■ f- THE WEATHER NET PRESS RUN Voreeaat br 0, •. Weather Bareau« AVERAGE DAIL2 CIRCULATION New ftareu for the Month of Julyi 1929 Fair tonlglit and Thnraday. 5,301 antteatfr Surntng ■*a Meinhera of tho Audit Bureau of Clreulatloua PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1929. FOURTEEN PAGES (Olassifled Advertising on Page 12) VOL. X U II., NO. 268. <i>- aO.P.lEADERS U. S.-BRTIISH Broken Peace Pact Brings Wide Protest MORE JEWS ARE SLAIN SLASH RATES PACT NEARER, TO m CAUSE SAYS^RT IN FIGHT WITH ARABS Trying to Force Democrats President Holds a Four Hour AMERICANS SAFE Ib r iu s h MARINES SENT and Insurgents to Demand Conference With Cabinet IN HOLY LAND NOW I j q RESCUE, REPULSED Higher Tariff Duties on Members on Dawes Re­ f " ^ port From London. Are Being Sheltered in Mon-; . , . Their Home Products. I j Washington, Aug. 28—The nego- arteries end Convents in^^‘ ®'^ *"’'*'‘* ^'“®*** “ Washington, Aug. 28.—An adroit Oatlons for an Anglo-American jampaign of strategy, intended to 1 We Sh^ Blood Helping Conquer Palestine— Is This Our Reward?’*... .Flaunting banners, singing in n 1 • ^ »<• Bnming the rorce some Dem7c7ate “and“ ”tosur-j naval agreement have reached the hvmns, 20,000 Jews headed by American veterans who fought with the British • in M esopota^a paraded force some throiiah New York streets in protest against the mas sacre and persecution of their brethren by Arabs in gents into demanding higherui k fatHfftariff | staffestage wherewneie definite proposal and Palestine. Here you see the procession as it neared the British Consulate, where a formal protest was L tie s on their home products, was counter-proposal are being Jerusalem, Aug. 28—All Ameri­ changed between Washington and lodged to be forwarded to the British government in Lofidon, can citizens In Jerusalem today revealed today by Republican lead­ were safe, according to the latest oos Towns— Britain Now Has 5,000 Soldiers in Trou­ ■ ers on the eve of the tariff battle London with increasing swiftness authentic information available. in the Senate. ^ and regrularity. 'The position of Americans in out­ A week ago a rather lengthy ble Zone. In the midst of numerous tariff lying towns and cities w m not as­ communication was sent to Ambas­ increases, the Republican member­ MORE MEN NEEDED certainable, but the authorities here ship of the Senate finance commit­ sador Dawes in London, setting ZEP REACHES MIDWEST believed they were being safely tee slashed rates on a short list of forth the American position in de­ London, Aug. 28.—A fresh out­ sheltered in Monasteries and SITUA-nON TODAY articles produced chiefiy in south­ tail. Dawes promptly, took it to break of fighting at Haifa, 65^niles Scotland where Premier MacDonald FOR STATE POUCE convents. ern and western states. In each Although JerusEilem Itself had re­ IN HOLY LAND was vacationing. Yesterday a reply ON U S T LEG OF TRIP northwest of Jerusalem, in which instance the strategy underlying turned to a semblance of peace and reached Washington. It formed the slash was an intent to swing quiet today, reports continued to four Jews were said to have been Principal developments in the the subject matter for a four-hour “ doubtful votes” to support of the filter in from outlying districts tellr killed, was reported this afternoon. serious crisis in Palestine today conference between President Hoo­ Commissioner Hurley Says were as follows: new tariff bill in return for ulU- ing of clashes between Moslems and A Central News dispatch from mate increases in the rates on this ver, Secretary of State Stimson, 1. Large force of Arabs, rein­ Secretary of the Navy Adams, and Bucked Headwinds While NUMEOUS STUNTS Jews. JerusEdem said that Arabs made an forced by Jebel Druse warriors, list. Whether the strategy succeeds His Department is Only 50 The casualties resulting from the attack upon Haret Elyahud, a J e w -1 remains to be determined. Under Secretary of State Cotton. reported marching on Palestine. Another communication is expected Arab attack on the Jewish quarters ish quarter of Haifa, yesterday, 1 Senators As Pawns Over Texas But Is Now of Haifa yesterday included four 2. Desultory fighting continued to go winging Londonward before when four Jews were killed and i between Moslems and Jews A score of Senators apparently ON AIR PROGRAM Per Cent Efficient. Jews killed and fifty wounded. four wounded. British marines were marked out l.s pawns in this the end of the week. .throughout Palestine. Details Lacking The Jewish colonies in Samaria who went to the aid of the Jews battle of tariff wits. The list will Going FuD Speed — May and Judea were reported quiet to­ 3. Residents of Haifa rendered The exact nature of this ex­ were repulsed. 