Welcome to AP Latin!

Your summer assignment involves two undertakings…  “SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENT” The point of this assignment is to become familiar with the two works. IT is CRITICAL that you know the CHARACTERS/PEOPLE and EVENTS of both the Bellum Gallicum and the Aeneid. o Read IN ENGLISH the designated parts of Caesar’s (books 1,4,5,6,7) and Vergil’s Aeneid (Books 1-6, 8. 12). You may read the entire book if you wish. o Complete worksheet of questions below. Write answers on the pdf (using Notability). o Submit to Schoology: “SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENT” on Aug09 - 1st day of school.  VOCABULARY: Learn the most used basic vocabulary of Caesar’s Gallic Wars and Vergil’s Aeneid (you might want to make vocab cards in Quizlet). o We will have periodic vocabulary tests, including one the 2nd day of classes (August 10th).


Reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars and Vergil’s Aeneid in English (College Board requirement) -Caesar’s Gallic Wars: Books 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (you may read any English translation, online or a book) -online: -books: in order of my preference, based on readability -Hammond, Carolyn, tr. Caesar: The Gallic War. Oxford World’s Classics, 2008. (ISBN: 978-0199540266) -Ford, James H., trans. Caesar’s Commentaries: On the Gallic War and on the Civil War. El Paso Norte Press, 2005. (ISBN: 978-0976072614) -Macdevitt, W. A. trans. The Gallic Wars. Wilder Publications, 2009. (ISBN: 978-1604597622) -Edwards, H. J., tr. Caesar: The Gallic War. Dover Publications, 2006. (ISBN: 978-0486451077)

-Vergil’s Aeneid: Books 1-6, 8, and 12 (you may read any English translation, online or a book) -online: -books: in order of my preference, based on readability -Vergil’s Aeneid: Hero-War-Humanity; translated by G.B. Cobbold; 2005: Bolchazy- Carducci Publ; 2005. (ISBN: ISBN 086516596-3) -West, David, tr. The Aeneid (Penguin Classics) Penguin Classics, 2003. (ISBN: 978-0140449327) -Lombardo, Stanley, tr. The Aeneid (hackett Classics). Hackett Publ, 2005. (ISBN: 978-0872207318) -Fagles, Robert, tr. The Aeneid (Penguin Classics). Penguin Classics, 2008. (ISBN: 978-0143105138) -Mandelbaum,Allen, tr. The Aeneid of Vergil (Bantam Classics). Bantam Classics, 1981. (ISBN: 978-0553210415)

READING ASSIGNMENT WORKSHEET -- write on pdf using Notability and submit to Schoology “SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENT” on August 9th -1st day of schools.

CAESAR (10044 B.C.) BACKGROUND INFORMATION (research answers) 1. To whom did Caesar trace his ancestry? 2. How is this connected to the Aeneid? 3. To what GENRE of writing does Caesar’s Bellum Gallicum belong? List at least 3 characteristics of this type of writing. 4. 5. 6. 7. Briefly explain controversies surrounding Caesar’s election as Pontifex Maximus in 63BC? 8. How did governing Spain help Caesar? 9. When was he elected consul? 10. Who were the members of the ? 11. How did this group help Caesar? 12. Where and for how long did Caesar hold his longest Proconsulship? List at least 3 benefits Caesar derived from this Proconsulship. 13. 14. 15. List at least 3 benefits Rome derived from this Proconsulship. 16. 17. 18.

Bellum Gallicum Book I 19. is divided into how many parts? 20. What does Orgetorix want the to do? 21. What happened to Orgetorix? 22. What do the Helvetii do? 23. What does Caesar do (finish answer with events in chapter 8)? 24. What is it that the Tigurine had done to make Caesar dislike them? 25. Who is Dumnorix, and what issues does Caesar have with him? 26. Who is Diviacus and what is Caesar’s relationship with him? 27. Who is ? List at least 5 issues/interactions he has with Caesar. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

Bellum Gallicum Book IV (chapters 24-36) 33. Why was landing in Britain difficult? 34. How does the Eaglebearer motivate the men? 35. What happens to the Romans’ ships (chapter 4.29 ff.)? 36. How do the barbarians react to this? 37. How does Caesar react to this? 38. What does this tell us about Caesar as a leader? 39. How do the Britons use chariots?

Bellum Gallicum Book V 40. What happened to Tasgetius? 41. Why does this concern Caesar? 42. What does say to Gaius Arpinus/Quintus Junius, messengers for Quintus Titurius Sabinus and Lucius Aurunculeius Cotta? 43. Specifically, what does Ambiorix promise? 44. What does Lucius Aurunculeius Cotta think should be done? 45. What does Quintus Titurius Sabinus think should be done? 46. What is decided? 47. How do the soldiers respond? 48. What happens? 49. What happens to Sabinus? 50. What happens to Cotta? 51. What does do when he learns of Ambiorix’ plan? 52. How does Cicero and his men withstand the Gallic attack? 53. What is notable about Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus? 54. How does Cicero communicate with Caesar? 55. How does Caesar communicate with Cicero? 56. What do you think Caesar’s opinions of L.A. Cotta, Q.T. Sabinus, and Cicero are? Why?

