University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 1-11-1933 Sandspur, Vol. 37 No. 13, January 11, 1933 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 37 No. 13, January 11, 1933" (1933). The Rollins Sandspur. 358. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/358 THE WORLD Established Play VIEWED In 1894 Friday Night AT ROLLINS By EGJ ttoiuns anii0pur WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, JANUARY 11, 1933 The passing of Calvin Coolidge arises as the most astounding and fludden news-shock America has re­ ^^Holiday^^ to be given Ten Students Join ceived since the Lingbergh kid­ naping ten months ago. It was COLLEGE WILL January 27, Is Next WORLD FLASHES Student Body For \ De. BEARD ID I only after the former leader of the FROM THE UNITED PRESS- I nation had passed on that we learn­ Workshop Production Winter Term Here ed of his recent illness, which had Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 11 (UP)— company which holds caused him considerable distress FLOIA "HoMday" "by Philip Barrf, a Governor Gifford Pinchot appeared estate. The names of ten students were j but was not considered dangerous. modern sophisticated comedy based unexpectedly today on the floor of added to the Rollins records dur- j The tributes accorded Mr. Cool- on a philosophical idea, to be pre­ the Senate and demanded that that Lakehurst, N. J., Jan. 11 (UP)— ing the Winter Term registration, i idge's achievements are typically sented Friday, January 27, in the body discipline Senator George L. The naval dirigible, Akron, return­ Five of these students are new to i worthy of the last ex-president's E iURAT Annie Russell Theatre, will offer Read of Dauphin county for a ref­ ed the air station here today af­ the college. The remainder are HDLT'S STAFF work, and the immediate suspen­ great contrast in its plot, charac­ erence Reed made to Mrs. Cor­ ter an uneventful flight from Mi­ those who have previously attend­ sion of business by the New York 132nd Anniversary of Pioneer ters and setting as compared with [ nelia B ryce Pinchot, wife of the ami, Florida, where it was based ed Rollins. Classmate Of President To Stock Exchange and the adjourn­ "Philip Goes Forth" and "Alison's I governor, in an attack on the ad­ The new stuednts are: Prince To Be Held during maneuvers in connection Aid in Financial and ments of the Senate and House of House," the two preceding produc­ ministration Monday night. "I with the All-American air races. Raymond Clark, of Cleveland Representatives when those organ­ January 21 tions of the Workshop. cannot possibly horsewhip a sena- ; Ohio, a transfer from Trinity Col­ Religious Work izations learned of his death mark Under the guidance of Miss Eliz­ tor, however much I' may desire to ' Madrid, Jan. 11 (UP)—Premier lege. unusual gestures of reverence. Dr. William S. Beard, former The name of a distinguished abeth Ransom, instructor of cos­ and however much a senator may Manuel Azana and Minister of the Hughes ^ellen, of Winter Park, Florida. executive secretary of the National The prompt reaction of the na­ pioneer in the early .Colonial his. tume design in the Rollins art de­ deserve it," the governor declared. Interior Santiago Quiroga were partment, the clothing of the ac­ James Tullis, of Northfield, Congregational Laymen's Advisory tion's humorists to the surprising tory of Florida will be honored at authorized today to declare a state tralgedy is demonsti-ated by the Rollins College Saturday, January tors and actresses is being care­ Ohio. Committee, New York, N. Y., has Baltimore, Md., Jan. U (UP)— of seige or modified martial law case of the musical comedy success 21, when the 132nd anniversary of fully selected, and where not oth­ Carol Hoidale, of Minneapolis, a accepted a call from Rollins Col­ wherever they considered it neces­ "Of Thee I Sing," the book of thei birthday of Prince Achille erwise available, is being made by A fortune estimated at seven mil­ transfer from the University of lege to assist in the financial pro­ sary to prevent seditious move­ which contained two derisive ref­ Murat is commemorated under the students. lion dollars awaits the son of Libby Minnesota. gram and the religious work of Holman Reynolds born last night ments. Extremists outbreaks in the institution. President Hamilton erences to Mr. Coolidge, the rath­ spices of the Department of His­ Hollis Mitchell, scene technician, Evaline McNeil, of Chicago, a n a Philadelphia hospital, accord­ Barcelona and Valencia had died Holt announced recently. er poignant lines were changed for tory. is supervising the building of a transfer from the University of ing to statements of the local