H. Fahey, 687A ' and steam heat. Owners out of “Nice, s«i$lble pastime.” offered at no extra expense to jroa tion Co. TeL 4131 or 4359. ciety girl * whom Bob knew In New given her the gate for a gUtedged Mrs. Evelyn V. Kearney, Mrs. NUm town. Can sell foa $3700 each. Joan was glul they were moving Dally trips to New fork, Dagga^ York, is scheming to win him edition of 1933 sophlsticaticm.’’ B. Dredericks, P. R. Ditivy, C. T, DELMONT STREET, near Main, 6 James J. Rohan, Telephone 7433. toward the house, glad afi this Want Ad Information usllvered direct to steamship piers. Barbara invites Bob to a house meaningliess chatter made it un­ An automobile flashed past them /Purdy, W. A . Weed, Walter G ' room s, 6l11 improvements. Dial For further information call 3063. party given by GABOL SHE:iu - necessary for her to talk just then. and Barbara waved. Jim, grinned. Stev^ut aad Hector Langevin. 4618. 8860, 8864. Perrett A Glenney, Ina DAN. At first he refuses to go A few minutes later she was Well, perhaps he had been wrong. Stonlngton, $2,400—Mafluti l i , Majichester Ptaite. FOUR AND SIX room tenements. beoapse of plans which include mechanlcaUy beginning prepara­ The Weston chap was driving like SILVER LANE BUS LINE Offer the Evening Herald Charter Oak itieet 3 minutes CURB QUOTATIONS Joan. Then Barbara obtains an tions for a bath, tucking up her the very dkvU. People It love usu­ accommodation of their large Oe- SCHOOL IS ROBBED from Main. Apply 83 Charter Oak. invitation for Joan also, hoping hair, securing the cloudy mass with ally moved more slowly. CLASSIFIED Luxe bus for lodge, party or team Bob win be dtstnasloned when he (To Be Ctmtinned) Phone 8862. hair pins. The dark, troubled eyes Bridgeport, Oct 10—(AP)—Rob­ ADVERTISEMENTS trips at special rates. Phone 3063, Amer SCup Power 3% dlsoDvers Joan does not belong to in the mirror met hers and she 8860, 8864. their crowd. bers who entered the Roger Ludlow* FOR RENT—5 ROOMS, all im­ Assd Gas and E lec ...... 2% smiled faintly. Pat would be call­ CHANGED MINDS high schol in Fairfield last nl|^t or Count elx averax* w ord to a llaa The first afternoon of the house provements, rent very low. Inquire Amer Sup Pow ...... l ^ ing her a prize sap to show her early today battered the office safe Initials numb«|'a and abbravlatloni party Joan stays home because feelings so plainly. Anyone could each count aa a word and oomnonnd PAINTING—PAPERING 21 at 209 North Main street Depot Central States EUec ...... 2% East Hampton; Oct 10.—(AP)— with sledge hammers and pinch bars word! as two worda Minimum oost Is SqusLie. A sk fo r H. Mints. Cities Serv, p fd ...... 20% she has no riding suit. She meets see she was unhappy. The voters o f this town have ots Michael Foley, 46 1-2 Summer St United Gas ...... 3% time! Too beid you couldn’t have building loan. Last night in special t Consecutive Days .. 9 ots 11 eta Joan looked at the stranger and leaving the school, the thieves raid­ United L and P A ...... 4 smiled. “Hello,” she answered. been with us ” Barbara said. “How town meeting they decided on a ed the ice box in the school caf^ 1 Oay ...... I 11 otsi It ots RENTS NOW AVAILABLE in ill Util Pow and L t ...... 1% All orders tor Irrexular insertions PROFESSIONAL don’t remember seeing you do you feel now?" ' $100,000 loan. ’The selectmen also terlEL sections of the town, modem five Mavis Bottling ...... l% ‘1 will be oharxed at the one time rata SERVICES 22 this morning,” the jroimg man went "Much bette-,” Joan told her. were given authority to issue $44,- Using an old cap which they Special rates tor tong term every and six room tenemeuts from $18 "That’s good,” Barbara replied, 000 in bonds whldr-Vrill be needed found in the office, to muffle the day advertising given upon request. per month up. Arthur A. Knofla. on. “Was I blotto?” Ada ordered ter