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Sandspur, Vol. 37 No. 13, January 11, 1933

Rollins College

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STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 37 No. 13, January 11, 1933" (1933). The Rollins Sandspur. 358. THE WORLD Established Play VIEWED In 1894 Friday Night AT ROLLINS By EGJ ttoiuns anii0pur WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, JANUARY 11, 1933 The passing of Calvin Coolidge arises as the most astounding and fludden news-shock America has re­ ^^Holiday^^ to be given Ten Students Join ceived since the Lingbergh kid­ naping ten months ago. It was COLLEGE WILL January 27, Is Next WORLD FLASHES Student Body For \ De. BEARD ID I only after the former leader of the FROM THE UNITED PRESS- I nation had passed on that we learn­ Workshop Production Winter Term Here ed of his recent illness, which had Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 11 (UP)— company which holds caused him considerable distress FLOIA "HoMday" "by Philip Barrf, a Governor Gifford Pinchot appeared estate. The names of ten students were j but was not considered dangerous. modern sophisticated comedy based unexpectedly today on the floor of added to the Rollins records dur- j The tributes accorded Mr. Cool- on a philosophical idea, to be pre­ the Senate and demanded that that Lakehurst, N. J., Jan. 11 (UP)— ing the Winter Term registration, i idge's achievements are typically sented Friday, January 27, in the body discipline Senator George L. The naval dirigible, Akron, return­ Five of these students are new to i worthy of the last ex-president's E iURAT Annie Russell Theatre, will offer Read of Dauphin county for a ref­ ed the air station here today af­ the college. The remainder are HDLT'S STAFF work, and the immediate suspen­ great contrast in its plot, charac­ erence Reed made to Mrs. Cor­ ter an uneventful flight from Mi­ those who have previously attend­ sion of business by the New York 132nd Anniversary of Pioneer ters and setting as compared with [ nelia B ryce Pinchot, wife of the ami, Florida, where it was based ed Rollins. Classmate Of President To Stock Exchange and the adjourn­ "Philip Goes Forth" and "Alison's I governor, in an attack on the ad­ The new stuednts are: Prince To Be Held during maneuvers in connection Aid in Financial and ments of the Senate and House of House," the two preceding produc­ ministration Monday night. "I with the All-American air races. Raymond Clark, of Cleveland Representatives when those organ­ January 21 tions of the Workshop. cannot possibly horsewhip a sena- ; Ohio, a transfer from Trinity Col­ Religious Work izations learned of his death mark Under the guidance of Miss Eliz­ tor, however much I' may desire to ' Madrid, Jan. 11 (UP)—Premier lege. unusual gestures of reverence. Dr. William S. Beard, former The name of a distinguished abeth Ransom, instructor of cos­ and however much a senator may Manuel Azana and Minister of the Hughes ^ellen, of Winter Park, Florida. executive secretary of the National The prompt reaction of the na­ pioneer in the early .Colonial his. tume design in the Rollins art de­ deserve it," the governor declared. Interior Santiago Quiroga were partment, the clothing of the ac­ James Tullis, of Northfield, Congregational Laymen's Advisory tion's humorists to the surprising tory of Florida will be honored at authorized today to declare a state tralgedy is demonsti-ated by the Rollins College Saturday, January tors and actresses is being care­ Ohio. Committee, New York, N. Y., has Baltimore, Md., Jan. U (UP)— of seige or modified martial law case of the musical comedy success 21, when the 132nd anniversary of fully selected, and where not oth­ Carol Hoidale, of Minneapolis, a accepted a call from Rollins Col­ wherever they considered it neces­ "Of Thee I Sing," the book of thei birthday of Prince Achille erwise available, is being made by A fortune estimated at seven mil­ transfer from the University of lege to assist in the financial pro­ sary to prevent seditious move­ which contained two derisive ref­ Murat is commemorated under the students. lion dollars awaits the son of Libby Minnesota. gram and the religious work of Holman Reynolds born last night ments. Extremists outbreaks in the institution. President Hamilton erences to Mr. Coolidge, the rath­ spices of the Department of His­ Hollis Mitchell, scene technician, Evaline McNeil, of Chicago, a n a Philadelphia hospital, accord­ Barcelona and Valencia had died Holt announced recently. er poignant lines were changed for tory. is supervising the building of a transfer from the University of ing to statements of the local trust (Continued on Page 2) the next performances of both the Prince Achille, who was a citi- setting to suit the requirements of Chicago. In developing the financial pro­ original New York production and n of Florida between 1822 and the play. Those students who have return­ gram, Dr. Beard will be attached the company on tour, now in Mil­ 1847 when he lived on a large The Rollins Players appearing ed to Rollins are: Robert Fuchs, to President Holt's, staff. In his waukee, so that no such disrespect­ grant of land near Tallahassee, was in "Holiday" will be Eleanor Sloat Hodgson, Barbara Donaldson, religious work, he will act as an ful allusions were heard. a nephew of Napolean I and an Wright, Kathleen Hara, Dolores GLEE CLUe HOLDS Eleanor Goldsmtih, Herma Jeffries assistant to Dr. Charles A. Camp­ intimate friend of Napoleon III, of Wylie, Rosamond Carson, Hollis and Hazel Steuer. bell, dean of Knowles Memorial The National Air Races which Washington Irving and Ralph Wal­ Mitchell, Robert Currie, Walter Chapel. closed in Miami last Sunday were do Emerson. His wife was a great- Perkins, Jack Kelsey, Homer Cud­ FIRST CONCERT WELL ATTENDED Dr. Beard was a classmate of not distinguished by as many niece of George Washington. He more, Isabelle Stearns, Bryan Ow­ Dr. Holt at Yale and a graduate thrills as were attendant at the has been described as a man "who en, and Olive Bickson. of the Yale Divinity School. He Cleveland races in the past two fought the Seminole Indians with Folk Songs, Negro Spirituals Dr. Holt Addresses Students is a product of "The Little Church years. New records were entirely Governor Call, relished eating ev­ And Chanteys Given On Unity and Co-operation on the Hilltop" at South Killingly, lacking, and in spite of the para­ ery living animal, reptile and bird Conn., where his father for twen­ chute jump from a height of only Florida with the exception of At the chapel service held last RDSSELL THEATRE ty-four years was pastor. Follow­ The Rollins Glee Club gave its •200 feet made by a pilot when he the turkey buzzard, and wrote PlIINGS ARE Sunday an exceptionally large ing ip his father's steps and en­ first concert of the year last eve­ lost control of his ship, the 1933 e books describing life and gov­ number of students as well as Win­ "Human Engineering" Sub­ tering the Congregational minis­ ning in the Annie Russell Theatre. 'model of the contests failed to at­ ernment in pioneer America." ter Park residents turned out to try. Dr. Beard became pastor at The program consisted of folk ject of Talk Last Week tain the high standard set ,by the hear President Hamilton Holt the Durham, N. H., Community The Murat celebatioTi will in­ songs, Russian, English and Ger­ •previous meets. make his first address since his Doctor Arthur Frederick Shel­ Church which served the students clude a dinner sponsored by Les man, with the closely allied negro The reason for the move from ances Francaises of Florida in­ absence in the north. don, the founder of the new philo- of New Hampshire University. In Pfister's Worlis Are Displayed spirituals and sailor chanteys. The He had chosen as his subject, phy of "Human Engineering," was 1908 he returned to Connecticut and •-Cleveland to the Southern city was cluding the chapters at Orlando, male quartet, under the direction At Studio "Unity and Co-operation" and dis­ introduced by Dean Anderson at took a pastorate at Willimantic. ithe failure of the 1932 summer Jacksonville, Tampa, St. Peters­ of Bruce Dougherty, presented sev­ races in the Ohio center to prove burg, Miami, and other cities; a cussed this subject as it applied the Annie Russell Theatre Satur­ A thirty-mile radius from Willi­ eral songs. Members of the quar- day morning, January seventh, to ' successful financially—the deficit lecture by Baron d'Estoumelles de Jean Jacques Pfister, Swiss- to successful living. mantic includes "The Little White et included William Mosteller, bar­ speak briefly of his philosophy of was in excess of $50,000—and the Constant; and an exhibition of American artist and painter and "The University of Chicago and Church on the Hilltop" and two itone; Richard Wilkinson, bass; life. Doctor Sheldon was brought ;results of the new location's ef­ rare letters and documents relat­ ember of the Rollins College fa- Rollins College," Dr. Holt said, other churches which had been Edwin Libby, second tenor; and to Rollins through the special re­ fects on that phase will be watch­ ing to the life of Prince and Prin­ Ity, has on exhibition for the "are the only two accredited insti­ served in long pastorates by his Robert Currie, first tenor. quest and effort of Doctor Holt. ed with interest whe^ the final re- cess Murat in Florida which have next ten days a group of pictures tutions of higher learning in the uncle and his grandfather. The program of the concert con­ ;ports are made public. been gathered by Professor A. J. that he has finished in the past country that have eliminated the So vast a subject as outlined by sisted of the following numbers: In 1916, Dr. Beard became sec­ Hanna. two years. The exhibition is being time element in measuring the stu­ Doctor Sheldon necessitated for "Away to Rio," arranged by retary of promotion for the Con­ Following the Baron's address dent's accomplishment." Accord­ full comprehension much more : Two great liners have limped held at the Rollins Art Studio on Marshall Bartholomew. gregational Church Extension into port following battles with will be the exhibition of rare do­ Ollie Avenue and is open to the ing to an article w^ich he had read time than that alloted. However, Boards. Three years later he be­ "Shenendoah," and "What Shall in the time given, the subject of some of the highest waves ever cuments and mementos which Pro­ public, it is announced. and from which he quoted to the came campaign director for the We Do With a Drunken Sailor?" "Human Engineering" was effec­ experienced in the wide experience fessor Hanna has been collecting Pfister, celebrated the world congregation, the former institu­ Pilgrim Memorial Fund, a perma­ arranged by Bartholomew. tively presented. The basis of this of their captains. Both the Majes- on the lives of the Murats and er for his painting "We at Day­ tion turns out men and women to- nent endowment created to assist philosophy is Service. From a rtic and Leviathan arrived in N$w their unique experiences in Florida. break," has fifteen paintings on "Deep River," from Jubilee taly unfit for life. in providing annuities for aged or physical viewpoint, scientific ener­ York two days behind schedule, Associated with Mr. Hanna on the ew at the Studio. As a result of Songs of U. S. A., arranged by In discussing the topic of suc­ disabled Congregational ministers. cess in life. Dr. Holt reduced his gy was compared in production their passengers and crew eager to faculty committee are: painting tour last summer to the H. T. Burleigh. Later he directed the Pilgrim Me­ definition of successful men to with "constructive manpower" in reach firm ground following the Dr. Evelyn Newman, Miss Helen coast, and to Maine and Massachu­ "Galway Piper," Irish air, ar­ morial Fund in Washington, Idaho ranged by H. Clough-Leighter. those who conquer themselves; are human energy, which consists of ;trying days spent among the high Moore, Dr. Richard Feuerstein, setts the year before, ^he has an and Orego"n. Since 1925 until Jan­ "Tell Her I'M Love Her," ar­ industrious; concentrate their forc­ component part of the mental, phys­ rollers of the open sea. Professor Rhea Smith, Dr. Charles interesting variety for those inter­ uary 1 of this year, Dr. Beard has ranged by Max Vogrich. es; never give up in a tight place; ical and emotional, to be applied One sailor was killed when a tre­ W. Stiles and Dr. Thomas Chal- ested in coloring, depth and beauty. served as executive secretary of "The Three Ravens,' also by go about their' business