ATiaiACB DAILT dBOOIAllOM for the M«Bth of Hank* IMS 5 , 2 6 8 Bfartw of llie Andit Oo im b of Gbeolatloiia.

(ClMsIflcd AdVHtiilll( OB Page U)| SIXTEEN PA 6K J ^ l ^ T E R E E C E I T O VOL. U L, NO. 171. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1933. SENATE RECEIVES THE UQUOR BILL 1 M o a ^ Changes Are Sig- G R U T BRITAIN gested, Bagin W31 At­ Roosevelt Bans Gold S | ^ SEIS EMBARGO Market Prices ments to Haiidain P u ilj tend to Hare R Passed Abroad — k Move to ^ " m Its Present Fonn. ONWGOODS A s the Rake hiees m D. S.-> New York, April 19.—(AP)—W lth^tock Exchange ran so high that Hartford, April 19.— (AP)— Tlie WiD Affect 80 Per Cent o( stocks up $1 to $11 a share, wheat toe quotation machinery was swamped and the ticker at times van Plans to Pnt Idk BDIions . Buckley study commission mieasure rising more than 4 cento a bushel providing for direct state control six or seven minutes behind fc t ^ Rnssiaii Imports— To Be and other, commodities buo3pant, businiess on toe floor. Buyers were over all liquor traffic^in Connecticut bullish seatiment in American mar­ particularly eager to acqtdre metal in Reserve Banks to VoA reached the Senate today, but that Enforced on April 2 6 -4 s kets reached the boiling point today issues and oto^ commodity shares, body deferred action on it by tabling as Washington worked at its "anti­ several of wbldi whirled up four, - ^ ^ o d a t e s Dollar u it for the calendar. deflation" prognun. five and six dcdlars or xnOM. Several Senators, including Coo­ Retaliation Measnre. Trading^in toe New York Stock United -States Steel Commbn ney and Blackall of Hartford, ex­ "Prosit!" "Skoal!" and "Here’s how!" echoed (mce more in toe House restaurant on the first floor Of. the Exchange proceeded at a pace toat surged up nearly $4 to just under Strata^ Han for Econom- pressed the opinion that certain pro­ nation’s capitol when beer flowed there again after 80 years’ exile. First to be served toe legal brew were, promised a 5,000400-sbEue day tor $88, a new high for toe y ^ , while visions dealing with chain stores, London, April 19,— (AP)—Great left to right: Representatives John J. Boylan of New York, William M. Berlin of Pennsylvania, Jcton J. toe first time in many months. toe Preferred jumped $4.25 to above Cotton soared about $240 a bale $71. American Smelting gained ic Conference — Lower in ddUar exdhange J. L Case $4 to $68, Westingbouse $8.62 to $M.75. Allied Chemical as passed by the House yesterday effective was signed today by King JAPANESE BOMBDK against foreign monies, reflecting tions Ainree. RIVQl AT HARTFORD toe gold emtmSgo and toe inference $5.75 to $88. American Can about $4 after the longest debate in recent Ctoorge at Windsor Castle. toat the American dollar was to be to ^740, Com Priiducts $4.75 to legislative history. It wae authoritatively stated allowed to find its own level In world $6440, Anaconda Copper $1.75 to The majority leader said he would Washington, April 19.—(AP) — that 80 per cent of Russian Imports OTYOELWANCHOW m arkets. • $9.76 and American Triephone $2 resist any attempts to amend the will be affected. All grain, butter, ABOVE FLOOD LEVEL Speculative enthusiasm on toe to $90. President Roosevelt moved today on measure and added he was ready to raw cotton, petroleum and timber the internatlonsG and domestie have it come up for a vote In the will be excluded. fronts dn a broad campaign to re­ Senate at any time. Parliament authorized toe action If It FaDt Next Jap Adraoce store American price levels, wqges Against Amendments last week as a measure of retalia­ Hfles o f Waterfront him - MEW HAVEN PU N S and credit. . Senator Bergin. was also Informed tion against the prosecution of toe HOUSE BACKS GOVERNOR He focused first attention on toe hy the governor that he was oppos­ British engineers in Moscow. dated— Scores Homeless WiD Be On Tientoni, Com- forthcoming world economic conver- ed to any amendments to the bill at ‘The King held a privy council FURTHERECONOMIES satloae and acted to strengthen his this tim e. meeting at toe castle this morning mercial Center. hand in these negotiations. The governor said: **Any action to approve toe proclamation under in East Hartford— Expect ON RUM CONTROL RAN To attain a poritlon to deal with which will result In returning the the Russian goods import prohibi­ toe foreign powers which have gone bill to the House may jeopardize its tion act passed by Parliament. onto depreciated standards of cinr- nentsln, China, April 19.— (AP) rency, be withdrew support of tot nueeess. Changes which are felt Brief Meeting Two More Feet of a Rise. Railroad to Save at Least ^'heoessary may be made at a later —Japanese bombing planes and American d(filar in toe foreign ex­ Tbs councillors traveled In motor Repibficiiu Ifpore Leader- AMHIIR NANNING changes. cars from London to toe meeting artillery were reported^ attacking He evinced determination to exert '^. The Buckley eommlssioD bill, Hartford, April 19.—A(P)— Tbs Three HiDioiis by Pooliog which lasted only 15 minutee. Stan­ Lwanebow, largest city between efforts toward bringing all nations creates a state litjuor oom- diip to Pan Ceomussioii 1*9ley BBaldwin, president of toe coun­ Connecticut river, swollen by con­ Chinwang^ and Tientsin in toe back onto a gold standard — pef- mfeeloB of tbreA members to regu- DIES HERE1DDAY cu in thetoe Cetoinet,Caunet, and Sir Iphn tinued rain and meltiii|r northern EppiiieDL baps at a lower ratio than toe exiit- >. 3 traffic in bard liquors as wen North China coast area today. Simon; foreign secretary, rem ibsd ’The Chinese military headquar­ ing 40 per>cent gold reserve for betarages alreadv' legalised by snow, oysrflowsd its banks and in­ Han Endorsed by Crose— M' for some time with the King while ters for operations in toat r^$lon currency. came to t^ Senate after undated* miles of waterfront in this other councillors returned to Lon­ New ^aren, April 19.—(Jk#) — it located there. While Chinese de- Hopes Trade Betternieat voted to 'egspesd the don. section today.' In Bfcst Hartford Stockholders of tbs New/.BBijw fenaee were being thrown up to Senate Vote Tneeday. Proniiieot Tobacco Grower By bringing about a restoratlm rtnes. Provisions in the measure Baldwin is acting pffme minister scores were homeless hnd in Hari- toe southwest, toe fall of Lwan­ of toe world nxmetary situation the railroad in annual meeting today dealing with bard liquor wlO become during toe absence oC Ramsay ford tr n to four fqst of . water hdlt- ebow would considerably facilitate President is confident of immeaj»- bffective only in the event tlM 18th Pauec Away' st..H o«i-r MacDonald, now enroute to Wiaah- sd traljnc along Commsrea street. were informed through Edward O. a Japanese advanice in Tientsin, toe H a rifw d , April 19.—(AP)—The •urably improving the position of Amendment is repealed. ittfton . RMfig at the rale of one tenth of Buokland. ’ chairmen of the board, international comm«roial ~ center American currency and trade. Oovernor Cross, who waged a R^n.-pro]^se Ip a ^ the last fiscal year. have been looted. It had been jects’’ and stimulate trade "all along' United States Government securi­ drastic declines. of a seqoD breaUbig toe record set mid-city house. by jQbnhy Miles of Nova Scotia in strategfoal position for his seoeemio Total expenditures of the present grounded 15 miles from Macao. toe line." ties which have been malnttdnlng The market for Federal iMUia has Amused rather than alarmed at bargsinficlge. :.v- fiscal period amounted to $2,995,- The body of one of the Britishers, . The bill would remove the restric­ firm leadership in the bond market had moments of nervousness, at­ 1939. MUee time was 2:88:8 4-6. ... the police protection, Secretary Per- The Rho(Ie Islander was far aheafl^ . The decision to wi*" ' 716,075 as compared with $8,572,- E. E. Pearce, and that of a Chinese tion that loans must be self liquidat­ are being watched by financiers in tributed prindpally to uncertain­ Iclns defended toe neqeMlty ot re­ for egport of gold 001,044, while total receipts amount­ engineer, also killed, were found in ing and would only require that they the hope they will provide toe ties about toe adixninistratipn’a fi­ ducing wages of Federal employes of toe Itefd and was greeted by close the bullet riddled vessel. It was tamnsastsly. * ___ , ed to $1,684,489407, as compared be “needful and in the public inter­ oue ae to whether toe much talked nancing plans. P^k*»g intereets while inslitlng toat rratoratlon of to 15,000 fab$ at the finish line. Re A.puMlb wnrki^ iinffSh8F8lfffi^-i with $1,086,081,917 in the nine learned.the other Briton, W. J. D. e s t ” of inflatiop la to become r fact. seemingly still are in toe dark as to buying power is essential to econo­ was orawned 'Wito a laurel i wreath Baldwin bad not died on toe al^ Just how Yar toe government in- Oontsinpiatsd ta. mouths ended with March 81, .1982. Couch testlfled that only $197,- ' A toeozy held by many stock mic recovery. by tha Q re<^ tradition aoddty' al|q but made his way with great dlffl- tenda to go ir replacing many mfl- sUaralsts' The largest single expenditure for 000,000 of loans have been author­ and bond houses is toat governmeot "This seems to be neoesiary a$ wasalso given a bronze medal. ' eulty to Macao and died there after iesuee, aa well as high grade, low lions of short term issues'with long li k ^ that the fiscal year to date was nutoe ou ised by toe corporation under tot rt of the p\pdge to toe people and P^wiim is'one., o the youafer ofidrs^Bsar havtog a hand amputated. yield oorporation maturinee, will go term bonds and to what extent new Account. of the Veterans Bureau law enacted by Congress last year. e necessity of balancing toe bud­ g)robp of marithonera Ha has ‘woo Seven Chinese members of toe materially lower if drastia infla­ bonds.wUl be floated for publlo g dollars Which required a total of $588,411,- More than $1,500,000,000 is avail­ get to preserve toe Nation’s credit,'^ several road faces in .tohi^toalty i,.wlmui crew escaped with Baldwin and told tion, either of ourrenoy or credit works. otnes-thS' '0 4 for line months of operation. of toe attack. able. becomes a eerious probability. Thus Investment drdee point out that, toe said. "The administration la ^H«xt was the Interest requirements In the House committee toe only attacking toe econemle problem on eoosidsrsd r- jfar the "gilt edge^’ groups have while talk of Inflation may cause a N -rsnly fid Pawfiapa oe toe public debt which amounted TREASURY BALANCE amendment of oonsequenoe was ont m^wy fronts. itkna.jtoj failed to indicate a fear of dotar slseable sag in toe governmeilt; loan ter that. M AlU«Ifs for tka.iass to $420,291,850 as compared with Increasing from $200,000,000 to depredation or other, fixed-return departmsnt, actual quotations, at **]tos upturn .w ill be-gradual aad f i i o hStjtsrtd tlM 01 only $861,208,805 last srear, and for Washington, April 19—(AP) — $260,000,000 toe amount^ that la to handleapi. toe worst, might not drop much be­ no ons can say just whob a genstiil F5.rj the sinking fund account of tte gen- Treasum receipts for April 17 were be to toe states mi toe boaia Gpvennient loans, with ,tha naas- low par for toe higher Interest mac favorable reaction will sat tb.^ fund which required $418,^,- $6,798,19142; expenditures |80)<45,- of toe Federal dollar for each three ing of tos oritls. have turiubs, bsoauas toty ,oan be redlo- Another guest of honor at tbs DHm XotBOMB'of tks.llflBfirSh^ thls year as compai^ with 817.62; balanes $899,648,487.49. local dollars. Under*'Ibis, ohai^i movpd torwartvtotoe podtioo.tooy oounted at Federal Reserve banks dUmsr was Mrs. Pi .B . Buoki S488,200 tor toe oompdrable Customs duties for 17 days of April |260,d00,000, the balance' of • the lM|d'.at tbs end of Idpt year. Xb re-. agstoat asw Fsdenl Rsaervt bank P ultssr aM.wrttsr SB of last year. trara. $946241847. total, nay be aa ouJipljM flft dfent n a r ittt e e iffo■ BS ca - tWty bMfljdE* JOfStSSr a ■ it. .M :.K , .1-', y

