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1880. INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Ah Lee, Charles ...... 3 Ashton, George ...... 93 Asheiwig, Carl ...... 233 Brady, John ...... 20 Andrews, August ...... 4 Allen, Elizabeth ...... 93 Anderson, John ...... 234 Butcher, Alfred Thos..... 20 Adams, John ...... 5 Allen, Annie ...... 94 Atkins, Edward ...... 231 Bean, Martin...... 22 Allchurch, E...... 5 Adams, Titus ...... 97 Allager, Francis ...... 234 Baker, Ellen Maria ...... 23 Ashton, William ...... 7 Aldrid, John ...... 100, 113 Brady, Bernard ...... 2 Boyle, James ...... 23 Allen, William John .... 7 Augwin, Henry ...... 100 Birts, John ...... 2 Bailey, Robert John, alias Altman, Minna ...... 7 Augustine, Richard, alias Broadbear, D. .. 3 Brown, alias Rt. Baldry, Anderson, James Russell.. 8 Atler, James ...... 100, 109 Berwick, William .... 3, 6, 63, 7 alias Francis Walter .. 11, 23, Asplin, Jacob . 11 Alford,George ...... 185 Bouquey, Martha ...... 3 29, 30 Andrews, John...... 12, 24, 72 Abbott, Henry ...... 106 Burns, James ...... 4, 58, 18 Bell, Thomas ...... 23, 24 Argles, Frank, alias Russell, Andrews, Walter George.. 108 Blake, George 4 Baxter, David ...... 24, 58 alias W. H. Mossmann, 112, 114 Bowden, John .... 4 Brooke, Wm. 0' Shannessy 24, 72 alias Walters, alias C. H. Acaphulga, alias Jacky Bowden, Elizabeth Jane .. 4 Brady, Timothy ...... 24 Reynolds ...... 14, 18, 20 (aboriginal) ...... 112 Beale, John ...... 4, 34 Boyle, John ...... 25 Allcock, James John .... 20, 34 Astle, Hugh George .... 113, 121 Brown, Benjamin ...... 4 Buckler, Mary ...... 26 Armour, Matthew L. .... 22 Andrews, Charles ...... 114 Bennett, F ...... 5 Begg, Robert Caithness .. 26 Andrews, Elizabeth ...... 23 Angaston Hotel ...... 120 Burden, J ...... 5 Botterall, Joseph Henry .. 28 Andrews, Albert Jno. Ewd. 24 Arnott, John Harverd .... 121 Bishop,A ...... 5 Bretton, William .... 29, 33, 34 Andrews, Arthur Andrew . 24 Arnold, David ...... 121 Benson, Samuel ...... 5 Bennett, James H. .. .. 29, 33 Anderson, James ...... 24, 54 Aitken, John James ...... 122 Bailey, H. B...... 5 Brown. Ellen ...... 29 Armstrong, Robert ...... 29 Allen, John ...... 124 Bertram, 0. W ...... 5 Barry, E ...... 29 Ah Hoy ...... 32 Argrove, Richard' ...... 125 Bushell, H...... 5 Burke, John ...... 30 Allen, James ...... 34, 48 Avery, Alice ...... 129 Bertram, C. F...... 5 Becton, Charles ...... 30 Anderson,S ...... 84 Ash, Alfred ...... 130 Bannigan, J...... 5 Bowker, George ...... 30 Argle, Theodore Emil, alias Arney, Charles A. ... 130 Blake, J. W ...... 5 Bickford, Alfred 30 Russell, alias Harrold Arbuckle, Ewd. Vaughan 130 Bricknell, William ...... 6 Brown, Benjamin ...... 30 Grey, alias The Pilgrim. 39 Abbott, Alfred Thos. .... 13J Bailey, Stephen 6 Bannister, Wyndham .... 30 Ali Fuk, alias Ali Kena, Asherton, John... :...... 13 Brown, J. , ...... 7, 11 Bowes, Patrick ...... $3, 43 alias McAh Kin ..... 42 Aitken, Robert . ... . 141 Brown, John .. 7, 92, 51, 132 Bond, Joseph Kimber .... 33 Ajata, Henrik ...... 43 Anmock, Albert, alias Brotheres, Stephen ...... 7 Bathost, Christie ...... 33 Ashby, Bridget ...... 45 Possum ...... 143 Bennett, John ...... 7, 7, 62 Bignell & Young ...... 33, 75 Ashby, C. W...... 45 Almat Cheena ...... 145 Behrens, Jacob Alfred .... 7 Burford, Henry ...... 33 Ashby Ernest Alfred .... 45 Ali Tike ...... 145 Blanchard,George ...... 7 Blight, William ...... 34 Andrews, John ...... 24, 72 Allen, John Thomas .... 149 Beckwith, Wm. John .... 8 Brown, Henry ...... 34 Avery, Edward ...... 48 Ambler, George ...... 152, 154 Bower, W ...... 11- Bourke, Michael ...... 34, 175 Anders, Franz ...... 48 Ackland, Isaac ...... 157 Bailey,R. J ...... 11 Byrne, Joseph ...... 36 Ashley, Henry ...... 48, 54, 85 Atkinson, John ...... 160 Bouquey, Martha . , .... . 11 Brady, Andrew ...... 37, 42 Adelaide Corporation .... 48 Adamson, Thomas ...... 163 Burke, Michael ...... 12 Boddington, Thomas .. 37, 49 Anderson, John Gilling ... 49 Anderson, Joseph ...... 163 Brown, Frank . . , ..... 12 Brown, William .... 37, 109, 167 Andrews, Charles ...... 50, 114 Allen, William .... 163, 168, 174 Barker, H. B...... 10 Bankhead, John Willis.... 37 Anderson, Pickelus ...... 52 Allen, George ...... 163 Bryan, gamesJames...... 14 Bailey, Francis ...... 38, 57 Abdoo Tipee ...... 53 Armstrong, Samuel ...... 163 Bayer, Ernest H...... 14 Baker, Samuel 38 Allen, Emma ...... 57 Adams, Henry ...... 166 Blake, Joseph ...... 15 Baker, George ...... 39 Ali Koon ...... 58 Abbott, Robert J...... 168 Bates, George Thomas .... 15 Bunting, William ...... 39 Allen, J. 60 Aslee, Georgina ...... 171 Britain, Jas. Edwd...... 15, 50 Baker, William ...... 39 Allington, George ...... 61 Alexander, Mary ...... 171 Bishop,Joseph ...... 15 Bayes, William Henry .... 39 Adolph, Colo ...... 61 A llen, J...... 174 Boyd, Alfred ...... 16' Burford, Esau ...... 39 Arthur, William ...... 62 Arnold, Albert' ' George .... 174 Buckley, Patrick ...... 16 Boyce, Richard Chambers. 39 Aneock,Archibald ...... 63 Alexander,George ...... 178 Box, Chas. A...... 16 Ballard, John ...... 39 Ah Haw...... 65 Allen, John Thomas ...... 180 Blackburn, Chas. G. , ... 16 Bradford, C...... 40 Addison, Arthur Richmond 66 Allen, William Edward .. 182 Benbow, Wm...... 18, 24 Blanthorne,J...... 40 Armstrong, John ...... 67 Albaham, Oscar P. Chas... 183 Bale, Thomas ...... 19 Byass, Wm. Chas...... 40 Andrews, Robert ...... 67 A stle, Dr...... 191 Bailey, Robert John ..... 19, 29 Bradley, Charles ...... 42 Arnold, Joseph ....._..... 70 Anderson, Andrew ... 204 Bedford, Frederick ...... 20 Balmer, George ...... 42 Adcock, John ...... 72 Anderson, Geo., alias Evans 205 Bernard, Charles ...... 20, 24 Baker, Joseph . , , .... 43 Albert, Stefano ...... 75 Anderson, James Russell.. 205 Birks & Co., W. H...... 20 Blaikie, James ...... 43 Astleford; John ...... 79 Armstrong, James ...... 208 Brown, Thomas Gatty .... 20 Bolling, John ...... 43 Andrews, John Henry .... 84,134 Ahern, Michael ...... 208 Blight, William ..... 20 Burns, William, A...... 43 Alcock, Edward ...... 84, 134 A shwood, Joseph ...... 214 Blanchard, Edward ...... 20 Biddle, Caroline Florence . 44 Atkin, Philip ...... 84, 90 Acton, Frederick ...... 219 Baum, Henry ...... 20 Brown, James ...... 60, 138, 144 Allen, Leon ...... 89 August, Caroline ...... 230 Baptist, James ...... 20 Buckley, Edward ...... 44, 93 Anderson,Alfred ...... 93 Antonia, Josea . , ...... 230 Budd, Nicholas . ; . , ...... 20 Brown, George . , 9 9 4 4, 124, 183 iv. INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Pege. Bridges, Alfred ...... 48 Butler , Rose Ann ...... 94 Brown, Henry Edward . 141, 146 Butler, George Alfred .... 193 Barron, Emily ...... 48 Butt, Edward ...... 94 Bentley, Michael ...... 144 Broad, James John ...... 197 Broad, John ...... 49 Buik , Wil li am Christie .. 97 Be ll , Ebenezer ...... 144 Banbury, Frederick ...,... 197 Bishop, Joseph ...... 50 Bradley , Henry ...... 97 Bye, Elizabeth ...... 145 Bielefeldt, Carl ...... 197 Blatchford,John ...... 51 Ba ll antyne , James ...... 97, 146 Broad, John ...... 146 Bartlett, Albion ...... 197 Bignell, William ...... 52 Busby, Joseph, or Bushby 97 , 101 Brensley , Alfred, alias Burdett, William ...... 197 Brockmann, John Henry.. 53 Brodribb , Matthew Robt. 97 Thomas Scott ...... 146 Brookhouse, John ...... 197 Ball, Joseph ...... 53 Bennett , Robt . William 99 Bond, John ...... 146 Begot, .... 198 Bysanater, Massey ...... 53, 67 " Bungaroo ...... 101, 140 Broughem , William ...... 146 Butler, Louis ...... 198 Barrett, John ...... 63 Baker, Frederick John.... 101 Bell , George ...... 148 Buckley, Isaac ...... 200 Bruer, August ...... 53 Burges , Jane ...... 101 Bainbridge , David ...... 149 Brookman, James ...... 200 Barratt, George ...... 63 Bunting, William ...... 101 Bone, John ..... 149 Brown, Mary ...... 201 Burdett, William ...... 54 Brown , Robert ...... 101, 168 Blackeby , Christ . Allen .. 153 Berry, George ...... 201 Broad, John ...... 54 Bertram, Francis Wm. .. 104 Bruton, James Wm...... 154 Barrett, Rebecca ...... 201 Butler, George ...... 54 Bond , Courtney ...... 105 Baker , Robert ...... 154 Barnes, Richard ...... 204 Benson,John ...... 54 Burke , Thomas ...... 105, 149 Braham, Frank ...... 154 Bowen, Hopkin...... 204 Brooks, Edmond ...... 66 Buchett , Fredk. Chas. .... 105 Balser , George ...... 154 Boyce, George ...... 204 Burgess, Alfred Charles .. 56, 62 Bailey , Wa llace Paget .. , . 106 Boddington , Thos...... 159 Bellis, David Richard .... 204 Beck, Edward ...... 57 Bolton , Henry ...... 108 Billings , Richard ...... 160 Blundell, Edward William. 204 Borch, John, alias Maltese Bailey & White ...... 108 Baker , Edith Alice ...... 163 Bock, Johann ...... 205 Jack ...... 57 Bickford , David John .. 108, 112 Bradley, George ...... 163, 168 Brady,John ...... * 205 Bingham, Robert ...... 57 Ball, Joseph Francis....., 108 Burslem , Wi ll iam...... 163 Brown, James ...... 206 Bailey, Sydney Francis .. 57 Bill, - ...... 108 Buckley, Alice ...... 166 Baye, Wm. Henry ...... 208 Burnett, Robson ...... 57 Best, James ...... 108 Barcham , George ...... 166 Beresford, E. A...... 208 Boyd, George ...... 57 Brickmann , Henry ...... 109 Berling, Frederick ...... 166 Blanch,John...... 208 Bird, Arthur ...... 67 Burke, James Patrick .... 109 Burmeister , Francis ...... 166 Burbat, Felix ...... 208 Byron, William Archer 57 Brown, Alfred ...... 112 Batten , G. H...... 167 Blundell, Mary ...... 209 Butler, Charles ...... 57, 62, 63 Beare , J ...... 112 Barber , Thomas ...... 167, 182 Broddock,Henry ...... 209 Banisch, Johann Aug. . 60, 65, 68 Banco, James ...... 112 Butler, Lucius ...... 168 Bowering, William ...... 212 Banbury, Elizabeth Jane.. 60 Bill y & Jacky ...... 112 Bold, John Garnock ...... 170 Barker, Alfred ...... 214 Brunel, George ...... 61 Bishop , Charles...... 112 Brown, Alexander ...... 171 Brimble, William ...... 214 Brunnifield, Henry ...... 61 Bogden, Adam ...... 114 Berry, Emma Jane ...... 171 Bash am, Charles A...... 214 Bastian, Thomas Henry .. 62 Bartlett , Wil liam ...... 114 Barton , William H...... 171 Baker, Joseph ...... 215 Bolger, John ...... 62 Beasley , W. C...... 114 Broomha ll, Robert ...... 171 Bohn, Leopold ...... 215 Bates, William ...... 62, 67 Bryant, John ... 114 Barr, Harry ...... 174 Broderick, James ...... 215 Bosisto, R. 9. . .. 63 Bermingham Brothers .. 114, 134 Brabbyor , Catherine ..... 174 Baker, Edward Ernest .... 218 Brown, James Cecile .... 66, 84 Brooks, Charles ...... 115 Bishop , James ...... 175 Besley, Sergeant ...... 218 Ball, William ...... 67 Bennett , Simon ...... 116 Balderson , Frederick .... 175 Byrne, Malachi ...... 218 Bennett ...... 67 Brown, Wil li am, alias Bornstein , Solomon .... 175, 183 Bucknall, Frdk. Escort . . 218 Ballard, William ...... 67 James Ward ...... 117 Barclay, Henry Dunbar B. 176 Brod, Franz ...... 219 Booth Joseph ...... 68 Broderick, James Barnard . 117 Bignell, George ...... 177, 186 Booth, Charles 219 Boschen, Richard ...... 68 Bequin, Lewis ...... 11t Barchem, George ...... 177 Blake, William ...... 219 Barrett, Henry ...... 68 Boutard, Hippolyte Eugene 118 Barkitt , W. C...... 177 Bushby, Joseph ...... 220 Bickford, William ...... 68 Boswell, Wm . Charles .... 120 Bahr, Frederick ...... 178, 182 Burner, James ...... 220 Brown, Edward ...... 71 Burke , Emily Jane . 120, 128, 129 Brady , William ...... 178 Bazzoni, Gusippe ...... 220 Bock & Ludwig_...... 71 Burns , Thomas ...... 121 Barrett , Wi lliam ...... 178, 200 Barrett, Eliza ...... 222 Burk, David ...... 72 Best , Hugh Wil li am .... 121 Barnes , Henry .... 179, 180, 192 Butler, Samuel ...... 223 Belchamber, Ernest Tilley. 72 Bernard, Thomas Leigh .. 121 Bainbridge , Daniel 180 Broderick, James, alias Bird, Charles . , ...... 74 Beach , Wil li am...... 12z Barnard, Chas.. 75, 180, 183, 200 Horan...... 223 Bardsley, Harrold ...... 75 Bates, F. M...... 122, 126 Barker, John Thomas .... 182 Best, Henry William .... 223 Burns, Philip 0...... 75 Batten, Mrs. William .. _ 122 Bateman , Robert ...... 182 Barker, Alfred ...... 224 Barchane, George ...... 76 Bright & Kerr ...... 125 Bywater, William ...... 182 Blake, William ...... 224 Birks, Charles ...... 76 Barrett , Patrick ...... 125 Bagot , John ...... 182- Barclay, Henry Dunbar B., Bluementhal, Joseph .... 76 Berry, March ...... 125 Bennett, James ...... 183 alias Dr. Cardell ...... 228 Blackman, Mr ...... 76 Bird , Frank ...... 125 Biid, James ...... 183 Boyd, Samuel ...... 229 Boschen, John Henry .... 78, 79 Brennan , Ellen ...... 126 Bur: .side District Council . 183 Blakely, Christ. Allen .... 230 Beagley, William...... 79 Baptiste, Francois Jean .. 126 Burns, John ...... 183 Byrne, Patrick ...... 230 Boxer, Eva ...... 79, 96 Baskin, Charles ...... 126 Ilertag , Mary ...... 183 Bott, Harry ...... 230 Bristowe, Henry ...... 79 Bird , George ...... 128 Brady , Peter ...... 183 Brady, Thomas ...... 232 11Black Franklin" 80 Bevan , Harry ,, ...... 128 Breat , Mary ...... 186 Benbow, William ...... 233 Bailey, Wallace Paget _ , .. 80 Binbage, John ...... 129, 134 Badman , Francis ...... 186 Bowley, Henry ...... 233 Bryan, John ...... 82 Bowland , Joseph ...... 129, 145 Brennan , Charles ...... 187 Butler, Louis ...... 234 Boiseren, Peter ...... 83 Breen, James...... 129 Bobbett , John ...... 187 Button, Sarah ...... 234 Bermingham, John .. ... 84, 90 Borden, Francis , or Bow - Bean , George ...... 187 Byrne,' Thomas ...... 234 Boulden, Thomas ...... 86 man, John ...... 130 Brewer , Louisa ...... 188 Burke, James Patrick .... 234 Boulden, Mary ...... 86 Buttler , James ...... 134 Berry , Wil li am . .. 188 Bird, James ...... 234 Bates, Joseph ...... 88 Balm, August ...... 135 Bailey , Fredk. Lowther .191, 200 Brown, George ...... 234 Bastard, Thomas ...... 88 Boddill, Wi lliam , alias Bright , Henry ...... 191, 201 Banks, Col. N. P...... 234 Bong, Charles ...... 89 Jackson ...... 136 Baird , Edmund ...... 191 Brentani, Paulo ...... 234 Bowden, Edward ...... 90 Bradford , William and Brown , John & George .. 191, 197 Cartwright & Warner .... 2 Bollen, James ...... 92 Ellen . . . , . 136, 160 Brown, George Hastings . 192 Collidge, William ...... 2 Brockman, John Henry 92 Bell, Joseph W. .. 136, 138, 143 Brooks, Thos. Howard.. 192, 201 Cusack, John ...... 3 Bennett, James, alias Buck, Burnett , Arthur ...... 13$ Beresford , E. A...... 193 Craig , James ...... 4 alias Malone ...... 93 Bollen, John ...... 138 Bluntish , A. S...... 193 Cunningham, Alexander... 4 A Bird, Bertha ...... 93 Baxter, Maria ...... 139 Burton , W. C...... 193 Cornell, A. , ...... , 5 Barry, Patrick ...... 94 Bray, Henry Basil ...... 140 Boland, P ...... 193 Coleman, J ...... 5 Sutler, Hugh ...... 94 Boddill, Wil liam ...... 140 Burt , J. C ...... 193 Cock,' H...... 5 INDEX. V.

Page. Fage. Page. Page. Carter, Arthur ...... 5 Costello, Michael ...... 51 Carter, James .. 105 'Chapman, W. J...... 146 Conroy, B. J. . 5 Connors, Michael ...... 51 Castle, Frederick William 106 Cropley, Slack .... 146, 157, 159 Christie, M. A...... 5 Croaker, Michael ...... 53 Connor, Thomas ...... 108 Commercial Wharf Co. .. 148 Catchlove, E. X. B ...... 5 Curtis, Honest ...... 53 Coliwell, Charles ...... 108 Cummins, George ...... 148 Casey, Margaret .. , . 6 Christie, Mary ...... 53 Crocker, James .. , , , ..... 108 Chapman, John ...... 148, 162 Cotter, William ...... 7 Cornelli, Thomas ...... 54 Crampton, John ...... 109 C allary, Philip A...... 149 Carragher, James ...... 7 Carr, Thomas ...... 56 Collins, John ...... 109 Cunningham, Thomas .... 149 Clare,George ...... 8 Corcoran, M...... 56 Cox; Alfred Philip ...... 109 Chapman, William .... 153, 158 Charley .. .. > ...... 11 Cunningham, T ...... 57, 71 Cox, Mary Ann ...... 109 Chappell, William ...... 157 Carroll, John ...... 11 Carey, William ...... 57, 58 Chalmers Church ...... 112 Cole, George ...... 158 Cameron) Allen ...... 12 Cooper, George ...... 58, 104 Congregational Schoolroom 112 Crampton, John ...... 160 Clyons,Susan ...... 12 Cunningham, Richard 60 Carter, Abraham ...... 113 Cain, Patrick .... . 160 Chong, long Hoop ...... 12 Cameron, James ...... 60 Cain, Patrick ...... 114 Corneil, Thomas, alias Cor- Cleary, Philip ...... 15 Carthy, David ...... 60 Cheeseman, Edward ...... 114 neilly ...... 160 Cotter, William ...... 15 Callaghan, James ...... 60 Carroll, Patrick...... 114 Crocker, Robert P...... 162 Clark, James ...... 15, 99, 114 Cahill, Edward ...... 60 Cohen, Alexander ...... 114 Connor, Thomas ...... 163, 175 Conroy, Michael ...... 16 Crab, John, Stapleton .. . 60 Carr, John Gabriel ...... 114 Clyons,Susan ...... 163 Collins, James ...... 16 Cuff, Henry ...... 61 Cooper, William . . .. 114 Carter, Francis ...... 163 Chapman, Arthur ...... 19 Campbell, William Harvey 61, 62 Chambers, Edward .... 115, 124 Cleghorn, W. J...... 161, 182 Cummins Michel , James ...... 115 Close, John ...... 168, 198 19, 58, 23, 67 Campbell, Henry, . 61, 69, 79, 88 Cummins, W. Chambers, Jacob ...... 62 Challenger, Mistress . . , . 115. 121 Chitzey, George...... 168, 198 Coventry, Murray ...... 20 Collins, Joseph ...... 62 Carstairs, William ...... 116 Carlisle, Edward ...... 168 Cochrane, F. Jas. 11, 15, 202 100 Chrobb, Chas., alias Rimel 64 Connor, Robert Eden .... 117 Cowley, Thomas ...... 170 Castle & Co., Robert .... 20 Chenoweth, John ...... 66 Cunningham, James ...... ill Chamberlain, Robert ... 170 Clifton, John ...... 20 Clarke, Elizabeth 66 Chapman, William ...... 117 Cotton, George Sidney.. .. 171 Campbell, James . .... 20 Clarke, Matthew ...... 67 Collins, John ...... 117 Cashel, Pa+rick ...... 174- Campbell, Mary Ann . , . , 20 Considine, - 67 Courteney, John ...... 117 Conroy, Annie ...... 175 Coleman, Catherine ...... 20 Cragen, Thomas ...... 68 Connors, Michael ...... 117 Cotter, Simon.... 175 Cross, Prank ...... 20 Clark, Robert ...... 68 Carnie, John ...... 118 Campbell, James .. 175, 183, 200 Close, . James ...... 22 Clunes, James ...... 68 Coe, Horace John ...... 120 Condon, Michael, alias Geo. Campbell, Duncan ...... 23 Connor, Thos., alias Curran 70 Cowie, Henry H...... 120 Washington ...... 175 Clarke, Henry ..... 23 Carthy, David ...... 70 Carrot, Frank S...... 120 Crabb, John Stapleton .... 175 Campbell, Alexander .... 24 Coleman, Harry ...... 76 Crowder, Richard ...... 120 Carter, Elizabeth ...... 175 Cox, Henry ...... 24 Crane, Rebecca...... , .. 75 Charlton, Arthur James .. 121 Collep, Henry ...... 177 Collom, Emma ...... 24 Coggan, William 75 Connor, William .... 121, 160 Clark, Mary Jane .... 178, 200 Clark, John...... 29, 33, 61 Crowder, Wm. Nathaniel.. , 75 Cahil, Christopher 121 Collins, John ...... 178 Collins, Amos 29 Cook, Alfred M...... 75 Cox, William George .... 121 Clive, Henry ...... 1, 8 Clarey, James ...... 29 Cherry, Joseph ...... 76 Carter, Elizabeth ...... 121 Coghlin, James ...... 179 Crisp, Mary ...... 29 Canny, T. .. 78 Coglin, John ...... 122 Carey, John ...... 179 Campbell, William F..... 29, 39 Cudmore, James Francis .. 78 Clune, John ...... 122 Cash, Win William ...... 179 Collins, Daniel W...... 30 Cullen, Dennis ...... 79, 105 Coles, John ...... 122 Carstairs, David .... 180 Coxwell and Saunders , ... 32 Castilo Johana .. 79. Chapman, Arthur ...... 124 Cooper, Seth ...... 182 Cremorne Hotel ...... 32 Cock, John ...... 84 Carlson, 0. W...... 125 Coleman, Wm. Henry.. .. 183 Charley, alias Christian Clarke, Matthew ...... 85 Crabb,Elizabeth Ann .... 125 Creamer, Emily. .. o ...... 183 Daldy, alias Hugo Klob- Carter, Mary Jane ..... 86 Cooper, Levi ...... 125 Cox, Louisa ...... 183 stadt ...... 33 Croft, William ...... 86 Carter, Ellen ...... 125 Crowder, Cornelius ...... 187 Curnow, Thomas ...... 34 Cameron, Andrew ...... 82 Cooke, William...... 126 Cook, Archibald ...... 187 Cox, Charles, alias Fox .. 34 Crowe, Joseph ...... 88 Cooke,Henry ...... 126 Collins, P ...... 187 Clifton, Thomas ...... 34 Cawthorne, William A. 88 Cunningham, James Henry 128 Chorlten, Charles ...... 188 Coulter, Rebecca ...... 34 Craigie, Alfred Charles 88 Chittleborough, James.... 128 Carlson, Gustav ...... 190 Colton & Co., J...... 37 Clements, James ...... 88 Cranky Willy (aboriginal) 128 Curl, Alfred ...... 191 Cherry, John ...... 37 Clark, Edward ...... 88 Cooper, James ...... 129 Charles, James ...... 191 Cregan, Michael ...... 37 Conway, Thomas ...... 89, Channon, Esther ...... 129 Coleman, Michael ...... 191 Christensen, C...... 38 Craigie, Robert ...... 89 Clarke, William Henry -.. 133 Clark, Alexander ...... 191 Crossling, William ...... 38, 53 Clarke, George ...... 89, 100 Crawford, Edward S., & Co. 133 Cousins, Catherine 191 Campbell, Donald ...... 39 Carter, John ...... 89, 97 Cowan & Co., James .... 133 Curran, William ...... 192 Channon, Esther 39 Chesterfield, Nicholas .... 93 Connolly, Timothy ...... 133 Collyer, L. H. J...... 193 Curnow, Richard Rowe, Crain,John ...... 93 Calder, John , 134 Clindennin, S. A...... 193 alias Richard Rowe .... 39 Cochrane, George ...... 96 Connor Jas., alias Michael 134 Carthy, A ...... 193 Clarey, John ...... 39 Clements, William ...... 46, 96 Carson,Samuel L...... 134 Cullinane, J ...... 193 Currie, Henry ...... 39 Cunningham, William.... 97 Collings or Coliwings, Wm 136 Cassidy, Lavinia ...... 193, 200 Cashmere, Daniel ...... 39 Claverly, John, alias Carr, Laurence ...... 139 Carter, Frederick ...... 193 Cowley, A ...... 40 Cleavery, alias James Cheesman, Edwd. Thomas 139 Corkill, Robert ...... 194 Campbell, George ...... 42 Gostick, alias Costick 97 Clowe, John ., ...... 139 Collings, George ...... 197 Cashmore, David Michael . 42 Cameron, J...... 98 Crain, James ...... 140 Curtain, Michael ...... 197 Condron, Luke ...... 43 Condron, Luke ...... 100 Cottrell, John ...... 140 Clark, Charles ...... 197 Cox, John ...... , .... 45 Close, John Thomas.... 103, 108 Cottrell, Eliza ...... 140 Clyons, Maria ...... 201 Close, James ...... 48 Crampton, Joseph...... 104 Clack, Ellen Blanche 144, 148, 149 Carey, Bridget ...... 201 Clark, John Bone ...... 48, 56 Cowan, Thomas ...... 104 Chapple, William Henry.. 144 Clarke, William ...... 201 Clifford, Jeremiah ...... 48 Coleman, Isaac ...... 104 Collins, Thomas ...... 144 Cox, Lucy ...... 201 Cousins, Edward ...... 48 Cargeeg,Richard ...... 104 Collins,' Edward ...... 144 Conlon, Annie ...... 205 Carpenter, Robert ...... 48 Clarke, Thomas ...... 105 Carbrara...... 145 Curran, William 205 Cockburn, James ...... 49, 50 Lundy, Thomas ...... 105 Carey, Martin ...... 145 Crawford, Edward Liberty 206 Coles, James ...... 49, 80 Collins, James ...... 105 Cullen, Luke Michael .... 146 Cook, William Henry .... 208 Cli ck, George ... .. , 49 Cook, William ...... 105 Cousins, John ...... 146 Colier, Edward ...... 208 Cahill, Jidward, alias Cawthorne, Richd. Bentley 105 Campbell, Donald Albert.. .146 Crawford, Edwards, & Co. 209 Shaughnessy ...... 51 Cox, Francis ...... 105 Clunes, James ...... 146 Clarey, John ...... 209 vi. INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Cox, Samuel . , , ...... 210 Dillon, John ...... 24 Dilnot, Henry ...... 98 Dawson, William ...... 187 Campbell, Hugh ...... 214 Davis, Michael Coleman .. 24 Dunstan, Joseph ...... 100 Danke, Herman ...... 191 Cottre ll, Thomas ...... 214 Daly, John ...... 30, 68 Degenhardt, Gustav . , .... 101 Douglas, Elizabeth ...... 192 Crocker, James ...... 214 Day, Charles ...... 30 Degenhardt, Louis 101 Dowleans, A. M ...... 193 Clark, Thomas ...... 214 Darling, John ...... 32 Date, Ernest ...... 105 Duncan, C. C ...... 193 Conlon, Annie 214 Deyett, Charles Morton . , 32 Duggan, John ...... 105 Dunlevie , D...... 193 Christopher, Wilhelm J. Davies, Henry ...... 33 Donaldson, William ...... 105 Delasalle, Charles ...... 197 Johann ...... 214 Delavaux, Adolph ...... 33 Donoghue, Henry, ...... 105 Dawson, James ...... 197 Cooper, Edmund .. 215 Delavaux, Mary ...... 33 Dawson, William ...... 105 Dodd, John James ...... 200 Clarke, john Fredk. Wm. 218 Davis, Mrs...... 33 Dyer, George...... 106 Duthy, John George...... - 200 Christie, M. A...... 218 Davenport, Mr. , ...... 33 Douglas, Mr. & Mrs. .... 106 Dugan, John ...... 200 Cogan, Thomas ...... 218 Dobbing, Leonard .... 83 Davis, Evan ...... 106 Donellan , gate ...... 208, 212 Cullinane, J ...... 218 Daldy, Christian, alias Dieppe, George ...... 108 Dempsey, Thomas ...... 208 Cummins, Jane ...... 218 Charlie, alias Hugo Dorney, Peter ...... 109 Darling, Robert ...... 208 Childs, William ...... '218 Klobstadt ...... 33 Daer, Thomas ...... 112 Doyle ; Patrick ...... 209 Curtis, Rosetta ...... 219 Doherty, Edward, alias Douglas, W ...... • 112 Douglas , William.. . - .. . 209 Cook, Richard ...... 219 Michael Rowley ...... 34 Dennis, Richard ...... 112, 116 Doyle , Thomas...... 212 Carnell, Samuel ...... 219 Doolan, Annie ...... 34 Delereine, Caroline ... , .. 116 Davie , Samuel ...... 214 Carlson, Olaf , ...... 219 Dunbar, John ...... 34 Dawson, James...... 117 D ornwell , Carl F ...... 215 Cornwell, Henry ...... 219 Downer, George ...... 39 De Lamar, Albert...... 117, 121 Deckhert , Frederick Julius 218 Clark, John James ...... 219 Dillon, Edward ...... 39 Daly, Anthony ...... 117 Drew, George ...... 218 Chittenden, Walter .... 219, 224 Davies, G ...... 40 Davis, Mary Annie ...... 118 Donegan, M. 218 Campbell,Allen ...... 222 Day, J...... 40 Davidson,David ...... 120 Dryhurst , Robert ...... 219, 233 Clark, Morris...... 223 Dargay, Emil ...... 48 Dixon, William .. . , ... 121 Davis, James ...... 219 Cornu, Philip Le ...... 223 Dempsey, William ...... 48 Downing, Robert Henry.. 121 Davis, D...... 220 Cocks, Benjamin Pollard.. 223 Dorney, Adolph ...... 52 Dempsey, Hugh ...... 124 Dummett, John ...... 222 Crawford, Edwin ...... 223 Davis, George ...... 54 Draper, William Baker .. 125 Daly, Mark ...... 223 Conlon, Annie ...... 224 Downer, Maurice ...... 54 Dexter, Charles...... '125 Dunkerton , J. Fitzmorris.. 223 Cox, Samuel ...... 225 Dalton, J...... 54 Davis, Henry ...... 125 Dudley, Samuel ...... 223 Christie, John . , ...... 229 Donegan, Michael ...... 56 Doyle, Thomas ...... 128 Dwyer, Thomas ...... 225 Carl, C. . , ...... 229 D'Auble, Jiels ...... 57 Dixon & Co., Robert 129 Dunn , John ...... 228, 232 Charle, Joseph ...... 229 bring, Thomas ...... 57 Daw, Henry Chas., alias Douglas , Hugh ...... 228 Campbell, James ...... 229 Davey, Elizabeth ...... 57 Smith 134 Di llon, Luke ...... 229 Cummins, James ...... 230 Dunn, 'Robert ...... 57 Dickens, William ...... 134 Dowd, M...... 229 Coleman, Daniel ...... 230 Dyer, William ...... 57, 156 Dwyer, Edward ...... 135 Dalestrom, Florence E. . , 229 Cox, William George .... 230 Dean, William ...... 57 Doyle, John Matthew .. 135, 141 Dowdy , George R...... 230 Craigie, Robert...... 230 Dowie, Alexander . . .. 57, 62, 63 Dunstan, William...... 138 Daley, Eli zabeth ...... 233 Curry, James ...... 230 Dunstan, Ellen ...... 62 Davidson, Margaret ...... 139 Donohue, Patrick ...... 234 Cheely, Francis ...... 230 Dornwell, Brnd. Carl Fdk.. 62 De Tullio, Angelo ...... 139 Darby, Alfred ...... 234 Carey, Michael E...... 230 Dixon, William 63 Dickens, William...... 139 Dacus, Francis ...... 234 Claxton, William ...... 233 Dalwood, John ...... 65 briefer, Johann ...... 145 Ellis, -Tames ...... 2 Casey, Thomas...... 234 Donaldson, Thomas ...... 66 Ilea, Mary. , ...... 145 Esson, J. 5 Conroy, Annie ...... 234 Davis, John William .... 66 Dickens, Michael George.. 148 Ekers , Charles ...... 5 Crocker, James ...... 234 Dingley, William ...... 67 Durham, - 148 Elsbol, J. A ...... 5 Doherty, Timothy 2 Donohoe, Peter ...... 67, 97 Dyer, Charles ...... 149 Ellison, Selina ...... 7 Dobbie, Mr. . , ...... 2 Davis, Thomas ...... 68 Donohue, James ...... 149 Ellis & Judd ...... 19, 49 Daw, Charles ...... 2 Davis, John James ... .. 68 been, Ellen ...... 149 El liott, John ...... 20 Dechert, William ...... 3 Dickson, James ...... 70, 74 Duberke, Julius ...... 149 Eskeldson, Christian .... 26 Dawson, William ...... 4 Dixon, James ...... 72 Domithorne, William ... , 149 E. S. & A. C. Bank ...... 29 Dorak, William ...... 4 Dyer, Charles ...... 72, 101 Davis, Wolf Robert 151 Ekers, E...... 32 DeBrunni, Charles 4 Duffield & Co., Walter .. 72, 80 Drury, Geo. Richard, alias Evans, Charles James .... 33 Dowling, J. P...... 5, 10 Dunstall, Henry Charles . , 72 Richardson ...... 153 Ede, James ...... 33, 98 Davidson, P ...... 5 Davies, Edward ...... 75 Doyle, Patrick ...... 154 Evaxd, Joseph .... 39 Delany, J. C...... 5 Deane, Morcom . , ... , ... 75 Donaldson, Robert ...... 1.54 Ekins, William Emery 42, 49, 61 Dowdy, H. A...... 5 Dower, Maurice ...... 76 Dahmes, Matilda ...... 159 Bcvans, William...... 43, 49 Donohoe, J ...... 5 Dower, George R...... 78 Donovan, Daniel ...... 159 Evans, Mary. :...... 44, 93 Davis, S. D ...... -5 Dickson, Robert 78 Douglas, W ...... 162 Evans, Samuel ...... 44 Davis, A. D ...... 5 Dickenson, William .. 78, 96, 97 Davis, M. C...... 162, 178 Ellison, Edward ...... 49 Daer, P. J...... 5 Davis, Wm. Frederick, alias Dawson, Henry ...... 162 Everett, E lizabeth ...... 49 Davies, David ...... 5, 18 Bull ...... 79 , 92 Dooner, Thomas' ...... 163 Edge, Joseph ...... 49 Darling, John & Sons .... 6, 97 Dick, Robert ...... 79 Dyer, William .. . 163 Englebrecht , Carl. ... 57, 93, 126 Deven, James ...... 7 Donohue, Edward ...... s0 Dickenson, alias Dickerson, Edwards, Wil liam ...... 61 Drewett, Ellen ...... 7 Drumm, James ...... 82 Rev. Alexander...... 167 Edwards, Albert James , . 67 Davis, Arthur W ...... 8 Driscoll, John ...... 84 Dann, Catherine Ann .. , . 168 Eades, Annie ...... 72 Dickens, Joseph William.. 10 Denness, Charles ...... 89 Daly, Anthony .....:.... 168 Eckermann , Carl ...... 72 Dowling, J. A. H. , . , , . 14 Donohue, Thomas ...... 92 Dry, Richard ...... 168 Ellis, George Edward .... 74 Donaldson, Henry ...... 16, 122 Davis, John W. ... , , , . 92 Dillen, Patrick ...... 170 Edwards , Thomas ...... 75 Dale, R ...... 16 Dixon, John...... 92, 105 Dixon, Thomas ...... 170 Everett, George ...... 79 Dane, Asa ...... 16 Dent, William ,,,,., 93 Davis, Harry ...... 170 Eng lish, Thomas ...... 79 Dav, Charles ...... 16 Duffy, Edward ...... 93 Davis, Mary ...... 178 Ewens , Win. Underdown.. 82 Dixon, Fred .. 18, 22, 28 Duncanson, John ...... 93 Dicken,John ...... 179 Elder, James ...... 88 Dyer, William Charles .. 19 Davis, Henry ...... 96, 100 Devine, George...... 179 Edson, Joseph ...... 90 Dempsey, R. . , ...... 19 Duffield, Joseph , , , . .. 96 Davey, John Francis 186 Etchells, Edwin ...... 93 Davidson, James ...... 22 Dixon, Thomas ...... 97 Dry, Richard...... 180 Evans, Ellen ...... 205 Dunn & Co., John ...... 90 Dick, John ...... 97 Dennis, James .... 182 Elbourne, Henry John .. 96, 108 Duncan, Alexander ...... 22 Dick, William ...... 97 bobbing, L ...... 186, 190, 197 Eland, Macartney John.. 100, 105 Dick, John...... 24 Davis, Ellen Louisa . , .... 97 Dowdy, William ...... 187 Elliott, Robert . , , 9 , :... 101 INDEX. vu.