with a through an ethical, spiritual or in­ mendous surge of water swept over Among the places that he has the National Congregational Lay­ Vogrich. smile; restrain their tongues; have tellectual means to produce human the prow of the Majestic and car­ Tommy Johnson, who took depicted in his paintings are Estes men's Advisory Committee. Last "Turtle Dove," ^folk song, ar­ patience; follow the precept that power. June, Marietta College conferred ried away several pieces of rigging Prince and Princess Charles Murat Park, Colorado; Gloucester, Mass.; ranged by V. Williams. an act of goodness is an act of hap­ It is the belief of Doctor Sheldon upon him the honorary degree of on the bow; the Leviathan had to Tallahassee laSt spring for re­ mel by the Sea, California; "Little Duck in the Meadow," piness; do much by loving much; that in application, there are two D. D. drifted with engines silent for ten search work is chairman of the mock, the First Capitol of Mon- (Continued on Page 3) a; New England Sand Dunes; and "Hear Ye the Dismal Raven's and believe that they have been put kinds of human power, i. e. con­ jhours in order to escape the worst Bretton Woods, N. H.; and others Cry," arranged by Haesche. here for a purpose. structive and destructive. By our [force of the enormous swells, and equally interesting to those who "Volga Boat Song," by A. T. Dr. Holt closed his address with attitude and postion of mind and aptain Randall reported that the ppreciate naturalness in color by Rubetz. this positive and significant sen­ spirit we are to utilize our lives leas had been five feet above the n eminent artist. "Fireflies," Russian arrange­ tence, "Do all the good you can, in a way progressive toward true 1 of the bridge rail, which is satisfaction, resulting from inten­ Following these paintings, a ment. to all the people you can, in every ighty-five feet above the water- sive, constructive service and cre­ group of etchings by six New York "Charm Me Asleep," by Bach. place you can, as long as ever you Three stowaways who had em- ative work. members of the Society of Amer­ "See, There!" Hungarian folk, irked with the Leviathan on its ARE IMPROVING ican Etechers will be shown. Sever­ by Haesche. Following his address Dr. Holt There were many examples of ast eastward crossing were among VISITS COLLEGE al etchings by each artist will be introduced five members of the fa­ the daily application of the funda­ -ew, working their way back shown in order that the technique culty who had not been present at mentals of "Human Engineering." Hanna Sees Progress Over ;o this country. They had been dis- Head of Drury College Tours and individuality of each etcher the ceremony in the fall and seven i^or comparison were cited the her- Recent Years overed on the way over and, after South and his point of view may be bet­ Kappa Alpha Theta new students who have transfer­ ditary and environmental schools pending four days in the Bremen ter understood, Mr. Pfister ex­ red from other colleges. of thought, and it was shown that That Rollins College is making 1 when the vessel reached that Christmas vacation for Dr. plained. To Be Installed On The call to worship and the the dictum of human engineering steady and promising progress in maintains that the source of hu­ >ort, had been put aboard to pro- Thomas W. Nadal, president of Other exhibitions planned are by Lord's Prayer were led by Robert ts financial program is indicated January 27 and 28 man power is within the individual, ide their return passage. Thor- Drury College, was mainly an in­ Mr. Theodore Coe, of Tampa, and Dunbar. Betty Trevor read the n a statement made by Prof. A. J. and, if educed by a co-ordinating bughly repaid for their daring, spection period in which he famil­ Mr. H. S. Hubbell of Miami Beach litany of prayer and the chapel Hanna who has just returned to Installation of Ga'mma Gamma incentive for creative work, stand­ they must consider, after the mid- iarized himself with educational in­ who will show his portrait of Hon. choir sang "0 Lord for Thy Ten­ campus after an absence of Chapter of Kappa Alpha TheCa at ards would thus be raised to a ocean entertainment provided by stitutions in Southern States. Ruth Bryan Owen, which Mrs. der Mercies Sake." Dean Camp­ twelve weeks. In the course of Roliins Col\eg» will' take place on realization of true values and an father Neptune, that home is at Dr. Nadal returned from Florida Owen will loan for the exhibition. bell pronounced the benediction. period he has been establish­ Friday and Saturday, January 27 elimination of much of the super­ least substantial. Sunday. While there he made vis­ He will also show landscapes and ing friendly relations for Eollins and 28. The initiation ceremony ficial accumulation of ages. But its lasting several hours to Rollins figure paintings. Miss Bell Cady ith the trust officers of 60 of the will be held on Friday, followed by first, certain recognition must be largest banks in New York, Phila­ I Fierce verbal battles are in view College, Winter Park college, the White, water color instructor for ''The Doll's House" formal installation on Saturday. made of the educative processes— delphia, Baltimore, Washington, J>etween President-elect Roosevelt University of Florida, Gainesville, years at the Pratt Institute will National officers who will visit mental, ethical, and emotional—in­ Cleveland, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, >nd various national leaders over, and Peabody College, Nashville, also be in Florida, and has been in­ To he Given Here Rollins at this time are Mrs. Purd volved in the approach to spirit- Dayton, Louisville, Chattanooga, he question of income taxes. Af- '. Tennessee. vited to show a group of still life B. Wright, of Salina, Kansas, al values in a practical manner. Atlanta, Richmond and Charleston er conferences with leaders in i Rollins College, instituting new water color paintings and to give January 13 and 14 id vice - president; Miss L. Doctor Sheldon cited the efforts as a foundation for the Rollins Be­ 'Oth Senate and House, Mr. Roose- methods which did away with class one lecture and demonstration Pearle Green, of Ithaca, New York, Ibsen's famous play, "The Doll's of the National Education Associa­ quest Program. •elt announced that he had arrived recitations and formal examina­ painting. grand secretary and editor; and House" is to be presented in the tion for practicality in ethical edu- "Wealthy people are today giv­ Iat the conclusion that a certain ad- tions, has attracted wide interest The Rollins Art Gallery, start­ Mrs. Theodore Moore, of New Or­ Annie Russell Theatre Friday and ing primarily to local welfare," said ustment in the rate was advisa- recently, and it was in this school ing with Mr. Pfister's exhibition, leans, district president. Saturday evenings, January 13 and Doctor Sheldon's views, far from Mr. Hanna, "but even in times of de, and the plan proposed was at that Dr. Nadal was most interest­ will hereafter charge a twenty per 14, by the creative dramatic group being iconoclastic, clearly show depression millions are being left, nice attacked by many members of ed. Some of its methods, he said, cent commission on sales at exhi­ Social festivities in connection of the college under the direction that confidence, and an elimination in wills, to charity, including large )oth bodies, whereupon Represen­ are being considered for use in bitions in the gallery. The funds with the installation will include of Mr. Robert Wunsch, English in­ of the selfish element, must devel­ sums for educational needs. At a tative Rainey explained that it was many other schools. will be held by the college treas­ a luncheon at the Whistling Kettle, structor. op, if we are to be something more time such as this, especially when ;o be further considered only as a According to the Drury presi­ urer for improvement in the art and a reception and dance at the The two leading roles are to be than well-developed animals! nearly everybody finds it impera­ ast resort, and was far from con­ dent, the student there is graduat­ studio. Winter Park Woman's Club. played by Barbara Ann Reed and The gap between the element? 1 tive to change his will, Rollins can clusive in its present state. ed upon a basis of achievement Paintings of Mr. Pfister for ex­ Sara Luce. Both have had con­ and the mental is immense. In a best upbuild its financial structure rather than grades. Where the hibition and sale are: widespread dissent was siderable experience in amateur final resume of the principals of by its general appeal for cash gifts ordinary school requires its gradu­ 1—Bretton Woods, New Hamp­ PRESIDENT HOLT CALLS 'oiced by both parties, since most dramatics and have been seen in "Human Engineering," Doctor with a well-directed effort for be­ ates to have a given number of shire, $200. STUDENT ASSEMBLY iJiembers of Congress were con- several previous Rollins produc­ Sheldon expressed his confidence quests—an effort in which every hours of some language, the Flor­ 2—Autumn in Massachusetts, finced that, in case added taxes tions. that this gap can, and will, even­ friend, every alumnus and every ere necessitated by the economic ida institution requires him to be $75. There will be an important Other members of the cast will tually, be bridged, by eductive ed­ undergraduate can participate isis, the difficulty would be met able to converse and write in some 3—Bermuda Sand Dunes, $100. meeting of the entire student include Rob-Roy Mize, James Hol­ ucation, educing the powers with­ without expense. 'y the creation of a sales tax and foreign language. Students whose 4—Flat Top Mountain, Estes body at 8:15 Monday evening, den, Frank Wetherell, Twanet in; by service, in its outward mani­ "Forty-six of the large individ­ !ot by any revision of existing applications for admission are ac­ Park, Colorado, $100. January 16, in the Annie Rus­ Evans, Carol Smith, Norris Clark festation, and by intensive co-oper­ ual donations in the United States vies. Even Speaker Garner has cepted are examined for admission 5—The Great White Throne, sell Theatre. and as the two children, Sarah Mc­ ation with all the other related aims for educational purposes in 1931, :ated that he has a "substitute by the conference method, faculty Zion National Park, Utah, $200. President Holt will speak. Dowall and Richard Scott-Fanelli. of human engineering. (Continued on page 2) (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on page 3) THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR President of Drury Hanna Finds Rollins' Halliburton says Gainesville College Writes of Financial 'Conditions Previews SSBDQN lim TRIP OF Rollins Favorably Are Vastly Improved Most Interesting Place Seen (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) DEBATORS ENOEO By DAVE BOTHE mous people that you have met," was my next query. piainviews _=_ A dynamic personality with a members of the school meeting a or $47,500,000 were placed through "Oh," he mused, "let me see. wills," continued Mr. Hanna. "Of quick, ready wit and a smooth easy plicants in conference. Conferer If any explanation should be nec­ Gary Cooper in the male lead is Dreicer and Bralove Cover 38 There are the Emperor and Em­ the total of $344,000,000 donated manner of speaking, that, in a nut­ periods of two or three hours ea essary for the revamping of this slightly disappointing in his con­ States In Tour press of China, the Sultan of Mo­ in 1931 for charity in New York, shell, is Richard Halliburton. I have replaced the one-hour reel column, let it be this: Random ception of Federico; it is a ques­ rocco, ex-King Alphonso of Spain, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington shall never forget my first glimpse tion period in that school, and j a Comments divided by 3 gives what tion as to whether his inflexibility Rollins debators, Maurice Drei­ Col. Chas. A. Lindbergh, many of and Baltimore, 63% or $215,000,- of him. Standing on the stage in of each conference period is sp, appears above, and those resulting is sufficiently adaptable to a role cer and Bernard Bralove, defeated the English writers, including G. 000 came through wills. One uni­ that great lecture hall at the Uni­ in recreational exercises. portions of the whole may in turn requiring considerable emotional Oxford University in a radio de­ B. Shaw, Masefield, and others, all versity which inaugurated an ac­ versity of Florida, his feet wide­ Hamilton Holt, former editor be summarized something like depth to permit his fulfilling that bate over WEAF from