THK WATKUI'OKl) NEWS HOTELS. j SHIPPING BLACK BALL" and "EAGLE" LINE MAY SHOW, AND N.E W F A S H I O N S ! ¦ SALES. :j ;!; Published errrii Frith;/ Evening til -l!l Kill;) street OF ' British and Australian Ex-Royal Mail Packets, AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR HOTEL, DTJNGABViflM (t)|>j»nsitr tlic Vnn- tnchi] liat.k. ] WATERFOBD STEAM COMPANY. ILAZLETON oToNNELL & CO. LYNCH'S 1' LX CI :; Y EAKI.V ( IS ADVANCE INTENDED ORDER of SAILING—HAY, 18G3. , 1 the PRICE Timi:i: ; 13 S . rp Ling Days; oliow all their NEW NOVELTIES TAMES HENNE8SY re«pectfully informs the'Pub- JAMES LYNCH begs to inform Pnbl* rHS of Packets is composed of WILL, nn MONDAY , the -1th inst., and Following MR. HO- Sr.\MiM:n , l c!.; Y EAKI.V , 17S. Id. H *k VOTI CE.—The Wnterforrl Steamship If Ho at large thai he has commenced Business as an that he has Remove* ' rom the/.' VicxoBtA. ^ I* ~5%%. A th« laiRCit nnd most modern Steam and for SUMMER , in fe now ctrried aiMWij?** ^ Company receive GoodR for Shipment had the AUCTIONEER, and beg*tO 8*y that any Sales with TEL- to that of the "EAGLE," which 0 jjjfiMon liasShips in the world, find is tint only one RIBBONS ' MANTLES, BONNETS, " "''' f""ow'"" Terms only .—They reserve which distinguished honour which he may be favored, idiaH have his bert attention. on under the above name, and which he has fitted up Jte~ff *§tl*' • " ^g>jmg^ of a FLOWERS, SHAWLS MILLINERY , "Till-: WATKKFOIJ D NEWS- ?5ta513eei» thei rijilit to carry by a«y, not by particular Visit from H»r Majesty the Queen. , George'e-Bt., Waterfordj.'March 3 1868. ¦ to suit the wishes of hiB many > cssels, with liberty to Tow Ships *3t-».">iJH! FEATHERS, DUESSES, SKiI RTS AND STAYS, , [m6- tl in a superior style, and cnll at other Ports, Friends and the Public generally, who may favor mm MACHINE PR IN ING, PUBLISHING, and mil not be accountable for injuries or losses arising from LIVEItrOOL FOR MELBOUltN E , PARACHUTES, . PLAIN ANDR FANCY SILKS. BOOTS AND SHOES, Lrnsnr delay, FANCY TIES, The OLD ESTABLISHED AUCTION MART, with tbeir Patronage lie has also fitted op a accidents of the- Sons, Hivcrs, Kire, the Queen's Euc- Ou the bth and loth of every Month. PRINTS, SHEKTINHSS, IN LINEN AND on BooKiuxD/xa , Jiu/.i.xci, sr.-i rioxKit,r, lines Ship. Iteg. Bur. Captains. Date. COLLARS AND SHIRTS. NO. 109, CUS TOM-HOUSE QUAY, YAR D with a number of Box Stalls, together•with , detective Navication' , or accidents from auy other cause, GREY AND WHITE CALICOES, CALICO, , 11111 SorjTriBRN OCEAN 1023...2000...Davys... loth May. now ready for tho reception of FURNITURE Establishment, where Vehicles« AM' «>raiiy loss which migli t Imve been covered by Insurance, H., O., & Co., would call particular notice to their Stock of BLACK GLACIE SILKS ; also the IS extensive Posting > H98...3S00...Johnston ...6th June and PROPERTY of every description intended a miuute s notice, wtn C 0 U N T-li O () K JIAXU F A C T O RY nor lor Leakage, UreaVage, Condition, Quality, or contents of wear. Our every description may be had at A C , CHAMPION OF THE SEAS 1946...43UO...Outrid X EW M AKE of G ROS-GHAIN , which are under pipresent Market Value, and warranted to The Pub- any 1 arcels or Packages, unless specially entered and ad va- go ... 1 To for SALE. Thoso who do not wish, to have Property a Staff of safe Drivers. Charges Moderate. 4!i K .M) KINO STUKKT. OF ELBOURNE Buyers have returned from London and other rVMarkets. We are prepared to BIIOW the Largest and South lorem t rcipbl f»; j. Goods not removed to be Storid at the Cuv M ... 1828...4500...Jones ... > follow disposed of on their own Premises, will find this Esta- lic Conveyances to the princi pal Towns in the risk mid expense of the Consiiruees. LONDON FOR MELBOURNE. Newest Stock we ever held before. blishment admirably, suited for Sales of every aescrip. daily pass by the Door. (s30-tf) ,:.' 'PUR Proprietor of THE All Goods will bo considered as subject to a general lien, WHIBLWIXD 26th May. tion. J. E. BROWNE, Proprietor. rS-%--^, - . ann held 47 QUAY, WATERFORD. ^ '"- ' '¦' ' ¦ N Ell 'ft having made cf- not mdy for Fieipht of the same, but for all Arrears FOR 'SYDNEY. 109 Cnstom-houso Quay. [mh27-tf] " THE EUROPEAN," (y f ojAij, "- ol r reiiiht Bj£" OBSERVE! —OPPOSITE. THE MARKET-HOUSE. , fcetivc nrrsmgwncuts in his , storage, or other charges duo by the Importer. MAEIA HAY 10th May. &t&Jw£•* &: ' Owner, or Consignees to the Company. FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL gpjE^fS< -':¦ Printing Com'iTns, by llic CITY OP SYDNKY (New Clipper) 10th Juna. AUCTION OP HORSES, ^X 1 WATEUFORD AND UKISTOL. FOR QUEENSLAND (Free Grants of LHud vnluo £30). (Late "Londonderry,") 1 ¦!¦ ai'1 011 °f ; I'ftl'st nil' . Travelling Machines, Farming Implements, Stock, *&¦vS tSnp-w ¦ ""'" '"' "" Gipsy and Juvema. SAI.DASUA ( from Litcrpool) 16th May. PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. ^rf pSfcjSfe- 'i %• 0*- most :i]i)iruvcd Style of N EW 4, 5, & 6 BOLTON STREET, DUBLIN. IVMM WATEKFOKU UIKMT : PROM D1USI0I „ , (from Clyde) 20tli May. S[c,, %c. NS^"^*^. . •"•' Tvi'L nn.l I MPROVED I' HF.^I:S ' , ,) • Ills Gi/wy. Tuesdays ; Juvema. Gipsy, direct: STAR OF ENGLISH (from London) 25th .May. IN VALUABLE MANURE, WARRANTED GENUINE, as Importod, may now bo had on tho THOMAS WALSH'S next Auction of Horses , J. MOLONY, (successor to WALSH & Goasos :""' 1C Extension of Ksla- THIS MR. TS^I^";! * ! *' or Shamrock, Fridays. Krlilay, May I , ... 4 Artn'n ROCKHAMPTON (Irom Lifcrpool) 10th June. very best Terms from Travelliug Vehicles, &c , &c., iriU take placa Proprietor \r . rr ' ' Uiahmcut nt King stree t ,— I'mlay, .\.ay I , ... luj Morn Krld»y, „ 8, ... » Morn Persons who hold Pasoago Warrants or Bounty Tickets & Co., 8ST TEBMB VSBT MODBEATK falie-lyl •• J. BUDD . ON MONDAY, 4TH or MAY, 1863. Y now cjuul lo any in the I' m. TueMluj, 5, ... a ;\|oril Friday, •' 13, ... 4 Aftn'n will please make immediate application to tbo undersigned. Kri.tay •• 8 Friday " 22, ... Mnrn Depot. R VETERINARY viuces—is prepared to execute ( ... 3 Aftn'n SJ LIVERPOOL FOR MELBOURNE.-Packet for tho (a24-3t) At their Storo, HANOVER-STREET, WATERFORD, or direct from the At M LAURENCE DOBBYN'S , Turx,iay, " 12 :i l ,\ltn ii Friday, " •.¦!) , ... 3 Aftn' CITY MANSION HOTEL •verv spctni-s of . ... . ' n 16th MAY , tho splendid Clipper Ship, " SOUTHERN Ettablishmenl , Berufori-strect, Waterford, hndav. " 15, ... 10 Morn Jueenta, calliup at Pembroke LOWER BRIDGE STREET, DUBLIN Tuesday OCEAN," Captain DATEYS 264 tons Register ¦ . ORJIER bT SALB-: 30 & 31 LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, " 19, ... si Morn Dock: , 1, , 2,000 ton* . (Late Proprietor, Mr. MAUBICK COMBT). t nilav , " 23, ... I Aftn 'n Tuesdajr, Nay 5, ... » Mora burtheu. This splendid Vessel ia fitting out under tho in- ESTABLISHED 183O. Travelling Vehicles, Harness, Game Dogs, &c, nt A.\l) TiiMilay. ' PLAIN 0I5XAMEXTA L, " S6, ... 1 Altn'n -mcKl*}, •' 12, ... J Afta'n spection of her Majesty's Emigration Surveyors. Is a very Twelve o'CIock precisely. 1 rlday, » 29 « haviug Purchased the I nterest iu tho , ... 6 Altii'n .TnM.tayl 19, ... 7 Mom fast sailing clipper, and a tnostdasirable conveyance for goods Hunters, Riding and Family H urses, at One o'clock CAREY in a manner tlml will not, he reels confiJeut , full to ¦Tuesday, " 26, ... 11 Morn above old and well-established Hotel, most con- an d passengers. For Freight or Passage, PRANGLET & Co., AVON CHEMICAL WORKS, BRISTOL, Colts, Draught and Farm Horses immediatelyafter. P • ciTe satisfaction, IVinbroU Dock to Watcrforel, from the South Wales Kail- Apply to T. M. M ACKAT & Co., 1 Lcad.nhall strcet, Lon- veniently situated to the Great Southern and Westeia way Terminus now i-piij y to deliver their Tarious SPECIAL MANURES, prepared according to the latest improve 835""Personsintending properly for this Sale will he , EXPEDITIOUSLY. AND ELEGANTLY , ns soon alter arrival from Bristol as possible. dou; G IBBS, BRIGHT & Co., 1 North John-street; ARE Railway, and in close proximity to the Four Courts and CHEAPLY " ments in Agricultural Chemiatry, wheh have been largely used ami given universal 'satisfaction through- required to have it entered at Mr. DOBBIN'S or at Mr. US'- On Early Mnriiiiig Sailings, the C»bin of tho Steam- JAMES RAINES & Co., Wntcr-strre t , Liverpool ; or to , houses of Business in the City, has refitted and improved Att tta FORMS UTOI in WORKHOUSES UI.SPKX rrs will he Open to receive Passengers arriving from London out most of the Counties of the United Kingdom : WALSH'S Office, m» Custom-house Quay, on or befon JOHN SPA R ROW & Co., Watcrford. the entire.«:stablisliment, for which he. solioita pnblio SARlK?, at l'i-icfi in The Xctcs 1'riiitoJ LM , which ma- by the Xight Mail Train. SPECIAL SWEDE, MANGOLD, AND POTATO MANURES Nine o'CIock the morning of Sale. Fee forentry, 2s. Gel. iving satisfaction to Cabin Fare l" Patronage, feeling conlident of g h; bal on .il'l'l'1"1''•'••• , s. lid. ; Servants anel Children, 10s. 6d.; have obtaineil numerous Prizes for the weight, size, and quality of the roota grown with them, amongst others Purchasers to pay Auctioneer's Fees of Fivejper Cent.i 'CIock. lteturn do., 27s. ; or with liberty to return from Dublin E M IGR AT ION ' Visitors. Ordinary Daily at Five o , those at the Birmingham Meeting for I8G1 ,U8O2, and 1863, open for competition Co all Enjionrf. • THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer. in attendance. LiaO-ly] PAMI'III.KTS. CATA I.DfirKS, .,nd :ill other 1S00K- Cork , or Wcxford, 31s. Od., Steward's fee included ; Deck, TO CANADA AND THE UNJJED STATES. tKTA Night Porter always Lndips TOP-DRESSING FOR WHEAT BA RLEY, AND OATS, Auctions attended in any part of Country or Towu. WOKK. i" i manner <<| to any l:.iu>.\ Specimens uiiiv 7s. tU. Females attend the ' tlabin. , 100 Custom-house Quay, Water ford, 1863. tf CROWN HOTEL bomi attlio O lii.v. \V AT K I! FOli D AND LIVEKPOOL. EXTRA STEAMER FROM CORK. is found to answer best, where feebleness of plant or poverty of soil exists It brightens and strengthens (the KELLY'S MONCK STREET, JyEXFORD. RENTALS. LEASES, ami all kitxU of LAW FORMS. /'dm, Vestu, and Zephyr. «=l ji 'T'HE First-class Steamer, " ST. straw, increases the quantity, and considerably improves the quality of the Grain. THE AUCTION ROOM, rOSTIXli :m.l 1!AX1).|:II.1.S . in Hl:ul; or Colored Inks VKUJI WATCKFOUU : i TBOJI L1VCRFOUL : J. PAT1U0K," 1,460 Tons, Captain GRASS MANUKES, 101 QUAY, is now fitted up for the reception House, in which . l-' DJ !(, ajdsd ^^^ NO. is a Central and Comfortable riilay, M 1 , ... Morn JFriday. May 1 , ... S Morn MEjTJ^CS1- Scon, will be despatched from CORK to produce most certain effects ; in some instances, on certain soils, the crop of Furniture &c. for Sale. 11HIS Bu?ino>s ail-1 Aililu^ <.':irtK ; .llrliwiv atnl Ili-ivi pt Hooks ; Tui-Mliiy, „ 5, ... 1 Arin'n''I'lirnluy, „ 5, ... 11 Slorn on 5I when used for Clover and Sanfoin , , everything can be had on the most Moderate terms. ^sS3*3aw QUEBEC the 23rd AY. increase the herbage, but improve Uio disposed of on Circulars ami lmw« ; ;l!i>nli « nml Forms for Railway l-'mliiy, „ f . ... .1 Ailn 'hll'ridar, „ 8, ... 1 Aftn'n of hay has hcen more than doubled. For Pasture Land, they not only Persons not wishing to have Property Best Dublin and Wexford Spirits; also Brandies, Turtdar ' l' PAEES—STREBAGE. ®" Ciistum.JIiMi>e Forms: < ami Steamship I'niiinnnu-s ; , „ u, ... \ Aftii iit' iicMlay, „ 12, ... 5 Aftn'D growth of the fine grasses for years. their own Premises will find it their interest to make use [aul5-tf Vridar, ., is ... Ill Mom jFrlday, „ 15. ... S Morn Quebec ...... £a 5 OjHamilton ... f 0 5 8 Wines, Porter, Ale, &e. J Ni tf, a«'l Aicuniit °Fri'ii;hl iiiul Ski ing Nntes , of this Establishment, as the Room is both spacious aud Letter, pp ; TueMlny „ t'l, ... [ Alln "n:Tlle>d.ny, „ 10, ... 11 Morn Montreal ... 5 0 S.Toronto...... 0 5 6 PRANGLEY'S SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME Cars on Hire at the shortest notice. Ifrailim's: jIiMiniurv it Meic-intilc Forms Kriilay, „ :>, ... .1 Ali n ' ' , to be a lofty, and admirably adapted for Furniture Sales. ( L' 'n Friday, „ 2J. ... I Aftn n Ottawa .:. ... 5 18 lOiLoudou...... 