trust (Continued on Page 2) the next performances of both the Prince Achille, who was a citi- setting to suit the requirements of Chicago. In developing the financial pro­ original New York production and n of Florida between 1822 and the play. Those students who have return­ gram, Dr. Beard will be attached the company on tour, now in Mil­ 1847 when he lived on a large The Rollins Players appearing ed to Rollins are: Robert Fuchs, to President Holt's, staff. In his waukee, so that no such disrespect­ grant of land near Tallahassee, was in "Holiday" will be Eleanor Sloat Hodgson, Barbara Donaldson, religious work, he will act as an ful allusions were heard. a nephew of Napolean I and an Wright, Kathleen Hara, Dolores GLEE CLUe HOLDS Eleanor Goldsmtih, Herma Jeffries assistant to Dr. Charles A. Camp­ intimate friend of Napoleon III, of Wylie, Rosamond Carson, Hollis and Hazel Steuer. bell, dean of Knowles Memorial The National Air Races which Washington Irving and Ralph Wal­ Mitchell, Robert Currie, Walter Chapel. closed in Miami last Sunday were do Emerson. His wife was a great- Perkins, Jack Kelsey, Homer Cud­ FIRST CONCERT WELL ATTENDED Dr. Beard was a classmate of not distinguished by as many niece of George Washington. He more, Isabelle Stearns, Bryan Ow­ Dr. Holt at Yale and a graduate thrills as were attendant at the has been described as a man "who en, and Olive Bickson. of the Yale Divinity School. He Cleveland races in the past two fought the Seminole Indians with Folk Songs, Negro Spirituals Dr. Holt Addresses Students is a product of "The Little Church years. New records were entirely Governor Call, relished eating ev­ And Chanteys Given On Unity and Co-operation on the Hilltop" at South Killingly, lacking, and in spite of the para­ ery living animal, reptile and bird Conn., where his father for twen­ chute jump from a height of only Florida with the exception of At the chapel service held last RDSSELL THEATRE ty-four years was pastor. Follow­ The Rollins Glee Club gave its •200 feet made by a pilot when he the turkey buzzard, and wrote PlIINGS ARE Sunday an exceptionally large ing ip his father's steps and en­ first concert of the year last eve­ lost control of his ship, the 1933 e books describing life and gov­ number of students as well as Win­ "Human Engineering" Sub­ tering the Congregational minis­ ning in the Annie Russell Theatre. 'model of the contests failed to at­ ernment in pioneer America." ter Park residents turned out to try. Dr. Beard became pastor at The program consisted of folk ject of Talk Last Week tain the high standard set ,by the hear President Hamilton Holt the Durham, N. H., Community The Murat celebatioTi will in­ songs, Russian, English and Ger­ •previous meets. make his first address since his Doctor Arthur Frederick Shel­ Church which served the students clude a dinner sponsored by Les man, with the closely allied negro The reason for the move from ances Francaises of Florida in­ absence in the north. don, the founder of the new philo- of New Hampshire University. In Pfister's Worlis Are Displayed spirituals and sailor chanteys. The He had chosen as his subject, phy of "Human Engineering," was 1908 he returned to Connecticut and •-Cleveland to the Southern city was cluding the chapters at Orlando, male quartet, under the direction At Studio "Unity and Co-operation" and dis­ introduced by Dean Anderson at took a pastorate at Willimantic. ithe failure of the 1932 summer Jacksonville, Tampa, St. Peters­ of Bruce Dougherty, presented sev­ races in the Ohio center to prove burg, Miami, and other cities; a cussed this subject as it applied the Annie Russell Theatre Satur­ A thirty-mile radius from Willi­ eral songs. Members of the quar- day morning, January seventh, to ' successful financially—the deficit lecture by Baron d'Estoumelles de Jean Jacques Pfister, Swiss- to successful living. mantic includes "The Little White et included William Mosteller, bar­ speak briefly of his philosophy of was in excess of $50,000—and the Constant; and an exhibition of American artist and painter and "The University of Chicago and Church on the Hilltop" and two itone; Richard Wilkinson, bass; life. Doctor Sheldon was brought ;results of the new location's ef­ rare letters and documents relat­ ember of the Rollins College fa- Rollins College," Dr. Holt said, other churches which had been Edwin Libby, second tenor; and to Rollins through the special re­ fects on that phase will be watch­ ing to the life of Prince and Prin­ Ity, has on exhibition for the "are the only two accredited insti­ served in long pastorates by his Robert Currie, first tenor.
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