Bellum Gallicum Book VI 57. Who is Ambiorix? List 5 things that he does in all of book VI. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. How do these incidents affect his relationship with Caesar? 64. How does Caesar respond? 65. Who are the ? 66. How does one become a ? List 3 privileges which the Druids enjoy. 67. 68. 69. 70. Who are the Knights? List 3 characteristics of the Knights. 71. 72. 73. 74. Which gods do the worship? 75. How are rumors concerning the State, dealt with among the Gauls? List 5 characteristics of the Germans. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

Bellum Gallicum Book VII 81. What happens when Caesar goes to Italy? 82. Who is Vercingetorix and what does he do? 83. What does Caesar do? 84. What do the Gauls do to their towns? Why? List 3 methods Vercingetorix uses to persuade the Gauls to follow his plans. 85. 86. 87. 88. What does it seem the Gauls do every time Caesar’s attention is diverted? List 5 tactics Caesar employs during his confrontations with the Gauls. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. Briefly describe how Caesar goes about besieging Alesia. 95. Describe Caesar’s actions during the Gauls assault on Alesia. 96. What happens to Vercingetorix and the Gauls after the battle?

. GALLIC WARS Summary: . List principal characters… describe who they are and the roles they play. . List principal divine forces / deities… describe who they are and the roles they play. . Explain the role of war and empire building. . Give examples of Roman values on display:  pietas (loyalty to family, ethnic group and the gods),  (courage, ability to resist strong emotion),  auctoritas (prestige among ones own ethnic group or outsiders),  dignitas (value to the group)


Vergil 7019 B.C. BACKGROUND INFORMATION (research answers) 97. Where was Vergil born? 98. What did he write before he wrote The Aeneid? 99. How is The Aeneid like The Iliad and The Odyssey? 100. How is Aeneas like / how is he different compared to Achilles and Odysseus? 101. What city is Aeneas supposed to be ancestor of? What two important Roman qualities does Aeneas exemplify? 102. 103. 104. In what meter is The Aeneid written? 105. What is the difference in word order between a Latin sentence and an English one? 106. How does this difference provide the Latin poet with greater possibilities for emphasis? 107. What type of poem is the Aeneid? List at least 5 characteristics of this type of poem. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112.

Book I 113. What central theme of th Aeneid is expressed in the first few verses? 114. Which goddess was particularly angry with Aeneas? Why was she angry? 115. What prophecy does she fear? 116. What is Aeneas’s task? 117. Who lets out the winds? 118. Who calms the stormy seas? 119. To what ruler is this man compared? 120. To what city do Aeneas and Achates come? 121. What is Aeneas envious of? 122. Who is building a shrine for Juno? What is her position? 123. What do Aeneas and Achates see on the walls of the temple? 124. How is Dido described? 125. Why doesn't anyone see Aeneas? 126. Who does Aeneas see with Dido? 127. What do these men complain about to Dido? 128. What do they say about Aeneas? 129. What response does Dido give to their appeal? 130. What does Aphrodite do for Aeneas when Dido first sees him? 131. What does Dido do for the Trojans immediately?

Book II 132. What is Aeneas going to tell Dido? 133. What trick does Aeneas describe? 134. Which Trojan does not trust the Greeks? 135. What Greek was left behind to deceive Trojans? What’s theexplanation for his being there? 136. What is Priam's reaction to Sinon? 137. Why was the horse built so large, according to Sinon? 138. What happened to Laocoon? 139. What do the Trojans decide must be done? 140. What omens did the Trojans ignore? 141. Who warns Aeneas to flee? 142. What is Aeneas' immediate response? 143. What news does Panthus bring? 144. What does Aeneas do for the next few hours? 145. Why is he so successful for a while? 146. What happens to Priam? 147. Who does Aeneas want to kill? 148. Who stops him? What does the scene remind you of? 149. What does Aeneas see when the cloud is torn away? 150. What does Venus advise? 151. What is the fall of Troy compared to? 152. What problem does Aeneas meet when he gets home? 153. What omens finally convince Anchises? 154. Describe the procession as Aeneas leaves Troy. 155. What happens as they leave? 156. How does Aeneas react to the crisis? 157. Who finally convinces him to leave?

Book III List 5 Characters who appear for the first time in Book III 158. 159. 160. 161. 162.

List 5 MAJOR events that occur in book III 163. 164. 165. 166. 167.

