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THE WEATHER NET PRESS RUN Voreeaat br 0, •. Weather Bareau« AVERAGE DAIL2 CIRCULATION New ftareu for the Month of Julyi 1929

Fair tonlglit and Thnraday. 5,301 antteatfr Surntng ■*a Meinhera of tho Audit Bureau of Clreulatloua PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1929. FOURTEEN PAGES (Olassifled Advertising on Page 12) VOL. X U II., NO. 268.

- aO.P.lEADERS U. S.-BRTIISH Broken Peace Pact Brings Wide Protest MORE JEWS ARE SLAIN SLASH RATES PACT NEARER, TO m CAUSE SAYS^RT IN FIGHT WITH ARABS Trying to Force Democrats President Holds a Four Hour AMERICANS SAFE Ib r iu s h MARINES SENT and Insurgents to Demand Conference With Cabinet IN HOLY LAND NOW I j q RESCUE, REPULSED Higher Tariff Duties on Members on Dawes Re­ f " ^ port From London. Are Being Sheltered in Mon-; . , . Their Home Products. I j Washington, Aug. 28—The nego- arteries end Convents in^^‘ ®'^ *"’'*'‘* ^'“®*** “ Washington, Aug. 28.—An adroit Oatlons for an Anglo-American jampaign of strategy, intended to 1 We Sh^ Blood Helping Conquer Palestine— Is This Our Reward?’*... .Flaunting banners, singing in n 1 • ^ »<• Bnming the rorce some Dem7c7ate “and“ ”tosur-j naval agreement have reached the hvmns, 20,000 Jews headed by American veterans who fought with the British • in M esopota^a paraded force some throiiah New York streets in protest against the mas sacre and persecution of their brethren by Arabs in gents into demanding higherui k fatHfftariff | staffestage wherewneie definite proposal and Palestine. Here you see the procession as it neared the British Consulate, where a formal protest was L tie s on their home products, was counter-proposal are being Jerusalem, Aug. 28—All Ameri­ changed between Washington and lodged to be forwarded to the British government in Lofidon, can citizens In Jerusalem today revealed today by Republican lead­ were safe, according to the latest oos Towns— Britain Now Has 5,000 Soldiers in Trou­ ■ ers on the eve of the tariff battle London with increasing swiftness authentic information available. in the Senate. ^ and regrularity. 'The position of Americans in out­ A week ago a rather lengthy ble Zone. In the midst of numerous tariff lying towns and cities w m not as­ communication was sent to Ambas­ increases, the Republican member­ MORE MEN NEEDED certainable, but the authorities here ship of the Senate finance commit­ sador Dawes in London, setting ZEP REACHES MIDWEST believed they were being safely tee slashed rates on a short list of forth the American position in de­ London, Aug. 28.—A fresh out­ sheltered in Monasteries and SITUA-nON TODAY articles produced chiefiy in south­ tail. Dawes promptly, took it to break of fighting at Haifa, 65^niles Scotland where Premier MacDonald FOR STATE POUCE convents. ern and western states. In each Although JerusEilem Itself had re­ IN HOLY LAND was vacationing. Yesterday a reply ON U S T LEG OF TRIP northwest of Jerusalem, in which instance the strategy underlying turned to a semblance of peace and reached Washington. It formed the slash was an intent to swing quiet today, reports continued to four Jews were said to have been Principal developments in the the subject matter for a four-hour “ doubtful votes” to support of the filter in from outlying districts tellr killed, was reported this afternoon. serious crisis in Palestine today conference between President Hoo­ Commissioner Hurley Says were as follows: new tariff bill in return for ulU- ing of clashes between Moslems and A Central News dispatch from mate increases in the rates on this ver, Secretary of State Stimson, 1. Large force of Arabs, rein­ Secretary of the Navy Adams, and Bucked Headwinds While NUMEOUS STUNTS Jews. JerusEdem said that Arabs made an forced by Jebel Druse warriors, list. Whether the strategy succeeds His Department is Only 50 The casualties resulting from the attack upon Haret Elyahud, a J e w -1 remains to be determined. Under Secretary of State Cotton. reported marching on Palestine. Another communication is expected Arab attack on the Jewish quarters ish quarter of Haifa, yesterday, 1 Senators As Pawns Over Texas But Is Now of Haifa yesterday included four 2. Desultory fighting continued to go winging Londonward before when four Jews were killed and i between Moslems and Jews A score of Senators apparently ON AIR PROGRAM Per Cent Efficient. Jews killed and fifty wounded. four wounded. British marines were marked out l.s pawns in this the end of the week. .throughout Palestine. Details Lacking The Jewish colonies in Samaria who went to the aid of the Jews battle of tariff wits. The list will Going FuD Speed — May and Judea were reported quiet to­ 3. Residents of Haifa rendered The exact nature of this ex­ were repulsed. 1 panic-stricken by Arab snipers include Senator Jones (R) of Wash­ Westbrook, Aug. 28—“The State day fieelng before Moslem attacks. After a lull the fighting was re- ington, often an independent; Sena­ change has not been divulged. The I making streets unsafe. Business position taken by the White House Fly Over Chicago. Navy Dirigible to Hitch and Police Department is as yet doing One___ Jew was killed and twenty newed today when Arabs again In- ' at a standstUL tor Dill (D) of Washingtbn, Sena­ others were wounded at Beisan. vaded Haret EHyahud and began tor Simmons (D) of North Caro­ is that there is not enough definite­ only about fifty per cent of the I 4. British authorities rush dis­ ness to the proposals yet to serve Moslem attacks on the eastern •I ■ninoorinB-pillaging and buminerburning the buildines.buildings. lina, the minority tariff leader; Sen­ Unhitch I ’ lane to Itself service it should do, because of lack ] Jewish settlements of tribution of troops to piindpad any good purpose by making them Browning, Mo., Aug, 28— British Marines engaged the Mos­ I towns and villages while dedar- ator Overman (D) of North Caro­ Flying in a northeasterly dir— of man-power,” according to Robert Betalpha, Kyutzath and Hashdmer lems. lina, his colleague; Senators Har­ public. T. Hurley, of Hartford, state police I ing situation in hand, The definite objective, however, is ection at a speed estimated were reported to have been repulsed Tension Heightened While Flying Fast. commissioner, in an address to j 5. Arab raiders loot evacnated ■ ris (D) and George (D) of Georgia, a five-power naval conference this from the ground at 80 miles an with heavy losses to the Invaders. Tension in Jerusalem has been Senators Fletcher (D) and Hefiin seventy citizens at the opening of Jewish homes. winter in London, and the hope is hour, the Graf Zeppelin passed A number of banks and shops heightened by increased reports of (D) and Black (D) of Alabama, the new state police barracks here. I 6. Details of Moslem attack that the call for it can be made over Browning at 11:25 a. m. conducted by Christians reopened in trouble at Damascus and fresh dis­ Senators Walsh (D) and Wheeler , O., Aug. 28.—Today Commissioner Hurley has soAie sev­ Jerusalem today. Governor Heith- I upon Hebron Rabbinical college when MacDonald comes to Wash­ (1:25 p. m., E.D.T.) orders in Trans-Jordania. I reveal victims, induding Amerl- (D) of Montana, and others not so ington some time in October. At 11:39 a. m., the Graf was might aptly be termed “ blue ribbon” enty men to handle the task of in­ roach told a delegation of shop­ 'The British force of soldiers and obviously identified. All these, vestigating 1,400 complaints a I cans, horribly mutilated, one re­ The political phases of the pro­ seen over Milan, Sullivan coun­ day at the 1929 National Air races keepers he was unable to assure ■marines on patrol duty in the Holy however, were surprised to find the month beside doing the regular port stating an aged rabU burned blem are causing President Hoover ty, which Is on the northern them complete safety before next Land is now estimated at from rates on important home products now in progress at the municipal routine work of the Motor Vehicle alive. and Premier MacDonald almost, if edge of the state.. It appeared Sunday, when he will order the re­ 5.000 to 6,000. slashed in a bill apparently written Department, acting as fire mar- 7. Fear now expressed of gbh- not as much, trouble as the more possible that the Graf’s course airport here. opening of all shops. The situation in Jerusalem pro­ erai Moslem nprlsing as French only to increase rates generally. technical matters of tonnage, yard­ would take the air liner Into Spectators at this afternoon’s ses- sh^s, and handling motion picture A number of armored tanks were per has quieted down, but troops The new bill meanwhile was re­ affairs assigned the department by troops act to prevent Palestine sticks. defensive and offensive value Iowa before it turns eastward Sion of the big sky tournament wUl hv reported to be enroute here from continued to pour into the city. ported to the Senate by Senator statute. Arabs invading Syria. of different types of ships, etc. toward Chicago. witness two major competitive Malta to assist in the patrolling of There is a partial reopening of Smoot (R) of Utah, committee Commissioner Hurley, who made 8. Numerous clashes reported To be of any value, any agree­ events— the finishes of the Rlm-of- the streets. shops and banks, late adrtces said. chairman. It included not only the his address last evening, urged the along trans-Jordania border, with ment which the statesmen may ar­ OVER KANSAS CITY Ohio Derby and the Philadelphia-to- The Syro-Palestine committee at a number of British casualties. new rates but a score of changes )n rive at must be supported by the Cleveland Derby—and the appear­ citizenry of Connecticut to get back the administrative provisions, top­ Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 28.— of his department and see that more Cairo, Egypt, has telegraphed to bulk of public opinion in both coun­ Traveling at a fast rate of speed, ance of the two largest dirigibles Indian Mohammedan leaders that ped by the new flexible tariff pro­ tries, expressed through Parliament in the world, the Graf Zeppelin and men are put on the force. vision and the Reed plan for an the Graf Zeppelin passed o;ver Kan­ Mr. Clark’s Plan. OIL TANKER AFIRE “hundreds of Moslems have been the Arabs to throw at passing and Congress. the Los Angeles. ultimate conversion of the new sas City at 9:40 a. m. (11:40 a. Elwyn T. (Jlark, of Haddam, who killed by Jews and police while de­ motor cars. Moslems in the vU- Any agreement which calls for m.. Eastern Daylight time) today. The Zeppelin, according to latest fending the WaUing Wall in Jeru­ lages seemed excitedly impatient to duties from a foreig;n to a domestic drastic reduction In Britain’s cruis­ dispatches, is expected over the air­ tried to abolish the office of coroner valuation. The Democrats delayed After circling the city twice and have the state police take erver OFF F L O m COAST salem,” said a Cairo dispatch pub­ ^rt af the Jews. er strength is certain to be attack^ while a score of airplanes escorted port about 1 o’clock. It will fiy lished >in the evening papers. The their report on minority amend- ed in Parliament, where British the work, submitted his plan anew “Outside of one town we saw a it, the Graf pointed its nose north­ aroimd the field at a low altitude in committee (»lled upon the Indian big body of Moslems marching four naval supremacy has always com­ in a speech following Commissioner east and departed at 9:50 a. m. It order to give the crowd a good Moslems "to help the cause.” kbresat towards a cordon of po­ (Continued on Page Three.) manded whole-hearted and non­ Hurley. Mr. Clark insisted the was expected that Dr. Hugo Ecke- close-up of It and then will proceed state could save fifty thousand dol­ Few Details Available — lice. The Moslems marched right partisan support. ner would fiy direct to Chicago from on to Lakehiirst, N. J., for the finish lars a year by following his sugges­ Cairo, Aug. 28.—With the situa­ through the poUCe lines as though Congress To Protest here. of its history-making round-the- tions and hoped the plan might be tion throughout Palestine stUl they did not exist and entered the Similarly, any agreement which Navy Department Re­ A light tail wind favored the world fiight. adopted some day. troublous in the extreme, a new town upon which they were march­ ACCORD REACHED will leave the American Navy short huge air liner, which was estimated The Los Angeles, which is fiying R. F. Sengle, prohibition adminis­ and serious compUcation was devel­ ing without any check.” of parity with the British is certain to be making better than eighty here from , will arrive trator for Coimecticut, lauded his ceives the S. 0. S. Call oping along the Trans-Jordania to be savagely attacked in Congress. over the air field at 4 o’clock and miles an hour. own staff and declared the per- border today. FEARS THE WORST. ON W AR FINANCES The roar that went up when Presi­ Thousands of persons saw the then will be f vrith that of the Dispatches from Haifa and other dent Hoover summarily suspended Jerusalem, Aug. 28. — Panic Graf from building tops and high constructed mast in the center of poUce, and insisted not a man West Palm Beach, Fla., Aug. 28. points in Palestine stated in spite gripped Palestine today as reports the 15-cruiser building program ha.s the arena direcUy in front of thal.^ to bribe, hills. Although the sky was hazy, —Radio station W O E here receiv­ of a constant patrol of troops, arm­ spread throughout the Holy Land not yet died down, and will be heard the Graf dropped to an altitude of grandstand. j j^ev. E. T. Mathison, of Clinton, ed a wireless message this morning ored cars and airplanes, desultory agsiin when Congress reconvenes that a large force of Bedouins, Parley Was on Verge of Col­ 1,000 feet while circling the city. Other Features | is credited with having secured from the steamship Beacon Hill that fighting----- o between ------^ Arabs and Jews masking revolt against British rule for session. Another feature of the day, butjfor Westbrook the original state po- it was “standing by” the tanker was continuing, and it is believed g^jise of anti-Semitism, were Parity can only be attained by ABOARD THE GRAF. one which will hardly be witnessed : barracks to cover the triangle Paulsboro, reported ablaze 292 miles tvi..the BritishRrU-inh governmentP'nvernmpTit will encoun-encoum niEissing throughout the Beersheba American building or British reduc­ by many of the spectators, inas­ whose points are New Haven, Mid­ northwest off Tortuatas island in ter serious difficulty in restoring lapse When Agreement is tion—unless some magic yardstick (Copyright 1929. INS) region for a march upon Palestine. On Board Graf Zeppelin, Aug. 28. much as it will take place too early dletown, and New London, presided the Gulf of Mexico. order. The Arab forces, reported to num­ can be evolved that can bridge the —Although impeded by strong head­ in the morning, will be the refuel­ over the gathering and its attendant All the message said was that the Fighting is reported to have be­ ber at least 2,000 and including a existing wide gap between the two Reached —• Stresemann winds ever since leaving Los An­ ing of the Boeing plane in which dinner. Others who spoke were: Beacon HiU was standing by and come violent at several points along large force of Jebel Druse tribes­ navies on cruisers. geles yesterday, the Graf Zeppelin Captain Ira Eaker of "Question William H. Blodgett, state tax that another ship, name not given, the frontier, a number of casual­ men, the most bloodthirsty of all Chirlously enough, the present Stricken. on the final lap of its round-the- Mark” fame, is attempting to lower commissioner: Edward Hall, state had been sent to the scene by the ties among the British forces having Moslem warriors, are reported to world journey has had no trouble the transcontinental flight record finance commissioner; Rollin U. company that operates the Paifis- taken place. outnumber by far the available (Continued on Page Three.) in making better speed than the Tyler, of Middle Haddam; Charles I from Los Angeles to New York and boro. The situation at Haifa is still se­ British troops In Palestine, and swiftest express train. return. Pelton, of Clinton: Bertrand Spen­ The number of persons, aboard rious, with Moslems looting evacu­ there are imconfirmed rumors that The Hague, Aug. 28.—After weeks As this dispatch was filed the Captain Eaker, whose plame is cer, and John Tobin, of Middletown; the bleizing vessel is not known here. ated Jewish residences. British Jerusalem is in grave danger from of bitter dissension in the Hague Zeppelin was nearing Kansas City, known as “The Shuttle,” will in all Ernest L. Prawn, of Deep River; The Beacon HiU belongs to the sailors are reported to have shot a the advancing horde. reparation conference, harmony was POWER SHUT OFF which it should reach by 9 a. m.. probability arrive over the airport and Herbert Baldwin, and John A. Beacon Oil Company o f Baltimore, number of looters. Rioting Continues. restored by a dramatic eleventh Central Standard time. Holbrook, of CHinton. at 8 o’clock. As soon as he is sight­ Md. A new outbreak of serious pro­ Alt]^ough the situation in Jerusa­ hour agreement, and today there is Dr. Eckener, commander of the ed, Lieut. LongfeUow of the Army portions was reported today from every indication that the Young Graf, estimates an eight hour run .\LOFT 117 HOURS Key West, Fla., Aug. 28,—The lem proper Is now more dr less IN TWO CITIES will take to the air with a load of Hulhad. Forty-one Arabs have calm, riots bet'ween Jews and Arabs plan has been saved. However, from there to Chicago, which should gasoline and the refueling will be Coast Guard station here had not been found dead, while sevei-sd tiere will be alterations to increase are continuing in the outlying set­ bring the Graf over the lake city Chicago, Aug. 28.—WitJi the mo­ received any word concerning the Arabs and Jews were’ killed in a England’s reparation annuities made. tlements of the Holy Land, the Mos­ about 5 p. m.. Central , Standard New Air. Stunt tor of their Stinson-Detroiter mon- tanker Paulsboro reported ablaze In lengthy battle at Kastiia. about $32,000,000. ______oplane droning away steadily. Bus­ lem raiders apparently being undis­ time. The appearance of the Los Ange the Gulf of Mexico, it was stated mayed by the large force of British British, French, Italian, Japanese, New Britain and Berlin Face The Zeppelin had smooth sailing ies, incidentally, will be featured by sell Mossman and C. E. Steele, Chi shortly before noon today. Belgium and German delegates met CONDITION SERIOUS soldiers a)id marines which have all last night, the curtain of dark­ a demonstration of the Navy’, new­ cago’s endurance flyers, were still at 11 o’clock to receive and discuss London, Aug. 28—Although sur­ already arrived to protect Jewish ness apparently having ironed the ly developed stunt of hitching and aloft over Sky Harbor Airport to­ Washington, Aug. 28.—The Navy Germany’s assent to the compromise Heavy Loss When Power face conditions in Ptilestine were residents of Palestine and an im­ bumps out of the air. But Zeppelin unhitching an airplane to the bot­ day. Department received an S O S early quieter today the Moslems are car­ agreement, but at 11:30 adjourned travel over the United States still portant strategic point. With the tom of a dirigible while both ma­ At 8:31 a. m. (Chicago Daylight today reporting the tanker Pauls­ rying fire and sword into ’Trans- arrival of these new reinfercements until 6 o’clock tonight. lacks some of. the conveniences of chines are in flight. Saving ’Time) today the flyers had boro was a£re 200 miles west, Jordania. British government officials belie've Meanwhile financial and technical Senice Fails. home. The male passengers on this 'This latest .marvel of flying will been aloft for 117 hours. northwest of Key West, Fla. A sec­ Colonial office officials stated that one company of troops can experts began intensive examina­ trip are becoming adepts In the fine be demonstrated either late today or I ond message was received from the this afternoon that there are suffi­ now be posted in every city, of Pales­ tion of the German claims and con­ art of bathing, shaving and washing DIXON STILL UP. steamship Beacon Hill reporting it ditions for acceptance of last night’s New Britain, Aug. 28. — New tomorrow. | cient troops in Trans-Jordania to tine, which is regarded as sufficient in a single tumbler full of water. Other events on today’s program j was “standing by.” cope with any outbreak by the guarantee against further out­ compromise agreement. Britain and Berlin faced heavy “We shall all look like real ex­ No further message was received Stresemann Better. include acrobatics, glider contests, a | Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 28.—With Mohammedan tribesmen. breaks. losses today as the result of a se­ plorers by the time we.reach Lake- short race for vtromen. Army and i perfect weather and their motor from the tanker. It is believed the Dr. Gustav Stresemann. German ries of accidents ^o the electric pow­ I The Colonial office announced Revolt Spreading. hurst,” Joachim B. Rickard, of Bos­ Navy squadron maneuvers and bal- j functioning strongly, Qyde E. Pang' flames have put her wireles out of foreign minister, who suffered an er transmission service here during that Palestine “was quieter every­ However, reports from outlying ton, remarked this morning while loon bursting contests i bom and Carl A. Dixon at 11 commission.______The Navy has no ships where” but almost at the same attack of Illness during last night’s the night. The power house of awaiting his turn at the fine art. o’clock this momjng started their | vicinity, sections indicate that the anti- session, attended the noon meet- Near tragedy stalked the races time press advices reported mob Semitic attacks which already have Landers, Frary Clark Company Davenport, Iowa, Chicago, De- g^g^day for the first time. Martha third day in the air on their qjiest ing. He was pale and his face was shattered by an unexplained ^ jsterday for the first time. Martha violence in the warfare launched by cost more than 150 Jewish lives, troit and Cleveland are on the visit- Stevens,_____ •'_ a ____ prettynviin Columbus, Ohio for a new refueling endurance rec- tiie Moslem Arabs against the drawn. cxplosion followed by fire. The the Holy Land has been swept by Ing list of the Graf Zeppelin today, girl sustained two broken legsiord. legs BU ST ON SPEEDBOAT Philip Snowden, British chancel­ entire central part of the city was according to an announcement of ® ...... ' The fliers, circling the state fair the wave of revolt, and there la not lor of the exchequer, whose insist­ when her parachute failed to open A Jerusalem telegram to the Eve­ have only just begun. ’The whole of without light and po\/er until a late the route to Lakehurst. announced groimds, are sleeping well, it was ning News said a mob stormed the ent demands for revision of the hour this morning, and Berlin was a town or village which has been my Commander Eckener ' just as (Continued on Page 3;) learned. WRECKS FAMOUS SHIP Nablous police barracks. Tlie riot­ Young Plan threatened for a long cut off from such service for many Kansas City’s skyline loomed on the left unmolested. Prom Daa to time to cause a break down of the ers tried to raid the police armory BeersEeba. on the plains and in the hours. horizon ahead. to obtain arms and munitions, but conference, also attended. As he en­ Trouble Starts At the same time Dr. Eckener ex­ Worth $9,500 It Was Used Be­ hills which in Biblical times were tered the meeting chamber Snowden were dispersed by police fire. stained with the blood of ancient The trouble started at 5:20 o’clock pressed his regret that it 'will not tween Rich Man’s Summer (Critical situation prevails at said: warriors, ■vicious attacks are re­ yesterday afternoon when an ex­ be possible to deinate from his fix­ Home and His New York Damascus where a Moslem out­ “We have one or two things to do plosion took place in a man-hole on ed route so as to ■visit the many ported hourly. break is feared. But in place of the stone cata­ yet, but I am very well pleased. I Church street that leads to four cities and towns which have re­ Office. Ehall probably return to London on Doors Guarded pults, sticks and shields which were high-voltage conduits. Workmen quested the Zeppelin to fly over The Herald’s New Dress The doors of* many homes and Friday.” were rushed here from Waterbury Green'wich, Aug. 28—*1716 speed­ used in the fighting when Palestine &r68>s* shops in Damascus are barred and was the cradle of mankind, modern Under the agreement, Britain and Meriden at once. At 9:45 While Dr. Eckener did not speci­ boat that Theodore Berdell, of Ber- Today The Herald Is completely equipped ■with an entirely guarded. rifles • and raxor-sharp knives of receives approximately 80 per cent p. m., an explosion took place in the fically Include Akron, O., in the list dell & Berdell, 29 Broadway, New of the demands outlined by Chan­ new face of body type. The reading matter in this issue is set York, has been using for the last A Carlo dispatch reported that steel are the weapons of. this Landers, Frary & Clark power | of cities to be visited, it is more Jewish residents in Damascus, fear­ cellor of the Exchequer Snowden in the new Ideal news letter. This new type face, the very best three months to commute between modem warfare in the Holy Land. when the parley began three weeks house, shattering all windows and j than possible that the German Zep- his home here and his office, was ing an attack by overwhelming And the Machlne-gims, armored starting a fire that burned out a ' pelin will pay a courtesy call'to the that Industrial genius can offer, has been designed to make the number of Moslems, issued a mani­ ago. burned to the water’s edge at In­ cars and airplanes of the punitive great transformer and converted home of American Zeppelins. reading of newspapers easier on the eyes. dian Harbor Yacht club today af­ festo proclaiming sympathy with British troops afford further con­ the thick overhead wiring Into a ‘"The route which the Graf Zep­ ter an eocplosion that blew Mr. Ber­ the Nationalistic aspirations of trast with the primitive weapons 'The Hague, Aug. 28.—^With the The equipment at *1716 Herald plant has been changed to European powers brought into har­ fiery lattice-work. pelin is following on Its flight from dell from the landing stage into the Arabs. with which history was made in this mony on the perplexing question of No One Hurt E! Paso to New York Is approxi­ provide this new type at a considerable expense. Each of the the water and sent LeRoy Davison, Another message from Cairo re­ same territory in Biblical times.^ No one was injured In either the mately the Great Circle route, ported travelers from Palestine as post-war finances by a dramatic linotype machines had to be equipped with entire new magazines the captain, into the air and onto CensorsUp Continues power house or outside. namely the shortest distance,” Dr. saying they' saw Arabs , chasing eleventh hour agreement, the eco­ In order to produce this type face. the landing. Mr. Berdell was ready Continued lack of adequate com­ nomic stability of this continent The plant of the Landers, Frary Eckener said. to start to work and Captain Davi­ Jews in Jerusalem past Arab and & C3ark Company was forced to ‘This will include the following European i>olice who were armed munication facilities and the abew- was virtually guaranteed today. The new letter is blacker, bolder, but clearer and stronger son had just started the engine ute censorship on local newspai^s dismiss hundreds of workers until cities: Davenport, Iowa, Chicago, when the gasoline let go under a with rifles. *1116 travelers said the On the verge of a complete col­ than the type formerly used In The Herald. But, through clever make it difficult to check up _ ^ lapse with years of tangled inter­ noon today while repairs were be­ Detroit and Cleveland. back fire, and the whole thing went police eiddently feared to interfere. ing made. ' To ensure New Britain “I sincerely regret that it will designing and type cutting the letters do not take up a bit more Jews Are Armed number of dead and woimded.w^ national finances threatening as up. The boat shot several feet out have fallen in the riotinjr thus far. the result of a breakdown, the of power, service to factories in space than the letters formerly used. This new Ideal news face Into the water and stuck as It, One traveler was quoted as say­ (Continued nis Page 2.) ing he saw no armed Arabs but a The toll of dead took a'.jump up­ Hague conference on reparations Berlin was cut off, and hundreds of has been adopted by the New York Times and New York Sun. anchored. Mr. Berdell was unhurt ward when British troops . Wye and the liquidation of post-war hands there had to return home while Captain Davison’s left hand number of Jews who were armed TREASURY BALANCE It Is the best that any newspaper can offer and The Herald sin­ for their own protection. This forced to open fire on a problems was snatched from the without a chance to put in a day’s was slightly burned. Moslem raiders at Haifa, whto^a brink of failure after a trying 8- work* cerely hopes its readers will be pleased with it. The. boat, called the “Go-Boom, traveler was quot^ further: “Along the Jordan valley road we hour session which ended in sensa- The damage to equipment is ex- Washington, D. C., Aug. 28.— Was 33 feet long and was valued at (Continued on Page 8 ) pected to run into many thousands Treasury Balance August 27th $9,500. saw nlles of big stones, gathered by (Continned on Page 8). of dollars. $101,143,166.98. S a N O T E S T E R e v e n i n g h e r a l d , s o u t h MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28,1929.~- TWO HOSPITAL HITS H E f ABOUT TOWN 9TH ACTS TONIGHT GASTONIA TRIAL m u st go t o co u rt Local Stocks N. Y. Stocks P I Y PHIZES AT Charlotte, N. C.^ Aug. 28. — Two Hose Company No. 2, Manchester OPERATIONS M ABi jurors were selected today at the TO PRESS CHARGE (Furnished by Ptttnam & C o.) Allied Chem, pfd ...... 121%' Fire Department, will drill tomor­ ON SCHOOLS DEAL trial'of Fred Irwin Beal and fifteen Central Row, Hartford, Conn. g m s auB SHOW row evening at 7 o’clock. Am C a n ...... 177% strikers amd sympathizers chaurged 1 P. M. Stocks. Am and For Ign P ow ...... 149 with the murder of O. F. Aderholt, Bank Stocks Am Pow 4nd L t ...... 146 John Wright, Louis S. Carter, U. chief of police of Gaistonia, during a Bid Asked Local Inhibition Perfonns Mrs. Humphreys Pleads Ill­ Bankers Trust Co . . . 325 Am Smelt and Re f ...... 120% J. Lupien and James G. Craig of Voters in District to Decide police i«ld on a camp of textile Atchison ...... 289 City Bank and Trust . 675 Cheney Brothers were registered at strikers laist month. More than 100 Am Tel and Tel ...... 299 Conmuttee Heads Nimed to Cap Nat B& T ...... — 500 102d Today-W in Make The Roosevelt, , yes­ talesmen were examined but only ness But Prosecutor Will Ati Ref ...... 61 terday. on Purchase or Rental of the two, a farmfer amd a steel work- onn River ...... 425 First Bond & Mtg ... — 46 Beth S te e l...... 137% -. . Make Fall Exhibit One of I er, swore they had not read litera- Can P a c ...... 2M% Record for MonA. Not Usteu to Plea. Htfd Conn Trust Co . — 690 Several local swimmers are plan-- Cheney. ' ture distributed by the strikers Ches and O h io ...... 271% Ding to take part in the A. A. U. j condemning the mill owners amd po- First Nat Htfd ...... 260 — 50 Chrysler ...... 72% - Great Interest swimming meet at Capitol Park in ! lice. ^ .1 Land Mtg and Title Morris Plan Bank ... 230 Colo F u e l...... 64% The monto of August will es­ Hartford Sumday. Among them are Each talesman who saud he had Westport, Aug. 28.-If Mrs. Fred Col Gag and E l ...... 91% New Brit Tr ...... 190 210 tablish a record In the number of Eddie Markley, Stella Arson. Eddie Toiiight the voters of the Ninth read some of the pamphlets was erick E. Humphreys wants to have Cons G a s ...... 174% Phoenix St B&T .... 525 operations performed at toe : President C. W. Blankenburg, Lithwlnski, Leonard Hicking, Red school district will amt on the pro­ challenged by the prosecution. Com Prod ...... 109 a pubUc record of the orchid silk pa­ Park St Bank ...... 1300 Chester Memorial hospital, accord­ iwho is chairman for the M an^s- Sheridan and Eugenia Bycholskl posal of Cheney Brothers that the Of the first eleven veniremen ex­ Del and H ud ...... 223 district purchase buildings owned by jamas her husband wore when de­ Riverside T rust ...... 675 700 ing to Mrs. Jane' J. Aldrich, assis­ Others wishing to compete shomd amined, the state excused two be­ D L and W ...... 160 iter Garden Oub’s coming flower West Side Trxist ------475 tant superintendent, now in charge see Frank Busch to have application the firm amd use for school pur­ cause they had once worked in tex­ tectives for the lady in question Dupont ...... 212% ishow. announced the heads of com- poses. It is expected that the Bonds. at toe Institution during toe ab­ papers filled out. tile mills. A t this junction seven Taught him in the studio b u n ^ o w Elec Pow and L t ...... 74% sence of Miss Hannah Malmgren. ^ttees at a meeting of the officers meeting will be largely attended of Ethel Plummer, Mrs. Humphrey Htfd & Conn West .. 95 had been exempted by thp defense Erie ...... 89% Today toe 102nd operatimi In the '.and executive board held last eve- since the subject has been a fme- had formed opinion wUl have to be in court to East Conn Pow 5s ... 100 103 Captain Frank Pinney, '^S.N., Conn L P 7s ...... 116 118 Gen Elec ...... 393% present month was performed. This most one not only in the district that “some of the defendants must description to the official Gen Gas and Elec ...... 105% nine at the home of Mrs. R. K- aun ot Mr. and Mrs. Lucius PlMey but throughout the town for 108 will break all monthly records. have done the killing.” Conn L P 5%s ...... 105 Gen Motors ...... 72% : Anderson. They are as foUows: of Prospect street, is in commmd months. The call requires that the Conn L P 4% s ...... 98 100 The need for an iaatitution such W. P. Sloan, president of the '“SeSw sunley of Goodyear ...... 116% as toe loceil hospital in Manchester Committee on general arrange­ of the U. S. S. Wyoming, flagship meeting being at 8 o’clock, daylight Westport, made that extremely Htfd Hyd 5s ...... ip2 105 Sloan Building & Supply Co., here, Goodrich ...... 74 has never been more clearly demon­ Miss of the North Atlantic fleet, now saving time in the High school hall. clear today as he announced a re- Insurance Stocks. ments. Mrs. C. W. Holman, at was the last of the regular tales­ Gt Nor, pfd ...... 126% strated than at toe prese’it. T h e anchored in the Hudson nver Item No. 1 in the official notice iection of an alternative plan sug­ Aetna Casualty ...... 2000 2070 i Mary Chapman, Mrs. E. A. men. He was excused by the de­ Hupp Motors ...... 40% plEint is being expand^ to care for New York. cHhs for a vote on the purchase of gested by Attorney Joseph Brennau, do, (510 , par) ...... 205 215 F ^ Bartlett; schedules. fense because of am admitted preju­ Inter Nickel ...... 53% toe ever gnrowing needs of the hospi­ the Bamnard school buildings and representing Mrs. Humptoeys. Aetna Risurance...... 775 785 Postmaster E. F. Brown of the dice ag^nst the strikers. Then the Int Tel and Tel ...... 141% tal a new apartment now being W*^*Bucidey, the grounds and wailks adjoining. ‘‘A week ago, when Mrs. Hum­ Aetna Life ...... 1355 1365 Mrs W. W. Eells, chairman; Manchester post office today an­ court began drawing the prospective Kenecot ...... '...... 89% furnished for toe supervisors and Item No. 2 calls for a vote on the phreys raid resulted in Colonel do, (510 par) ...... 138 141 Sivards, Mrs. R. K. Anderson ch^r^ nounced the hours at the o^ce for jurymen from the special venire of Mo P a c ...... 94% rentail of the portions of the heat­ Humphreys being brought into Automobile ...... 555 565 night nurses. This is being done in man; posters. George E. Rix ana Labor Day. Mails will arrive at two hundred. Nash Motors *...... 84% toe house owned by toe hospital ing plant Recreation buUding and court, and Mrs. Humphreys pleaded do, 510 par) ..L.... 58 61 i Mrs. A. M. Shearer. 6:30 a. m., 7:15 a. m. and at ^ 2 0 2260 N Y Central ...... 2.49% trustees and located at 71 Russell Franklin school need^ by the dis­ sudden illness, I agreed to let things Conn. General ...... 2230 New Haven ...... 124% Chairman Blankenburg announc- a. m. There will be no carrier 1050 street On Simday a new house trict and the remaining thi:ee items rest until today to aUow her to re- Hartford Fire ...... 1040 North Amn ...... 172% ed that he has already secured some service nor will money orders be deal with the authorization of the her suddenly lost health, Htfd Steam Boiler ... 790 805 physician will join toe staff. He is issued. The office will close at cover Pac Gas and E l ...... 89% Dr. Daniel J. Geary and comes to very attractive prizes securing of funds for such pur­ n n n t o h e a r declared, somewhat Lincoln Nat Life .... 125 Packard ...... 147 11 a m for the balance of the day Jennings 91 toe local institution from toe Pack­ Tn^e different .Sf"' chase and rental if they are-voted. angrily today. National (510 par) .. 89 Penn ...... 107 % den Club wUl award a blue dbbon as v^ll the lobby for the box hold­ Entirely dependent upon the ac­ “Now her attorney suggests that Phoenix ...... 1010 1050 er hospital at Sayre, Pa. Dr. Geary fo?flret prize, a red for second and ers. Stamps will be sold imtil the 1845 Radio ...... 96 comes here highly recomnwnded tion of tonight’s meeting is the ABOUT THAT $300 we allow a certified copy of Mrs. Travelers ...... 1825 Reading ...... 125 a white for honorable mention, as closing hour. town’s position in the deal. It is ex­ Humphreys marriage certificate to do, rts ...... 244 247 and his presence on toe staff will Republic Iron and S t i ...... 128% greatly assist in the work at toe in previous shows. '^®y pected that following tonight s vote go into toe record as proof that sac Public Utility Stocks. Sou Calif EWison ...... 84 •% ’ give several 52.50 gdd pieces for Troop 5. Boy Scouts, wiU meet in an informal meeting for the is legally married to him, instead of xxConn. Elec Sve .... 131 hospital. Meritorious exhibits wWch wiU ap Sou Pac ...... 148% One of toe most important de­ the Swedish Lutheran church at slon of the Cheney proposition will appearing personally on toe witness do, rts ...... 11 Sou Rwy ...... 154% pear later in the schedules to be be called by the board of selectmen. Attorney Frederick R. Man­ 119 — partments at toe hospital is that of 7:15 o’clock tonight. ‘ colonel. Coim L P 8% ...... Stand Gas and E le c ...... 148% ; mailed to members, 119 — social service. This is in charge of Must Appear. Conn L P 7% ...... Stand Oil C a lif...... 76% 98 101 Miss Dorothy Buttle, a graduate of j Premiums Contributed A young WiUimantic fisherman “That doesn’t go. If Mrs. Hum­ Conn L P 5% % pf . . . Stand Oil N Y ...... 45% ning to Explain Expendi­ 111 115 toe Philadelphia General Hospital ? Local growers who are contribut- suff^red a double fracture of the left phreys does not appear in court 111 Conn L P 6% % pf . . . Stand Oil N J ...... 71% KILLS CLOSE FRIEND, 127% 129 training school and also of Sim­ leg in a most unusual accident Sun­ nolle prosse toe case against toe xxHart E L (par 25) Texas Corp ...... 70% ' ing prizes include the C. E. Wil^n 110 — mons College. Miss Buttle takes Mfd Oakland Nurseries, 'who day, according to local men who tures to District Tonight. case gainst toe colonel. do, pfd ...... Union Pac ...... 292 127 130 care of all welfare caseZ and also rive hardy rose bushes and Charles chaiiced along just afterward. The THEN KILLS HIMSELF Mrs. Humphreys had made xxHart E L (par 25) United Aircraft ...... 134% •victim was fishing in a nmi^y chumps out of toe Westport poUce xxdo, v t c ...... • • 125 129 has charge of toe pre-natal clinic M Murphey of the Murphey Attorney Frederick R. Manning, 17% U S Ind Alco ...... 201 ^ and children up to school age. This who will donate five b^bs from a large flat stone on top of a force and toe Westport officials in do, rts W. I...... 16% U S Rubber ...... 46% ex-treasurer of toe Fifth district, 94 98 work includes nursing in all its of Homberger’s ®®t®br^ted Aflame dam in South Windham. T^s ^id her attempt to get evidence to use Greenwich W & G . . . U S Steel ...... 255% Deposit N. Y., Aug. 28 —Mrs will explain to toe voters in the 90 95 branches, liygiehe education and in­ gladiolus for the best ®oUection ^ into the nmway pinning the boy against her husband in her divorce xxHfd G c (par 25)xrtt Western Union ...... 233% Chester Fields, questioned by toe Keeney street division tonight how do, pfd (par 25)... 54 — struction and it functions through 15 named varieties of glads. Loc^ beneath. His nose was just about authorities after her husband shot case and 1 don’t Intend to let her W estinghouse ...... 281 % the water level or he would have he spent some 5300 in toe treasury Htfd Gas rts W; I. .. 8 9 social organization. growers of tuUps bav® pressed and killed Norman Price, 29, M d continue those tactics. drowned. The youth, whose name when he was defeated at toe district S N E T Co ...... 205 215 In these days of “ Hollywood several dozen Darwin tulips, in ad­ then killed himself was freed t^ay. “ She did swear to her warrant is Jordan, was extricated from ms meeting early in toe summer. When Manufacturing Stocks. diets” it might be well for any local dition to which btax Scbling. t^ She was only briefiy questioned. he concluded his term as treasurer and on toe strength of toe appear­ DONIE BUSH QUITS perilous position with considerable ance of Colonel Humphreys in Miss Acme Wire ...... 52 &» person planning to diet for health's ^’New York seedsman, will send I w Fields, killed Price as he sat in M there was a balance of 5380 but S aJU s. Henry A. Dreer of Phil­ difficulty and taken to St. Josephs Plummer’s bungalow, clad as le Am Hardware ...... 72 74 sake to take advantage of toe hospi­ automobile with Mrs. Fields. The when hetumed his effects over to tal’s diet service. This fcs available adelphia will give a prize of 55 hospital in WiUimantic. The leg was, and with herein negligee, as Amer Hosiery ...... 30 — Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 28.—Donle men were formerly partners in toe his successor Peter Frey there was to anyqne in Manchester. For those ‘ worth of his stoclr in seeee bas pro- knee and at the ankle. i but arraign them in court. Arrow H&H p fd ...... 109 — burgh Pirates for toe past three time were close friends. meanwhile from the town amount­ do, com ...... 46 47 years, today resigned as manager of cordance with to® sci^ce rendered. inlsed to fill an' order for 53 worto, Authorities said today that Mrs. “But Mrs. Humphreys can’t get '^ d the Bristol Nurseries will don­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kittle, their | ing to 54.50. , . Automatic Refrig ... ------10 the Smoky City aggregation. His Free service is accorded those un­ Fields vesterday had gone to her Attorney Manning told a Herald cold feet now and leave us holding ate half a dozen of their new Bris- daughter LUlian and sons, Leslie toe bag for ber. She must appear Bigelow, Htfd, com ... 95 98 resignation was to take effect im­ able to pay. For toe best advice.in husband’s home, where she had not man today that toe money had been regard to balanced menus for a .'tol Fairy” gypsophila. and Robert, have^retumed to their personally to prosecute or 1 wi'l do, pfd ...... 100 — mediately. been living for several weeks, and expended in payment of a long out­ Bllings and Spencer . 11 12 normal diet simply telepholne 5131 Several others have volunteered, home on Summit street ^ter a two nolle prosse and her evidence will Bush’s resignation was accepted after removing some furniture was standing water bill. The other small Bristol Brass ...... 34 36 and ask for “Diet Kitchen.” to contribute prizes in the shape of weeks’ vacation at Old Orchard, not be of any value for use In her by Barney Dreyfus, president of toe driven here by Price in an auto. Items totaling nearly 5380 will be do pfd ...... 108 — club, upon his return from toe bulbs, seeds or plants. Me. Mr. and Mrs. William Custer divorce." and daughter of Edgerton ^ e e t Fields, who followed toe couple, explained tonight. Case, Lockwood & B . 575 — east today. No reason for Bush’s quarreled with Price beside toe ,*• One or two new features will be and Hudson Lyons of Hemlock It will also be necessary tonight Collins Co ...... 140 — action was given by toe former ZEP REACHES MIDWEST automobile and then went to his •Added to this year’s de- street have also returned from Old to lay a new tax rate and date of Colt’s Firearms ...... 31 S3 leader of toe Pirates which he led Halls of which have not been work- own car, grabbed a gun ^d re- Orchard. collection. Whether toe Fifth is still ONLY TWO ARE LEFT Eagle Lock ...... 50 55 to a pennant in 1927. •jed out as yet. At the last show of turning to Price's auto, killed him toe town’s fighting district remains Fafnir Bearings ...... 100 110 Dreyfus Immediately named Jewel ON LAST LEG OF TRIP 4 ie local Garden club a jn°st suc- Mrs. John Struff of McKee street as be sat with Mrs. Fields. to he seen tonight. Fuller Brush A ...... 16 — Ens, a coach, as active mansiger. He "^ssful department was that oj still Fields jumped into toe car and (Continued from Page 1} has had as her guest for the p ^ IN LAST MAN’S CLUB do. Class A A ...... 60 — will direct toe club when they clash drove away. State troopers who viife subjects or pictures of flowers week, her sister, Mrs. William Hart & Cooley ...... 185 200 with the Chicago Cubs in a double 4n conjunction with fabrics and art followed found his body beside toe not be possible to deviate much Ziehm and two chUdren, of Albany, Hartman Tob 1st pfd . 60 — bill this afternoon. - ‘‘objects. As an Inducement to mem­ road. He had sent a bullet crash­ from this route so as to include all N. Y. ____ WAPPING Minneapolis, Aug. 28.—Forty-four do, com ...... 22 — the very many cities who have ask­ b e rs and others to compete in tiiis ing through his skull. Inter Silver ...... 150 155 The Prince of Wales says toe Hlass, it was decided to give a first According to authorities Mrs. years ago a little band of 34 men, ed us to visit them with the ship, Barbara, eight years James Carney of Brooklyn, N. Y., sole survivors of toe first Minnesota do, pfd ...... 115 120 diplomats of toe future will be a pleasure I should like to give all Srlze worth five dollars. Another Fields had been a close friend of Landers, Frary & Clk 71 73 golfers. Probably because they of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Markham, Price for several weeks and Fields is spending this week as toe guest volunteers, purchased a bottle of who have been so kind as to invite •item that ought to influence com­ of HiUstown Road, suffered a frac Manning & Bow A ... 16 18 always try to find toe fairway. petition is the decision of the com- had threatened his former business of his cousin Ernest Sharp. wine and formed toe now famous U.S ” ture of her right arm this after­ do. Class B ...... 10 12 .^ittee to provide a number of associate several times. Miss Ellen J. Foster, and Miss Last Man’s Club. Since then each noon when she fell from a tobawo New Brit Mch., pfd .. 100 — •identical bowls for the gardeners to rhe Harriette Sharp who have been year on toe anniversary of toe bat­ rack in the yard at her home, spending two weeks at toe Connec­ tle of Bull Run, these men have met do, com ...... 40 42 •fill with bouquets having a spread Me- Nils Bern Pond ...... 48 51 ^of not less than 15 inches nor more little girl was taken to the ticut Summer School of Religious to toast toe memory of toe com­ morial hospital. LATEST STOCKS Education, at *the Connecticut Agrl- North & Judd ...... 24 26 ^ a n 30. rades in the avil War who have cultural college at Storrs, returned Peck, Stow and Wil . . . 11 15 V' 'The show', as previously announc- “gone w est” One month ago there “ Always Cool and to their homes here last Saturday. Russell Mfg Co ...... 145 155 •«d, WiU take place Thumday Md New York, Aug. 28.—Rails fea­ were three surviving. Today there Comfortable” Granulated sugar began gradual­ A son was bora to Mr. and Mrs. Scoville Mfg Co ...... 62 64 ^Friday, September 5 and 6 in the tured a general upward movement were two. Seth Thom Co. com . 39 — ly to replace brown sugar in the Frank Pratt of Manchester (but who John (Joff of St. Paul was dead ■banquet haU of the Masonic Tem- commercial world about 50 years on toe stock Market today, a num­ do. pfd ...... 25 Hle, which is ideal for the purpose ber of leading rail issues soaniig were residents of this town until today at the U. S. Veterans hospi­ last spring), at toe Manchester Smythe Mfg Co., pfd .110 — ^and centrally located. ago. to new high ground. The strength in tal at Fort Snelllng, after a week's STATE Memorial hospital last Monday Stand Screw ...... 170 175 rails influenced constructive opera­ illness. He was 86, baby of toe re­ Stanley Works, com .. 65 67 morning. , . maining trio. SOUTH MANCHESTER tions in other stocks and some of Miss Mildred Dexter, daughter of Taylor & Feim ...... 135 — the industrials also moved up into Peter C. Hall of Atwater, Minn., Torrington ...... Y6 78 Mr and Mrs. Hart T. Dexter of 91, and Charles Lockwood, of new high territory. Pleasant Valley Is enjoying Ws va­ Underwood ...... 161 164 The rail Issues to reach new high Chamberlain, S. D., 89 years old, A ThrilUng, Fast-Moving cation at Niagara Falls. She will Union Mfg Co ...... 18 21 Melodrama Extraordinary levels Included Atchison, Baltimore survive CJoff. They will officiate at xU S Envelope, pfd ... 115 return in time to resume her duties the funeral, to be held Friday and to NOW & Ohio, Erie, Delaware Lackawanna teacher of a school in Bristol, xdo, com ...... 225 — I Back To School & Western, N. Y. Central, Pennsyl­ as be attended at toe funeral, to be Veeder-Root ...... 50 oz With Talking and Sound vania, Pere Marquette and Union held Friday and to be attended by Whitlock Coil Pipe . . . 14 . — ^ William Rose, of Pleasant Valley, other CSvil War veterans. Pacific. Pere Marquette jumped 17 XX— Ex-rights. 13 spending a few days in Cam­ Last July 21, Goff and his two 1-2 points to 230 and Atchison ad­ X —Ex dividend. 99 vanced 8 5-8 to 292 3-8. The other bridge, New York. comrades, at \a luncheon, drank a Miss Mildred Slater who has been toast for toe first time from the **The Shakedown gains were from 2 to 6 points with TRUES TO KILL FAMILY spending several weeks at toe home aged bottle of wine to those others practically all carriers participating Cleveland, O., Aug. 28.—Frank E. WITH JAMES MURRAY AND BARBARA KENT of her uncle, Mr and Mrs. George who have fought their last battle. in the upward movement. Andrews, 45, of Oeveland, drove A. Frink has returned to her home Next year at toe luncheon; there In toe industrial group, U. S. himself, his estranged wife, Selma, a d d e d f e a t u r e In Norwich, Conn. will be only two^ Hall and Lock- Steel moved up 2 3-4 to 256 1-2; Air and their 19-months-oId son, Ches- Jessie B. Ames passed away at wood, to carry on toe tradition of 1 College Reduction soared 11 i oints to a new toe Manchester Memorial hospital tero, over an 80-foot cliff into Lake The Sweethearts high of 210; American Tobacco re­ the Last Man’s Club, and Goff will of the Screen in s last Saturday morning at 8 o be included In their toast. Erie today just outside toe city lim­ corded a new high of 199 1-4, up 5 after an illness of two years. He its. PoUce beUeve toe plunge was Their Last Ap­ = The time is drawing 1-4; Eastman Kodak reached 227 was bora in Manchester, January 3, made in an attempt to kill toe three pearance Togeth­ LOS ANGELES ALOFT er. 3-8,’ up ^ 3-8, also a new high; U. 1874. He lived nearly all “ ^® occupants of toe car. 5 near now. You * will S. Industrial Alcohol moved into with his sister, Mrs. Emma J. SWn- Buffalo, N. Y „ Aug. 28. — The The baby was drowned in toe new high ground by gaining 7 3-8 ner of this place, until she sold her want your son to start U. S. Los Angeles passed over Buf­ lake, and toe body was recovered a points to 205 and Macy jumped 8 home here ten years ago, after that short time later by Ctoast Guards­ points to 235, toe highest price that he went to Uve with his l^rother falo at 10:25 a. m., today. Eastern off looking his best. It stock has attained. Leon T. Ames of Manchester. Mr. Daylight Time, and headed due west over Lake Erie en route to the Andrews will be formaUy charged The market, after opening brisk­ Ames is survived by his sister, Mr^ with murder in connection with the will help to inspire him ly, met several periods of profit Cleveland Air Exposition. The Emma J. Skinner of tois tovm, and death of his son, poUce said. taking in toe second and third his brother Leon T. Ames of M ^ - dirigible was traveling at a mod­ to succeed and make a erate speed with about 1,000 feet hours, but early in toe afternoon chester The funeral services were CITY TRUST CO. FUNDS. still maintained a buoyant under­ altitude. good record. held at 2:30 Monday afternoon at New York, Aug. 28.—The funds tone. , . hfs brother’s home. The Rev. Alfred Thomas Mulcahy, foreman for toe of toe 16,900 depositors of toe de- Also Speculative attention turned to Clark of St. Mary’s Episcopal fimct City Trust Co., wlU be avail­ Selected new groups at recent favorites ran church officiated. Mr Itobert ^ r - Edward Balf Company in charge of the Main street reconstruction job able by toe end of September, it Short into profit taking. Food stoqks, after don sang two hymns Going Home, Subjects said today that his men will start was announced today by Ira B. a long period of Inactivity, stapled S "Abide W l4 Me." There were Kaplan, -vice-chairman of toe de­ We have a special upward on healthy buying. General rtanyTeautiful floral tributes 'The laying sheet aspkalt tomorrow. The laying of new concrete has so far positors committee. He urged the Foods gained 2 5-8 to 72 7-8; Gold depositors to leave their money in assortment of Dust awanced 2 7-8 to 63 1-4; Cora Lemuel advanced that toe contractors cah the International-Cermanlc Irust Ernest now proceed with toe top dressing, Products hit a new high at 110 7-8 Co., which took over the City Trust, for a gain of 2 1-8 and National Bis­ Bur. Suits for Young cuit jumped 9 3-4 to 208. to the Bucklmd cemetery. New frocks are called “toe last Amusement stocks came into cS e s J. Dewey motored to word.” That’s what, toe ladies Men at '1 prominence late in toe third hour Florence. Mass., last Tuesday and want. coincident with renewed merger brought his son and family Mr. and. GIRLS! BATHING BEAUTY CONTEST! talk. Warner Brothers advanced 2 K Charles W. Dewey and sons GIRLS! 3-8 to 61 3-8; Paramount gained 5-8 Junior and John, home with him, to 71 and Fox Film jumped 3 3-8 to where they will spend toe renmln- TO BE STAGED LABOR DAY NIGHT 97 3-8. der of toe week with Mr. and Mrs. $2 5 -0 0 Mdtors displayed a better tone. CRYSTAL LAKE General Motors was up 1 1-4 to 73 Edward H. Stev­ E L K S ’ COUNTRY FAIR 5-8; Chrysler up 2 at 73 3-4 and ens of King street South Windsor, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST ,28 Bring your son in and Hudson gained 1 1-2 at 83 3-4. wM held from the funeral home of WilUmantic, Conn. Utilities were featured by new p S ey and Molloy. No. 129 Capi<^ let us fit him. highs scored by American Water avenue, Wednesday morning at 10.30 2nd Prize— $40.00 in Gold 3r^ Prize— $20.00 in .Gold* Works which advanced 6 lr4 to 154 S^clSck! The Rev. Dr. Chas. Miller and 1st P rize— $75.00 in Gold Pill This Entry Blank Today. $22.50 and up | 1-4 and General Gas & Electric Drennan, pastor of St. Mary s Any Non-l*rofe8sIonal Young Lady Eligible. i Topcoats •-"•i • • • r«T*' which moved up 4 points to 109 church officiated. Among toe many Oils and Copper were compara­ floral offerings were tributes from His Orchestra tively dull, although a new high was the employees of the D. J. Martin I hereby*enter my name for the Mail at Once to Entertainment Committe# Other Suggestions for Young Men. rnnrtP by Pan American Petroleum Trucking company SATURDAY, AUGUST 31 TRY FAIR BATHING BEAUTY CONTEST at B at 69 1-4. Zion Hill cemetery, WilUmantic, Labor Day Night. ELKS’ COUNTRY FAIR Sport Sweaters Golf Hose Rev, and Mrs, Harry B. Miner MARDI GRAS AND “SHUTTLE” STARTS EAST returned to their home at toe par­ NAME WilUmantic, Conn. sonage here Monday afternoon after CARNIVAL Caps Neckwear 50c up Omaha, Neb., Aug. 28. — After 1 a three weeks’ vacation of travel obtaining 200 gallons of gasoline and sightseeing. They went as far A Big Whoopee Time ADDRESS Care 854 Main Street A Fine Line of Shoes That Will Give Service. oil and provisions, toe plane “Shut­ south as Daytona Beach, Florida. Mrs. Frank House who is caring With Noisemakers, Hats, Bal­ tle”, piloted by Ira Eaker, roared _____ Added Attraction into toe east towards Cleveland to­ for <3eorge Ferris of South Man­ loons, Lucky Prize Danc^ and chester, Is spending this week at her day. Novelties. 4 __ INTERNATIONAL BATHING BEAUWES — 4 The plane expects to shuttle be­ home here. Miss Margaret Klng- Miss France. Miss Ireland WILLIAMS tween Oakland and New York until baum Is toe nurse in charge during Music by Miss Universe (Miss Austria) Miss England Mrs. House’s absence. toe motor gives out. . DON’T MISS THIS GLITTERING SHOW OP FAMOUS BEAUTIES Incorporated Pilot Eaker, according to his Mrs. H, P. Files and family re­ HAIG & SMITH AND THEIR South Manchester £ schedule, was a few hours behind turned home toe first of toe week SENSATIONAL Johnson Block, from a three weeks’ vacation in time. The motor appeared- to be COMMANDERS functioning perfectly. Maine. I


