Th e KFOR magazine for KFOR soldiers December 2018 KKFORFOR ChronicleChronicle CChristmashristmas GGreetingsreetings ffromrom aallll iinn CCampamp FFilmilm CCityity

h h hhttps://ttps://fl Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018 CONTENT

05 Dec. 2018 KFOR Multinational Battle Group West performed helicopter training in order to improve their capabilities in a medical emergency situation.

COM KFOR MNBG W COMKFOR’S Christmas Address Change of Command page: 3 page: 4

KTRBN KFOR CFC UNITED IN COMMITMENT! Christmas Atmosphere page: 5 page: 6,7

J6 A VISUAL OVERVIEW INFOSEC page: 10,11 page: 8,9

KFOR ANNUAL EOD Amateur Photo Competition 2019 ERW Disposal Continues in Kosovo page: 12,13 page: 14,15

JRD N JRD W CIMIC activities CIMIC activities page: 16 page: 17

ACCI ISR BN “CI ALL CALL!” Change of Command page: 18 page: 19

Soldier of the Month KFOR POLISH CONTINGENT Vasileios Magoutis National Independence Day page: 20 page: 21

PICTURE OF THE MONTH PROFILES „Downtown Pristina„ Lavdim Toci Maj. Johannes Straeter Csaba Sós page: 22 page: 23

2 KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018 COMKFOR’S CHRISTMAS ADDRESS

hristmas time is the moment we turn Cto our family, our loved ones and those things that matter most in our life. The end of the year is also a moment to stop and take stock of what we have achieved so far and think about the future. Most of us this year will not be able to share all of this physically with our loved ones. We will, however, be celebrating Christmas and the New Year with our extended family of 28 Nations, the large but close knit community of KFOR. Many of you have been here for a considerable time, long before I arrived in November. Yet I already feel part of the family, thanks to your warm welcome and the strong feeling of belonging that permeates KFOR. So I feel already very close to you and feel I will be spending the coming holiday season with comrades whom I value and admire. Speaking of achievements, I am proud of what KFOR has accomplished so far, a feat I have only recently been able to be part of. Teamwork makes the diff erence. The standing of KFOR is still at its highest and we continue to make the diff erence. Be proud of it as you take stock of what you have achieved this year. This is not for free: it is built on your continued dedication and selfl ess contribution; even on Christmas Eve, some of us will be on duty, to ensure the mission and the protection of the Force is carried out at any time. This is why I want to thank you, soldiers and civilian staff working in KFOR, for what you have been doing to ensure a safe and secure environment for the people of Kosovo and our own protection, and that you will be doing even during the festive season. Remaining united in this commitment is based on your important contribution. You would not be able to contribute so splendidly, were it not for the support of our families, full of pride and support for us. It is therefore to them that I give the sincerest thanks and off er season’s greetings in this period of the year. As the most senior NATO Offi cer in the Force, I ask each of you to thank them for their support. What we achieve, we achieve thanks to them. You make the diff erence because they make the diff erence to us. My warmest wishes to the entire KFOR family for a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. Season’s Greetings to all of you, KFOR Comrades!

KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 3 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018 CHANGE OF COMMAND MNBG-W

one of the areas with the highest quality of life.” This too could be possible for Kosovo.