0 10 7 is a fine , dry, ami soluble article, and has been proved, by upwards of twenty years' practical esperience rroki't-' Wtvkly 'iivular> : M'tirm?' ami Notices for Spirit Tursilay, „ ;ij. ... J AftlfnjTlleaday, „ 2li, ... A Aftn'n TH OMAS W ALSH , Proprietor. ' Kingston ... 6 19 1 , Chicago...... 7 6 5 Valuable Manure; for Moots , and highly remunerative in its application. MILFORD HAVEN 1'airnl.rokoiVi ii.liiN; i l.r NS ; Friday, „ 59, ... IU Morn iFriday, ,. 29, ... 7 Morn Port Hope ... 6 3 UDetroit ...... 6 14 0 in aii\ K IT Cnhin Fare 15s. ; Servants And Children 10s. ; Deck «£¦ NITRA i !¦: «f SODA , SULPHATE of AMMONIA , NITRATE of POTASH, PERUVIAN GUANO , C:i>k ami l!"tih-]"'l>, qnit> nf Meetings, S - , , , 7s. New York fnud Boston, £6 6s. ; First-class to Quebec, Waterford and Limerick and Waterford ¦WALES color Hiiiiinil : inoiis, Ac; I'd. ; Children. 4s. Females attend tho Ladies' Cabin. SULPHURIC Aril), BONE DUST, AGRICULTURAL and other SALTS , delivered at the Shortest notice. THE SOUTH HOTEL, j £16 15s., and £13 13s., according to accommodation. Chil- and Kilkenny Railways. of the 8outh Wales Business Aimoum-<-inents : jltill-IIeailin^s ami Parcel La- Goods received at Clarenep Duck. ADJOINING the Terminus " at to dren of all classes under 12 years Half-price. tn PHANGLEY & Co., AVON CHEMICAL WORKS , BRISTOL ; or to their AiutiiMuHTs'^'iies ami] hu!> prices suit all : W A T E K F 011 1) A X D L N DON. A pply Railway Company at New Milford, and the Land-, ' 9 For further particulars apply to SABEL and SEARLE, 19 GRASS on the Slopes and spare Land will be PartirtiKirs of S;tle : lAtnl , in .Omrt, every liesciw. Attranf , Beta, Citizen, or other eligible Vessels. Water-street. Liverpool, or their ocents in Waterford THE ing Stage of the Watcrford and Cork Royal Mail Packets. 1 , myS] A« I :NT :—Mr. WILLIAM POWER, SEEDSMJN, WATERFORD. [2m LET by PUBLIC ADCTIOX, in Lota of Ono Check-ll-.k*ami riuik-Tiik- ti..n i.f I'.intiiif, l'l.ii :i or KKOM WATKItFORll : PKOM LONDON : THOMA S PHRCELL . The Public arc respectfully informed that the above , The Quay, Mile each, at the following times and places :— ¦ct> of every kind; ! < huunicutal. Friday Tiiay 1 , ... 14 Noon.|\VcdRC»day May G , ... b Mom, (tnyS-tf) THOMAS DEVEREUX extensive Establishment is replete with every accommo- Friday ,, s, ... fi Noon. Wednesday „ 13, ... 8 Morn , 23 Graving Bank. MONDAY M AI 18, 1803.—Kilkenny Station at 10 Onler? from noi^hborin^ towns attended to with ptiudu. . dation. Coffee, Commercial, and Sitting Rooms ; Bil Fnd.iy ., 13 , ... 12 Noon. \\Ydn*>day „ 'JO, ... 8 Mnrn. a.m., one to four mile-post ; Bcnnett's-bridge, at 12 lofty, tlity and accuracy. I'mlay. „ W, ... VI Xoon. Weilnesdiv " 27, ... S Morn. RAIL WA Y TIME TABLES for MAY. JAMES WALPOLE Hard and Smoking Rooms. The Rooms are large, Friday „ •£•, ... 12 N011-. noon, four to eijjht do. ; Thomastown, at One p.m., and airy, beautifully decorated, elegantly furnished, and itZJ* ACCOUNT HOOKS, with or without printed licail - BEGS to inform the Nobility, Gentry, nnd Inhabitants of Waterford and its Vicinity, that he has Caliin Fate, 2Us.; Deck , IDs. WATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY. eight to thirteen do. ; Ballyhale, at Two p.m., 13 to arc otherwise fitted up with every regard to comfort and niaJc in a Mipciiur in.innL'r, strou^J y l»unJ. just received a Choice Selection of iujs, I.OAIIING U KKTIIS :— London—British and Foreign Steam Up Trainsfrom Waterford. 19 do. ; Mullinavat, at Three p.m., 19 to 25 do. ; convenience. All ordc^ with which the Proprietor may ho favored shall Wharf, LOW- IT K:ist Smithlield, and West Kent Wharf Kilmacow, at 1.30, p.m., 25 to 29 do. on the banks of the far-famed , TRA1>S OX WKEK DAYS. SUNDATS. BOHEMIAN GLASS VASES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS' This Hotel is situated tx performed with the nti:io*t X I .UNI.SS, A CXUKACY , ami Sou.hwaik. Parrels reeeived at 137 Leadenlmll-sticct, E.C WATERFORD —j-* '" "~~~ji ~ TUESDAY, JI AV 19.—Tipperary, at 10 a.m., 21} to and commands a most extensive view of o« 3 I 4 l j i"i Suitable for the Season, Alto, a Large Variety of Milford Haven, Dtspiicil. and at prices exceedingly moderate, the ipjalitv WATEKF0K1 ) AND PLYMOUTH. Tn \2ti S 1&2 1 t 212&3 lta 12t3l243 28 mile-post ; Bansha, at 11 a.m., 28 to 34 do. j Caher, her Majesty's Dockyard, and of. the romantic and pictu- Hanger clnlB DESSERT BREAKFAST & TOILET SERVICES. at the Dullin, Citizvn , , Aurora, or other eligible LIMERICK. C'a" - Clais Class Class Class Class DINNER , , , TEA , at 12.30 p.m., 34 to 44 do. ; Clonmol, at 1.30 p.m., 41 resque Scenery of the neighbourhood. of the work considered, A.M. A.M. p.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. Vessels. TOGETHER WITH to 53 do. ; KiIsheelan, at Four p.m., 53 to 59 do. Visitors, Tourists, Commercial Gentlemen, and Fa- 1'OOIM.AW . LEGAL. COMMERCIAL , liAII.WAY , Flleni WATEt!FOI:H: FHO.M TLTMOUTn: WEDNESDAY M AY 20.—Carrick, at 10.30 a.m., 50 to Establishment, for situation and AXH HKXKI IAL I'l.'lXriXG , lIOOK-mX/JlXG , Friilay .May I . ... IS Xcion.Thursday, May 1, ... 8 Aftn 'n hm hm bm hm hm hm hm A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF CUT AND PRESSED TABLE GLASS. , milies will find this Friilay ., S\ ... li Noon. Ihursilay, ,, 14 , ... 8 Afln'n;i 6 0 9 45 2 35 4 13 8 30 10 20 8 3ft Co mile-post ; Fiddown, at 11.30 a.m., Go to 60 do. ; comfort, combined with moderate charges, surpassed by AND MACUIMMtUUNC; KSTABI.ISHMEXT, Friday „ is ... 12 Nnon. Thurailay, „ 41, ... 8 Alln'n Cnrricl; 6 411 10 211 3 8 4 55 0 15 II 0 9 15 ggy An Excellent Lot of GAS MOONS on hands, which will be disposed of at Moderate PriceB, Grange, at One p.m., 09 to 73 do ; Waterford, at Threo no other in the Principality . Night Porter meets the •>¦! Ctnnmel 7 15 10 30 3 13 5 45 10 0 1140 10 0 Fiiday, „ , ... VI N on. Tliurulay, ,, 2S, ... 8 Afln'n p.m., 73 to 7" do. Boats. Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths. K1N 0 - ST1! E ET. W A T £ IIKO P.L>. l-'riitar. ,. ill, ... V2 Noon. Junction Dtp 8 45 ]S 24 5 25 8 40 12 15 1 30 12 15 Limrr!ck .../frir< fl 46 I 21) C 30 9 50 I 30 2 30 I 20 FIGURE SHADES ALWAYS Thoso who cannot attcud will lease send Tenders All communications should be addressed to (jy25-tf) C.iliin Faro, ills.; I Vck, 10s. Tukinp Goods for Fahnoutb, IN STOCK. p MATCIIINGS ' ' addressed as such to either of tho undersigned. Further E. WILLIAMS, Manager. Snuthnuiptnn , I'oitsinoulli , and places adjacent. Down Trains from Limerick. ij GOT TO ORDER. |£g- WARE HIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. ROOM-PAPER WAREHOUSE, particulars may bo had from the Overseers along tho - WATKltFOKD AND 15KLFAST. " fl. ., CTSTOM-iiOl^SI-:QUAY. TKAIXS O.V HKKK IIAT8 | SI.KDAVS. Bgr CHINA HALL, 60, QUA Y, WATERFORD. Line. Purchasers to pay 50 por cent, purchase money Aurora, Koru, ov other eligible Vessels. I — ^ - THEIS LITTLE ISLAND DAWSoN is now supplied with a large Assort LIMF.RICK j o. 3 4 JJ j ji on being decl ared, together with 5 per cent as auction ri:tl.M WATKIIFUKII : FH0.M BELFAST : > OT1CE F, incut of r.-on- nnil Hall i' apcrs, in great variety . ... 12 Nnmi Wnlni»day May 6,.. II Morn TO 12&3 12&3 1 A2 I &2 1 42 1 2A; 3 1 •- .V3 foes. THOMAS WALSH ^7 HEREBY GIVEN, that Persons deair- Salurilay May 2 Claes , Auctioneer. S.iiurd^iy, !», ... 12 Xoon.iU'irdni'sJny 13, ... 3Af 'nn WATERFORD.uiTppmnn Clnr* Olass . Class. Class Class clata (rhich he offers tor Sale at Low Prices. ,. „ 1}| f y BENSON'S JAMES TIGHE, Engineer. li ing to make EXCURSION'STO THIS ISLAND, Salunlnv 1«, ... 12 N'mw.l IVrdnndny . ... II Mr.rn A f| r>< f M rM u A WATCHES AND CLOCKS. , „ „ an Office of Mr. A. U. ROBERTS in {fg" House P.iintinp, Decorating, and Panorilungiuj Siitunl'i). -JIl. ... 1J NV.ii {UVdiwaday „ 47, ... 4 Afin' Waterford, April 21, 18G3. [niy l-3fi must apply al the , ,. n lhm with niatr.iss. amiftt Moilcnitcl 'l.nreo. ^atllrd;iy. ,. ill, ... 14 .V'On.1 btn hm hm hm hm hm " Perfection of Mechanism."— Morning Post. Ilcrcstbrd-strcct, for Cards of Admission. executC'l 7 :in 11 l> i 0 6 0 10 45 Vi 10 111 45 Ids. Dcrk 7s. 6d. Limerick Brp TO BE SOLD, allowed to land except at tho Cabin Fare, , Junction Vep ' 6 « 'ia 22 5 2.5 7 20 12 15 I 3U 12 li OPINIONS OP THE LONDON PRESS UPON BENSON'S GREAT CLOCK" AND WATCHES. Parties will not be " ll'dkl EW Cli.nmel 110 -ii ' 1 32 6 50 — 2 15 2 40 2 15 AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN , FEKKV HOUSE. (al24-3t) STONE WORKS, CJ45 Simmers g l/dicccn WiTEBFonu and N "As a sample of English Clock-workl "The entire finish is of the hizhesti "Sumo of them are of ;;teat beauty ; I) POUT (Mon). Lnadhig and Discharging at It 'aterford Carrck >\\ 0 2 3 1 30 — 2 55 3 25 255 ' F >HE INTEREST in the HOUSE AND LANDS of JOHNSTOWN , W A T K R I- O K Wntirfor.1...4rd II 40 2Si 810 — 3 43 4 (I 3 45 on t. larpe scale, the works of this are caste."— Daily News, May 29, 18(12. iawl if the English watch-trade only A BARGAIN. ltailicuy Station. 1 KNOCKBOY, the residence of the lute 'T HOMAS probably tho finest finished tbnt have , .-i.,,,i;,i onj „,„ • •, , follow up with the same spirit nnd sue- Mail Trains inarkeil with an asterisk sp1cildl "lu's.tely.fiu-« ' SALE, at the Waterford Coach Factory, (R. TOIIN COLLINS beas to inform the Pulilic that hi WATEUFOI J D AX*I) NEW ROSS. , ever been seen in this country. No Chro- : A™?™ ? "I"1 ,w fi to compete with K EI.I.V, Esq., containing 38a. 2r., statute measure. FOR F A K IS :—FirstClus Singli- Ticket 14s2d : Scomildo., IOs Si , f neV0r AWLOH S a very F KOM W ATKHFORK — Daily, Sundays escepted, at 1.0 l'.M . , ; nometcr could be fitted with mare per- ™ ° roroi there The Lands arc in good heart and well cropped ; the L ' ) the property of a Gentleman, 0 has Monuments, Head Sumes , and Tomb Monc- Third do, Gs 5<1 ; Kettttn—First Class, 21s 3d ; Second do., lGs. 68enl,e^!L|i°L r 17 i««9 Knere >n decorative watches, HW IJoss—Daily) Sundays escepted at 8.30 A .M. " - Standard^ , June 17 , 1862. tQ ])Q nQ rea50n w^y ',,,„„,,, excellent OUTSIDE CAM, with blue Cloth Cushions ready marie. All kinds nf Cut Slime for Buildings. FltoM N , fret or carefully.adjusted mechanism. - ^ „„ House is iu perfect repair, and situate within 2i miles " Times, June 11, 1882. " The Inrccst and Lamps. Also, a splendid set of Silver-mounted ($?? Mmieratr Prices and Best of Workmanship, \V A T E K F 0 1! I) AX D I) U X C A X N 0 X. WATERFORD AND KILKENNY RAILWAY. , and unmistakably the not tret trie trad* entirely into our own ot Wutcrford, on the road lending to Passage and Dun- " A triumph of ingenuity."— Tele- best finished Clock in the " " ; all tei be sold cheap, separately or in one All Onlers atlci iled loin the Shortest Notice (flj-il F KOM W ATEIIFOBD — Daily, Sundays cscrptol, at 4.0 p.a. Up Trains from Waterford. Exhibition. — hands. —Times, June 23, 1862. more. The above are held under lease tor an unex- HARNESS graph, March 31, 1862. Engineer, August 16, 1862. aH7 F KOSI Df.vcAXXO N — Daily, Sundays e.tccptcd, at 8.15 A. M . pircd term of eighteen years, at the yearly remt of £75. lot. ; TKA1XS ON WKKK DATS. SUNDAY Tli.UNS. BUTLER'S CATECHISM. l'nths seiuritl and every information given by the Agents. ' T~ ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR CHURCH AND TURRET CLOCKS. For particulars apply to Bristol— '\'\\r General Strain Packet Ollice. Liverpool— ; n 1 2' I x 4 i 2 , TO BXTILDEKS, CABIMET-MAKEKS, &c .' l&'J 12&.H2&D 12tO12&3 WATCHES CLOCKS, and BRONZES of erery description , from the plainest to the highest quality ol MISS KELLY, Knockboy. CLEIK ; Y , r.ooxs I.I .EIIS, SC Wiilcrlnril Steam Shi p Cninpany, 23, Urunswick-strcet , STATIONS. 1J&3 l«c ' which Art is at present capable, TO CATHOLIC I CI RKB Class.1 Class Clais. Class. Class. Class manufactured from High-Ait designs by English, French, and 28th April , 18G3. (myl-tf) now keep in Stock a very large assortment of Wibliinstuii Huildinps. London— ANTiioyY. G. R OBINSON , I A.M. A.M. P. M. P.U P.M. r.M P.M. Italian Artists of great celebrity. ¦ WE Oil Sale dl The Xeirs Office , ' qualit of PtNE. MAHOGANY, WALNUT, 2II .Mark Lnue ; Hi iti>l> and Foreiisn Steam Wharf, Lower WATCHES. ' CLOCKS. WESTERN COUNTIES AND the finest y , '.foiiiiniriilntion of tin- l!