

- Atlantic

QL 626 U52 No 4 1985 Underwater World

Atlantic Shellfish fishermen, processors and distributors. Atlantic hellfish are aquatic which Canada's Atlantic shellfish generate Slack a backbone and whose soft about half of fishermen's total income Shellfish bodies are usually enclosed in a protec- from the although they make tive outer shell. Sorne of them such as up less than one-fifth of total landings. and are covered with a Major Canadian Atlantic shellfish in hard but jointed and flexible shell and usual order of economic importance are classed as . Others like are: lobsters, , snow , and are called mol/uses , , clams and oysters. (a word from the Latin meaning soft- bodied). Afew molluscs such as octo- pus and squid do not have the outer shell but instead have a remnant of it inside their bodies. Shellfish are among the most popular of all species and though harvests are limited in quantity, they contribute significantly to incomes of

American from .23 to .91 kg. Giant lobsters can Lobster American Lobsters, widely acclaimed exceed 20 kg. (Homarus americanus) for their delicious meat, are truly kings Lobsters are found ail along the of Canadian shellfish. Their shell- North American east coast from armoured body is divided into two Labrador to the state of North main sections, the combined head and Carolina. They are most abundant in thorax, and the six-jointed abdomen the central part of this range, and the commonly called the "tail". There are inshore waters of Canada's Atlantic two pairs of antennae, a complicated provinces provide the greatest supply set of mouth parts, and two black eyes of lobsters to be found anywhere in mounted on short movable stalks set North America. A sizable offshore on either side of a stout, spiny horn. population also exists off the south- The body rests on four pairs of western coast of Nova Scotia and on spindly, jointed walking legs, the first Georges Bank. two pairs of which have small claws. Licensed Canadian fishermen har- Two large front legs provide the lobster vest inshore lobsters during the open with formidable tools for capturing season in their area, usually in the food. They are well-armed with strong warm months of the year, although the claws generously equipped with teeth open season in certain regions of New and sharp spines. Usually, one claw is Brunswick and Nova Scotia is from considerably heavier and is known as November to June or July. They use the "crusher" in contrast to the other, small boats to fish with baited, more slender "pincer". There is a wooden-frame traps or pots which are series of small paddles or swimmerets weighted and lowered to the bot- on the underside of the abdomen, tom. The traps are hauled by ropes which ends in a wide, flattened tail fan. attached to brightly-painted buoys The shell is often speckled with dark which mark their location. spots and varies in colour with the area There is also a small fleet of offshore of habitat, ranging from greenish blue lobster vessels. They use oversize traps to reddish brown. Lobsters are great because of the larger lobsters and are scavengers and live chiefly on fish not permitted to fish doser than 80 km (dead or alive) and immobile or slow- from shore. moving such as , More than half of the annual lobster sea urchins, crabs and worms which in- catch is shipped live to markets in other habit the sea bottom. Lobsters in the parts of Canada, the United States and commercial catch generally range in . The remainder is sold as fresh- length from 18 to 30 cm and in weight cooked, frozen or canned lobster meat. Underwater World 2

AOU 12 1993

Sea Scallops Important Canadian sea Sea Scallop Sea scallops, also called giant or fisheries are conducted by inshore () smooth scallops, are the most impor- fishermen in the Gulf of St. Lawrence tant commercial species of molluscan and the Bay of Fundy off Digby, Nova shellfish in Canada. Scotia. The offshore occurs on These shellfish are bivalves, that is, Georges Bank off the southwestern tip they have two round valves or shells, of Nova Scotia. Depending on the held together by a small straight hinge. area, scallop can be conducted The lower valve is flat, smooth and on a year-round basis. white or cream in colour, while the Fishermen harvesting inshore sea upper one is arched slightly and usually scallops use vessels of about 18 m reddish brown. The shell size in which tow drags equipped with large commercial catches ranges from 15 to wire-mesh bags over the bottom. 20 cm in diameter. Larger, more powerful vessels (about Between the shells are the soft body 30 m in length) are used to harvest the parts which account for about 40 per offshore scallops. cent of a scallop's total weight. The Scallops are shelled or "shucked" as large white muscle in the centre which soon as they are caught. Most Cana- opens and closes the shells is called the dian-landed scallops are sold in the "meat" and is the only part of the sea United States where they are marketed scallop eaten in Canada. fresh or frozen, or as breaded and Unlike most other shelled molluscs, partially fried products. scallops can swim. If disturbed by fishing operations, for example, scallops will contract their powerful muscle and 'clap' the shells together. This movement forces water out from the corners of the hinge, propelling them forward. If left relatively undisturbed, how- ever, scallops generally remain seden- tary and lie with the flattened shell on firm gravel, shells or rocks on the ocean floor. Where food and tempera- ture conditions are most favourable for survival, sea scallops occur in dense local populations called "beds". Scallops feed on minute plants and anirnals which they strain from the water by an elaborate filter mechanism involving the . Sea scallops are found in the north- west Atlantic from the northern part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the coastal waters of North Carolina in the United States. In the northern part of this range, they occur in shallow water (less than 18 m) while in the southern por- tion, they are found in water deeper than 55 m. 3 Underwater World

