Tourismusgemeinschaft Tourist Attractions Marbach Bottwartal

1 St. Alexander’s Church, built in a late 3 The former Tannery from 1578 is the house, dates from 1700-1702 (Untere 11 The sculpture depicts the house’s Euro/1.00 Euro concessions, group in 1678, a sculpture depicts the mer- Gothic style between 1450 and 1490, is oldest building to have been completely Holdergasse 4). owner, the master stonemason Christian tours 15.00 Euro (duration approx. 30 chant Dietrich Wunderlich (Strohgasse one of the most beautiful hall churches preserved (Am alten Markt 2). Probst (Mittlere Holdergasse 4). mins), Tel. +49 (0)7144/102-297 (Obere 14). in southwest . In 2005, it re- 9 When the town was expanded in the Holdergasse 2). ceived the last remaining three-manual 4 The Gasthaus Goldener Löwe was 15th century, the Haspelturm (Winch 12 The former Spezialat (an ecclesias- 19 The Interim Town Hall served as Voit organ in the world, built in 1868. where Schiller’s mother, Elisabetha Do- Tower) was built as the northwest corner tical building) was rebuilt in 1696 and 15 The Heinlinsche Hof, built in 1688, such after the town fire, from 1693 to The Concordia Schiller Bell in the tower rothea Kodweiß, was born in 1732 (Ni- tower of the town’s defences. from 1754-1806 was home to the parish is the only known building within the 1763 (Rathausgasse 1). was a present from the German resi- klastorstr. 39). administration (Niklastorstr. 17). town walls to have survived the fire of

dents of Moscow for Schiller’s 100th bir- 10 This one-story building, which was 1693 unscathed (Auf den Felsen 1). 20Tulpenstraße The Parish Administration, built in thday. Open daily 9am-6pm March-Oct. 5 Schiller’s Birthplace (see overleaf) rebuilt after 1700 on the old founda- 13 The Rathmann House is home to Heckenstraße 1700, was the Spezialat (an ecclesiasti-

ße (except during a few rehearsal times), tions, was a typical vintner’s house in two sculptures (Niklastorstr. 7). 16 The former Physikatra (Doctor’s cal building) and deaconry from 1754 st n guided tours for groups and children, 6 The statue in the Wild Man Fountain the Holdergassen (see overleaf) (Mittle- House) was built in 1699e (Marktstr. 53). (Strohgasse 13). rt a Tel. +49 (0)7144/898013, depicts the legendary founder of the re Holdergasse 16). 14 The Jäger Oil Mill, a technologi- G, town of “Mars Bacchus” (Niklastorstr.). 17 A typical reconstructed house, 21 In 1847, the Grabentor (Moat Gate) cal Panoramaweg heritage memorial, documents the The building commonly known as the different processes involved in oil ma- which according to its inscription became the entrance to the newly laid (Am alten Markt). 7 The former Deaconry was built in Salzscheuer (Salt Barn), which is now nufacture, using the mill machinery was built in 1694 after the town fire Grabenstraße. 1698 (Niklastorstr. 21). home to a microbrewery, was probably from 1906 which remains almost fully (Marktstr. 47). Bahnhof 2 The former Poorhouse was built in once the town’s warehouse for salt sto- functional. Last Sun of the month, 2pm- Kirchenweinbergstr. 1611 (Am alten Markt 6). 8 The former Beguinage, later a school- rage, built in 1738 (Mittlere Holdergasse 11). 5pm (and by priorhospital arrangement), 2.00 18 On the corner of his house, built



Kirchenweinberglstr. Bahnhofstraße

̇ ̇

1 z Rielingshäuser Straße point of view A u N 600 m g m 1 r e Boat landing stage

A w a e l t t 8 Erdmannhäuser Straße e t

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way to the boat landing stage 10 7 5 11 6 12 Tobias-Mayer-Str. Hauffstraße

cycling track cycling Obere Holdergasse n


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access to




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L Affalterbacher Straße Museum h c S W teiner a str. n i U e hlandstr. la ̇ n Pedestrian Zone ds tr aß e Old Town Heritage Site Historical Guide – Guide through Schillerstadt and its quarters Schafgartenstr. ISBN 3-923107-13-7, 166 pages, 167 images with Area with traffic-cal- Adalbert-Stifter-Str. fold-out street map. ming measures/Footpath Poppenweiler Straße Kernerstraße Steps