Page Page. I Page. Page. Erskine, Elizabeth ...... 102 Finlayson, James...... 33 Friend, Benjamin Harry.. 133 Fisher, Fritz ...... 230 Euro Steamship Company 105 Ford, William Edward ... 33 Forster, Henry Thomas .. 134 French, George ...... 230 Entwhistle , Mrs...... 106 Ford, Patrick...... 34 Field, Thomas ...... - 135 Frampton, Thomas 230 Estlebach , Oscar ...... 108 Ferguson, James ...... 34 Flanigan, Patrick...... 135 Fitzpatrick, Philip, alias Evans , John ...... 121 Freekleton, Eliza ...... 34 Fronde, Adelaide Grace .. 138 John Carroll ...... 232 Eve, Thomas ...... 122 Fesenmeyer, George A. .. 37 Frearson, John ...... 138 Fisher, Gustav ...... 233 Elliott, Henry ...... 122 Fergusson, Charles ...... 38, 39 Fox, Wm. John...... 138 Cason, Samuel ...... 3 Eitzen, Juli us ...... 125 Farr, Charles ...... 39 Farrar, John ...... 139 Gould, Mary . . .. 3 Egremont , Godfrey ...... 125 Flynn, Charles ...... 42 Fritschke, August ...... 139, 171 Griffiths, J...3,6, 7, 63, 187, 216 Englert, Thomas ...... 126 Fardenham, Mrs...... 43, 53 Fitzpatrick, Bridget...... 139 Gaffney, John ...... 3 El liott, Edward Valentine* 135 Freeman, Mr...... 43 Fergus, James ...... 139 Gibbons, E...... 5 E llis , John ...... 139 Forrest, Thomas ...... 44 Fergus, Thomas ...... 139 Givens, George ...... 6 Evans , Martha ...... 148 Francis, William ...... 44 Ferguson, James ...... 140 Gooch & Hayward .. ... 6 Elder, Smith , & Co..... 153 Flanagan, Michael . , . . 48 Fowler, J. B ...... 144 Green, William ...... 6, 120, 182 Edwards , Arthur ...... 153, 158 Field, John Samuel . . 48, 61, 113 Farrell, Thomas ...... 144, 218 Gascard & Lawrence .... 7 Edwards , George ...... 163 Frickson, Frederick ...... 49 Fitch, John Thomas.... 146, 160 Gordon, Angus ...... 7 Edis , Elizabeth ...... 166 Field, John .. 49, 54 Forbes, Gordon C...... 146 Gavan, Michael ...... 7, 58 Eyles , John ...... 171 Farrelly, Edward Francis, Francis, J ...... 148 Griffin, Thomas ...... 7 Engel , Bertha ...... 174 alias John James ...... 49 Fulston, William ...... 149 Garrigan, Andrew ...... 7 Ebbs & Judd ...... 175 Fudge, William ...... 49 Fisk, Frank ...... 149 Gray, John ...... 7 Ewers , John Henry ...... 183 Fox, Philip Brown...... 49, 117 Frayne, Thomas 149 Ginnevan, John ...... 8 Evans , Edward ...... 183 Fallacy, George ...... 49 Flynn, James, alias White 154 Giddings, William ...... 11 Edmund, Wil liam Tobias.. 187 Francis Mary ...... 50 Francis, J,. alias John Gooding,Henry ...... 11 Emery, Henry ...... 187 Fermyn, Henry ...... 51 Henry Stephen Francis 157 Gardner, James ...... 12 E llis , Wi lliam ...... 190 Friend, William ...... 52 Freer, John ...... 157 Gosden, H ...... 16 Eyles , John ...... 192 Flugge, Johan ...... 53 Finch, Joseph . . 158 Gray, James ...... 15 Edwards, T ...... 193 Formby, William ...... 54 Ford, Henry Carwithen 159, 205 Gould, Blanche Maude ... 15 Evans, - ...... 196 Ferguson, James „ ...... 54 Froom, Herbert Murray .. 159 Griffiths, Frank ...... 19 Elvin , Emma, alias Dye .. 200 Fry, Moses ...... 54 Fisher, Charles ...... 159 Grundy, Francis E. .... 19 Erikson, Charles ...... 204 Flannery, William 54 Ferguson, John...... 162 Garner, Frederick John .. 23 Edmondson , James Slater.. 208 Fielder, John...... 54 Ferguson, D ...... 162. Gilbert, Richard ...... 23 Edwards , Thomas ...... 209 Franklin, Arthur G...... 57,58 Fopp, E. A. A.. , ...... , 162 Gillespie, William ...... 23 El li s, David ...... 214 Fealder, Emil...... 60, 65, 68 Fleming, Boucaut, &Ashton 163 Green, George ...... 24, 75 By, Louisa ...... 218, 222 Froom, Herbert Murray.. 67, 134 Franks, D ...... 166 Goodlie, Eliza ... 25 Evans , William...... 233 Fisher, Daniel ...... 67 Fair, Charles ...... 168 Gutte, Herman & William. 30, 63 Entwistle , Mary .. , . , , 225 Forn, Edward ...... 67 Fleetwood, Charles ...... 170 Gleeson, Dennis ...... 30 Eve, Thomas...... 230, 234 Finch, George ...... 68 Fogarty, Bridget ...... 170, 174 Guymee, Charles ...... 28 Eccleston , Jane Ann ...... 233 Freek, William . . . 68 Frearson, John ...... 170 Goergensen, Johanna .... 29 El li ott, Elizabeth ...... 233 Fielding, Edward.... 70, 74, 124 Fisher, William ...... 171 Grunes, James ...... 29 Fotheringham , I) avid .... 2 Finkelde, Mary...... 70, 74 Ferris, Albert ...... 174 Gibson, Helen ...... 30 Ferors, Charles Conway .. 3 Freeman, Thomas, alias Fortis, John ...... 175 Graham, William ...... 30 Fox, Richard ...... 3 Elderkin...... 71 Fleming,Jane 175 Glover, Benjamin ...... 6, 30 Fuller, George ...... 3 Fisher, Charles ...... 75, 114 Franklin, George ...... 176 Gallagher John ...... 32, 88, 89 Fitzpatrick , Peter ...... 4 Farley, John ...... 76 Foster, Charles John .. . . 17 7 Gounlock, John ...... 33, 101 Falk, Philip , & Co...... 4 Francis, Thomas ...... 78 Fels, Joseph ...... 178 Giles, George Frederick .. 33 Forsyth, Malcolm...... 4 Fitzgerald, Martin ...... 79, 88 Fitzgibbon, Amelia ...... 179 Gliddon, Priscilla ...... 33 Fisher, Dougauld ...... 4, 16 Fillis, Thomas ...... 89, 118 Filson, Robert ...... 179 Gowan, Michael ...... 34 Filwick, Alfred ...... 4 Fricker, Jonathan...... 89 Fleming, John , ...... 234 Gregory, Alfred ...... 34 Finnissey , J ...... 5 French, George ...... 89 Foster, George ...... 179 Golding, David ...... 34 Farquhar , G. H. 5 Frost, William ...... 89 Flannigan, John ...... 179 Graham, William ...... 34 Fisher, John ...... 5, 33, 45, 54 Fatt, Alick ...... 89 Frazer, James ...... 182, 187 Gilbert, Walter...... 34 Fergusson , David ...... 7, 24 Fahey, Patrick ...... 89 Fahy, Margaret...... 183 Gallacker, William ...... 37 Fergusson , Sarah .. . 7, 24 Farmer, Albert George ... 92 Fortis, John ...... 183 Graineford, Victor ...... 38 Francis , John ...... 8 Flack, Samuel , ... , ..... 97 Fullarton, John Wm. 186, 190, 197 Game, William...... 38 Frearson , William ... , .. 11 Ferris, George ...... 97 Fisher, Emma ...... 186 Grey, William Henry .... 38 Fox, Richard ...... 11 Fielding, Charles George . , 100 Forward, John ...... 187 Graham, Archibald .... 39 Fischer, Hugo ...... 12 Fitzgerald, Thomas ...... 101 Forsyth, John ...... 187 Gill, John ...... 39 Frearson , John...... 12, 60 Fogarty, Daniel ...... 67 Fagan Joseph 190 Gill, William ...... 39 Ferris , William ...... 15 Ford, George...... 105 Ford, William Edward , . 194, 195 Gibson, Thomas ...... 44, 93 Faulding & Co ...... 16 Ford, Sarah and Ellen.... 105 Foy, John ...... 197 Graves, James ...... 44193 Foulkes , Wi lliam ...... 16 Ford, Joseph ...... 105 Ford, Joseph ...... 197 Green, James ...... 45 Ford, Owen L...... 16 Ford, Alexander ...... 105 Fahy, Patrick ...... 205 Gehrs, John . , , ...... 48 Fuchs, Franz ...... 18 Fisk, William ...... 108 Ford, Michael ...... 209 Gillen, Philip ...... 49, 50 Foley, Thomas ...... 19, 23, 45 Finkle, Charles ...... 108 Farey, John ...... 209 Gains, James ...... 49, 80 Ferguson , Charles ...... 19 Fitzgerald, Abigail ...... 109, 114 Fairley, John ...... 212 Groves, James ...... 52 Finlayson & Co...... 20 Frearson Brothers...... 109 Flemming, John ...... 214 Griffith, Benjamin ...... 52 Frayne , Thomas ...... 20, 34 Fopp, E. A. A...... 112 Fitzgerald, Thomas ...... 214 Griffin, Richard ...... 52 Former, Frederick ...... 22 Flugge, Andreas ...... 116 Flowers, Graham ...... 216 Gibson,Robert ...... 52 Fulljames , John ...... 24 Fraser, William 117 Fray, Henry ...... 218 Green, George W...... 52 Fitzgibbons , Patrick , ... 24 Finn, William ....'...... 120, 124 Fergusson, Andrew ...... 219 Gross, Matthew ...... 52 Fribbins Benjamin ...... 25 Frater, Walter ...... - 120 Fowler, William ...... 219 Gosden, James ...... 53 Fraser, Lachlan ...... 28, 82 Foure, Laurence .. . .. 120 Flannigan, Michael ...... 223 Gross, Horatio ...... 64 Farrelly, R ...... 28 Fleming, Jane ...... 121 Finkel, Charles ...... 224 Giles, Henry ...... 64 Furz, James ...... 29 Fahey, Roger ...... 126 Frost, William ...... 224 Grey, J. Ir.. . . a...... 54 Field, Annie Winton .... 29 Fry, William...*...... 129 Fidler & Webb . _ . 224 Gaze, William . , .. ... 57 Feltus , Susannah ...... 30 Frost, John Josep...... 130 Fitzherbert, Arch. Malcolm 225 Gordon, Coleman Gregory. 67 Farquhar , George ...... 32 Fraser & Hughes ...... 132 Flannigan, Mary ...... 229 Groves, Thomas ...... 57, 62, 63 INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Green, Joseph ...... 60, 74 Gray, William ...... 146 Hammill, J...... 5 Hill, JosephA...... 49 Gason, Samuel ...... 62, 109 Goorty, Patrick ...... 148 Humphries, It. J...... 5 Holand, Mary ...... 49 Gill, Joseph ...... 62 Goodhall, George ...... 148 Higgins, G. 6 Hyndman, David ...... 49, 54 Green,Amos ...... 63 Goohall, William ...... 148 Holland, John, alias Rollin 5 Harrison. Margaret ...... 49 Grafe,Jacob A...... 63 Gill, William ...... 149 Huffee,John...... 6 Hitchcock, William ...... 49 Goulter, George ...... 63 Graham, William ...... 149 Hansborough, Matthew .. 7 Holmes, Joseph _ .. 50 Green, Michael ...... 67, 79 Griffiths, Mary ...... 149 Hudson, Benjamin ...... 7 Harrison, William .... 60 Gibbons,Arthur Frederick, Gurr, Emily ...... 149 Hillier, James ...... 10 Heylemann, Edward G. .. - 50 alias Fred Minton ...... 71 Gall, Lawrence ...... 158 Hack, Francis ...... 10 Hutten, Von Alfred George 50 Geogehegan, Elizabeth 72 Greenwood, Thos. . 159, 163, 175 Harvey, Thomas ..... 11, 29, 30 Heinrich, John .. 52, 66,• 68 Green, Mary Ellen .... 72 Greenslade, John ...... 160 Harvey, John ...... 11 Hunter, Stevenson, & Co. 52 Gunn, Charles ...... 72 Gilligan, Mary ...... 162 Hodges, William ...... 11 Heair, Hugh...... 52, 62, 114 Gerrard, John ...... 72 Goddard, Arabella ...... 162 Hansen, August ...... 11 Henning, Simeon Charles 53 Gotch, Charles ...... 74 Gardiner, James ...... 163 Hanish, Sigiscuund ...... 12, 24 Hobbs, Thomas ...... 53 Groves, William ...... 74 Glynn, Christopher ...... 163 Harris, Charles ...... 12 Hicks, Thomas ...... 54, 68 Ggttschalk, William ...... 75 Greaves,Alexander ...... 163 Hemming, William ...... 14 Harris, William Henry .. 54 Grey, George ...... 76 Golding, John ...... 167 Hope, Henry...... 14 Harris, Samuel Alfred .... 54 Gould,George ...... 79 Graham, Wm. Richard .. 170 Harman, James ...... 14 Hunwick, A..T...... 54 Gantt, Jane E...... 80 Giles, Wm ...... 170 Hennessy, Mary Ann .... 15, 68 Harrison, John Laurence.. 54 Gibbons,Henry ...... 82 Garli ck, Arthur 170 Hunter, W illiam ...... 15 Hanton, Henry Benjamin 54 Griffiths, John Parker,.... 82 Goodhall, William . 170, 171, 175 Hillman, Elizabeth ...... 16 Hamilton, Margaret ...... 56 Goodier, John ...... 83 Goodhall, George .. 170, 171, 175 Hunt, Evan ...... 16 Huxley, James ...... 58 Gowman, Thomas ...... 84 Greenslade, Wm. Chas. .. 171 Howard, Andrew ...... 16 Hatton, James ...... 60 Gun, Joshua ...... 84 Grant, Alexander ...... 171 Harcourt, Louisa ..:..... 18 Harris, John ...... 61 Grams, William ...... $,4 Green, George, alias Henson, Alfred ...... 19 Hutchins, John...... 61 Gotting, Albert ...... 84, 105 Grant ...... 176, 234 Hill , JosephR...... 20 Henley, Clara ...... 65 Goss, George ...... 92 Graham, William ...... 178, 180 Hewitt, William ...... 20 Harvey, Arthur ...... 65, 72 Goodbody, Peter ...... 92, 100 Goodhall, Annie ...... 178 Howell, John ...... 20 Hodges, Rev. Charles .... 66 Gartland, Patrick ...... 93 Gruhl, Annie Maria ...... 179 Harrold Brothers ...... 20, 105 Hardy, Mrs...... 66 Gibson, Thomas ...... 93 Green,Richard ...... 179 Hay, Hann, & Co...... 22 Hocking, Charles ...... 67 Greenslade, William C... 96, 138 Grayson, Hannah ...... 180 Hawkes, Henry .. 22 Hutchings, George ...... 70 Greaves,Alexander ...... 97 Gahagau, Francis ...... 183 Hill & Co.. . . 22, 56, 178, 209 Hubble, William ...... -71 Gibbison, James ...... 97 Gall, Maria ...... 186' Harvey, Win. Salisbury 23 Harjes, Simon Peter .... 71 Gare, George ...... 100 Gelston, Hastings ...... 186, Hamisch, Johan Ernest .. 24 Hennessy, James ...... 72 Green, Philip ...... 100 Gould, Maud Blanche .... 187 Hall, Albert ...... 24 Harding,George ...... 72 Giles, John ...... 101 Green, Charlotte ...... 191 Hall, William ...... 24 Hubert, Julia ...... 72 Goldsmith, J. Wm. Patk.. 102 Giessel, Jean Alfred, alias Heynes, Charles ...... 24 Harland, John ...... 72 Giffrey, Patrick ...... 102 Lambert, alias Mechanie 191 Hill, Henry ...... 24 Hickey, John...... 72 Goodman, Henry ...... 105 Gault, Robert N...... 192 Hill, John Francis ...... 24 Hammell, A. M...... 74 Goss, Francis...... 105 Gillard, Joseph ...... 198 Henson Brothers ...... 28 Hollis, Thomas ...... 74 Gallery,Margaret...... 105 Gates, Annie"Beatrice .... 201 Harris, William...... 28 Hopwood, Thomas ...... 74 Glover, James ...... 109 Geeson, John Wood ...... 201 Heinrich, John Herbert .. 29 Hyde, Edward ...... 75 Goodall , George...... 109 Gilenden, Margaret ...... 201 Haylock, R...... 29 Hubble, Henry ...... 75 Garing, Mary Ann ...... 109 Gow, Archibald ...... 204 House, Frederick ...... 29 H. M. Railway Department 75 Guering, Michael ...... 196 Gebhard, August ...... 208 Hocart, Thomas ...... 29 Hendry, Alexander ...... 75 Goldsmith, John ...... 109 Griffiths, James George .. 209 Hill, John ...... 30, 53 Hodgkiss, George Lionel.. 75 Gully, Robert ...... 112 Guna (aboriginal) ...... 209 Haynes, John, Hannah, Hubble, Alfred ...... 75 Gibbs, Samuel ...... 113 Gaze, William ...... 212 and Elizabeth 30 Haggerty, John...... 75 Grassner , Charles ...... 115, 125 Gambling, John ...... 213 Hollis, Henry ...... 32 Since,Francis Goode.... 75 Goode Brothers ...... 116 Gordon, Coleman Gregory 215 Hopcroft, Edward ...... 33 Hewitt, John ...... 76 (ray, Alexander ...... 117 Gibons,John...... 218 Hodges, Thomas ...... 33 Hall, William ...... 75 Geoghan, Bridget ...... 117 Goods, David ...... 218 Hart, William Alger .... 30, 58 linesman, Joseph ...... 76 Gleeson, Cornelius ...... 118 Gillard, William ...... '219 Harvey, Sophia .. 33 Holton, Robert ...... 78, 162 Gleeson, John Stephen .. 118 Gibbons, John . .... 220 Hendry, George ...... 34, 86 Harvey, Robert ...... 78 Glover, Patrick ...... 118 Green, Elizabeth Susannah 222, Hoffman, Charles ...... 34 Harris, Samuel ...... 78 Glover, Ralph ...... 118 228, 230 Hewitt, William ...... 34 Hancock, John ...... 79 Gregson, James Henry.. 118 Green, Peter ...... 222 Horton, Mary A...... 34 Hale, Blanch Elizabeth .. 86 Green, John Michael .... 120 Gallento, Louise ...... 222 Holt, William ...... 34 Hand, William ...... X - 88 Griffiths, Richard ...... 121 Good, Thomas ...... 223 Hart, Stephen ...... 36 Hastings# Joseph ...... 89, 118 Green, Michael ...... 121 Granay,Roger ...... 229 Howley, Thomas ...... 37 Harris, James ...... 89, 118 Gibbons,George ...... 122 Green,John ...... 230 Humphreys, George...... 37 Hare, Henry ...... 90 Goldin, William ...... 129 Grey, William ...... 230 Hellmann, Frederick .... 38, 44 Hill, Henry ...... 92 Grams, William ...... 129 Gregory, Ellen ...... 230 Hand, William ...... 39, 54 Hiam, Charles ...... 92 Gillmer, Edwd. Valentine 130 Gander, Frederick ...... 233 Howard, George ...... 39 Hawkins, Harry .... 93 Green, James ...... 135 Gully, Robert ...... 234 Holdsworth, Francis Keel- Hindle, John, alias . Novice 93 Green,Alfred 136 Goodier, James ...... 234 ing ...... 40 Hobson, Thomas ...... 93 Grenville, Horace ...... 138 Gibbs, James B. . 234 Hamer,Frank ...... 42 Hoffer, Charles ...... 93 Gillerlane, Thomas .. ... 139 H. M. Government 3, 16, 57, 100, Harvey, John William ... 42 Hutchinson, Thomas ... 97 Gillerlane, Bridget ...... 139 139, 148, 170, 174, 178 Hoskins, John ...... 43 Handley, It. A. .. 99, 120 Goettig, Frederick ...... 140 Hillier, George ...... 2 Holbert, Charles ...... 43 Hathaway,. William H. .. 100 Gallagher, Joseph...... 141 Hennessey, Mary Ann, ... 2 Hutchings, Ernest . , .. 43 Harmer, Charles Dennis .. 100 Gallagher, Michael .. .. 141 Hayes, ' Andrew- ...... 3 Newton, James...... 44,.45 Hargrave, Keziah ...... 101 Gordon, Margaret.. 144, 148, 149 Hogan, Michael 4, 10, 22, 28, 100 Harris, David, Wlias Pearson 45 Heims, Henry ...... 101 Gibbs, William Maides .. 145 Heinemann, Henry ...... 4 Hampton, John Henry.... 48 "Heffernan, Luke ...... 102 -Goldin, William ...... 146 Hunt, Elizabeth ...... 4 Heaslip, James ...... 48 Hand, Eli ..... 104 Gordon, William .. . .. 146 Hunt, Caroline ...... 4 Harrison, John L...... 48 Holmwood, , William.... 105, 121 Glover, Patrick ...... 146 Henry, George ...... 4 Hallock, John ...... 49,61 Hill, Robert ...... 105 INDEX.

•1 Page. Page. Page. Page. Inquests on Fire- ljolmes, Benjamin ...... 105 Hassock, Paul ...... 139 Heineman, Henry ...... 187 igery,.Edward... . .105 Hendry, George ...... 140 Hardy Emily ...... 187 Creep Mouse Gully 67 William , Joseph, Harrington, Henry ...... 146 Hayes, James ...... 187 Dalrymple ...... 67 Barris,. Hulk, $adina ...... 64, 84 10 1z#as Jdsephx "anl. en, Herman, Sophia ...... 146 Harrison, Sarah ...... 188 Jamestown ...... 125 1: atias.Polgreen .. , ;s" , 105 Hancock, .John...... 146 Hooper, Philip . . ... 191 Aberdeen ...... 187 Hickey, . 06, 109, 118 Hart, James ...... 146 Haves, James Willliam .. 191 Patrick... 1 Child 4 ($omes,.Jam .". ....:.:. 106 Hancock,.Emma ...... 146 Huleman, Carl ...... 191 ...... 4Hawker•, Thomas... ; .. , . 108 Holl oway, John ...... 149 Hammond Henry ...... 192 UnknownMan ...... 145 (Hyde, Charlotte. .... 109 Hannay,. Andrew ...... 149 Harris, William ...... 192 Irvin,John ...... 12 194 Ives, Joseph .. 24 Binton, .Riuhe±d ...... • 109 Hang 13oon...... 153 Hails, Harry...... Jives, George ...... 109 Harvey, Charles ...... 153 Burrell, William ...... 197 Irving, George D'Arcy .. 49 Hu,ley, .lYL,...... , .. 112 Hawker, Thomas 153, 163, 166 Hall, 'Richard ...... 198 Ingram, Frank ...... 68 Hi ll, R.. ... ,...... 112 Hugo, William ...... 153 Hunt, George ...... 198 Inveranty, John ...... 78 Harris ,. Joseph ...... 1.12 Hoffmann, William ...... 154 Hele,,Annie ...... 190, 200 Irvin, Andrew ...... 99 z$olton, 112 Horton, William ... , ... 154 Hamlin, John ...... 200 Ibbotson,Thomas ...... 138 L. 159 Holmes, W. T,.:... , ..... 112 Harrold Brothers ...... 154 Holmswood, Isabella .... 201 Inglis, Oliver ...... JlowarJ, Sarah ...... 114 Harrison, Margaret ...... 154 Harricot, Jane ...... 201 Ingham, Robert ...... 186 Isaacson,Isaac ...... 180 !Harris,. Eliza ...... 114 Horton, Joseph Walter.. 158, 163 Hough, John...... 201 Herrick, Easter...... 114 Hearn, Thomas ...... , 158, 208 Hants, Benjamin Webster 201 Inge, Emily ..... 200 Herrick, Margaret .... 114 Hopcroft, Edward... .. 158, 166 Hurst, John ...... 201 , Frank William 223 Hoyt ed, John...... 116, 121 Hack, Alfred ...... 158, 162 Hawker, Thomas Lipsom 163, 204 Jackson, John 4 Harris,, William ...... 117 Heinemann, Henry Ludwig 158 Henderson, John Charles.. 204 James, R. G ...... 5 Hayes, John .$. .... , , , , 117 Hellar, John ...... 159 Hawkins, Dr...... 205 Johns, Henry ...... 5, 18 Houlson, . Edward Thomas 117 Hayes, John .. , ...... 159 Hyde, Peter ...... 205 Jacobs, Annie ...... 7 R gh6s, Herbert ...... 117 Hair, James ...... 160 Hart, Theodor ... 205 Jarvis, Ebenezer ...... , . 7 Hannay„ AAdre.w and Mary Harling, Robert ...... 160 Hartley, John Lancaster .. 208 Jones, Rees ...... 8 .Ann ...... 117 Hawker,. Thomas Lipson.. 162 Hampton, Joseph ...... 208 Joe ...... 10 Hyland.,Mary,AAn ' .... 117 Haley, Samuel Burdett .. 163 Hunt, Thomas ...... 209 Judd, William 12 Hitch man,,. Edward i . , .... 118 Harrison., Henry .... . 163, 175 Heritage, Edward Henry.. 209 Johns, Thomas ...... 12, 34 Hitchnau,. John...... 118 Halliday, Annie ...... 163 Hastie, James ...... 214 Jonas, Leopold . , , .... , , . 20 Hi) ; William. Samuel .... 120 Harris, Frederick ...... 163 Hogan, Patrick ...... 215 Jones, Martin ...... 20. Hamlyu. Murray 120, 152, 154 Hayes, John ...... 163 Hickson, Robert ...... 215 James, James ...... 22, 57, 90 Hunt, &pna Mama, 120, 128, 129, Hirt, Jacob Sevrin .. 163 Higgins, John ...... 215 Jackes, William Richard.. 22 145 Hourigan, Annie 166, 170, 171, Humphries, George Wm... 218 Jones, alias Professor Jones 23 Howe, Sarah . 120,124, 125, 140 183 Humphrey, William .... 218 Jenkins, William ... , .... 23 Re ney.,_ George IL ...... 120 Howard, Wm. Edmund 167 Humbley, Richard Henry Jarrett, Edmund ...... 24 His,.? ohn White ...... 121 Hoenger, Rudolph ...... 168 Wells ...... 218 Jeffrey, Robert ...... 24, 75 Hines, Charles ...... 121 Ha Jee, Nullah Nirban..168, 198 Howell, Mary Ann ...... 219 Jones, Brothers ...... 29 Hinds, John 121 Harris, John White ...... 168 Huffer, John...... 219 Jamieson, J. A...... 29 Handley,.$pbert Alfred 99, 120, Harling, Robert ...... 168 Hughes, Alfred ...... _ 219 Jones, Sydney ...... 33, 93 ..,., .z, 125 Hill, Frank ...... 168 Holtmars. John ...... 219 Johns, Henry ...... 33 Hughes,. Esther ...... 121 Harris, Emanuel ...... 170 Hawker, William ...... 219 James, John ...... 33 Ht1nt, George ...... 124 Hillier, John Foach ...... 170 Hilton, John ...... 220 Jones Brothers ...... 33, 45 Rostey, Sate .. . 124 Howard, Sarah ...... 171 Hastwell & Sons, James .. 222 Johnson,H. 34 J. ain, MicJael, alias Reid.. 125 Harges,. John...... 171 Hood, John ...... 223 Johnson, .John ...... 39 $enwood, James...... 125 Helms, James ...... 172 Hay, Mary ...... 223 Jackling, Joseph ...... 39 Hansen,,Peter ...... 125 Howlett, Richard ...... 174 Hall, Gordon ...... 223 Jose, William ...... 39 Hathaway, Wiliam Henry Heming, Thomas ...... 174 Bawer, John ...... 223 James, Frederick ...... 39 Goodall ...... 126 Hussey, George Frederick 174 Hayes, Jas. William, alias Johnson, Olaf ...... 44 Haynes, .John...... 126 Hill, Frederick ...... , 174 Anderson ...... 223 Johnson, Thomas ...... 44 Heinemann, Henry ...... 128 Horner, Joseph ...... 175 Hanson, Edwin ...... 223 Johnson,Henry ...... 45 Hipins, John ...... 128 Hillier, William ...... 175 Herriott, Frank ...... 223 James, George ...... 45 Hargrave, Chas. Townsend 128 Hill, William ...... 176 Harris, George ...... 224 Jennings, Edward ...... ' 49 Hays, William .. „ 128, 132, 152 Hoar, Henry ...... 175 Habner, Martin ...... 224 Johnson,Alexander ...... 49 Holmes., George ...... 129 Hem, Elizabeth ...... 175 Harvey, John ...... 229 Jobst, Carl August .... 51, 65, 68 Hampton, James ...... 129 Hogan, William ...... 177 Hasenbalg, Johann ...... 229 Jennings, Joseph ...... 54 dickens, William ...... 129 Harrison, George ...... 178 Harman, William ...... 229 Joyce, John ...... 56, 57 Harris, Thongs ...... 129 Hancock, John ...... 178 Harges, Simon ...... 229 Johnson, Laurence 57, 58 Henning, Frederick ...... 130 Ruston, Arthur ...... 179 Hogan, Patrick ...... 2.30 Jones, Paul, alias Robert Hemming, Emily Ann.... 130 Hall & McClain ...... 179 Hallissey, William ...... 230 Smith ...... 62 Hallman., Carl..., 132, 153, 154 Hallett District Council .. 179 Harry, Farrar, & Co. ... 232 Jagoe, Richard 66 Hinckley, Thomas ...... 133 Hince, Francis Goode .... 180 Homes, Tom, or Comes.... 233 Jones, William . _ ...... 67, 122 Hamlin, John ...... 133 Hubert, Julia ...... 180 Ronan, Maurice ...... 234 Jennings,Henry ...... 67 Hyndman, Robt. Augustus 133 Holloway, John ...... 180 Hunter, David ...... 234 Jotgenson,- .,,,.. 67 Harvey, Charles Hinckley 134 Huffer, John ...... 182 Hopson, Alfred Simpson . 234 Jiemann & Phillipi ...... 79 Hubbard, Thomas ...... 134 Hogan, Patrick ...... 183 Harrison, Sarah ...... 234 Jones, Paul ...... 85 Harvey, Philip ...... 134 Harris, Samuel ...... 183 Inquests on Fire- ' Jewell & Nicholls ...... 88, 89 H2142an,. John ...... 134 Heelan, Alfred Edward .. 183 Miners' Arms ...... 4 Jackson, James Henry.... 93 Hastings, ,Joseph ...... 134 Hayford, Robert ...... 183 Mount Gambier , ... 15 Jackson,Mary ...... 93 Harris, ,James ...... , 134 Hancock, Edward ...... 183 Green's Plains ...... 20 Johnson, Neils Christian..93, 105 Havelock, Samuel ...... 135 Hay, John ...... 186 Vernon "ark ...... 33 Johns, Elizabeth 96 Hillson, .Donald ...... 135 Hughes, William ...... 186 Tanunda ...... 33 Johns, Bennett ...... 96 Iarnett, Nathaniel ...... 135 Hicks, Stephen ...... 186 King of Hanover .... 33 James, Richard ...... 97 Hodges, .Mrs. Mary ...... 136 Howlett, Robert ...... 187 Baker's Gully 49 Jones, Wm, Williams .... 99 Hart, •Fdlvard James .... 138 Humphrey, William ...... 187 Magill .... 38 Jackman, Joseph ...... 100, 116 Jiadlion, Marcella ...... 139 Herse, Wilhelm ...... 187 Auburn ...... 67 Jacka, Samuel , ...... 104 Heffernan , . Patrick ...... 139 Harris, James 187 Waterloo ...... 67 James, George ...... 106 B X. INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Jacobson, John •...... 109 Kelly, A ...... 5 Kishane, Michael ...... 170 Lambert, Edwin ...... 30 Johnson, James ...... 109 Kain, John ...... 7, 79, 84, 115, Kielly, Timothy ...... 171 Livingstone, Henry ..... 30 Judge, Martin ...... 109 ,197,205Kennedy, James ...... 171 Leedon, Herbert ...... 33 Jenner, E. L...... 112 Kelly, John ...... 7 Kingston, John ...... 171, 187 Latham, George Ormond . 33, 105 Jewell, W. J...... 112 Knight, Thomas ...... 8 Klauer, Augustus ...... 175, 230 Leamy, James ...... 34 Julius, Herman ...... 117 Knott, William ...... 12 Kendall, Margaret ...... 176 Lofgren, J. E...... 38, 43 James Henry. , ... 120 Kemp, Richard .. , . ... 20 Kerr, William ...... 180 Longerglen, A. N. G. .... 38, 49 Jones, William Melville .. 121 Kitson, Thomas Saunders . 23 Kain, Patrick ...... 182 • Leonard, J. T...... 39 James, John ... .. 122 Kulmat, Catherine ...... 24 Kinross, William ...... 186 Lenk, Margaret..,...... 39 Jacobsonn, Solomon W. .. 122 Kelly, Thomas ...... 24, 80,54 Kipps, James ...... X 186 Little, Joseph Matthew .. 39 Joyce, Joseph Stephen.... 129 Kearnan, James ...... 25 Kenny, Thomas ...... 187, 200 Langberg ...... 43 Jones, David Walter .... 136 Kerney, John ...... 28 Kelly, James ...... 188 Lord, Simpson , , ...... , . 44,54 Jarred, John, alias Rixon . 141 Kingsley, Annie ...... 29 Kains, Alice ...... 191 Lillman, Charles ...... 44 Jaggard, Eliza ... . 145 Kenny, William ...... 30, 58 Kearney, Samuel ...... 191 Lawton, James Alfred .... 48 Jones, John, alias Jinks, alias Kennett, William R. .... 30, 63 Kielly, Andrew ...... 192 Loughlin, John ...... 48 Murphy ...... 146, 160 Kenney, Martin ...... 32, 63 Knight,G ...... 193 Lissiman, James Henry .. 48 Joyce,John ...... 148 Kelly, Edward ...... 36 Kinnan, Peter ...... 193 Lamb, Thomas ...... 48 Job, Edwin ...... 149 Kelly, Daniel ...... 36 King, Charles ...... 198, 219 Lante, Adolph .. 1.... 49,53 Jackson, Thomas . . . .. • 149 Kelly, James ...... 36, 88, 117 Kenrris, Mrs. Mary Jane, Lampard, Robert Henry .. 49 Johnson, William ...... 149, 163 Kavanagh, Leo ...... 40 or Logan ...... 201 Lloyd, Willialn ...... 49 Jeffrey, George ...... 149 Kemp, William ...... 43 King, Elizabeth ...... 204 Lehmann, Franca .... 51, 65, 68 Jones, John .... 154 Kakko, Jacob .... , .... , 43 Kelly, Patrick ...... 205 LePage, Peter Henry . , .. 52 James, William Walter 158 Kadow, Christian .. , , .... 44 Korte, Oadejaan .. 209, 219 Lynch, George ...... 52 Johnson, John.... 159, 187, 190, Keen, William ...... 44, 50 Kendrickson, Henrick .... 209 Lewis, Charles ...... 54 195, 205 King, Gordon...... 49 Kenworthy, William .... 214 Lamb, Thomas ...... 54, 121 Johns,Mary ...... 159 Kirby, Patrick ...... , . 56 Kenny, John ...... 215 Leonard, Charles ...... 64 Jennings,Joseph...... 160 Kerivan, Thomas ...... 57 Kelly, James ...... 216 Lake, J..F. ... ,...... 54 Jamieson, Elizabeth ...... 163 Kuntze, Julia ...... 67 Kennedy, Alexander .... 219, 222 Lepp, Frank C...... 56 Johnson, Owen ...... 163 Klemschmidt, J. M...... 57 Klein, August ... ,...... 223 Lynch, Martin ... 57 Johns, James ...... 166 Kean, Matthew...... 63 Korte, Ander Jaan De .... 229 Lyons, Charles ...... 67 Jackson,Alfred...... 168 Kennett, Elizabeth ...... 67 Kennedy, John ...... 230 Ledger, William ...... 57, 90 Johnston, Francis ...... 168 Kerr, John ...... 67. Kappler., Emanuel ...... 230 Leake, Edward ...... 60 Jones, Samuel ...... 171 Knight, Albert ...... 68 Keough, Edward ...... 230 Lowe, John ...... 61 James, John ...... 171 Kave, Timothy ...... 68 Kenny, John ...... 230 Lynch, George ...... 61 James, Arthur ...... 171 Kingdon, Abraham ... , .. 68 Kingsbury, James ...... 232 Laidlaw, Thomas ...... 63 Johnson, Owen ...... 171 Knight, Sophia ...... 70 Kerr, John Henry ...... 233 Lilljander, Alexander .. 66, 68 Jackson, John ...... 176 Kimbert, Andrew ...... 78 Kruse, Carl Heinrich .... 233 Lenenberger, Adolph ,.., 67, 72 Joyce, John ...... 177 Klapper, John ...... 84, 129 Kave, John ...... 234 Ley, George...... 67 Judkins, Benjamin ...... 183 Keene, George ...... 85 Kennedy, Daniel Fidess. 144, 187 Lang, Frederick 67 Johnson, William Henry.. 183 Kenny, William, alias Le Lames ...... 3 Long, Charles ...... 67 Johnstone, Stephen ...... 183 Thackaringa Billy ...... 88 Lille, Charles Hemille .... 4 Lannigan, James ...... 70 Jones, James ...... 186 Kither, Richard ...... 93 Livingston, Henry ...... 4 Lebrane,. Thomas ...... 71021 Jacobs, Morris ...... 187 Krull, Ernst ...... 93 Lange, Edward ...... 4 Logan, Alexander...... 72, 122 Jewell , Samuel ...... 187 Kopahl,Henry ...... 94 Lowther, James ...... 6 Larkins, Adelaide .... , 72 Johnson, James ...... 188 Kidd, Llewellyn ...... 94 Love, John Robert . , .. . 6 Lyons, Margaret 72 Johnston, Thomas ...... 188 Kinneen, Thomas ...... 94, 109 Lane, Charlotte...... 6 Lee, James ..... • , r. • 72 Jackson,Eleanor Agnes ., 190 Kineen, Timothy ...... 94 Llewellyn, Jane ...... 6 Leete, Charles Henry .. , . 76 James, Frederick ...... 191 Kain, Michael ...... 102 Llewellyn, Mrs...... 6 Labrun, Emma ...... 76 James, Nancy ...... 191, 201 Kilfoil, Ellen ...... 105 Lynch, Matthew ...... 7, 58 Lockstone, Ernest...... 76 Jackson,Robert...... 192 Krolen,Charles...... 106 Long, Robert F...... 7 Lewis, Robert ...... , 78 Tones,George .., 192 Kinnan, Peter ...... 108 Lazarus, Woolf ...... 10 Linthall, Henry ...... 78, 96, 97 Johnson, Thomas.. 194, 196, 204 Kilduff,John...... 108 Lyons, Annie...... 12 Lineham, Thomas .: ... 79, 117 Johnston, Francis ...... 198 Kain, Mary ...... 109, 114 Lloyd, Benjamin ...... 12, 25 Lever, Levi, alias Lever, Johansen, Erasmus ...... 204 Kirk, William ...... 109 Long, John .... 12 William .. , . 79 Jacobson,Simon ...... 204 Kinross, Alexander ...... 117 Lowe, Carl ...... 12 Leake, Edward 79 James, Wm. Jn. Abraham. 208 Kelly, Edward ...... 120 Lowe, Charles ...... 12 Lawton, Thomas ...... 80 JonesBrothers...... 208 Kenrich, William ...... 121 Lynch, Thomas ...... 15 Lachal, Leon .- .....:... . 80 Jones, William ...... 208, 214 Knowles, Thomas ...... 124 Lellman's Resturaunt .... 15 Little, Archibald ...... 83 Jones, Thomas ...... 210 Kwidson, Thomas ...... 126, 144 Le Moude, Victor ...... 15 Lilleywhite, James , .. , .. 83 Jones, William John 214 Kirk, Charles ...... 126 Lane, John ...... 15 Linde, Haken ...... 83 Jackson, Wm. John ...... 214 Kirk, R. H...... 126 Lovelock, Elijah ...... 15 Leake Brothers.,,...... 84 James, A. G ...... 218 Kerr, Margaret ...... 129 Lamb, John ...... 19 Lambert, Ewen ... • ..... • 86 Johnson, Charles ...... 220 Kuppell, J. August 132, 134, 143 Lucas, William ...... 19 Lantsbery, James ...... 88 Jacoby, Daniel ...... 2'20 King, Henry , ...... 134 Lane, Edward ...... 20, 122 Luckes, John Richard . , .. 89 Jamieson, Alice May .... 220 Kennelly, Daniel ...... 135 Low, Alexander ...... 20, 142 Locke, Henry 90 Jones, Joseph Allan ...... 223 Kentfield, Alfred E...... 136,Lingdran, Olof ...... 20 Low, Frederick ...... 93 Johnson,Peter ...... 223 Kelly, P. O'Connor . , • ; .. 136 Litchfield, John 'M...... 22 Laing, Margaret , ...... 93 Jacobs, Morris ...... 223 Keightley, Herbeit ...... 139 Loughlin, Peter ...... 24 Lyon, John ...... 93, 205 Jensen, Neil, alias Johansen 2'25 Kennedy, Elizabeth ...... 139 Lawson, Frederick ...... 24 Lucas, Jonathan ...... 96, 134 Jones,John ...... 230 King, John ...... 148, 159 Lawson, Charlotte ...... 24 Lorrain, Francis ...... 97 Jennings, Edwd. Henry .. 232 Kerr, William ...... 149 Lawson, Charles ...... 25 Landese, Nathan ...... 97 Johnson Charles ...... 223 Knight, John...... 152, 154 Leicester, Rbt. Wm. John. 29 Lockwood, Richard ...... 97 Kain, Thomas ...... 4 Kingsborough,M. .... 154 Locke,John ...... 29 Little, Wm. Dickenson .. 97 Kenihan, James John .... 4 Kerr, Robert, alias Carr 162 Lightfoot,Henry ...... 29 Lakeman, Thomas ...... 100 Kenihan, Hugh ...... 4 Kitson, John ...... 168, 162 Lyons, William ...... 29 Laughton, Edward .... 101, 205 King, William ...... 4, 114 Kerward, Thomas ...... 163 Lawton, Joseph...... 30 Levi, Philip ...... 101 Krueger,Mr...... 4 King, Charles ...... 168 Laurenti & Basedow...... 30 Lawrence, Samuel ... . , 104 INDEX. xi.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Le Snews, James ...... 104 Leslie, Arth., alias McDon. Maddaford, William...... 37 Manuel, Elisha ...... 83, 88 Lawson, Thomas 105 nell, alias Henderson .. 200 Morris, Thos...... 38, 120 Managan, Michael ...... 84 Lilly, Robert ...... 105 Little , Edwd. Clement .... 200 Munro, Thos., & Co. 38 Morris, James Edwd. .... 84 Lockstone, Ernest Win. 105 Logan, Wm. Patrick .... 201 Mistel, Carl Camelle ...... 38 Morris, John ...... 84 Lihou, Thomas...... 109 Labram, Mary .... 206, 214 224 Maiden, Margt. Elizabeth. 39 Moran, James ...... 86 Larsen, Peter ...... 108 Lynch, John ...... 205 Moss, Joel.. 39, 49, 115, 117, 149 Martin, George ...... 88 Littlewood, Thomas ...... 109 Lynn, Daniel James . .. , . 208 Moran, John...... 42 Magill, John Henry...... 92 Leslie, Charles Henry .... 109 Lewis , Joseph ...... 208 Moseley, Margaret ...... 43 Malson, Thos...... 92 Le Lievre,_ L...... 112 Lulham, Walter ...... 210 Mills, Elizabeth ...... 43 Moller, Charles ...... 92 Lloyd, Joseph ...... 112 Laiden, Thomas ...... 214, 224 Medd, Arthur ...... 44, 60 Mann, Gottleib ...... 93 Lamb, E. A...... 112 Lamb, 0 , McKenzie.. ... 218 Moore, Rebecca .. 45 Murray, Jas., alias Martin. 93 Leviton, Maud ...... 112, 114 Lippy , Henry ...... 218 Moules, Henry Scouley .. 48 Morria, Henry ...... 96 Lake, John ...... 116,126 Lane, John, alias Jacko .. 222 Mason, William Robert . 48 Monoghan, Arthur ...... 96, 204 Lockley, Isabella ...... 117 Limecocks, John ...... 222 Moore, James , . ... 48, 61, 66 Masterton, Thomas ...... 96 Lyons, Ellen ...... 117 Lane, Jane ...... 223 Mahard, Thomas ...... 49 Munro, John Murray ... 97 Lockwood, William ...... 120 Long , Thomas ...... 224 Mulvihill, Patrick .. 49, 175 Mount, Brown Charley .. 96, 197 Larsson, L. A...... 125 Lewin, Francis Septimus.. 225 Moriarty, John ...... 49, 50 Manhood, George ...... 102 Lassen, Petrea ...... 125 Lyons, John ...... 229 Mason, William ...... 60 Mieklej ohn, Alex. James.. 102 Lee, Alfred...... 125, 146 Leditschke , Johann Carl .. 229 Martin ...... 51 Mieklejohn, Robert ...... 102 Lawson, Joseph ...... 128 Lindon, Percy,W...... 230 Macleay, Caroline...... 52 Malleyne, Arthur ...... 102 Lonegan, Timothy ...... 128 Lazarus , William ...... 233 Maroney, Patrick Burdett . 52 Meadoweroft, James, alias Lawson, Charlie, alias Ledbury , Frederick ...... 233 Morris, Henry ...... 52 Thylor ...... 102 Claus ...... 129, 139 Leonard, Dines ...... 234 Maurice, Price ...... 53 Miles, Jane ...... 103, 152 Long, Sarah ...... 129 Long , Robert F. .. 49, 58, 66, 83, Mitchell,.Thomas J...... 53 Mark, Edward ...... 104 Lambert, William ...... 129 117, 175 Morphett, Frank ...... 53 Martin, Owen ...... 105 Lyne, Charles ...... 130 Merritt, Win., alias Hibert 2 Meeker, Fredk. Winston. 54, 108 Moyle, William 105 Leiver, M ...... 132 Miller , Chas . .... 3, 20, 105, 109 Mia Ali ...... 54 Moody, Thos...... 105, 174 Lapthorne, James ...... 134 Miller, Joseph .... 4 Manley, Henry ...... 56 Maahr, Andrew ...... 106 Lapthorne, James, sen :... 134 Martin, John. 4, 58, 16, 130, 157 Macklin, George John .... ' 56 Mulligan, Mary ...... 106 Lyons, Cornelius ...... 134 Myers, Henry Angel .... 4 Myers, Frederick ...... 57 Marshall, Alexander ...... 108 Lyons, Ellen ...... 139 Morphett, Frederick ...... 4 Milliner, George ...... 67 Monaghan, Mary ...... 109 Lynch, James ...... 139 Mansfield, Alf re d ...... 4, 30 Murray, James ...... 67 Mevley, William ...... 109 Lynch, Eugene ...... 139 Murphy , M ...... 5 Mudge, Sarah ...... 57, 58 Malone, James ...... 109 Leonard, Catherine ...... 139 Miller, C. A ...... 5 Martin & Co., John ...... 57, 93 Mack, H...... 112 Latty, James ...... 144 Miller, J. M...... 5, 10 Myers, Frederick, alias Mardon, Susan Brown .. 112 Lyons, Mary Ann ...... 144 Marsha ll, George ...... 6 William Petitt ...... 67 Marshall, Allen Jn. Watson 112 Lewis, Frederick ...... 144 Moore , Eva ...... 6 Murray, G. H...... 60 Murch, Elizabeth ...... 112 Long, ...... 145 Mates , James ...... 7 Murray, D. & W...... 60, 71 Mitchell, Andrew .. 113 Lindrum, Fredk. Win..... 146 Mathieson , Frank . , ..... 7 Muhmke, William ...... 61 Murphy, Michael. 114, 190, 193, Leviton, Maud ...... 146 Moncrieff , J. B...... 10 Martlew, Charles ...... 61, 67 230 Lyons, Mary Ann ...... 148 Martin, Wm ...... 11, 64, 101 Morris, Wi lliam ...... 63 Martin, Amsberg, & Co... 116 Latter, William ...... 149 Morphett, J ...... 12 Millsap, Thos. H...... 63 Moss, Henry Alex. .. 116, 124 Leake, Edwd...... 149, 187 Marshall, Teresa ...... 12, 50 Martin, Joseph ...... 63 Public Library. 116 Lyson, James ...... 153 Mundy, Wil li am ...... 12, 25 Mahony, Wm. ... 66 Milihan, John .. 117, 171, 134 Larssen, Olans 153 Mumme , Charlotte .... 12 Morris, James Edward .. 66 •Merrighan, Joseph ...... 117 Leak, Charles ...... X 153, 190 Melville, John Francis.... 12 Miles, John ...... 67 Marchant, James ...... 117 Laffer, Albert Ogilvie .... 154 Maschke , Frederick ...... 12 Mansergh, Myles ...... 67 Mitchell, James. . . - , - . . . . 120 Lloyd, George .. .. 154 Mann, John ...... 12 Matthews, Richard ...... 67 Moyes, John ...... 120 Landsberg, Paul .. 157, 186, 187, Marshall, F. J...... 14 Mulcahy, John ...... 67 Maguire, John ...... 120 197 Murphy, John.. 15,66, 112, 117, Magic, John ...... 67 Mitchell, Robert ...... 121 Lemon, Charles...... 157,168 128 Moore, Emily ...... 67, 68, 97 Merrigan, Joseph ...... 121 Lee, George ...... 158 Morrell, Samuel ...... 15 Maynard, William ...... 70, 71 Monk, Charles ...... 124, 128 Lamb, Charles McKenzie . 162 Malcolm & Co., Messrs. .. 15 Mann, Frederick ...... 70 Mehrtens, Arnold ...... 124 Lee,John ...... 163 Ml'asey, Alfred ...... 15, 50 Moore, Thos...... 71, 75, 148 Mitchell, Frank ...... 124 Lewis, Ii...... 166 Mules , John Hawkes ... , i6 Melville, Henry ...... 72 Magor, Wm. Henry ...... 125 Lane, Elizabeth ...... 166 Marshall, William ...... 16 Meyers, George ...... 72 Mullin, James ...... 126 Ludlow, Joseph ...... 168 Murphy, William ...... 16 Moore, George ...... 72 Morrison, Bentham ...... 128 Linde, Chas. Dubois .... 171, 183 Moore , Robert ...... 16 Malion, George ...... 72, 79 Mark, Harry ...... 133 Lovering, George ...... 171, 175 Malthouse , John ...... 18 Maynausan, Hans ...... 72 Mutton, John ...... 133 Lindon, Percy Nutt ...... 175` Muir, Jasper .. ., ...... 20 Martin, David ...... 72, 83 Montgomery, George .... 134 Long, Ro'bert Fitzallen 175 Morrell, Samuel ...... 20 Moller, Rudolph ...... 72 Marshman, Joshua ...... 135 Laws, William ...... 178 Miller, Thos ...... 20,-34, 177 Muller, Edwd...... 72 Merton, George ...... 135 Lyons, Louis ...... 179 Miller, James ...... 22, 28, 101 Morris, Rachael ...... 72 Meddaford, William ...... 138 Luce, Daniel ...... 180 Minear , Edward ...... 23 Mackie, Andrew ...... 72 Magers, John ...... 139 LingHin, , , ...... 182 Milne , Robert ...... 24 Martin, James ...... 72, 105 Moore, Dora ...... 139 Levy, Edwd. Philip ...... 183 Mi lls, W...... 28 Mitchell, Edwd. Henry 74 Mast, Edwd. Wm...... 139 Lyster, James ...... 183 Milburne , Edwin ...... 29, 39 Markey, Henry D...... 74 Marshall, Julia ...... 145, 175 Lehmann, Franz ...... 187 Mann, Jas ...... 30 Manning, Sarah Ann ... . 75 Murphy, Jeremiah ...... 146 Larkin, Thomas ...... 187 Moore , Richard ...... 30, 54 Moore, Walter ...... 75, 178 Martin, Henry ...... 149 Lovegrove, John Duckett . 187 Main, Robert ...... 33 Mitchell, John ...... 75 Moylan, John ...... 149 Lott, James Richardson . 188, 216 Meyson, Frederick ...... 33 Marshman, Joshua 76 Mansfield, Alfred ...... 149 Lynan, James ...... 190 Mowatt,Mary ...... 33 Murphy, Walter ...... 76 Moulan, John ... 153 Yong, Thomas ...... , 191 Markey, Thos...... 33 Moore, Sarah ...... 79 Montague, David John .. 153 Lenane, Thomas ...... 191, 224 Moran, James ...... 34 Murray, Matthew ...... 80 Magrath, James ...... 153 Logan, Win. Patrick 191 Morphett , Frederick ...... 34 Molyneux & Allnutt ...... 80 Mengerson, Henry D..... 154 Lee, Samuel, alias John Mevel, Pierre Marrie Aug. 34 Mooney, Patrick ...... 82 Maddiford, Joseph ...... 154 Wilson ...... 191 Muller, George ...... 37 Moss, Henry A...... 83 Morris, Mary Agnes ...... 154 INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. May, Richard & Wm..... 158 McMahon, James 4, 52, 79, 84, 183 McGuinness, Hugh .. .. , 115, 124 1' elson, Nelson, aliaeNblson, Mahoney, Annie .. 159, 163, 171 McNamara, D...... 5 McLean f John Archibald 115, 117 Nicholas.:...... 20 Moules, H ...... 162 McPharlin, D...... 5 McKenzie, Alex. Weir.. 117, 162 Newman, Charles...... 30 Mart, William- ...... 162 McKenzie, Alexander .... 5 McDonald, Kenneth .... 118, 136 Nolan, -Mortimer 45 Mangaree, Alexander .... 162 McKinley,- Edward ...... 7 McDonald, W. J. It . .... 118 Newman,'Mary Jane .... 49 Moffitt, John ...... 162 McV'ickar, Mary ...... 7 McNicol, Duncan ...... 121 Neaylon, Thomas.....'..... 61, 60 Mildred, H: H ...... 163 McClusky, Thomas ...... 8 McIntyre, Marv ...... 121 Neill, Frederick 54 Mines, Charles ...... 163, 166 McKenzie, Kenneth ...... 10 McKenzie, William ...... 122 Neate, John . ... 56 Meredith,. Charles.. 163, 164, 166 McCauley, Patrick ..... 10 McKinley, William .. 124, 128 Narthmore•&•Dean 66,' 61, 117, Mahar, . James ...... 166 McCauley, Bernard ...... 10 McDonald, Florence 124, 125, 140 166, 149 Murdock, Janet...... 167, 200 McNeight, Thomas ...... 11 McLelland, William ...... 126 Newman, Edwin. •...... 66, 74 Morris, William James.... 167 McClory & Gerards ...... 11 McDonald, Isabella 126, 128, 153 Neilson, Daniel ...... 67 Mayda, Paul ...... 168 McIntyre, William...... 12, 121 McDonald, Thomas ...... 129 Nicholls, John ...... 67 Moriarty, John ...... 17i McFarlane, J...... 18 McNamara, John Bruce 135 Newtons John ...... 70 Mann, James ...... 174, 198 McEvoy, Robert ...... 20 MoVine, Henry...... 136, 146 Newman; Thomas ...... 72, 134 Marriott, Sydney ...... 175 McPhillomen, Thomas .... 23, 66 McGavan, Michael ...... 140 Neil, John ...... 72 Millman, James 175 McGearty, Thomas ...... 24 McLean, Alexander ...... 146 Nelson, Benjamin Pedro .. 78 Mitter, Frank ...... 175, 188 McFie, Mary...... 24 McPherson, Edward W... 148 Nugent, John ...... 78, 79 Moore, George ...... 175 McFarlane, J. D. & J.... 24 McPherson, James .... 148 Nolan, John 84 Murray, Robert ...... 176 McNamara, John .. 29, 53, 57, 90, McPherson, Alfred Wm. 148, 158, Nettleton, William 92 Miller, David ...... 178 124, 134, 139 .170 Nash, Robert ...... 92, 96 Moore, William...... 178 McInnes, Mary.. 29 McDonald, Allan ...... 162 Neilson, Fred ...... 93, 205 Mair, David ... .. 180 McClory, James Sylvester 29, 99, McGregor, John ...... 162 Nutt, Roland andJohn.... 57 Martin, Charles Henry 182 120, 121, 125 McClounen, James .... 166, 178 Noltenius, Edward Arthur 96 Monahan, Robert Wm. 183 McBride, Ann ...... 29 McMahon, John ...... 167 Newman, John Edward .. 97 Michelson, John ...... 183 McKinnon, Duncan ...... 30, 85 McLaren, William ...... 168 Newcombe, John H., alias Mitch, James...... 183 McNamara, William .... 30, 86 McNamara, Mary ...... 168 Newton,-aliasNesbit, alias Molkentin, Sml. Gottleib.. 186 McGuinness, Frank ...... 33 McAlees, John , ...... 170 Newcombn ...... 101 Mortimer, Henry ...... 187 McGrath, James .... 33, 93, 125 McGrath, John, alias John Nelson, William ...... 101 Murphy, Patrick ...... 188 McLean, Archibald 33 Cleary .. ... 171, 183 North-terrace Station (Rail- Murray, Michael ...... 186 McIntyre,George...... 34 McGowan, Robert ...... 174 way) - 104 Madden, Patrick ...... 190 McPherson, Duncan ..... 39 McCoy, Edward...... 175 Neilson, James . 105 Morris, Richard .. , .... 191 McClory, Alexander.... . 40 McKenzie, Donald ..... 176 Newington, Robert 109, 139, 154 Martin, Albert ... 1194 McInnes, Neil ...... 48 McMullen, Daniel ...... 177, 186 Newnham, A. J. - .. ... 112 Moss, - 196 McKeon, Luke ...... 48, 54 McIntyre, Alexander 178 Neal, George and William 113 May, Louisa .... '197 McKeon, Archibald ...... 49 McDonald, James, alias Nichols, Thomas ...... 114 Maddigan, Michael Hy. 189 McCarthy, Wm. Henry .. 50 Simmons, alias Tin Ribs 180 Nairn, Robert ...... 125 Montforte, Hy. Eugene 198 McGregor, Jane ...... 53, 57 McMeathree, Joseph ...... 182 Norton Charles ...... 125 Morris, Francis ...... 198 McDowell, William ...... 44 McDonald, Thomas C..... 182 Nealy, Christopher ...... 128 Magarey, Wm. James .... 198 McGee, Joseph ...... 53 McNichol, James ...... 183, 191 Nimmo, John ...... 135 Mazey, James ...... 201 McCabe, Alice ...... 54 McLeod, John ...... 191 Newman, Charles John.... 139 Morgan, James ...... 201 McDonald, Patrick ...... 57, 162 McGuinnes, Andrew ...... 191 Newman, Mary Jane .... 154 Menzies, Thomas ...... 201 McMinn, Miss ...... 42 McCarm, James ...... 19.7Nichol, Mary Jane .. .. 157 Moyle, Thomas H. V..... 204 McGee, Ellen ...... 57 McKenny, John ...... 197 Neville, Ernest ...... 163 Milton, Sarah Elizabeth .. 205 McIver, Iver ...... 58 McKenna, James . , .... 201, 216 Northy, Samuel ...... 163 Morrison, Annie ...... 205 McCabe, Owen, alias McKernon, Bernard ...... 204 Newell, Richard ...... 163 Martin, Frank ...... 209 SoldierJack ...... 60 McGuity, Jas., alias James Nelson, Mrs. C...... 164 M-orewell,Alexander .... 209 McMillan, Robert Brown 61 Sweeney ...... 205 Newell, Robert ...... 166 Mayfield, William ...... 209 McCarthy, William ...... 62, 67 McInerney, John ...... 205 Nichol, James ...... 168 Muna (aboriginal) ...... 209 McGrady, Thompson, and McPhillimay, Thomas .... 206 Northmore, William Henry 170 Martin, Thos...... 209 Niven ...... 68, 115 McConiff, Patrick ...... 208 Newton, Robert Richard 175, 183 Martin, Edward ...... 209 McCarthy, Timothy ...... 68 McEwan, John . ....208, 208,213Nottage, Frederick ...... 182 Moser, John ...... 215 McKendrick, William .... 71 McCreanor, Thomas ...... 208 Newberry, Eliza Jane .... U,3 Morley, John ...... 210 McEllister, Julia ...... 71 McGowan, Patrick ...... 209 Nicholson, Catherine .... 187 Maeraente, Antonio ...... 216 McCarthy, David ...... 72 McKerwan, Bernard .... 213 Nichols, William ...... 191 Marcard, Adolph ...... 218 McDonald, James ...... 72, 101, McGrath, Denis ...... 214, 224 Nelson, S. D ...... 204 Murton, .J. S. 218 205, 166 McArthur, Peter ...... 215 Noordstrom, J...... 204 Maginnes, Charles .... 218, 220 McPherson, Louis ...... 72 McNamara, Patrick ...... 218 Nixon, John ...... 208 Maher, Thos. .... 219 McCaull, John ...... 75 McCarthy, Arthur ...... 219 Noakes, William ...... 210,225 Moran, Thos. Stoneham .. 219 McNulty, Philip ...... 75 McCarthy, Charles ...... 220 Nelson, John ...... 224 Morgan, Edward ...... 219 Mc Allister, William ...... 75 McLoughlin, John ...... 220 Naulty, Patrick Michael .. 218 Mellis, Edward ...... 220 McLaman, Alexander .... 75 McCallum, Archibald .... 222 Newbon, Charles Walter.. 218 Marshall, Matthew .... 223, 224 McPherson, John ...... 78 McLachlan, John ...... 229 Nelson, August ...... 219 Morrison, John ...... 225 McGinnes, Richard ...... 79, 93 McKimmie, Robert ...... 230 Nicholson, Catherine .... 219 Morrison, Samuel ... 225 McGuire, Henry, alias McCarthy, David ...... 234 Niquet, Frederick ...... 220 Marston, Richard Chiltern. 225 Dawson, alias Staunton 79 McDonald, Donald ...... 218 Noonan, William ...... 220 Mulloy, Michael ...... 229 McNamara, Richard ...... 82 Netherwood, David ...... 3 Nolan,John ...... 229 Mullins, Michael ...... 230 McDonald, William ...... 82 Northey, Elizabeth 4 Nieman, Charles ...... 230 Major, Francis ... 230 McCombie, Samuel , . , . 83 Nowling, Arthur Richard.. 4 Nolan, John ...... 234 Manning, John Patrick232 McGowan, Michael ...... 86 Nowling, Frederick ...... 4 Neil, Llewellyn Johnson.. 234 Muir, Francis ...... 234 MoClennan Brothers ...... 88 Nightingale, Edward ...... 4 O'Halloran, Michael ...... 3, 22 May & Tonkin .... 234 McKenzie, Charles ...... 93 Nicholls, James ...... 5 O'Brien, Michael ...... 4 Mander, William ...... 234 McQuarrie, John...... 94, 109 Nicholas, James ...... 7 O'Connor,P ...... 5 McLoughlin,James, alias MbCollum, Daniel ... 102 Nicholson, Daniel ...... 16 Overington, 0...... 5, 48 Hickey ...... 3, 7 , 58, 149 McDonald, Alex. Gibbon .. 106 Northover, George ...... 18 Orr, W.B ...... 5 Mickey, James ...... 3 McDonnell, John ...... 108, 114 Nehder, .William ...... 20 Othman, ...... 6 McInerney, Thomas ...... 4 McEamey, Madeline E, .. 109 Nichmond, James ...... 20 O'Connor, John ...... 7, 154 INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Oaten, William ... , ....:. 7, 61 Potter, G...... 5 Pew, Wm. Henry ...... 67 Plumridge, George ...... , 19 O'Connell, Martin John .. 10 Pethick, Benjamin ... , .. 5 Pensard, Charles ...... 68 Payne, John ...... , 129 O'Donnell, James.... 11-,32, 175 Phelan, R...... 5 Prideaux,Leonard ...... 70 Priest, John, Henry ...... 130 Osborne, James ...... 14 Power, C ...... 5 Paltridge, James...... 72 Peak e, Thos...... 133 O'Brien, John . - . . 16, 75, 168 Pascoe, M ...... 5 Pender, Edward ...... 72 Parry,John ...... 134 Orchard, Rev. James , . 19 Police horse (Emerald) . , .. 6 Peel, Robert ...... 72 Proctor, John ...... 135 O'Brien, Thomas .... 20.1891175Pinchbeck,James...... 7 Pascoe, John ...... 74 Paddock, William ...... 138 Owen, Edwin Cabe ...... 23 Phelps Emily.: ...... 7 Parkin, George ...... 75 Parks, Charles ...... 139 O'Donnell, Thomas ...... 24, 89 Pearce, Catherine ...... 7, 114 Parr, Wm. Henry ...... 75 Police Pund ...... 144 Osborne, George ...... 29 Pearson, Frederick ...... 8 Purdille ...... 75 Pasqual, - ...... 145 Osborne, Edward ...... 32 Polkingham, John ... , .. 10 Peters, Ernest ...... 78 Page, Richard ...... 145 Osmond, Frank ...... 33 Pledger, Frederick ...... 11 Police Department ...... 78 Power, James ... 148 O'Day, George ...... 33 Patton, Neil ...... 14 Potter, William ...... 79 Police horses-Ant, Barron, O'Connell,James .... 33,391149 Phillips, Ambrose ...... 15 Poole, Thomas ...... 79 Miller, Murray, and Olsson, A. T...... 38, 49 ,,Parsons Thomas ...... 15 Phillips, Frederick ...... , 79 Mentor ...... 148 Osborne, John Henry .... 39 Page, Joseph ...... 18 Pickworth, John James .. 83 Price, William ...... 149 Ostwaldt, Paul .... 39 Poole, William ...... 19 Pool, Clara ...... 83 Penman, John ...... 149 Oliver, Frederick ...... 40 Pascoe, Catherine ...... 20 Pfitzner, Gottleib ...... 84 Powell, Alfred ...... 149 Onsworth, Thomas ...... 48 Pope, Benj. T...... 20, 26, 50 Paull, William ...... 84 Parker, Thos. P...... 163 Oakes, William ...... 49 Pearce, David ...... , .. 20 Peters, Frederick ...... 86 Pearson, Francis ...... 153, 158 O'Neil, Henry...... 49, 60, 54 Pearce, Daniel ...... 20 Patterson, Archibald .... 86 Parkes, Richard .... 158 O'Leary, Michael ...... 49 Phillips, James ...... 20 Police General Orders . .. 14, 18, Pritchard, Charley ...... 159 O'Connor, Perrie ...... 54 Paul, Charles...... 20 65, 78, 91, 103, 132, 143, Prouse, William ...... 159 O'Connor, Daniel ...... 57, 62 Patten, Walter P...... 22 151, 204, 212 Priscod, John Francis .... 160 O'Connor, William.... 60, 72, 70 Prior, E. 22 Poli ce Memos. . 55,18, 42, 48, 51, Powys, A. P...... 162 O'Donnell, John ...... 67, 179 Phillips, Sarah ...... 22 74, 96, 108, 112, 124, 132, Parry, Charles . . 162 O'Donnell, Patrick ...... 67 Pitman. John ...... 23 143, 148, 157, 174, 193, Pannin, Thomas 162,166, 170 O'Donnell, William .. 67 Pratt, John ...... - 24 200, 204, 208, 212, 218, Pensard, Elizabeth .... 163, 171 O'Connell, John.... 68,139, 232 Perriam, Richard .... , . 24 222, 228, 232 Pitt, George ...... 164 O'Connor;Robert ...... 71 Pender, Edward ...... 24 Purcell, Charles ... , ... 86 Packham, Alfred ...... 167 Owen, Griffiths ...... 75 Pappin, Amelia ...... 29 Phillips, William ...... 86 Poulton, Charles ...... 168 Oke, Philip S...... 78 Perrott, Johanna ...... 29 Phillips, Robert, alias Hop- Peterson, August ...... 168 O'Brien, Patrick ...... 79, 146 Patterson, Chas. Nathan .. 33, 38 kins.,86 Perryman, Joseph...... 168, 171 O'Reilly, John...... 84, 224 Pretty, Mary Ann ...... 33 Partridge, Josiah S...... 82 Payne, George ...... 170 O'lJea, John 84, 93 Police Act - Proclaimed Pearce, Samuel W...... 88, 92 Page, Arthur .. , . .... 171, 175 O' Flaherty, John ...... 90, 144 Localities ...... 36 Pellew,. William James 89 Payne, John ...... 171 Oldman, Henry...... 92 Perry,Henry ...... 38 Phillips, James, alias Joe Powell , Henry ...... 171 O'Connell,Michael ...... 101 Priest, Thompson.. 39 Cousins ...... 89 Peterson, Annie ...... 174 O'Neil, Eugene ...... 101 Peterson, August ...... 39 Payne, James ...... 90 Pong, Folkson , . , ....:.. 174 Oscar, John ...... 101, 140 Phillips, William ...... 39 Paleari, Carlo ...... 90 Phair, Edward ...... 174 Obma (aboriginal) ...... 112 PearceJulian .. ... 39 Parsons, James Langdon .. 92 Palmer, James Harper ... 176 Orchard,Al fred.. 114 Peterswald, Win. John 39 Purser, John ...... 97 Pitcher, Henry ...... 175 Overhue, Fdk. C. Heinrich 121 Penrose, Richard ..... , . 42 Paull, Grace .... . 97 Parker, William ...... 175 Otterson, Peter ...... 125 Pailes, Charles ...... 42 Poulson, Thomas .. 99, 133, 152 Parr, Harry .. .. 177 O'Leary, James ...... 125 Parks, Wm...... 43 Police horse (Mentor) .. . 100 Police horse-Sir William. 178 0' Keefe, Margaret ...... 129 Parr, John ...... 44, 93 Putsey, Mary Ann 101 Penna, William ...... 178 O'Halloran, James ...... 129 Parker,John ...... 44 Provis,Alexander...... 102 Peddon, Wi lliam ...... 178 Owens, Ellen...... 129 Perkins, Robert .... 44, 45 Prince, Charles ...... 102 Pfeiffer, Gottleib .. 179 Odey, George...... , 134 Phillips, Mrs...... 45 Powell, William ...... 104 Pearson, William Albert .. 179 O'Brien, William ...... 134, 214 Palling, James ...... 48 Punch, James ...... 104 Pilkington,Thomas .. ... 179 O' Flaherty, Ann ...... 139 Pearson, Arthur ...... 48 Priest, John Henry . 106 Pearce, William ...... 182 O'Connor, Bridget ...... 154 Penny, John Kemp ...... 48 Police horse (Connaught) . 108 Peckham, Alfred ...... 182 O'Reilly; Patrick ...... 158 Partridge, Josiah ...... 49 Payne, Joseph ...... 108 Padman & Co...... 183 O'Jteire, John William.... 154 Porter, Fred ...... i 9 Prentice, Robt. Patrick 109 Pitcher, Henry ...... 183 Orchard,Charles ...... 166 Pitcher, John...... 61 Poole, Thomas.. . 109, 114, 121, Phillips, Frederick ...... 183 Olding, John George .... 167 Phillips, Frederick...... 52, 84 122,149, 16-3 Peterson, Neil ...... 186 Owens, Ellen ...... 168 Pool, Marian...... 52 Phillips, R ...... 112 Power, Thomas ...... 187 O'Riley,Philip ...... 168 Pemberton, Sarah ...... 53 Peacock, John -113 Penna, William ...... 188 Odgers, John ...... , . , . . 171 Phillips, Sydney Richd. .. 53 Pillion, Catherine ...... 114 Paul, William . . . 188 Olive, William ...... 176, 179 Peters, Frederick ...... 54, 68 Parsons, Joseph...... 115 Perkin, Thomas Marsh .. 188 O'Halloran, James ...... 180, 200 Parker, John ...... 54 Paton,David...... 116 Powell, Catherine...... 188 Offelsmeyer, William .... 187 Payne, John ...... 54 Pugh, John ...... 117 Pearce,Wi lliam P...... 190 Oster, Peter ...... 187 Payne, Wm ...... 54 Power, Thomas ...... 117 Parsons,John ...... 190 Oram, David ...... 187 Poole, A. E...... 64 Phillips, John .. , .. 117, 126 Police horse-Murray .... 190 Olsen, George, or (forger.. 188 Pearson,Frederick ..,... 54 Payne, Mary Jane .. , ... 120 Phillips, Mary Ann ...... 191 O'Donohue, James ...... 205 Potter, Benjamin ...... 56 Pearce, William ...... 121, 125 Picket, Godfend ...... 191 Olsen, Peter ...... 209 Prequet, John .. , ...... 57 Pritchard, Joseph .... 121 Pyke, William George.. 192, 206 Oakley, Oliver ...... 214, 215 Peigsley, Emma ...... 57 Parker, Alex. Solomon .124, 128, Preston, B...... 194 O'Grady,Michael Standish 218 Penford, William ...... 57, 58 129 Police horse--Captive .. 196, 213 Ochernal, Carl ...... 219 Petit, Charles ...... 58 Peterson, Ivan ...... 125 Perrin, Robert Birch .... 198 Olsen,John ...... 223 Pearce, James ...... 61, 114 Peacock,John .. .., . 125 Prior, Ellen ...... 201 O'Keefe, Edmond...... 223 Proctor,Elizabeth ...... 61 Pescod, John Francis .... 125 Pigott, Stephen ...... 204 O'I.[ara,' Joseph...... 223 Proctor, J. F...... , 61 Page, Stephen ...... 125 Pool, Charles ...... 204 Ovlee, George ...... 228 Police horses (Angas and Prince, Charles ...... 126 1'omm er, Joseph ...... 205 Oliver,Fanny ...... 233 Brutus) ...... 61, 74 Pollard, George ...... 126 Pinchbeck, James ...... 205 Parks, Charles .... , .... . 3 Paltridge, Samuel ...... 62 Pascoe, John Edwin ...... 128 Paterson, James ...... 206 Prince, - ...... 3 Pollock, Wm...... 62, 114, 117 Poongettie (aboriginal) .... 128 Paterson, William ...... 2,,+6 xiv. INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Predis, Thomas .'...... , - 210 Reill y, E ll en ...... 30 Ryan, John ...... 112 Reynolds, Henry ...... 182 Pearce, -Charles ...... 213 Rook, Thomas ...... 32 Russell, W. B...... 112 Reeve,Prederick ...... 183 Peters, William ...... 214, 215 Richards , Julia ...... 33 Rogers, Edith, ...... 112 Renfrey, William ...... 186 Parnell, Edward• ...... 214 Rice , Peter ...... 34, 72 Roberts, William,...... 114 Ross, Hector ...... 186 .'adman & Co.. . • ...... 216 Rogerson ,. James ...... 37 Rooney, Mary Ann ...... 114 Raby, Arth. Wm. Carraway 187 Pearce,.Charles ...... 219 Rawson, Catherine ...... , 37 Rees, Charles Augustus 116 Rowley, Patrick ...... 18$ Parker, Alice ...... 223 Rows, John ...... 37 Ruden, George . ... . 116, 129 Rock, Catherine 191 Piper, Charles ...... 224 Rooks , Thomas...... 38, 96, 105 Ramsay, Alexander, alias Roberts, William ...... 191 Pugh,John ...... 224 Reuter, A. N...... 38, 43 McKay, alias Lockley , . 117 Rodway, Charles ...... 191 Pahl, Herman ...... 224 Robertson, Andrew 38 Roden, Joseph, alias David Renziehousen, Frederick .. 191 Pommer; Joseph ...... 224 Robins, Louis ...... 39 Griffiths ...... 117 Rabbish, Elizabeth Jane.. 193 Post Office Department .. 228 Ryan , William ...... 39 Ryan, Michael ...... 117 Rees, Rowland ...... 196 Patterson, John ...... 230 Rogers, Caroline ...... 42 Ryan, Patrick ...... 120 Rusbonj ee, Prank...... - - 197 Porter, Frederick ...... 233 Rollock, Charles ...... 42 Rose, Conrad & Martha .. 121 Robinson, Thomas ...... 198 Potter, Frederick . .. 234 Renon, .William...... 44, 93 Ross, William ...... 121 Reedy, John ...... 200 Prisoners tried at Supreme Renfry, William ...... 48 Russell, John ...... 122 Rogers,' Joseph ...... 166, 200 Court .. 89, 113, 167, 191, 224 Robinson , Frederick ...... 49 Russell, Robert George .. 124 Rowbotham, Chas. Edwd.. 201 Prisoners tried at Circuit Roden, Joseph ...... 49 Robinson, James ...... 126 Richards, Job William.... 204 Court ...... 209, 85 Ryan , John ...... 49, 93 Riley, Edward ...... 126 Rowe, Thomas ...... 205 Quinlan, Mary ...... 23 Reeves ,. Frederick ...... 50 Richards, William ...... 126 Richardson, Emma ...... 205 Quinn, Martha ...... 33 Rowe, Joseph ...... 50 Rogers, Alfred ...... 128 Roper, Thomas ...... 208 Quintrell, John ...... 53, 57 Reid , George ...... 51 Roberts, Richard Henry .. 129 Rook, Thomas '...... 208 Quinlivan, •John ...... 53 Rolen , August ...... 54 Rodgers, George ...... 129 Robertson, John ...... 209 Quintrell, James ...... 53 Rowe, Albert ...... 54 Rhodes, William ...... 130 Rose, E. T...... 210, 225 Quinland,David ...... 66 Richards , J ...... 54 Ribbett, Wm. John .... . 133 Robertson, Henry ...... 210 Quinn, Thomas ...... 68, 97 Reynolds , Thomas ...... 58 Rowe, Thos. Burnett .... 133 Red, Eyre Edmd. James .. 215 Quinn, James ...... 75 Rose , Thos ...... 62 Richards, Mary Ann .... 134 Read, James S...... 206 Quinlan,John Joe ...... 92 Regan , Edward ...... 62 Reid, Thomas ...... 134 Ray, Thomas .. 218 Quinn, George ...... 102 Ratcliffe , John ...... 63 Rice, Peter ...... 134 Richmond, Geo. L. Arthur. 218 Queale; H. G...... 112 Rose , Alfred Henry .... 66, 152 Row, George ...... 134 Roberts, John .. 223 Quirk, Margaret ...... 168 Ramsay, Wi lliam ...... 66 Royal Hotel ...... 138 Russell, Andrew ... . 223 Quinn, Patrick ...... 187 Rawson, William ...... 66 Renfrey, Mary ...... 139 Ryan, Daniel Francis .... 223 Quinn, John ...... 230 Row, George ...... 67 Ruthven, Evelyn Adelaide. 139 Rowatt, Charles ...... 223 Read, William ...... 4 Robins, Louis .. 68 Robins, Louis ...... 139 Robertson, John ...... 224 Rapken, John ...... 4 Rowe, Hugh ...... 70, 71, 79 Rule, Ann ...... 145, 175 Rdmage, Adam ...... 225 Ross, George Clement .... 4 Rosenthal , Caroline ...... 71, 75 Rabjohn,Richard ...... 146 Ramage, Charles ...... 225 Rogers, Joseph ...... 4 Rundle, Wil liam Thos. .. 72 Reed, Thos. L. , ...... 146 Richards, Mary Ann .. 228, 232 Revill, Joseph ...... 4, 8 Robins , Andrew ...... 72 Radford, Edward ...... 146 Richards, James ...... 229 Radford, W ...... 5 Richmond , John ...... 72 Ramage, Charles ...... 146 Rattrey, John ...... 230 Rogers, W...... 5 Russell , Jane Agnes Gert.. 75 Reeve, William Henry.... 148 Rain, John...... 230 Richards, T. P...... 5 Russell , Ab. Alf. Brooks.. 75 Richards, Wm. Henry.... 148 Roberts, John ...... 230 Rumball, E. W...... 6 Raven, Henry 76 Ryan, Thos, alias Tommy Raby, Ar. Wm. Carraway. 230 Reibe, E. F ...... 5 Raven, Elizabeth Mildred . 76 Roundhead ...... 148 Robertson, Wm...... 232 Rolland, J. A...... 5 Reynolds , Francis ...... 78 Rogers, John and Daniel . 149 Recchi, Louis ...... 234 Rough; William ...... 5 Roberts , John ...... 79, 93 Reid, Robert ...... 149 Recchi, Giacometti 234 Ritohe, James ...... 6 Rossiter , William...... 79 Rice, Henry M, 149 Savill, G., alias H. Percy, Ross, John...... 6, 175 Ronald, William ...... 80 Ramsey, Henry John .. 153, 168 alias W. J. Hartley, alias Reid, Elisabeth ...... 7 Rattray, James ...... 80 Romanis, John ...... , 154 Robinson ...... 2 Rhodes, George ...... 7 Richmond , Wm. Henry .. 82 Roberts, Robert ...... 157, 204 Sclanders, Andrew 3 Rowett, Clara ...... 7 Richmond , John James .. 82 Rains, William ...... 158, 178 Stuart, Charles ...... 2, 68 Ronde, Margaret ...... 7 Ross, John James ...... 83 Ritson, John ...... 158 Stevens, George ...... 3 Richards, Mary ...... 7 Reed , Thomas S. .. 84, 113, 114 Richards, Charles ...... 159 Scott, Thomas ...... 3 Ross, Alexander ...... 7 Rowell , Charles ...... 84 Russell, John ...... 159 Solomon, Saul ...... 3 Rees, Jane...... 10 Roberts, Joseph ...... 84 Reddaway, George 169 Short, Edwin ...... 3 Robinson, Ceorge ...... 10 Ryle, William ...... 84, 90 Roberts, William ...... 160, 214 Sheridan, Mathew ...... 4 Reiley, Thomas ...... 12 Rowley , Patrick ...... 84 Robertson Brothers ...... 160 Spence, Robert ...... 4 Ridan, Joseph ...... 12 Raddatz , Albert ...... 85 Ross, John...... , 162 Smith, George.... 4, 25, 78 125, Rumball, W. E...... 10 Rankine, Oliver J...... 88 Ruciak, Thomas .. 162, 171, 208, 146, 175, 223 Robinson, John ...... 14 Reid, Thomas ...... 89 209 Scanlon, Thomas ...... 5 Roberts, Joel', ...... 14 Rae, George ...... 89, 118 Roberts, Jonathan , . 163 Stuart, R ...... 5 Richardson, George ...... 15 Roberts, Griffith ...... 90 Richards, John, alias Shaw, J. B...... 5 Rogers, Joseph ...... 16 Rowe , Steph . Harris . 92, 99, 105 Joseph Smith ...... 163 Schmidt, H. E...... 5 Reed, John ...... 16 Ross, David ...... 93, 162- Robertson, Murdock.. .. 163 Stoneham, Arthur ...... 6 Roediger, Gustav ...... 19 Ragless , Jack ...... 96, 97 Reddaway, George ... 163, 175 Sampson, Julia ... 6 Robin, James ...... 19 Radford, Edward ...... 97 Richards, John ...... 169 Short, Henry...... 7 Rowland, John ...... 19 Rook, Thomas ...... 97 Ritcher, William Adolph.. 168 Simpson, James L...... 7 Roberts, William ...... 20 Rose& Co., H...... 97 Richardson, Rebecca .. 170, 171, Simpson, James ...... 7 Ryan, John ...... 20 Reta llock, Cyrus ...... 97 183 Sheedy, Hannah ...... 7, 114., Ritter, Max ..... 20 Ross, James ...... 100 Ryan, Patrick ...... 171 Simeon, Daisy Mary 7 Ryan, Timothy ...... 22 Rose, Conrad...... 101 Rooney, Mary Ann ...... 171 Smith, Thos. George .. 8, 34, 37 Rosenheim, Carl Paul .... 23 Ramsay , J. G. & Co. .... 101 Robins, Louis ...... 171 Sutton, Mrs ...... 8 Rose, ...... 23 Robin, David ...... 101 Restall, Arthur ...... 174 Sands, David ...... 10 Ronald, Andrew..... 24, 125, 146 Richmond , Joseph ...... 104 Reynolds, Joseph ...... 175, 223 Sims , Mary ...... 11 Rangoon, Margaret ...... 24 Ross, Williatm ...... 105 Reid, Robert...... X 178 Shepherd, Thomas ... 11 Rossiter, William...... 24 Rosenheim , Agnes .. 108 Roach, Thomas...... 179, 180 Smith, Henry .. 12, 49, 121, 171 Ryan, Daniel...... 28 Rutherford , Nigel, alias Roberts, Charles Nathaniel 180 Scott, John ...... 12 Rowland, John ...... 29 Jockey Brown ...... 109, 160 Rowlands, Mary Ann .... 180 Schultz, Frank ...... 12 INDEX. xv.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Strube, Heinrich ...... 15 Slatterly, William ...... 54 Shierlaw, G. & W...... 109 Shakespeare, James ...... 158 Sheedy, John ...... 15 Slatterly, Thomas ...... 54 Shirley, J. C...... 112 Sloper, William ...... 158 Swale, Susannah ...... 15 Shannon, Thomas ...... 54 Standish , J...... 112 Sharp, Thomas ...... 159 Stewart, Charles ...... 15 Sladden,John Henry .... 57 Skenner, Thomas Henry.. 112 Steel, Thomas ...... 159 Short, Henry ...... 15 Scott, John Andrew ...... 57 Shepherd, John., 114 Stevenson, Thomas ...... 159 Sangster, Alfred ...... 16 Simpson,George ...... 57 Stratton , Annie ...... 114 Scarf, Ann...... 159 Sarbliam, Louis ...... 16 Stokes, Geo. William .... 57, 62 Steward, 114 S. A. Carrying Company.. 159 Shueard,. Mary 16 Spiller,. John Henry.. 68 Shull, James ...... 116 Smith, Emma ...... 159 Smith, John , 16, 49,54, 70, 78, Simpson, Charles A.....:. 60 Saunders, William Chas... 117 Sharples, John ...... 159 112,.154, 160, 178, 187, 209, Strathman, Richard ...... 63 Schmidt, Hans ...... 117 Stigwood, -Ralph •...... 159 215 Searle, F. C...... 3, 68 Sellick, Henry ...... 117 Stock, Edward ...... 160 Smut, Arthur De ...... 16 Stewart, Alexander ,..... , 66 Sheedy, William ...... 117 Symons, P...... 162 Sippits, George ...... 16 Solomon, Saul ...... 66 Simpson,George ...... 117 Sweeney, M, ...... 162 Sexton, Arthur ...... 16 Stewart, Walter ...... 67 Sutton, Thomas ...... 117 Saunders, Alexander .... 162 South Australian Institute. - 19 Seale, William ...... 67 Stokes, James Henry .. 117, 126 I Steel, Thomas ...... 162 Scroeroft, Charlotte Elizth. 20 Scott, Henry ...... 67, 97 Snelling , W...... 118 Shaw, Florence ...... 163, 168 Sanderson, Joseph ...... 20 Shakespeare, James ...... 68 Shie ll , John Andrew .... 120 Sinclair, John ...... 163 Saunders, Alexander .... 20 Solomon, David ...... 68 Smith, Joseph .... 121, 125, 146 Small, Henry ...... 163 Semmens , Mary ...... 20 Slater, Reuben ...... 68 Smith , Harry ...... 121 Segal , Jacob ...... 164 Sacht, Elizabeth ...... 20 Spence, Charles...... 71 Sandy, Joseph ...... 121 Sparrow, John ...... 164 Stocks, Edwin Arthur .... 22 Stevenson, Wm. Grdon.. 72, 122 Slight , Robert ...... 121 Slade, William ...... 166 Souters, John ...... 23 Smith, Ralph ...... 74 Shanks, David ...... 121 Smith, H...... 167 Strella, Anton ...... 23, 33 Stenning, Simeon ...... 74 Supple , Mary ...... 121 Size, Patrick William .... 167 Sherriff, Edward .... . 23 Smithfield, James Henry.. 75 Salter, George ...... 122 Shultz, George ...... 167 Seemann, Frederick ...... 24 Spencer, Charles, , ...... 75 Smith, George Crocker.. .. 124 Stephen,John ...... 168 Shrimpton, Mary Adelaide.. 24 Shard, rEmily ...... 75 Spence , Robert ...... 124, 144 Smith, Richard B. .... 168, 198 Skin, Dorothy ...... 24 Sullivan, John ...... 75 Simpson, Martha ...... 125 Schloikin, John ...... 168 Sweeney, George ...... 24 Stock, Edward ...... 76 Stubbins , Albert 125 Strike, Maria ...... 168 Sowley, John ...... 25 Staer, Fredk. Christopher . 78 Steinman , Henry ...... 126 Sumsion, George ...... 168 Suter, Edward ...... 28 Stanley, An n, ...... 78 Smith, Neil ...... 128, 139 Sinclair, George . , .. 170 Strube, Heinrich ...... 28 Savage, Alfred ...... 78 Smith , Robert ... . 128 Smith, Charles ...... 170, 191 Smith, Frederick ...... 29 Scott, John ...... 79, 102 Satchleben , John henry. 129, 134 Saunders, Benjamin...... 17,1 Schmidt, Johann ...... 30 Shaw, James ...... , 80 Symons , William . .. . 129 Smith, Edwin Thomas.. 174, 220 Summerton, George ...... 32 Saunders, Chas. Wm..... 80 Shreeve, Henry Alexander. 129 Stanley, Mark, ...... 175 Sims, Mary ...... 33 Stephens, Richard...... 82 Stowe, Jefferson ...... 129 Stuart, Alfred .. , . 175 Stewart, Duncan ...... 33, 101 Smart, Robert ...... 83 Stace, John ...... 130 Shierlaw, G. & W..... 176, 178, Stewart, Wil liam A...... 33 Sheehan, John , ..... 86 Stuart, Henry ... . 130 201, 233 Short, George ...... 33 Sherwington,Mary ...... 86 Short , Wtn., alias Short . 125 Spillane,,Kate ...... 178 Smith, George Walker ... 33 Stewart, - ...... 86 Smith, Mary ...... 130, 141, 186 Skelton, James...... 178 Sachs, Elizabeth ...... 34, 37 Stokes, Charles E. 88 Simmons, Mrs...... 132 Snell, Edward ...... 178 Saunders, Alexander.... 34 Shetlar, Fredk, alias Stuck 88, 89 Simmons , Abraham ...... 132 Sullivan, William ...... 17& Stewart, George Brown .. 34 Smith, John R., alias Pro- Salter, Mary ...... 133 Salkarrah, Tamshing .... 179 Shugg, Charles ...... 34 fessor Smith ...... 82, 88 Stuart, Walter ...... 134 Schenzfell, Gustav ..... 179 Smith, Wi lliam .... 34138, 148 Story, Charley, alias Charley 88, Sullivan , Johanna ...... 134 Simpson, Frederick George 182 Shea, Dennis ...... 37 89, 101 Sagdwick , John Chas..... 134 Smith, Thomas .... 50, 182, 21,9 Suter, Edward . , ..... 37 Simons, James ...... 88 Speakman, Edward ...... 134 Straum, Carl . 182 Sutcliff,Richard 39 Shea, Daniel ...... 90 Stewart , Allen ...... 134 Sullivan, Daniel ..... , .. 182 Sanstrom, Jno., alias Smith 39 Stewart,,Arth.Drewery 93 Stack, Charles ...... 134 Stack, Walter .. ..:... 183- Street, John, alias Club Saunders, Alexander .... 93, 105 Sposisto , Dominick ...... 135• Scott, James .. 18& Foot ...... 39 Seceman, Samuel ...... 93 Scarratt , Wm. Joseph .... 136 Sweeney, Bartholomew .. 186, Stevenson,John ...... 39 Starkey, Jacob ...... 93 Solomon, Elias ...... 138 Swan, David ...... :.... 180 Sinclair, Agnes . . , ..... 39 Stevens, William John .. 94 Symons, John ...... 138 Solomon, Judah Moss .. 186, 197 Starr, James ...... 39 Simpson, John ...... 94 Sanders , Benjamin ...... 139 Saunders , Charles ...... 187 Sandeford, James ...... 39 Smith, Andrew ...... 96 Speedman , Edward ...... 140 Scott, Thomas . , ...... 187 Sheridan, John ...... 39 Strike, Maria ...... 97, 129 Sulli van, Mary ...... 141 Saunders, Alexander ...... 187 Sellars , Teddy ...... 43 ' Somes, Joseph • ..... , ..... 97 Stevens, 4ichard ...... 143 Sutton, James ...... 187 Saxberg, Alfred ...... 43 Stokes, James Henry - 100 Slade , Wi lliam ...... 143 Sheedy, George ...... 187 Stanton, Jane . . .. 43, 67 Scott, Sydney William.... 100 Spender, Martha 144 Stuart, Alfred ...... 187, 188 Sheppeard, Wm. Harris' . 43 Smith, James .... 100, 122, 162, Stigwood , Ralph .. 144 , 145, 153 Shearer, James ...... 188 Sims , Mary Ann ...... 44 179, 208, 219 Small, Harry ...... X 144 Seaville, Joseph Arnold .. 188 Sands, James...... 44 Sumpton, William ...... 100 Stone, Henry.. . .. , X . 133, 144 Stanwood, Victor Francis Souter, John ...... 46 Saunders, Benjamin ...... •101 Scales , Robert .. .. 146, 180, 149 Warren ...... 1$81200 Schefer, Frederi,k ...... 45 Stains & Brownhall ... 101 Sampson, John ...... 146 Survey horse-Trooper .: 191 Scanlon, Bridget ...... 45 Stewart, Duncan...... 33, 101 Susans, Joseph ...... 146 Stewart Thomas A...... 192 Symonds, Pentecost ...... 48 Smith, Henry, alias Smith Strempel , Benjamin ...... 149 South, W. G...... ^. 198 Sheehan, John ...... 48 the Ruffian .. 102 Sinclair , John ...... 149 Sheehan,T. A...... 193 Smith, Wm. Drawbridge.. 48 Sheppeard, Charles Fisher. 102 Shields, Wil liam ...... 149 Shea, Daniel ...... 196, Splane, Henry Rome .... 48 Scott, John ...... 102, 114 Sandford , James ...... 149 Shaw,George ...... 190 Smith, Henry ...... 49 Solomon, James .: ...... 103 Samuels,. George ...... 163 Shaw, James Thomas .,. 196, 200 Steele, Gerard .r.... 49 Slade, William ...... 103, 108 Scott, Charles Sydney .'... 153 Spargo, Stephen ...... 197 Sudholz, Johann Wilhelm. 49 Spence,George...... 103 Smith , Alexander ...... 154, 171 Snow, Charles Moseley , . f 197 Smith, Thomas ...... 50 Sillitoe, 'Thomas 104 Steinke, Herman ... _..... 154 Stannard, Harry George 197 Sullivan, Annie. Elizabeth. 51 Solomon, Saul ...... 105, 109 Scoble, Charles ...... 154 Simpson, George ...... 198 Sullivan, John James .... 51 Schneider, -Charles Henry. 105 Sorenson, Neil C...... 154 Sidler, Alfred ...... O Stevenson, Hunter 53 Sorenson, Neil Christian .. 109 Smith, Walter . .... , . 154 Stacey, Charles ...... 201' Sawman, Mary ...... ' 53 Sibley, James ...... 109 Sampson, George Edwd. .. 154 Sullivan, John ...... , 201 Sheehan,John 54 Seymour, Charles ...... 109 Scarratt , William John .. 154 Sewell, Alexander ...... 2A1 INDEX.