iCANGHEI^rBR EVENING HERAU), HANCBESI^ (30^^ WEPNE^AY, APIOi: 19,1988. PAGE TWO '■ 1 ------^ •rm r IN ONE WAY, TOWN SOCK AND BUSKIN P U T SOME OWNERS TOO P06r ns TJW1C SWITZBBLAND HOUSE REJECTS UNDBERGRSSTART O B r r U A R Y - X* Switzerland and its beautiful The LadiAa GUUd of St Mary's UVELY AND HUMOBiODS TOPAYFEESFORDOGS edelweiss that blooms almost the INSPECTION TOUR Episcopal church will meet tomor­ ____ V P . 0. MEASURES■ moment the snow depa^^ row afternoon at 2 o'clock in the 7«w Ucenim Taken Out * So nothing on Mumchester. Just a Guild room. The hostesses win be *Tteac1i t m the Moon**^18 with a buffet slipper January 16, 1918. Washington, April 19;—(AP) — Camden, N. J., April 19.— (AP) — Witnessed in the auditorium. Be­ The loss in the number of dogs Hartford, April — (A P )— J ^ o this evening at the home *^M rs. He is survived by one eon, Wil­ A slight cedd, complicated W " a 19 was h«-«*i^fTTis end in many esses Colonel and Mrs. Charles A. Lind­ cause it has an imusually targe licensed is probably due to the long billa dealing tjrith the public utilitiei Walsh, 68 Prospect street after­ liam A. Lee, of Talcottvllle, and s(x:e throat, today caxxeed Prsstrtsnt impossible. Tl^ Hatfield-Hadley bergh hopped off from the Camden cast, every member of the Sock quarantine last year. With an le­ of the state and sponeored by Gov­ wards taking their guests to the flve daughten, Mn. George Web­ gal d ^ tied up, rendering them Roosevelt to hold his press eoofir- road was under water. Central Airport at 1:25 p. m. today, and Buskin club has been active in ernor Cross were rejected In the Bam Dance at the State Armory ster of DoboouvOle. Mn. James enoo tax t ^ oval room at tlM White On the Pemigewassett river at hetuilng directly toward Harrisburg, helping to make the performanoe a safe from tho warden, that official House today, following spirited de- for beneflt of the Memorial hospital. 'Boggart of Lawrence, Mass., Miss captured and destroyed 215 stray : louse proper Instead of his exaeu- Bristol, N. H., the flash boards were Pa., presumably their next scheduled success. Most of the leading roles Esther P. Lee and M n. Alfred C. during the period of quar­ ttare o ftio e s .. ^ remov^ from the top of the dam. stop. are taken by sexxiors, although in a Both bills had been passed in the Mrs. Jennie Worth o f OaUaml Pitkin, of Talcottvllle and Mn. It was the first time la tae aiMa- The action released a three foot The Lindberghs are on an Inspec­ number of cases ^ere a Jxiixlor antine; Senate over unfavorable committee street employed as a clerktrk by Ahra- William R. Frazier, of Manchester, Town Clerk 8. J. Turklngton has ory of veteraa reporters that a volume of wpter which was ex­ tion tour of the Transcontinental student was well suited to the part reports. House rejection of the bills pected to reach the overflowing ham Clark at 248 North Main street one sister, M n. Carrls Bttrdlck of been approached by some dog own­ President had talked on news aiat- and Western Air Lines, to which the he was given preference. Winington, also sight grandchll returns them to the Senate f was given a birthday surprise last ers in straightened circumstances, ters at the executive measIqB It­ Merrimack today. colonel is technical advisor. They further consideration. Many branch lines of the Boston evening at her home. There were 30 \ \ dren. aaMfiy that they might be aUowed self. renmined in Camden about 45 min­ Mr. Lee was a member ef the It was said that Mr. Roofsvrtt On a roll call vote on a bill A and the Central Verm(mt present and in thia number were in­ to keep their dogs without taking utes, and left soon after receiving a TSICottvllle Cengngatlonal chiuxh. regarded the Cold as something that creating a commission to study pub­ railways were abandoned in Vw- cluded guests from Hartford, out a Ucense thia year. The town weather report. They started the Funeral services win be held a Uttle rest and home reaie^ lic utility legislation ten Republi­ mont and scores of Vermont's high­ Sprlngfleld, Manchester and two clerk informed those that made in­ trip from Neweurk. Bwm his late home Friday after­ would dear up. He had not called cans voted with the solid Democra­ ways were imder water. Today, cousins from New York. The party quiry that the law provides that Asked if be thought the crash of noon at 2:00 o’clock. Rev. F. P. in a physician, although the naval tic minority, but the bUl was reject­ however, conditions in that state was a complete surprise to Miss any dog over 6 months of age must the airship Akron would have any Bachelor will officiate and burial hospital filled a prescription for his ed 176 to 76. seem eo to p e alleviating. The waters Worth. The visitors brought along be. licensed, and that-the duty of noticeable effect on air passenger wUl be in the M t Hope cemetery, use. The second bill, aUowing the seemed to be receding and the dan­ food for a buffet lunch, which was enfoirelng the act is vested in the public utilities commission to insti­ travel, Lindbergh replied: 'T do TalcottvUle. ' The President, handkerchief fax ger appeared to have , moved on to served during the evening and danc­ dog warden. hand, smilingly oommeatsd ca ths tute its own rate imiuiries, was re­ not think so. Our business on this Slassachuants and lower New ing was also enjoyed. OBly a sman part of the dogs cold. He told the newsmen to eome jected 168 to 60 on a rising vote. Hampshire. line has been increasing over tbs registered last year have been li­ past year." as dose to the desk at which he sat Delta Chapter, No. 61, Royal Arch FUNERALS censed to date. The town olerk’s as they could ataxce "m y voioe hasn’t IN THK SENATE Masons, will hold their regular meet­ office win be open tomorrow night ntaich carrying oapadty this morh- Hartford, April 19—(AP) — By ing at 7:80 this evening in the Ma­ Warmi W. GUrfc and the Thursday evening follow­ ing.” a strictly party vote, the Senate re­ TINY “ A R K " FLOATS TO CONVERT OAKLAND sonic Temple. Companion Leo Stiles Fxmeral services for WiQam War­ ing xmtil'9 o’clock for the con­ Ha answered questions freete, jected a bill today making the fisst and bis associate officers wiU be m* ren esark wen held this afternoon venience of dog owners. however, and his voioe seen sd to selectman an ex-officio member of stalled Iqr Companion Clinton 0< at his home on Smith street. Wap- grow stronger ai he taDud. the Board of Education of Monroe INTO GLASTONBURY SCHOOL INTO TEA ROOM Nichols of Hartford at tonight'i ping, at 2:80 o’clock. Rev. Hugo F. Near the end of the conference, and empowering him to vote in case m eeting. R. Stechholz, pastor of the Zion COMMirrEE IS NAMED he was asked how the odd began of a tie. The standing vote on the Lutheran church of this town, con< and the Chief Executive drew a measure, opposed by Democrats North Methodiflt Church Club Driftwood Raft Has Aboard It A meeting of the insuranoe eom- ducted the service. There was a pro­ ON CENTRAL MARKET laugh ^ anewertaxg that It was ;i7 to 16. Woodchnek, Skiuiks, a Rab­ to Operato It, Aluo Vegetable mitteo of the 8bard -of Selectmen fusion of flewen from relatives, protebb from taDang too asuch. bit and Firs Mice. Stand Thia Sumner. will be held tax the Selectmen’s office nelghbon and friends. The Preeldsnt plaaaad to earry on RIVER AT HARTFORD tomorrow afternoon to discuss fur­ Tbs bearers were George Royce, Vesretable and Fruit Growerii his duties as usual today, although The Booster club* of tbs North ther tbs insurance plan for motor George Hunt, Albert and Jullxxs his vialtora were confined to those Rocky Hill, April 19.—Noah and vehicles and bxiildings. ^ck Seven to Go Aheai on important hudnesa It was said the elephant were among the few Afetbodist church has been granted Bratsnyder, Harold Piercy and A1 permission by the town school board vin Himt Burial was in the Buclo- With Plans for Produce at the White House that had it not ABOVE FLOOD L E V E passengers missing today when been for the bad weather that he Game Warden Charles Yeageir to use the •school house and land cemetery. Market. grounds at Oakland, for a tea room Miss Eleanor Robertson might have gone to hie offlee as (Oontlaiied From'Page One) ■ checked the passenger list of a craft and wayside stand for the sale of usual. which looked like the original Ark At a meeting of the Marketinf fruits and vegetables, the funds Eleanor Robertson ’83 as <3sns- Association which was formed las; Massachusetts valleys of 6otb the of the Biblical flood. from the sales to be applied against W eddings vlsvs Las has ths xvle of a ARTHUR MANNING In the flooded meadows near season among the fruit and vege­ danger mark had been surpassed in the expenses of the ebureb. frightened, nervous girl who flnds table growers of Bolton, a commit­ WIND AND FOG HALT many places. Homes were flooded, Glastonbury-Rocky Hill ferry lemd- The proposition of allowing this that prairie life does not agree ing, be found the strangest ship­ Merz-Brinkman DIES HERE TODAY tee o f seven w as nan** to make Toads blocked and meadows con­ to be used for such a purpose came with her and accordingly gives up plans for a'centralized market for load of wild creatures he had ever, Miaa MaryM aty Anne Anns Brinkman (CoDtinned From Page Une) verted into ponds. before the town school board. The her place as Secretary to Jennifer the produce of the fanners. SEARCH FOR AKRON Police patrolled the Merrimack at seen. A small driftwood raft had school was built a number of years daughterjgbter of Mrs. Rose Brinkman of Lee who has escaped from England b^ m e snagged in bushes offshpre Meriden and the late Albert Brlnk- Mr. Manning fell from the roof of Whether or not such a market Lawrence and Lowell ready to. in­ ago and is the only one-room school after disappearing on the day of will be created was left entirely to and aboard it were a woodchuck, man, was married this morning to oxM of the tobacco sheds. His spine form owners of any suddra, dan­ in town. It is no longer in use and her wedding to the Earl of Sher- tix3 com m ittee to decide and plans Divers Unable to Go Down two skunlu, a rabbit and flve fleld John Josrab Merz, son of Raymon( was fractursd and for a long time gerous rise and many state police the board gave unanimous consent bourne. Genevieve is a bit frighten­ for auction marketing were left al Where Pieces of Wreckage were sent out along the Connectleut niice of three different varieties. for the granting of the request. Merz of Tanner street, formerly of ed as to what the results will be if hit life was,tax the balance. He re­ Vernon, and the late Mrs. Theresa so to the committee, which con­ Were Discovered. in the western part of the state. Driven from their homes by the Tbs Booster club baa been active she allows someone else to use her covered somewhat but the accident sists of Mr. Rebeeehi, Mr. Ballottl The state police radio broadcasting rising waters of the Connecticut in all kinds of work for the North M e r z ... left him partially paralysed and his but she flnds the awful still­ Mr. Gambolatti, Edward Aeoomaz- U. S. 8. Portland, At Sea, April truck was sent to Northampton and river, they had forgotten their mu Methodist church. The stand that The ceremony was performed at. health had grown gradually poorer ness and the loneiomenesa of the so and Eugene Gagliardone of Bol­ 19.— (A P )—Wtaxd«and tog called a Governor Ely ordered the commis­ tual enmity in the common emer will be erected la on a much traveled 9 o’clock at St. James’s church by until he became so weak that it was the Rev. W. P. Reldy. The church prairie more ttian she can stand ton and a Mr. Dul^ and Mr. Rus­ halt today tax salvage operations, of sioners of public works and/ public gency. Mr. Yeager took them to highway and it is figured it will and flnaUy gives up her position tp ssan tha^ 4eath was inevitable make im ideal spot for a tea room, was. beautifully decorated with sell of Glastonbury. The latter the fleet which ia.seektaig to raihe safety to keep a close watch on de high grotmd and freed them. Jennifer. soon. town had a large representation at velopments. Himdreds of dwellers of the Rocky allowing for ample parking space Easter lilies. the wrecked body of the alnttp The-bride and bridegroom were Everett Dxirkee '84 as Keeway- Throughout bis illness Mr. Man­ the meeting, held In the Bolton Akron, parte of which were loea ^ Bain Oontfnnes Hill lowlands, including pheasants and being in such a location as to attended by Mr. and Mrs. Robert din, the Indian servant, has the ning maintained great coxxrage. He Congregational church, but only ,on the ocean floor off the New Jii^ The rain continued and the rivers and muskrats, have been driven out attract attention. With the open­ Holahan of Wallingford, sister and best laughs in the play. Pretending refueed to give up the fight to hold few were present from Manches­ sey coast yesterday. swelled but the great danger liqr in by the flood, he said. ing of the fruit and vegetable sea­ to be the stoical type^he combines his health and maintained an ae- son a larger business is expected brother-in-law of the bride. The ter, Fog descended this morning ccifr the mill and power dams. Should the roles of C!upid and Indian serv­ ttve interest in public affairs. He and members of the club will furnish bride was gowned in medium blue the choppy eea whta^ed Into wkyes the/ go, or should even a couple ant and causes a great deal of ex- had always led a most active life their services at the stand and tea silk crepe with cloee fitting turban ^by a briak wind. The b oa ts o f the of them let loose the water dammed amiCICAHg CONVENTION and his spirit held- to the' very room . to match and corsage of gardenias lalvage fleet had to drop anchors up behind .their. gates, there would and lilies of the valley. The xqatron end. I CONCORDIA CHURCH be an Immediate danger of dis­ Bridgeport, AprU 19.—(AP) — The school board in considering and the divers were t o t on desk, the mattw took into oo^deration ^f hmxor wore pow^r blue crepq de An aecomidSehment that ihe ^tlhg^or. better w ea^ htjto astrous flood in a score of ■ Mass With cerenxony and solemn ritual, could wri}’ be proud of wes hte b - the Rebekah lodges ' of the Inde­ the use for which it was wanted and chine, bat to match, and corsage of ton w u ^ their investIgatSim chusetts communities. fluence In consolidating the Sixth AH oom inittees ^in chaiUTC o f ^ pendent Order of Odd Fellows of also felt that the building would be ’pink sweet peas. .< <■ Coafirm atfon R eu ^ on to be " heti feet below the surface.' At Lawrence the Merrimack had or Bxmee sehool district with the. Connecticut opened the second day in a better condition occupied than Immediately after the ceremony Sunday evening, April, 30 at A huge buoy was brought out by reached a height of 42.73 feet, .73 Ninth dletrlct He worked ardently of their S7th aixnuEd convention of to be vacant and the grounds sur­ Mr. and Mrs. Merz left,on a motor o’clock, are requested to meet at the a lighthouse tender and anchored above the danger mark and less trip to Canada, where they will to bring that merger about and than two feet below the all-time the state assembly at the Odd Fel­ rounding the school would be kept Ckxncordla Lutheran church tomor­ In the center of the two inile lows temple here this morning. In better condition in use than would leisurely visit places of intei^t. lived to see hie idea euccessfuUy row night at 7 o’clock. It is lip- square area over which the wreck­ high of 1852. The.peak was ex- They plan to be absent a month, in operation. ;pected today. More than 600 delegates were pres­ be the case otherwise. portent that everyone be present age is believed to be strewn. e n t also touring New York state and H ie Fam ily The Young People’s society of this The opinion on board this cruiser A t H olyoke New England. On theitLxetum they The assembly was brought to or­ d i v i d e n d APPROVED In 1888 M r. Manxflxxg m arried church will hold its monthly meet was that more was to be expectfd The C!onnecticut was piling over will make their home in the Merz der by the gnuxd mEuter of the Mist Carrie HiUs another resident ing Friday evening, when a debate of the. divers than from Unladed the Holyoke dam with a head of hpmesteEul at Vernon, purchased by grand lodge of the staie. Inde­ Hartford, April 19.—(AP) — A of Hfllstown. She survives her hus­ will take place on the question dragging operatioixs. The search 11.23 feet, 3.5 feet below the 1927 dividend of 10 per cent totaling the bridegroom and newly decorate band. They c^ebrated their Golden ’flood head. The rain continued and pendent Order of Odd Fellows, Fred­ "Resolved that ^e emergence of wlU be continued, when weather 3195.000 for depositors in both the and furnished. Wedding anniversary last year. In ;the river was rising about an iflch erick L. Phelps. After welcoming women from the home is a depress­ permits, until further inatructioxxs the delegates, Phelps turned the commercial and savings depart­ The bride is a graduate of the addition to his wife four daughters ;an hour. Power officials said condi- Meriden High school and fit. Fran­ ing feature in modem life.’’ Richar: from Washtaxgton, hut It was ex­ meeting over to Miss Josephenine ments of the closed Windsor I^cks survive. They are Mrs. R ob^ V. Rlckenback and Esther Steger pected that the Coast ..Ovuurd ,h FAMIOr. state xmprepared. His time was 2:89:60. County Attorney 7WI1 C Trunxan ' (tf Spriflgfield, Mass. dered cape over tuUl- CARD OF THANKS "Whltey” Mlchelsoh, another vet­ ored coat— u d his assistant were granted a We wish to aoknowledgs the un­ eran racer came in sixth in time of recess imtil afternoon on their plea Under the Direetion of A i^n r H. T v t o derstanding sympathy of oyr frlands 2:40:27. $15.95 and neighbors during our recent loss. The officials corrected Pawson’s they were "totalty unable” tq pro­ We particularly thank the following: ceed. Campbell Council, No. 67S K. of C.; time to be 2:81:1 8-5 still ahead o f Fourteen witnesses had testifled Chorus O f 12S Voices^ Court Manchester, No. 107, Foresters the record. Thornby of Hamilton, in behalf of Mrs. Judd. Six more of American; Hose and Iiadder Com­ OnL, came taX'Seventh. pany. No.'4; St. Jamea’s Ladles Onlld; described by O. V. Wltasop, chief of AFTER-EASTER Manchester High School Faculty; the Hugo Kavqxpilien of the Finnish her attonxeys as witnesses, Sisters of St. Jamef's Convent; mem­ A. C., of New York came tax tenth whose testimony will be bridfwill bers of the press; former business with Fred Ward of Millrose A. A., Robert DoeDner, HAT SALE be called later. associates. ** ’ ^ FAMILY OF HARRY M. BURKX. of New York right behind him. The state has 17 witnesssa undsr $1. $1.69 subpocBS, bxdudi&g .meaflMra of the $1.95 CARD OF THANKS Leriie Pawsoo, winner of the Bos­ Arisons Boaro iff Pardons and We wish to express onr sincere ton ttarathon ■ in recOrd-breakIng Paroles; lioyu Andrews, who was thanks to all friends for tbs kindness time, win he remembered here as MartoopB county attonxsy when High .“Cartridge” and sympathy shown at tbs time of the death of onr-dear— ..— friend. — .. Jamas the athlete who ran second to Joe Mrs. Judd was trisd and ooovlcted slecvM on tm- Williams. We would espeolslly thank McCluskey tax tixe ' annual Tbnnks- in Phoenix 15 months ago for the . .usual wool tho Pratt ft Whitney Qlee Cluo, Pratt givtaxg Day five-mile cross country murder of Agnes Anne Leroi; and MONDAY, APRIL St4^: itfipe model— ft Whitney Machine Company.. Man two psohlatriets. Dr. Joae^ CatUm Chester Lodge of Masons. British War race here last'November. Pawson Veterans, Clan Gordon O. 8. C.. Hart­ flnlshyl second tax 24 minutes and 64 of Ban Franoisco and Dr. Paul 5 ?15.95 ford, Manobdatpr Memorial Hospital seoonw, over $7 seconds slower than Bowers of Lot .Ahgales who teetl- •taff. and flvaruiaaB Bible .Clhss. McCluskey. He undef the ooleirs Med at Mrs. Judd's murder trial 8he ,■*.1 ■ M il AND MRa J. P. LBDOARD. ran DAVID HAMILTON. ^ of the local Recreation Centers. w as sane. ^ . ' ^.'-•.•/a,.. .:v- ..ifrA >.‘t,^ ''?.r^;'ro v - ^ \ w y .-.'V r/*;-/^', J-..h v ^ . / /v'^ .vr^-.^, V'V;:-<^-'-. ; ■• . ■ , ’ ^ . ' ■•;>.'■ ; v> '>*’V ’ ■.•■''/,• -^''V'’ '^;'w ^ ■ ,.^f ■ ' ' . ' -t ■'- ■ , , ;.-:-iry:^'. i.'.', v' ■ ^ ,-7 / MAyqHggTB^BvronKQ/iCTE^ ' " f e y . • ____ l! - — ^ - - - - ~ - -- —— i^—i—*—— ..^t’ to* hoBM oC JR^ Jl8^.X orngllhlb C of .J*rde . .before rsniovlag tlM wlM w«b ff«nc«, ttj?p«d on on h«r htuband hfkl Upted only' • -• 'ir en Thursday aftomcon. .< iU 0 INSTRUCT FARMERS im itp iiai John E(lCh o f East Bampton la r»^ right fide and oraahed^ a g ^ t tha few weeks before. gross pirooeeds o< eaoh pro- Henry Rllw Is swylved by his dso(»atliig.Cbi vsstiic of toe church.' TVOAREIULED troo. Tha body of ^ aa few days In New / IN DOBSONVUU the-auction'is mads and the r»; torkClty. ” * Two hsMto waea pwtontod tor and attachM only In the rear. Thomas RUey of West. Orsnge, N. Meeting, at Fair Onnmds BoUd* wiaiw«n»’ amount Is to ths church eervlce Bostet Siuldiy aaorn- baptism at the Sunday monlng J., two sisters, Mrs. Robert Kirk- Ing and tb^ following new members; .The teachers from this place at­ Dr. Thomaa F. O’Loughlln, m a ^ ing Monday, Night— producer the'day after the auetlch.' tended a .Teachers’ meeting In Col­ service conductod to .Rsv. Henry FiffTi and Miss Ruth RUey of Arling­ were taken Into the church during Fast .Mr. and Mrs. Oerald cal examiner of the Tojm ,m ton, M. J. He also.leaves four chil­ WhUe It-ls not'-espected by tbpie chester, Monday, afternoon. to Open (m Wednesday. responstbls for tko organliatlon of ' iia service: Mr. and' Mrs. Edward son’s vhaby named‘ Shirtey Vernon, arrived eoon after the aca- dren, two boys and two-girls, the ' The commit^e In charge'of pu ^ Car Skids Into Tree Canring high. lilelb. Miss Anna PetteoglU, -Kisa and Mr. and Mrs. Palmays tttfant dent. Mra. Bteami was p r o n ^ c ^ ’ Oldest of whom Is 18 years of age. the poultrv auction, that for the aimual church workday, Sat­ dead and Mr. RUey waa rushed to, The first meeting of : the'Connec­ prices, ______will-DO pafd______/, Immediately, It Augusta PettengUl, Miss Jean daughter were bMtlaod. No arrangements nave been made Thlenei axid Miss Bertha Dober- urday, April 22, is, composed of Mr. Deatk of Two Oonpant^ the Rockville a ty hospital. Dr. B. as yet for burial of eltoer Mrs. Car­ ticut Formers Cooperative Auction is.'A fact that the aqctlon In New and Mrs. Henry J. Blakeelee and ifias Zlnuncrauuirdf' the. ^Hart­ H. Metcalf administered first t.ld Jersey has. brought eomewhat rie Steams or Henry RUey.* Aasoototion will be held.In.the In­ rents. Edward Isleib. \ ' ford Theological Semhiazy will be assUted by Dr. Sidney Aiken. An; above Nsw York top prices without Ralph Kornglebel and John Wiin- the speakec at the. Sundw .evening dustrial Building of the Old Cbu- .The eighth grade has .begun to re- " Lived in Stafford. Investigation of the accident follow­ tor Oak Fair Grounds, .West Hart­ the deduction for ehzinkago, and mer are d&ig jury duty In the service of . the CBrlsfien Hndeavor ed before the wrecked automobile oommleslon that producere say heane music, for graduation. on April‘28. ford, Monday evening, April 24 at Hartford Superior Court A baby clinic, sponsored by the waa permitted to be moved. County. UNUSUAL DRAPERIES 8 o’clock, according to an. an­ amoimts to about 5 centi per The new hynmals, “Hymnals for Coroner John Yeomans of Andewr Id, whisn. the birds are shipped Ever Jteaay GrdUp. will be held May COL. WILLABD m ss, RockviUe, April 19—Mrs. Carrie nouncement .the executive liie i^^erlcan Youth”, have bera re­ arrived within half an hour after board of the pssooiation following to Hew York. 0, at the (tourch. . The State Board Newport, R I., April 10—(AP)-r- Steams, aged 66 years, of North ceived by the Sunday school. of Health will be represented. the stole poUce and viewed the seme 1 k' DISPUY AT WATKDiS a meeting of the Hartford County The directors of the association Mrs. Thienes, the llbrarlsn, has Colonel Joseph H. Willard, 89, en­ Brookfield, Mass., widow of Fred of the accident. Detailed photo­ Farm office, Monday evening, April are: John LaBelle, BallouvUle; announced that the library will be gineer corps, U. S. Army retired, Steams, was killed instantly and graphs were taken of the highway 17. ' Bmest H. Knight, North Grahby; open on Tuesday afternoons instead Approximately . 29,000 persons died at hie home to Newportrtodey. V.'AJ Slater, Berlin; Allen Phillips, Henry Riley, aged 48 years, of 208 and the school yard. Entire Center Aisle -of Main The purpose of this meeting Is to of oh; Wednesday afterhoona for the were killed tn automobile a ed d i^ Suffield; Fred H. MiUer, Coventry; There is one automobile to every Belle Grove Drive, Kearney, New Dr. O'Loughlln after examining acquaint poultry producers with >next two weeks. in the Unlted .Stotes In 1982. a de Floor Given Over to Exhibit Granville Cunningham, ' Southing­ six people in the United States. , jiersey, died at 6:30 o’clock at Ihe the body of Mrs. Steams pronounced the method of selling poultry at The Dorcas society will meet at CKase of 13 per cent from 1931. ton; William ' Hutton, Enfield; Rockville City Hospital as the re­ death due to a broken neck. She ' — Low Prices Offered. auction, distribute crates at cost to Kingsley Brown, WilUmantic; C. stilt at an automobile accident In also suffered an abrasion on the producers who need crates Mid head, probably causing the fracture « Fred Newberry, Torrlngton. Dobsonville late yesterday after­ Probably one of the mot>t unusual adopt the by-laws of the associa­ noon. Mrs. Steams died of a brok­ of the skull, an abrasion over the The executive committee is V. A. tion. Slater, president; Ernest H. en neck and Mr. Riley died as the light eye, the left arm broken In displays of draperies ever to be seen The auction assodatioo has been Knight, vira president; Wm. Hut­ result of a fractured skull. two places, and right ^rxn broken Li in' Manchester is now on exhibit at formed as a result of the deman'd ton, secretory; Fred, Miller, treas­ ' The accident happened on the one place, a broken left leg, and*.a ‘Watkins Brothers in conjunction on the part of poultrymen for -a urer and John LaBelle, executive Hartford Turnpike at the intersec- big gash on her right knee. She waa .better method of selling Ifve poul­ a^ord h tiny Jufnijun with a special Spring drapery value member. yJUMra you eoM o j tioii of the dirt road leading to the identified by her driver’s licew try and after a study by the Farm Ackerly Mills and in front of the found in her pocketbook. On her being advertised this week. ’The Bureau poultry committee, state Dobsonville School House. Mrs. person were two diamond rings and whole center aisle of their main floor department lof agriculture) and Steams died In the Dobsonville 832 in cash. has been given over to the display state college of the auction sales in WAPPING School House yard where the 1931 At the Rockville City hospital in which dozens of pieces of smartly . Chrysler sedan was totally wrecked every effort was made to revive New draped chintzes and a dozen differ­ Briefly, the system of selling is Wapplng Parent-Teachers’., asso­ by an impact with an elm tree. The Henry Riley who was brought to ent window drapery treatments are to bring the birds'In to the Indus­ ciation will give a benefit Depression accident is believed to have been the hospital In an imconscious con­ trial Building at the fair grounds to be seen. dance this evening, April 19. There caused by smooth rear tires which dition from which he never recover­ ndt' later than 10 a. m., April 26,' will be fines for any signs of pros-; permitted the car to skid on the ed. Dr. Thomas F. O’Loughlln, ’ A 9-foot strip of plain taupe car-; Bring Relief To The Fuel Bill pe'. running the fuU length of the the opening day of the auction, perity. Prizes will be gdven and se- wet oiled pavement. Hundreds of medical examiner, was called frona transfer the birds to auction crates store ixitdces an ideal background fo r j^eshmento served. i For this' Spring heating 'season you need a fire in- the kitchen. _ Tkese people viewed the scene of the acci- the annual banquet of the Tolland or take auction crates in exchange the' bright splashes of Spring drap­ The FederMed church choir wll .dent necessitating the regfulating of Coimty Medical Association at the for those the birds are in, fasten a new Monogram ranges give you comfortable heat at small cost—and, equipped lor ou, eries. Grouped with each of the hold their rehearsal at the home oi' traffic by the state police for sev­ Rockville Hotel at 6:30 o’clock, to tag to each crate giving its lot they give you quick, clean, economical cooking facilities at all seasons. dozen window treatments are shown Mrs. Henry Nevers this evening. ’ eral hours. view the body of Mr. RUey who ^ied number and^ a description of the The Men’s Y. M. C. A. club held Headed Towards Hartford shortly before. Mr^ Riley died of a other methods of using chintzes to birds in it and at 11 o’clock sharp, brighten the home. One display their meeting at the Primary rooms ' Mrs. Carrie Steams owned the fractu re o f the skUU. the' auctioneer starts selling the of the Federated church last Mon-^ The bodies of both Mrs* Carrie shows a boudoir chair upholstered Chrysler sedan which was being birds In lots 'from one to five day evening. Refreshments were “Logic” ’Champion’ Stearns and Henry lUley were in this popular cover, anouer a din­ driven by Henry Riley and was ing chair with slip-covered seat and served. i headed towards Hartford. They token to the funeral home of Luther As the .birds are. sold the; clerk Monogram A. White on Elm street to be pre­ -back. Under another window is Miss Marion Hills spent the weekr M o n o g r ^ have been living at the Stafford records the sale, both. on the tog end and Easter with friends in New pared for burial. Ahown a simple porch rocker made Springs House in Stafford. and on a sheet for office record. Y ork. 2 in 1 Hiey were reported to have leic Operated Yeaat Plant decorative by the addition of padded After each lot is .sold the buyer Coal or Oil Henry Riley held valuable patents seat and back of chintz, whUe fur­ Mrs. Asher A. Collins and family Combination the Stafford Springs House at 10 can have his empty crate weighed who have been spending severa Range o’clock in the morning and went to useful for the manufacture of yeast. ther on is a group of sofa pillows by the weigh man and toansfer the Mrs. Carrie Steams helped to fin­ covered in the new patterns. days with her peirento, Mr. and Mrs: the “Balloon Yeast Company” plant birds into his crates. As he does William Bzumes, of ColiMn, Mass.’, ance the plan^ and assisted in the Other exhibits suggest the use of this, if he finds birds that are not located in the "Frock Shop” of the returned to their home here last $ 135.00 $ Smith & Cooley woolen mills. ’They officD work. They started work in chintzes for re-covering old reed acceptable, he may call the inspec­ 79.50 Simday afternoon. This complete, compact are associated in the business of the “Frock Shop” of the Smith * chairs and for seat pads in peel- tor who is an employee of the auc­ Similar In appearance, All schools in the town of South range has tour top manufacturing yeast, Mr. Riley Cooley mills about two months ago. cans summer furniture, Winders and tion and make his complaint. The without gas attach­ Numerous difficulties were encount­ Windsor reopened on Monday mom? burners for gas, a holding the patents and Mrs. other wood and rush seat chairs and Inspector’s 'word is final but the in­ ments—this comes aa a ing after the Easter vacation of ten combination oven, with Steams furnishing part of the capi- ered includii^ the aUeged infringe­ benches. spector will make every possible straight coal range or days. • broiler, and comes ‘ tal. About the middle of the after­ ment of patents held by the Fleisch- The most outstanding part of the effort to give the buyer and seller .with special Monogram jr an Yeast Company and the faUure Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Cone anej ^tber with coal fix­ noon they left the plant for a trip entire show Is the fact that any an absolutely fair decision. oil equipment, includ­ to secure a Federal permit. The family of Little Falls, New York, are tures, or special oil to Hartford in Mrs. Steams’ car piece of chintz shown, and all de- The birds in the buyer’s crates ing insulated firebox to motor to the home of Mrs. Cone’s equipment as desired.— ‘ With Mr. Riley, who holds a New Federal permit was received only on adgna are sunfact, can be purchased are then weighed by the weigh lining and draft regu­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Distinctive colored ■•^gersey license, driving the car. It 1 riday, April 14. at one surprisingly. low price, and Tnan and the record of the net lator. Full enamel f^ Mrs. RUey Arrives Collins, next Friday, and expect to enamel finlsbes. was raininj slightly during the af­ when made into draperies in Wat­ weight of the birds recorded. lahes.' ternoon afid the pavement was wet Mrs. Edith RUey, wife of Henry kins own workshop cost one low, The buyer’s sheet is then sent to return to their home on Sunday aft­ RUey, who resides in Kearney, New “ 4 and 4” ,.gpd slippery. advertised price. the office where the buyer pays for ernoon. Complete With V '’CBetween 4:30 and 4:45 o’clock the Jersey, arrived in Stafford only yes­ Combination With terday afternoon to visit her hus­ Florence Burner 'Chrysler sedan approached the in- FuD 8-Cover'Top ter;3ection of the Ackerley Mill road band, whom she had been backing >j?d the Hartford Turnpike highway for many months in hope he woiUd .’’BlMr the Dobsonville School House, make a success of the “BaUoon $ 109.00 ^ik&s. Mary Dimelis, who conducts Yeast Company.” $ 157.50 ‘ ufe Dobsonville store, heard the Henry RUey was Identified by crash and rushed to the scene. A caUing Joseph Hearst, at the Staf­ ' cilll was sent to the Rockville police, ford Springs House, foUowing his *€be State Police barracks at Staf- death. Prior to locating Mr. Liberal Allowance For Your Old Range "'i|6rd Springs and the White Am- Hearst, who Is foreman at the Bal­ 'tlulance service. State Policeman loon Yeast Company plant the iden­ ■ ^ n a ld A . Crossman and^ State , Po- tity of Mr. RUey was unknown. H* ’ Tl^inan James Buckley' Tyere ' fis stated that Mrs. Riley had only a^ 'rigned to investigate the case. State rived a rfhort time before at the Staf­ Policeman Ernie Kirbell, State pc- ford Springs House to visit her hus­ ^lice photographer, was also sent to band. " tek e photographs. Mrs. RUey was brought to Rock- ''The sedan was found lying on its vlUe where she told a heart-breaking light side at the rear of an elm tree. story of her suffering in an effort OIL BURNERS The car had gone through a four to assist her husband in his new foot wire web fence, knocking down enterprise. She stated that she had eeven poles. Indications were found mortgaged her home.and borrowed ^^acked By 60 Years’ Experience” that the car, driven by Mr. Riley, money to the Umit in an effort to ‘had skidded su:ross the road, up a help finance the enterprise. In tears Florence burners carry a guarantee backed by sixty years Mrs. RUey stated that the insurance fifteen .inch embankment, through of successful experience. With Florence you are assured of greatest economy In operation, greatest convenience from their constant, trouble-free service—and perfect safety, endorsed by Fire Underwriters' Md accepted by building codes everywhere. t A RTHUR’C Efficient — Reliable — Safe. A ^ C U T RATE DRUG STOREK^ Where Spending Is A Saving! The The • Do You Read Our Ads 7 ‘‘Special” ith ’s “De Luxe” • 's!l Opposite Sdiodl If Not You’re Losing a Lot of Nickels and Dimes. $39.50 $29.50 L Srath M ‘ ‘ o n d ie s te r Compare These Prices!

Regular 10c Regular 85c i LUX SOAP JAD SALTS NEET, reg. 50c, cut t o ...... 89c LYSOL, reg. 60c, cut to ... .S4c

Regular 85c Regular S5c AT- • 1 Q ^ If r e e z o n e 1 9 c WOOD’S BITTERS, FBEN-A-MINT, reg. 25c, SLOANS, reg. S5c, cut to . .24c cut to ...... 16c

Regular 75c Squibb’s Regular 50c Sqnlbb’s 2 7 c ANNOUNCEMENT TOOTH PASTE .., MINERAL OIL .... The Tenth in our series of Electric Cookery* Demonstrations will be held in our MISTOL, reg. S5c, cut to .. .24c BLUE-JAY, reg. 26c, cut to 17o

Regular 76c Wyeth Regular 86c Ralinolive New Demonstration Quarters i SAGE AND SUL- SHAVING IQ^ PHUB HAIR TONIC ‘ x V C CREAM ...... THE STORE IN THE

SPRING HOUSE CLEANING STATE THEATER BUILDING One of Man’s Oldest Time Devices and INSECTICIDES — MOTH BALLS OR FLAKES — ^ a Prewnit-Da^ S of the Passing DISINFECTANTS — SPRAYS — MOTH BAGS at 749 'Main Street All At Deep Cut Prices! of Time. - Save On Nationally Known Pipdac^! Thursday, April 27, at 2 P, M,

Regular 60c ___ Regular 26c Under the Direction of WITCH HAZEL, CITRATE OF Full P i n t ...... 1 9 c MAGNESIA .. MRS. MARIQN ROWE NUJOL, reg. $1.00, cut to . .69e EPSOTABS, reg. 26o, cut to 16o HOME ECONOMIST Regular 26o SEID- Begulu 66c LITZ POWDERS .. 1 4 c I f EiARBASOL Baked Ham Z. B. T. TALC, reg. 26c, KOTEX, regular 860, Scalloped Apples — Sw.eet Potatoes ’ Pried Egg Plant cu t to ...... 16c cu t t o ...... 17o 1 Broiled Icing € ^ e ' V , Begnlar S6c Regular 26o WOODBURY 1O A GINGER ALE, 1 SHAVING CBKASIli 1 9 V Large Bottles ...... A v C THE PUBLfCiS COWJIALLY INVITE®

