Sons of the American Revolution Will Be Held at Toledo, Ohio, Fee S Company Mass
OFFICIAL BULLP:TIN EDWARD ROYAL_ SORBER, Germantown, Pa. (21437). Great•-grands Adam Ohl, pnvate, Col. William Bradford's Philadelphia Regt pon of Militia. · enna. OFFICIAL BULLETIN GEORGE HOMER SPALDING, Lowell, Mass. (21476). Great•-grandson of 01' Nicholas Cooke, Governor of Rhode Island, 1775-1778. ROLLIN AARON SPALDING, Lynn, Mass. (21481). Great-grandson of R b THE NATIONAL SOCIETY 0 Spalding, Second Lieutenant Fourth Middlesex County Regt. Mass M. ~rt 11 gran d son o f R o bert S f>a 1dmg, · Jr., private, Captain Ballard's Company· C 1'ha '· 01' THe: Whitcomb'• Mass. Regt. • 0 one! FRANCIS HERBERT STEVENS, Wellesley, Mass. (21483). Great'-grandson , 0 OF THE Ephra•m Ste1.•ens, Sergeant of Minute Men, Col. Aaron Davis's Mass. Regt. ' SONS AMERICAN REVOLUTION CHARLES EDWIN SUTTON, East Providence, R. I. (2o67o). Great-grandson President General Organized April 30, 1889 of. R~~crt Sutt.on, Sergeant, Col. Timothy Walker's Mass. Regt., sailor M Morris B. Bea1dsley, Bridaeport, Conn. Incorporated by Act ol Conaresa June 9, 1906 Sh1p Eagle" m 1780. ass. JOHN NORTHRU~ THURLOW, Brooklyn, N. Y. (21330). Great"-grandso f MARCH, 1910 Number 4 0 Volume IV G~d Talcott, pnvate Conn. Militia; great•-grandson of Peter Bonticon ~ ta1n of Barque "Hawk," prisoner on "Jers~y" prison-ship. ' ap- Publiahed at the office of the Secretary General (A. Howard Clark, Smithaonian GEORGE WINTHROP. TOPPAN, Fairfield, Me. (2o965). Great•-~randson of (aotitution), Waahin~rton, D. C., in May, October, December, and March. Samuel P•llsbury, pnvate, Capt. Richard Titcomb's Company, Colonel w d , Entered as second-class matter, May 7, Igo8, at the post-office at Washington, Mass.
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