New York the Hollywood gang, Will Rogers, tive program ten years ago by spread, and his arms locked be­ the Independent magazine, is pre^ this— requirement satisfactory, or wheth­ City, and twice won from North Doug and Mary Fairbanks, Joan keeping its needs before trust of­ hind him; his head bobbing back ident at Rollins, The student bodv er he, as Gary Cooper the imper­ Carolina State debaters in Cali­ Crawford, and, oh yes, Al Capone," ficers and lawyers has record that PREVIEWS will essay to keep and forth as he emphasized point is limited each year to 500, and turbable, is sufficient unto himself fornia, and gave a non-decision de­ he added with a laugh. an average of $1,000,000 is now abreast of what may soon be ex­ after point in his tales of faraway students come for the most regardless of his meager power to bate against Bates College in being written annually in bequests pected in motion picture, stage and lands and people. Following this dissertation on from the New England States. The portray outwardly the inner emo­ Maine, during their holiday season for its ultimate aid. radio entertainment as well as When my opportunity to meet world powers I asked him what the school has been in operation under some of those fields included in tions. transcontinental debate trip. Four title and content of his latest book "In the Rollins program," said him came, he was so modest and the new plan for about four years what the world styles "progress." The treatment in this picture of hundred newspapers wrote up Rol­ Mr. Hanna, "we are endeavoring unassuming' that it was hard for Dr. Nadal said. POSTVIEWS will glance at what the settings, particularly the in­ lins' undefeated debate team and to place the needs of the college me to believe that here was a man "I have titled my most recent has come, been seen, and conquered teriors, raises the ever-present their 23-day trip which covered Dr. Nadal indicated that methods definitely before the wealthy peo­ who had swum the Hellispont, was book "TheFly^ng Carpet"which was in those same categories and will problem of why producers never 8300 miles through 38 states. The at the new school will be further ple who have been following Presi­ on speaking terms with kings, had the name of the plane which I flew seem capable of keeping their feet I debaters and Prof. Harry R. Pierce, studied with the view of ascertain- dent Holt's plan with keen and present those glances for what flown around the world, and had around the world in. The book is on the ground when designing the Rollins debate coach, returned to ing their suitability for use in sueh sympathetic interest and support. they are worth, no more and no been airplane riding with the an account of my adventures on sets for their masterpieces. It is Winter Park Friday morning. schools as Drury. Already some of them have added less. Queen of Persia. I began plying my year and a half trip around (Editor's Note: This was clif codicils. We are equally desirous PLAINVIEWS will be likely to undeniable that the fresh, white The Oxford-Rollins radio debate my questions in utmost serious- the world. This book I dedicated from the Springfield (Missiouri) of having trust officers and law­ include almost anything else, with uniforms and linen, the immacu­ was given over the Red network to my pilot,-Stevens, who has be­ Daily News.) yers, on whose judgment testators apologies if the wagon-to-a-star lately swept corridors, and the ex­ of the National Broadcasting Co. come one of my best friends." pansive, war- hospital bedrooms "Mr. Halliburton, what is the place the utmost confidence, thor­ notion is not entirely avoided, or Rollins upheld the negative of the "What expedition do you have (spacious enough in this case to resolution that nationalism is most interesting place that yow Train Wreck Feeds Jobless oughly familiar'with the present if the personal enters in more than have ever visited," I asked, sober planned for the future?" was my and future needs of Rollins and provide rest for an entire batta­ evil in the modern world. Dr. Ha: Kiski Junction, Pa. (UP)-A might be considered altogeth* as a judge. last interrogation. enthusiastic over its opportunities ting. lion) are all conducive to the ex­ ilton Holt served as chairman of train wreck solved the food prob­ tension of Art through the cinema the debate. Final score by "Gainesville," he answered quick "Well,' he replied," no man has lem for unemployed in this dis­ for developing a plan of common But one point remains in danger But is that endless exaggeration of ence vote was Rollins 120, Oxford as a flash, much to my chagrin and ever seen the top of Mt. Everest trict, at least temporarily. Six sense education. of being misunderstood. Nothing cleanness and, more especially, of 115. to the huge enjoyment of those either by land or by air. At pres­ cars of a livestock train were < is to be presented here with any "The success of the Rollins Be material dimensions conducive to who were listening tO' him. ent the British are trying to ac­ railed, killing 67 sheep. There was pretense of authoritative expres­ Rollins and Bates College parti­ quest Program," added Mr. Hanna, the valued and sympathetically ap­ "But," I persisted, after the mer complish this feat. If they fail or no interference as needy persons sion. The coverage of some sub­ cipated in a non-decision debate on "depends on tihe accumulated ac­ preciative reaction of the audi­ riment had died down, "wasn't there give up, then I believe that I shall helped themselves to the mutton, jects left neglected elsewhere in abolition of war debts. Then the tivities, constant and continuous ence? Does not the grandiose dis­ some one place that was more try it." it was reported. the paper- is the principal objective, Tar debaters and their coach went for generations. Now, when oth­ play of such idealistic conditions teresting than any others?" So ended by interview with Dick no aspirations toward infalli­ to Los Angeles where, before the er forms of giving are relatively where common sense dictates oth­ "No," he replied, "I am afraid Halliburton. Truly he is the Roy­ Jobless Refuse Food bility—an impossible attainment— National Association of Teachers inactive, all friends of Rollins can erwise exert a detrimental effect that I can't answer that question. al Vagabond oT Modern Times. Seattle, Wash. (UP)—Hungry e even entertained. of Speech convention, they debated co-operate in inaugurating a con­ upon the dramatization as a Each place is so very different against the varsity debaters of unemployed refused meat dole structive bequest program whose Introductions thus concluded, whole ? from the other that there is no 1 Fire Razes Historic Bam when they learned the supplie potentialities may eliminate the herewith folows Volume 1, Num­ North Carolina State College in a is of comparison. Each has its own Freeport, Pa. (UP)—A century- Watch for these features when were purchased by a firm "unfair necessity and expense of periodic ber 1, staggering beneath the fond clash debate. Each team stated attraction. You can't comare New old building, said to be the second you see A FAREWELL TO ARMS, to organized labor." campaigns for outright gifts." blessing of its author. its issues and five controversial York and Bankok." as you certainjy must: the spot- oldest structure in Freeport and issues were selected for separate "I guess not," I murmured, won- lessness of the hospitals and the once used as a stable foi^ the his­ debate. The first side to win three derin'g where Bankok was. size of their corridors, too greatly toric Pennsylvania canal, was de­ ome fascinating new programs issues wins the debate. Rollins stressed even granting that they Then I asked him about the pic­ stroyed by fire recently. The scheduled for the broadcasting won the first three clash debates within converted palaces or ture I heard that he was making. structure, used as a dwelling in chains with the entrance of the in order, thereby winning the de­ Late News Flashes cathedrals; the luxuries in the pri­ "It is called "Jade," he said, "and recent years, was build in March, year. Some of these will be bate 3-0. When the same debate vate bedroom occupied by Gary the action takes place in Tibet. 1832, it was said. ely new presentations of fami- was repeated later in the day over (Continued from Page 1) Cooper and Adolphe Menjou, and The only actors are a bunch of na­ artists by new sponsors, while 0, an audience decision gave the sleeping costumes of each. One tives and myself. Although the Pet Monkey and Python many sponsors will be represented Rollins a 16-4 victory. out and the government said the wonders how and where an Amer­ story itself is fictitious, the pic­ Montesano, Wash. (UP)—Mr on the air by new talent. In the clash debates with N. C. rest of the country was quiet. ican serving in the Italian army ture itself is based on authentic Huldah Johnson's pets include One of the more important ght have procured such articles, State Rollins used a two-man team adventures. ring-tailed monkey and a sevei Berlin, Jan. U (UP)—Twenty hanges from the listeners' point and whether that army provides its against the opponent's three de­ "You know," added Mr. Halli­ foot python. persons were wounded early today of view is the new Chesterfield men with those splendid "cham­ bators. burton," it is marvelous ,what they when police and Nazis fought a quarter-hour, now appearing at bers" for their occupancy instead e features of the trip were can do with double photography. ANNUITIES revolver battle in a public park ne each evening save Sunday, of the popularly-conceived "bunks." the send-off given the team when Although I didn't stir from Holly­ here. Three Nazis were arrested. th Bing Crosby replacing the On the other hand, to the favor they left Winter Park, photographs wood, on seeing the picture you The fighting started after a Nazis Street Singer and Comedian Tom —and glory—of its producers, the >f the team in the New York would swear that all the shots are ET your name on the patrol of 400 men forced an en­ Howard assuming the former Bos- picture presents these: foremost ^'imes rotogravure section, Prexy taken in Tibet. And the shots of G EQUITABLE'S Annuity trance into a Communist mass 11 spot. Leonard Hayton's or­ nd unf orgetable, Helen Hayes; s chairman, telegraphic and mail- Tibet were not faked. They were payroll and enjoy the comfort­ able feeling that comes witli meeting. chestra takes over Nat Shilkret's many startling camera angles, no­ d messages from the radio audi- tual Tibetian scenes so cleverly the knowledge that you will duties, while Ruth Etting and An­ tably those affording the audience nces, and submitting to the photo­ blended with those taken in Holly­ nouncer Norman Brokenshire hold grapher for the Paramount News receive a retirement pay check Berlin, Jan. 11 (UP)—The sui­ the outlook of the wounded Fed­ wood that the change was imper­ their old places. erico from the stretcher upon Reel. The movies will he shown month after mouth a3 lon^ cide of Sanaide Volkoff, thirty-two ceptable." as you live. year old daughter of Leon Trotsky, Col. Stoopnagle and Budd, ace which he is carried into the hos­ Florida very soon. What are some of, the most fa- was revealed today in a brief po­ funnymen for Columbia, are now pital; effective handling of intro­ Hr. Brooks Quimby, Bates' Severin Bourne lice bulletin five days after she sponsored by Pontiac; Morton ductory titles, which are exploded coach, was very gracious and de­ Downey and Donald Novis are ight, providing admirable lightfully hospitable. Bralove had Representative had ended her life by turning on Rollins College Publicity Office teamed on NBC for Woodbury's, opening atmosphere; and the short a two-day vacation fit home in We give good service the gas in a rented room here. She OUR SHOP Carnegie Hall was suffering from tuberculosis. presumably to reach the sky with continuity of actual war scenes, as- Washington while _ Dreicer and along with the best their high tenors in co-operation; bled with more attention to Prof. Pierce stayed in New York. is Equipped to Render Phone 271 the Wednesday half-hour with Guy "montage" than may be found in The team arrived in Los Angeles prepared foods. Washington, Jan. 11 (UP)—The Complete Repairs on Lombardo's Royal Canadians and most previous pictures in which the morning after Christmas. Collier 3.2 per cent beer bill faced Your Car Burns and Allen moves from 9 to battle theme is predominant. About 150 people met the possible redrafting today as the 9;30;_and more new hours