A Gothic Grammar with Selections for Reading and a Glossary

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A Gothic Grammar with Selections for Reading and a Glossary -- ' y ," GOTHIC GRAMMAR WITH SELECTIONS FOR READING AND A GLOSSARY WILHELM BRAUNE. TRANSLATED (FROM THE FOURTH GERMAN EDITION) AND EDITED, WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES, COMPLETE CITATIONS, DERIVATIONS, AND CORRESPONDENCES, BY GERHARD H. BALG. SECOND EDITION. MILWAUKEE, Wis.: THE AUTHOR. NEW YORK: B. WESTERMANN* & CO., LEMCKE & BUECHNER. LONDON, ENG.: KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUEBNER & CO. ENTERD ACCORDING TO ACT OP CONGRESS, IN THE YEAR 1895, BY G. H. BALG, IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS, AT WASHINGTON. ELECTROTYPED AND PRINTED BY THE GERMANIA PUB. Co., MILWAUKEE, Wrs. AUTHOR'S PREFACK. PHE main object of this Gothic Grammar is to render service to academic instruction, as a basis for lectures and Gothic excercises; it is intended, at the same time, to afford the student sufficient aid in acquiring a practical knowledge of the Gothic language and thus enable him to follow more advantageously the lectures on historical and comparativ grammar. For this purpose the Gothic Fono- logy and Inflection ar, as far as possibl, set forth by them- selves, without resorting to Comparativ Grammar for an explanation of the facts. Occasionally another Germanic dialect, as the Old High German, has rather been referd to. The linguistic elucidation is left to the lectures. To him, however, who lerns Gothic from this book, without any possibility of hearing lectures, wishing at the same time to gain profounder knowledge, there may be especially recommanded the following helps : K. BRUGMANN'S 'Grund- ,riss der vergleichenden grammatik' and FR. KLUGE'S 'Vor- geschichte der altgermanischen dialekte' (in PAUL'S 'Grund- riss der germ, philologie', I, 300 406). The references to literary works containd in the Grammar itself ar not intended to act as linguistic ex- planations, but refer to works and treatises which present much of profit concerning the establishment and conception of facts of view several from a Gothic . purely point ; references to BRUGMANN'S 'Grundriss' ar perhaps the only exceptions. The Reading Exercises ar intended to offer sufficient material for exercises students Gothic ; they giv working independently of a teacher an opportunity to apply what they hav lernd from the Grammar. The beginner may be IV advized at first simply to read over the chapters on Fonology, but to giv more attention to those on Inflection (for the beginning without the notes) and then to com- mence reading a text. This exercise ought to be accum- panied by a more extended lerning of the Grammar, just as a thuro analysis of the text wil require a constant reference to the Grammar. The Glossary contains not only the vocabulary of the Reading Exercises, but also all words occurring in the Grammar. The citations from the Inflection hav been givn in ful, those from the Fonology in every case where a word is not givn merely as an arbitrary chozen exampl. Thus the Glossary may at the same time serv as an Index to the Grammar. Sinse its first appearance in 1880, this book has not essential the success to to undergone changes ; seemd me garantee the appropriateness of the plan, so that also in the present edition I hav not complied with several wishes for a farther scope. I stil hold that an admixture of elements from Comparativ Filology would be opposed to the object of the book. The question could rather arize as to whether there ought not to be added any chapters on Word-For- mation and Syntax as main parts to the Fonology and Inflection. However this also has been disregai'ded . Such points of word-formation as may promote the practical study of the Gothic language, wil be found interwoven in the Inflection; a systematic presentation of the Gothic alone does not seem to me to prove very beneficial, but only in connection with the other Germanic, resp. Indo- Germanic, languages. And particularly with respect to this, excellent assistance is afforded the student by KLUGE'S 'Nominale stammbildungslehre der altgermanischen dia- lekte' (cp. 223) which has been amply referd to under Inflection, and which is easily accessibl as a supplementary number to the 'Sammlung kurzer grammatiken germani- scher dialekte'. The addition of a syntax in harmony with the rest of the grammar would likely hav increast the book to dubl its size, which, as regards its sale, seemd to me a point wurthy of consideration. There are, moreover, easily attainabl summaries of the Gothic language. There- fore I hav for the present contented myself with annexing list of lexical a grammatical and helps ( 224), which may serv as a guide to the inquirer. For this edition I hav again receivd kind informations from sum that uze the book. Beside the correction