|i of U'.ltiTtoid .mil Ka»l Smithrifld, mid Wesl Kent Wharf, Southwark j Par- 1 h in h in lim hm h in p m h in and BIRCH LEAVES and SCAXTUNO, all thoroughly [ Willl llie I. ' Chronometer, Duplex Lever, Horizontal, Vertical, Drawing-Room, Dining-Room, Bed-Room, Library, Manure Company (Limited) l.isinoie, the l:L-ht liw. Dr. ()'!< I: II :N ,) r,!s received at 13" Leadenliall Street, E.C. Plymouth— U'atcrlhrd...7)f/) 7 45 12 fl 5 0 — 4 15 — — General Seasoned, with S PKLCE FLOORING B OARDS, JOISTS, and Kilkeniiv....^rr( 0 3D 1 .IU G 30 — 5 45 — — Minute , Half-quarter, and Quarter Repeaters ; Inde- Hall CORNWALL. CAPITAL 000. II ENMiY J. WAUINO , theWhaiT, Milbay. Belfast—K. H EN- , Staircase, Bracket, Carriage, Chime, Musical , TORPOINT, , £30, ALVANISED KON PREPARED PAPER , Carlow dSE)/)/)1 — 2 33 735 — 7 0 — — RAFTERS, G I and i. Catechism for the Instruction of Children li nitMiN k SONS , Donegal Quay ; [jr-29-tl] pendent and Plain Centre Seconds; Keyless, Chrono- Astronomical, Church, Turret, Stable, Railway, Post BY TIIK I)ulilin(<;S4:WM — 4 55 10 111 — 9 30 — — COVERING for R OOFS ; also a. great variety of MAHBLE, graphs, Enamelled, Astronomical, and Reversible office, Shop, Warehouse, Office, or Counting-house, from CRUSHERS, Manufacturers of S ULPHURIC JAMES lil'TUT., Archhishopof And at the Company 's Oflice, Ihc MALL, WATEKFOltO BONE ENAMEL, and SLATE C HIMNEY PIECES. MOST P.ev Dr. JJOICJ I Tra ins from Kilkenny. Wotohes, from 200 Guineas to £3 3s. each. 1,000 Guineas to £1 Is. each. A CID, S UPER-PHOSPHATE , POTATO, M ANGOLD, Cishel ami Kuily. ENSON S IIVSTRATED AMPHLET ON ' J. P. GRAVES & CO. TRAINS OS WKi: K 1IAVS. SCKUAV TRAINS. B ' J P WATCHES BBNSON s Hl-USTIUTED CLOCK PAMPHLET COntsioS GRASS and CORN MANURES. Printcil on good Paper, auJ in hri;e elc:r' Ty;«j. WATlC ItFORU AND MILFORD HAVEN ~ (free by Post for two stamps) contains a short History Waterpark Timber Yard anei Saw Slills. (jl6-tf) "f r""i it* 1 :« T 4 i 1 s 1 5T a full and carefully prepared Price-list of every descrip- These Manures are well known and highly appre- KIXOMM CNIi .VI ION. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS STATIONS. 12&3 1&2 Ui 12&312^D12i312&3 of Watchmaking, with descriptions and prices. It tion of Clock and Time-piece, with a short and interest- ciated through the United Kingdom. Agriculturists ALLIANCE 1-M'niou of tin.- Ui h t I-cv. Or. Clnsn . 'CIni".. Cla>s. Class. ClaB*. Class . Class " I approTv of this ^ . acts as a guide in the purchase of a Watch, and enables ing History ol the Art of Clock Making. In it will be unacquainted with their merits will do well to give them ' A.M. A.M. I P.M. I P.M. A .U. A M . P.M. J AMES K UTLEK .S Catechism, and recommend it to the DAILY COMMUNICATI ON r those who live in Scotland, Ireland,Wales, the Colonies, found a great variety of patterns of Clocks suitable for a trial. Life, and Fire Assurance Company Faithful of these Dioceses. India, or any part of the world, to UA RTHOLEMEW LANE, LONDON. (Sundays Exteptti,) h m Ii m I li m ' li m h m li m h m select a Watch, and all purposes, and it will be sent post-free for two The Super-Phosphate has been highly recommended 1). O hlUKN , H.C.B. Dublin(CSW)C/. — S 45 12 30 I — 8 0 — — have it sent freo and safe by post. stamps. " ,£ ' by the Kildare Agricultural Sciety as the best in th e " Waterfonl June '-', K».V>." KETWKEN THE SOUTH OF IRELAND Carlow(ISE)....l — ill 33 3 0 I — 10 20 — extracts from whose circulars can be had on CAPITAL-FIVE MILLIONS STERLING. Kilkenny ....Drjil 7 45 111 43 I 10 I — 11 30 _ _ BENSON'S ARGENTINE SILVER. M arket, \cy (Inlers from any part of the Uiocrse. sent in SOUTH WALES AND ENGLAND _ application to our Agent, rRESlDBNTS : Waterri, 0 :iO I 1 20 s 50 ! — 1 0 — The Morning Herald, October 23rd, speaking of the Plate in the Exhibition, says, " Mr. B ENSON , who I". K KDMUND , Printer and Publisher SAMUEL G URNET , Esq. ; Sir M OSBH MONTBFIURB , Bart: ml directed to Via W ntei fnrd .ind Milford Havcu, iu connection witli Goods conveyed by Trains marked t ; Mail Trains • has a Medal for l'lato, exhibits some beautiful things. MR. WILLIAM KELLY. ' V.) King-street , promptly al- " Rate of Assurance and every information may be H aterl nril Si in "Mice , Express Trains on the Gv;at Western, South Wales FAIIM TO DUBLI > :—First Cla*s Sinzle Ticket, 21s. ; Second The Argentine is a composition possessing all the beauty and richness of color of Silver with its durability, Waterford, May 1st, 1863. (ml-tf.) The Trade supplied on moderate I ITIIIS . do., 13s 8d; Third do, 9s 3d ; Return—First Class, 318 CJ ; Se. had of telcl in. Waterford and Limerick, Waterford anel Kilkenny, at a mere fraction of its cost. It is a. compound of various metals with a heavy deposit of pure Silver, forming May he lrul llclnil Horn every Catholic liooksullci- in in the South of Ireland. cond do, 23.4 Gd. SEED OATS. MR. RICHARD HARRIS, and other Traina FARtu TO KiLKts'Jit :—Vir«t Class Sioglo Ticket, G« ; Second one hard, compact, white body. When the Argentine and the real Silver are placed side by side the most Fast and Well-appniutn] Steam- , ¦f BARRELS OF BLACK TARTARY FOB 15, Queen-street, Waterford. the Dioci'si". *% 'I nf^UI-SE do, 4s 4d ; Third do, '2» 7d ; Return-First Class, 0s ; -Jd do, Cs6d skilful judge cannot distinguish between them, while its durability is so gscat that after many years' wear it OA lls <:lrr>" tr Majesty's Mails, Sad J J SALE. Apply to R. S. BACKAS, Butletstown MSS- PllILOSOPllY ^i^Wj^x -^ ' -"" " remains unaltered. During the last soventcen years it has been so well received by the Public, that its manu- \ CA MARINE ASSURANCE. HEALTH ANU (•llKKKl-fLX ROM 'eicceptcil), V ? -'JKf ^xDaily (Sudavs From the WATERFORD AND TRAMORE RAILWAY. facture has been extended to all those articles usuall Castle. [] Cargoes per Steamer and Sailing Vessel to any AND FACT. ' ~~pffyf ^^ F WAIEBFOBD— Adelphi y made in Silver, viz.:—Spoons, Forks, Dinner, Tea, and \ Week Day Trains. Coffee Services Waiters Bread and Cake Baskets port in the Irish, Bristol, and English Channels, as- S PILLS. Wlnrt immeiliatcl y after th* arrival of the Limerick Tr.iin "" ¦" , , , Candelabra, Dishes of all kinds, Epergnes, Claret Jugs, &c., TO FARMERS. HOLLOWAY' 1""""2 ' a "]" " ! " " a~i~iri" l r and which can be seen at the various Establishments of J. W. ENSON sured on very MODERATE TERMS . (tf) 'the at Thrci- o'C'lotk iii the A'icnieiuii , reaching Jlilford Haven WM i '" * B , whose: new Show Rooms contain an Hr. KxriTiNd CA CM: H I S IIK .M:.->. — 1/lwid is a •» a 111 1 P 11* l'l l p III j p in p 111 n^ (wind and weather permitting) ill time to enable Passengers _2_J!J_ T* "• P _ immense assortment. A Prize Medal was awarded to J. W. BEKSON for excellence of manufacture of Argentine SPECIAL MANURES. J. tlj i IIIi' -siisiaiiiiiiL' anint . It the com- li m li in ! h m > li in h in li m h in I li m li m GRASS, GRAIN, THE TURKISH DIVAN, ' to proceed liy the U n a.m. Express Train to London, rearli. »8 (I «230 and Elcctro-Platc. A Sample Spoon will be sent post free to any part of the Kingdom on receipt of 30 Stamps, IOIK mii-( .c, nt-rvf and iiitc^iinifiit. at C, \V'f.i 111 45 :12 II (0 S 30 1 8 4.5 — — put.u.ti of t'.c-h , I . , Paddin^ton 0 p.m Third Class Passengers will ' and an elaborately Illustrated Catalogue, containing 300 Engravings and Price-list of Argentine and Solid Silver POTATO, TURNIP, and FLAX MANURES, TOBACCO, CIGAK , AND FISHING TACKLE veins inir fore •!) 0 11 13 1 15 3 15 | 4 30 I»G 0 I 0 is! — — Tin- siiiinai'li is its nianufaitory , tl:e arteries and be forwardiil by tho Throuph 7 o a*in. train to London.—• Plate, will be sent post-ircc on receipt of six Stamps. Specially prepared. WAREHOUSE. ami tin- mli-tines the channels through VITRIOLIZED BONE COMPOUND, itsilistributors, Piosengers amving at Milford Haven on Sunday lDuruings Sunday Trains J. W. BENSON 'S Branch Establishments are, 46, 47, and 03 CORNHILL. All Letters should be ad- O'SHAUGHNESSY WARDELI., Importer of which the \v»-:c matter rejien d in its prinluciion , i> will leave per t!ie 0 15 a*m. Train. CONCENTRATED MANURE, I 2 I 3 4 3 U 7 819 10 pressed to the Principal Establishment, 33 and 34 LUDGATE HILL, Londou (Established 1749). (f20-28t) E • Foreign and British Cigars; Wills' Virginia the stomach, the circulation , and the AVEN Pier Dail at am in tn in CRUSHED BONES AND BONE MEAL, tspdlnl Upon From .Mn.ponu H , from the Itailway y, a m ' ^ m p m p p p m p m I p pin Bristol Bird's Eye, Grasscut ; Foreign Flat, iclievii:^ indi ! Manufactured by filG-Om] Returns ; , liou-fls, thu- e Pills aet simultaneously, ^i^- 7 10 li.m, Sundays exrepted, alter the arrival of the 9 30 a.m. h in i li m li m li m li 111 li m h in h in 1 li m h m loth the RICHARDSON, BROTHERS, and Co., Cut Cavendish, and other Fancy Tobaccos. tiin. purify ing !!. '• fluids, and if^iilatiHsr sc- Kvpre'ss Trail from 1'ti'ldiimtoti Station, London, reaching ?!< 0 II 0 JJ2 15 I 30 S 30 4 30 5 .JO 8 45 — - ARMY CONTRACTS. EDWARD WALL, -10 112 45 2 I) ELFAST A choice selection of Meerschaum and Clay Pipes. ; .iiiDs a:id tlit i-Mm-lions. Waterford (wind and weather permitting) so as to secure the 9 30 II . *4 0 5 0 U 0 9 15 I — — OII, CBUSUBBB AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, B . cu' WATERFORD, and SUMMER HILL, LAMBKIN 'S Cork Snuff. VAI OMPLAINT —Ihspopsia i~ Ihc most departure of the ti a.m. Tr.iir. tu Limerick, Cork, and the lbobc marki-u thus ore mail trains. QEALED Noon 2SFAbove , with Price Lists, Analyses, and Testimo- I IIK N ATIH. . C . *= ^ , ^ TENDERS, in dupli- PILLANK South of Inland : andthe 11 ¦].'> a.m. Tr.iin to Kilkenny and AB'KS :—Fi rst Class Single Ticket TRAMORE, Sole Agent for S 'S Celebrated Limerick cotnnioi. dis( use atiinu^ ail ila--''.-, in tids cimnlrx. t F , Hid.; Return Ticket, la l3 catcuntil will be received at this nials, on application to Dublin. l'iisJM^^2|£> Offico , Smoughteen and Twist TobaccoB. a^unn-s a thousand shapes , and is the ;irimar\ >uuicc TEA, WINE, AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, J. P. GRAVES & Co., Waterford. ' PiiddiiiKtoii will also he by these Steamers at In- B^^^ BHS on MON DAY, the £3~ Real Limerick Flics and Hooks. London Per of iimuineraUi- anil d:im;i rous maladies ; hut \v nate\cr A. STEPHENS, Agent, Duncannon, County Wexford duced l!.ite«. FAKES. SOUTH WALES RAILWAY &9HHBnN0lUh MAY, from Persons desiroun Wholesale and Retail. fumery, and Concertinas. iti t«|ii- or symptoms, huweu-i obsiinale its resistance l»t Class and 2nd Class of supplying, during tho HALF-YEAR ending 30th »». CK riAr.s—or TR AISH . RESIDENT AGENT for Sale of WILLIAM YOUNCBR Peruvian Government Guano- , WATERFORD. In ordinary p:«-i-ri p:ii.i.s. it \ithls readily and i.ipidi y tti Cabin. and Suloon Z : _ Observe-06 QUAY [oll-tn i> s. oTATioxs. £ti~i~f.3~£xpr ini/ni/ 1 NOVEMBER , 18C3, such quantities of and Co.'s Edinburgh Ala, Mild and Bitter ; J. THOMPSON, T. BONAR, tnd Co., ttii?,i(aiciiii»- a:i«l umriin^ remt 11 13 — 2 S 7 II 9 30 and Co., Drogheda, Distillers, Patent anil Old Still The depot is in chargo of Mr. GEORGE W HITE, who sums upwards, £25 f''!d, and re>|uii cno r> strain! tinm liusine-s I KTUIIN TICK KTS - From Waterford to London, Ox- CATTLE, A ND S HEEP, AND FLO UR, U«i,C.inlifr. I 6 i 12 11 is 40 — 4 38 8 49 — Whiskey ; S VMBS and Co.'s Drogheda Alet; G EORGE information required. POUND may secure £20,000. Por Prospectus (gratis) TJn stini^tlifii lilt aii.m:i'.-Ii . anil priiiDDH- a healihy ' 7" 2nd Class as may bo required at the Curragh of Kildare during will supply any y I nril , or Reading, 1st class mid s.iloou , — DOWIt 7RAZB8. Instant , A Wouii io . , Deck, Cabin Deck. ~ obtained from this Office on or after the 18th ; ' forwarded, (a l 0-3m*) of the weaker 3TATIOSS. 'if r-f ~:i~, ~ \" ~Exp7~i' WATERFORD. L A W E 8 mediately ynlarities which aie the special annoyance Watetfoid to Milfcnd...l 'J,.(J . 7s. «d. 18i. Od. Ns.3d. a : 1,2, Exp &2\ir273 t7 tenders made on other forms will not be noticed. Each lile. are cla>~ class. 4 2 cliisB.'clasB. 1 ti clssi hate of Lime sex , and uhii-li , when ne^l.