Nurturing Nature During the Golden Age of Piracy Thomas R
The Purdue Historian Volume 8 Article 5 2017 Nurturing Nature During the Golden Age of Piracy Thomas R. Meeks Jr. Purdue University, Follow this and additional works at: Part of the History Commons, and the Life Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Meeks, Thomas R. Jr.. "Nurturing Nature During the Golden Age of Piracy." The Purdue Historian 8, 1 (2017). This document has been made available through Purdue e-Pubs, a service of the Purdue University Libraries. Please contact for additional information. Nurturing Nature During the Golden Age of Piracy Cover Page Footnote A special thanks to Heidi and Jordan. This article is available in The urP due Historian: Meeks: Nurturing Nature During the Golden Age of Piracy Nurturing Nature During the Golden Age of Piracy Thomas Meeks Jr. History 395 (847) 774-0721 Published by Purdue e-Pubs, 2017 1 The Purdue Historian, Vol. 8 [2017], Art. 5 th On June 7 , 1692, a cataclysmic earthquake ravaged the flourishing English town of Port Royal, Jamaica. Emmanuel Heath, a local reverend, described the event, “I found the ground rowling [growling] and moving under my feet... we heard the Church and Tower fall... and made toward Morgan’s Fort, which being a wide open place, I thought to be there securest from the falling houses; But as I made toward it, I saw the Earth open and swallow up a multitude of people, and the sea 1 mounting in upon us over the fortifications.” This historic natural disaster caused two-thirds of the city to be swallowed into the Caribbean Sea, killing an estimated 2,000 people at the time of the earthquake, and another 2,000 from injury, disease, and extreme lawlessness in the days following.
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