Speaking to the parade and guests, the Commander of Kosovo Force (COMKFOR) Major General Lorenzo D’Addario, thanked Col. Cucchini and his soldiers for their commitment. COMKFOR alluded to the perception that KFOR has the ability to contribute to Kosovo’s safety and security, stating “That perception is in the hands of your Commander’s and Soldiers. You TOA IN MNBG-W: The 5th MNBG-W initiated many projects are my eyes and ears as well as “Alpini” Infantry Regiment and conducted intensive joint the face of KFOR seen by local conducted a Transfer of training with other stakeholders. people every day.” MG D’Addario Authority (TOA) ceremony These activities were undertaken fi nished by wishing good luck to with the 8th “Pasubio” in order to increase the capability Gianfranco Di Marco and Artillery Regiment. and capacity of some critical the soldiers of the 8th Artillery institutions in Kosovo, such as the Regiment for their upcoming tour. On the 11th of December 2018 Kosovo Police and Fire Fighters After a six-month deployment in in Camp Villaggio Italia, Col. and the Mountain Rescue Teams Kosovo, the 5th Alpini Regiment, Ruggero Cucchini handed over operating Kosovo-wide. which included soldiers from the Unit Colours, signifying that In his speech, the outgoing the 232nd Signal Regiment that Col. Gianfranco Di Marco is now Commander Col Cucchini provided technical support the Commander of Multinational remarked on the progress in the during the mission, are fi nally Battle Group-West (MNBG-W). security situation in Kosovo that ready to return home. Everyone has been made over the past 19 will take back with them many Along with the change of the years, stating “The children in 1999 experiences that improved their MNBG-W commander, the Italian had only hopes; every day they professionalism, which is one manoeuver company, or PAPA reached their schools walking of the most rewarding aspects COY, and several staff positions on long and dangerous tracks. of serving in an international also rotated with elements of the Today Kosovo security has hugely environment! 8th Artillery Regiment. improved and please allow me The mission of the MNBG-W a little bit of pride for the work soldiers is to provide a safe that men and women from our Cpt Francesco D’ANIELLO and secure environment and Battle Group and from all KFOR OF-2 ITA ARMY guarantee freedom of movement have done during these years.” in western Kosovo. However, Col Cucchini went on to draw they also participated in many similarities with the multi-ethnic civil-military or “CIMIC” projects. communities of Kosovo and his The MNBG-W CIMIC section home in , remarking “We provided support to more than come from Alto Adige-South Tyrol, ten schools, providing school a land of Germanic Culture where and sports supplies, computer the ethnic communities, even with equipment, and even renovations their strong identities, integrated in some buildings. Moreover, with each other to make this place

4 KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018 UNITED IN COMMITMENT! KTRBN

day long Cross Training Exercise Fire Phobia situation, learning with A COY from KTRBN with the how to react and counteract the exercise taking place in the former use of molotov cocktails in a CRC KFOR Camp Vrelo near the military situation. KTRBN medical centre APOD. personnel and soldiers from KTRBN This joint training consisted of a A COY then had to conduct triage, complex multi-faceted exercise; treat injuries (5 serious and 13 the exercise design ensured that minor)and arrange the evacuation the subordinate co-operating of the seriously injured by road. forces and HQ elements had to This part of the exercise was of face a series of unexpected events tremendous benefi t in testing the intended to stretch C3 elements skills of kinetic forces and medical from both KFOR and EULEX forces. support staff alike. Joint training: United In Both parties had to execute Relief The EULEX counter-terrorist team, Commitment! in Place in several times; this formed by a Polish company, was Second and Third meant that each partner had to exercised through the storming Responders Conduct become familar with the other’s of a building to root out the Cross Training procedures and drills and led to the perpetrators of the IED. The development of agreed operating skills and drills shown by EULEX With the intention of increasing procedures. This was seen by both personnel were of a very high capability and capacity and EULEX and KFOR as an excellent quality and resulted in a successful enhancing interoperability learning opportunity. assault on the building where the with our partners inside and The exercise scenario included terrorists had taken cover outside KFOR, training in the a Mass Casualties (MASCAL) The evaluation of the exercise KFOR Tactical Reserve Battalion situation, where an Improvised concluded that interoperability (KTRBN) continued in November Explosive Device (IED) in the between KTRBN and the EULEX as usual. In addition to the joint form of a detonated roadblock forces has increased as a result Cross Training with EULEX, a exploded, injuring a large number of the cross training and that complex Fire Phobia Training of friendly forces. Subsequent they could cooperate and work Exercise in the form of a Crowd rioting, involving molotov together in a real life situation. In Riot Control (CRC) scenario was cocktails, rocks and other objects fact, one could say they are United conducted with the Slovenian used by the Opposing Forces In Commitment! Contingent. (OPFOR), a KTRBN Platoon, caused further injuries. The Slovenian KTRBN, as the Tactical Reserve of Contingent, part of Multinational OF-2 Piroska KOZÁK KFOR, conducts joint training with Battle Group West (MNBG-W), HUN- A many diff erent Units throughout participated in this part of the KTRBN PAO the Area Of Operation (AOO) in exercise and ably dealt with this order to familiarise themselves with other Unit’s procedures and drills. EULEX, the European Union Rule of Law mission, is operating in Kosovo since 2008 and is the current second responder (Kosovo Police being the fi rst) for any security incidents Kosovo-wide. A Polish Military Police company from EULEX took part in a two-

KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 5 Th e KFOR Magazine forfor KFKFOROR SSoldiersoldiers Decem Decemberber 2018

CHRISTMAS ATMOSPHERE Th e lighting of the Christmas Tree and the opening of the Christmas Market on 14 Dec 2018 marked the beginning of the festive season for soldiers and civilians of KFOR who are based in Camp Film City

uring the week 10-14 of DDec, Headquarters Support Group (HSG) staff , Morale & Welfare Activities (MWA) and local workers within Camp Film City worked eagerly to prepare the Camp for the festive season. For KFOR personnel who are unable to travel home to celebrate Christmas with their family and friends it is traditional event which coincided cheerful. I’m sure it was a poignant important that a Christmas spirit with the annual lighting of the CFC moment for many who were is created in Camp Film City for Christmas Tree. Th e three nations thinking of similar events back in them. Fift een years aft er the fi rst created a Christmas atmosphere their own homes far away. Together, Christmas Market in Camp Film with hot wine, homemade food and KFOR soldiers and civilians from 28 City, German, Swiss and Austrian Christmas songs that makes the diff erent nations and members from soldiers committed to host this time before Christmas refl ective and EULEX, UNMIK and the Embassies

6 KFORKFOR CHRCHRONICLEONICLE 1212/2018/2018 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFKFOROR Soldiers Decem Decemberber 2018 CFC celebrated the merry Advent season far away from their home countries. Th e market stands were decorated festively and the visitors could warm their hands at the campfi res. Th e Christmas mood was enhanced by the smell of typical national dishes, with the Swiss contingent off ering homemade gingerbread, caff é with a dash of schnaps and the ever-popular raclette with bread. Th e Austrian stand had Austrian beer, mulled wine (gluhwein) and kaiserschmarrn, a sugared pancake with raisins. Th e German contingent cooked bratwurst which was very popular as always! All this food, combined with the sight of the sparkling lights in the trees, made for a very festive occasion. Under the slogan “United In Commitment”, the proceeds from sales were donated to people with special needs.

Maj. Greg O’Keeff e OF-3 IRL-A

KFOR CCHRONICLEHRONICLE 1212/2018/2018 7 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018


Did you know that the phone will occur and the potential microphone, and various sensors in your pocket or smart device for exploitation will increase such as GPS and motion sensors on your wrist is an excellent proportionally. But how does to gather information about your source of information for this aff ect the military and civilian workplace or systems that you those who would like to see personnel working in KFOR? work on without your knowledge. you fail in your mission? KFOR personnel may bring their It may be able to listen in on personal smart devices into their classifi ed conversations giving mart devices have increased workplace either unintentionally away troop size, movements and Sexponentially in both their or under the pretence that composition or take a series of commercial availability and they are not an issue; they may pictures of your workspace and applications over the past fi ve even have turned the device compose a high-resolution 3D years. They track our steps, count off and think that it is now safe. representation of your work area

our calories, connect us to email However, smart devices are very with any information contained and social media sites, control the sophisticated and full of sensors in the area such as what is written temperature in our houses, and and smart electronics that can on your whiteboard or what is numerous other conveniences for make it the perfect on your computer screen. Even our connected lives. It is expected device whether it is turned on or setting your smart device on your that over the next fi ve years, smart not. If you unintentionally have a desk can allow it to predict what device connections will triple and vulnerability on your device (virus, you are typing on your keyboard their data usage will increase six- malware, bot, etc.) and bring it with over 90% accuracy using the fold. With this growth, it can be into the workplace, the device can vibrations via the desk. The Strava expected that new vulnerabilities employ its large memory, camera, application shows military bases