-ited . always shorten I'a-iicers with 2nd C'I J -S Tickets can exchange from thr 5 |_ tender to include only one article of supply, and be Patent Superphosp , ' S a in iTiii" n in a in am p tn PATRICK KE1L Y S S MONEY ON DEPOSIT. relieved for the tiuiv ln-ina, and prexeiitfil for the time Ciibio to I he S;I !II IMI MI iMvineul K I L' . lid. each. Ml» . Tstarling pm Commissary- f SON TURNIP MANURE, CORN MANURE, II 15 11 45 — 4 30 8 III addressed under cover to the "Deputy OR rpHE WATERFORD and LIMKR1CK. RAILWAY but tlin.oug h allira- TI IMIIIS I I Ti'lot- nllmviic 1'ns-eiiiins tobre.ik Iho journey, l> Puildint'ton " G 0 MANGOLD AND POTATO MANURE. to cmne, by a course of tliis tuii'l 114 Glouc' 0 45 ll 15 12 .ia 3 30 — 8 20 2 15 General, Dublin," and marked on the outside " Tender BEO to call attention lo their SUPERIOR POR- . ii.;ij be bad at I'.iiMhiiriim Kailtvuy Station, and at the First- l.-(!lp J. COMPANY are open to rece ve, to a limited tivc. I5SJ IVcwport H 4" I 10 2 10 5 23 — 9 39 3 40 for Bread " " or " as the caaomay be. TER, ALES, iind STU'iNR BEKR The increasing demand for these Manures prove3 that > Stations ol'the iiieiil Western iiuil South Walts, Water- , or " Meat, " Forage, extent . Money on temporary Deposit, for which the L)liOi-mc.\I. ^WKIIIS l .s ASH Till'. Tt'llS OF l.ll'K. — Clas- 170J CardiiT U 3 1 35 2 30 5 56 — 0 50 4 A They particularly recommend their XX AI.E and thoy arc appreciated by A griculturists, and it is un- foul and Liieeiick , .md Waterford and Kilkenny Kailways; 3 55 3 43 7 50 — 11 Any further information required may be obtained following Kates of Interest will be allowed :— This is the must di-trissinu'period in wom-m's history, 210 fwanscn II " 311 537 SUPERIOR STOUT to the notice of Bottlers and the necessary to say more than that they will be found as al-o, at the Olliees of Messrs. FOKU it J ACKSON, 30 Cannon- 225 l.lunclly 11 4* 4 40 4 23 8 37 — — oil at this Office. 3 per Cent., subject to repayu.ent at aDy time after it dcslroys thuusatius ; the whole of the utoss humors Trarfo generally. as in former years. street. London, and Millotd II HVIII I'ailway Station ; or ot 275 ( H.vTurdw 'tl 1 40 I G 40 t! H — \ — I — 8 17 Commissariat Office, Dublin, good the first Month, on expiration of One Week's notice. collect together, and, like a tide, sweep away health and 355 >' JUillnnli 4 13 I 7 5 G W — ! — ! — 8 30 ' Their STRONG BEER continues to give universal Extracts fr om Chemists' reports this Season. Mr. M. DOW SKY, CJu^iy inid Adelphi Wharf, Watcrlord. <.* . ._ _ _ 18th April, 18G3, (al2l- m8) 4 per Cent, if left for Twelve Months and longer. y and JKJWCI loll checked. The satisfaction life ilM'lf. if i>nt timel y fii.lfii.v Tiekels, available fur 30 duye, at a Fare and a The' G 0 a.m Train trom P'ddinfftnu takes Third Class Pascn- . PBOKESSOK APJOIIK.—" In tho preparation of this Any sum of £'20and upwards taken, and the Principal remidv lor u\l these dangerous txntptom-- New Street, December 1802. (d27-tf) niost certain half I".- the Double Journey, are issued at Waterford, Lime- g-r« I01 thf Soutb Wain Railway only. WATERFORD AND KILKENN Y , Artificial Manure, which is found, particularly in the or Interest will be paid as desired by Depositors. is Ilolloway 's I'il!» Armed with this ijrcat antidote , Kilkenny, it. 8U>DAT TRAIHS. so energetic a fertilizing rick , Ti ppei.ny, from case of Green Crops, agent, Further Information can be obtained from the under- ordeal i» d through , and the sulferer is Do^rn Trains Paddington, 8 0 a. m. Game Preservation Society, 1862 DOWER'S tUt lier> Thr Sea Vuij aij t is mi ll/ Seventy Miles. Arrival at New Milford 11 0 a. in. •11 per cent, of Phosphate of Lime must bave been signed, and also from the following Agents:—A. STE- mure restored to tli« ]iosscsaion of uuiinpaiied Up Irom Nrw Milford 10 40 a. m. and of this amount more than one-half has Cattle and Live Stock of all kinds «ent by these Vessels , OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tho above Porter, Ale, Strong Beer and Pale Butt. employed, PHENS, Duncannon, County AVczford, THOMAS S. EAR- Ualth. Thc-e Pills are equall y tllicacious in all female l'add npton, arrival ... 10 50 p. m. Its money value is b are at Shi 's Rink. Goods und Cattle, Parcels, Fish, &c., N Society has been formed to prevent the SM« of boon rendered soluble. y my me- VKI , Quay, Waterford ; J OHN (JRUBB , Carrick-on-Suir; , and obstructions ai the dawn of womanhuod. pper FA:ICS :—Par Fares ste WBterfurit and Milford Haven Rova] FTMIE above Superior Articles will be found, as al complaints will be conveyed by these Steamers at Low Rates, which can Stear.i Ship another column. Game at unscasonublc times—the destruction of Game thod of estimation, £8 12s. lid. por Ton, a Bum I un- P. It. BAN FIELD, Clonmel ; SAMUEL J ELLICO , Oahir; Tin: U KAD A .\ J> II KAHT. —Why arc JL ways, to give genera l satisfaction. DistA-K t purifiers , Saturday for Xew Yolk , and Hilling at QurcQstown for Pas- Do (3rd do) ...... 2 23 p.m 2 20 p.m which are in a soluble, and therefore immediately able at One Month's Notice. Siu-s maladies of which , if they be already will in luture sail from Liverpool on PICKLES AND SAUCES , of seritms ,"ers on .•leinday, Kilkenny, ThomaMown, New Rons', INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862 HARLES AMERON They will aUo accept Tenders for like BondB, nt 0 moat unremitting ex- available, condition. " C A. C , fstablishcd , they then become the FBIBATB, anil will continue a Reunlar Sailing e»ery alter- Weiford, Ac., on week days ... 6 30 p.m 6 45 p.m per Cent., for One, Three, or Five Years, and for tho ' ]>o. do,, on Sundays ... 3 45 p.m 4 0 p.m FEAST. BROTHERS, LONDON.—PICKLES, Public Analysist to tbo City of Dublin." tirpators. . . nate Friday from Liverpool , culling at Queenstown lor Pas- HAVE now on Sale Messrs. GEOROE SAYEB & Co.'s Guaranteed Debenture Stock , beating interest at 0 per these the followine day. Dublin (lato Knclisb Mails) Ac, ... 7 45 p.ra 8 15 n.m SAUCES, CONDIMENTS, and JELLIES, S OLE AGENT TOR THE DISTRICT—D. A. MILWARD N ERVOCS DisoiiiiEit!.. —Any ileranpemcnt of sengers anil despatches , Cork Limerick, ic. ... 7 45 p.m 8 15 p.m BKANJ)Y, of the same quality as obtained the for Two Years, and 5 per Cent, in perpetuity Clonmel , Warr jnlod pure. Sold in Waterford at 49 King-street. I EBQ ., Tullogher, New Ross. Cnt. delicate orpins affects disastrously both the body and 'l EAM COMMUNICATION The mails arrive and are delivered as under :— EIZE EDAL S P M at the International Exhibition, 1862, LOCAL AGENTS—Messrs. GEORGE WHITE, Water- afterwards. •U mind. To the nervous imalid Ilullovay/s Pills are Arriral. Delivery. and which I offer on Reasonable Terms. The Line is worked by tbe Waterford and Limerick Dtblin (late K01;. Mails) ic, ... 4 O a.m t 0 ajn GIVEN AWAY TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. ford ; JOHN GSVBB, Carriclt-on-Suir;W ILLIAM CODT, »narticle of vital nece ssity. They impart a tone and TO NEW YORK DIRECT. B Climmel, Cork, Limerick, Ac. ... 4 0 a.m 7 0 a.m Dr. SMITH has juBt published a Free Edition of DAVID LECKIE, FZTIR HmtBNAN Company, and there 1 a large surplus after payment of . X. and Philadelphia Steam Ship Wexford, lc., MEDICAL FRIEND," a New Work on the cure of Ncr- Applications to be addressed to tbe underslgmed'at the hysteria , !ow spirits, X^^^B Do. e)o., on Sundays ... 1 30 p.m nail morni n FKENOU BBANDT. PATRONISED By THE FACULTY. Hfncc their marvellous cures of Company intend despatching their vous Debility, Loss of Memory, Dimnessof Sight, Lassi- Company's Offices, 2 Bank Place, Mall, Watetford. , anel other ^Mi » iJuii ^Jf ^ Iron Dcblin (early Knclinh Mails) 4c, ... I 30 p.m 2 0 p.m Indigestion 8gj" Stores—EXCHANOE -STREET. (i30-lf) WOOLLEY'S PECTORAL CANDY •liwms, fits , hi adarhe , nerMius twilcliin^s Hifcjiffl Full-powered Clyde-built Screw Cappoquin, Lismoro ic 11 5 a-m 2 0 tude, , Dislike to Society, Spcraatorrheco, Local By Order, removed by ^jj a3B^ & Dungarvan, , , Weakness Muscular Relaxation HAS now for Twenty Years itood preeminent as a HuJred coniplaitiLs, which are 'ill radically C'lJnroel, Cork , Limerick, ic, ... 2 50 p.ra noil morning , , Langour, Liitlesaneu, PURE SWEETS WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Secretary. * Depression &c., which if neglected remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,Influenxa , •he use of these invaluable Pills. QlJEENSTOWN (CORK) to NEW YORK. Trimore (1st Mail) ...... 10 0 p.m 2 0 p.m , , , result in Consumption, WiterHrd, Nov. 25, 18G2. . From Do (2nd do) ... .. 6 30 pjn next morning Insanity, and premature Death with Asthma, Loss of Voice, and all Affections of the Chest (jalO-tf.; Holkica t ' s l'ilhnrr the hat remed y known in the world as follow : , plain directions for per- j Dinraore ...... 7 0 p.m do fect restoration to health and vigour. The Book will be sent SCHOOLING ANDC O.'S or Throat,'and is strongly recommendedby many emi- for the ollairhvj' iliscuscf : BA LTIMOKB Thursday, 14th May. t) p.nt do " J Tliriuls CITV OF P088a£6 ... ••. "- ' post free to any address, ou receipt of a directed envelope PRIZE MEDAL nent Medical men. Round each Box are numerous PATENT MEDICINES, &c, *?« l). t.ility Iiinaiiiiiiaiioii Sun- KAXfiAKOO Saturday, ltilh „ Kerrybank (Irtmail) ...... 11 0 a.m 2 0 p.ra *«tnni Uiuiov Jiiuiiilir*- Stunoanddravil (2nd do) ...... 2 20 a.m sext morning enclosing two postage stamps. Address Dr. Sunn, 8 Bur- Testimonials, selected from hundreds', speaking of its TO BE HAD AT 49 KING STREET, WATERFORD Secondary Syiuiuwa* EDINHUKUH Thursday, 21»t „ PURE SWEETS BiLious Coil Dywutrrr I.IVIT Uuui- (3rd do) ...... 6 30 p.m do ton-crescent, Tavistock-sejuarc, London, W.C. efficacy, both in the United Kingdom and abroad. Sold (8vnt Free by Post forTwo Stampstxtra.) U MII N IUU- II :: CITV OF MANCHESTER Thursday, 28lh „ Comprise a great variety of first-rate o Mai.iti Kry»i.irl»\ r,l;iint> Tic ALSO, 11T THE 8AH8 ADTOOB, by all Medicine Vendors in It. 1 Jd. and 2a. Od. Boxes Tumours And every succefdimr Tliursday, and every alter- H OLLOWAT'B OISIMKST and PILLB, the world-renowned "I'-tcLeson (Vniairli- Lumkag" PRIZE MEDAL AWARDED Kilt ; WOMAN AND HER DISEASES.—A Treatise de- Copy of a Letterfrom Mr: Oetavius Qlyn I Kirby Ilit Skin r-i!ulitilii>s l'i!.. « ricrra mite Saturday. !tfACHINE-MADE CONFECTIONERY , medicines, Btatnped with the approbation of the inhabitant* B Vi-nen-al Aia-ctiim» scribing the Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment, Street, Poplar London : "el Cora- iVvm ofalt l(lirniiiali>m 1'ASsiGK M OSKT.— Cabin, 16, 17, and 21 Guinea.', uc- STARCH, Of the moBt wholesome and delicious character. of every quarter of the globe ; price 1>. lH.i 3s. 9d., is. 6d _ PI»tnt» kinds Uni-nliun ••( Wonnsi.f all klmli THE GLENFIELD Illustrated with Cases, Free by Post on receipt of Seven 1, Kirbcy.atreet, Poplar, London; Sept. 80, 1861. 1 coidiiy to accommodation. JL by the Jurors of Class 2, International Exhibition, MEASAM'S HSALTH RWTOBAirVB AUD RiaULAMO «li« yits Vrini- WeakneM , from Stamps. Contains a mass of information iqdispensable Sold by Grocers, Confectioners, Druggists, &c, DCAK SIB—I cannot speak too highly of the excellence of wlntrv«r cau»r, „ Furwiird , 6 Guineas, iucluding Pru- 1863. This Unrivalled Starch is used in the Royal PILLS, for tbe core of bilious complaints, colic, hadiche- Couti]«tionof<;»iil Srruful« , nr whom it ii written. Address in Transparent and other Packets, at WOOLLEY'S PSCTORAL CAHDT. I bave suffered for yean tie ' ' ac. to those for , Dr. SMITH, 8 female ailment*, liver disease, and all inward disorder*.•) Bowels Hcad.achr hins-E>i. x<:., Laundry, and pronounced by Her Majesty's Laundress with a dnadfnl cough and difficulty of breathiop. Ceiaingiption Intlictstiuii Pa.iseugcrs fur Canada, the United States, and Uritish Majesty's Burton-crescent, Tavistock-square, London, W.C. ONE PENNY PER OUNCE. In this WOOLLIT'S PSCTOBAL CAXDY, the nio*t simple «a4 tobe rAf/nc»£ Starch the ever vied. Her BY distressing,stite I was recommended to try WOOLLBT'S ^old at the Establishment of Professor H OLLOWAT , Culuinbin lxiokcd through on very advantageous terms. /^ONSOLTATION LETTER, WITHOUT FEE. efficaciotu remedy known for affections of the throat, chad Belfa$ttoJOHN McKEE, Late Dresser declares it to bo the belt she hat tried, Beware of Imitations. PSCXOBAL CABDT, the fint box of which gave, me great * *•? Strand, (near Temple Bar.) London ; also, at The For further particular apply in award by some of tho moBt eminent V>» —Dr. SMITH will, for the Benefit of persons »uf- and lungs, as the large number of peruos who bave sad it Company's Offices, 103 Victoria-street; in Queautmen, and the aboTe , relief; the secondbox completely carad me. I have recom- in this neighborhood bear willingte stimony.. . . ¦ ..