THK WATKUI'OKl) NEWS HOTELS. j SHIPPING BLACK BALL" and "EAGLE" LINE MAY SHOW, AND N.E W F A S H I O N S ! ¦ SALES. :j ;!; Published errrii Frith;/ Evening til -l!l Kill;) street OF ' British and Australian Ex-Royal Mail Packets, AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR HOTEL, DTJNGABViflM (t)|>j»nsitr tlic Vnn- tnchi] liat.k. ] WATERFOBD STEAM COMPANY. ILAZLETON oToNNELL & CO. LYNCH'S 1' LX CI :; Y EAKI.V ( IS ADVANCE INTENDED ORDER of SAILING—HAY, 18G3. , 1 the PRICE Timi:i: ; 13 S . rp Ling Days; oliow all their NEW NOVELTIES TAMES HENNE8SY re«pectfully informs the'Pub- JAMES LYNCH begs to inform Pnbl* rHS of Packets is composed of WILL, nn MONDAY , the -1th inst., and Following MR. HO- Sr.\MiM:n , l c!.; Y EAKI.V , 17S. Id. H *k VOTI CE.—The Wnterforrl Steamship If Ho at large thai he has commenced Business as an that he has Remove* ' rom the/.' VicxoBtA. ^ I* ~5%%. A th« laiRCit nnd most modern Steam and for SUMMER , in fe now ctrried aiMWij?** ^ Company receive GoodR for Shipment had the AUCTIONEER, and beg*tO 8*y that any Sales with TEL- to that of the "EAGLE," which 0 jjjfiMon Clipper liasShips in the world, find is tint only one RIBBONS ' MANTLES, BONNETS, " "''' f""ow'"" Terms only .—They reserve which distinguished honour which he may be favored, idiaH have his bert attention. on under the above name, and which he has fitted up Jte~ff *§tl*' • " ^g>jmg^ of a FLOWERS, SHAWLS MILLINERY , "Till-: WATKKFOIJ D NEWS- ?5ta513eei» thei rijilit to carry by a«y, not by particular Visit from H»r Majesty the Queen. , George'e-Bt., Waterfordj.'March 3 1868. ¦ to suit the wishes of hiB many > cssels, with liberty to Tow Ships *3t-».">iJH! FEATHERS, DUESSES, SKiI RTS AND STAYS, , [m6- tl in a superior style, and cnll at other Ports, Friends and the Public generally, who may favor mm MACHINE PR IN ING, PUBLISHING, and mil not be accountable for injuries or losses arising from LIVEItrOOL FOR MELBOUltN E , PARACHUTES, . PLAIN ANDR FANCY SILKS. BOOTS AND SHOES, Lrnsnr delay, FANCY TIES, The OLD ESTABLISHED AUCTION MART, with tbeir Patronage lie has also fitted op a accidents of the- Sons, Hivcrs, Kire, the Queen's Euc- Ou the bth and loth of every Month. PRINTS, SHEKTINHSS, IN LINEN AND on BooKiuxD/xa , Jiu/.i.xci, sr.-i rioxKit,r, lines Ship. Iteg. Bur. Captains. Date. COLLARS AND SHIRTS. NO. 109, CUS TOM-HOUSE QUAY, YAR D with a number of Box Stalls, together•with , detective Navication' , or accidents from auy other cause, GREY AND WHITE CALICOES, CALICO, , 11111 SorjTriBRN OCEAN 1023...2000...Davys... loth May. now ready for tho reception of FURNITURE Establishment, where Vehicles« AM' «>raiiy loss which migli t Imve been covered by Insurance, H., O., & Co., would call particular notice to their Stock of BLACK GLACIE SILKS ; also the IS extensive Posting LIGHTNING > H98...3S00...Johnston ...6th June and PROPERTY of every description intended a miuute s notice, wtn C 0 U N T-li O () K JIAXU F A C T O RY nor lor Leakage, UreaVage, Condition, Quality, or contents of wear. Our every description may be had at A C , CHAMPION OF THE SEAS 1946...43UO...Outrid X EW M AKE of G ROS-GHAIN , which are under pipresent Market Value, and warranted to The Pub- any 1 arcels or Packages, unless specially entered and ad va- go ... 