Partly Cloudy ~IEATII, I' ATII, red .....111 .. Q'l Ihr ..U Z~ ""f AI '"rourh KI now valid. SUGAR, book I •• , .tamp 3U loe. lor flvill poulld. lhrou,h Au,. In. 8ROII, al,. IOWA: l'arUJ cloud, and plaue ,tampa i , I, ft abd .. In boo' lhree are , ••• I.· coDllDDed hot and hU.mld. dolla"oly. THE DAILY IOWAN Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~==============~=================~========~========~~==~~~~'==~~~~~~~============~=================================~ Tall AUOOIATID PUSS IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, AUGUST IB, 19(5 THI ASSOClA'lED pans VOLUME m NUMBER 278 ===================~===~~.=.====================================~================~~========~~~~~~==~~==~~~~ ap e egation to eave omorrow, ---------------~~------~--------------------------------- * * "* Route of Surrender Envoy Domei Reports Allied Occupation Soon TwoMoreMen _ tfC))ISHU Envoys to Meet Resign' State Declines to Comment Before Treaty- MacArthur first Hinl MacArthur--Occupotion Ch· f? Japs Begin Positions In Manila '~ · To Surreri~er MacLeilh, Holmes Of Future ing the over-lIll assignment of about the Japanese shortly after Quit Stalling Note By THE ASSOCIATED palss his ,nduatlon from West Point, Quit as Aisistant I G l! n e l' a I MacArthur decltned beating the Japanese with Admiral Speeds Tokyo Action comm nt on whether he will be Chesler W. Nimitz who heads all wilen he served a bru-f tour in 20,000 Lay Down State Secretaries Broadcast Says desigr,aLed to assume command in sea (orces in that ocean, MacAr­ that country. He has been find­ To Cease Firing Nation Must Extend Japan alter surrender terms are thur moved up from the south­ ing out Dlore ever since in the Arms in Manchuria WASHINGTON (AP)-Archi­ bigned, west PaciIic command which he Philippines, around which is­ As Reds Drive On bald MacLeish, poet-lJbrarian, and MANIL , ,aturday (AP)­ are All Accommodations It was presumed here however had held since shortly after the lands his mHitary career has Julius C. HoLmes, solclier-diplo- Japan ad"is d G n raj ?lfacAr­ surrender - ---l- that the command would be a war began, centered. LONDON (AP)-J a pan e s e mat, resigned yesterday as assis­ thul' early today lhat its ur­ SAN FRANCTSCO (A P)­ natura I step under the previous Over six feet tall, wide shoul­ His military career has been troops began to surrender in Man- tant secretaries ot the state de­ I' nder del ga lion had been se­ The JapaJl se ag-en'Y Domei designation by the joint chiefs of dered, a I way 8 spectacularly spectacular throughout, His schol­ churia yesterday, with 20,000 lay- partment. lected and would leave for Man­ staff ot Lhe general as supreme astic marks at West Point still top ing down their arms, but there Their resignations, accepted by lIid yesterday that aliiI'd oeClh dressed, ge~lerally stem or tace, ila. lomorrow. pation for c e s would land comonder for any Japanese home­ with bro:lAl forehead, prOD1ineld the academy records. He was tile was no letup in the Red army's President Truman with words of land operations, youngest diviSion commander of relentless drive closing in on the thanks for their service, loll owed Prodd d by a brusque note "soon" in th hOlUeland and nose ahd rather thin lips, Mac­ from Ma Arthll r to quit its J leaclquarters in Manlla is the Arthur at 65 Is still the compl te World War I, the youngest super­ great city of Harbin from three swiftly on another important state that the P 'ople would b re­ srene of Intense preparations for intendent West Point ever had, slalLing tactics, which l1ad car­ ,uired to "extend all accomo· soldier. He never leaves lhe role sides, Moscow said last night. department change. the conference to discuss treaty of commander and leader. and the youngesl man ever to be The Japanese armies were ap- Grew Resi~ ri d 0" r two days, and g t on i.tions. " tel'ms scheduled tor tomorrow, chlef 01 staff, United States army. Critics call him arrogant and parenlly continuing their resls- Only Thursday Mr. Truman ac- with 1h p a(' !legotiat ions, The broadcast, h 8rd by t11l' Appointment of General Mac­ After his tour as chief of staif, tance, despite the ultimatum from cepted the resignation of Under­ LUZON Tokyo acted without further federal communications eo~nll1is­ Mthur as supreme allied com­ theatrical. But the best qualified 1930 to 1935, he went back to the judges in the American armed Marshal Alexander M, Vasilevsky Secretary of State Joseph C. Grew delay. asserted, how'v\' r. lhat mander tor the occupation of Philippines as director of com­ to surrender by noon Monday, 'and the choice of Assistant Secre- lion, forCeS have praised him as a gen­ MacA l' l bur's