Perfect Solvent HAND SOAF, 4-lb. can ...... 19c A Word About Our Prescription Dept Clean, Quality Drags— Expert CompooAding. Just What Yoor Doctor Orders At A Saving. • f Prescription Room Open A t All Honrs For Inspection. o f B a yaa a t wars Sunday itMsta of Johnson’s sister, Mra Marls B. Prite Seymour sohom, spent the w eek-end wwk her'parratl^ Mr. aigd a ^ Mr. Price. FORHER SEC iU)AMS fdsB^ liars. Mra L. EmeSt CONGRESS D I fr .y s s d M rs. Ad(d|ili< K alas o f. Mra John RUey and,muidren of Queer Twists Watmlmry Were week-end guests of New York aty s n the guests of EUCIED DIRECroR John Sm k;^ Hartford wWAflun- jr^tives here.' rdattves during tbs Easter recess. , “W s^wei^ have better govern­ MONEY INFUTiON In Day’s News day guest at the honm of Us broth- -Her.'and Watter McCray of Mr. and Mra Bemr Thomforde m ent-tf fewer people voted,” says Cteeril Ehetric Co. Konorto SprlEgfltid, Masa, ware Sunday anddsugbter, loss Dolly Thom­ Prof, Raymond Mtfley. Certain Re- M ' m i. _ 11 I Ur. and sirs. Frank a . Newman guests of M fa McCray's sister, Mrs. forde, of New Y ork Otyp are guests pubUoan . Oongressmen burled in m—TMMt the fountain tf you < Sales More Than 11 Millions I several relativeo from L. R. Ladd. ^ of Mr. and Mra Albert Tltomforde ChicAgo—Having Just p a ^ Us Novamb^s Democratic lani^ilide w ould p u rify the stream .—^A-^BrtsK Less Than First Quarter of Hartfo^ ahd Rockville over the Mr. and Mrs. Walter' Johnson ^eff^ a t Stone cro ft. ^ 76th birthday anniversary, Clarence probably win a g re a son A^oett . • ' •. *r Speaker Rainey Fhdy f r e - Year. w eek-rad. Seymour were recent guasta of Mra Miss Alice HhU. a teaelisr at the ! Harrow said he had no advise for • Mr. and Mrs. Charles'Jacobsen of the younger generation. Schenectady, N. T., April 19— Stafford Springs were recent guests diets S m Sort of Cir- “The trouble,” he said, “in this (AP)—Charles Francis Adams, of Mr. and Mrs. James Rhodes. world is that the old fellows ^ to former secretary of the Navy, to­ Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Bean of Tol­ force their ideas on the young. rency Expansion Soon. day was elected to the board of di­ land and Stafford Springs • \nn., was a week-end guest at the for tee same months last year $37,- Debate on the price raising fea­ Washta, Iowa—President Roose­ home of her cousin, Mra Lathrop tures of tile legislation proceeded velt is to receive a new cane. 876 399 West and Mr, West of Snlpsic Lake. Orders for January, February while the House adjourned until Joe Mahafley, 60, who dalms to The members of the Tolland Fire hold some kind of an accident rec­ and March, 1983, were 825,511,000 Truck Company held a successful ’^ursday to let committees whip and for the same months last year ANNIVERSARY SALE more of the Roosevelt program ^ to ord, carved it of native diamond wil­ whist party at the C. S. P. C. club­ low . 833,404,642. house at WilUngton last Wednesday shape. However, continued Mr. Swope, The rules committee there ap­ Once .an automobile ran over Joe the company earned during the evening. in Nebraska. He recovered bijt a ’The Ladles’ auxiliary of tee ’Tol- proved the plan for amending House first quarter this year eight cents rules so 218 instead of 145 mem­ brother, receiving a report Joe was of tee common stock, ttot o t year it Truck company presented, Instant Success dead, was killed enroute to his an Ekuter lily to the Federated bers would have to sign petitions to earned 16 cents per share. The to­ discharge committees from Jurisdic­ “funeral.” In Ohio he was hit by a tal earnings of common stock last chiurch to be ^ven to some shut-in. tion over legislation. It had orig­ train, was badly hurt, but recovered. year was 84,608,687.85 and 82,838,- The decorations at the Federated-J | inally been planned to dispose of A man who picked him up was church service Sunday morning were killed later In almost the same spot. 810.44 this year. tomorrow, the change being Owen D. Yoimg, chairman of tee Easter lilies. After the service You - Buying Public wanted by the party lea^lershlp in In his home town his horses ran they were sent to tee sick and shut- Thanks board of directors, presided at tee away once and an automobile trail­ the interest of downing such bonus stockholders m eetl^. ins in the community. and inflationary propositions as are er Ut Um on another occasion but The grammar and primary rooms not wanted by the administration. he escaped fatal injuries each time. at Hidks’ Memorial school have been But without explanation, it was de­ Gardens, Calif.—A motorist saw closed two weeks. They reppraed cided not to meet tomorrow at all. a hog weave out o£ a ditch and at­ PASTOR OF CHURCH Monday morning. The rump caucus of 69 Democrats tack a rear tire; he observed a . Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Chorches en­ , Just Received A Truckload Of Fresh Paints recorded Itself as opposed to .tob brother of the pugnacious pig try­ tertained guests from Hartford over change, the participants favoring in­ ing to climb a fence; he investigated. FOR FIFTY YEARS tee week-end. flation decisively. Now Dominic Caprlnl is in Jail Henry Hayden, Warren Clough, And Varnishes Which Will Be On Sale For The Rainey's Views charged with operating a liquor still. Rev. Dr. John Russell of New Jennie Kavalevich and Minnie To- Speaker Rainey frankly gave his The pigs, sobered, have relapsed In- biasson have been chosen from tee views to newspapermen, saying the td the innocuous ways of pigs. Tho Haven, Observes Anniver Federated Church School to attend administration “wants to submit its motorist was a Federal prohibition sary. the Older Girls’ and Boys’ <3onfer- Entire We6k At Our SALE Which G>ntinues own pi*" for inflation” and giving a g e n t ence to be held in South Willing- that as the reason for tightening up Leavenworth, Kansas — James New Haven, April 19— (AP) — ton, April 28 and 29. House rules to ward off differing Cheatwood, whose recipe for longe­ The fiftieth year of his pastorate in Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson All This Week Including Saturday, April 22. proposals. vity was “hard work” died at his 3t. Patrick’s church was reached have been entertaining guests ^rom i He ^arently expects “the ad­ home in Falrmount Tuesday at the today by Rev. Dr. Jofin Russell, 87 Bristol and Torrington. year old priest, who was ordained ministration plan" to be withheld age of 101. The regular meeting of Tolland imtU after the forthcoming confer­ Dec. 16,1870, and whose entire ca­ Grange will be held this evening in ences between President Roosevel ; reer has been sjient in tee Connecti­ the Federated church social rooms. and world leaders—^in which cur­ cut diocese. The Lecturers’ hour will be spent rency questions will looih with High mass was celebrated by Dr. with instructions from Farm Bu­ maximum importance. Quotations- Russell, with a special program of reau officials. Chairman Adams of the Senate music by school children of tee Miss Esther Westcott spent tee committee studying silver, called a parish. Floral tributes were re­ week-end as the guest of her aunt, ceived from members of St. Pat­ ALBERT PAINT meeting for Saturday to determine Mrs. Harry Cahoon, and family in upon a definite program out of the Wisdom often comes after week­ rick’s, and from parishes at Ckilllns- South Manchester. ends. vUle, Meriden, Tewett (3ty, New Miss Hazel Graham of Hartford many proposals before it. —Attorney General Cummings. Ckmaan and Norwalk, where Dr. May Beofler Plan Russell was stationed before coming and Tolland Vtras in town Sunday and 1203 MAIN STREET TEE. 2-6409 Senator Thomas, (D,, Okla.), one several selections at tee Easter to New Haven. of the inflationist leaders, gave no The government will spare no ef­ service at the Federated church. fort to make sure that relief is ade­ Members of Russell (Council, K. of FREE DEUVERY explanation to the Senate for lay­ C., which was named for tee vener­ Pupils who attend Rockville High HARTFORD, CONN. ing aside his inflation proposal, but quate throughout the county. school from Tolland returned there —Secretary of------Warr DerDem. able priest has planned a special reserved the right to reoffer it after observance of his anniversary for Monday morning after the two the farm bill is out of the way. Sunday with a special mass in his I weeks’ closing of the school due to M. - Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, We have always shown self-con­ tee scarlet' fever epidemic in tee OPEN TO 9 trol. We can remain perfectly calm honor. the Democratic leader, whose brief Olfficers named for the mass were town of'Vemon.. ^ ^ despite the situation on every side. announcement yesterday that Presi Rev. Francis J. Finn of Walling^ M r. and M rs. BSdward M cGrath o f —Raymond Poincare, former presi­ dent Roosevelt was opposed to the ford, celebrant; Rev. James R iougatuck and Miss Anna Hancrak' pjmtWng- Inflation amendments to the dent of France. Keating of N^w ’ Haven, deason; farm bill swung some votes against Rev. Martin Doran of New Haven, the 16 to 1 proposal, then withdrew No critic, be he ever so gifted, sub-deacon. Mgr. John J. McGivney an amendment by Senator Long, can in one performance take hi and of Bridgeport was asked to preach f*V (D., La.), to authorize purchase of weigh critically tee various com­ the sermon. 8100,000,000 in silver, against which ponent parts of a new work. currenoy would be Issued. —Richard Strauss, composer. Robinson told newspapermen oft the floor he took this action at the No matter what tee legislation, I HOLD SOGIEn WOMAN request of Long, but made no fur­ myself do not drink anything with He won’t have to say ther explanation. alcoholic content, but teat is purely FOR PASSING c h e c k s! He did predict, however, that the an individual thing. truce would permit passage of the —^Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. farm bill by tomorrow night. Mrs. Edith Weed Bishop Passes | Asked if any concessions had been The one redeeming feature of these new regulations on relief to Worthless Paper on Bridge­ made to the inflationists, Robinson disabled World War veterans is that port Stores. said Long had asked him voluntarily tee suffering will be such teat there with Crisco to withdraw his amendment will be an early national revulsion when tee-effects ar^ understood. Bridgeport, April 19 — (AP)— —William Conley, National Com ^ -s. Edith Weed Bishop, 29, of I GILEAD mander Disabled American Vet ’Fairfield, socially prominent wife! ans’ Association. of Henry Bishop, Jr., former hus­ band of Gloria Gould, of -New York, CRISCO is a wholesome fat— it digests faster Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gambolotti f l . I want to arise in tee morning was arrested at her home early to­ entertained relatives and friends at day when she was awakened by po­ tee Gilead hall, Saturday evening, in without being informed that I have an engagement. I think I am en­ lice who served a warrant charging honor of their daughter Lillian’s fif­ Does your husband hanker after banana cream try the tempting recipe on this page. It will taste titled to this. her with “uttering worthless I teenth birthday. —Former President Herbert checks.” She spent three hours in a pies and French-fried potatoes? Perhaps you’ve so good your husband will demand a second help­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward James and H oover. cell at police headquarters and was ing. Give him as much as he wants. His stomach their daughters, Marie and Gladys, hesitated to serve them because you thought pas­ then released in 8<^ bond. won’t suffer because Crisco-dishes are so readily^ of Wethersfield, were visitors Friday Woodrow Wilstm gave his fellow According to tee warrant Mrs.'I try and fried foods were hard to digest. Well, you at Mr. and Mrs. Eldward E. Foote’s. man everything but himself. This Bishop is charged with issuing two can forget about that bugaboo when you use digestible. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sherwood fault, if fault it was, explains both woiteless checks to the Great At­ 'wholesome Crisco. Foods made with Crisco are And- Crisco sta y * quicker-digestingl Made of and their infant daughter of Elling­ his triumph and his tragedy. lantic and Pacific Tea Company. ton were Sunday visitors at Mr. and —John K. Winkler, biographer. They were for 812.37 and 810.00. crispet, Kghter—more quickly digestible. Because the finest vegetable oils, it keeps fresh and sweet­ Mrs. Clayton A. Hills’. Counsel for Mrs. Bishop was Crisco itself is a quicker-digesting fat. tasting for months, right out on your pantry shdf. F.ii!-or Foote of Colchester was a Three point two beer, or four per granted a continuance imtll April | rct-en*^ visitor at Mr. and Mrs. E. E. cent by weight, is capable of pro­ Yes, Crisco actually digests faster—by actual, 25 in the City Court today. TOPBVrTURVY PUDDING F ootes. ducing dnmkenness in a man weigh­ scientific proof. One o f America’s leading biologists Sunday evening, the services of 8«ld hi 8mM eaM—to pntect yow health ing 140 pounds. BATTER: i CARAMEL: tee cbiurch were omitted as tee so­ —Congressman Blanton of Texas. has studied the effects o f fats on the digestive sys­ When you buy. leek fer the cu p Criaeo enp Crisco ciety here Joined with Hebron in a tem. For over a year, he has w oriud in bis labora­ vacuum leiled can with the fa­ K cup sugar 1 o n H cap sugar - union service. America has become a coimtry of Overnight tory making thousands of tmts. And here is what miliar bloe-and-white Criaco a cup almonds or walntils Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hutcbinscf hard liquor drinkers. I am glad to labd. It’a your haatth-protactlon H teaspoon fall H teaspoon salt and faxnlly attended the services see tee return of beer and wine, he says— atainat duat and cootam iaatioa. Stoaspoona hairing powder 1 cup dried apricots Sunday at tee Congregational which I regard as a temperance A. P. NeWs I t ia your aaaurance that ne care- teaspoon ginger ■oaked overnight in ''YM...CrisM rwllv d668 digest fggtw— leaa haada or uawaahed ladka Senpawator church in South Manchester. move. ,have touched Criaeo. It is sroor H cup apricot Jnloe Schools will close this week Fri­ —^Dr. Joseph J. Eller of Columbia Boston— Jennie White, 55, guarantee that you are settiag men Msily.” Criaco (m> Quickly dicastiblal) with sugar and agg until fluffy. A M N flod, University College of Physicians g e n i^ Crisco, the veactabie fat day for tee spring recess. Local found beaten to death in apart­ dry IngredlenU altamataly irlth H cup aprioot Juice (see above). Beat 1 ndama.. students of the Windham High and Surgeons. ment of Patrick Shea, 60, where I For the of your digestion use Crisco when you thait dfdesra aiora quicktr- school win also have a week’s vaca­ she was-housekeeper. He is held. Cvamtl: Molt Qriaco alowly In heavy aklllet. Add augar. 8tk «n t| l i We shall strive to unite all those tion. Cambridge—Death sentences im­ AB«novo m O K / V O fromA I V M A heat.'a o v w v e Put * saw aw nutmoat• • v w — — — • In------hoUow of each apricot. Place W rioy . • willing to help, but we shall destroy ■ ~ fin batter. BakolnmodoratoovBn(S * F .> ; Mi— Evelyn Hutchinson, a mem­ posed on Herman Snyder, 28, and I wlthroinulaldeiiip.oncaramel.Pourlnbatter.—------. 80 . '■MT all those seeking to damage our ber of tee Senior class of tee Wind John A. Donnellan, 25, in connec­ ao minutes. 'WhUo hot, turn om upsldo-down on plate. Servo warm—piam er . . r ham High school, wlU take tee trip people. tion with tee slaying of a Spmer- w ith cream . —Chancellor Adolf .Hitler of Ger­ CRISCO digests q u lc J u ft to Washington, D. C., with members vllle filling station attendant dur­ tug. u. a. M. o r .' K many. of the class. ing a holdup. Mrs. Etta Lewis of Norwich and Hartford—House adopts bill cre­ It is not necessary to debate tee ating a state commission to control iU-SAit Mrs. Iva Richards of Versailles were gravity of this agricultural emer­ visitors Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. E. gency with tee man who is getting tee sale beer and the liquor] Auntie, I was so They won't be the Well, Moy, your problem in event of repeal of the Er^l thought I B . Foote’s and at Mr. and Mrs. A. H. 30 cents for wheat, or six cents for mortified. She os next Hme if you doughnuts ore Post’s. Mrs. £%wis was especially 18th Amendment. And I'll be glad to of ieiiy. But cotton, or three cents for hogs. iBuch os told me fry them In Crisco, sel ing like hot interested in her aunt, Mrs. EHiza —Rexford G. ’Tugwell, assistant sec­ Pawtucket—Fire originating in make these doughnuts If you went to moving picture projector forces] my doughnuts dear, h's such cokes. They*re so beth P. Hills, who, on account of retary of ag^dculture. for the coke table. moke doughnuts— her age, is quite feeble. 150 children from the auditorium were Indigm tible. o wholesome fob ligbf and ^ sp l Mr> and Mrs. Myron Post of East of St. Paul’s church. Hartford spent Sunday with his par­ NOTED ARTIST DIES ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Post. HOLD RUM RUNNER Mrs. Floyd Fogil and her daughter London, April 19 — (AP) — Ed­ returned to their home Saturday mund J. Sullivan, internationally New London, April 19—(AP)— from a visit with her parents, Mr. known bladR and white artist, died Frenk Cresafutti, Albany, N. Y., and Mrs. Durau, In Wallingford. today at tee age 6f 64. His work is Was arrested early tele morning M if Viola Dingwell of Meriden is permanently represented in galler­ when two local police found 400 gal­ a guest at Mr. and Mrs. N. J. War­ ies in various parts of tee world, in­ lons of alcohol on the truck he was cluding New York. ner’s. driving. The liquor was concealed in He illustrated such books as Tom a false bottom and a secret com­ Mrs. W. E. Hibbard and her Brown’s ^hooldays, Carlyle's daughter. Miss Leora, of Manches­ partment back of tee driver's cab. French Revolution, the Vicar of Cresafutti attempted to purchua ter, visited Mrs. Hibbard’s mother, Wakefield and Omar Khayyam. MIC. Elizabeth Hills and other rela­ his freedom with 840 whloh he ten­ tives here Sunday. dered to tee officers and a charge of Mrs. Simon Hamilton and her son, FOUR DIB IN ORASHt bribery was added to oiie which Arthtur, of Farmington, were callers charged him with iUegal transpor­ at Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones’ Sunday St. Louis, April 19— (AP)—Pour tation of liquor. Later in the Police afternoon. persons were killed in tee crash of Court he asked for the oppor^ty The bouse at the Wells W i^ home­ an airplane near V a lm ^ e r, HL, to engage counsel,and tee case was stead is open for the sununer, and about to miles south of St. I/>uis at continued until tomorrow. < Mrs. Fowler of New London 10:80 a. m. today. kaa been secured as housekeeper. J. The victims were not identified Chinese farmers 'balance the free At The Herald Cooldiig School, Mrs. Edna Riggs Crabtree Used and Way, Arthur Shipman, Frederic and the ownership of the plane was rad of their carrying poles with r. Wyekoir Wileon and Mr. Sloan net immediately determined. ■tonee instead of dlvldlnig the load. recommended CRISCO, die modern, quicker^digesting shortening. lord paaaed . week-end The oeoupante werb burned be­ Beee-are .the only Insects ever yond reoc^tlon. doflseftloated by ■m:.. It?";- I -i ■' <-V‘ ••' r • •'-V. 'r WfiDNBSDAY;^RIL X9,1938. MAMCHBSrra EVENING H E^LD , MANCHESTER, CONN

memorial seirvice lb memory of the presided. No,,opposition was pre- A. KELLY i M l T E D iM lU n tO gY 6 BURNED TbNS flNxmn wers tnJin^ When departed members. Among those ■ented to the trnniner. IMSE3 AH) H U B Toastnoaster Lewis H. ' Chapman; Another short sdssion of the Tol­ w rru S2(KMN)0 LOSS ROCKVILLE at the head table were the following: land County .Superior Court was TRUSTEE in'H O SnfA L of tlM'flr«-ls undetennined. Anthony Doboes, guest of honor; held yesterday ^ Judge John Rufus Only A fsw flC the. 200 students Edward L. Neumarker, pa^ depart^ Rooth of New'Haven. With four norm ^ housM.lh tbs building M N I N GREAT SALE jury cases schjpduled for trial, OM meht commander of the American Second Disfistrons. Fire, at St. were on the Legion; District Commander Wil­ was settled prior to the opening of Takes Place of Hardd B» Senior Bonaventnre Coflege Within izur at home for the Eiatec Mnwsk.4 liam C. Pfunder;*"Alfred Armstrong, court and two others were eliminat­ —Is Member of Cummin^ D n May , 1980, flames sweilt 1 ■fc DOCTORS HOLD ANNUAL ed. The other case was postponed Jndge Who S p a c e d to the Last Three Years., 6 Commander or Stanley Dobosz Post Law IMrm. . ' ' the church end-two .bulldhi|j^OT Prices on Quality Merchan- and Walter Miller of Hartford, first until a later day. Court adjourned toe camnxui with a 'ioas of' -T,000,- DINNER AND ELECTION commander of the Rockville Post. bntll Tuesday,, April 25th. A large number of Pythians wont Death Sacco and Vanzdti Olean, N. Y., April 19,—(AP) — 000. The et^ege recently finished ofise Reach New Low Level Stanley Dobosz enlisted in Rock­ to ThompsonviJle>laflt evening to at­ Stamford, April 19 — (AP) — Loss of between 5200,000 and 5250.- its reconstruction^.^progrion*■r' ville early in 1917 when Sergeant. tend the Second D istrict meeting, William A. Kelly; who is a member 000 was estimated today as toe re­ Dr. John E. Flaherty Named John Risley did the recruiting for of toe law firm of Cumming^s and PassesAway. Company G of Manchester. Stan­ representing Dunon lodge of Rock­ sult of toe destruction by fire last heads college body Event President — Dr. Stall is ville. = 1 u . . Lockwood, waa appointed a' trustee Middletown, April 19.^—(APL,— ley Dobosz was bom in Rockville: ' The regular meeting of the union night of Lynch Hall, Boys’ dormi- Guest of Honor. June 29, 1898, the son of Mr. and of the Fairfield State hospital at Boston. April 19.—(AP)—Webster toty smd oldest building on toe St. Frank A. Mingle of H ackettero^. Mfs. Anthony Dobosz and was a Church Teimls ;Ciub was hdd Newtown by Governor (3roas yester­ Bonaventnre college and seminary N. J., has been elected president of evening at which .time plans were Thayer, to« Massachusetts Judge toe Wesleyan college body, It was . ,A pale, uBpirecedented in the his­ member of Company D, 102nd In­ considered for . the'.opening of the day. He will take toe place of toe campus with a loss of 51,000,- tory of the J. W. Hale Co. and C. E. The annual meeting of the Tolland fantry, 26th Division in the World Former Statie Senator Hanfid R. who pronbtmced sentence of death trous fire on toe college grounds hr announced today. Ralph G WC^ County Medical Association was War. H e was killed in action April 1938 season. . , Senior of Bethel, who since toe last on Nicholas Zacco and Bartholomew three years. , of Albany is vice prudent.' - A. Q. Hcmie and Son, Inc., will start in Hope Chapter, No. 60, Order of Simpson, Jr., of Douglastown, held at the Rockville House a t 7:30 20, 1918, in Seicheprey. He was session had figured in a controversy Vanzetti waa dead today at toe age Starting in the clock tower of too these two stores tomorrow lEdd at rest in lot No. 12 in a church Ekatem Star, held , their regular over contiracts for supplies at the three story brick building, which is and J. H. BaUey of Narberth, Pa., o’clock last evening at which 22 meeting last evening. of 75. ^ , have been chosen president and Sec­ o'clock.. Both stores have been dt^ were present. A steak dinner was yard at Monteray, France. Later hospitaJ. The JtirlBt sueexunbed to cerebral some distance from : other struc­ the body was brought to this coun­ Kelly whose former home was in tures in toe college layout, the retary of the eoU’e^e Christian as­ Eny buEdness in Manchester for a served by Mrs. A. L. Chapdelaine, embolism suffered Friday in his sociation. great many years. In fact C. E. mistress of the Rockville House. try and placed in the Arlington Na­ PROJECT TURNED DOWN Hamden, was of counsel for . Mrs. room at the University Club here flames spread rapidly through toe House and Son, Inc. is the oldest President Q. Perdval Pard, M. D., of tional cemetery. Benjamin CoUlngs at toe time of and his condition had been too criti^ business houM in Manchester. Stafford, president.. ’The speaker of Funeral of Oswald Eckhardt. Washington, April 19.—(AP) — inquiry into toe murder of her hus­ cal for him to be moved. His w w Irrespective of this, both stores the evening was Dr. Henry Stall of The funeral of P. Oswald Eck- Proposed plans fpr Improvement of band, who was slain after , being was with him from toe timd he was realize that no business csm ride on Hartford, who delivered an interest­ lardt, aged 58, one of Rockville’s the Connecticut river between Hart­ taken from his yacht which was stricken. Its reputation and have always en­ ing talk on the topic “Recent Devel­ iromlnent merchants and owner of ford, Conn., uid Springfield, Mass., anchored off toe Long Island shore. deavored to provide the people of opments in Diagnosis and Treat­ Jie lockl bologna factory, who died at an estimated, cost of 54,780,000 ’The governor reappointed as hos­ Manchester with the newest in mer- ments.’’ Dr. Stall in a very inter­ at his home at 21 West Road on Sat­ pital trustees Samud A. Eddy, of H. G. ’TEELE DEAD diandlse at popular prices. A great were turned down, today by toe War North Canaan, Edward G. Buckland esting discourse referred to the mod­ urday, was held from his late home Department. deal of effort has been put into ern treatment of pneumonia and'the yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. of New Haven and Prof. Charles P. Stamford,. April 19.—(AP)— merchandising, especially during the “ITie project Included Federal con­ Harrington of Kent school, Kent. Horace Granville Teele of Shippan advances in the treatment of tuber­ Rev. K. Otto Klette, pastor of the struction of a power dam at En­ recent year of severe business con­ culosis. He alsq spoke of the ad­ First Lutheran church, officiated Point, an executive of toe Under­ ditions, to keep the stocks of both vances in the treatment of acute pol field rapids, midway between Hart­ STRUCK BY AUTO wood ’Typewriter Company, died at Burial was in the. family plot m ford and Springfield. stores fresh and clean. sons. Grove Hill cemetery. his winter home in St. Petersburg, Through connections with large Among the guests present was Dr. Delegations were present from va­ In a report to Congress Major New Haven, April 18—(AP) — Fla., last night, at toe age of 81. buying syndicates in New York both Robert Rowley of Hartford, who rious lodges and the peill bearers in­ General Lytle Brown, chief of Army Alexander Macovsky, 40, of Fair- He is survived by his widow, Mrs. stores have featured many excep­ gave a short talk. engineers, held that toe proposed field was reported In fair condition Lillian Atlee Pinkerton, whom he tional merchandising stunts that cluded a member of each lodge of expenditures were'not warranted In The following officers were elect­ which he wels a member as follows: today at Grace hospital to which he married in New York in October have brought them a great deal of ed: William Preuss of Rockville Lodge, view of toe fact,, that no assurances was taken after being hit by an 1878, a daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Teele business. Notable among these President, Dr. John E. Flaherty. No. 1359, B. P. O. Elks; Rudolph had been offered of-any adequate re­ automobile on toe Milford turwlke. Foale of Stamford, and a grand­ events were the a&les of men’s suits Vice President, Dr. T. F. O’Lough turn on toe power'dam Investment. Hospital attendants said he suffered daughter, Dorothy Teele Foale. auad overcoats conducted at House’s Schemeiske of Damon Temple, lin. , Knights of Pythias; Robert Llebe of ______*______a possible fracture of toe skull. at 511. These sales proved far Secretary and Treasurer, Dr. R. the Order of Maccabees; George Authorities said Macovsky was reaching in results for they demon­ STORM WARNING hit by a car last night as he stepped INJURED BY FALL strated the merchandising ability of C. Ferguson. Theummler of the Maple Grove Sing­ One Against Governor. ing Society; Otto Kemme of the from bis own machine and that the the store and brought hundreds of But one vote of the Representa Washington, April 19.—(AP) -- other car was operated by Paul Stamford, April 19.—(AP) — A new customers who have, in many Leidertafel Society; and Edward The Weather Bureau today Issued police Investigation was started tives of the thirteen towm; of Tol Ronan, of Court Snipsic, Foresters Stiles of New Bedford, Mass. cases, became regular accounts. land Coimty went against the plan toe following storm warning: this morning into a 40-foot fall by Likewise, various sales conducted of America. “Advisory 9-a. • m. Northeast Stanley Sakolowskl, 28, of 745 for state control of beer and wines Rockville Notes. RECEIVERSHIP FILED tn 'th e popular Self-Serve Grocery as proposed by Governor Wilbur L. storm warnings ordered 9 a. m., Atlantic street, at his home last have been rewarded with tremen­ Cross and the State Commission who General Kitchener, American Or­ Boston, Mass., to Norfolk, Va., dis­ Bridgeport, April 19.—(AP) — A night. Sakolowskl received a frac­ dous success and have built up a made recommendations. The unique der Sons of St. George will observe turbance over Virginia in conjunc- receivership for toe Baker Factory, tured skull, a broken leg and sev­ You get yary large number of customers who honors went to Representative An­ St George’s Day this evening at ■tion with high pressure to toe Inc., of Norwalk, was filed in toe eral broken ribs as a result and his depend on this store for complete Foresters’ hall. Members of the northeast will cause stremg north­ condition is reported as critical at drew M. Grant of Mansfield, who east winds rewl^g gale force at Superior Court today by ThomM J. food service. voted with the group at the Gen^ lodge, their wives and lady friends Tuttle, a director of toe company.. toe Stamford hospital. This sale which starts tomorrow eral Assembly yesterday for the re haVe been invited to attend. times.” ' In both stores is the most phenom- jection of the Buckley bill. The The regular meeting of the Ver­ ^ a l ever staged by either store. The Tolland County vote stood on both non Grange Society will be held on entire regular stock of both stores Friday evening in Grange hall. The hto been cut to new low price levels measures 21 “yeas" and one “nay." A petition urging support of the third and fourth degrees will be never heard of before. No iher- conferred upon a class of candidates emandlse has been bought for this liquor control plan of the commis­ sale. People will get some of the sion named by Governor Cross, cail^'nt this time. bept values in fresh, clean stock ing for centralized control waa Burpee Woman’s Relief Corps are ^ley have ever seen. There will be signed in this city with 102 signa' to hold a members supper this eve­ plenty of extra salespeople on hand tures for presentation in the General ning in toe G. A. R. rooms at 6 fkgive the good service chsu'acterls- AecAmlllv o’clock. All members are expected « to f both stores. “Stanley Dobosz Night”. to attend. ’The regular meeting Stanley Dobosz Post, No. 14, will follow at 9 o’clock. American Legion, observed “Stanley The Rockville Community Garden Dobosz Night” ’Tuesday evening in a u b will hold their regular meeting UEW bill a t ROXY the G. A. R. rooms in memory of on Thursday evening in Library HaU the first Rockville boy who gave his of toe George Maxwell Memorial life in the World War. Anthony Library. Plans will be completed I fEATURES “HUMANin” Dobosz, father of Stanley Dobosz, for toe annual garden show. ______was guest of honor of the World The Rockville Emblem Club are War veterans at the turkey dinner holding their weekly social at the ]i|w York Theater Presenting served in honor of the occasion: Lewis H. Chapman, who was in­ Elks club this afternoon. ELECTRIC 'Jack Powell, Comedy Drum- stalled as Exalted Ruler at- Rock ^ A hearing was held in toe Com­ .rriner, in Lead in, B ig Stage iVlUe. Lodge, No. 1359, B. P.,0. Elks mon.CCuncil clumbers l u t e v ^ ^ af^ T o’clock ‘r^^rdlng toe petfoon" ^ S h o w . -%n last Thursday was the tr* ’ .">N ■

gVIlMUM} B IB A U ), NAKtiHI8TIS. (^ K , WiDNBeDAY. APSIIi 1*. IM t.