three or six days THERE ARE STILL three rooms Joan decided this was a varia­ her eyes still on Joan. After a mo­ with the federal loan. County CJom- noise, the burglars hammered off Telephone 5440 or 4859. TRIES TO KILL SELF mlssloner H. C. Hodge tvho had op­ and stopped before the third or fifth available at The Erickson Con­ tion of, “Where have you been all ment she opened the closet door the combination knob and with tlie day will be charged only tor the ao> valescent Home, 38 Gerard street €md began studying the colorful posed the loan, attended the Federal aid of other tools finally ripped tnal number of times the ad appear* RENT HUNTING? Tell us what Bridgeport, Oct. 10.—(AP)— my life?” and was intended to be For appointment please phone 7708 contents. Joan took a dark blue public works l»ard meeting at the away enough of the safe door to e'd, charging at the rate earned, but you want, we’ll take care of it for Charles Tomkins, 50, one-time city flattering. Capitol Friday and listened to ex­ no allowance or refunds can be made before 2 p. m. or after 5. "I came this afternoon,” she skirt and shorL youthful jacket allow them to remove the cash box. on six time ads stopped after the you, without charge. R. T. Mc­ clerk of Waterbury, according to from a hanger. It was a becoming planation of locm granting methods. Cann, 69 Center street Dial 7700. said. fifth day. police, was taken to St. Vincent’s outfit but tonight It looked home- He came back and favored the town BOXERS SUSPENDED No “till forbids"; display lines not “Oh—with Barbara’s Bob?” loan, which, however, is only half sold. REPAIRING 23 FOR RENT—THREE, FIVE and hospital today after he had slashed Joan hesitated. “Yea.” made^as it was. Barbara had se­ The HSrald will not be responsible his throat several times with a lected a light green woolen affair, the amoimt first advocated. Hartford, Oct. 10.—(AP)—Eddie MOWER SHARPENING, vacuum six room tenements, with all mod­ ‘T heard he brought an extra tor more than one incorrect insertion safety rsizor blade in an attempt to trimmed' vdth large metal buttons. McGraw of Ck>balt and Joey Rosala of any advertisement ordered for cleaner, washing machine, gun, em Improvements. Inquire at 147 along. But who would ever ima­ kill hlmslef. She laid beside It a smart, dark STRICKEN ON STREET of New Britain, boxers, were sas-t more than one tlma lock repairing, key making. Braitb* East Center street or Phone 7864. gine anyone as beautiful as you The inadvertent omission ol incor­ Tomkins, bleeding profusely, being an extra! You should be the green leather coat. pended today by Athletic Commis­ walte, 52 Pearl street Southington, Oct. 10 — (AP)— rect pubUcation of advertising will be FO R REINT— 6 ROOM flat, bottom walked, from his furnished room on leadhig lady. By the way, Fm Jim “It will be cool enough for a sioner Joseph P. Lawlor for partL rectified only by cancellation of the Thomas Kane, 62, of Southington, cipatlng in two bbuts within tte charge made tor the service 'endered. floor, steam beat furnished. In­ the third floor of 1066 Main street, W arfield.” wrap,” Barbara said carelessly. All advertisements most oontorm quire 82 Cottage or telephone 4332. to the second floor occupied by a Joan thought of her dark travel­ WEIS stricken by a hlart attack to­ prohibitory period of sevt i day*.. COUKSES AND CLASSES 27 ‘Tm Joan Waring.” day while w al^ g on Main street, In style, copy and typography with clothes shop, where he was met by “Now, we’re friends. Will you ing coat with a sense of misgiving. They appeared 6n a card in Hear regulations enforced by the publish­ BEAUTS CULTURE—Earn wMie WE HAVE A SUNNY 3 room Simon Rock, manager of the shop, Well, what was the difference? Her Eind died before a doctor could be Haven, Oct 3, and again at Mezi» ers and they reserve the right to please