Page, Page. Page. Page. Sul livan ,, Michael ...... 201 Slater, George ...... 234 Tipping, . Marian ...... 116 Unger, Wilhelm ...... 108 Btevens, John ...'..... , . 201 Stark, dames ...... 234 Tyndall, George ...... 117 Uren, William John ...... 168 Spetz,L•udwig ...... 201 Tilley, Thomas ...... 2 Thomas, Alfred 122,124,128, 129 Unknown Man-Inquest on 187 'Steinmann, R. 201 Tassie, A. D., & -Co...... 3 Tatham, Joseph...... 122 Unnknown Man, assault .. 194 Segleman; G. A ...... 204 Taylor, George ...... 4 Troubridge, Robert ...... 124 Vachell, Montague ...... 12 Sb.edden,John ...... 205 D 5 Trose , George ...... 124 Vachell, Pemberton ...... 12 Steier, Richard ...: ...... 205 Thomas, W. H...... 5 Troubridge, William ...... 125 Vaughan, Rachuel .... 16 Scheffier, Rudolph ...... 205 Turner, William Glanville ° 5 Ternstroim , .- - ...... 125 Vaughan, Alfred ...... 16 S'eefeld, David •...... 205 Thornton, P ...... 5 Taylor, James ...... 125, 146 Veraguth, Simon ...... 29, 33 Sheen, Annie ...... 205 Todd, A. J. .. 5 Tweedale, George...... 126 Veroli , L...... 29 Stewart, Joseph• .... 205 Trinity Church Schoolroom 6 Thompson, . Thomas ...... 126 Vannon, Richardina ...... 39 Biggins , John Hewitt .... 208 Turner, Thomas ...... 6 Tierney, Richard ...... 128 Vincent, Charles, Mrs..... 52 Sullivan, Denis ...... 208 Thomas,'John .. .. 7 Tyrrel, .Joseph ...... 129 Vears, George' ...... 53 Stenthall , George ...... 208 Thompson, Henry Anthony 7 Taylor, Joseph ...... 130 Villepstom, Louis ...... 57 Schmarkndorf , Albert ... 208 Tobins, John ...... 11 Tilden, Mrs. Emma J..... 130 Vickery, John...... 76 Shackler , Ferdinand ...... 209 Thompson , Charles ...... 11 Tilson, William ...... 132 Vincent, James ...... 96, 99, 101 Stokes , Alfred .. 209 Taken, Elizabeth ...... 12 Theatre Royal ...... 133 Venn, Robert Edwd. .... 113 Stone , Joseph • ...... , 209 Turnbull, - George ...... 12 Thomas , Alfred ...... 134 Vray, Eugenie ...... 125 Stacey, Charles ...... 209 Tretler,'Herman ...... 18 Thomas , Charles F re derick . 134 Vampragg,. Mark, alias Smith, Henry ...... 209 Tretler, August ...... 18 Thompson, Charles ..... 134 Sampragg ...... 132 Sheedy, • Edward ...... 209 Toomer, Frederick...... 18 Trew, Henry...... 134 Vill es,Henry ...... 144 Syinmonds ; Arthur 212 Townsend , Peter ...... 19 Taggett, Eugene ...... 138 Viant, Henry .... , ... , . 149 Sainsbury , George .... 212, 219 Turner, Alfred Wm... 19, 24, 38 Thomas, Sarah Ann ...... 146 Venus, William...... 154 Sainsbury; Harry...... 212, 219 Thomas, John ...... 20 Thompson, Jane ...... 149 Vandepeer, William ...... 159 Smart, David ' . , ...... 214 Tester, Richard ...... 20 Taylor, William ...... 153, 159 Verhmann, Anastina ...... 171 Spendwick , John, ...... ; 214 Thrush,Isaac ...... 24 Timmons , Patrick William 162 Victorman, Frederick .... 182 Shermar, Charles ...... 214 Trupin, Mr...... 24 Trail, William ...... 162 Vogt, Herman Sanders, James D er ... 214 Thorpe; Edwin ...... 24 Tanner, C:...... 162 Vickary, Joseph ...... 183192 Stevenson ; -William ...... 214 Tims, Thomas ...... 26 Trew, Henry ...... 163, 191 Vernon, Henry ...... 2,05 Saunders, Mark ...... 214 Tomkins, A. R...... 28 Turner, William ...... 166, 200 Von Rieben, Ilerwann.... 209 Smith; Stephen •...... 214 Taylor, James ...... 28 Toms , Samuel .. 170 Vincent, Charles ...... 214 Scott, George. . ... 214 Taylor, Robert ...... 29, 72 Thomas,. Wm and George 171 Viney, George ...... 233 $heaeer , James , alias Camp- Taylor, William ...... 30 Thompson, John, alias White, ,Samuel ...... '.... 3 bell . 214 Thomas, Alfred . I ...... 32 Duncan , alias McPherson 171 Westcomlle,, Thomas ...... 4 Spinks, Henry •.:... , .. 214 Tucker, George W...... 33 Toohey, Michael ...... 174 Weiberg, Martin . , .. 4, 8, 16, 98 Scott, John Andrew.... . 215 Taylor, Robt. Henry Baker 34 Thomas, Henry...... 174 Walters, N...... 5 Schilling , Ernest ...... 215 Thompson , George, alias Tree,A li ce...... 176 Williams, J.. Ii...... 5, 10 Stewart; Sarah. :...... 215 Roberts ...... 37, 42, 200 Trouse, John ...... 176 Whitehead, ,John James .. -6 Shelton; Miss• 215 Tregilgas, William Thomas 38 Trembell,, Alexander .... 179, 180 White, Jonas ...... 7 Sh6edy; Edward 215 Thomas, William ..... 39 Thorn, Thomas ...... 179 White, John .. ... 7 Spencer ', Eclwd: ' Frederick Thompson , Samuel .... 44, 93 Thomas, James John .. , . 182 Williamson,.Frederick .... 7, 63 -Miller . 216 Taylor, James • •...... , . 45 Tapsol, John . ... 187 Whitcombe, John George . 10 Spencer; Wilson 216 Tanner ,' Charles ...... 48 Tierney, Patrick...... 188 Walters. N...... 10 Stanley ' Jhne 218 Thorn, George ...... 48 Thell, Annie ...... 190 Williams, Thomas .. 14, 24, 101, Smith,' Thomas • • ' 219 Tierney, Robert ...... 49, 50, 54 Tburlow, William...... 191, 197 102, 212, 219 Stalker, William . •...... 219 Tucknott;'William , . , ... 53 Thompson, David...... 191 Williams, Henry .... 14, 2(1•,88, §latter y,• William ...... 219 Torpy, Richard ...... 53 Theakstone, Emily ...... 191i 89, 101 Sheridan ; William ...... 220 Thorburn,•John• .. .. 53 Thompson, A. E...... 193 West & George, Messrs. .. , 15 Sharp, Walter Thomas .... 222 Thomas, Henry Desbart 57 Thompson, William ...... 200 Welsh, Michael...... 15 Stanley ; Chas . Hrowamd .. 222 Tucker, Henry ...... 63 Thomas, Alfred ...... 200 Waters,, John . 15 Stevenson; William John.. 223 Trowell, William ...... 63 Taylor, Henry ...... 205 Williams,. George... , 16, 20, 122 Shannon,Mary ...... 223 Turner, Alfred...... 70 Taylor, Richard Molesworth' 206 Wright, John ...... 16 Samuels ,, George ...... 223 Turner, John ...... 70 Taylor, Joseph ...... 206, 209 Woodeni George ...... 16 Scott, Charles Sydney .... 223 Taylor, William ...... 71, 101 Tronnson, Charles Osborne 208 Wylie, Thomas ...... 16 Sheehan, John, or Sheen.. 223 Townsend, George Green.. 72 Tenders for Forage ...... 2,12 Walker, Thos. Plenderlith. - 18 Short, George .. . 223 Thorpe, Dean...... 72 Tidswell, Horatio ...... 212 Whitehead , - ...... 18 Soarborough; JeannieLouisa 223 Toothe, Thomas ...... 78 Tacey, Edward ...... 214, 218 Wren, Henry...... 20 Sannsen', Neil C...... 224 Tasker,John...... 78 Tyson, John ...... 214, 216 Walker, Wiliams...... 20 S@llick, Henry ...... 224 Thomas, Margaret ...... 78 Treeby, John ...... 214 Walkley, Joseph ...... 22 Scheffier;Rudolph ...... 224 Thomas, Henry ...... 82 Taylor, It. E...... 218 Whitehead, Joshua Stans- Sullivan, Thomas ...... 235 Thompson; Charles ...... 82 Taplin, George Goodenough 218 field ...... 22, 24, Scott , James ...... 228 Thurgenland, H. B ...... 88. Thomas, Frederick W. U. 219 Wright, C ...... 22 Smith,R...... 228 Tee, Walter ...... 84, 101 Thomas, Jack...... 220 Weitcombe, Ann ...... 24 Slattery ; John ...... 229 Torr, John •Sampson ...... 93 Trennery, John ...... 220 Windee, William ...... 61 Suerdiek , Johann Heinrich 229 Taylor, Thomas...... 94 Thomas , Orlando Courtney 229 Whittalkcr, George ...... 24 Stevenson; William Gordon 230 Trotter, Harvey . , i ..... 98 Tapsot, John ...... 230 Wilson, Samuel ...... 24 Sturm, John...... 230 Thomas; Vivian, S. U..... 104 Thompson, Harry ...... 234 Wishart, John ...... 21 Staer , Carl ...... 2&0 Thompson, William ...... 104 Underwood, 'William .... 15 Ward, Frederick ...... - 24 Shea, •Dhni el ...... - 230 Taylor, Georg? ...... 106 Underwood, Wm. Farant . 20, 93 Walse, Alfred Ranes .... 24 Sheerine ,• Alexander ...... 2$0 Taylor, John _...... 106 Unwin, Albert ...... - 23 Wallace, William ...... 24 Smith, • R., &848 George ' Truan, Gabriel , ...... 108, 178 Unknown .Men. .. 38 Warn, William ...... 24 Oyler ..... 232 Tingey, Henry ...... 109 Unknown Man .. 43, 84,11-5,132 Worley, P.ebecca ...... 26 Samuels, Archibald ...... 234 Thorns, Walter ...... 109 Unknown ,Child - Inquest on 79 Wright, Mrs ...... 28 Ser`'geant, William ...... 234 Toll, John...... 109 Unknown Child . 4g 53 Woltmann, Charles ...... 28 Sly', David : I...... 234, Thomas ; W •H . . 112 Unexecuted Warrants 82, 151, 194 Wilson,, Charles ...... 29 Shewpperd; -Wil li am ...... 234 Taylor, Wm.., alias Bill 112, 114 Uganda, James ...... 89 Wallard, Arthur ...... 29 Ste art; Kenneth ...... 234 Thomas, Joseph.,.. 0a I a.. 116 Underwood, Samuel . ... 93, 140, Wilson, George ...... 30 INDEX. xvii.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Watts, Charles ...... 152, 154 Williams, James...... 196, 196,204 Williams, Richard 30 Williams, John .... 93, 104, 153, 154, 177 Wilson, Charles A...... 153 Watkins, Sarah Ann .... 205 Wright, Edward A...... 32 Wright, E. L...... 32 Wagstaff & Co...... 94 Wauchope, George 153 Wilson, George ...... 205 Walls, Michael.... 153, 164, 159 Williams, Mary. ... 205 Wilkes, Stephen .... 33 Whitehead, William.. 96, 99, 101 Wilson, Samuel, alias Wil- 154 Wilson, William Marie .. 208 Williams, Charles ...... 33, 234 Whiley, Alfred ...... 96 liams 154 Woodcock, Luke ...... 208 Whittley, Benjamin...... 34 Watson, James ...... 97 ...... Wood, George .....:. . . . Williams, William Henry. 97 Wilson, Alfred ...... 154 Webster, Peter ...... 208 Watkins, Margaret ...... 164 Westover,WilliamJoseph 209, 233 Winton, David . . 3377 Wilke, Herman Leonard . . Watkins, Henry ...... 154 Wakefield, John Pascoe .. 209, Whitenbury, Benjamin . 37 Douglas ...... 99 Williams, - .. 157 Woodford, Edward ...... 209 Walshe, E. R...... 38 Webb, Vardon, & Pritchard 99 Whitelaw, Charles ...... 209 Wheeler, William John .. 39 Williams, Margaret Teresa 99 White, James ...... 157, 157,186 Wilson, James .... 210 Whittaker, Joseph .... 40 Wilson, Alfred ...... 101 Wilby (aboriginal) .:.... 157, 204 Williams, Elizabeth Margt. 43 Waterhouse, Amelia ...... 104 'Walsh, Christopher ...... 158 Wilkinson, Frederick .. . 212 Woods, William ...... 213 Wilde, Charles ...... 44,93 Weyland, Ernest ...... 104 Williams, James ...... 159 Whittley, Benjamin ...... 45 Walker, James . .... 104 Williams, Christina 159,175, 183 Winzer, Philip, George.. 213 ,219 White, Duncan...... 214 Woman, Henry ...... 45 Waterman, Frederick .... 104 West, John ...... 159 Witney, Edwin ...... 45 Wood, Bessie ...... 105 Walters, William ...... 159 Wright, Thomas George .. 214 Watt, John ...... 48 Wilks, William ...... 105 Willmott, Edward ...... 169 Whitehorn, Albert ...... 214 Walsh, John James ...... 48 Ward, Frederick ...... 106 Wi lls, G. & R...... 160 Williams, Jane ...... 214 Walgsen, Erick ...... 49 White, Wil liam G...... 106 Wilson, William ...... 160 Wagner, Bertha ...... 218 Wilson, William ...... 49 Wilson, John ...... 106 Wurmbrand, Erwein .... "162 Walters, T. R...... 218 Walsh, Michael ...... 50 Ward, Francis ...... 109 Woomatie (aboriginal) 162 Watt, Allan ...... 218 Walker, George W...... 50 Woodford, Frederick .. 109, 122 Wood, Wil liam ...... 163 Wallace, Edward . .. 219 Webb, William Henry.... 51 Wilson, Thomas ...... 109 Wright, George ...... 163 Williams, William Chas. 219, 229 Wollaston, George G. .... 53 White, Mary Ann ...... 109 Wallace, Alexander ...... 163 Wilbon, Christopher ...... 219 Wooldridge, A. M. .. . 53 Webster, P...... 112 Wichellow, Mary ...... 166 Williams, Caroline ...... 219 Washington, Thomas Tate 53 Wilkinson, Charles ...... 112 White, James ...... 166 Warne, John...... 220 Woods, Daniel ...... 54 Wilson, William ...... 113 Wills, F. .... 166 Woodrow, John Fraser .. 220 Watkins, John ...... 54, 101 Williams, John A...... 115 Wills, D ...... 166 Williamson, ...... James, alias 220 White, Thomas.. 49, 54, 57, 126 White, Thomas ...... 115 Weise, Henry ...... 168 Cooper Wilson, William ...... 64 Wilkie, Leonard ...... 117 Williams, Stephen ...... 170 Wardrop, William ..... 220 Wheeler, William John .. 54 Williams, R ...... 118 Walls, Thomas ...... 170 Wright, William Alex... 223, 224 Winstanley, John, alias Wiese, Maria ...... 120, 124 Werner, Charles ...... 170, 170,174 Williams , Jas., alias Wilson, l'altridge ...... 56 Wiese, Henry ...... 120, 124 Webb, Elliott Agar ...... 171 Samuel ...... 224 Wilson, John ...... 66, 60, 66 Ward, George Fox ...... 120 Weir, Samuel ...... 171 Ward, Wm., alias Brown, Wilcox, Edward ...... 56, 66 Wilkie, Rudolph ...... 121 Watson, John ...... 172- alias Thomas ...... 224 Wilson, Arthur Mordaunt 57 Waldie, William ...... 121 Willis,Elizabeth ...... 175 Williams, Charles ...... 224 Woodman, Thomas ...... 57 Williams, John F. Blan- Waldron, John Williams.. 175 Winton, Ann ...... 225 Wells, Arthur...... 57, 62, 63 nerhasset, alias O'Riley 122 Williams, John Paul .... 175 Wilson, James ...... 226 Whybrow, Alfred Charles, Webber, Henry T. .... 124, 129 Weston, Comfort ...... 175 Woodcock, Hanson ...... 228 alias George Rook, alias Whiting, Thomas ...... 124 Woodgate, Herbert ...... 179 Wallace, Alexander ...... 229 J. Robinson ...... 57, 62 Webb, Thomas Henry.. 124, 129 Weeks, Henry ...... 180 White, Sarah...... 229 Watson, Xenophon ...... 58 Welsh, Thomas ...... 100, 124 Williams, Thomas, alias Woodford, Edward ...... 229 Webster, William George. 61 Wilkberg, E ...... 125 Clancy ...... 180 Williams, Morgan ...... 230 Waple, William ...... 66 Wasley, John ...... 125 Watts, James ...... 180 Wagner, Bertha ...... 230 Wood, Perry ...... 67 Whitford, William ...... 129 White & Bishop ...... 182 Whelan, Patrick ...... 230 W illcock, Oliver Willet .. 67 Weeks, Henry ...... 129 Wilson, William ...... 186 Wilson, John ...... 232 Willis, Henry ...... 68 Watts, - ...... 133 Williams, Robert ...... 186 Wicks, Wil liam ...... 232 Wilson, Alfred ...... 70, 152 Wildy, Emma ...... 134 Whyte, Counsell, & Co. .. 186 Whitting, Wil liam ...... 233 Watson, James Jones .... 70 Wilson, Samuel, alias Ley 134 Wood, John ...... 187, 233 Westover, William Joseph 233 Wilson, Henry Edward .. 71 Williamson, John ...... 134 Wallace, James ...... 187 Walsh, Michael...... 233 Williams, James Anthony . 71 Wilson, James ...... 134 Wallace, William ...... 187 Wilson, James ...... 234 Wulke, William...... 23, 71, 75 Waadd, Abraham ...... 134 Welsh, John ...... 187 Weiss, Hermine ...... 234 Wheeler, William ...... 71 Warren, John ...... 135 White, James ...... 187 Wilcox, Gilbert, & Co..... 234 Walker, Henry ...... 72 Warde, Frederick ...... 135 Wendon, Arthur ...... 188 Worrall, Joseph ...... 234 Watson, Alexander ...... 72 Whitton, William ...... 135 Wilson, Samuel ...... 190 Yelland, William ...... 11 White, Abraham ...... 75 Winwood, George ...... 138 Watson, Alfred ...... 190 Yelland, Louisa ...... 11 Williams, Thomas, alias Warman, Edward Wm. .. 138 Wilcox, Edward ...... 190 Yates, George ...... 29 Clancy ...... 75 Whelan, John Henry .... 138 Warren, Amos ...... 190 Young, Jessie ...... 29 Watts, James ...... 75 Williamson, James Frazer. 138 Wallocks, James ...... 191 Young, George A...... 34 Williams, Joseph Walter.. 76 White, Abraham ...... 139 White, George ...... 191 Young, Charles ...... 67 Waite, Walter ...... 78 Wilson, Thomas ...... 140 Wells, Daniel ...... 192 Yarrow, William Judkins 76 Woods, George ...... 79 Wilson, Alfred, alias Alfred Walker, T...... 193 Yow Sing ...... 125, 182 Wi lls & Co...... 79, 125 Wm. Martin ...... 140 Wellington, S...... 193 Young, James ...... 126 Woods, William ...... 80 Ward, James ...... 140 White, James ...... 196 Yawe, Charlotte Wilhel- Whelan, John ...... 80 Warhurst, Abel ..... 144 Wilson, Henry Edward 196 mina ...... 129, 146 Westwood, Thomas Alfred . 83 Woodman, Thomas. 145, X 163, 168 Whitton, Henry...... 196, 6196,197Yeatman, Mary Ann ...... 186 Wodrich, Charles ...... 84 Weir, James ...... 146, 153 White, James ...... 197 Young, Aretus ...... 219 Whitelaw, Jane 84 Watt, Robert, alias Freer . 146 Warman, Albert Edward.. 198 Yowell, John Henry .... 225 Woodhead, Bridget ...... 86 Williams, Samuel ...... 146 Wood, George ...... 200 Zakarnisky, Carl ...... 33 Waldie, Walter ...... 88 Wastell, Samuel ...... 148 Watson, Joseph ...... 201 Zeigler , Richard ...... 75 Williams, Richard, alias Watson, William ...... 148 Ward, Jane ...... 201 Zeitzmann , Christina .... 101 Edwards ...... 89 Walker, Frederick George. 149 Westwood, Robert ...... 201 Zerbe, Emma ...... 114 Watts, Charles ...... 92 Wilson, Samuel ...... 149 Waddington & Wright.... 204 Zolezza, Nicholls ...... 166 Walsh, Thomas ...... 92 W hitehorn, Albert ...... 149 C INDEX.