1 panic-stricken by Arab snipers include Senator Jones (R) of Wash­ Westbrook, Aug. 28—“The State day fieelng before Moslem attacks. After a lull the fighting was re- ington, often an independent; Sena­ change has not been divulged. The I making streets unsafe. Business position taken by the White House Fly Over Chicago. Navy Dirigible to Hitch and Police Department is as yet doing One___ Jew was killed and twenty newed today when Arabs again In- ' at a standstUL tor Dill (D) of Washingtbn, Sena­ others were wounded at Beisan. vaded Haret EHyahud and began tor Simmons (D) of North Caro­ is that there is not enough definite­ only about fifty per cent of the I 4. British authorities rush dis­ ness to the proposals yet to serve Moslem attacks on the eastern •I ■ninoorinB-pillaging and buminerburning the buildines.buildings. lina, the minority tariff leader; Sen­ Unhitch I ’ lane to Itself service it should do, because of lack ] Jewish settlements of tribution of troops to piindpad any good purpose by making them Browning, Mo., Aug, 28— British Marines engaged the Mos­ I towns and villages while dedar- ator Overman (D) of North Caro­ Flying in a northeasterly dir— of man-power,” according to Robert Betalpha, Kyutzath and Hashdmer lems. lina, his colleague; Senators Har­ public. T. Hurley, of Hartford, state police I ing situation in hand, The definite objective, however, is ection at a speed estimated were reported to have been repulsed Tension Heightened While Flying Fast. commissioner, in an address to j 5. Arab raiders loot evacnated ■ ris (D) and George (D) of Georgia, a five-power naval conference this from the ground at 80 miles an with heavy losses to the Invaders. Tension in Jerusalem has been Senators Fletcher (D) and Hefiin seventy citizens at the opening of Jewish homes. winter in London, and the hope is hour, the Graf Zeppelin passed A number of banks and shops heightened by increased reports of (D) and Black (D) of Alabama, the new state police barracks here. I 6. Details of Moslem attack that the call for it can be made over Browning at 11:25 a. m. conducted by Christians reopened in trouble at Damascus and fresh dis­ Senators Walsh (D) and Wheeler Cleveland, O., Aug. 28.—Today Commissioner Hurley has soAie sev­ Jerusalem today. Governor Heith- I upon Hebron Rabbinical college when MacDonald comes to Wash­ (1:25 p. m., E.D.T.) orders in Trans-Jordania. I reveal victims, induding Amerl- (D) of Montana, and others not so ington some time in October. At 11:39 a. m., the Graf was might aptly be termed “ blue ribbon” enty men to handle the task of in­ roach told a delegation of shop­ 'The British force of soldiers and obviously identified. All these, vestigating 1,400 complaints a I cans, horribly mutilated, one re­ The political phases of the pro­ seen over Milan, Sullivan coun­ day at the 1929 National Air races keepers he was unable to assure ■marines on patrol duty in the Holy however, were surprised to find the month beside doing the regular port stating an aged rabU burned blem are causing President Hoover ty, which Is on the northern them complete safety before next Land is now estimated at from rates on important home products now in progress at the municipal routine work of the Motor Vehicle alive. and Premier MacDonald almost, if edge of the state.. It appeared Sunday, when he will order the re­ 5.000 to 6,000. slashed in a bill apparently written Department, acting as fire mar- 7. Fear now expressed of gbh- not as much, trouble as the more possible that the Graf’s course airport here. opening of all shops. The situation in Jerusalem pro­ erai Moslem nprlsing as French only to increase rates generally. technical matters of tonnage, yard­ would take the air liner Into Spectators at this afternoon’s ses- sh^s, and handling motion picture A number of armored tanks were per has quieted down, but troops The new bill meanwhile was re­ affairs assigned the department by troops act to prevent Palestine sticks. defensive and offensive value Iowa before it turns eastward Sion of the big sky tournament wUl hv reported to be enroute here from continued to pour into the city. ported to the Senate by Senator statute. Arabs invading Syria. of different types of ships, etc. toward Chicago. witness two major competitive Malta to assist in the patrolling of There is a partial reopening of Smoot (R) of Utah, committee Commissioner Hurley, who made 8. Numerous clashes reported To be of any value, any agree­ events— the finishes of the Rlm-of- the streets. shops and banks, late adrtces said. chairman. It included not only the his address last evening, urged the along trans-Jordania border, with ment which the statesmen may ar­ OVER KANSAS CITY Ohio Derby and the Philadelphia-to- The Syro-Palestine committee at a number of British casualties.
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