Guards were prefunt.' MI|S baa been their leader add ON CIRCUS GROUNDS TODAY FAREWEL SURPRISE Larder, eussistant leader. Each” MORE JEWS ARE SLAIN U. S.-BRITISH the yoimg women, ree^ved d fl? # aO.P.l£ADERS . Miss Rachel Lyons and Miss Jes­ dollar gold piece from the gtuIrA IN FIGHT WITH ARABS sie Larder who are soon to leave for with best wishes for their eacd#B P A a NEARER, the Salvation Army Training school and happiness in their new field in New York were tendered a tore- endeavor. They expressed th ^ ai^ SLASH RATES (Continued from Page 1) well surprise party last evening at preciatioD of the gifts in a tow the home of Robert Bulla, 67 Hem­ propriate words. A buffet large force of Arabs attacked the SAYS REPORT was enjoyed. j TO AH)CAUSE Jewish quarter. lock street. About 40 of the Girl Bdlh Jews and Arabs fell in the 5 ^ fusilade, but it is not known how (Contlnned Prom Page One) (Contlnnad from Page 1.) many were killed The electric power station at Haifa, which is flare-up of trouble in Palestine is ments as they will continue their part of the Ruttenberg scheme to adding to the political troubles of -KEITH daily sessions the rest of this week. harness the waters of the Jordan both President Hoover and Premier “Strategic List.” river for light, heat and power, also . f c Mac Donald. The new bill showed cotton, gloves was attacked by Arabs, and here Palestine “War” O O k «re you can a^ord to Luy f^ooj jitmtiurt as the principal item on the again the British opened fire. British critics are already citing “strategic list.” Widely manufac- Gather Up Jews A the Palestine “war” as an example ture'd in the cotton mills of North While Arab leaders have made a of the work which the British Navy Carolina and Alabama, the iSenate significant move for peace in- ask­ is constantly called upon to per­ Both Stores Closed Republicans slashed in halt the ing the British government to pre­ form, and from this arguing that House rate on such gloves. The vent further (^stribution of fire­ / Britain horizontal naval strength for Annual House had allowed a small increase arms to Jews, violent demonstra­ cannot be, with ssifety, reduced be­ but the Senate eliminated that and tions continued at various points yond its present point. cut the rate even below existing thoroughout Palestine. British The British argument is finding law. Qualified observers pointed out authorities have evacuated scores its counter-part in the covert criti­ that Senators Simmons and Heflin of Jews from their homes in the cism heard here of the incongruous Employees’ Vacation will have to halt their attacks on tiie suburbs of Jerusalem. They have position of the American State De­ bill at some point to suggest an in­ been concentrated in hotels and partment in having to call upon the Aug. 19th to Sept. 2nd, Inclusive crease in these duties—rather an other gathering places under heavy 1 British foreign office to rush British embarrasing maneuver. guard. warships to Palestine to protect Shingles was another important A state of ps.nic now prevails in American lives and property. No Open for Business as Usual Tuesday, September Srd item on the list. The House placed Haifa despite the presence of a American ships are available for I a 25 per cent, ad valorem rate on large force of British troops and this duty, even if the political situa­ shingles but the Senate Republicans armored cars. Scores of Arabs, TELEPHONE CALLS hidden in turrets of houses, in tree tion permitted them to be sent. put this article back on the free list. The Palestine incident, whether IN CASE YOU NEED US Senators Jones and Dill had impor­ and on roofs, are sniping at pas- justifiable or not has given the big­ tuned for protection for the shingle sersby in the streets, and business ger navy advocates on both sides of G. E. Keith ...... ’...... 8150 industry but their pleas went un­ of the town is virtually at a stand­ the Atlantic ammunition with which W. 1. K e ith ...... 7075 heeded. Now both will have to ask still. More Details to support their respective positions. E. T. Keith ...... 8150 the Senate to help them get a rate All of which doesn’t make any eas­ on shingles. Additional details were received J. H. Gill ...... 8489 One on Free List. here today of the recent Arab at­ ier President Hoover’s self-imp-sed E. R. Kratt ...... 4927 A duty of one cent a pound has tack upon the Slobodka Rabbinical fytecl task of attaining not only naval F. E. ChamberUn ...... 8898 been collected on manganese ore college at Hebrcn. 20 miles outside limitation, but actual naval redac­ Wm. Gorman ...... 7602 since 1922. The House retained this of Jerusalem, in which twelve Here’s an artistic condeptlon of the actual scene at the Woodland street grounds this morning when tion. W. J. Murphy, Rockville ...... 518 rate but Senate Republicans put the young American students were Downie Brothers circus tents were being pitched. F. W. PreUe, Rockville ...... ,432-12 ore on the free list. It is produced among the fifty who lost their lives. in greater volume in Montana than The Jewish Telegraphic Agency re­ in any other state, senators Walsh ports that the bodies of some of the of tenseness pervaded this cityj to­ Italy, Belgium and Japan have PUBUC RECORDS and Wheeler face the necessity ot dead were so mutilated that they day as heavily armed British troops ACCORD REACHED pledged themselves to go five-sixths THE G. E. KEITH FURNITURE CO. postponing attacks on the bill until were virtually unrecogpiizable, and in armored cars patrolled the ot the way toward meeting the de­ SOUTH MANCHESTER after they have asked the Senate to no one was permitted to view them. streets in an effort to bring to an mand ot Great Britain for an addi­ . Documents filed with the town restore this duty. • Eye-witnesses were quoted by the end the Arab raids which caused a ON WAR FINANCES tional $12,000,000 annually in repa­ clerk for record are as follows: The states of North Carolina and agency as stating that a 60-year- large number of deaths yesterday. rations over a period of 37 years. Warrantee Deeds Georgia lead in the production ot old rabbi, one of the instructors at The British battleship Barham (Continued tn»m I’age 1) The compromise means that Britain Gunilla D. Keho to Samuel peanuts. The House sharply ad­ has arrived upon the scene but will receive $10,000,000 more each the college, was burned alive by the year in the form of reparations pay­ Brown and wife, lano located on the vanced the protection for this indus­ raiding Arabs. even its presence has failed to still tional circumstances , at 1:30 this east side ot Keeney street. try but Senate Republicans slashed Arab activities. ments. 15 In Jerusalem up to today there morning. Germany’s End. Morris Elman and Frank Rolston the House rates in half. Again have been 22 Jews killed and 26 The rioting here is attributed Powers in Accord. to W. George Glenney, additional Senator Simmons must plead for mainly to resolutions passed at the Under the terms ot the agree­ wounded. The figures for the num­ On the first anniversary of the ment, Germany agree: not to press land to that which ’s now owned by more protection and higher tariffs ber of Jews killed in the attacks at recent Zionis Congress at Zurich, W. G. Glenney on East Center Switzerland, threatening Moslem signing of the Kellogg pact for the her claim for 100,000,000 marks or affront his constituents. Sena­ Hebron are put at 50 dead and 14 outlawry of war as an instrument street. tors George and Harris were placed places of worship. overlapping between the Dawes and wounded, but survivors olace the of national policy, che six great Young plans. Capitalized at seven Anna A. Davis to Philip H. Moro- in a similar predicament. number of killed at 65. powers came to a tentative agree­ and one-half per cent and added to ney, land bounded west by Arthur It'sEpqtoRnn REPORT 600 DEAD. The two Florida Senators have At Motza six have been killed: at ment on the question of reparations the offer earlier made by the other Manning's property in the Hills- Indicated they would support the Caza two are dead, and at Ahaifa Beirut, Syria, Aug. 28.—Reports that the Arab uprising in Palestine payments which now appears to former Allied nations to Britain, tewn district. bill almost in its entirety. Incident­ four were killed and eight wound­ guarantee that the '^oung plan will this brings the total of concessions Christian Tedford to John Dou- ally they will ask for a restoration ed prior to the serious outbreak of was spreading to Syria were cir­ gan and Lavinia Dougan, house and culated today as French troops con­ swing automatically Into operation to England to more than 75 per of the House rate on Grapefruit. yesterday. as successor to the Dawes plan cent of her original demands. land on Bidwell street. It’s a The Senate somehow slashed the At Tel Aviv, the new all-Jewish tinued forcible prevention of Mos­ lems from entering this country and that the Rhineland will soon be Germany agreed to this concession Attachment House rate. settlement outside of Palestine, evacuated by the Allied troops upon condition that the powers sanc­ The “strategic list" contained there are six dead and ten wounded. from Palestine. Charles Thrasher in the amount Reports received here place the which have remained there since tion immediate evacuation of the of $1,000 by Leo Dansky of Hart­ other items which were handled At Kastinich 3 dead and 2 wound­ the end of the World War. Rhineland. Jubilant over effect similarly. The success or failure ot ed, at Beison 2 killed and 1 wound­ number of dead in the Palestine up­ ford. BLAIR. rising at more than 600. But the trying conference, which ing the compromise when the con Quit Claims this strategy will be determined af­ ed. had sapped the strength of all the ference seemed all but lost. Premier ter next Wednesday when Senate delegates present, took its toll be­ Aristide Briand of France immedi­ William F. Vail and Jacob Ber­ debate starts on the new bill. Ad­ SAMUEL DENIES REJ*ORT fore the agreement was reached. ately announced that his nation man to the Strand Realty Company, ministration leaders meanwhile hold Prague, Aug. 28.—Sir Herbert 2 MORE COUTRIBUTIONS Dr. Gustav Stresemann, German would join with the other former al­ some twenty-five pieces of land in ^Zt high hopes of enacting the bill into Samuel, prominent British Liberal foreign minister and head of his na­ lies in removing the occupational the tract known as Edgemere, off law by January 1. They have leader, today denied reports that tion’s delegation here, collapsed in troops from the Rhineland. McKee street. threatened to abandon it then if it the British government has asked TO THE CRANE FUND the conference room following a Is not passed. him to proceed to Palestine to aid long Impassioned appeal to the as­ in settlement of the dispute between sembled statesman to save the BLAIT Moslem^ and Jews. $149 Raised Expected To Go meeting from failure. ...U ’LSIhw to NPniN-HUb M • NUMEROUS STUNTS “I intend to remain in Prague for . Far Toward Restoring Fam­ Hardly recovered from a serious a few days, and I do not know ily’s Independence. kidney ailment with which he has where I will go from here,” Sir been afflicted for more than a year, ON AIR PROGRAM Herbert said. “There Is no truth the last few days of the conference For a very high grade, light-weight lawn mower in’the report of the British govern­ The Herald acknowledges the re­ with abject failure, staring the that a woman can use without breaking her (('ontinncil from Page 1) ment requesting me to go to Pales­ ceipt of a check for $25 signed by delegates In the face, proved too tine. the wife of a Manchester profes­ much for the fighting German back, get an Automatic. properly in a leap from a plane fly­ “What is happening in- Palestine sional man and made payable to statesman, and his, collapse came ^ s p e c i a l This Blair lawn mower is equipped with genuine ing at an altitude of 2,000 feet. is the most crucial poirit in the his­ Harry B. Crane. It was sent to this just at the time the powers were In some imexplained manner the tory of Jewry. I am watching all .office unaccompanied by any com­ coming together on the long-awaited Fafnir Ball Bearings and Dust Proof Oil Cups. girl’s shroud lines became tangled developments with keenest and ment and will be duly turned over agreement. As the Bearings are self-adjusting, the mower and the chute did not open suf­ roost sympa,thetic interest.” to the -Crane family as part of the Dr. Stresemann was rushed to Convenient Weekli| Paqineiits ficiently. Dangling helplessly at the fund raised to relieve the temporary the hotel where he has been staying requires very little attention. bottom of the fouled chute, she AMERICANS PLE.4 embarrassment of the artist-photog­ and two physicians were immedi­ Like all Blair lawn mowers, the Automatic is plunged to earth rapidly and landed Washington, Aug. 28.—In re- rapher and his courageous wife. It ately called in to attend him. His New Fall feet foremost in an open road far sponse to representations made by is the largest contribution that has condition today was reported satis­ identified by the green Blair label. to the west of the airport. Ambassador Dawes, the British been made to the fund. factory, but now that agreement Plane Races government has informed the State Another contribution of five dol­ has been reached, it is likely he will Yesterday was easily the most Department that it is taking ener­ lars has been sent in by some one refrain from strenuous work during DRESSES thrilling day of the races so far. getic measures to get the Palestine who preserves his anonymity, but In the remainder of the conference. Two long distance races were situation in hand, Dawes reported a little note expresses his sympathy Driving ahead with relentless END OF brought to a conclusion. There was. to the department today. for the Cranes and also compli­ force in full realization that their a special race for Wv^men, many of The ambassador reported in de­ ments the Herald for its activity in own welfare depended upon an whom had competed in the Women’s tail the troop and ship movements the case. agreement, the six powers—Great .9 5 Derby, and an exhibition of dazzling inaugurated by the British to re­ This makes a total of $141 hand­ Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, SEASON flying by Col. Charles A. Lind­ store peace and order in the terri­ led by the Herald. An additional Japan and (]lermany reached a com­ bergh. tory wrought up by Moslem-Jewish eight dollars, forwarded through promise that, unless unforeseen com­ Lindbergh, by the way, may give rioting. other chaimels to the Cranes, was plications develop, will result in On Our Usual Credit another exhibition of his aeronauti­ Meanwhile, the White House and accredited to the Herald by the con­ achievement of the designs for SALE cal prowess today. State Department were fairly flood­ tributors, The $149 thus raised will which the conference was assem­ Everybody’s dressing up The first of the Derbies to finish, ed with protests and appeals from go a long way toward restoring the bled. in new Fall clothes. You the Miami-Miami Beach to Cleve­ American Jews today, most of Cranes to their customary condition The accord covers both the ac­ can too! No need to wait. land race, was won by George Hal­ which demanded active American of Independence. ceptance of the Young reparations Pay Weekly. sey of Buffalo in a Rearwin mono­ intervention to protect American plan with its delicate structure plane. Jews resident in Palestine. One of the deepest holes in the unimpaired, and the Immediate Drastic Cut In Prices! Because of extreme difficulty at­ world was drilled in 1926 in evacuation of the Rhineland by the Lavishly Fur Trimmed tached to figuring elapsed time of TROOPS GUARD CITY. Orange County, Calif. It was sunk Allied armies. contestants in a long race, the name Haifa, Aug. 28.—An atmosphere to a depth of 8,201 feet. To reach the settlement, France, of the winner of the other long dis­ COATS Blair Draw Cut Lawn Mowm tance dash, the Portland, Oregon-to- Cleveland Derby, is not yet avail­ Shelf-Sharpening able. IlUillimj 2MIIIIIIU Liiiiiiiiiiiia>gia:i‘iiiiiiiiii A little each week or two Miss Omlie Protests in any amounts agreeable to The special women’s race, which you, will easily take care of Crucible Steel Blades was five times around a ten-mile the balance. closed course, may develop into a Try and see ... Machined and Case Hardened stor mcenter. Miss Phoebe Omlie of Parts