will ap­ (Continued on Page The Whistling Senate Judiciary sub-committee Our mechanics are experienced pear from time to time as old con­ A FAREWELL TO ARMS is not and experts in their line. Have met to act on it. Chairman Blaine tracts expire. e "picture of a century," but is your car tuned up and linow that Kettle Tea Room of the subcommittee expressed e which should on no account be it is in first class condition to frank doubt of the ability of the go when and where you wish. erlooked, and should for every house measure to withstand Su­ CLOSE-OUT We have the testing equipment A FAREWELL TO ARMS sky- reason be seen. to determine the cause for all preme Court scrutiny. ockets to a position among the motor ills. eaders of 1932's bumper crop of (Continued on Page 5) Tokio, Jan. 11 (UP)—Josef Sta­ xcellent photoplays, and if Helen Complete Battery and lin's recent statement that the So­ Hayes had needed any further Electrical Service » MEATS « viet government is preparing for claim to substantiate her supreme war removed the last possibility triumph among the year's histri- Sport Oxfords for Men Generator, Starter and N\ore Pounds, More Quality that Japan might sign a non- acljievements, this new char­ Ignition aggressive pact with Russia. The acterization would preclude all $5.00 Delco Batteries government spokesman intimated doubt as to her accomplishment. THE SANITARY MEAT MARKET today that the Soviet government AU white, black and white, Washing, Polishing, demonstrated while it was asking and a few tans. Sizes 6i/^ to Simonizing Tokio to sign the pact that it was 9 only. shifting the entire industrial five- CITY STORAGE MANY INTERESTING NEW BOOKS year plan to prepare for war. R.C. Baker Jnc. THE LATCH GARAGE are announced for publication during the Advertise in the Sandspur STRING coming three months. We will have them For Results on sale on publication dates. in the Sunken Garden "There was a crooked man Your Flowers THE BOOKERY He walked a crooked mile Luncheon 40c and 65c The Flora Studio Dinner .50c and $1.00 T-h-e H-a-u-n-t-e-d B-o-o-k-s-h-o-p To see the' crooked Brownie will be at their best House Including Sundays Fine Portraits Because it made him smile." if they come from For Special Parties and The Brownie House Banquets Phone 8751 "A Refreshingly Different Gift LUCY LITTLE Shop" 718 Magnolia Ave.—Orlando The Gown Shop 211/2 S. Orange Av FLOWER SHOP Open for the Season We Have a Selected Group of 100 DRESSES For Everything Per­ For Sports, Afternoon and Evening Wear CHARLEEN'S TEA HOUSE which will be place on sale taining to Drugs $ 9.50 originally priced to $15.00 Students and Faculty Members who $15.00 originally priced to $25.00 see care for atmosphere along* with a $19.75 originally priced to $39.50 Keep on the Lookout carefully selected dinner. Sizes 14 to 44 Phillips Building C. L PRUYN Winter Park 52-M Mrs. Charleen Baker, Ow Canton and E. Park Ave. The Jeweler PARR PHARMACY Repairing of All Kinds THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR Pfister's Paintings Bernard Bralove Dreicer and Bralove Maurice Dreicer College Will Honor Rollins Key Society THE WORLD Are Now Displayed Conduct Open Forum Pioneer Prince At VIEWED At Rollins Studio At Rotary Meeting Birthday Celebration WillMeet January 17 To Discuss Project AT ROLLINS (Continued from Page 1) Maurice Dreicer and Bernard (Continued from page 1) Bralove of the Rollins debate team undergraduate committee. Other 6—Bloomingdale Marsh, The appeared before the Orlando Ro- Tuesday evening, January 17, a members are: Ruth Jeanne Bel­ Adirondacks, $100. taty Club at noon today to conduct meeting will be held of the Rollins lamy, Agatha Townsend, Jean (Continued from Page 1) 7—Point Lobos, Carmel-by-the- an open forum on the cancellation Key Society in the Publications of­ Parker, Paul Ney, and Bryan Sea, California, $150. of war debts. They were intro­ fice at seven-fifteen. Owen. 8—.Sunset, Estes Park, Colorado, duced by Professor H. R. Pierce, The purpose of the meeting i» plan" to offer, and the entire re­ Guests of honor at the dinner $100. debate coach, who told of the to discuss adopting a project of se­ action to the President-elect's pro­ will be Dr. and Mrs. Homer Gage, 9~New England Sand Dunes, team's recent trip to New York and curing student and faculty views nouncement has amounted to a re­ of Worcester, Mas.s., whose work $200. California. on advisability of the contract plan volt against this particular policy. for France and gifts to the Univer­ 10—After the Storm, Jackson Representatives of the speech de­ .suggested by Professor Willard sity of Paris, have brought them Hole, Wyoming, $100. partment have also been invited for Wattles and outlined by Professor the highest French decorations. Saying that the world today is 11—Rocky Coast, Gloucester, several other programs. Professor Edwin L. Clarke. Mrs. Gage is a daughter of Fran­ colorless, gray, and drab, and that Massachusetts, $150. Pierce has announced. A debate The contract plan calls for a con­ cis B. Knowles, a founder of Rol­ its dull surroundings have bred 12—Sand Dunes, Carmel-by-the- is scheduled for the near future at tract between professor and stud­ lins College, for whom her sister, dull intellects. Professor Edward Sea, California, $100. the Clermont high school, when the ent outlining what each expects of Mrs. George E. Warren, Boston, Henry Armstrong, P. R. S., demon­ 13^—Bannock, the First Capital question of Dutch dates will be ar­ the other during the term's work. Mass., erected Knowles Memorial strated what he believed to be the of Montana, $200. gued by Harriet Hiller, Molly Vin­ The idea of this plan is to pre­ Chapel last year. most effective step to aleviate the 14—Sunset over Lake Virginia, cent, Sterling Omstead and Sydney vent registration in classes when Baron d'Estoumelles, who was deplorable situation. Winter Park, $100. Carter. the student does not know what a member of the French Depart­ Appearing at a Royal Society Conferences and talks on art the course involves. It should pro­ Dr. Beard to Speak Miss Mildred Murphy has invited Foreign Fellowship ment at Rollins in 1926 and estab­ dinner attired in a yellow waist­ with demonstration - painting by vide more intelligent selection of Rollins speakers to present sever­ lished a following as a result of coat and a dress coat with red and Prof. Pfister, will be continued as classes. In Chapel Sunday al programs at the Orlando senior Committee Meets his public lectures here that year, blue lapels, he exlained that a hun­ usual every Tuesday morning from high school this winter. is a great nephew of Benjamin dred years ago the finest kind of 9 to 10 in the studio conference Constant, French diplomat, writer, men dressed in pearl-pink trousers room. Students and faculty are Dr. William S. Beard, well known The faculty committee on for­ and intimate associate of the Em­ Severin Bourne To and salmon-pink blouses, and even invited. Cards may be secured by Congregational clergyman and ad­ eign exchange fellowships held its Honors Day Will Be peror Napoleon. Dr. Hamilton added a black beauty spot on their visitors in the administration build­ ministrator, and remembered as first meeting this year on Monday Holt, president of Rollins, will pre­ Direct Radio Hour cheeks, in many instances. He ing. commencement orator two afternoon at 3:30 in Dean Ander­ Held Next Tuesday side at the lecture which will be blamed mass production for the years ago, is to be the speaker son's office. Seniors applying for delivered in the Annie Russell Tre- Rollins College will disappearance of color from our Sunday at the Morning Meditation, foreign scholarships were inter­ Honors day will be held next atre. half-hour radio program under the lives, and said that when men Dreicer and Bralove 9:45, in the Knowles Memorial viewed. dressed colorfully, they thought Tuesday, January 17, at 10:00 direction of Severin Bourne, Wed­ Return After Tour Chapel. Doctor Beard is a long­ The committee consists of Pro­ colorfully. time friend of President Holt's and o'clock. Announcement of the nesday night, January 11th, from of North and West lace of meeting will be made lat­ fessors Feuerstein and Roney, Mrs. eight-thirty to nine o'clock. He is afraid there are not suffi­ ow identified with the Rollins er but it will be either in the Cha­ Lamb, Madame Grand, and Mr. Kappa Kappa Gamma Mr. Bourne will interview Jean cient young men of courage to staff. (Continued from page 2) pel or the Theatre. Hayward. Jacques Pfister before the micro­ '*caiTy the color into the enemy's lere will be special antiphonal Elects New Officers phone on the subject of art. Ber­ camp"; he admits that he himself tion special train and were de­ At this time, Dr. Hamilton Holt nie Bralove, the Rollins "Commen­ is not bold enough to wear color lighted to see Prof. Pierce in the will present the interfraternity and Mary Lynn Rogers, newly elect­ tator," will present the weekly in the daytime, although he would brilliant L. A. sunshine wearing a panhellenic scholarship cup. Ortie- Bronze Medallion for ed president of Kappa Kappa Gam­ news events at Rollins. The pro­ if he were younger, for "color is raccoon coat and spats. With Winslow S. Anderson, Dean of cron Delta Kappa will tap new men ma fraternity, was installed into gram will include piano selections life." three outstanding debate coaches Rollins, left Monday for Atlantic and various other awards will be Sullivan Award Given made. office along with other officers at played by members of the Conser­ Not long ago a decided move was as judges, Rollins decisively wor City, N. J., to attend the annual the regular weekly meeting at the vatory of Music, afoot in Paris to revamp men's at­ their debate with N. C. State, giv. meeting of the Association of chapter house Monday evening. The program next week is to be tire and to substitute frills and en as a contested model before the Colleges of which Rol- A party of Rollins students were A handsome bronze medallion of Other officers installed included: an interview with Professor A. J. ruffles for the staid and sharp col­ convention. Both the Oxford de­ member. guests of the Ormond Beach Ho­ Algernon Sydney Sullivan, founder Secretary, Celestina McKay; corre­ Hanna on the life and letters of lars and cuffs now worn; color bate and the N. C. State contest tel at the formal opening dinner of the Sullivan award for nobility sponding secretary, Mary Elizabeth Prince Murat. was merely incidental in that at­ will be recorded in the Collegiate dance last Satitrday. Those at­ of character, arrived at President Jones; treasurer, Nancy J. Cush­ tempt to make over the styles of Debater's. Handbook for the year. Coach and Mrs.. "Buddie" Good- tending were Bets Richards, Vir­ Holt's office recently. Only four man; marshal, Mary Trowbridge; a nation in a twinkling. Needless Rollins will be the only college ell (Peg Canning) are announcing ginia Dunn, Dorothea Breck, Jane of these medallions are in exist­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pepper of house manager, Margaret Jenkins. to say it never progressed beyond with two recorded debates. the arrival of a daughter, Sarah Marshall, Frank Wetherell, Allan ence, and Rollins College has been Forth Myers are announcing the the fanatic stage. The same fate Rollins on the trip received Ann, bom December 31 at Lake Stoddard, Dave Owen and Bob signally honored by being chosen birth of a son, Robert, Jr., bom is prophisied for this new sugges­ write-ups in 400 newspapers and Worth. Fuchs. as a repository for one of them. Advertise in the Sandspur December 31. tion, although tlie fact that the new was heard on the air by many peo idea springs from conservative pie. One man from Chicago re England whereas the previous in­ ported hearing the debate over his spiration was fostered by volatile radio and immediately looked on £ France may influence some to con­ map for Winter Park. sider the propostion more serious­ ly. Kappa Alpha Theta held Custom is too strong to permit regular Sunday night supper at any revolution in clothing, wheth­ the chapter house last Sunday. The er the change affects materials, committee in charge included Rosa­ styles or colors, and the only meth­ mund Carson, chairman, Elizabeth od by which any modification of Hyde, Nancy Gantt and Mary Kay our severe styles will be affected Huffman. lies in the reformation of custom by slow and tedious stages—like the education for the prevention of war and disease.

The French Club will hold a ;f.A short meeting, the first of the term, tonight at 8:60 o'clock in Pugsley.

