•.' \ m i ..-vf.'»-£'fc^.V- .^5?,-.J *■ / ’ ..,1 ■'■i'i : ,< •. i ■ ■ A i».7 (T W E L V B ^ • -V • yOL.UlInNO.8, CniMiiniiil AdrertUlat OB AS>-lo g MERIDEN MAN HIT lill^^itors Hav€(^^ I m BY NAZI SOLDIERS , y '1 -v^'. Struck Twice in the Face Be-^ARREST SUSPECTS ^ w e r s of Meteors Lasted OiTiciab Fear ijn ReiactioR cause He Did Not Salute of BodgeU Hay IN MAINE HOLDUP Over Twoa Honr^ Am«h as Parade Passed Him in can Astronomer Ghres.ffis Dowa Present United Haii % 22 Years; BerEn. Ex-Convict and Two Women Theory of die Cause. States Standards. S s ^ WiA' Dsniiid Is Canght After Grocer Is W aahingte, Oct. 10—(AP) —To Senata Hrafcara Hoar o( R t e — New York Berlin, O ct 10.— (AP) — An By Howard W. Blakeslea American business man, Roland prevent what it termed the threat­ Vels, a native of Meriden, Conn., Shot by Bandit Philadelphia, O ct 10— (A P )-- ened “ passing of toe .puhlio free Irief Lewlers Fkdmg to The chances are 99 in 100 that tte schools” as a result of oadgst bal­ vdio now lives in Berlin, was struck ancing, the American Iteeration of rain.of falling stars in Europe last H i S e e . twice in the face by storm troopers Houlton, Me., Oct. 10.— (A P )— Labor convention today mdopte a Ee SsKO 1929. night is a shower of spaca-wandsr- because he did not salute a Nazi An ex-oonvlct and two ymmen, ap­ 12-point educational program call­ procession, he reported today. Ing stones which the earth never en­ ing for "the utmost endeavor for prehended at Molunkus early today, The incident occurred in Dussel* countered before, according to t>r. the protection of education from Waahingtte'^OeL 10 — (AP) — New York, Oct 10.—(AP)— dorf on Sunday while he was walk­ were detained by authorities in Chariee P. Olivier aatronomsr of tbs kiisdergarten through te university.” John H. M -^tecy, tor 22 years ing with Mrs. Velz in a street He The program cadled for “truly sold by Dillon. Bead their Investigation of the shooting University of Pennsylvania'. Demooratio leader of Brooklyn, notified George S. Messersmith, of James Young, grocer, in a hold­ Whether this stream of meteoric pr^esslonal standards” in the qlass A Gomifeny. to (ons of its Investment American consul gene*^ here, who room, smaller classes taught by trusts when prices were {dumeting was served wtt^ a demand that he up at Blaine last night stones is so large that the earth is comidained to police authorities 8& within its borders with possi­ trained teachers, a broader curri­ In 1929 were shown in toe Senate retire today by a majority of Us and both the Reich and Prussian They were: Sldmond Cote, 82, Nri- bilities of more meteoric displays to­ culum, an eQuitable wage for all In­ Investigating todaj^ to have deprsH d l^ et isaders. ministers of the interior. Ue Browning, 26, of Mara’ Hill and night, he said, is not certoln but structors with security of tenure d a t e mflliona in value since. MatUda Burlock, 23, formerly of and “decent” working conditions, Tracing the devious transaothms , A dslfratUm of 12 of ths leaders seems unlikely. balled on UcCooey, staunch ally of WOOLWOETH EXBOCnVB Mara Hill, but who gave her pres­ The European showers lasted the eetahlishment of teacher unions, through testimsmy by E. B. Tracy, ent address at (52 Eastern Avenue), maintenance of educational stand­ President of toe banking firms in- Tammany Hall, at county party Meriden, Oct. 10.— (A P )—Roland about two hours, just after sunset, Representatives of 112 eollegea and unlvendttss attended the 100th anni- h^Qomrtors. Members of this dele- Velz, referred to in the Berlin, Ger­ Lynn, Mass. and whbn word of them was flash­ verseuy celebration of the founding of Havwford College at Haverford, ards, old ag> pensions ahd opportun­ vestmeiit trusts, the conitnlttee In addition to the trio, the IS- ity for teachers to help formulate learned that the portfolio of the gstlon. told newspapermen before many, dispatch as being stru|^ by ed to Dr. Olivier, who is head of the Pa. Anxmg th’e 46 college presidents at the ceremonies were Presidents the xneeting they were determined the storm troopers because Be did months-old son of the Burlock wo­ American Metem Society, he had wmiiun W. Comfort (left), of Haverford College; James Roland Angell educational policies. united States and Intenational Se­ man was also in the car which offi- The resolution embodying these curities Oorporatian last December te ete{> d o ^ to favor of some oth­ not salute a Nazi procession, is a the heavens watched for hours. Up (center) o f Yale, and William Mather Lewis of lAfayette. er man. son of Mrs. Anna