4>tw iN!r tthelr own gnrden Btuff, they keep, n HEALTH-MET ADVKZ «tA»>y 9Mpr It WM fiVir (pr 'lfwp. t h ^ HPUltiy nnd BY O IL F R A N K l|M » Y Make this Beautyrest ^ e t by oloa«d JSjgSl^ 01^ (ItaBlr OMP .ohjkdNM nnd egjre. qaeetiena la regard to Be«IIB M i Mel .w e . The OoBffldMlpn’B bill .» v e y They grow nuuc'^ouB HparafUB wm IM M iiv M tgr Dr^ lipUfy which they aend to Boaton; that'a ^jel^aawefM ^ .Ti Ahel.r itK ta ^ 'f f w n ^ onop. T m ^ f ^ r e ^ . be dj] buBinedB. 4ltMBB «B « ITM These who are aUsuptfiw to Uvo tttvea Iht Atur. A tattti Msauat of into eha 'p K m , 9 ^ ^ ^ter fnup we^B. They ere a A Atlfl dMAlAAQIM tbla may be uatd to tblohto tht 'ont' JBHudit •«••»«•*••>*• AA tiw ^ dp dheir «e^. f|« m V reliant 4ml jifilyent community ?tr f~XOMm^iwjt *•••••••• • • ■«» •• *“• ^•• «Jfx dietlet often And it AUXieutt to prMare fftvloaa laeal eauee tt. when tht • •••••••*••******* end they VP upatending American food la en nBMtlaliif Bear la brtwaed, tht ttavth btttiata w...... m . WWW. A‘»«* <»**,*?*“ cttlBenB. They hve healthfully apd tittle boy aald when Ida mother ahaagti tt deatria. Teu mty alte jMyiplly and when they die they served him wHh a hetoioA of add a amell amouat of water to thlt WtfliSly .yqmd A la n ^ tMP .-ilite dP aijiB: "1 know it must be good for flour, juat enough to thiekta It to a iook’ Ape ew!M»«' .PPPAWf. ^ v e jpp had .debu and no deetltute me beoauee H teatee ao bad." For gravy farm, aad It amy tbtabtaatdtw dNnhIlie* some raaspa aMusy aeopla aaam ao a t raaaa^r over rithtr maata t r Ten years ago Ekuitham would hava a riafiUar idea tfeiat. If the food starchy foods. Fried Temeto Baaeei In a hot \hawe ibean a soailag joka la any Haw tastes good, it cannot be whotesome. s s f u m dp dt by iflNt bhMpg m Tide is a Bditakea id ^ for It la slightly grtatad frying pan aiica P)P|dehd mill town. Today Ha rig* juet u easy as not to prepare good anoufnIU 0 U tomatoaa w u M h k v w tow coverW Tvr the I. tea-ot- ?AI S d o p tS ^ th e CommlBBlon'd .bUll" ptfjpApe .la jMd likely do he icat «o foods iq §» appetiaiof maaaer. All tomi; almmtr slowly, turalay tha timt oaa aaeda to keep m aaiod a rt» ea frtq^iUy uatil thty btYt Booms ~oC cppwlouo" lhdlyldMe(t(i| dW (thetresaad, flaeriied, bewjtfdeaad sUeea •jwtenrw'iK'^ A fttr- few rules that are eaeiiy learnad* melted'ited. Itiala m kilttaad utt e ^ .(V|PKM4WtlWd mUpte' .MmAitAm'*•*^iaoderh" 4tAHMmiui4tvcommunity that heDIMBIhappapa Many foods can be greatly Improved It as a'aauet ever maata liaata tr f Rlif ^ daa ed «dkm> At (IP (hi to hear about S]aetban>'a 100 per In flavor by ti>a addition of wtiola- atarehy fttda. At a vtrialltt, grttn ^ t eede do MMirt, M cent independence of depreailone and soma flav o r^ or sauces. Meraara tomatoM may bt uatd la plati tC prosperity wavee alike. a faw that X oaa raoommaad; rips, glvtag t aUfbtly dUferaat B S S M T ® i3 CdhvtWhP’# ibiiHteH^ Ap ^ p Toaeato Jnloa Sauast Pour a oaa flavor. c r lihd d\w^ # ^ M l BKTBM YWW. te-ware pot and boll It until it has popgreesman graaois T. Maloney been reduced by evaporation to attw»pan. Add oat-quarttr tup af AIIP AWWdWlW about one-half. Add two level table- diced carrots aad ent-quarter sup of ^*Ar )hwp *dp«i cm his genaral ability, but rather an ketohup-llke oonslstenoy that you ti^ueteation of the infantile outlook can jpour over meats or Ash to and use tho Julct as a sauco evar pat AilP greatiy enhance their appsaraaoe reatta or almUar tyj^a of mMt ^ aoctiomlo aapeote of the cur* and Aavor. No salt'need be added If tome fif ?TdP^IW,t ffflwewiWf ThP .d»dMHi«y .qwwpMdpp’jp MAoy problem quite oommon la tide idw«eito#^«p^*vdVKjh#«ww as the conoentratioD of the juice QVUnONg AJCD ANIWBM lc9mU(#ed 'oujjdirtW^ j m * part of the country even aaaong In­ adds to its Aavor. Instead of canned (Ltllaot and Ulaaro) Queitloa: "I Don't Believe It" Tlrsd • • or radliwl? You look and feel at tof mm9 wm\ «W |(|p d *«MPd. telligent people, that ho abould lay tomato Juice, cooked tomatoM aaay t9 ^ m dji99,? div #MPAt <9^ iW SPiW V ^ be strained and prepared in the writee: "A phyridaa haa told a wsU as you sleep. Your msttreas can make what he le credHed with saying con- aaiae way, This sauce, being pre­ friand, who was reeantly oparatad egiteiMdieipwld^^ nerniiv inflation' pared from an acid fruit, should bt on for uleor of the ttooMCh, m t bt this dlBsrttea. spej^ the fdfJpriidlPd ^ e s p p « ^ ntve MW -how dfipeMi do "X am net In favor of any kind of served with protein foods rather must not eat criep head tetcuoe at (Wy Wfd- jAllntlon just now other than the ter. ] (Wdw dWMWWP Pd dfce d w flow of the difeative juioaa that the growers to gtt$ It the erlsp- regulation of working hours," the aeai m t appeals to all lattuea aa> Thlf Cfh hd jvlthout in the' It ip our heUed dhad Id dhP fhudy digest prptein foods. nepreientstlve la quoted as stating. Mushroom Sauoet A flavorful la there any truth In this ctate- *caet ;4ff9ylSf d9 the PrefWffft /jftl ^gcmliPlPh’e la adopted’h WUI ‘T am not la favor of any way of Muce cap be prepared from dried m entf Try a SIMMONS Beautyrest fpr Uberaliam, rectitude od not eurylye «d eh ihljpohd <*• muibrooma by first washing them Aaiweri There It ao danger In improving the quality of corned dvih PFPPm f4 ymm.- m m - ««wwpttw^ 4o much thoroughly and then running them using lettuce or other freen vege- beef," ho might with equal relev­ tablee If they are first thoroughly AP M M# MCfflkoUo through a very fine meat ^nder. T^?f fdwiWd Jfr.* m r n m ance have said, "other than wearing Add enough water to float them washed. However, for atomao!I tspeM pp US to be that he is a ;i;f^ic. It will not be long coptent ulcera I would advise the milk diet rubber boots when It rains." fresly, cover and let alnuner fori one for 30 NIGHTS at Our Risk like ^veJ^ye character .Rupe ihdip iliMli ahortrrfjBge, nar­ hour, A small amount of soya or until the uleera aad inflammation iCjtojidberg'a, Lucifer ^ tts . who h u ^ row ^eloped and ipevHeWy infitpc- one may be p e r d c ^ for soy bean sauce may be added though have oempletely cleared up. suspectlilg that Mr. Maloney thinks it is not necessary. When finished, By ipAcifll irriingtrafnt with thd maniifncturtr, wq nrq t w i lim ­ fh ingenious contriyance embracing tive measure. currency inflation is some kind of a the water abould have evaporated to (Bone Quettioni) ited time only, nn opportunity for 800 oustomere to try t Sirnwya ' tj^ree sets of gears, a couple of tog- about one-half of its origlaal Qus(.lettipn; Mrs. Fred R. asks: (1) Beautyrest for 80 nights at our risk. We are so conOdwir that this, rac new golf rule. If ti^re auob a thing as spreading |[|eB and a doaen belts and puUies, VERY SMALL STORM. amount. Tbla sauce may be used mous mattress will give you tho most restful, healthful sleep, th ^ we are l^th various intervening operations, either with meats or with atarchea. of tha hip bonet? Is wore any way Measures arise in Congress now It givea an appetising flavor with to remedy luoh a fault? (2) How willing to have you make this test, and return the roattresa « it w not Ipi order to open a window. It would and then and about them'is stirred BEHIND THE SCENES IN wholewheat noodles or spaghetti can weak ankles ba made stronger? entii^y satisfactory . . and we will refund your money. As nationally acte (8) What causes bowed lege? la he less inj^eresting, perhftps; but up considerable feeling when to I Browned Meet Seuoet In a fi verUsed, with box spring to matoh, $88.76 each. (quicker end surer and more effective pan place a piece of round a there any way to make them some minds they appear to be of after removing ell of the fat; cover straight?" ip just go and open the window. Mr. very little Importance because likely the pan with a oioae-fltUng lid and Answer; (1) Yea, there is often a i^s^yelt, it strikes us, has a yen to be, in their application and if aimmer slowly for about twenty natural spreading of the hip bonet ifer gafigets, applied at all, of but slight effect. minutM or imtil a good deal of the around the age of puberty. Thie la I The Farm Reli^ Bill is a gadget THREAT OF WAGE juice has been extracted from the not necessarily a fault, but an un­ >9 Such a one if the so-called Anne CUT BEAL SNAG meat. Remove the lid aad aimmar natural widening of the pelvis can —many good mechani(MS think It Is Embargo bill which passed thf IN SO-HOUR BILL. until the moisture evaporates and a be prevented tnrougb syatematle 'pure to break down with great House on Monday sad which givea brown deposit is left on the bottom physical culture exercises designed By Rodney Duttfiier. of the pan. Care must be used not to strengthen the muscles- of tha pj-pmptness. The Thirty-Hour Bill promise of ^cfid(nlPg a spirited WATKINS NBA Beevlca Writer. hips and pelvis. .Walking is a good ie a gadget. To be sure it is pot to burn this substance which >ooa< contest in the Senate. Washington, April 22.— The real sists of meat extractives. When at> exerciaa for this purpose. (2) Weak !Mr. Roosevelt’s patent hut he has This measure has a fine padfle *nag in the progress of the 30-hour most dry, ad^) a small amount ,(anl(|N ''Caa also be made strongetr Umrking week through the paths of ^through walking and by taking ex- : Servm0 Manchestei^ fop 58. years Ipoked kindly op H. The PO fiSUPd SOUP4 in its title. Tet the preb- butter; when mSlted, add a siilti ».‘VVar Industries Ck^ptrpi” p)«n if a legislation and executive approval amount, of water and stir carefully •reiaea to develop the muscles of the abilities are that there wUl never the probability—or possibility, if This will make a brown eauce that lower leg. (3) Learning to walk gp(iget. And H iP be spi^clpd arise en eecjMlon when the coueee you pr^er—that it will result in re. can be added to meats or non too soon, or a deficiency in the diet that the scheme (o heed fff fu rr^ y with relatimi to exportation of anns duced income for tbS average wage starchy vegetables to Increase thair of bone-building elements would inflation by exerting some sort of earner. flavor, cause bowed legs. A change in diet { from the United States will be any The employed still outnumber the PMSSure on the Federal Reserve Browned Flour Sauce: In'a dry and plenty of muscular exercise for (Afferent, in the event of the passage unemployed and most of them have skillet place two heaping table' the legs will assist in correcting •Bysitem to enlarge credits fnd get the Embargo biu, from what it bad their wages cut to the point tha<: apooneful of white flour. Place over bowed legs. any further reductions would be ipme of that new kind of fPOPSy t# wotfid be if there were no such leg­ WorWng will turn out to be just aP* nothing abort of agonizing. islation. Can the hours of labor be cut to !e{her gadget. force of public opinion, the power of The bill, after all, merely empow­ 30 hours a week—as is made com­ organised labor and the fact that IN NEW YORK Never before! ^ d the forthcoming—perhaps-- ers the President, "whenever he pulsory in the Black bill passed by the 80-bour week would put all in­ ' iatemational econopiie geftftrm^po is ,he Senate—without a reduction in dustrial employers on the same finds that in luiy part of the world wages in proportion? If not, the the most gadgety of all possible de» basis would combine to prevent any By JUU A BLANSHARD conditions exist such that the ship­ purchasing power of the wage-earn especial loss to labor now employed. New York, April 20—Sam Mor- vices for restoring the money qual- ment of arms or munitions of war ’ ing millions is in no way enhanced— Senator Hugo Black of Alabama vay Is America’s first “cheesolo- • ity of silver. from producing countries might and increased purchasing power is admits tbat if his bill were to result gist.” (That’s his own name for his In other words, iP a psriod when one of the chief promises made by in wage reductions it would not be specialty.) provoke, or m iceure^ the enoploy* friends of the Black bill. the firebells are riaging aad the accomplishing its purpose. But he Morvay carries 345 different ment of force in the course of a dis­ Shift in Busing Power? is sure that there would be little in­ kinds of cheese in bis little shop alarm sirens are howling all over the pute among nations, he may, after It may be argued that millions centive for proportionate wage cuts with a big reputation in East 59th of persons would acquire purchasing country in a universal demand, not securing the co-operation of the if all manufacturers were put on the street, just off Fifth avenue. His for more credit nor more tradable Tower who now havfe no purchasing same work hour basis. clientele includes 16 different na­ other arms producing coun^es, lower ;.t all, but would it be entire­ "There would be hostility through­ tionalities and many socially prom­ evidences of debt, but for a work­ proclaim an embargo on the ship­ ly at the expense of the purchasing out the nation to wage reductions inent cheese connoiseurs. able volume of redemption money ment of such arms and ammunitions. E>ower of those who now possess it? corresponding to hour reductions,’’ Strangely, this Hungarian got his somewhere near big enough to stop If so, the sum total of purchasing he says confidently. “It is my be­ cheese start in Yonkers, N. Y^ There are a lot of "if’s’’. By the lower would remain the same. De­ the disease of deflation,■'the PresJ. lief that if induatir did attempt to where his immigrant parents settled time any executive had arrived at mands for unemployment relief follow such a method, the power of upon arrival in this country and dent keeps op inventing round­ the conclusion that an arms embar­ might diminish, but the standard of Congress would be broadened and where be went to work as a boy in a living for wage earners Would have abouts. go was expedient, under such a law, amplified to meet new conditions.’’ delicatessen. While still in his Mr. Roosevelt has the brains and to drop substantially. teens, indlgwtion put him on a non­ aad had conferred with the’ other The American Federation of. La­ meal diet He became convinced we bqlieve he has the heart—^we are arms producing nations, aad had ob­ bor, which has been preaching the that cheese was the route to health. NORGE sure he has plenty of courage—to tained their signatures to an agree­ short day and the short week for CALLS ADDED GAS Later he found led to wealth, too. The only refrigerator with many years, has always insisted that tackle this inflnitely great need of ment to a general embargo, the prob- Morvay invites all newcomers the efficient RoUator Pump. a genuine currency inflation In the there be no corresponding cut in to taste hla delicacies. Perhaps Coats Isss to own and leaa to abUtles are that either the trouble wages. TAX AN INJUSTICE your palate will warm to some oparata! spirit of the hour; if he can only get would be over or Oongrees wotild But those who scoff a t the idea Norwegian Cbestot (goat’s milk away from this habit of Indulging have had opportunity to deal with of a federal 30-hour law se^ that Connecticut Petroleum Com­ cheese that looks like a big loaf in economic acrobatics. If he doesn’t, such a suggestion, under present of brown home-made soap and the incident by itself, or the Presi­ conditions, is ridiculous. The A. mittee Opposes Pr the law for Connecticut it will bo of more tbsm 25 per cent in the case tauer, German Edelweiss and Al- TYA.TKINS of any worker employed at an hour­ hearted approval of motorista who Chintz Drapes because only one Tolland County long have-frit that theae fees have saoe Rahm Munster. ly wage in case nothing was done boast IS that no mate member of the House of Represen­ A8 TO EASIBABL been excessive. His suggestion, how­ to prevent him from taking that cut. ter what your Battooallty, his deli­ He haa refused huadreds of gilt tatives stood by the Republican A little, Inconeplouous news dis­ If no one suffered any wage loss, the ever, that the gasoline tax be In­ creased to 3 cents a gallon pliu the catessen win have something from invitations, wem’t breakfast, lunch, hand-made to order party whUe 21 others, mostly mem­ patch from esape Cod states that the employer would pay much more In borne. niustratiBf, he will s h ^ wages. ^ Federal levy of 1 cent, making a tea or dine with anybody, won’t ac­ bers of the G. O. P. and elected as town of Eastham, with a charity total of 4 cents a gallon vdilok every you smoked reindeer meat for the cept any “gifts" from firms wanting Forecasts Price Rise. Eskimos; R i^ sprots for ]^tvi- such, went over to the other side fund of 1500 tucked away some time Senator David A. Reed of Penn­ car owner will be Called upon to pay to cash in on publicity, thereby, when he buys rasoUne, dirapens the ans; Bluga caviar for Russians; , won’t even pose for studio photo­ for the reason that Major John ago, has not had to touch a single sylvania, one of the bitterest op-, specially roasted French coffee for ponents of the 30-hour week meas entburiaam w lu which the first part graphers who are eager to “catch" Buckley, their political mentor, was cent of i t Not an able bodied man the Fraach; paper-thin flatbrot for .Shaw. Ha haa refused a suite a t of the community of some five hun ure, said it would raise the labor cost of his proposal has been received. Norwegians; Prague hanw for at the head of the Study Ccimmissimi of all manufactured articles 33 per According to a atatement issued one of the best hotels. He and Mrs. § dred eoulB has reported himself out by the Ckmnecticut Petroleum In­ Csecho-Slovakians;' pickled luy Shaw will stay on the ship, while in and largely responsible for the much cent. (Senators on the other side sprouts for the Cbin^. New York. touted but extremely dubious plan of a job or in need of aseistance. said they hoped it would.) dustries Committee, under the Com­ He la hale, hearty, in his middle There relief because there are If wages were to be reduced pro­ missioner’s plan motorista will save for tying legal and illegal alcoholic portionately w i^ hours under such fifties, with very Uttte gray hair to no subjects of rdief. 82.070.000 in registration, fees; but his. black head and the snap of Seeing ’"Dirougb the Keyhole” Never before . . (probably never again) . . haaltbesR beverages tightly together in one in­ a law the effect would be merely they will be called upon to pay 82 youth in his dark, 'eyes. He recom­ on the billboards at Radio City that of a compulsory version of the poMtble for us to band tailor in our own workshop, ta extricable knot. This is interesting aspeeiaUy In 400.000 in extra gasoline taxes, or mends as the Ideri night-cap s recalled the one and only keyhole your own measurements, chintx draperies like these fbe view of the oftrrepieated esaertiona “sbare-the-work” plan which was roughly 8330,000 more than they peeping Indulged in by -Leonora And the victory for the Commie- Introduced with no very great suc­ limburger cheriie and onion ee^* 84.98 a pair. \ that the conditions of life have so paid in fixed charges in 1932. This, wlch, on pumpernickel, with a big [E d e lst^ abort atopy writer. kon’s bill in the House was achieved cess during the latter part of the according to Alan Levine, Secretary Leonora was only 18 than, just changed In America that it would be Hoover administration. The work schooner of beer. You bring in the measurements (maximum -length —save the mark!—in the name of of that conuuittee, is an injustice arrived ia tha-Ug city. She took 2)4 yards). Select from 12 (Afferent eunfast i^itag i VfK»ping liquor out of polftics! Major impossible for people to survive on was Blmsot invariably shared a t the in this day when costs of everything. One Degree Below a small room at an old hotel. chintzes. Your drapes will be hand made, in our opp . , expense of the weekly pay check of Including government and road When tha bellhop left her, she Buckley, it should be remembered, the basis of a hundred years ago. the worker who was already em- A sandwich man in cap and gow* workshop. That means pinch pleats, horics . . ta Atat Eastham is surviving on precisely building, have come down. (regulation ooUege graduating looked about tha room and no­ every operation ie band done! is slated to. become a member of plqyed. Mr. Levine points out that the mortarboard and gown) saunter!^ ticed a door aenneeting with an- Qevemor Cross’ State liquor Oem- that basle. With the axception of Meanwhile, sweat shops sprang i other room. ' Or, we will line these drapes with heavy sateen fot np in many states, employing des­ motorists of this state are entitled along Broadway in a six o’clo« islaslon when and if the bill passes electric lights, telephones and access to a reduclon in registration fees drizzle the other evening, was some­ Instinctively, she stepped* over' 86.75 a pair. There’s a time limit, so make y«*r silso- perate wage earners for long hours without any compensating increase the Senate. to a one-trip-a-day railroad—which end pitifully low salaries. Obvious thing new and different He was a liaBd stooped down to see what was tion tomorrow! '* , ^ some of the natives regard as mere­ ly, manufacturers who want to give In the ifasollne tax. There is no rea­ fine looUag young fellow. His. signs |un the other side.. At first she Under the. Commission’s bill-the son, he 88^8, why Conneotiout motor­ advertised a vegetarian cafeteria. thomlit ttw hole'was Stopped up. ly ussteaa ‘'extravagaacee—conditions ttkeir employeea a decent break have tfflfflc in potent alcoholic liquors will great difficulty meeting that sort oil ista shouldn’t be relieved of high an- To* the question, “Where dW Then her haart stopped beating. raaume, when the Blghteenth cf Ufa have ebaaged almbst not at competition and many feel they nual fixed cluurges. The following you get the cap'and gown?" he She was leMting * mraight Into u: Amendment ceases to be, tie place all in a century, and very little in can’t help lowering their standards states, this year, enacted laws re- answered with dignity, “It is my I somebody etse’s aytl duefing registration feea fOr cars: own, Msdnm." She lied the room, had the desk it occupied in pre-prohibition days; nearly three. in the face of it. Some solons would rather legis­ Arkansas, Tfenwas, Georgia, Ten I - - - Send up for her bags and went to thy.t is, 'tte place of a..compiercial The Pilgrims saw Bestham before late for a 86-hour week than a 80- nessee, Oklahonia, Virginia, Nebras­ In spite of the fact tbat O. B> theY7W.C.A. operation conducted-fpr profit by they saw Plymouth Rock—Jaaded bour week on the belief that the ka mod Montana.. They die’- so with­ Shaw knows how. to get more D R A I^Y SHOP— 1s t F L O Q | | '^~. wage drop would npt -tiien be so out increasing any other taxee the front X>aga head-line stories, bgr pafvate tiidividuala. Apparentiy it there, in fact And theM has been motorista in those states have to his smart sayings, than__ anybody_ ! ! * « ♦ are 10,nw fever butlers m sharp. he turns out {Upland' now tj^fi tiicre were four rWVW oooufTfed- to*'the'rStiidy Com- a settlement there n ^ l y ever since. ’The friends of th a 80-hour week pay. Why cannot Connecticut do the that there could be any The p a o ^ gat their Uvlag now ee fiMist that the sameV to as a vsmsHM SBVwmng yraw aga ■f ■. . • j -V-iV i C . '’3r2. r V l ^ CHBUynSR' BVEWTHG HERALD, MANCHESTER. OONNh WEDNBSDAT, APRIL 19.1999.

avoid endangarlag ftteh fovalgn dabata aad brought tha raal tast, snten would go to tbt ooaatlM; | Lif*/’.. will be .given by T. W. Red­ between aupportara of a central- thoM from loeol pormits ding, instructor at Yale University credits was indicated by the pay­ HOUSE BACK GOVERNOR ment a \fsw days age to the com­ iaad aystam ta d thoaa tevoriag lo­ mmiiciptfttioi, aad aalsa : tax ra^ at 9:10 o’clock. A t 9:80 o’clock, nine GRUT BRITAIN cal cootroL eslpti to tte atatx U tU m n tfu et BOYS PLAN OWN PROGRAM leisure Interest g ro ^ will be h«ld pany of an the money due. ON RDM CONTROL PLAN The amendment, wiping out all tbo commlaikMl took the diatnbii* as foUows: Observers bellevM |hisslaa au­ of the provisions of tha beer bill tion pToo from the Alooro 'bflL Reading Rev. A. H. Rapp of Ber­ SETS EMBARCO thorities desired above everything and subatitntiBg for them the Tharo ia a #evitfon of faag mak­ FOR BIG ‘Y’ CONFERENCE lin, a^terary. student; dramatics. else to avoid endangering foreign (Coatfameg Pag* Om ) Buckley conupission plan, was ing them $1,000 for the ifianutecf Miss Helen Estes' of Manchester credits sources. adopted 181 to-127. Sixty-three Re­ turer, $600 tor the whcfieiglar, ang school faculty; hiking, Michael That Russia will suffer by the beer becoming automatically legal publicans joined 68 Democrats in $60 for other types of penidta. ■ Carlson, physical educational direc­ ON W GOODS British embargo was indicated by April 26 under an emergency act supporting tha amendment, while ’The grofw sale a ' tax< would be nem •( Coaoty Gathering tor of the Hartford Y; model plane the fact that Russian trade with passed nearty two weeks ago, there 126 Republicans and one Democrat, four per cent on retail and one per craft, W. Ballou of the Southington' (Continnefi From Page One) Great Britain was estimated worth was considerable doubt among Rep. Michael J. Connor of Enfield, cent on wludesale and mannfaor Aero Club; leathercraft. Rev. Mar­ £12,000,000 in 1932. ’That G reat B ri­ L^lslative leaders as to whether v o ^ against it. ture. In support of the change the : H«e April 28 and 29 to vin S. Stocking of the North Metho­ wide range of Russian goods today tain likewise will suffer commercial­ the machinery for regulating its Six Republicans and Connor study comntiarion said the reduc­ dist church; metal craft, C. W« which win be banned. ly was indicated by some special sale could be set up before then. switched their votes on the main tion would make five-cept beer Laughton, a member of the staff at European countries which already line3 of British mamifactures find­ Provisions of Bin . question^ and voted for passage of more likely. Be Bused on Use of Lei- Camp Woodstock; wood carving, W. have relations with the Soviet Re- ing their biggest outlets in Russia. Under the control measure pass­ ^e amended bill. ’The 800 foot distance betwera a L. Hagen of Springfield, Mass. public and American officials in Eighty per cent of the products of ed by the House, the governor is Governor Cross who conducted a tavern and a achool, churc]) or oth­ Mre Thne. Musm, Ralph Baldwin of Hartford, London bave watched the Moscow the British machhu; tool trade in empowered to appoint the commis­ vigorous fight in behajf of central­ er designated building would be i supervisor ^ in trial with special interest in view ot 1982 was sold to Russia. sion. After the regulatory machin­ ized state control, said after pas­ 200 feet instead of 600 fMt. Thia schools' and widely' known as a a possible United States decision to ery has been set up the gov­ sage ot the a c t:. was a pick op ftrom the 1918 law chorus director and composer. Mr. establish relations with Russia. The sentences imposed by the ernor is authorized to declare ef­ ‘T have never swerved from my of license days. The flfteentb cnr.ual conference Baldwin is one of the most famous ’They are informing their respective Soviets on the British en^eers fective by proclamation those pro­ conviction that the House, apart ’The bill liberalizes the provisions of the Hartfora County Young directors in New England and the governments of the effect of the and the Russian workmen on visions in the bill dealing with bev­ from the politicians, would stand as to sale of beer and wine with Men's Clirlstian Association, to conunittee in charge feels Itself for­ Moscow . trial on Anglo-Russian charges of espionage, bribery and erages already legalized by Con­ by me on tiie great moral issue, meals in clubhouses where there be beld here on Friday and Satur­ tunate in obtaining his services for trade. sabotage in Moscow yesterday gress. Until such a proclamation, for we all bave the same desire to are no diifing rooms. Clubs' to have day, April 28 and 29, is expected to ' the conference. Harold ’Turkington With the expiration of the Anglo- were as follows: the ban on beer in Connecticut will serve the best interests of the peo­ the privilege must have operated be the finest ever held in the history is ^securing a group of young men Russian trade agreement Monday, L. C. ’Thornton, Metropolitan- continue beyond the date set in the ple of the state.” for at least three years as bona of the County Y. To this end those the three chief members of the Rus­ Vickers construction engineer, emergency act. If Legislative ac­ Rep. Raymond E. Baldwin, ma­ fide organizations. ’The sale of beer who are interested in mtislc to at­ tion on the control meunire is not in charge have obtained many out- tend this class. sian ’Tnule Commission, who here­ three years in prison. jority leader, who led the fight for or wine would be permitted at a standing qseakers, who will speak tofore h ^ diplomatic immunity in W. H. MacDonald, Britisb em­ completed the provisions of the the judiciary committee beer bill municipal golf course without a Leadership, Tracy Redding of emergency act ^11 become auto- to this Older Boys' Conference on New' Haven. At 11:30 o’clock a Great Britain, automatically took ployee of the Metropolitan-Vickers said: permit and exempt from the gross subjects of vital Interest. the same positions as any other electrical firm, two years in prison. matiudly effective. "The governor has wanted his sales tax. group photograph will be taken, fol­ After its passage, the control bill own way in this matter. The vote The section of the study commis­ Theme of Meetings lowed ^ dinner at the North Metho­ group of foreign citizens doing busi­ Allan Monkbouse, Metropolitan- . In fohnulating the program for ness in this country. Vickers director in Russia, John remained in the House for a possi­ of the House today (yesterday) al­ sion bill which forbade advertising this conference, a committee of dist chiu'ch. ’The afternoon session Cushny, an engineer and Charles ble motion to reconsider. ^ Under though close, places the entire re­ except on premises, was struck out at 1:25 o’clock will be held at the ' In Other Conntrlee older boys of the Y, headed by An important aspect of the Anglo- Nordwall, were ordered deported normal procedure, the bill’ would sponsibility on him.” in view of the general objection to Herman Heck, president of the Second Congregational church, when within three days. come to the Senate tomorrow, and ’The liquor control bill which was i t Lewis Fox, young Hartford lawyer, Russian tdtuation is the effect of the Hi-Y Club and part-time employee trial on Russian trade in other coun­ A. W. Gregory, charges against ordered tabled Tor the calendar and adopted in the House yesterday is ’Through the commission bill as of The Herald, met and discussed Congregational church. Clarence P. will speak on “Vocatiohs in the whom were withdrawn by the printing. ’This would mean the Sen­ in the main the bill of the study it was first printed there are nu­ Quimby, principal of Manchester Light of Today and Tomorrow.” tries and also on the question of ate would vote on it noct ’Tuesday. the matters in which they were Russian abroad which have financ­ prosecutor, was acquitted. Y. I. commission, of which Major John merous minor corrections in ver­ most interested. As a result they High School, wiU be toastmaster. Discussions Zlebert, a Russian, was freed of May Speed Up Work Buckley was chairman, with biage for purposes of clarification. recommended that the greatest need Rev. -F. C. Allen will say the invoca­ At 2 o’clock discussion periods ed Russian developments. charges against him. Ten-year Legislative leaders pointed out, changes made by.the commission Copies of the revised bill will of the members was in finding use tion and special music will be furn­ will be held for the boy who doesn’t The Anglo-Russian break will terms were meted out to Vasslll hpwever, that it would be possible Saturday and offered yesterday as probably be available generally be­ for leisure time. This need will be ished by a male quartet. E. 'J. know what to do, in charge of Sig­ terminate British credits which are Gxisev, A. T. Lobanov and L. A. to complete Legislative action in the Goodman amendment. fore action by the Senatb unless covered' tty the speakers both Fri­ Simonds, executive secretary of the mund Adler, vocational counsellor estim ated a t £13,000,000 on an 18 Sukonichkin. N. G. Zorin, M. L. the measure b^ore adjournment ’The House first accepted the the latter body should speed up day and Saturday. local Y, will make the welcoming, of Hartford Public High school month basis. Of this amount about Kotlyarevsky and V. A. • Sokolov today by suspension of the rules, a Goodman amendment and then considerably. The program will open at 3:30 address and Herman Heck and boys; for the boy who wants help #10,000,000 credit was guaranteed received eight years each. M. O proci^ure requiring a two-thirds adopted the bill. o’clocl^Friday afternoon with regis­ Rev. Chf&les Styron, director of re­ about college, ’Tracy Redding; for by the British government. ’The rest Krasheninnlkoff was given five vote in both branches of the Legis­ The changes made from the orig YALE EDITORS tration at the Second Congregation­ ligious education at the Fii;st the boy interested in agriculture, R. is extended through such firms, as years and P. E. Olyenik and B. P. lature. Inal draft are many and were New Haven, April 19 —(AP) — al cbiurch. The r^stration fee is Church of New Britain, will talk L. Withn, member of state board of the Metrppolitan-Vickex'S Company, Lebedev were given terms of three ’The Buckley commission plan drawn to meet criticisms offered at Elections to the editorial and man­ one dollar, which covers all Confer­ on "What This Conference Is education; for the boy interested in whose employees were principals in and two years, respectively. came before the House in a modi­ a hearing on the study bill. agerial boards of Yale Banner and ence expenses, including meals and About.” manuel arts, W. L. Hagen; for the the Moscow trial. ’The only woman defendant, fied form as an amendment to the As it stands now the “wide dis­ Pet PoiuTi annoimced today make overnight lodging. The charge for A t‘7:30 o’clock a session will be boy interested in professions, Lewis Big Invesinoent Anna Kutuzova, the secretary to beer bill reported favorably by the cretion” which thf* commission John Marks Templeton of Win­ the banquet, on Friday nigh£%lll be held in the church with an address Fox; for the boy who would like to Metropolitan-Vickers, one of the Monkhouse, was sentenced to one Republican controlled judiciary would have had has been eliminat­ chester, Tenn., chairman of the fifty cents, for the banquet and on “There Openeth a High Way and serve people,.Rev. A. H. Rapp. largest firms extending credits to and one-half years imprisonment. committee. The amendment offered ed. board, Robert Beresford of Hamp­ other sessions, 75 cents, and for all a Low,” by Rev. T. E. Frank of the Porter Bower, field director of re­ Russia, was said to bave £1,500,000 by Rep. Goodman of West Hart­ Distribution


FERTILIZERS Blish Hardware Co’s. Driconure— ' It has again • • • 50lh# (60% Feat Moss and 60% SPECIAL LAWN SEED cDii Cattle Fertilizer). Our celebrated special is mixed by ORIS seed expert, contains only pure ingredlcBta. B a t “ $2.85 adapted espcotally to tills oUmatc aad too. It MOCeSMO contains no timofiiy seed. P E A T A A O S S Top Dressing— become smart to be thrifty COWMANURCBCDDING] Quart 2 Qts. 4 Qts. 8 Qts. OCHYDRATEO F or Lawns 100 Lb. 25c 45c 85c $1.50 Bag ...... $2.75 "SO THIS IS yOUR NEW GAS morning I baked 48 cup cakes at one BUSHOS Garden Fertilizer— 100 Lb. O C RANGE. ISN’T IT GOOD- time and everyone perFect.Vou knoW/ Bag ...... 9 ^ e ^ O L O O K IN G I" insulated gas ovens are like that. I Peat Moss (20 b u .) ...... $3.25 "YES, AND IT'S JUST AS W ON- also Found that broiling was infinitely WEEK END DERFUL AS IT IS AURACTIVE." better and that the vented oven elim­ SPECIAL "JUST WHY DID YOU CHOOSE inated all cooking odori/ which is FLOWERING SHRUBS really a profound advantage in Favor While They Last A GAS RANGE?' Coldwell oF^the gas range." each LAWN MOWERS ''W ell/ I spent i greet deal of time Six popular varieties to choose At Unbelievable Values I and thought on cooking ranges oF all "AND DO you FIND THAT from: Japanese Quince, For-_ sythia, Hydrangea, Bush Hon-” SPECIAL! 4-Bladep 10” Wheel, 16” Cut, GAS IS OUlCKER?" eysuckle, Splrea, Butterfly types before I made my decifion. I ■Bush. °"'"$4.75 went into every pha(«z of baking/ "O h/ my dear/ everyone knows that Other Models From $4.49 to $18.50. roasting/ and broiling. I attended gas is quicker. I abhor waiting For Rose-Bushes Our G uarantee—If your OoldweU lawn mower 14 Popular Varieties. doesn’t give absolute satisfaction we wlU replaee cooking classes and I saw actual water to boil/ and with the quick/ it or refund your money. Now 40 c each tests on various cooking appliances. hot/ positive gas flame/ things just // BAMBOO ^ RAKES cook in no time. 29c ^ 89c ''WHAT DID you REALLY flpeelal Steel Bamboo Rakes FIND O U T ? " "WELL/ WHAT ABOUT

18” Style "W hy/ the investigation THE C O S T ? " 75c was quite worth while. I "NoW/ that is what really 24” Style WHEEL BARROWS made the decision in Favor $1.00 , Found that the new model $3.50 to $6.95 insulated gat ranges are as of gas because gat is not’ cool/as clean/and as auto­ only better and quicker/ SPECIAL HOME BORROW TESTED GARDEN and Steel Tray, Well Braced, Oak Frame FLOWER SEEDS matically easy at any oF but it is cheaper and/ as All Varietieg In Large and Samll Loto. $4.89 the others. The ovens are you know/it has again be­ Maine (Certified Seed Potatoes a particular joy. O nly this come smart to be thrifty." Lawn Rollers .. $9.75 and $11.75 At Lowest Market Prices

Be prepared for fly time, fix up your screoia and screen doors now.' Phst quality Galvanized and Copper Wire is well worth that little^^tra you have to pay.; ' Galv. 16 Mesh Screen, 5c sq. ft. Copper Screen, 16 Mesh, 7c sq< ft. 2% «M iandiester G as C ik


PHONE 4121 ^ . . y ' ■ . GA$ COOKlNti IS BETTER-—QUICKER—iCHEAPER Try Our Spfedy Deliveiy For Prompt,'Courteous Service. I , • •>. »

And Thai SortOfThing But What Of It? Unusual Condition^ Demand Unusual Measures, We Are Going To Solve Our Problems By Giving Ton ihie Gveat«st Savings On MarohandiiS) Y a u Have Ever Seen and Securing Cash For Ourselves ifYSriSers3 S!S5dTBMSir9!S^ L aadlng ChUdren In The Rush Clothing Store M art Managers WMI Do Th^r Rest To Oiitstandittg A S p ed a l SentncI nm Men’s and Young Men’s $33JS0 to |IS» EATON UNDIES SUITS sped d l aegulir fU.50, IST.60. $«0. Ihd M8. suitf-4dl tO go tt IM. At thZM low prldU a OhifgE WUl b4 m&di tor iltemttOfit.