Book IV 168. What has happened to Dido? 169. Why does this upset her? 170. What is Anna's opinion on the subject? 171. What method does Dido use to determine her future? 172. How rational is Dido at this time? 173. What happens because of Dido's feelings? 174. Which divinities plot the romance between Aeneas and Dido? 175. Is there really a wedding? 176. What is Rumor saying? 177. Who is upset by their relationship? To whom does he pray? 178. Which gods take action? 179. Why are they upset with Aeneas? 180. What does the messenger wear and carry? 181. How does Aeneas react? 182. Are his men cooperative? 183. How does Dido find out his plan? 184. What is Aeneas' defense? 185. Why is Aeneas' response so firm and unemotional? 186. Does Dido understand his response? What does she threaten? 187. How are the Trojans described as they prepare their ships? 188. What message does Dido send by Anna? Does Aeneas listen? 189. In your opinion, is Aeneas being selfish or cruel? WHY? 190. What does Dido resolve to do? 191. How does she gain Anna's cooperation? 192. What do they build? 193. What is Dido's reasoning for her actions? 194. Why does Aeneas get up early and set sail? 195. What attitude does Dido now have toward Aeneas? 196. What does Dido do? 197. What future does she want for Aeneas? 198. How does she kill herself? 199. Who laments her death? 200. How do the gods respond to her death?

Book V List 5 characters who appear for the first time in Book V. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205.

List 5 MAJOR events that occur in Book VINCLUDE ALL of the CONTESTS of the FUNERAL GAMES. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210.

Book VI 211. Where does Aeneas go? Who accompanies him? 212. Who else has made a similar journey? 213. Why can't Palinurus get on the boat? 214. Why does Charon object to Aeneas? 215. How does the Sybil convince Charon? 216. How do the Trojan warriors respond when they see Aeneas in Hades? 217. How do the Greeks respond? 218. What had Aeneas done for Deiphobus? Who was responsible for killing him? 219. How is Hades divided? 220. What does Aeneas ask the Sibyl? 221. To which part of Hades does Aeneas go? 222. For whom is Aeneas looking? 223. Where is he found? 224. How do they great each other? 225. What earlier scene does this resemble? What important information does this person give Aeneas? 226. What are the souls beside the river doing? 227. How does Aeneas exit Hades?

Book VIII List 5 characters who appear for the first time in Book VIII. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232.

List 5 MAJOR events that occur in Book VIII. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. What special gift does Aeneas get from Venus? Have we seen a similar scene elsewhere? 239. What is recorded on it? 240. Who is mentioned here?

Book XII List 5 characters who appear for the first time in Book XII. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245.

List 5 MAJOR events that occur in Book XII 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. Who does Turnus remind you of? 252. Who is trying to prevent his death? 253. What is Jupiter's opinion of Juno's behavior? 254. What is Juno's request? 255. What convinces Aeneas to kill Turnus? 256. Do you think Aeneas would have killed Turnus if he had not seen the belt?

AENEID Summary: . List principal characters… describe who they are and the roles they play. . List principal divine forces / deities… describe who they are and the roles they play. . Explain the role of war and empire building. . Give examples of Roman values on display:  pietas (loyalty to family, ethnic group and the gods),  virtus (courage, ability to resist strong emotion),  auctoritas (prestige among ones own ethnic group or outsiders),  dignitas (value to the group)

VOCAB Caesar and Vergil (400 words)

ã, ab, abs - (+abl) from, away from, by (15+ca) ac, atque - and, and also, as, than (15+ca) accidit, accidere, accidit - to happen, fall to, befall, occur (9-14c) accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptus - to receive, accept; welcome; hear (9-14c)(5-8v) Acestes, Achestae, m – Achestes (king of Sicily) ad - (+acc) to, toward, near, about, against (15+ca) adventus, adventūs, m - advance; arrival, approach; attach (5-8c) Aeneas, Aeneae, acc. An, Aeneas (Trojan prince) aequor, aequoris, n - sea; sea surface; waves; plain (5-8v) ager, agrī, m - field, land (5-8c) agmen, agminis, n - column, multitude, army (5-8v) agō, agere, egī, actus - to do, drive; pursue (5-8v) aiō, ais, ait - to say, speak, assert (5-8v) aliquī, aliquae, aliquod (aliquis, aliquid) - someone, something, anyone, anything (5-8c) alius, alia, aliud - another, other, else (9-14c)(9-14v) alter, altera, alterum - another; the one… the other (9-14c) altus, alta, altum - high, lofty, deep, profound (15+v) Ambriorix, Ambriorigis, m, Ambiorux, king of the amor, amoris, m - love, affection (9-14v) Anchises, Anchisae, acc, Anehisen, Anchises, father of Aeneas anima, animae, f - breath, life, soul, air; existence (5-8v) animus, animi, m - soul, mind, spirit, heart, courage (5-8c)(15+v) annus, annī, m - year; season (9-14c)(5-8v) ante - (+acc) before, in front of; (adv) before, previously (5-8c)(9-14v) antiquus, antiqua, antiquum – ancient, old, aged, former apud - (+acc) among, with, at the house of, in the presence of (5-8c) ara, arae, f - altar (5-8v) arbitror, arbitrarī, arbitratus sum - to think, consider (9-14c) ardeō, ardēre, arsī, arsurus - to burn, blaze; to be eager (5-8v) arma, armōrum, n pl - arms, weapons, utensils, equipment (15+v) arvum, arvi, n – plowed land, field, region arx, arcis, f - fortress, citadel, hill, peak, height (9-14v) aspiciō, aspicere, aspexī, aspectus - to look at, behold (9-14v) at, ast - but, yet, however, at least (5-8c) (5-8v) ater, atra, atrum - black, dark, gloomy; deadly (5-8v) atque, ac – and also, and even, and; (comparison-)than, as, from audiō, audīre, audivī, auditus - to hear, hear of aura, aurae, f - air, breeze; favor, light (5-8v) aurum, aurī, n - gold (object or equipment) aut; aut… aut - or, either; either… or(15+ca) autem - but, however, moreover, furthermore (5-8c)

