Senate Receives the Uquor Bill
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ATiaiACB DAILT dBOOIAllOM for the M«Bth of Hank* IMS 5 , 2 6 8 Bfartw of llie Andit Oo im b of Gbeolatloiia. (ClMsIflcd AdVHtiilll( OB Page U)| SIXTEEN PA 6K J ^ l ^ T E R E E C E I T O VOL. U L, NO. 171. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1933. SENATE RECEIVES THE UQUOR BILL 1 M o a ^ Changes Are Sig- G R U T BRITAIN gested, Bagin W31 At Roosevelt Bans Gold S | ^ SEIS EMBARGO Market Prices ments to Haiidain P u ilj tend to Hare R Passed Abroad — k Move to ^ " m Its Present Fonn. ONWGOODS A s the Rake hiees m D. S.-> New York, April 19.—(AP)—W lth^tock Exchange ran so high that Hartford, April 19.— (AP)— Tlie WiD Affect 80 Per Cent o( stocks up $1 to $11 a share, wheat toe quotation machinery was swamped and the ticker at times van Plans to Pnt Idk BDIions . Buckley study commission mieasure rising more than 4 cento a bushel providing for direct state control six or seven minutes behind fc t ^ Rnssiaii Imports— To Be and other, commodities buo3pant, businiess on toe floor. Buyers were over all liquor traffic^in Connecticut bullish seatiment in American mar particularly eager to acqtdre metal in Reserve Banks to VoA reached the Senate today, but that Enforced on April 2 6 -4 s kets reached the boiling point today issues and oto^ commodity shares, body deferred action on it by tabling as Washington worked at its "anti several of wbldi whirled up four, - ^ ^ o d a t e s Dollar u it for the calendar. deflation" prognun. five and six dcdlars or xnOM. Several Senators, including Coo Retaliation Measnre. Trading^in toe New York Stock United -States Steel Commbn ney and Blackall of Hartford, ex "Prosit!" "Skoal!" and "Here’s how!" echoed (mce more in toe House restaurant on the first floor Of. the Exchange proceeded at a pace toat surged up nearly $4 to just under Strata^ Han for Econom- pressed the opinion that certain pro nation’s capitol when beer flowed there again after 80 years’ exile. First to be served toe legal brew were, promised a 5,000400-sbEue day tor $88, a new high for toe y ^ , while visions dealing with chain stores, London, April 19,— (AP)—Great left to right: Representatives John J. Boylan of New York, William M. Berlin of Pennsylvania, Jcton J. toe first time in many months. toe Preferred jumped $4.25 to above Cotton soared about $240 a bale $71. American Smelting gained ic Conference — Lower <farug stores and hotels should be Britain will begin enforcing an em Delaney of New York and Joachim O. Fernandez of Louisiana. here, while silver, rubber, cocoa and $6.75 to $27, U. S. Smelting $8 to amended. Senator Frank S. Bergin, bargo on all Russian' goods it does majority leader said be would at several lesser stiqfles rallied sharply. $4040, International Sflver $240 to Gold Standard^U AD Na tempt to have the bill passed in the not desire as necessities April 26. Equally spectacular was. toe pre $26, Homestake Mining $11 to $198, Senate, however, in the same, form A proclamation making this action cipitate .dixq> in ddUar exdhange J. L Case $4 to $68, Westingbouse $8.62 to $M.75. Allied Chemical as passed by the House yesterday effective was signed today by King JAPANESE BOMBDK against foreign monies, reflecting tions Ainree. RIVQl AT HARTFORD toe gold emtmSgo and toe inference $5.75 to $88. American Can about $4 after the longest debate in recent Ctoorge at Windsor Castle. toat the American dollar was to be to ^740, Com Priiducts $4.75 to legislative history. It wae authoritatively stated allowed to find its own level In world $6440, Anaconda Copper $1.75 to The majority leader said he would Washington, April 19.—(AP) — that 80 per cent of Russian Imports OTYOELWANCHOW m arkets. • $9.76 and American Triephone $2 resist any attempts to amend the will be affected. All grain, butter, ABOVE FLOOD LEVEL Speculative enthusiasm on toe to $90. President Roosevelt moved today on measure and added he was ready to raw cotton, petroleum and timber the internatlonsG and domestie have it come up for a vote In the will be excluded. fronts dn a broad campaign to re Senate at any time. Parliament authorized toe action If It FaDt Next Jap Adraoce store American price levels, wqges Against Amendments last week as a measure of retalia Hfles o f Waterfront him - MEW HAVEN PU N S and credit. Senator Bergin. was also Informed tion against the prosecution of toe HOUSE BACKS GOVERNOR He focused first attention on toe hy the governor that he was oppos British engineers in Moscow. dated— Scores Homeless WiD Be On Tientoni, Com- forthcoming world economic conver- ed to any amendments to the bill at ‘The King held a privy council FURTHERECONOMIES satloae and acted to strengthen his this tim e. meeting at toe castle this morning mercial Center. hand in these negotiations. The governor said: **Any action to approve toe proclamation under in East Hartford— Expect ON RUM CONTROL RAN To attain a poritlon to deal with which will result In returning the the Russian goods import prohibi toe foreign powers which have gone bill to the House may jeopardize its tion act passed by Parliament. onto depreciated standards of cinr- nentsln, China, April 19.