A. Velz of 225 cera caught in the dragnet they to this forenoon he had not received featfirer was presented for toe fed­ 31 showed a 526,562,000 shrinkage Atkins street, this city. His wife la threw about the area sifter Youog reports of even one meteor sighted eration’s educational oommlttee by of assets. Swing To Btolee a native of Frankfort, N. Y. was shot on the American side of the Atlan­ Florence Curtis Hanson, of toe Of this, said commlttae oounsel, Ihe actioD reflects the swing by Mr. Velz went to Dusseldorf, Oontf tlon Serious. tic. American Federation of Teachers. Ferdinand Peeora, about 40 per cent the Dteocratlo districi leaders of Germany, about six yesurs ago as Young went down w;ith two .22 Probably SmaO Field Grea,t Danger or 511,192,000 was In stock of rafl- Broofct^ to Joseph V; McKss, to- an executive employe of the F. W. caliber bullets as he lunged at a This, he said, indicated that pro­ STUDENT SAW ONE MAN The report approved by toe con­ roads that have since gone into xe- deptelent Democrat and antl-Tam- Woolworth Company to open stores mAn who ordered him to turn over bably the shower was over com­ vention said that “no greater men­ edyerohip; stock that largely wa# many candidate for mayor. throughout Germamy, according to the money from the store’s cash pletely within a very.short time af­ ace to industrlaJ recovery could purchased from other DUlon, Read McOboey, famed throughout members of his fazoily. register. The holdup man then ter its first appearance. This com­ develop” than that brought by the Intexests. The roads were the Rock state political ^rdles for the mu^ scooped 5200 from the till and fled plete tennlnation could arise froni SET REICHSTAG BLAZE (posing of schools for economy’s Islaiid end the E^risco, cessfid way to whlbh Le baa kept in an automobile which was driven the fact that the stream of flying sake. It held this tenduicy was One of the most persistent Ques­ toe Brooklyn oxganlmti<m in hate by a confederate—said by witnesses stones was small, or if it .was a "destructive” and that "onily mis­ tioners at toe spau'sely attended through aD previous attempts at to be a man. Young was reported wide stream, then the earth may fortune can come if this p<^cy is hitfriHg was Senator Cousens (R.- -revolt, has been an indispensable WINKLER IS KILLED in a serious condition at a Mara Hill have cut through only a small .sec­ Gernaif Ypodi Hnn in S$ RUSSIA AND JAPAN continued.” Mich.), who last week charged that ally of ’Tammany HaU by virtue of hospital. tion of the meteor pathway. Reduction of teachers’ salaries, "some wise guys” unloaded toe de­ toe fSet his county casts the Officers who stopped the car Not in-hundreds of years, said Dr. “adways inadeQuate,” if continued predating railroad stock on toe heaviest vob of the five ootmtieo driven by the Burlock woman at Olivier, has such a great shower of Belief That Only One Per­ for any length of time, toe commit­ trusts, in vtolch toe public had in­ IN GANGLAND WAR IN A NEW WRANGLE vested 575,000,000. making up New York City. two o’clock this morning said they meteors appeared anywhere near tee held, will bring toe “passing of Jthe Brtex county Democratie found a .22 caliber revolver in a thiA date in October. That is one of son Was in Hot — To­ the public free schools.” organisation already has gonQ over suitcase. In the heel of ope of the reasons for supposing tbs celes­ After hearing William R. Trotter TOOK NO CRANOBS to McKee, and thwe are signs of a her shoes the officers said, they dis­ tial visitors are members of some of toe International Typographical Washington. Oct 10.—(AP) — Chicafo Racketeer Meets Herebs a provision from the original similar movemsnt'to Queens. \ covered 568 in bills and 5 ^ in stream of stones never befwe en­ day’s First Witness. Tokyo Declares Soviets Are imtnn, luigue that mbmbera at the After the meeting McGooey issned J countered. Meteor records are in­ American Newspaper Publish^ charter of the U. 8 . and For change in her pocketbook. Securities corporation, to which a call f<v a m eet^ of .tiie whole' Death at Hands of Foes of Authorltie. said Cote was releas­ complete, but one of the last previ­ Association, are "exploiting” chil­ county, executive conuaittse for next : ous large showers in the month Of Circulating Rumors of a dren, toe com tetion unanimously public Invested 525,OOOAOO, exempt- ed from the State prison at Thom- Berlin, O ct 16.—(A P )—A type­ ing dlrectora from llabfltty for Ibssss week, at which leaders totimatedm.
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