Belgae, Belgarum, m - the bellum, bellī, n - war, combat, fight (15+c)(9-14v) Britannia, Britanniae, f - Britannia, Gritain caelum, caelī, n - heaven, sky; weather (9-14v) Caesar, Caesaris, m - Caesar campus, campī, m - plain, field, level surface capiō, capere, cepī, captus - to take, seize, capture, occupy,take in (9-14c)(5-8v) caput, capitis, n - head; summit; life, person (9-14v) castra, castrōrum, n pl - camp (15+c) casus, casūs, m - accident, chance, event, misfortune causā - (+gen) for the sake of (9-14c) causa, causae, f - cause, reason, case, situation (9-14c)(5-8v) celeritās, celeritatis, f - speed, swiftness (5-8c) celeriter – quickly (5-8c) cernō, cernere, crevī, cretus - discern, perceive, understand, decide; fight certus, certa, certum - certain, sure, fixed (5-8c) Cicero, Ciceronis, m - Cicero circiter - about, around, near; approximately (5-8c) circum (+acc) around, about, at; near (9-14v) circumveniō, circumvenīre, circumvēnī, circumventus - to surround, cut off, betray(5-8c) civitas, civitatis, f - state, citizenship (15+c) clamor, clamoris, m - shout, roar, applause (5-8v) classis, classis, f - fleet; division; ship; army (5-8v) coepī, coepisse, coeptus - began, undertook; to have begun (9-14c) cognoscō, cognoscere, cognovī, cognitus - to learn, learn about; (pf-) to know (9-14c) cogō, cogere, coegī, coactus - to drive together, collect, compel, force (9-14c) cohors, cohortis, f - cohort (tenth of a legion) (5-8c) collocō collocāre, collocavī, collocatus - to arrange, place; set, station (5-8c) colloquor, colloquī, collocutus sum - to speak with, converse (5-8c) comes, comitis, m/f - friend, comrade, companion, follower (5-8v) communis, commune - common, general (5-8c) coniunx, coniugis, m/f - spouse, husband, wife (5-8v) consilium, consilī, n - advice, plan, council (15+c) constituō, constituere, constituī, constitutus - to place, establish, set up, decide (9-14c) consuescō, consuescere, consuevī, consuevisse, consuetus - to be accustomed to (5-8c) contineō, continēre, continuī, contentus - to hold, keep, restrain, contain; retain (5-8c) controversia, controversiae, f - controversy, dispute, argument (5-8c) conveniō, convenīre, convenī, conventus-to come together,gather, meet, assemble (9-14c) copia, copiae, f - supply; (pl) troops, forces, supplies (9-14c) corpus, corporis, n - body, corpse, form (9-14v) crudelis, crudele - crude, cruel (5-8v) cum - (+abl) with; (conj-)when, while, since, although (15+ca) cunctus, cuncta, cunctum – all, whole, entire cura, curae, f - care, concern; anxiety, distress; love (5-8v) cursus, cursūs, m - course, running, running course, haste (5-8v)