•. . "«« Office , No. 49 King street, Waterford, und by all 'it the fering from Nervous Debility, &c, on receiving a de- SCHOOLING & CO., D. SEYMOUR & Co. ; and in Liverpool to scientific men of the age, confirms its superiority, my mended them to mtuy of my friends who went timilarly The GLMIHLD Firm 8TAECH '"Ptctable Druggists and DealerRio .\icdicines through- to C i W. scription of their cases (enclosing a stamped elirecteel , avevy impoitint arti« WILLIAM INMAN, 62 & 03 Tower Buildings South, 3 'iVOTHKRSPOON & Co., Glasgow and London. Wholesale and Export Confectioners, BCTHNAL afflicted, who have all reeeived the greatest relief from them. cle for all Housekeeper!who vtlos beaatiftdLiocn. . i.; °"t thechiliBed world , at the following prices:—la. 1 Jd , envelope for reply) send his written opinion with advice , your obliged ' 0CTAVIU LTH ¦ ' Water-street ; or to UEORGE FETHERSTON, Clonmtl; GREEN, London. [f20-ly] I am, 8ir , . . 3 G . BMJB and BLACK IKS in Jin a. each..•<• <¦< :. ¦ M ••., n-r> I «¦ >*., 4s. 6d., Us., 22s. ami J3g. each box. There is and directions for the most successful treatment and- the presentProprietor , , T. S. HARVEY, Qoay, WaUrford. GILLOTT'B METALLIC P»HB Preparedtry J. Cnn, Dork- GiiiOTT'sMetallic Penj. the bort made nibs and' brawM » considerable saving by taking the larger sizes- rallo-tf.! , Sold in Watcrford at Mr. M. O'SHIA'. Iulitn Ware , engaging iu Waterford are conveyed to BEST JlADK-For Salo at TU Waterford Font cure. Address, Dr. SMITH , 8 Burton-crescent, Loo- ing.Surrey ; and Sold at THE MEWS Office , King-street, of variousqualities and pncei,'adapted for alTwTitaW'1 N.B.—Directions for the guidance of p&lieuts iu every t&Pas »enger» THE ' " roduued rates. Office 49 Eiug Street don, W.C. [pl7-tf] ; house, and by Miss MOKTIHKK , Confectioner, Quay. Waterfcrd, in bexei at Is. lid: and 2s. 9d. enoh. ACCODBI Boou and SIAXIOBBBT, Ac . '/w.-i-it -, •• 'widertie affixed to each box. Cork at greatly METEOROLOGICA L TABLE THE LAST COUNCIL MEETING; ! all pretent, to tbe ••iBefuge of Sinneri,? j& ibnri aS^v &c The Waterford Coach Factory, Jjc ifclavfcets Council, reported tbo present month, bnt fir time and etemlti T£ W£, TO ENGINEERS, POK WSEK X5DIIO (I0CSTH MOSTH ) HAT 2, 1803 The meeting of the last Town tor of the parish, > ' ^ -;;# (R. LAWLOR'S.) the B«v. Mr. 0 Dom>eH, adher5^a f nermomsleT remarkable one at N HOROU GH OF R. L. Has now on Show at his Establishment, Waterforii, Friday,May 8, 18BS. in this day 'i News, was a most most instructive discourse. The:'LiUoy^eT «n >u£; ' WA TER WORKS FOR THE ' Date. Wind. . Rain ¦*- .. JBaromtcr ; m it w«« immediately tft«r read : TERFORD. /^ATHEHINE-STREET BERESFORD-ST., Weather exceedingly fina; rain Is much netded. Fanners regards the energy and unanimity with which , in whloh all heartJljJoined - WA , and Max. Mean. Hln. The little ones sang a hymn in ' ' WATERFORD is pre- WATERFORD, Kj Waterford, the following New Work .* deliveries ot nil : grain by boat trifling ; no sain of Native Wbcat did we witness a very admirable mi*. rTHE TOWN COUNCIL of TOWN HALL , — approached the gas question. Never ner, also tbe beautiful hymn of 8t. C ": and ESTIMATES for Full sized Circular-Fronted BROUGHAMS ; Miniature reported. 1st day 28 8. •— 8» 63 « 30 33 , Tbi» fwimir, "LetBi X pared to receive PLANS m^ 2nd day. • '24 such complete union on any subject before. daily sing to Mary." and tbe procession re-fornied CITY. Cwt OATS—Supply limited : value unaltered. 27 N.W. — 63 65 48 — , and the SUPPLY of WATEK to the ditto, only 8J . • of public eft the ohurch in the same order conditions may ®- LAST FEW DAYS. A New Desi»n of HROUHAM CAU , or Small BUS, 3rd day 28 N.W. — 69 63 47 —'05 was in a great measure owing to the force . as that in which U Printed Specifications of the general BARLEY—No change : little doing. 4th day 29 N. • '10 had arrived. Thus terminated otherwise to to carry Seven — 66 60 43 — slacken, but the devotions in Faith, be had on application, tbrougli the Tost or , ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION with Circular Front and Round Hoof, 6th day 30 N.E. • 'SO opinion outside, which must not now legg for first Sunday in May. Persons inside and Two out. FOREIGN WHEAT—Demand slow, tt late raws. — 60 49 39 — th* J OHN O'BRIEN , Ksq . Town Olerk. OF 6th dny 1 S.E. •— 63 62 40 —'31 rather increase in volume and in power. We believe The Sisters of Charity, Clonmel, return their most Ponnds will be paid for the A CANOE BAROUCHE Park, Albert, and Victoria INDIAN CORN—Demand very limltod, and a good deal of the ten**. A Premium of Fifty ; 7tudny 2 N.W. •— 69 66 41 —"25 municipal ful thanks to tbe Right Rev. Dr. O'Brien for iS, in aid S W. H. EDWARDS'S Light Pony do; noted last week baa been lost, * a Citizen 's Club, for general local and Flan approved of. s PHOTONS ; advance Total rain -00 inches. tha B«aar; Mra. Hearne, £1; Mrs. O'Brien M.bonr £». * 18G3. (my 8-2t) WAGGONETTES, with Momble Roofs ; question. If Town Hall, Writerford, May 6th, GREAT DIORAMA ! FLOUR—Bakers having supplied themseWes to some extent WILLIAM BEALE. purposes, will soon spring from the John Bagwell , Esq., M.P-, £5; and the , Muse* ManonV PH^ITONETTES own Design ; Fashionable DOG Main-street Or THE , last treek, little has bes* done tbls : no change in price. Wnterford, otb Month 6tb 1863 to examine and discuss matters of , some handsome Berlin embroidery, Ac. CARTS ; Market or Whitechapel Carts ; , , object will be TO GAS ENGINEERS, &c • press- HOLY I/AND. SOCIABLES, COVERED CARS , OUTSJDE ditto COLE * PROSSOR, Corn Factors. local interest, and to report them in the public THE DIORAMA williDg MOON'S CHANGES OF THE HOLY LAND fpHE TOWNCOUNCILonVATERFORDit AFTERNOONS AT in great variety. PRIC B.3 CDRRBNT. last Quarter; „ May 13 13m. past 7 i.m speeches of Dr. ELLIOTT aud Mr.jACOi, GAS TWO, EVENINGS AT EIGHT. , The effective Tbis very fine painting continues on exhibition in our X. to rtceWe PLANS and KSTIMATE3 of A number of Second-hand PHiETONS. WAGGO- New Moon „ May 17, 48m. „ 4 receive Positively Closing on SATURDAY , May \ 6tk. at the meeting of I uesday, will, we are sure, Town Hall, and should be se«u by all who admits a out WORKS for the PUBLIC LIGHTING of the BO- NETTE*, OUTSIDE CAKS , &o IRISH. New 014 First Quarter, „ Mar 26. 47m. „ 8 BOUGH. B3T Every Man, Woman, and Child in Waterford New and Second hand work Hired out with option a liearty response in tbe city. The next meeting work, displayed in the representation of grasd and historical Cleric, iven with nil Particulars can be bad from the Town should see this INTERESTING EXHIBITION before of Purchase. Two Years' engagement g MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. of tbe Gas Conwmers' Committee, as will be seen Bubjecti, of tbe deepest interest to the heart of evtry Cbrii- h ths n-r Jon* O'B RIKN , E*q., on application , throug it Closes, or they will regret not having done so when New work. WHEAT, harrolofJSnihs. s. d. >. da. d. a. d. LOBDOS, TUURSDAT ETZXIRS.—Consols for June 835 J- tian, in which tbe footprint* of our Saviour's life _ white . . - 27 0 to 28 0 00 0 to 00 O lace in the Town Hall, on are so Post or otherwise. (my8-2() it is too late. Repairs neatly executed, and in the cheapes! ' Shares generally weak. Yorks flat ; Americans dull ; Cana- by advertisement, takes p be ®* — Red • • • 2.1 O 2S 000 0 00 0 vividly poartrayed. W« have already fully entered into tk* 1^" Carriages may ordered—Afternoons at a manner. (al7-tf) — Shipping dians a shade lower. French and foreign heavy. Monday evening next. , dn, - 52 O 23 0.00 0 00 O merits of this exhibition, and have now only to add GAS CONSUMERS' COMMITTEE Quarter to Four ; Evenings at Ten. BARLEY, ne,- barrel , of Kilh" | Tho London and South American Bank has declared a ov — Grinding • - - 13 0 U 0;00 » '' 00 0 dividend at the rat e of 6 per cent per annum. advice to our friends, not to lose the opportunity still fcft A DMISSION :—Front Seats, 2s.; Second Scats, Is.; WATERFORD UNION AS CONSUMERS' COMMIT - — Malting - - 16 0 17 O.' K t Oo 0 PARIS THOIMDAT Ersnma.—Rentes opened at 87.72 CATHOLIC CHURCH them of witnessing it. There are two representations etch THE MEMBERS of the G Gallery, hal f- , , informed that a Meeting of Gd. Children under Twelve and Schools, WANTED. OATS, per barrel ef lMlhs. I and closed at 69 63. day, and the most exalted in our city and coantv, as well TEE arc respectfully price to the Front and Second Seats only. Family BAKER — Blnck • - 11 9 13 000 0 OO 0 os tho humblest, hare been amongst the audiences. will fake place in the MAYOR'S OF- BLESSING THE NEW CHURC H OP THE HOLY Ia said Committee Ticket, admitting five to the Front Seats, 8s. [rol-3t] npIIE Guardians will , at their — White . • 13 0 14 n]oo 0 OO « CONVENT. mentioning the latter, we cannot avoid stating tbtt tbs TOWN-HALL, on .MONDAY EVENING Next, — Grey - - 13 0 14 0 00 0 OO 0 LONDON STOCK EXCffANGE-lVED.T/tsDAr. CROSS, PRESENTATION FICE, dM^^Bfl bJ- Meeting, to be held on WED- manager, in file handsomest and most liberal spirit, if. IGHT 'clock. i FLOL'lt, per Sack, of QSOlln • OPEHIKO PRICKS—Consols for Money, 93ji ; Consols On Sunday last, the Lord Bishop of Watorford and at E o THE NEW Y2pS|W qHL NESDAY , tbe 20th Inst., BLKC — Superfines - - 34 I 2S 0,00 0 00 0 forded all tbe children of the workhouse schools the opportn. for Account, 93U; New 3 per Cents 01J 2. RIEN IJ5T In future, Notices of those Meetings will he I MAS I EH BAKER , at a Salary — Inferiors ¦ . ¦ 20 0 3n O IK) 0 M 0 , Lismore, the Bight Rev. Dr. O'B , assisted by nity of a free visit this week, for which the little owj QMHBMW CJ.OSIJIO PRICES—Consols for Moony, 03j^ ; Consuls given only through the Press. Tho Representatives of PATENT PRINTING MACHINE. y), with an Apartment, OATMEAL, per Ton - . 15 0 35 0 00 0 .00 U beautiful new church thanked him in the most grateful manner. of £1 per Week (paid monthl ¦ for Account, 93ti ; New 3 per Cents, 0121. several of hia clergy, blessed the the Press are invited to be present at all Meetings. (As Exhibited in the International Exhibition, 18G2.J Meat, »nd Milk. BRAN , per barrel , nf B«llie . 4 0 4 slnO 0 .00 « nnd rations of Bread, of the Holy Croa3, in the Presentation Convent, in thia May 5, 1803. [It] • No person will be appointed who is not able to Write THE 86TH ROYAL COUNTY DOWNS DUBLIN STOCK EXCHANGE—YESTERDAY which temple appeared in THIS New and Beautiful MACHINE is now in full and keep Accounts, and be competent to make the Barm FOItElGN. Freo. city, a full description of Oo Wednesday morning, tbe first division of the right SALE BY AUCTION, Bakery. The Baker will not Pd. Cash. Acct. our last issue. The day was beautifully fine, and there operation at THE NEWS Office. Whilst it required for use in the 3 per Cent Consols 92} wing of this regiment, consisting of two companies, under On WEDNESDA Y, the 20th MAY, Instant, be allowed to take ferquis tss in aoy shape from 92Ji it completely throws the old, WHEAT, per barrel, of 1801bs . >. d. a. d tCen- ft pcrCent Stock Olijl 91}} was a large attendance of our Catholic fellow-citizens, command of Major Savage, marched from our barncli for the ENTIRE STOCK-IN-TRADE of FURM. greatly economises labor, Contractors. OP — American . . . . 23 0 tn 21 I Bank of Ireland loo 222i — for whose accommodation in the aacred edifice the Rev tbe Curragh Camp, by way of Thouiajtown, Bagenalitojru TURK and EFFECTS, also the HOUSEHOLD tedious system of Printing into the shade. Applicationsin Candidate's own Handwriting! accom- — Martanople . . . .25 6 M Q HibernmnI lKuk 26 42 — etc. Yesterday morning tbe h^ud-quarters bands FUR.N1TUHE and EFFECTS, tbe Property of the late first-class style, and Twenty- pmlcd b Testimonials as to Character, &c.i will be — Polish Odessa . . 00 0 00 0 Provincial Bank 25 90 — J. V. Cloary, chaplain, exerted himself in a most , , 4c, ),|t Igj" Work executed in y — Ghirlca . . hi I 11 t Mr. J OHN QUIKM , Auctioneer, at his lato Residence and 'Clock on the above under command of Colonel Best. A few men remain fivo per Cent, under the prices usually charged. (j30-tf J received by me up to Eleven o Gilntz and Kalafat- . . . 