Moline, m., who was originally de­ E clared the winner, today filed a Strong and Rigid Frames formal protest with race officials l i over the decision that resulted in her disqualification and the award­ ■r' .III' BLAIR DRAW CUT SPECIAL ing of the race and its $500 first ' End of Season Prices prize money to Mrs. Keith Miller of = Bj Buffalo. Miss Omlie was accused by 16-inch...... $9,20 judges of having used imfair tactics Girls’ in crowding an opponent away from Boys’ 18-inch...... $9.60 the pylon on one of the turns. As Dresses an added result of Miss Omlre’s dis­ Suits Coats 20-inch ...... $10.00 qualification, Lady Mary Heath, for for who originally finished third, was School New School BLAIR AUTOMATIC awarded second money and Blanche Fall Ntoyes, originally fourth, was given Labor Day Suggestion End of Season Priees third place. Late in the afternoon Lindbergh Ladies 16-inch...... $10.00 surprised everyone by taking to the Men’s Millinery 18-inch...... $10,60 Edr in a Navy Boeing fighting plane While wages are good, provide for the future Hats Underwear powered by a Pratt & Whitney 20-inch...... $11.20 Wasp engine. Accompanied by . Shirts Raincoats Lieuts, F. C. Keavitte and F. N. by maintaining an account in the Savings Bank Sweaters Skirts Blaii Lawn Mowers have been our leading machines O’Briene, the Lone Eagle demon­ Trousers ^ 2 2 = for the past fifteen years. The La-wns of Greater Man­ strated how fighting in the air is of Manchester. See how much more money done. chester are dotted with these Mowers. Unlimited Guar­ HEADQUARTERS NEW YORK CITY antee as to Service and Satisfaction. you can save by next Labor Day. A WAS THIEF HIMSEF Quantity is limited; prices apply to stock on hand only. GET YOURS NOW. Philadelphia, Aug. 28.—Alexander 5% Interest Paid, compounded quarterly. I. Hamilton, assistant city paymas- Mr, whose wild story of having been ield up in CSty Hall resulted in a & police dragnet being cast about the ILBRO Manchester Plumbing Suiqilj flty, confessed today, police said, to ihe theft of the $4,000 payroll he CIOTHINC COMPANY ilaimed two bandits had taken from lim. .* / ” Hamilton, police say, broke after The Sayings Bank o fManchester 877 Main Street in all-night grilling and sobbed out “If It’s Hardware—We Have It” i story that has resulted in the ar­ SOUTH MANCHESTER,CONN. 801 MAIN STREET SOUTH MANCHESTERs Phone 4425 Use It rest of two other men implicated In ’.he plot. Next Door to the Home Bank & Trust Co. Heavy gambling losses, police re- ESTABLISHED IS06 ealed, caused Hamilton’s act. '^wTOEnromn MANCHESTER EVENTNG HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28,1929. ■aura Dr. Snook En Route to Death Cell FREE BOY, 12, WHO KILLED SKY WHITE WAY COUZENS URGES DAD FOR BEATING MOTHER BEING EXPANDED U S. CONTROL OF OVER ALL U. S. POWER PEOPLE

Washington.— All the giant pow­ Washingrton.—The new "white er companies, whose activities in way of the sky” is now 10,183 mUes politics, ‘ he public schools and the long and is being steadily expanded. newspaper world have attracted This vast system of governmen­ wide attention In recent months, tal airway lighting constitute one would be governed by a Federal of the most remarkable develop­ Commission if Senator Janies Cou- ments in the growth of aviation zens (R) of ich., has his way. and has already put the Umted The Michigan senator has pro­ States far ahead of the rest of the posed a Federal Commission on world in night flying. Communications and Power to be Not only has the government set up in the federal government been called upon to put millions of alongside the Interstate Commerce dollars into the "white way” of the Commission and the Federal Trade air, but inventive genius has been Commission. 'The Couzens plan called upon to devise unique forms would place all power companies of utilizing electricity to safeguard under this commission if they the lives of the flyers who deliver transport power across a state line. mail while most of the country Commission Proposed. Sl66pS« In order to determine how far Lights have been developed which the government can go toward gov­ automatically are turned off and erning these powerful private con­ New Millinery Modes on at sunt set and sunrise, and the cerns, the Senate already has au­ most powerful searchlights ever; thorized ^ sweeping inquiry. A built have been mounted upon rreat resolution, sponsored by Couzens, towers was adopted by the Senate early in juighting Necessary, the summer, directing its Interstate For Labor Day i'he lighung of airways, accord­ Commerce Committee to make the ing to F. C. Hinesburg, chief engin­ inquiry. Once again felt ascends in importance as French mo­ eer, airways division. Department Dr. James H. Snook, former Ohio State University professor, awaits This committee was authorized of Commerce, is necessary because carrying out of the death sentence imposed on him for the murder of to (1) "investigate the relationship distes turn their thoughts toward Fall. And it is amaz­ the air mail’s usefulness consists Theora K. His, his co-ed lover.. Snook, center, is shown as he entered existing between the different “ Apparently justifiable homicide” was the verdict of District Attorney largely in taking mail at the close the Ohio state penitentiary at Columbus, where he will remain In a kinds of communication services Fitts in the investigation of the fatal shooting of Frank S. Howard, ing with what softness they are imbuing this medium of a business day and delivering it "death cell” until electrocuted on November 2D. At left Is Deputy used in interstate and foreign com wealthy Los Angeles automobile dealer, by his 12-year-old son, Richard. in a city hundreds of miles away Sheriff Ralph Paul, and, at right, Sheriff Harry T. Paul. merce, including radio, telephone, The boy shot his father twice while the latter, apparently intoxicated, which has always more or less rightly belonged to the when a new day begins. telegraph and all kinds of wireless was beating his mother, police said. Father, mother and son are Already the system extenas iroui| and cable services so used, anl shown above. sports family. New York to San Francisco, Dos-! transmission of power by wire or ton to Selma, Alabama; Cleveland wireless.” It furtuer was directed to St. Louis, Chicago to St. Louis FINGEPRINT ALL GILEAD to 1,2) investigate the connection, dt the home of his sister, Mrs. and Dallas, and to Minneapolis, Los relationship and ownership and Herbert E. Shaw, at Wales. Mass. control of corporatfbns and persons TOLLAND Many new models shown in Felts in Angeles to Las Vegas and Detroit Joseph DeGraff of Portland was Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carpenter and to Toledo. engaged in carrying" on interstate FOREIGNERS IS brought before Justice J. Banks and foreign communication services Judge Edwin S. Agard were week­ The "white way” is being pushed Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Essex of end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry rapidly between Atlanta, Ga., and Jones, Saturday afternoon by De­ and to investigate their trade prac­ smalb medium and large head sizes. tices and trade activities, including Willington Hiil were recent guests Safford at Charleston Beach, R. I. Jacksonville, Fla., and Chicago; , puty Sheriff Harvey Collins on a at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis St. Louis to Kansas City and Oma PANAMA DECREE contracts and stock ownership.” A Mrs. Clare, Baker and Miss Helen -1 charge of reckless driving after an B. Price. ha. I third task was to investigate any B ^ er, who have spent some time Private enterprise has combined . automobile accident in Hebron. and all other connections, relaiton- Mrs. Frahk Uhler of Boston is a at their summer home here, left guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles H. Friday last to'spend the winter in $ . ‘”$ forces with the Department Cristobal—The recent order of Judge Jones found him guilty and ships. and activities of persons or' 1 95 4.95 Commerce with the result that the imposed a fine of $25 and costs. corporations engaged in interstate Daniels. Boston^ Dr. Adriano Robles, Secretary of and foreign communications by Henry Birdseye, who has spent Pacific Coast probably has the The monthly meeting of the Trl- Rev. William C. Darby, who has most extensive airway lighting sys­ Government and Justice of the Re­ either wire or wireless, as the com­ his vacation of two weeks with iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii County Christian Endeavor "Union Mrs. Birdseye at the home of Miss spent several days at the Willlman- tem in the country. The great public of Panama, to the effect that mittee may deem necessary.” tic Camp Ground, has returned. was held at the local church Sun­ This was the sort of inquiry that Miriam Underwood, has returned to Standard Oil beacon on Mt. Diablo all foreign residents of the republic day evening. Dr. Knowlton of the near San Francisco has been seen Senator Thomas J. Walsh (D) of his home in New Jersey. Clark Bennett and daughter, must register to be photographed State Board of Health gave a very Mont., sought a few years ago. Just Betty of Hartford, were Simday 100 miles away at sea. Other bea­ interesting talk on Prevention of Miss Jennie Dombeck, daughter and fingerprinted within the next after he unearthed the Teapot of Steve Dombeck of Tolland, and guests of Mrs. Emily Ailing and cons maintained by this company ninety days has resulted in many Diseases, with slides. are at El Paso, San Diego, Los An­ Dome scandal. At that time, the Serlese Malinsky of New York were daughters at the Steele House. letters from members of the diplo­ Mrs. Mary Randall of Williman- Senate refused to permit such an Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Szabo and geles, Seattle and Portland. The matic corps to their home offices. tic, Miss Grace Randall of Hartford, united in marriage at the Tolland Richfield Oil system extends from inquiry and referred It to the Fed­ Federated Church Saturday morn­ son of New York City were week­ Foreign residents and diplomats and Gelon P. Randall of Rocky eral Trade Commission. end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene San Diego to Seattle, with beacons here, aRer having given the order Ford, attended the church service ing by the Rev. Melville E. Osborne, 50 miles apart mounted on 128-toot Activities Noted. pastor of the Rockville Methodist Rudolph. careful thought, have failed to note here Sunday morning and were din­ Since then, the commission has poles. any benefit which may be derived ner guests at Mrs. A. W. Hutchin­ church. Harriett Luce of Rockville was a Establishment of the "Lindbergh unearthed evidence showing wide Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grant of from the new order, except, possi­ son’s. week-end guest of her grandpar­ beacon,” most powerful aviation The Christian Endeavor society activities on the part of power com­ Wapping callted on several friends ents, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Char­ bly a new source of revenue for the panies to control the public press, searchlight ever knowm, on ihe Republic of Panama who will col­ will hold a social and com roast at here last week. ter. Palm Olive building in Chicago, has to direct the trend of education in Ine Ladies Aid Society of the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson and lect, it is said $5.00 from each for­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Foote’s the public schools and to Influence provided aviators with a guiding eigner registered and "mugged” Wednesday evening. Federated church held a food sale daughter Hazel, of Seymour, were star which defies smoke of a busy public opinion. When Couzens pro­ under the new law. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Foote and Mr. at the church Saturday afternoon Sunday guests at the home of Mr. city. This light, of two billion posed the inquiry, the intervening with good financial returns. The Advertise in The Evening Herald-It Pays To Mag Bankers and Mrs. A. C. Foote and children and Mrs. Lewis B. Price. candle power and burning enough were callers Sunday afternoon at developments had been such as to committee were Mrs. Howard Cran­ / electricity each night to light an As one diplomat said: “It will be Mr. and Mrs. George B. Miller’s in eliminate all opposition to it. dall, Mrs. Walter Button, Mrs. The purpose of the inquiry will apartment house, is theoretically indeed interesting to see just how Colchester. Howard Ayers and Miss Thelma • visible for thousands of miles. Ac­ Panama will enforce compliance The Boys 4-H Dairy club and the be to gather Information to deter­ Price. I tually it is expected to be especially with the law. What if foreigners Girls 4-H Serving club presented mine how far Congress can go to­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Button and I valuable to flyers in the vicinity of refuse to be treated as criminals “ Achievement Night” at the hall, ward controlling the power com­ daughter, Helen and 'son Allen, at­ the city. and do not present themselves to Friday evening. 'Their program in­ panies as well as the communica­ tended church at East Long- Every Purse Gan Afford . Revolving Beacon. be photographed and fingerprint­ cluded demonstrations, songs and tion organizations. Couzens him­ meadow on Sunday. The government system makes a ed? Will they bo jailed or fined or instrumental music and gave evi­ self has legislation pending putting Miss Esther Westcott has return­ 24-inch revolving beacon of 2,000,- deported?” dence of good club work. Mr. Gay­ all the power companies under a ed home from a visit with relatives the Contort of 000 candle power its standard. 'Phe A prominent banker of Colon, lord and Miss Grover and club lead­ single federal commission. Other at Newport. lights are spaced 10 miles apart. seeing only the humorous side of ers from Storrs’ were present. plans have been proposed to create Miss Helen Westcott is a gfuest Yellow course lights are used at the situation said “ it will be amus­ Mrs. A. H. Post returned to her a separate power commission and of relatives at Cape Cod. beacons or intermediate landing ing to watch the line which will home Sunday evening after passing similarly, to enlarge the existing Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albers and fields, which are used only in em­ form in front of the Alcalde’s of­ several days vidth her mother, Mrs. Federal Power Commission so it son, Lester, of South Ozone Park, ergencies by pilots. Red lights are fice as the nationals of all countries Elizabeth Hills, at the Wiliimantlc can assume great control over Long Island, are guests a;, the home used when no emergency landing pose as so many hardened crimin­ Camp Ground. power companies. of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crandall. field is nearby. als while sleuths take impressions Mrs. Lucy Milton of Westland The whole issue however will be Miss Agnes Hart was a guest of At each light there is an arrow, from the fingers and photographers street, Hartford, is visiting at the sidetracked until the tariff bill is relatives in Hartford, Mondav. O IL H EAT numbers showing the route and “mug” them. home of her brother, W. N. Hills. out of the way. That may mean a Miss Cotton of New York is a mileage to the end of the routs. “What a treat it will be,” he delay in congressional action un^il guest at Meadow Crest, the sum­ Among the ingenius arrangements chuckled, "to see Mr. J. H. Drumm, Congress reconvenes next Decem­ mer home of Mr. and Mrs. James WILLIAMS in a mechanism which switches the Manager of the National City Bank MODERN BUSINESS. ber In its first regular session. Wells. light on at theoretical sunset and of Ne%v York who is known affec­ Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Miller off at theoretical sunrise. If one tionately as ‘the duke of Balboa’ on Racine, Wis.—Many business men BUT THEY CAN'T JUDGE and three children who have been light burns out, automatically an­ account of his immaculate appear­ are utilizing airplanes to put over a guests at the home of Mrs. Mariet­ other light is switched on. ance, standing in line awaiting his business deal and beat competitors. London—“Nearly every woman ta Griswold and Mrs. Laura Judson, As an additional protection to turn while George Schaeffer, Man­ Carlyle Godske of this city Is one and most gprls t^ a y paint their have returned to their home at aviators fl3dng at night, power ager of the Chase National Bank of them. He recently got a hot tip faces and imagine they are beauti­ East Hampton, Lond Island. companies have been required to poses in the photographer’s chair.” from Milwaukee on a pending deal. ful, but I doubt whether, they are as Mr. and Mrs. L. Ernest Hall and erect red danger lights on trans­ Except No One He hopped into his plane, and an beautiful as their gp-andmothers the Misses Bernice and Alice Hall mission lines across navigable wa­ The degree, as it has been issued, hour later was in Milwaukee with who didn’t use such stuff,” said were Sunday guests of Mr. Hall’s ters. excepts no one from its require­ the deal closed and. ,the order in his Judge Crawford in court recently. sister. Miss Edna Hall of Manches­ Among the many things which a ments, not even foreign diplomats pocket. “Perhaps they will become more ter. ^for smtill homes lighting engineer must provide at unless, it is said, there is some ex­ sensible later on. John H. Steele is a guest today an airport are lights bounding of isting law which makes their ex­ runways, lighting of wind indica­ emption unnecessary. Not even BEGGARS’ PAPER tors and obstructions about the babies in arms are to escape the $ field, searchlights which play on the photographer and finger print ex­ Paris— The “Journal de Mendi- clouds and help the pilot to deter­ pert. ant,” a newspaper here carrying mine changes in atmosphere, as Panama, it i.s estimated, will get up-to-date lists of baptisms, mar­ W'ell as flood lights v/hen landing. a revenue of approximately $195,- riages, funerals, and so on, is en­ 000. tirely owned and published by beg­ Completely Installed The law, it was pointed out will gars. The sheet also carries the work' a particular hardship upon names of charitable persons, with* INSURANCE $50 Down. Balance on easy terms the vast number of Jamaican ne­ rH jet their addresses and the best time to o a N " I groes who form the greater part see them. of the population of Panama. Many of these negro families contain as ILLIAMS Dist-O-Matic gives maintain an even temperature all many as fifteen children. Where winter long. they will secure the money with The Best Guardian of Wthe ftHTnp. sure, safe, automatic which to pay the $5.00 fee^ is oil heat comfort to small homes, Williams Dist-O-Matic handles MONTENEGRIN KINGDOM. mystery which only time will solve. Life and Property that Williams CMl-0**Matichas given the entire heating problem. No Nineteen years ago today, cn to more *h«iTi 80,000 larger homes. ashes, no coal, no smoke, no dust. Aug. 28, 1910, Montenegro was pro­ claimed an independent kingdom, Oh, Baby! Designed especially for the small Thrifty. Dependable. Quiet. In­ and Prince Nicholas, who had guid­ homes, Williams Dist-O-Matic is stalled in any heating system. ed the country’s destinies for many many years, assumed the title of priced for it, too. And it may be For larger homes— Williams Oil- king. purchased on particularly easy 0-Matic, the oil burner with a Montenegro belonged in the Insure Your Valuables middle ages to the great Servian terms. world-famous reputation—80,000 kingdom. In 1710 the Monte- Williams Dist-O-M atic burns satisfied owners. aegrins sought and obtained the A BOX A GOOD SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT protection of Russia, but in a war distillate oil. It is fully automatic Come in no'w—let us explain how IS THE svith Turkey they became so hard Regrets or —start‘it, set its handy upstairs easily Williams Oil Heat conven­ pressed that they were glad to ience and comfort may be yours. agree- to a treaty in 1862, by BEST AND CHEAPEST INSURANCE. thermostat, then forget it. It will tvhich Turkey’s sovereignty ove a Life Income? Montenegro was recognized. By the treaty of Berlin, in 1878, the As you near the end o f your The Manchester Trust Co. |~^ouT Name and Addreaa here) European powers granted Monte earning period, will your lot I legro independence, but restrict- be that of the prosperous man I am interested in having literature and td it from having a navy and further information on WiUiams Oil Heating. provided its waters be closed to who made a small annual ships of war of all nations. deposit when young and is N am e. These restrictions were abol­ now cashing the check he will Address. ished in 1908 and Montenegro was receive every month for life? proclaimed a kingdom two years C ity------. State.. ater. Or will you be one of the Fire and Liability L. Montenegro is situated in the loor derelicts who failed io vestern part of the Balkan Penin- HEATING CORPORATION iiila. It is bounded by Servia on fook ahead? WILLIAMS OIL-O-MATIC the east, by Albania on the south, J j the Austrian province of Dal- Write for the successful man’s K^iia on the west and by Herze- plan. Insurance t^idna on the north. Connecticut General BOTH BATTLED m A JOHNSON LITTLE Life Insurance Company ^an Francisco—Charles L. Swan It must have been the crowning of Hartford * RICHARD G. RICH PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR nfl his wife, Mrs. Eleanor Swan, event of the annual baby carnival I 13 Chestnut Street Tel. 5876 South Manchester appeared before Judge Leon at Wildwood, N. J., when Verna FAY KITE B. CLAKKE Tinker Buildinf* South Manchester. ray for divorce. Charles charged Long, above, of New York, was Tune in on Williams Oil-O-Matic Radio Hour every Tuesday and Friday nights his -wife had been intoxicated chosen as reigning queen. Come­ INSURANCE from 10 to 10:30 p. m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time, Station WBZ. idre than 100 times and had beat ly Queen Verna is shown above [|n. Mrs. Swan charged the same. smiling royally after the coronation Depot Square, Manchester h|| judge refused both applications. ceremony.


Ask That Jews ia Palestine Be Protected— State De­ partment Takes Up Mat­ ter.

Washington, Aug. 2S—Sympathe­ tic with the plight of their racial brethren in Palestine and indignant over what they charge is the lack of protection afforded the Jewish minority by the British administra­ tion, American Zionists came to Washington yesterday with an ap­ peal for aid. A large delegation of Zionists, mostly from New York and headed by Dr. David J. Kalis'.ii, called on President Hoover, Secretary of State Stimson, and Senator Borah with a plea for their cooperation in relieving the nliebf r.e <\ Lit.L,iuent Hoover said inis emment is greatly concerned over the situation but that he had re­ ceived assurances that the British government, which holds the man­ date for Palestine, was taking strong and energetic measures to control the situation. The communication adddessed to Sir Esme Howard was in the form of a “respectful and solemn pro­ test’’ against “unspeakable atroci­ ties, premediated '^and organized, that have been committed against , 6 ' the Jewish population of Palestine and which are still in progn"ess throughout the land, taking a frightful toll in Jewish life, limb %■ and property, and shocking the con­ science of the civilized world.’’ Some Recommendations Among the recommendations made by the Zionists were: That summary, decisive and ade­ quate measures be taken forthwith to-restore a state of safety and tranquility in Palestine. / — That those “who so wretchedly failed to uphold the high repute of the British people for fair play and ■^3;- effective discipline, be adequately punished.’’ That the personnel of the govern­ ment be so organized as to protect Jews and non-Jews alike. That the Jews be given wider participation in the military and police arms cf the country. The delegation included the fol­ lowing: Forth Zionist Organization of America, Dr. David J. Kaliski, act­ ing president: Deputy Police Com­ missioner Nelson Ruttenberg, Judge Bernard A. Rosenblatt, Judge Gus­ tave Hartman, Rabbi Israel Gold­ -J stein, Herman Bernstein, Emanuel Neumann, Dr. A. Coralnik, * and Jonah J. Goldstein. For the Hadassah-Zicn Women’s Organization: Mrs. Robert Szold, president. For the Independent Order Brit- ish-Abraham: Former Congressman Nathan D. Perlman, grand master. For the American Jewish Con­ gress: Bernard S. Deutsch, presi­ SEE and HEAR! s h o w w o r l d .. r i m e t a l k in g , s in g in g s c r e e n ... SEE and HEAR^ dent. For the Avukah Zionist Student The greatest names in all. branches of the en­ Hollywood and New York, Paramount. . with MORAN & MACK Organization: Max Rhoade. HAROLD LLOYD "THE TWO BLACK CROWS” in stage, screen, music, the cream of'Stage, screen^^ musical and radio in his first Talking Picture tertainment world "W hy Bring That Up?*^jf COLORED MAN CONFESSES "WELCOME DANGER*^ radio .. r contributing their talent. Bringing talent. Paramount.. with eighteen years o f qual­ "THE DANCE OF T.IFE” Starring Hal SkeUy&Nancy Carroll $250,000 JEWELRY THEFT Florenz Ziegfeld’s Broadway to you. Broadway hits. Great dra­ ity leadership is the greatest name in The New "THE VIRGINIAN” ‘'GLORIFYING THE mas, spectacular musical comedies and revues. Show World today! it’s a Paramount With Gary Cooper, Walter Huston, New York, Aug. 28. — A colored AMERICAN GIRL” lone wolf, Byi'on Beaucaire, of Bos­ Richard Arlen, Mary Brian ton, today confessed the burglary Talking, singing, dancing. Flashing with color. Picture it’s the best sj^ow in town! of the Beverly, Mass., summer home MAURICE CHEVALIER in "APPLAUSE” of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney E. Hutch­ with Helen Morgan inson, of Philadelphia, after police ERNST LUBITSCH’S Great new song hits. ^ A new Hollywood. recovered the loot, valued at be­ «THE LOVE P.iRADE” "ILLU SIO N ” - tween $100,000 and $250,000. Screen stars talking and singing. Becoming PARAMO UN T WEEK: Charles Rogers & Nancy Carroll m di JeaneUo MacDonald Mrs. Hutchinson is a daughter of llth AnnuaPParamount Week is Sept. 1 to 6, when the Mrs. E. T. Stotesbury of Philadel­ new, live, animated personalities. Never before and 60 moi^l phia, Pa. DENNIS KING in best theatres everywhere show Paramount Pictures only. The loot, all in gems, was seized by three detectives after they over­ "THE VAGABOND KING” 8U