footpath to Schillerhöhe 400 m Car Park ̇ (free) N Krähbergstraße Disabled Car Park Not to be missed: (free) 1 St. Alexander’s Church to the historic part of the town 500 m ̈ 23 5 Schiller’s Birthplace Multi-storey Car Park 38 (free) 8-14 Holdergassen German J. G. Fischer Str. 26 Oberer Torturm Literature Archive Coach Park (Upper Gate Tower) to the historic part of the town Hölderlinstraße ̈ (free) 37 Tobias Mayer Museum Boat Landing 39 Schiller-Nationalmuseum Haffnerstraße (National Schiller Museum) 40 Literaturmuseum der Moderne Caravan sites (Museum of Modern Literature) National Jahnstraße

Schiller S Schillerhöhe c 39 h WC Museum il le WC r Lenauweg h ö Schiller h 38 e Memorial WC Disabled WC

Museum of DanneckerstraßeAuerbachstraße 40 Modern Literature Collegien- haus Concert Hall 26 WC Concert Hall

Johann Caspar Schiller’s Orchard Hermann- Zanker- Bad ca. 100 m approach via Weimarstraße Weimarstr.

22 The Diebs- oder Malefizturm (Thie- defences and the tower itself. 31 The former Vogtei is the birthplace with its spiral staircase has been preser- school children have honoured the public in the museums. The holdings ves’ or Criminals’ Tower) once served as Open daily 11am-5pm, small entry of the famous lawyer Karl Georg von ved from the Renaissance (Niklastorstr.). town’s greatest son with flowers each create an impression of German lite- a prison (Grabenstr.). fee on weekends, free on weekdays, Wächter (1797-1880, Strohgasse 5). year on his birthday. rature and literary and cultural life in group tours (see overleaf), Tel. +49 37 Tobias Mayer Museum Germany from 1750 to the present 23 About half of the Rondellturm (0)7144/102-297 (Marktstr. 1). 32 On the round arch in the town’s eas- (see overleaf) 39 Schiller-Nationalmuseum (Natio- (Round Tower) is underground, giving tern wall, you can see the trademark nal Schiller Museum) 41 The city of ’s former Hy- an idea of the breadth and depth of the 27 St. Wendelin’s Chapel, founded in symbol of the merchant Georg Ehren- In 1835-1840 the park was built on the (see overleaf) droelectric Power Plant was opened town’s former moat (Grabenstr.). 1433, is a fine example of late Gothic reich Schroll (Marktstr. 15). Schillerhöhe, with a wonderful view in 1900. architecture (Marktstr. 2). of the Neckar Valley. At the southern 40 Literaturmuseum der Moderne 24 The Bürgerturm (Citizens’ Tower) 33 The arcades of the Town Hall were end, Johann Caspar Schiller’s Orchard (Museum of Modern Literature) 42 In the former Waaghäuschen (Sca- was once one of the corner towers from 28 In the House of the Kodweiß Fami- built in 1760-1763 and comprehensively was planted. It includes old species of (see overleaf) les House), the Oven Museum displays the outer town walls. ly, Schiller’s grandfather, Georg Friedrich renovated in the late 1980s (Marktstr. trees described by the poet’s father. The pieces from the Wilhelminian period Kodweiß, later owner of the Goldener 23). Stadthalle Schillerhöhe (Concert Hall) In 1955, the Deutsche Literaturarchiv to Art Nouveau. Open every 2 months, 25 The House of Ottilie Wildermuth Löwe, was born (Marktstr. 8). was opened in 1957 and renovated in Marbach (DLA – German Literature last Sun, 2pm-5pm (and by prior ar- (1817-1877) was where the author 34 In the “Schatzhaus” (Treasure 2009 and modernised to the latest tech- Archive Marbach) was established as rangement), entrance free, Tel. +49 spent her childhood (Wildermuthstr. 5). 29 Until the town fire in 1693, Burg- House), a collection of coins from 1340- nical standards. an extension of the Schiller-National- (0)7141/51615, [email protected] platz was the location of the castle of 1385 was found in 1986 (Marktstr. 32) museum. In 1973 it received its own (Ludwigsburger Str. 15). 26 The Obere Torturm (Upper Gate To- the Dukes, previously Counts of Würt- 38 For Schiller’s 100th birthday in 1859, building and is now one of the world’s wer), first recorded in 1290, was rebuilt temberg. 35 On the archway you can see the crest the foundation stone was laid for the most important literary institutions. in 1718 after the fire and the current of the merchant Wolfgang Friedrich Schiller Memorial. It was poured from Manuscripts from the estates of well half-timbered extension was added 30 This building, built in 1534 as the Renz (Marktstr. 24). metal from seized French cannons from known writers and scholars form the in 1881. Until the 19th century, it was Fruchtkasten (fruit store) and conver- the Franco-Prussian War in 1870-1871 centrepiece of the collections, along home to the Hochwacht (signalman) ted into a Zehntscheune (tax house) in 36 The Town Church is where Friedrich according to a design by the sculptor with the archives of institutions and and the town music director. Inside is an 1698/1699, is now home to the District Schiller was baptised. Its current façade Ernst Friedrich Rau, and was unveiled publishing houses. They are available exhibition on the history of the town’s Court and Notary’s Office (Strohgasse 3). dates from after the town fire. The tower in 1876. Ever since, Marbach primary for research and are also open to the Guided Tours Service & Infos Where Schiller was born