8 KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018 JJ66

they upload (especially geotagged information), install updates for your smart devices immediately to reduce known vulnerabilities, do not leave your devices unattended, turn off tracking or GPS when throughout the world by just looking for isolated heat you don’t require it, and ultimately, do not bring your profi les on their map application in countries where smart devices into your workplace. This will assist military operations are underway. This obviously is military operations by maintaining strong cyber hugely benefi cial to anyone looking to target military security protocols, protecting information (yours bases. and KFOR’s), and protecting all of us who serve in the Cyber attackers essentially rely on human error. As our mission. lives and work become more digital, KFOR personnel OF-3 Steve FLAVELL must also understand the potential for exploitation CAN-A of our personal devices and not introduce them into J6 INFOSEC Chief KFOR HQ our workplaces. Users should be cautious about what

KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 9 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018


07 DEC 2018 KFOR Commander, Major General Lorenzo D’Addario, met U.S. Ambasador to Kosovo H.E. Philip S. Kosnett, at Camp “Film City” NATO KFOR Headquarters.

08 DEC 2018 KFOR Commander, Major General Lorenzo D’Addario, met H.E. Ramush Haradinaj, at Camp “Film City” NATO KFOR Headquarters.

10 DEC 2018 KFOR Commander, Major General Lorenzo D’Addario, met H.E. Pavel Bilek Ambasador of the Czech Republic in Pristina, at Camp “Film City” NATO KFOR Headquarters.

10 KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018 COM KFOR

11 DEC 2018 KFOR Commander, Major General Lorenzo D’Addario, met Mr. István Szabó, State Secretary for Defence, Hungary, at Camp “Film City” NATO KFOR Headquarters.

12 DEC 2018 KFOR Commander, Major General Lorenzo D’Addario, met - BG Romulusz Ruszin, Commander of HDF 5th Bocskai István Infantry Brigade, at Camp “Film City” NATO KFOR Headquarters.

20 DEC 2018 KFOR Commander, Major General Lorenzo D’Addario, met Admiral James G. Foggo III, Commander Allied Joint Force Command Naples, at Camp “Film City” NATO KFOR Headquarters.

KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 11 „ ““KFORTh eK KFORF MagazineO for RKFOR SoldiersAnnualAnnual AmateurAmate Decemberu 2018r Photo Competition 2019

DDoo youyou havehave rreallyeally sspecialpecial pphotographs?hotographs?

Can you see things diff erently or can you capture the atmosphere in a single photo? Do you really want to win a great prize and have your photograph published? Th en the MWA/Chronicle photo competition is for you. Send your photos to

[email protected]

by 30 January and hope that the selection committee awards you one of the three MWA sponsored prizes.

12 KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 „ “KFOR Annual Amateur PhhotoTho e KFORt Magazineo CCompetition for KFORo Soldiersmpetition 2201901 December9 2018

GGuidelinesuidelines fforor aapplicants:pplicants:

Photographs will be accepted from all personnel. Photographs, professional or amateur, will be published if are deemed worthy. However, the competition is aimed for amateur photographers. Th erefore, the prizes will be awarded to amateur photographers only.

Capture the atmosphere of a moment; KFOR troops, Kosovo culture, landscape, humanitarian activities or leisure activities. Submissions should include the digital photograph, camera type, photographer’s name and a short caption. Th e winners will be published in the February 2019 edition of the KFOR Chronicle together with any other entry meriting special mention. Readers may submit up to fi ve photographs for inclusion in the competition. Th e competition will be judged by Chief PAO, a representative from MWA, the Editor and the photographic staff of the KFOR Chronicle. Th e Judges decision is fi nal. Th e winner, runner-up and third place will receive a prize sponsored by MWA.

KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 13 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018


th th Between 7 and 9 of diff erent types of Explosive with after being moved, it is of November 2018 a Remnants of War (ERW) collected transported to KSF safe storage combined open demolition by KSF during their regular EOD locations. Later, the collected activity was successfully response interventions in support elements of ERW are moved again executed in Kosovo by of the Kosovo population. and fi nally disposed of in safe Kosovo Force (KFOR) and Whenever EOD assets are required demolition ranges. Kosovo Security Forces to make an intervention, according Apart from EOD assets, many (KSF) Explosive Ordnance to EOD safety procedures, if an diff erent elements combined Disposal (EOD) operators element of explosive ordnance their expertise in order to in the KFOR demolition cannot be moved, it is normally ensure a positive outcome. For range located close to disposed of on site. This type of the successful execution of this Gerbesh, in Pristina operation requires a lot of eff ort combined operation, valuable Municipality. and coordination in ensuring support was provided by KFOR

Under Joint Engineers (JENG) maximum safety for both the Liaison and Monitoring Teams Branch of KFOR Headquarters EOD operators and for people (LMT) which informed the local coordination, with Joint Logistic and property. If the Unexploded institutions and population about Support Group (JLSG) HQ Explosive Ordnance (UXO) or the the blasting activity in advance, conducting on-site command Abandoned Explosive Ordnance an important safety measure. and control, KFOR’s Austrian EOD (AXO) can be safely moved, the KFOR HQ J3 Air and Kosovo and one (1) EOD Team from KSF EOD teams transport it and air managers who secured the managed to safely detonate two- fi nally destroy it in a safe place. airspace surrounding the blast site hundred-and-eight (208) pieces Alternatively, if it cannot be dealt also played an important role in

14 KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018 EOD

The remaining incidents have been solved by Kosovo Police Bomb Squad and/or KFOR EOD according to their competencies. With cooperation at such a highly professional level, the EOD operators in Kosovo managed to prove and maintain the high level of trust among their professional community and to contribute to a safer and more secure environment in Kosovo.

ensuring aircraft were not endangered. LTC (Retd.) Ciprian ANDRICA During the fi rst ten months of 2018 more than KFOR Explosive Threat Manager two hundred and seventy (270) EOD incidents in Kosovo were recorded. KSF EOD solved seventy per cent (70%), disposing of 1214 elements of ERW.

KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 15 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018 CIMIC JRD (N)

KFOR wished to create a leisure point where young people could The JRD(N)-coordinated Civil Mili- “stay together, play together and tary Cooperation (CIMIC) project live together”. strongly desired by KFOR was put in place by a local company that n 21 November 2018, JRD(N) thoroughly cleaned the existing OCIMIC team brought a re- facilities, repaired much of the ally worthwhile project to fruition material that was reusable and re- which saw the inauguration of a placed a lot of equipment that had completely renovated multi-pur- become obsolete or outdated. A pose games area in Bosniak Maha- completely resurfaced play area, la, a multi-ethnic district of North new goals for football and new Mitrovica on the banks of the Ibar basketball hoops were installed River. KFOR personnel and a del- and will last for generations to egation from Mitrovica North Mu- come nicipality organised a basketball match in order mark the opening The inauguration was marked with of the facility which will benefi t a meeting between the young and also to start living together”, some 500 people living in the lo- residents of the area, the local au- said Ms. Hodžić. cality. thorities and KFOR soldiers that, despite the bad weather, shared This CIMIC project is a good exam- Prior to this CIMIC initiative, there this joyful moment by playing and ple of how KFOR is contributing to was no suitable area where young smiling together in a friendly and any initiative that might improve residents of the district could play relaxed environment. the future of the population, with or do sports activities together. a special emphasis on safeguard- The main purpose of the project Ms. Adrijana Hodžić, Principal Ex- ing the future of the next genera- was to provide a new opportunity ecutive Director in Mitrovica North tion. for the youth of the locality to mix, Municipality expressed her grati- play and socialise together in a tude and appreciation to KFOR for Comdt. Greg O’Keeff e location loved and used by all, re- its support in this important initia- OF-3 IRL-A gardless of ethnicity. KFOR wished tive for the young people of this to create a leisure point where the area: “Thank you a lot for this con- young people could “stay together, crete support. This is an opportu- play together and live together”. nity for everyone to play together