00 0 do 0 National Bunlc 30 — 76i assiduous and courteous manner. The ceremonial com- to Mart, 7 G REAT G EORGE 'S STCLET. If required , the Person elected must be CORN Yellow Union Uink (limited) 17 14 — band over tbe barracks. The two companies at named dny. INDIAN , , * Galat*, >9 3 la « menced at 11 o'clock by a procession which leftthevestry Dnncuuua Particulars iu next Advertisement nnd Handbills. INDISPUTABLE LIFE POLICIES. prepared to give security. — — Foxonian Ibrtliu . • 18 » 19 0 Mining Co. of Ireland 7 19JS 19} * following order ! Fort leave on the 16th, marching by waj of New Uosi. tul SAMUEL 1'ITZIIENIIY , Auctioneer k Valuator. ASSURANCE J. C. HENNESSY, Clerk of '' nion — — American. 18 S 18 8 City of Duhlin Steam Company 10" 116 — for the exterior of the church in tho Saturday General Bloomfleld, commanding the district ' THE SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL — — French anil American White 00 « 00 0 , ia. Waterford, May 8th, 18C3. " (l>) May 7th, 1863. (It) Royal Atlan. Steam Navigation Co. 10 2} — His lordship, vested, wearing the mitre and bearing spected thoso two companies at the Fort, and on Mondij in. COMPANY. — — Egyptian, . . . . 00 0 SO o United General Gn« 50 xd — — — Damaged ...Iu It I Bov. F. spected the left wiug at Kilkenny, under Major Cratch, -CAPn'AL ONE MILLION- Bit LW ATS. the crozier; Rev. T. English, Rev. P. Power, "ITlSTABLISHEDml825. WATERFORD AND LIMKR1CK RAILWAY COM I'ArO FLOUR, American, per barrel, of llMlln. . 00 u 00 0 Same evening General Bloomfielil, with bid aidt, Lint- AUCTION OF QUEBEC DEALS XL/ Incorporated by Act of Parliament. ¦ .00 0 to 0 Great Southern and Western 100 103 — O'Brien College ; Rov. P. Morrissy, P.P., Ballynoile AT WATERIORD. (77 MILKS oil:*. ', — French, per sack, or 2R0lb«. , Colonel A. Lane Fox, arrived in Clonmel, nud impacted the Head Office f or Jrc(«ml—3U> COM-BOB GBEEM, DUBI.IK. INDIAN MEAL, American, ntr brl. ,»f WUIbs. 00 0 <*l 0 Waterford and Limerick 60 18J — Traffic fur week ending Mar . IS63:— Rev. E. P. Walsh, C.C., Trinity Within; Rev. P. Kent, battery of artillery there autioncd. On Wednndi/ K Management—Ru.?n S. CosACK , Esq., J.P., ' Home Manufacture ) , . Waterford & Mm. 6 per ct. rd SO 60 — H Committeeof Pitfisensierr, parcels, etc., — — 601 9 10 — _ J , 50,„ n , General inspected thu troops at Cslicr. BE SOU) by Auction, on TUESDAY, 12th MAT, Bohomer, St. Dolough's, Co'iuty Dublin, and No. 3 Gardiner's Goods and rattle, — — - 98M s { per aacV, of HflOlhs. { ° " ° Waterford & KMkcnuy 100 12J — P.P., St. Patrick's ; Rev. G. Commine, C.C. j Rov. Dr. TO » 00 0 00 0 86TH REOIMEST.—Ensign Johu Gi\V. Griffith at Eleven o 'clock , at Messrs. DOWLET B ROTHERS , row, Chairman. RYE MEA L, - " Do. 6 per centred 100 xd — the whole preceded by , from Its Tota l — — — £1663 14 3 Delany, master of ceremonies, 10th foot, lias exchanged with Knsi gn IJpulcutt , TIMBER YARD , the BUIfcUE. WATERFORD (in Sir T HOMAS DEANE, 26 Lontrford-terrace, Monlstown , Waterford and Traraore 10 i\ — oftbt8atb Corresponding week for last year — £1157 8 8 cros3-bearer, tho 3,0tll) Pieces of l'rime QUEBEC DEALS , Consty Dublin, and No. 3 Upper Merriou-street, acolytes with lighted tapers, thurifer, Trade Lots). WATEKKORD AND KIL.KKNNY. all imported Ust J OHN QUAIX, Esq., Manager, tho Union Hank f Ireland The following clergymen were also pro- DUNMORE EAST COKKESI'ONDKNCG 12x9x3 principal])- Second Quality, (31 MILES orr.N.) Imports and Exports for the Week ending Thursday, aspergea, 4o. (limited). No. 11 Westmoreland-street, and No. 2 Mosaplier. The fishing boats belong All, ex-Ship HEIM KHIXGLE , from Quebec. Traffic for mek enilin-; Ma/ I, 1863:— the 7th inst. sent .—Very Her. Dr. M. Flynn, P.P., V.G., Trinity ing to llessrs. Cox, Penroti, terrace, Kingstown. — — 103 10 5 %\)t aiBaterforU $etos THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer. Pansenjters .parcels. &c., IMPORTS. EXPORTS. E. J. Browne Rev. F Stransman, and Allen picked up aud lauded at thc Quiy ot ROBERT WARRF.N, Jan., E«q., J.P., Wyvem, Killiney, Gouils, cattle ,itc— - 115 O 6 Wheat - lie Quarters. Wheat ¦ 48 Burrels Without ; Rev. P. Flynn, Rov. , . Waterford, May flth , 1863. (It) " BE JUST, AND FEAR NOT." Dumnore up to the oth 10? bales of cotton County Dublin, and No. 40 Rutlano'-square, West. Indian Corn. 1185 do. Oats, - • 100 do The procession went , , , part of tin 11 O'Brien, C.C, Tramore, &c. PA,vsiWon--J. M OORE N BLIOAN, Esq., M.D., 17 Metrion- Total -T08 1" Dari , - . do. . Barley - - do. drgo if the ship Sarah Yalvter, lost near the Tusknr. IJn • AU CTION Corresponding week fnrlast venr,— 378 3 1 Barley, dn. twice round and through the church, reciting tho pre- square, East. - • do. Indian Corn , btats went to sea again last ni FURNITURE Iso SacVs. Flour - 588 Sacks FRIDAY EVENING 1863 ght iu search nf another cargo OF SUPERIOR HE W Solicitor—ROBERT CASET, Esq , 315, nud LIMERICK AND FOYNES RAIL.VAY COMPANY. PlIM0Urnur 5 " , , MAY 8, scribed prayers, his lordship sprinkling tho church MILKS I 350 Bnrreln. I Oatmeal 134 do. Tbe salv.-ige thus earned will be a great boon to tht poor No. 7 Tivoli-tertaep, Kingstown. (2'i^ OPKN) with holy water at intervals as he passed. The dedica- week ending Friday, Ma; I, 1863 - Meal 0 SacVs fishermen, fiah bring so very scarce this season. A imact T11H E Subscriber has received a consignment of FIRST Secretary for Jretand— SIA .VLT, Esq., 34J Col. Traffic for tion concluded with tho chaunting of tbe Litany of tho , PasBCnjors, pnrcels, 4c., *140 16 2 culled thu Equity, of^Bangor, arrived here on the 6th, from X CLASS M.A H OGANYFUKNITURE, manufac- lege green, mid Abfrdct'ii House, Ila^laiurnad. 48 0 4, LATEST NEWS. retired to the vestry. Goodtand cattle. ... Butter Market. Saints, after which the procession Annestoivn, laden with part of the catgo of the India* tured by an old nnd established Irish Ilusee. which he Bankers—The Union Bnnk of Ireland (limited). The Market nan woll supplied this tteek ; no material change afterwards at which to lie Tho High Mass commeuced soon , Ocean, wrecked at Annrstoir n last winter twelve raontlit. nillSell by UNRESERVED Auction , on V7EDNES, $35~ The special ailv.inta^es derived from Assuring Total , 1M 16 6 in price ; demand good, at Ms. to 103s. per cwt. for best quality. 101 14 2 AMERICA. the following were the officiating clergymen :—Rev. The cargo in tbo Equity was mised by divers, and she is AT inst., at his MART, 101 , CUSTOM- in this Office me:—Very Moderate Rafts of Premium ; Corresponrlins week last year, Number nrfirkinR weighed Rt the Public flutter MnrltL't: for the DAV, 13t'i M , The York letter of the limes, dated 24th ult. i. V. Cleary, high-priest ; Rev. P. Power, deacon ; bound to Liverpool for the benefit uf the underwriters. WATEIiFOUD , at One o'clock pre- Large Bonuses ; Liberal Conditions. LIMERICK AND BSXIH RAILWAY. Week ending Friday (this rinr), :he 8th in«t. HOUSE QUAY. orr.x.) " Tho outcry against England has partiall Rev. PJ O'Brien sub-deacon ; and Rev. P. Delany, As John Roche, cna-taker to the Marquis of Waterford, (24J MiLr.a Date. No. Firkios. Price. says— y , cisely, noon;* which will be found 5 doicu Of hig hly INDISPUTABLE LIKE POLICIES. emlinjj I'ridaj, May I. 1861 :— was Roinj; hia rounds through the lands lately held b Mr. Traffic for week Mar 2 403 s*. to lOJs subsided, nml the main interest of the war has been master of ceremonies. His lordship tho Bishop pre- y finish?) Balloon and Square- tacked Chairs in Hair Cloth All Poliries Mint nrc iimv issued, mid tvlicre the au-e of the Passengers. Parcels, Ax., £131 * " Archer, and noiv farmed by Lord Waterford, he fouud tbe is — 4, 134 S5J. — TOs. once more transferred lo Vicksburf! and Port Hud- sided at the throne. After tho first gospel his lordship and ricli Uauiack ; splendid Sofas and Spring Loungers A^snipd ndmitlfd , are held Indisputable, ON ANY GROUND Goodn and Cattle 69. 13 7 bmly ofn female infant hid in i ditch and coveredwith — i, 19 95s. — 103s. The Confederates appear to have lelaxed their ascended tho altar, and taking his text from the 7th grata. to'mntcb ; 4 highly finished ^idetmrds with all the WHATEVER, after the lapse of five yenrs from their respective — 6 315 9Ss. — jra*. son. The l>ody w:is sewn up in an old piece of a rug. Dr. dates—provided only Ilia * thrordinary Premiums be regularly Total ._ 200 1 3 chapter, ICth verse of ParaUpomenon, " For I have improvements, and pair of Cliiifcnnier.s en suite ; Loo 508 19 11 — 7 408 »5s. — l ll.1«. usual vigilnuce nt Vicksburg, or so large a force of O'Sullivau, the newly appointed dispensary officer, examined with any extras that may be inclined. CorrciDonillng week laM year — 8 8 *Ss. — ;03i. chosen and have sanctified this place, that my name Square Tables ; Mahogany Albeit hedsfads , paid, gunboats uifd rams as safely ran the gauntlet of the the body, which was in an advanced state of decomposition, and Tii'nl Sum Assured under cunetit Lifo may be there for ever, and my eyos and my heart may Wardrobes, Chests of Drawer , Toi let Tables and Basin Total ...... 1285 batteric3 could not possibly have got through. Pre- and he is of opinion that it must- be at least a month siaca Policie., ...... £3,226,*» 0 0 LATEST MARKETS. " delivered an excellent dis-» Towel Airers, Cune seated Chairs, sident Lincoln has ordered General Hooker to ad- remain there perpetually, its birth. An inquest \tm held by James Delabuuty, Esq Stands, , T,,lnl Actu:nul.ilml Funds ... 4CW,B32 12 1 LONDON CORiV EXCHANGE— W RDSIWAY.- courso to tbe congregation on tbo sacred ceremony in with many other ai tides 'of Furniture. English sr«in fir this day's market Corrected this Dai/ for the ff aterfonlNews. vnnce, but rnin and mud have comtnaded him to Tot.d Annual Revenue ...... 107,921 1 0 Very limited quantitf of which they were that day engaged. Tho whole nni- T. W. begs rcjpectiully to state tha t this will be nn Amount of Proposals atxepted last anil quite moderate imporl* «t forrign articles nf »he trade PROVISIONS. stny. " Further accounts both from ' Federal and rilE CONSTABULARY at ,Mon.iaj'« cur- ACON . the blade of grass lor persona roi'Jiriog really year and lor wliicli 1)25 Policies Vine quirlities or Ent'li'h whi-nt sold HMdily B Pins, per cwt 44s Od to <9s Od verBe proclaimed tho Divine Creator; Const.ible VauglMii , for many years on detective tervica opportuniiy , fur foreign was in leiail, and no quolalild change Orrir. f any de»cnpuon. Nn change in cither Tr.r.r do 8s ort — 9s Od ning of the blockade of Vicksburg by the Federals. tho in this ci ty, during which time he performed his duty to tbe lor such goods, and again to state that LOAN DEPA RTMENT. without any variation in Hr.AM do • ... 25s lid — 27s nd in their daily journeyinga, rose again to proclaim the usual prices town mnde or country flour. Uarley Seven gunbtiats, one ram, and three transports of the flowers in their utmost satisfaction of his superiors, has retired from tbe they will be sold without any manner of reserve. Loans not less II MD £600 grunted iu connection with Assur- price. Malt realised full prices, with a fair sale. Beans and TAM.OW ilo 00s Od — cos Od source from whence it sprung ; wrie qnit>- as dear There was a good stead; drmnml for L ARO (chandlers) 41s Od — 45« Od Admiral Porter's fleet, made the attempt to join Ad- ; bv.t force on the full pay of bis rani:. Ho has been succeeded, al To gi»e intending purchasers an opportunity of ex- ance on lite csiatrs in lunilrd or rpjl properly. peas . beauty and perfume, all nature pointed to God , FIRE DEPARTMENT. oats, at the full pricts of Alunday. l.insoed and rapeiecd nUTCHERS' MEAT. miral Farragut, below Vicksburg, on the 16th . All the earliest ages detective officer, hy Constitblo Hum, u most meritorioai asd amining the Goods, they will be on view in tho Murt American clovcrsced sold freely, at still, it was alwaya the custom from who during his service in this Risks are undertaken at thu usual rates. Claims promptly realiied quite as liigh lates. BcRr, per qr. ..* 6ri to 7d | V RAL , do ... 