UNEXECUTED WARRANTS FOR THE YEAR 1879. IST of Unexecuted Warrants in South Australia for the Year ending December 31st, 1879, filed at the Detective L Office.

Name. Date of Issue. Where Issued. Nature of Offence. Police Gazette Reference.

Allen, J...... February 17 Clare False pretences 1879, page 60 61 66 Ataja, Henrick ...... March 1 Port Adelaide Deserting ship 62 Anderson, Pickelas ...... " 18 cc Larceny " 57 Aubul, Jeils D...... " 20 66 Deserting ship 67 it Adolph, Colo ...... 27 44 64 " 61 Acaphulga , alias Jacky ...... April 21 Alice Springs Murder 11112 Ah Han ...... " 7 Adelaide Indecent assault " 65 it 11 cc Astleford. John ...... 24 Deserting wife 79 Alexander , George ...... October 2 Port Victor Deserting ship "178 Anderson, Andrew November 15 Port Adelaide 64 11204 Ashelwig, Carl ...... December 23 Lc " 233 Bale, James ...... January 25 44 Deserting wife " 19 Blackie, James ...... February 27 cc 16 " 43 Binns,Wm. A ...... it 4 44 66 " 43 Brunel,George ...... " 27 6c 66 " 61 Beck, Edward ...... March 17 Port Pirie 57 11 GL Bedford, Frederick ...... January 22 20 Bell, Thomas ...... 14 28 LG CG 16 " 23 c6 11 Beagley, William ...... April 28 Adelaide Deserting wife 79 Barr, Harry ...... September 24 66 Indecent assault cc it 174 Batten, G. F ...... 16 11 Port Augusta Deserting ship 66 " 107 Bishop, James ...... 61 25 It cc c6 it 175 66 11 Brown, John ...... July 23 Strathalbyn Forging and uttering 132 Barrett , William ...... November 5 Angaston Keeping an unregistered dog It 11200 Butler, George Alfred ...... 2 Adelaide Indecent assault 16 11 193 Bramich, Walter ...... 1G 24 Port Augusta Larceny 1880, page 20 Callaghan , James ...... March 27 Adelaide Disobeying a summons 1879, page 60 Carr, Thomas ...... 91 18 Laura Larceny as a bailee 66 66 26 Christensen , C ...... February 11 Port Adelaide Deserting ship " 38 Cameron, Andrew ...... April 29 Orroroo Embezzlement " 82 11 " Coleman, Harry ...... 11 19 Port Adelaide Deserting wife 75 cc Cock, John ...... May 2 Moonta 41 84 11 11 Cole, George ...... July 11 Port Lincoln Deserting child 158 cc Carslon , 0 . W...... 16 15 Port Adelaide Deserting ship 11126 11 Cheena, Ahmet ...... August 7 16 " 1; 145 cc 49 11 Carbrara ...... 46 . 7 it 145 Charles, - ...... December 27 Adelaide Assaulting police 11232 Corronette , Peter ...... October 25 Quorn Cruelty to a horse Not gazetted 66 Chambers , Edward ...... June 25 Port Pirie Disobeying a summons Collins, Patrick ...... October 17 Gawler Horse-stealing 1879, page 187 Clark, Morris ...... December 9 Port Adelaide Deserting ship 61 46223 fi cc Charle, Joseph . ... . cc 16 46 cc 229 Cardell, A. B., alias Henry Dunbar } 16 19 False pretences Lc 1c 176.228 B. Barclay ...... Yarcowie Dickens, Joseph Wm ...... January 10 Adelaide Disobeying a summons it 10 Dick, John ...... March 3 Port Adelaide Deserting ship " 24 Dring , Robert ...... 16 17 Port Pirie 44 " 57 Dempsey Hugh ...... July 14 Adelaide Not appearing to bail 41124 11 Davis , Robert Wolf ...... August 21 46 Disobeying a summons 44151 Dawson, Henry .:...... September 3 11 Deserting ship 162 Daw, Henry Charles ...... July 17 Mallala Deserting wife 111.34 ,Dodd, John James ...... November 7 Adelaide Embezzlement " 200 Dunnett, John ...... December 9 Port Adelaide Abortion " 222 Deserting ship " 49 El lison, Edward ...... March 5 Port Adelaide 11 Fielding , Charles George ...... May 28 Port Pirie 46 100 Desertingwife " 15 Ferres , William ...... January 14 Adelaide 5 Fisher, John...... 11 2 11 Not appearingto bail 91 Frikob, Fred ...... March 5 Port Adelaide Deserting ship it 49 Finn, William ...... July 11 Adelaide Larceny 11124 Franks, D ...... September11 Port Augusta Deserting ship 11107 Ferris. Albert ...... 64 25 16 " 174 Fitzpatrick , Philip ...... December 22 Quorn Felonious assault 11,232 Griffiths'Frank ...... January 27 Adelaide Deserting service Grainford , Victor ...... February 11 Port Adelaide Deserting ship 38 Glover, James ...... April 16 66 cc 16109 11 16 Deserting wife 71 Gibbons, Arthur Frederick ...... 8 Adelaide 11 Green, Philip ...... May 30 it 41, 100 cc Gould, George ...... April 28 49 cc it 79 Gordon, William ...... June 10 Not appearing to bail Not gazetted Green, Michael ...... July 4 Deserting wife and family 1879, page 120 16 11 Grenville, Horace ...... August 5. Port Adelaide Abduction 138 Gottsch, Frederick ...... September 30 46 Deserting wife Not gazetted Gebhard, August...... November 3 Eudunda Larceny 1879, page 208 11 Graham, William ...... October 4 Victor Harbor Deserting ship 44 178


Summary of Unexecuted Warrants- continued.

Name. 1 Date of Issue. Where Issued. Nature of Offence. Police Gazette Reference.

Gudbrand, Gustav ...... November 15 Port Adelaide Deserting ship '1879, page 204 Gleich, Frederick ...... April 15, Adelaide Fraudulent insolvency Not gazetted Hannan, James January 20 Adelaide Fighting 1879, page 14 ...... cc Hutchings , Ernest ...... February 28 Wallaroo Deserting ship It 43 Hope , Henry ...... cc 16 Kapunda Falsepretences CC cc 14 cc Hobbs , Thomas ...... March 12 cc Deserting wife cC 53 CC Homer, Frank ...... February 20 Port Augusta False pretences CC 42 cC cc Hutchins , John ...... March 27 Melrose Deserting wife 61 CC CC Henson, Alfr ed ...... January 21 Port Adelaide Disobeying an order of the Court 19 cc cc Holbert, Charles ...... March 4 94 Deserting ship 43 Hubble , Henry ...... April 16 `c cc " `c 75 cC Harris , William ...... June 24 Port Augusta Deserting wife cc 117 is Hand , William ...... May 10 cc Falsepretences 88 Hoskin, James .... e...... March 3 Meningie Larceny " 43 Hanrahan, John ...... June 30 Adelaide Not appearing to bail Not gazetted Cc Hogan, William ...... September 3 44 Insulting behaviour Haydon, David J ...... August 18 Naracoorte Larceny cc Harvey, Charles ...... cc 23 Gawler 46 1879, page 153 Harrison , George ...... September 24 Victor Harbor Deserting wife 64 178 cc, " 176 Homer,Joseph ...... September 25 Port Augusta Deserting ship Hood,John November 9 Port Adelaide Deserting ship it " 223 ...... cc cc Haseublag, Johan ...... December 16 cc Cc 229 Hay,John ...... October 18 Crystal Brook False pretences CC " 186 Hyett, John...... November 11 Redruth Horse-stealing 1880, page 31 Cc cc 2, 3 Hartlyn, Mick ...... December 31 Kapunda Breach of Bush Fires Act ...... October 27 Port Adelaide Deserting ship 1879, page 190 Isaacson,Isaac cc cc Jenkins, Wil am ...... January 28 Port Pirie Deserting ship 23 li cc cc Jacobson, Peter ...... June 16 Port Adelaide cc 109 It " cc cc 109 Johnson, James ...... 16 C` cc " Jones , Charles James ...... July 18 Adelaide Deserting wife 129 Jordan , Edward ...... August 26 It Disobeying summons Not gazetted Cc Johnson, John ...... cc 5 Port Pirie Deserting ship Johansen, Erusmys ...... , ...... November 15 Port Adelaide Deserting ship 1879, page 204 " Jacobsen , Simon ...... cc 9 cc cc 46.. 204 Johnson,Peter ...... December 9 64 cC " 223 CC Jennings , Edward ...... C` 22 Springfield Larceny as a bailee " 232 CC Kitson, Thomas Sanders ...... January 24 Naracoorte Larceny as a bailee " 23 Kakko, Alfred ...... March 1 Port Adelaide Deserting ship CC " 43 cC Kemp,- Wil liam ...... February26 Adelaide Deserting child 43 Kerr, Robert ...... June 28 Adelaide Breach of Licensed Vehicles Act Not gazetted 1879, page 121 Kenwick, William ...... July 3 `c Deserting wife " Kiepple, August ...... August 4 Strathalbyn Forging and uttering " 132 Korte, Ander Jean De...... December 17 Port Adelaide Deserting ship " 229 Lepp, , Thomas C ...... March 7 Naracoorte False pretences 11166 Lihon,;womas ...... June 16 Port Adelaide Deserting ship 11109 cc 16 cc " 109 Larsen, Peter ...... cc Lannigan , James ...... April 10 Naracoorte Disobeying a summons '70 Lewis, H ...... September 15 Adelaide False pretences 11-166 Lawson, Joseph ...... July 16 c Larceny 11128 Lewis , Frederick ...... August 5 Port Pirie Deserting ship It 145 Larsen, J. I ...... ,...... July 15 Port Adelaide CC 11125 CC CC " 146 Long, - ..:...... August 7 CC 64,163 Larsson, Olans ...... cc 25 CC .1178 Laws , Wi lliam ...... October 2 Victor Harbor " 19 Malthouse, John ...... January 23 Adelaide Disobeying magistrate's order cc Deserting ship 38 Mistel, Carl 'Camelle ...... February 21 Wa llaroo cc Moncrieff, J. 13 ...... January 9 Penola False pretences 10 McDonnell , John ...... June 16 Pbrt Adelaide Deserting ship "109 cc 23 Gladstone 11116 McGuinness , Hugh ...... Breach of Railway Act cc Deserting ship 70 Manyard, William ...... April 8 Port Augusta cc, Monaghan , Arthur ...... May 22 Wallaroo Deserting wife 96 Martin, James cC ...: June 5 Adelaide Neglecting to support their mother " 105 Martin , Owen ...... CC CC Bench warrant " 108 Meeker, Fredk. Winton ...... June 13 cc May 3 Hawley Bridge Deserting service " 84 Maughan, Michael ...... cc t b On cc Deserting wife " 146 McKenzi e,' Donald ...... ep em er cc CC Non-payment of fine 11120 Moyle, John :...... July 3 It Morris, Thoinas ...... cc 5 cc Neglect to pay cab fare "-120 CC " 171 McAlles, Johns...... September 16 Wallaroo Deserting wife Moore, Walter ...... cc 17 Two Wells Disobeying order of court Not gazetted Non payment of fine 1879, page 124 McDonald, John ...... July 11 Melrose c" McCoy, Edward ...... September 26 Port Augusta Deserting ship " 175 " " 222 McCall um, Archibald ...... December 9 Millicent Disobeying summons INDEX. nr.

Summary of Unexecuted Warrants- continued.

Name. Date of Issue. Where Issued. Nature of Offence. Police Gazette Reference,

Maher, Thomas ...... November 25 Wallaroo Deserting wife 1879, page 219 LG Moore, William ...... October 3 Adelaide " " 178 McNamara, Michael ...... November 24 " Drunk Not gazetted McIntyre, Alexander ...... October 2 VictorHarbor Deserting ship 1879, page 178 cc Northover, - George ...... January 28 Adelaide Larceny 18 Nixon, John ...... November 25 64 Deserting wife " 208 Nelson, A. D ...... November 15 Port Adelaide Deserting ship " 204 Otham, - ...... January 6 " Larceny " 6 Obma (aboriginal) ...... April 21 Alice Springs Murder " 112 Otterson,Peter ...... July 14 Port Adelaide Deserting ship '' " 125 cc Olsen, John ...... December 9 Port Adelaide cc " 223 cc it O'Neil, Stephen, alias John O'Neil .. November 25 Yarcowie Horse-stealing 213 cc Perry, Henry ...... February 21 Wa llaroo Deserting ship " 38 cc Pledgee, Frederick ...... January 10 Port Adelaide it 11 lc " Payne, Joseph ...... cc cc " 109 " Peterson, Ivan ...... July 14 cc " c` 125 Pasqual,- ...... August 7 it " 145 Peddon,Wil li am ...... October 2 Port Victor Deserting ship 178 Quinn, John ...... January 27 49 Not appearing to bail Not gazetted Rose, - ...... " 29 Wallaroo Deserting ship 1879, page 23 Ruden, George...... June 26 Adelaide Deserting wife cc " 116 Robertson, Thomas ...... May 21 Disobeying a summons Not gazetted Reeve, William Henry ...... August 19 Adelaide Embezzlement 1879, page 148 Reid, Robert ...... October 4 Victor Harbor Deserting ship 16 '6 178 Richards, Job William ...... November 17 Adelaide Deserting wife it " 204 cc cc Sullivan, Elizabeth Ann ...... March 10 Beltana Larceny as a bailee 51 cc cc Saxberg,Alfred ...... " 1 Port Adelaide Deserting ship 43 Smith,Henry ...... '' 5 '' it '' c c 49 Smith, John ...... April 10 Naracoorte Disobeying a summons cc 70 Sumpton, William ...... May 28 Port Pirie Deserting ship " " 100 Samuels, George ...... August 26 Adelaide Desertingservice " " 153 Short, George ...... February 5 Port Pine Assault Not gazetted Smith,Henry ...... August 5 cc Deserting ship cc Symons, John ...... July 3 cc Deserting wife 1879,page138 Slade, William ...... August 4 Strathalbyn Absconding from bail " " 143 Smith, Charles ...... September 22 Victor Harbor Deserting ship " " 170 Smith, H ...... " 11 Port Augusta '' " "107 Stanley, Mark ...... cc 25 44 cc 'C cc 175 cc Lc cc Skelton, James...... October 2 Victor Harbor 178 Scott, James ...... " 17 Balaklava Nonpayment of fine cc " 186 Stanley, Charles Howard ...... December 12 Port Germein Larceny it222 Schnarkudorf, Albert ...... November 22 Port Adelaide Deserting ship "208 it cc Schacker, Ferdinand ...... " 22 " 209 Smart, David ...... December 1 it it 11214 Smith,R...... " 23 Adelaide False pretences " 228 Thomas, John ...... January 22 Port Pirie Deserting ship " 20 cc Tretler, Herman ...... January 28 Adelaide Embezzlement 18 Thompson, George ...... February 25 " Forging and uttering 37 Treustrem, Johann ...... July 15 Port Adelaide Deserting ship " 125 Thomas, Henry September 23 Hallett Housebreaking " 174 ...... cc Unknown men (2) ...... March 3 Meningie Larceny 43 cc Unknown man ...... January 28 Yarcowie " 19 Unknown man ...... April 30 Mount Barker Horsestealing " 7&84 Unknown man ...... August 1 Port Augusta Falsepretences 11143 Unknown man ...... " 23 cc Forging and uttering `c 157 Volgren, Erik ...... March 5 Port Adelaide Deserting ship " 49 Wilson, Arthur Mordaunt ...... it 22 it Deserting ship " 49 Williams, Thomas ...... January 20 Melrose Forging and uttering " 14 White, Thomas.. 4...... 4 ...... June 23 Gladstone Warrant of commitment " 115 Williams, John A...... " 26 Adelaide Embezzlement " 115 Whitcombe, Richard ...... May 28 cc Neglect to pay legal fare Not gazetted Wichellow,Mary ...... September 16 Adelaide Abduction 1879,page 166 Wiese, Maria ...... July 8 cc Threatening language 120 Wills, D ...... September 11 Port Augusta Deserting ship 107 Wills,T...... cc cc 49 cc cc 107 Wickberg,E ...... July 15 Port Adelaide '' " " 125 Wood, John...... September 18 " Deserting wife " " 187 Webb, W ...... December 13 Orroroo Non-payment of fine 1880, page 20 Wilcox, Edward ...... October27 Adelaide Disobeying magistrate's order 1879, page 79 V. INDEX.

HORSES AND CATTLE REPORTED STOLEN AND NOT RECOVERED FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1879. ISTof Horses and Cattle reported tothe Police in SouthAustralia asstolen during the Year ended December L 31st, 1879.

Name and Address of the Owners, Date of Report . Color and Sex. Brands and Description. From Where Stolen. or to whom information is to bs Police Gazette given, and Reward (if any ). Reference.

1879. January 8 Bay mare IC near shoulder , black mane and Plympton Thomas Shepherd, Plympton 1879, page 11 tail, aged five years , shod all round January 19 Chesnut (cob) horse D near shoulder , BY off shoulder, Kingston William Dowdy , Kingston Not gazetted tail docked February 1 Bay mare RF near shoulder , blaze down face Terowie James Boyle, Terowie . 1879, page 23 February 4 Red cow, bald face and white legs MacDonnell Bay " " 29 February 4 Red cow, speckled L off shoulder and L off rump John Locke, MacDonnell Bay legs and face February 21 Bay horse P off shoulder Jamestown Martin Stephens , Jamestown.. Not gazetted February 22 Bay mare A nearshoulder Wirrabara Robt. H. Lampard , Wirrabara, .1879, page 49 March 30 Light bay mare P off shoulder , dark spots on withers, Wi llochra Thomas Finlay, Willochra Not gazetted switch tail May 14 Bay horse Like M overM conjoinednear Mootwingie, N.S.W. McClennan Bros ., Mootwingie, 1879, page 88 shoulder May 23 Dark bay gelding W near shoulder , G near cheekbone Peake William Birrell , Peake Not gazetted May 23 Li ht bay gelding MH over writing capital E July 20 Nay gelding ON conjoined near shoulder, R0 Quorn James McGrath , Quorn 1879, page 153 off shoulder August 27 Brown mare, medium M off shoulder, W near shoulder Killale, Victoria Christopher Walsh , Ki llale, " " 158 draught Victoria August 27 Bay mare W near shoulder Mount Gambier Wm. Renfrey, Mount Gambier. Not gazetted £5 reward if stolen , . , September 29 Bay draught horse IF near shoulder Arkaba Joseph Tell, Arlkaba. 1879, page 178 October 21 White horse W over@ near shoulder , 14-1 hands Mount Templeton Wm.Whitting, Mt. Templeton " `" 233 November 11 Black gelding cob M overB near shoulder } Chalk C s Frederick Bonney, Chalk C ffs 1880 , page 31 November 11 Bay gelding M overB near shoulder liff li December 1 Chesnut mare A off shoulder, staron forehead, Mount Barker Road Phi lip Geo. Wenzer, Norwood 1879, pages 213 shod all round, about six years old and 219 December 20 Bright bay gelding cob D over X near shoulder 1880 , pages 9 Laura Edgar Agar Webb, Laura December 20 Dark bay mare near shoulder } { and 21 December 20 Grey mare SC near shoulder Mitcham George Viney , Mitcham 1879 , page 233 December 20 Bay horse N near rump, TS off shoulder

Adelaide : By authority , E. SPIELER,Government Printer, North-terrace. --161w1 £T MO's 1 vlsyl 0JT.





