The Emergence and Transformation of Tigrayan Nationalism Lema Lema (PhD )07-28-20
[email protected] Abstract Since the new federal government came to power in 2018, it is pursuing a more centralized policy that undermines self-government, isolates some stateslike Tigray in what appears to be a federation without Tigray. Tigray, a state that was at the fore front of the struggle for self- government is challenging this trendand asking, if this is the new reality, why staying in a union? There is an ongoing tension between the two governments which if not managed carefully could lead to clash of nationalisms.The article diagnoses this tension tracing its origins and its recent transformation. Whether Tigray will settle for a multination federalism within in Ethiopia as it did in 1991 or secederemains an open question but could lead to fragmentation unless the federal government addresses Tigray’s concerns through appropriate institutional and policy options.The study is informed by the theories of ethno national based conflicts andthe idea of search for dignity and collective self-esteem that groups find when treated as secondary citizens in their country.The research is based on an extensive field work conducted in Tigray for three weeks. Data were collected through interviews with thirty one key informants and eleven focus group discussions each containing ten members composed of different sections of society. Key words: ethno federation in Ethiopia; nationalism in Tigray; self-government; ethnic conflict 1. Socio Political Context of Tigray and its Link with Post-1991 Ethiopia and the Horn Tigray regional state is found in the northern part of Ethiopia and shares common borders with Eritrea in the North, Afar regional state in the East, Amhara regional state in the South and the Sudan in the West.