Danaus, Danaī, m - Greek, of Danaus (a king of Greece) (5-8v) dē - (+abl) from, down from, about, concerning (15+c)(9-14v) dea, deae, f - a goddess (5-8v) deus, deī, m - a god (5-8c)(15+v) dexter, dextra, dextrum - right; skillful; favorable (9-14v) dicō, dicere, dixī, dictus - to say, tell, speak, name; appoint (15+c)(15+v) dictum, dictī, n - word, speech, command Dido, Didonis, f - Dido, queen of Carthage diēs, diēī, m/f - day, time, season (15+c) discedō, discedere, discessī, discessurus - to go away, depart, leave; retire (9-14c) divus, diva, divum - divine, heavenly, godlike, deified (5-8v) do, dāre, dedī, datus - to give, put, grant, allow, bestow (15+ca) domus, domūs, f - house, home; building; family (5-8v) donum, donī, n - gift, offering; prize, reward ducō, ducere, dux, ductus - to lead, guide; conduct, choose; think (5-8c)(9-14v) dum - while, until; as long as, till (5-8c)(5-8v) duo, duae, duo - two (5-8c)

ē, ex - (+abl) from, out of; according to ((9-14v)15+c) ego, meī, mihi, mē, mē - I, of me, etc. (15+v) eō, īre, ivī (iī) iturus - to go; walk, proceed; come; move; ride; sail (9-14v) eques, equitis, m - horseman; (pl) cavalry (9-14c) equitatus, equitatūs, m - cavalry, horsemen (5-8c) equus, equī, m - horse eripiō, eripere, eripuī, ereptus – to snatch (from), tear away; rescue; hasten errō, errāre, erravī, erratus - to wander, stray, err, roam; to be mistaken (9-14v) et; et… et - and, both, also; both… and(15+ca) etiam - and also, also, too, even, still (5-8c)(5-8v) exercitus, exercitūs, m - army (9-14c) existimō, existimāre, existimavī, existimatus - to think, consider, reckon (9-14c) facile - easily, readily (9-14c) facilis, facile – easy faciō, facere, fecī, factus - to do, make, build, produce, grant (15+c)(5-8v) fama, famae, f - fame; report, reputation, rumor, saying (9-14v) fatum, fatī, n - fate, destiny, doom; oracle; prediction (9-14v) ferē - almost, nearly, about, for the most part, generally, usually (5-8c) ferō, ferre, tulī, latus - to carry, bring bear, endure; call name; report (5-8c)(15+v) ferrum, ferrī, n - iron; swod, weapon, tool, spear (5-8v) fessus, fessa, fessum – tired, weary, feeble, worn finis, finis, m - end, boundary; (pl) borders, land, territory (5-8v) flamma, flammae, f - flame, fire, torch; love (5-8v) fluctus, fluctūs, m - wave; tide, surge (9-14v) flumen, fluminis, n - river, stream (9-14c) for, fārī, fatus sum - to say, speaktell, utter; profess (9-14v) fors, fortis – chance, fortune fortuna, fortunae, f - fortune, chance, luck frumentum, frumentī, n - grain; (pl) crops (9-14c) fuga, fugae, f - flight, escape, haste, exile; speed (5-8v) fugio, fugere, fugi, - to flee, escape; shun fundo, fundere, fudī, fusus - to pour (out), shed; lay low, slay, rout; extend furō, furere, furuī - to rage, rave, be frantic, be out of one’s mind (5-8v) futurus, futura, futurum - destined, impending, about to be