1 To for SALE. Thoso who do not wish, to have Property a Staff of safe Drivers. Charges Moderate. 4!i K .M) KINO STUKKT. OF ELBOURNE Buyers have returned from London and other rVMarkets. We are prepared to BIIOW the Largest and South lorem t rcipbl f»; j. Goods not removed to be Storid at the Cuv M ... 1828...4500...Jones ... > follow disposed of on their own Premises, will find this Esta- lic Conveyances to the princi pal Towns in the risk mid expense of the Consiiruees. LONDON FOR MELBOURNE. Newest Stock we ever held before. blishment admirably, suited for Sales of every aescrip. daily pass by the Door. (s30-tf) ,:.' 'PUR Proprietor of THE All Goods will bo considered as subject to a general lien, WHIBLWIXD 26th May. tion. J. E. BROWNE, Proprietor. rS-%--^, - . ann held 47 QUAY, WATERFORD. ^ '"- ' '¦' ' ¦ N Ell 'ft having made cf- not mdy for Fieipht of the same, but for all Arrears FOR 'SYDNEY. 109 Cnstom-houso Quay. [mh27-tf] " THE EUROPEAN," (y f ojAij, "- ol r reiiiht Bj£" OBSERVE! —OPPOSITE. THE MARKET-HOUSE. , fcetivc nrrsmgwncuts in his , storage, or other charges duo by the Importer. MAEIA HAY 10th May. &t&Jw£•* &: ' Owner, or Consignees to the Company. FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL gpjE^fS< -':¦ Printing Com'iTns, by llic CITY OP SYDNKY (New Clipper) 10th Juna. AUCTION OP HORSES, ^X 1 WATEUFORD AND UKISTOL. FOR QUEENSLAND (Free Grants of LHud vnluo £30). (Late "Londonderry,") 1 ¦!¦ ai'1 011 °f ; I'ftl'st nil' . Travelling Machines, Farming Implements, Stock, *&¦vS tSnp-w ¦ ""'" '"' "" Gipsy and Juvema. SAI.DASUA ( from Litcrpool) 16th May. PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. ^rf pSfcjSfe- 'i %• 0*- most :i]i)iruvcd Style of N EW 4, 5, & 6 BOLTON STREET, DUBLIN. IVMM WATEKFOKU UIKMT : PROM D1USI0I „ , (from Clyde) 20tli May. S[c,, %c. NS^"^*^. •"•' Tvi'L nn.l I MPROVED I' HF.^I:S ' , ,) • Ills Gi/wy. Tuesdays ; Juvema. Gipsy, direct: STAR OF ENGLISH (from London) 25th .May. IN VALUABLE MANURE, WARRANTED GENUINE, as Importod, may now bo had on tho THOMAS WALSH'S next Auction of Horses , J. MOLONY, (successor to WALSH & Goasos :""' 1C Extension of Ksla- THIS MR. TS^I^";! * ! *' or Shamrock, Fridays. Krlilay, May I , ... 4 Artn'n ROCKHAMPTON (Irom Lifcrpool) 10th June. very best Terms from Travelliug Vehicles, &c , &c., iriU take placa Proprietor \r . rr ' ' Uiahmcut nt King stree t ,— I'mlay, .\.ay I , ... luj Morn Krld»y, „ 8, ... » Morn Persons who hold Pasoago Warrants or Bounty Tickets & Co., 8ST TEBMB VSBT MODBEATK falie-lyl •• J. BUDD . ON MONDAY, 4TH or MAY, 1863. Y now cjuul lo any in the I' m. TueMluj, 5, ... a ;\|oril Friday, •' 13, ... 4 Aftn'n will please make immediate application to tbo undersigned. Kri.tay •• 8 Friday " 22, ... Mnrn Depot. R VETERINARY viuces—is prepared to execute ( ... 3 Aftn'n SJ LIVERPOOL FOR MELBOURNE.-Packet for tho (a24-3t) At their Storo, HANOVER-STREET, WATERFORD, or direct from the At M LAURENCE DOBBYN'S , Turx,iay, " 12 :i l ,\ltn ii Friday, " •.¦!) , ... 