towards towards towards Mannheim Würzburg Nuremberg A6 A81 A6


A81 Bus Links: Heilbronn-Marbach- Exit Railway towards , Nuremberg Marbach

towards Ludwigsburg Karlsruhe S-Bahn Links by Boat in the Summer A8 Stuttgart - Marbach Besigheim - Marbach - Bad Cannstatt

Bad Cannstatt Stuttgart Timetables

towards Singen towards Lake Constance A81 Munich A8

Group Offers Public Guided Tours Long-distance cycle routes: platz, Poppenweiler Straße (5.00 Easter Sunday to “Schiller Sun- Neckar Valley Cycle Path, Alb- Euro per night), Waste Disposal Tour of the Historic Old Town day“ (around 10th Nov.), Sun, Neckar Path, Stromberg-Murrtal at Häldenmühle Sewage Works on (in languages other than German 2.30pm, tickets from Schiller’s Path, the L1100 (Marbach-) 60.00 Euro) Birthplace, 3.00 Euro/2.50 Euro concessions, meeting point: Re- Marbach Wine Information Costume Tours staurant Goldener Löwe, Niklas- Weingärtner Marbach eG, Af- Town Hall, Marktstraße 23, Friedrich Schiller (Mon-Fri, Tel. torstraße 39 falterbacher Str. 65, Tel. +49 71672 , Tel. +49 (0)7144/4515), Schiller’s (0)7144/6419, www.wg-marbach. +49 (0)7144/102-0, touristik@ mother, Simon Studion, town “Ere it evaporates, Quaff it in de, wine tastings for 15-120 peo-, www. watchman in armour (Mon-Fri, haste” Winter Guided Tours ple, open Mon Tel. +49 (0)7144/4515), “Tales of with Punch Rielingshausen Wine Press Vil- 7.30am-12.00pm and 1.15pm-6pm, Tue- 18th Century Marbach”, night Dec.-Mar., 1st Sun of the lage Museum, Kelterstr. 21, Tel. Thu 7.30am-12pm and 1.15pm-4pm, Fri watchman (each 80.00 Euro) month, 3.30pm, 5.00 Euro/3.50 +49 (0)7144/3134, the museum’s 7.30am-12.30pm Euro concessions (including exhibition on the history of local Tourist Information Shop (in- formation point for residents and Themed Tours punch), registration via Tel. +49 wine growing and village life is On the Trail of Schiller, The Obere (0)7144/17567, particularly worth a look, open by guests, run on a voluntary basis), Torturm (Upper Gate Tower) – A [email protected] prior arrangement, 1.50 Euro/1.00 Marktstr. 25, open Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri 3pm-6.30pm, Wed 9am-12pm, Sat 9am- Vertical Town History, Johann Euro concessions, wine tastings 1pm, Sun 12pm-4pm (Easter-end of Nov.), Caspar Schiller’s Orchard, Inter- Audio Guide – A Guided Tour by prior arrangement, Tel. +49 closed bank holidays, 24-hour information active Children’s Tour on your Mobile Phone (0)711/542266. available from an info terminal in front of Tel. +49 (0)7144/30538-00 the shop. Information & Booking (Deutsch), -01 (English), -02 Weekly Market Unless stated otherwise: available daily (Français), -03 (Schwäbisch) + Wed and Sat, 8am-1pm Imprint: all year round, duration approx. 1.5 hours, code of the desired attraction Town of Marbach am Neckar 50.00 Euro per group, max. 30 people, (costs the same as a call to a German land- Sleeping, Eating and Drinking Status as of: January 2011 Tel. +49 (0)7144/102-297, All information is subject to change. line on your mobile phone tariff), List of hotels and guest houses [email protected] Photos: Uwe Dietz, DLA Marbach, Wolfgang with package deals: Gaiser, Werner Kuhnle, Dieter Sukowski, Literary Walks Michael Weber Hahn, Kusiek & Laing, Tel. +49 Design: Die Lotsen GbR, Marbach am Ne-