IS BEING CENSORED I . ‘1* .4’ * PARAMOUNT FAMOUS LASKY CORPi, ADOLPH fc?ZUKOR j'^P^R E S PARAMOUNT>BUr L D 1 N K W^Y O R k] London, Aug. 28. — A battle of mother kind, running simultaneous­ ly with the homicidal outbursts be­ tween Moslems and Jews, is in pro- rress in the Holy Land today. This fe the battle of wits between new's- paper correspondents and the gov- jrnment censor. Mere driblets of information pvhich leakri through to London to- iay indicate the censor, temporari­ ly at least, is holding all lines. Most )f the correspondents in Jerusalem Coming Soon—Watch For Dates manage to get an average of one message daily through the censor- ihip, and even these infrequent dis- satches are vague and almost meaningless. The Home of Correspondents and managing ‘TJnjoy; the sditors today began the use of itrategy by routing their dispatches ' the New and Show hrough outlyin" centers, and by ' aying plans for obtaining informa- | Improved Wh^re Typhoon don concerning the situation in i STATE Palestine from points just over the j Vitaphone SOUTH MANCHESTER | )order from the trouble zone. | Breezes Virtually no official information and s being given out by the British Blow” rovernment. Movietone ^^Where The Screen Speaks*^ The market quotations for a wife n certain African lands is a goat ind a cow. It would be crass even o suggect that some investigatio.i )o l-auachc'd there into proftocr- ■:••;■ --.v - ■ / ' ^ V-':. ■ ^ .''‘Jn MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN.rWEDNESDAX; AUGUST 28,1929. V’j<’.^ ^ B I Z

ttona With the veterans. FranWy isn’t greatly to be wondered at that ib m d iM b r we should not like to see—and Dr. Butler’s solemn declaration HEAini«*DnEr ADVICE there is extremely small chance about prohibition cannot get the D r F iw iK j Etoning Xtralb that we shall—Manchester’s next settled attention of sneh folks for Board of Selectmen consisting of one second. They are too wildly “ PITBLI8HBD BY THBJ ttwhat>P PBIMTIKQ c o m pa n y , INC. these seven so-called Insurgents, exdted. Yet it is inevitable that F ( IS BlsaeU Street because there are among them some day they will become calm aiftlOSm STM0g» MDftassMO South Munobeeter. Conn, again and realize that what they (^tm nt.eev iKmui smmr /a, — — ^ THOMAS PBRGUSON several who have had no experience <^ner>l Manager whatever in public affairs and even, really v ^ t is temperance, a genu­ HOME CAimiNG through the very months when they ine conquest over the liquor curse, ______( are most likely to be scarce. 7oaa4*d October 1, 1881 we will make bold to assert, some and that in federal prohibition they The housewife can. put up almost | (More about canning tomorrow) Published Bvenr Bvertlng who do not possess in any remark­ Sundays and Holldaya Bnured at the able degree the peculiar talents haven’t achieved that a t alii merely any kind of fruit or vegetables in ! oujjSTIONS^ND ANSWERS Post Office at South that fit a person for the conduct of fetish worship. When they do, cans, which can be kept for many i ^ stomach Ulcers Conn., as Second Class Mall Matter. years without spoiling if it is really i Question: Mrs, U. H. J. writes:— SUBSCRIPTION RATES: municipal business. Still, a leaven with the assistance of countless One Year, by mail ...... e®-®? thousands of Murray Butlers, they properly carmed. In home canning . t ; “My little boy is quite dek wito Per Month, by mall ...... » •»“ of new blood on the* board—and the is economical to use glass, since i t ! ulcers of the stomach. He is ia Delivered, one year ♦»•'{'{ retirement of Mr. Hyde and Mr. will be able to achieve tremendous­ may be used year after year. The years old. Should he go on a oiei. Single copies ...... * «”* Smith make this inevitable—^will do ly in the cause of sobriety. principal point to remember is that! Answer:—If he does not go on a, SPECIAL ADVBRT181NO RBPRB- no harm; and it would seem rather heat is the mait. thing in presejv- ' diet he will surely go on the operat­ SENTaTIVE: Hamilton - t^Llner, ing. Also that the entrance of any ing table. I hope by tee tinie you Inc., 285 Madison Ave^ New York. N. improbable that there will be any­ air whatsoever will cause spoilage, read this amswer you have mreaay Y., and 618 North Michigan AvSm thing more than a leaven. Bacteria in-tee food must be killed placed him'under tee care of a diet Chicago, Ilia A t all events, with an excess of by heat and teen no-more air al- specialist who The Herald Is on sale dally at all lowed to enter tee jar. The food will treat stomach ulcers so teat tee Schultz and Hoatllng news sUnds In aspirants to nomination for several teen'lieep for as long as fifteen or case does not develop into me which New York City. offices, on the Republican side, and twenty years, and comes out per­ requires surgical intervention. the Democrats displaying Interest fectly fresh aim attracJve. Snoring Leased Wire Service client ot In­ Question: J. K. writes:—“I am 85 ternational News Service. __^ enough to stage some contests of The cold pack method of canning Full service client ot N B A Service, Is no doubt tee best, bote for home years of age and have never snored Inc. their own, the political apathy that By RODNEY DUTCHER. use and for factory canning. In before, but it is becoming some- has been too prevalent for some homes tee advantage of tee cold thing regular with me th® year Member, Audit Bureau o£ Cireula- Washington, Aiig. 28.—Senator pack methods are teat it saves tee or s i I shaU appreciate it very tlons. tiTTw seems to be departing. It has never been conclusively shown that Cole Blease, who can always be de time which used to toe spent bending much if you will advise me in re- The Herald Printing Company, Ino., pended upon to say tilings teat no over a hot cookstove, and saves gard to your treatment of fasting assumes no financial responsibility admirable government by a few is other senator would say, beuever labor since tee foods are handled and dieting for typographical errors appearing In better for the political health of a his fellow Democrats are making A only once—tee time they ar^ packed Answer:—Snoring is usually caus­ advertlsments In the Manchester tactical error when they fight so ed by inability to breathe freely Evening Herald. community than not-so-good gov' into tee jars—and it results in a emment participated in by every­ hard against tee Republican tariff food which is more wholesome and through tee nose while you are Yoiir style-sense WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, bills. has a better form and flavor. It is sleeping. This is because of an In- body. “Let tee Republican majority pass bote an efficient and satisfactory fiammed condition of tee membrane Prices the bUl,” says tee South Carolina method,, and tee only two vital inside of tee nose which Is engorged 9th DISTifiCT MEETING statesman, “and next year we ougnt THE DRY HYSTERIA things to toe watched are teat the with catarrhal mucous. As soon as Best of all, you’ll find will approve these ■ The Ninth District meeting at to be adile to elect a DemocraUc food is thoroughly sterilized, teat you get rid of your catarrh through these fine rugs most mod­ Senate and a Democratic House. the High School this evening is of Says Nicholas Murray Butler, in Is, heated through, and tee cans living on tee proper diet, your estly priced. For the tec course of a comment on Henry The House bill is so bad teat if tee are thoroughly sealed. 'The can ly will toe delighted to notice that tee highest importaince. If tee in­ tariff law finally passed is anything 9x12 size the prices Ford’s ludicrous utterance about should always stand the test of you are no 'longer snoring. dividual voters of Manchester are like It it will vwpe out tee Republi­ standing inverted without leakage. Roquefort Cheese range from $33.75 to AXMINSTER RUGS ever going to assume, with any not caring to sell automobiles any can majorities 'and 'give Hoover two Another point to remember is Question: K. L. asks:—“How did $52.65, with smaller and more years in office with a Demo­ proper degree of unanimity, tee more If prohibition were to be aban­ that tee storage of canned foods is Roquefort cheese get its name?” larger sizes in propor­ OU will find it delightfully easy to doned: “Prohibition is tee most cratic Congress.” important. When the commercial Answer:—This cheese is named active management of their own Of course, tela is far from tee after tee French vilieige of Roque­ tion. choose just the right pattern from our powerful friend teat tee liquor label says, “Store in a cool dry affairs, this is an admirable occa­ ofi&cial Democratic attitude. The place,” it is also a good rule for the fort, where special herds of sheep Y splendid collection of Bigelow-Harttord sion for teat part of them who live traffic has ever had. Prohibition Is party Is fighting the RepubUcan home canner to do the same. Our teat supply tee rnilk are pastured. tariff revisions bitterly. Noble as Axminster Rugs. Your own feeling for in tee Ninth District to make a be­ tee most resourceful enemy teat grandmothers understood that food Much care is given to tee diet of beauty will suggest the rug which is best tee temperance movement has ever its position may be, however, it kept cool down in the cellar was less these sheep, and even tee water ginning. The solution of tee Cheney does not appear to contain the po­ that is supplied teem is whitened suited to the liveliness of your home, and you had to face.” likely to “work” than the ^ food - - -IlRST- schools situation is of too vittd a litical sagacity of tee proposal by which was kept on tee shelf in the with barley-flour. Roquefort cheese, BURNISH will be astonished at their moderate prices. character to be left to tee deter­ Dr. Butler, of course, recognizes Blease, who may make a brief warmth of tee kitchen. Bacteria do itself, goes through a very long speech pointing out tee evils ot tee YOURHOMEj It may be one of the superb floral designs, so mination of a few persons. The re­ tee fact teat nine-tenths of tee sup­ not grow well in cool places, so if process of preparation before It appropriate for bedroom use. Or one of the port of tee prohibition movement measure, nut wiU otherwise confine __^any bacteria______do ______remain in___ the^ ___ jars reaches tee market. It is, however, IT TE113 sponsibilities are heavy and it himself merely to voting against it. W H A T vow A E f new ^1-over Persian effects for your living came from persons who ardently tee food is more likely to spoil in a a very good protein food when used would be unfair for tee people of Sees Republican Losses. warm place than if tee canned in proper combination with other room or dining room. Whatever motif you - tee district to shunt teem off onto and joyously expected to confer He says tee Democrats can’t pos­ goods are kept cool. foods. sibly lose more than two Senate are seeking, it awaits you here in our store, tee shoulders of a small group— upon tee world at one stroke the Canning is especially profitable if Hyperacidity ready for your selection. seats in tee next election, whereas tee foods processed are grown at Question: H. K. D. writes:—“So and teen, perhaps, find fault if tee greatest benefit It had ever received tee Republicans may lose several. with tee single exception of those home.. For tee city dweller, canning much saliva comes from my stom­ best judgment of tee few should Blease never went to any party offers a chance to buy food by tee ach it irritates m, mouth and it is . tern out to have been mistaken. flowing from tee Cross of Calvary. caucuses to learn what to do. box when it is abundant and cheap always sore. What should I eat to The continuation of Manchester’s But he also points tee fact teat in I “Nobody ever dictated to me,” and to save it over until the win­ prevent this acid stomach?” 1 says he. “My daddy never did and Answer:—Salvia is formed in the extraordinary school arrangements, such minds, perfectly represented I my mother didn't try.” ter months when it is expensive, to by Henry Ford, there is complete buy fresh. mouth, and does not come from tee alter opportunity had been afforded He is famous for tee fact teat Ue In canning vegetables, tee thrifty stomach. The gastric juice of the WATKINS BROTHERS. I n g , to simplify teem, has resulted In a confusion between tee question of has voted dry while publicly admit- housewife is able by this method to stomach is acid and will • irritate highly complicated situation. Bote piohibition and teat of the traffic ing teat he took a drink when he serve vegetables and fruits in the your gums if it comes into tee wanted one. But he has just re­ mouth. Live on good food combina­ '54 YEARS AT SOUTH MANCHESTER the town and tee district find them­ in liquor. turned from South Carolina and season when they are too expensive This is because tee idealist is far to buy and thus she serves tee tions to overcome the hyperacidity selves, on tee very eve of a new now he says: roughage and tee vitamin foods of the stomach. too prone to permit his ideals to in­ “Prohibition has got so ridiculous Tickets for Jitney school year, depending on school Players for sale here. fluence him to shut his eyes and his teat I’ve quit fooling with it. There facilities upon which they haven’t isn’t any. I’ve been looking for it tee sUghtest claim. Further pro­ mind to incontrovertible fact. 'The everywhere I’ve gone and 1 can't crastination is impossible. Even result is too often a complete loss find any prohibition anywhere. ' now, so short is tee time before tee of perspective, of correct propor­ “I’ve stopped drinking lately, tion and of immutable relation­ anyway. Take a liLJe drink once opening of tee schools, it would in a great while, of course, but you seem almost impossible to avoid ships. This leads to hysteria. can’t get any good liquor now and r S lA j iS l _ .sending children to schools to tee Here is an example. In Massa­ this bootleg stuff isfa’t fit to drink. use of which neither town or dis­ chusetts there is in force a state That’s why we have so much crime. New York, Aug. 28.—Little old<|; show had been quite a discussed “Here we have a large commis­ Marlow’s trict has a shred of right, either enforcement law, known as tee New York again—not so little and morsel when my train pulled out. Marlow’s Manchester’s Value Spot sion investigating crime and law­ not so old.’ Now she was out of tee perform­ ' legal or moral. That condition “baby Volstead act.” Under tee lessness, but everybody ought to Redcaps aU but trampling you ance, lay ill in a hospital and must, of course, be cleared up in tee Massachusetts constitution it is know there are two main causes down as they rush to grab your Dorothy Stone was queen ,of the shortest possible time. The job possible, by prescribed procedure, for it: grips'. . . . And the crush, push walk. “First, temporary Insanity caused and pandemonium of that nether All of which is but an item in tee belongs to tee Town of Manchester for tee electorate to get rid of an by bootleg liquor, and world .below Grand Centrfii station! total! SPECIAL OFFERINGS and tee Ninth District—ajid teat undesirable law through tee refer­ “Second, abolition of tee family . . . Somehow the crowd seems to means to tee voters of those divi­ endum. In order to bring any exist­ altar at tee fireside. pick you up and carry you along After all, it isn’t speed alone sions;'not to a dozen or fifty of ing law before tee people for repeal “I mean by teat, the passing of with it. That funny sense of Uelp- teat make this town step. it family prayer. I remember when i lessness teat you lost somewhere really isn’t speedly in motion. It’s teem, but all of teem. or continued approval, it is neces­ used to be invited into a home there out on the open spaces comes back. transition—change, change, eternal The sub-committee headed by sary to file a petition, which must would be morning prayer and eve­ As far as I am concerned, it’s al­ change—teat naakes tee brain fair­ FOR SCHOOL OPENING Selectman John Hyde appears to us be passed on by tee attorney-gen­ ning prayer, out you never see that ways good for a thrill. Somehow, ly whirl in an effort to keep up to have done its task well. It has eral and by him either certified or any more. There aren’t even any though, I never have got over tee j with it The fact Is few New York- blessings at tee table any more. We feeling of being out of place, ers do. They couldn’t. As a scribe Items that boys and girls will need. Buy now and be prepared obtained what appears to be a very refused certification. The law dis­ just sit down and go ahead and eat. Vaguely 1 find myself wondering who is supposed to keep up with reasonable offer from Cheney tinctly limits tee attorney-general’s “Family prayer used to make the what I’m doing there. tee day-to-day goings on, I try— when the school bells start ringing. Come to Marlow’s where Brothers for either tee sale or lease consideration of such a petition to kids sit down and'^hink. It got heaven knows — and must admit • pf tee proiierties at tee Educational tee questions of its form and its them thinking about high ideals And after weeks of cobalt hills myself licked. and Christian doctrines. Now they and dazzling distances and mist- GILBERT SWAN. the assortments are largest and the values greatest. * Center. But tee mechanics of ac­ constitutionality. get up and frolic all day and all hung horizons, I find myself a bit ceptance of that offqr are unavefid- Recently tee Constitutional Ldb- night, with movies, swimming, au­ more confused than usual. Vainly I Furnishings for Boys and Girls School Supplies ably involved. It will take all tee erty League filed a petition asking tomobiles, dancing, and sports. look about for a tree or a shrub, but You can bu;f them cheaper at Marlow^s. best brains in tee Ninth District for a referendum vote on tee baby “Ofter there aren’t any meals at only tee massive and impressive UCENSES SUSPENDED home to say grace over, anyway. monoliths of steel and stone press The value is in the style and quality as Composition Books ....’------• 5c, 10c, 25c and in. tee town to work out a plan Volstead act. A hearing was called Lots of families just eat out be­ in. Crime and dust bite the nose well as the low price. Tablets—ruled and plain 5c, 10c. which will be fair to everybody and before tee attorney-general, tee, cause teey’re too lazy to use can- lining. Taxicabs appear in a dizzy A list of operators whose licenses provide proper school facilities on only possible question being open openers.” parade. People mov^ helter-skelter. to drive automobiles in Connecticut Knickers for boys—all lined, large assort­ Lead P en cils...... 5 for 5c up Down in South Carolina tee sen­ a self respecting basis—and leave to debate being whether tee pro­ Yes, there’s only one New York— have been suspendeu for one year Mechanical P encils...... 10c, 25c ator found tee folks principally in­ just as there is only one Hollywood, ment Of suitings...... LOO to 1.98 no aftermath of dissension. posal was correctly drawn and for driving while imder tee influ­ terested in good roads and expan­ one San Francisco bay, one blind­ ence of liquor was given out today Blouses and Shirts in new stripes and fig­ Loose Leaf Notebooks ...... 10c, 25c There is no use in complaining whether it was a proper subject for sion of tee textile industry. ing “white desert” at Salt Lake, at the State Motor Vehicle Depart­ Pencil B o x es...... 10c to 1.00 because all these involved matters a referendum under tee constitu­ Room for Improvement. one Royal George, one Kansas ment as a part of the effort to re­ ures as well as plain colors 59c, 79c, 1.00 “Our Piedmont district will be E rasers...... 5 for 5c to 5c each have not been threshed out long tion. No possible question could be wheat belt, one clear-skied and duce this highway menace. The tee textile capital of tee world in prairie-haunted soiitewest. department statement advised peo­ Boys’ Caps ...... 59c, 79c ago; tee conditions, as they are, raised or was attempted to be 10 years,” he says. “Everbody’s Crayons—wax and c h a lk ...... 5c, 10c ple to notify tee department or the Cricket Sweaters for boys and girls, pull­ must be faced. It has just happen- raised as to its constitutionality and happy there—labor and tee mill The trouble with being gone from police in case they should see any Memorandum Books.... 2 for 5c, 5c, 10c ed te^t tee problem presented Itself tee attorney-general expresses! tec people are satisfied. Our mill people Manhattan for two months lies of these drivers operating motor over and button front styles—new jac­ Dictionaries...... 10c to 1.00 are our home folks and w,e haven't chiefly in tee difficulty of catching vehicles. at a time of tee year when it is sim­ opinion at tee opening teat tee pro­ got any of that foreign element. quard pattern s...... 1.00 to 2.98 Waterman and Carter I n k s ...... 10c ply impossible to rush any impor­ up with what has happened in your Black •Hall—Howard Brooks. posal was correctly drawn. “Wages? Well, wages aren’t what absence—and, of course, getting re­ Bridgeport—Charles C. Crowley, Glue, Mucilage and P a s te ...... 10c tant civic matter when tee business Nevertheless for hours excited they stould be and tee workers Sox for boys and girls in an endless va­ adjusted. James P. Cumin, John Lukap, Vin­ . Compasses...... 10c; 25c has to be done by unsalaried offi­ friends of prohibition delivered aren’t getting a square deali but Two months—a mere fraction in cent Nacewicz. riety of patterns ...... 25c, 39c, 50c cials who cannot possibly .be ex­ I’m hoping tee mill owners, will an average lifetime. Little happens Cos Cob—Michael Luberto. 12 inch Rulers, metal edge ...... 5c speech after speech, arguing upon remedy teat situation themselves. Girls’ Middy B louses...... 59c, 99c pected to give up their entire lives tee value of liquor laws, tee misery in so brief a span. Yet it will Durham—Harold E. Asman. "I told my mill folks to rub out probably take be two months to East Hartford — Frederick B. to public service. caused by intemperance, tee wis­ all tee I. W. W.’s and drive out tee put together again tee various Hansen. Gymnasium Bloomers...... 79c, 99c Juvenile Hats in the Latest Whatever action is taken by tee dom of a recent vote in Wisconsin, Yankee organizers. We want South Carolina organizers and South Car­ fragments of change. East Portchester—^Morgan R. Pleated Skirts in plaids and plain Mode district meeting tonight. It ought tee desires of Europeans to invade olina unions. We don’t need any When I left, a steel skeleton was Jennings. to be tee action of a very large and control this country—^not one Yankees to tell our mill folks what just outside the office window. Glastonbury—George F. Clen. colors ...... 1.00, 1.98 Jaunty Beret Tams in all the wanted to do.” • Returning, I find teat the biggest ' Hartford ■ — Alexander Charbo- meeting, for it is essential teat it single word of which could possibly hotel in tee world is all wrapped neau, Hugh Ferguson, Timotey J. Leatherette Jackets, 5 to 10 years.. .1.49 colors...... ^0® ^ 1.00 should have tee m o ^ u well tas be • permitted- to effect tee decision and ready for mailing. At Grand I ’oley, Frank N. Mattesbn, Raymond Stylish felts and dressy models of combin­ tee legal authority of a considered of tee attorney-general, no matter WHO SAID CIGARETS? Central station when I started west, J. Morris, William Ushkar; James Dresses for the school miss with bloomers ation fabrics for school or best wear. determination by tee whole district how true it might all have been. some workman seemed to be dig­ P. Wjmne. London. — Dr. Friedrich Bosser, ging a hole. As I swung into my Higganum—Haakon Garman. in a large assortment of smart styles Styles for every age, 4 to 16 Incidentally tee Constitutional Lib­ Germ^ specialist, will never make taxi, the steel tips of tee new Middletown—Olindo Lancia...... 1.00 to 1.98 ...... 1.00 to 1.98 THE NOMINATIONS erty League has submitted its ‘ten- hifr fortune signing his okeb on a Chrysler building soared to daz Montville—Alex Urachenia. The presence in tee field of thir­ tire case in less than one minute. certain brand of cigarets. He says zUng heights. And a huge sign New Britain—Joseph SUwa. told me teat tee “tallest building” teen candidates for tee seven Re­ These people knew well enough to eat more chocolate to grow thin New Canaan—Kenneth Sammis. and healthier. He claims, it is said, was rising there. New Haven—^William Y. Johnson, publican nominations for members teat tee attorney-general was not teat chocolate effects a permanent Victor Halter. C O M E T O of tee Board of Selectmen adds' a permitted by law to admit or bar cure of weak hearts, neurasthenia, Just two months ago a book en­ Newtown—Andrew J. Hunlhan. fillip to tee forthcoming primary any statute from tee referendum neuralgia and nerves. titled “All Quiet on the West­ Ridgefield of Limestone District ern Front” had been bowling the for any reason having to do with —Raymond McLean. ^ ; which has been somewhat lacking city over. lu the interim a new Waterbury—John Alenekis, Ro - in recent years. It evidences an tee statute’s merits or demerits. TEMPLE TO TIME publishing season had started. Peo­ meo Minicucci. interest in local government which Yet they strove frantically to talk ple were talking about publications Westfield, Mass.—^Harry C. Cole- JVIARLOW ’S . is always to be desired, apd which him into doing something teat nc Washington, D. C. — Plans are I hadn’t heard of. 1 entrained with fskx. under way here for tee consteuc- Jim Monahan, of tee Century con­ has its points of excellence even if hadn’t a scrap of legal right to Jersey City, N. J.—Rudolph X ▼ A ■ FOR VALUES tion of a 81,000,000 “Time Temple” cern, for a day at tee beach and it Perch. & ; it is not always as discriminating do—^prevent a legally drawn pro to be constructed by the Horologl- took me a two-hour ride to get New York, N. Y.—Frank A. » ( as it is enthusiastic, posal from going to tee voters. cal Institute of America. The build­ hints of all tee things teat bad Wattson. ' g ' The five candidates who are pres­ When honest people, people ing will become a national center happened in tee literary world Glendale, L. I., N. Y.—Conrad for tee science of horology and will alone. It seemed that a novel, “The ent members of tee board are all ardently trying to improve tee hu­ Vogle. SOME BOCK! contain many valuable exhibits of Wave,” had been received as a work Hudson, N. Y.—John Twardy. CAN ONLY COUNT 30. days to sober up,” ssdd tee judge. ^Valuable in their positions not only man race, do such things as this watchmaker’s craft. of genius, and I didn’t know jt had New Rochelle, N. Y.—Joseph Can- Wonder what he wculd have given been published. Meanwhile, Mrs. Rio De Janeiro.—^The s ^ n d because every one of ^ e m is a re­ they * evidence chronl6 hysteria. avan. JacksonviUe, Fla.—Judge Muncy for a sniff of tee cork? They are muddled, confused in tee IT’S AN EXPENSIVE ONE Glasgow’s “They Stooped to Folly’' Yonkers, N. Y.—George Violet. largest diamond ever found Ifi sponsible and capable citizen but —and heaven knows what — had Anderson does things in “30” quan­ Brazil was recently reported found because they all possess, in varying rights and wrongs of things. 'They East Providence, R. I.—^Beriah London. — It’s few couples who • come along. R. EJdminston. tities. Came Oaude Milligan before t h e a n s w e r . in the Jaca district of tee state of Agrees, teat experience which is so show that their sense of values and celebrate their radium wedding an­ Broadway’s signs had completely Westerly, R. I.—Zygmpnt Do- him on a Uquor drinking charge one Minas Geraes. A native prospector found it , sold it to another for .Im portant a factor in an efficient relationships is all snarled up. niversary—for It comes in the sev­ changed. The film hits when 1 left brydnia. Monday recently. “I only took two entieth year of wedded bliss. How­ had been supplanted by others. Here is Uie answer to tee Letter 810,000, and it finaUy reached sa selectman. Thiii; do^s not mean It is such a state of mind teat drinks,” said Claude. “Thirty days Golf puzzle on tee comic page: American jeweler for $40,000. It irf’ ever, John Bailey bought his wife They were talking of new plays and .to sober up,” said tee judge. Fol- teat there is not Also some good Henry Ford was in when he gave a nice little present recently to new names had shot up into tee big The last name In tee New York THAR, TEAM, TRAM, TRAP, estimated to be worth $500,000, and ' ‘inaterial among tee seven newcom- utterance to tee silliest things teat telephone directory is Zzyzz. Prob­ 1 lowed Zander Martin. “I only took celebrate their radium annfversary. lights. The ascension of little Ruby one drink,” said Martin. “Thirty TRIP, DRIP, DROP. weighs 111 carats. ^ ers who will contest tee noniina- Have ever been spoken by a dry. It Bote are -90 :^eiir8 old. Keeler to stardom in a Ziegfeld ably some speakeasy proprietor. .S S K S i m