Atlantic Snow Crab Atlantic Snow Crab are commonly found on the muddy or (Chionoecetes opilio) Atlantic snow crabs are crustaceans sandy sea floor at 75-450 m. and belong to the family of spider Snow crabs occur in the northwest crabs, so-called because their legs are Atlantic from Greenland down the long and slender in proportion to their Canadian Atlantic coast and into the rounded bodies. Canadian fishermen Gulf of Maine. ln Canadian waters, originally marketed this species under they are most abundant off Labrador, the trade name of queen crab. Newfoundland and in the Gulf of St. The Canadian fishery for these Lawrence. ln the Gulf, snow crabs are shellfish began in 1967 after explora- landed from May through September tory fishing efforts found abundant and in some areas off Newfoundland stocks in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. and Labrador, year-round fishing is Since that time, the fishery has possible when ice conditions permit. developed rapidly and snow crabs rank Fishermen harvest snow crabs in the with lobster and among Atlantic Gulf of St. Lawrence from 16-18 m Canada's top taste treats in fishery boats which have been converted from products. , seining or dragging for Snow crabs have a flattened, almost groundfish. Each boat works about circular body and five pairs of long, 35-80 square steel-frame traps. These spider-like legs, one pair of which is traps are baited, set singly and hauled equipped with strong claws. The upper daily by ropes which lead to surface surface of the shell is orangey tan and buoys. The crabs are stored alive on ice the underneath is creamy white. When in the boat's hold. In the deeper waters fully mature, male crabs are twice as of Newfoundland's bays (over 185 m), large as females and average about small conical traps are used from 13 cm across the body shell. Average smaller boats. These are set together in weight of these crabs in the commercial lines of about IO traps each. catch is . 7 kg. In Canadian waters, they A gourmet food item, snow crab meat is marketed in Canada, the United States and Europe as cooked frozen meat and canned meat. Underwater World 4

Shrimp Pink shrimp in North American Pink Shrimp Shrimp are crustaceans closely waters range from the Columbia River (Pandelus borealis) related to lobsters and crayfish. The on the Pacifie coast, along the Arctic Atlantic shrimp fisheries mainly coast and south to Massachusetts Bay harvest pink shrimp, also known as on the Atlantic coast. Canadian northern pink shrimp and great nor- harvests on the Atlantic coast take thern . Continuing high world place mainly in the Gulf of St. Law- market demand is reflected in the rence, on the Scotian Shelf, and along growing importance of Canada's the coast of Labrador. eastern . The most common method of shrimp Small, spindly, long-bodied animais, fishing involves the use of otter trawls. of pinky-red colouring, pink shrimp Shrimp are usually cooked fairly average 7.4 to IO cm in length. It takes soon after capture, and are principally approximately 120 to 130 of them to marketed as headless, cooked and make l kg. peeled meat in frozen form. They are commonly found on muddy or sandy bottoms and feed upon other small bottom crustaceans and .

Squid ln the western Atlantic short-finned Squid While a number of species of squid squid range along the coast from nor- exist in the northwest Atlantic, only thern Labrador to Florida. A migratory two species - short-finned squid ( species, they appear in the north in the illecebrosus) and long-finned squid warm weather months. ( pealei) - are commercially Squid are caught in inshore waters important. Short-finned squid, com- with jigs and traps and in offshore mon to Newfoundland waters, make areas with off-bottom and otter trawls. up the bulk of the total annual catch. Most of Canada's Atlantic squid Squid are molluscs which carry their catch is exported, principally as a armour on the inside instead of on the frozen product. The drying of squid by outside like clams and oysters. An individual fishermen has recently internai shell supports the soft, muscu- proven a valuable processing method lar body. Short-finned squid have a and has resulted in the development of mature body length of about 30 cm. new markets in the Far East. Two short fins are located at the tail end of the body and the head has well- developed eyes and a parrot-like beak. Ten arms equipped with suction cups extend from around the head. The two longest arms are known as . Motley brown in colour, squid can change colours readily in response to their background to escape predators. A good example of 'jet propulsion', this small species can move backward and forward with great ease and speed.