explain why I find a nice summoned. edit, revise or reject any copy con­ learning. Details free. Hartford apartment, that will make a com­ who knew him slightly. He mum­ girl like you roaming around like whole costume was wrong any den, Oct 6. sidered objectionable. Academ y at Hairdressing, 693 Main fortable home this winter, in the bled incoheiently to Rock about a little lost ghost? You really gave way. CLOSINQ HOURS—Classified ads to Johnson Block. Telephone ^917 or some grievance and told him: "I “All aboard, everybody!" Carol be published same day must be re­ street Hartford. me quite a start!” ceived by IS o'clock noon; Saturdays 3726i tried to reach the jugular vein, but I Joan answered simply: 'T didn’t said, enteilig the room. “Oh, 10:30 a. m. I can’t.” Rock got him a chair and bring riding clothes. Why didn’t you’re dressed, Joan. Would you FOR RENT—TENEMENT an d HELP WANTED—MALE 36 let him alt there on the landing you go with the others?” mind ninning down and rounding i m TELEPHONE YOUR garage. Ail improvemsnts-- ITL REAL SILK HOSIERY—“Real Silk while- he summoned an emergency “These merry canters are a pain up tie bunch? ^ myst help this WANT ADS. Summit street. Inquire 66 Oxf&rd hospital ambulance. in the neck to me. Fm incurably helpless infant dress. If I don’t Hosiery Mills will employ local street. we- won’t reach Kay^s until time Ads are accepted over the telephone representative for Manchester. lazy, as theyfi, tell you. Just bored at the CHARGB RATS given above FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat with by all these pretense- of having a for breakfest.” as a convenience to advertisers, but Write full details of experience. E. DIES AT AGE OF 98 Joan saw Carol glance sldewajrs the CASH RATES will be accepted as D. Enaigh, 502 Capitol Nat’l Bank all Improvements. Inquire 36 Rus­ good time.” “Then why did you come?” taking in hei appearance In one FULL PAYMENT If paid at the busi­ Bldg.,'Hartford, Conn.” sell street. Torrington, Oct. 10.—(AP)—E. ness office on or before the seventh He smiled. “The penetration of brief, app-alslng look. 'Then she J. Hopkins, 98, one of the oldest day followl.ng the first insertion of these young things! Well, if you lifted Barbara’s frock. "Barbie!” A MAN WITH CAR wanted tc ad­ FREE RENT—3 ATTRACTIVE residents of Litchfield county, died each ad otherwise the CHARGE must know, my child, I like the she exclaimed, “what a love! RATE will be collected. No responsi­ vertise our goods and distribute rooms with bath, located in Rock­ suddenly at his home here la^t bility for errors In telephoned ads Introductory packages to consum­ ville. Electricity, telephone Includ­ wines these fine old mansions af­ “Well, I won’t let a dress ruin night. He was for many years a the evening for me,” Joan thought will be assumed and their accuracy ers. Must be satisfied with 90c an ed, in return for services. Congeifi- ford. And the opportunity to lounge cannot be guaranteed. deacon of the Center Ckmgrega- She started down the stairs and hour at start .Write for full par­ al couple preferred. Apply box Y tional church here. He formerly around In comfortable surround­ ings. But I was very bored until was half way down when a door INDEX OF ticulars. Albert Mills, Route Mgr., Herald. References required. conducted a general store in Plaln- you came. From now on Fm at closed from the other side of the CLASSIFICATION& 2599 Monmouth, Qncinnati, O. vUle, and later was manager of a FOR RENT—ON MAPLE street, your service. What’s the pro­ upstain/ hall RlrthS ...... UK. .:...... •imm . trm A co-operative store ' here. He had four room tenement, also three g ra m ?” A voice called,, ‘W alt a moment, Engagements B lived in Torrington over sixty Marri.