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FOREST RESOURCE M TS PROBLEMS and PROSPECTS a STUDY of DARJEELING and Lalpaiguri DISTRICT, WEST BENGAL FOREST RESOURCE M TS PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS A STUDY OF DARJEELING AND lALPAIGURI DISTRICT, WEST BENGAL A Ph. D.Thesis a Submitted by SWAPAN KUMAR RAKSHIT, M.COM Department of Geography and Applied Geography North Bengal University District : Darjeeling West Bengal, India - 734430 2003 J 6 7 9 3 G I _■ l'iXI PREFACE Every country is blessed with many natural resource that human labour and intellect can exploit for it’s own benefits. Of all natural resource “Forest” is said to be one that is aknost renewable. Being most important renewable resource, the forests, as green gold, are performing a number of fiinctions includiag ecological, recreational and economic. Forests ia the sub-Himalayan North Bengal (Jalpaiguri and Daijeeling district*) are the source of many kiads of timber with varied technical properties, which serve the require­ ments of the buUding, industry and commimication as weU as an expanding range of indus­ tries in which wood forms the principal raw material. Forests in the study area are also the source of fire wood. This apart, forests perform a vital function in protecting the soU on sloping lands from accelerated erosion by water. In the catchment areas of rivers of the districts, they sei-ve to moderate floods and maintain stream flow. They influence the local climate and shelter wild life. Forests play a pivotal role m the overall development of the study area. This is, there­ fore, why forests have been given due attention for the development of this region. Sev­ eral forestry programme have been drawn by the state government in the area on system­ atic basis, consistent with the local requirements. The main objective of the forestry programme in the Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri district is to meet the economic demands of the forest products and maintain and improve the quality of the environment as well as provide substantial employment, particularly to the rural weaker section of the society. Thus the forpsts in the sub-Himalayan North Bengal are productive, protective and aesthetic. In the present study attempt has been made to mvestigate the distribution of forest and their valuable species composition, industries based on forest products, marketing net­ work of forest products, forest as aesthetic resource, several conservation measures and present and future potential of forest resource in the study area. This study has also attempted to identify various problems which are related with the forest resource. Some preventive and remedial measures have been offered by the investigator with the hope that they may be given some consideration by the appropriate authority to boost up the local economy through the proper utilisation and exploitation of forest resomce of the study area. * Spelling of Darjeeling has recently been changed as “Daijiling”. The revised spelling is used only in maps in the thesis. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am deeply indebted to Dr. Subk Sarkar, my research guide for the immense help, unfail­ ing encouragement and continuous guidance he has provided throughout the conduct of the study. Without his patience and constant supervision, my disseitation might not have been finished. I am also grateful to Mrs. B. Sarkar for her support and motivation in earring out the study. My gratitudes goes to the students of the Department of Geography and Applied Geogra­ phy of North Bengal University for helping m field studies and also to the department for giving me access to all it’s facilities while conducting the research work. My gratitude also goes to Mr. Arunachal Bose, (Ranger, Sarugarh), Mr. Shyam Kumar MoUay (A.F.O, working plan (North), Mr. A. Sewa, (A.F.O., Darjeeling Forest Divi­ sion), Ml'. N. Singhal (D.F.O., Jalpaiguri Forest Division), Mr. Sarat Bose (Accountant, W.B.F.D.C.) and Mr. Partha Ghosh (Secretary, Timber Merchant Association) who as­ sisted me in conducting various studies in the field. I express my gratitude also to Sri. N.C.. Bahuguna, IFS, Sri. Rakesh Sinha, I.F.S, Sri. M. C. Biswas, I.F.S, Sri. R. S. Prasad, I.F.S, Dr. P.T Bhutia,I.F.S and Dr. S. Patel, IFS, for rendering their advice and support for the research work. I would like to express my gratitude to the following institutions - North Bengal University, Centre for Himalayan Studies (North Bengal University), National Library (Calcutta Uni­ versity), F.R.l. (Derhadun), Departmental Library (West Bengal Forest Department, Kolkata) and OflBce of the Chief Consei"vator of Forest (Northern Circle, Jalpaiguri). I must express my debt to Dr. P. J Victor, Principal, St. Joseph’s College, Darjeeling for his kind co-operation. I have completed this study with the help of a Teacher Fellowship for a period of two years