Russian Journal of Genetics, Vol. 38, No. 10, 2002, pp. 1115–1120. Translated from Genetika, Vol. 38, No. 10, 2002, pp. 1317–1323. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2002 by Zelinsky, Makhrov. THEORETICAL PAPERS AND REVIEWS Homologous Series by Chromosome Number and the Genome Rearrangements in the Phylogeny of Salmonoidei Yu. P. Zelinsky1 and A. A. Makhrov2 1 Department of Zoology, Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University, Tula, 300026 Russia 2 Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991 Russia; e-mail:
[email protected] Received February 19, 2002 Abstract—Published data on chromosome numbers of Salmonoidei are summarized. The existence of homol- ogous variation of chromosome number in different phyletic lines of this suborder is substantiated. It is sug- gested that the origin of homologous series is related to major genome rearrangements (simultaneous fusion of several chromosomes). STRUCTURE AND ORIGIN mon ancestor of Salmonoidei had 112 chromosomes OF THE GROUP and 144 to 156 chromosome arms [13]. The reports karyological diversity in animals [1], in particular, in vertebrates [2] including fish [3], are cur- KARYOTYPES rently available. The ample evidence accumulated in lit- OF THE EXTANT SALMONOIDEI erature provides the possibility to elucidate the regulari- ties of karyotype evolution in individual fish taxa. In this To date, karyotypes have been studied in several work, we summarized the published data on the karyo- dozens of Salmonoidei species (Fig. 1). As it is impos- types of the members of the suborder Salmonoidei. sible to provide all references to original works within According to the classification [4] that we follow in the limits of this review, we used the data from pub- this work, this suborder includes the families Salmo- lished reviews [3, 13, 16–18, 28–30].