Gallia, Galliae, f - Gaul Gallus, Galla, Gallum - Gallic geminus, geminae, geminum - twin, double; gtwo genitor, genitoris, m - begettor, father, sire gens, gentis, f - race, clan, nation; descendant (9-14v) genus, generis, n - face, family, birth; birth, origin; kind, class (9-14c)(5-8v) Germani, Germanorum, – the Germans gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus - to wage, carry on, bear, yield; wear, do (5-8c)(5-8v) gravis, grave - heavy; serious, severe, burdened, full of (9-14c)(5-8v) habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to have, hold; consider, think; make, take (15+c) haud - not, by no means, not at all heu - alas! ah! ah me! (5-8v) Helvetius, Helvetia, Helvetium - Helvetian hiberna, hibernōrum, n pl - winter camp or quarters (15+c) hīc - here(15+v) hic, haec, hoc this, the latter (15+ca) hinc - from this place, hence, thence homō, hominis, m/f - human being, person, man (15+c) honos (honos), honoris, m - honor, glorym reward; offering, sacrifice, charm, grace hostis, hostis, m/f - enemy (15+c) hūc - to this place; hither; here iam - now, already, finally (5-8c)(15+v) ibi – there īdem, eadem, idem - the same (15+c)(5-8v) ignis, ignis, m - fire, light, lightning, passion, fury (15+v) ille, illa, illud - that, the former (15+ca) immanis, immane - huge, monstrous, enormous, frightful; cruel (5-8v) imperium, imperī, n - command, rule, power, supreme power (5-8c)(5-8v) īmus, īma, īmum - deepest, the bottom of; the last (5-8v) incipiō, incipere, incepī, inceptus - to begin, start (5-8v) in (+abl) – in, on, among; (+acc) - into, against infelix, infelicis - unfortunate, accursed, unhappy, unlucky, ill-omened inferus, infera, inferum - low, below, underneath ingēns, ingentis - enormous, mighty, huge, massive; extraordinary (9-14v) inter - (+acc) between, among, during (15+c)(5-8v) interficiō, interficere, interfecī, interfectus - to kill, destroy (9-14c) interim - meanwhile (5-8c) ipse, ipsa, ipsum - -self, himself, herself, itself (15+ca) ira, irae, f - anger, fury, hatred (9-14v) is, ea, id - he, she, it (15+c) ita - thus, so, in this way (5-8c) Ītalia, Ītaliae, f - Italy (9-14v) iter, itineris, n - journey, march, route, road (15+c) iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus - to order, command, tell; bid (15+c)(9-14v) Iuno, Iunonis, f - Juno Iuppiter, Iovis, m - Jupiter labor, laborī, lapsus - to slip by, glide by, descend, fall; perish; flow labos (labor), laboris, m labor, hardship, task lacrima, lacrimae, f - tear, compassion (5-8v) laetus, laeta, laetum - happy, delightful; fertile (5-8v) , legatī, m - envoy, ambassador, lieutenant (15+c) legiō, legionis, f - legion (15+c) līmen, līminis, n - threshold; door; house (5-8v) littera, litterae, f - letter (of alphabet); (pl) letter, epistle, writing (9-14c) lītus, litoris, n - shore, beach (9-14v) locus, loci, m - place, location; position, rank (15+c)(5-8v) longē - far, far away, at a distance, by far (9-14c) longus, longa, longum - long, distant (5-8c)(5-8v) lumen, luminis, n - lamp, light; eye, life (5-8v) magnus, magna, magnum - great, large, huge, vast; mighty (15+ca) maior, maius - larger, bigger, greater, older maneō, manēre, mansi, mansus - to remain, abide, linger, stay, await manus, manūs, f - hand; band, force (of an army) (9-14c)(9-14v) mare, maris, n - sea (5-8v) mater, matris, f - mother; matron maximus, maxima, maximum - greatest medius, madia, medium - middle, intermediate (9-14v) mens, mentis, f - mind, feeling, intention meus, mea, meum - my, mine (9-14v) miles, militis, m - soldier, infantry (15+c) mille; (pl) milia - thousand (9-14c) minus - less, not at all, too little (5-8c) miser, misera, miserum - miserable, wretched, unhappy, unfortunate (5-8v) mittō, mittere, misī, missus - to send, send off, hurl, let go; dismiss (15+c) moenia, moenium, n pl - walls, ramparts, structures; city (5-8v) mons, montis, m - mountain, hill; height (5-8v) mors, mortis, f - death, destruction, ruin (9-14c) moveō, movēre, mōvī, motus - to move, shake; arouse, agitate; ponder (5-8v) multitudō, multitudinis, f - crowd, multitude (15+c) multus, multa, multum - much, (pl) many (9-14c)(9-14v) munus, muneris, n - function; duty; gift nam, namque - for, indeed, truly (5-8c) natus, natī, m - son, child, descendant (5-8v) navis, navis, f - ship, boat, vessel; galley (15+c)(9-14v) -ne - (enclitic) (introduces yes or no question) (15+v) nē - not, that not, so that not, lest (15+v)(9-14c) nec, neque; nec… nec - not, and not, nor; neither… nor (15+ca) Nervius, Nervia, Nervia - of the Nervii nihil - nothing, not anything (9-14c) nisi – unless noctū - by night, at night nomen, nominis, n - name; title, fame, renown (5-8v) nōn - not, no (15+ca) nos, nostrum, nobis, nos, nobis – we, of us, etc noster, nostra, nostrum - our (15+c)(9-14v) novus, nova, novum - new, young, strange, late nox, noctis, f - night; death (9-14c)(5-8v) nullus, nulla, nullum - no, none, no one (9-14c)(5-8v) numen, numinis, n - divine power, divinity; god; goddess (5-8v) numerus, numerī, m - number, quantity, amount (9-14c) nunc - now (15+v)