(0)7144/841216, Caravan sites: Parkplatz am Bolz- ckar

18392, 18392,

Torgasse 13, Tel. +49 (0)7144/16942 or or (0)7144/16942 +49 Tel. 13, Torgasse [email protected], [email protected],

back as far as the 15th century. 15th the as far as back


Schillerhöhe 8-10, Tel. +49 (0)7144/848-616, +49 Tel. 8-10, Schillerhöhe

of literature. of king ingredients, probably dates dates probably ingredients, king

ment), entrance free, group tours 30.00 30.00 tours group free, entrance ment),

temporary exhibitions), group tours 60.00 Euro 60.00 tours group exhibitions), temporary international reputation as a place place a as reputation international - coo other and vegetables grow

- arrange prior by (and 2pm-5pm Sun

31st Dec.), 9.00 Euro/7.00 Euro concessions (SNM and LiMo including multimedia guide and and guide multimedia including LiMo and (SNM concessions Euro Euro/7.00 9.00 Dec.), 31st

[email protected] (Schiller’s Hill), Marbach holds an an holds Marbach Hill), (Schiller’s used in medieval walled towns to to towns walled medieval in used

Open Tue-Sun 10am-6pm (closed Mon (except bank holidays) and 24th, 25th, 26th and and 26th 25th, 24th, and holidays) bank (except Mon (closed 10am-6pm Tue-Sun Open

Niklastorstraße 31, Tel. +49 (0)7144/17567 +49 Tel. 31, Niklastorstraße rature museums on Schillerhöhe Schillerhöhe on museums rature British Board of Longitude Prize. Longitude of Board British gardens, which were commonly commonly were which gardens,

- lite the and Archive) Literature distances, which earned him the the him earned which distances, the United Kingdom, in 2007. in Kingdom, United the dens). The site of these kitchen kitchen these of site The dens).


Deutsche Literaturarchiv (German (German Literaturarchiv Deutsche Maurengärten determination of geographical geographical of determination prestigious architecture prize in in prize architecture prestigious - Gar (Wall the are before. ever than

concessions, tours for groups, women or or women groups, for tours concessions,

Schiller’s legacy: today, with the the with today, legacy: Schiller’s reminder of his work to help the the help to work his of reminder ded the Stirling Prize, the most most the Prize, Stirling the ded on the right by the town walls walls town the by right the on public the to open items more 26th and 31st Dec.), 3.00 Euro/1.50 Euro Euro Euro/1.50 3.00 Dec.), 31st and 26th

dented meridian lines meridian dented town’s history is closely linked to to linked closely is history town’s serve as a a as serve - awar was and Architects perfield At the end of Untere Holdergasse Holdergasse Untere of end the At with now centuries, 19th and 18th Open daily 9am-5pm (closed 24th , 25th, 25th, , 24th (closed 9am-5pm daily Open