*' "es ...im.i.. pr..» C ‘T was planning to see the gar­ Joan!” SITUATIONS WANTED— room apartments, 42 Maple street. years. His wife died In January, Deaths ...... D Telephone 6517. den.” It was Jim. “Joan,” he said, “I Card ol T h a n k s...... E f e m a l e 38 1913, three years after they had hear the gang’s going to a farm­ In Memoriam ...... a F celebrated their golden wedding an­ The dark, frlendl3’ eyes met hers. FOR RENT — 21 CAMBRIDGE There was a humorou.*" gleam in house. Wfll 3TOU drive out with Lost and Found ...... 1 WANTED— DAYWOI^ 5 niversary. Announcements ...... I kind, by competent Swedish' wo­ street—Five room flat. Reasona­ them. “Great Scott, she comes on m e ?” Personals ...... 3 ble. Inquire on premises or 90 Joan hesitated. They were down AatoBsobfles man. References. TeL 4036. bouse parties to see gardens! It Automobiles for Sals ...... 4 School street, Burnside. simply isn’t done except' in moon­ stairs now. In the music room a Automobiles for Excharge ...» 6 light, Joan. But, to shov/ you what radio was turned on and seveial Auto Accessories—Tires ...... 6 SITUATIONS WANTED— a good sport I am, lead the way.” couples were dancing. Others were Auto Repairing—Painting «...-. 7 APAKTMEN'I'S—FLAl’S— Auto Schools ...... ; . . . . . » . r . 7-A MALE 33 Automobile He moved on beside her and playing bridge. She heard Barbara Autos—Ship by Truck 8 TENEMENTS 63 presently they were in the garden, laugh and looked upward. Bcu'bara Autos—For Hire eeeeeeees m • ^ WANTED—POSITION AS chauf^ Insurance sitting on a stene bench while Joan was coming down the steps ^ with Garages—Service—Storage » ... 10 feur, thoroughly imderstanding FOR RE3NT—FOUR room tenement amused him with her knowledge of Bob. her «UTn linked through his. Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... 11 in two family house. All Improve­ Wanted Autos—Motorcycles .... 12 chauffeur positioD, steady, reliable. LOW Rates the flowers and shrubs. One of those two had a perfect Bnslaess aad Professional Servleea Nine years with last employer. ments. Inquire 267 Oak street. To Prefereed Risks. “So those little green things sense of timing,” Jim said. Joan Business Services Offered ...... lH Best of r^erences. Write Box W, shoving through are narcissus! said attruptly, ‘Til be glad to go Household Sr‘rvices Offered ...... IS-A FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM, flat, (BEAD THE STORY, THE N COLOR THE nCTUBS) Building—Contracting ...... >• 14 Herald. Imagine your knowing that. And with you.” Shf thought his eyes modem improvements, furnace and met hers with a flash of under Florists—^Nurseries ...... a . 18 garage. 464 Hartford Road. Inquire Ererott T . that bush jronder is a peony. Oh, As Uttle Dimcy snoozed away, 'blbser, moving oa their- hands ^ d Funeral Directors...... a.. 16 m y!” standing. one o f the IndiEuis whispered, knees. , Heatin; Plumbing—Roofing .» 17 FUEL AND FEED 49-A 591 Center street “Hurray!” he said. “You really Insnranos ...... 18 McKinney He was absurd but entertaining. “Say, what is that youngster-doing They soon reached D rey's slds, And he. really liked her. Joan mean you’ll drive over with me?” Millinery—Dressmaking 19 FOR RENT-rSIX room tenement Beal Estate Insurance here? 'That’s what Fd like to Eoid then they aU dashed out of Moving—Trucking—Storage ... >0 FOR SALE—SLABS, Hickory and felt better already, comforted by ‘Whyr of course.” Joan tried to all improvements, 8 minutes from Manchester. know. sight again. The sudden scares they Painting—Papering ...... » 11 oak. Selected fireplace wood, cut TeL 6280. his friendliness and Interest appear enthusiastic. "Id kxve to.” Professional Services ...... 23 to order. C. A. Staye. Dial 3149. Depo- Square, 17 Oakland street. ‘Tve never seen the. lad before, all g ot C E une when Duncy chanced Repairing ...... ; ...... 23 Telephone 8671. Suddenly the lawn resounded She was thinking it had been fear that trouble is in store. to sneeze. fortunate that she. had met Jim Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... 