Men’s Rain Coats, Men’s Pajamas, Men’s and young men’s tweed EUl- 0 •V ests MaoMm rain oud topooots. It. An BOW pcu on i. coat taa mMMy etyiu. vuiuee. ______$6.00 •Bloom ers our tegular higher prleed Mwi't NcckUec, rayons twU be Offered at this $6.60 Wool Goats, Men’s blus woolsn coats. A ll.bO ■m o HU low price for this Four-fai-hOAd MckUss. Fqikh dots ftfld itripes. event only. All first quality. saving on each coat! Plain tauored. XAce trimmed, floor, right $19.75 Suits, Shirtc and Shorta, Men’s and young men’s sizes, 86 to Fins fOnllty. Whits nod fsnoy. 4 tor li.oo. Pure Silk Pongee Playing 40. A slight charge for alterations. Just 200 Flowering CURTAINS,pr. S1.00 C a i ^ s , 2 $12. Coats, Boyt’ Sweatshirts, •ridge slae. Gold and silver Mon’S good quality horsehlde eoats. Pure silk pongee tailored curtains. • 50 pairs In this great «dges. i paoks. Bobo Buth Md Miokoy Mouso iwsnt shirts. SHRUBS selling! Full length. (MaUI Floor, left.) At n |4. saving! $8.0 0 Pure Silk ^taxiup Printed S c a r f S r Men’s Suede Jackets, Rayon Shirts, Shorts, - Our regular stock of |6. fusds l o u se s Finest quaUty. FuU eut to stss. AU sisss. B , now $1.79 Ascot styto scarfs in gay prints. jaeksts. $3.00 Eeoh. Brand new Spring styles 1 All our blghsr ones rsduosdl 11.00 values. Beautify your Prints, plaids, pastsls, white. (Hiig Floor, canter.) Front Entranoe home s^ a mere Men’s Plaid Jackets, Linen Handkerchiefs, song! Sturdy, Hsavy plaid Jaeksts. Revsmblo. healthy plants — Criap Cotton Eftm Large Cretonne Spselsl sale price—|2X)0! $2 .0 0 Men’s fins Unsn handksroblsfl. Flaln whits. all local grown. Including Hy« B l o u se s,, spedai drangea and For* P lU O W t eythia. The blouse "hits" of the se aM n ^ I n a l^ ^blU M «n’s W ool Jackets, Men’g Quality Shirts, . Basement ore. Well worth fl. and moret (Rain Floor, oeater.) Woolsn Jsokits with sippor closing, fln o quality shirts. Whits and stripss, Atl| •psolal. $4.00 SlM S. $6.98 Pure Silk ^ ^ • • O 19« Oay pillows eovsrsd with Shelf smart orstonns. For Boys’ Rain Coats, porobss, oottagss, and liv­ Boys’ G olf Hose, Oil Cloth, yd. NBOLIOBBS, 9 1 * ™ Vsluss to |4> Lsstbsrstts coats, Assortsd pattsms. For school and knock­ ing rooms. Largs size. blsok rubber and gresn slioksrs. Entire stock of gwssthsart erspe psgMgtH, To closs*out. (Main Floor, left.) about Daon,______lOc and 16e grades from stock. (Main Floor, roar.) $1.95 76e Cr$pc $1. Kitchen Boys’ $8.75 Coats, Men’s Hose, $1. step Korssbidt costs for school and Ledders, PAJAMAS, Chairs, sports. Here’s reol bargains! Fan^ patterns. Each, 4*foot Step ladders. Well Women's «ad cblldrsn's crops and prlntsd psrcals pajamas, Largs motal kltebsn ohairs; braced, Sturdy. rubbsr tlppsd. Boys’ $4.50 Jackets, Snede Jackets, •usds Jsoksts. A 18. saving on Sleeveless susds Jarasts. Tan and 75c Clothes Ctp# Md DoMkin ^ A A 59c Steel each Jacket! . $2-50 rsd. $1.00 Baskets^ Hammers, Imported willow baskets. 37 GLOVES,pr. Forgsd stssl. Mads by Stan- Boys’ Woolen Jackets, Boys’ Sweaters, inch size. Just anotter saampls of tbs unusual valuesl 4>button eapse; isy. Woolsn jseksts with sippsr olotlng, m o woolsn swsaten. Hsw Spring 4 to e-butt^dourtilnf^IJontj^^^^^^^^^^ 18.60 gmdss. $2.75 oelen. $1.00 $1. Kitchen Girls* "Ginderellt** 25c Scatter Pails^ R u fs, Work Shirts, BSquMePcrefi]e $1.95 to $2.50 Shirts, Bath Robes, Burners, Famous Arrow shirts. Collar at­ Entire ctoek bath and lounging Baskets^ tached, or separate.' robes now reduced. 20 per cent lSx25 Inchss dssp. Electrically $ 1 . 3 9 2 0 % ow Colored metal baskets. Large H IN TS, yd. welded. f^i559. 2,000 yardsl Fast C pound Boys’, Youths’ Oxfords, Men’s Oxfords, cans Cut from best grade prime beef Black, brown and two*tones. Good­ ' Any pair of men’s Selz-Six* brown MILK —the best! year welts, good for sturdy school oxfntls included in this selling. wear. Hale’s Milk a fV lG A T E Fresh Oround Boys’ Oxfords, Women’s $8.50 ’Hes, Black oxfords. Sizes 1 to 6. Good Just 22 pairs of the famous W.. R SARDINES 4 cans H am bu rg Coon ties. Black and brown. ^ Bread values. $1-89 $6-95 SWEET pound O e $5. Black Ties, Shoes, A comfortable black Ue for street NoUfing but quality beef used in Men’s, Boys’ fmd Youths’ te^inls shoes. L s ^ and general wear. Try theee Natural 2 loaves PICKLES quart 1 ^ 0 Hale’if Hamburg! to-toe. White, Mack, suntan. - -Bridge or Bal^ Sweet ties. > Olildren’s, Misses* Fdotwear Hale’s standard size, 19- BBEOH-NTJT MACARONI and Forequarter Boys’ Shoes,. ^ ^ Not high priced — hut aKCCUent ounce loaf. The largest, heav­ Only 14 pairs! Boys’ sturdy Good­ qualiW* Mlaese* uh6 ohUdrsa’q mod­ iest loaf in the U. S. at any­ year welt shoes. To close-out at $ 1 .6 9 els. . ______where near this price. • SPAGHETTI L am b lb. Hi|^ qdattly! Cut from genuine Sprmg lamb! Men’s Oxfords, S oft Sole suppers, . Not ah sizes, but’ good "buys” in Blaek and blae slippers. Soft padded B(des.| Open Cuban heels. Free this group. Black only. $ 2 ^ Thursdays Parking Until 9 P .M . , SOUTH Mf\ NCH£ST€R ■ CONN ■ • H ouse & Son,

.■> . ^

* ' V I • ' I ‘ ♦ • ,' i>|I M >■• , , / > » / ^ 1

/ - ^ lir#V« Bm ii Doing BuiinoM On HonehoftlMP't Main Biprinoio Cwnioi

For Oror gg Toarf. Final Bnf An Bmavganejr .Confvontr Ut Tliot / . Maant A Conrarfian 01 Stack Into

CASH AT f Thousands of Dolltts With Which Wc Expected To Pay fiiHs Are Not Available Eecause of the Bank BituaBbn. We’retVE Stwrting FFomNEED the Bottom A j^ahi! - jy v .. yO ftyW And Tke Only Way Wa Can Byp«ct Ton To Holy It To FflaeeOua Stack At TOUR MERClr. IFTOUTHINK YOUWE SEEM FRlCB REDUCTIONS IN THE PA ST-

WUl B uy! 4. ,, A Great Store-Wide Three-Ddy Sale] Starts Thursday, April 2€ih €tnd Ends Saturday, April 22m

YesI We’ve Offered Sheet Snlee What Values! 300 Pairs of Them! The Value a life Ttanet Everr Yard Coloi>FB8tt Womca^e Heavy 18x86-Inch Bnt NEVER One Like Thist * New Spring ^ ^ A N N O N * * Pwnl*PRlNTS,ya. Vomen! Look At This! "i/ TOWELS, each ' ' %k Fool the wolght! Note the BOft, absorbent quaUtyi 'Xho For this sale oily! All uew Spring pmtfUhl. 86 tnehee wide, **FettitHsf-thn-Looni** '■fe' handy every day U>ol And remember, they're Cannon’i! color-fast, of eourae! 2,000 yai^ to SHl! Oolor-feot borders. Ju s t SOO of them—corns early! - > ;wa^ ffeeffs-MalB floor, left Towel»' IMTsin Floor, front ED SHEETS first Time In New VoUf 50c Color-i^t . ' a ® CURTAINS, pair, HOOVBRBTTBS 2 9 * Manchester At 100 pairs { Ruffled curtains of fins white voile. PfiaclUa topo. A special of Interest to e v ^ nousewife. Neat color-fast prints, Full length. 80 inchoa wide. (Main Floor, le ft) small, medium, large, (Main floor, oeoter.) . t t 6 R C h 19c to 65c ■ Regular 25c StM 168x99 Inchea CRETONNES.i'ard \ iOTEX. 81x99 inches (Hated ohlntsl Craib erotonnoet Women are cure to crowd , New phantom Kotex. Twelve in a box. A Value you shouldn’t Chiffon •Serviee around for theee. 86 Inobes wide. (Main Floor, le ft) pass up. (Main Floor, le ft) t Fr4e from dressing or flUing. AU S r it grades. Smooth,I. e d t •urprlMd? W« don't bUunt yout One of Onr Boat Dreas Manufacturer! Co-Operatod quality. And they will wear lor Extra Special! Women^s yeara—and yaaret SlslOd, etc. W t tr«, too, a t tbo quality of tboM With Us For This Sale I puro n ik itoeklBft. Not obM^ fradM. All flrat quality—fuaran- Women’s 80-Square Print $l*gp Pnva PIBow tood. Now oolon. A wbalo of a bargain at 89e a pairl Bbop oarly GASESe each 2 3 ' for younl C o t t o n F r o c k s 48x86, and 46x86 Inobes. SILK SUPS Sbeeta-MSIn floor, left Boilory—Main floor, right Eartra Special! Fast! What A Bargain At Sale! Brand New Just 25 of These Lucky *^uys” ! T R U E ! We've offered eome pretty wonderful dreea bar­ gains la tbs past—but w alt^till you see these. You've got e aa« These lUpa out-strip any othsr sUp valttss ws havs eror Womcn*t 9S.9S to $S*SS real surprise.'^AU new 80-equare prints. Blass 16 to 46. offkrad. F iv e silk ijlj^ , smartly lass trimaMd, a t Mo, And **(Sndttrttlltt** Frocks they're meo and long, too, wkleh is usually not a qnaUty uf $1.25 Grides FROCKS, tnsnpsnsivs sllto. M to 44. Pastels. Ws just know women $1.00 Grsdfs SLASHED — higher priced cotton «v1U oroYd SirOund for these Thursday. Just a prseautlon—shop dreseea * A early! 1 8 W W -* SILK FROCKS Wash rrocki—Main floor, center. floor, rear. A lOBiatlool Just 88 Of theee dreiiee have ♦ I % been t ltth ed to $1j00. Mostly dark ehtdea to Chlldrsn*! 25e Fine 19cto25efrlBtoil wear right now. Not all elaee. For mleaee and woman. Come la and look thorn over—but come 8to6 7tol6 early Thursday morning! ANKLETS, pair a p r o n s . each 1 2 - Each A tremendous assortment! Flain ooloril Fanolee! An event Another eensatlenal offeriMi Psroale prints. Neokbaad etyle, Kiddy Xlofe need no introduetlon to mothere. Frocks that outstrip all past offerings. (Baby Shop or Main Floor, right) A "knook-our at lie. (Mala floor, rear.) that are without equala. They tub and th ^ wear. New Spring emiM. We're offerlBg these epeelala at the mwMt prices we know Puri Silk Ntw Spring o ffo r such qualities Wonsn’s'lOc Moth-Proof OeMen Frooka-Mahi floor, oeater Willimantic Bamboo (and Baby Shop) G o a t s Hanklee Garment Bags ThPcaS Rakes ' ^ Read These Remarkable g u e a d i ' O e each 0 0 e a ch DRUG SPECIALS » (fuaraateod mothrproof. Extra 8 .9 5 Blaok aad white. Alt Another unusual dress offer! Brand new Spring coats—only Puri littsaa with fmbfold- numbere. (Main Floor, Ok)od oualitv, Sl-teeth. large elae. 60 Inobes long. g b lG U ls tto 25c C olgste 1 9 ^ The beeWooklng drsesss. They 11,951 As good as many 816.78 (Basem ent) really look lots mors. Prints. unAvt le ft) Limited. (Besement) trance.). B L A D E S ..... 0 I C P A S T E ...... l u C Plain colors. We won't la y 6*^*J*” ‘ Tailored dreia Md eport more about them—wo'll let you models. Bliss 14 to 46. Ught 1 1 judge! tones, black, navy. 75c Osxtrl BliltOBS ... . 61c 11. HorUck MtltodMUk, 65c 75c Dotne’s Kidney Pills, 40c Fletcher Csstorto . -28c Apparel—Main Floor, rear. Men’s Pure Just 75 Baby Boy or Girl ...... 46c 50c and | 1* God Liver OIL 75c Squibb BS m t s I O il, 49o 88a 1 7 c 26c Rubbtaf AkskM .. .16c 86c JBIim Jiy Cora Ptaistor, New StylCBl Speciki! Linen 26c O csasiiif Tlssucc, 16c ^ 2 fo r 25c 50c April Shower Ikkum , New Colorkl Miaaeal Woricb'bI Tweed Cents $1 ( W ^ and Qblora.) V 33c H enkien 50c Wtodsor Shsflflf 26c AdhcciYC Pkstor .. 17c Spring $1.98 Laboratory Analysis— UyssM - If^ ( 1** » i yttM!.)' 62% Wool--dO% Silk or Bare^ 29c. HATS Raincoata each SOcPjliiUpV O l a a . A weU known PhUadelpbla laboratory teftad materlala ia a m oMta MiftmgaesiB, O lC .. 6 8 c V." and found them as we've advertised—62% wed,* 80% rilk. ■ Thtte what I 80 grades. Finest I you're getting In theee splendid ooate. fSui lined. ‘ Baited back. Tweed t t Hnea. White or border-1 Cheviot a to A Phenomenal value at 81.001 f1aee,rigM. What! Ctood • loolUag A great Mg aesohmenti •d. (Front Bnttaaee.) ' . I* . * * tweed patterned ralaeoate Hale'S Baby Shop-Main lleef,’feto.. ^ ’TiofSSSt Brlnuned and turbans. at 840. You limply can­ Newest fabrics. We Juit not afford to paee up thia know women are going to bargain. Rala-Moof. 14 Gisdltti, apn be wild over them! (Main to 40. (Main ffloor, cen­ torngURn. Haahatta. M to Says lOe^ott each] Floor, center.) ter.) Math, whiik, ik.-!(Mahi fMsr.nM-)’' . . ~ k\ ' j ' ^ ■ Hundreds Of Vwtdoertlied HorgOitis/' so U TN M N CHC T 7 'r /7 • C ^ ^ VVv ■ T -~ . V-:v: ■ .W ‘-k :W0^ ^ 3 v OWWi'WBDKTOAT; APRH; l» .'l^ .t ^ ^ ..^V.- ..... -■ v; ' ■? ______V______v r —■ if th«re is anything in the bBl to zsoriva ADVtetTiSEMENTS relShow Now A tS 1» te IIEBEKAHS’ P U T WINS regulate . Sunday .selling. 4^...- .. Baldwhi r^pttsd’that tiie teqntagr l«ANCULIIE»$ waa out of order , as the bUl. ka'riOi ■y AABOM^OODB P U V p m ^ CROWD been, titovougbly considered ______,1 \ ■______; day. dby tte m *Tf there are any changes neces­ tiia lefteUfthr* coimirittea Questions may be submitted to i ^ t 'a n d Coach Receive Con- sary In the bill they can be brought ConiMctieut 'E^otri this column. Those meatlons gratnlationa—Was. Given for which 'the . UU$4r= o b J a ^ '' % deemed of group Intefest uall be up in the Senate,” he. arid, “and B ^eflt of Hinne. then, tee bSl will have to come back proviskfli w^bh pfolfllnte..tha treated in artlcleb; those deemed to us for further consideration.” suiaptioa. of wine aad beer la * otherwise Miall be treated individ­ and restauiante-QCp^t’wlth ] ually. Phone 5961 with your ques-' Rebekahs who were members of Speaker Rniliany Hanna asked if Pointing out thatr mdaB the . Wln^w Dress i ^ ^ tiona. • ibe cast in the play, “TilUe listens anymie wished to answer Thornhill’s England baa always been During hot weather, the function hiqtety md BeU of Salisbury, one beer may be served in tavena w ^ of windows is not to be decorative, have been receiving the con- or without meals. Rearers said: : poniddered a very serious-inlnd- Commodity and stock -markets .gratulations of their friends on their of tee proponents of the commis­ T submit‘tiatt saiBh a dtikSteriw • cd aecticm of tbe country—tbrif- but to serve as ventilators, admit­ .were stimulate yesterday by tocellent performance Monday eve­ sion bUl,. replied that it did deal ty, BOber, with more than Its ting as much light and air as.poesi* growth of ■ inflation psychology. ning at Odd Fellows hall. The play with the question of Sunday, selling. tpry measure is most fnufUr''^i&es of materiids, and the transmlBsion to ,the Senate. ’The cessful application.” V •Babied them to laugb uproari* securities which shall be l^efited Grotoxv nnd was conceded by all to motion waa paarod. midy at the craay turn of events constant eoqxMnire to dust and grime by inflation or even inflation psy- Agatest Hotels and sudden summer showers, makes {Be one of the best ever staged by b|aay Amiendnoents ttie Depression. How­ .chology. There is one thing about 'tee Rebekahs. Credit is due not Rogers alro asoerted that certriri frequent laim derl^ necessary.^ all this Inflation ^talk, . the more Many an^dm ents to tee bill are provisions of. the ‘bill “im questi^ ever, we »h -agaiBSt. the^ro^ Mss, some sensible nonsense, in The really efficient house\^e blur getting it That is, if there is merly of.VEAF 'and WABC, are now api^eferingion the State'Theater. Im study and rehekrsat by the cast. ate. At leabt'one of them la said to ‘fumble hotels of the state.”' lifer After all, whafs tbe use plans her work and expenditiu^ so talk enough we will see n rise in stage Itoy^qUettra and the Hi^'Hula Ducers as an add^ attr^- One attractive Interior scene be detered by the governor. This ‘Please have in mind,'ln oonstfler^ carefully that she does IIbss actiud woifld change the commission from of being too serious? common equities and commodities tion to “Gkb]ibni^'over the 'White House’.’ wiite 'Walter HUston arid K a ^ served during the vteole progress ing this presentation,” thw letter I work than the woman with less fore­ through inflation psychology so that three to four members, making Morley. *1^ the play. It purported to be the continued, “teat there’Ui lnve8ted..ia Truly sensational is the economy sight. The wiser womam in plan­ it.will serve the same purpose as -library of the w ^thy, elderly Mrs. two of each major political party. the hotels of the stats more than ning her budget, allows a small sum real inflation. The administration (lovernor Cross said later, how­ of tiie new 4-cubic ft food space for New Model Laundry service. Ite^erine Denning, an invalid who $40,000,000 and that tiw employment Prlgidaire, sold by Kemp’s, which in Washington may have that in Is tired of an existence under the ever, that he had informed Frank of thousands of men and-women^ia fifVoa no more current than one or­ Phone 8072 for rates. mind. If President Roosevelt can Surveillance of a traln^ nurse. Mrs. S. Bergin, Senate majority leader, directly involyed.” , . ' ■ dinary electric light bulb, costs in work the people up enough to start ^d a Richmond played the role of that'.'he wished no amendments Senator Cooney expressed ' tee Hot Dish Bings buymg for fear of inflation and made to the bill at this thne. ' electricity only $8 to J12 for an en­ Rings on tbe table top caused by thereby put their money in business tee invalid admirably and Miss opinion that the number of liceiises tire year. A perfected General N.Y.Stocb .Margaret Beattie her attendant, “Any action which will rteult in which may be obtained by hot dishes can often be removed by channels, then perhaps, Inflation retunilng the bill to the House Hotors product, this Frlgidaire baa alcohol, followed immediately by an won’t be needed for a time longer. ^ e library was artistically arrang- stores should be restricted. He a centrally placed evaporator, auto­ ^ with tee aid of the newest in may jeopardize its success,” he such a restriction had been impqe^ matic defrosting, space-saving Stat-. application of boiled linseed oil. Adams E xp ...... 5 (Furnished by Putaam B Oo.) ' said. “Changes which are felt nec .. Yesterday foreign currencies were Air Reduction ...... 59)4 jiurniahiogB from Montgomery in other states and that it WQtflA aflex tosulatlon, chromium plated Central Bow, Hartford, Obu. {Ward’s store and draperies from easary may be made at a later prevtet chain stores from monoi^ n e Beauty Nook strongly against the dollar, sterling Alaska Ju&.>..... —...... 14T4 ' 1 P. M. Stocks • . . - tim e.” hardware, Dulux finish, handles on At the Beauty Nook, Rubinow advanced 6H cents and the franc -tee Textile company. An open stair­ Using the beer trade. ' . ice cube pans divided into sections AUeghoiy ' ...'...... 1 ' way, diamond paned casement win- 'When the bill reached the Senate Building, one not only receives the gained nearly 8 points in terms of Allied Chem ...... 84)4 Bank Stocks it waa tabled for the calendar Druggists’ Conoplaint ” . with rubber. Neat, easily cleaned, very best of service, but gets this the American dollar in spite ’of a sTifi Can 88 :^owa a cobble stone fireplace, this Frigldaire Is 899.50, deUvered . Bid Asked •plants, art objects and a gold witeout comment. Senator Blackall said druggjste service-at exceedingly low prices. lai^ shipment of gold to France. Am For'Pow ...... 5)4 CJtq) Nat B and T .... — 40 Senators Cooney and Blackall said had complained that the provlskiins and installed in Manchester. Mary Elisabeth’s speKfial arrange­ Another thing that may have effect ^ h aquarium completed the pic­ Am Rad Stend ...... 8% Conn. River ...... 450 ture. certain changes were desirable in in the biU pertaining to them w ^ ment la that with every two 50c upon the markets is the fact that it Am Sinelt .: ...... 2 4 ^ Htfd. Conn. Trust i.... 45 Tesopefatere Miss Alice Cross in the leading provisions of the commission bill too severe. services, an extra service is given was announced that the Farm Am Tel and Tel ...... 88% Htfd..Nat B and T... — dealing with chain stores, hotels and , Unless the Senate moves to take All egg mixtures, custard, souffles free, every day except Pridasrs and Board is entirely out of Wheat. Am ’Tob B ...... : ...... 88)4 role of “Tillle” was charming. First National ...... — Through the efforts oi an overseas drug stores. up the measure tomorrow it wlll^npt and puddings, should be baked with Saturdays. Phone 8011. Am Wat Wks ....i...... 12% New Britain Trust'... — be ready for action under normal the oven at a low temperature. K . Local insurance stocks were Anaconda ...... 8% worker, played by Mrs. Minnie “Up to now the fight has been West Hartford T rust.. — Smith, she is received as a maid in over the question of state control or procedure until Friday. Because.-of the heat rises above 350 degrees you <^«nge BIscultB quoted at the board meeting of the Atchison _...... 43 Insurance Stocks the “Fightless Friday” rule, how­ win not have good luck with any To delicious orange biscuits, ;Hartford Stock Exchange lower Aubium ...... 36% Aetna Casualty ...... 35 the Denning home, and although she local control,” Senator Cooney said, than Saturday’s close yesterday is the daughter of'the idolized son 'so that tbe contents of the commis­ ever, it was. considered unlikely that concoction containing eggs. you need Aviation, ^Cprp, 8)4 Aetna Life ...... 10 tee vote in the Senate would coma Crisp cookies should be baked in 2 cups sifted flour morning, but made up the loss in Balt and'Obio ...... 10% Aetna Fire ...... 23 cf Mrs. Denning and 'World War sion bill have been Tost sight of a hot oven- Molasses cookies, which 2 teaspoons baking powder many cases in late trading. Travel­ Bendix ...... ' . . T . 10% Automobile ...^ ...... 12 hero, neither are aware of the re­ somewhat. Now we are beginning to before Tuesday. i bum easily, require a cool oven of 1- 2' teaspoon salt ers has been in very good demand Beth Steel ...... 19% Conn. General ...... 17% lationship until they become very •not more than 350 degrees. Bak­ 2 tablespoons sugar ' and closed strong. The local utiliti- Beth Steel, pfd ...... 43% Hartford Fire ...... 34 fond of each other, and through tiie ing powder biscuits should be put in­ 4 tatflespoons ,butter .'or other ties have been actise. B ordoi ...... ' 25)4. Natimial F ire ...... 38 ' influence of the sunny young girl, to a moderate oven and the heat s h o r te n ^ . C!an Pac ...... ~...... 9% Hartford Steam Boiler 40 tee invalid decides she wants to live should not be Increased until they 1 tablespoon grated orange rind The American dolter has been Case (J. X ) ...... 50% Phoenix^ Fire ...... 42 and do for others. are almost done. Pastry requires 2- 3 am milk very weak in foreign markets. Cerro De I*asco ...... I... 16)4 Travelefs ...... 255 Mrs. Lottie Cummings in her a hot oven and thorough baking to 12 cubes cut sugar There is no question as to our high Ches.^anfl;Cbio ...... 28% PubUc Utilities Stocks role of a social climber furnished make it fialqr and digestible. Re­ 1-4 cup orange juice esteem of our dollar but foreign (a ry s le r 7?::.;.;...... :-... l3% Conn. E3ec Serv ..... 35 much of the fun, but for the most duce the heat of the oven when the Sift flour once, measure, add bak­ coimtrles are watching us very Coca Cola ...... 77% Conn. Power ...... 37% part tbe play was serious, though pastry Itself is dboked and you are ing powder, salt and sugar, and sift closely and have been pounding the Col Gas ...... li) 4 Greenwich. W&G, pfd. 40 holding the interest from start to ready to bake the filling. again. Cut in shortening and orange dollar considerably. Some of our Col Carbon ...... 34% Hartford Elec ______47% finish. rind. Add milk gradua^y imtil .soft own people have been converting Goml Solv ...... 14)4 Hartford G as ...... 42 • Miss Enuna Strickland, as an dough is formed. Roll 1-2 inch the dollar into other currencies Cons Gfts .-*...... 42% do., pfd ...... 45 efficient, business-like secretary was Stock up on stockings! Special through the subterfuge of sales of particularly well cast. Others who for Hale’s big three-day sale start­ thick on slightly flouted board. Cut Cons o u ; . . 6)4 S N E TCo 88 92 with wmaTi floured biscuit cutter. roods, thereby creating balances in Cont C^. 40 Manufacturing ’ Stocks had more or less important parts ing tomorrow is all-silk guaranteied foreign countries. Corn Prod 62% were Mrs. Mildred Harrison and first quality hosiery in newest spring On top of each biscuit place 1-2 cube Am H ardw ai' 12 of sugar dipped in orange juice. Del L and Wn ...... 22 Am Hosiery ...... — Miss Ljde Thayer as artists; Miss colors at 39c pr., sheer and service Drug ...... ' 38)4 Sally Cross, the maid; Miss Evel3m weight. Bake in hot oven (400 d^rrees F.) Arrow H and H, com. 15 minutes. Makes 24 biscuits. PRESIDENT WILL ALLOW Du Pont ...... 41% do., p f d ...... 80 Wood, an adventinress, and Mrs. Eastman Kodak . .> ...... 55)4 Billings and Spencer.. Hazel Anderson as Mrs. Dennings T^mih F atties Spring qeanlng EIm and N us ...... 1% Bristol Brass ...... liiece. An inexpensive method of prepar­ At Arthur’s Drug store you will THE DOLLAR TO FAU Elec Auto Lite ...... 14% ‘ do., pfd ...... ing lamb is to make lamb patties. And a complete stock of moth balls, Elec Pow and L t ...... 4 Case, Lockn^ood and B — 300 The breast or shoulder is used for flakes, sprays, etc., at low-cut prices. (Continned From Page One) Gen El ...... 15% Collins Co...... 20 these. Chop the meat very fine and Gen Foods ...... 28% Colt’s Firearm s ...... 9 lENATE RECEIVES make into small flat cakes. En­ Plus Raisins 1> in terms of American dollars, to­ Gen Motors ...... 15% Eagle Lock ...... 14 circle each cake ^ th a strip of thin Many good cooks have a habit of day, w ith the B ritish i>ound sterling GiUette ...... 10% Fatoir Bearings ...... — bacon and broil them under a flame a few raisins into this and quoted more than 30 cents above Gold Dust : ...... 17 Fuller Brush, Class A. — THE UQUOR BILLI or in a very hot frying pan. These that. They add flavor and food val­ yesterday’s prices. G rigsby' Grunow ...... % Gray Tel Pay Stefion. 8 lam b^tties may well take the place ue, for example in oatmeal sauce With exchange dealings rigidly Hershey ...... 46% Hart and Cooley ..... — of lamb chops thus cutting down on with hsun, in cookies, cakes, pud­ contrcdled by tbe Federal Reserve In t H arv ...... 26 Hartmann Tob, com... — (Continned From Page One) the cost of your meat. , dings, pies and salads. bank, tbe maricet was described as In t Nick,.....,..;...... 11 do., pfd- ...... 6 thin and uncertain. DoUar quota­ Int Tel 4md 'Tel .V...... 7 Int Silver ....; ...... 19 the motion for suspension of the j Johns Mmvfllt 2^ do., pfd...... 36 ;i^es. He said that the motion would The Pie Shoi^, 19 Maple street, tions sank sharply in London and Kennecoti ...... 13% is now open for business with a full Paris before the New York M arket Landem,rFrary.& Clk. 20% ^ v e tbe support of Majority Xeader selection of those famous pies made Lehigh Vai'‘Kd ; ^ 11% New Brit., Mob. com. . — •Baldwin. 1 opened, and foreign currencies con­ ligg and M ^te B ...... 70% do., pfd ------— '.- Baldwin supported that state-1 by Mrs. Mader, former chef at the tinued to advance in New York Loew’s 13% Silk City Diner. Mann Jb ’Bow, Class A — ment saying that it was the obvious after the close in Europe. L o r U l a r d ...... 15% * do., CTlass B ...... — idea of everyone to expedite the Sterling was quoted as high as McKeesp Tin-...... 65% 83.81 up more than 30 cents from North and Judd ...... 8 hiiandling of the situation and that with losses of 1 to 2 points in Con­ Mont W ard ;....’...... 15% Niles Bern Pond ...... 5 he felt the Senate should have the highest since April of 1931. Nat Biscifit. 41% Peck Stow, and Wilcox — bin at the earUest possible momenX D. A. R. TO PROTEST solidated Gas, Public Service of N. Gold currencies were particularly Nat Cash Reg ...... 11% RUMTOeO J., and North American. strong. The Dutch g^der was Russell Mfg ...... — . “Under the commission biU as I ■AKINO N at D aily 16 ScoviU ...... 11 understand it,” he said, “there wiU rowoM The market had more than infla­ quoted as high as 42.75 cents, up Nat Pow And L t ...... 8% ARMY AND NAVY CUTS 1.75 cents, compared to gold parity Stanley Works 9 te a great amount of work to be ts tion prospects to be bullish about N Y C e n t^ ...... 18% Standard Screw 23 done by the tax department to set i«cc«pM with steel production rising to 23 of 40.20 cents. NY NH alid.'H ...... 14% do,, pfd., guar...... 100 by lh« Ibe French franc touched ^ 4.32 .up a taxing ssrstem and the appro­ ^-National Defense Committee per cent of capadty, the highest In Norands'. 20% SmyOie Mfg C p '.,..... — priations committee must have the about* a year, and a number of ex­ cents, up, .29 of a cent, compared to Noifth Am-’*-r ...... lY% Taylor and'Fehn-..... — c- Passes . Resolution Which gold parity of 3.91 3-4 cents. The hiU to know w hat so rt of an appro-1 ecutives making optimistic state­ Packard^-, . . . .>.,.. f. 2% Torrington 27 priation to 'make.” Win Be Sent to President. ments at ftTmimi stockhcflde'rs’ Swiss franc rose 1.30 cents to 21 Penn .*. 17% Uhderwood Mfg Co .'. 17 meetings, ■ but the inflationary cents, or 1.70 above gold parity; Sunday Sriling Phila Rdjg C and I ...... 3% Union Mfg Co ...... — - Before a 'vote could be teken on I W ashington, A pril 19.—(A P)— A movement was the chief motivat­ The Canadian dollar rose to .85 PhllHps Pete -----; ...... 7% U S Envelope, com... — cents, up 5-8 of a cent, then slipped suspension of the rules. Rep. Johnl .resolution protesting any reduction ing factor, as foreign currencies Pub Serv N J ...... 35% do., pfd ...... 45 -S. ThornhlU of Brookfield, inquired [ [in personnd or efficiency of the mili- rose swiftly against the dollar, and back to 84 3-4. Radio ...... 4% Veeder Root ...... 4 i.tary and naval forces was adopted commodity markets boomed. Reading ...... 27% Whitlock Coll pipe_... _ '^today by the 42nd annual congvess There was a decided tendency to Rem Ite n d ...... 4 J-B.Wil’ms Co. $10 par '— fof the Daughters of the American shift out of public utility shares in­ NEW HAVEN PLANS Rey. Tob B ...... 33% ^Revolution. to shares of companies with inven­ Sears Roebuck ...... 21% The resolution' followed the- line tories of materials which were iq>- Socony.'Vae ...... 7% >of thought expressed at a meeting proaching in value, on the theory FURTHER ECONOMIES South P a c ...... 15% OIRB QUOTATIONS that public utility rates would be Sou P Ric S ...... 24% iof the National defense committee South Rwy ...... 6% j yesterday in which the defense slow in adjusting themselves to a (Cimtinaed From Page One) higher price level. A number of St Brands '...... ;i...... 17% ^ ASSOCIATED PRESS I chairman, Mrs. William A. Becker, St Gas and'E l...... 8 ^'was authorized to protest to the public u ^ ty executives have view­ of the annual statement for ‘ the ed prospective inflation rather St Oil CJal...... ) ...... 25% Amer Cit Pow and Lt B ...... 3% President herself if it became neces- year ending Dec. 31, 1932, election St Oil N J ...... 30% Assd Gas and E lec ...... 1 ^.sary before the general Cqng]mss hopefully, however, in expectation of the board of directors, and for­ Tex Coro ...... 14% Amer Sup Pow ...... 2% Popular jwcould act. that It might tend to stifle the mal authorization for tiie boaifl of widespread agitation for lower Timken to U B ear...... 18 Blue Ridge ...... 2% ® The resolution, passed as the first directors to proceed with plans fbr Trans - Amsrica...... 4% Central States E3ec ...... 1% 855 MAIN STREET RUBINOW BUIIJIING j[matter of business this morning, rates. While railroad rates are also finances. Unit Aircraft ...... 23 Caties Serrice ...... 2% o^read: fixed, the rail riiares responded op­ Unit Corp . ; ...... 5% Electric Bond and Share .... 12% g “Whereas, the Presiuent of the timistically, presumably on tbe MAN DROWNED Unit Gas Imp ...... 15% Ford .Lim ited ...... 3% t; United States is being asked to use prospect of stimulating of business Athol, Mass., A pril 19.—(A P)— U S Bid Alco ...... 24% (joldman Sachs ...... 2% WE SMASH POOD PRICES WITH A GOOD .QUALITY! £ the extraordinary power vested in by the rise in prices. Gfeorge Ross, 54, superintendent of U S Rubber ...... 6% Nlag Hiid Pow ...... 10 yhim to reduce our defense forces: While Wall street has viewed in­ the Mason Parker Company lost U S Steel ...... 36% Penn Road ...... 1% t and whereas it is believed the Presi- flationary agitation with mixed his life today when he was swept Util Pow and L t ...... 2 Stand cm In d ...... 20 THURSDAY ONLY! %dent will welcome an expresripn of emotions, many prominent quar­ over a dam into Millers river. He Western Union ...... 22% United Founders ...... 15-16 ters with misgivings, some leading was engaged with other workmen West El and M fg...... 30% United G as...... 1% -opinion from this society upon this banking quarters expressed high V vital subject, be it resolved that the ;ln removing dashboards from the Woolworth ...... 31% United Lt and Pow A ...... 2% hopes today over the decision of dam. Elec Bond ai^ Share (Curb). 12% Util Pow and Lt ...... % ' National Society, Daughters of the the adininistration to take the in American Revolution, in congress flation problem in baud. This, it Sale Corned Beet Sale g assembled, record themselves as qp- was felt, would forestall in ad­ -posed to any reduction in the per­ vised monetary legislation, and sonnel or efficiency of oiir Army, would asw e proper safeguards. B o n e l M » 4 Navy, Marine Corps, National Some coniBervative quarters recom­ *Guard, Organized Reserve Corps, R. mended'caution, reralUng that the THURSDAl^^ SPECIE AT Lean R u m p o r O. T. C., C. M. T. C., as such reduc- brisk rise in sterling prices in the > 1 2 % « «tion would seriously weaken our British speculative markets on sus­ National defense.’’ pension of gold pa3rments there in m b B r i s k e t s The resolution further provided 1931, was followed-by a substan­ EVEinnMMiirs m a r k e t '"that a copy be sent to the Resident. tial reaction. On the whole, how­ ever, 'Wan street was in high spir­ LAND x BOSTON included U. S. Stem Frefsrred, - The TraahAfe!?: h e ^ melting 1 q t . j i b r (3b(Mtyear, Am erican Smelting, sted eonqKMlte has risen to $7.67 a Santa Fe, Union Padllc, Com gross ton, the hig^iest rince-October. De^ripite Bluc^lsh CLAMS Rodocts, Uggett and Myars B, The pig iroBf ayeyage- price Is i un­ changed at $18.08 a too. A reduc­ American Tobacco B, Allied Cbepi- S P I N A C H f ' 1 ical, Delaware and Hudson, and tion of $3 a ton in steel plates at others; Such lasoes as U. 8. Steel H ttebm ^ brihga the Ito k ^ «teri 14-oa A e >oii|& Cbrnmoo, Oerro de Pasco, National conipoaite down to X86T cepts a Hlacnit Kroger, nnd New TmRc peutid, or $$Ji6 a tenbdoW tiheayer- l i e pedt Oditral rose 3 or more. Tbe poblle age' of Ifordi, IIM, the previous utilities, however, were a soft spot post-war.low. \ . V., • f 3 ^ ■ !;'•/. V - pMv .« ♦ f •. .;•' ?- •' I# f f ' - '-j,, " V ' - ' - .' ' ■ ; — ' '- ■ ■ . , ■ ‘-■■" . ■• ' • ■ V V t ,- ^ ^ ^ ■ *'. Av itf ■*. - - .-■"' •I'S:*'t A., * • MAMCHEFtini fVlM lNfl HCBALD* liANOHB»?f*. CONN^ WBDNMDAV, ■'“1 mm Of