1 i 5 Underwater World

Clams (3) Bay Quahaug Clams The name '' covers a wide variety (Mercenaria mercenaria) of bivalve molluscs found along Bay quahaugs (or quahogs) like bar Canada's Atlantic coast. Main species clams are hard-shelled. These bivalves in the commercial catch in order of have a thick, hard greyish-white shell abundance and econornic importance and when fully grown can reach 13 cm are: the soft-shell clam, the bar or surf in length. Small size quahaugs (5 to clam and quahaugs. 7 cm) are known in the fishing tracte as cherrystones and littlenecks. (1) Soft-Shell Clams (Mya arenaria) This species is found from the Soft-shell clams have thin, brittle, southern Gulf of St. Lawrence south to elongated shells which are chalky-white the Gulf of Mexico. In the Canadian in colour. They cannot close them part of their range, they occur from tightly as their long "neck" or New Brunswick's Mararnichi Bay to extends beyond their edges. The aver- Cape Breton Island where they frequent age harvested size of soft-shell clams is muddy or sandy bottoms. about 5 cm although they can grow to a Quahaugs are traditionally fished at length of between eight and 15 cm. low tide by band or clam fork. This species occurs from Labrador In areas where beds are covered by to South Carolina. Often found in several feet of water, either tongs or sandy or muddy sediment around rnid- long-handled rakes are used from small tide level, they are common in the boats. estuaries and inlets of ail of the Atlan- Small quahaugs are sold raw in the tic provinces. While these clams may shell. The larger ones tend to be tough be harvested with a hydraulic dredge, if eaten whole and so are minced and for the most part fishermen collect canned for use in chowders. them with a clam hack or fork. Most of the soft-shell harvest is marketed fresh in the shell although some quantities are sold as fresh and frozen shucked meat and in canned products.

(2) Bar or Surf Clams (Spisula solidissima) The largest clams found in the north- west Atlantic region, this species can - ieach a length of 18 cm, although the àverage size harvested is about 10 cm. They have a thick chalky shell covered with a thin, olive-brown skin. Bar clams occur from Labrador to the Gulf of Mexico. They are most abundant in the Canadian part of the range in the southern and western Gulf of St. Lawrence where they are com- monly found on clean sandy bottoms at low tide levels. Harvesting is undertaken mainly through the use of clam hacks or forks and by "tonging" from dories at low tide. Bar clams are principally shucked and minced for use in commercial clam chowders. Underwater World 6

Atlantic Oyster shells are unequal in size, the Atlantic Oyster Variously referred to as American upper being flattened and the lower ( virginica) oysters, eastern oysters and Atlantic cup-shaped. On the outside, the shells oysters, these non-mobile bivalve are rough, and brownish or greyish molluscs occur from the Gulf of white in colour. On the inside, they are St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico smooth and dull white. The shape and and the West Indies. Canadian oyster quality of oysters is determined by the grounds occur in the estuaries and conditions under which they grow. On inlets along the southern Gulf of soft bottoms and crowded reefs, they St. Lawrence and Northumberland assume a vertical position and grow Strait to Cape Breton Island. long and narrow. On hard, clean uncrowded bottoms, they grow round, strong and deeply cupped. Oysters in the commercial catch range in length from eight to 25 cm. Atlantic oysters are taken from natural beds and leased areas operated as oyster farms. Naturally-occurring oysters are harvested with tongs or rakes while cultured oysters are raised on trays. Shell strings, or other material on which oysters will attach themselves, are also used for culture purposes. The oyster catch is primarily marketed fresh in the shell. 7 Underwater World

Further reading: Text: Bousfield, E.L. 1960. Canadian Atlantic Communications Branch Seashells. National Museums of Department of Fisheries and Canada. Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0E6 Caddy, J.F. and R.A. Chandler. 1976. Historical statistics of landings of inshore species in the Maritime prov- Underwater World factsheets are brief illustrated accounts of fisheries resources inces, 1947-73. Fish. Res. Bd. of and marine phenomena prepared for public Canada Tech. Rept. No. 639. information and . They describe Brinkhurst, R. et al. 1976. A prelimi- the life history, geographic distribution, nary guide to the littoral and sub- utilization and population status of fish, littoral of shellfish and other living marine resources, Passamaquoddy Bay. lnst. of Ocean and/or the nature, origin and impact of Sciences, Sidney, B.C. marine processes and phenomena. Hare, G.M. 1977. Atlas of the major Atlantic coast fish and resources adjacent to the Canada- United States boundary areas. Fish. Res. Bd. of Canada Tech. Rept. No. 681. Anon. 1980. Resource Prospects for Canada's Atlantic Fisheries, 1980-85. Communications Br., Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans.

Published by: Communications Directorate Department of Fisheries and Oceans Ottawa, Ontario Others in this series: American Atlantic Snow Crab Lobs ter Sand La nce KlA 0E6 American Capeli n Lu mpfish Sea Scallop American Crabs of the Marine Fish Eggs Selected DF0/ 1858 UW / 04 Arctic Charr Atlant ic Coast and Larvae Selected Shri mps Arctic Dungeness Crab Nonhern Shrimp of British Columbia Atlant ic Cod Grey Seal Oyster Soft-Shell Clam © Minister of Supply and Services Atlantic Groundfish Pacific Spiny Dogfish Canada 1985 Atlantic Harbour Seal Pacific Salmon Thorny and Smooth Skates Atlantic Herri ng Harp Seal Poll ock () Catalogue Nurnber Fs 41-33/ 4-1985E At la ntic Hooded Seal Redfish White Hake ISBN 0-662-13726-4 Atlant ic Irish Moss Red Hake Winter Atlant ic Salmon Lake Red Tides Witch Flounder Li ngcod Roundnose Gre nadier Yell owtail Flounder Aussi disponible en français