A 1881. INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Andrews, Wm. George Speed 2 Atkinson , John ...... 109 Andrews, John ...... 197, 202 Bramish, Walter ...... 20 Agus, Daniel . .. 3, 104 Aspinall , Ellen ...... 112 Ash, Albert ..... 200 Bray, John ...... 21 Aldridge, Charles Edward 3 Allgood,John ...... 113 Anderson, Frederick .... 202 Bartliff, Robert ...... 21 Alick, George ...... 3 A'Becket, Thomas ...... 116 Anderson, James Miller .. 206 Bateman, Henry Herbert 21 Ah Yeng ...... 5, 10 Anderson , Charles ...... 116 Abbott, Thomas James 206 Bennett, James ...... 21 Anderson, 0. M...... 9 Angelneoski , Paul ...... 117 Armstrong, John ...... 211, 220 Belgrove, A lexandrina.... 22 Anderson, Edward ...... 9 Abrahams , Charles ...... 117 Atkins James ...... 211, 221 Brown, William Voules.. 22, 57 Allen, William ...... 13, 54 Armstrong , John 118 Atkins, Mr...... 216 Bullers, James ...... 22 Ah Lin, John ...... 14 Armbruster & Uhlmann .. 120 Alexander, Morice ...... 218 Beauchamp, James ...... 22 Allen, James...... 14 Allanson, Thomas Shaw 121, 174 Aunger, John ...... 224 Bamon, Charles ...... 22 Atkinson, Robert ...... 16 Alick, George ...... 121 Alcock,Anne ...... 225 Byrne, Joseph ...... 22 Ashton, Martha ...... 18 Adelaide Corporation .... 124 Allen, James ...... 225, 231 Bennett, Kate ...... 22 Aslat, Alfred Elam ...... 18 Andre , Joseph ...... 125, 148 Atkinson, William ...... 229 Baker, George and Frederick 23 Andrews, W. G. L ...... 20 Anderson , James ...... 130, 144 Allen, Joseph ...... 230 Brown, Henry ...... 23 Anderson, John ...... 21, 100 Armstrong , Joseph William 130 Ashley, Walter Charles .. 229 Baker, Emily ...... 23 Alexander, Mary, alias Abraham, Wil liam 130, 145, 165 Arthur, James .... 235 Boyce, Thomas ...... 23 Keating ...... 22, 78 Allen, James .. .. 131 Austin, John Baptist .... 235 Barry, Michael ...... 26 Allan,Henry ...... 27 Aldridge , Chas. Edwin.. 131, 161 Anderson, Annie .... 238 Becker, William ...... 27 Australian Accident Insu- Archer, Daniel ...... 131, 145 Barrett, William ...... 4, 76 Bragg, Thomas ...... 27 ranceCo...... 27 Alexander , John Edward.. 134 Bobett, John ...... 5 Breadth,Henry ...... 27 Atkins, Henry George .... 27 Abraham, William .... 137 Burt, Edward 5 Bickford, Alfred ...... 27 Anderson, George, alias Andrews , John Henry.. 137, 145 Bedgood, John Shepherd, alias Blunt, Louisa ...... 27 Evans ...... 28 Allen, Thomas ...... 137 Walker, alias Black Harry 5, 10 Barrett, James ...... 27 Alver, James Henry .... 30 Adamson, Thomas .. 141 Bannister, Edward ...... 5 Brockmann, John Henry 28 Angus, James ...... 37 Ah Hing , Thomas 149, 161, 201, Bussenochutt, Henry .... 8 Brown & Wood ...... 31 Ainsworth, Charles ...... 38 220 Brown, Alexander .... . 9, 37 Beach, Frederick Dew.. . 31 Anson, Sarah ...... 39 Adam, William ...... 149, 161 Benson, William ...... 9 Bonney, Frederick ...... 31 Adolph, Paul ...... 43 Atkinson , Wil li am .... 149, 161 Barbour, William ...... 9 Bidgood,Richard...... 32 Arnold, Joseph...... 48, 67 Ahpoo, James ...... 152, 176 Bowman, John Henry.... 9 Berger, Heinrich ...... 32 Alford, Henry ...... 48 Ah Hong, Wi ll iam .... 152, 176 Bowman, Annie ...... 9 Bole, William ...... 32 Ackerman, John ...... 49 Andrews , Edward ...... 153 Brown, Christopher9, 23, 43, 157 Blake, James ...... 32 Astleford, Margaret ...... 48 Adelaide Bank ...... 154 Beart, Oscar, alias Michael Brown, John ...... 32 Ah Eye ...... 52 Anthony, Francis ...... 154 Brown, alias Charles Smith 9, 45 Bellamy, John ...... 36, 49 Atcoul, Frederick ...... 52 Abbott , Margaret ...... 157 Boyd, Samuel ...... 9 Barnes, William Henry .. 36 Ashby, George ...... 53 Aspina ll, Harry 160 Bishop, Charles 12 Bourbaud, Edward ...... 37 Ayliffe, Esther ...... 53 Ashton, George .. 161, 181, 197 Boniface, John Patrick 12, 20, 22, Blume, Gustav ...... 37 Anderson, James ...... 54, 69 Albert , Stephano ...... 164, 172 38 Baker, Frederick John .... 37 Armstrong, Eliza ...... 58 Arthur , Robert Benjamin.. 164 Bark, Emily...... 12, 16 Bysh, Florence, alias Austin, J ...... 59 Appleton , Jane ...... 169, 182 Bowman, William James 12 McDonald ...... 38, 113 Adams, Thomas...... 62, 72, 73 Anderson , W. R..... 172 Brown, W. H ...... 13 Bamon, Charles ...... 38 Assherton, John ...... 63, 73 Ashford, Walter ...... 172 Beer, William Henry .... 13 Basham, Charles A...... 38 Arthur, Thomas ...... 63, 108 Ah Luie, Charley .. 172, 176, 220 Burke, Cornelius ...... 13 Boddington, Thomas .... 38 Allen, Thomas ...... 64, 79 Appleton, Edwin ...... 173, 180 Bennett, Frederick ...... 14 Bartlett, William ...... 38 Assetz, Hermann...... 67 Atkins , Esther ...... 174, 182 Bruce, August ...... 14 Byrt, Thomas ...... 42 Abrahemsen, Antone .... 73 Ah Chong ...... 174 Bone, William ...... 14 Berliner, Louis ...... 42 Arthur, Robert Benjamin.. 77 Arnessen , Paul Alfred .... 177 Breht, Frederick ...... 14, 23 Burgess, Jane ...... 42 Atkins, John ...... 78 Anderson , J. P...... 177, 196 Barrett, Eliza ...... 14 Boucaut, Alexander ...... 42 Anson, Sarah ...... 79 Alleyne, George ...... 178 Bradford, Daniel ...... 14 Blundel, Mary ...... 44 Allen, Robert Henry .... 82 Andrews , Benjamin Wm... 181 Buckley, Edward ...... 16, 30 Bottie, Henry William.... 44 Arthur, George James .... 84 Ash's ...... 184 Barclay, Henry Dunbar B. 16 Barker ...... 48 Allen, Thomas Henry . .. 86 Anderson, Otto ...... 185, 200 Barnard,G. L...... 16 Boltroff, William ...... 48 Archer, Joseph ...... 89 Adams John ...... 18's, 201 Berliner, Samuel ...... 16 Byerlee, George William.. 48 Aurep, Keinhold ...... 92 Allen, Thomas ...... 185, 202 Burns, William ...... 17 Black, John ...... 48, 53, 57 Armstrong, Samuel ...... 94 Aitkens , Mr...... 185 Burns, John ...... 18 Bourke, Walter ...... 49, 53 Ah Tip 94 Applekamp , H. J. J...... 188 Billing & White ...... 18 Brady, Alice, alias Lindsay 49 Alexander, Joseph.. 96, 100, 101 Addison, E ...... 188 Brown, Thomas ...... 18, 23 Barry, Patrick ...... 49 Archibald, Rutherford. . -. 97 Allen, J...... 188 Borns, Cornelius ...... 18 Bole, William ...... 50 Aggs, Henry ...... 101 Anderson , Lauritz .... 191, 207 Brooks, Laura .... 18 Best, William Henry.. 50, 54 Allen, John ...... 104 Antiovgell , Charles .... 192, 226 Brown, William ...... 20, 78, 84 Broomhall, Robert ..... 50 Adams, George ...... 104 Aubel , Jelles ...... 196 Bentley, Edward ...... 20 Banks, Colonel N. P. .... 50 Anderson, William 109, 126, 157 Arnold, George James .... 197 Boswell, William Charles 20 Barry, William ...... 60 iv. INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Brown, Thomas G...... 62 Baker, James ...... , 94,97 Burke, Patrick ...... 145, 161 Bathost, Christie ...... 173, 173,174 Baily , Thomas ...... 53 Batt, James ...... 94, 114 Bailey, William ...... 145, 157 Bown, Albert ...... 173, 182 Bradford , Richard ...... 53, 54 Badge, Joseph ...... 96 Barbeck, Gustav ...... 145,145,161 Berbeck, George ...... 174 Barker, Henry Baily .... 53 Bennet, John ...... 96 Butler, Henry .. .145,145,161 Billing, William ...... 176 Bridges, John G...... 54 Branthwaith, William 96,100,101 Baxendale, John Edward 145,181 Brennan, Thomas ...... 176, 180, Billing, Alfred ...... 56 Butler, George ...... , . 97 Bowman, Duncan ...... 146 181, 186 Brock , Alexander ...... 57, 67 Bowes, Patrick ...... 97;1426 Bastard, Benjamin ...... 146 Brown Bros...... 176 Bolton, Frederick ...... 57 Bolman, William Henry.. 97,101 Boyd, James ...... 147, 163 Balk, Lucy ...... 176, 196 Boileau , John Peter ...... 57, 67 Brailey, William .....97, 97,109 Biggs, Alfred ...... 1t7, 163 Berlin, Johan Martin ..., 177 Ba'hnisch , Johan August.. 58 Bosisto, Reginald George.. 97 Billett, Charles ...... 148 Berlin, Olaf August ...... 177 Barrett, F. J...... 59, 73 Behrendt, Charles ...... 97 Benson, William ...... 148, 149 Barnsby, - ...... 177 Boyd, John ...... 59 Barrington, James Johnson 98 Barci, Pasquala ...... 148 Burns, David ...... 177 Bleechmore , Albert Samuel 62 Beattie, Thomas ...... 101 Britcher, George.. .. 148,164,191 Brennar, Paul ...... 177 Bluntish , Archbd. Stanford 62 Bray, James ...... 101,113 Blascheck, Anna ...... 149, 225 Ball, Walter ...... 178, 182, 231 Botten, Mary Anne ...... 63 Birks, Charles ...... 101 Botheris, John ...... 149 Baker, George ...... 178,182,178, 186 Blight, John ...... 63 Bock, Charles .....101,113 Bunyan, Alfred...... '149 Brockman, Charles ...... 179,185 Bathurst , Christie ...... 63 Bradley, William Brown. 101 Billing, William ...... 149 Brennan ...... 5, 181 Buckley, Daniel ...... 63 Bryant, Charles William,. 101 Behan, James ...... 149, 161 Basford, George 179 Barrington , Jas. Johnson 63 Bat, Moses ...... 102 Brown, James ...... 152, 168 Burnett, James...... 180 Bing, Joseph...... 63, 174 Bennett, Robert ..... ; . 103 Burrowes, William...... 153, 202 Burnett, Robert Forrester 180 Brown & Thompson , . 63, 9,8 Baxendale, J. E...... 103 Barker, Lewis Leonard 154 Blight, James. . . .-,. . , . , .180,.185 Bridges,' Arthur G. .. 64 Bushey, Joseph ...... 105 Bull, Frederick. ....:.... 154 Buller, John ...... 180 Burt, Joseph Clarke ...... 66 Bauchio, Bartolomeo 406 Bowker, George ...... 154 Bosisto, Reginald George.. 181 Blore, George ...... 66 Baxendale, JohnEdward, .108,144 Bayes, William Henry . .154, 157 Boynton, Wm. Watson .. 160, 181 Boyle , Luke ...... 66 Burton, Henry Stewart 108 Bignell, George ...... 154 Brown, John ...... • 185 Bickford , Richard ...... 67 Benjamin, Solomon, ....1 0 8,112 Burns, Joseph H...... 156 Burke, James . 18 5 Barrett, Jo' in ...... 68 113,126 Bear, Richard ...... 156 Belcher, Joseph ...... 1.185, 197 Berliner , Samuel ...... 68 Blackmore, Frank 109 Buckley, Thomas ...... 156 , John...... 185, 202 Bryant, Charles William.. 69 Baxter, John ...... 113, 162 Buden, John ...... 156 Behrendt, Adolphus.:.... 185 Bastard, Thomas ...... 72 Bate, Edward . , ... ' 113 Birks, G. N. & W. H..... 157 Baker, John ....:.....185, 202 Britton, George. : ...... 72 Bird, Samuel Henry Alex- Brandt,George...... 157 Blackford, Jane ...... 185, 202 Brown, Robert.,...... 73 ander...... 116, 120 Brown, Samuel . .. . . 357,162 Bolton, G. G ...... 188 Burk, David ...... 74 Boase, Joseph ...... , 116 Banbury, Frederick .... 158, 174, Brown, Arthur ...... 1&8 Brennan , Patrick ...... 74 Baker, Frederick ...... 117 182; 197 Fain, J ...... 188 Brennan, John . .. ,. , . . . . 74 Brown, Charles ...... 117 Brown, Patrick...... 158 Bruce, Alexander ...... 188 Burnett, Anton .. 76, 188,'106,'197 Brennan, John ...... 117 Brown, James ...... ,158, 19 Brown, W. J, ...... 188 Brown ; James ...... 76, 168 Brown & W oods ...... 117 Beamish, Mr...... I Benjamin, Solomon ...... 192 Brown , George ...... ' 76 Burke, James Patrick ....117,153 Boland, J ...... 160 Born, John Chanter ...... 192 Belt, W. C. , ...... 76, 83 Barnett, Samuel . , 120 Benson, James ...... 160, 179 Bailey, James ...... 196 Banns, Franz ...... 77,93 Brazil,'Frank J...... ,121, 125 Blackmore, James ...... 160; 179 Badman, George Percy .... 196 Bray, George .. .. 77 Betschartt, Carl ...... 121 Barlow, George ...... 160 Born, Thomas ...... 196 Barker, Lewis Leonard 71 Brennan, Benjamin M .... 121 Bach, John ...... 160 Bartlett, Albert ...... 196 Ball, Caroline ...... 77 Beattie, William ...... 121 Bell, Samuel ...... 161, 181 Bryce, William Thomas .. 197 Beyer , Ernest ...... 77 Bentley, Thomas ...... 125 Bennett, John ...... 161, 181 Brennan, William ...... 197 Beythein , Ern est ...... 77 Bellew, George ...... 125 Boynton, William Watson 1&1 Brady, John ...... 198 Bamfield, Henry ...... 77, 82 Boyd, Robert H ...... 127 Barrett, John Blois ...... 163 Brush, William ...... 198, 226 Bryce, Andrew Archibald 78 Barker, Thomas Alexander, Baker, Edward Arthur ' Bell, James ...... 200,200,1207 Banks, Frederick 78 alias Charles Stimson.. 130 Painter ...... :..165.181 Bennett, John ....201, 211, 221 Bulwer, Frederick William 78 Blake, James ...... 130 Barclay, James ...... 166, '1&1 Bray, James ...... :..201, 220 Beare, Edward ...... 8, 109, 113 Burley, William ...... 130 Brooks, Benjamin, alias Brockman, Charles .. 201 Blair, Thomas ...... 78 Boddington, Thos ....131,145,165 Fribbins ...... 165, 181, 197 Bennett, Anton, alias Ring, Broad, Wi lliam ..... 178 Baxendale, John Edward 131,144 Buirowes, Geo. William ..181,163, Thomas ...... 202 Belgrove , Alexandrina .... 78 Brown, Charles ...... 131 197 Beeton, Charles ...... 202 Baker, James ...... 78 Butler, John ...... 131 Bescoby, John ...... 165 Bignell & Young, ...... 203 Babbage, George Whitmore 79 Blair, Thomas ...... 131 Bright Bros...... 166 Braithwaite, Joseph 203 Birrell, Wi lliam ...... 81,85 Brady, John 134 Benson, John Thomas, alias Braithwaite, Ellen 203 Bishop , Charles ...... 81 Bayley, Denis ...... 134, 134,224 Roberts, alias Taylor 166 Brown, James ...... 206,e Bowden , W illiam...... 82,87 Banks, Henry ...... 136 Barker & Chambers :..... 168 Billiet, M. C...... 206 Burton, John ...... 82 Bond, Mary Jane ...... 137 Barth, Charlotte ... 169 Bishop,Arthur...... 206 Bruce, George Furner .... 84 Beare, W. L...... 137 Bartram, William ..169,182, 197 Burnett, Henry...... _ 207, 215 Blackler , James, alias Chas. Bright, H. E...... 137 Bailey, Thomas ....169, 182, 197 Berryman, Elizabeth Ann 207 Blackley ...... 84 Birchell, James ...... 137 Brophy; Mary Ann:.... , 169, 182 Bell, William ...... 207 Broome , Amos ...... 84, 88 Boyd, Charles ...... 137 Barrens, Thomas ...... 169 Boneham, E ...... 207 Beschwith ...... 85 Bannister, Edward ...... 137 Barwick, William .. ...169, 169,182 Berman, Augusta :...... 207 Bird, Arthur ...... 85 Bonsfield, Daniel ...... 140 Bickford, A. M., & Sons.. . 169 Baade, Theodore ...... 207, 215 Birrell, George . . 85 Bowman, Edmund ...... 140, 164 Bushell, M. C...... 172 Barrett, Alex. John_ 207, 211, 221 Burnett , Herbert.... .:. , 87 Barlow, Fan.' , ...... 141 Brown, Walter ...... 172 Basingstoke, John ...... 209 Burke, John ...... 87 Bull, William ... . . 141 Bishop, A ...... 172 Blake, Michael ...... 210 Boulding , Edward ...... 87 Buygione, Benjamin .... 142 Bu rn s, W ...... •172 Ballinghall, George ...... - 210 Baker, Ellen Maria .....: 8$, 97 Bear, Henry...... 142 Boord, S ...... 172 Bennett, Thomas ...... 210, 224 Brown, Edward John .... ' 89 Byrne, Joe ...... 142 Bailey, W ...... 172 Bagley, Denis ....210, 224, 235 Blackler , William ...... 92,100 Bell, William ...... 144 Bremner, J...... 172 Burns, John ..... ; ..... 211 Beale, Sarah ...... 9,3 Bull, Edward ...... 144, 157 Byrne, John ...... 172, 176, 220 Brady, John ...... 211, 220 Borwick, William ... 93 Badior, Adolph.._,.; .. . 145 Barr, Harry ...... 172 Brock, Robert Gordon .... 2.11 Beattie, Wil liam ...... 93 Bennett, Sarah ...... 145 Bailey, Mary Ann ...... 172 Barnett, Joshua J...... 212, 226 Barber, Robert ...... 94 Bayes, William ....-1-45, ] 67, 161 Brunski ll, G...... 173 Bishop, John ...... :... . 212 INDEX. V.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Best, Amelia ...... 212, 216 Crabb, Richard Stapleton 17 Creswell, Richard .... 67 Chapman, Benjamin, alias Barber; Mr...... 212 Conway, James ...... 17 Crooks, Burton, & Co. 67 Chiappe...... 2 Burrette, Louis Ernest .. 212 Chess, Marion ...... 18 Campbell, Henry.... 67 Calender, Carl ...... , ?2l Baird, John ...... 214 Clark, John ...... 118 Crutchell, Philip Mitchell 67, 101 Conry, - . 21 Bray, William H ...... 215 Cahill, Ann ...... 18 Cooper, Hugh ..... 68 Creen, Michael...... 1-25 Bray, Thomas ...... 215 Cole, Wil liam George .... 1$ Creyghton, Alexander . , . 68, 89 Cocks, J. W. P. . '125 Bentley, Albert ...... 215, .221 Carson, John ...... 20 Chanter,William..,.. 68 Conway, William Thos. 125, 145, Behenara, William Henry.. 215 Collins, Stephen . 21,27 Collins, George Washing- 153 Burnett, Charles ...... 215, 221 Coleman, Barnett .. 22 ton....,..:... , ..... 72 Connolly, James ...... 125, 145 Bock, Frederic;...... ' 215 Coombes, George ...... '22 Conroy, penis ...... 73 Currie, Annie ...... 130,.,200 Bray, H. B...... 215, 215,221 Champion , Amos ., . .... , , 22 Christmas, James, ..... 73 Crockford,Jane ...... 130 Benisch, Louis ...... 215 Cottere ll, Thomas Ledson.. 'g3 Ojark, Charles ...... , 78 Congdon, Henry.. 130, 137, 145, Bond, Walter ... .', .... 216 Colville, Jas,, alias Clarence 23 Cazely,James .. . . 79 165 Brenning, Frederick ...... • 216 Caz eley, James ...... 23 Cpx, Thomas ...... 9 Cpwan, Jas., & Co...... 131 Blake,- ...... 218 Campbell, James, alias Ire- Casey, Thomas Joseph,... , 81 Coleman, William 131,141, 145 Brougham, H. G. .. .. 219 land ...... 26 Clifford, Jeremiah ...... 81, 125 Carline, David ...... 131 Bye, Joseph ...... 219 Clark, Neil ...... 26, 36 Cohen, Benjamin...... 82 Clark, William ...... 134 Bolt, Henry ...... 219, 225 Costelloe, Charles .. 26, 30, 56 Cook, Alexander ...... 83, 87 Cope, Allen ...... 134 Bolt, Mary ...... 219, 22.5 Cruikshanks , Robert .... 27, 31 Co`elin, William Francis 84 Curzon, Thomas ...... 134 Burns, John ...... 220 Choats, Thomas ...... 27 Conroy, Annie ...... 84 Collar, John ...... 136 Brothers, William ...... 220 Crokk, William ...... 27 Clezy, John ...... 81 Clark, William.. , ..... 137 Bradley, Walter ...... 220 Coyne, Bridget ...... 30 Cheatham, Henry ...... 84, 88 Connors, Williams ., . 137, 145 Burnett, Henry ...... 221 Collins, P., alias Patrick Gpx, Louisa ...... 84 Couch, John, alias Williams 137, Blascheck,Stafan...... 223 McOollin ...... 31 Cate, William ...... , 85 145, 149 Block, Charles ...... 224 Costello , Wi lliam John .. 32, 43 Collins, James ...... ,86 Crabb, John ...... 14.0 Butler, Mary Ann ...... 224 Campbell, Archibald ...... 32 Cullen, John-...... 87 Crispin,Henry ...... 141 Brown, Mary ...... 2 24 Chapman , John ...... 32 Calder, Jane Miller ...... 87 adman, Charles.. 1,41, 145, 15;4 Barnes, William ...... 225 Casey , Thomas ...... 33 Chill, John , ... .. 89 Cook, Alexander ...... 141, 14,5 Brown, George._...... 225 Collins, Cornelius ...... 36 Campbell, L., Corporal .. 92 Collier, Thomas ...... 142 Behenna,N. H...... 225 Considine , Bridget ...... 38, 43 Clode, Thomas ...... 92 Croker, Daniel . 11,2 Bear, Henry . .. 226 Coombes , George ...... 38 Cook, William Henry .... 92 Clifford, Jeremiah 125, 145, 157 Berrill, Edward Joseph , „ . 229 Champion , Amos ...... 38 Clarke, James ...... 92 Carey, Bridget ...... 125, 145 Boothby, Cecil Geo. Fredk. 229 Carlson, Olaf ...... 38 Coussins, William ...... 93 ouch, Richard ...... 145 Bray, James ...... 229 Champlin , Ebenezer ...... 38 Cadd, John . 93 }aechego, George .... 145, 161 Bates, Henry ...... 231 Corcoran, Patrick ...... 43 Curtis, Patrick ...... 94 Chatfield, Thomas ...... , 145 Beauchamp, Wm. George 211 Carter, Elizabeth ...... 43 Crotti, Guiseppe ...... 94 Jalbrook, William ...., 148, 164 Bowman, Charles Wun. , . 231 CCampbell, William A. ... 44 Cadett, Thomas James . 94, 131 Dave, J. D. .. 149 Born, John Chanter ...... 231 Campbell , Greenwood John, Christen, Hugo Johann .. 96 Campbell, Edward 149, 153, 161 Berrett, - . , . 234 alias - Greenway , Walter 45 Cunneen, John ...... 96 CQ11ins, James ...... 150 Brown, William Thomas. , 235 Conningsby , Charles ....48, 184, Campbell, Hugh .. 97, 148, 149, ,Conway,Wm. or Thomas. 153 Brady, Barbara Ann .... 235 192, 202 161 Childs, James .... 152, 165,, 168 Butler, Arthur ...... 235 Culcataro, Vincent ...... 48, 52 Cloves, John...... , 97 Cleary, John.. . , ... _ . 152, 210 B owker, George ...... 235 Crouch , Thomas ...... 49 Cooke, James ...... 97 Cornfoot, Frederick .... 162, 196 Burke, Thomas ...... 235 (`hristefor , Charles ...... 49 Cooke, Mary Ann... , .... 97 Cramer, Henry ...... 153, 157, Beal, Marcella ...... 235 Clark, Morris .. ... 49 Carnell, Samuel ..... 98 162, 197 Buckley, Patrick ...... 238 Cunningham , Alexander .. 49 Claridge, George F... 100 ,Chambers, Grace . , ...... 153 Broad, John ...... , 238 Collins, John...... 49 Campbell, Henry ...... 101 Chapman, Joseph Thomas 153 Boland; Frederick ...... 238 Clark,Frank ...... 49 Claxton, James ...... 101 Carpenter, George 154 Baker, Ellen Maria ...... 238 Candler, Thomas ...... 52 Cote, Richard Thomas.... 103 Cornish, W. V. ... , . . 154 Brokate, Emma Martha .. .. 239 Close, James Henry .... 52, 57 Cross, George Viclgen .... 104 gampbell,Henry Seymour 15 7,,160 Butterly, James ...... 239 Chewings , Sarah ...... 53, 54 Child, John ...... 106 Clark,Charles ...... 157 Brown, Alexander, ...... 239 Carroll, Maurice .. 53 ,Cleming, James, alias ,Cavenagh,Daniel ...... 157 Balford, Walter ...... 239 ,Crane, William Walpole 51, 63 James Johnson ...... 108 Coyle, John ...... 157, 162 Billy (aboriginal) ...... 239 Cotton, Everard ...... 54 Casson, Alfred ...... 108 Clark,Joseph ...... 157 Bell, Ann ...... 239 Charlesworth , William _ 54 " Cheque Lost " ...... 108 ,Churchill, John Edward .. 158 Behrendth, Adolph 240 Chapman , Frederick .... 54 Cornfoot, Joseph.. ., 1€9, 113 Coleman, Daniel ...... 161 Birch, Thomas .... 240 Costelloe , Charles ...... 56 Curnen.Richard ...... 109 Cook, Robert ...... 160 Camp, Charles ...... 8, 13, 14 Clark,George ...... 56 Couch, Richard ...... 112 Clasper,Elizabeth ...... 160 Carl, C...... 9 Coombs, William Robert . 58 Canham, Charles ...... 11,2 Coburn, Isaac ...... 161 Catts, James...... 9 Chapman , A. G 58 Connelly, Emily ...... 113, 117 Churchill, John Edward,.. 162 Congdon,Mary...... 9 Constant , John ...... 59 Cashman, Catherine . , .. 11,3 Congdon, Henry ...... 165 Cole, Stephen ... .. 9 Costelloe , Charles Carton . 59 Campbell, James, alias Corcoran 163 -Corcoran, Thomas Francis 9 Carey, Bridget, alias Kate Shearer ...... 113 Chewings, George 164, 173, 177 Chiape, Benjamin, orChap- Carroll ...... 59, 114, 125 Coulter, Il enry ...... 1,13 Carroll, Thomas...... 164, 177 man 9 Chapman , S...... 59 Coleman, Daniel.. 113, 137, 146, Colbert, August.. 165, 178, 181 Campbell, Charles ...... 10 Campbell, Philip ...... 62 157, 1,62 Cashman, Michael ...... 165 Cochrane, James ... , ... , , 10 Connor, Thomas .... 62, 67, 68 Cook. James ...... 1,4 Close, John ...... 165 Caughlin, James, alias Doggy 12 Chesterton , Thomas Ernest 63 Cook, William ... , , , ... 114 ,Cuzco, Steamship ...... 165, 166 C1eggett, Mich4el .... 13, 21 Carter, John ...... 63 Conry, B. J ...... 1,14 ,Carson,John...... 166 Carmody, Bartholomew . 13 Crozier, John ...... 64 _ Conolly, Emily ...... 117 Carroll, Frank Skeffington168, 172 Coleman, Frederick ...... 14, 23 Calloway , Henry ...... 64 Carter, John ...... 117 Cashmore, Joseph Michael 168 Campbell, James .. , .. 14 Cunningham , John ...... 66 Cornish, William . , .. , . , 120 Coleman, William ...... 168, 173 Carroll, John ...... 16, 20 Corny,- ...... 66 Cav41, Frederick ...... 120 Curry, John ...... 169, 182 Connor, Thomas ...... 17 Crooke, Robert...... 66 Clayton, Tryphena 121, 126 Campbell, Margaret .. 169., 216 Clark, James ...... , .. 17 Cohen , Edward Henry 66 Campbell, Thomas . , 121:, 231 Cunningham, George .,.. 172 Creswell, Richard ...... 17, 67 Crawley , James ...... 67, 83 Cox, Matthew ...... 1211231 Curtin, M...... 4 172 vi. INIIEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Coleman, W ...... 172 Chapman, William John.. 216 Dinnison, John ...... 32 Donohue, Patrick ...... 114 Cock, H...... 172 Chiswell, George ...... 216 Duncan, William ...... 32 Draige, James ...... 114 Coully, Peter ...... 172 Clark, Thomas ...... 216 Dorsett, William ...... 32 Darby, William ...... 114 Chapman, Benjamin alias Crawley, Henry ...... 216 Douglas, Hugh ...... 36, 38 Davis, A. D ...... 114 Chiappe .... 121, 173, 182, 197 Chapman, Samuel ...... 216 Daly, Peter ...... 37 Dawson, John ...... 116 Colchin, Edward ...... 17b Curtis, Charles ...... 216 Diamanti, Louis ...... 38 Drury, William ...... 116 Considine, Johanna ...... 176 Casey ...... 216 Davis, Samuel ...... 38 Dignum, John .....117, 117,153 Clarp, Louisa Hannah.. 177, 182 Crossman, Charles B..... 2,18 Dyke, John ... .. 43 Dignum, Margaret...... 117, 153 Cass, William Joseph.... 178 Casey,R. G ...... 219 Duff, Francis Herbert , ... 43, 57 Davies, David ...... 117 Campbell, Chas. Alfred .. 178 Caporsletto, Cirago ...... 219 Decoyne, John ...... 43 Dick, Robert ...... 118 Crowther, Simon ...... 178 Chapple, Albert ...... 220 Dalton, Frederick ...... 43 Dumas, Eugene William.. 121 Campbell, John Stuart.... 179 Cummins, Richard ...... 220 Dalton, John William , ... 43 Donald, Isabella ...... 121 Chambers, A. 0. 181 Cook, Ann ...... 220 Dunn, James ...... 45 Dogherty, Minnie ...... 121, 126 Carr, James ...... 181, 201, 216 Cole, Bridget ...... 220 Draige, James ...... 45 Drimmen, Joseph Daniel.. 121 Courtney, James ...... 181 Coleman, Daniel ...... 220 Daly, Cary ...... 45 Dougherty, Susan ...... 124 Cooper, Alfred .... 181, 186, 201 Conrad, Leopold ...... 220, 224 Doolette, George P_ ...... 48 Delande, - ...... 125 Cooper, Samuel ...... 181, 201 Coonan, John.. ...224, 230, 234 Dunn, Alfred .. 49, 63 Dunningham, Margaret.. 125,131 Coleman, Patrick ..181, 201, 235 Crohan, Patrick ...... 224 Davies, Thomas David 52 Day, Sophia ...... 125 Coleman, Dan. 181, 201, 215, 235 Corridon, M. T .. 224 Davies, Samuel Archibald 52 Dawson, George ...... 125,153 Coleman, Michael ...... 181, 201 Corridon, Michael Joseph 224 Donaldson, Andrews, and DeMole, Margaret ...... 130 Collins, John...... 184, 210 238, 239 Sharland ...... 52 Darling & Son ...... 131 Cradock, Charles ...... 184 Clark,George ...... 225 Downer, Henry ...... 52 Duncan, Detective ...... 134 Christiansen, Hans ...... 185 Cottrell, George ...... 225 Daly, Mary Ann .... 54 Darby, John ...... 134 Carlsen, Jacob ...... 185 Connor, Pierce ...... 225 Dipper, Catherine Doyle.. 54 Deimel, Julius ...... 137 Clifford, John ...... 185, 235 Carroll, Michael ...... 229 Doherty, Patrick and Mar- Dawe, John Wickham.... 137 Carey, Bill ...... 186 Chapman, J. T .. 229, 234, 235 garet ...... 54 Damin, John ...... 137, 145 Considine, M...... 188 Crow, Richard ...... 230 Dargon, James ...... 54 Daly & Co...... 140 C o rm a ck, D ...... 188 Canavan, Jeremiah ...... 231 Davis, James John ...... 54 Donnolly, George ...... 141 Cormack, James ...... 188 Chigwidden, Charles .... 231 Dennison, George ...... 54, 59 Dart, George ...... 141 Curtin, Michael . 188 Chung flee ...... 231 Donohue, Henry ...... 56, 62 Dixon,Frederick ...... 141 Cohen, Rozen, alias Rother- Curnow, John ...... 231 Drew, Francis ...... 56 Dawson, George ...... 145 ham ...... 191 Cleary, John ...... 231 Dixon, Annie ...... 56 Dwyer, John ...... 146 Chowilla Run ...... 192 'Comley, Charles .... 234, 338, 239 Davies, Daniel William 57 Drew, Samuel ...... 147 Connolly, James...... 192, 202 Cains, Thomas ...... 234 Dyer, Charles William 57 Davis, R. W...... , 147 Clifton, Charles.... 192, 202, 208 Clark, David...... 235 Disher, Joseph ...... 59 Dive, Frederick ...... 148, 173 Charlton, Cuthbert ...... 192 Cooper, Wm. Alexander .. 235 Davidson,Isaac 62 Delande, Charles ...... 148 Cooper, George ...... 197, 202 Carroll, John ...... 235 Davies, John, alias Wil- Denham, Edward .. . .. 149 Cooper, George ...... 197 Close, John ...... 235 liams, alias Walter Scmp- Dalldoff, Charles ...... 149 Connor, William ...... 197, 202 Courtney, James ...... 235 son . . ... 63, 69 Dalldry, Christian ...... 149 Crowder, Wm. Nathnl..197, 220 Croft, Arches ...... 238 Downs, Wm. Michael.... 64, 106 Dacre, John ...... 150 Cli ck, George ...... 197 Couch, Peter ...... 239 DeDear, Michael ...... 68 Dreyer, Henry ...... 153 Clark, Louisa H...... 197, 226 Cultls, Ann ...... 239 Duffield & Co...... 68 Dowling, James ...... 154, 202 Corrigan, James ...... 198, 226 Carter, Francis ...... 239 Dolan, Frank ...... 72 Dazzle, Charles.... 154,161, 197 Condron, Luke ...... 200 Campbell, Archibald .... 239 Davidson & Campbell .... 73 DeManiel, Louis ...... 157, 157,161 Crowe, Timothy ...... 201, 220 Cassells, Charles ...... 240 Dicker, Joseph ...... 73 Delsorte, George alias Carlisle, William ...... 201, 220 Dunnett, John . , .. .. 2 DeFrost, Benjamin George 74 Rosenthal ...... 157, 162, 197 Camp, Chas. Alfred ....201, 215 Dollinan, Henry Herbert 2, 13 Dingley, John ...... 76 Davies, W., Mrs...... 157 Carlisle, James .... 201, 211, 221 Dunn, William Henry Day, Frederick John 77 Doherty, James ...... 158 Cusseck, Richard ...... 201, 211 Bruce Snelling Nankivell 3 Dean, George .. . 81 Davis, George ...... 161 Clowe, John ...... 203 Dunden, Michael . . , . 3 Dungey,Winwood,&Wood 84,186 Danger, George ...... 161, 181 Cahill, Ann ...... 203 Davis, John James ...... 5 Denney, Frederick ...... 84, 109 Danielson, Hans ...... 162 Craig, Robert ...... 204 Dedman, William ...... 8 Doyle, Joseph ...... 87 Dowie, Alexander ... 163 Corporation of Adelaide .. 206 Dower, John ...... 9, 23 Dillon, John...... 88 Dashington, Roger C... 165 Clark, H., & Son ...... 206 Dolling, Catherine ...... 9 Dalton, James Cavan ....89, 89,137 Denson, Edward ...... 165 Coad, Wm. . , ... 207, 210 Dowie, Alexander ...... 12, 20 Dietman, Charles ...... 93, 97 Dickens, William ..168, 224, 225 Chesswain, William . 207, 211 Delloc s. Luke ...... 12 Donohoe, William ...... 87, 93 Dart, Isaac ...... 169, 174 Clark, Mary, alias Maud Dunstall, James ...... 13 Donnelly, Bryan ...... 93, 101 DeGaitan, Jas. Frederick 169 Carter - ...... 207 Denton, William ...... 13 Donnellan, William ...... 94 Dempsey, William ...... 169 Collins, Patrick . ... 207,207,220 Davey, Eliza A...... 14 Downer, George ...... 97, 131 Day, Harriet ...... 170 Cusack, Ralph Smith.. 207, 220 Daenke, Herman ...... 14 Deane, Clara ...... 101 Davis, S. D...... 172 Collins, John...... 209, 218 Donohue, J ...... Dossett, Frederick ...... 98 Daer, P. J ...... 172 Cameron, Michael ...... 210 Dunlop, David ...... 17 Dick, - 100 Delany, T ...... 172 Collins, Charles ...... 211 Doherty, Edmund ... , .. 17 Davis, William ...... 101, 101,105 Delany, C ...... 172 Cain, William ...... 211, 220 Dalton, Frederick ...... 17 Drury, Frederick ...... 104 Doyle, James ...... 172 Cardus, James ...... 212, 216 Dexter, Charles .... , ... 18 Dixon, Thomas ... .. 104 Dickens, Charles . ... 173 C'oste, Jean Antoine ...... 212 Doolan, Annie ..... 18 Davis, John ...... 104, 137 Donohue, Henry ...... 173, 182 Corneille, Thomas, alias Dalton, Reginald J...... 20 Davis, Frederick ...... 106 Daniel, James, alias McBeth, O'Donnell, alias Murphy 211, Dean, Francis ...... 22 Darling & Son, John .... 109 Alexander ...... 174, 182 220 Dowie, Alexander ....22,38, 116 Doolan, John ...... 109 Douglas, William Selby.. 17 6 Clark,J. G. . 214 Doran, Michael ...... 23 Denison, Edward ...... 109 Dearlove, Richard . .. 175 Carter, William ...... 214. 219 Doyle, Thomas ...... 26, 32, 56 Davidson, William .... . 110 Deacon, William ....176,180 Clark, Jas. Duncan ...... 215 Durieu, Henry L. ... 27 Duran, William ...... 110 Donnelly, Frederick . , .. 178 Carrington, Ella ...... 215, 221 Duffy, Elizabeth Louisa .. 27 Daly, Thomas ...... 112 Davis, Sydney ...... 178 Crowe, Patrick ...... 215 Doyle, John...... 27, 32, 59, 134 Dettmann, Edward .... 112, 157 Donegan, Michael . .... 179 Condon, Patk..215, 220, 2211225 Dudley, John ...... 28 Danielson, Hans ...... 113 Dunning, William Henry .. 179, Cavill, Mary Ann...... 215 Dudley, Gertrude...... 28 Daly, Anthony ...... 113, 117 188, 214 INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Daniel, Edward ... .179 Ehm, Carl U. .. ; ...... 77, 93 Faulds, James ...... 32 Fry, John ...... 140 Douglas, William Selby.. 179 Eldridge, George ...... 77 Fitzgerald, Patrick ...... 32, 50 Fox, James ...... 140 Douglas, Archibald ...... 181 Evans, Charles James .... 78 Farrell, Margaret ...... 33 Frayne, William ...... 141 Dunn, Thomas ...... 184, 196 Edwards, G. P...... 86 Flynn, William ...... 33 Flight, Arthur Joseph.... 142 Daily & Co ...... 184 Eadie, James ...... 93, 97 Ferguson, David . .. 33 Field, Thomas ...... 144 Day, Thus ...... 184 Ervin,John ...... 94 Friebe, Albert,alias Ernest Fox, John ...... 145 Deed, James ...... 185 Ellis, James R...... 98 Schmidt, alias Steiner, Frost, Alfred. . 124) 140, 149, 192 Downs, Kate ...... 185 Easton,De Jersey .. 98 alias Carl Smith 36, 42, 44, 48 Fuller, C ...... 147 Davidson,J ...... 188 Evans, William .. 109, 125, 153 Fels, James ...... 36 Francis, D ...... 147 Danahan, Timothy ...... 188 Edwards, Arthur ...... 113, 162 Fels, Joseph ...... 36 Ford, Owen ...... 150 Duggan, Martin ...... 192 Eddy, James.. ... 130 Franklin, Henry ...... 36 Forbes, John ...... 150 Davies, Ferdinand E.... , 192 Evans, James Edward .... 130 Fitts, James Wilson ....36, 137 Fox, James ...... 152 Daw, Henry Charles .... 196 Ercoocoo, Jacob ...... 137, 149 Fitts, Mary Ann ...... 37 Finch,Ida ...... 153 Day, Samuel . ::::- :::i97) 197 Ellis,George ...... 140 Foley, Michael ...... 38 Ferber, Julius ...... 153 Delanty, Mary .202 Ey, Ernest ...... 144 Ford, Henry ...... 38 Foulds, Angas ....154, 162, 197 Doyle, Michael ...... 197, 202 Ellis, William Henry .... 148 Ferguson, James ...... 50 Foulds, Allan .... 154, 161, 197 Dean, Malcolm ...... 197, 202 Erickson, Olaf ...... 148 Fairweather, James 50 Foulds, Alexander.. 154, 162, 197 Doran, Edward ...... 201, 220 Elliot, James ...... 149 Fitzherbert, Archibald Mal- Fullgrabe, August ...... 154 Dowleans, Albert ...... 207, 220 Edwards, Evan ...... 150 colm ...... Fearburn, Margaret ...... 156 Dean, William ...... 208 Ellis, John ...... 156 Fisherman, Jack ...... 54, 89 Fribbins, Benjamin alias Dungey, Ralph, & Co..... 210 Eltrins, Charles Edward 160, 184, Fulton, Annie ...... 63, 64 Brooks ...... 156, 160, 165 Duddlestone, Robert .... 210 192 Faulkner, Henry ...... 64 Fitzmaurice, Walter .... 156 Davies, Samuel ...... 211, 231 Edgar, Mary Jane ...... 160 Faulk & Co., P...... 67 Fitzpatrick, Revd. Dr. .. 158 Davis, Anna Miniver .... 212 Eustace, Charles ...... 164 Fitzpatrick, John ...... 67 Fitzpatrick, Phillip alias Duncan, John ...... 212 Evans, Thomas ...... 169 Farrell, James...... 67, 76, 168 John Carrol .... 160, 169, 182 Denman, Albert ...... 212, 226 Egan,P ...... 172 Flanigan,John...... 73 Farrelly, Edwin Francis 161, 181 Dibben, Chas. Alexander.. 215 Elsholz, J. A...... 172 Ferrin, Henry, alias Hamil- 197 Dagenhardt, Louis ...... 215 Evans, Henry ...... 173 ton, alias Corbin, alias Foran, Daniel ...... 164, 196 Denton, Cincinnatus .... 215 Eunson, John ...... 174 Manterfield ...... 73, 89 Fitch, J. T., & Co ...... 165, 192 Day, William ...... 219 Evans, William .. 181, 192, 201 Fowler, Thomas ...... 74 Fitzgerald, William ...... 166 Davidson, William ..... 220 Emerald, H.M.S...... 186 Farrelly, Michael ...... 76 Franks, William ...... 168 Douglas, James Herford.. 220 East, J. J ...... 188 Fisher, Alfred ...... 77 Flowers, Jessie 168.168, 177, 198 Dishley,Georgina ...... 224 Effick, Mary ...... 188 Fowler, John ...... 1822 87 Ferguson, Albert ...... 169, 182 Dawson, Thos...... 224 Evans, Edward ...... 192, 202 Fry, John Brock ...... 82 Fogarty, Andrew, alias Doyle, John ...... 224, 235 Edwards, George ...... 192 Fawcett, William ...... 83 Albert Carlisle ...... 169 Dalby, Caroline Louisa .. 225 Edwards, John ...... 193 Flood, John ...... 84 Flannigan, Martin Geo. 170 Dorrean, John ...... 225 Edwards, Henry .. 197, 202, 231 Flanighan, John ... . _ 84 Fisher, William ...... 176 Dittmer, Herman ...... 229 Etchells, Edwin ...... 203 Fuller, Claude Scott...... 85 Finlay, Mrs. A. R ...... 176 Donohue, John .... 229 Eh Tie, alias Tynel, alias Flowers, Alfred ...... 88 Fidler & Webb ...... 178 Deslandes, John.... 231, 240 Wingent ...... 211, 221 Field, John, Corporal .... 92 Fitzroy, Henry James .. 180 Dowie, Andrew ... . 232 Endean, Frederick ...... 216 Fitzpatrick, Bridget .... 93 Fisher, Isaac ...... 180 Donnelly, Sarah, nee Glee- Evans, Charles ...... 216 Farquhar, John ...... 94 Fullstone, Eyra ...... 181 son ...... 232 Eccles, John ...... 218 Fairlee, Samuel ...... 94 Fullstone, M...... 181 Davis, Edwin ...... 234 Ellard, George ...... ' 219• Fairbanks, George James.. 96 Flint, Wm. Todd ...... 184 Derby, Joseph ...... 235 Emerald, Steamship ...... 221 Farr, Charles George ....97, 109 Frearson, Samuel ...... 184 Downey, James ...... 235 Eudunda ...... 223 Foster, Henry J...... 98 French, Catherine ...... 184 Dawson, John K...... 235 Eyre, Edmond ...... 225 Frearson, William ...... 100 Fahey, John ...... 184 Donaldson, Samuel ...... 235, 241 Ellersham, Henry ...... 225 Franks,Mary ...... 100 Flannigan, Michl...184, 188, 192, Davies, Thomas ...... 239 East, William Henry .... 229 Frazer,George...... 101 202 Davis, Charles ...... 239 Ellis, Alfred Edward .... 229 Flynn, Patrick ...... 103 Finn, George ...... 185 Davies, Frederick ...... 2'9 Elliott, Francis Henry.. 230, 235 Flanaghan, Mary ..103, 104, 105 Fewins, Alfred.... 185, 198 Day, Andrew ...... 239 Elburn,Henry John .... 231 Fagan, William ...... 104 Fitzgerald, John .. 185, 202, 240 Davis, John ...... 239 Egan, Elizabeth ...... 235 Fowler, Frederick ...... 104 Fulcher, James ....185, 202, 240 Dalton, Frederick ... 240 Ellis, Shervin ...... 235 Flynn, Margaret ...... 104 Fleming, Boucaut, & Ashton 192 Egan, James or Charles .. 2, 3 Edwards, James ...... 239 Farrell, Edward ...... 106 Foster, William John .... 196 Englenton, James .. 9, 30, 45 Field, Ephraim ...... 2 Fitzgerald, James 108 Finlay, John ...... 196, 200 Edwards, Catherine Jane. . 9, 23 Fairclough, John ...... 2, 27 Ford, John ...... 109, 137, 145 Finnegan, John Joseph..196, 230 Edwards, John ...... 13 Fox, John ...... 2 Farmer, George ...... 112 Fiugge, J. A...... 197 Elliott, James William .. 18 Fenwick, William ...... 3 Foan, Edward ...... 1147 Finn, Helena ...... 197 Edwards, Charles ...... 22 Forsyth, John ...... 5 Fuller, John ...... 117 Francis, E...... 200 England, Richard ...... 23 Frazer, James ...... 8 Ford, James ...... 117 Fisher, William ...... 200 Englebrecht; William .... 27 Fornero, Vincent ...... 9 Fisher, Daniel ...... 118 Fahy, John ...... 207, 207,220 Evans, William Robinson 32, 50 Foster, George ...... 14 Faulds, William ...... 120 Friend, Charlotte ...... 210 58, 62, 67 Ford, Henry...... 18 Francisco, Joseph ...... 120 Farmer, William ...... 212 Edwin, Jonathan ...... 54 Ford, Harry, alias Tommy Fisher, Walter . ... 121, 153 Felts, John ...... 216, 221 Evans, Edward . . ... 54, 165 Rough ...... 20, 30 Frickson, Frederick ...... 121 Fulton, Selina ...... 215, 221 Evans, Mary Annie ...... 54 Franks, Henry ...... 20 Fennel, Stephen ...... 121 Ford, Mary Ann ...... 215, 221 Elder, William...... ' 57 Forester, Edwin ...... 21 Francis, Dean ...... 121 Flynn, James ...... 216 Ewens, John Reynolds 62 Foster, John .... 21, 63, 69, 79 Futcher, Thomas ...... 124 Field, John Samuel.... 219, 238 Evans, Joshua ...... 63 Fisher, Gustav ...... 21 Fowler, Carrie 130 Frankenberg, Hynam .. 220, 225 Ewen,, John ...... 69 Foster, Irvine ...... 22, 78 Fuchs, Francis 130, 136, 219, 230 Follett, Mary Jane .... 221, 226 Emery, Henry ...... 69 Fowler, D. & J...... 22 Forrest, William .. 131, 145, 153 Forsyth, John ...... 224 Eren, John ...... 72 Francis,Selina ...... 22 Frazer,John...... 131 Flynn, Daniel ...... 224, 230 Emery; Elizabeth ...... 73, 84 Flukes, Edwin ...... 26, 36 Farquhar, George H. .... 134 Fitzgerald, John ...... 225 Eames, Thomas ...... 74 Fletcher, Frank ...... 32, 97 Fangorh,Ernest ...... 137 Fleming, Patrick ...... 225 Edwards, Charles ...... 74 Fay, Margaret ...... 32 Fowler, Frederick ...... 137 Forage Contractors ...... 228 viii. INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Fopp, A. E. A...... 229 Gittings, William...... 84 Garry, Edward William .. 169 Hannan , William ...... 9, 13 Foran, Daniel ...... 231 Gambezzi, Andro ...... 88 Giles, George, alias Gordon 169 Heinemann , Heinrich Lud- Freudenberg, Fredk. John 231 Gamble, William ...... 92 Grindle, William ...... 129, 169 wick ...... 9, 21, 24, 49 Ferguson, Joseph ...... 231 George, Henry ...... 94 Gibbon, E. . , ..172, 179 Hervey, Walter ...... 9 Finn, Simon ...... 232 Gartland, William M. .. 96, 100 Glenelg, Steamship ...... 172 Hamilton, Alexander .... 9 Finn, John ...... 232 Gollin, Walter J.... 96 Guthrie, George ...... 173,173,180 Henry, Joseph ...... 9 Ford, Ellen ...... 234 Guthorsum, G. . 96, 100, 101 Gibson, Edward S ...... 173,173,180 Harris, Emanuel ...... 9 Faulkner ... 234 Gepp, William John 96 Green,E. B...... 174 Howard, John ...... 9, 121 Farmilo, E. Jane ...... 235 Goldsmith, John M. Patrick 97 Gardens, Botanic...... 176 Hope, Arthur ...... 9, 18 Fitzgerald, Michael ...... 23i Gale, Robert ...... 98 Greig, James...... 177 Heckscher , Philip , ... , . 9 Francisco, Sarah ...... 235, 240 Garnham, Joseph ...... 98 Gallins, George ...... 177, 181 Harry , Farrar, & Co. .. , . 12 Gregory, Ellen ...... 2 Goodfellow & Hele ...... 100 Grogan, Michael ...... 178,182 Hand , John ...... 12 Guthridge, William ...... 3 Gallaghan, Henry ...... 101 Grieve, John ...... 178 Hopkins, Isaac ...... 12, 14 Gerreds, William ...... 3, 63 Grant, Edward ...... 104 Gay, Archibald. .180,210,211,215 Harte, Benjamin T...... 13, 21 Goodram, Alfred ...... 5 Gamble, Ellen 104, 109, 113, 181 Gemmell, John ...... 181, 19 2 Harman , William ...... 13 Geake, William ... 5 Ghizais, Betsy Ann ...... 109 George, David ...... 184 Hancock, William ...... 14 Greig, Alexander Feddes.. 8 Capper, Richard ...... 109, 157 Gray, William, alias Hill & Co., John ...... 14 Griffin, Mary ...... 8 Green, E...... 110 McConnochy ...... 185,201 Hogan, Edward ...... 14 Gollin, Adelaide ...... 8, 13 Gilsenan, John, or Gilson. 110 Glyn, Laurence ...... 186 Hubble , Alfred ...... 14 Giotti, John ...... 9, 121 Graham, Elias ...... , 112 Gleeson. D. E...... 188 Hamburg, John ...... 16 Goodiar, James ...... 9 Goldsworthy, Richard .... 113 Gehrs, J...... 188 H.M. Government ...... 16 Gollop, John ...... 12, 20 G avay, Frederick ...... 113 Grey, Ann.. ... 188 Hawley, Martin 17 Giles, John ...... 13 Gregory,Henry ...... 113 Government House, Mel- Hooper, Susannah F. C. A. 17 Galbraith, Thomas ...... 13 Green, Philip ...... 113 bourne ...... 176,188 Hart, Lydia ...... 17 Gartrell, Benjamin ...... 14 Green, John ...... 113 Gartrell, Henry .. ... 192 Harris, Paulina ...... 18 Graham, Robert ...... 16 Gillot, Samuel ...... 116 Gaffney, Mr...... 193 Hartley, John L...... 20 Grindell, William .. 16, 27, 121, Government Printing Office 116 Griffiths, William ...... 197, 202 Holmes, Henry, alias Clarke 20 169 Godfrey, Emma ...... 117 Gambazzi, Andrew ...... 198 Harcus, William Elliott 20 Gay, Archibald .... 16, 27, 109 Garrigan, Andrew .... 117, 153 Griffiths, Richard ...... 200 Halligan, John ...... 21 Growden F ...... 17 Gully, Robert ...... 117 Gardiner, John ...... 201 Hawker, Thomas ...... 21 Gibson, William Henry .. 20 Gotting, Albert ..... , .... 118 Grainger, Norman ...... 201 Hassett, John ...... 21 Greig, David ...... 21 Grundy, William Thomas 121, 169 Gibson, John George .... 201, 231 Harris, William ...... 22 Garratt, Henry ...... 22 Gray, Francis Ryan.... 121, 174 Gutti, Gottlieb ...... 201, 220 Hannay, Rosetta French.. 22 Glynn, Christopher ...... 22 Gilbert, Charles James .. 124 Grant, Walter ...... 204 Heveran, Sophia ...... 23 Gibbs, James Gordon .... 27 Golding, David ...... 124 Giles, Sam ...... 204 Hunt, John ...... 26 Gould, Maude Blanche .. 27 Grace, Harry, alias Gaol, Adelaide ...... 206 Hodges, Thomas ...... 27 Giddings, Samuel ...... 28 Moody, Jack .. 124, 130, 154 Gawen, Henry ...... 207 Hoby, Ernest ...... 27 Gargaw, Richard ...... 28 Guiletmot, Eugene .... 125, 140 Goode, Thomas ...... 211 Hirth, Paul ...... 27 Ghouma, John ...... 28 Godlee, Frank ...... 125 Uriffiths, James ..'...... 212 Hogan, James ...... 27, 37 Gerriche, W. G...... 30 Go Choi ...... 131 Greenfield, William _.212,226 Herman, W ilhelmina .... 28 Grigg, William ...... 31, 43 Godfrey, Emma ...... 131 Guilherme, Guillaume .... 212 Hogg, Robert ...... 28 Gray, John Elren ...... 32 Gurney, John ...... 134 Graham, Albert ...... 214 Haigh, George Henry . , , . 28 Gill, William 32 Gibbs, Charles ...... 134 Granetz, Bluno ...... '215, 224 Hodgson & Ramsay.. 28 Grafton, William Marshall 38 Goldsmith, - ...... 134 Gare, Henry ...... 215 Hough, Michael ...... 31 Gubbins, John ...... 38 Gaskell, John ...... 137 Glynn, Laurence ...... 216 Hyett , John ' ...... 31 Grafe, Heinrich ...... 42 Goodier, James ...... 137 Greenwood, Fredk ...... 218 Harrison , William . ... 31, 77 Galaden, Bertine ...... 43 Gleeson, Martin ...... 141 Gardiner, William .. .. 218 Hudswell , James ...... 32 Geoghegan, Elizabeth .... 43 Gass, George ...... 142 Gunn, Alexander ...... 219 Hodgkinson, John ...... 32 Greaves, Alexander ...... 45 Gooch, Charles Henry.. 145, 192 Giles, William ...... 220 Hart, T...... 32 Gallagher, John .... 45, 88, 117 Garing, Mary Ann 145, 153, 161 Giles, Theresa ...... 220, 225 Hope, Charles Wi ll iam .. 32, 50 Gelston, Hastings ...... 48 Garing, John .. .. 145 Golding, David ...... 224 Holland , John ...... 32 Giovani,Vincent ...... 49 Gleeson, Edward.. 145, 157, 161 Gray, Edward ...... 224 Hallett, George ...... 32 Griffin, William ...... 52, 53 Gardner, William . , . 147, 152 Gray, William ...... 225 Hewitt, John ...... 33 Greaney, Patrick ...... 52 Gray, G. J...... 147 Gosling, Edward ...... 225 Hemmings , John ...... 36 Grigg, Thomas ...... 53 Goode, William ...... 149 Gully, Robert ...... 226 Hyndman, H. L. ....36, 52, 54 Green, William ...... 53 Greer, Robert 149, 161, 176, 197 Getley, Edward ...... 226 Hunter, David ...... 36 Gors, Louis ...... 54 Graham, Joseph ...... 150 Grant, Walter ...... 226 Healy, John ...... 37 Glover, Harry ...... 54, 89 Gallagher, Patrick ...... 150 Gunthorpe, Sydney Robt.G. 229 Hughes, Joseph Prentice, . 37 Gay, Archibald, & Co..... 54 Giles, William ...... 152 Gill, William Carey .. 230 Haykin, George ...... 37, 49 Gregory, Thomas ...... 62, 67 Gilby, Susan ...... 152 Guilham, Antoni ...... 230 Harbin, Thomas Frederick 37 Gladwin, Charles ...... 63, 174 Glover, George .. 154, 161, 197 Gibson, James Thomas .. 230 Hilder, Jane ...... 38 Green, Thomas, alias Gibson, Helen ...... 154 G ors, Walter ...... 230 Holtmars , Join ...... , .. 38 Brown ...... 64 Gardner, Judith ...... 154 Graystone, Mary ...... 231 Hunter , William ...... 38 Grenfell, Thomas H. .... 64 Gerdler, Charles ...... 154 Goodger, Ann ...... 234 Hunter , Thomas ...... 42 Gregory, William ...... 66 Gerard, - ...... 154 Goe, Thomas ...... 285 Heberle, Alfred Hy. Chas. 42 Greaney, Patrick ...... 68 Garland, Isaac ...... 156 Gahan, G. C...... 236 Hill , W. S...... 42 Goldney, Frank ...... 72 Garlick, Thomas ...... 156 Giersch, Carl Julius ...... 238 Henson, Mary Ann ...... 42 Gebhard, Wilhelm ...... 73 Government Gums ...... 157 George,- ...... 238 Hammond , Henry ...... 43 Green, Frederick ...... 78 Graves & Bradley ,..... 157 Grieves, William ...... 239 Herbertson, John ...... 43 Gargaro, Pasquale and Goldman, Sarah ...... '157 George (aboriginal) .... 239 Higgs, Henry ...... 43 Domenico ...... 79 Gould, George Chas. James 157 Gordon, Peter ...... 339 Hart, C. H. T...... 43 Goss, Thomas ...... 83, 113 Gosbell, Josiah ...... 162 Guerin, Patrick ...... 240 Hope, John ...... 43 Gene, Herman ...... 83 Grace, Harry, alias Jack Hartlyn, Michael ...... 2, 3 Hoad, George ...... 43 Garnett, Thomas ...... 83 Moody ...... 166,197 Hartley, Gilligan .. ... _ . 3 Haldane, Robert ...... 43, 84 Gallagher, Gertrude ...... 84 Garner, Arthur ...... 166 Hoffmann, Heinrich .... 3 Henry, James ...... 44,,8 1 Gors, Louis ...... 84 Galligan, John ...... 169 Healey, Michael George .. 3 Holland, John ...... 45 INDEX. ix.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Hamilton, Alexander .. 45 Heritage, Edward Henry.. 98 Healey, Thomas ...... 148 Hall & McLean ...... 192 Horton, William Joseph.. 45 Harvey, George ...... 100 Horrigan , Thomas, alias Hastie, James ...... 192 Higgins, Robert Dawson 45 Hutton, William ...... 101 Mulcahy ...... 149 Hill, Richard ...... 193, 204 Hodges, John Boucher 48 Hickey, John 101 Harris, Wi lliam ... . 149, 161 Holmesdale, Ship ...... 196 Hanson, G...... 49 Hughes, Samuel Christopher 103 Holland , John .. 149, 161, 197 Heinrich, Frederick 197 Hope, Charles William . 50 Howell, George ...... 104 Hammerman , David .... 149, 161 Huddlestone,Thomas, jun. 197,202 Hastwell, W. H ...... 52 Hubble, George ...... 104 Rand , Wil li am .... 149, 154, 161, Hall, Johannah ...... 197 H.M. Survey Department 53, 130 Hawkins, George ...... 104 177 Hickey, Kate ...... 201 Holpner, John ...... 53, 57 Holmes, Edward ...... 104 Hand, Annie ...... 149, 154, 161, Hall, Henry ...... 201 Hanrahan, Michael ...... 53 Harris, Henry, alias Spas- 181, 184 Hughes, Thomas ...... 201 Howard, Thomas Henry.. 53 shat, alias Smith ...... 104 Hanrahan , James , jun. ..149, 161 Hannaford, Jane ...... 201 H.M. Government ...... 53 Harris, George ...... 104 197 Hughes, Alfred.. 202, 207, 211, 221 Healy, Thomas ...... 54 Holbrook, Henry Townsend 106 Hanrahan , John ..149, 161, 197 Hall, John ...... 202 Henderson, George ...... 54 Holbrook, W. J ...... 106 Hanrahan , James ...... 149 Hindley, Thomas Wm. .. 204 Hargreaves, Henry ...... 54, 79 H.M. Survey Department 108, Horsman , Henrietta ...... 150 Hardy, James Joseph .... 206 Hargreaves, Joseph ...... 54 130 Hemmett, Edward ...... 150 Hitchcock, Henry ..... 206 Hunter, William ...... 54 Hubbard, Thomas ...... 109 Harvey , John ...... 152 Hodges, William ...... 207, 220 Hamilton, Henry ...... 56, 62 Huddleson, Jane :.....109, 117 Hughes, Rosa Mary ...... 152 Hughes, Mary Ann ....207, 211 Harris, Sarah ...... 56 Hooper, Richard ...... 112,112,120 Hughes , Edwin ...... 152, 156 Hodges, Florence Maud.. 207, 211 Heinemann, Henry .... 57, 59, 6Q Harris, G. W...... 112 Hosier, Edward ...... 153 220 Harris, Frederick ...... 58 Hogan, Patrick .113, 113,117 Horsfall , Henry James .. 153 H. M. Government.. 207, 211, 235 Hyde, Ann ...... 59, 114 Hughes, John Fredk. Wm 116 Hillier , Richard Hether- Ball, Thomas George .... 210 Holpner, John ...... 59 Hardy, Joseph ...... 116 ington ...... 153, 161 Heyne, Margaret ...... 210 Hearne, Timothy ...... 59, 73 Hobart, Alfred ...... 117 H.M. Post Office ...... 154 Hiskey, Harold ...... 210 Hill, Thomas William .... 59 Handfield, Charles ...... 117 Ha ll , Thomas ...... 154 Hyde, John Jeremiah .. 210, 224 Hurley, Michael . , ..... 62 Hunter, Henry ...... 117 Hayes, Thomas ...... 154, 154,161 Hartigan, Mary Ann .... 211 Haskell, Edward ...... 63, 73' Hallmann, Carl ...... 118 Hooper, Henry ...... 141, 154 Hartigan, Jeremiah...... 211,220 Hennessy, Richard ...... 63 Hopkins, George ...... 118 Howard , Henry Garner .. 156 Hartigan, Barbara ...... 211,220 Hennessy, Ellen ...... 63 Hedder, Thomas ....120, 140, 145 Hay, Alexander ...... 158, 162 Harford, Arthur ...... 211, 220 Hill, Elizabeth ...... 63 Holder, Albert ...... 120 Heilbronn , Theodore .... 160 H. M. Government ...... 212 H.M. Government ...... 63, 69 Hetherston, John ...... 121, 226 Hawke, Clarence .. 160, 161, 181 Hanlon, James ...... 214 Hanson, R ...... 64 Hayles, John ...... 121, 231 Hull, Thomas ....160, 164, 173 Hines, John H...... 214 Hampie, James ...... 64 Hickey, Richard Oliver.. 121, 125 Ha ll , Mrs ...... 161, 164 Hall, William Henry 215 Hoppe, Ernest ...... 68, 89 Hewish, Walter ...... 124 Hinchy , Mary ...... 161, 181 Humphries, Thomas 216 Hart & Co., John...... 68 Hague, Edward ...... 124 Hoody, Henry ... 161, 181, 23°_' Hughes, Edward ...... 216 Harris, James ...... 69 Herbert Septimane ...... 124 Hutchinson , Wm. Carlisle 161 H ore, John ...... 216 Hall, James ...... 72 Halcomb, F ...... 124 Horner, Wm. Henry .... 163 Hallsberg, Bernard ...... 218 Hamilton, David ...... 72 Hughes, John ...... 125, 140 Hughes, Esther ...... 163 Hollidge, George H. .... 218 Holingren, Edward ...... 72 Holloway, James ...... 125 Hyam, H ...... 164 Hallman, Carl ...... 218, 230 Hayes, James ...... 73 Higgins, Michael . .. 127 H.M. Govern ment .... 164, 169, Honseley, William ...... 220 Hamilton, Shirley B. .... 74, 79 Hill, John William F. ..130, 156 172, 174 Hodges, Edward Percy. .223, 229 Hopkins, Thomas J. .... 74 Hosking, Nicholas ...... 130, 153 Hochu li, Rudolf .. . .. 164, 164,180 Hope, Henry ...... 224 Hill, Thomas ...... 76 Howells, Thomas ...... 131 Hawkins , George W illiam 164,165 Hocart, 'l homas ...... 1) ` 25 Hurley, William ...... 78 Hall, Charles, alias Ham- Horne , Alfred ...... 165, 181 Howland, John ...... 225 Hallett, George ...... 78 mertoe ...... 131 Hunter , Henry .. .. 165, 181, 197 Holmes, George ...... 225 Hurrell, William ...... 78 Hampton, Joseph ...... 134 Hamilton , J. W...... 168 Hastie, William ...... 225 Holman, John ...... 78 Hartman, August ...... Al Hutton, Thos...... 169 Hamilton, William ...... 226 Hurley, Joseph ...... 79 Hill, John ... 134 Hawken , William ...... 169, 182 Hart, Andrew ...... 226 Holpener, Joachim Henry 81 Harris, Richard ...... 134 Holzerland, Frank ...... 172, 179 H indley, Thos. W...... 226 Bill, Charles ...... 82 Hines, James ...... 136 Humphries , R. J. . .. 17 2 Hazlewood, George ...... 230 Hennessy, John ...... 82 Hinckley, Thomas ...... 137 Hook, J...... 172 Hugo, Thomas ...... 230 Harvey, Alfred ...... 83, 87 Harris, Edward ..... , 137 Hitchcox , William ...... 172 Hutson, Emma ...... 231 Harges, Simon Peter .... 83 Hards, Henry ...... 137, 145 Holdfast Bay Railway .... 172 H ingst, Carl ...... 231 Heylan, Henry ...... 84 Holmes, Edward ...... 137 Hunter, Charles .. .. 173 Hancock, John ...... 231 Hayward, William ...... 84, 88 Hocart, Thomas ...... 138 Harrison , Henry ..173, 177, 180 Hayward, Frederick, alias Hawkins, George ...... 87, 104 Harris John ...... 138 181 A inard ...... 231 Hill, Frederick ...... 88 Hodgson, W. 141 Harrison, Henrietta ...... 177 Hawkins, F...... 231 Hutchinson,Albert ...... 88 Harvey, C. Lavinia Emily 141 Hughes, Mary Ann ...... 177 Hazlewood, George .... . 230 Harris, Richard ...... 88, 121 Horsfall, Henry James.. 141, 145 Hedil , James ...... 178, 192 Hugo, Thomas ...... 230 Hickey, John ...... 89 Haffran, Mary ...... 141, 146 Hart John ...... 180 Hutson, Emma ...... 231 Hodgkinson, Mary Ann .. 89 Hicks, Henry .. 141, 145, 153 Haddy, Allan ...... 180, 180,184 Hingst, Carl ...... 231 Hayball, Robert ...... 92 Hemmett, Edward ...... 142 Hinckley , Thomas .... 181 Hancock, John ...... 231 Hannagate, John ...... 92 Hooper,John ...... 142 Hadse , Annie ...... 181, 201 Hayward, Frederick, alias Hunt, John ...... 92 Huxham, James ...... 142 Hill , Henry ...... 182, 198 Hinard ...... 231 Hay, Alexander ....92, 100, 120 Hart, Steve ...... 142 Horn, Harry ...... 184 Hilder, Herbert ...... 235 Hilton, Henry ...... 93 Hurley, James ...... 144 Hugo, William .. .. 184, 188, 197 Hodson, Francis ...... 235 Harris, Scarfe, & Co. ... 93 Hillier, diehard Hether- Hooker, James John .... 18h Huleman Carl ...... 236 Horsey, Mary ...... 94, 141 ington ...... 144, 145, 153 Hansen, John ...... 185, 215 Hathway, Henry Goodall.. 236 Harris, Frederick ...... 94 Hanlin, George ...... 144, 148 Howlett, Hugh .... 185, 198, 202 Hocart, Thomas ...... 239 Hanaghan, Mary ...... 96 Howe, Alfred Absalom Ho ffman, Benno ...... 185, 202 Hill, Samuel C., alias Haw- Hamence, Ann ...... 97 Cobbett ...... 144 Hayes, J...... 188 kins ...... 239 Hall, William ...... 97,146 Hawkes, G. W...... 145 Hardmeat, J...... 188 Hall & McClean ...... 239 Hayward, George ...... 97 Hamor, Mary Ann.. 145, 161, 174 Hampton, J, H...... 188 Hotel, Wilmington ...... 239 Hemmings, Elijah ...... 97, 109 Huggins, William..145, 161, 192 Hamburg Hotel ...... 188 Hawkins, Frank ...... 239 Henderson, Alfred ...... 97, 97,101 Hanson, Frederick .... 145 Hallgren, J. E...... 191 H. Al. Government ...... 240 Horton, William ...... 97 Honan, Thomas ...... 148, 156 Hardacre , Jane ...... 192, 202 Haydon, Hugh ...... 240 H.M. Government 9 7,114,141,145 Hall, Edward ...... 148, 148,180 Holmes , Wi lliam ...... 192 Iben, Margaret ...... 3, 18 B X. INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Ingram ...... 10 Johnson , Joseph ...... 63 Johnson, Charles Frederick 198 Kirby, Edmund ...... 118 Isermann , Johanna ...... 17 Johnson, Horace...... 67, 101 Jacka, Mary Jane 201 Kirby, James ...... 118 Inquest on Fire-Glen- Jacobs,Henry ...... 73 Jewel, Charles, alias Jere- Klaffer, Mary ...... 121 burn ie ...... 17 Johnson, John .. .. 74, 117, 160 miah Murphy ...... 204 Klopper, Henry ...... 125 Inwood, Edward ...... 18 Janzen & Alvers...... 77 Jackson, James ... 206, 207, 220 Keegan , Catherine ...... 125, 145 Inquest on Unknown Man 21 Jones, John ...... 78, 88 Joy, Ellen ...... 207, 220 Kinoon, William ...... 125 Inquest on Fire- Johnson, Sarah ...... 78 Johnson, James ...... 207, 220 Kerr, Joseph Gordon 127 Hundred of Colton .. 22, 32 Jackson, Richard ...... 82 Jenner, Edward ...... 210 Kilkenny, Louis ...... 131 Port Elliot ...... 22 Jordan,Mary ...... 84 Joyce, John ...... -211 Kiernan, Arthur ...... 134,140 Inglis, James ...... 26, 72 Jenkins, May Ann ...... 87 Jones, Alfred G...... 212, 226 Kelly, Bridget ...... 137 Ivey, Wil li am ...... 31 Jackson, William ...... 88 Jobson,John ...... 216 Keil, Albert ...... 137, 145)149 Ivens, Martin ...... 31 Jackson, Henry ...... 89, 109 Johnson, James ...... 225 Knapman, William ...... 140 Ingleby, John ...... 32 Jones, Morris ...... 89 Johnson, Charles ...... 225 Knight, Henry ...... 149, Inquest on Fire-Morialta 37 Jennings , Edward Henry 92, 124, Jackson, William ...... 225, 231 Kelly, Edward ...... 142 Inquest on Unknown Man 37 141 Jones, Louie ...... 231 Kelly, Daniel ...... 142 Irvin, William 42 Jose, Arthur ...... 92, 100 James, John ...... 23l Kino, Henry Douglas (cor- Iverson, R. S...... 49 Jenkins, Mary Ann ...... 92, 9 4 Johnston, William ...... 232 rect name, Kohne) 142 Inquest on Fire--Monta- Jacobs, William Frederick 93 Joice, Henry ...... 234 Kelly, Michael ...... 149 cute ...... 49 Jackson, Wil liam 93, 12.5, 131, 145 Jeffreys, George ...... 234, 238 King, James ...... 149 Irving, William Fleming 49 Johns , David ..... 94 Johansen, August...... 239 Kerschock,Franz ...... 152 Inquest on Fire- Jonghison, Frederick 96, 100, 101 Jonan,Frederick ...... 239 Kirwan, Edward ...... 154 Mount Gambier.. .. 49, X18 Jarred, John ...... 98 Jordan, Rosina ...... 239 Kleingunther, Gustav .... 156 Oliver's Shop ...... 53 Jacobs,Alfred ...... 101 Johnson, Charles Henry .. 240 Kenrick, William Walter 157, 162 Stockport ...... 58 Jones, Thomas ...... 101 James, Thomas George 210 Kinnish, Albert George .. 160 Melbourne Boarding Jacobs , Louis ...... 104, 109 Kerns, Michael . 2, 12, 14, 17 King, Charles E...... 160 House ...... 58 Johnson, James ...... 104 Kruse, Carl Heinrick .... 3 Kelly, Ann ...... 164 Inspector of Fisheries .... 62 Jones, Alfred ...... 1',8 Kerr, Margaret ...... 3, 18 Kelly, - 166 Inquest on Fire- Jones, James ...... 113 Kerwin, Thomas ...... 9 King, John ...... 169, 181 Adelaide , Unley, and Jones Brothers...... 125 Kemmist, Frank Henry .. 14 Knispel, Gottfried .... 169, 182 Mitcham ...... 67 Johnson, Charles ...... 131, 145 Kirkman, Robert ...... 14 Kin Ling, `4rilliam ...... 169 Lake Hamilton .... 101 James , Wm. Jno. Abraham 134 Kearns, Michael ...... 18 Kelly, W ...... 172 IVIcMillan's Store .. 49 James, Edward ...... 134 Kummi, August ...... 22 Korsatz, Matthew .. .. 173 H amley Bridge .... 113 Jeffreys, - ...... 1 144 Kennedy, James ...... 26 Kemble, William.. 174, 182, 197 Steamer Clara .... 117 JacksonBrothers ...... 141 Kennedy, Daniel Fidess .. 31 Kennedy, Thomas A. .... 177 Cddfellows' Arms .. 121 Jones, John ...... 145 Knowling, Francis Richard 32 Klopper, Henry ...... 178 Institute , Adelaide ...... 140 Jennings , Edward Henry 146, 153 Kimeniltia (aboriginal) ..32, 141 King, Walter ...... 178 Isenberg , Hermann Franz Jones , Alfred, alias Wil- Kennedy, Timothy ...... 32 King, James ...... 178 Leopold ...... 141 liams ...... 161 Kerr, Robert, alias Carr.. 37, 38 Klauer, Annie ...... 181, 186 Inquest on Fire - N aracoorte Jones, David...... 147 Kerr, Thomas ...... 88 Kain, James ...... 185, 197, 201 Hotel ...... 169 Johnson,Mathias...... 148 Kinshella, Michael ...... 38 Kent, R...... 188 Institute , Port Augusta .. 188 James , William Henry . . 149 Kerwin, Thomas ...... 38, 43, 84 Killeen, Jeremiah...... 188 Inquest on Unknown Man 192 Johnstone , John William152 King, John ...... 38, 42 Kapunda, Ship ...... 188 Institute , Jamestown .... 196 James , John ...... 152, 210 Kelly, Terence ...... 39 Kain, Susan...... 192, 202 Ingham , Thomas ...... 206 Johnson, William ...... 154, 161 Kelly, Laurence ...... 39 Kerr, John ...... 192, 226 Inquest on Unknown Child 211 Johnson, John ...... 154 Keough, John ...... 42 Keane, John...... 193, 226 Ingcs , McLaren .. .. 220 James, Aaron ...... 156 Kelsey, William ...... 49 Knowles, John ...... 196 Innes, George ...... 229 Johnson, John .. 157, 184, 192, 202 King, John Cormack 49 Kinnane, Patrick ...... 196 Johnson, Mr. Henry .... 5, 131 Jones , Agnes ...... 157, 162 Kerr, Robert, alias Charles Kinter, Carl ...... 197 Johns n, Henry Joseph .. 5 Jones, Polly ...... 157 Young, alias Carr ...... 50 Kuhndt, Maria Garske 197, 231 Jones, Samuel , alias Samuel Jury List ...... 159 Kellaw, William ...... 50 Kruge, Mr...... 198 Sparks ...... 8 Johansen , Henrick ...... 161 Keen, William ...... 52 Kauffxnann, Alexander .. 203 Je)lett, Maria , ...... 12, 140 Jabe, Richard ...... 161 , 181 Konig, Frederick ...... • 53 Knightley, Herbert ...... 203 Jean, Arthur Alfred, alias Jabe, Edward ...... 161, 181 Knight, Alfred ...... 59 Kauffman, J. E...... 206 Pat. Jean ...... 13 Jaeschke, A ...... 163 King, Frederick, alias Her- Kaye, Julius ...... 207, 220 Jarvis, John ...... 17, 135, 144 Jones Brothers ...... 165, 221 mann Florick ...... 59 Keenan, John ...... 207 John (a Malay ) ...... 20 Jones, Walter ...... 166 Keytes, - ...... 63 Kerns, Hugh ...... 207 Jones, John ...... 21 Jones , Henry...... 172, 178, 176 Kay, James ...... 63 Koehler, John ...... 210 Joyce, John ...... 22 Johnston , Edward ...... 174 Kemp, Frederick James .. 66 Kenny, Edward ...... 212 Johnson, Charles.. .. 22, 68, 131 Janson, Johannes...... 177 Kains, Michael ...... , . 67 Kains, James Joseph .... 215 Janisch, Christian 22 Jury, Wil liam ...... 178 Kester James ...... 73,104, Kains, William ...... 215, 221 Jelly, Benjamin ...... 26, 72, 105 Johnston , William ...... 178, 186 105, 113 Kenny, Edward ...... 216 Jones, John ...... 31 Jones, Ebenezer ...... 178, 182 Keenan, Daniel ...... 74 Ke lly, George ...... 219 Jackson, Robert ...... 32 Jenkins,Alfred ...... 178 Kennedy, Edward ... 77 Kains, Joseph ...... 225 Jenkins. Thomas ...... 37 Jameson, W...... 180, 219 King, George, alias Henry Kildea, James ...... 225 Jones , Robert Edward_ .. 37 Johnson,Ilarry ...... 182 Joseph Johnson ...... 78 Kiernan, Mary ...... 225 Jeane, Marie...... 38 Jones, Eliza ...... 182 Keenihan, John ...... 78 Keating, William ...... 229 Johns,David ...... 38 Johnson, Charles ...... 185, 198 Kimbart, Andrew ...... 81 Kitson, John ...... 229 Jackson,Joseph ...... 42 Johnson, Henry Joseph..185, 202 Knight, John ...... 82, 84 Killalare, Dominick ...... 230 Johnson,Robert ...... 43 Johnson,George ...... 186 King, William ...... 84 King, Charley ...... 230 Johnson , Wil li am ...... 45 James, J. 1i...... 188 Killen, John .. ... 96, 100, 101 Kleinschmidt, Frederick.. 235 Jonsou,C. E...... 49 Johnson, J . W...... 188 Keddaway, William ..... 97 King, Charles ...... 236 Jacka, Samuel . . , .. 50 Jordan, Henry ...... 192, 202 Keen, Thomas ...... 97, 149 Kither, R. C. 238 Je ffers, John ... 53, 152 Jackson , John Wi lliam .. 192 Rester, James ...... 104 King, Henry...... 238 Jones, Frank ...... 54, 84 Jones , Charles ...... 193 Kidd, Llewellyn ...... 106 Lyons, Joel ...... 3 Jones, W ...... 59, 54 Jones , Alfred Melbou rne, Knapman, Charlotte .... 109 Lewis, Charles ...... 3 Johnson, Albert ...... 57 alias Melvin, alias Knobbe, Charles ...... 116 Larkin, Thomas ...... 5 Japsen , Hans Christian .. 58 Munro ...... 202, 197 Kane, John ...... 117 Lyster, James ...... 5 INDEX. xi.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Liebich, Gustav ...... 14 Leslie, Frederick ...... 94 Lena, Peter ...... 198 Maicy , Frederick ...... 36 Lane, John, alias Jacko .. 14 Lewis, Samuel ...... 96 Lena, Mrs...... 198 Murphy, John ...... 36, 118 Lines, Alfred ...... 14 Lewis, Frederick .... 96, 100, 101 Lake, Henry North ...... 200 Mayfield, John ...... 37 Laragy, Owen ...... 14 Lewis, Antonio ...... 96 Lane, Thomas ...... 201 Mayne, Wi lliam ...... 37, 49 Lewis, William ...... 17, 45 Lockley, Joseph ...... 97 Laughton,George ...... 201 Munton, Mary Ann ...... 38 Leese, John Henry, alias Lloyd, Richard ...... 98 Lancaster, William ...... 207 Martin, James ...... 38 John Andross ...... 18 Loader, Edward ...... 100 Leslie, Christina ...... 211 Martin, Chas. ..38, 112, 117, 131 Lundie, John ...... 23, 32 Lange, Andrew ...... 104 Lock, John ...... 211 Mildren, Edith ...... 38 Leader, Thomas ...... 27, 31 Long, James ...... 106 Lugg, James ...... 211, 221 Morris , Francis ...... 38 Ledgard, James ...... 27 Lockyer, Thos. William.. 108 Lewis, A. J ...... 215 Matthews, John ...... 38 Litchfield, William Christie 27 Lonergan, Timothy .... . 108 Lynch, Thomas ...... 215 Marks, Ernest Augustus . 38 Lazarus, Michael, alias Lamb, Thomas ...... 108 Landy, Daniel ...... 215, 221, 225 Myers, William ...... 38 George Linton ...... 27 Leslie, James ... 109 Lewis, Thos. H...... 216 Medlvn, Thomas ...... 42 Law, James ...... 27 Long, Robert Fitzallen..113, 117 Lloyd, - ...... 216 Macklin, John ...... 42 Lindaer, August ...... 28 145 Lewis, Samuel ....218, 238, 239 Morris, Edward ...... 42 Law, George ...... 28 Llewellyn, Frances ...... 117 Laird, H. A...... 219 Moran, Peter...... 43 Luce, Mary ...... 28 Laffer, Philip ...... 117 Lamb, James Gilbert .... 219, 225 Mathesein , Edward ...... 43 Lawler, James ...... 28 Letts, William ...... 118 Lee, Arthur ..... 220 Millar, Harry...... 45 Langham, Ellen, alias Lange, Frederick ...... 118 Liever, Philip ...... 224 Mitchell, Henry ...... 45 Bradley . 28 Long, Charles ...... 113 Lenn, Robert .... 225 Morgan, Samuel ...... 48 Lamprell, George ...... 31 Liston, William ...... 124 Lemmey, Richard ...... 225 Martin, A ...... 48 Lyons, Mary Ann 32 Laffin, Joseph ...... 125,145,125,145,153 Lillis, Thomas ...... 225 Mooney, John ...... 48 Lewis, G...... 32 Long, Thomas ...... 125, 145, 153 Lighton, Arthur Follett .. 229 Mathews , John Martin .... 49 Lewis, Martha ...... 33 Lynch, Annie ...... 125, 145 Lovely, - ...... 230 Murray, William ...... 49 Leahy, Catherine ...... 36 Lewis, Llewellyn ..125, 145, 162 Lathlean, John ...... 231 Matthews , John ...... 49 Lazarus, Woolf.. 36, 43, 44, 104 Lucas, Edward ....131, 145, 175 Lawson, Nils ...... 231 Mart, William G...... 49 Landese, Nathan.- 37, 44, 157 Longfort, James ...... 131 Lawson, William ...... 231 Murphy, Matthew Francis 50 Lorenzo, Enrico ...... 38 Long, Henry W..... 131 Luxmoore & Co...... 231 Medd, Arthur ...... 50 Liddell, James ...... 38 Leggett, George ...... 131 Logic ...... 68,-234 Myles, Thomas ...... 52 Lewis, Charles ...... 38 Ledern, Emil ...... 137 Little, Matthew .... 235 Morton, W ...... 52 Liston, John ...... 43 Linton,Hugh . .. .. 137 Lacey, Samuel ...... 235 Miller, Wi lliam 53 Lockett, John ...... 43 Lester, Frederick . . 137 Lalor, Joseph ...... 238, 239 Monaghan , Arthur 53, 93, 136, 144 Lyndo, John Henry .... 44 Lindo, Charles Dubois 141, 145, May, John Joseph ...... 2 Mackie, John ...... 54 Locke, E. R...... 48 153 Munday, Alfred 2 M.-ad, Silas ...... 54 Lowe, Robert ...... 48 Lammin, Ada ...... 141 Mackay, John ...... 3 Mayfield, William ...... 54 Lynch, Michael .... 49, 92, 104 Loden, Alfred ...... 144 Munton, Henry John Mackay, David Annat .... 57 Lawler, Elizabeth ...... 52 Lucas, Joseph ... .. 145, 153 Davidson ...... 3 Mahomet, Coggie ...... 58 Lewis, Ernest ...... 53 Laube, Charles ....145, 161, 174 Major, Francis ...... 3 Mackintosh , M...... 58 Labatt, John Bagot ...... 54 Lawson, Anders Peter .... 145 Morgan, Edward ...... 4 May, George ...... 58 Lawson, Joseph ...... 57, 59 Lewis, John Carpenter .... 146 Mulloy, Michael ... 9 Myers, John ...... 59 Long, Mary ...... 58 Lippey, H...... 147 Martin, Owen and James 9 Mitchell, John ...... 59 Ledan, Peter ...... 58 Lohrmann, Annie ..147, 154, 162 Michid, Frederick ...... 9 Macbean, John ...... 63 Lewis, Stephen ...... 58 Labban, John ...... 148 Mason, William Joseph .. 9 Miatka, George ...... 63 Lipman, George ...... 59 Logan, John R...... 149 Moss, Moses ...... 9 Martin , Alexander ...... 63' Long, Robert Fitzallen.. 59, 100 Loenson, Charles ...... 149,149,161 Medd, Arthur .. 9 Miller, Margaret ...... 63 Limbedg, William 59 Lowe, Carl, alias Schrader, Martin, John, & Co. .... 9 Maley, Thomas ...... 63, 169 Lewis, - ...... 63 alias Heynes ...... 150 Murray, A. B. 9 Michelmore , Thomas .... 63 Lewis, Mr ...... 63 Lowe, Charles ...... 150 Marsh, Frederick Richard Mainland , Samuel ...... 66 Logan, J. R ...... 63 Leslie, Clarence Henry ., 153 Ray ...... 10 Mandaville , Patrick ... . 66, 82, 84 Leslie, Clarence Henry . 63, 131, Laurence, John ...... 157, 162 Malone, James ...... 13, 14 Moulden, Bayfield ...... 67 145 Long, Honorah ...... 157 Marsh, Edward James .... 13 Melson, Jacob E...... 67 Lecher, Henry ...... 73 L eintal l , John, jun. .... 167 Mellis, Edwin, alias Munro 14 Mortenson , J. E...... 67, 87 Leake, Edward ...... 73 Leece, John Henry ...... 162 Mt. Bryan District Council 14 Morgan, Henry ...... 68 Lumbers, James ...... 74 Lane, George ...... 163 Martin, John ...... 14 Mather, George ...... 72, 76 Lewis, Martha ...... 74 Lord, Samuel ...... 163, 177 Manning, John ...... 14 Minchin, Ellen ...... 73, 84 Lloyd, Howard ...... 77 Long, John . , ...... 164, 185 Maddagan, John ...... 16 Martin , George ...... 73, 89 Lehman, Franz ...... 78 Leaney, William ...... 165 Morris, William ...... 16 Mollerstrom , Carl ...... 77, 93 Lee, Rosa ...... 78 Leckey, James Edward .. 165 Molyneaux, William .. 17 Moorhouse & Co...... 77,100 Lorenson, Christian N. .. 78 Linke, Gottlieb ...... 168 Marriott, John Edward .. 17 Moseley, Alice ...... 77 Langridge, John ...... '82 Luke, Robert ...... 169, 240 Matthews, John ...... 18 Morton, Walter R...... 78 Lane, Richard Black 82 Laughton, James Ross ..169, 182 Medd, Arthur ...... 18 May, William ...... 78 Long, Henry ...... 83 197 Military Staff Office ...... 20 Mellor, Joseph .... 78 Linfoot, William ...... 83 Lazarus, Woolf ...... 104, 172 Moyle, John ...... 21 Mitchell, Robert M.. 79 Lawson, Olans ...... 84 Leake, Edward ...... 173, 182 Maher, Michael ...... 22 Macard, - ...... 81 Lomman, Annie ...... 84 Laity, Esther Ann...... 178, 182 Murphy, Margaret .. 22 Messent, Charles ...... 81 Lofthouse, James ...... 84, 89 Lacey, Alfred ....178, 182, 231 Milsted, Jas. Hy. Wilson 23 Morris, Francis Thomas.. 82 Lyons, Cornelius ...... 84 Lynch, Patrick ...... 181, 201 Munro, John...... 23 Morgan, Charles ...... 83, 93 Lewis, Charles ...... 88 Levi, Edward Phillip .... 184 Morris, Richard ...... 26, 67 Mullane or Mullen, John 83 'Laing, Alexander...... 89 Loughlin, J ...... 188 Marshall, George ...... 27 Morton, Goo, go ...... 84 LeMaire, Johan ...... 89 Lawton, J. A...... 188 Murphy, Michael ...... 28, 113 Morgan, John .... 84 Lenowens, Louis Thomas Lorenzen, Wilhelm. . 191, 200, 207 Millen, Charles ...... 28, 39 Mather, George Young .. 81 Gunnis ...... 92, 103 215, 220 Maslin, John ...... 31 Murray, William .. 84 Lee, Philip ...... 92, 100, 196 Lynch, John ...... 192, 202 Moore, Thomas ...... 32 Mackescie , Jas. Alexander 87 Loader, Charles ...... 92 Lloyd, Joseph ...... 197 Masters, Alexander ...... 32 Meaney, Patrick ...... 88, 117 Lynch, John ...... 92 Lamb, Abigail ...... 197, 202 Meats, John ...... 32 Meehan, James, alias Lock, Charles ...... 93 Lohrman, Annie ...... 197 Merritt, Edward ...... 36 Moloney ...... 94 B. X11. INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Muller, Rudolph ...... 94 Major, Thomas Harding 152, 154 Murphy, Thomas :.....201, 202 McLean Bros., Rigg, & Co. 27 Milton, Thomas .. 94 Merritt, George ...... 152 Matthison, James ..201, 215, 220 McCann, James ...... 28 Malone, James ....96, 100, 101 Mills, George ...... 152 Martin, James, & Co...., 201, 215 McMahon, Patrick .. , ... 31 Martich, Catherine ..... 97 Murphy, Michael ...... 153 Martin, James ...... 203 McNeil, Neil ...... 31 Murray, John ...... 97, 105 Miles, Joseph ...... 1,56 Miles, John ...... 203 McDonald, Donald ..... 32 Moore, George ...... 97 Miller, Samuel ...... 156, 160 Mohy, Thos., alias O'Don- McKenzie, Roderick .... 32, 89 Meincke, Theo. Adolph 101, 104 Morrison, Bentham P... 156, 160 nell ...... 203 McNulty, Philip .. 33, 43, 44, 92 Mace, James ...... 101 Magor, Thomas Harding 161, Melville, Henry ...... 203 94-, 85 Murray, Patrick ...... 101 163, 197 Melville, Ellen ...... 203 McMahon, Denis ...... 36 Mann, Henry ...... 101 Mackney, John ...... 161 Mansergb, Miles ...... 203 McNaulty, Philip ...... 36 Miller, Anderson, & Co. .. 101 Martlow, Mary .. 161, 165, 181, Murray, Louisa ...... 206 McDonald, James, alias Scotty 36 Mens, Alexander ...... 102 192 Moyle, Thomas ...... 207, 215 McDonald, James Paterson 38 Martin, Wm. & Frederick 104 Morris, John ...... 162 Merriot, John ...... 207 McNeil,John ...... 42 Meadows, Henry ...... 104 Morris, George ...... 162, 2Q3 Mitchell, Amelia ...... 208 McConnell, William ...... 43 Monaghan, Michael ...... 104 Mellor, Abraham ...... 160, 163 Murphy, Edward ...... 209 McKeown, Thomas ...... 43 Mellis, Edward ...... 105 Martin & Co...... 163 Mulcahy, Joseph ...... 211 McCarthy, Charles ...... 46,13]. Magee, John ...... 105 Makin, Frank 164, 173, 177, 182, Mulvihill, Patrick James 211, 220 McCulloch, Alexander .... 48) 57 Morrison, Peter ...... 112 197 Masters, Albert ....211, 220, 231 McKay, tliza, Ann ...... 49 Miller & Sons, George .... 113 Medd, Arthur ...... 165, 181 Maguire, Peter ...... 211 a 231 McLaren, John ...... 49 Myers, George ...... 113 Martin, William John .. 168, 224, Mobbs, Daniel William 211, 220 McKinnon, Lachlan...... 53 Mann, Henry ...... 113 225 Murphy, John ...... 211,221 McGuire, James .. 53, 54 Mullins, Michael . .. . 113 Mayhew, John ...... 168, 180 Mitchell, John ...... 211 McDonald, Archibald .... 53 Maloney, James .. 116, 124, 180 Malcolm, Alex. Stewart .... 169 Miller, James ...... 212 McWilliams,James...... 59 Mellor, Ann ...... 117 Mitchell, Mary ... .. , 169 Monchauveau, Shilippe : , , 212 McMillan's store, Inquest at 49 Markham, John .. 117 Matthews, Thomas Arthur.. 169, Morrison, Peter 214 McGuinness, Sohn ...... 59 Murphy, John 117, 120, 121, 149 . 216 Marshall, Theresa .. 215, 221, 235 McDonald, Norman ...... 59 Meyers, George ...... 117 Martin, John .... 169, 174, 182 Maher, Thomas ...... 215 McLean, Mr...... 63 Morris, John ...... 118, 157 Morgan, William.. 169, 182, 240 Moore, George .... 215, 221 McCabe, John ...... 63, 98 Mulhaly, John ...... 118 Mann, James ...... 169 Matthews, Elizabeth .... 215, 221 McJourney, Susan ...... 63 Martensen, Oscar ...... 120 Morris, Benjamin, alias Miles, William ...... 216 McKenzie, Alexander .... 64, 68 McDonald, John ...... 121 Reece . 169 Muirhead, William ..... 216 MoKey, Cornelius ...... 66 Morrison, Samuel ...... 122 Murray, J...... 172 Merritt, Albert Edward.. 218,,223 McKenzie, Robert ...... 67 Mahoney, Patrick ...... 125 Marshall, J.. ~ 172, 176, 178, 181 Moore, Frederick ...... 218 MoDon1ld, John 68 Myers, Elizabeth . .. . 125 Magunson, Anton Peter .. 172 Murray, Malcolm ...... 219 McEwen, James Shepherd 74 Manning, Frank.. 125, 14.5, 162 Mitchell, Robert ...... 172 Maher, Thomas ...... 219, 221 McLeod, Donald ...... 76 Moonta Mining Company. 125 Mollor, John...... 173, 180 Maloney, Thomas ...... , 220 Me,Hara, Catherine ...... 77 Magee, Ellen .... 125, 127, 145 Marshman, Joshua ..... 173 Miller, Andrew ...... 2,20 McDonough, Patrick .... 77 Messent, Philip ...... 130 Morris. Thomas ...... 173, 182 Murphy, Thomas ...... 220 McGregor, Alexander . 7,8, 131 Mills, John ...... 131 Moore, James .... 173, 182, 186 Mutphy, Patrick ...... 221 McGuinness, James ...... 78) 131 Menzie, Thomas .. 131, 145, 165 Mattheson, James 173, 182, 186 Maynon, Jean Louise ...,. 221 McDonald, Robert Douglas 81 Martin, Charles ...... 131 Morcombe, Henry .. . 173, 182 Munro, Walter ...... 224 McAulif, Patrick ...... 82 Murphy, Daniel ...... 134 Maughan, Catherine ...... 173 Murray, Patrick ...... 225 McCraclren, James ...... 82, 84 Manley, Henry ...... 137 Murphy, Patrick ...... 173 Morris, Joseph ...... 225 McLornan, Edward ...... 88 Mahoney, Thomas .... 137, 145 Mills, Mary ...... X 173 Menner, Harry ...... 225 McFarlane, John Sinclair 88 -Munro, T. J ...... 137 Matthews, Samuel .... 174, 182 Mackay, Robert ...... 225 McAllister, William 88 Murray, Elizabeth .... 137, 145 Moran, Michael ...... 174, 182 Mayne, James Ford ...... 225 McDonald, Angas & James 94 Mann, James ...... 137 Moody, John ...... 177 Maher, Thomas ...... 225 McMahon, William .....- .. 94 Mansergh, Katherine .... 140 Maysey, John ...... 177, 181 Mellor, Ann ...... 226 McNamara, Margaret, alias Mesecke, Mary ...... 140, 145 Meltalovitch, George .... 177 Murphy, D ...... 229 Maggie Mack 96, 103, 104, 105 Millman, Charles Frederick 140 Malcolm & Company .... 177 Miller, J. M ...... 229-- McEwen, John ...... 96 Meirs, Edward ...... 141, 146 Murray, Charles ...... 178, 182 Manning, George Henry.. 230 McCarthy, Charles .... 97, 131 Maxwell, Mary ...... 141, 146 Manning, Charles H. .... 178 Miller, Heinrich 230 McCormack, James .... 97, 146 Martin, William ...... 141 Malcolm, Arthur R. .. 180, 196 Mulholland, Cornelius, alias McAlear, John ...... 97 Munn, Edward ...... 142 Miller, George ...... 180, 200 Mulhall ...... 234 McSheehy, James ...... 97 Moore, Robert ...... 142 Mackney, John ...... 181 Muller, William ...... 234 McNally, Peter ...... 101 Maloney, John ...... 142 Marshall, James ...... 182 Mobus, Ferdinand ...... 235 McHugh, James ...... 101 Mellor, Abraham.. 144, 147, 160 Menz, Rudolph ...... 184 Marsden, Charles ... 235 McLornan, Edward 101, 113, 126 Mitford, Percy Benson .. 144 Moller, Peter ...... 186 Miller, C. & E...... 239 McNally, Barnett .... 104, 112 Martin, John, & Co. .. 144, 148 Mitchell, G. W...... 188 Miller, Andrew ...... 239 McGregor, Augusta, alias Murray, James ...... 144 Mason, W. R...... 188 Miller, Joan ...... 24 Jeffrey Hessian ...... 104 Munro, George ...... 144, 157 Millard, Charles ...... 188 McMahon, Michael ...... 3, 63 McCaskill, Mary .... 104, 154 Maguire, Frank ...... 146 Monk, Frederick ...... 193, 226 McQuarrie, Neil .... 30, 32 McPherson, William .... 108 Madden, William ...... 146 Matthews, Joseph Mills .. 193 McCulloch, Archibald .... 9 McPherson, A...... log Mann, James ...... 146 Matthews, Samuel ...... 197 McArdle, John ...... 13 McGorm,, Frs ncis James 108 Mendell, Frederick .... 146, 150 Moran, Michael ...... 197 McGuinness, Andrew .... 14 McLoom, Patrick.. . . . 108 Marshall & Co. .. 117, 152, 154 Murray, Charles ...... 197 McNamara, John ....14, 16, 27 McClaren, Alexander .... 108 Mitchell, James Maxwell . 148 Mallala Bench ...... 196, 200 McArthy, Florence, alias McCabe, J. S...... 109 Mayo, William ...... 149 Martin, Annie ...... 196 George Simpson, alias McNamara, Ellen .... 113, 153 Morey, Robert ...... 149 Morgan, Thomas ...... 196 Whitmore ...... 14 McCombie, Samuel .... 113,. 181 Maddison, Thomas William 149, Murphy, Andrew ...... 196, 206 McDougall, John...... 17, 100 Mc Kevin, Agnes ...... 113 161 Mansom, James ...... 197 McDougall, Alexander, alias McIntyre, A. G...... 1.16 Munro, George .. 149, 161, 162 Murray, John ...... 197, 202 John Williams ...... 18 McNamara,Pridget .... 117, 153 Morgan, William Henry 149, 161 Monegan, John ...... 197, 202 McGivren, J ohn ...... 18 McKenzie, Geo. Douglass.. 121 Moore, John Henry ...... 149 Milbourne, George, alias McEvoy, Edward ...... 21 McCullochi John ..... 121, 126 Mannix, John 149, 161, 172, 176 WalterMilbourne 197, 202, 231 McKeevor, Michael ., . , .. 26 McInerney, Ellen ...... 121 Murphy, John 149, 153, 157, 162 Morris, John ...... 197 McDonald, James,.26, 50, 82, 84, McKenzie, Geo. Richardson 121 INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. McMahon, Thomas ...... 124 McDonald, John ...... 215, 221 Neaylon, Thomas ...... 197 Oliver, Henry ...... 174 McCormack, Frank ...... 125 McNamara, John ...... 215, 221 Nicholl, Robert ...... 200 Oserman, Wm. Pedvenish 177 McGregor, Alexander .... 131 McLornan, Edward.... 215, 221 Nicholls , Thomas ...... 206 Olsen, Nils ...... 177, 177,196 McCaul (London) .... . 134 McDonald, James ...... 219 Nash, John...... 207,220 Otten, Albert ...... 180 McVicker, Mary Jane, alias McCabe, Ellen ...... 220 Nolan , James ...... 207, 211 O'Brien,John ...... 184 Fish ..... 137, 145 McTavish, James ...... 220 Newman, Wm . Frederick.. 214 Oakley, James ...... 185 McCarthy, David ...... 137 McGee, Alexander .... 221, 226 Newton, Wm. E...... 216 Opie, R. C ...... 186 McDonald, John ...... 140 McSouley, James ...... 225 Niemann , Carl ...... 220 Ogden, John ...... 192, 202 McConnell, William .. 141, 146 McDonald, John ...... 225 Nowland , William .... . 226 O'Brien, Thomas ...... 203 McHughes, Margaret.. 141, 146 McBride, Caroline ...... 234 Northey , Joseph ...... 329 O'Brien, John ...... 206, 215 McCarthy, John ...... 142 McDonald, James ... , .. 235 Northway, Richard Henry 235 Oakley, Henry ...... 206 McIntyre, Peter ...... 145, 161 McCartney, Sarah ...... 235 Oyler , George ...... 2, 30 O'Brien, William ..215, 221, 231 McLeish, James ...... 146 McKenzie, John . . . .. , 236 O'Leary, Cornelius ...... 3 Orford, James ...... 218 McDonald, Geo. Alexander 146 McFee, John 236, 240 Oster, Peter ...... 5 O'Brien, John ...... 220 McDonald, D...... 147 McBeth, James Daniel .. 239 O'Reilly, John ...... 9 O'Neil, William ...... 220 Murphy, Michael...... 148 McDonnell ...... 240 Oliver, J. W...... 9 O'Connell ...... 224 McCarthy, Richard .... 149, 161 Noerring, Thomas ...... 3 Osborne, Henry ...... 14 O'Toole, Thomas ...... 225 McLean, George ...... 149 Neil, Llewellyn John .... 3 Odey, George ...... 14, 27, 32 Old, Charles ...... 235 McBride, William .. 149, 154 Nurse, Joseph ...... 9, 45 O'Brien, Margaret 16, 20, 27, 28 O'Brien, John ...... 238 McFie, Mary ...... 449 Noakes, William ...... 10 O'Connell, James . .... 22 Owen, Samuel ...... 239 M c C arry, John ...... 149 Newberry, Margaret 12 O'Brien , John ....27, 28, 33, 38 O'Brien, William ...... 239 McDonald, Patrick. 152, 173 Nilan, John ... , ... , . .. 12 O'Brien, Ellen ...... 27 O' Shaughnessy, Joseph .. 239 McGregor, John .. 154, 161, 202 Newton, Henry .. 21 Odium, Michael ...... 31 Poli ce Memos... 2, 8, 11, 16, 20, McMillan, Daniel ...... 154 Nicholai, John Godlief .. 27 Olsen, Haken ...... 32, 89 26, 30, 62, 72, 76, 82, 85, 96, McMahon, John ...... 160 Nettle, Matthew .... 32, 44 O'Connell , Martin John .. 36 100, 103, 107, 115, 119, 123, McGrath, John Strain..161, 181, Niquet, Frederick .. .. 38 Oberhue , August Muller.. 38 124, 129, 133, 139, 143, 147, 211 Nicholls, Catherine ...... 43 Oddy, Ezekiel ...... 38 159, 167, 175, 179, 183, 184, McLean, John.... 161, 174, 181 Nolan, John: ...... 44,84 O'Brien , Patrick ...... 42 188, 195, 2t4, 218, 223, 229, McFarlane, Archie .... 161, 174 Naylor, William ... , .. 45 O'Connor, Daniel ...... 50 233, 234, 235, 238 McSardin, Louis ...... 163 Nettleback, Herman .... 54 , 16 5 O'Sullivan , John ...... 53, 54 Police General Orders 11, 15, 56, McCarthy, William ...... 164 Newnham, Alfred George.. 62 Oliver's Shop, Fire at .... 53 66, 92, 96, 103, 107, 111, 119, McMillan, Hugh ...... 165 Nalty, Charles ...... 62 Osborne, Wi lliam... 53 129, 133, 139, 143, 147, 159, McKeon, Patrick ...... 168 Newman, Thomas ...... 72, 85 O'Brien, William..54, 77, 78, 83 167, 175, 209, 233 McDonald, Donald ...... 168 N. Adelaide Cricket Club.. 72 O'Dea , Thomas ...... 58, 83 Pentelow, Joseph ...... 3 McPhee, Colin ...... 169 Nolan, William ...... 73 O'Neil, Elizabeth, alias Potter, Augusta ...... 3 McKenzie, Alex. Shaw .. 170 Newman, William .. , ... 77 Carroll...... 59 Pinson, Richard ...... 3 • McCardell, F...... 172 Norris, William .. . . , 85 O'Connor, John ...... 59 Patterson & Co., James .. 8 McRostie, James ...... 172 Northmore, John A ...... 87, 100 O'Grady, M. S...... 59 Pittard, Edwin John .... 9 McIntyre, Malcolm ...... 174 Nolan, Daniel ...... 87 Orr, George ...... 62 Parker, Alexander Solomon 9 McCabe, Mary Ann .. 174, 186 Noonan, Timothy Joseph.. 89 O'Connor, Louisa ...... 63 Pound, Peter ...... 12, 20 McCabe, J...... 174 Newbert, Rudolph ..... 93, 97 Osborne, Thomas ...... 66 Pearson, John ...... 12 McDonald, Angus.. 176,180,181 Newington, Robert ...... 93, 97 Ohrlund , C. E...... 67, 87 Paul, Andrew ...... 12 McLeod, Kenneth .. 177, 182 Noldt, Henry ...... 94 Oram, David...... 69 Perry, Thomas ...... 14 McLoughlin, Francis .. 178, 182 Newby, Margaret...... 97 Oppy, Edwin ...... 74 Page, Richard ...... 17 McNamara, James .... 178, 182 Nash, Joseph ...... 100 O'Loughlin , Brian ...... , 8 Palmer, Hamilton Charles 17 McGuire, John ...... 181 Nykiel, Jacob ...... 101 Oliphant, David ...... 78 Parker, Henry ...... 21 McDermott, Martin ...... 185 Needham, Alfred ...... 106 O'Donnell,John ...... 78 Phillips, Joseph ...... 22 McDowle, John .. 185, 198, 201 Nicholls, William ...... 110 O'Neil, John ...... 83 Pollock, William .... 26, 32, 56 Mclnherney, Michael 185 Norgrove, William ...... 117,153O'Shanahan , William .... 85 Paterson, Thomas ...... 27, 66 McNaulty, Thomas 185, 198, 202 Nolan, McMichael ...... 114 O'Donohue , William .... 87 Pearce, John ...... 28 McLeod, Joe ...... 186 Nixon, Ralph ... , 127 O'Connell, John ...... 88 Power, Arthur George .... 28 McNeil, John ... .. , . 188 Naughton, Henry.. 127,X 150, 158 Olsen, Peter ...... 92 Parkin, John ...... 31, 43 McKendrick, David .. 191, 196 Noonan, Michael John ..131, 145 O'Brien, John ...... 94 Prisoners tried at the McKay, William, jun... 192,202 Nieman, Charles .... 131,145,153 Oscartooke ...... 94 Supreme Court .. 58, 83, 109 McKay, William, sen..... 192 Nicholls, Francis ...... 131,131,141 Oswaldt , Paul ...... 96, 100, 101 Pearson, Letitia .. 31, 38, 94 McIntyre, John ...... 192, 202 Nglow, John ...... 137 O'Neil, Michael ...... 97 Pongelita (aboriginal) .... 32 McCoppin, Richard .... 192, 226 Nang, Charley ...... 141 O'Farrell, Terrance ...... 108 Payne, J. Norton, alias McKenna, Bernard ...... 196 Northover, George ...... 144 O'Brien, Cornelius ...... 109 Thomas Payne ...... 33 McEllister, Thomas .... 196, 200 Nish, William...... 144, 148 Osborne, James ...... 112 Peek, Arthur H. ... 33 McDougall, James ...... 197 Newell, Robert ...... 145 O'Brien , Wm. 113, 116, 117, 125 Peterson or Peters, John.. 37 McMurdo, John ...... 197 Nicholls, James ...... 149 O'Ha lloran, Edward White 117 Poninsky, Bronistows .... 38 McDonald, Alexander .... 197 Num, Edward ...... 150 O'Brien, Michael ...... 121,H3 Paull, William James Henry 38 McDonald, John 197, 202, 221, 231 Newport, William ...... 153 Ohlsom, Carl ...... 137 Pinson,Richard ...... 38 McArthur, Donald ...... 201 Nelson, Thomas ...... 153 O'Connell, Edmund .... 141, 164 Priest, Edwin William .. 42 McArthur, William Henry.. 201, Novelty Company, American 156 Oh Geam ...... 141 Pridmore, Jane ...... 44, 84 235 Nairne, Robert ...... 156,160,161 O'Brien , Wi lliam ...... 14 153 Penn, Samuel R..... 48, 184, 192 McDonald James.. 201, 215, 220 Naples, or Waples, Ann.. 161 O'Meally , Jeremiah .... 149, 169 Pitman, James ...... 49 McEvoy, Edward ...... 201 Nang, Charley ... , .. 165,174 Ownsworth , Thomas . 152 Pellew, William James .. 50 McWalters, William .... 202 Newton, S. D. , ...... 172 O'Neil, John ...... 158 Perkins, Arthur , Wm. McDonald, Angus ...... 206 Nowland, Samuel ...... 172 Orchard, Samuel ...... 160 Reynolds ...... 50 McLoughlin, Frank ...... 207 Nolan, Henry ...... 172 Oddfellows , Indpt. Order.. 165 Poochey (aboriginal) .... 54 McNalty, James ...... 211 Nolan, James ...... 172 Oh Geam ...... 16 174 Page, John . .. . 54, 165 McCracken, Thomas .. 211, 221 Nettleton, William ...... 178 O'Connor , P...... 172 Palmer, William Richard 56 McBean, Thomas ...... 212 Northway, RichardHenry 188,184 Overington , 0...... 172 Percy, Alfred ...... 57 McMahon, James ...... 215 Northway, Richard Henry. 192 O'Brien, Ellen ...... 173 Patten, Thomas ...... 59 McFadden, Ellen ...... 215 Nankivell, William ...... 191 O'Brien, Terence ...... 174 Patehell, W. J. W...... 59 X1V. INDEX. 1 'A Page. Page. Page. Page. Paul , Andrew ...... 62 Pittard, Edwin John .... 138 Pickett, William ...... 207,220 Russell, Thomas ...... 14 Pocock, Frederick...... 63 Palmer, Robert R...... 140 Paterson, Mary ...... 207 Redman, Frederick 14 Promintz , Frederick .... 63 Parsons, Thomas ...... 141 Pryke,H ...... 210 Rogers, Henry Valentine . , 14 Pickert, Gottfried ...... 63 Penney, Samuel .. 141 Plummer, William ...... 210,219 Ryan, Michael ...... 14 Pailing. James 66 Philips, Ellen ...... 141, 145 Parrish, Ellen ...... 211, 221 Ryan, Kate ...... 14 Police Station , Winninnie 66 Police Station, Yatina.... 144 Parsons, Isabel...... 204 Renyard, Charles...... 14 Parslow, John ...... 66, 184 Perkins, R...... 145 Potter, Thomas ... .212, 226 Roach, Thomas ...... 16 Partridge , Gerald Francis 67, 68 Parker, Cecil James ...... 145 Police Inspector-General..212, 216 Ryan, James ...... 16, 59, 27 Pounsett , Emma 68 Poole, Clara ...... 145 Pepper, Sarah ...... 214 Reid, Archibald ...... 17, 130 Punchard , Elizabeth Ell- Peggs, William ...... 145 Pratt, George ...... 216 Reed, John ...... 18, 73, 105 good, alias Piggins .... 69 Pickering, John Thomas 149, 161 Purchase, William ... , .. 216 Ray, Walter ...... 21, 22 Pemberton , Frank.... 72, 76, 84 Pilcher, Charles ...... 152, 156 Peake, Wm. Douglas .... 220 Richter, Paul ...... 22 Police Horses, Bagot and Peek, A. H ...... 152, 156 Padgett, John Henry 220 Radcliffe, Charles ...... 22 Barron ...... 73, 100 Penkert, Anton ...... 153 Prideaux, James ...... 220 Rabjohn,Richard ...... 23 Port Adelaide Market Co. 73, 137 Peel, Louisa ...... 153 Parrel, Francois ...... 221 Rollison, William ...... 26 Prest, William ...... 74 Parker, Alex. Solomon ..154, 1,62 Puichase, Wm . .. , .. 221 Reid, William ...... 26, 62 Peachey, Percival ...... :4 197 Peckham, Charlotte.... . 224 Reid, James ...... 26 Power, Arthur George.... 74 Pincher, Blennerhassett .. 154 Porter, John Barwick .... 229 Raichal, Catherine ...... 27 Patterson , James ...... 78 Pedvin, Isaac ...... 156, 188 Pinson,Richard ...... 229 Raice, John ...... 28 Price, Samuel .. 78 Police Station, Farina .... 156 Police, Miscellaneous .... 229 Rundle, William, alias Billy Prentice , Robert Patrick .. 78 Prior, Edith Alice ...... 157 Pinkea-im ...... 230, 234 White, alias Warren, Patterson , Oscar ...... 78 Price, Emma .... 157, 162 Parker, Charles ...... 230 alias Tom Pepper...... 28, 43 Price, Granville Strong .. 82 Phillips, Robert James .. 160 Philips, Henry...... 231 Ross, John, alias John Parker, William ...... 82, 96 Prehm, Marcus ...... 160 Pickup, Thos. ..234, 238, 239 McKenzie ...... 30 Peek, David M...... 84 Poese, Samuel ...... 161 Palmer, Edward Walter.. 234 Roeger, Louis ...... ' 32 Pierce , Henry Edmund .. 85 Paddock, Richard ...... 161 Payne, William . , ...... 235 Robson, William ...... 36 Payne, William Edward. 85, 124 Poole, John .... 162 Price, John ...... 235 R -1, Stuart A...... 37 Plenty, Lavinia ...... 87 Police Station, Hawker .. 163 Perkins, Alfred ...... 2a5 Rock, Catherine ...... 38 Pontico, - ..... 88 Police Station, Wonoka .. 163 Percy, Herbert de ...... 235 Rawlinson, George ...... 38 Pullan, Joseph Beckett .. 89 Police Horse, Patrician 164 Parker, Henry ...... 235, 240 Rimble, William ...... 38 Parkins, Arthur Wm. Pearson, Annie .... 165, 181, 221 Perne, F. William .. .. 238 Roch, Anna ...... 43 Reynolds ...... 89 Police Station, Waukar- Prodochl, Stephen ...... 238 Ross, William George ..;. 43 Parker, John ...... 93, 121 inga ... 167, 209 Pickup & Bowker ...... 239 Rose, August ...... 43 Phibbs, William ...... 26, 94 Police Station, Winnin 16 7, 209 Peake, Emma . , ... 239 Raynor, Morris ...... 44,, 84 Pearce, Edward M...... 97 Peake,Richard ...... 168 Perrers, Aldridge, & Co... 239 Rhodes, W. & T...... 49 Parker, Ellen ...... 97, 101 Patterson, - ...... 168 Parker, Chas...... 240 Ryles, Moses ...... 50 Plant , Samuel ...... 100 Pulbridy, Thomas ...... 170 Pearce, William ...... 240 Ross, James ...... 52 Parlato, James Salvador .. 100 Potter, G...... 172 Quirk, J ...... 12, 17 Ruden, George ...... 53, 136 Paynter, John A...... 100 Pomeroy, 11...... 172, 179 Quirk, James ...... 18 Richards, Mary ...... 54 Pitt, Arthur E...... 101 Phelan, J ...... 172 Quinn, Thos., alias Heard, Rogers, W ...... 54 Pearce, James ...... 101 Piggot, August 172 alias Scotty ...... 27, 32 Raston, Thomas ...... 56 Pearson, Walter ...... 103 Paternoster, Henry Jos 172, 206 Quinn, Robert ...... 27 Remnant, Charles 57 Po lice Station , Snowtown 103 Pascoe, Peter...... 173, 182, 197 Quinn,Johanna ...... 32 Ryan, Daniel ...... 57,73 Police Station, Yarrowie.. 103 Peart, Symes George 174 Quartley, William .... 48 Read, Robert...... 57 Price, Granvi lle Strong .. 104 Pelton, William ...... 174 Quigney, Michael ...... 73, 84 Ryan, Patrick John ...... 59 Police Station , Minlaton.. 108 Perry, Thomas ....178, 182, 192 Quinn, John ...... 96, 100, 101 Ridehalgh, Harry ...... 59 Patterson , John ...... 108 !',,arson, M...... 179 Quinn, Joseph ...... 104 Read, L...... 59 Police Station , Bramfield . 112 P ingle, William ...... 180 Quirk, James ...... 165, 181 Rogers, W. 59 Poli ce Station , Elliston . 112 Petersen, Jurgen ...... 181,181,202 Quin, Edward ...... 165, 181 Rumball, William Edward 62 Police Horse, Orleans . . 112, 130 Pennington, John, alias Quin, Mary ...... 168 Ringwood, A...... 63, 67, 68 Potter, George ...... 113 Henry Wilson ...... 182 Quin, Patrick ...... 185, 202 Roberts, - ...... 63 Penglase, May ...... 113 Palitych, Arnold ...... 182 Quick, James ...... 212 Randell, John ...... 63 Price, T. S...... 113 Peck, William ...... 184, 196 Quick, Mary ...... 212 Rough, William ...... 64 Pool, John ...... 113, 116 Potter, Margaret ...... 184 Richards, Mary Ann .... 2 Roney, J sne ...... 66, 77 Piesse, Charles Wil liam .. 113 Paulson, Carl ...... 185 Ronald, Andrew .... 3, 117 Robinson,Peter ...... 67 Police General Order can- Payne, Henry ...... 185 Ryan, Daniel Francis .. •.. 3 Richardson, James ...... 67 celled ...... 115 Presy, James ...... 185 Reid, Hepburn ...... 3 Rosey, John ...... 68 Police Station , Government Pilman, Carl ...... 185, 201 Rawlinson, George ...... 3 Richardson, Francis ...... 68 Gums Railway Camp .. 114 Piening, John ...... 185 Ralph, William ...... 3 Reid, Robert ...... 73 Palfrey, Thomas ...... 116, 136 Power, Frederick ...... 18) Rose, E. T...... 5 Reed, John ...... 73, 105 Pearce, Thomas ...... 117 Panton, H...... 188 Registered letter-bag .... 8 Rundle, William ...... 74 Pridmore , George ...... 117 Pepper, William Chas,... 188 Renfrey, William ...... 8 Rehder, August ...... 78 Pearson, Annie ...... 117, 121 Plunkett, Gerald .... 168 Riley, Frederick 9 Rose, Conrad ...... 78 Pines, Charles ...... 121, 169 Porter, John Barwick .... 191 Rathke, Gothard ...... 9 Rodi, Othmar August .... ' 7Q Patterson , Wi lliam ...... 124 Peddle, Margaret...... 192 Robertson & Co , George.. 9 Reynolds, Frederick James 82 Pembarthy , Stephen .... 125 Peterson, Peter ...... 192,202 Ramjee, Rosina ...... 9,• 23 Riordan, John ...... 83 Petheram, Joseph ...... 127 Powell, David ...... ,192, 226 Russell, Andrew .. 9 Rook, Catherine . . .. 84 Perry, Annie ...... 131, 145 Preston, George .... 193 Raichal, Francis Joseph .. 9 Richards, Mary ...... 84 Parker, George ...... 131, 145 Phenna, Florence ...... 193 Raichal, Martha Lena Rosy 9 Rose, Coni ad ...... 84 Pascoe, Francis ...... 131, 180 Phenna, Mrs ...... 193 Raichal, Maria Elizabeth 9 Ronke, Edward ...... 8.7 Pierce, Edward ...... 134 Purvis, John .... 197 Raichal, Bridget .... , ... 9 Rose, Reuben ...... 88 Patten , Samuel ...... 134 Pinnington, Louis ...... 197, 202 Rawlinson, George ...... 9 Raymond, William H. 92 Plow, Thomas ...... 134, 141 Postmaster-General ...... 200 Rees, Rowland ...... 12 Robertson, William_ 92, 124, 130 Patterson , Thomas ...... 134 Prior, Albert ...... 201, 202 Rigg, William, alias Bully Robertson, Murdoch ....92, 104 Percy, Thomas ...... 137 Parr, William Henry .... 203 Reed, or Read ...... 12, 81 Ringraldt, Frederick .... 93 Powell, Jonathan M. .. , , 137 Parsons, John Edward ..207, 211 Russell, Edwin William. . 12, 140 Rowe, William ...... 94 INDEX. xv.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Rose, Conrad ...... 94 Radford, August .. 169, 182, 197 Rocks, Joseph ...... 215 Stanway, John ...... 31. Ramsay, Robert Gordon .. 97 Roach, Margaret.. 169, 182, 216 Roberts, Alfred Ernest L. 215, 221 Scott, John ...... 32 Rawson, Thomas ...... 97, 109 Ryan, J...... 172 Russell, Alexander .. .. 215, 231 Schammer, HenryGustavus 32 Raingill , Alfred H. B. ..98, 105 Rae, J...... 172 Read, Levi ...... 216 Strike, Maria ...... 32 Rees, Thomas .. , ...... 98 Radford, W ...... 172 Rowe, Thomas Henry.... 218 Stewart, Alexander Laing. 32 Rooney, John ...... 105, 101 Rogers, W ...... 172 Reardon, Edward ,... .. 220 Suisse, Louis ...... 32 Rosey, John ...... 101 Robinson, James ... .. 172 Raye, Henry Robert .... 229 S'uerdick, Heinrich ...... 32 Russell , Robert George .. 104 Ryan, John ...... 173, 174, 182 Rea, John William ...... 229 Symes, Robert ...... 32, 141 Robertson , Alexander .... 104 Ramsay, Rosina ...... 174 Rose, Charles Edward.. .. 229 Smith, Charles ...... 32 Rowe, John Thomas .... 104 Russell, Mrs...... 174 Raffety , Thornton , & Co... 229 Saunders, James Dix 33 Reid, Duncan ...... 104, 140 Russell, William ...... 174 Reese, Charles ...... 231 Spinks, Frank ..r...... 33 Rogers, Joseph ...... 104 Robertson, James ...... 174 Ritter, Fritz ...... 231 Stuart, Arthur Dury .... 33 Reuger, Elizabeth ... 108 Rolfe, William ...... 174 Ranie, John ...... 231 Seymour, Henry, alias Roberts , Simon .... .108, 112 Rolfe, Jeremiah ...... 174 Redfin, Charles ...... 234 Peter Goodbody ...... 33 Ross, John , alias John Rolfe, Jesse ...... 174 Rogers, - ...... 235 Stewart, D ...... 33 McKenzie ...... 112 , 120 Robinson, Miss ...... 176 Rhodes, W. & J...... 235 Silver, James ...... 36, 42 Reynold, Henry ...... 113 Randall, Frederick .... 177, 200 Ran, August ...... 235 Schmidt, Carl ...... 36 Roberts, John ...... 113 Robinson, William .. .. 177, 181 Rundle, Frederick ...... 235 Smith, Robert ...... 37 Reeves, Emily ...... 114 Reid, Robert ...... 178, 182 Renzichansen, Frederick.. 236 Smith, William ...... 38, 53, 56 Rees, William ...... 114 Ryan, James ...... 178, 18 Ross, John ...... 236 Smith, Thomas ...... 42 Risden, William H. ....117, 113 Rehn, Joseph ...... 178, 211 Ryan, Patrick F...... 238 Shepherd, John ...... 38 Russach, Julius ...... 117 Rowland, William 174, 182, 197 Riley, Phillip ...... 239 Spooner, Arthur Murray.. 42 Ross, John , alias Alex- Richardson, George, alias Reid, Frederick ...... 239 Stanley, Charles ...... 43 ander ...... 120, 124 Andrew Ronald ...... 180 Richardson , Joseph ...... 239 Samuels, Emily ...... 43 Roberts, William ...... 120 Reid, Thomas ...... 180 Stewart, Walter ...... 2, 3 Stevens, William ...... 43, 84 Ryan, John ...... 120, 177 Rosman, Bentham 181, 197, 201 Siegmund , Carl ...... 3 Stevenson, William ..43, 54, 154 Radley, William ...... 121 Reardon, George ...... 181, 201 Schulze , Minna ...... , 3 Schultze, Edward F..... 44, 84 Ross, Jessie ...... 121 Rundle, Frederick ...... 181 Solomon, Robert ...... 3 Simpson, Edward ...... 45 Ryan, Patrick ...... 124 Regan, Harriet Ann Levi 181, 197, Shreeve, Henry Alexander 3, 9 Smith, Carl ...... 48 Rowbotham , Alfred ...... 127 201 Solomon, Helen ...... 3 Swift, George ...... 48 Rees, Moses ...... 127 Reid, William.... 181, 186, 201 Smith, Jessie and Janet .. 3 Smith, James ...... 49, 53 Robertson , William. .130 , 131, 141 Rogers, Alexander .... 182, 226 Slattery , Wil li am ...... 3 Show, Robert ...... 49 Rounsevell , John ...... 130 Ring, Thomas 184, 188, 197, 202 Sull ivan, Pat ...... 5 Sainsbury,George ...... 49 Rogers, Thomas ...... 130 Read, James ...... 184 Smyth, Robert Staples.. 8, 30, 32 Stuart & Co., E. J...... 49 Read, Edward .... 130, 130 Ryan, Cornelius .. 185, 198, 202 Solomon, Henry Aaron .. 8 Sutherland, William .... 49 Russell, John, & Son .... 134 Robinson, John Jesse .... 185 Sorrell, James ...... 8, 13 Sayers, Moses ...... 50 Roberts, William .. 137, 145, 151 Reddall, T ...... 186 Smith , E. A ...... 8,21 Smith, E. T ...... 52 162 Renfry, W...... 188 Smith, Charles ...... 9, 13 Sheddow, Alexander .... 53 Reid, Stephen ...... 137 Reitz, Johannes ...... 188 Sketheway , James ...... 9 Simpson, John ...... 53 Rogers, Adam ...... 137 Ryan, Timothy ...... 191 Sheppard , William ...... 9 Sheehan, John, or Sheen.. 53 Ritchie, John ...... 141 Roberts, John ...... 192, 202 Spooner, Mary Ann 13 Smith, Annie Maria ...... 53 Ritchie, James ...... 141 Roberts, Ann ...... 192 Sass, Henry ...... 14 Scott, James ...... 54 Robertson , John ...... 141, 145 Rowe, Edward.:.. . 192, 202 Schemm, Emma ...... 14 Sargent,Albeit...... 54 Rees, Ellen ...... 141 Roche, Edmund ...... 192, 226 Spencer, William ...... 14 Schmidt, John ...... 54 Rowland, Eli ...... 141 Reitl, Samuel ...... 192, '226 Sadler, Mary ...... 14 Sutton, Edward ...... 54 Ring, William James .... 144 Rowland, George James .. 193 Smith, Conn ...... 14 Shierlaw, G. & W. 56 Rogers, David, alias J. Kiley, John 193; 226 Sprod,John ...... 16 Schiebold, Frederick Anton 56 Brown ...... 146, 164 Reilly, Philip ...... 193 Simms, William Knox ... 17 Schram, Wilber ...... 56 Rose, Thomas .... 145, 149, 161 Rundle, Josephine .... 185, 198 Stude, Adolph ...... 17 Showers, Arthur ...... 58 Ramsay, J. G...... 146, 149 Rodgers, Phillip ...... 197 Stokes, Henry ...... 17 Sullivan, Michael ...... 59 Radestock , Otto ...... 146 Rose, William Thomas .. 197 Stepney, Edward ...... 17 Sullivan, Mary ...... 59 Richardson , Joseph .... 147, 238 Rose, William ...... 200 Simpson, Alfred Muller .. 17 Smith, John ...... 59 Rogers, William Hall_ .. 148 Rabish, Bernard .. 200, 206, 207 Shierlaw , G. & W.....17, 21, 26 Sune, Harriett ...... 59 Ronald, Andrew .. 148, 153, 180 Rushbridge, George Joseph 201 Stevens, Frederick Henry. 18 Sampson, Henry Hubert.. 59 Riches , William ...... 148, 168 Ryan, John ...... 182, 201 Spry , Richardus J ...... 20 Strum, William ...... 59 Ryde, George ...... 148 Roy, Walter ...... 203 Sketheway , William .... 21 Stewait, William...... 59 Risby , Mary...... 148, 157 Robinson, Charles, alias Steiner, Henry ...... 21, 31 Sweet, George Hyde .... 59 Rolland, Richard ...... 149 Charles Garsed Robinson 204 Stewart, Thos...... 21 Scott, Thomas ...... 59 Rehder, August ...... 149 Ralph, Mabel Mary .... 204, 212 Smith, Walter ...... 21 Searcy, William ...... 62 Roberts, Emma ...... 153 Ralph, Dr...... 204 Short, Edwin ...... 21 Shaw, John ...... 62 Roberts, Jane Ann ...... 153 Richardson, Samuel ...... 204 Sutton, John George 22 Solly, Thomas ...... 62 Richards , Charles ...... 153 Russell, Thomas, & Son .. 206 Solomon, Saul ...... 22 Shaw, John Peattie ...... 62 Reynell , Walter .. 156, 160, 165 Reddaway, James .... 207, 220 Smith, Robert ...... 22 Sowton, Lindsay ...... 63 Roberts, Thomas ...... 156, 173 Romford, Susan ...... 207, 220 Smith, James Wing ...... 22, 38 Searle, James ...... 63 Reynolds , Robert ...... 157 Radley, William ...... 207 Smith, Frederick Thomas, Sanders, - ...... 66 Riddle, William ...... 157 Robertson, John ...... 207 alias Henderson, alias Scanlan, Mary ...... 67, 68 Ramsay, Robert Gordon .. 161 Rogers, Thomas ...... 209 F. A. A. Smith ...... 23,-56 Stubbs, William ...... 67,93 Raffin, Mary ...... 161, 181 Ronald, Andrew, alias Geo. Smith, Thomas ...... 23 Smith, John ...... 67, 178 Robinson, George...... 161, 165 Richardson 210, 211, 215, 220 Sheering , William ...... 27 Strapp, John ...... 68 Richards , Mary ...... 162 Ryan, Michael ...... 211 Steele, Isabella ...... 27 Smith, James ...... 109 Richmond , John James .. 163 Robertson, Robert . .... 211 Stokes, James 27 Smith, William ...... 69 Ring,Jane ...... 163 Richardson, Thomas ...... 212 Sellers, John ...... 27 Smith, Sarah ...... 69 Roberts, Alfred J...... 164 Russell, Charles ...... 212, 226 Scatchard, Samuel ...... 28 Smallwood, Joseph ...... 72 Row, William ...... 164 Reid, Robert ...... -212 Smith, Mary Ann ...... 30 Sandberg, August ...... 72 Ragless, Benjamin .... 168, 177 Raebel, Henry Alfred .... 214 Stephens , William John.. 30 Sinclair, Raichel ...... 73 Robertson , George ...... 169 Reed, Lily 215, 221 Stansbury , Frederick Chas. 31 Stark, Andrew ...... 73 INDEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Schwartz, Herman ...... 73, 73,105 Strep, Carl. .. 113 Sinnett, William ...... 157, 162 Simpson, PeterAlexander 185, 201 Shadgett, John ...... 74 Stevenson, William Gordon 113 Somers, Luke ...... 157, 162 Smith , Julia ... . 185 Sellers, Harry ...... 76 Sly, David . , .. .. 114 Smart, William ...... 157 Spender, Maurice, alias Sowerbier, C...... 76 Scott, Charles Beresford .. 116 Sydenham, Walter ...... 158 Spencer...... 186 Sanders, Benjamin .... 76 Smyth, C. A...... 116 Spinks, Francis ...... 160 Stewart, R...... 188 Shepherd, Elizabeth Ann.. 76 Simmonds, Henry ...... 120 Secombes, Josiah ...... 160 Schlegel , R. M...... 188 Simpson, Alfred Muller .. 76 Samuels, Charles Walter.. 120 Snood, John Benjamin .. 161 Smith, W. D...... 188 Sutcliffe, Richard ...... 77 Symes, Henry Turner 120 Smith, Thomas ...... 161, 181 Sheehan, J...... 188 Stephens, James .. . . 78 Savill, John Eden ...... 116, 120 Sommerfield, Jane ...... 161 Southwell, John ...... 188 Spritch, Thomas Nash 78 Schodde, Chas.. 116,120, 124,125 Stephens, Andrew .... 161, 232 Sorenson, Benant...... 191 Schuafler, Alfred.... 78, 109, 113 Slydill, Charles ...... 121 Spencer, William ...... 162 Skog, F ...... 191 Strella, Anton ...... 78 Symons, William Henry 121, 165 Smith, Jas. Augustine.... 163 Stevens,George ...... 192,202 Steel, Joseph, alias Steel, Smith, Chas. Lawrence. . 121, 126 Stone, Isaac Chambers Shenton, John ...... 197 Thomas ...... 79 Springbett, Eleanor ...... 121 Maddox...... 163 Shephard , George ...... 197 Smith, Sarah ...... 79 Stewart, Magnus ...... 121 Smith, William .. 163 Scott, David ...... 197 Shultz, Carl ...... , . . Si Sheehan, Thomas Austin.. 124 Shewring, Frederick Thos. 165 Smith, John ...... 197, 202 Steaer, Fredk. Christopher 81 Stirling, J. L. .. , . .... 124 Saint, Henry Percy ...... 165 Smith, William Henry 197 Spender, William Morris, Shearer, James, alias Camp- Smith & Parker ...... 165, 192 Sleep, Stephen ...... 197, 202 alias Spencer ...... 84 bell .... .124, 125, 145 Stumpf, Frank ...... 165, 181 Scutcher , Henry ...... 197 Stapleton, John .. 84, 109 Schumann, Gustav Adolphus 125 Sweeny, Joseph Arthur .. 165 Stewart , Daniel ...... 197 Scutchings, James William 84 Sime, Alexander ...... 127 Streater,- ...... 166 Spiers , Henry ...... 200 Sanders, Stedman ...... 84 Spence, Henry, or Harry . 127 Sawert, Henry ...... 166 Survey Department ...... 200 Smith, Nellie...... 84 Stuart, Thomas ...... 127 Strother, William ...... 168 Signal Station , Mile -End.. 200 Smith, Elizabeth ...... 84 Smart, A ...... 130 Scott, Robert ... , , ..,. 168, 172 Stilling & Co. .... 200 Shepherd, William ...... 84 Smith, Joseph ...... 178 Stephens, William .... 168, 200 Steamship Company , 200 Smallwood, Joseph ...... 85 Schramm, Frederick .... 131 Scleter, Thomas . , 169 Scott, Thomas ...... 201, 220 Smith, Mary ...... 87 Stacey, Margaret ...... 131 Simpson, Walter .. 169, 182, 216 Smith, Frank Percival . 201, 220 Slee, or Sligh, John ...... 87 Spurling, Joshua ...... 131 Spencer's Gulf Steamship Spell s, William . _ .. 201, 220 Sheppard, H...... 87, 93 Shaffer, Frederick ...... 131 Company 169 Solomon , Benjamin ...... 202 Shannon, David ...... 88 Simbrovski, Andreas .... 134 Smith, George Crocker 169, 201, Simmons , Isaac Isaiah .. 202 Sareen, Edward .. 88 Sincock,-John...... 134 202 Smith, Robert ...... 203 Sharpless, Richard ...... 88 Stark, Martin ...... 134 Sydenham, Walter ...... 169 Smith, Isaac ...... 203 Smith, William ...... 88 Sax, Charles William .... 134 Smart, Francis George .. 170 Short , Amelia ...... 206, 209 Swanstone, John ...... 88 Steven, Samuel...... 136 Swindell, Denis ...... 170 Speck,Henry ...... 207 Simpson, John ...... 89 Schilk, Maria Elizabeth .. 137 Skirmer, Alan ...... 116 Shaw , John ...... 207- Spittall, William ...... 89 Smith, John, alias George Smith, Thomas & Robert 117 Simpson, George ...... 208 Sackville, Sackville, alias Kerr ...... 137 Schilling, Charles ...... 117 Short, Susan ...... 210- Charles Davies ...... 89 Scott, George Byng .. 137 Sparkman, Fred. James .. 117 Seager,George Henry.... 2 10 Sellers, Henry ...... 76, 92 Smith, George Crocker. . 137, 149 Smith, John ...... 117 Spike, Herbert ...... 211, 221 Sleigh, John .... . , ... 92 Sleddall, Alexander ....140, 214 Stacey, Margaret ...... 117 Sauer, Elizabeth ...... 211, 221 Shultz, Theodore Emil .. 93, 100 Staunton, George ...... 140 Shawyer, John Thomas .. 117 Solomons , David ...... 211 Simms, Wm. Knox.. 93, 148, 149 Stacey,Henry ...... 141 Strout, Thomas ...... 117 Stunden, Thomas ...... 212, 226 Stubbs, William ...... 93 Stranger, James Henry .. 141 Shaw, J. P...... 172 Schrieber , Sidney W. S., Sturm, Frank ...... 93 Spicer, James ...... 141 Schmidt, H. E...... 172 Captain ...... 212 Stevens, George ...... 94 I Stibbles, George ...... 141 Smith, George .. .. 172 Svendson , Gustaf ...... 214 Sleigh, John ...... 94 South, Frederick ...... 142 Spence, John Brodie 172 Smith, Fred . Arthur .... 215 Scanlon, Thomas ...... 94 Saunders, James ...... 142 Short, William Alex. .. 173 Stone, Chas. Lewis ...... 215 Sanders, Benjamin ...... 94, 94,126 Symons, James..... 144 Slack, William ...... 173, 182 Skipper , Alfred ...... 215, 221 Sinclair, James ...... 96 Smith, David .. :.'.'.*i45, 161 Smithwick, Annie 174 Stockham, George ...... 215 Samuel & Co., E...... 97, 104 Sheehan,John..145, 149, 157, 161 Stevens, Joseph .. 174, 182, 197 Shachandrew ...... 215, 221 Shaw, George ...... 97 Sims, Alexander ...... 146 Skinner, Patrick .. 174, 182, 197 Sincock , Jacob .. .. . 215 Scott, Walter Charles .... 97 Skevington, Robert William 147 Smith, Henry ...... 174 Swift, Henry Lascelles .. 215, 221 Smith, Peter ...... 97 Summers, W...... 147 Smith, William ...... 174 Smolden, Wil liam .. 216 Stokes, Wm. George.. 97,126, 149 Samson, C...... 148 Still, John...... 176 Schneider , Maximi llian, Stone, Joseph ...... 98 Sargent,Joseph ...... 148 Sparks, Harold ...... 176 Karl J ...... 216 Stalker, William ...... 98 4Sufia, Antoine ...... 148 Sawtell, Edwin ...... 176 Silva , J. G...... 218 Stock, Edmund ...... 98 Stanley, John...... 148, 168 St. John, Mrs. ... 176 Steel, Wi lliam ...... 219,230219, Speck, Edmund ...... 98 Schmidt, Frederick ...... 149 Smith, Frederick Arthur.. 177 Simpson,J...... 219 Sheehan, Mary ...... 98 Steediman, Emil ...... 149 Sinamon, John, alias Sirico, August ...... 219 Smith, Henry ...... 100 Sullivan, John .... 1161, 162 Crabby Jack...... 177, 185 Sunman, Alfred Charles.. 220 Stepney, Edward ...... 101 Skewes, William Henry 149, 178 Souger, James ...... 178, 182 Smith, James ...... 220 Strapps, Joseph ...... 101 Skea, Gilbert ...... 117, 149 Soenson, Charles ...... 178 Stephens , John. . . . . , . . . . 220 Shearer, Jas., alias Campbell 101 Sanders, Kate ...... 150 Smith, John ...... 178 Sorata, Steamship ...... 220 Spinks,Henry ...... 101 Sandford, Wm. Matthews 152 Smith, Joseph ...... 178 Sullivan , James ...... 220 Shanahan,John ...... 104 Stansborough, William .. 152 Smith, Martha P ...... 178 Secombe, Josiah ...... 220 Smith, Maria ...... 104,101,154 Sergeant,John...... 153 Smith, William .. 179, 180, 185, Simmonds , Charles ...... 224 Saunders, George W. ... 106 Smith, Thomas ...... 153 201, 202 Slater, Thomas ...... 225 Seal, William ...... 106, 114 Stewart, Hannah Scott .. 153 Skog, Carl Victor ...... 180 Street, John ...... 225 Scott, Alexander ...... 109 Smith, James ...... 153 Sorenson,Johan Brent .. 180 Spawl, Benjamin ...... 225 Stewart, Hannah ...... 109 Stewart, James .. 154, 161, 197 Sauerbier, John . , 181 Scott, James ...... 225 Stanley, Charles Thompson 109 Stear, John ...... 154 Smith, George .... 181, 192, 201 Smith ...... 226 Shuck, Millicent Lee .... 109 Saunders, Alexander . , .. 154 Shea, Denis ...... 181, 201, 231 Splaine, Henry Home .... 229 Smart, William ...... 109 Storr, James ...... 154 Seymour, Charles...... 181 Scrymgour , Fredk. 229 , 234, 235 Strout, Thomas ...... 109 Snowdon, Thomas Henry. 154 Symonds, Wm. Henry .. 181 Smart, Webb, & Co. 231 , 234, 238 Smith, George ...... 112 Scott, John ...... 157 Simmonds, Albert ...... 182 Sutherland , Hector ...... 231 Shean, John ...... 112, 173 Schmidt, Conrad ...... 157 Stockdale, F. R...... 184 Stewart, Robert ...... 234 INDEX. xvii.