34 FOR SALE—HARD WOOD for What say we try to sceu* him ? Toilet Goods and Service • • •Tt • 38 just then. At least she need not Wanted—Business Service » .... 36 stove, furnace and fire place. Chas. Maybe that will make him go!” ^Just wait,” said one. “He sesm BUSINESS LOCATIONS stand about! miserably watching Another said, “I hope you’re 'vrill be right back in slum ber- Bdaeatlonal Heckler, telephone Rosedale 13-13. AUCTION! HOUSEHOUl FUBNITUBK AUCmON! Courses ano Classes 37' FOR RENT 64 Bob shower attentions or Barbara. rig h t Ctome on, we’ll yeU with an land. You’ll see!” And sure enou$^ Private [nstruefton a • • wr* • • • • era a 38 A t tile Storage W arehouse o f Geturge E. Dewey ■ Ook ' Pat was right. Joan decided she our might Then we can hide be­ they shortly heard wee Duntty'start Dancing’ ...... x.S8-A 886 Trumbull Street, Hartford, Conn. GARDEN—FARM— LARG E f r o n t OFFICE room, didn’t know the least thing about hind some treea He won’t know to snora Musical—Dramatic ...... 39 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1988, AT 10:80 A. M. 829 Main street Apply G. S. Keith men. How silly she had oeen to what to think. Then, up they rushed. My, what Wanted—^Instruction ...... 80 DAIRY PRODUCTS 5Q (Under Cover Rain or Shine) PlaauetiU Furniture Co. inuigine Bob cared for her! “No doubt, he’ll, start to . look a riglit They tied po<^ Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages » . . . 81 FOR SALE—GREIEIN Mountain po­ SEVERAL LOTS OF HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Some Lots in- around Euid then, whSn not a thing real tight. ’The lad was. so munb- Business Opportunities . . . . m . . . 83 olndiiig high grade fumiture, and consisting of: BadlOs, Pianos, large Money to Loan ...... tS tatoes. Thomas Burgess, Wapplng, STORE FOR KENT—37 Oak street He was coming toward her. is found, he’ll likely get excited found^ all he said was, '^natis Help aad SItaatioBS telephone Rosedale 60-2. Just oilf Main. Cheap to right peuiy. assortment of Books, living Boom Suites, Upholstered Chairs, Beds, and then leave here in a irink.” this for?" • • * Vaniti^ Dressers, caiiffonlers,. Wicker Furniture, Day Beds, Conches, “Joan, we’re shoving . off,” he Help Wanted—Female ...... 38 C. R. Bimr, telephone 416L “Don't say a word,” one mdlai Help Wanted—Male ...... 36 Victrola, Antique Clock, Low Boy, EUgb Boy, Dining Boom Furniture said. Joim was suddenly tense. The FOR^ SATiE— NXJM Bi*iR-ONE Green sound of her name on his Ups, the Just aslhey were about to yell, pal5L “ W e've c ^ tu r e d . j^ou. N ow, Salesmen Wanted ...... 36-A TO RENT—OFFICES AT 865 Main including TaU ^ Chairs, Servers, Qiina Closets, Buffet, library Table, Help Wanted—Male or Female .. 37 Mountain potatoes. Orders solicited eEusy friendUness Edmost disanned a. thlril"’'^sm^ Indian Said, “Fll use your head and do what e’er street (Orford Bldg.) Apply Eld- St^ Ladders^ Bngfi, Lanqis, Tip Top Table, Gas Plate, IMDrrors, Agents Wanted ...... «.S7-A for winter. Inquire Chas. E. her. teU you vdiat would be a better *we ;you to. ’Then nothing wffl Situations Wanted—Femals...... 88 ,Thresher, Buckland. TeL 6046. ward j ; HolL TeL 4642 and 8025. Andirons, Gatdeg KHohen OaUnets, Sewing Machine, Sewing Situations Wanted—Male ...... 29 “Joan’s coming with me,” 'Jim jfian. Let's rope the little se*mp. g o wTcmg. " ■ ■ ■ ■ ' Cabinet, Bo

and NONSENSE ANO still they vyON*T'‘BIV« th e 3 ktppm AK H.R.A. HEMBCaSHlpJ