You Are A Step Closer When a Blimp Goes to Sea for Its Passengrers NEW INVENTIONS • T o Manchester's Mystery ■ L CHANGING LIVES Last Three Days O f Come to think of it, there are*well and have little to worry about FOR FRENCHMEN many communities where the sight money. They get along just as of money from one end of the year well as the folks in the city who get Our Summer Sale to the other, is rare indeed. This is, a fat pay envelope, just see it for of course, another step nearer to a moment and then hand it over to V New York — A new epoch in the solution of the mystery that somebody else. They are just as French life and history in dawning soon will have all of Manchester ‘broke’ at the end of the year as the —and the rsuiio, automobile and guessing. farmer who never saw a cent of airplane, all the contributions of You read a few days ago how a money during the twelvemonth. modernism, are speeding its arrival. little New Jersey town solved the Now a state of affairs similar to Dr. Fortunat Strowski of the Uni­ problem by using tobacco coupons the tobacco coupons and the no versity of Paris, who is visiting pro­ instead of money. money situation will soon be ex­ fessor at Columbia University’s In many rural communities the perienced in this town. summer session, finds that the same farmer trades his eggs and butter Here is the explanation. But no, post-war influences have accelerated for groceries. Work is swapped it would not be proper to divulge life here to a greater degree, en­ and the milk goes to the gn^ain or the secret at this time. dangering family life in America fertilizer dealer^ These folks live JUST WAIT A FEW DAYS. more than in France. “Influemies operating to force women out of the home and into BUCKINGHAM SHAKES cofnmercial life have accomplished RAIN HALTS BAND; results in ten or twelve years un­ der post-war conditions in France AS ROCK IS BLASTED 1 which normally coxild not have been r accomplished in fifty or sixty,” he PLAYS TOMORROW declares. Huge Ledge Being Removed to When a dirigible goes to sea for It^ passengers, t his is how the transfer Is made. The Goodyear dirig­ Despite toe pressure brought Make Way for New High­ ible Volunteer was equipped with pontoons and landed on the water just out of Los Angeles harbor to about by econoihic cbnditions which allow Charles P. Bayer to get aboard from the Inboun d steamer. City of Honolulu. The test proved the way— Is Considerable Task. force mothers and sisters into toe Windsor Musicians Stopped feasibility of transferring passengers at sea to dirigibles in order to save time. professions and industries to swell If Charles Strickland, Addison the family purse, the French fam­ news reporter were a resident ox ily spirit is preserving the home, he by Downpour; On Rec right or wrong,” said Miss Lillian explains. Winsted, he might be tempted to Bond, petite brunette film- player. JITNEY PUYERS ARE THREE-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE report toax earthquake tfemolts MOVIE BATTLES “Americans feel the need for this Program Tomorrow. were plainly heard in that section Miss Bond is the daughter of a tenderness too, and it accounts for Large Mirror, Chest of Drawers, Highlite finish. Vancouver, B. C., newspaper editor. •the poignant regrets they some­ of toe state both yesterday and to­ ‘‘I am afraid these coimcilmen. PROMINENT SOCIALLY day and let matters go at that. times express for their disappear­ A downpour of rain cut short However, Mr. Strickland is inclined THRILL STREETS are not fully aware just what the ing family life,” he says, but points the band concert being given by the modem miss wears. The clothes a difference between the home-lov- $13900 to stick to toe truth more than his weigh hardly more than 13 ounces. The Jitney Players who are to Windsor Band at the West Side Winsted contemporaries and so he erA of France and those of this playgrounds last evening, toe con­ investigated toe reports more OF HOLLYWOOD That was all mine weighed when I present “’The Man Who Craved coimtry. cluding event of an athletic pro­ put them on scales the other day. Culture” on August 29 at the Recre­ “The activity and enthusiasm of 8-Piece Diniitg Room Suite, flO gram. Director Lewis Lloyd of toe thoroughly. He learned that the ‘‘I can speak only for the Holly­ state highway department was en­ life in America is very intense as Recreation Centers announced this wood girls I know, and this ’s what ation Center, are an organization of it is absorbing. 'The French man Regular $149.00 ...... f P J / O . l / U gaged . in dynamiting an unusually socially prominent young people morning that toe concert would be Hollywood, Cal.—Free shows for they are wearing: Frock of the or woman takes more time to live, repeated tomorrow evening in con­ large rock ledge at toe Buckingham with professional training who tour toe sighteers are provided on the very lightest material; shorts of toe to enjoy others and perhaps to junction with the staging of toe four-comers in building a new road. same materiad as toe frock; socks New England, New'York and New 3-PC. MOHAIR LIVING ROOM SUITE The ledge in question measures Jersey from Jime to the middle of work out for himself his deepest senior track and field events which streets of Hollywood with famous dyed to suit toe costume and folded capacities . Because of this milder were originally scheduled for last about thirty feet in length and is stars providing toe thrills in toe at the ankles; brogue sports shoes, September with their automobile Reversible cushions, wood finished frames. Regu­ toe same in width. It is twelve feet theater, a modernized version of the I tenor of existence, the American night. filming of exciting sceneo of new mostly white in woven leather; and [student in France may find himself lar $250 suite. A real buy at A good sized crowd watched toe above toe roadway level. Conse­ an angora tarn of white or to suit strolling players of old England, quently it has been necessary to do pictures. which was adapted seven years ago happier than toe French student program last night. They saw toe costume. who suddenly finds himself caught Quido Giorgetti win the town horse- considerable drilling. In order to For Instance there was a spec­ by Bushnell Cheney, the son of prevent any possible accidents, toe tacular gim • battle staged between ‘‘The majority of frocks are in Horace Bushnell Cheney, and his up in the accelerated swirl of life $198 00 shoe-pitching title by winning two in the new world.” out of three games from Jim Fal- ledge is being blasted away, bit by police and bandits on a Hollywood pastel shades and of the ‘sunback’ wife, Alice B. Keating, daughter of Ion: saw Rev. James Greer, assist- bit. Heavy logs are placed over boulevard comer for a new picture style, being cut half way down the Mrs. Frances Root Keating of Buf­ ant pastor of the South Methodist the *'•“ section— to be blasted and chain­ - featuring a bank robbery. back. falo. N. Y. Special Values in A^minster Rugs * Episcopal church, spring a surprise ed down to prevent pieces of the The pitch and tempo of normal “Most of the girls are going in ’lixose who have never seen the BRITISH CONSUL DEAD by defeating Donald Jesanls in toe rock flying into the air and doing busy traffic went to frenzy when strongly for sun tan makeup. ’Then Jitney Players will find an enchant­ A good assortment to select from. ___ — i . ] « . 4-V i ..V is only one shade of this, ^though quarter-finals of toe men’s town damage when theyJand. A half police sirens, roaring auto and mo­ ment about their out-of-door per­ Prices start a t ...... ‘ ...... championship singles tourna­ dozen charges of dynamite have al­ torcycle engines and the rat-a-tat I have seen other girls mix a small formances that it is quite impossi­ $30 ready been used and the job is not of machine guns swelled toe din. quantity of rogue with it. Thi ef­ ble to attain within the confines of Portland, Me., Aug. 28 — Col. ment; saw the Ramblers beat toe John Bernard Keating, for 33 years Hudsons 5 to 1 to make a third yet near completion. Instead of driving frantic pass- fect is' that of a person who has a a theater, and they wdll undoubted­ game necessary to settle toe senior erbys from toe vicinity, toe racket slight trace of Indian blood in their ly appreciate the spirit of real am­ consul here for Great Britain, and who was recently honored by King -playground leag^ue cham- densely charged traffic lanes r.3 veins. The purpose of the sun tan bition and desire to present drama Special Prices on One Dozen Easy Chairs pionSiip. Additional , details will be spectators rallied nobly to the makeup is to blend with toe natural as unusual in its literary value as George “for valuable services,” was found on the sports pages. ON SERIOUS CHARGE scene. Hollirwood, ever generous to sim tan of the body. The girls are the way in which It is produced. dead at his residence at Cape Eliza­ And Cogswell Chairs beth today, aged 71. The junior track honors in toe New Haven, Aug. 28 — Arthur toe put-of-towner, also furnished very careful to protect their faces 'The plays are produced under the afternoon were won by Charlie a bit of old London on a side street while lolling at toe beaches, for a direction of E d ^ r Montilllon Wool- Col. Keating, after eight years as Cunningham, 28, of Jersey City, vice-consul .in Boston, was trans­ Smith with 15 points. Sam Brown was being held for Federal Authori­ and in another part of the city a strong sun usually bringr, out ley; the costumes by Alice Keating was second with 12 and Everett famous church became for the time freckles. and Zora Partlett-executed by ferred here. ties here today following his arrest On May 31 last he was decorated Victor Inner Spring Mattress Salmonson third with six. In toe during toe night in a Grand avenue being St. Georges Cathedral in Bri­ “The costume usually is complet­ Tessa Altenritter; and the scenery intermediate class, Ernest Viot was tain’s capital—all for the sake ^ ' ed with a ‘wedding-ring’ necklace.” designed by Leslie Thome and as an officer of the Order of the SPECIAL rooming house where he was stay­ British Empire by direction of King first with 15, Austin Brimley sec­ ing with Elizabeth Zija, eleven toe celluloid. Frances Keating. AT ...... ond with 11 and Eddie Litowinski 'The members of the acting com­ George, by Consul-General Edward $29.50 years old, of Trenton, N. J., who F. Gray, M. A., who came from .'I third with six. All received prizes. had been missing from her home One of what has become known CITY OFFICIAL KILLED pany include Alice Keating, Gene Austin Brimley and Eddie Wemer since August 19 and was being as a “typically Hollywood girl” Magnus, Penna Tew, Jeanette Boston for that purpose. won the finals of toe junior tennis 'widely sought. took issue with the Los Angeles Hammonton, N. J., Aug. 28 — Dowling, Juliette Phillips, Thayer Layer Felt Mattresses, doubles tournament by defeating Cumiingham and the girl were city coxmcil on toe question of Brj’an Fields, said to be a member Roberts, Robert R. Parsons, Harri­ Bob Dotchin and Jim Bieber 3-6, looked upon as father and daugh­ whether girls should be allowed to son Dowd, Charles Maylin, Harri­ Regular $25.00 ...... $18.50 of the Philadelphia City Council, son Morgan, William Whitehead 8-6, 6-3 and they, too, received ter. The girl told police Cimning- wear bathing suits cut extremely was killed early today when an Good woven ticking. ' prizes. Others to be awarded were ham had brought her here without low in front and back to get a coat automobile in which he was riding and Eli Dormont. \ •: Joe De Simone and Tom Tomlinson, her parents’ knowledge. of tan. crashed into a telegraph pdle near jimior quoit champions, Mary An­ Cunningham was ordered held “It’s a tantalizing subject, and Elwood. Robert E. Noone, also of It may be all right to take an tonia and Edith Brown, junior ten­ under $5,000 bail to await a hearing it all depends on toe personeil view­ occasional flyer in the stock market, nis victors in toe East and West Side Philadelphia, driver; of toe car, was Bed, Mattress and Spring, ^ 9 9 ttfl xmder the Mann Act. point whether the city council is slightly injured. but don’t be sold yourself. playgpround tournaments and Cap­ Complete outfit f o r ...... tain Francis Mahoney of toe Cubs, You want to see this value. winner of the junior playground league. Among those who will compete for toe senior track honors tomor row evening are Bernard Sheridan, BUY HEBE BUY f l o w A Beautiful Gray or Green Finish Sully Squatrito, Jim Crowe, Bill Johnston, Bob Dougan, Joe McClus- • Bungalow Stove key and many others. Entries can fo r be made at either Recreation Cen­ (Combination Coal and Gas) ter or at toe field at 6 o’clock to­ morrow night. This will be the grand finals of toe Recreation Cen­ $98.00 ters’ splendid bill of summer activi­ SCHOOL ties. and SEE FORMER TEACHER To Look Your Best for BENSON FURNITURE CO. Labor Day Dress “The Home of Good Bedding” HERE WED YESTERDAY ^ Corner Main St. and Brainard Place— South Manchester i FALL WEAR Dial 4928 Manchester people who attended > I RADIO toe wedding yesterday in Clarks­ Steinite — Spartan — Stewart-Warner ville, N. H., of Miss Florence A. You can save doUars not pennies by tak­ GREENBERG’S ^ Kelley and John Erickson, induced Mr. and Mrs. John I. Olson, Miss ing advantage of the drastic price cutting $—DOLLAR—$ Marion Tinker, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dyers and Cleaners L. Emery and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart on our entire stock of quality merchandise. G. Segar. 28 Oak St. Miss KeUey was for several years Repairing Neatly Done. teacher of languages in the local Greater Values Than Ever Be­ ADVERTISE IN TH^ HERALD—!T PAYS High school and made many friends during her stay here. Mr. and Mrs. Erickson will live in Milwaukee, fore. Look Over These Buys. Wis. TALCOnVILLE EIGHTH Master Ralph Smith and Shirley BOYS’ SHOES Smith of Bridgeport are -visiting their gp-andparents, Mr. and Mrs. $1.95 Ernest Smith. ANNIVERSARY Mrs. Monroe Smith of Wingdale, N. Y., is spending a few days with Boys’ Shoes for Dress Wear her parents. Rev. and Mrs. F. P. Boys’ Long Pants Boys’ All Wool Knickers 1921 “ Eight Years o f Service” 1929 Bacheler. all sizes $2.59 Charles MacCallum spent Sun­ $1.95 day in New York City. $1.00, $1.95 In the absence of Miss Carrie FIRE IHSURANCE LuU of Manchester, who is on a sev­ Ladiea’ > ‘ eral weeks’ vacation, Mrs. R. K. Boys’ Knee Pants Boys’ Jersey Suits Girls’ Wool Sweaters Lowest rates— ^reliable companies. Anderson of Manchester will play 79c For School Wear $1.95 House Dress ... 69c the organ in the local church. $2.95 Rayon Stockings Mrs. Fred ’Thorp is spending sev­ Boys’ Wool Girls’ Oxfords, Strap 39c pair eral weeks at the Hotel Naj^s, Na­ Boys’ iS v e e d Suits Ladies’ Sweaters $1.29 AUTO INSURANCE ples, Maine. •; Jackets $1.79 Shoes $1.95 All Sizes Special $1.79 Written in stock and dividend paying companies. Ask for rates. HAND SHOT OFF. Men’s Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 28.—^Be­ Children’s Girls’ Raincoat lieved near death, William T. Daum, Linen Knickers . 79c Athletic Underwear automobile salesman, that William Play Overalls .. 39c and Hat 1 Suit ...... 45c REAL ESTATE Peffer, his superior in business and Wash Suits .... 39c Golf Hose, 2 p a ir ...... 25c $3.95 2 Suits f o r ...... 80c landlord, shot and beat him when, Golf Hose, 1 pair ...... 19c Homes and building lots for sale in every section of the town. Now deyeloping he said, Peffer caught him in a Wash S u its ___ 89c Boys’ Sweaters ...... 89c Buy Now for “ Clearview.” ^ tryst with toe former’s wife. Pajamas Peffer was arrested and held in $1.25 Value 'B oys’ Blouses.-39c and 89c School Wear $i.50 Value ...... $1.19 $10,000 baU on a first degree assault charge. MORTGAGES Daum, whose hand was shot off, MEN^S kept silence for three days before BOYS’ SUITS , WORK SHIRTS We can place the following amounts, $1500, $1600, $1800, $2000 on good reliable lo­ TiRTTiing Peffer as his assaUant. - Carini’s - cal properties. Let us invest your, money. We handle all the details. K yon have LYNCH FREED. Young Boys’ Suits ...... $1.95 49c, 69c, 89c money to invest ask for further information. ..i Middletown, Au. 28.—WiUiam T. Lynch was today exonerated by 3 Pc. Suits, size 1 5 -1 8 ...... $2.95 D epartm en t Coroner L. A. Smith from blame for 4. Pc. Boy Suits, size 7 - 1 5 ...... $4.95 T ie s ...... 39c and 89c the death of Carmelo di Modica, Boys’ Suits, size 7 -1 4 ...... $5.95 who on August seventeenth died Van Heusen Collars Boys’ Serge Suits, all s iz e s ------$8.95 ARTHUR A. KNOFLA from injuries received when hi^ car was wrecked by one driven by - Store - 4 fo r $1.00 Students’ Blue Serge Suits .. $13.95 “SERVICE THAT SATISFIES” Lynch, ’The comer urges the street TEL, 5440 intersection where the accident oc­ 4 Pc. Suits, reg. $12.95, now ... $7.95 25 OAK ST. Coat Sweaters ...... $1.29 875 MAIN STREET curred be protected by traffic sig­ nals. \ 'MANCHBSTEirtVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28,1929; 1 IN THE MOTOR MODE Daily Health J ‘ Service 1 by World Famed Authority ELEANOR EARLY © 1929 'Ey /ItA S « r / \ c t j HinU On How To Keep Well Here Is the Probably the favorite sport of the,-lower than dkn generally be ex- on Newton,” suggested Red, “it willing to be married. But you tume that won the average woman of leisure is shop­ pected in satisfying that need. THIS HAS HAPPENED would be more to the point, Tim.” know yourself that there would be French automobile CLINIC TRAGEDY SHOWED ping, and contrary to the gener^ Also he points out that there But Molly closed the door on his no earthly sense in leading a cat and “prlx d’elegance,” PERILS OF DEADLY belief, this includes ’purchasing as are two parties to every bargain, n it r o g e n DIOXIDE. the Merchant and the Shopper.' ^ Vm.T.V BURNHAM writes plays blasphemy. dog life, for the sake of sharing worn by chic Ma­ well as prospecting. aaO books, and is generally adored. Rita. That wouldn’t be any goinl Be sure that it is a bargain for “You go tbo, Red,” she com­ dame Latour — and In no coimtry is shopping as Ta % single evening, two men ask manded. “It would be just like Bob for her, and it wouldn’t bring any Editor’s Note: This is the seventh easy and as painless as in our you and not for him. bdr”to marry them. One of them, to skulk aroimd here all night. I’ll of us any happiness.” you will note that of a series of articles by Dr. Morris own. Daily advertisements keep RTT.n FLYNN, is a reporter. MoUy order the flowers in the morning, “Why not. announce our engage­ the honor was de­ Fishbeln describing the effect of women advised of mark downs, The first step in intelligent and Red have been friends for and you can reach me by phone, if ment, if you really mean to go served, for nothing poisonous gases on human beings. __and____ new merchandise.___ Shop win- I shopping is for the shopper to an- years, but Red has an invalid there’s anything I can do.” through?” j , could be more femi­ dows are as alluring as they can alyze her own particular needs. mother, and he has never been able “Will you go to the funeral?” he “No.” She shook her head firmly. By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN. be made, and the same artists he points out. These may be stim­ to contemplate marriage. “You see, I am a public sort of per­ nine and more prac­ ulated by something she has seen E^tor Journal of the American who produee stage sets are often The other man Is BOB NEW­ “If you want me to,” she prom­ son. People, for some strange rea­ tical, at the same called in to place merchandise in in a store or read in an advertise­ ised. “Poor dear Red! You came son, are inter^ted in what 1 do. If time. The sweater Medical Association and of Hygeia, ment, but she must determine for TON, the widower of an old frlen^ I should annoimce our engagement, the Health Magazine. toe most dramatic and glamorous whose. Uttle girl Molly adores, ^ b here for sympathy, and bumped Is blue and the .skirt positions herself exactly what they are be- into one of the usual fracases. I m every newspaper in America would ' In toe Cleveland Clinic disaster, reminds her that If she carry the story. I loathe and despise beige—which exactly toe patients could. be diidded into All of us want to* get something j^re she starts to satisfy them him, she will become little R^TA S awfully sorry.” advertising my personal affairs. An two groups: those who died Immedi­ mother. If she refuses, he will “Oh, that’s aU right.” matches the interior engagement is always a more or lass of the car. The ately, and those in whom the symp­ take the child and jo away. I hazardous affair. There is nothing toms were delayed for several ' Bob has been drinking, and Is He lit a cigaret casually. disgraceful about an experiment French designer hours. Sometoing ..you would ... member, if there’s anything He advises women to read ad­ rather abusive, when he fmds Ited that fails. But if our experimentel Mag Helly launched The ones who died immediately, have cared for -at its original vertisements as a basis for select- In Molly’s apartment late at night. do, old dear ...” engagement should prove a mis this type of- costume succumed probably to toe effects “You mean if I want to get mar­ price of $10 is jing what they want about which Then, in front of Bob, Red (who^ take, I should not _ want everyone two years ago— that of carbon monoxide, cyanide gases $4.98, not because it y 'they want first hand Information, mother has died that very night) ried?” she laughed. and nitric fumes. They died, as but because it is re- gossiping about it.” is, matching skirt desirable fnot as a basis for making fihal Mks Molly to marry him. Shortly, “Exactly.” She continued reasonably. You has been described in . previous duced. decisions, and to remember toat Bob flings angrily out of the flat. see, a public person has so little pri­ an d “culottes”— articles in 'this series, by toe im­ R | Ple^l g?"ow, dll BobYprobaMy the advertiser and merchant are n vate Ufe. Look what happened and they are just mediate shutting off of toe breath­ I know ma^y women who are talking to a wide audience and when John GUbert and Ina Claire becoming popular. ing and complete asphyxia. completely sold on toe idea of women must respond as individu­ were married. Well, if you and 1 The second group who died waiting for sales to buy their als in terms of their own speciad would make a perfectly imposlble on your exit. , , should become publicly engaged, it were extremely interesting be­ clothes. They jyould never think conditions. ^usband. And, besides, she loves “Damn Bob!” he exclaimed. I ^ would create a good deal of inter­ cause at first they seemfed to be of paying toe original price for a While they are you suppose he’d really take Rita est, because my plays are still run unharmed. Some of them went h, .trying -in’Vp dress. When a $50 dress has been home and suddenly became ill a reduced to $25, they consider it, The horse is supposed to be toe ipan. j throw a scare into you - ^ fmcriii- 'with with the best sellers.sellers But if you few hours later and died before but not before. friend of man, but this doesn’t “I think he was trying to fnght- ^ should break our public en- they could be greatly helped. All of which is very well for hold good when you place a jockey j^OW GO ON WITH THE STORY she said. gagement, the story would be 10 When their lungs were examined on the animal. ‘Well, you get hold of me, if he some women, because they keep CHAPTER XLIII times as good! A romance is always after death they were found to be in mind what they want and need tries to start anything, honey. l good copy. But a broken romance full of fluid, and the blood was and buy accordingly, but too many ' The policeman was big Tim Dug­ can beat him “Well, they don’t make it s£tie tack a wooden floor, any r^use, or Mrs. A. M. Gordon ' “Bob Newton, are you ting it, but I suppose that’s about Moiner, may x gu . „ ® ^ ^iRpsides what if the water is low? He defines a bargain, very con­ Bhe wheeled furiously on him. You Molly to hold. Molly put on the the dam tomorrow with Bud and enough to drown a ten- any organic material in its path servatively, as an article which 689 Main Street , night light, and feasted her eyes on the idea,” she admitted. and develop these red fumes. will meet a real need at a price South Manchester, Conn. w t h ^ ma\te^^^^th* yo^T’I^ y -1 the“chHd’3' loveliness. Her ch e^s “And meantime I get the privi- Chuck. year-old kid. Old Barney Sudds Various substances contain What s the matter wi y pink and her mouth was like leges of a fiance, but I have to keep | “j suppose so got drowned there last year. “nitro” and give off nitrogen how? frozen!a crimson^ rose. my mouth shut about it?” “You mean it? Honest?” “He was drunk and he got dioxide when they are burned. 1 But Bob preserved a Thei;e was a poem in The ^ifth “Ebcactly.” “Yes. I think you can go. What drowned above the dam. He Anything made of celluloid, such feilence. Grade Reader, when Molly went to (To Be Continued.) time?” , a a 1, showed himself off in a boat with­ as X-ray films, guncotton, or khe Is fond of him, but that he school. It was about a oabv who All day. We’re going to take out any oars and went over. The dynamite, are examples of this Mollv saw that his fiste said an angel kissed her as sno our lunch. Jimmy!” boys fish below the dam. It s not kind of material. pehhhed; She laid her hands on his came by. And off tears Johnny to dis­ deep. Johnny’s a good swimmer. “After toe burning or. incom­ pense the good news to his chums. Didn’t you ever go fishing there The Smart Shop Molly tried to think how it wont, plete explosion of dynamite in a ^ “You keep out of this. Red,” she but recollection eluded her tonight. Home comes the good old man when you were a boy? You talk tunnel, or the spilling of nitric j “Always Something New” Ordered. . She was very tired, and put her w y i r k . r i at six o’clock and Johnny greets about it enough.” Then she spoke again to Officer acid on a wooden floor, or some i head against the side of Rita’s bed. him with, “Oh, Dad, guess. We’re No Quick Decision similar slight mishap,” say Hen- j State Theater Building, South Manchester She slept fitfully and dreamed hor­ going fishing tomorrow. Bud and The conversation see-sawed up derson and Haggard, "a workman) ^^Tt’s quite true, Tim, that I have rible dreams about losing Rita. She Chuck and I, at the dam. All day. and down, back and forth, all eve­ Mp^, Newton’s little ^ rl here. Y^ou inhales some of toe fumes for a was wandering through a great “Is tha-at so? Who said so?” ning. Johnny went to bed and time, but is little inconvenienced. 8 ^ / Rita. Mr. Newton is her forest, filled with wild animals, book­ "Mon,” ^ , still his father wouldn’t make up ftLther. When Mrs. Newton di^ed, He goes home and eats his supper ing everywhere for the child. Call­ “Oh, did she? Does she know his mind. Bud and Chuck had sat feeling perfectly well. During A e -asked me to take her h^y- ing and crying. And stumbling r.s that that’s the very place old Bar­ out on the steps for hours await­ fiew'ton surrendered her of his own ing the decision, then departed in toe night edema (pouring out of Just Arrived! sh.i ran, praying that nothing liad ney sudds was drowned last year? fluid) of toe lungs develops and lilition. I’ve had her ever since. And besides, there’s nothing there disgust. , never tried to heep her away be! alien her beloved. before noon, or even before morn­ “Hello, mama!” but carp. They’re not good ea^ Bud’s mother called up. Chucks ing, he is dead, drowned in toe fiom him. It isn’t true that I have She woke with a fearful start, ing. You don’t want to catch safe” they urged. “Besides. fier against his will. He has been fluid poured out in his lungs.” dreaming that she had found Rita ca*p.” Dave Jones is going along and Because it is thought that toe ®ming'iiere whenever he chooses. by an open grave, searching for An Anxious Son he’s 17” ^ ^ , see the child, and, to be my guest, Well — he would see, Johnny s thickening of toe blood and its doir relations have always been per­ someone who had died. “Oh now, Pop” Johnny gave inability to carry oxygen are im­ The child laughed at her ala.*m, his father’s hand an anxious father would. portant, injections of blood or of fectly friendly” and threw her little arms aoout Johnny tossed all night. He iT h e big policeman "scratched scrateneo hisn and threw ner uiue aimo ber. shake. “You’re not going to spoU salt solution are made, and some­ It. Can’t I go? Can’t I? ” scarcely slept at all. times quantities of blood are “Tell me, dear, who had you •Tm not so sure. We’ll have to Johnny’s mother went on quiet­ ^ “It’s none of my doings, Miss, ly with her mending. She knew! taken from toe veins to relieve ^he gentleman says you ve hi rather live with—daddy or me? see about it. Anyhow it looks the congestion. Oxygen is given Had you rather stay in your beau­ like rain. Say, Dora, whats this She knew all along that he in­ S id and ho comoa to the station tended to let Johnny go. He was to relieve toe shortnes of oxygen Sfouse, looking for a ''''Arrant. See tiful big nursery, with all your about Johnny going fishing at the and toe blueness. In such cases pretty playthings, and have all your dam tomorrow?” just playing heavy father. the person is given a mixture of lag as I knew you. I comes. lovely little dresses, and everything I told him he could go. The At 7:30 the next morning he S-like, to see the trouble is. supposed it was all right. John- oxygen and air and without toe - “Newton’s crazy, injected^^ Red. you want—or had you rather go water’s low and' he’ll be safe carbon dioxide. and live with daddy, and noc have enough. These three little Miller uy could go. Particularly important is abso­ Fill FW •that’s all the trouble. 'Tim. any nursery at all, and —” boys go every day. It’s not very I wonder what he thought he’d lute quiet and rest. Neglect of c “I told you to keep out of this, gained ? tepeatod Molly sternly deep.” this requirement results in death - She ignored Bob. who stood in The. child laughed delightedly. It by sudden heart failure not infre­ Transparent Velvets the doorway, twisting his hat awk- was a new game they were play­ quently. ing. they are crossed, the foot resting on toe floor should form toe Georgettes ^^What if I refuse to give her “I’d rather live with you ’n’ daddy DON’T SLUMP! IS WARNING BURNED IN TRENCH bofe,” she cried. straight line with toe weight rest But if you couldn’t have us both. ing on the ball of toe foot. If one Prints "^•■■Y™d have to ahow ja rlln g r’ Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 28—Three OF GRACEFUL MOVIE STAR sjts with both feet on the floor, laborers wefe buried, one of them son There’d be a hearing “I’d rather live with you!” one in front of toe other and toe a judge, and you’d both have a ankles slightly crossed, toe leg completely, today when toe sides Sport Ensembles chance to tell your stories. ^ dared Rita, poiting her little of a trench they were excavating ■ “But I mean tonight. You re not ger. “And I’d rather live By MABEL DUKE in front should be straight, with for toe foundation of a building in asking me to wake the poor child daddy too!” toe line unbroken at toe ankle. Common street here collapsed. The j | Molly sighed. The principles that apply to cor­ “Sitting beside another person trench was 14 feet high and two a t this time of night, a ^ give he "You’re a born diplom.at,” she i to whom one is talking, a graceful .95 to Mr. Newton, to take God-knows- rect and beautiful walking also feet wide. to where. It’s the most idiotic thing said. position is to have toe ankles The Lawrence Fire Department She spent the morning in the to graceful sitting. Many of us crossed, as described in the pre­ I- ever heard!” 695 was summoned and succeeded in Twould be much more sensible dared Rita, pointing her little fin- sink Into comfortable chairs, sitting ceding paragraph. The front foot extricating toe-trapped men, who riftw^fvou two could get together,’’ luncheon together in the nursery, on our backbones with our toes should be toe one furthest from now if y _ ------nnnfi Evcry moment today was a precious AFFECTS HIP YOKE your companion. This gives were not badly hurt. suggested Duggan peaceably, and A novelty silk crepe in red tones pointed_toward._^ ,rv,of the aVgue it out between the two of you jewel. , , “Don’t slump! That is graceful turn of toe body toward At three the butler announced on dark ground so suitable for all- toe one with whom you are speak­ There’s nothing to be gained by day occasions, made at a saving greatest warning to give ­ running to the judge with your | Bob ing a graceful sitting position, ing. He was calm and courteous today. and In a remarkably short time. tale. Sure, and the child j Style No. 695 is simply a long- dedares Olive Borden ‘‘pc P . She'. mlM.- contradicted Molly. | walsted bodice pointed « backbone straight a n d ^ t^ shoifi- A tourist is a person who can “He gave her to me.” „ r list lie 6 ...... i affects a hip yoke. Merely Join ders back. That doesn t m e ^ to find out more about a town, in 10 - “To be having for a little while, ^^“It^'as^^a bit^melo*^^^^ ube 1 front and back of bodice at sides sit on toe edge of the chair in a minutes than the oldest residents soothed Duggan. “And sure you stiff, imgraceful attitude. Stiff conceded coolly. “Rather like (be! and shoulders. The two-piece skirt learn in a lifetime. want to keep the little angle,.which i is cut circular at front, and is ness is never beautiful. But nei­ is only nature, God knows. For movies, don’t you think?” ther is slumping excusable. - n I saw"’’ 1 “ “K^waTto^^onVwa‘; I could con- seamed at sides and attached to toe “The hands are attractive 11 ^MolK- back squarely L n ce you that I was in earnest,” he bodice, and the^dress is__ready for they rest in the lap, palms up, in­ ! declared. “I had to show you how sleeves to be set into armholes. This attractive dress comes in stead of flitting about nervously. “Ask him.” she directed the po-! much it would mean to you to lose sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38. 40 and As for toe legs, crossing them is no longer considered bad t^te. S^^iind Sme yoiLdi_4n’t. 1 knew quite 42 inches bust, and is made with Perhaps toe most beautiful , 314 yards of 40-inch material in the “ ^ . T a r b i r M ^ Newton, sjbb. of H: A atun. position is to have toe ^ ning dress whose cost will be a diagonal line with toe chair, one mere trifle. toe® on toe floor and toe other at more°'talk^ For Miss wanted you to know that toe Black crepe satin is another in­ ankle of the forward foot, as Miss ■Rnmham is a fine littlq lady, and!law is in on my side. You can t teresting idea that will make it ap­ |or?enis sitting vou shouldn’t bo breaking her poor I possibly keep Rita without ray C(m- pear so entirely different. Use the panying Illustration. In this m ^ nttio hpart ’’ ' sent.” dull surface of crepe for bow tie Mr, toe forward foot and leg form t L v waited, like actors in aj She shrugged, wearily a straight line from toe toee to “Are you trying to make me hate and binding. * drama, for Bob’s answer. Officer Rich wine red canton crepe is ef­ toe toe, accenting toe arched in- Dueeran drew his shaggy gray j you, Bob love fective and ultra-new. ?ro^s together, frowning. Molly 1 “i wish I could make you Tomato red crepe de chine, sheer ‘^his same idea of a straight tn n bowl of flowers on toe me.” , woolen-in tiny beige and brown line from knee to toe shoifid be Shle tvvisSg their blossoms this “You act like an eager over. check with plain brown binding of followed, whatever the position of It Begins ^ a n ^ to a f S 5 ’s fists were still -But I would,” hehe cried, cried, “ “if 1 ^ v.au y u ’d the legs,” Miss Borden said. ° crazy about you!i! ” grosgTain ribbon, and royal blue Fall Felts, 3enchsZ and” he glared at Bob like silk crepe wearable combinations. an animal that seeks to hypnotize “Maybe that’s why you behave like such a darn fool,” she hazarded Pattern price 15 cents in stamps IHKEEfo nvc MINin£5 before it springs. or coin (coin is preferred), wrap Soliels, Velvets, .' Bob bowed. He was lookmg at insultingly. We won’t get any­ to FOlUY THEATRES Molly, but she kept her back to where quarreling though. Listen, coin carefully. I Bob—would you care to try out a We suggest that when you send Just Arrived— with the Cow Him. -'“ Tf I have Miss Burnham’s prom-1 trial engagement? For a little w M ^ for pattern, you enclose 10 cents ise to see me tomorrow, and con- i mean. It’s so absolutely a^u l^to additional for a copy of our new ^ / / 1 1 n\ bought yesterday while Fall and Winter Fashion Magazine. There’s a whole lot more to the dairy business <^de the matter at that time he talk about getting married right on my buying trip in New ^id . J away quick, when we haven t done than milking the cow. That’s only the beginning. Molly raised her head, and re anything but quarrel for weeks. Manchester Herald York. I paid particular Pasteurization, sterilization of bottles, testing the iaimed his gaze steadily. Maybe, if you should be engaged to attention to large head milk for butter fat content—incidently our “At three o’clock,” she said. —me for— a little while, you wouldn’t Pattern Service Then she spoke to Officer Dug-|want to marry me at aU sizes. The prices . range contains a higher percentage than is. required by You’d try to scare me off, I sup­ Pattern No. 695 again, explaining Red’s pres- trv to scare me As our patterns are mailed from state laws—and before breakfast delivery, are fac­ pose?" , tors that enter into our business. : “Mr. Flynn’s mother died tonight. “Oh, no. I’d be just as nice as from New York City (ilease al­ anything. It would be a real en­ low five days. Tim. He came to tell me about it.” 4 . 9 5 i,»“And was she ailing long, toe gagement. You know I’d play the $ 1 . 9 5 $ Germs don’t like the sunlight—and so they don’t T?>>nr woman?” inquired the big po- game, if we agreed to try it out. Price 16 Onts , like our plant, for the.gold.en sunshine streams in Meman sympathetically. “May God You could come here whenever you ft JtgbtidtBookkt AU Shapes, With and S v e mercy on her soul." wanted. I would go out with you, Name [ V.)0HIU0a QpiNS Without Brims through window after window, all day long. ■■"“She’d been sick a long time, 'wherever you choose. My only ytzsuitn.t ]fed told him. “She’s better off stipulaiton would be that ’toe eti- Size . . . xfew, Tim.” _ . . .. gsigement should be an absolute ^'Bod had stepped quieUy Into toe secret, untU we had given It a fair address NELLEGS BRYANT & CHAPMAN CO. il l and now Duggan foUowed him, trial, ., Manchester’s Millinery ^ G o o d night, Miss Burnham. Sorry “If we can get along peaceably Quality, Courtesy and Service have troubled you. I’ll say a bit for three months, then we can be Headquarters Pasteurized Milk and Cream that Hartford 2-0264 j a'nrayer this night for you and | married. I love Rita so much Send yorir order to the “Pat­ State Theater Building DIAL 7^97 ^e little one.” il’U do anything in reason to keep tern D f P t . , Mam-lieslor Ifivciilug ' “Oh, thank you, Tim.” her. If marriage between us seems Herald, So. Alanchester, Conn.*' \ “If you’d use your nightstick now 1 to be reasonable, then I am quite 11 ^ ______u------— 1------—------— ------^------—- lilANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28,1929.