Children w io hftTs CQOkr M ed in laluminup, theta ( I t n 1 » ' is abaeiutsiB no" CM ilKtl^ hf •!•••• wwouMptr it t||| i«l|f|f* if it i •€?*•■ fl^ * * Iw ^irtliQfirtts on all tfifias of hmitt ni|fritg ^MtrS M.' fled: m _ B U fH ^ L O M W C B BR(XU^$ dakwous. or ip to ofuiae any rnm nim diseaae. 4mi(M4 lira, tofi qmPlf'H> ^ 4^_AAm* BaoM^ a»#4 J Iv AtAMi SSACaltfVa mawM» MMmWWmm FwWwW It i| t w toil oeitfto |o^ gplds^ ApfU IA Iftl; Bueh as tiftk imiind to \d> <. M rhubarb, ac| pn'the au| F. H. toase foboi am* cooked ^4:0e—"1 A Rolled kCSlt Ready Peg Cgrvl«if But toe ftipom 0|!f iide K?na9- namute, and in any M R S .^ T R P 9|ch«tFft ^ juto wptoi) MORE RECIPE REQUESTS 6:05--wSterDaw|py. WIHWtot- ’ •grffliftmPtoa Cftu^g ler and a weuc yi) ZMX ICUllI ft:R(HritoUnqfr ftftd Bebiftltt, piaxiT It may \m woIhmI w l y ^ W toM t be d to y Iff fteffl j«=rPlaoovef®ra’ Oub. are 990m to if to p w w rt jttw Aiki RiM«r> l« !• f»N t _ aum u tiB « 11:00—12:0»-fl. Ofcbee.—e te a outer surface of the al Ofii-rtp «' S!j!tlS?s,grrw,«.wu5. .siuy sil is ttoaaaiii mm Wm. S. Hard. rwuu- ami She WiB Ri^y t« AH cup dry bread cnm\w; ip.u» .,. c}faa ftoPM ..ii ff:4lb=rCavaUet of doftg and Merry o b k readily attec'ked'by'puc •wbnt 'wfeal: Sons butter; two e ^ > o%ti largo Madcaps. wsyr wn»l; CaoUtt 9 (M Qr« ^ wtocb to impiEppee^p, ge 7sfl0-rfiktop«¥ WUb. ^ ^irown the onipt IP 7:B0rrM(dody• ¥ « ^ a m .9toftn«4 wtod) ftwfa w I...... 'naa ^dw lft and Itolgbts oi as Sot) as ffioUs, load p fti^ a . toft m id viouf oofjktogs, whieh bamstoa »m°i 7:4d^Tbe Hfl^onaera. JTH whsn acid loada are cooked to to 8:00—Fannie Brice with Geofga Uses For the ^qpeamton ' Gtofft'i OtokMtXA 9Her Fr|en(^ ifi ^ p h e s te r : For kouaskaapers follow tba Please <|oi't bo dlapoMtagf^ iajtt"®' m 8:80-^Tke SbadoW* ring mold vidth^t..,,, t ..., ... cleaning toatsuotton# to x f^ it - example: Whm A Re&9t of M eath qulpkrkeating u te i^ tot vegstablea BA.naiMl, Cake. remove the wnlera. Chop and rpaettoF: and ugs toftto irs prebestoft. tera sjid p ia o ^ a mWhff bflbd* ffof enamd pans for aaftccs, add ffniito One cup shortening; two cups six ^ u m siffd tamate^ m flugar; two cu ^ ground ripe banan- The Dinner Main Dish aito ysgetaUes, and fox a}l soqktoff grated onioa; two taW«appo|W wbsre fruit juice haa been added, ftx a sftw o (level) teaji?)Qons aoda; o ^ chopped parsley: one 'w^nbeaten teaspoon aUspice; two cups nneiy vtoegar added. The wifll equ^ped egg; one tea$pom srtt» ope ^ « * P ^ :dtchen hsus utensils of itoB, alumi­ ground or chopped nuts; two eggs; paprika; three fourths cup fine* dry When other d l^es on the dibnFt<&sauce_____ Wlto paprika, salt, pepper ftiur cups tour; two cups raiaina; bread crumbs; three tablespoons tre bli^Myi i ^ y seasbneqseasoned' os (half teaspoon wen) and two tea­ num, enamel and tftf ®tft8F spoons sugar. • Stir well ftod add safe wEwes which have"b«en examlft; one Ubfespeon atnuamop; one fear meited buij^- 2 ! led with rich aauoes, "ihe thp roapt _ . , spotm doves. Cream shor^Ung and wftnts to tie '‘plafe so.” ' jjfany 5®®^ enough llOur to thickep. Rub the ed and pasped by to® ^Pa^tm ent'^ Spriagdal'* ~ Rvateft sugar tQg0tlisr> add tiia BMT^’ th ^gh experienced In w t r y makr thoroughly ‘mth this, thdi Agriculture,' bureau of Home ' Eco; coreAom^ga WiV^ butler, fiU dredge with flour thickly. npmipa, of toe United States; and tM a tbafssidily' ground banana pulp. With t h e e t u ^ , ateiW ffJU » ing ibid cbheqctibh of salads, do fMt: Sift soda with flour, mix with other not practice the nidiments of meat y « lt two tft^>lfSp<>9“a Pf ahorten- by other scientists in all parts ^ Wednesday i| AprU 19. op top. Rub a W^arule W lb tog In a hot roasting pan. |] ingredients and stir into the cake aning ;jid sdd half a cup of hot wa­ ioastihg*. And these simple ruleg toe world. Novif; Leon Belffco'e Br? 5 :lfc r ^ , Rg, Ml, glfis*,T»io. ^ mixture. Add the raisins and nuts bu^Vto be followed in prepwtog the prepared meat andplaccj Inime ter. Set the toBsatees oarefuUy in diately to a pat oyep. P. ebfs't^i- ^ ' i;«=-:ftpo8ieF®4 RPftlFfto^ last." - place, and bs^e for forty-five mlp^ the plftln roast, or one which is to be ^Midweek pmaicftlat 19:90-TmE^eto.’ k lfl* Suftstqt. -ftis ehouM be like tke te^tyge jrf more'highly' seasoned. cruet has harddied. toen lower tpft i:fi| ^ »lv a tio n ^ ro y proffirgas. Utes. heat and cohtoriie fer' u hour os ENGUSR MUFFIN RECITE laivation 10:15—News.' anr m dt cai^ batten K t«P. f t p yerkphtie Budding Plain Rpftst ISpef 4:}8r=-AffFi5totm'w marwta. i0:86—Century ofl Progress b p o u t lis te n with a litUe lemon juiqe. «r hour and a half, until meait is tender g:do^Diok Mamto^to qroheatra. This is made •^th roast beef. •pbe ub®l®e roasts fpr oven cook­ and has lost its ptokness. Baste idtl] 4:P5-:-Spqnaqted program- tion^'Tho- Legend of to® a ft three cups of the flmm add, REQUESTED IN SCHOOL d:Q^fick Paring. giSP^Phiiiisse • ^evftltor. About op.o haK haur beSu^ lb « ing comes -from the rib cuts ftl'^ from toe PW every few wto- Mayan Temple. Margaret Bipwfti plWllPt' «ie: h »t CUP w til ner roagt M> dopo, pour si* table-, though deheluus roftets also ^m o 5;idr-r8lngmg Lady. 1 1 :00—Time, weather, teinpeFftture. ienta but put* fUd nusms are. added* spoons et the fa t from the roasting 5:i9Tr-yttle Appie- 11:04—aporta > qview. Btourp dilN® as to the amount of from the iftih. toe round, cqrra®t jeuy witp toto, A repeated nquest fpr BtogUeh (U bato a baldng pan, and Udlh lida the btoftst cut. known to b u w - mddild' to smajl wuares pr c if^ , muffins eoidd got be ®naWinous gftyinii' i^^wghtOMFft dneYourto CUp gaat*^ cooket g:8ffTT^e P»ptotOF»f ^ * and pour over all a bo^ed white icing white peppier; one teas^oop potato; two yeast cakes; one t-a^ g;45-rTnday’s ?few» ^ Leweii 8:4i-^AheAbe iwman'sDraw'® Qrehsatra.Qrehsatra: iuta vbioh half a wp of wound g^ted urtpu.i two c«Bf tgwj Thomas. VtaWATia^ bus been beaten at the end. spoon salt; four c^^ps floiqr; twq wewabgy- two teawwnu bffeuff powdor sifted pups bpiitog water* Whan meaaur' 7:00—^Amos ’n’ Andy. WDRC i Ih is is a s o ft'li^ g , hut deheious. with the flOTir. aprinhle thickly) with Rour, place 7:15—Octavus Roy Cohen Murder D:QQ—Mary JiastffiW. toftifl' j^ipa^. lUng. 225 Hartford Copn. I|9 9 9;i&^Homa«tto GeRHimWr Beat with ft Wbuel J in a dripping pan or roaster, and MyateEw. 9:8o-j-Quy Lpwhwito oreliestra, B ^ r e splnacb ^ OPQked it re­ five mtouteft %pd then tul4bftt KEEP BY SCIENCE 7:30—Happy Landings — Mitzi quires the nmafc eaielul washing.. lukewarm, Green. ~ ^.nfl comedy tw in m hot,, fftoftsed f t ? toe PoU te'' and OQSttoni ati Wednesdsy, April - luofphintofw.itotar. tSBPL This is usimHy doae in. the siniv apd bake fe ft fw 7:45-r,Gieaaon l . Archer, 19 which shouM he tooroughly cleane<| . ^For ft rare^roaat allow elj^tem unto yeast to dis|pived ft(. 8;00—Bn CMme Club. 10 :00—wartoi’iftrtM’i pewsJivaniwm;, sM thQn BCJilded with t P ^ Tninntea per pound (lor ‘ eato flour and Swffpughiy...... ftt leMt. SiOO^esters. P. M. pomeman®- Resttrdi Showi Tint Meta two minutw. Le^ xtop10 at . room , tem 10:30—Bdwin q. HUl- iflff wab»- 'fbsh tfitn the spinach gruxy which yop huye mftd« t° s«rve pound); for mefflum rare, twenty g;45^Bhil Cook. 8:00—Baseball game, Boston the (tok, and wash it thorough­ flu te s to toe pound; for fairly wen erature for shout one and one-ftWf Braves vs. Hrooklyn Dodg- lOtob^WtHe.dftck Wttl®- with the beef. Serve ft square Of ours. 9:Q0c^dyentimes af Bherlook ly under the warm water faucet. the pudding on each serving of beef done, twenty-five minutes to the Does Not Meet Foods E Holme®. Ii:QO^lumhia . Shake, rtQse many times in. wcuem pound. The last thirty minutes in- Flour a board, turn the dough out 9:80—Sponsored Program—pon®ld | &:0<1—The CapUVftter®- tra; NtoO water, Bien ia ecd4 which crisps it. OMase the oven temperature to opte It. dredge vdtb flour so toat Shake free o f water and p l^ . hi moderate, to brown the roast. Carve Cooked h It. the dough can be handled, Have an­ other flour^ board reitoy and pull a d e^ ' wvififjpm and at'the table. I f the meat is very lean, cover off a piece of dough Mg ®nougli to etemn g«n ^> for this process with­ So mEmy housekeepers whq attend make a toxee-inch vemid. It should out the a^mdon of water, ms^ea not with ft piece of suet after the sear­ toe Cooing School a | k : “Is filumi- but dehekftp ing la done; baste frequently during ito about one-toixd inch thick. Con- cftfly '^ d e r mbCftCb . nuin w ai« safe for aU kinda.ef cook­ toiie. unto ftU the dough is Ufed, flavor^ Xt eoQki ipbn its own juice. the eooklBg with its own juices. G ra vy ^ ith Rcftst ing? Does food cooked in alumipum Let'rise, on thq board, uptil dQubl® 1w » iht« ft okoffiing bowl and BRMLEDSnUIS cause sickness or diyease cif any m bulk, at room tempaeature. Thiq ekep ftee. th «t rub w ou gb ft sieve When the roast is ready to serVC. remove all of the fat from the roast­ kind?" requires about one pad fthialf h®urs. EUSYTOWAItEing pan but about three tablesppon- • Until recently there Lfts befft n® Do not touch or move the dough WARNIMO! fiiU. piftoe the pan on ft top buwsr «ne authority who would step for­ during preeesft' but eover. l y of the range, and stir in throe tftblc- ward and defend this beautiful and suppoHing the cloth en a rack well y SPECIAL! noons of flour. When spiooto ftdd useful kitchwa metftl. put in the above the muffins. These are hEdied Ike Cat, StMwiiit ud gradually t o w cups boiUng wftt«F* last few months the results of far- on a ^ddle. Have the griddle k t boU five minutes, stirring OQft- readbtog scientifle research have (iron, net aluminum) hot and ri’b-i Two Me&td yariw WRh Coiks ■tantly. Season with salt, popper been pubUahed for toe uae of phy- bed Ughtly with shertenlag, 'using ^ ^ S T i ECONOMEE and white pepper. Some Oftoks ai(dasa>bome ecopomtote. dietitiana an asbestos mat undw the griddle prefer half hot milk and half hot and any one else interested to diet on either gas or eleetrio ateve. Blip B- Win Lptripwiit. water for the gravy. Serve very and health. With one accord toeae a turner under toe muffin hot. acie.nttats-=wh9 include among toeir knd hft it carefuUy to toe griddle. OIL Or add atrained tomato pulp to number toe greatAat researoh chem­ Bake flfteen minutes, turn onrafuUy Persons The atoakft which are broiled toe hot water gravy; or chopped ists of tola country and BSurope-^r-der and bake another fifteen mtoutea, either in ft pan or under toe breUv Qooked mushrooms. . ^ , Serve hat, or if allowed to oool, fend aluminum. s ^ J tf«r heat are cut from the loin, toe Fetotoes, peeled and rinsed m Teato Ffove Saflety a ^ t and toast. Tear apart inateftd 6% BURNER roiuod or toe fhmk. To pan broil a salted water, may belaid to toe o f using knife. F o r Their toboratew testa and wide K i U f t f l steak, fat is not used in toe pan; roasting p«n for the last half hour ? » > the pan is very hot. toe prepared a( OQoldng, Turn them frequenUy “T^ stew put in it and cooked at high i:o brown evenly. Some cooks ftdd & heat. It is turned and eoofced carrots for toe last twento mtoutoa; GAS hen seirvecU I f well dene, toe s .. he carrots are scraped, cut to ‘ •n s-, liait Nlflit may be turned aeverel tone*, oeek halves or quarters lengtowist ing longer on eftch side. torve on same platter as toe rcsst HOT Cooked on toe broiler rack, the European housekeeperaeften add •to to® a t ^plest re(dp« onlln fer a fndt to the roasttog pan. Fiuma. qutocea and aprlceta herag toe tov- hoxise steek e»e or two taebee toldk; orttsa wlto lamb spd beef. Canned WATER this cut ia usually preferred by men. fndt is delicious for this; a few be­ INSURANCE Dobaonvillc Trim off excess fat, wipe the steak ing placed to toe pan for toe last f with ft damp doth. Ituh the heated hw? of cooktof, tneir juices make broiling rack with shorteniag aad a deUclous gravy. ley the ateak 7%c B«st Qmr4ion of One lamb breast, wUto ahould OPERATES PERFECTLY oloae too brotttr door. Whaa aaarad weigh about three pounds; two oupa F o r on both aklee, lowor the hoot a Ut> Cleaned string beans; four oum tie and lower the teoiUng rack in the water; dove or g«r)ie: bay le«f; aalt Life and Property oven. Turn occadonePy until ooek« and p^par; two e m canned or 3 c _ 4 c i ’e r D a y ed to toe dedred degree. A one or freak aweet oom.- Hot! the becM Fnnualiiiig two inch ateak raepriras d|totasBi to ttStO tcBl^. Ftftca the breast # H O T W A T E R twenty-flve minutaa o f hreOtag to lamb in a reacting pan and saar In a hot even. Then siasoa with aalt' Enfoe24Ho^! «)ok medium rare under toe mme of a gas oven. When done, aeaaon and peppmr, add toe oodud beans with salt and pepper, and spread and the water to which they h«vai Insure Your Valuables SAVE MONEY melted butt«r. Carve at to t table. cooked with the other ingj^ants. VariottoM Kb Haver cover and eook dordy to • moder­ A BOX IN A GOOD SAFE DEFUSIT VAULT Many cooks rub a ateak with ate oven, about one and a half INSTALLING dive oil mixod with salt and pepper houn, until the meat ia tender. If canned oom to uatd, add ten min­ ESTHB AN OIL BURNER before the broiling begiaa: or with utes before eeevtog; it frcdi oom. diua oU and eoas^singa after b r^ - add with the beacs. ' Thk amount BEST AKD CHEAPEST INSURANCE ihg. aervea dx. Serve on a hot ptottmr Smootib YOUR GAS The flavor of any eteak ia im­ surrounded by the vegetables, DonH take a chance Em yaar ltfa b^ ^ fiooe proved if a hot platter ia ready on at The Manchester Trust Co. HOT WATER which to serve it, tola plattar cover­ For a fou^o dx pound leg oon vinegar or lemon juice ontheroadv BARBER SHOPS, the fdlowlng: two tadeapoona dry and half a team>oon worcestarddza Fire and Liability PRIVATE HOMES. BTC. muBtard; three taUeapooxui butter; one tahleqmcu worceatertoire * \ . ONLY sauce; three tablespomss oUva Oil: two teaspoona pim>^lkft> WHY Pay More Goodyear; CASH Trim off moat of too itoak's fat, Insurance. AND rub with the apley mixture and lay For Your Milk? CABRT ike steak on ft hot broiling rack ■/nr}.:. \ ^ cb has been rubbad with ahort- M ILK from accredited TubereuUn amng. Baate and turn the steak Tested cows. Best qualito* good [9 (PI SERYICE every five- minutes, and cook for ewlc®. RICHARD G. RICH about three-qoarten o f an hour un­ I i j STATION der moderate heat Rub more mus- QinrtStSc.'' Pints* 5e> Tinkw StdlOai,.: Sooth MsiMhwtir t i ^ mixed wlto m a l^ butter, sal > ?f*Vsn Ahraya SeUa For Laao’ and paepar into the ateak whag it w w (M eSMTBR STSSET PRONSOn 420HarkMRoad comas thm, too MoBtoff tack, fou r WOODSIOE toft drippings from the broiling 1/ B. R. RHBRSy ^ P H O N E ^ e over toe steak, serve on a h o t' 596 Keeney-fitrdet. Oiftl U t t tea. T nn tmmm rnmm i.i n .... iijii.iMfi# -f; .-. SV-' > . :“'v •V ’,» Vif-' - ' ', ■ >’,;■* • • , .V - - ' •i ■■, -• : ;:.■.; "*r. - --*,'1-*'■ A ■■.jy}' v^'"' ' ■' ■ • ■. V--- r. ; 0 * # -J BlANGHKS'lER BVlflNING HERALD,- MA^WHESTBR, FAfiSSW ELVB