XHB PACB ICan—I thitik that when n man a f t e r T H IS ^ M E . 1 60PMRA I marries he should give up Us club. SAV,1 From here to there I madly daah. TUAST MA^30R HOOPL6 I'M TPACKNNS ■DOM4 S4TH* For vdiat or whom Fve quite forgot­ Neighbor—Oreat Scott! That’s cofAPuawrr ten, just the time he needs It most „Ave s*'®*’^!**? MADt ^& O 0 SOME WAV. ^•DO/VNTH« m o o s e ! lt*s just tear the Uve-loog day; BOOHPQR#? IF 80MBX3NE ELSE DOES WnrvA HVS PET STORE — HE PUT TH' WASP Sometimee I wish that I were rotten ON ME LAST SPRING* N E A P ID i’ A In, a nice deep quiet place YOUR THINKING FOR YOU, YOU AMD HE SAVE TH' STORE ARE PROBABLY DOING THEIR where I could quit this hectic pace; ^ « 6 P TO SNUEFV hAOOSAM? TOR TEN, AN' SA\0 Etut here I am and there I go WORK FOR THEM. ^ I MUST iink he merely hangs his hat on it. ( A fter the question, “ Shall We Do It? ” comes the question, “Hdw Can We Finance It ? " which is the reason FLAPPERMa.uaeAT.orr. FANNY______SAYS they so often don’t. c > , ^ fc.— j t retttm fm, IMI) Judge->I imderstand, madam, that you want a divorce, but mi what, SCORCHY SMITH A Fanatic Savage By John C. Terry groimds? Woman—Any, your honor, as long N STAY RIGHT where 1 as he ain’t allowed on them. YOU A R E r y

’The two great agencies used to T>OmV V\OVt, FtLLFR ,OR redistribute great fortunes are tax­ i 'll let 'dxj HAVE rr ♦ ation and offspring. Young Man—^Now, darling, do tell me how you first came to know of your love for me? /■ His Sweetie— Oh, suddenly I no­ ticed that I became a n g ^ when everybody called you an idiot. “ Congress has over-taxed about everything in this country," says a local poUtician, "but nothing quite so much as the public’s patience." The young man had asked the big business man for his daughter’s hand. -Big Business Man—You work, I WASHINGTON TUBS IJ By CYane OUT OUR WAY believe, to r Blank and Company. ■tUEREl WOmO y MAXES'. SORE O H , y — i T What are your prospects of promo­ I I TEU YOU? ir s \ LOOKS LIKE tion? PA-/S TO T'H WOPE. BOOTO ON a t M\GWT. Young Man The very best in the TH’ LOST 60LD YOU'RE RIGHT, iM FACT.TKET’o VNvAo T THe«=>e. LUGrf=>, It’s irritating to muster up MINE. I BETCHA / PObNER whole office, sir. My Job is the E R ‘B T P a P-TACWS , »E> PAPTLy FER. nerve to go to the dentist and AMYTHIN6 tTlSj lowest one we’ve g o t than have him take it from s^n. CCyCTE.E» VsJVuL DPAGr OFT A klWThHm ' M a d e O' LEATHER , AM' iT HAiKrT MO F^Ni 9 e »m ' l e f t B a r e f o o t m IM A COunlT R -/ s o F u V-V. o ’ F?ATruESNAV

mau.ap»T.Ofr. ^ Th e B e d t im e s t o r v ^«\^£j[2!JjElJ5»JE222J2Si e ina by m* anviea mc. SALESMAN SAM Sam’s Wise To Charleyl o e i o e a ■S tuHAT A €AlO, Pa R.TME«. - GEFORe (09. 0 0 , (7S

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PTfo A vk*. X W it a a i e-.v v-f < i ' >\ PAGE TWELVE wx ■y -f- lira. O. a. Anderaon, lira. A. h . Mr*. Walter Weeder at Adam s Tha Manoheater Motfam uiub Sunaet Rebekah drill team gav« a mm. Raed and lira. SHsa Koehler are the ateMt entered the Hartford hoq^tal wm hold ite regular meeting Friday auccessful bridge in Odd . FHknVi ABOUT TOWN committee In charge of the harvest yesterday and expects to undergo an evening at 8 o’clock in the Omter. hsOl last night. First Prisea watb supper which the Coventry Frag­ eye operation tomorrow. Congregational chun^ The guest won by Mitb. Parker and' Rudof(df ment society serve tomorrow Swanson, second' by Mrs. P. Nelecm Tbe members of tl}e Bluellelds spealter :wlU be T o^ Treajmrer evening from 6 to ^ o’clock at the and J. Anonsoiing a week-end re­ lie Marks of 97 Main streiet Mrs. h a l e s SELF'SEnVE: Doctor and Mrs. Thomas H. treat for Catholic women at the Wittmann and Mrs. McRay will as­ Weldon have returned to their home academy of Hamilton Heights, Hart­ s is t W ednesday on Porter street after spending the ford, Friday evening, October 27 to G R O CEPY * month of September at their cot­ Simday evening, October 29. The (Store Goses At tVelve O’clock Sharp.) tage at Crescent Beach. fee is 65 and only a limited num­ ber can be accommodated. It is Atlantic Rayolite y The merchants’ bow l^ league urged that those desiring to attend will