headquarl r Ibe allies would not lanel 8!l Japan seems to be the next logi­ monwealth defense and still heLd Stron&' Points Fall tary Dean G. Acheson to succeed cal step for the man wbo beat ius at strategy, And his officers that post when the Japanese struck annou!leed At 2 :45 a. m. (l :45 I'combat llllils" and lI)(~I'I,rOl'l' are fiercely loyal. Enemy strong points fell rapidly him, CWT Friday) that the desired in­ the Nipponese land torces back In December, 1941, He retired from to the Russians, whose armed Thus Mr, Truman and his new ,auld" not directly comand{>('l' lIe knows the Japanese and by formation had been r elved from eur food supplies, livIng quart.ers from the doorstep of Austr:tlla. lhe United States army in 1937 columns were s tabbing through Secretary of State James F. lIe had been commanding,.,gen­ 011 accounts lhey respect and lear but went back on active duty In whatever resistance the Japanese Byrnes. have three assistant secre­ the enemy capital, JIld such peoples' nece<silles, or him, The Tokyo me ace wu brief. teize funds in the banks," ernl of American ar.. forces in July, 1941, before the Japanese could build up. tarles to fill with new appoint- the Pacific since Apr~ 1945, shar- The general started learning n said tbe delel'lUon could not "It is needle ~s to hold any mis­ struck at Pearl Harbor. Driving down the main railway menLs. Membel'll or Team leave unlll Sunday "due &0 ~vin)ls on these points," Domel I -- line leading southeast to Harbin tleceSlary Internal procedure" through the Khlngan foothills, one Holmes and MacLelsh were both and promlsed further detaiil dispatch rave no author- At a Glance-- Red army column advanced more members of the "team" whIch took jdd;:~ Arnold Reveals New I New Premier Wants than 100 miles Irom previously re­ office last December when Ed­ would follow. IIJ for all this, and Indeed there U (' S ported positions and captured ward R. Stettinlus, then a new sec­ GEN. DOUGLAS MACARTIlUR In Manila the Japan se delega­ kave been no offlcltLl repOl'ts I J uper .. Bomber Pokotu and Chalontun, the latter retary of sta te, reorganized the de­ ha ordered the Japanese envoy for tion will hear whot it must do be­ trom allied Qu:trter] on Ju~t •• World Confidence partment. fore ul"I'ender articles are signed whal all occupation would en- 240 miles northwest of Harbin, 8urrender negotiations to leave I - --- I Today's Forces Drive from West MacLelsh, 53-year-old Pulitzer the Satano l\lIsaka a IrdrolDe in a and th alll d occupation forces tall, Nameless Giant Has Orders Obedience Other 10rces driving from lhe prize-winning poet, resigned as "while unarmed plane marked march into Nippon. Domei dP<'lared thal thp nerlod t Where that surernder might be w t captUred Wutancheng, Kailu, Ilbrarian of cQngress to become the wltll two "reen ero es" and car­ Htween the "conclusion of the 01'- Striking Range To Emperor's Word; s igned sttJ l wa conjectural, De­ I TungJiao and KolLung, the last state department's assistant secre­ rying a document elDpOwerlnc IJIlstice and the conclusion 01 the Of 5,000 Miles Iowan Looks Into Postwar named an important town on the tary in charge of cultural and pub­ him 10 receive Ute "requirement tails were being worked out. peaCf treaty, which will roHow the _____ rail line leading north to Lung- lic relations, He was the first to of the allied supreme commander." An A socia ted Pret18 dispatch withdrawal ot the occupation W ASIITNGTON (AP)-Gen. H. have such a tlUe. The plane will be met at Ie Shima, from Guam, yin" that Admiral Japanese Burrend* * .. r* delegates tu SAN FRANCISCO (AP) kiang and 180 miles southwest of NJmltJ: had be n appointed by anny" would be a time thot:- would H, Arnold revealed yesterday that Japan's new premier assumed his Harbin. He served in the army in the near Okinawa by UnHed Stales ·call for the utmost trust Dnd leave [01' Manila tomorrow to last war, enlisting as a privaLe and Pre Ident Truman as a Unlled m et MacArthur for discusslon peace government duties yester- Driving 25 miles south of cap­ tlghler planes. From Ie Shima Ute iell- re peel by the Japanese th United States has a new super- the Russians finishing as a captain. envoy will be nown 10 l\bnUa In tates represel1taUve, f1Unested of terms. day with orders fol' strict mllltary tured Wangching a battleship In Tokyo ba:,.- wu people," bOIJ\b I' for eclipsing the B-29, II observ-bu af"the lfnpeTial order sflll.ed Tum n, on the northern Eacer to ReUre an Amerman plane, He will re­ "Dllrtnr this tUne," Domel also predicted that any future war to ground arms, but there were border of Korea.
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