T'K by mflBCl,. mcELuon fem5NtA8BMCE.IC By HELEN WILUAMS mustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished with Every Pattern CH APTER XLVm. "But why on,e«thHrT" Biscazf w»!R« t o d a y Ckbla for a bit and dimce,’* Dan She gave.him an impish. nnile. Janet said, “Why, yes, (I remem- Sitiai a k o iit , . MONICA ODABE, pretty, tO, announced -casually. Mmilca felt Dan glowered at her, his blue Who said feminine! her you. Jeff Grant introduced us C adyle ^Aad poor, la in love with DAN a momentary flash of disappoint­ eyes fairly .crackling at her under Eleanor blue silk organdie and one di^ last summer. You’re Miss "She’a iB ______-fluro!".;: i^pABDIOAN, hdr to one of Belve- you-'darfing!" Ha ment Of course-lt weJuld be lovely his long laAes.— lovely is today’s model. —” she hesitated—“Miss Calahan, maybe m yd knqw he .asked dece’o fortuneo. Moonle froria in to dance with Dan, Just to be seen "What have you been doing The beruffled sleeves are white Isn't I t ? ” me to g^ to itnflto Wltb.hlBi today: 1 drag otore, helj^iic to *upp^t with yourself aU winter? I su^ with him was a matter for pride, silk organdie^ "So I made an impressian!” the tuHiedyfal^dbwn to come here with MOTHER, her ycimcer aster, pose you’ve got a trail of young Htw found hers and all a t onOa the ^ t it was grand, too, being alone The lower bodice and skirt afe. other girl said in mock surprise. yoa”. 3T - - ’ m a t , and her brother, MARK, men from here to High Falls.” world became miraouloaa.r sind together. However, she said lightly, cut bias lines that create such sleek “Yes, Dolores Calahan’s my name. ‘.*You mean— T” ader brother, HILL, Is s gi-r^ This wasn’t quite-the note Mon­ hroutMeea and beautIfuL "'Tye^mira?- "That would be fun.” slenderness. , I’ve seen you a couple times since : K s eyi^ aidted the qu^on and meefaaiiic. The ODares have nle had expected him to strike. o f J d f a anna and Jetf’a Kiflaaa. She stifled her conscience. Moth­ It’s stimning too and a bit more but you didn’t see me. Riding hera snaww^ There ^ a pause _____better days. Dan Cardigan er didn’t like her to go out to the It waa aU Very weU for Dan to in ud^'tbs^rattle .of china and ail- 'D m - practical carried out in black mous­ around in a big car with a chauffeur tdxiadlng sweetness ef her. *1110 comes back from the cMy and ^ es Q iMn, a harmless enough appear­ think she had . a strlng of beaux seline do sole or a printed chiffon. verware...and^.ih6'. steady, hum. of I guess you wouldn’t Ifotiee anybody flfirade of smuth and love and two not seek Monnle out at onee. she ing road place some 10 miles from but she didn’t like to see him so Style No. 2569 is designed for voices beat in upon them. like me! But just the same I’ve haarts b e a t^ against each uChpiM is nnh^ipy* CHARLES EUSTACE, town. Of late rather xmpleasant re­ hospitable to the idea. sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 86 and got something to say to ]rou and I’m “ Lfaitet^” , S tit sidd suddenly. "I t^ysterlons and bandsome newomn- ports had drifted back to Belvedere she said lightiy, "We-U, Sam’s don’t know if Tm going crazy or l^ re were kiasea on her eyalBu 38 inches biist. gotog to get it off my chest!” Bow, h » cheeks, her hair. *V ow to town, engages Ka^s adndra* about it. been' arotmd a lot, you know. He’s Size 16 reqiiires 3 3-8 yards of 39- not. There’s a lot I don’t seem to "Why, of course—” Janet be­ soon will you marry " J ^ , de­ tion. Dan arrives unexpectedly as nice and I like him. And that new ineb material with 1 yard of 85-inch understand and Fve got to get it 0101 lllponnie is washing the simper dlsh- The red stucco roof of the Cabin man’s in to;^ ‘ srou know.” ' Her gan but the other girl interrupted. straight. ' Oome on, Janet! I want manded. ‘TU s afterBOOB?” contrasting. Dolores’ dark eyes were defiant es. came into’ view presently and tongue rah on. She couldn’t help to talk to you.” She langiMd- "Tve prapiiaad to Price of Pattern 15 Cents. "What’s the idea of two-timing a sta y 'W ith Curtis-until-"Bet^ the muffled beat of jazz. Lights it. Something new! Something dif­ "Why,’Jeff—i!" - Mra. GO ON WITH THE STORY streamed but from the casement "What new- man?” Dan de­ swell, guy like Jeff Grantt” she de-l “Come "Ju st head l o r the •from him. knew him. But she gave that im­ you’re toe Unfit! You’re toe kind of well be rich!” of his prisoning Angers ter! coin and mall your order to Fashion park,” Jeff told the driver. "And There were a few couples sol­ pression. a girl who thinks it’s smart to let "I wto,” he said. “With you “Nice to see you, she said Department. keep going.” emnly gyrating on the dance floor. “Oh, that- chap!” Dan used a a feUow get crazy over her and then Td be rich if I didn’t have a. cent. ’ Coolly, trying to give him the air. You don’t want The cab started off with a jolt Oh, Janet didn’t you know ah ‘ torment his arrival had stirred Monica assured herself, after a disdainful tone but Monnie knew he was aqnoyed and rejoiced in Manchester Herald Jeff but you don’t want anyone else Quite naturally Jeff’s arm sUi ^kkI along— 7” He stopped suddenly, 'within her. "When did you get swift survey, that no one she knew was present and was consequently the knowle^e.’ to have him either.” about toe girl’s' waist Quite nat­ ‘“niere’s something I forgot” he Pattern Service “ B u t— !” urally his dieek brushed the velvet added. Dan’s gaze shifted. He saun­ relieved. "He’s very good-looking, don’t you think?” she asked, her amber Dolores stopped her. “Wait a softness-of hers. "Janet” he said “What?” tered to the Uttte bagr window The who owned the place, For a Herald Pattern send 15c eyes limpid and Innocent. minute,” she said. ‘Tm not going huskily, “ haven’t you known you’re “Something important I fqxgot ^ which looked out on the lawn. a thick-set, cheerful looking Ital­ in stamps or coin directly to Their waiter, arriving with a to stop until I've flnlshe

Read the dlussified Rental Propertq Listing on

SUnOMOBILES FOR SALE MOVING—TRUCKING- APARTMENTS—FLATS— STORAGE . 201 TENEMENTS , 631 MRGANfHIAINS Ti^I^illions IBM WILLTS-KNIGHT Sedan.1^ I How The House ^ulra Armory Garage, 6Q WeDa LOCAL AND LONG OU3TANUE I FOR RENT—6 ROOM flat tint ^ latreet. Telephone 6874> moving, general .trucking, livery floor with extra room on third VEliERANS’ STATUS iMlretidy From service. Our with United floor, good location, rent reason­ B9eS WILLTS SEDAN mileage 8,- Vans Service means lower cataa on able. Phoile 4466. J. F. Sheehan. On The Beer Control Bill 000; 1933 Willye Coupe, mileage furniture' moving to distant pointa , April 19 — (AP) —f Since then State Laglriatuess 600: 1932 WlUye De Lux Roadster, Large modem tracks, experlenoeo |f 6R RIB34T—6 ROOM flat 870 1 The vote In the House on the^Brennan a ^ _ Biaher. S ta^ i^ ; lAD Catei Mast Be Reeiewei i l^dslktive action by have acted BO prom ^ that'^ brand new, no reasonable offer re> Main street second floor, location Baldwin and Holmgren, Stratford; men, prompt service, all goods In­ Goodman amendment, w hich sulH' tifo'stiim : reipoits of heavy con- flgiues have beea raidlealty chxngpd. fused. Terms, trades. Cole Motors. sured while In transit are features and condition the best Apply 372 | etituted the Buckley Commission Hull, Trumbull; Sbethar Weatoni sumFtio& dveir^the country have Main. Com m ittee Crawford and Bradlay,' Westpor^ Revenues have not^beso vsesivsd FOR SALE—NASH SEDAN, excel­ offered at no extra expense to you.. bill for the Judidaiy aad No Oie Cin ,Tdl aidmlnistration renewed bill, was as follows: Waracke, Wilton; total 26." w ^ 'foajt Federal beer revenues for at foe Internal Revemie Bdmm and lent condition, four new tlre& Dally trips to New York, baggage FOR RENT—8 ROOM tenement Ebirtford Oounty. Demcorats for—Dannehberg and imder normal jroutlne.tlie 'A fi^ James Quinn, Buckland, telephone delivered direct to steamship piera with improvements, 24 Hemlock | the yefir w^.outstrip foe 8126,000,- Republicans for—Stevens, Berlin; Scansillo, Bridgeport; total 2. Aboot AfloVaneet Y e t ' 000, estlasated of .Ogden L. Mills, flguxM w ill n ot be avaltad8lB<6BtU Rosedale 78-4. For further Information call 8063, street Telephone 6780. 8860.8864. Perrett A Glenney. ln& Carpenter, Bloomfield; Peck, Bris­ Absent—^Honan D. Newtown. former.i'ThrqsjBirF head. the middle of next month; Aii. tt- f o r SALE—1931 FORD SEDAl^] I FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, tol; Johnson, Canton; Sellew, East Windham Ootmty iwiis, ^>earl^ before the House format pOU of collectors over good condition, reasonable price. rdth all improvetaents. Telephone Hartford; SmKb, Farmington; Republicans for—^None. Washington. D. C., April 19. — ways and means committee last country indicated, however, that For demonstration call at 352! COURSES AND CLASSES 27 8816. Crouse and Caae, Granby; Ramson, Republicans against—Herr and The butdeh- of going forward with year flrared'on a basis of 16 states wdl above 810.000,000 already haa Woodland street. Hartland; Rogers, Manchester; Parkhurst, Canterbury; Hayden, vieteranF cases, is now upon foe gov­ that ^ u dn ly woiUd permit the sale poured into ihe Federal, stafo and BEAUTY CULTURE—Earn while FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement Robertson and Coming, Plainville; Chaplin; Warren, Bhutfoord; Mills, ernment, according to Senator Lon- of beer, . and nine others which he local treasuries, with Unc^' Sam learning. Details free. . Hartford with all improvements, 172 Maple Hall and '^^ncent, Simsbury; Hampton; Watson, Pomfret: Den­ ergan, (D., Oonn.>, who said today' thought might'legislate legality. gettin g the b u lk .' v MOVING—TRUCKING— Ac«id*Tny o f HairdresslBg. 698 Mala street Apply 168 Maple street Bames, Southington; Root Suffleld; nis, Scotland; Whitney and Rav- that claimants must w ^t imtil their street. Hartford. Sparks and Goodman, West TSart- enellc^ Thompson; Paine and WO- cases are‘^entlrel'y reviewed by foe STORAGE 20 FIVE, LIGHT, PLEASANT rooms, ford; Woodhouse and Avery, Weth­ Uamsi Woodstock; total 11. Veterans’ ■ Admhflstration before American War, including foe Boxer SILVER LANE BUS LINE offer the { second floor, corner house. Inquire ersfield; Christensen and Hunting- Democrats for—^Buck-and Krapf, they can ascertain Just what allow­ HELP WANTED— Ist floor, 136 Middle Turnpike, ]tobellion and the Philippine Insur­ acoommodatloD ot their large ton, Windsor; total, 22. Ashford; Dowe and Qaraon, KUl- ances they will receive after July i, rection and the World War. The AMERICAN BEER FE M A LE 35 W e st Luxe bus for lodge, party or team I Republicans against — Cov^es, ingly; Seneyand Robitaille, Plain- 1988. Until that time, the Senator roqiilrement Is that they must Avon; Rich, Bristol; Backes, Burl­ trips at special rates. Phone 3068. field; Hanley, Pomfret; Talbot and said, the present monthly payments have serW 'ninety days or more; WANTED — GIRL FOR general I ington; Allen, East Hartford; Goett- WORRIES BRAZIL 8860. 8864. ______Butlett, Putnam: Frink, Steriing; will continue. must have entered into foe service housework, in family with two FOR RENT—8 ROOM apartments, ler and Mohn, Ehust Windsor; Par­ chlidr*».n. W rite B ox W , In care o f j at 36 Maple street Telephone 6617. Kelley and LeFebvre, 'Windham; Spanish W ar Pm stons >rior to the cessation of hostilities; .Want Ad InformalloB sons, Farmington; Bldwell, Glaston­ total 12. Senator Lonergan made it clear COFFEE TRADE H erald. bury; Miller, Hartland; Thornton, must have been honorably dis­ THE EASY WAY TO FIND a rent Absent—House D. Brooklyn. that under Regulatiim No. 12, Issued charged; must prove the ejdstence - ) singles, flats, tenements, all sec­ Manchester; Lord, Marlborofigh; Litchfield County President Roosevelt, all veterans Button, Rodey' HiU; Towne, Sitf- of permanent and total disability, ^ Manchester tions. No charge to you. Everett Republicans for—Day, Baikham- of. the Spanlsh-American War, the Rio De Juieiro—(AP)— What­ i POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 43 fleld; total, 18. and that the disability was not ths McKinney, 829 Main. Dla. 8608- sted; Chamberlain, Cornwall; Buel, B(ser Rebellion and foe PblUpplne ever beer’s return means to the ' Evening Herald Democrats for — Sejrmour, East Result of misconduct United States, i{ has put another FOR SALE— HATCHING eggA 5230. Litchfield;. Marsh, New Milford; Insurrection, and their dependents, “Tha rata of. pension for those baby chicks, single comb Rhode Granby; Sullivan, Enfield; Thomp­ who are reaving pension, will > be wrinkle in Brazil’s brow. CLASSIFIED son, Glastonbury; Markham and Stevexis and Gidman, Norfolk; Bell, Mrmanently and totally disabled is Island Red. Prize winning, heavy FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat with all given the benefit of a presumption It is taken for granted here that „ '^VERTISEMENTS Bums, Hartford; Googel, Nev.' Bri­ Salisbury; White, Tbomaston; Melt 820 per month. A pension of 86 per laying. Apply S. R. Smith, 64 Bige­ improvements, like new. Inquire iuB, Warren.: Tiffany, Winchester; that foe disahllltiea On which such month to those Spanish-Amerlcan beer’s comebqpk there wUl cause 270 Oak street tain; Neal, Southington; Cowles, a slight reduction in coffee consump­ Cennt »lx aTerage worto t® * low s tr e e t South Windsor; Wallace, Windsor Burton; Wocidbury; total 'll. peniilon Is based were directly, serv­ veterans over the age of 62 years is Initial*, numbers anfl abbrenlatleBS ice-connected. This same presump­ tion because the American takes I FOR RENT—6 ROOM FLAT with Locks; total, 9. Republicans against — Roberts granted. •aota oouat as a word and oompowd tion is also extended i > widows, chil­ his coffee with'his mesl rather than words as two worda Minimum cost Is garage, 17 Walker street Inquire Democrat against— Connor, En­ Barkhamsted; , SM &, , Befhidiem; “Pensions imder this part of the WANTED—PETS— Curtis, Bridgewater; Tier# and dren and dependent paifonts o t d e­ after it, and he isn’t likely to drink prlco of throe Unos. W. Manning, 15 Walker street field. regulationa ^cannot be paid to any beer and coffee at the same time. , Lino rates per day for translont POULTRY—STOCK 44 GtUHn, Colebrook; ScovOile, Corn­ ceased Woiid War veterans who Absent—Madora, D, New Britain. nnmanrled person whose annual in­ Any reduction in American coffee -4 ROOM tenement wall; Griswold and Beatlsy, Gofhen hfve heietofore received compensa" WoeaTO lUMh I f, I FO R REN T- New Haven Oorntty cofoe exceeds 81.000 or to any mar­ consumption will be felt, beepuse Cash Charge WANTED— FOWL AND broilers. and garage, 5 Ridgewood street Bentley and Hutchings, Harwlnton; tion under the presumptive provi­ Call Ofemmo A Son. Telephone Republicans for — Bronson, Mld- ried person or any parson with the United States is the biggest S ConsoeutiTO Days *.| 2 «i»| • Phone 6 6 ^ . Templeton, Kent; Morse, litch- sions of foe World War Veterans’ dlebury; Rowland, Oxford; Platt, minor children whose annual income customer. The coffee proUem caus­ 8441. fleld: G at^ New Hartford; Dodd, A ct In all such oases no pension I i* SSI i« SS Southbury; total, 8. exceeds 82.500. Tbia provision, es as many nightmares as over. JUI erdars lor Irregular inaortlona I FOR RENT—LILLEY ST. —Near Republicans against—McCarthy, New Milford; Considine, North will be stopped unless the govern­ however, will not bar the payment will bo obarged at the one time rata Center, modem flve rooms, first Ansonia; Downs, Bethany; Morton Canaan; Wilcox and Eggleston, ment rebuts such presumption by ' Huge Snrptns In Sight ^^oolal ratea for long term ARTICLES FOR 8AL e " 45 of the 86 monthly pension to Span­ day advertising given upon floor, steam heat garage. Inquire and Reynolds, Branford; Boynton Sharon; Towle and Farrand, Wash­ very strong- evldso^ that the diW' ish War veterans over the age of 62 World production for the next 2l ESro street Csill 6661. blUties of such BOlffieriB were not In­ crop year is estimated at more than ▲da ordered for three or six d ^ s and Jockron, Cheshire; Bradley nd ington; Scott and Himferford, years. stopped before the third or fifth Chldsey, Eagt Haven; Cartel; and curred in service.' 13,000,000 sacks above world con­ day will bo charged only for the go- FOR SALE!—ONE ROX/ND oak 8 OR 2 ROOM SUITS In new Jobn- Watertown; Ljmch, Winchester; Widows and Children Loper, Guilford; Brock and E^y, Ofoer Regulations sumption. Since* Brazil, the largest tual number of Umea the ad appw - pipeless furnace. Telephone 6876. Mitchell, Woodbury; total 23. “The payment of pension to wid­ um Block, facing Main street very Hamden; Coe, Madison; Ford and With respect to ofoer general pro- producer, holds the bag for most of eA charging at the rate earneA but Democrats for—^Paek, Morrlss; ows and children of deceased vet­ no allowance or refunds ^ be made FOR SALE—LARGE DRIVER Jig- desirable, modem improvement#. Field, Milford; Hill, North Bran­ vl^ons of the President’a regula­ the excess stocks, 13,000,000 sacks Smith, New Hartford: Seymour ai^d erans of foe Spanlsh-American War, on six time ads stopped after the saw. almost new. 100 sq. ft puzzle 1‘bone 8726 or Janitor 7686. ford; Blakeslee, North Haven; tions, affecting present and new piled on top of 21,000,000 on hsmd fifth day. Austin, Plymouth; Dooley, Roxbury; including foe Baser Re sUlon or the - No "till forhldif*; display Unes let plywood and assortment of pic­ FOR RENT—'rHKBlE, five and its Smith and Larash, Orange; Cowdell, Estill, Salisbury; Telesca and claims. Senator Lonergan made the at the beginning of 1932 mean.* an tures 830 cash. Can be seen at 111 Prospect; Beecher and Matthles, following ..analyaia: Phl^ppine Insurrection, is authorized excess load of about 4,500,000,000 **Tho Herald will not bo rosponrtblo room tenements with all modem Hogan, Torrington; total 8. at approximately'50 per cent of the for more one Inoorroot insertion Spring street im provem ents. Inquire at 147 Blast Seymour; Robbins, Wallingford; Absent—Bartle, R. Canaan. “The beslc provlsiona of the ney pounds. Baldwin, Woodbrid^; total, 24. pmslon regulations are that foe iU' rates now', provided for such per- The newspaper A. Nacao goes so of • any advertisement ordered for Center s t^ t ot telephone 7864. Mlddleaex Comity mere than one tlma ^ _ Democrats for — Kiely, Ansonia; Jury or disease , must have been coa son »7- f o a t is#' 816 per month fo r a far as to say that Brazilain coffee The Inadvertent omission of inTOr- HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 Fitzpatrick, Beacon Palls; Mollay Republicans for—^Harwood, Ches­ tracted or aggravated in foe line of widow, with allowance for children. is in danger of suffering a collapse root puhUoatlon of advertising wlU bo Benefit of Presumption reotlfled only by oanoollation ot the HOUSES FOR RENT 65 and Kirby, Derby; Dowling and ter; Newton, Durham; Greenbiack- duty and without misconduct, in similar to that which suckea dry the obargo made for the service -•ondoroA FOR SALE#—GAS RANGE in first j Tonkbnow, Meriden; Clancy and er, Middlefleld; BushneO, Old Sav- the active military or naval service “The regulations provide a pre­ rich Brazilian rubber trade 20 years All advertisements must oonmm ftioQii condition, must be seer to be RENTS OF EVERY description McDermott, Naugatuck; Pastore brook; Zlegra and Burke, Say- during'foe Spanish-Aiherlcan, foe sumption of entitlment to penkon ago. in atyla. copy and typography jpth appreciated. Price'very reasonable, for Spanish. War veterans now on regulations enforced by the publish­ j and price. All parts of Manchester, and Whitney, New Haven; Leonard, brook; total, 6. ’ Boxer Rebellion,-the Philippine In­ Overproduction, increased compe­ ers and they reserve the right to Call at 6 Main street Dial 8601 John F. Shannon, 79 Rus­ Wallingford; Mahaney and Thoms, Republicans against — Meyer, surrection and the ^oild War. / the rolls and for the widows, chil' tition from other producefs, and edit, revise or reject any copy con­ sell street Waterbury; total, 13. Clinton; ''Pierson,' Qromwell; . Arri' “The rates to be paid for war-time dren and depmdent parents of de­ orization schemes which seri^'diily sidered objectionable. Absent—Badger R. Wolcott. gonl, Durham; Sisson, East Had- ceased veterans of foe World War CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads to ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 591 disabilities for veterans of all the to burden Brazilian coffee pad bo published same day must be re­ TO RENT— SINGLE HOUSES: New London County dam; Pratt, ijssex; Gustafson and above-mentioned wars, on foe basis who are now on the rolls, as of the courage rival producers, are .^ d ceived by IS o’clock noon; Saturdays Benton street 9 rooms, 2 car Republicans for—Plimpton, Lyme. Karlaon, Haddam; Sagllo and Per­ last day of tha month in which such WANTED—ELDERLY LADY or of. service-oonnected disabilities are: responsible. 10:t0 a. m. garage; 7 rooms, 2 car garage; Republicans against—Brown and kins, Killingworth; Spencer, West' determination is made. It further ' couple dealring room with kitchen Ten per cent disabijUty...... |8. Coffee growers, like American West Center street, 6 rooms, ga­ Broder, Colchester; Race, Franklin; brook; total, 10. provides that the government shall TELEPHONE YOUR prli^eges. Cheerful location, near Twenty-five per cen t ...... 820. farmers, acquired heavy financial W AN T ADS. rage in basement; Apartment: Mull and Beltzel, Groton; Clark and Democrats for—Walsh, East Fif ty per c e n t...... 840' review all of the claims and where burdens in brom years and. are in Main street Phone 4117 before five Haddam; Purple, East Hampton; It IS'tai a position to rebut foe pre- 'Adv ar« accepted over the telephone Main street, 3 room apartment, ga­ Foster, Lebanon; Kanahan, Lisbon; Seventy-five per cen t ...... 860. serious difficulties. The gqvfoifoiiht o'clock and 5866 after flve. Wameiter and B ro^ , Mlddletdwn; 'JnBOmptlQir'eitfaer'on medical Judg-r at the CHARGE RATS) given sbovo rage; Two -family houses: Main Selden, Lyme: McGarry, New lK>n- One hundred per ceiit"...... 880. has prepared a decreie to ease Mort­ as a convenience to advertlsera but Johnson, Portland; total, 5. ment or specifle evidence, the bme- FOR iiENT-Light Housekeeping street, 7 rc>om flat garage, 6 room don; Crofts and Reutemann, North “Certain' additional specific rates gage repayments over a lO^iar the CASH RATES will be accepted M Absent—Starr, R, East Hamp­ fits being paid shall be discontin­ fu ll paym ent If paid at the busi­ rooms, furnished, steam, gas and half bouse, garage: Durkin street: 6 Stonington; Ball, Old Lyme; WbeeJ* are provided for foe more seriously period. ness office on or before the seventh sink; also 8 room furnished apart­ room flat, garage; Summer street, er and FuUer, Preston; Bloom, ton. disabled. ued.” V dsy foUowlng the Tolland Oounty But the coffee growers, imllke foe ment private bath, rent reasonable. 5 room flat; Wadsworth street, 6 Salem; Freeman, Stonington; Mor­ NoB-Servloe DisabiUtlee American wheal raisers, are burden­ each sd otherwise the CHARGE BOYS’ NABBOW ESCAPE RATE will be colleoteA No responsi­ 109 Foster street—Grube. room flat; Benton street 5 room gan, Waterford; total 18. Republicans for—Tuttle, Ando­ “Pensions are pi^rable 'for non- ed .with stifling export taxes, neces- bility for errors in telephoned sds flat; Lancaster Road, 6 room flat Democrats for—Sullivan, Bozrab; ver; Haling, Bolton; Robinson, Co­ service connected ..disabilities and N ew Britain, A pril 19— (A P ) —' will bo assumed and their accuracy Three boys accused of stealing ear' saiy to finance government control garage. Apply Edward J. HoU, 866 Scott, Eaot Lyme: Sullivan and lumbia; Orcutt, Coventry; Hobro, deaths of veterans of the Spanish' and pay off coffee loans amounting cannot bo guarantecA milngton; Horton and Eillis, He­ phones firom railroad signal statiohs BOARDERS WANTED 59-A Main street Telephone 4642 or Gardiner, Griswold; Holdridge, to 8160,000,000. IN D EX OF bron; Smltii, Mansfield; Worthing' and. apartment bouse hallways 8025. Ledyard; Ramage, MontvUle; Cor- A s a result B rasil has.^rlieen un­ CLASSIFICATIONS ROOM AND BOARD at flJMO key. New London; O’Connell and ton, Somers; Barriows and Moors, might have been electrocuted while week. The Hotel Sheridan. Union; Schmidt and Cummings, foe ■ raUroad Instmmaits, able to undersell competition suf­ Births s • 0 sack* « IS Glard, New London; Conway, ficiently to force reduefom of for­ Xngsgsmsnts R 8678. WANTED TO RENT 6» Vernon; Bugbee, Wlllington; total, Captain. Jainee Carroll' of the New Marriages u Sprague; Wheeler, Stonington; Lib­ NOTICE! eign production and at foe/'lam e DSatbs • ..••••••.••.•••••■•••••••I £ erty, Vohmtown; total 12. 14. Haven road pcdlce forc^ said after I CLEAN, COMFORTABLE rooms, W AN TED " t o r e n t furnished Republicans against — Grant, in accordance with Section 4SM police court today when two of the time pay . growers a fair nitnm. Card of Thanks » bungalow or part bouse reasonable, Fklrfleld Ooonty *'f with or without board. Reasonable of General Statuee of Connecticut, A suggestion for susi>ension of In Msmorlam # o • s • • • *.• •aw* ^ ^ Republicans for—Rumpf and Far­ Mansfield. boys were fined 826 each. Had foe Lost and Found i rates, centrally located. The Cbats- Manchester District three in fami­ Revision of 1980, Frederick P. EaS' the coffM loan service, so as to per­ mer, Darien; Nichols and Cohen, Democrats for—Reynolds,. Cov- powisr been on foil strength, the Annonneements * worth House, 801 Main street op* ly. Inquire 16 Proctor Road. land, KtbVin N. Sachs ano Llewellyn boys' would have been killed by mit Brdfol to drive its competitors Personals .....•••••••••••***•» ■ Fairfield; Kitcbel, Greenwich; Mead, entqr; Kibbe, Somers; Quinn aqd AutosMbUos pcMdte Montgomery Warn. T. SpMcer, all of West Hfirtford, shock, be said. The youths ad back to pre-war footing, has been New Canaan; total 6. Piiw y, Stafford; Ludwig and Gal- Automobiles for Sale • avan, Tolland; Usher, WUUngton; Cohnectleut, George F. Elsele e> mltted taking foe earphones to use advanced, but such a drastle step AutomoWlss for Exchange ...xa • LEGAL NOTICES 78 Republicans against — ^ThorablU, Hartford, Connecticut' and Robert In the' constmctlon of crystal radio {has not been considered by the;goV' Auto AeOossorios—Tiros n , , , , , , * Brookfield; Spiro and McKay, Dan­ total, 7. Auto Repairing—Painting ...r .. J APARTMENTS—FLATS— Recapitulation B. Coburn of West Hartford, Con' Mts. erament At a Court of Probate Holden at bury: Hull, Easton; Lewis, Monroe; t e n e m e n t s 631 Bolton within and for the Dlatriot of neetleut having associated them­ Stewart, New Canaan; Nevius, New For—Republicans, 68; Demo­ Autos—Ship by Truck ...... • Andover on the 18th day of April, A. es vee together as a limited partner- Autos—For Biro M. f I RENT KUNTING7 '’’eU us what D. 19S8i Falrfleldi Connor, Newtown; Cans crats, 68; total, 181. m * , , , ihlp for the purpoe* of car^dng on Garages ■Borvlco Storage JJ Present J. WHITE SUMNER, Esq., and Lyons, Norwalk Banks; and Against—Republicans, 126; Dem­ Motorcyelos—Blfflrelos ...... 11 you want W ell take care of it for Judge. a geaeral brokerage and investment Wanted Autos—Motoreyelos . .. . IS you without charge, it. T. McCann, Hazen, Redding; Lown and Row­ ocrats, 1; total, 127. Oil motion of Anna P. Lindholm, ot Absent-^Rdpubllcans, 8; Demo­ bujlneM under the name of "Easland BaslBOM and Profeeslonsl Sorvloss 69 Center street Dial 7700. Andover, Conn., admlni.'tratrlx on the land, Rldsefldd; Thompson and Business Services Offered ...... IS Intestate estate of August Lindholm A Company" at 49 Pearl Street, Household Services Offered...... IS-A Brewster, Shelton; Platt, Sherman; crats, 8; total, 6. FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement late of Andover within said district, Hartford, Connecticut do hereby Building—CoDtrsotlng deceasad. state: Florlsts-^Nurserlei ...... IS with all Improvemente. ’Apply 81 This Court dotb'decrss that alx Stor> by HAL OOCHBAN Plotnres by COBOBOB Funeral Directors is Wadsworth street or telephone months bs allowed and limited for the mate theatre, she ssys. As for L The firm name of the aforesaid Hosting—Plumbing-Roofing nn 1? • tees ev su " 4668. creditors of said sstate to exhibit night clubs— limited partnenhip is “Easland Insursnoo ...... a is their claims against the same to the Corapan^’ . LU MUltnery-Drossrasking...... 19 MARVELOUS ’1 won’t do night club work. Movlng-^rucklng—Storage 80 administratrix and directs that pub­ 2. Ths nanies and rssldsncM ot Painting—Papering ...... a . mm sx lic notles bs given of this order by Once a group got some money to­ advertising in a newspaper having a gether to put me Into a club. I was the gsneral and spsdal partners Profossronsl Services ir...... tMaa 8S I circulation in said district, and by MANHATTAN constituting said Umltod partner­ Repairing ...... ss posting a copy thereof on the public to work on a percentage basis. The Tailoring—Dyolng^lsanlng i... S4 first night my percantags was 82,- ship are as follows: Toilet Goods and Service ...... SS sign post in said town of Andover By WQJJAM GAINES Frsdsrlck P. Easland, 171 Auburn Wanted—Business Ssrvlcs m t , , , , SS nearest the place where tho deceased 200. But I coulln’t bear it. I Hdaestlonal T o d a y s last dwelt. wouldn’t go badk." Roa7 Certified from Record ner. Private Xnetrnotlon SS J. WHITE SUMNER New York.—NsU Martin, the She thinks movls work is 'telvln N. Sachs, 04 Wsstwood Judge. and has mors glamor than foe Dsneing .. • • • • e s p g g f S S S^BCS • * S 9, ' s < novelist who was bom on a house­ Road, Wsst H artfo^ General part­ Mueleal—Dramatip • ••••• SK4S••• H-4-19-81,______stage, and says she doesn’t miss an Wanted—Instruotlon, • • • s • • si;s • s # 10 boat on the Ohio river, near Padu­ ner. yiBSsiHsl ■Esate of Jane B. Sumner late of audlsnee when she works before REBUS cah, By., showed three stiff fingers, UeweUyn T. Spenoer, M Ardmore Bonds—Stooke—Mortgages kc,.« si ! Bolton In the Probate District of the camera. Andover, deceased. Road, West Hartford, General part­ Businses Opportnnltlea •...■.«•.• SS broken while she was at work on "From ms my writing, I know 1C0B4F lO X^AB sssposgpssFsspsss S# The Executor having ozblbltod hit ner. HbIB BBi BltWtlMS adminietratlon account with said “Lovers Should Marry." aotly what the audience reaction to George. F. Elsele, 29 Tremont 09§f»0§09 Estate to the Court of Probate for Rilp WABtAd^KiBSAl# So Mae Murray, who has oraamsnt- a certain situation Is going to te. street Hartford, General partner. Rolp —MaI# 000000000009 So •aid Dletriot for allowance, it le m istake Help Wanted—Male or Femsls .. 17 ORDERED:—That tho 36th day of ed so many plrturss, was at the ta­ Tvs never made a R ob«t B. Cobuni, 46 Highland Agents Wanted §0000000000000 g>S7*^ WHY I April 1988, at 9 o’clock in the mra> ble, too, in a oelebrity-haunted rse- etreet 'WMt Hartford, gpedal part- lltuatlene Wanted-Femsls . . . . . IS noon, at the Probate Office in Bolton tMirant off Broadway. Mae told me ehe got frighten^ tier. Situations Wanted—Mala , • ■ < • • • • SS be and the same is assigned for a Employment Agenoles ...... 40 bearing on the allowance of said ad­ “When I oame to New York to and tried to buy up ber^ contract ' 8. All of the^ gMsral partners set Mvo Stooh—Fete—PealfiT—Tofeleloe ministration account with said Es­ < BtOOlC■ VohiClOA sssssswessA ^S tor to cite all peraons Interested wouldn’t go to the pnevlew. Her be­ Poultry ABd Bupplios •••••*•#•• 4S therein to appear at said time and “a **«<«*b hit me aad b:-oka my ihip busineM sign the firm Wanted — Pete—PeuUw—Stock 44 ilaoe, by publishing this order once neok.’’ Ob, well. It almost broke it lief In herself was shaken , tompo- For iaio—Mleoellsnoovo Jn eome new»apar having a o “Then, when I was working on rarlly. 4. Rohsrt' B. ■ Oobum as spedai Articles for Sale 4S I tloB la aald Dlstrlot, and by i But now she thinks Hollywood Is Boats and Aoeeeeorles 4S I a eopy on the publlo sign poet near­ *Ibo Other Bids of ths Fence,’ I partnsr Is-to fumiab the aforssald (BEAD THB BTOBY, THEN OOLOB THB PIO ID U ) Building Materials ...... 47 bsr pudding. Tm sura sLe ftsls that Hmltsd psrjnsralflp capital in ths est to the plaos where the deoeaeed was getting out of be<8^-ono of *X gusM it’s up to Diamonds—^—Watobee—Jewelry i*« 48 laet dwelt, at least five days before those low, moderalstlo thlnge—aad ths peoi^ out there knew n ^ t amount of Fivs nousand Dollars As an the lads worked on the trsa soon said, “X Eleetrloal Appllsaees—JUdle ms to give the eaU that always •aid time assigned. Aad due return tripped on the oover 1 tumbled over they were doing when they called (86/)00) which amount In oaah;iias ark, wee Ooppy. suddenly ysUed, Fuel and Peed Feed ...... , __ make. brln^ my pat bsaste oh tbi ran.’* Garden — Farm—Dairy FtoSm U IS a ^ fraetured aqr skun. It the West const bssa aoti^dty paid In to ths trsaa- Certified from reoori, “Hark! I.hear a lot of noisea Ha put his hands up to bfs faea Heueebold Goods ...... |1 J. WHITE lu io n iR ury of ths gtorsaald ttmitod partnsr- Mseblnsw and Tools II “Tva got paper aaklee, It seems. Bounds liks animals to m a" A strange call echoed Iwimd the. Judge. afcty. Xt is oontomplatod that somt- Mnsleal Ztistrumsnts ... .w . II S-4.19-SI. They tedsted on me, I kneeled over The Midget Man repBed, plsea Said Dunty, “They . wUl be Office sad Stors - f / A 14 Tha height of something or other tlms on or bsfors April 29, 1988. Spsolals at tbs Storss II and broke these three fingers. “You’re right The midgel besets ■urprlaed to s m wbat ws. baye Woaylng Appsrsl—Fun 17 "BJvery time X try to write say- In ald«Une trade Is r^disd by a that the aald Robsrt B. Oobum an ‘flUed with fright Thty .Wsatsd^^^e Buy ...... m . mvw' II COTS 2-6 YEARS tUng I break something." - Second avenue oordlal Ibop which Shan ootttrlbuto a fu rth sr sum In never know. Just what to do whan a«M ■ Beagfi—He has addsd JlgMW puadss. But Just then an autograph hound cash of an Indstsnninats aaoount, Ug' floods ooms, you ssa" The sm all baa maybe youH My tbcce little Ibops fteesae Without Beard ______M .. New Haven, April 19#"->(AP)‘— rushed up to tbe taUs aad aslu but which amount shall not, in any ^ ‘Ob, tbla fl^ la a UtBs one," svsrywhers aad W1 always have been a purallng bual- Boarders Waated alias Martin danoolo, the novelist to sign her book; sysnt, Mspad 12600. said X>unoy. “ W hy, It’s h s ^ o t “Hm, look than! We?m’bnltt a Oeaatry-Beard—Reeerts SS "Plsaie don’t!" IBss Murray and ,6..,Bald41mltod .Mtftnersbip is to Hotel#" Beetaoraata SI ehaived with assault with Intent ,fua!" Then' Wmdy altfwersd daaobr ark for you. A dty Hdn is in Waated—BeoaM—Beard Broadway was enlarged Lawrence I}. Mclaughlin, a former sat thshr hands aad’ssals ..this ist mall elerk, plMded foUty to em- tage*’oauM, oonquured to beasts, m ora* Waated |p Beat srsMtm yaars; an the more Ity her Boltywood suo- day'of>A] Bold Betati Fee Sale ooM. told me Just befon She re- beHUng 1867 fm a riigistered let- .Wrs ten." » a n ten in the Bridfeport ■ poet offlee “ P. BABLAND# OONffEBiafOB t e n ^ 't b e ooest that she .(■•a). •Voy, The ThtynUtm •s glad to be going ^ where be w m empMyed for more than 10 yean, before 9>deral KBLTXN N. BAGMI, the# vriukM ths i Bridgeport, AprU 19#—(AF)-> could \ o ^ so busy « « there ^ Judge C C. ranks today, and t m - _____ (Beal). k ' TbA aik \ ^ lUdget Mas FanarW 74 ANSWSn With: an attandance aneotad to M would miss her natlvs New LLBWBLLYN:!. BPENCER, aadb htM nI “amr.^Be lare nbd in .ib r m M ..s.-i^iar^eee 8S t m L reach 700 tha OomMOtiest State York Httlo ojr none. ^ ^ tenoe was deferred. In our ndnds she is as dossly It was stated fop rastltutton had ^ ■ (B n ^ ) It Dental Aasoolatloo today opened hssD mods for meosy talisn and c i m a a f : B n c L B , g S t J ^ ' oa ' ' ' I Its 09th annual oonventlon. JantUlad with Bfoadway f t Tsx Oulnaa, Nit Mae s n a | e i^ ^ that IfoTMqrhHti, on , isarifoig he Dr. J. Frands J. Beale; was wayitodlty p o | U l, aufoontles O Q BU R^, , : l yeN il.Pnrtner. maln.iln.:;)iii''tt,'te'^n-l is oonoernsd wftt t t u jU * 0 t « « y had.oonis bade fr KiedTbeBisndi^lin. heeMie it li the hem of the l e ^ bIBMK . ‘ . T F T (Beal) .• T bs < >; 'M :-A'. :;V? " v^ i-V-v ■ - /• ■ ; V