begin playing tonight at the make reservations as soon as pos­ A Special Purchase For Wednesday! Charter Oak alleys. Six teams have sible by addressing Mt. St. Joseph’s signed up. RANGE Wednesday Morning Alumni association, Hamilton Heights, Hartford, or by conferring Manchester Grange will hold its with Miss Marguerite Bengs, 1200 on. 100 Pairs! Marquisette r^fular meeting tomorrow evening* Main street. Regular users of this oil eiaim Specials in Odd Fellows hall. The degree tiiey have found none better. work will be omitted but a program will be presented during the lectur­ The Cecillan club will hold its Under 15 gaOons. .lOl^c gaL Store Ooses At Noon Sharp. Ruffled Curtains er’s hour. It is hoped as many of regular Tuesday evening rehearsal 15 gallons or more, SYzc gaL the Grange members as possible will tonight at the South Methodist Ovir curtain section features be present. church. L T. WOOD CO. 61 BisseD Street Tel. 4496 Land O-Lakes Batter another “buy” for this Wednesday morning. Finest quality, plain marquisette FOR SALE I ruffled curtains with Priscilla SEVEN BOOM BUNGALOW— tops. FVU ruffles. 214-yards in Manchester Green section. Im­ provements. About acre of land. 2 -> 5 5 ' long. Cream only. Today’s 66,600. Easy Terms. EDWABD J. HOLL Table butter unexcelled! Today’s replacement price 79c. 866 Main Street Phone 4642 79c Grades Curtains—^Main Floor, left

International Ideal Not-A-Seed To See Is To Buy Our S a lt...... pkg. 3c Raisins .. .2 for 15c Wednesday Only! White Control Your Outing I^lannel Full StrMigtb (Oder) FURNACE Sheffield Vinegar ... gal. 29c Pure Milk...... 3 for 16c Includes gallon Jug. lOo re­ 9 c yd. Wednesday Automatically Wednesday morning only! fund on aU clean Jugs. Extra heavy quality, plain white HEBE’S A TREAT IN STORE FOR YOU! outing flannel. 27 inches wide. Silk Hose Wednesday morning only—9c! NEWTON ROBERTSON’S Main Floor, left fo r a Aisle Specials Butter Biscuits doz. 19c 25c Woodbury lihiecoal’ They’ll melt in your mouth! Facial Soap HEAT REGULATOR Sound, White Northern Spy LEATHER HANDBAGS Cabbage... 2 lbs.’3c Apples...... lb. Ic # Substandards of TOP running to the cellar—con­ .Our $1.00 Grades In calf, grain leathers, in brown, black, ^ ^ 7 7 S trol the beat of your home muio- maticMl/y from upatairs. End over­ CHASE SANBORN “DATED” Limit two cakes to a customer. etc., bags worth much more, for ...... ^ A • / / S t Women certainly will be out for this heating—^keep an even, healthful, The facial soap that Is good for aU value tomorrow morning. It Is Im­ complexions. comfortable temperature always. COFFEE lb. possible for us to buy a pure silk hose Main Floor, right BATH MATS You can do this with a 'blue c(^ ’ at 59c today. These are substandards Heat Regulator at a coat of only Always fresh roasted—^it’s dated! of one of our regular Sl-00 grades. Bath mats, slightly soiled, not all colors, for plus a imMl charge for in- Chiffon and service weights. New Rea-Rita Vz PRICE staUatioa. Phone ns today for a free fall shades. As this Is a Wednesday demnnstratioo—see for yourself. special, we advise shopping before Tissues f ------r ...... -o noon! ------9 • WOMEN’S HOSIERY HALES Hosiery—^Main Floor, left Full fashioned silk hosiery, service weight, C f o r ...... 0 7 C MOTOR 180 sheets In each package. White HEALTH MARKET Last Time At and peustels. Main Floor, right •SSA»4SK>RMES This Price! MEN’S HALF HOSE Always A Best-Seller! Men's fancy half hose in rayon mixtures, C f \ ^ Initialed 8 pairs f o r ...... O v / C Shoulder Steak Handkerchiefs BREAKFAST CLOTHS DRAFT pound l i e 2 J c each 54x54, all linen breakfast cloths, values The W . G. Glenney Co. Fine linen handkerchiefs. A large to $1.25, f o r ...... # 7 C Coal, Lumber, Masons’ Supplies, Best quality steer beef! Wednesday morning only at Ho Initial in pastels. For school or Paint. pound. business! 