Page. Page. Page. Page...... Stephens, Francis ...... 234 Thomas, George ...... 96 Trevaskis, Lavinia .... 201, 220 Williams, 2 Sherry, Cornelius ...... 234 Tobin,John ...... 97 Thompson, James .. 201, 220, 231 Wilson, - ...... 2 Sach, F. & S...... 235 Tracy, William ...... 97 Tnbiidge, Michael ...... 201 Whiley, Henry Alfred .. 3 Standfest, Ralph von .. 235 Targett, John Thomas .... 101 Turner, Francis ...... 203 Watkins, Sarah Ann .... 4 Storrie, Isabella ...... 235, 241 Tree, Daniel ...... 101 Tully. John ...... 204 Wallace, William ...... 5 Sturm, William ...... 236 Turner, John ...... 101 Torr, John Sampson .... 203 Woodhouse, Oxley .. .. 5 Smith, William ...... 236 Telford, Mary ...... 104,104,137 Tolman, Philip Matthew.. 206 Wilson, John .... 8, 54, 63, 87 Syms, Thomas ...... 239 Thompson, Thomas ...... 104 Thomas, Francis Thomas 207, 211 Wilson, Charles ...... 12, 16 Smith, Edward ...... 239 Tucker, Samuel 108 Tree, Daniel ...... 220 Willment, Alfred Wm. .. 12, 14 Skipper, Alfred...... 239 Talbot, Olivdr ...... 108 Thompson, Charles ...... 209 Williams, Henry ...... 13, 17 Saint, Sarah ...... 239 Thyer, ThoWas .... 108, 152, 154 Trinnidad, Denis ...... 211 Williams, William Charles 13 Simmonds, Robert ...... 239 Theile, William ...... 109 Tyrrell, James W ...... 212, 226 White, George ...... 13 Thelburn, George ...... 2 'k'ruslove, Sarah ...... 109 Thomas, John, alias Robert Waldie, Walter ...... 14, 89 Toleson, Frederick ...... 2 Tait, Eliza ...... 109 Munro ...... 212 Wirth, Carl Otto Franz .. 14, 18 Tree, Alice ...... 3 Thompson, James ...... 113 Thompson, James .... 212 Walsh, John ...... 14, 63, 117 Thorpe, Eliza ...... 3 Tidmanson,Old ...... 113 Tararua, Steamship ...... 214 Williams, Charles ...... 14, 61 Thompson, John Andrew 9 Trebilcock, Francis ...... 114 Tatham, Norah .. . . . 215 Williams, Bessie Elenore.. 16 Thomas, Alfred ....9, 14, 17, 18 Trollope, William.. .. 116 Towers ...... 216 White, Harry ...... 16 Tonry, William ...... 14 Townshend, Robert George 117 Tremble, Joseph ...... 218 White, Charles ...... 17 Thomas, Marianna ...... 17, 18 Thomas, Isaac ...... 117 Thompson, Geo. Shepherd 219 Welsh, Patrick ...... 17 Tracy, Mark ...... 20,124 Thompson, Alfred E. 124 Taylor,Chas Henry .... 220 Williams, Thomas.... 18, 22, 76 Torrance, Thomas 124 Thomas,John Henry .... 226 Winkler, Christian ...... 18 Toub, Harris ...... 21, 37 20 Tyson, Mary ...... 22 Thornton, Richard Fred. 124, 130 Train,Sam...... 226 Walsh, J. J... Tee, Hannah ...... 26 154 Teate,Daniel William.... 229 Webb, )V ...... 20 Thomas, John ...... 26, 67 Thomas, W. J...... 131, 145 Timothy, James Crocker.. 229 Walsh, Maryy ...... 21 Thompson, David John .. 27 Thomas, Isaac ...... 131 Trimming, Willi im, jun. . 229 Webb, Edward Agar ..21, 8, 11'2 Toogood, Absalom ...... 27 Thomas, William Henry.. 134 Thomas, James ...... 230 Williams, John ...... 22 Taylor, George ...... 27 Taylor, TattersallGreaves 134,140 Taylor, William, alias Wilcox, Thomas ...... 23 Taylor, Henry ...... 28 Thomas, John ... , . .... 136 Spender ... 231 Wilson, George ...... 2 7 Thring, Elizabeth Harriet.. 28 Tistorpt, Carl ...... 137 Timothy, James Crocker 234, 235 Whitlock, Thomas ..... 27 Thornley, John. , ...... 137 Trimming, Wm., jun. ..234, 235 Watson, Marion ...... 27 Tretiv, Henry...... 31, 45 Walkins, William ...... 31 Tourney, Michael .. 32 , Thomas ...... 137 Tucker, Charles ...... 234 Trimming, Win. .36, 48, 120, 147 Tyser, 'Wrm. A. James .... 137,145 Townshend, Jos. Win- . • • 234 Western, Jonathan .. 31, 38, 91 Tivor, James H...... 36, 52, 54 Tooner, Frederick, ...... 141 Tovev, John ...... 235 Weyett, John ...... 31 Tresize, William . .. 37 Thompson, George ...... 144 Tracey, Walter...... 235 Whitlock, Thomas ...... 3 2 Tuxford, William Lefevre 38 Tonley, John ...... 144 Troubridge, Robert ...... 236 Williamson, Alexander .. 32 Tanner, William ...... 43, 53 Thai ston, William .... 146 T w-elvetree, Spencer . , . 239 Wilcox, Gilbert, & Co. .. 33 Taylor, George Samuel 43 Tracey, William...... :148, 173 Temple, Henry ...... 239 Williams, Enoch ...... 33 Turner, John ...... 43 Thorne, Ethel Maude .. .. 149 Unknown Man, Inquest on 21 Watson, James ...... 33 Torr, W. G...... 43 Thompson, Wm. A.. 149, 161, 192 Urquhart, William ...... 22, 59 Williams, J ...... 33 Thomas, Jno., alias Happy Tingey, Henry ...... 149 Urban, George ...... 48 Woodcock, Hanson.. 36, 38, 125, Jack ...... 45 Turner, Ernest ...... 154, 161 Underwood, Thomas .... 69 157 Thom,Frederick ...... 50 Trimming, William ....120,147 Uden, Harin ...... 88 Willington, Walter ...... 36 Thompson, John, alias Taggert, Eugene ...... 156 Uglow, John ...... 109, 104 Wanhill, Thomas,.....,. . 42 Duncan -McPherson.... 50 Tidmansen, Ole ...... 162 Unknow'nMan,'SVari.ontfor 103 White, William ...... 12 Tuxford, J. L...... 50 Terry, William ...... 162 lTlson, Henry ...... 117 Woodman, Thomas ...... 42 Toogood, James Reuben . 54 Thompson, Robert ...... 161 Uden, 11iram ...... 131 Ward, William ...... -13 Taylor, Robert ...... 57 Tanner, Emily Edith . 164 Uppington, Walter ...... 147,172Watts, Walter ...... 43' Thompson, Henry ...... 57 Trebilcock, Adolphus John 165 Underhill, John ...... 216 Watts, Bets ...... 4 3 Taylor, Thomas ...... 59 Tate, Mr ...... 166 Viant, William.. 17 Wickens, John ...... 43 Tait, Thomas ...... 59 Telfer, John ...... 164 Vilpester, Louis ...... 22 Wise, George ...... 43, 157 Todd, Alfred John ...... 62 Tilling, Nancy, alias Ann 169, 191 Venn, Francis ...... 26 Warren, Richard ...... 44 Trinity Church Parsonage 62 Trenberth, Mary Ann .... 169 Viant, James ...... 27, 32 White, John ...... 49 Thomas, George ...... 63 Twohey, Thomas .. ..17 2, 179 Vaughan, Richard...... 38, 112 Williams, Willi'im ...... 50, 1 ! 7 Taylor, Alexander ...... 63 Todd, A. J...... 172 Vosz, Heinrich ...... 12 Wilson, Jams ...... 50 Thompson, Wm. 66, 124, 140, 184 Thornton, J. C...... 172 Venrier, harry ...... 50 Wilson, John; alias David Throughbridge, Robert .. 67 Terrell, W...... 172 Viret, Pierre ...... 54 Filson ...... 53, 57, 59 Ternan, Francis .. 72 Trelon, Samuel ...... 174 Vickery,Rose ...... 59 White, Anthony ...... 53 Trimmell, George Tallis .. 73 Tunbridge, John ...... 176 Veal, John ...... 78 Webb, Edward...... 53 Thompson, Edward ...... 73 Taylor, M...... 176 Vickery, Alfred .. 101, 113, 188 Watkins, John ...... 51, 164 Thom, Walter ...... 78, 113 T w ohy, Henry ...... 177 Vidal, Dunstan ...... 103 Wylie, Andrew ..... 51, 165 'Tory, John Sampson .... 7 Telford, Mary ...... 178, 1,2 Voller,James ...... 104,1 i 2 Wakefield, John Pascoe .. 51 Thornburgh, Henry .... . 8 Tickle, William ...... 178 Vernon, Louisa ...... 104 White, Frederick...... 54, 59 Turnbull, Alexander .. 79 Turner, Joseph ...... 180 Von Sluice, Henry ...... 104 Williams, Thomas James, . 1o6 Trespawcloske, Michael .. 82 Tuck, George ...... 181 Von Der Borch, Leo .... 108 Whitfield, Susan ...... 56 Toogood, James Reuben .. 84 Thomas, Charles Henry.. 181, 201 Vaughan, Orman Wallace 113 V'hitham, C. L...... 56 Travers, Henry ...... 84 Thompson, Sarah ...... 184 Vowles, W. T. J. .... 117, 153 Wilson, Berner ...... 511 Turner, Mark ...... 84 Thompson, - ...... 184 Vernon, Thomas ...... 120 Wright, Thomas George .. 513 Thornburn, Ellen ...... 85, 85,124 Tretheway, Henry Hugh.. 186 1-ye, Charles...... 121 Wigg, E. & S...... 59 Tothill,Thomas ...... 87 Thom, G. ... 188 Voyce, Samuel ...... 142 Wilkinson, Sclptimus .... 5,1 Thornton, Jonathan Arkill 93 T,.phani, Joseph ...... 188 Vorwerek, William ...... 165 White, Rosalie ...... 59 Teasdale, William ...... 94 'Thorpe, William ...... 196 Veale, Richard ...... 181 Wiedenbach, Edwin ... 59 Thompson, John ...... 94, 141 Trimmer, James ...... 197 Vicary, Rosina ...... 192, 202 White, Frederick William 62, 18'i Thildea, James ...... 94 Trebilcock, John ...... 198 Valentine, John .. 211, 220, 231 Whichter, - 63 Thomas, Frederick ...... 94 Taylor, Robert Finlayson.. 198 Vincent,Dina ...... 211 Wittru eck, William ...... 63' Tucker, William ...... 1. 96 , r Thornbury, Chg,rles , . , 200 Warner, J. W., alias H. Wilson, Janie, Scott .... Turk, George ...... 96 Thompson, Clarence lane. 201 H. E. Bottoinle\ ...... 2 1 Whittam, John...... } Xviii. I DEX.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Wiggs , Albert Wendon, Arthur ...... 211,220 Wendon, Maud ...... 63, 69 J12 211 Wilson, John ...... 63, 87 Wooding, ' Henry . William 'If18 Wrrilght; 'R6bei " ..:.'.".:. 160 Winfield, Amelia ...... Waldie,,Walter.... , . b 211 Williams, Charles ..... 64 Wirndt, ,,f 14JkerylJoh't,i ,`,. 16 2, Williams, Drew...... 66, 76, 94 Wilson, Charles .... 113, 162 White, Charles 162 Willis, Henry I. . • • • . ' . 211 ...... 157, 212 Williams, Frederick .... 113 Wilcox, T ., & Co. 163, 200, 201 Walkey, Joseph ,,...... Walsh, James ...... , 73 214 Williams, Joseph ...... 73, 105 Warrence , John ...... 113 Wilson, George Robert..165, 181 Willing, John ...... Whittam, John .. , . 73, 137 Wil, ,Christna ...... 113 192, 201 Walsh, Martin ...... 214 214 White, Rosalie ...... 73 Williams , Morgan ...... 113 ''Wilson; James John 165, 182, 221 Woltmann, Carl Wilkins, William 215, 221 Whitib,.Qrn,_ Albert ...._ .. 7Z. Worthington, George ... 116 Ward , Ernest ...... 166, 170 ...... Wells, Annie ...... 76 Wogner , Wil liam . . .. 117131 Woods, J ...... 168 Wenham, gate ...... :: . -215 Woodhouse,,, 41aury ...... 76, 83 Windows Joseph ...... 117 Wisdom, John ...... 168, 191 Wallman, Henrietta, alias Wallmark, rustav ...... 77 118 Willshire , W. H....'..... 172 Edith Brown ...... 215, 221 Wil liams; Christopher .... 215 Warren, Alfred ...... 77, 82 Watts , Chpxlea ...... 118 White, J. S. .. , ..... 172 Weir, D. W.. Wood,-Margaret ...... 77, 82 Ward , F...... 147 Whitters, W. J. , . .... 172 Watkins, Win. Henry ..216, 226 Whito;. James 78 Wakefield , John Pascoe..121, 126 Wall, J ...... , ,. 172 'Warnot Edward 216 Wright, Thomas ...... 78 Ware, Fanny ...... 121, 126 Williamson, T. 172 Waldron, Wm. Henry.'...' 216 Wessexldgrf, Christian .... 78 Warren , George Freeman.. 121 Wallace, A...... , ... 172 Wills, John ...... '216 Williams, Thomas ...... 78 Wil liams, John, alias Ernest Wheattley, G...... 172 White Fred. George 216 I 216 Waad, Abraham ...... 78 Helm ...... 121 Wosley, R. H...... 173, 180 W a l t on , Mary ...... Westover, John George .. 79 Wgye, Edward Gordpn .. 125 Warner, Nathan ...... 173 Williams, Mrs...... 216 Wilson, Henry ...... 82 Whittington , Harriett .. 125, 131 Wilson, Mary ... . , . 173, 177 Walsh'Bros...... 213 Webb, Maria ...... 83, 93 Whitfield, Elizabeth .... 125, 157 Williams , Samuel, alias Wallmann, Albert 219 Webb, Thomas Henry .. 83 Walker & Swan ...... 130 Wilson: ...... 174, 182, 197 Worrall, Astley .. , 220 Wood, Margaret ...... 84 W iddop, Frederick Charles 130 Whiteman , Leonard ...... 174 Williamson, John, dlias Wilson, Martha ...... 84 Wilkinson , George ...... 130 Weaver, Thos . Wm. 174, 182,197 Watson 220 Williams, Frank ...... 84, 98 Wright , Eli as James .... 134 Watson , Albert ...... 174 Williams, Thomas, alias Wood, Alexander Gray .. 85 Williamson , James Arthur 134 Williams , Thomas ...... 177 Joseph Bing , .'. '. 220 Wurmbrand, Otto ...... 85 Webster, Peter ...... 134 Williams , John ...... 177, 200 Wilson, Geo. Robert . , , 220 Wilson, John ...... 87 Wells, Michael ...... 134 'Williams, James ...... 177, 181 Williams, Richard 225 Ward, Ellen Mary .. 87, 92 Wendt, - ...... 134 Wienrich, Berman.. 178, 192, 208 k1hitton, Henry William 225 White, James...... 87, 93, 78 Woods, John ...... 136 Walton, Joseph ...... 178 Walker, Charles ..... 225 Wilkey, Albert.. 88 Wi lles, Charles ...... 136 Woodgate , William .... , . 178 Wilson, John ...... 225 Whittington, Annie 88 Wilcox, J. & J. 137 Willing, Charles ...... , . 179, 188 Wilton, William ...... 225 Williams, John .... 92, 96, 118 White, David, alias Dive 137, 145 Williams , Thomas James 179, 185 Wilson, Mary ...... 226 Webb, Margaret ...... 93, 97 Way, Samuel Joseph.... 137, 145 Wilson, Henry 179, 180, 181, 197 Wainwright, Horatio M..,. 226 West, Harry .. , ... 93, 97 Walker, John ...... 140 Wiesall , James . 180 Williams, William ... ' 229 Wilson, R. M...... 96 Ward, Thomas ...... 141 Wilson, Archibald .. X 181, 19 7, 201 Walker, John ...... '30, . 234 Williams, Samuel ...... 91 Walker, James ...... 141 Way, James ...... 181, 188 Webber, William ...... , . 230 Williams, Drew...... 94, 126 Walker, Sarah . ... 141,145,141, 153 Wood, John ...... 181 West, John ...... ;. 230 Western, Jonathan ...... 94 Warpooka . ... 141 Wilcox, Thomas ...... 181 Wilson, Harry Philip .. 231 Williamson, George...... 94 West, Frederick John . 141, 145 Wear , John .. 181 Willis, John . 231 Williams, John ...... 96 Williams, James .. 141, 145, 153 Winterbottom , John Thgs. 181 White; Frederick ...... 231 Wallace, James ...... 96 Williams, Christina .. ..141, 145 Watkins , Joseph ...... , . 185 Webb, Charles ...... 231 Withers, William Henry.. 96 Wilkinson , Sarab.• ...... 141,145141, Watkins, James ...... 185r 201 Wanstall, William ...... 235 Wilkins, William ...... 96 Wi lliams, Henry ...... 141, 145 West, Charles ...... 185, 202 Williams, Alfred ...... 235 Willis, H..... 97, 148, 149, 161 Wilton, Wi lliam ...... 141 Wise, William ...... 185 White, Frederick ...... 235 Wilson, Henry ...... 97 White, Frederick Wil liam 142 Wooley, Catherine,_ 185 Waite, Wpi. 1\Ticholas . 235 Watts, William ...... 97 Wyly, A., & Co...... 144 Whitfield , John ...... 186 Williams, Thos. Levy.: 235 'Warnock, Andrew ...... 97 Walsh, Walter James .... 145 Watt, J...... , 188 Walker, Zennry...... 239 Walters, Edgar ...... 97 Ward, Thomas , , ...... 145,157145, -Wood, John ...... 188 Walter, Carl...... , 239 Walker, Lizzie ...... 97 White , George ...... 145, 161 Warrants unexecuted 86, 135, 189 Walter, Margaret ...... ' 239 Worley, Francis ...... 97, 105 Wallace, Thomas A...... 145 Willis, Elizabeth .... , , 1D2, 202 Waller, Joseph...... 239 Winkler, Andrew.,.. . 97 West, Geo., alias Deacon 146, 180 White, George ...... x,92, 202 Wilford, Ben ...... ' 239 Williams, Frank .. 98 Wiesener, Mr...... 146 Walsh , Matthew .. .. . 197, 202 Young , Simon ...... 12 Whittington, Wm. Small- Wood, A ...... 147 Wil liams, George ...... 197 Young, William ...... 14 piece ...... 100 Waters, Nicholas ...... 147 White, George ...... 197, 202 Young, James .. 39, 50 Watson, John ...... 100 Wilson, W. M...... 147 Woods, Wi lliam ...... 197, 197,231Young; Andrew Williaxi . , 56, 62 Williams & Co., D ...... 100 Whitehead , Henry .... 149, 161 Walton , James ...... 198 Young, w m. . , ....:., 69 Watson, William ...... 101 Woerth , Paul. .149, 161, 178, 185 Wishart, Thomas ...... 200, 207 Yewdall, Charles ...... 78 Wark, Lena ...... 101 . 202 Wake , J ...... 200,207200, Yeates, Jannes Sebastin ; . 94 Wilkey, Albert ... 101 Ward, Frederick ...... 149 Wilson, Charles ...... 200 Young, Charles ...... 114 Wills & Co. .. 103, 108, 125, 131 Wood, Harry , ...... 150 Waddell, Alexander 201 , 220, 235 Young, Courtany.. 137, 145, 207 145, 181 Wishart , Ellen ...... 152 Whealan, Dominick Daly 201 Young, Thomas 140, 144 West, Harry ...... 104 Williams, Wil liam .... 153, 165 Westman, Ellen ...... 201 Yarcowie Post Office , .. ,, 152 Wright, William ...... 104 Werndt, Louis ...... 153,223153, Wilson, Henry ...... 201 Young, Katrine ...... 160 Wheeler, John ...... 104, 149 Williams , Walter .. . . . , . 154 lVear, John ...... 201 Young, James ...... 164 Wilson, Robert ...... 104 Wilson, Hugh .. .154, 154,161 Walker , Chas. Henry .... 202 Young, Benjamin . . 212, 226 Warr, -- ...... 105 Weyland, Win.August,. 154, 161 Walter, Wil liam ... 202 Young, Lamont H. Graeme 216 Williams, Robert ...... 106 Whitehorn, Emily 156, 160, 184 Webber , Martin ...... 203 Yates, John ...... 221 Wylds, Frederick ... 106 Waters, John ...... 156, 160 Williams, Thomas .... , 203 Yeowell, John ...... 225 White, Fred. Hewlett, 109,131,149 Wallace, John ...... 157, 161 Walsh, William ...... 207, 220 Young, Aretus ...... , . , ., 236 Wilson, William R... .. 109 Watson , Henry .... 157,162,157, 197 Wilson, Louis Joseph 207, 220 Young, George ...... , 239 Wright, Frederick ...... 109 Wallace, David ...... 157, 162 Watson , Frederick 207, 2t1, 220 Zeiinert, Johann George . , 14 Warr, Frederick .. .. 110 Ward, Thomas ...... 157, 162 Walters , Henry Huth ..207, 211 Zennor, Johann George .. 18 Wright, Joseph George .. 112 Wi lliams, Evan , alias Welsh, Warren, John ...... 209 Zengofsge , Frederick 18 Wood, Frederick ...... 112 Bill ...... 158 'Woods , William .. , . , . ,, , 210 Zimmerlnann , John Fr4a, 59 Wooden, Henry ...... 112 Wilks, William ...... 160, 169 Williams, John ...... 210 Zenkner, Frank ...... 85, 92, 94 INDEX. SUMMARYofUnexecuted WarrantsUNEXECUTEDinSouth WARRANTSAustralia for FORthe THE Year YEARending 1880. December 31st,1880, filed in the Detective Office. ` '