Held As Get-Rich-Quick Tricksters TO PAROLE WALB CHINESE EASTERN R . R. DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Washington, Aug. 28. — CJlyde RESUMES OPERATIONS New Haven, Aug. 28.—1 283—WTIC, HARTFORD—1060. Leading DX Stations. York, New Haven and Wednesday, August 28 8:00 7:00—WEAB'progs. (2V4 hrs.) Walb, former chairman of the Re- Olivo I'almer, coloratura soprano, 10:45 9:45—Old-time Singing School. (DST) (ST) puhlican state central committee IR rEdlroad today increased its coi will sing the Scottish melody, "An­ 422.3—WOR, N E W A R K -710. 405.2—WSB, ATLANTA—740. stock dividend by one dollu: 8:00 7:00—Two dance orchestras. Indiana, now serving a four year nie I,avii ie," during the broadcast over 7:00 G:00—Twilight'music recital. All Soviet Employees Who year. Announcement w id,j WEAt’ and associated stations at 9:30 30 6:30—Newark string trio. 9:00 8:00—NBC programs (3 hrs.) sentence in the Atlanta penitentiary 7:00—Show Boat melodrama. 12:45 11:45—Studio feature concerL Spread Red Propaganda AYe here that directors of tiie tailtofiil;4l Wednesday night. With Paul Oliver, 8:00 293.9—KVW, CHICAGO-1020. for -violation of the national bank­ tenor, the soprano will be beard In a "The Yourtg Hero." ing law. Is to be released on parole. Now Being Arrested. have declared a quarterly- divi# special interpretation of "Because 9:00 8:00—United Symphony orch. 8:00 7:00—NBC programs (1% hrs.) of $1.25 per share, payable Octotpp_ You're You," from “The Red Mill- 9:30 g;3()—Vocal duets, comedian. 9:30 8:30—Herbuveaux’s orchestrju. Attorney .General Mitchell has 9:00—Popular dance hits. 10:00. 9:00—WJZ progrpns (l„n r.) 1 to stockholders of record SepteBiil Under the direction of Gustave Haen- 10:00 12:15 11:15—Dance music to 2;3lh approved the politician’s application schen. the orchestra will P|»y 10:30 9:30—Dixie vocal echoes, Harbin, Aug. 28. — Chinese au­ her 6. ’The dividend at presien^ 4k i ii;05 10:05—Two dance orchestras. 389.4—WBBM. CHICAGO—770. foi freedom, ic was announced to­ of the Comedians." "Should I? and 9:00 b:00—Golden music hour. per share. ■ "Crazy Rhythm." Well known and 302.8—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—990. day, and he will be released in a thorities have launched a new cam­ 7:30 6:30—Radio Nature league. 9:30' 8:30—Frolic, dance music. Announcement also was macl^ favorite selections from the works oi 10:00 9:00—Social entertoinmenL few days. paign against dissemination of Saint-Saens, Grainger. 8:00 7:00—WJZ programs (3 hrs.) 10:30 '9;S0—I^ewis' dance music. Walb was convicted on April 28, that the regular dividend of SLW- Strauss will feature the Program or 11:20 10:20—Miller’s dance orchestra. W iL w JJD. CHICAGO—11W. Soviet propaganda through the a share on preferred stock was der the WJZ network at 10, which will be 454.3—WEAF, NEW YORK— 1928, of violating the national bank­ medium of the Chinese Eastern 6:00 5:00—Black and Gold orchestr^ 7'00 6:00—Victorian orchestra, laiK. dared, also payable October 1 to presented by Clyde Morse, 8:30 7:30—WJZ male ing laws, and has served about six­ and a concert orchestra un<^r the dl- 7rf» 6:00—Synagogue service with Railway, it was learned today. stockholders of record September Teresa Rashkls, sololsL 0- 30 8:30—Theater presentations. teen months. Resigned Soviet members of the rection of Victor Wagner. The _ B ^- 12-00 11:00—Studio 6. chanalc” from the ?rand opera Sam­ 7:30 6:30—Male octet, soprano. 416.4-WGN-WLIB. CHICAGCP-W. Republican leaders of Indiana railway’s technical staff are being fea' 7-00—Modern composers music. son and Deliah," which will be 8:00 9 00 8:00—WEAF progs. (1% hwt) were instrumental in procuring his placed imder arrest on charges of tured in the concert, pictures the 8:30 7.30—Happy Wonder orchestra 11:20 10:20—Louie’s Hungry Five. release. onrv which celebrates, in the i«temple with Jack Parker, tenor. 11:25 10:25—Orchestra, harmonists. indulging in Communist propa­ r f^ a g a m the downfall of the |reat 9:00 8:00—Male trio, orchestra. 12-00 11:00—The Dream ship, ganda, and punishment of death heia Samson, enemy of the Philistines. 9:30 8:30—Symphony orchestra with Olive Palmer, soprano; lo'is n-15—Three dance orchestras. been threatened' to those conidcted Paul Oliver, tenor. “• 344.^WLS. CHICAOO-870. UNREST IN MEXICO of Sabotage of the line. Wave lengths in meters on left ot 9:00 8:00—String station title, kilocycles on the nght. 10:30 9:30—Light opera, "Patience, 9:30 8:30—The Anvil chorus. Chinese officials charge that rails T ^ e s are Eastern Daylight Saving 12:00 11:00—Harmon’s dance orchestra. W .5—WMAQ. CHICAQC>^0, were removed and trains bombed and Eastern Standard. Black face 393.5_WJZ, NEW YORK—760. 8-00 7:00—WOR programs 2% hrs.) Mexico City, Aug. 28—The politi­ ■I 5:00—New.1:-on—New Yorker'sYorker orchestra. by Soviet employes following seiz­ ;ype indicates best features. 6:00 6:00—Male trio.. orchestra, 10- 30 9:30—Grabel’s pand music. cal campaign for the Mexican presi­ 7:00 11:00 10:00-WJZ Amos 'n’ Andy. dential election in November is in ure of the line by agents of the 7:30 C-30—Talk, John B. Kennedy. 11- 10 10:10—Artists and planlsL Nanking government. Leading East Stations. 7:30 6:35—Pianist and bass. 11-40 10:40—Three dance ^cheM ras. full swdng today wdth every Indica­ 8:00 7:00—Kogen's orchestra with 344 6_WENR, CHICAGO—870. tion it will pass off peacefully The Cffiinese Eastern Railway has C IT Y— 1100, tenor, comedy duo. 8-15 7:15—Farmer Rusk’s lecture. now resumed operation with its ATLANTIC - „ 8:30 7.30_Froresters male quartet. throughout the republic except for 5- 30 7:30—Popular songs: spirituals,3:00—Soldiers feature hour. 10- 00 9:00—Studio minstrel show. usual regularity. Nine thousand / 9:00 8:00—Madden's concert orch. 9:00 x-30__Vocalists, instrumentalist. possible minor disorders. 9:30 3:30—Forty Fathom Trawlers. ®'299 DAVENPORT-1000. Rumors of impending trouble, a Russians are still employed. Five 9:30 8:30—Lodge band concert. 10:00 9:00—Voyagers musical travel 1C:0U 9:00—Beach combers quartet. ogue to Belgium. 8:00 ' 7:00—WEAF progs. (2% hrs.) possible attempt at revolt, cabinet thousand are Soviets and the re­ 10- 30 9:30—Orchestra: band. 9:30—Wagner's orchestra with in-xn 9-30—Magic hour; book talk. mainder White Russians. Three Dependable 10:30 changes and unrest among the 11- 30 10:30—Concert: Clyde Morse, pianist ^"•^%61.2-KOA, DENEVR-^0. thousand employes have resigned or 283—WBAL. BALTIMORE—1 0^ 8-30 7:30—NBC programs (1% hrs.) army generals were aJl denied by 11-00 10:00—Ai>is 'n' Andy, comedians 11- 00 10:00—Orchestra, contralto. 7:00 6:00—Soprano and orch ^ tr^ 11:15 10:15—Slumber music. A concerted drive on bucket shops and stock tipsters In Ne-w York President Emilio Portes Gil in an been dismissed since the setnire. 7:30 6:30—Masquer^ers orchesdra. 491.5— WIP, PHILADELPHIA—610. 1- 00 12:00—Cotton minstrel show. brought about the arrest of A. H. Montgomery, right, and Gerald Tiffahy, Chinese troops are being steadily 243.8—WNAC, BOSTON—“1230. ^ ^ 7 -c MC. HAVANA-840, official statement. 5-45-Talesman's Crusaders orch 6:30 5:30—Dinner music; talk. jj.no 7:00—Military orchestra. left, charged T/ith fraud in the sale of stock. They’re shown above at { Officials united today in declar- moved into the Manchuli area, al­ Cleaning- 8- 00 7:00—Instrumental ensemble. 7:15 0:13—Ensemble, tenor 3:30 7:30—F rankford Lithuanian lo-OO 9:00—(Juban troubadours. a court hearing when Montgomery was described as “ a hardened crim- jjjg tjia.t the Portes Gil government though there now seems to be no 7:30 C:30—Concert; 1 chorus. 12:00 11:00—Supper dance inal” who had served a previous prison sentence for defrauding 4,000 is strong and that it is in a position likelihood of actual outbrealf* of 8 00 7:00—WOR programs (3 hrs.} 476.9—WOS, JEFFERSON CITY—630. 9:00 8:00—^Musical radio forum. 10-15 3:15—Address; saxophonlsL persons out of ?1,500,000, and Tiffany was revealed as a former broker­ to deal immediately with any at­ Sino-Russian hostilities. 545.1—WGR, BUFFALO—550. 10:00 9:00—Orchestra; organist. Every garment that comes 6- 31) 5:30—Van Surdam’s orchestr^ 10-45 9:45—Moonlight serenader^ age employee wanted for larceny in Georgia and on another charge tempted disorders. into this establishment has our 7:00 6:00—Shea’s symphonic musics 535.4—WLIT, PHlLADELPHIA-^0. 491 5—WDAF, KANSAS CITY—610. 8:00 7:00—WEa\F programs (1 hr.) The rumors were attributed to 8:00 7:00—WEAF progs. hr®-) 9:30 8:30—WBIAF music hour. In Michigan. \ personal attention and receives 9- 00 8:00—Marcella North, pianist. 10:30 9:30—String orchestra; artists. “idle trouble makers” and political 10- 30 9:30—Studio musical hours. 9:30 8:30—WEAF music hour. a final 0. K. before being return­ 11- 40 10-40—Van Surdam s orchestra. 11:30 10:30—Harmony team. enemies of the government. ed to you. 333 1--WMAK. BUFFALO-900. 305.9—KDKA. PITTSBURGH—980. 1-45 12:45—Nighthaw-k frolic. 6:30 5:30—Dinner dance orchestra. ^468.5—KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. “Let us alone.” Nor was it the When Dining In 6- 30 5:30—Dinner dance music. 7:00 6:00—liamous diners; ramblers. 7- no 6:00—WOR Columbia hour. 12:00 11:00—Roads to romance. Catholic nobilijy and those who.ie 8:00 7:00—WJZ programs (3 hrs.) 12:30 11:30—Studio entertainment. You are doubly assured of 7- 30 6:30—Royal Hawaiian music.11-00 l6:00—Bestor's dance orchestra. OPEN FORUM unexampled pusillanimity long LEAGUE PETITIONED 8- 00 7:00—WGY concert hour. 1:00 12:00—Mdslc liouc: HARTFORD satisfactory work, and under 11:30 10:30—WJZ Slumber music. 333.1— KHJ, LOS ANGELES—900. thwarted and retarded O’Connell. 8:35 7:35—Beach program; organ. 245,8_WCAE. PITTSBURGH--1220. such a guarantee you cantt af­ 9:30 8:30—WOR programs (1% hrs. 12- 00 11:00—Orchestra: vocal soloists. DANIEL O’CONNELL. The Catholic Bishops for a long 6-00 5:00—Dinner dance music. 1-00 12:00—Studio entertainment. Geneva. Aug. 28.—The League of Visit ford to pass us by. 11-05 10:05—Dance orchestr^ 7:00 6:00-Gospel hymn sing. time received him, and the ad­ 428.3—WLW, CINCINNATI—700. 2:00 1:00—Dance orch^tra. vanced school of emancipationists Nations has received eight petitions 7- 30 6:30—Diners dinner music. 7:30 6:30—B'eature music hour. 370.2-WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL-^10. Editor, The Herald; from Jewish and Arabian organiza­ 8-00 7:00—WE.YF programs (4 hrs.) 8:00 7:00—WOR programs (3 hrs.) Kindly allow me space in your with imconcealed dislike and alarm. 8- 00 7:00—WJZ programs (2 hrs.)12:00 11:00—Tracy-Brown’S orchestra. tions for intervention in Palestine, 10:00 9:00—Concert: perfect circle. 11:00 10:00—Musical entertainment* paper as I wish to remind Irish They had seen the terrors and SUITS MADE 260.7—WHAM ROCHESTER—1150 12:00 11:00—Admiral; dramatlfit. It was learned this evening. 11:00 10:00—Night club; orchestra, 7:30 6 :30 -Dinner dance music. people in Manchester, especially 13:66 11:00—Chime reveries. 12:30 11;30—Nankin dance music. rigors of the penal times, and leave It is assumed by the permanent 8:30 7:30—WJZ programs (8 hrs.) Irish (Catholics, that this year to live, even by mere connivance, TO ORDER. 1:00 12:00—Dance brehestra; organist 11:06 10:05—Monk’s dance orchestra. 608.2— KOB, NEW MEXICO—590. secretariat that the League Assem­ s';00 1:00—Gene, Ford, Glenn. 10:30 9:30—Music; bridge; music. (3929), is the centenary of Catholic seemed to them a great boon. *280.2—WTAM, CLEVELAND—1070, 379.5— WGY, SCHENECTADY—79a bly will take up the Near East situ­ 12:55 11:55—Time; weather; markets. 379.5— KQO, OAKLAND—790. Emancipation in Ireland by Daniel 7-00 6:00—Maids; orchestra, 6:00 5:00—Stocks, market reports. 12:00 11:00—Motor mates music. In nothing did O’ConneU’s su­ ation when it convenes next week. 8:00 7:00—B'clks; musical propam. 12:30 11:30—Parisian quintet, soprano. O’Connell, that intrepid statesman W'e Call For and Deliver. 9-00 8:60—Aristocrats entertainment. 6:30 5:30—Dinner dance music. preme tact and prudence manifest 6:00—Hum and Strum boys. 1:00 12:00—Radio dramatization. who fought the British Government 9:30 8:30—IVEAF music hour. 7:00 270.1—WRVA, RICHMOND—1110. itself more notably than in his deal­ JUSTICE IS HUMAN. O O / T ^ R 10:30 9:30—Variety hour; organist. 7:30 6:30—The songsters. alone and brought back to the Irish 8:00 7:00—Concert orchestra. 8:30 7:30—WJZ quartet; soldiers. ings with the Catholic Bishops, who 12:00 11:00—Two dance orchesy^as. 7:30—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) 9:30 8:80—Studio variety hour, people the freedom of worshipping Hartford, Aug. 28. — Judge John 399.8—WJR. DETROIT-7M. 8:30 10:30 9:30—WJZ orchestra mualc. were opposed to and unfriendly to /WOPPC MODERN 1:00 7:00—WJZ programs (1% hrs.) 10:30 9:30—Studio concert orchestra. their God. him. He never attempted to excite L. Bonee recognized the precedence 12:00 11.00—Albany dance music. 11:00 10:00—Studio hour; orchestra. Bom in Carbarn on the west coast henri f. karn, proprietor 10:80 9:30—^Musical hits and bits. Secondary DX Stations. popular indignation against them of Hymen over Justice today. Gil­ Dyers and Cleaners Secondary Eastern Stations of Coimty Kerry in 1775, at a time as “Castle politicians” , he never al­ bert Browning, of Greenwich, was 60 Asylum St. 348.6— WABC, NEW YORK—860. 202.6— WHT, CHICAGO—1480. when our American colonies were 508.2—WEEI, BOSTON—590. 11:00 16:00—The musical parade. lowed a word disrespectful toward due in Q ty Court to answer a 6:00 5:00—Ensemble: dance music. 7:00 6:00—Black face comedy. struggling for their freedom. In ‘ vVhere Cuisine Reigns Supreme’ 11 School St. Tel. 6837 7:30 6:30—Vocal trio; vignettes. 12:30 11:30—Two comedy sketches. them to be uttered; he never at­ charge of reckless driving. When he 7;10 6:10—Big Brother club. 1:00 12:00—DX air vaudeville. those days a Catholic coifid not get 7:30 6:30—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 8:30 7:30—Friml’s masterpieces. tempted to degrade them in public failed to appear. Judge Bonee 9:00 8:00—Dream maker’s studio, 10:30 9:30—Your hour league. a professional education in Ireland, 10:30 9:30—C. of C. organ recital. 11:00 10:00—Ramblers entertainment. estimation/ It was hard to find the called his $200 bond. Then came a 374.8—WSAI, CINCINNATI—800. 9:30 8:30—Ebbet’s Field fights. 10:30 9:30—Negro spirituals, songs. 238—KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS—1260. being a crime on the statute books powers of an oppressive govern­ messenger from Browning to say 7- 30 6:30—Dinner dance music. 8:00 7:00—WOR programs (3 hrs.) 8- 00 7:00—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 11:00 10:00—Two dance orchestras. of their government; so O’Connell that Browning was in East Hart­ 525—WNYC, NEW YORK—570. 11:00 10:00—Studio concerL ment, fines and penalties. 11:00 10:00—Glad girls; orchestra. 12:00 11:00—Bears entertainment went to France and got his educa­ ford, acting as best man at a iuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiijfii|t 215.7_WHK, CLEVELAND—1390. 7:30 6:30—Educational addresses. 8:05 7:05—Tenor; Security league. 374.8_KTHS, h o t SPRINGS—800. tion there and afterwards studied O’Connell laid down as the basis friend’s wedding. Judge Bonee 7:00 6:00—Indians entertainment. 8:30 7:30—Kaltenborn’s Symphony. 11:00 10:00—Orchestra, soprano. law in London where he became 1 ot his political action in Ireland, promptly rescinded his order con­ 8:00 7:00—WOR programs (3 hrs.) 310.7—CFCF, MONTREAL—730. 11:30 10:30—Como’s dance music. 31:00 10:00—Lunatics: Slumber music. 1:00 12:00—Studio entertainment. the most noted lawyer in all Eu- ] this proposition, “Ireland cannot cerning the bond, and gave Brown­ 12:00 11:00—Three dance orchestras. 8:10 7:10—Dinner concert orchestra. I PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW 9:00 8:00—Musical progs.^(2 hrs.) 461.3—WSM. NASHVILLE—650. rope. Ii fight England.” Moulding all his ing another day in which to face —i .S' 325.9—WWJ, DETROIT—920. 8:30 7:30—Franklin’s dance orcli. 7-30 0:30—WEAF programs (1 hr.) 357—CKCL, TORONTd—830. ' Nearby his birthplace is the town movements on this principle O’Con­ him in court. 10:00 9:00—Puppy Club; philosopher. 9:00 8:00—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) 8:30 7:30—The Detroit trio. 11:10 10:10—Dance music, contralto. of (Dahirciveen where a church is nell resolved to show his country­ i For a New | 9:00 8:00—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 10:35 9:35—Microphone mummers. 12:00 11:00—Orchestra, tenor, organ. 12:00 11:00—Soprano, orchestra. dedicated to his memory and is men that they could win their HAGUE DISCHARGED. 272.6—WLW, NEW YORK—1100. 440.9—k PO, SAN FRANCISCO—680 6:00 5:00—Tenor, orchestra. 315.6— WRC, WASHINGTON—950. known as the O’Connell Memorial rights by action strictly within the g;00 7:00—WE.YF programs (3 hrs.) 12:00 11:00—NBC entertainment. 0-30 5:30—Contralto, orchestra. 2:00 1:00—Henderson’s dance band. church and the only Catholic constitution. He happily combined Trenton, N. J., Aug. 28.—Mayor 7:00 6:00—Bass; orchestra; soprano. 11:00 10:00—WJZ Slumber music. church in the world I know of dedi­ in himself all the qualifications for Frank Hague of Jersey (Jity, Demo­ cated to the memory of a layman. guiding them through that system cratic boss of the state, will be I NOISELESS NOKOt 1 Twenty miles south from there is of guerrilla warfare in politics discharged at once from custody of Barcarolle, from ‘Tales of Hoff­ Derrynane where O’CJonncU Select­ which alone could enable them to the State Legislature which caused INSTALLED man” Offenbach. ed as one of the beauty spots of defeat the government wdthout his arrest on contempt charges, it WTIC Olive Palmer and Elizabeth Len­ UOTATION! his native country and built himself violating the law. Quick to meet was announced today. I $390.00 Without Tank nox. a home, now occupied by his great each dexterous evolution of the foe, PKOUKAMS Should I?, from “Modem Maid- grandchildren. There are m ^ y in­ by some equally ingenious artifice RECOVER TAYLOR’S BODY. -ens.” IT—-T cidents connected with the life and evading the ponderous blow design­ I'ravelers, Hartford Selections 'from ‘•'The Merry career of Daniel O’Connell. One ed to crush him. No man but him­ Norwalk, Aug. 28.—The body of = Do you need new smoke pipe for your furnace? If ; S 500 m. 600 K. C. Widow.” time when he was Lord Mayor of self cbuld have carried the people, Howard L. Taylor, who was drowned 10:30—Travelers CJub Orchestra di­ “The present generation of col­ Dublin he rebuked the city council as he did, safely and -victoriously Sunday while trying to swim across i its old and rusted let us renew it. ^ , £ rect from the Travelers Recrea­ lege men is, I believe, on the whole fo; spending the people’s money to through such a campaign, with the the harbor here, was recovered to­ Program for Wednesday. tion Groimds, Norm Cloutier, di­ cleaner, more intelligent, more in­ their own advantage; they retali­ scanty political resources then pos­ day by police. Taylor’s deatii has teresting, )more promising than been listed as caused by accidental Eastern Daylight Sa-ving Time. rector. ated by inducing D’Esterre to fight sessed by Irish Catholics. 11:00—Baseball scores; Hartford their predecessors Oj.’ a generation drowning by the medical examiner. P. M. OConnell in a duel. O’Connell Men sagely pointed out that Courant news bulletins; weather ago.”—Edward MeShane Waits, promptly responded and they met I ALFRED A . GREZEL ] 8 :00—Mobiloil concert from N. B. emancipation was inconsistent with report. president Texas Christian Univer­ on the outskirts of Dublin where he C. Studios, Emo Rapee, director. sity. the Coronation Oath and that it in­ E Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Contractor. = Song of the Musketeers, from shot D’Esterre and left him mortal­ volved the severance of both coun­ ly wounded on the field. O (Jonnell NOTICE! E Headquarters for Plumbing and Heating Supplies. 5 "Three Musketeers.” “The business of a soldier is to tries or the dismemberment of the Baritone solo, Douglas Stanbury. felt highly worried over the affair empire. • But none of them could = Main St., 0pp. Park St., South Manchester 5 end war and not to begin it.’—Vis­ and always wore a black glove in Notice is hereby given that with male quartet. count Lascelles. impose upon, or frighten O’Connell. there will be a special meeting of M mt Not Now But Later, from “High public to commemorate j Suddenly there appeared ■ a sight as the legal voters of the E a Jinks” . He also sued the city of^ubhn for, horrific to English odd oppression as Theaters “I find that many presidents have compensation for the Soprano and tenor duet, Gladys joined the ranks of fishermen only the hand upon the wall to Belshaz­ Fifth School District Rice and Robert Simmons. which he won a large sum of money zar—Irish regiments cheering for after their inauguration, but I claim for Her upkeep the remainder of Giannina Mia, froip "The Fire­ 4."> years of apprenticeship.”—Presi­ O’Connell. Then the hand that of the Town of Manchester, held at fly.” AT THE STATE. dent Hoover. her life. held the chain shook with the palsy the schoolhouse in said district on Soprano solo, Gladys Rice. From 1810 to 1829 the politics of ot moral fear. Peel and Welling­ the 28th day of August, 1929. at Allah’s Holiday, from "Katinka.” “The Shakedown.” Ireland were wound up in one ques­ ton, those same ministers whose 7:30 o’clock in the afternoon “Marriage is a ^ ea t institution tion—emancipation or no emancipa­ Contralto solo, with chorus. ‘Two Lovers.” —for those v/ho like institutions.” especial platform was resistance to (Standard Time) for the following Indian Love-'Call, from “Rose tion. The Catholics had many true Lovers of fast-moving action and —Lord Dewar. Catholic Emancipation, came down purposes to wit:— Marie.” and staunch friends among the to the House of Commons and told 1. To elect a moderator for said Tenor solo, Robert Simmons, with breath-taking romance are due tor Protestant patriots. Grattan, Cur­ a series of startling surprises if “We profess to believe in a free the assembled Parliament that meeting. Something male quartet. ran, Plunket, Burke and others are Catholic emancipation must be 2. To hear a report of the Treas­ they should take occasion to visit church in a free state. Let us see names that will never be forgotten Love Everlasting. the State theater today where Uni­ toit that they are kept free.”—Dr. granted, that the Irish people must urer. Soprano solo, Gladys Rice by Catholic Irishmen. But by all have the liberty to wrorship a stone 3. To see of the district will vote Ma Belle, from “Tjfiree Muske- versal’s thrilling talking picture, (Jaleb R. Stetson, rector of 'Trinity British parties and party leaders “The Shakedo-wn” is being present­ wall or a golden calf, that the man to lay a tax. Episcopal Church, New York. alike, they found themselves in t©6rs.** ed. of the people had conquered. 4. To transact any other busi­ Baritone solo, Douglas Stanbury. turn deceived, abandoned and be­ R. J. C. ness that may be propei to come Katinka, from "Katinka.” “The Shakedown” is a drama that “No advance in human history trayed, denounced by the King, before said meeting. Male quartet. is replete with entertainment of this that was of any great Importance calibre. The story revolves around assailed by the Tories, betrayed by Dated at Manchester, Conn, this Sympathy, from “The Firefly.” was ever made by taking steps the Whigs one moment, favored by a han^ome ;-oung ne’er-do-well, along old lines.”—John Dewey. Tom Marshall said this country 22nd day of August, 1929. Contralto and tenor duet. the premier, a cabinet or a member EDWARD H. KEENEY, Song of the Vagabond, from “The who falls madly in love with a pretty needs a good five-cent cigar. This girl and determines to go straight. of a cabinet, the next forbidden to HENRY P. JORDAN, Vagabond King.” hope and commanded to desist from country has several of them, but His gang, however, are strongly we have to pay fifteen cents for THOMAS N. PRENTICE, Baritone solo, Douglas Stanbury. KIUED AT CROSSING further effort. The enslaved mil­ Committee. ■with chorus. against him doing such a thing and them. they plot to get rid of him, knowing lions at length took the work of Combinations g;30—Happy Wonder Bakers from tb^ir redemption out of the hands that he is a coward at heart. How Palmer, Mass., Aug. .28.—John P. N. B. C. Studios, Frank Black, di­ the young man overcomes all of of the English party chiefs and rector. ^ Sullivan, 66, of Three Rivers, a cliques and resolved to make it a these obstacles is told in a dramatic suburb, was Instantly killed this Beautiful, Leonard and Stem. fashion. question of national emergency. No. 462 New Process Gas Range. i Song of the Moonbeams, from afternoon when the automobile The great victory was mainly the Some of the scenes are presented which he was dri-ving was struck \ 101,089 Direct Legal and Qarage “ Sketch Book,” Rose. with vi-vid talking sequences that work of one man. It may well be Serenata, Moszkowski. and driagged 800 feet by a Boston & doubted if any other man or ^ y are bound to hold one Interested Albany passenger train. All enamel finish. Thou Swell, from “The Connecti­ until the final reel. James Murray other tactics could have succeeded Service in cut Yankee,” Rodgers. and pretty Barbara Kent have the The automobile was struck at a where the genius, the energy and Nobody Knows de Trouble I’ve leziding roles In “The Shakedown.” grade crossing. The highway at that strategy of O’Connell were so nota­ Lorain Heat ControL Seen, Negro spiritual. They are supported by Harry point makes a sharp turn, and bly victorious. Irishmen of this* 1928! Kathleen Mavourneen, Crouch. police believe the aged inan had not Gribbon, Opal Taylor and Wheeler generation can scarcely form an An Iruetnadorud Association of Tenor solo. Jack Parker. seen the approach of the train. aoequate conception of the hercu­ Oakman. William Wyler directed. 32 years’ standing whose Enamel Oven Linings. “ Once in a Lifetime, from “The The associate film feature again lean task that confronted that Vanities of 1928,” Gaskell. brings to the State screen the ir­ BED GENERAL KILLED. young barrister of 1812. The con­ service is unequaled Rio Rita, from “Rio Rita,” Tier­ resistible charm of those two fa­ dition of Ireland was unlike that of Our service does not depend upon the presence of ney. mous sweethearts, Vilma Banky and Moscow, Aug. 28.—General Jan any other country in the world in Only 36% inches wide. Fabrizius of the Red army and Clubs which are usually found only in the larger cities. 9:00------Ingram Shavers from N. Ronald Coleman in their last ap­ any age. The Catholic nobility B. C. Studios, S. C. Lanin, direc­ two other persons were killed when had read history so mournfully pearance together in a single pic­ a So-viet passenger airplane crashed Its benefits are available anywhere tor. ture. The title of this farewell opus tliat the soul had quietly departed Full size oven 18x18 inches. 9:30—Palmolive Hour, Olive Palm­ into the Black sea near Sotchi, to­ from them. They had seen noth­ in. the United States and Canada is “Two Lovers’ ’and it is a drama day. Five others, including a Local Representative Here on Thursdays. er, soprano; Paul Oliver, tenor; of the early days of European his­ ing but confiscation result from Elizabeth Lennox, contralto; Cav­ woman and a five-year-old child, tory, when hmighthood waus in were rescued after clinging to the past efforts, and they had learned This fine range aliers quartet; orchestra direction flower. to fear nothing more than new agi­ Automobile Legal Association Gustave Haenschen. wreckage for more than an hour. Fabrizius was a famous civil war tation that might end similarly. I’m On the Crest of a Wave. Like the lotus-eater their cry was 152 Temple St., New Haven 18 Azylum Sc., Hartford Because You’re You, from “The 71 MEETS FATHER 92 leader in Soviet Russia following the Red Mill.” Red revolution. Soprano and tenor duet, Olive EHizabeth, N. J., Aug. 28.—Dom- Palmer and Paul Oliver. COP KILLS MAN BOARD OF RELIEF eniqo Fotl, Sr., 92, and his son, New York, Aug. 28.—An uniden­ $105 Or What Have You? Domenico, Jr., 71, were reunited at tified man was shot and kUled to­ Wake Up, Chillun. the son’s home here today following Seventh School District Cavaliers quartet. day by Patrolman James Quigley is arrival of the father from Italy. Brooklyn. Quigley was attracted Time payments if you wish. Chanson Provencal. Domenico, Jr., recently wrote his Soprano solo, Olive Palmer. b y cries of Frederick Redcay, whose NOTICE parent, whom he had not seen for car had been boarded by three men, Notice is hereby given to all t o - Dance of the Comedians. fifty years, that he felt “too old” A Dream. and opened fire on the trio. ’Two payers In the Seventh School Dla- The Eagle Barber Shop has added an extra cl^air to. to venture the sea trip to Salicia, of Redcay’s assailants escaped. trict that a board of relief meeting Tenor solo, Paul Oliver. so father came here. Where the Bab-Bab-Babbling wlU be held at the school in satd give quicker and more efficient service to the public, in­ District, 'Thursday evening, August Brook. dividual towel service to each customer. A trial visit The Song Is Ended. Louisiana merchants are coa- WM. E. KRAH 29, 1929, from 7 to 8 o’clock, D. S. ’ S L*' Annie Laurie. sideriAg the shipment of 5000 Expert T., for the purpose of hearing any will be appreciated and convince you that we are ready Soprano solo, Olive Palmer. pounds of muskrat meat dally. tP and all complaints in regard to the Crazy Rhythm. the large markets of the country Radio Service tax list. to serve you right. The Manchester Gas Co. A. HEALY, Little Mother of Mine. this fall and winter. Here alone, Philco Jars and Batteries EARL STAIRS Tenor solo, Paul Oliver. 5,000,000 pounds of muskrat E. STEIN; The One Girl. meat are available annually for R C A Tubes and New Sets D. ARMSTRONG, Cavaliers quartet food consumption. ‘ Phone 4949 District Committee. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOtJTH liJANCHESTBR, CQNN., WEDNESDAY, AUGtrST 28,1929. PAGE GIORGETTI DEFEATS FALLON SINGER HEAVIER Wins Two Out Of Three Greer Ai.d WasUdewid,'“ “ Zm THAN CHOCOL j 1 ___ _ _ Defeat Jasanis, McHaie „ „ n_. r B 1 iGames From Worthy Foe By TOM STOWE. ^which will go under the name of the Bat By Only Few Pounds— ______- __ z. Make Third Game Necessary ^Majors—a team that once put the If„ present plans materialize, north end on the football map as By 5 to 1 Victory Last Manchester/is already assured of no other teams since has been able Both Boxers Fil for ihe^COMPANYGPUYS ^Players Tos$ a Total of 89 Pair of Startling Upsets Fea­ YANKEES’ VICTORY another football classic between to duplicate. the North and South this y^r for, While nothing definite has b«eh ^otToniorrow. Ringers Gving Splendid ture Last NighPs Play in Night. the town . championship. For a ! decided______about the meoihglhgmaaacine or MEANS LITTLE NOW time, it Appeared that the north coaching of the team, it is more HIGHLAND OUUTT end might not be represented by ^ than probafcle that Jack Dwyer, By SID MERCER Exhibition Before Un- Town Tennis Tourna­ The Hudsons had high hopes of strong tea^ :but;«today it was an- known m the father of collegiate being called upon the bandstand nouncedh thatt^re Cloverleaves and fobtbsU in Manchester, will be at New York, Aug. 28 —Weight is Pipgras Mows Down League last night before the big crowd at North aids imd decided to consoli­ the helm. Bill Griffin and Howard not going to be toe deciding factor Rival Teams to Meet in Sec­ nsnally Large C row i ments. the West Side playgrounds and pre­ date Keeney may handle the maniftg:erlal in toe Kid Chocolate —A1 Singer sented with the prizes that go to With this action, friction which reins. The Majors meet BM- scamper at' toe Polo Grounds to­ Leaders in First Game of the wiimer of the senior play­ would have developed wdth two (day night at Hickey’s Grove for morrow night. ond Game of Series at Quido Giorgetti won the town Two startling upsets occurred in ground baseball league but the teams at the north end has auto- |*practice smd a special business' sas- Singer will be toe heavier, but by horseshoe - pitching championship the town tennis singles champion­ Ramblers at least delayed such matically been eliminated. Dr, Ar- | sion. The opening game wdll prob- not more than four pounds— per­ last night by defeating a worthy West Side Gronnds; Pos- opponent, Jim Fallon, in two out ship tournaments here last night. Series. action by trimming them in the thur B. Moran. has been selected ably be against the Roneers, cham- haps only three. second game of the series. The president of toe combined forces' pions of Hartford. ______The Cuban fast black has brought three fifty-point games at the West Miss Aileen McHale, finalist two himself up close to toe feather­ Side playgroimds. The scores were Paradoxical as it may seem, the score was 5 to 1. ibie Linenps. years ago, was decisively defeated weight limit. Singer can get under 50 to 37. 45 to 50 and 50 to 14. New York Yankees caused their With the two teams deadlocked •by Miss Elizabeth Washkiewich at at one game apiece, a third and de­ 130 pounds without imposing any As a result of his convincing vic­ faithful followers no little misery strain on his vitality. tory, Giorgetti, former local base* 6-2, 6-0, while Donald Jesanis, an­ as they shut-out the Athletics 2 to ciding ^11 be staged Simday morn­ Company G will make another ing starting at 10 o’clock at the Chocolate toiled in toe heat of toe liall. pitcher, will be sent to toe other warm favorite, fell before the 0 in the first of a two game senes attempt to gain baseball recogni­ West Side playgrounds. Last night’s Hall And Mercur Beaten low-ceUinged St. Nicholas gymnas­ Eastern States Elxposition at steady sharp-shooting of Rev. th§.t will be concluded here today. ium yesterday afternoon and scaled tion tonight when it tackles toe Springfield next month to compete James Greer who won 6-4, 6-4. For as the F. F. watched George contest only lasted five timings be­ cause of approaching darkness but 125 pounds after nearly a half hour Highland Park team in a return for toe New England title, all ex­ Tonight will bring together Paul Pipgras mow down the league lead­ of limbering up exercises. He did penses paid by toe Recreation Cen­ Jesanis and Aido Gatti in the last ers in steady succession their it was enough time for the Ram­ game at the West Side playgrounds blers to give the Hudsons a neat no boxing. ^ ters. of the quarter-finals of the men’s thoughts kept turning to what the By Coen And Coggeshall His manager, Louis Guiterrez, starting at 6 o’clock. The bulk of toe large crowd at* tournament. They will play at the game might have meant had the lesson. Recently, the national guardsmen ^ * plans to keep toe bon bon buddy tending toe athletic events watche^j High school south court starting at Yanks played anything like cham­ The Ramblers scored fom: runs in nine took a trip to the hilltop anJ the second inning. McConkey open­ idle today. toe horseshoe match in preference 6 o’clock. Jesanis rules a top-heavy pions o n their recently completed BrookUne, Mass., Aug. 28.—Wll-

O; Ol!0 ER V 2 s i - SUITS «TvMAn |h is PAvJAMAS"^^^^^ and SHOES 0 0 in a cigarette it's Taste/

SUITS AT A c t i o n s s p e a k l o u d e r than words; F j what you want to know about a cigarette is Y O U ’ R E ® H A P P ^ W E A R h ow it tastes. $23.95 $28.95 $33.95 A l N EC R TI And words can’t tell you much about rhesterfield’s taste. Tobacco qu^ty, mild fra­ grance, character— these are only words, until you’ve tried Chesterfield; after that, three FLORSHEIM SHOES words say it all:

“TASTE aAove everything’' MILD...and yet $8.85 h « y S A T I S ^ A Fe^ Remaining Odd Lots of Quality Shoes at We help the men of South Manchester dress with style and comfort. We’re $6.35 not trying to get rich in a hurry. We want our’, friends to refer to 789 Main Street as the PLACE OF FINE TURKISH and DOMESTIC tobaccos, not only BLENDED but «cco Co. s ■ P A G E ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER,. CONN., WEDNBSDAY, AUGUST 28,1929.'