Advertise in the Sandspur Before the dance, For Results eat at


COLOMAL PHARMACY A Complete Soda Fountain Service Toasted Sandwiches Hollingsworth's Candies "^rnemimm/j 00 Free Delivery */ Open 7:00 until 11:30 *nore like

KEEP YOUR CAR IN —and I like CHESTERFIELD Cigarettes. Every CHESTERFIELD that I get ia A-1 SHAPE THEY'RE MILDER— To me, tiey are mUd—that b, they well-filled, and I feel like I am getting don't seem to be strong; and there is my money's worth—that there is no THEY TASTE BETTER certainly no bite, so far as I can tell. short measure about it. See To me, they taste better and they I like CHESTERFIELDS. They sat- have a pleasing aroma. isfy me. THE COLLEGE GARAGE Scott and Galloway e 1933, LIGGETT & Unu Tsaiooo Co. THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR

ful. Large hones, believed to belong to university who will eventually be in com­ By GENE CARR Rollins Sandspur some prehistoric mammal, were found. petition with one another, and that each JUST HUMANS h^Am^A While this work has been carried on for one had the same chances. Of course the process of distribution and the fateful Published Weekly By Students Of Rollins a year, it is being continued by the gener­ quirks of environment may make or break Items osity of an unnamed donor of one thousand A special squad of campus cops a certain number, but there are those who Established in 1894 with the following dollars. The work was necessarily discon­ has been put on at Wellesley to will come out on top no matter what en­ editorial: "Unassuming yet mighty, sharp tinued because of lack of funds, but in De­ keep a lookout for those bicycle- vironment they land in. and pointed, well-rounded yet cember the director of the Rollins museum riding girls who have a habit of An emergence from school is like the many sided, assiduously te­ made the announcement that this gift had seeing how close they can zoom blossoming flower. Up to the time of grad­ nacious, yet as gritty and been received. past professors without hurting uation everyone is more or less equal—at energetic as its name implies, To many of us this work means little ex­ them. The twenty-two undergrad­ least the same opportunities have been victorious in single combat cept as a curiosity but to th'ose who are uate bike cops^have been equipped placed before everyone. The difference and therefore without a peer, actively engaged in the excavations, it has with high gear single seaters to in the whole question lies in the judicial wonderfully attractive and a real value. To this type of science in catch the fast speeders. 'Tis said utilization of these opportunities by the extensive in circulation: all general, this work has an immense value. that several profs have become these will be found upon investigation to various individuals. Only a few will be Rollins should be proud to have a part in nervous wrecks through this prac­ be among the extraordinary qualities of the great successes, although a great many such an enterprise. To the person whose tice. were exposed to the same process of prep­ Sandspur." generosity makes this possible, we extend aration. This undoubtedly must be due to Swarthmore Phoenix. thanks. a superior quality in the original product Aha! A new office and organi­ Members of United Press AN ELEGY IN THE COUNTRY'S or a more comprehensive accumulation of Member Winter Park Chamber of Commerce quality during the process of preparation. zation is on the campus now. GRAVEYARD There has to be some factor that makes the A couple sat on Peyton porch Telephone 271-W With Apologies to Thomas Gray superior stand out, and the factor of proof he other evening, and the male under trial is the one most universally uggested, "Let's go riding." Entered as second class matter November (Dedicated to Chairman James A. Farley, used. "We can't until the chaperon 24, 1925, at the post office at Winter Park, The Warwick of Nineteen thirty-two) omes from the Spec office." Florida, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Silence was maintained for a few minutes; then the boy blurted out, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1933 The curfew tells the knell of smarting day The nation's only party fit to rule 'Say, Where's the sex office on Now fades like mist before the solar ray this campus?" Editor-in-Chief Doris Lang The elephant has yielded to the mule. "BOOKS Exit me. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Mississippi State College This is no time for laughter or for mirth Asso. and Managing Editor, George Barber "WHAT IS irr' "OH, A SHEIK!" for Women—Spectator. Now dawns the morn benumbing, cold and By H. ALLEN SMITH Assistant Managing Editor Ruth Hart grey United Press Book Editor 7:45 Smith Brothers (4). Asst. Managing Editor Reginald Clough Books have been written and As we foresee of sinecures a dearth Well-written novels based on the many 8:00 Variety Music program What's Best On songs have been sung about diet­ NEWS DEPARTMENT Our blood runs cold with harrowing dismay. sided life of a small town very seldom fail (1); Eddie Cantor (4-5). Your Radio ing; now, we must admit, we don't News Editor Ruth Jeanne Bellamy to find a receptive audience. Often, as we 9:00 Bath Club Revue (1). Jim Farley disarrayed our serried ranks at least, can't—sing and we all know, they are received as top-notchers. By EGJ 9:30 Album of Familiar Music SOCIETY DEPARTMENT Foes seize the spoils; not distant is the day would come almost as near read­ One of these is "The Last Adam," by James (4-5). Society Editors Jeanne Carter When from warm berths they'll make us ing a book as we would writing Gould Cozzeni*, who hasn't turned his 30th (1) WDBO, local, B80 10:00 Jack Benny, comedian, Olive Dickson walk the planks but we can do this much—we year a.^ yet. It is published by Harcourt- (2) WABC, New York, 860 with Ted Weems (2-3). SPORTS DEPARTMENT To flounder where the pirates cast their make a special request that Brace and is the January Book-of-the- (3) WHAS, Louisville, 820 10:15 Edna St. Vincent Millay Sports Editor Bernard Bralove prey. Month. (4) WEAF, New York, 660 girls with excess weight please (5-6). agonize in silence and allow us to Assistant Editor Richard Camp Cozzens goes to Connecticut for his small (5) WSM, Nashville, 650 Post-offices will swarm with sordid hosts 10:30 Musical Romances (4). escape the misery of having to FEATURE DEPARTMENT town, which he calls New Winton. The pic­ (6) WJZ, New York, 760 When Democrats control the nation's mail 11:00 Isham Jones (1). hear that they have gained almost Feature Editor Victoria Bedford ture opens at the village telephone switch­ Republicans will tread the outer boards WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11 11:15 Walter Winchell (5); three pounds since last Wednes­ Assistants — Martha Davenport, Gordon board and we immediately are plunged into And through the slats will hand to them 8:00 Whispering Jack Smith Donald Novis (4). day at 12:31 P. M., or about how Jones, Duke Wellington. the drab, yet colorful, world of the inhab­ their kale. and the Humming-birds (2-3). 11:30 Eddie Duchin (1); Jesse tight the skirt she is wearing, has itants. COPY DEPARTMENT The Dictators (1). Crawford, organist (6). become (one of life's mysteries is Our "good" angels" we cannot now repay There are many strange families, and Copy Editor Esther Earle Bing Crosby (1). MONDAY, JANUARY 16: why they always blame it on the The funds supplied to help us in the fight many more strange personalities in New PROOF DEPARTMENT Guy Lombardo and Burns 7:45 Morton Downey (1). skirt!). Anyhow, we can hardly For tariff favors soon will pass away Winton. There are violent hates, petty Proof Editor Holley Lynip and Allen (1); Morton Downey, 8:00 Jack Smith and The Hum­ help seeing that the skirt is a bit And our control of heat and power and squabbles, several "affairs," and a good Assistant Virginia Howell Donald Novis (5-6). mingbirds (2-3). tight, and naturally we need no in­ light. lot of small drama. Chief among the char­ Jean Parker, H. P. Abbott, Betty Moody, 10:15—Alice Joy (6). 8:30 Lawrence Tibbett (4-5). formation. acters is old Doc Bull who is yet one of the Betty Chapman, Carol Marion. For common folks it now will come to pass 10:30 Columbia Eevue (1-2); 9:00 Ruth Etting (1). youngest people in town. Through the doc­ The Alabamian. REPORTERS That chickens will no longer be their meat L'Heure Exquise (6). 9:15 Mills Brothers (2). Our avenues be over-grown with grass tor's mind we view a great part of the town 11:00 Al and Pete, songs and 9:30 Paul Whiteman's Concert Bud Belland, Geraldine Burke, Janet Gib­ If the person who stole the al­ And weeds will thrive on every city street. life, for he has a hand in everything—even patter (6). (4-5). ney, James Gowdy, Estelle Long, Dorothy cohol out of my cellar in a glass in the affairs of the swanky Banning fam­ 11:30 Isham Jones (1). 10:00 "Contented" Program (4- Shepard, Stanley Todd, Francis Blair, The auto-horn be silent; then the whirr jar will return grandma's appen­ ily, who dislike him immensely. 12:00 Don Redman (1); The 5). Isabel Birnie, David Bothe, Molly Mer­ As lawn-mowers are plied by traffic cops dix no questions will be asked.—• It is precisely the kind of novel this de­ Three Keys (4); Ben Bernie (6) 10:30 Columbia Revue (1); Or- gintine, Rob Roy Mize, Norman Weston, O'er rural roads will autos speed no more Ad.-Yowl. partment goes for (remember the holler we THURSDAY, JANUARY 12: gan Ri (6). A. H. Whitelaw. Nor motorists give heed to "gos" and let out over "Three Steeples?") Cozzens Sharter College—^The Periscope. 8:00 Jack Benny and Ted 11:00 Ted Weems (4). "stops." already has proven his ability as a novelist, BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Weems (2-3); Rudy Vallee (4). 11:30 Guy Lombardo (1); Jack but this time he is at his utter best. His Measuring Women Business Manager Robert Barber From tumbling shilcks will moping owls 9:00 Ruth Etting (1); Show Denny (4). novel should be one of the "talk books" of "Boys will be boys," it has been Circulation Managers—Jack Howden, Rob­ complain Boat (4). 12:00 Russ Columbo (6). early 1933. said and, after three years of care­ ert Stufflebeam. And roving rats will there a shelter find 9:30 Col. Stoopnagle and Budd TUESDAY, JANUARY 17: ful measuring and studying New- ADVERTISING STAFF No longer will they Chevrolets contaia (2-3). 8:00 Julia Sanderson and Frank fa girls. Dr. Harley Gould finds James H. Ottaway .... Adv. Commissioner Nor motor-cars of any other kind. One might very well expect strong lan­ 10:00 Lucky Strike with Jack Crumit, songs and humor (4). that Southern girls are not differ­ Mary Butler Longest, Jack Higley, Repre­ guage from such a pair as Ben Hecht and Pearl (4-5). 8:30 Wayne King (4). The tariff-tinkers soon will rip and tear ent physically from the average sentatives. Gene Fowler. Each has shown his mettle 11:00 Don Bestor (4); Three 9:00 Ben Bernie (4); Tom How. And dissipate our prosperous upward trend American girl. Which proves, it in previous books and when they finally Keys (6). ard, comedian (1). With bitter cries of rank despair may be surmised, that girls not put their heads together, a strong and 11:30 Isham Jones (1); Jack 9:15 Threads of Happiness (1) Will moans and groans of pauperism blend. only will be girls, but girls are gamey dish was the result. It is called Denny (4). 9:30 Ed Wynn and the Fire the same the world over. Even And lower tariffs spell the farmer's doom "The Great Magoo" (Covici Friede). 12:00 Eddie Duchin (2); Cab Chief Band (4-5). (gdrt^gals this conclusion is one which gives To mortgage, debt and liability "The Great Magoo" is theoretically a Calloway (4). 10:00 Lucky Strike, police dra- the male of the species some con­ His land and farm with wreckage will be play, though few critics could recognize' a (4-5); Morin Sisters (6). DEATH OF CALVIN COOLIDGE FRIDAY, JANUARY 13; crete information concerning the strewn that following its opening on Broadway. 11:00 Ted Weems (4). SHOCKS ENTIRE 8:30 The March of Time, dra­ opposite sex, of which he is tradi­ Like derelicts upon an open sea. For reading purposes, however, it has a 11:30 George Olsen (4); Isham NATION matized news (2-3). tionally ignorant. number of fine, noble, uplifting points. 9:00 First Nighter, drama (5- Jones (1). The factories will move to foreign shores Tulane Hullabaloo. The death of Calvin Coolidge last Wed­ It is laid at Coney Island, in flea cir­ 6); Tom Howard, comedian (1). 