3 Aftn' CITY MANSION HOTEL •verv spctni-s of . ... ' n 16th MAY , tho splendid Clipper Ship, " SOUTHERN Ettablishmenl , Berufori-strect, Waterford, hndav. " 15, ... 10 Morn Jueenta, calliup at Pembroke LOWER BRIDGE STREET, DUBLIN Tuesday OCEAN," Captain DATEYS 264 tons Register ¦ . ORJIER bT SALB-: 30 & 31 LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, " 19, ... si Morn Dock: , 1, , 2,000 ton* . (Late Proprietor, Mr. MAUBICK COMBT). t nilav , " 23, ... I Aftn 'n Tuesdajr, Nay 5, ... » Mora burtheu. This splendid Vessel ia fitting out under tho in- ESTABLISHED 183O. Travelling Vehicles, Harness, Game Dogs, &c, nt A.\l) TiiMilay. ' PLAIN 0I5XAMEXTA L, " S6, ... 1 Altn'n -mcKl*}, •' 12, ... J Afta'n spection of her Majesty's Emigration Surveyors. Is a very Twelve o'CIock precisely. 1 rlday, » 29 « haviug Purchased the I nterest iu tho , ... 6 Altii'n .TnM.tayl 19, ... 7 Mom fast sailing clipper, and a tnostdasirable conveyance for goods Hunters, Riding and Family H urses, at One o'clock CAREY in a manner tlml will not, he reels confiJeut , full to ¦Tuesday, " 26, ... 11 Morn above old and well-established Hotel, most con- an d passengers. For Freight or Passage, PRANGLET & Co., AVON CHEMICAL WORKS, BRISTOL, Colts, Draught and Farm Horses immediatelyafter. P • ciTe satisfaction, IVinbroU Dock to Watcrforel, from the South Wales Kail- Apply to T. M. M ACKAT & Co., 1 Lcad.nhall strcet, Lon- veniently situated to the Great Southern and Westeia way Terminus now i-piij y to deliver their Tarious SPECIAL MANURES, prepared according to the latest improve 835""Personsintending properly for this Sale will he , EXPEDITIOUSLY. AND ELEGANTLY , ns soon alter arrival from Bristol as possible. dou; G IBBS, BRIGHT & Co., 1 North John-street; ARE Railway, and in close proximity to the Four Courts and CHEAPLY " ments in Agricultural Chemiatry, wheh have been largely used ami given universal 'satisfaction through- required to have it entered at Mr. DOBBIN'S or at Mr. US'- On Early Mnriiiiig Sailings, the C»bin of tho Steam- JAMES RAINES & Co., Wntcr-strre t , Liverpool ; or to , houses of Business in the City, has refitted and improved Att tta FORMS UTOI in WORKHOUSES :.ml UI.SPKX rrs will he Open to receive Passengers arriving from London out most of the Counties of the United Kingdom : WALSH'S Office, m» Custom-house Quay, on or befon JOHN SPA R ROW & Co., Watcrford. the entire.«:stablisliment, for which he. solioita pnblio SARlK?, at l'i-icfi in The Xctcs 1'riiitoJ LM , which ma- by the Xight Mail Train. SPECIAL SWEDE, MANGOLD, AND POTATO MANURES Nine o'CIock the morning of Sale. Fee forentry, 2s. Gel. iving satisfaction to Cabin Fare l" Patronage, feeling conlident of g h; bal on .il'l'l'1"1''•'••• , s. lid. ; Servants anel Children, 10s. 6d.; have obtaineil numerous Prizes for the weight, size, and quality of the roota grown with them, amongst others Purchasers to pay Auctioneer's Fees of Fivejper Cent.i 'CIock. lteturn do., 27s. ; or with liberty to return from Dublin E M IGR AT ION ' Visitors. Ordinary Daily at Five o , those at the Birmingham Meeting for I8G1 ,U8O2, and 1863, open for competition Co all Enjionrf.
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