Mrs. Mueller will reside on East At Controls of the 100-Passenger Plane H A U AND MERCUR iEXCURSION Main street. NEWSBOYS CIRCUS N otes. The Ladies Auxiliary A. O. H. will KATQiBYCOEN Hartfo|d ROCKVniE decorate the graves of its deceased GUESm OF HERALD T o members on Thursday evening, a n d COGGESHAU Q uests a t Circus. leaving the center at 6:15. Essex The American Legion auxiUary Large______crowfls attended the and Return Downfe Brotter^ Circus on Tuesday will meet Wednesday night at 8 (Continued from Page 10.) Downie Brothers Shows at aftemon and evening. At noon a o’clock in G. A. R. Hall. qubarson defeated Fred Dixon VIA STEAMER parade was held in the center ot the i Mr. and Mrs. DieUel of Talcott $ 3 ^ 0 0 avenue are enjoying a motor trip to and Don Dixon, 8-6, 7-5, 6-4. AND _ city, which was witnessed by many ■ ' Woodland Street Lot This MOTOR COACH * Canada, Maine and New Hampshire. National Veterans* Doubles of the .townspeople. Through the £ Lillian and Junior Schrumpf, chil­ First Round courtesy of the management, \>b Fare includes dinner on steamer dren of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fred Baggs and Dr. William Rosen­ children from the Tolland County Afternoon and Evening. Wedrte^ayst Saturdays, Sunday* Schrumpf of Ward street, had their baum defeated A. P. Hawes and Home were guests. They were ac­ tonsils removed at the Rockville Sidney Deals 6-1, 6-2. GOING companied by Mrs. Martha Weeden, George Acbeson and S. Jarvis h a r t f o u d l i n e s t e a m e r superintendent of the home and lue City hospital on Monday. Four score Heirald newsboys were Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Little, Mrs Adams, Jr., won from H. Plimpton L t. Hartford • • 4:00 M matrons, Miss Ruby Fuller and Ks- ^ in a jubilant state of mind this aft­ Little and Mrs. Violet and T. B. Plimpton by default. Dne Essex - . • • 9s00 PM telle Hyde. The luxuries the chil-1 ernoon as they wen', hurrying about Hewitt have returned from a visit George Lyon and H. H. Whitman RETURNING ♦ ______. 01 their routes to distribute their pa­ re “£=!i\d."‘srpousra5S n r - defeated W. T. Caswell and E. A. pers. Their faces were beaming N. E. TRANSPORTATION CO. Club, who sent a check recently to W Washington, ashington R. I. Penick, 6-4, 6-4. with smiles which sort of answered BIOTOR COACH Mrs. Weeden for this purpose titan- Miss Christine Bush who has B. C. Ooveil and Louis J. Carrutbers the question to the puzzle. All of Lt .' Esses . - - 9:15 PM ley Dobosz Post, American Legion, been visiting relatives and friends defeated B. H. Hayes and S. P. them are to be given free tickets Due Hartford « • 11:00 PM transported the County Home tam- in Manchester and this city, will re­ Rockwell, 6-4, 1-6, 6-3. to the circus tonight by The Herald (EASTERN STANDARD “nME) ily to and from the circus. The Post turn to her home in Somerville, N. S. P. Hayes and Henry L. Bassford man^^emeat. The affair is an an­ also had as it guests, inmates of the J. won from Irving C. Wrigbt and nual -one as an extra reward for THE HARTFORD LINE ^Mrs. Elmer Hardie of Atlanta, Harry Johnson by defaulL the boys who work through all Town P’arm. .Ga., is the guest of her parents, Mr. Break .\ttempted. B. S. Blake and C. Frothingham te- kinds of weather to bring you the and Mrs. Frank Green of Orchard An attempt was made recently to feated N. M. Seaver and A. C. latest news of the day. '^he boys break into the store of Mr. and Mrs. street and Crystal Lake. Seaver, 2-6, 6-0, 6-1. ' will have seats in the reserved sec­ Mr. and Mrs. Otomar Held of Start Them Off to Manville Grumbach of 3U Grove F. M. Suiloway and H. V. Green- tion at tonight’s, performance. Boston, Mass., are the guests of the street. Efforts were made to pry nough defeated A. N. (Duke) “Going to the circus tonight?" School With Pens and former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ The pilots may fly it, \>ut the chief engineer has a lot to think you open the front window and front Reggio, and Walter L. Pate, 6-2, This was the question that came fred Held of Village street. man seaplane that has been successfully tested in flig hts over , nictured here and it 5 - 7, 6 -3 . door. The window was raised a from the mouths of hundreds of Pencils That They Can Mrs. Harry Roy and daughter don’t beUeve it. look at this. The contml room on few inches and a few peaches were looks like the chief engineer has a right busy time with the multitude of wheels, gears, inaicaiors National Mixed Doubles happy boys and girls here today as Prudence have returned from a va­ First Bound Write With the only things missmg. The police they made plans to watch either the cation spent in Maine. ers. Observe the sturdy steel construction of the big plane’s interior. are investigating. Mrs. D. C. Shepherd'-Barron and afternoon or evening performance Conveniently Norman Farquharson defeated 1. O. O. F. Rooms Entered. ot Downie Brothers at the Steve Miss Virginia Rice and Frank During the past week, someone 1 Pearl- lot on Woodland street. A Shields, 6-4, 6-2. Conklin Fountain Pens entered the 1. O. O.fl F. rooms m the ] big street parade attracted consid­ HARTFORD GAME Mr. and Mrs. Henry Guild defeated E.\change Block and ransacked the AMERICAN erable attention this noon. Stand Miss Hollis and Malcolm T. Hill place. Pool calls were taken. This NATIONAL How They Dpwnie Brothers’ wild animal 6 - 4, 6 -1 . is thought to be the work of boys. At Pi»l«neldi— show, the largest of its kind in the $2.75 “ $8.00 Miss Marjorie Sachs and F. Boggs, The ponce are investigating. HII.LIES 7. 8, SENATORS 2, 11 At Philadelphia I— At New York:— ^ world, arrived in Manchester early (First Gnnie) YESTERDAY’S RESULTS YANKS 2. ATHLETICS 0 Jr., defeated Miss H. Watson and Junior Tennis. PHILLIES 7. PIRATES 4 this morning in 75 large motor Conklin Pen and Pencil Fittsfield Phlladelpliia New York D. S. NUes, 6-4, 7-5. The Kumjoynus tennis court in AK K I 0. A. E. Eastern League A B It. H. PO A. B. trucks and was greeted by a large AB . K. H. PO. A. E. Mrs. B. C. Coveil and H. W . Austin Sets the center of the city was the scene Wilke, ss ...... r> 1 1 o 0 Tliompson. 2b . . , . . 5 1 2 0 Pittsfield 7, Hartford 2 (1st.) Bvrd. If ...... 3 0 0 2 1 0 group of children who merrily Borgmann. "b ...... 5 2 O o 0 Larv. 3b ...... 0 2 1 1 0 defeated Miss Edith, Cross and of several lively matches Monday* Friberg. cf ...... 3 I 4 watched the men go about their RodiiRuez. r b ...... 4 1 7 0 0 Hartford 11, Pittsfield 8 (2d.) Ruth, rf ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Donald Straeban, 6-0, 6-4. tlie ilay heing the occasion tor Uie 0 U’Doul, if ...... o 1 Small. If ...... '' 1 0 Klein, rf ...... 4 1 1 Bridgeport 7, Allentown 2 (1st.) Durst, rf ...... L . 3 0 0 3 1 0 work of getting everything in read­ Junior doubles tennis matches Cicero, cf ...... 2 1 ;i 0 0 Miss Helen Jacobs and Wilmer Alli­ o Whitney. 3b ...... 4 1 2 0 3 (Second game rain). Combs, cf ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 iness this morning. Pre-war prices $6.00 ”$12.00 O'Connor, rf ...... 4 0 n son defeated Miss Marian Htmt whicn were conducted under tne di­ 0 Hurst, lb ...... 4 0 1 14 0 Albany 8, New Haven 2. Gehrig. H ) '...... 3 1 0 5 0 0 oC 25 and 50 cents will prevail at Connollv. e ...... 4 i' 5 0! Thevenow, ss ...... 4 o 1 1 2 Lazzeri. 2b ...... 3 1 1 2 - 0 and Bruce Barnes, 7-5, 6-4. rection of Rev. Melville E. OsDorne o 4 0 both performances. This is the Kennedy, 2b ...... 2 1 Leriaii. c ...... 3 1 1 2 o Providence 5, Springfield 3. Dickey, c ...... 3 0 2 10, 1 0 Miss Clara Zinke and George O’Con­ Waterman Fountain and his son Wesley Osborne. I'he Dougla.«. |i ...... 2 0 0 0 0 only circus booked for Manchester Smythe. |) ...... 4 1 1 0 3 .American League Durocher. ss ...... 3 0 0 2 3 0 nell defeated Mra W . M. Shedden tournament was open to boys ib i Pipgras, p ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 this summer so far as is kno'wn. 7 n >7 10 0 New York 2, Philadelphia 0. and Floyd, 6-2, 6-3. Pens $2.75 up years and under. There were many 3G 7 12 27 15 Washington 5, Boston 4. people present to witness the evni. ^ Hartford Pittsburgh 30 2 6 9 0 Mrs. Phoebe Watson and J. S. Olliff AB R H A K (Other clubs not scheduled. 1 he opemng match was between, AB. K.. H. PO. A. defeated Miss Florence LeBoutil- Waterman Pen and Corrella, 2 b ...... 4 1 3 1 Bartell. 2b ...... 5 0 1 3 1 National League AB li. H. PO. A. EL George Gregus and Melville Os­ Watson. 3b ...... 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 lier and A. Roberts, 6-1, 6-1. 1.. Waner, cf ...... 5 2 1 5 0 Philadelphia 7, Pittsburgh 4. Bishop. 2b ...... 3 *> borne, Jr., and Wilfred Lutz and ^ Roser. If ...... 4 1 0 0 P. Waner. rf ...... o o 2 4 o Haas, cf ...... 3 0 0 0 0 Miss Sarah Palfrew and Junior Pencil Sets 1 1 0 Chicago 4, Cincinnati 1. Charles Prelle, vshth the first two j Hohman. ct ...... 4 'I'raynor, 3b ...... 4 1 2 o 0 Cochrane, c ...... 4 0 1 8 1 0 Coen defeated Miss Mianne Pal­ DllUlf ills Martineck. lb ...... 4 6 0 0 0 0 o Coniorosky. if ...... 4 o 1 3 0 (Other clubs not scheduled.) Simmons, i f ...... 2 0 1 3 frey and G. H. Perkins, Jr., 7-5, $3.75 to $7.00 winning 6-4; the second match was j Briscoe, ss ...... 4 1 0 Grantham, lb ...... 4 0 1 6 0 Foxx. 3b ...... 3 0 0 1 1 0 between Harold Stone and Willard, Manfrcdi, rf ...... 4 1 1 0 .Adams. 2b ...... 4 0 1 0 5 Miller, rf ...... 3 0 1 2 0 0 5 -7 , 6 -2 . Smith, c ...... 4 5 0 0 4 0 0 ncHin n Plummer vs. Robert Usher and Ker- Hemsley, cf ___ 4 0 1 3 0 THE STANDINGS Burns, lb ...... 3 0 0 Miss Penelope Anderson and J. Gil­ j Woodman, p ...... 3 0 1 0 0 1 See the New win Usk, with the former winmng j Brame. p .. ___ 3 0 0 0 0 Boley, ss ...... 1 0 0 4 bert Hall defeated Miss Marjorie tvfifln X 0 1HO touchma iha mcatti i Flagstead. x ___ 1 1 1 0 0 Sunima, x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Chilton Pen 6-3. The third match was betweeen ■ o 0 2 9 24 10 2 Eastern League Cronin, ss ...... 0 0 0 0 0 u Gladman and John Van Ryn 3-6, Douse c(X)ling, healing, cleansing Geo^e Gregus and Melville Osborne i Pitlsfield 002 OOO 32x— 7 39 4 11 24 6 0 W. L PC. Earnshaw. p ...... 2 0 0 0 1 0 9 -7 , 7-5. ZEMO on the scalp and rub vigor­ Hanford ...... ___ OOO 200 00— 2 0 0 playing Ralph Cliilord and W iliiam | 7Ox—7 I Albany ...... 83 50 .624 Lebourveau. xx .... 1 0 0 0 ously. The way dandrulf vmiishes Runs batted O'Connor 2, Small. Pliiladelpbia .. . . 000 000 .602 Grove, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pruttiug with the scores being 6-4 ; ilnliman. Manfredi. Rodriguez. Cicero. Pittsburgh ...... 100 010 Oil— 4 1 Bridgeport ...... 80 53 and itching stops will surprise and o delight you. Use this remarkable, in favor of the first two. Tlio! wiike 2: two base liits. Kennedy, Runs batted in: Comorosky 2 P. Providence ...... 73 59 .553 0 o 24 6 1 W th match was between Haro.d : Martineck. Rodriguez O Connor; I waner, Thompson, O'Doul 2. Klein 2 Pittsfield ...... 65 66 .496 New York ...... 001 001 OOx—2 LOCAL COUPLE MARHY dean, antiseptic lupiid freely. It’s L t u $ I liome run, Hohman. Wilke. Stone and Willard Plummer playing (Second (Jnme) Hurst, Thevenow, Bartell; two base New Haven ...... ,61 71 .462 Runs batted in; Dickey; three base the sensible way to get rid of Dan­ hits, W'hitney, Tliompson, Klein; .459 hits. Cochrane. druff and Itching Scalp. Keep ^ M O Truman Reed and Arthur Farr, 1 H,^r(fnrd ...... 40i 103 002— nthree base hits Flagstead. Springfield ...... 61 72 IN N. Y. YESTERDAY with the first two winning 7-5. j Pittsfield ...... 500 000 003— S .Mientown ...... *... 52 77 .403 handy and use it for all antiseptic Batteries: Hartford Neubauer. At .WnshlnKton:— purposes. Safe and dependable for The final match was betwec.-r! H artford ...... 53 8C .398 NATIONALS 5, RED SOX 4 Woodman and Norton. Pittsfield, ,\t Cliicng€»: — all forms of itching irritations of the p r u A ^ L f ^ tU AJt ^ILViS Oeorge Gregus and Melville Osborne j Bnslipy. Wilson and Asby. CLBS 4. REDS 1 Washington Chicago American League AB. R H. PO. A. E. Mis.q M ildred G . Lipp and Alton f»kin and scalp. ?^c, 60c and $1.00. playing Harold Stone and Willarilj PO. A. E. AB, R. H. W. Judge, lb e 0 2 A. Hall of this town were married Plummer and ended in the second , DRESS TOO DR.4B En,s;lisl\. ss ...... o 0 0 .7 4 lelphia ...... 84 39 Rice, rf . team winning both matches, 6-4. and ^ Heathcote. rf ...... - 4 0 u 0 Goslin. If 4 2 1 yesterday in New. York, according 1 ------N G ** New York ...... 70 49 6-4. Hornsby, 2h ...... 4 4 u 6 0 1 .Myer, 2b ...... 7 to announcements received by rela­ London. — Present day clergy- Wilson, cf ...... o 1) 0 7 0 0 St. Louis ...... 65 57 •West, c f ...... 4 Challenge Issued. ; o tives here. The bride ic the daugh­ i men dress too much like under- 1 Cuyler. If ...... n 1 10 0 0 Cleveland ...... 63 58 Crunin. ss ...... 5 Elvira M. Sehaller Last week the Minteburn basebau 0 0 1.'. 0 0 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lipp of ji takers, says Rev. B. G. Bourchier, I Tolson. Ih ...... o Detroit ...... 65 Spencer, c ...... 3 $ 3 5 0 and up team issued a challenge to the : vicar 6f St. Jude’s. “ Few ejergy- .Mc.Millan. 3 b ...... 4 0 1 0 4 0 Ruel. c ...... 0 Keeney street, and the bridegroom u u 1 1 0 Washington ...... 54 65 Hayes, 3b ...... 6 Hockanum team for a series .u Taylor, c ...... •> a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Public Stenographer ! men have the courage' to go ‘ about . 1 1 u u 0 Chicago ...... 49 73 t games and as yet they have not Blake, p ...... Jones, p ...... 2 G. Brown of Bidwell street. Upon j dressed like reasonable human be­ Boston ...... 43 79 Braxton, p ...... 3 Multigraphing, Billing Leads and Erasers for all the answered. The Minteburn boys 2 0 4 7 2 7 1 7 0 1 Boss, z ...... 1 their return from a short wedding ings," he says. Their present meth- • National League would like to know if the “Hockey i i a t i trip, Mr. and Mrs. Hall will occu- Complete Mailing Lists' above make pencils. ! od of dressing is “calculated more A B K H I’O A. 1C W. L. PC. boys are getting cold feet. The for­ o 50 5 12 42 20 1 I than anything else to set up an ef­ Swanson. If . . t l> a II 0 .6§9 pv their newly furnished home on mer team has the side bet and are 0 0 1 0 Chicago ...... 82 37 Boston fective barrier between the clergy- Dressen, 3b . . . 4 Foley street. 843 Main St. Dial 7807 Strap Watches . 4 I 1 0 0 Pittsburgh ...... 67 51 .568 AB ready to play ball as soon as they Walker, rf .. Reeves, 3h ...... ;. . ff S “nyr'acTep’S ! “ “ ™d_^_layma^aay=. Kelly, lb ... . 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 New York ...... 66 55 .545 Scarritt. If ...... fi For Men Complete with .Mien, cf . .. . . 4 0 0 1 0 0 St. Louis ...... 60 60 .500 Ford, 2l> .... n •> 4 4 0 Rothrock, c f ...... fi ./ bracelet. -di o o Brooklyn ...... 54 65 .454 Barrett, rf ...... 2 The P.o'*SPe‘‘S!ys S ' a a s Daaa i ONE’S CCCKV. Plttenger. ss . •> 0 1 0 0 o •> .4-25 Re.eran. 2 b ...... Gooch, c .... . ;! 0 1 0 Philadelphia ...... 51 69 engaged by the Hockanum Gver-j Boston.—Shortly after, the Civil •> Torlt, lb ...... B Hutine. p . . . . . 1 0 0 1 0 Cincinnati ...... 52 71 .423 seers Association to accompany members of the' Company C 0 0 0 0 I A. Gaston, c ...... n $16.50 Dunoliuc. p . . . 0 0 Boston .48 .400 I Rhyne, ss ...... fi members of Lfie association to Lake !of| the Third Massachusetts Volun- Purdy. X .... . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I MacFayden, p ...... a 1 Compounce, Bristol, on Saturday,saiucaay, ^ formed a club and Zitzmann, xx . 0 0 0 0 0 Other Strap Watches Sept. 14, on the occasion ot tne as-i, GAMES TOD.\Y agreed to meet every year. A bottle 2 9 1 c 2 4 9 0 4fi 4 10 39 13 2 sociation’s annual outing and tieid I of wine which was seized was laid Chicago ...... 001 001 02.\—4 Washington . . 000 201 100 001 01— 5 day. It promises to he a gala event away to go to the last survivor Cincinnati ...... 000 100 OOO—1 Eastern League Boston ...... 000 001 030 000 00— 4 “ » ‘“ $ 5 5 ' and largely attended. j company. With the death pf Runs batted in; Hornsby. Tolson, Albany at Hartford (2). Runs batted in: Goslin, Judge, Re- The band wall be comprised ot Kinnear and William |Cuyler. McMillan, Walker; two base Allentown at Springfield (2). pan 2. Todt. Myer; two base hits. hits, Hornsby; home run. Walker. Rice. Judge. Regan. Hayes; three Men’s Pocket Watches pieces. Director Henry M. Schou-1 R>,Hhnnn, the bottle goes to Joseph Bridgeport at Providence. base hits. Rice; home run. Goslin. rock will accompany the band. | Qgy tjje only remaining survivor. | New Haven at Pittsfield. There will be a concert and prob- .American League $6.7 5 ° $55 ably a brief parade. Ocher events DEMPSEY OUSTED. JOE M’GINNITY ILL. Philadelphia at New York. on the day’s program include a din­ New York, Aug. 29.—Jack Demp­ Boston at .Washington. Last Night Fights ner and various athletic events. sey today had been counted out by New York, Aug. 28.—“Iron Man” i (Other clubs not scheduled.) Vanity Cases Rooms Renovated. Actors’ Equity Association. Joe McGinnity, star pitcher of the- National League At New York— Harry Sankey, The Masonic Hall in the former The ex-heavyweight champion’s New York Giants 25 years ago who Chicago at Pittsburgh. 126, won decision over Jimmy $ 4 ^ 0 ^ ' " ’ Fitoh Block on Union street, no-v hostility toward the association’s at­ underwent an operation yesterday (Other clubs not scheduled.) Salvin, in ten rounds. the Rosenberg Block, where h’ayette tempt to force unionization of the Paul Collins knocked out Charlie Lodge, No. 69,*-A. F. & A. M., ajid I talkies caused his suspension by the for the removal of a tumor, was re­ Nelson in first round (10). Westclox Alarm Clocks Hope Chapter, No. 60, O. E. S., hold ported as resting easily today. At Atlantic Cfity — Billy Jones, ^ n ' i Equity council. The average giraffe lives ten in colors. their meetings, has been thorough­ The council failed to act on simi- McGinnity was dubbed “ Iron Pittsburgh, knocked out Johnny ly renovated. The walls have been Man” after he pitched and won three I years, It’s extraordinary how so I lar charges against Ethel Barry- many of them that you see at the Haystack, Binghamton, in second painted and a new carpet has been vice-president of the associa- i double-headers within a few weeks ‘ *^3 more, beaches-reach a ripe old age. round (10). The New Pocket Ben laid on the hall floor. Linoleum has tion. in 1904. Jack MeVey, New York, knocked »been laid on the platforms. The out Mickey Martell, Philadelphia, in ' Watches work was done under the direction sixth round (10). of a committee from the lodge. The} All Those in Favor of a 13-Month Calendar Say—I Steve Smith, of Bridgeport won hall presents a greatly improved ap-1 ten round decision from Eddie Reid, $1.50 pearance. of New York. The meetings of Fayette Lodge, A t Portland, Me. — Willie Oste, •No. 69, A. F. & A. M., and Hope A m E X T R A , New Londoii, won 12-roimd decision Chapter, O. ‘E. S., will be resumed D A 'il from Charlie Phippen, Newton, in September. The former will hold i d e a J its first meeting on Tuesday, Sept. A t Los Angeles — Yale Okun, DONNELLY 10, while the latter will open its fall 9 7 / V ?U M / w / New York lightlfeavyweight, de­ and \rinter activities with a meeting feated James J. Braddock, New Jeweler on Tuesday evening, Sept. 3. j Jersey, 10. 515 Main St., So. Manchester Receives Silver Cup. I The Veterinary Company of the 118 Medical Regiment, in camp at Niantic from August 4 to 18, has ARTHUR H. STEIN been aw'arded a beautiful silver cup, * Wishes to Announce That the first prize for the best individual the Fall Term in company in the 118th Medical Regi­ ment, which consists of nine com­ Violin Instruction panies of 38 men each. Dr. Ralph W ill Start School Opens Sept 3 j Morin of this city, who is aS good a FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 soldier as he is a veterinarian, and who has always taken great pride Finest of Methods Used. in the Veterinary Company and Private Instruction Only. who is Captain of the regiment is IWoNO&R* IF 'THE lAKDLDBDS HAD Also a Complete Line of Violins, We Are Ready To Bows and Accewories. very happy these days on recei'ving ^AMTTHlMG TO ^ 0 VJfTU INSTlGArifslG ^ the good news, as are members of TW5 lAov/e. FoP* A ' 13- momth year* % v Call Manchester 4476— or his regiment. Rockville 148-12 Ban Concert Thursday. * Band Concert Thursday. Serve Your Girls M. Schonrock director, will give the .SYCTEEW'a sixth concert in the municipal series OPEN AIR STAND in Talcott Park on Thursday eve­ PCSTOFWIV ning, August 29. The concert which promises to be one of the best in THE And Boys — With the series, will begin promptly at 8 o’clock. Director Schonrock has ar­ in Front of the Library 85c to $1.00 25c to 50c ranged an excellent program, whicn is certain to appeal to all. There BLOUSE WAISTS h o s i e r y KAAYBS a f e w BlRrmoAVS COULD ^ , The Best Quality of •will be several solo numbers includ­ ^ IN t h e ..s h u f p l e ,T o o I ed in the program. The concert is $3.50 $3.50 held under the auspices of the fi­ FRUIT nance committee of the city of OXFORDS AND PUMPS Rock-ville, of which Alderman Roger J. Murphy is chairman. . • T.T.1 " W $3.50 I Marriage Announced. JIM MANNISE 1 F A N C Y SW E A T E R S . . ., • • r.T.1 • r.T.''• •r.T.''. • < Announcement was made today \ Sale Every Saturday of the wedding on Saturday I Boys* Caps $1.00 and Boys’ Oxfords $3.50 and $4.50. of Miss Bertha Reimann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reimann of East \ n t Main street and Otto Mueller, son of C. E. MacFarlane - - - - Auctioneer Mrs. Ida Mueller of Village street. a n t i q u e a u c t i o n I ! The wedding took place at 'the home at H. C. Porter’s, Hebron, Conn., BROWN & CO. Thursday, Aug. 29, at 10:80 A. M. A L. of the bride, with Rev. E. O. Hey- denreich officiating. The coupU Flold Jiainps, Chippendale Mirror, Slave Andirons, Glass, Mahogany I DepotSquare | were attended by Miss Selma Rei­ A COhAFOBT-MWEM mann sister of the bride and Wil­ Ulucrt Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Cupboards, OM£ IS foptyT T h ir te en o f 'e m - c o u n t Mantle, Chests, Slope Desk, Beds, ____ ...« ....M « i n,«IMIIIIIIMIIHHMIIimiHIIIIWIIIHHIIIHHIMmiMIWMIIIHUWIIIUMIMIIWIIIMIMIHIIIII^^^ liam Binseidel, a friend of the EtCf Lunch Served. rroom. Upon their return from ai wedding trip New York, Mr. and Vi MAKCHBSTEB e v e n in g HEEALD, s o o t h ^L4NCHBSTER. C O ra.. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28. 1929. ' I »V V'.M FAiSHi TWESEVB • !crr THE CL^^^Ii'lED gECTIOS » E U . H E R E Here’s Why “tony” Failed As Pilot! 1 HELP WANTED— CIRCLE IN CARD P A R n Want Ad information I FEMALE 35 l o s t —Watch between Hale store AT McVElGU HOME Manchester and Elro street. Swiss movement. WANTED— GIRL to work in bak­ Dial 6776. ______ery shop. Experienced waiting on Evenihg Herald trade. Apply. Downyflake Dough­ Daughters of lobelia Hold CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE­ LOST—Blue bathing suit between 1 nut Shop, 885 Mala street. Business Meeting Then Play Globe Hollow and terminus yester- i MENTS GIRL FOR COOKIE department, Bridge and Whist. Count six averag* words to “ day afternoon. Return to Mr. Want a cook, Lloyd, School street Recreation . Oak Street Self-Serve Grocery. In­ Initials. numOara 8"*^ Want a clerk. lacb count as a word and como<»Mn'1 building. 1 quire Miss Modin, Employment De­ St. Mat^gJiret’k Cii^e, Daughters words as two worda Mlnlrauro cost is partment, The J. W. Hale Com­ Want a parlner. of leabeile, held a largely atteaded jrlce of thret llnes^ ^ l o s t — WATCH downstairs in} pany. ______Want a. situation. meeting last evening at the home School street Recreation Building, ,■ o f Mrs. James H. McVeigh of Ox­ Lina rates oer day for transient Want to sell a trrm. Champ Swiss movement, with ■ OFFICE GIRLS: One experienced ford street. Eflgbl tables were fcJlIccUve Slnrcb IT. initials M. H. S. Telephone 4679. j general office girl and an experi­ Want to borrow money, filled at cards. In bridge Mrs. Wil­ Cash Charge enced comptometer operator. In­ liam Cotter^woD first, Mrs. Maud !i Consecutive Days ..I J cts l> cts Reward offered. j Want to sell sheep, cattle, 1 Consecutive Cays .. » cts II cts quire office, second floor. The J. W. • Want to' sell town properly. Foley, second, and Mrs. Viola Cor- i OaV ,..•••••••••••••* ^ 0®® 18 CIS Hale Company. cilius, consolation. In straight All orders tor Irregular Insertions AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 |______Want to sell groceries, drugs. whist Mrs. Alice MeVey' had the iv'll be charged at the one-ttmt rate. Want to sell boots and shoes. highest score^ Miss Nellie Smith, Special rates for ions term every 1926 Studebaker Stand. 6 Sedan, j WANTED—MALE 36 Want to sell dry goods, carpets. second and Mrs. Helen Donahue, dav adverttsine given noon r^ouest. 1923 Dodge Coupe. j ______Ads ordeteo tor three or si* davs Want to sell clothing, hats, caps. consolation. The committee served and stopped before the third or fifth 1926 Pontiac Coach. ! RELIABLE MAN with car, having sandwiches, home made cadie and day will he charged onlv fot the ac- 1925 Willys-Knight Sedan. j retail store experience. Unusual op­ Want to find buyers for anything, punch. ual numbei of times the ad aopear- 1926 Overland Coach. ! »(1 charging at the rate earned hut portunity for big paying weekly ADVERTISE LN THE HERALD, During the summer brief business 10 allowances or refunds can be made When better Used Cars are Sold ■ earnings, splendid future advance­ Advertising gains new customers, meetings have been held at the in si* lime ads stopped after the We’ll Sell Them. ; ment. Fagley-Halpen, X 426, Phila­ home of members, usually followed COLE MOTOR SA LE S' j Advertising keeps old customers. fifth day delphia, Pa. by cards. Winter activities will be­ No "til: forbids": display lines not 9,1 Center St. Tel. S275 Advertising makes sutecess easy. gin the second Tuesday in Septem­ *°n,e Herald will not be responsible WANTED—Boy, 16 to 18, to lea.p Advertising begets confidence. ber at the K. of C. rooms. 1925 Dodge Sedan. tor more than one Incorrect insertion printing trade. Must be industri­ Advertising means business, of any .advertisement ordered for 1928 Studebaker Coach. ous and able to apply himself more than one Hme ' Advertising shows energy. 1927 Dodge Coupe. readily. Call at The Her^d, 13 Bis- I'he Inadvertent omission of 'ticor- 1929 Graham Paige Sedan. rei t uuNicatlon of adverilsinc will be sell street. Advertise and succeed. ARRESTED IN DANBURY rvtlfled onlv hv cancellation of the 1924 Dodge Coupe. Advertise judiciously. •inrse made for the eervlce rendered 1927 Chrysler Coupe. ..Iiivtat • • • A number of other good use’. Advertise or bust. FOR MURDER IN SYRIA All' advertisements must conform SITUATIONS WANTED— ^las for the aviation, ambitions of Bernard West of Los Angeles— in style, copy and lypoernph.y wiin cars. Advertise weekly. Crawford Auto Supply Co. FEMALE 38 he’s just too big to be a pilot! After “Tiny” (of course, he would be regulations tnforced b.e the publish­ Advertise now. I called that because he weighs'415 pounds.) had finished his ground in- 'Wealthy Merchant Held With- ers and they reserve the right to Center and Trotter Sts. Advertise edit, revise ot relect any eopv con­ Tel. 6495 or 8063 A MIDDLEAGED Scotch widow i struction, he applied for a chance to be a pilot. Block and tackle were ' out Bonds on Charge Made sidered ohjer'lonahle woman v. juld like work by the day HERE used, as shown above, to get him to the pilot’s cockpit— but “ Tiny” by CLfiSINC H lilts— Classltled ade. couldn't fit his poundage into the plane. And so he was turned down. Inspector. to he published same dav must be re- 1928 ESSEX COACH. or hour. Write Herald Box G. ;elved liv 12 ocIocU nron Samrdavs 1928 OLDSMOBILE COACH. Danbury, Aug. 28.—George A. 1926 FORD TUDOR. Beyloni, 25, a wealthy Syrian mer­ TELEPHONE YOLK WAN! 1925 OAKLAND SEDAN. WANTED—Housework by the day or hour. Telephone 7803. chant here, was arrested today at ADS 1923 STUDEBAKER. FARMER HAS OWN VIEWS the request of R. W, Kenney, an im- Ads are accept>d over the telephone 1928 OLDSMOBILE ST DAN. ATH 0 U(M migration inspector,- who declared at the CHAUC.K KA l b) given above 1925 JEWETT TOURING. Beyloni had fled Aleppo, Syria, af­ a convipfire to idvertiaers. ou 2— 1926 ESSEX COACHES. SITUATIONS WANTED- ON RESERVOIR RIGHTS he CASH K A IL S will be accepted as 39 ter he had been sentenced to a life KIIM- Ha Y.MK.N'i It paid at the busi­ MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES MALE term for murder. ness oltlce on or before the seventh 1069 Main St. Tel. 5462 And make straight paths for Beyloni was ordered held zifter a dav toll-iwlng the flrsi , Thomas E. Donahue, Mgr. BOOKKEEPER — ACCOUNTANT, R. A. Simonsen Says He Can i your feet, lest that which is lame City Court hearing today, and when »ach ad otherwise the t.HAKiiL twelve years experience, good be turned out of the way: but let k.ATh) will he colle<'ied No responsL GOOD USED CARS HOUSES FOR SALE 72 Do What He Wants on the | Judge C. A. Haliock set bail at $25,- ollif.v for errors In telephoned ads references, desires position. Ad­ AFAR IM ENTS— FLATS— it rather be healed.—Hebrews 12:13. 000, Beyloni produced that amounL will be assomed and their accuracy Cash or Terms i dress Bookkeeper, 10 Adelaide TENEMENTS 63 Shores of Vernon Pond. Then the judge reconsidered his de­ ;annot be guaranteed. Madden Bros. street, Hartford. Phone 7-2*15. I j FOR SALE— SINGLE HOUSE 6j It is wicked to withdraw from INDEX OF CI.ASSIHCA- 681 Main St. Tel. 5500 rooms, practically new. all tm- cision and ordered the man held being useful to the needy, and without bond. TIONS -----1 I FOR RENT—Tenement, centrally provemeuls, hard woou tiiiUh, ' Emphatic declaration that the cowardly to give way to the world­ 1925 HUDSON COACH located, white sink, set tub, fur­ new garage, and chicken coop, According to the immigration in­ Births ...... DOGS-BIRDS—PEI’S 411 i Manchester Water Company has no less.—Epictetus. 1927 OAKLAND SEDAN nace, garage, near school, also large lot. small down payment. spector, Beyloni, in 1923, “stole tha Kngagements ...... “ ! right to use the water in Vernon | sweetheart” ot a friend in Syria.— A Marriages ...... ~ BETTS ('.ARACE FOR SALE—24 rabbits Hutches j furnished room. Dial 6129. 256 Woodhridge street. Deaths ...... r; Hudson-Essex Dealer— 129 Spruce reservoir for drinking purposes and j FIND WOMAN’S BODY. quarrel followed, and Beyloni stab* and drinking and feeding Cups $20. ] 0.1 rfi of Thanks ...... FOR RENT—Cozy airy 4 room that people may fish or go swim- j bed his rival to death. He was ar­ Inquire 16 Lincoln street, or tele- j rent for couple men or women, Hoboken, N. J., Aug. 28.—The rested and sentenced to life im- l.ost and Kmind ...... * phone 3057. I raing there if they wish, was made i Announcements ...... - ...... - BUSINESS SERVICES with bath, washstand, grain floors, body of an unidentified woman was •prisgnment. Then-he fled. Personals ...... OKFEKEI) 13 cement,cellar, free screens, cream NOON STOCKS to The Herald today by R. A. | found floating in New York Bay off Beyloni bad been engaged in busi­ AattimohliPB shades, all for $18. Call today. E. Simonsen, Lake street farmer who j the D. L. & W. ferry slips here to­ ness here for several years and .Aufomoblles tor Sale ...... J FUEL AND FEED 49-A day by Cstptain Matthew Gory, of Antomobtles for Exchange...... “ THE KING OF THEM all The N’a- Seastrand, 91 Main street. recently came into the limelight j prospered. His arrest caused a sen­ Auto Accessories— I’lres ...... ® tional Air Power Water System. | i ^’ ew York, Aug. 29.— Under the the Lackawanna railroad tug Madi­ sation. Auto Kenairlng— Painting ‘ FOR SALE — Extra fine slabs $7.00 | FOR RENT—Modern 4 room flat when he refused to permit a repre- | son. It was removed to St. Mary's Water fresh from the well. I’be j 1 stimulus ot a broad buynng move- Alltel Schools ...... •** Demming deep and s.icllow well , load, best wood for fall use. Hard i with garage. Apply 591 Center sentative of the state board of ] hospital where it was said the "/o- Autos— Shio by Truck ...... * wood $S.00. Cllas Palmer. Tel. j i ment in Rails, the Stock MarKe,t health department to make the an- i Autos— Kor Hire ...... ^ automatic electric oumps. Service I street. Phone. 6588. man was about 40 years old and nad •Oarages— Service— Stor^e ...... on all kinds of pumps, motors, 6273. i-^gain surged forward today. Lead- nual survey of his property which ; been in the water three weeks. OWN YOUR Mc)torc.vc!es— Bicycle ...... FOR RENT—New five room down i ing rsuJ issues and a large number is included in the watershed area. | Wanted Autos-MotorevHes .... u generators, - light plants. Renew your old pipes. Iron fillers. Curl stairs flat, strictly modern, steam I ot industrials advanced into new Mr. Simonsen was indignant over j Knaincas nn«*. rmfeaalonnl Nervlrpa HOUSEHOLD (JOODS 51 heat, with garage at 16 Proctor Business Services OITered .... 1 Nygren, 15 Anderson street. Tel. I nigh territory during the torenoon. a statement published yesterday to I OWN HOME Road. Tel. 6923 or 3654. ! New hrghs in the earner group Household Services Offered ...... 13-A 8439. ! the effect that swimming, boating j Building-C'lniracHne ...... SONORA GRAPHAPHONE $20. ! were recorded by Atchison wniou !*and fishing were not allowed at the | AUCTION! Henry Street, new single of Plorists— Nurseries ...... - Jo One Glenwood E range in first FOR RENT—6 room tenement on I jumped 8% to 292%; Baltimore -fe six rooms, oaki floors, heated Funeral Directors ...... J« Newman street, all improvements. Vernon reservoir because the water Heal Ing — riumlitne — Roofing MOVINiJ— TRUCKING— class condition $25. 5 piece ma­ Ohio up '2 Vi to 141%; Erie up 1 was used for drinking purposes. He We will sell at Public Auction for garage, etc. Lot 62>/2xl40, hogany parlor set $20. Inquire at 29 Griswold street. Dial Insurance ...... J* to 89% New York Central up 6% stated that the Manchester Water C. H. Schell, Brookmead offered now at $6,900. Mllllnerv — Itressmaking ...... STOR.AGE 29 Watkins Furniture Exchange 3641. ______to 249%; Pennsylvania up 2% to Mo Vi n g— ‘I'rui’k 1 ng— Storage ... pi Company simply had a right to use Faim Palm Itig— Pa.l'er'ng ...... 2 1 PERRETT & GLE.N.NEY — Express FOR RENT— 4. 5 AND 6 room 107% and Union Pacific up 5% to the water for power purposes and We offer this brand new sin­ Brewster St., North Coventry, Professional Services ...... ‘ ‘ and frelglii service: local and FOR SALE—Tw’o burner oil stove, rents Apply Edward J Hidl, 865 294 Vi. that land owners about the lake gle, seven rooms, spacious hall, Repairing ...... In the industrial list new .highs [have legal right to erect cottages | Conn. Tailoilng— Dyeing— Cleaning ... lung distance. Expert furnliure also baby stroller. Tel. 5232. Main street. I'eleplmne 464 2. j oak’ floors and other modern were made by Air Reduction whic;i (about the shore if they wi.sh. ■ j Toilet Ooods and Service ...... 2-0 moving. Set vice any time by call­ FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, j equipment at $7,500. It is a Wanted-Business Service...... Z* ing 3063. FOR SALE—Household furniture, 2 1 FOR RENT—'rohement furnished, soared 11 points to 210; Eastman Furthermore, Simonsen stated fCftnrnllonnl Cogswell chairs, one grey oak 1 white sink, set-tub, near school. Kodak up 5% to 227%; Macy up 8 at 2 P. M., D. S. T. ' real bargain— on easy terms Courses and Classes ...... 27 1 that he was going to sell part of MERCHANDISE ordered by you to- ' breakfast set, writing desk. Call Garage. Also furnished room, cen­ to 235; ConUnental Insurance up jhis 44 acre farm which borders on too. Private Instruction ...... ‘ 8 N • Dancing ...... day in New York, or to be sent to after 5:30 at 81 Foster street. trally located Dial 6129. 3% to 101% Timkln Roller Beanm-; the north shore of the pond for 15 HEAD HIGH GRADE COWS M iisica I— Dra ma I tc ...... i- New York, picked up by us to­ up 3 to 112%; American Water­ building lots. He plans to have two —2 Guernsey, Ayrshire, one Jer­ Here is a good bargain! Wanned-Instruction ...... 3i| FOR RENT— 3 rooni suite in John­ night and delivered Uit next FOR SALE—1 Re.x hot water heat­ works which reached a new high of rows of cottages erected, thirteen sey eligible to register, 11 Hdl- $5,500 buys a six room single, fflnnnHnl er with pipe $7.50. 4 burner Vulcan son Block with all modfern im- 152, up 4 points, and Standard Gas steins, New Milch -and Cows Bonds— Slocks— Moligages ...... 31 morning via Manchester and New of which will have direct frontage steam heat, gas, 2 poultry Dally gas range $5. 136 West Center provemehts. Apply Janitor 7635. & Electric which advanced frac­ handling Calves. All tuberculin Business (JUboriunities ...... 3J York Motor Despatch. ser­ on the lake. Even more will eventu­ houses, 2 Car garage, 15 fruit Money to Loan ...... 2- vice and reasonable rales. Call street. Dial 4793. tionally to 149% after a big gam ally be built in the rear of the first tested and just passed a clean IIpIp nnd gitnatinna TO RENT—Id Orford Building, two trees. Closed in and very con­ 3063. 8860 or 8864. yesterday. Mr. Simonsen said. test. Help \Vb n'ed — Female ...... 3b room, modern steam beated apart­ Pan-American B again led the Help Wanted — Male ...... 3« ment facing Main street, janitor Asked what action he thought AUCTIONEER’S NOTICE — venient to trolley, bus and Help Wanted — Male ot Female .. 3? oils, setting a new high mark at WANTED— TO BUY 58 service. Also single room office. the Manchester Water Company As Mr. Schell is about to enter schools. . . , Agents xVanieO ...... PROFESSIONAL 69VI, up 1%. Transcontinental UH the field of breeder of thorough­ Situations Wanted—rKemale...... Dial 5531. was also very active, advancing would take at such a turn of af­ $6,200^ $500 cash buys a six Situations Wanted— Male ...... 3'.i. SERVICES 22 Highest prices paid for fairs, Simonsen replied, “They bred stock, he has placed the Eniolovmeni Agencies ...... 1*1 JUNK FOR RENT—2 tenements 4 and 5 fractionally to a new high of 15. above cows in our hands to sell room single* steam heat, -etc., Live 9 l».cK— |*ela— Pool fry— Vehirlea Plano I'unlng Motors and coppers showed an can’t stop it. The Manchester I will buy anything saleable in this rooms, next to Nathan Hale dchool. Water Company doesn’t even own without reserve. These are all two car garage. . .Central loca­ Uogs— Birds— Pets ...... II Expert work guaranteed improved tone. Chrysler gained Dive Stock — Vehicles ...... 42 line. I Rent $20. Inquire 178 Spruce St. the land on which the dam is locat­ heavy producers. To reach the Kemp’s Music Hoii’se 1% to 73Vi. Anaconda moved up % tion. Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 Wm. Ostrinsky, 91 Clinton. Tel. 5879 ed let alone that surrounding the sale take Bolton-No. Coventry Wanted — Pets— t'ouit ry— Stock 44 I f o r RENT—4 or 5 rooms with 1 to 126 Vi. Btate Highway and Follow Auc­ r » r Sale— ItllMcellnnenas WILL FAY HIGHEST cash prices i Call money renewed at 9 per cent. lake or at its bottom. John Risley, I bath, furnished or unfurnished. In­ Jr., and myself own practically all tion Arrow. AH-ticles rot Sale ...... 45 REPAIRING for rags, paper, magazines and Trading was heavier in volume than Boats and Accessories ...... 4h quire 122 Oakland street. of the land and the Manchester metals. Also buy all kinds of yesterday, sales for the first half JuHding Materials ...... 4/ SEWING MACHINE repairing ot all Water Company cannot prevent us ROBERT M. REID & SON Robert J. Smith Diamonds— Watches— Jewelry .. 43 chickens. Morris H. Lessner. Dial FOR RENT—3 room flat, and 4 hour aggregating 591,900 shares as Auctioneers. Blectrical Appliances— Radio ... 4!) makes, oils, needles and supiiltes from doing what -we see fit with our I 1000 MAIN STREET 6380 or 3886. room flat, all improvements in­ compared with 515,300 the cor­ 201 Main St., Mamchester, Conn. Fuel and Feed ...... A R. W. Garrard. 37 Edward street. cluding hot water heat. 170 Oak own property. There is a clause in I i>HO\E 3450 ' ■ •.arden — Farm — Dairy Products 6u responding period Tuesday. Phone. 8193 Tel. 4301. street. Inquire 164 Oak street or my lease which grives me that pri- We SeU Insurance of All Kinds. Hogst^iold C,ni>ds ...... 61 I viiege.” Machiutriv and Tools ...... 62 ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 call 8241. Musical Instruments...... 63 VACUUM CLEANER, phonograph, j JONES ON COURSE Questioned as to whether or not Dfhce and Stole L.julpment ...... 64 clock, gun repairing, key filling. i FOR RENT—On HoU street, 5 he would allow a representative of FOR RENT—Room furnished ' or Specials at the Stores...... 6k BraiLhwalie. 52 Pearl slreti. j room flat practically new with the state health department to Wearing Apparel — Furs ...... 67 unfurnished with privileges of Lei Monte, Cal., Aug. 28.—Bobbie garage, will be ready after Sept. make a survey of his property now Wanted— 'To Kuv ...... ,... 68 MATTRESSES, box springs, pll- | home. Young married couple pre- j Jones, who is here to defend Jils llooina— Him rard — Resorts ...... 6ij er fling at par today on the tricky Simonsen said he would not allow Hotels— Restaurants ...... 61 331 Center street. Established | AFAR I'M ENTS— FLATS— K) KENT— c e n t e n n ia l apart­ anyone on the property unless a since 1922. j Pebbele Beach course.' Wanted— Riioms— Board ...... 62 TENEMENTS 63 ments, ftmi room apartment, lanl- In two practice rounds, Jones has warrant was produced. Krn* IDatnIe Koi Itent tor aeivice, heal, gas range, ice Aparimei.ts. Flats. ■ Tenements .. 63 CHIMNEYS CLEAJ.’ ED and repair-! carded 73’s or one over par for the I Simonsen added that before de-. box turolshetl. Call Manchester Business laDcatlons for Rent ... 64 ed, key fitting, safes opened, saw I FOR RENT— 4 room tenement with j course. i ciding to sell his land for cottages, Houses for Kent ...... 66 all modern improvements. Inquire | Construction Company, 4131. Some 2,000 enthusismts followed he first went to the Manchester Sutiurban tor Rent ...... 6k filing and grinding. Work called I for. Harold Clemson, 108 North 105 Spruce street or telephone Jones around yesterday. Water Company and offered it to ■iummer Homes tor R e n t...... 67 4980. FOR RENT— Modern 4 room tene­ them for what he considered a fair Wanted i<> Kent ...... - ...... 68 Elm street. Tel. 3648. ment. S..D. Pearl. 120. Woodland Itcul ISatate For Sale price. The Water Company of­ Apartment Building foi Sale ... 68 TO RENT—5 room tenement at street. Phone 6730. C. H. SWIFT INJURED ficials, however, felt that his figure Business Property for Sale ...... 7U 150 Maple street, modem improve­ was exhorbitant and refused to pay Farms and Land for S a le ...... 71 COURSES AND CLASSES 27 ments. Inquire .Alfred A. Grezel, Houses for Sale ...... 72 Chicago, Aug. 28.—Charles' H. the amount he asked. Tlus led to Dots tor Sale ...... 73 Main street, opp. Park street. Swift, vice-president of Swift & Co., the grievance which Simonsen now Itesort Property for S ale...... 74 SPECIAL DAY and evening sum­ Ethiopia is the official and cor­ holds against the Water Company FOR RENT— 6 room tenement, all packers, was in Presbyterian hospi­ .Sntiurl>an for Sale ...... 75 mer classes now opdn 4n barber- rect name of the country whici, tal today suffering from a triple and is the underlying reason why Keal Estate foi Exchange...... 7« lug. Low rate of tuition. Inquire modern Improvements, also five tVanted — Keai Estate ...... 77 room flat on Center street. Inquire most people in America refer'to as fracture of the right arm suffered he has decided to build cottag^es, it IS Aarlton—Legal IVoMoee ^ Vaughn’s Barber School, 14 Mar­ in an automobile collision. is understood. Auction Sales ...... - 78 ket street, Hartford. 1 147 East Center street. Tel. 7864. Abyssinia. Legal Notices ...... 73 By Frank Beck GAS BUGGIES—Pardners Again THE BIRD LET'S GET WITH WATER IN ( VOU'VE GOT O .K . WHILE BY GOSH! ^L.EC, i AB O U T % 4 ,0 0 0 I'M FINISHING THAT'S A GREAT THAT O W N S THAT BUSY AND SEE THAT LAND THOSE FARM IS BUSTED, HIM BEFORE RUMORS FARMS WILL MAKE COMING TO YOU THE DETAILS OF IDEA ! IT TAKES ALL FINANCING THE mother. KiaOEER.,, AND W E CAN OF THIS DAM BEAT US A FO R TU N E FROM THE POLISH TLE SHINE OPF THE BUSINESS STOCK , DAM "WITH SQUIRE ALWAVS a r r a n g e s PROBABLV GET TO IT. NEWS OF IT RAISING FRUIT. IT'LL her E s e s IN The nest with the- POLISH BUSINESS. ALEC. I'LL MATCH HIGGINS, YOU SKIP IT FOR A SONG WILL SEND PRICES PUT MILLS CENTER GMAU- ENDS toward THE CENTER. I’M WITH YOU IT A N D W E 'L L ^ OVER AND FEEL A HUNDRED T H A T 'S W A V ’-y^KYROCKETING ON THE MAP IN S o that THEV MAV b e OROoPEO B E L O W K E V . CAPITAL LETTERS. GO INTO THIS W-v OUT THE OWNER m o re c l o s e L'/ TOGETHER,. PERCENT. ON B U Y IN G ^ ^ OIN A 5 0 -5 6 YESTEROAV ‘ BASIS. THAT FA R M . ALEC OUTUNCO ^ S alapagos' . T u r t l e s , n o w HIS PLAN POR fii. BUYING AN ALMOST EXTINCT. OLD PARM B Y ■ m ATTAIN WEtSHTB OF SBVERAl. THE DEPOT, HUNOREO POUNDS AND UATER AND CANCARSW BUBDTYtOING a i e n u p o n IT INTO A t h e i r b a c k s TOW N IN THE WITH e a s e . BOOM THAT IS BOUND TO POLL.OW THE COMPL.ETION OF THE DAM.