- in bach on 10th November 1759. The The 1759. November 10th on bach Torturm (Upper Gate Tower), Tower), Gate (Upper Torturm - Chip David by designed also was called “Haustrunk” (house tipple). tipple). (house “Haustrunk” called the on holdings Archive) Literature

and memorials around the world. the around memorials and - Mar in born was Schiller Friedrich town hall and under the Obere Obere the under and hall town the authors’ estates. This building building This estates. authors’ the grapes were pressed into the so- the into pressed were grapes (German Literaturarchiv Deutsche

seums, as well as Schiller festivals festivals Schiller as well as seums, town has been a heritage site. heritage a been has town In front of the museum, the the museum, the of front In with all manner of artefacts from from artefacts of manner all with often still see the vines whose whose vines the see still often alongside poetry, Swabian on sis

- mu and residences Schiller on on dings. Since 1983, the walled old old walled the 1983, Since dings. have been the first in the world. world. the in first the been have are particularly fascinating, along along fascinating, particularly are the houses themselves, you can can you themselves, houses the - empha an with 400m² around

- informati display to media tronic - buil eighteenth-century of set teenth-century methods, would would methods, teenth-century Kästner’s “Emil and the Detectives” Detectives” the and “Emil Kästner’s almost all used as houses. On On houses. as used all almost over history literary German from

- elec using Schiller, of celebrations towns with an almost complete complete almost an with towns - eigh and preparations original platz”, Hesse’s “Steppenwolf” or or “Steppenwolf” Hesse’s platz”, te their barns, which today are are today which barns, their te exhibits 668 houses collection

tion is dedicated to the history of of history the to dedicated is tion means it is also one of only a few few a only of one also is it means completed in 2009 using his his using 2009 in completed - Alexander “Berlin Döblin’s al”, - opposi built are Most gether. permanent new The Architects.

- exhibi the of part second A time. towns and a town fire in 1693 1693 in fire town a and towns globe of the moon, which was was which moon, the of globe - Tri “The Kafka’s of manuscripts - to tightly packed houses small Chipperfield David by plans to

small Württemberg town at that that at town Württemberg small of Württemberg’s oldest country country oldest Württemberg’s of as a professor in Göttingen. His His Göttingen. in professor a as contemporary literature. The The literature. contemporary you catch a glimpse of lots of of lots of glimpse a catch you according reinvented were rooms

pression of what life was like in a a in like was life what of pression lies Schillerstadt Marbach. It is one one is It Marbach. Schillerstadt lies pher and astronomer, who died died who astronomer, and pher present twentieth-century and and twentieth-century present along the three parallel streets, streets, parallel three the along historic the 2009, in reopening its

- im an gives and life, to Marbach between orchards and vineyards, vineyards, and orchards between - cartogra mathematician, the to and temporary exhibitions which which exhibitions temporary and within the town walls. Walking Walking walls. town the within For 1903. in opened was Neckar,

to bring Schiller’s childhood in in childhood Schiller’s bring to High above the Neckar, enthroned enthroned Neckar, the above High houses an exhibition dedicated dedicated exhibition an houses The “LiMo” houses permanent permanent houses “LiMo” The most beautiful gems to be found found be to gems beautiful most the over castle a like towers it as

uses around thirty original pieces pieces original thirty around uses terature) dergassen”, towers and fountains. fountains. and towers dergassen”, was born on 17th February 1723 1723 February 17th on born was ners and farmers, is one of the the of one is farmers, and ners tradition in steeped building, The

The exhibition, redesigned in 2009, 2009, in redesigned exhibition, The - Li Modern of Museum – (LiMo - “Hol the buildings, Half-timbered Ntoa Shle Museum) Schiller National – The house where Tobias Mayer Mayer Tobias where house The - vint to home once quarter, This

Schiller’s Birthplace Schiller’s Welcome! Tobias Mayer Museum Mayer Tobias Literaturmuseum der Moderne Moderne der Literaturmuseum The “Holdergassen” The (SNM Schiller-Nationalmuseum

A Glimpse of the 18th Century 18th the of Glimpse A Museums Literature Schillerstadt