Professional Preparation Virginia Tech Fisheries Science B.Sc

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Professional Preparation Virginia Tech Fisheries Science B.Sc CRYSTAL A. MAIER BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (i) Professional Preparation Virginia Tech Fisheries Science B.Sc. 2007 Montana State University Entomology M.Sc. 2010 University of Kansas Entomology Ph.D. 2016 (ii) Professional Appointments Collection Manager, Field Museum of Natural History, Department of Science and Education, Division of Insects (2015 to Present) (iii) Publications Five publications most closely related to proposed project: Gustafson, G.T., C.A. Maier, S.M. Baca, and C.K. Faris. 2014. Rediscovery of Two Uncommonly Collected Aquatic Beetles in Kansas, with Notes on Habitat Preferences of Lutrochus laticeps Casey, 1893 (Coleoptera: Lutrochidae) and Dineutus productus Roberts, 1895 (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 68:714-718. Gimmel, M.L., C.A. Maier, & W.E. Steiner. 2014. First report of Iccius Champion from Louisiana, with notes on microhabitat (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 87(1): 89-91. Maier, C.A & M.A. Ivie. 2013. Reevaluation of Chalcophora angulicollis (LeConte) and Chalcophora virginiensis (Drury) with a Review and Key to the North American Species of Chalcophora Dejean (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) The Coleopterists Bulletin 47(4):457-469. Maier, C.A. & M.A. Ivie, 2013. New Species and Records of Chrysobothris Eschscholtz (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) from Montserrat, Saba, and Anguilla, with a Key to the Chrysobothris thoracica Species-Group in the West Indies. The Coleopterists Bulletin 67(2): 81-88. Maier, C.A., M.A. Ivie, J.B. Johnson, and D.R. Maddison, 2010. A New Northern-most Record for the Family Hydroscaphidae LeConte, with Description of a New Nearctic Species (Coleoptera: Myxophaga). The Coleopterists Bulletin 64(3): 289-302. Five other significant publications: Čiampor, F., K. Laššová, C.A. Maier, Z. Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, J. Kodada. 2016. Phanoceroides Hinton, 1939: description of new species, morphology of larvae, and revised taxonomic position of the genus (Coleoptera: Elmidae) based on molecular evidence. Zootaxa. 4117(2): 277-288. Maier, C.A. & A.E.Z. Short, 2014. Review of the Lutrochidae (Coleoptera) of the Guianas and Lesser Antilles, with description of four new species. Zootaxa. 3895:58-72. Maier, C.A., 2013. A revision of the Larainae (Coleoptera, Elmidae) of Venezuela, with description of nine new species. Zookeys 329: 33-91. Maier, C.A. & A.E.Z. Short, 2013. A revision of the Lutrochidae (Coleoptera) of Venezuela, with description of six new species. Zootaxa 3637: 285-307. Maier, C.A., and P.J. Spangler, 2011. Hypsilara royi gen. n. and sp. n. (Coleoptera, Elmidae, Larainae) from Southern Venezuela, with a revised key to Larainae of the Western Hemisphere. Zookeys 116: 25-36. (iv) Synergistic Activities 1. Workflow development. At Field Museum of Natural History and previously at the University of Kansas, I am developing workflows for more efficient data-capture from specimen to database. I have spearheaded in workflow development with two large-scale digitization projects, the InvertEbase TCN at the Field Museum and the Bee Digitization Project at University of Kansas. 1 2. Teaching. I have taught a wide variety of university-level courses, from introductory biology from non-biology majors, to teaching upper level biology electives, such as Ichthyology and Insect Morphology. I have also developed three courses, a summer field-based entomology course, an introductory insect biology lab, and a scientific illustration short course. 3. Outreach. Through outreach efforts and teaching, I have extensive experience communicating science to a broader citizen audience. I regularly present Field Museum collections at public events, including a monthly Meet a Scientist, Member’s Night, and ID Day. I also developed short programs on insects for school-age children in several science summer camps in Lawrence, Kansas. 4. Lucid Keys. As part of my work on previous NSF-funded research (NSF-DEB-0816904 to Dr. Andrew Short), I developed and launched LUCID identification keys to the aquatic beetle genera of South America. These keys are matrix-based and fully illustrated with photographs of all identifying characters for water beetles. 5. Mentoring. I have mentored three undergraduate students in collections-based research, and three high school and twelve undergraduate interns at the Field Museum on collections databasing projects. 6. (v) Collaborators & Other Affiliations (a) Collaborators within last 48 months Stephen Baca (University of Kansas); Rolf Beutel (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany); Patrice Bouchard (Canadian National Collection); Marc Branham (University of Florida); Chenyang Cai (Nanjing Institute of Paleontology); Fedor Ciampor (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia); Zuzana Ciamporova (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia); Robert Davidson (Carnegie Museum of Natural History); Xavier Delclòs (Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat, Spain); J Dombroskie (Cornell University); Martin Ficacek (Charles University, Czech Republic); David Furth (Smithsonian Institution); Matthew Gimmel (Santa Barbara Natural History Museum); Grey Gustafson (University of New Mexico); Michael Ivie (Montana State University); David Kavanaugh (California Academy of Sciences); Jan Kodada (Comenius University, Slovakia); Paul Lambert (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand); Kristina Lassova (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia); John Lawrence (Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia); Richard Leschen (Landcare New Zealand, New Zealand); Katherine LeVan (National Ecological Observatory Network); James Liebherr (Cornell University); Jon Lundgren (USDA ARS Brookings, South Dakota); David Maddison Oregon State University; Paul Mayer (Field Museum of Natural History); Caleb McMahan (Field Museum of Natural History), Wendy Moore (University of Arizona); Gino Nearns (Smithsonian Institution); Pete Oboyski (University of California, Berkeley); David Peris (Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat, Spain); J Rawlins (Carnegie Museum of Natural History); Alba Sánchez-García (Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat, Spain); Andrew Short (University of Kansas); Petra Sierwald (Field Museum of Natural History), Derek Sikes (University of Alaska); Floyd Shockley (Smithsonian Institution); Paul Skelley (Florida State Collection of Arthropods); Carmen Soriano (Argonne National Laboratory); Felix Sperling (University of Alberta); Warren Steiner (Smithsonian Institution); Vit Sykora (Charles University, Czech Republic); Emmanuel Toussaint (University of Kansas); Kipling Will (University of California, Berkeley); Jennifer Zaspel (Milwaukee Public Museum). (b) Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors Ph.D. advisor: Andrew Short (University of Kansas); M.Sc. advisor: Michael Ivie (Montana State University). (c) Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor n/a 2 .
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