886 No. Main St. TeL 4149 MEN’S PAJAMAS Main Floor, front Men’s outing flannel pajamas, coat A ^ 1 C A LL FOB Pottery style or middy, fo r ...... O J c A O RANGE 1 lb. Pigs Liver With the cotton prices advanc­ Jardinieres OIL ing, we doubt if we can ever BOYS’ WASHTOP SUITS VALOCO Yz lb. Bacon again offer these crepe gowns Best By TestI at 79c. Fashioned of “Wash- Fresh pigs’ liver—sliced. anrede” Windsor crepe. Peach, Sizes 4 to 9, broadcloth top, wool C Q 15 Gallons or More.... SVzC And sugar cured, rindless, sliced bacon. pink, white with applique trim. pants, regular $1.95, f o r ...... 0 1 * 0 7 Good and full—and long! Seven-Inch size jardinieres. Col­ Less Than 15 Gallons. .l^VzC Gowns—Main Floor, rear. orful glazed pottery. Just tho thing for your plants this winter. B asem ent MAGAZINE RACKS \T A Keep Them Warm In Martha Washington magazine racks, ^ ^ Y /V ll d station “ Kozy Kid” 50c Cake in maple, well made, for^...... v I V / Phone 3866 W hat A Pan Sets 426 Hartford Road The Wirtalla Dancing School Value! At Orange Hall Children’s Classes Begin Friday and Saturday, October 13 and 14 The flrst time we’ve offered • Early Delivery Schedules: “checker-board” set at OH« price. Three pieces. 8:00 A. M. - D i a l 4 i $ i 4 P. M. Friday, Beginners under 8 years. p i N E m m s T 2 P. M. Saturday, Toe and Aesthetic Dancing. Oval Basem ent 8 P. M., All Beglimers over 8 yem^ They’U be Monarch Private Lessons by Appointment. Torridaire BUDGET SPECIAL STEAKS snug and Rag Rugs You Can Get —so tender that they wiU melt 86 Benton Street Tel. 5287 Heating Pads in your moath.. .at a special Wheat Hearts warm in these 2 DEUCIOUS LAMB price for Wednesday that you heavy sleep­ DINNERS FOR can’t resist... ers. Drop seat. A cereal same type as Cream Plnehurst QoaUty Short A a Rubber but­ Steaks, tt>...... * 1 . 0 0 4 4 h c ^ o f W heot. tons. Sizes I If you bqy one of our 7-pound Plnehurst Porterhouse a Steaks, lb ...... C Large package to 6. Linen thread rugs in pastds Regular retail price $l.©a SHOULDERS OF LAMB for Wednesday.momlng only at 89c. 89c, and have os out five or six RANGE & FUEL OILS / with black border effects. Oval Main iloor, shape; size, 22x38 inches. A It heats itself—just aiU a few meaty shoulder lamb chops off, Large, Plump o We Handle Only The Best! drops of water. and fix the rest of the hunh for weU made, good-w earing rug at BROILERS, ea. O O C rear. $ 1.0 0 ! stewing. 17c Whwi In Need Of Range Or Fuel Oil Main Floor, right Large enough to serve 8. Basem ent PHONE 5293 PINEHUBST dibSES AT NOON WEDNESDAY . • • • Meat Suggestions: Vegetable Offerings SPEQALS The Bantly Oil Co. Wednesday Morning Specials at House’s White Mushrooms. 155 Center Street Manchester Fresh Ground r% H New Carrots. Ivory Soap, . O Q ^ Men’s Handkereliiefg, Beef, lb...... ibO C Bunch Beets.' Celery. 6 bars ...... ^ 7 C Men’s Broadcloth Finest Unew. Ripe Red Tomatoes. Chipped Dried c% Arrow Borax 15c Beef, Yi lb...... s L d L C Stringless Soap, 3 bars . . . . Iv IC Shirts Cashmere Hose, ' Green Beans, O C Legs of Lamb, c% a Dill Pickles, ^ Men’s fine caahaeN hoM to 2qts...... C s O C lb...... Z 4 c 3 f o r ...... 1 6b C natural, oxford and kiatlMr. White $ Honeycomb Tripe, OO Fancy Native Potatoes, Otto Stahl Frankfurts, 4 p r 8 . $ i : ; peck 35c. lb...... ZZC Bhie M a___ ^ Native Sweet Potatoes^ » a D a u » i 0 c , Coat SwcaMtl;' Large or Small 3 Dm . lOe. uzzero, navy. . Link Sausage, OC Hard Cabbage, each 10c. Wednteday nienilng only at this lb...... a.,.. AnoUier Shipment of Pekoe, Orange Pe­ SAVINOl WeU taUomL Ffincy Green koe or Ceylm Tea Soup Bmies. Q 7 Peas, 2 qts. . . O f C SMtCOFBMSI TCPUIS OF 1UE AMQEinS Veal CnUets. Penders. S^nach. 1 9 c THE M cGo v e r n GRAfUTB CO. Slip-on Sweaters VealCtopa. Caolillower. • Ilrnt weight iBftiMHuu

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