6d to fd were successful, excepting two of the transports, one to provide special and holy energetic officer, , city, bis the day previous to Sale. rsther more money. Do. per joint 6d to 8d ) LAMS , per qr 6s Od to 7s Od to erect suitable temples, well earned the approbation of his superiors and the public sot tied. Losses arisini; from eiplosion of KUS arc paid by of which , the Henry Clay, was sunk , and the other, of tbe Most High God. THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer. this Company. Transfers from other offices free of expense. LONDON CATTLE MARKET— YKSTEBDAT. MtlTTOX , p»r qr. 6{d to ,7jd 1 places for the proper adoration Sub-Inspector Hailitt, Duni;arvan, has bean transferred nnd pricrs lower than Monday. Quota- Do. per joint 7d to ?Jd I disabled b by God to build 101, Custoui-Housc Quay, Waterford, N.B. although tliirty-riijht years in ex- Trnd" gfrcrally slow , the Forest Queen, y the fire of the Con- For this end was Moses commanded tn Hallitmtmilt, in this county, in room of Sub-Inspector —This Company, f-irai barely maintained. Be-f, 3s to 4s lOd ; mutton 3i 4d POTATOES May 5th, 1803. . fm8-ltl istence has never disputed payment of a Policy. [al24 lf] tions . federate batteries. The Federals hnve now 11 gun- the tabernacle; for this end did Solomon erect the Lindsay Macafee, who goes to Dungarvan. , to 5s ; veal, 3< 4d to Si; pork, 3s Id to 4s 6d ; lambs, 5i Sd to 7s Potatoes Sd to 6d I Perst (pinksl Is to Is 3d tho oarlier'Christians, AQ BKTS : per 8lba, sinking the offal. Regents Od lo Is 4d | Do, Scotch Downs ,6d to «J<) boats between Vicksburg and Port Hudson, and it temple; for this end also did COUNTY OF WATEUFORD Emperor, they emerged rilE WATERFORD POOH LAW UNION h"atcrrord.—SU. JOHN WALL. H'exford-Vr. P. S. MABKET-YESTKUDAT. BREAD. is bclievt-d that one of these strongholds will be im- when under the first Christian LONDON TALLOW TO ins EDITOR OP Tim WATERPORD NEWS. WADDT ; Do. Mr. J . S. WADDT ; Clonmel— P. P. TTDD ; Market tteudy : conjiderablc business ; P.Y.C., 4'Ja lo -134 on Wirirx, per 41b .. sd | HonsHLn,pr 41b Bd to SJd mediately attacked. from the Catacombs, eroct the magnificent churcheB NewRoss— Messrs P.& M. K KIIOF. ; Dungarvan—Dr. J OHN Those edifices .Sm—May I claim your indulgence to offer a few nmirh AUCTION •pot. WHISKEY. N EW 1 ORK, 25th APRIL.—A despatch from Mem- which everywhere spread over Europe. ATTERSBT hal— Messrs. J. W. PIM & SONS. relative to the proceedings of the Waterford Board of Goir- OF HIGHLY-BRED DAIRY STOCK, FARM IMPLE- Gto. B : Youq LONDON PRODUCE MAUKEr— M AT 7. per gal ... l?s 6d I Oto , ... 16s Sd were consecrated in tho most solemn manner on the Drat.iN , , ical phis, via Cairo, to St. Louis, dated the 23rd, say s dUn» as detailed in your widely circulating paper of Fridiy MENTS, BROOD MAKES, l'IGS, Ac., Ac., APPLICATIONS FOH AGENCIES ure in»iled from Sugar—Dcmuiiil nm better, and sellers at previous rates. Re- Coxx, puncheon ... 15s 3d j holding of some general council, when the prelates of , and unaltered. Tea that the Confederate batteries at Warrenton , below last, and more particularly to that portion of it in referenci towns where appointments have not yet been made, fined nut much wanted. OHee quid : rates FISH solemnit AT KILLOTERAN, Two Miles from the congou. Bice—demand the church wero present to give the utmost y to the inattention exhibited by Dr. Waters regarding tbe from places where the Company is not yet eftlciently icpie- fiira I j held : not much busmest in fine NVxm.xn, pr ewt to 20s I SALHOX, perlb... Is JJd Vicksbtirp, have been destroyed by the Federal gun- Cork Road. market lor all sorts. Sulipetre dull ; prices 18* to the sacred ceremonial, and to mark the anniversary Geary, which has elicited from Cily, on the Old aentctl. it«dy, jet a film Hrxtmns, pr brl in to Mi | Soi.c, Ao ... M boats, nnd that the fleet was l ying ofFCarthagr, on unfortunate nomin Mary a easier. of dedication, for which there is always held an octave, lull hoard a condemnatory resolution, in which I find tb« Subscriber ha» received Instructions from FOWL AND EGGS. the 17th. General Grant had his head-quarters at THE LIVERPOOL COTTON MAKKET-M AY 7. gence is always granted. At following remarkable expression of public opinion :— l R ICHARD THOUMOH , Ksq., who is about chang- REDUCTION FOWL, each ... 2s Sd | Enn.i , per docen, el'a>is, 1,033 ; nh.-ep, ( 107. COALS. vice, 1 suppose, you allude, I have only to remark tbit wbea Pedigrees cau be had on and after strongly recommend the following: CARMvr , !4sOd to l5j Od | NxwrOKT, per ton ... 15s Washington , North Carolina , and their earthworks per their efforts. Ilia lordship then adverted to the fact apothecary to this dispensary district he waj obliged to re* Catalogues, , &c , MANCHESTER CORN MARKET— YBSTMDAY. there have been destroyed by the Federals. The that that day was chosen for the dedication, as it was the aiitn and, therefure, 1 could nut conscientiously recommend 7th inst. from STRONG VIGOROUS CONGOU ... 3e. Od. per lb Attendance at mnrket this morning was slender. English FODDER AND GREEN CROPS. , THOM AS WALSH, Auctioneer, wheat was sold for the currency ot this day sc'nnight, but H AT, per ton, ... 52s to J5s M AHO OLDS, ... Oils „ 00S Federal General Foster held the place with only festival of tho Holy Cross, and then dwelt in a very him." Allow me to aisert that 1 never received a line from however STRAW,wheaten 30s — 30s V XTCHKS, ... 00n ,, 00i the committee tbe coinmissiuntTS or an}' other party to ie- 101 Custom-House Quay, Wuterford , GOOD BREAKFAST do., Pekoe flavor 3s. 4d. „ American offered nt id. reduction per 100 lbs, with, , 1 ,200 men against a force of 17,000. forcible manner on the duties of Christians, who really , , , very little demand for either. There was scarcely any inquiry Do. (oaten) ... 23K — ilt Soil., Od to Ud per <]ox. bndlld 61J per cent. pram. ; exchange on London—Banters' their salvation was rach rather dearer. Egyptian , that Holy Cross. On that Cross promise my standing as physician to hold inch in tppoinU 1 brought Gil tu a pe; qr more muney Indian cum declined 6d Bills 166. Stocks firm and advancing. Cotton quiet ; ! God— Haberdashery and Fancy Warehouse, ) ' , , secured to them by the Sacrifice of tho Son of meot. Very true indeed ica had an investigation, aoi taa> THE FINEST LAP.SANG ASSAM , n , perqr. middling upland, 65c. ; flour aud corn a good inquiry ; , , No. 2, THE MALL. ls- ua- » Strtfis, fttarrtagce, & Ofatftg. by that Cross waa tho good thief saved, as be died re- timony will be takeu fur its worth wheu it is knowu that SOUCHONG 5 SALFORI) CATTLE MAKKET-WBDNKBDA ' wheat dull ; provisions stundy ; coffee and sugar firm ; *. T pgntant—by that Cross was the religion of God diffused it emauated from n bone collector, and other gems of lbs MISSES FITZHENRY beg to announce At market :—Beasts. 1, 51'J ; sbeep and lamb*, 7,88" ; calves, n i it ii s . Molasses quiut ; crude petroleum. 23. rpHE over the earth—by that Cross wero sinners called to same water, and pearls of tbe same price. But why do I ptr> JL to their Friends and the Public their inten- W. MASON , 127. Best bed, 7d to7}d ; middling do, fid to e£d ; inferior do Maj 7, at hur residence, Merchantd'-auay, Mrs. Richard DtJlao . Urat wed'lers 7d to 7id ; inidolinir 6}d to 6}d ;ewes, of a son. POLAND. repentance—b that Cross at the last day would the ticularize ? " J«ni priduui Syrus in Tiberera defluxit ovoutet* this Establishment earl in Muv, 4d to 5jd. , y tion of opening y 85T 40, QUA Y, WATERFORD, J& Si to (id ; calvi s, 6-1 id prr lb ; lambs, 2Us to 3Ss each. There May 3, at High-street, Kilkenny, tbe irife of Mr. James Casiio , A Vienna despatch says the French Emperor has just rejoico and the unrepentant sinner tremble—by And now allow me to iutorm you that Dr. Writers mod and from their practical knowledge of business, and rfas a good tiade for both beef nnd mutton, but prices were n of a son. havtdranl very copiously of the water of ' Lethe' orb* (N EARLY OrfostTK TUB M ABKET H OUSE). with his hands drawn up a form of rejoinder to that Cross were they taught obedience, humility, faith, having purchased for cash, iu the London and Irish little lower than last werk. On tbe 3rd instant , at 20, Harcoort^street, Dublin, L*dy Powei could not forget that he was called on to resign the dup«a-: ot a Bon. the Russian reply, in which his Imperial Mujesty and charity—b it wore they oxhorted to persevere in well and carefull SMITHFIELD CATTLE .MARKET—DUBLIN—Y CSTIUDAI y sary for neglect of duty, per commissioners' letter of 2Jth Markets, hope to offer from a y At Coolc, Tippersry, the wifo of Robert H. Gorden, Esq., of a to tho end, COUNTY WATUIFORD Our cattle market was not lame, s'i!) sufficient for the de- lays stri'SB upon the gravity of the situation. This the practice of those and all other virtues Dec, 1957, aud seut iu bis letter of resignation ; aud, fortho* selected Stock, snch value as will ensure to them a fair unsold. The price vt daughter. mand, siime dairy cows remaining fee! proposed note is now in the hands of the Austrian by doing which they might, with holy confidence, at more that it waa ouly afu-r a few well-directed shots Into share of patronage. inme ns last week ; piime mutton Id per ]b ilearer ; lambs sold At Spring Farm. DeVganT, the wife of Robert J. Keogh . nl , Rathboume, Kilkenny, of a son. , with nn invitation to it. It the last dread day, look on that holy eigu, which shall the camp of the commissioners, in the shape of resolution*, 2, Mall , 28th April, ISM. (ly.) ROAD SESSIONS.variously—fed real somewhat 'scarce ; pigs were Ss to 3s per Government join in cwt lower. Ucef , 25s to 65s ; lop, (>7s 6d per cwt in sink ; mut- At tbe Profincial Bank House, Parsonstown, the wife of T. R appear to tbo terror of the sinner and the consolation of memorials, &c., that he was allowed to stand for re-appoint- son. is expected the insurgent forces in Poland will TO ROAD COX THACTORS, ton, shorn , 6Jd to 7Jd ; do. in » ool, til to (JJd per Hi ; lurnbs, Ms V. St. Ceorgt, Esq.. ot * incut, and tint ouly conditionally. I was as perfect!/ Job Car and Funeral Establishment, April 27, at George's-etreet, Limerick the wife ot William shortl be augmented, b'lt the Kussian authorities the just. , to 3Ss each ; pizs Sea to 40s to 4Js per cwt. , y eligible to stand for the Tratnora dispensary as Dr^AFatot, " No. 1 Alexander-st., and 23 Manor-st., lVaterford. And others interested in the County Presentments, Uorcan M Swinoj, ot twin-daughters. hope to be able to over-power them. On the conclusion of the discourse, the Rev. Jlr. Payments, &c. DU1JL1N PROVISION MARKETS. At Ftrmor. the wife of Capt. Lock , 108th regt., ot a daughter. English, by eommand of hie Lordahip, issued the usual as f..r as the commissioners were concerned,aud much mon RICHARD FITZGERALD having Purchased the The rrpltalfiel"a bacon market on Wednesday wan lureely sup. competent as far us professional qualifications went, whica is HEREBY GIVEN , that the SPECIAL Ma; 4. at Birch Grora, count; Roscommoo. tbe residence of forty days' indulgence and the Ho .y Sacrifice termi- Interest in tho JOB CAR and FUNERAL NOTICE plii d.and a fuir trade ilnne in bacon and hums lit out quutntions. her mother, tbe Hon. Mrii. Ffrench. of a daughter. , ' I obtained " i;itt:r tceJia et Ubocet," aud not by going op to PUESENTMBNTSK-SIOXS.previous to Sum. ENGLISH CHURCH KATES AND IRISU followed by Bene- OHN UISX Home cured bacio, old. 48s to 52» ; new. &1s to SGs to sS ; At Reens, Rathkcale, the wife ot the Rev, Clemsnt Richardson, nated with tbe Episcopal Blowing, Dublin in the morning aud coining home at night, and otz I ESTABLISHMENT of the late Mil. J Q , SJs to olis : do shoulders, ils to 99s ; cheeks, '• INDEPENDENT OPPOSITION." mcr Assizes, 18(53. fur the purpose of nkiiifr into con. American bacon . A.M., of a son. diction of the Most Holy Sacrament. An excellent dubbing myself un M.!j. Why dues beengtge medial begs to say that all orders he may be favoured with 4ls tn42s ; \Vickluwhnm», 5d» to 60s ; line I<>H', CUs 10 72i ; day lications for Public Works , Payments, choir attended 'under tho leadership of Mr. F. T. reljr iu critical midwifery ctxtt will receive his best attention. sidcration all App American hams, ¦' ¦*' per cwt : bladdered lard, Ms to SSiper cwt, MARRIAGES. , , tiit'i) on ivhoiu he cau &c &c., "ill be held at the following places, and at the Mr. Pore H BNNESSY , like a few of his tribe, who Howard. Wo were truly gratified to learn that the " Farts are stubborn things." - Waterford, Apri l Kith, 18K3. [a23-I3t] ., CORK CORN MARKET-YKSTKRDAT . April 30 , at Kllfnne. the residence of the bride's uncle, Sir John hereinafter mentioned :— marked their I alioll nuw wind up with ;\ friendly advice, which I bop« times • CORK — Wheut wliitf , OOi 0.1; wheat red, Ss Cd to Vs Od ; Power. Bart., bj the Veo. tbe Archdeacon of Ljsmoie, also uncle owe their unexpected and unmerited places in Catholics of Waterford substantially in future will lie taken advantage of that those who lift in Coffin Factory & Undertaking Establishment, For KILCULLIHEEN, at Milcjwst, on WEDNESDAY, barley, Oi lo Ua Od ; oats b!nck, 7s lid to 7s SJ ; white do, 7< 9d to to the bride, assisted by the Ven. the Archdeacon of Ossory, John warm appreciation the zealous efforts of the good nuns, , Bl Sil. William Frj, Esq., captiin in the 86th regiment, sou of Major Parliament to a combination of discordant elements, glasi houses should never throw stones.