12:00 Don Bester (4) • Cab Cal» The unemployed to myriads will increase nesday at his home in Northampton, Mas­ cuses, hall bedrooms, night clubs and such­ loway (6); Don Redman (1). The merchantry will lock the shops and 9:30 Leo Reisman (4). "Fools rush in where angels fear sachusetts, came as a shock to the entire like establishments around and about New 10:00 Al Jolson (4-5). 12:30 Dancing in Milwaukee nation. A man of national importance, he stores (6); Harold Stern (2). to tread." Have you noticed the York. The characters all are theatrical 10:30 Columbia Revue (1). has for many years played a part in world And trading lapse into a long surcease. conspicuous scarcity of angels people and all are slightly corrupt, each, of 11:00 Anson Weeks (4). affairs. His death is an irreparable loss. around the college buildings.? Like surging streams will flow the amber course, according to his bent. The stage di­ Blind Athlete Is Star 11:30 George Olsen (4); Night St. Petersburg Wooden Horse. From President Hoover to those of lesser brew rections, written by the co-authors, are Song, organ (6); Abe Lyman (1). Watertown, Mass. (UP)—George importance in the life of the nation came Our temperate land be over-run with sots wholly unconventional, yet they make up Leahti, 15 and blind, is the star of 12:00 Don Bestor (4); Cab Cal- Two sophisticated misses were messages of sympathy and regret. Secre­ Saloons and dives their traffic will renew for that in their originality. The illustra­ loway (6). the football team at Perkins Insti­ strolling down the street in Pitts­ tary Stimson said of him, "His leadership While booze survives and prohibition rots. tions and the general get-up of the book 12:30 Bernie Cummins (2). tution for the Blind. Despite his in bringing the finances of the federal gov­ are excellent. You don't have to be a handicap, George can punt 60 burgh looking for a drug store. 12:45 Hal Kemp (2). ernment, after the war period of necessar­ Statesmen, those gems of rarest ray serene drama-lover to get a kick out of it. '.s. He also throws a pretty They spied what looked to them ily lavish expenditure and inflation, back to To hidden caverns of the sea repair SATURDAY, JANUARY 14: good forward pass. like a soda fountain, so in they a status of governmental economy and re­ And like the flowers born to blush unseen 8:00 Echoes of The Palisades, Iked. They started back to the duction of debts and taxes, was one of the Will waste their sweetness on the desert Tip-off to mystery fans: You all know organ (4). booths but discovered that the most important services ever rendered this about Mrs. Belloc Lowndes. Well, Long­ 8:30 Gypsy Ensemble (2). Single Horseshoer Remains seats were filled with boxes and nation." mans have got together three of her best 9:00 Bing Crosby (1). Milwaukee, Wis. (UP)—Only papers. One started to move the Sad is our plight that ever we should see ones and put them all into a single book 9:30 George Olsen (4). ne horseshoer and one livery sta- Until January 5 Coolidge was the only boxes, when a man walked up, That fateful day of nineteen thirty-two for $2.50. The titles include "The Lodger," 10:00 Lucky Strike (4-5). 'le are listed in the new Milwaukee living ex-president of the United States and 'We'd like a 'coke,' " the girls said, Which ruthless had crushed the G. O. P. "The Story of Ivy," and "What Really Hap­ 11:00 Guy Lombardo (1); Jack ity directory just distributed. many had expressed the hope of seeing him and the man smiled, "We have the And shattered hopes like disappearing dew. pened—." Denny (4). again in the presidential chair. fountains, I'll admit, but we 11:15 Night Song, organ (6). Champion Dog Cost $1 He was a mafi of quiet tastes and plain Our methods roused the voters' pent-up haven't anything to go in them." 11:30 Harold Stern (1). Auburn, Neb. (UP)—Tony, the And then they realized that they living. "His rise from the political obscur­ rage "42nd Street" by Bradford Ropes (King) 12:00 Paul Whiteman (6). state champion coon dog, was had strolled into a confectionary ity of a member of the common council at And urged them to the verdict which they is one of those novels giving the low-down SUNDAY, JANUARY 15: bought from a dog pound by his equipment company. the turn of the century to the most exalted gave on New York theatrical life. In this in­ 7:30 Pickens Sisters (4). owner, Charley Michon, for fl. West Virginia—Athenean. office within the gift of a great nation made They cast us from our pristine heritage stance the story concerns the production of little or no difference to his private life." And paths of glory to an open grave. a musical comedy and the rise of a girl It was only after he had left the White Canford, N. J. H, B. MAURER. from the chorus to stardom. It is perfect House that he permitted himself a few more (Editor's Note: Mr. Maurer is a friend movie material, with little actual literary One of Last Links in Great Illinois Waterway Project luxuries. of President Holt.) Hierit. The theatrical atmosphere is piled After his retirement from the presidency, on thick with a greater degree of accuracy with the exception of two campaign speech­ than is usually encountered in such novels, es for Mr. Hoover and numerous magazine although there is a lapse here and there. articles, he did. not dabble in politics. OTHER EDITORIALS His taciturnity caused many stories to be circulated about him. Mr, Coolidge never Harold Lamb chooses a colorful figure of bothered to deny any of them. Yet his the early 17th Century for a well-written SONS biographical novel, "Nur Mahal, Light of statement, "I do not choose to run," will go (Daily IlUni) down in the annals of American history. the Palace" (Doubleday Doran). In spite of these stories or possible because We must^remember that although a group Nur Mahal was one of the wives of Ja- of them, people respected Calvin Coolidge. of men may go through the same prepara­ hangir, colorful monarch of the powerful His death comes at a tragic time in world tion for a particular task, there will be no Mogul empire. Her life centered princi­ •affairs. His advice was needed. The two alike. You see all about you everyday pally in her struggle against the harem in­ world mourns. on the campus men and women who are be­ trigues against her husband. Lamb has ing given exactly the same instruction that handled his narrative in such a fashion that you are getting. Some of these men and it will appeal both to men and FLAGLER BEACH EXCAVATIONS women will turn out to be finally great readers. ARE CONTINUED DURING successes, and some of them will be just as HOLIDAYS completely failures. J. B. O'Bannon's house caught fire while During the holidays some Rollins students This cannot be due altogether to a dif­ he was asleep. He owes his life to the fact .•!pent their time excavating near Flagler ference of opportunity if we pre-suppose he was awakened by the explosion of shot­ ADove, one of the i?^t 'inks coni.)lL*'pd m [UP ^->O Beach. Nor were their efforts unsuccess- the same curriculum for everyone in the been under construction since 1810 and which mnip. gun shells. River. This is the lock at Lockport, 111. THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR

licauliful New Spring Dresses $1.19 to $.3.2.') SOCIAL HICNUCNTS Why bother to make them ? R. F. Leedy Co.

Mostly About People The Student's Store Pewter Pitcher GOIIIIEE GHl WHAT'S IN A NAME? borious investgation can't read ONPlGEillAT The crocheted bath tub to be her writing, Virginia Jaekel's Club Breakfasts Lunch - Dinner BUICK awarded this week to outstand­ middle name is OVERSHOT. Head of Conservatory is Ap­ A la carte ing name bearers will have to Two girls have boys names for "An American Prince," Ap­ pointed at Convention be divided by several people. PONTIAC their second: Isabelle PAUL pears in Legion d'Honneur WinterPark Golf Club The prize for the most names Birnie, Anne HOWARD Chap- ALWAYS IN THE LEAD Appointment of Mr. Harve Clem­ in any one family at Rollins Legion d'Honneur, the magazine Gordon Jones' Christian name ens, head of the Rollins Conserva­ goes to HOMER CECIL MOO­ of the American Society of the WITH HIGH GRADE Gordon Jones Chritsian name tory, as chairman of a committee DY CUDMORE and his broth­ French Legion of Honor, carries an is ELBERT. Genevieve AINI- ORLANDO STEAM LAUNDRY USED CARS in the National Association of er, JOHN THOMAS PATTER­ article in the January number by FRENCH DRY CLEANERS Schools of Music, was announced SON CUDMORE. The shortest CHIHOYO Greer has the most Prof. A, J. Hanna. recently. Mr. Clemens attended dificult middle name for pro­ PHONE $1495 full name is the property of The magazine is a quarterly pub­ the convention of the Association nunciation. PETE Jarrell's real Winter Park—9188 Orlando—3176 JACK L. OTT. PAUL NEY lication devoted to subjects of 932—Pontl oupe, like held in Washington during the name is MARY ROSE. BUD SPECIAL STUDENT RATES $595 was a good competitor, but he Franco-American interest. The ti­ Christmas holidays. had too much middle name. Child's name is CLAYTON. tle of Professor Hanna's article is 930—Pontl oupe $345 The purpose of Mr. Clemen's CHARLES HEWLINGS CLARK Francis Acker's middle name "An American Prince." It deals committee is to make a study of MILLS, JR. wins the set of mosqui­ is AMBROSE. with the life of Prince Achille $295 to's earrings for the most name jtiusic in the liberal arts curricu­ But, after all, WHAT'S IN / Murat, nephew of Napoleon, who 931—Huprr Dbl e six wire lum and to work with the members hung on one person. ARTHUR NAME? settled in Florida after the down­ BEAUTY SECTION wheel se Jan $745 of the Southern Association with MARMADUKE WELLINGTON, fall and death of his father, Joac­ $175 the idea of stabilizing music cred­ winner of the most letters in three him Murat, king of Naples. 929—Chevr olet coupe its and making suggestions for the names prize, noses out ROB-ROY 930—DeSo o s X wire wheel Professor Hanna discusses the road.ster $345 requirements of a Bachelor of Arts New Stones Brought Mariam's Beauty MCGREGOR GRAEME MIZE, life of Prince Murat, his writings degree with major in music. GUILFORD ELMORE GAL­ For Walk from Cuba on American political and social Shop Other members of the commit­ BRAITH and ARTHUR VALA- conditions, his marriage to Cath­ You'll enjoy life more if you SPECIAL tee are Miss Ella S. Opperman of DIER LEE NEWTON by the While in Havana during Christ­ erine Willis Gray, a grand-niece of look your best. Tallahassee; Henry W. Stopher, width of one letter, in the race for mas vacation. President Hamilton George Washington, and his friend­ 346 E. Park Ave. Phone 113 1928—Franklin Sedan, 4 good Dean of the Conservatory of Lou­ most letters in full name. It is Holt secured a number of new ship with Ralph Waldo Emerson. tires, finish in beautiful isiana State University; H. D. Le­easy to understand the nicknames green duco. Upholstery ab­ stones for the Path of Fame, The article is illustrated with a solutely spotless. In fact, baron of Alabama College; and C. FLOP Morris, BILL Miller, among them a piece of Spanish rare portrait of Prince Murat. this car is clean in every re­ G. Vardell of Salem College. BILL TILDEN, BUD Coleman,' marble from the tomb of Christo­ spect. Andrews Beauty Salon SPIG Fassett, RIP Parsons, and pher Columbus. Permanent Only $395.00 BUD Belland; but where in the President Holt also received as PREVIEWS world did JACK Parsons get his Christmas gift another addition Turkish Ambassador $5 and $7 (Continued from page 2) name from HAROLD B. ? How to the Path of Fame. This is a Shampoo, Fin­ does Janet Rutherford Murphy rate Will Visit Rollins ger Wave, 192a—DeSoto coupe, clean in -„«- Other new representatives of the stone from the home of Confucius every respect !p2bO the title BILL? Haircut, Man­ healthy two-dimensional drama which are Tientsin, China. It was sent by icure, Arch. 1928—Buick standard 6 se- *tne The Turkish ambassador to the soon to come to us, all of them be­ Alliteration is the keynote sister of Harry Gaw, class of Each 50c dan, 4 new tires 9lVO United States and his suite, who The Harper Method ing now on the New York screens, of BURLEIGH BROMMER 1930. Orlando Phone 3479 1D28—Studebaker Command- »iftc were guests at the Roney-Plaza in 246 Park Av Phone 311-R er sedan ^IDO are The Sign of The Cross, a big Drummond and ELLSWORTH mi, have been invited by Presi­ one which is concerned with the EVERETT Dwight. States­ Two Apple Crops 1926—Cadillac 4 door sedan, dent Hamilton Holt to visit Rollins good rubber, mechanically »inc plight of the Christians under Nero manship should be the forte of Lancaster, Pa. (UP)—Henry A-1 5195 College. and for which Fredric March, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Hunsecker, Lancaster County far­ Elissa Landi, and Claudette Col­ Kuhns, THOMAS JEFFER­ mer, harvested two crops of ap­ The ambassador is one of the Beauty is a Duty bert provide the romantic inter­ SON (T. J.) Morris, and ples last year. The second crop leading men of Turkey. He is Orange-Buick est; Rasputin, the starring vehicle THOMAS JEFFERSON appeared during the mild fall especially active in promoting the Enjoy the convenience and beau­ of the three Barrymores; Noel (Tom) Evans. ROBERT LOU­ weather of October and the apples ducation of Turkish ty of a Natural Looking Perma­ Coward's Cavalcade, with a British IS STEVENSON is in our developed rapidly in size. nent Wave Pontiac Co. cast; Madame Butterfly, a presen­ midst, but he is known as Bob "Open Evenings" tation of the opera devoid of music to his K. A. brothers. from Emotional middle names are 330 N. ORANGE AVE. save for one short song by Cary 9A% DISCOUNT those of Hortense ADORA Boyd, TAXI Phones r>3r>3—8335 Grant and the accompanying mu­ ^U CASH AND CARRY EDA'S BEAUTY SHOP sical score played by the invisible Grace DARLING Embry, Robert Dry Cleaning and Laundry Phone 200 orchestra, with Sylvia Sidney in (Binny) FELIX Elliott, and Wil­ Consult Us About Prices Cars For Rent by Season the title role; and The Animal liam PILLING Harrington. Kingdom, Leslie Howard's stage Molly PENNIMAN Ames, Yer­ Dollar Dry Cleaning Co. TheCityTransferCo. success, which he brings to the vant AVEDIS Aristakes, Virginia 332 E. Park Ave., Winter Park screen with Ann Harding opposite TEJAS McCall, and Miriam FITTZ him in this version, selected for Barnhill all have interesting titles. the inaugural program of the new Unless the author of this la- Radio City Roxy Theatre. Visit Our Gift Shop ROLLINS POSTVIEWS will endeavor to featuring cover these pictures more thor­ Steve's Bar-B-Q Navajo Blankets and Rugs oughly as space and time permit. Smart Manilla Frocks Aways Warm Inside Students Wish Attractive Batik Costumes Toasted sandwiches of. all kinds and Mexican Chili' Enjoy a Meal Worth the Price Radios $17.95 to $149.50 Midway between Orlando and Winter Park Swiss Bracelet Watches a at the To Save! Radio Repair Men Specialty Bennett Electric GROVER MORGAN PERRYDELL And when they look for Shop In Bennett Electric Shop Winter Park and Orlan­ 242 Park Ave. do merchants' offerings, The Rollins Press they look in the Sand­ Printers and Stationers GOOD NEWS! spur, the college news­ Portable Typewriters paper that has 100% All Makes New and Used coverage among the stu­ Convenient terms can be arranged. Thursday and Friday dent body. January 12-13 Davis Office Supply Co, For Automobile Orlando 29 E. Pine St. Flori Constance Bennett in Insurance "Rockabye" with Fresh Popcorn See Sid Carlson, X'28 Joel McCrea - Paul Lukas French Fried 125 E. Morse Blvd. GEO. M. FERREE SATURDAY ONLY! ot YOUR Every kernel has the flavor

Roasted Peanuts See Your Stan Laurel and Special GOODS Oliver Hardy

Drain and Refill $3.95 "Pack Up Your Troubles" DOCTOR will be facilitated immeasurably if with Ctemfii Pan-Am 100% Paraffin bas< Gayest of new spring shades you run attractive advertisements in Oil at SUNDAY & MONDAY and snappy little styles that if you are ill, of course. And the Sandspur, letting Sandspur sub­ Six Point Service January 15-16 will make a hit on campus likewise— scribers know what you have to sell. SHE'S BACK! Greater than Station Reasonable or in the classroom. They're Prices worth more but take this low CLARA BOW price in the January Clear- The Sandspur offers an attractive ad 25c Colgate's Dental Cream Second Floor service to its advertisers and is al­ "Call Her Savage" See The Mens Suits, 70c ways glad to prepare copy for its Special This Week—17c customers. Women's Dresses, $1.00 up Ic Sale Tuesday and Yowell-Drew Co. The Undersellers, Wednesday ORLANDO Overcoats, $1.00 up SANDSPUR INC. Advertise regularly in the Sandspur Our expert work, prompt when you wish to sell your definite goods to sell—definite serv­ delivery and low price PHILCO SALES AND SERVICE goods to Rollins Students. ices—and you will get results. makes it possible to keep Guaranteed Service on Any Make Radio clothing always fresh and When Your Radio Busts new looking. Don't Cuss - Phone Us PHONE 215 DELIVERED PRICES 116 New England Ave. Winter Park, Fla. Phone 413 ROLLINS SANDSPUR Orange Laundry TRY HAM'S PURE HAMBURGER Published by the Students of Rollins College

Cleaners and Dyers STEAK Rendezvous Bar-B-Q THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR ANNUAL INTRA-MURAL TOURNAMENT STARTED MISS MITCHELL NEWS OF SPORT MIXTURES THE DOPSTER EIRST ROUND WOMENS LOOKS AHEAD TO DRAW STARS AND BEHIND GIVES COURSE SPORTS Impressions of the Rose Bowl Game as a Foot- TORECOMPLETE Contest and Otherwise. Many Tennis Luminaries En­ By M. J. DAVIS Miss Weber has announced the ter Tournament complete schedule of women's "Football is dead . . . Long Live IN SCOUT WORK sports for the winter term, and a I had the opportunity to see the with the ends time and time again, King Tennis," which all may sound Miami, Fla. (UP)—The trek of ATEMOOEWEEK really attractive program will be Rose Bowl game this year out in and he cracked through the Pitt a bit far fetched, and assinine, yet the tennis top-nochers was under­ offered to the girls who are inter­ Pasadena between Pittsburgh and line like they were a bunch of ten nevertheess is true. No longer can way today to the new Miami Bilt­ Classes Meet Every Afternoon ested in these sports. Southern California for the mythi­ year old boys. Most of the plays one find a group of sweating Fifty-two Enter Singles; Dou­ more All-South invitation cham­ Under Direction of Noted Heading the list in importance cal football championship of the that Pitt used on the offense were dropping punts and missing easy bles Competition Follows pionship. This event, new to the National Scout Leader is Hockey. The competition will ntry, and I am going to pass on run around the opposite side of the passes in the sandspurred wastes Southland's itinerary, will be play­ Completion of Singles be arranged as it was last year my reactions to the game to you line frum Smith, but I doubt that of Carnegie Field. Instead comes with the inter-class games follow for what they are worth. it was any better strategy because ed January 23 to 29, under the the stinging "ping" of ball meet­ The Winter Term really started Miss Ray Mitchell, of the Na­ ed by the odd-even series. There there wasn't a weak spot in the sponsorship of the Florida Year In the first place, the game was ing racquet as some lanky individ­ with a bang as far as intra-murals tional Girl Scout Headquarters in was considerable talent exposed line. They stopped Pitt's attack Round Clubs. played in the Rose Bowl Stadium ual burns one across the net for are concerned, as the first bracket , is here at Rollins last year uader the stress of the cold before it could get started for George Lott, Davis Cup interna­ which is worthy of a few words. another ace. And don't think those of the Intra-mural Tennis Tourna­ for this coming week to conduct a intense rivalry, and this year the The Bowl is situated in a valley the most part. Rosenberg played tionalist; Gregory Mangin, who boys out there aren't good! ! ment got under way yesterday, course in Girl Scout training and interest has already aroused between two hills. . Sitting in the the other tackle and he piled up holds the national indoor title; Messrs. Cooney, Robinson, and a Fifty-two entrants were listed for girls' leadership. The class meets great rivalry among the girl; stands it gives one the impression play after play directed at his side Clifford Sutter, reigning in the in­ half dozen other gentlemen of like the tournament, many unattached. every afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 Rumor has it that there is consid­ of sitting in the middle of no­ of the line. Jock Sutherland said tercollegiate ranks; , prowess can provide plenty of ex­ Interest and competition is pretty in Recreation Hall. erable new talent in the school this where, so to speak. You are sur­ of him after the game that he was the tireless Tei^n; Marcel Rain- citement for one afternoon ... as keen. The enthusiastic response to The course is an introduction to year, and the old guard will have rounded by tall mountains on ali the hardest man to get out of a ville, Canada's Davis Cup ace; well as the usual stiff neck, result­ this new intra-mural sport is far Girl Scouting, stressing the aims, a hard time keeping their laurels sides and you see none of the hus­ play that he had ever seen. Un­ Gustav Vollmer, of the Cuban ing from trying to follow "the exceeding Coach McDowall's ex­ organization and methods. The (intact, tle and bustle of street cars and doubtedly, it was that great South­ team, and Dr. Eugene McAuliff, of bouncing ball." pectations and there may be some work covers girl psychology, troop / Individual Sports automobiles that one thinks of in ern California line that was the New York, who defeated and carried to difficulty in finishing off the sea­ planning, tenderfoot work, home The individual sports will con- connection with the Eastern foot­ reason that the Pitt team could get five sets, are in the vanguard of son before the Basketball Tourna­ makmg, handcraft, nature activi-|,i3t „f tg„„ig_ g„,f_ f^^^^^g^ ^^j ball games. It seemed awfully nowhere. Jack McDowall never dreamed quiet to me, that is before the entrants for the tourney, their at­ ment gets under way. ties, trailing, mapping, health, ^.^^^^ ^,1 ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^ij, PITT'S DEFENSE STANDS there were so many lads in school game started. tention focused on the spring Da­ who thought they could play ten- Each fraternity and dormitory ideals of service and dependability | gj^^ t^^ gi^s who have started On the defense, though, Pitt was vis Cup selections. until he started to make out is represented by a six-man team, in Girl Scout promises and laws. U^^^^^ ,p„t, ;„ jj,^ ^^j^j^^ ^ ^j^^^^^^ a brilliant fighting team. On one COLORFUL SPECTACLE The South will have Caroll Tur­ entrance list and arrange the draw­ refuUy picked according to skill four reasons why the,t„ continue to perfect their game occasion California had the ball on But somehow or other the game ner and Gus Fuer, 1932 Florida ings. Last time we saw him he and prowess on the court. Each Girl Scout movement has expanded that particular sport. Pitt's three-yard line, first down. was really more colorful than any State champion and runner-up, and atch won counts five points for from a group of twelve to its pres­ On the first play thereafter, Dail- was pacing up and down No, 306 Dancing football game that I have ever Hudson Hamm, winner of the Free the team, each forfeit costs the ent 300,000 members in the United dimunitive Pitt end, broke Lyman, trying to figure out how States and abroad. Three different courses are be­ seen. The bands were better, two Florida Public Courts champion­ could eliminate 50 budding Til­ team ten points. The winning or­ ing offered in the line of dancing through and tossed Griffith for a (1) Its patrol organization and bands of a hundred and fifty piec- ships. Jay Cohn, Chicago junior, 's in order to have a champion­ ganization will receive an addi­ this term. There will be a class six-yard loss, and on the following actual work. each, card cheering, a flock of who has been winning in the mid­ ship playoff inside of two weeks. tional twenty-five points, while the in natural dancing, a group in folk celebrities, most of the noted foot­ play he stopped Griffith this time (2) The program itself in teach­ west since he won the 1929 and And then he's got the doubles nners up will receive twelve and dancing, and a third class will be ball coaches in the game, and some ith the loss of two yards. The : ing skill. 