Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-08-30
'''TS, 1II1l"TB, book ' •• r rod II•• PI Q! " •• a.h 111 ,ood Ihr.u,h A .r. »1; v~ Ihr.u,b Z2 Ibr.. ,h 8e,1. ~Ol AI Ibrou,h 1:1 ,ood Ihro.,. 0.1. II, •• d Fl Partly Cloudy "'. Ihro .. ,h K I ,00' Ihr.u,h Nov. lit. LI Ih••• ,h QI "e ODIII. valid Sepl. lind .r. ,.od Ih.ou,h D ••• 31. !lUGAR, slalllP ~U ,ood 11I •• u.b ".,. 81 '.r 'In po.nd.. 8t.... , 8K ,00' I.pl. 1 Ihro.,b D••. '1 '.r DAILY' IOWAN ParUr cloud,; CODUDUed WU'lll. five pound.. 8110g8, book thr•• alrpl.... ,ta.p, J, THE 2, 9 .nd 4 Ira valid lodell.llel,. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper c:: ===~~~~~====~--==========~====================~========~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~==============~========~~~==~==~~~~~~==~~; ~---~-----. Tlla A8800lATI!D pa888 IOWA CITY, lOw,.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1945 TB& ABIOCIATU ..au VOLUME XXI NUMBER 288 e I an· 111 GREATEST FLEET IN THE WORLD MOVES INTO SAGAMI BAY FO R OCCUPATION OF JAPAN Eight Tortured, Two·Pronged Yanks Sli II Held Operation Still In Jap Prison Under Way Guards Try to Hide Men; Were Beaten, 7,500 Airborne Men Hung Up by Thumbs At Atsugi; 10,000 Marines at Yokosuka By VERN IIA UGLAND SHANGHAI (AP)- Eight Amer ATS OJ AIRFIELD, Near ican fliers who have been lortured Tokyo, Thursday (AP)-The. two - pronged occupation of mercilessly by the Japanese still Japan began today with the are held in jail in the tOI'eign fil1lt waves or 7,500 airborne YMCA here. lroops landing at Atsugi, 18 Japanese guards forCib ly at mil southw t of Tokyo, and tempted to prevent American war element of 10,000 marin and correspondents from Okinawa vis bluejackets 1a n d in g inside Iting them although the Japanese Tokyo bay at Yokosuka naval consul had gIven his approval.
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