Rules For Motor Drivers 1 AINT 1.AW6HIH- Drive as close to right as possi­ UOCH A r SO ^ ble. A SP«iH

Garden Hint

Plant rubber bands to raise auto A iQ9t> J Percy L. Crosby, Great Britain rights reserved. tires. ® I King Features Syndicate, Inc. 8 -ZB I Auto Salesman: Our cars no ! OUR BOARDING HOUSE W hy grandma wore such a big good? Why, we’re selling them by • hat is something the modem girl .Mickey (Himself) McGuire By Fjontaine Fox By Gene Ahem can’t understand, when it’s over the dozens! ' Prospect: I’m not surprised—how her head. much are they a dozen? WHO dARE^ 'F VFR MAW doMiK* AFTPR Q Customer: “You may remember ^ YoUl^HUTUPp' C/} BBAJ> L A D S ^.-riouJ U llL L V(3LI PU rT-TflEM ALL -iPfA-r SUPPER ^ that you sold me a car recently.” Salesman: “Oh, yes.”^ TbR -ro/du3i4-r2 M YboB-rvlER VoU COOKED Customer: “Well I want another co^iSOMME pRiAic&ssE 'TlleVtL LAST MIGH-T to go with these mud guards.” PolSSOkA POChfE MOtiSSBL-lUE SPELL V iA S A L O D G E The trouble seems to be that V/ERT^ CELERf BORMEO? l U l A T l O L i ! S.\D, IS N ’T IT ? there isn’t room in a driver for both horse sense and white mule. BRAISE- — AL o VA l I P I Q U E 4 C A M kIEP ^ A A io T H E R There’s a TEAR DROP in to­ A L A B R O c HE POMMES , BEAUS . day’s ■ letter golf puzzle. Neverthe­ Trucks were made to haul freight, M EAL C(U -rHA-f less, it’s an enjoyable par six. One not make speed records, but some ChA T6UDAU-TES. -^TROAMfiE . (SO//ki<3 :• ORDER, AU’ I'P solution is on another page. drivers don’t seem to know it. AUD CAFE FILTRE ! - ' f ^ FOLD UP LIKE A number of people, who have lUul-Ti^A-r UllLL BE A ‘ ^RUfiG LE sen trying to figure out just what A CARPEU t TER'S h u n t i n ’ poR ^oMPeopY WITH A T e A R a woman wishes to indicate when TREAicM J>rLiUE-R ■R U LE R she sticks her hand out the W AfioN TO HAUU HIM HOME I i car window, will be interested in a deduction on the subject. Accord­ ing to him, it indicates the glass in f the left front window has been roll­ ed down.

The trouble is, a man usually breaks a speed record and his neck 1 1 at the same time. >

f u.s.PAT.orr..| O tSaa BY NU SCBVICg. inc. *|i By Blossez FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS All Set r ! 1 WAJE eOSlMESS ^iCAW REMEMBER/ j A m p movn t c o m e t o TM AFRAID YOU r YEAW -vUEtl. TAUE \WELL-MY SOOO-BYES c:M TVS viesr Cq^ST CHARUE-IF YoO / X STLART y e s , AN’ m aybe V o o -Y o o DOM'T kMOVi WCXN X BCYS VMILL WAME 6000 CAS& OF a r e a ll said, OMCLE. BUT TU, SEE TWAT e^ER co m e to ) laumoly UNOy FOtt'jtO, , r u - COME BAClC WATE to (SO A '^ V AMO LEAYE TO 6 0 Wo m E HARRY-"YOU AMD BOTW OF YpO NMILL swadysid^/ y scme day Va s I' OP WERE MEXT VJJITUOOT ME TUIS WAJE SOOP YOU BEWIMO— ■ AMVmJAV FRECHLES AMO X look, o s *mERE SOMMER AMO I ’LL TWIMR OF You OFTEN © TRIP CASE! I ’D YlANT UNOY VNILL CERTAIMLY tl O P i' AM’ t e l l all TWE TO Look MICE.'/ SURPRISE all TIAB k-ios a b o u t Yoo: FOLKS vNUEM VNE NJALk IN OM TIXEM.VNOM'T vnE 1- ' r "

f >-0

necL u.amT.orr. » 1« 29, >Y HU StRVICa HK. L ’*!K. By Small (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) SALESMAN SAM Mebbe the Power’s Off, Sam I The canv^ parachute worked' stand when we arrive on earth great. It didn’t seem to hesitate, again. We’re dropping fairly fast. wwy IT LOOKS TA we HK6. TH’ jOH ,NoT SO FAR.*. TA o e r SOMe FORS.FROH ‘ ■THAMK QoSH \ 8R00GMT p r ^ but opened up real wide and then The circus folks are just below « ( , BlCr BCKI HOW F(Ml THE eERIF*.GS-pRe(TY DCRM )C OF loa WATT (Hoses ' MOfCmeRM ,AR.e. BURNeO IT Y e r , l b TM’ FAR. 'WHAOOA VA 6 0 went floating through the air. The We’re giving them a dandy show DUSKY A«OOMO «eR e, AIN’T ALONCr VJtTJl w e - TMeY’U - 1 ^ OUT \ Tinies hung on very tight and I hope they watch us closely MOI^TM? OP TMeRC. 6cdr? FIY THiNOS UP — everything worked out all right. ’cause this isn’t going to last.” Said Scouty, “We could float for A puff of wind then came along. Fo(LSe/eML hours and, shucks, I wouldn’t It seemed that something would DAYS AMP-r care.” go wrong. The parachute bobbed AljO^TS ANt> The aviator overhead looked down up a bit, while swaying to and APHTeftMOCWS^ and to himself he said, “ Well, I fro. The Tinies seemed to realize MCAOfNtF Con­ have done my duty. All the Tinies that they might sail back to the stantly foil are olceh! They made a jump that skies. Poor Clowny was so fright­ TWlE NOfCm- ened that he loudly shouted, tunuid out good. Each one was UWI>> SAM game. I knew they could. A s long “W ho!” Rf/fALLY aa they don’t need me now. I ’ll sail Then, as the air seemed shy of mft on my way.” breeze, the parachute dropped CP So, as the Tinies neared the down with ease. The Tinies’ feet V ltlk i fv ground and a flyer neatly circled soon touched the g^roxmd. Said FeCLoW *ro\md until he came real close to Coppy, “Ah! We’re here.” They T lw t e u e t L - them. And then he waved good­ worked for all that they were bye, The Tinies waved right back worth and pulled the parachute

Allen M. Barrett, Janitor for toe j, W. Hale company will leave to­ ABOUT TOWN morrow for a motor tour through New Hampshire. He will be accom­ Robert Morris day will be cele­ panied by his daughter and grand­ brated by Mswonic organizations son from Suffield. throughout the state on Saturday, August 1, at WUcox Pier, West Mrs. W. R. Tinker of Park street Haven. This will be the 47th an­ is on a two weeks’ trip through toe nual outing In celebration of the White Mountains. She is accom­ 11th anniversary of the birth of panied by Mrs. F. L. Hammond of GREATER Robert Morris. California.

Women of the Nazarene church Miss Helen Hunley, a graduate will have their weekly afternoon nurse of toe Hartford City hospital, prayer meeting tomorrow 2 has entered toe employ of Dr. Ed­ o'clock at the home of Mrs. wu- ward Higgins. 11am Chadwick, 88 Hamlin street. There are 1,006 names on toe Democratic primary list. 504 men RRCSRERirr SALE Arrangements are being made through Joseph Dean, Boy Scout and 502 women. We have always offered low prices— ^in field executive, to have the So^ts featured Thursday— handle the distribution of Red Cross Mrs. Elizabeth Wamock of Cot­ # many cases the lowest in town. Now in Roll Call posters as a civic good tage street and Mrs. Hannah Clearance of Silk Frocks Wright of Center street are spend­ this Greater Prosperity Sale prices are turn. ing two weeks visiting friends in Rayon Cr^p^ de Chine A special rehearsal of the G Clef New Haven and Milford. further reduced 10 to 50%. We promis­ and Beethoven Glee clubs has been called for 7:30 o’clock Friday Frank McCann of Wadsworth ed this sale would save you money. If night at the Swedish Lutheran street has returned to work at church in preparation for toe Travelers after recovering from a Slips, Dance Sets, you bought, it has! If you buy, it will! nual convention of the Hartford Dis­ minor operation undergone at a $5*00 $10-00 trict Luther Leagues in Merideri Hartford hospital. Only three days remain to take advan­ over Labor day. The clubs will sing Sunday afternoon. Stuart Robinson of Greenhill tage of these great bargains! Tomorrow ($10 and $16.75 Grades) ($16.75 Grades) street is home from New York on Step-ins Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perkins of is another day when thrifty, prosperous a short vacation prior to his leaving Women’s and misses’ rajah, silk Georgettes, rajahs, silk crepes Center street left this mondng by for toe University of Alabama automobile for Niagara Falls and where he will enroll as a student. people will crepe and striped tub silk frocks and prints In one-piece styles. Canada. in one and two-piece models. Frocks for late vacation days, In­ Sleeveless and long sleeve models. dian Summer days just ahead and Sunnyside Private school at No. 217 North Elm street will be open White and colors. even for next season. for public inspection this evening NORTH END PUYGROUND Save 10 to 50% in and again tomorrow. The director. Miss Ethel M. Fish, has arranged a TO CLOSE ON FRIDAY $1.00 special exhibition of text and story Greater Prosperity Sale Hale’s Silk Frocks— Main Floor, Rear books and an interesting demon­ stration of methods to be given at 3 o’clock tomorrow. Miss Irene Tibbets Planning Big Program at Community 'I'omorrow we feature heavy ray­ Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hopkins of House Starting at 1:30. on crepe underwear at $1.00 for a Oak street have as their guest, one day sale. Plain tailored slips Mrs. Hopkins’s brother, Rev. W. A. Butler of Clark’s Beach, New Miss Irene Tibbets, director of with bodice tops; 6-inch hems. 200 Only! Foundland.' recreation at toe Commimity play­ Dance sets trimmed with ruffles; Boott Mill grounds at toe nortlf end, has been and step-ins trimmed with em­ Fast Color Franklin Lipp, president of toe broidery and contrasting binding. local branch of 4-H club and secre­ busy the past few days on plans tary John McCue are spending for toe closing events, which are Peach, white, flesh and nile. three days at the Durham fair, scheduled for Friday afternoon of Printed where they have stock on exhibi­ this week beginning at 1:30. The Scrim Flat Curtains tion. attractions will include a costume show and a pet show. Prizes will Hale’s Silk Underwear— Main Floor, Rear. Members of toe Jolly Junior Sew­ be awarded for the best decorated ing club held a card party last eve­ doll carriage, wagon and bicycle. Cotton ning at toe home of toe president. Miss Dora Draghi of 47 Summer In addition there will be a doll show. street. After the games Miss Mil­ The athletic events will consist of dred Schuetz, secretary of the club a volley ball game between the boys pr. and Miss Eva Draghi assisted in and the girls, mixed doubles in ten­ $1.19 nis and quoit pitching. At toe close Wash Frocks IQ serving. An exhibition of toe finish­ of the afternoon’s program ice ed work of toe girls was held pre­ cream will be served to toe children e vious to toe party. The prize for who have been enjoying the play- |S toe best embroidery was awarded gfroimd facilities this summer. to Josephine Smachetti. Alice Pohl was toe winner of another prize. Hemstitched or The girls ranp-e in age from 8 to 12 years. Wrinkles are usually a cry of dis­ 1.98 Drawn Work Trimmed tress from undernourished tissues, or $ There will be a well baby clinic a dry skin. If you dislike the ne­ % at the Memorial hospital annex at cessary labor of taking care of your Fine quality Boott Mill scrim 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. skin, go to the Weldon Beauty Par­ flat curtains with neat hem­ lor for facials and advice as to the You will have plenty of opportunity to wear stitched hems or drawn-work proper creme for your skin—Adv. Mrs. Sarah Clark of 241 West one or two of these high grade cotton wash borders. White and oyster col­ Center street, and her grand­ frocks during the next three or four weeks. daughters, Miss Marjorie McUvane Dimities, voiles, percales eind lawns in stun­ orings only. Curtains for the and Miss Eleanor Royce are visiting ning prints in youthful models. Frocks that bedroom or living room. Tomor­ in Baltimore, Md., and Washington, Heavy have sold as high as $4.98. 200 to go on sale row— $1.19 pair. D. C. They will be absent about tomorrow at the special price of $2.69. two weeks. All departments of the State Turkish Towels Trade school are closed for a two Hale’s Curtains— Main Floor, left- weeks’ vacation, excepting toe office Hale’s Wash Frocks— Main Floor, rear. and will re-open Monday morning, September 9. This is the 25c first season all departments have Not just ordinary towels, .they’re heavy, been shut down at the same time. absorbent textured turklsh towels with neat colored borders in blue, pink, gold and Peter Belletti of 70 Sheffield green. Thursday—Friday—Saturday street, Naugatuck, charged with Greater driving without a license and with­ Turkish Towels—Main Floor out registration and who was ab­ sent when his case was called in the town court yesterday morning, Prosperity Sale Special Demonstration and Sale of appeared later in the day and this morning was given a hearing. His bond was returned and he pleaded 100% In Our guilty to both charges. A fine of $10 and costs on each coimt was im­ Reconditioned posed. Artistic Pure Wool Houseware Dept. LAMPS SHOE HEPAIKING ‘Exclusive Designs” Covered Enamel Ladies’ Flexible Soles and Double Blankets Rubber Heels a Specialty. Reasonable Prices Stock Pots Reduced! Electric Vacuum Cleaners SAM YULVES KEMP’S INC. $4.98 Stock Pots, 8-gallon size $2.98 701 Main St., So. Manchester $698 $3.98 Stock Pots, 6-gallon size.. $1.98 Pure Virgin wool, double blankets in $1.98 Stock Pots, 4-gallon size.. $1.00 size 66x80 Inches. Attractive block Housefurnishing Dept.— Basement plaids in rose, blue, nile, gray, tan and two famous makes: com. Sateen bound edges. $3.98 Arctic Freezers $1.98 Blankets— Main Floor Wood tub with heavy can and galvanized HOOVER AND EUREKA moNi coated gears. 2-quart size. $2.98 Kitchen Stools With Rayon B a ck s...... $1.98 GOOD THINGS TO EAT White enamel kitchen stools with backs. Bed Spreads $19-50 Campbell’s Tomato Soup LARGE L U X ...... 25c $1.10 and $1.25 Sprinkler 3 c a n s ...... 25c 2 f o r ...... 49c $2.98 C a n s...... 89c Fresh Mackerel Stunning rayon bedspreads, jacquard de­ Galvanized iron sprinkler cans. 10 and A promise of efficiency Block Island Sword Fish Plnehurst Round Steak, signs in floral patterns. Solid colors of 12 quart size. and an insurance of long Halibut Steak Cod Ground ...... 49o lb. gold, green and rose. Scalloped edges. service and satisfaction Filet of Haddock Large spreads, 81x105 inches. goes with each sale; for each Butterflsh Freshly Ground B eef... SOc lb. 50c Jelly Mould Sets . . . 39c vacuum it renewed, actually Bedspreads— Main Floor made practically new, for Green colored glassware, seven-piece set they are reconditioned in PINEHURST v e r y 1 lb. Rolls CREAMERY consisting of a large jelly mould and six every necessary detail. Each individual moulds. BEST C O FFEE.. 49c lb. BUTTER...... 49c lb. vacuum cleaner was renewed in its own factory—toe work done with toe same ex­ .First delivery 8 o’clock. If you want a Soup Bone, Pot Boast $5 Down pertness and materials as go or stewing piece of tender lamb, Native Veal or beef, just dial Grape Juice into ail their products. 4151 in time for this delivery and you will have your order before delivers one of these Hence at toe price we offer nine. vacuum cleaners into these famous makes Thurs­ Tumblers your home. The balance day, Friday an4 Saturday XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSCXXXXXXXXX^^ c each in small weekly or they are tnily big values! 5 monthly payments.

lOc grape Juice tumblers to close-out at 5c each. Thin-blown tumblers, fan­ Hale’s Vacuum CTeanei’s— Basement WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. cy shai>ed In rose-pink only. Coty’s Face Powder Housefurnishing Dept. — Basement Funeral Directors SPECIAL! ilL ESTABLISHED 64 YEABS box CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. 69c The famous Coty face powder in flesh and rachaei. Assorted Coty odeurs. Robert E. Anderson Phones: OflSce 5171 Ig Funeral Director Residence 7494 Toilet Goods—^Main Floor SOUTH MRNCHESTER ■ CONN