1930 national boys' championship, tournament to think about! Pleas­ half. formed in denishawn dancing. very unusual between the half en­ Pitt line held and there it was (3) The aims and ideals of serv­ is wintering here and will begin ant dreams, Jack! The first round matches must These courses have proven of great tertainment, all contributed to fourth down and Southern Califor- ice in presenting an opportunity in the Miami Biltmore All-South completed before next Monday, interest in the past and this year making the game the most unusual was on the eleven-yard line. to contribute a definite part in tourney his first eastern cam­ e 16th. Following the singles a large group is expected to par­ of the year. But then Griffith caught a flat And while King Football may be I paign. matches, the doubles tournament home life. ticipate in these classes. pass out in the open to the left and dead, it certainly died with its | will get under way. Plenty of coni' (4) Its trained leadership in se­ THE ACTUAL GAME for the score. On one boots on, as far as intra-murals j Horseback Riding petition and fight is slated for the lecting girls of the highest type. to the game itself as far as other defense Pitt took the ball are concerned. That post season There will be several opportuni­ Temperament Cuts next two weeks when these two This class is not a lecture course, the two teams played was just an away from the Trojans after game between the Frosh and the ties for those interested in horse­ tournaments get into full s but consists of actual work with ordinary game, with Southern Call- throwing them for a loss of about Equipoise's Earnings Sophs was a riot, and, as usual, back riding to engage in this form Outstanding contenders for first the members organized as a troop. ia having much the better of fifteen yards on four trys. But on the underclassmen came through of recreation. On Tuesday and honors include Cooney of Roll There is to be one outdoor meet­ it especially in the second half due By STUART CAMERON to take the palm. It looked like Thursday morning there will be an the first play that they had the ball, Hall, gweet of Chase Hall, Horton ing. to a great part to their superiority United Press Sports Editor a scoreless tie until the last min­ pportunity for those who like to Sebastian fumbled and Ernie Smith representing Kappa Alpha, East­ Over 137 colleges have given this in weight and reserve material. Temperament may be a money­ ute, when the Fighting Irish Scrap­ take long trecks to do so under the recovered and California had an­ wood »nd Robinson of the X Club, leaders training course that Rol-1 The score nevertheless does not do maker for prima donnas and the ers, (one p, please) Bill Carmody supervision of Miss Weber, and on ther score. and Peper and Roberts playing for lins is sponsoring. Girls are urged ' justice to the Pitt team. They had | like, but it works just the reverse and Bill Whalen, finally got down Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, GRIFFITH AND WARBURTON Theta Kappa Nu. to attend. The course is free of ] a much better team than the score j for thoroughbred race horses, to business and made connections the Horseback Riding Club will This "Scooter" Warburton look­ charge to college students. A fee ! would seem to indicate, but the Temperament costs thoroughbreds on a long'^pass down on the one Winners and runners up ir meet. ed like another Albie Booth, only of $1.00 is the charge for town j breaks were all against them and races, and losing races costs foot line. After which Carmody tournament will be automatically The complete schedule follows more so. He is the same type of people. they paid heavily for every mis­ money. Big money, too, if the pulled a fast one, by taking the applicants for positions on the Rol­ 1. Field Hockey. ball carr take that they made. The Cali­ and his nick name of j temperamental thoroughbred hap­ ball through the center of the line lins Varsity Tennis squad. Major team sport in Winter "Scooter" is well suited. He look fornia team followed the ball more pens to be such an ace as C. V for the touchdown. Term. Harper - Shepherd Field exactly like he was on a scooter closely than any team I have ever Whitney's Equipoise. Tues, Thurs., 3:45, when he carries the ball. He slips The Hot Stove League seen, and they took advantage of Frank Ortell, racing expert oi Mt. Plymouth Gives 2. Canoeing Classes. in and out of holes with a speed all their scoring opportunities. But the New York World-Telegram, Not content with ending the sea­ Students Green Fees Talks About Baseball Mon., Wed., 4:30. Swiming Dock. and shiftiness that is really a as I said, the game in so far a* the has figured out that temperament, son with a bang-up football scrap, War Canoeing for W. A. A. points. beautiful thing to see. Griffith two teams were concerned was an as displayed in bad behavior at the boys insisted on running each T^me to be announced later. played a fine game throughout, Some of the Rollins students took The ring-leader of anti-Homsby ordinary one. the barrier cost the chestnut son other over hill and dale for about 3. Fencing, and it was his pass to Palmer in advantage of the Mt. Plymouth element on the Chicago Cubs is of Pennant no less than $50,000 three and a half miles just to Tues., Thurs., 3:30. THE INDIVIDUAL STARS the end zone for the first score of Golf Club's invitation to play golf last year. Equipoise earned $107,- prove that it could be done. And due to play elsewhere in 1933 The game was an ordinary one, the game that was easily the most on their course last Friday and 4. Golf. 375—more than any other four- it was!! About three dozen gen­ The Cubs' "penury" in dividing up but the individual players were outstanding individual play of the Saturday. They were very favor­ Friday afternoons. tlemen of all shapes and sizes the World Series spoils wi just the opposite. Warren Heller, game. With the ball on the thirty- year-old ever has garnered in a ably impressed with the course and them to be targets for more than single season—but would have far chased Doug Chalmers all over | the"club. Mon., Wed., 3:30; Wed., Pitt's All-American halfback, and yard line, he faded back to mid- their share of "riding" next year. Ernie Smith, Southern California's field and shot the ball down the ded that figure had he seen Winter Park, finally driving him Jimmy Lee, the pro., announced 4:30; Mon., 4:30; Fri, 3:30. fit to act like a gentleman at the finish line after 17 min­ Roger Hornsby's salary as 6. Archery. contribution to the football great middle of the alley like a bullet. that the green fees would be low­ post. utes and 2' seconds of some mighty player with the Cardinals next Advanced group—Tues., Thurs., for 1932, lived up to their reputa­ Palmer, Sebastian, the Pitt safety ered in the future to fifty cents Equipoise was beaten by a head smooth running on Doug's fcart. season will be $9,0t)0, 'tis said . . . 4:30. tion as great ball players. Heller man, and the ball were all up in to Rollins students and faculty, and That's a drop of about $26,000 from by Plucky Play in the $Z2,000 Ar­ Beginning group—Tues., Thurs., two-thirds of the Pitt defense the air at the same time and when he is anxious to arrange matches what he received from the Cubs as lington Handicap. The Whitney 3:30. about half of their offense, they came down the ball was in the Whitie" Whitelaw, running for there with the Rollins team, ard player-manager last year. while Smith kicked four consecu­ possession of the Pitt man. Really .star delayed this race nearly ten 7. Posture and Corrective Work. Kappa Phi Sigma, upset the old the other schools in Florida. tive points after touchdowns, and derful play, and it was the minutes, and then broke badly, Philip K. Wrigley, Cub owner, Physical Education Office. Tues., Dope Sheet by nosing out Dick Saturday night there will amazed the spectators with his i brilliant ordinary game I forcing him to make up much Saw his team play only five games Thurs., 4:30, or by special appoint­ Washington at the finish line and ! <'" dance at the Mt. Plymouth ground. last season ... His father, the late ment. speed. He was down under punts,have annexmg second place. "Whitie" Hotel, and the entire charge Amost the same thing happened William Wrigley, seldom missed a 8. Dancing Classes. was a dark horse entrant and cer­ be $1.60. The purpose of the dance the Washington Handicap, worth game when the Cubs were at home Natural Dancing or Interpretive tainly did show his stuff. Especial and dinner is to acquaint those in substantial $14,800. Equipoise . . . Young Wrigley says he likes Dancing—Mon., Wed., 3:30 io 4:30, Aloma Golfers Down Trapshooting Re­ honors for the day go to Charlie terested with the facilities of th( bucked and jittered at the barrier club. baseball, but he can't afford to Tap Dancing—Mon., Wed., 4:30 Mills, who gave a prime exhibition Rollins Team 25 to fl ports Good Year for 11 minutes, and was beaten out lose the time from his business. to 5:30, of stamina and fight by crossing The Mt. Plymouth Club is about by red Avon. His bad manners the tape in seventh position after twenty miles out, on the road to Frank (Lefty) O'Doul, National Denishawn Dancing—Mrs. Fan- Playing on the newly opened By RALPH TEATFORTH probably were responsible for his having practically run his heart Kissimmee. League batting champion, and Lou lli—381-R. Classes Fri. and Sat., greens of the Aloma Golf course, defeat by Jack High and Gallant all the way. Charlie was in a Gehrig, were the only two play­ 3:30. Private Classes by appoint­ the team of that club defeated the United Press Staff Correspondent r in the $5,450 Laurel, bad way when he crossed the line, ers who took a jaunt to Japan for ment. Rollins Varsity squad 11 to 25 on One sporting enterprise may This evil disposition at the post but was still going. Our hats off a series of games last winter and 9. Horesback Riding. the club course last Sunday after­ look back upon the year 1932 with How One Woman nothing new with Equipoise, As to you, Charliel improved their playing over the Instruction given at: noon. satisfaction, and may look for­ two-year-old he refused to go previous season . . . Frankie 1. Flower Riding Academy near ward to an equally productive Lost10Lbs.iiiaWeek Eight players represented the into stall gates, thus earning the Frisch, Al Simmons, Rabbit Mar- Harper-Shepherd Field. 1933. college and a like number the club. enmity of the assistant starters, iurr" Evans was just about to anville, Tom Oliver suffered the Mr. Brown's Academy on The The Amateur Trapshooting As­ Scores of individual matches fol­ who, naturally, say that he didn't start out with a searching party biggest declines . . . Frisch had his Rose Estate near Orlando. sociation—the big league of organ worst year in baseball. low: get any the best of it. le moon began to rise, when Al I Mr. McCoUums Academy at First foursome: "Bill Miller and ized marksmen — has announced Stoddard and Bud Childs came I To take off fat easily, SAFELY and HA«M- In the juvenile year. Equipoise LESSLY—fake one half teaspoonful of Krusclien Cecil Travis, Chattanooga rookie, Daytona Beach (ride along the Bob Enck, 2% pts.; Dr. Burks and that its program was curtailed trolling down the course. The in a glass of hof waf-=r in fhe morning bsfo™ is slated to replace Ossie Bluege h). and affected to a minimum was just as fractious. Had he brealfait—if is fhe safe way fo lose unsightly"' Joe Galloway, QV2 pts. been mannerly he probably would boys didn't break loose until they and one boftle that lasts 4 weeks costs hur" at third base for Washington next by the economic ills of the last 12 frifle. Gef it af any drugstore in America, i Second foursome: Dexter Ward have won the $99,000 Futurity, for, hit the cinder path, where Stod­ season ... He batted .356 in the Bible Washed Ashore and Cliff Turner, AVs pts.; Fred Dnths, dard finally managed to drag his Southern Association last year and Scituate, Mass. (UP)—A Bible, despite all his cutting up, James­ Ward and Al Ginthem, 4^^ pts. In fact, representatives of th town beat him out by less than a 1exces s avoidupoise (Bay Window although a left-handed batter, hits washed ashore here when the old Third foursome: Tommy John­ nation's trapshooters have ar to you) across the line just a few southpaws as sueessfully as right­ Minot's lighthouse was wroclied by length. 1 son and Sev Bourne 0; A. Mason a national tournament for Just why the Whitney ace is so : feet ahead of Bud. We suggest handers. the great storm of 1849, has been and S. Foley, 9 pts. 1933 which will include all the mean at the barrier is a puzzle to a cut glass necktie as consolation Lost 20 Lbs. of Fat Rube Bressler, veteran outfield­ presented to the Scituate Historical events of other years, with the Fourth foursome: Bob Evans horsemen, for off the racing strip | prize for Bud. er, who wound up his major league Society by Harry Crosby Allen, of and Jack McDowall, 4 pts; J, Tay­ winners' purses equally as large. he is as gentle as a Shetland pony. ] In Just 4 Weeks career last season, is broadcasting Kansas City, Mo. lor and Dr, Gary, 5 pts. The annual gathering of clay Around his barn, or in his stall, ] And after sketches on ball players over a In the blind bogey play Doline, hooters will be held at the