— (AP) rency, be withdrew support of tot nueeess. Changes which are felt Brief Meeting Two More Feet of a Rise. Railroad to Save at Least ^'heoessary may be made at a later —Japanese bombing planes and American d(filar in toe foreign ex Tbs councillors traveled In motor Repibficiiu Ifpore Leader- AMHIIR NANNING changes. cars from London to toe meeting artillery were reported^ attacking He evinced determination to exert '^. The Buckley eommlssioD bill, Hartford, April 19.—A(P)— Tbs Three HiDioiis by Pooliog which lasted only 15 minutee. Stan Lwanebow, largest city between efforts toward bringing all nations creates a state litjuor oom- diip to Pan Ceomussioii 1*9ley BBaldwin, president of toe coun Connecticut river, swollen by con Chinwang^ and Tientsin in toe back onto a gold standard — pef- mfeeloB of tbreA members to regu- DIES HERE1DDAY cu in thetoe Cetoinet,Caunet, and Sir Iphn tinued rain and meltiii|r northern EppiiieDL baps at a lower ratio than toe exiit- >. 3 traffic in bard liquors as wen North China coast area today. Simon; foreign secretary, rem ibsd ’The Chinese military headquar ing 40 per>cent gold reserve for betarages alreadv' legalised by snow, oysrflowsd its banks and in Han Endorsed by Crose— M' for some time with the King while ters for operations in toat r^$lon currency. came to t^ Senate after undated* miles of waterfront in this other councillors returned to Lon New ^aren, April 19.—(Jk#) — it located there. While Chinese de- Hopes Trade Betternieat voted to 'egspesd the don. section today.' In Bfcst Hartford Stockholders of tbs New/.BBijw fenaee were being thrown up to Senate Vote Tneeday. Proniiieot Tobacco Grower By bringing about a restoratlm rtnes. Provisions in the measure Baldwin is acting pffme minister scores were homeless hnd in Hari- toe southwest, toe fall of Lwan of toe world nxmetary situation the railroad in annual meeting today dealing with bard liquor wlO become during toe absence oC Ramsay ford tr n to four fqst of . water hdlt- ebow would considerably facilitate President is confident of immeaj»- bffective only in the event tlM 18th Pauec Away' st..H o«i-r MacDonald, now enroute to Wiaah- sd traljnc along Commsrea street. were informed through Edward O. a Japanese advanice in Tientsin, toe H a rifw d , April 19.—(AP)—The •urably improving the position of Amendment is repealed. ittfton . RMfig at the rale of one tenth of Buokland. ’ chairmen of the board, international comm«roial ~ center American currency and trade. Oovernor Cross, who waged a R^n.-pro]^se<r^ $he Btw^y Hops was held in London ' that anvinob per hour, toe river W6S 29.8 wbd p r e s i^ off\the j^ant afHPrsadp with one of the lAryest ' Aaderioan .AttasfelBg. toe situation from vigorous eaamaign In babalt of can- toe oentsBoes imposed m L. Cl. to n high at one p. m. todhy, more, oolonles in opm m isrionjiy dlract cootflpl ddmeiUg' angle, he watched care- Iralised control as aniast Igcii, n on ton and WpUain.LAAF«fPon» deat’J d iM ' tor lattbiir Bver’ afl''liquor was safeiy pazt Ito fiiliy the uisiring to# jgovia o ra six end ifrhalf fest^toove flood Jj^MuiiMie p liM s .• w ere reported A ft o t nipcnslng, expreaeed"th'd^1bj$w"m a aid, two of the Brltfshers, who level. ecofionlM in operaffon of tlio pfop- meet fbrmldable Jiurdle today witit of toe 12 Federal Reserve banks bombinf toe soutoera entiklrts Of' Arttur Maniilag, one of M^n- formal statement tbefe would be no were tried in. Mocco ' would be Its rise has been mora ra j^ than any which gavo ptonias of ssfidngs the pZMage by th« Houze durng a here today. of at least $8,000,000. i j toe dty while big 'guns poured delay in the Senate. commuted. Precedents to r such .ac toe.1927 flood, and it Is expected by ebells into it from the north bank preoedent-breiddag sessloo of 'a cbezter's nozt prominent tobacco With Secretary Woodln, they are tion were eafd to exiit weather bureau offlcistla to advance PsUsy was absent in FlorUni ow< of the Lwan river.