Name. Date of Issue. Where Issued. Nature of Offence. Police Gazette Reference. a

Agus, Daniel...... January 3 Port Adelaide Deserting ship 1880, page 3 Anderson, 0. M ...... cc 6 if cc if is 9 Anderson, James ...... is 29 cc Larceny cc is 21 Angus, James ...... February 13 cc Deserting ship 37 Ackerman, John ...... March 8 cc ii 49 Abrahemsen, Antone ...... April 10 Gi 73 Aspinall, Harry ...... August 30 Adelaide Deserting wife 160 Arensen, Paul Alfred ...... September 27 Port Adelaide Deserting ship 170

Berrill, William ...... January 13 Adelaide Disobeying summons is cc 81 Bullen, Fred...... `...... March 15 Port Pirie Deserting ship ci ii 57 Bennett, James ...... January 19 Terowie Deserting wife CC if 21 s Gi Bray, George ...... February 23 Port Augusta Deserting ship 77 Boulding, Edward ...... January 13 Pbrt Adelaide Deserting wife cc cc 87 cc is Bourke,John ...... April 29 `Pbrt'Pirie Deserting ship 87' Brown, George . if 26 Hallett Non-payment of fin' is is 76 Barnett, Samuel ...... June 24 Adelaide False pretences 120 Bentley, Thomas ...... `...... if 30 Part Adelaide Deserting ship is cc 125 Bonsfield, Daniel ...... July 7 Larceny 140 Barei, Pasquale ...... August 9 Deserting ship 148 Berlin, Johan Martin ...... September 21 it if 177- ii Berlin, Olaf August.,...... 21 94 if 177 cc Barusby, -- ...... it 21 it 177 Banks, Henry ...... July 15 Port Pirie is cc 136 Brennar,Paul ...... September 22, if `C 177 cc ii Burns,David ...... if 22 if 177 Barker, Thomas Alexander ...... July 7 Adelaide Wilful damage cc cc 130 Big,- Alfred ...... September 6 cc Housebreaking C' cc 163 30 ii GC Li Butler, John ...... if Deserting wife 180 Burnett, John Forrester ...... u 29 Larceny cc cc 18`0 Benson, James` ...... August 19 Port Augusta Disobeying summons 160 Bye, Joseph ...... November 19 , Burra Deserting wife cc ci 219 Blake,Frank ...... December z8 Yongala Larceny, as a bailee 1881, Gc 2 Bray,Wm. Henry ...... November 11 Port Adelaide DesertiLg ship 1880, ii 215 iG ii Bray, Thomas ...... if 1 1 215

Collins, George Washington ...... April 12 Port Adelaide False pretences is ci "3. Corny,- ...... CC 29 Port Wakefield Assault GC

ii Dunlop, David ...... January 19 Port Augusta Deserting ship If 17 Dean, George ...... If 15 Adelaide Disobeying summons 43 Dick, - May 19 Orroroo Housebreaking c 100 ...... Cc ii ii Dougherty, Susan ...... June 26 Absconding from home 124 iG Ci Day, William ...... November 19 Burra Deserting wife 219 ci Doherty, Edward ...... December 29 Adelaide Larceny 1881 2

Eddy, James ...... July 5 Deserting wife 1880 130 fi Erickson, Olaf ...... August 10 Deserting ship 148 ci 'C Fenwick, William ...... January 3 Port Adelaide 3 cc Cc Dangorh, Ernest .. July 15 Wallaroo 137 ci Foster, William John ...... October 23 Adelaide Absent from drill 196 Fitzgerald, John ...... December 4 ci Deserting wife if 225 xx. INDEX

Summary of Tuxeeuted Warrants - continued.

Name. Date of Issue, Where Issued. Nature of Offence. Police Gazette Reference.

Flynn, Daniel ...... December 30 Adelaide Deserting wife 1880, page 224 Fenson, David ...... LG 29 GG False pretences 1881, " 2 Ford, Ellen ...... " 20 Kingston Disobeyingsummons 1880, " 234 Francis,E ...... September 8 Port Adelaide Larceny " " 200 Gebhard, William ...... February 2 Eudunda Larceny 73 Guthridge, William ...... January 3 Port Adelaide Deserting ship Gamble, William ...... May 4 Telowie Assault 92 George,- ...... December 25 Hallett Felonious assault 238 Guilliam, Antoni ...... CG 9 Port Pirie Larceny 230 Hallgren, J. E ...... May 15 Kingston Deserting ship GG GG 189 Herbertson, John ...... February 25 Port Pirie cc GG 43 Hassett, John ...... January 29 Adelaide Deserting wife GG « 21 Hammond, Henry ...... March 2 " Larceny GG CC 43 Hall, James ...... M arch 20 Orroroo Larceny as a bailee LG CC 57 Harman, William ...... January 10 Adelaide Disobeying magistrate's order GG GG 9 Hanson, G ...... March 8 Port Adelaide Deserting ship GG GG 49 Hall, James . April8 Adelaide Breach of corporation, by-laws CC GC 72 Hughes, John Fredk William ...... June 21 " Embezzlement G C CC 116 Harvey, Qeorge ...... May 20 Mallala Deserting wife CG 0 '101 Harris, G. W...... June 12 _ Mintaro False pretences CC CC `112 Hill, Charles ...... April 22 Crystal Brook Arson CG CC 82 Healey, Thoma s ...... August 9 Port Adelaide Deserting ship CC GG 148 Hunter, Charles ...... September 20 " LL LC 0 173 Hartman, August ...... July 14 Manoora Falsepretences CG CC 134 Hines, James ...... July 15 Port Pirie Deserting ship CC CL 136 Howe, Alfred Absalom Cobbett ...... July 30 Adelaide Disobeying summons CC CC` 144 Harris, E., alias John Gurney ...... July 21 Forging and uttering CC CG 134 Horn, Harry...... October 4 Wilmington Non-payment of fine CC 184 Iverson, R. S ...... March 8 Port Adelaide Deserting ship 49 Johnson, Albert ...... March 15 Port Pirie C4 CC CC 57 Jenkins, Thomas ...... February 20 Wallaroo Disobeying magistrate's order CC CC 37 Jones, Samuel ...... January 6 Two Wells Unlawfully on premises CC CC Johnson,C. E...... March 8 Port Adelaide Deserting ship CC CC 49 John, ...... January 29 CL Dug-stealing CC CC 20 Johnson, Mathias ...... August 10 LL Deserting ship CC GC 148 Jansen, Johannes ...... September 21 LL LG LL 177 Johnstone, John William...... August 10 Border Town Embezzlement CC CC 152 Johnson,John ...... August 17 Port Augusta Deserting ship CL CC 157 Jeffrey, George ...... December 23 Port Adelaide Embezzlement GL C. 238 Kains, Michael ...... March 31 Adelaide Deserting ndfb 67 Kinnish, Albert George ...... August 26 LG Disobeying summons 160 Koehler, John ...... November 12 Deserting wife 210 King, Charley ...... December 13 Millicent Larceny 234 Kennedy, Edward Andrew ...... November 15 Port Adelaide Deserting wife 21 Kelly, George ...... cG 29, 44 Deserting ship CL 219 Langridge,John ...... January 31 Adelaide Larceny 82 Locks, Charles ...... April 29 Davenport Deserting service LL 93 Long, Henry ...... " 22 Adelaide Deserting wife LG 83 Liden,Alfred ...... July 30 Port Adelaide Deserting ship GL 144 Lederer, Emil ...... " 15 Wallaroo GG CG 137 Levy, E. P ...... October 11 Adelaide Forging and uttering GG 184 Mackay, John ...... January 3 Pbrt Adelaide Deserting ship 3 M `Kinnon, Lachlan ...... March I1 it LG 53 Mainland, Samuel ...... March 29 Port Wakefield A ssault e6 Messent, Charles ...... G G 12 Adelaide Disobeying sumnions 81 Matthews, John Martin ...... " 5 Port Pirie Deserting ship' 49' Mooney, John ...... " 7 Port Wakefield Non-payment of fine 48 Merritt, Edward ...... February23 Eudunda Assault 36 McDonald, James ...... " 23 Adelaide Larceny 37 Mellon, Jacob E ...... April 5 Port Adelaide Deserting ship 6797 Mackescie, James Alexander ...... " 30 GG Gt - Martersen, Oscar...... June 22 LG GG 120 Murray, James ...... July 30 CC LL 144 Moody, John ...... September 24 C4 177 Meltalovitch, George ...... Cc _ 22 6IPort Pirie " Gc 177. Mitchell, James Maxwell ...... Augltst 5 Wallaroo Deserting Fife` LL 148 Mansergh, ('athcrine ...... July 21 Adelaide Non-payment of fine 140 Maloney, James ...... September 28 Disobeying summons 180 McDonald, James ...... November 29 Port Adelaide Deserting ship 219 McMahon, James ...... GC 17 Adelaide Deserting illegitimate child 215 Murray, Patrick ...... 6...... December 6 44 Deserting wife 225 INDEX.

Summaryof Unexecuted Warrants- continued.

I Name. Date of Issue. Where Issued. Nature of Offence. Police Gazette Refererfee.