O - O! oh! ah! ob – (+acc) on account of, because of oculus, oculi, m - eye (9-14v) olle - (old form of ille) omnis, omne all, every, whole (15+ca) oppugnatiō, oppugnationis, f - attack, storming, seige; plan of attack (5-8c) ora, orae, f - shore, coast; border, edge (5-8v) ordō, ordinis, m - rank, row, order, arrangementposition (9-14c) Orgetorix, Orgetorigis, m - Orgetorix ōs, ōris, n - mouth; face; speech; expression (9-14v) parens, parentis, m/f - parent, ancestora (5-8v) parō, parāre, paravī, paratus - to prepare, make, arrange, make ready (5-8v) pars, partis, f - part, portion, share, direction, side (15+c)(5-8v) passus, passūs, m - pace, step, stride (about 5 ft); (with mille-) mile (5-8c) pater, patris, m - father, ancestor (5-8c)(9-14v) patrius, patria, patrium - paternal, ancestral, native pectus, pectoris, n - chest, breast, heart; soul (9-14v) pelagus, pelagī, m - flood, waves per - (+acc) through, by means of, on account of (15+ca) periculum, periculī, n - danger, trial, test, attempt, peril (9-14c) persuadeō, persuadēre, persuasī, persuasus - to persuade, convince (+dat) (9-14c) pertineō, pertinēre, pertinuī, pertentus - to pertain, relate; concern, tend; extend (5-8c) perveniō, pervenīre, pervēnī, perventurus - to come to, arrive at; arrive, reach (5-8c) pēs, pedis, m - foot; sheet-rope; sheet (5-8v) petō, petere, petivī (petiī), petitus - to look for, seek, ask; attack, scan (5-8c)(9-14v) pius, pia, pium - devoted, loyal, righteous plērīque, pleraeque, plerumque - very many, the most of plures (plus), pluria - more plurimus, plurima, plurimum - most poena, poenae, f - punishment, penalty; revenge (5-8v) ponō, ponere, posuī, positus - to put, place; found, stablish; bury (5-8c)(5-8v) populus, populī, m - people, crowd, nation (5-8v)(9-14c) portus, portūs, m - port, harbor, haven possum, posse, potuī - to be able, be possible, can (15+c)(5-8v) post – (+acc) after, behind premō, premere, pressī, pressus - to press, oppress; pursue, overpower, crush(5-8c)(5-8v) Priamus, Priamī, m - Priam, king of Troy primum - firt, at first, in the first place, for the first time primus, prima, primum - first, foremost;chief, excellent (9-14c) prō - (+abl) in front of, before, for (15+c) procul - far, at a distance from, afar proelium, proelī, n - battle, contest, engagement (15+c) proficiscor, proficiscī, profectus sum - to set out, start out, go, proceed; depart (9-14c) provincia, provinciae, f - province (5-8c) proximus, proxima, proximum - nearest, next, last, previous (9-14c) publicus, publica, publicum - public, common (9-14c) puer, puerī, m - boy, young man (5-8v) pugna, pugnae, f - fight, battle, contest (5-8c) pugnō, pugnāre, pugnavī, pugnatus - to fight, contend, strive (9-14c) puppis, puppis, f - stern, ship, vessel; galley (5-8v) quā - by which way, in which place, where quaerō, quaerere, quaesivī, quaesitus - to seek, ask for, look for (5-8v) quantus, quanta, quantum - how much, how large, how great -que - (enclitic) and, also, even (15+ca) quī, quae, quod - who, which, what; that (15+ca) quīdam, quaedam, quiddam – a certain one, someone quis, quid - who?, what? (15+v)(9-14c) quisque, quaeque, whodque (or quidque) - each one, every quō – whither, where, whereby quondam – at some time, formerly, ever recipiō, recipere, recepī, receptus - to receive;take or get back, withdraw,recover (9-14c) referro, referre, tetulī, relatus – restore, carry off, reproduce, renew, recall; relate, say regina, reginae, f - queen (9-14v) regnum, regnī, n - kingdom, ruling power; realm; rule (9-14v)(5-8c) relinquō, relinquere, reliquī, relictus - to leave, leave behind, abandon, desert (5-8c) reliquus, reliqua, reliquum - remaining, rest of, other (15+c) remus, remī, m - oar rēs, rēī, f thing, matter, deed, affair (15+c) rex, regis, m - king Rhenus, Rhenī, m - Rhine (river) Rhodanus, Rhodanī, m - Rhone (river) Romanus, Romana, Romanum – roman ruō, ruere, ruī, ruiturus - to rush, hurry; fall down; sink; plow (5-8v) sacer, sacra, sacrum - sacred, holy, consecreted (5-8v) salūs, salutis, f - welfare, security, safety, well-being (9-14c) sanguis, sanguinis, m - blood, race, descendant, bloodshed (5-8v) saxum, saxī, n - stone; boulder; large rock; reef, cliff, crag (9-14v) sed - but, however, moreover (9-14c)(15+v) sedes, sedis, f - seat; abode, dwelling; foundation, tomb, shrine; place, region (5-8v) sequor, sequī, secutus - to follow, attend, pursue, accompany, seek servo, servāre, servavī, servatus - to save, guard; keep; watch (5-8v) sī - if, when, whether (15+ca) sīc - thus, so, in this way (15+v) sīdus, sīderis, n - sky, heavens; constellation; weather (5-8v) silva, silvae, f - forest, tree, woods (5-8v) simul - at the same time; simultaneously (5-8v) simul ac or atque – as soon as sine - (+abl) without (5-8c) socius, socī, - ally, comrade, friend (5-8v) solus, sola, solum – alone, lonely somnus, somnī, m - sleep, slunb er, dream (5-8v) spēs, speī, f - hope, expectation (5-8c)(5-8v) stō, stare, stetī, staturus - to stand, to be built; halt, endure, linger, remain (5-8v) sub - (+abl) under, beneath, at the foot of; (+acc) to, toward, up to (9-14v)(5-8c) subeō, subīre, subiī, subitus - to advance, approach; enter; go under (5-8v) suī, sibi, sē, sē - -self, himself, herself, itself (15+c)(9-14v) sum, esse, fuī, futurus - to be, exist; is, are (15+ca) summus, summa, summum-highest,greatest,most important, loftiest,top of (9-14c)(9-14v) super – (+abl,+acc) – above, beyond, concerning, about superior, superius - upper, higher; previous, former (9-14c) superus, supera, superum – over, above surgō, surgere, surrexī, surrecturus - to rise, get up; stand up; ascend; surge (5-8v) sustineō, sustinēre, sustinuī, sustentus - to hold up, sustain,support;withstand; bear(5-8c) suus, sua, suum - his, her, its, their (own) (15+c) talis, tale - such, of such a kind, the following (15+v) tamen - yet, nevertheless, however, still (9-14c) tandem - finally, at last (5-8v) tantus, tanta, tantum - so great such great; as much as (5-8c)(9-14v) tectum, tectī, n - roof; house, dwelling (5-8v) tellūs, tellūris, f - earth, land, ground, country (5-8v) telum, telī, n - spear, javelin (9-14c)(5-8v) tempus, temporis, n - time (9-14c) tendō, tendere, tetendī, tentus - to stretch, extend; aim, strive, present (5-8v) teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus - to hold, keep, have; occupy; hold back (9-14v)(5-8c) terra, terrae, f - earth, land, soil, country (15+v) tertius, tertia, tertium - third (5-8c) Teucrus, Tencra, Teucrum - Teucrian, Trojan (5-8v) tollō, tollere, sustulī, sublatus - to lift, raise, take up, remove, destroy (5-8c)(5-8v) totus, tota, totum - all, entire, whole (5-8v)(5-8c) traho, trahere, traxī, tractus – to drag, draw, lead, spend trēs, tria - three (5-8c) tristis, triste – sad, unhappy, dreary, fatal Troia, Troiae, f - Troy (9-14v) tū, tuī, tibi, tē, tē - you, of you, etc. (15+v) tum, tunc - then, at that time, further (9-14c)(15+v) turris, turris, f - tower (5-8c) tuus, tua, tuum - your (sing) (9-14v) Tyrius, Tyria, Tyrium – Tyrian, Carthaginian ubi - where; when, as soon as (9-14v) ullus, ulla, ullum - any (5-8c)(5-8v) umbra, umbrae, f - shadow, shade; ghost (9-14v) umerus, umerī, m - shoulder unā - together (5-8c) unda, undae, f - wave; water, sea (9-14v) unus, una, unum - one, only; alone (15+c)(5-8v) urbs, urbis, f - city (15+v) ūsus, ūsūs, m - use, experience, skill, practice, need (5-8c) ut (uti) - when, as, that, so that (9-14v)(15+c) uter, utra, utrum – which one, one who uterque, utraque, utrumque - each, both (5-8c) utor, utī, usus sum - to use, make use of, employ; enjoy, possess (+abl) (9-14c) vastus, vasta, vastum - vast, immense, huge; desolate, unoccupied (5-8v) vates, vatis, m - prophet, seer, bard ve - (enclitic) or (5-8v) velum, velī, n - cloth, sail, canvas veniō, venīre, venī, venturus - to come, arrive, go (9-14c)(9-14v) ventus, ventī, m - wind, breeze; blast, air (9-14v) via, viae, f - way, road, journey, street victor, victoris, m - victor victoria, victoriae, f - victory, conquest (5-8c) videō, vidēre, vidī, visus - to see, perceive, understand; (pass-) be seen, seem (15+ca) vincō, vincere, vicī, victus - to conquer, defeat; banish, surpass (5-8v) vir, virī, m - man, male; hero, husband (15+v) virtūs, virtutis, f - virtue, valor, courage (9-14c) vīs, vīs, f - force, violence, energy; (pl) strength (5-8v) vita, vitae, f - life (5-8c) vix - scarcely, feebly, with difficulty vocō, vocāre, vocavī, vocatus - to call, name, address; invoke (5-8v) volō, velle, voluī - to wish, want, be willing, desire, prefer, choose(9-14c) volvō, volvere, volvī, volutus - to roll, turn; decree; glide; ponder (5-8v) vox, vocis, f - voice, word, speech, sound; cry, call; saying (5-8v)