A Gothic Grammar with Selections for Reading and a Glossary
-- ' y ," GOTHIC GRAMMAR WITH SELECTIONS FOR READING AND A GLOSSARY WILHELM BRAUNE. TRANSLATED (FROM THE FOURTH GERMAN EDITION) AND EDITED, WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES, COMPLETE CITATIONS, DERIVATIONS, AND CORRESPONDENCES, BY GERHARD H. BALG. SECOND EDITION. MILWAUKEE, Wis.: THE AUTHOR. NEW YORK: B. WESTERMANN* & CO., LEMCKE & BUECHNER. LONDON, ENG.: KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUEBNER & CO. ENTERD ACCORDING TO ACT OP CONGRESS, IN THE YEAR 1895, BY G. H. BALG, IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS, AT WASHINGTON. ELECTROTYPED AND PRINTED BY THE GERMANIA PUB. Co., MILWAUKEE, Wrs. AUTHOR'S PREFACK. PHE main object of this Gothic Grammar is to render service to academic instruction, as a basis for lectures and Gothic excercises; it is intended, at the same time, to afford the student sufficient aid in acquiring a practical knowledge of the Gothic language and thus enable him to follow more advantageously the lectures on historical and comparativ grammar. For this purpose the Gothic Fono- logy and Inflection ar, as far as possibl, set forth by them- selves, without resorting to Comparativ Grammar for an explanation of the facts. Occasionally another Germanic dialect, as the Old High German, has rather been referd to. The linguistic elucidation is left to the lectures. To him, however, who lerns Gothic from this book, without any possibility of hearing lectures, wishing at the same time to gain profounder knowledge, there may be especially recommanded the following helps : K. BRUGMANN'S 'Grund- ,riss der vergleichenden grammatik' and FR. KLUGE'S 'Vor- geschichte der altgermanischen dialekte' (in PAUL'S 'Grund- riss der germ, philologie', I, 300 406).
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