—I am, ilr, rou JTo. 1 Alexander-street, If 'aterford. 2(lth M AY , IStio. ! by contributing over £CU on the interesting occasion, B UTTKTI.—Firsts, 112s ; seconds, 102s ; thirds, ?3a ; fourths, Fir. 63rd regiment, to Haidie Harriet Frances Gordon , onlj in which Tory and Omnge support form a prominent obedient servant , TnoMAS G. Kestv, H.D. For GAULTIKH , at Callarjknue, on THURSDAY, 40s ; tlxths, Olii. Ml!d cure—firsts His ; sccoudi Power, and grand-daughter of tbe lato which contribution, no doubt, will be much further RICHARD FITZGERALD begs to inform hia 52i ; fifths. . , daughter of Colonel Heurr Tramure, May 2nd, 1863. 21st M AY , \HY1. lots ; thuds, 94s. 1 ,1 JO firkins in market. Sir John Power, Bart., of Kllfane. position , nim* to make himself heard of by the re- increased by the general body of our Catholic fellow, numerous Friends, and the Public generall y, , at Berkrlej, GlocMtcrehire by the R«T . W. C. If. MIDDLET1U1U), at Tramore on FRIDAY CLONMEL MARKETS— W KD .NESDAT. Mat Oth , citizens. that he is now prepared to receive orders iu the Under- For , , Brooliman, Mr. S. Long, the Littls Island, to Marj Jane, third ward which he offers his backers in the inconsistency MABRIAGE OF THE PRINCE OF WAIiES. 22nd M AY , ISda. Quotations for Kra.o may be regarded as merely nominal. sculptor of tbe abore p languid and prices remuin daughter of Mr, G. Daw, , lace. taking Business. Trade in fhmr is very , unclua^ed. Cathnlio chapel of St Mary's North and peculiarity of his conduct. His speech on INAUGURATION OF THK .MONTH OF MAIN! The following letter has been received by John A. ( For UPPERTI1IRD , at Cnrrickbcy, on SATURDAY, We had auiiul two hundred firkins < 'th M , at Cracow , and according ly proceeded thither. On Cathedral , and have been largely attended by tho faith- " Lieuteuant-Gencral Kuollya is commanded bjr tlw IN BANKRUPTCY. For COSHMORE and COSHBRIDE, at Lumore, on WATERFORD MAY FA I H. John, son of Mr. James Brophy, of Rathraorn, county Wicklow, ful each evening The suitable discourses, cimmenciog of Wales to convey to tha Iligh Sheriff, Lieutenant, Dcjmtj-; on Monday, wns well attended with buyers for la Nannie, daughter of Mr. James Lawlor, late of Tnllow, county his return , houcver, the first notable action in the Lieutenants, Magistrate*, Clergy, Yeomanry, and.inbjbitaatl > In the Mutter of W ILLIAM ,. rpHE Judges oftheCourt TUESDAY, 2fith M AY , 1803. Our fair, Carion. ou Sunday evening', bnvo been continued by the Rev. of tin; county of Waterlord his Royal Uigbnai'l cordal j STAFFORD of Tallow in JL of Bankruptcy and For DECIES WITHIN DRUM, at Clushmore, on all aorta of good stock , whether for export, home market, o, April 21, at Castlecorner. John Germaine, Esq., Grangecon, co, conduct of the Catholic, " independent " member E. J. Browne , , | i' thanks for their congratulations on the oecuion of bb nUI« , 27th MAT, I Wicklow to Mar; Ellen , loungetl daughttr ot Edward ol.j, , thcCountyol'Wntorford, / Insolvency will sit at the WEDXKSDAY 18 !3. grazing. I'lie supply was scant and the stocks, vritlt few ex- co. Kilkenny. was to vote in the Tory majority against the aboli- TUB SISTERS OF CHARITY CONVERT.—On Friday, tho WITHOUT DRUM Esq., Sraithstowo House, Draper, a Bankrupt. \ said Court, Four Courts, For DECIES , at Dungarvan, on ceptions, of an inferior description. A few beasts, fit for I lie At the Oiiurch of St. Andrew. Westland-tow, Dublin, P. W. " His Roy«I Highness is very sensible of their kind WUM J 23th M AT . 9th regt., eldest ton of Sir William Hacketl tion of Eng lish Church Rates, which was defeated 1st instant, as usual, the May-day fete, on the dedica- . Dublin, on FRIDAY, the THURSDAY, went nt 60s to COi per cwt ; food strong store co\r s Hackctt, Esq.. , Lota- for his future happiness, and deeply appreciates their teonV^ ' market, more. Cork to Marj, daughter of J. J. Murphr,, Master in lath day of MAY, ISM, at the hour of Eleven o'clock For COUNTY AT LARGE, at Dungarvan, SAME DAT. in demand, at prices from £0 to £12: .•) yrs old brought £9 , by 285 to 275. The result shows a decrease of sup- tion of the Month to tho MoBt Holy Virgin Mary, menu of loyalty and attachment towards her Majettjr tar; to commence each day at 12 o Chancery. ' ' v: in the forenoon , for surrender of said Bankrupt, proof Business 'Clock, except to £11; 2 yrs old do., £8 to £0; yearlings , Hi to to 10< ; In Cork , ThomasM'Donnell , Esq., Manager of the National to the bill, for in the last session thr second took placo at the Convent, Lady-lane, and on this occa. Queen. 'l port 'V r¦• of Dcbt«, and choice of an Assignee in this matter, of at Bal l ymacarljerry, at which place it will commence mutton very scarce ; tlie lew slicep sold realised 6Jd to 7Jd Bank , Tralee, lo Annie Josephiae, daughter of the late Joseph " John A. O'Keeffe, Esq., Hi h Sheriff co. Watarferf. . barrister-at-law reading was carried by a majority of one. This is sion with greater effect, the court yard, openiug on the ^ which Rittin-r all persons concerned are to Take Notice. at One o'clock, and at Dunrjarvan at Eleven o'Clock ; per lb; u f ew Umu», fit for maikt't, 20s to L'ls ; store sheep, Scannell, Esq., . with lambs, 35s to 4os ; store pi gs brought from 4,0s to April 28, at Cheltenham, Tboroaa W, Hilton, Esq., late capuin now and beautiful orphanage, affording moro space for All persons indebted to the said Bankrupt iu any at Dungarvau the business of the County at Largo will 55s in the Indian army, to Anna Maria, fourth daughter of the late not to he wondered at, when we find the represen- THANKS each; small do., 16s to 30s; bacon pigs in email demand ; noft lliaJK< sum whatever, or who have any of his Estate or Edicts, lie entered on before that of the Barony of Dccics Rev. Edmund Cronjn, Odagh Glebe, couotj Kilkenny. tative of a Catholic constituency, like Mr. H CNNC -9 SY the crowded procession. The children educated by the Tbe Presentation Community, Holy Cross, prices, 42s to i3». per cwt. Andrew. eMesl son of Andrew M'Kean | following contributions towirat tM| aro not to pay or deliver Fame except to M ICHAEL Without Drum. May 2. at Sootbwark , , Sisters of Charit numbering between five and sis fully acknowledge the CLOKMEL H AW-YBABLT FAIU.—There was a (rood «np. Eiq., Profincial Bank of Ireland. Kilkenny, to Harriette Anne, supporting this obnoxious tax, and others, like Mr . y, completion of tbeir netr cbnrch .—A. Ryan, ftqi'MsjBij M UKPIIT Esq., No. 33 Upper Ormond-quay, Dublin, All Applications for Prccontnients, the Official Assignee. lodged with me, at my office here, on or before the Surrey. J. A. BLAKE, of Waterford , Mr. S ULLIVAN , of half-yearly fair, Tuesday. I'l ices ruled in favour of sellers Engluh, Waltb, Nolan, Delany, D.D., Cleary, D.D, And all persons knowing of the coneealmeut of any Oth of MAY, 18C3, and no Application will be ac- and tastefully decorated in the centre of tho court-yard, ^* ^ —the demand was brisk at au advance on last quotations. DEATHS Kilkenny, Mr. M'M AIION and Mr. R EDUO .VD, of and JiorriMey, P.P., Ballvneale ; Mrs. O'Ntill !\ RH?j£ propert of the said Bankrupt arc requested to give knowledged on the Presentment Sheet that is not pre- Grnss beef very scarce. Springcra and uew milch cows in a chosen few from amongst thorn, assisted by two of th y to record tho death of Mr. Michael Wexford acquiescing in its continuance by declining a (Snow Hill) j Mrs. E. Meber; Mrs. E. Ryan (MorgatuWji: tlmreof to Hie Agent. pared in accordance with the Act of Parliament. (,'ood demand at from £10 to £14 (top lots wont as high as It is our painful duty , notice M Cann, aged 21 years, son of Mr. John M'Cann. P.L.G., Kil. nuns, anil with the accompaniment of a harmonium, Mrs. Walsh (Neivratb) ; Doctor White (Bret4-ifri« ! Contractors are rcquci.trd to be in attendance at the £17); strippers, £8 to £13 j two-year-olds, £7 to £10 10a ; to vote, although in the House at the time of the 'M.' DMM& Dated this Hh day of May, 1803. gobinet, near Pnngartan. He was most amiable, kind, and oxecuteij in very good style the "Ave Maria Stella " Messrs. P. O'Gndy, M. O'Meara, J. Leaaw, • several Ruad Sessions for the purpose of Signing their yKiliKgs, £i to £6; hojtKets, 40s to 60s ; f«t lambs, 22s to generous to a degree, and *•• well beloved by all who had thi , (Broad-street) ; J. Crawford ft BJMKf? Hl 'GU DOYLE, Deputy Assistant-Registrar; M ILIIAEI. division. The Irish Tories, to a man, opposed the which waa followed b James Power , ' I'avmen t Applications. IS * ; Mr. William Feuncllsold a Int of two-year-olds at £10 pleasure of forming an acquaintance with him. This young man y tbe Litany of the Blessad Vir- J. McEenry, J. H uron (Solicitor) ; 1- K. CurtiWFM LAR KIN , Agent to the Bankruptcy, No. 1 Mcrchants - aud a lot of Urge circle ot reluites and friends and the A. U. ROBERT, 10s per head, ycnrliuss at £7. .Mr. Richard is much regrettedby a , who bill with nil their power, representatives of gin and " Avc Maria gratiap lena," tho offering of the C. Redmoad (Trattrford Ileus) ; P. Curtail ^WMBP/J- quay, Dublin. (It) Fenuelly, Cottage, sold a large lot of two.year.oldsi at £10. sympathise with hit articled parent*.—R.I.P. Secretary to Grand Jury Duncormuek, Catholic constituencies named above trimmed their month's devotion forming an interlude. Subsequently Chroniele) ; R. WaUh (llnrrittei), U. BracJnnflS?"; Mr. Robert Malcosuon sold a lot of strippers to Mr. Thomas At Lackeo, April 25, Mrs. Mary Murphy, aged 69 yean. tho children were regaled in the school-room with cof. La/rlor, M. -^luney, J. Fe*ly (Notional Bank) ; Al £FJ CASSELL'S COFFEES County Court House, Waterford, Clraty, cosnty Limerick, at X15 10s per head. ilr. John sails to suit the Tory breeze that wafted them into April l?th, 1863. At Tlnascolly, Rower, Wexford, on tbs !7tb instaqt, of ferer, fee and nreet cake, in presence of our venerated Bishop, Murphy, Oiveu Carroll, and John Shea (SpritX- HTCi, HetTerumi, Drangati , bought a fine two-year-old heifer fur Bridget, daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Kaianagh. £1 each ; Rev. Browne Fornn^nd M;i a long series of years these truly Celebrated their present positions. Twenty-eight Irish mem" the Right Rev. Dr. O'Brien, and somo of tho clergy, alley), Messr*. , IfH*'.^, FOR £14 ; a few days since he bought a splendid animal of the At New Ross, on same date, Mr. Benjamin Trayor, after a long IDs. ; Mr*. Hackett , Miss Thompson (High-ltr»g irSM} Coffees hate been held in the highest estimation d the bill, and 44 opposed it. Mr. who, with a number of ladies, had witnessed tho devo- COUNTY OF WATERFORD. same class f or £1K in Limeriirk. .Mr. Benson purchased u aad fevere illness. ben supporte Barron, Mrs. Djlton, Miss Cleary, Ueun. BL-KR3S:*" throughout the United Kingdom by the many thou- Gnu lot of hoggets at 40s. Borne very good animals were At New Ross, on the 29lb April, Patrick, infant asd only son tional prococdings from the-windows of the Orphanage, of bronchitis. SMONDE alone, of all the Waterford members Tiiouia.1Power , Wen. Potrer, Nicholas Poww;.Wp*g !|j i . families to whom they have become »n accus- exhibited for sale in the horse fair. Iiuyeri for first class of Patrick Redmond Es