of misprints, the contents of the book has been favorably influenced by notes receivd from Mssrs. G. H. Balg, R. Bethge, J. Franck, and M. H. Jellinek. I herewith express my sincerest thanks to all. Mr. Roediger's review has also been thankfully uzed. For assistance renderd me in correcting the proof-sheets, I ow many thanks to my friend E. Sievers. HEIDELBERG, May 1st, 1895. W. BRAUNE. EDITOR'S PRKFACEX PHE present edition contains all of the latest (fourth) German edition and such additional matter as has been deemd fit to enable the student to lern Gothic more quickly than he would without it. The addition of the Explanatory Notes and of the comprehensiv amplification of the Glossary has, in a mezure, been suggested and desired by many. At first it was intended to ad explana- tory notes only, leaving the glossary intact. But from numerous communications I lernd that the present glos- sary must be welcum to many, if not all, students of Gothic. In writing down the Notes I hav taken great pains to place myself in the position of the beginner, and it is hoped that the more advanced student wil pardon what might seem superfluous to him. Sum of the explanations ar due to Bernhardt's critical notes in his 'Wulfila' to which I hav often referd. The Notes wer much more com- prehensiv before the glossary was workt out, but many of them hav been transferd to the latter, in a few cases with- out being deleted in their first place, as I observd in reading the proof-sheets. The Glossary has been prepared upon the following plan : It is strictly alfabetic. The com- pound verbs ar mentiond with the simpl verbs. Many inflectional forms which the beginner who has not yet fully masterd the declensions and conjugations, is not likely to recognize in the texts, hav been givn as vocabulary words. The inflection of every word is indicated by figures in in parentheses. The figures ( ) immediately after the vocab- ulary words refer to the paragrafs on Fonology. Proper nouns hav been inflected in ful| inasmuch as they occur in the Selections. The references to the texts ar complete and may be regarded as the first supplement to my 'Comparativ Glossary of the Gothic Language'. Tho admitting accidental omissions in this respect, I am certain that the references ar more complete than those of any other glossary. This VIII tiresum work has cost me much time and labor, but I hope soon to be able to continue and complete it for the remaining part of the Gothic texts. In the square brackets the derivation of the Gothic is first then follow the or words givn ; correspondences cognates, both being, with one or two exceptions, Germanic. The cognates ar always preceded by cp. or cf. It is pos- sibl, however, that I hav faild in sum cases to point out the transference of a word from one declension or conjuga- tion to another. This part of the book makes no claim to completeness. Several articls had been laid aside for further consideration, but professional and other duties as wel as the sudden appearance of the German edition ar the causes of leaving them untucht. As regards derivation and composition, the a student wil do wel by reading carefully 79 82 and 88 together with the notes. To point out the various root- grades from which words are derived, is left to the lecturer. The translation of the Grammar was made from the advanced plate proofs for which I am obliged to the eminent author, Prof. Wm. Braune, who kindly and promptly forwarded them to me. Altho this part of the work was done as fast as it was demanded by the printer, I feel sure that nothing has been omitted. In this respect I am indetted to my wife and one of my pupils, Miss Matilda Uihlein who, in comparing my translation with the German text, red the latter from the beginning to the end. Another pupil, Miss Ida Uihlein, is to be credited for the translation of Prof. Braune's preface, which could be sent to press with comparativly few emendations. Beside the books often cited in the square brackets and in the Notes I hav^ thankfully uzed Mayhew and Skeat's Midi English Dictionary, Skeat's Etymological Dictionary, and Mac Lean's Old and Midi English Reader. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 15th, 1895. G. H. BALG. CONTENTS. Fonolog'y. Page I. A If Chap. a bet ( 12) 1 II. Chap. Vowels ( 327) 3 Chap. III. Table of the Vowels ( 2836) 14 A. Fonetic System ( 28). B. Historical System (' 2936). IV. ('Imp. Consonants ( 3782) 18 A. Sonorous Consonants ( 3850). B. Noizd Sounds ( 51-78). Labials ( 5156). Gutturals ( 5768). Dentals ( 0978). Appendix. General Remarks on the Consonants ( 79-82). Inflections. I. of Chap. Declension Substantivs ( 83120) 37 General Remarks ( 8388). A. Vowel (Strong) Declension ( 89106). B. N-Declension (Weak Declension) ( 107113). C. Minor Declensions ( 114118). Appendix. Declension of Foren Words ( 119 120).
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