MANGHESffSR E5V©IING HSRALDf MANCHBSTBB, GONN.1; W BPNBSDAY, A f ^ I L 19# 198i» fv •-,.'■ T • j •’ t. • *• - . * A - 3. r ' . . M. i - - .1 T V TH* POOR KIP'WHOM Mtt* VPWlb .eLMNIKe jOtf, A. *. .■'•;■•• < Ja a '.•'ft-! • WHeri MICKW w»■ WILL t to wm\ TUESE We bef to adrlse you, end wish dded to buy tbe farm adjotnlnf d A C V « OP AlP OLD EGVPTIAM BREAKFAST to sbite I their property. The price afteed rPOCiD *-^CAU SEG V0U1O UYE That yours hM arrived of recent upon was $16,000, and they went to I 'BOUfiWT FbRTHOSE^ - date. town to conclude the deu. They CONFOUNDEO P1660KE V -POR A HUMDPEO VEARS, , entered the bank carrying an . old We have it before us, Its con­ E’* •’ •'**.. •' f . Man—Your vrlfe is independent,>T.ciw ------isn’t she? So Far, So Good! (I By John C. Tehry Friend—Yes, she goes her own SCORCHY SMITH way, and I go hers. '^wetL,.x su ess *Tv»«r v«as Kp QR SM

MAGISTRATE (to woman In- - Tolved in matrimonial dispute) — r ^ d you and your husband quarrel ^ on Friday night? . CALM WIFE—And the next day pay day; Certainly not!

^ 01RL8 ARB BETTER STU ■DENTS THAN BOYS; A RECENT By Williams lURVBT REVEALED — AND WASHINGTON TUBBS II By Crane OUT OUR WAY PROBABLY BECAUSE ’THE GIRLS ARE SO DISTRACTING •vcmACTuy! T c o f^ o M . r ? W C T 0 | \NE U$T THIS W OSE STONE IN ^ ,.TO THE BOYS. m i TUE MONty V THE QOUNTlNO BOOM/ ANP N H W 0 0 TOU ^ PROPPED HOLP ONl KUATH HlPPiH- i«H0WV»U SEE? Harold—So you have broken your YOU MEAN NOT THTOLIN 'W.OPCHJ^II 'pUNOlOH ' Mgagsment to Dorothy? Why? A girl can’t cat much of a SgUN TO TIL L HE “ T vank—I was only doing to the at night and keep her balaaee nsftt | 'KT 41SiSlj^ dagagement What it did to me. mo:nung. p p e e w I h' TPtASUHV?

....kW RIGLEY S'".-




.os:; ‘■fkiVoiS^' i - MOONLI6HT

(S/RaMK'WMw^. ‘tril yiK gaiA .------z m s ; . . xV- :x *. ■*■ .v-r

?S- ... ' f. - 7 ' 1 ^ ^

S4I5B •/ :«feafir::. :z ;:: ■ :.-i:-:;3;::Lr:.::^.:ii.:.^

•i- enough seed icorn' to. ^ Mr. WUlianjia Atwnomi PWCUIKESIIMIE ( m p i i r \ IfiMiCatoerias. weB niSEH»EFREVMBIORiES known, Vernon gw - L Joha n. ,g*ven■ * * - m w M s m M m a t toe-eBi . Loois.'.Xfc * Mphenthal, o f Center dena ftaaneed thesugh** ofi’& SuAea £ itreet hare reoolvoa a itinu)iNC,u>iut this eveniflg at 8400 iqjbroprlatlop mads-bir toi Bn- latter atom th ^ graaddaught*^i 1^ by Campnny Streep has.todsy severed bis cdnnec- leetmeu at toe-Ixsb mssttsv, — dist churcb, in ttanp wijto the international Reform "ta rn Mabd Wnuanui ^ o haa va ABOBTBANE DDOSnS ) R^6T(e4 Witnessed fll^orie dam epowder plementod by » Ukc donatjjMi to Wdlealey eoUege after FederatloQ of Wsishtagton, D. C. Mr. made Ity tha M. B. ML A. :£incoiaiUir Wiiile Invulided., by the women* HolumtopA hdk IWB^a^toustoe and the rorlna vacattoa. alvlnf Oee Kiv Tin PnaUMlMil Reader Says Tim e H u Arrived . rrkw*' 5:80 on.\.Mls8v jMfs that ahe ia one ec the fw \Yeiferday was the anniversary at- Vernan wlU offieSc of itoj4' named commander. Crockett 'told toO der toe Manchester, Emergency Em­ vice-president to ■ succeed Edwin. A:' cers and directors of toe new bdhk members of the post ,that"a resolu­ that fi^rht and who was subsequent- ( : X meeting Is oalled for tols eve­ naturally are anxious to retain the lyMdlled in action July 23, at •; • j ployment Assodahon announced to­ Lydall, who declined re-eiectlo|f{ tion would be presented'at toe State day that < a. new.metood of. distribu­ ning at 8 o’clock at the home of Mr. but accepted a place on the board- fullest confid«ice.of all vtoo were Convention, Y. F. W., in June, Chateau Thierry. and Mrs. Victor Duke of 51 Pearl depositors .in the old bank. The .-'iV^en Company G left .toe front Members to Beef tion of iseeids and fertlUzer will be W ill B e of directon for a term of threes amending the present by-laws a t pursued aud that all. appli­ street, the object of which Is to form yean. Two new directon were= inMsent attitude towards these de- \ he organization to permit participa­ lijie two M anch^ter .m'ra, Clarence Dinner with . a ladles auxiliary to Mons Ypres pbsitora is certainly not such as to Wetoerell of :i23 Wells street and cants for gisMens'must appear be­ elected for one year, Harold E. encourage this coimdence, and toe tion ^ mombers a t the order in Friends as -Guwstk fore toe. committee to register. Post, British War Veterans. Every Cude and William J. Thornton, who' pbe held,'toe or daughter to attend the meeting ing feeling of resentmenc. roller’ policies nor partisan politics;” l ^ d grenade and ’Tournaud Was ill.'; Bible class .will hold toeir-tiJrd''an-’ ISrst tomorrow evening ■ in toe rector since toe Association was No one expects the conservator or said Commander Crockett, “but vet­ Nathan Hale, school on Spruce tonight. organized in 1891. \^en the barrage dropped, Weth-'. nual supper airf get-togettber to'ntar- local officials to tell pradsely when erans must enter the ranks a t the ereU and Tpurnaud stag'd for the rbw night ita ’ the chutyh parish street at. 7:80 and toe second at H. B. House was re-elected treas­ or ever. complete liquidation will joli^dans and work for their own the West Side Rec. Friday evening O ur A d vts. All officers and members of the urer and C. E. House, secretary for. to join their company, but the muse. ’ The members haye^ toe privK come, but It does seem as though interaata.” shells were falling so fast that they, at 7. ’Those having land for gar- dholr of Manchester Assembly, Or­ mon than thirty yean, wha also the time had arrived for a rather Commander Crockqtt said he - bad ege of bringing > their 'vrtVM or wo­ and who ^ ^toout seed or der rapei^ on Haurtford road and at Ifavy auxiliary at her hosae tomor­ H ie board of directors rei^point- FERRETS PROmBTIED ex-service groups in this State in­ Manchester Green. row eVeUng. ediMrs. Maude R. ISll and Alvin ,:;';’rho losses in the Battle of cluding the Veterans of Foreign Seicheprey, which was borne pita' Tbe^land will be ploughed toe lat­ L. Brown as assistant secretaries ware. ter palrt of next week so that those The entire cast of toe play and William S. Hyde as attorney. ‘ IN HUNnNG RAHRTTS dpally by Hartford, New Haven, GET NEW AUTOMOBILE who desire may plant their gardens ' "Taming of Horrors,” to be pre­ “We were convinced after an ex­ Elristol and Middletown companies perience ranging over toe past few 'vl|as 80 killed, 432 wounded and 132^ about Mhy A.. Seeds and fertilizer sented by the Life Saving aqard years, that no single veteran group will requUdttoned for plots 50 by 100 group of the local Salvation Army, I Town Clerk Turkington Has prisoners. The city of Bristol; FOR POLICE DUTY HERE feet and when planted will be sub­ can handle the State’s money prop­ Itot- 25 men killed. The German next Wednesday evening, will meet SEEKS NIGHT QUARTERS Received Many Queries— erly and with fairness to all,” as­ jected to pbrioi^c inspections by for rehearsal at the cit^ri tonight losses were between 700 and 800 membera of toe committee. May Extend Open Season. serted Commander Crockett. “State killed, wounded and captured. at 6:16 o’clock. All taking part are IN Emm TROLLEY CAR money should be handled by a dis­ Ford Coach Replaces Bnick and The committee also announces urged to be present. A number of local rabbit himte^ interested commission Xet up for Ford Coupe Which Has Been The West Side Qub will meet to­ have inquired of Town Clerk Samiiel that purpose.” The bill was defeat­ Used hy Town Treasurer. night at 7:30 o’clock at toe West Hiking to Boston After Work J. TurkinKton whether or not tbe ed, yesterday in the .Assembly. to END BIBLE CLASS Side Rec. Plans for toe formation New Ymk Boy is Arrested as General Assembly has passed a bill OitfiM F o ^t Plan a t a Twilight Baseball League and He Breaks Window. this session prohibiting the use of Commander CroCkett. scored the SEASON AT SUPPER A new Ford coach replacing toe the organisation a t a senior team ferrets for hunting rabbits during reforestation plan as one destined to old 1928 Buick sedan and a coupe win be discussed. All members are the open season. fail of toe pmpose originally intend­ used for official business by Town Harold Butcher, 18, of New York Town Clerk S. J. Turkington ed. He argued that the age limit ’Treasurer George H. WaddeU was requested to attend. City, who said that his trade was wishes to inform the local hunters should have been raised to allow ^o n d Cragregaljonal Church delivered yesterday to the police de “cftody”, was brought into the police 8fe3 6 )N While a great mSby plan to ap- •Biased in May to Oeer|^^lobul8 RUTH All msffibars of Memorial LedA, ar ia oostume, this Is net obllga- of RookvlUs, WM tho fu i honor Dfunn In I Aoto. Xnigbts of Pythias, are asked to formal or iaforlaal dress will sbowtr bring a 85 cent gift with toem to at a kitohin Onat of M, ,-ite all rirtt. There will be old- B yon lait ni,______^Of IMdob ^ rU I L I p. m. the meeting tonight. These gifts time and modem daaeing, with two ri. Bqnard^ LaFine of Omttr lloiiMtMvnn Ohnroh* will be auotioned off at the olese of erebestras, Charles Burke’s Oom- itrsit. About HO of, tbi young WolthorLoigno gooloty. the regular lodge session and the huskeri and Albert Bebrend's or- woman friandi of Mill Ouitar Ibio oi ' S-ThiiN EW funds will go into the lodge treuuvy. obestra. and an amplif ying arrange­ tw ^ d from Hartford, BookvUla and Adiltofle, I Ui:i' SAMPLi: /«; YOli Oeorge L. Ori^adio has eonsented ment so that all may near tbe sing­ tbli town', to aet as auetiesNr. ing prompter Carl wlgasowiki. Mri, LaPina'i boma waa artiatio* ( l n ' i i i i n ////' ally daooratad ia graan and yaUow, FiOGIDAIRE Sa tba living room an unibnila wai SUPPER that usM no moro curront •uiptadad with graaa and yallow M ' itraamara, to wblob oardi wart fM* than ONE ordinary, l'V< liPS I)teBuu> a* Plli|IHUMT*l I brlda rarasD AY, APa u to riMlwrit net only ovti nbfointtly IIM ginlilr Mrt Intpi ■ I A^moA marrtaga furniabadWm. bou|8. mwA tAMn in pMfbot oenOllon and M v tn thtn «■! wkf* amuNmant, gamaa, muilo and a inaMff ilA. COME IN AND SEE lubobaoa wara etbar pMtImMi V n ^ If TOlff, llfi SIPS a io u N D P sB dfdldry BPS Pcdal^ Eaomol—Stain TOMATOBB BEEP ‘^aw fwwivar W m ilah-^ OLQSFaST-lho < IS Oi. Can Iftandllk'.i L Q ^ S , 1UEBAI 7 ' tONOUB, 16h lAit .MowiNladai glo Jar Salaried People •VUB> TERMINAL’^ Deeorolhty Bpcpnbl that drloa ladlvldMl larvlagi ' ' n m «At Bn Omlf^. fffetno fOgt Ia4 houxblondlo oaoyle apply. Tnndwp Cubn it —k ea. H e <10 to* O tr ln fow antiOB oorvloo oovori On Thtir .OwB VEAL CHOPS .... .8»c lb. I BgOILBKi .... .d id dM h No ondoioaro or oflfcMyotlL ■. , , ' ^ nW b* eilitd to buy. riP6B BaMy Oroakar, Iwe now Mamai A d«lgg Oafet (Aagal) borrooolag Invootignilon. cofn#i^cmd the IPS man 8a aalt na UOf and a BaMy Owthar ffoean M dgi Obka wdiMi will ------HI,- ■p to imM on on* OlvB you tha Pro# Sample •aU lor M6. Wa wm alao raaaiva a ttm k abiy ant of Ifeo lorgo ■nd Ido Bo8|y brookoy Angol Oiko. Ton got Bn tolikiol nl FbN« B U k Q w U tr C u t m feW i andi show you tha IPS Ptnlihoi. i hWP**VIWNI Affwufl •t '• CmMw Md Q i^ ii.e n a U '' eo fT so M u r Lorgo 1 Lb. loro ooot If n ' Sand Pothtoei. RASPBERRY (« PINEAPI^ 'SwiM i! seitw f H H ' OUR PRESERVES .20c j a r I'M. Mono npi 6f ’ '''' 'iM i M O I m fH iunday an 4 ao and ■V- -'.V M m w ded'VrtiaiwIr tMttaiAATlON AND Gmcm Cocktsil Wafen *n 0 I • i d • • b o x -ID fgDinu^.TAX NttD . Wkoiowbooli n y Ikoa for yo« I I t t i . 'A i,Inc. 'S' m m o f 2 IA. L n ift V BNhkMW BMMImIi PMaat BiiM tr.. y O C • nai'TtW''"': 'TISiW &'BtrM t ' E jm o c K t lb ... t V e t ^ ' V vf c j './i, . ' : r ? ^*. M l.'t- '• i-yt-. '■ i-'*: -At; m