granted by the U.G.C. I am indebted to the U.G.C. I am also grateful to my wife who freed me fitom household responsiblities and provided emotional support and encouragement to complete this work. Sw^pani^mar Rakshit * Dated - ^ * Lecturer (selection grade) in Commerce, St . Joseph’s C ollege (University Department),Darjeeling, W est Bengal, India, Pin - 734104. , 11 ABBREVIATIONS AIR All India Radio BTR Buxa Tiger Reserve «C Degree celshis CF Conservator of Forest CFT Cubic Feet Cm. Centimeter CO. Company COBSF Cooch Behar Social Forestry CSIR Centre of Science and Industrial Research Cu.m Cubic meter DD DoorDarshan DFO Divisional Forest OfiBcer DGHC Daijeelbg Gorkha Hill Council DL&LRO District Land & Land Refoim Office E East EDC Eco Development Committee FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation FPC Forest Protection Committee FRI Forest Reseaich Institute FSI Forest Survey of India GIS Geographical Information System GOI Government of India Govt. Government GOWB Government ofWest Bengal GP GiamPanchayat GSI Geological Smvey of India Ha Hectares JFM Joint Forest Management JRY Jahar Rojgar Yojona Kg. Kilogram Kin Kilometer LT Lataguii Lt. liter Ltd Limited m Meter MCM Million Cubic Metre MFP Minor Forest Produce 111 Misc. Miscellaneous rmn Milimeter MT Metric Ton NESPON Noith Eastern Society for Pi eservation ofNatuie NGO Non-Govemment Organisation NH National Highway NIC Nature Interpretation Centre NP National Park NREP National Rural Employment Programme NTFP Non-Tnnber Forest Produce PA Protected Ar ea p.a. Per annum PS Police Station Pvt. PiTvate PWD Public Works Department Qd. Quintal RUEGP Rm al Landless Employment Guarantee Pi ogramme Rs. Rupees SC Schedule Caste SF Square Feet SLNo. Serial Number Sq. Km. Square Kilometer ST Schedule Tribe TOIFED Tribal Co-operative Marketing Development Federation UGC University Giant Commission UN United Nations W West w.e.f With effect from WB West Bengal WBFDC West Bengal Forest Development Coip oration WC Working Cncle WL W ildlife WLS Wild Life Sanctuary LIST OF TABLES Page Number Table 1.1 Geogi apMcal and Administrative setup of Daqeeling and Jalpaigmi district. 7 Table 1.2 Geological succession ofthe study area 10 Table 1.3 Drainage basin and sub-basin in the study area. 13 Table 1.4. Soil taxonomy in the study area. 18 Table 1.5 Decadal population growth. 19 Table 1.6 Demographic pattern m the study aiea. 20 Table 1.7 Population of forest village. 22 Table 1.8. Major land use pattem in the districts. 23 Table 2.1 a. Distribution of forest in Dageeling and Jalpaigmi distiict. 29 Table 2.1b. Comparative study of forest area. 29 Table 2.2 Distribution of forest according to geographical region. 30 Table 2.3 Legal status offorest in the study area. 31 Table 2.4. Major forest types ofthe study aiea. 34 Table 2.5 Some important plant species ofthe study area. 37 Table 2.6 Miscellaneous species for non-timber forest produce. 38 Table 2.7 Extent offorest degradation ofthe study aiea. 40 Table 2.8 Dlegaltimber collection from different forest ranges. 41 Table 2.9 Forest area affected by fire in Daqeeling Division. 42 Table 2.10. Landslide affected forest area. 43 Table 2.11 Flood affected forest area. 44 Table 2.12. a Growing stock oftotal timber (as per forest type). 45 Table 2.12.b Total gi'owing stock oftimber 46 Table 2.13 Glowing stock of some NTFPs. 46 Table 3.1. Year of establishment of saw mills. 52 Table 3.2 Installed capacity of saw mills. 53 Table 3.3 Sources of raw material of saw mills. 54 Table 3.4 Distribution offuinitm'e industry. 56 Table 3.5 Usages ofraw material by species. 57 Table 3.6 NTFPs production in the districts. 59 Table 3.7 Composition offorest product ofWBFDC in the study area. 59 Table 3.8 Industrial activities ofWBFDC in Daijeeling and Jalpaiguri distiict. 60 Table 3.9 Nature of wood demand (in percentage). 61 Table 3.10 Distributionii of demand of diffeerent NTFPs (in percentage). 62 Table 4.1 Major market centres. 67 Table 4.2 Sources ofwood procurement (respondent percentage). 67 Table 4.3. Distribution ofwood traders by status (in percentage). 69 Table 4.4 Role ofinteiiaediaries in wood marketing (in percentage). 69 Table 4.5 Price vis-a-vis species 2000-2001. 70 Table 4.6 Categories of wood species. 71 Table 4.7 Type ofbuyer (in percentage). 72 Table 5.1. Some importantTaimaofthe study area. 78 Table 5.2. Protected areas for Wild Life Management. 79 Table 5.3 Wetland reserve in Ja^paiguri district. 81 Table 5.4. Number/Population ofsome large animals. 82 Table 5.5 Comparative growth analysis ofsome large animals in the study area. 83 Table 5.6 Some important National Parks and Wild Life Sanctuaries in the study 86 area for the promotion of eco-tourism Table 5.7 Sartqjle survey report on eco-touiism in the study area (in percentage). 89 Table 5.8 Landslide-prone area and the rate of degradation of forest.
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