Miller, Heinrich ...... December 13 Adelaide Deserting wife 1880 page 230 Nolan, Daniel ...... April 29 Port Pixie Deserting ship " 87 -Newman, William Frederick ...... November 17 Port Adelaide Rogue and vagabond " " 214 O'Neil, Michael ...... May 13 Strathalbyn Deserting wife 97 Oserman, William Pedvenisk ...... September 24 Port Adelaide Deserting ship 177 Ohlsom, Carl ...... July 15, Wallaroo 137 Otten, Albert ...... October 1 Port Adelaide 180 Oakley, James ...... CC 4 CC Deserting wife 185 Paterson, Thomas ...... March 19 Redhill Deserting child CC CC 27 Pentelow, Joseph ...... January 3 Port Adelaide Deserting ship cC cC 3 Patterson, John ...... June 4 Mallala Larceny as a bailee 108 Prehn, Marcus ...... August 20 Adelaide Non-maintenance of wife cc cC 160 Patterson, William ...... June 13 Port Augusta Larceny CC CC 124 Piggott, August ...... September 17 'i Larceny as a bailee << :C 172 Patterson, Thomas ...... July 19 Port Wakefield Larceny CC CC 134 Paulsen,Carl ...... October 5 Port Adelaide Deserting ship cC CC 185 Ross, John ...... February 9 Terowie Forging and uttering CC CC 30 Rees , Robert ...... March 13 Port Pirie Deserting ship CC CC 57 Ross, James ...... " 10, Adelaide Horse-stealing and larceny 52 Roden, George ...... June 22 Disobeying magist' ate's order CC CC 136 Reardon, John ...... April 21 Clare Deserting wife CC CC 83 Rouke , Edward ...... 6629 Port Pirie cc cc cc 87 Ringvalt , Frederick ...... May 5 Port Adelaide C., CC 93 Reynolds , Robert ...... August 17 Port Augusta CC CC 157 Simpson, John ...... March 10 Adelaide Deserting wife Cc CC 53 Smith, James ...... 46 15 CC CC 53 Sellers, John . , February 5 'C CC CC 27 Smith , Fredk. Alfred Augustus ...... I March 21 Forging and uttering CC CC 56 Schultz, Carl ...... April 1 Hamley Bridge CC CC 81 Sofia, Antonio...... August 9 Port Adelaide Deserting ship CC CC 148 CC Stansborough , Wi ll iam ...... August 11 Deserting wife CC CC . 152 Skag, Carl Victor ...... " 30 Deserting ship 180 Sorensen,Johan Brent ...... " 30 180 Scott, John ...... I August 20 'Wallaroo CC CC 157 Steven , Samuel...... July 15 Port Pirie 136 Sergeant , John .. . . August 16 Port Augusta Deserting wife CC CC 153 Skog, F...... October 30 Port Pine Deserting ship 191 Sorensen, Benant...... ` 30 Cc CC CC 191 Seager, George Henry ...... November 11 Adelaide Deserting wife 210 Sirico , August ...... " 29 Port Adelaide Deserting ship CC CC 219 Thompson, Henry ...... March 13 Port Pirie Deserting ship CC 57 Thornton, Jonathan Akrill ...... April 30 Adelaide Deserting wife 44 93 Thompson, George ...... July 27 Port Adelaide Deserting ship Cc 144 Towley, Henry ...... September 24 CC CC 177 Tonley, John ...... July 30 CC 144 Tistorpt, Carl . 15 Wallaroo cc 137 Thomas, John ...... 15 Port Pirie CC 136 Tolmen, Philip Matthew ...... November 5 Adelaide Deserting wife 207 Unknown man ...... June 14 Clare Assault and robbery 112 Unknown man ...... CC 5 Mayurra Larceny 112 Unknown man ...... December 20 Blanchetown Horse-stealing 235 Von Dyk ...... February 25 Port Pirie Deserting ship 43 Warner, J. W ...... January 2 Adelaide False pretences CC CC 2 White , Antony ...... March 11 Port Adelaide Deserting ship ;c CC 53 Wallace, James ...... May 11 Woodside Larceny CC CC 96 Wilson, Henry ...... May 11 Port Pirie Deserting ship CC CC 97 Wallmark , Gustav ...... April 16 Port Adelaide CC CC CC 93 Wilkinson, George ...... July 7 CC 130 Warner , Nathan ...... September 20 CC CC 173 Williams , Thomas ...... " 24 CC CC 177 Wi ll es, Charles ...... July 15 Port Pirie CC fC 136 Woods, John ...... cC cc CC CC 136 Woods, J ...... August 24 Adelaide Horse-stealing CC CC 168 Williams , John ...... November 11 Port Lincoln Disobeying summons CC CC 210 Williams , Richard ...... December 6 Adelaide Disobeying magistrate's order CC CC 225 C' West, John 11 Deserting wife CC CC 230 ...... " 1.5 Williams, - ...... Gawler Larceny CC CC 234 Webber ,,William ...... Port Pirie CC CC CC 230 INDEL

HORSES AND CATTLE REPORTED STOLEN AND NOT RECOVERED FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1880. IST of Horses and Cattle reported to the Police in South Australia as stolen during the Year ended December L 31st, 1880.

Name and Address of the Owners, Police Gazette Date of Report. Color and Sex. Brands and Description. From Where Stolen. or to whom information is to be Reference. given, and Reward (if any).

1880. January 21 Two bay mares td near shoulder, little white on Booborowie W. H. Brown, Booborowie 1880, page 13 foreh eads, collar mar k ed February 11 Bright bay horse Medium draught, six years old, Manoora Thomas Leader, Manoora it it 27 about 16 hands, hind feet white, E B near shoulder M arc h 9 Bright ba y mare Nu gg ety build , C near shoulder Launcelot Michael L ynch , Yon ga la it " 49 March 9 Grey horse B near shoulder, six years old, 17 Near Mount Gambier James Smith, South Avenue Lf it 49 hands, narrow chest, high hind- quarters, collar marked, shod on fore feet March 20 Chesnut gelding N near shoulder, star on forehead Morchard Richard A. McKay, Morchard it " 57 March 20 Black mare CO near shoulder, aged Riverton George Miatka, Riverton " " 63 April 7 Black gelding CD near and 0 off shoulder, 16 Boolcunda John O'Callaghan, Boolcunda " " 73 hands May 10 Light bay horse Aged, black points, Pa near shoulder Blinman D. Williams & Co., Blinman " 100 May 10 Dark brown horse NR conjoined near neck, 4 years old r June 23 Brown mare T near shoulder, 9 near thigh Western Flat Joseph Boase, Adelaide cc " 116 June 23 Horse 9 nearthigh and back 1 cc June 23 Light bay mare 2H near shoulder, aged, broken knees Blinman D. Williams & Co., Blinman cc 108 July 29 Chesnut cob T WB near shoulder, one hind foot white , shod all round Adelaide Percy Benson Mitford, Adelaide " 144 July 29 Dark bay mare TM4 near shoulder white snip on nose 1 August 18 Brown mare 7 over E-a conjoined over E[NP on near shoulder Wilcannia, N.S.W. A. H. Peek, Wilcannia, N.S.W. 152 August 18 Bay gelding P near shoulder, one hind foot white Aug ust 18 Gre y mare y y near shoulder Port Germein Samuel Miller , Port Germein cc 156 August 18 Chesnut horse CEK near shoulder, white face Georgetown Charle3 E. King, Georgetown it cc 160 August 24 Bay pony mare JW near shoulder Saddleworth Robt. Jas. Phillips, Tohill's Belt cc cc 160 September 8 Roan horse NR conjoined near shoulder, aged Yanyarrie Gottlieb Linke, Yanyarrie cc 0 168 September 11 Bay mare Staron forehead Wandearah James Greigs, Wandearah cc cc 177 October 13 Bay mare Bay mare in foal, C near shoulder Dry Creek Martin McDermott, Dry Creek 185 October 25 Dark bay gelding S near shoulder, star on forehead, cc cc hind feet white } Walkerville Patrick Kinnane, Walkerville 196 October 25 Bay gelding S off shoulder Black horse R near shoulder,16 hands October 25 Adelaide WalterAshford, Franklin Harbor cc " 172 October 25 Bay mare MI near shoulder, star on forehead October 25 Bay draught horse k4 near shoulder, blaze down face, D near hind foot white Terowie Wm. Armstrong, Emu Flats ec " 215 October 25 Dark bay draught filly S off shoulder,three yearsold, about 14 hands November 2 Bay pony horse Q nearshoulder Naracoorte C. K. Millar, Naracoorte cc " 239 December 7 Dark bay mare near v off shoulder, star on face, Woolundunga Wm. Thos. Brown, Quorn " 235 td near hind foot white, 152 hands Debember 7 Chesnut horse H12 near shoulder, aged, about Stevenston Herbert Hilder, Stevenston " " 235 15 hands December 19 Bay mare J J r near 3.J off shoulder, aged, Portee Station Rogers & Co., Blanchetown " 235 about 15 hands

Adelaide : By authority, E. SPILLER, Government Printer, North- terrace. 4 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN POLICE GAZETTE. [Jan. 7, 188U.

Thomas George Wright, by Constable Davidson, for larceny, at Glen Frank Herriott, by Constable Wanhill, for attempted suicide, at Osmond ; six months at Industrial School. Adelaide ; ordered to find sureties for three months. John Flemming, by Constable Murphy, for larceny, at Mitcham ; six James Richards, by Trooper Brown, for incendiarism, at Point Pass ; weeks' hard labor. committed. Thomas Clark, by Trooper Williams, for larceny, at Jamestown ; Janes Campbell, by Constable Cunningham, for larceny, at Adelaide ; discharged. six months' hard labor. Stephen Smith, by Lance-Corporal Allchurch, for attempted suicide, Simon Harges, by Constable Johnson, for larceny as a bailee, at at Glenelg; bound over in the sum of £10 to keep the peace for six Adelaide ; discharged. months. Elizabeth Susan Green, by Constable Dunlevie, for bigamy, at Joseph Ashwood, by Trooper Murray, for larceny at Kadina ; seven Nleningie; committed. days' hard labor. John Rattrey, by Corporal Dunn, for larceny, at Hindmarsh ; dis- Mary Labram, by Constable Bailey, for larceny, at Adelaide ; five charged. weeks' hard labor. 1lzichael Murphy, by Trooper Gregory, for larceny, at Wandearah ; William Roberts, by Constable Byrne, for larceny, at Adelaide ; two months' hard labor. fourteen days' hard labor. Patrick Hogan, by Constable Farquhar, for larceny, at Adelaide ; William John Jackson, by Constable Dunlevie, for false pretences, at six months' hard labor. Adelaide ; committed. William Grey, by Trooper Schlegel, for larceny, at Orroroo; two William O'Brien, by Constable Hammill, for larceny as a bailee, at months' hard labor. Adelaide ; discharged. Bertha Wagner, by Trooper Dechert, for larceny, at Adelaide ; Thomas Fitzgerald, by Constable Sheill, for larceny, at Adelaide ; discharged-and larceny, seven days' solitary confinement. three months' hard labor. Fritz Fisher, by Constable Davidson, for larceny, at Adelaide ; Joseph Ashwood, by Lance-Corporal. Smith, for prison-breaking at discharged. Wallaooo ; sent to Reformatory until sixteen. John Patterson, by Trooper Elsholz, for larceny, at Jamestown ; com- Alfred Barker, by Constable Davidson, for larceny at Adelaide ; mitted. twenty-one days' hard labor. John Roberts and Daniel Coleman, by Constable Farquhar, for larceny, Wilhelm Joachim Johann Christopher, by Trooper Noble, on an infor- at Adelaide ; six months' hard labor each. mation for forcibly entering the premises of Jane Williams, Stone Hut ; Edward Keough, by Constable O'Connor, for larceny, at Bowden; committed. sent to the Reformatory School until the age of sixteen years. James Shearer, alias Campbell, by Detective Burchell, for larceny, at John Sturm, by Trooper MeBeth, for larceny, at Morchard ; committed. Port Adelaide ; six months' hard labor. James Wilson, by Constable Standish, for indecent assault, at William Bimble, by Trooper Pascoe, for larceny as a bailee, at Port Adelaide ; discharged. Elliot ; two months' hard labor. Thomas Casey, by Constable Standish, for embezzlement, at North Christopher Wilson, by Trooper Corcoran, for larceny, at Yarroo ; Adelaide ; two months' hard labor. committed. Maurice Horan, by Trooper Burton, for bestiality, at Hallett ; com- Richard Cook, Thomas Williams, William Stalker, Arthur McCarthy, mitted. and Catherine Nicholson, by P.C. Beare, for assault and robbery, at Louis Butler, by Trooper Bertram, for larceny, at Mount Pleasant ; Adelaide ; committed. twenty-four hours' imprisonment. Frederick Actone, Olaf Carlson, and John Holtmars, for embezzling William Nolan and Patrick Donohue, by Constable Walsh, for larceny cargo on board the ship Ellerbank, at Po: t Adelaide ; three months' hard at. Gepp's Cross ; six months' hard labor each. laboreach. John Murphy, by Constable Mitchell, for larceny, at Adelaide ; six Henry Cornwell, Charles Booth, and John Hodge, by Constables months' hard labor. Cormack and Edwards, for burglary, at Norwood ; committed. David Hunter, by Lance-corporal Bird, for indecent assault, at Harry Sanisbury, by Constable Hammill, for larceny, at Adelaide; Port Pirie ; discharged. withdrawn. William Shepperd, by Trooper Whitters, for larceny, at Stirling Charles King, by Constable Hammill, for larceny, at North Adelaide ; North; one month's hard labor. committed. Edward Atkins, by Constable Bishop, for larceny, at Wallaroo ; William Blake, by Trooper Barton, for larceny, at Hallett ; twenty- ordered to be whipped. one days' hard labor. Thomas Byrne, by Trooper McBeth, for larceny, at Tarcowie ; Edward Morgan, by Trooper O'Mahony, for fowl-stealing, at committed. Kapunda ; one month's hard labor. Annie Conroy, by Constable Johnson, for larceny, at Adelaide ; Alexander Kennedy and Tames Davis, by Corporal Field, for burglary, discharged. at Mount Gambier ; committed.; Joseph Worrall, by Trooper Bertram, for larceny, at Riverton ; Jack Thomas, by Constable Beare, for larceny, at Adelaide ; three discharged. months' hard labor. Lewellyn Johnson Neil, by Constable Murphy, for unlawful possession, Joseph Bushby, by Detective Webster, for larceny, at Adelaide ; six at Adelaide ; six months in the Reformatory School. months' hard labor. David McCarthy, by Constable Johnson, for larceny, at Adelaide; Charles Johnson and William Sheridan, by Constable Egan, for six months' hard labor. larceny, at Adelaide ; discharged. Francis Allager, by Constable Waters, for larceny, at Morgan ; John McLoughlin, by Detectives Rogers, Webster, and Dunlevie, for discharged. burglary, at Kent ,'t'own ; committed. Alfred Simpson Hopson, by Trooper Humphries, for larceny, at Charles Magi>b.,es, by Constable Carthy, at Port Victor, for false Border Town ; discharged. pretences and larceny ; discharged. James Patrick Burke, by Constable Mitchell, for attempted larceny, Auguste Klein, by Constable Dunlevie, for indecent assault, at at Adelaide ; six months' bard labor. Adelaide ; discharged. James Broderick, alias Horan, by Detective Rogers, for larceny, at DESCRIPTION OF PRISONERS TO BE D)ISCIIAR ( EI! F1t4IN Canowie, and false pretences, at Jamestown; committed. U.N. GAOLS, Henry William Best, by Detective Burchell, for unlawfully pawning, at Adelaide ; three months' hard labor. During the week ending January 16, 1880. Joseph Reynolds and George Smith, by Constable Beare, for larceny, TWWilliamBarrett, a taborer, a native of England, age 56 at Adelaide ; six months' hard labor. years, height 5ft. Gin., grey hair, brown eyes, hair scanty, James William Hayes, alias Anderson, by Constable Farquhar, for larceny, at Adelaide ; six months' hard labor. scar on forehead ; sentenced to three months' hard labor for Joseph O'Hara, by Detective Hampton, for housebreaking and larceny lewdness, at Adelaide. at Birkenhead ; sent to the Industrial School for four years. Edward Morgan, a mason, a native of Wales, age 45 years, Edwin Hanson, by Trooper Gleeson, for larceny, at Maitland ; dis- charged. height 5ft. 7Iin., fair hair, blue eyes, vaccine mark on right Matthew Marshall, by Trooper Shaw, for larceny, at Belair; seven arm, ring round third finger of left hand, cross on back of days' hard labor. left hand ; sentenced to one month's hard labor for larceny Frank and William Ireland, by Trooper Carter, for larceny, at Marvel from William Slattery, at Kapunda. Hill Gully ; four years in the Reformatory School. Samuel Dudley, by Trooper Raymond, for larceny, at Auburn ; dis- Sarah Ann Watkins, a married woman, a native of Eng- charged. land, age 31 years, height 5ft. 4in., light brown hair, hazel 48 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN POLICE GAZETTE. [March 10, 1880.

MISCELLANEOUSINFORMATION. 5. Smoking in the open air, within twenty yards of any Return of appointments, &c., in the Police Force stable or any rick or field of hay, corn, straw, stubble, unless in a town, during the months of November, December, MOUNTED POLICE. January, February, March, and April. Penalty---Ten shillings Appointments.-John Boucher Hodges to be constable, to two pounds. vice Barker, dismissed, the appointment to take effect from 6. Blasting trees, &c. (during the above last-named months), 6th instant. without having at least four persons present to prevent any FOOT POLICE. fire arising therefrom. Penalty-Five pounds. Deceased .- Samuel Morgan , on the 4th instant. 7. Coroners and justices of the peace may hold inquests on all fires. Warrants have been issued for the arrest of the under- 8. Acts do not take away nor effect any right of action or mentioned offenders :- other remedy which any person may have in respect of any Charles Conningsby , aged 28 years , height 5ft . 6in., stout loss or damage occasioned by any fire, or for any trespass build, dark complexion , dark hair , whiskers , and moustache, committed. shaved on chin, round shoulders , full face, wore dark grey 9. All penalties may be recovered in a summary way tweed suit , brown hard hat, and white puggaree , for forging before two or more justices of the peace. and uttering a cheque for £2, to Samuel R. Penn, on the WILLIAM MORGAN, Chief Secretary. Bank of New South Wales, purporting to be drawn by A. Martin, at Adelaide , on the 26th ultimo. Offender was S'1LALINGIN DWELLINGS,FROM THE PERSON, &C. formerly employed by E. R . Locke, miller , at Millicent, and 1. On the 28th ultimo, from Hastings Gelston, at Hindley- stated his intention of returning 583.) there.-(C street, Adelaide, a gold ring set with a single diamond. Vincent Culcataro , an Italian , aged 35 years, height 5ft. Identifiable.-(C. 581.) 7in., fair complexion , sandy hair , beard, whiskers, and 2. On the 1st instant, from the verandah of a house in moustache , speaks bad English, for disobeying a summons of Ann-street, Stepney, a pair of (lady's) elastic-side kid boots, the Crystal Brook Bench , for breach of Bush Fires Act, on size three. Identifiable.-(C.591.) the 6th instant. 3. On the 28th, ultimo, from the premises of William John Mooney, an Irishman , aged 36 years, height 5ft. 9in., Boltroff, near Mannum, a pair of elastic-side boots, size dark complexion and eyes , black hair , beard, whiskers, and eight. Identifiable.- (C.592.) moustache , for not appearing to his bail, at Port Wakefield, 4. During the last fortnight, from the house of George to answer the charge of being drunk on the 25th ultimo. William Byerlee, Carrington-street, Adelaide, a lady's gold ring, set with opals and diamonds (some of the stones Vide Police Gazette , 1880, page 42. missing). Identifiable.-(C.594.) RE CARL SMITH , FOR FORGERY ON WILL IAM TRIMMING. 5. On or about the 20th ultimo, from the shop of William -Offender has been arrested by Constable Dunlevie. He is Quartley, at Minlaton, an imitation sealskin carriage rug, identical with Alfred Friebe, alias Schmidt, alias Steiner. black one side, brown the other. Identifiable.--(C.601.) CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. 6. On or about the 29th ultimo, from Joseph Arnold, at Millicent, a calico bag, containing a pair of buff colored tweed Prevention of Fire. trousers, a pair of unbleached swanskin trousers, a flannel Chief Secretary's Office, Adelaide, 1st November, 1879. shirt, and a colored cotton shirt. Identifiable.-(C.605.) The attention of the public is directed to the provisions of 7. On the 4th instant, from John Black, at the Globe Hotel, the Bush Fires Acts, Nos. 18 of 1864 and 15 of 1874; Solomon Town, Port Pirie, a silver hunting Geneva watch, all police constables and Crown lands rangers having re- No. 93. Identifiable-(C.624). ceived strict instructions to take proceedings and recover 8. On the 7th instant, from the stable of the Halfway- penalties for offences under the said Acts. House,Stirling East, apair of steel stirrup-irons, theproperty The following are offences under the Acts:- of Robert Lowe. Identifiable.-(C.627). 1. Burning stubble between 1st November and 15th April, 9. On the 13th December last, in transit per post from unless between 4 and 10 in the afternoon, or during hours Gottlieb's Well to the Burra, a gold hunting watch, No. fixed by District Councils ; or without giving neighbors (or, 17055, packed in a small ebony box lined with red silk, the in hundreds, to Crown lands rangers) one day's notice ; or property of Alexander McCulloch. Identifiable.-(C.628.) without having at least four persons present to assist in pre- 10. On the 1st instant from the premises of George venting spread of fire ; or without ploughing or clearing at Urban, Hope Valley, a blue blanket with black stripes. least three feet round inside the fence. Penalty-Not less Identifiable.-(C.630.) than three and not exceeding ten pounds. 11. Between the 6th and 8th instant, from the premises 2. Using ignitable wadding between 1st September and of George P. Doolette, at King William-street, Adelaide, 30th April. Penalty-Five pounds. twenty-three inches of gold lace, about two inches wide.- 3. Opposing the examination of any gun carried in the Identifiable-(C.632.) hand of another person ; or refusing to give name when de- 12. Between the 3rd and 7th instant, from the house of manded, or giving false name. Penalty-Two pounds to George Swift, at West-street, Brompton, a dark-brown five pounds. tweed sack coat, torn on left side near button-hole, and a 4. Lighting or using fires for cooking in the open air, &c., black frock coat with yellow silk handkerchief in one of the without clearing a space around the same, of the radius of pockets (both nearly new). Identifiable.-(C. 633.) ten feet, at least, of all grass, bushes, and leaves or branches 13. During last month, from the bedroom of Henry of trees, and without extinguishing the fire fully before Alford, at Pirie-street, Adelaide, a gold brooch, vine-leaf leaving the same. Penalty-Two pounds to five pounds. pattern, set with malachite. Identifiable.-(C.635). April 14, 1880.1 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN POLICE GAZETTE. 73

Vide Police Gazette, 1880, page 26. On the 8th instant, by J. C. F. Lauterback, J.P., at RE BENJAMIN JELLEY's LARCENY.-Offender has been Woodside, on the body of Henry Jacobs. Verdict-" That arrested by Trooper Brown, at Hamley Bridge.-(C.300.) the deceased was accidentally killed by being struck by a branch of a falling tree." RE JAMES INGLIS' LARCENY.-A warrant has been issued for Wilhelm Gebhard, for this offence. Description-- Aged On the 10th instant, by Thomas Ward, J.P., City Coroner, 21 years, height 5ft. 8in , stout build, fair complexion.- at Port Adelaide, on the body of Robert Brown, who was (C.304.) drowned by falling off the gangway of the barque Signal, on the night of the 9th instant. Verdict-" Suffocation from Vide Police Gazette, 1880, page 62. drowning." RE THOMAS ADAMS' LARCENY.- The property has been On the 10th instant, by James Elliott, J.P., at Wellington found, and handed over to the owner. Gap, to inquire into the origin of a fire which destroyed a stack of hay, the property of Davidson & Campbell. Verdict HORSES AND CATTLE. -'*That the stack was maliciously set on fire by some person Strayed from the Government Gums Reserve, on the 10th or persons unknown." ultimo, police horses " Bagot," bright bay gelding, branded APPREHENSIONS DURING THE WIEIi. T near shoulder, I near thigh ; and 11Barron," grey cob William Nolan, by Constable Thom, for larceny from Denis Conroy, near shoulder, C near thigh, the pro- gelding, branded T at North Adelaide ; discharged. Elizabeth Emery, by Constable Beare, for larceny from Ellen Minchin, perty of H.M. Government.-(C.906.) at Adelaide ; discharged. Stolen from a paddock at Boolcunda, near Quorn, on the Andrew Stark, by Constable Richmond, for larceny from James Walsh, 7th instant, a black draught horse, sixteen hands high, star at Gladstone ; seven days' hard labor. John Flanighan, by Detective Hampton, for larceny from Michael on forehead, branded O.D. near shoulder, 0 off shoulder, Quigney, at Port Adelaide ; one month's hard labor. the property of John O'Callaghan. Identifiable.-(C.900.) Henry Ferris, alias Hamilton, alias Corbin, ali as Manterleld, by Detective Rogers, for larceny from George Martin, at Adelaide; one Vide Police Gazette, 188`0, page 63- month's hard labor. John Reed, by Trooper Brown, for larceny from Joseph Williams, at John Assherton's horse has been found, not stolen.- Adelaide ; two months' hard labor. (C.766.) Hermann Schwartz, by Trooper Symmons, for larceny from James Kester, at Kapunda ; two months' hard labor. John Whittam, by Detective Hampton, for larceny from the Port DEsE',R'i'IaC WIVES, F'A" II ,II M. SE RVICE , &c. Adelaide Market Company ; four months' hard labor. Vide Police Gazette, 1880, page 57. I/ERCRIPTION OF PRISONERS TO BE DISCHARGED FROM Daniel Ryan, for deserting his wife, has been arrested by 11.31. GAOLS Constable Wall, at Belair. During the week ending April 22, 1880. Vide Police Gazette, 1880, page, 63. Andrew Stark, a seaman, a native of Scotland, aged 29 Edward Haskell, for deserting his wife, has been arrested. years, height 5ft. 6in., brown hair, grey eyes, anchor on left hand, faith, hope, charity, and crucifix on left arm ; sen- tenced to seven days' hard labor, for larceny from James DESERTERS FROM NERCHANI' VESSELS. Walsh, at Gladstone. A warrant has been issued for the apprehension of the Joseph Dicker, a laborer, a native of England, aged 17 undermentioned seaman deserter :- years, height 5ft., light brown hair, grey eyes, mole on neck, FROM THE BARQUE "INDIA," AT PORT ADELAIDE, ON vaccine marks on right arm ; sentenced to one month's hard APRIL 9TH, 1880, labor, for larceny from F. J. Barrett, at Stephenson. Antone Abrahemsen, 18 years of age, 5ft. 9in. high, fair Timothy Hearne, a hawker, a native of Ireland, aged 26 complexion, red full face, light hair, Norwegian years, height 5ft. 51in,, black hair, turning grey, blue eyes ; £5 reward. sentenced to one month's hard labor, for larceny from Rosalie White, at Adelaide. RUNNING I?ItIENDS. Edward Leake, a laborer, a native of Adelaide, age 18 years, height 5ft. 4in., dark hair, grey eyes, AT-AT and EL on Information is requested respecting the whereabouts of left arm, anchor and E on right arm ; sentenced to six Robert Reid, a Scotchman, a carpenter, 40 years of age, months' hard labor, for larceny from James Hayes, at Wood- about 5ft. 8in. high, dark complexion and hair, slightly pock- side. marked, Roman nose, clean shaved except tuft on chin, bald on top of head. Cautious inquiries to be made for this man P RISONERS DISCHARGED FROM YATALA LABOR PRISON. and information sent to Detective Office, Adelaide, as he is George Tallis Trimnell, tried at the Supreme Court, on the charged with deserting his wife, at Koroit, Victoria. 12th March, 1878, for stealing in the dwelling of Albert Whitehorn, at Adelaide ; sentenced to three years' hard INQUESTS. labor ; a native of Chesterfield, England ; a clerk ; born, On the 5th instant, by William Lane, J.P., at the Hun- 1858 ; height 5ft. Sin. ; complexion, fair ; hair, light brown ; dred of Hall, on the body of Rachael Sinclair, who died on eyes, brown; nose, medium ; mouth, medium ; chin, round ; the 3rd instant. Verdict Died from dysentry." vaccine left arm, small mark right forearm, scar right side On the 5th instant, by Philip Lane, J,P., at the Burra of head. Freedom due 16th April, 18 80. Hospital, on the body of Henry Lecher, aged 16 years. Edward Thompson, tried at the Supreme Court, on the Verdict-"That the deceased came to his deathfrom 12th November, 1878, for stealing in the dwelling of John injuries accidentally received while driving a chaff-cutter." James Christmas, at Kadina ; sentenced to two years' hard 36 '-L._ ` SOUTH, AUSTRALIAN POLICE GAZETTE. [Feb. 26, 1879.

Return of localities proclaimed , 4 c.-continued. 111SC LLA!%X0US I i FORMATIO1!. A police station was openpdx..,on the 14th instant, at Government Gazette. Quorn. . C11I-N Name of Town. Date. Page. issiu. s. Ad aide, 24th February, 1879.

URN of localities proclaimed and brought under local Payneh am ...... Nov. 12,1863 936 visions oT.'aliee Act, No. 10 of 1863. Vide P.O 0. Paradise...... GC CC 1825/73. Penwortham,...... CC Portland Estate ...... CC Port Adelaide ...... CC Government Gazette. Port Augusta ...... Jan. 18, 1872 63 Name of Town. Port Elliot ...... Nov. 12, 1863 936 Date. Page. Port MacDonnell ...... April 28, 1870 473 Port Victor ...... Jan. 18, 1872 53 c4 PortWake field ...... Sept. 25, 1873 169 Port Wilhmga ...... Nov. 12, 1863 936 Adelaide ...... Nov. 12, 1863 936 Port Pirie ...... May 17, 1877 1159 Angaston ...... June 6, 1872 761 Queenstown ...... Nov. 12, 1863 936 Armagh ...... Nov. 12, 1863 936 Queen's Own Town ...... 4C {L Athelston ...... it it Robe ...... Aug. 17, 1871 1204 16 cc Aldinga ...... Riverton ...... March 1, 1876 .37,%-, CG {C Auburn ...... -,,., ...... Sellick 's Hill ...... Aug. 24, 1876 1632 Albertow .. ,,.... >...... it Sevenhills ...... Nov. 12, 1863 936 1796 iC GC faros a oldfiel a' ,...... Dec. 31, 1868 Seaford ...... k Feb. 17, 1870 158 Stepney...... li {{ blinman North ...... July 20,1876 1379. Stradbrook ...... G{ G{ B linman ...... G{ it Strathalbyn ...... CG CC Booyoolee...... June 29, 1876, 1229 Tanunda ...... March 2, 1876 373 Byhorne ...... Ncv. 12, 1863 936 Talunga ...... March 17, 1870 281 Clare...... Jan. 18, 1872 53 Tavistock ...... Nov. 12, 1863 936 Calington...... Nuv. 12, 1863 936 Truro...... July 25, 1877 250 {{ Cawpbelltown .... • {G Victoria ...... Oct. 6, 1865 . 892 ...... Gc CurrencyCreek ...... Wallaroo ...... Jan. 23, 1868 93 Donnybrook ...... it Wallaroo East ...... {G it Dawesley ...... Watervale ...... March 31, 1870 336 Edithburgh...... Oct. 17, 1878 1123 West Torrens ...... Feb. 4, 1864 67 Gawler ...... Nov. 12, 1863 936 Wi llunga ...... Nov. 12, 1863 936 Glanville ,..F.,..., ...... Nov. 3, 1864 924 Woodville ...... CC GG Glenelg...... Nov. 12, 1863 936 Woodside ...... it cc it GC Goolwa ...... Yatala, North ...... Oct. 11, 1877 063 {G GE Glynde ...... County Daly- Hundred of Wallaroo.. June 90, 1864 548 'Guineracha . , ...... {{ c{ Hackney and College Town ...... GCJ Harrowgate ....'...... Inkormation has been received that it is it probable the Kelly Oct. 5, 1856 892 gang will try to escape from some of the outports in this Helston ...... { Feb. 17, 1870 158 province. All police are enjoined to keep a sharp look out. Heetorville ...... Nov. 12, 1863 936 The following is an amended description of them : Hindmarsh ...... GG {{ Jupiter freek"Golddeids ...... Feb. 17, 1870 158 Edward Kelly, a Victorian. aged 22 years, but looks 26, Dec. 31, 1868 1796 height 5ft. 10in., fresh complexion, dark brown hair, hazel Jamestown ...... April 18, 1878 909 eyes, medium nose, mouth, and chin, scar on top of head,, July 13, 1865 624 Kapunda .....=...... { Feb.17, 1870 159 two scars corner of head, eyebrows meet, two natural Jan. 18, 1872 52 marks between shoulders, two freckles lower left arm, scar `Kadina ...,.. ,...... Jan. 23, 1868 93 on ball of left thumb, scar back of left hand, three scars left •Kanmantoo fi.. , ...... Nov. 12, 1863 936 thumb. Kooringa , ...... , .. . GG CG Kennington ..., , ...... Daniel Kelly, a Victorian, aged 18 years, 5ft. 5I in. high, Jan. 16, 1868 61 fair complexion, dark brown hair, blue eyes, medium nose, Kingston ...... ' ...... Feb. 17, 1870 158 mouth, and chin, scar left cheek, mark of burn on left elbow. July 27, 1876 1436 -Laura ...... June 29, 1876 1229 Stephen Bart, a Victorian, aged 20 years, oft. 6in. high, Mannum ....', . " Oct. 17, 1878 1124 fresh complexion. brown hair, hazel eyes, medium nose, Nov. 12, 1863 936 mouth and chin, scar third finger right hand, large toe of right Min'Earo...... July 22, 1869 1028 Feb. 4, 1864 67 foot and knee of right leg have been injured Feb. 17, 1870 158 Joseph Byrnes, a Victorian, aged 21 years, height 5ft. 91 in., Mitcham ' ...... July 6, 1865 598 Melrose ...... :. '...... Nov. 12, 1863 936 probably now 5ft. 11in., light brown hair, blue eyes, medium Moonta ...... ' May 30, 1878 1313 nose, mouth, and chin, scar on left shin. Mount Gambier Nov. 12, 1863 936 The following is a description of James Kelly, brother to MCLaren Vale - ' •':...... CC CC Mount Barker ...... it the above Edward and Daniel Kelly. He is not an outlaw, .Naraooorte :...... Dec. 22, 1870 1614 but he may, and probably will, join the Kelly gang of outlaws. Nairn ...... it 936 Description-A Victorian, aged twenty years, height 6ft., Newton ...... GC fresh complexion, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, small nose, Noarlunga ...... { Jan. 16, 1868 51 mouth, and chin, scar on front and top of head, mole right Feb. 17, 1870 158 .,Norwood ...... Nov. 12, 1863 936 side of neck, several scars on left thumb and forefinger, sear .Penola ...... June 30, 1870 . 807 top of right foot. and near the fourth toe of left foot. June 11, 1879.] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN POLICE GAZETTE. 105

22. On the 9th instant, from Henry Goodman, at Adelaide, On the 3rd instant, by G. F. Wyatt, J.P., at Moonta, on a large size plain meerschaum pipe (partly colored), with a the body of Ernest Date, aged two years, who was found silver ferrule. Identifiable. (C.1288). drowned in a tank of water. Verdict-" Accidental death." 23. On the 7th instant, from the shop door of Saul On the 4th instant, by Thomas H. Hosier, J.P, at Clare, Solomon, Hindley-street, Adelaide, a lady's light tweed ulster on the body of Ellen Kilfoil. Verdict Died by the (about 56in. long), with hood. Identifiable. (C.1289.) visitation of God." 24. On the 9th instant, from the Globe Hotel, Adelaide, On the 9th instant, by Thomas Ward, J.P., City Coroner, a frieze ulster, with velvet collar, has one odd button, the at the Destitute Asylum, Adelaide, on the body of William property of James Le Snews. Identifiable. (C.1291.) Hill Moyle. Verdict-" Died from rupture of the heart." 25. Since the 20th March last, from a box at E. B. On the 7th instant, by Frederick George Richardson, J.P., Pearce's, Palmer-place, North Adelaide, a gold brooch, a at Saddleworth, to inquire into the origin of a fire, which new white flannel shirt, four chemises, two pair of drawers, occurred on the premises of Francis Goss, on the 5th instant. two slip bodies, three lace collars and cuffs, and a Church Verdict Not sufficient evidence to show how the fire Service with complainant's name written inside, the property originated." of Bessie Wood. Identifiable. (C.1292).

Vide Police Gazette, 1879, page 38- APPREHENSIONS DURING TILE Wl?,EK. RE TxoMAS RooKE's LARCENY.-The warrant against George Sampson, by Detective Rogers, for larceny from Harrold Thomas Morris has been withdrawn. Brothers, at Adelaide ; three months' hard labor. George .dlford, on an information for false pretences on Robert Hill, at Jamestown ; committed. HORSES AND CA`i''I'LE. William Ross, by Lance-Corporal Thomas, for larceny from William Wilks, at Adelaide ; discharged. Vide Police Gazette, 1879, page 92- John Duggan, by Sergeant Sullivan, for larceny from Albert Gotting, John Dixon's horse has been found straying. at Port Adelaide ; discharged. William Donaldson, by Detective Uppington, for embezzlement from William Henry Stacy, at Adelaide ; discharged. DESERTING 11'IVES, F0111 DES, SERVICE , &C. Thomas Clarice, by Lance-corporal Kerr, for maliciously killing a Warrants have been issued for the arrest of the under- sheep, the property of Charles Miller, near Moonta ; committed. Henry Donoghue, by Constable Johnson, for larceny from Margaret mentioned offenders:- Gallery, at Adelaide ; discharged. William Holmwood, a welisinker, aged 43 years, height Thomas Moody, by Constable Spry, for forgery on Thomas Cundy, at 5ft. loin., fair complexion, sandy hair, and long sandy Emu Flat ; discharged. whiskers and moustache, for deserting his wife at Adelaide, William Dawson, by Trooper Noble, for larceny from Thomas Law- on the 28th April last. son, at North Laura ; twenty-four hours' imprisonment. Benjamin Holmes and Edward Henry, by Naracoorte police, for Owen Martin, a laborer, aged about 28 years, height 6ft., larceny from James Neilson, at Naracoorte ; discharged. stout build, dark complexion, dark brown hair and whiskers, James Collins, by Trooper Russell, for larceny from William Cook, at and James Martin, a laborer, aged about 24 years, height 6ft., Beachport ; six months' hard labor. fair complexion, hair and whiskers, blue eyes, for neglecting William Joseph Harris, alias Joseph Paul Green, alias Polgreen, by to support their mother, at Adelaide, on the 12th ultimo. Trooper Dowleans, for false pretences on the Postmaster-General at Maitland ; fined £5. Vide Police Gazette, 1879, page 79- Courtney Bond, by Constable Radford, for larceny from Robert Lilly, Hookina ; committed. Denis Cullen has been arrested by the Naracoorte police. Ernest William Lodestone, and Richard Bentley Cauthorpe, by Constable Hammill, for,_ forgery and uttering to Francis Cox, at (MISSING FRIENDS. Adelaide; committed. Stephen Harris Rowe, by Constable Webster, for embezzlement from Information is requested respecting the whereabouts of the Euro Steamship Company; committed. George Ford, formerly of Blogdon, Somersetshire, England, but left there in 1851 for Port Adelaide, accompanied by his DESCRIPTION OF PnISONE118 TO BE DISCHARGED FROM son, Joseph Ford, and his two daughters, Sarah and Ellen Ford. Description of George Ford-A farmer, a native of 11.111. G&OL. England, and would now, if living, be upwards of 80 years During the week ending June 17, 1879. of age, his son, Joseph Ford, would now be about 45 years of age, and they will probably follow the occupation of Neils Christian Johnson, a ship's cook, a native of Den- farmers. Inquiries are instituted at the instigation of mark, age 35 years, 5ft. 6?in. high, brown hair turning grey, Alexander Ford, who is now residing in America. blue eyes, large scar on forehead, RG on inside of left arm, four white spots on back ; sentenced to one month's hard INQUESTS. labor for larceny from Alexander Saunders, at Port Ade- On the 28th ultimo, by Thomas Ward, J.P., City Coroner, laide. at Adelaide, to inquire into the origin of a fire, which James Carter, a jockey, a native of Sydney, age 18 years, occurred in the shop of Macarthy John Eland, on the 26th 5ft. Sin. high, fair hair, blue eyes, five scars under left ultimo. Verdict-" Not sufficient evidence to show how the breast, two large and several small moles on back ; sen- fire originated." tenced to two months' hard labor for larceny from George On the 7th instant, by Thomas Ward, J.P., City Coroner, Ormond Latham, at Adelaide. at Adelaide, to inquire into the origin of a fire, which Thomas Burke, a laborer, a native of Galway, Ireland, age occurred on the premises of Charles Henry Schneider, at 25 years, 5ft. 74in. high, dark hair, brown eyes; sentenced Adelaide, on the 4th instant. Verdict-" No evidence to to six months' hard labor for larceny from Frederick Charles show how the fire originated." Buchett, at Port Augusta West. 140 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN POLICE GAZETTE. [August 6, 1879.

Michael Connors, by Constable Radford, for larceny, near Quorn ; Richard Henry Roberts, by Constable Johnson, for unlawful possession, discharged. at Adelaide ; discharged. John Phillips, by Detective Uppingham, for larceny, at Adelaide ; Esther Channon, by Constable Farquhar, for larceny, at Adelaide ; one month's hard labor. discharged. Philip Brown Fox, by Detective Rogers, for forging and uttering, at Henry T. Webber, by Constable Connor, for perjury, at Wellington; Norwood, and false pretences, near Thebarton ; committed. discharged. Charles Hines, by Constable Johnson, for larceny, at Adelaide ; William Goldin, by Trooper Delaney, for larceny, at Blumberg ; discharged. one month's hard labor. Robert Mitchell, by Constable Farquhar, for larceny, at Adelaide ; William Symons, by Constable Johnson, for larceny, at Adelaide ; one month's hard labor. discharged. Robert Alfred Hamdley, by Detective Burchell and Trooper Ryan, for Henry Alexander Shreeve, by Constable Farquhar, for larceny, at forging and uttering and false pretences, at Adelaide ; committed. Adelaide ; sentenced to be whipped. Christopher Cahil, by Constable Moylan, for larceny, at Adelaide ; William Fry, by Constable Johnson, for larceny, at Adelaide ; sen- discharged. tenced to be whipped. David Shanks, by Constable Wallace, for larceny, at Adelaide ; Alexander Solomon Parker, by Constable Hammil, for larceny, at four months' hard labor. Adelaide ; six months' hard labor. Conrad and Martha Rose, by Constable Hammill, for burglary, at Thomas Harris, by Detective Burchell, for larceny, at Adelaide; Adelaide ; discharged. fourteen days' hard labor. John Harverd Arnott, by Trooper Whitters,• for bestiality, at Port Maria Strike, by Constable Esson, for larceny, at Adelaide ; two Augusta ; committed. months' hard labor. Robert Henry Dawning, by Constable Johnson, for larceny, at Ade- Alice Avery, by Detective Uppington, for larceny, at Adelaide ; laide ; discharged. discharged. Joseph Merrigan, by Constable Farquhar, for larceny, at Adelaide ; .Annie Marie Hunt, alias Hunter, by Detective Burchell, for larceny, sentenced to be whipped. at Brownhill Creek ; fourteen days' solitary confinement. William George Cox, by Detective Hampton, for larceny, at Port Ade- Margaret Kerr, by Constable I+Farquhar, for larceny, at Adelaide ; laide; six months' hard labor. seven days' hard labor. B ugh William Best, by Detective Burchell, for larceny as a bailee, George )dey, by Constable Johnson, for larceny, at Adelaide ; six at Adelaide ; discharged. months' hard labor on each charge, to run concurrent. William and Mary McIntyre, by Trooper Shiels- William for John Charles Sagdwick, by Detective Hampton, for being unlawfully feloniously receiving stolen property, and A ary for larceny, at on the premises, at Port Adelaide ; discharged. at Millicent ; William McIntyre discharged, Mary McIntyre com- Johannah Sullivan, by Detective Hammil, for wilful murder, at mitted. Glenelg ; committed. Henry Elliott, by Detective Uppington, for larceny, at Adelaide ; Samuel Wilson, alias Ley, by Constable Johnson, for larceny, at discharged. Adelaide ; three months' hard labor. Elizabeth Carter and William Ross, by Constable Donegan, for larceny George Montgomery and Thomas Hubbard, by Trooper Dechert, for at Adelaide ; Carter three months' hard labor, Ross discharged. felonious assault, at Woodchester ; committed. David Arnold, by Trooper Gregory, for larceny, at Port Pirie Edward Speakman, by Constable Farquhar, for larceny as a bailee, ordered to be whipped. at Adelaide ; twenty-one days' hard labor. John Frederick Blennerhassett Williams, alias O'Riley, by Detective James Lapthorne, jun., by Constable Stevens, for larceny, at LeFevre's Burchell, for larceny, at Adelaide ; committed. Peninsula;discharged. Joseph Tatham, by Constable Moylan, for assault and robbery, at Henry Thomas Forster, by Trooper McPharlane, for embezzlement; Adelaide ; discharged. committed. George Salter, by Detective Hampton, for larceny, at Port Adelaide; James, ali as Michael Connor, by Constable Hill, for larceny, at six months' hard labor. Port Augusta ; committed. Michael Hain, alias Reid, by Lance-Corporal Kerr, for housebreaking Allan Stewart, by Constable Wall, for false pretences, at Mount and stealing, at Kadina ; six weeks' hard labor. Gambier ; committed. Charles Dexter and Petrea Lassen, by Detective Uppington, for John Mileham and Cornelius Lyons, by Detective Rogers, for false larceny, at Adelaide ; six months' hard labor each. pretences, at Adelaide ; Mileham discharged, and Lyons committed. Patrick Barret, James Hennwood, Henry Davis, and March Berry, by Charles Stack, by Constable Egan, for larceny, at Adelaide ; seven Detective Hampton, for burglary and stealing, at Port Adelaide; com- days' solitary confinement. mitted. John August Kuppell, by Trooper Dechert, for unlawful possession, Peter Hansen, by Trooper Fopp, for felonious assault, at Norton's at Strathalbyn ; discharged. Summit ; committed. Abraham Waadd, by Constable Smyth, for felonious assault, at Port Albert Stubbins, by Trooper O'Mahoney, for felonious assault, at Adelaide ; committed. at Kapunda ; committed. James McGrath, by Constable Wellington, for larceny, at Adelaide ; three months' hard labor. RESCRIPTI ON OF P RISON'ERSTOiBgyE DISCHARGED FROM Richard Angrove and George Smith, by Constable Mitchell, for U.N. GAOLS. larceny, at Adelaide ; seven days' solitary confinement. Joseph Smith, by Trooper Hunter, for larceny, at Naracoorte ; one During the week ending August 15th, 1879. month's hard labor. Eugenie Fray, by Constable Farquhar, for false pretences, at Adelaide ; -Edward Speedman, a laborer, a native of England, aged case withdrawn. 30 years, height 5ft. 9in., dark hair and eyes ; sentenced to Frank Bird, by Corporal Morris, for larceny, Kingston; committed. 21 days' hard labor for illegally pawning property, at Ade- John Francis Pescod, by Detective Doyle, for embezzlement, at Ade- laide. laide ; two months' hard labor. Ellen Carter, by Constable Standish, for larceny, at North Adelaide ; Thomas Wilson, a navvy, a native of Victoria, aged 29 discharged. years, height 5ft. 7in., light brown hair, brown s eyes ; sen- Florence McDonald, by Trooper O'Mahony, for larceny, at Kapunda; tenced to one month's hard labor for assaulting the police, at one month's hard labor. Balaklava. Andrew Ronald, by Constable Farquhar, for larceny, at Adelaide ; six weeks' hard labor. Florence MacDonald, a machinist, a native of London, Robert Alfred Handley, for forgery and false pretences, was arrested aged 17 years, height 5ft. 2in., brown hair and grey eyes, by Trooper Ryan only. vaccine mark on left arm ; sentenced to one month's hard George Plumridge, by Constable Maddingan, for larceny, at Adelaide ; labor for larceny from Sarah Howe, at Kapunda. discharged. Henry Weeks, by Constable Bennett, for larceny, at Cs1towie ; John Oscar, a gymnast, a native of Queensland, aged 22 three months' hard labor. years, height 5ft. 3in., mole over left eye, scar near left Getting around this CD

NAVIGATING ARCHIVE CD BOOKS CDs All Archive CD Books products can be navigated easily using the handy bookmarks on each CD. The table of contents in most original books, and the original book index where it exists, can provide additional ways of finding the information required.

SEARCHING TEXT ON ARCHIVE CD BOOKS AUSTRALIA CDs Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology has been developing over the years as a useful mechanism to convert images (as Archive CD Books pages are) into text which can be searched.

The quality of the OCR can still vary, and hence the searchability can vary. Around 95% or 99% of the words in books with good type are searchable—or even higher with very good type.

OCR is now a wonderful searching aid in many instances but there is still no substitute for reading the book!

DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF ADOBE ACROBAT READER Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later should be used. Adobe Reader 6 (as it is now named) in fact has considerably better searching options and is recommended.

• Acrobat Reader v4 has both a "Find" and a "Search" tool. Those tools are two *totally* different things. Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool • Acrobat Reader v5 has only a "Find" tool (not a "search" tool). Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool. • Adobe Reader v6 has only a "Search" tool (not a tool labelled "Find") HOWEVER — what is called "Search" is the same as the tool that used to be called "Find" Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *SEARCH* tool

TIPS FOR SEARCHING AND GETTING MORE FROM THE CD BOOKS • update to Adobe Reader 6 for more versatile searching options, including the ability to bring up a list of all instances of the word you are searching for — across multiple files on a single CD in a single search request. • enter the MINIMUM number of characters needed to bring up the search results required. • use Adobe Reader 6 to do some trial searches to try to identify the characters that may be misread. These can show up in the extra text in the search results list (Adobe 6 only). A few minutes trial will help you to avoid using characters that are more prone to being misread, e.g. try entering "rederi" if you want "Frederick", but find that the letters "F" "c" and "k" are sometimes misread. • use the "Match whole word" option to eliminate unnecessary items in your results list, e.g. to eliminate all the blacksmiths and tinsmiths etc when you only want the name Smith • use the "Match case" option when you want to eliminate all the occupations "smith" if you only want the name "Smith" • Don’t just search for names. Search the book for other names, places and subjects of interest: - look for others of the same name - look for others who lived in the same place or street - who was the postmaster or police officer in the town? - how often and at what time did the coach arrive in town? - what churches were there and what time were services held? - what other activities were there in the community? - look for others who had the same occupation of other interests • All of this and more may be available in a seemingly mundane book such as a directory. You could learn or write much of the background of life at the time, even if your ancestor is not listed there.