16 KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018 CIMIC JRD (W)

Under the slogan “PLUSZAK DLA Soldiers prepared packages for parcels to KOS and KOA schools KOSOWA” or “Toys For Kosovo”, the children consisting of mascots, and kindergartens, located in children from schools in Poland school supplies and sweets. On the municipalities of Štrpce, organized a collection of plush November 21, 2018 a combined Kacanik, Hania and Elezit. In each toys for Kosovo children. delegation of Polish soldiers visited institution they were very warmly welcomed by the children themselves as well as the teaching staff . By handing the gifts over to children, LTC Piotr WRONA the Commander of the Polish Military Contingent emphasised that these were the mascots given sincerely by “children to children” aimed at maintaining a very good relationship between Polish children and pupils in Kosovo

LTC. Pawel Polak OF-4 POL-A he value of play in helping from the JRD(W) LMTs and POL Tchildren develop is well- COY went with the fi rst batch of documented, especially in post- confl ict areas such as Kosovo where children and young adults can use toys to talk about issues they might not otherwise have been able to discuss. As a result

of a huge nation-wide appeal in OF-4 POL-A Poland, great quantities of teddy bears and other mascots reached the Polish Military Contingent in Kosovo destined for schools and kindergartens around the AOO. Wrona Piotr by:Photo LTC.

KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 17 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018 “CI ALL CALL!” ACCI

Since 1999, Kosovo Detachment (KDET), Allied Command Counterintel- ligence (ACCI) has provided Counter- intelligence (CI) Support to KFOR and NATO Forces. One of the goals of ACCI is to ensure KFOR/NATO personnel learn to Identify CI Threats and Report Suspi- cious Activities. 01 February 2019, KDET, ACCI invites you to KFOR’s fi rst EVER “CI ALL CALL!” This event will serve as an opportu- nity to introduce you to Terrorism, Es- pionage, Sabotage, Subversion (TESS) indicators, and allow you to ask ques- tions.

The Man From U.N.C.L.E….and ACCI invites you for some Snacks, a Movie and a Good Time! Location: Hollywood Centre Date: 01 February 2019 Time: 1530 - 1830 Hours

KEEP PREPARED & bbee readyready forfor thethe WinterWinter #ice #snow #preparing #bevisible #staysafe #winteriscoming

Winter has fi nally arrived!!! Therefore as a member of KFOR and as a vehicle user, you must at all times consider: -The possible presence of ice and snow -The possibility of your vehicle slipping /skidding -The reduction of visibility -The stopping distance requirement increases

Prepare the vehicles for winter condiƟ ons Do you know how to fi t the snow chains? Remove all snow De-ice all windows Turn on the lights both day and night

Do this and winterƟ me will remain a great season… …and you will avoid having to call the IMP/MP due to an accident.

24/7 - CALL IMP DESK 049 785 350

18 KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018 CHANGE OF COMMAND ISR BN

On 24 November 2018 in Camp In his address, COM KFOR progress since you served in 2005 Film City, COM KFOR XXII acknowledged the truly and 2006. I am sure that you will Major General Salvatore Cuoci multinational character of the ISR continue the outstanding job presided over the Change Bn, commenting that soldiers from done by your predecessors and of Command of the Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, lead the Intelligence, Surveillance Intelligence, Surveillance and Great Britain, Italy, Romania and and Reconnaissance Battalion to Reconnaissance Multi-National Switzerland had formed a very even more ambitious goals and Battalion (ISR MNBN) which cohesive unit which had performed success.” saw Lt Col Alfredo RUSSO hand to an extremely high standard: The ceremony concluded with over command responsibilities “Under Lieutenant Colonel Russo’s the traditional passing of the ISR to Lieutenant Colonel leadership, working together Bn Colours from Lt. Col. Russo, Roberto SACCHI the incoming as a team, you have confi rmed outgoing ISR Bn Commander, to Commander. your ability to collect and analyse the incoming ISR Bn Commander, timely and useable intelligence Lt. Col. Sacchi. This represented n 01 June 2016 KFOR to best support me and KFOR the formal and symbolic transfer Oestablished a specialized Headquarters in fulfi lling our or authority and responsibility Intelligence, Surveillance, and mission of keeping a safe and between the two commanders. Reconnaissance Multinational secure environment in Kosovo.” Battalion (ISR MNBN). The concept MG Cuoci then welcomed Lt Col Comdt. Greg O’Keeff e of this new operational ISR Sacchi to the KFOR fold, alluding OF-3 IRL-A dedicated unit was to guarantee to Lt Col Sacchi’s previous service, continuous situational awareness stating “…Kosovo has made great across the ISR spectrum, in order to ensure the comprehensive planning and conduct of operations throughout the Kosovo Area of Operations (AOO). ISR assets have the capability to operate for prolonged periods out of base, providing KFOR Commander (COM KFOR) with continuous and accurate information that can then be analysed, thereby allowing an operationally driven approach that is in turn intelligence led.

KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 19 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018


Afghanistan). He is a sports addict who loves outdoor Name: Vasileios Magoutis activities. Although he is the father of two children, he finds time to train in kick boxing and go on trips Rank: OR-7 with his motorcycle. Vasileios is a valuable and loyal collaborator, always courteous with his colleagues and helpful towards his superiors. He is an excellent Nationality: Greek NCO and as far as his role at CP1 is concerned, it is fair to say that he has been outstanding. However, Unit: HSG Greek Guard Coy notwithstanding the above, the main reason for his nomination as Soldier Of The Month is because he has detected and reported, not only once but three times, three individuals who have been monitoring OR-7 Vasileios Magoutis is currently serving with the surrounding area of CFC. OR-7 Magoutis gave the Greek Guard as a Shift Leader at Check Point 1 an accurate description of the suspects to the Kosovo in Camp Film City. He is a highly motivated and well Police and as a result the suspects were arrested trained professional soldier. He was born in 1977 in facing accusations of espionage. Throughout his the small Greek city of Trikala. On completion of tour of duty he has demonstrated his strong will his studies he joined the Greek Army in 1996 as a and professional competence, proving himself in volunteer with the specialty of a mechanical engineer all circumstances as an excellent NCO and a superb and he is currently serving in his 5th foreign example to his colleagues in the Greek Guards Coy. deployment (four missions in KFOR and once in

20 KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018


National Independence Day is a Polish holiday celebrated every year on 11 November to commemorate the anniversary of the reconstruction of Poland’s sovereignty in 1918 after 123 years of partition by Russia, Prussia, and Austria.

he outbreak of World War I in T1914 provided Poland with an- other chance for a bid for greater freedom from Russia. The war in Western and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 were exploited by independence activ- fore the outbreak of World War II. Mass and ceremonial formation on ists, Józef Piłsudski (the creator of In 1945, the holiday was offi cially the parade ground in Camp Novo Polish Legions fi ghting against the replaced by the National Day of Selo (CNS). Soldiers of the PKW Russians) Roman Dmowski and Poland’s Revival as Poland’s Na- KFOR and Polish policemen serv- Ignacy Paderewski. The Regency tional Day; this was celebrated on ing in the EULEX mission took part Council formally announced the 22 July, the anniversary of the com- in a torch lit ceremony which was independence of Poland in 1918. munist Polish National Liberation combined with a Medal Parade On 11th November 1918 the Re- Committee Manifesto. However, and also soldier’s promotions. The gency Council gave the leadership since 1989 and the dissolution of ceremony was honoured by the of the country to Józef Piłsudski the USSR, National Independence presence of the commanders of all and Poles started taking over the Day has been celebrated on No- Allied troops stationed in Kosovo, running of their country for the vember 11 once more. headed by the Commander of fi rst time in many years. However, In November 2018, to commemo- KFOR XXII, Major General Salvatore the diffi cult times were not over rate the 100th anniversary of Po- Cuoci. and more battles had to be fought: land’s independence, the soldiers the victorious Polish - Bolshevik of the Polish Military Contingent OF-2 Adrian Gòrniak war, Greater Poland Uprising and in Kosovo celebrated the National POL-A the Silesian Uprising were all Day of Independence with a holy fought to regain lost Polish terri- tory. The result was the recreation of a country of 27 million inhabit- ants with a territory almost half of what it had been before the pre- independence Partitions. The reconstruction of Poland’s freedom was a gradual process. 11 November was chosen as the day to celebrate independence as it is the date when Józef Piłsudski was appointed leader. National Independence Day was entered in the Constitution in 1937, however it was celebrated only twice be-

KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 21 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018

Commander KFOR XXIII PICTURE OF THE MONTH Major General Lorenzo D’ Addario, Italian Army

Chief Public Affairs Office & COMKFOR Spokesperson Col. Vincenzo Grasso, Italian Army

Chief Internal Information & Editor KFOR Chronicle Comdt. Greg O‘Keeffe, Irish Defence Forces [email protected]

Design & Photographer: Mr. Afrim Hajrullahu

Cover Photo: OR-9 Luigi Cirillo Italian Army E-mail and Web [email protected]

Printed by “Blendi” Tel.: 044 149 115 NATO Nations within KFOR Albania, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, , Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, , , . Non-NATO Nations within KFOR „ Armenia, Austria, Finland, Ireland, Downtown Pristina„ Moldova, Sweden, Switzerland, Maj. Johannes Straeter Ukraine. Contribute to the OF-3 DEU-A

The KFOR Chronicle is produced and fully KFORChronicle! funded by HQ KFOR. It is published for KFOR Just send your photos to: soldiers in the area of responsibility. The [email protected] by the 20th contents are not necessarily the official views of the month explaining where you took the of, or endorsed by, the coalition governments’ photo and what equipment you used. We will defence departments. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Internal then select one of the submitted images and Information Section of HQ KFOR’s Public publish it in the next edition of the Chronicle. Affairs Office (PAO) in Pristina, Kosovo. PAO A KFOR Chronicle T-Shirt is awarded each HQ KFOR reserves the right to edit content month to the winning photographer. to conform to style and space requirements. You will be immortalised in the KFOR Articles are run on a space-available basis. Chronicle! Articles appearing in KFOR Chronicle may be duplicated in official NATO publications Is that not something to be proud of? subject to KFOR PAO authorisation. Sincerely The Chronicle Team

22 KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018

Military Education: I started my military career in 1988, as a cadet in the Military Academy and in 1992 I graduated as a 1st Lieutenant. My branch is logistics. I attended various courses related to logistics and international security issues. My most recent training after finishing the National War College was the International Defence Management Course. For training I’ve been in different countries, such as Turkey, USA, Holland and Serbia. Prior to deploying to Kosovo my position was Planning Chief N5 in the Albanian NAVY.

About the Mission: The current deployment here in KFOR is not the first one; I have experience in Iraq with the Multi National Security Transition Command (MNSTC), twice in , in Kabul and Herat with the Combined Security Transition Command (CSTC). My current position in KFOR is as JLSG Chief of Staff, the principal staff officer within JLSG HQ. My responsibilities are as follows: providing operational and functional advice to the COM JLSG, managing the JLSG HQ staff on a day-to-day basis and Name: Lavdim Toci directing the work of the JLSG HQ. Rank: OF-4 Family Reaction: I have two lovely daughters; Iris is 14 years old and Amela Nationality: Albanian is 8. Of course for me and my family it is hard to stay far away from them for a such a long time. Both of them are looking forward to seeing me and when Unit: JLSG I’m talking with them I get the same question, “Daddy when will you be back home? We are missing you”. This always stirs an emotional response in me. Hobbies: I love traveling and reading history books. I like being and working among different nationalities, that is already my professional hobby.

Military education: My military career started in September 2000, in the Infantry Military NCO’s Academy. I was commissioned as an NCO in 2001, and as Sergeant my first position was section commander at a Basic Training Centre, which was located in Tapolca next to Lake Balaton. Four (4) years later I wanted to test myself in an Infantry Unit, therefore I joined the Hungarian Defence Forces 5th István BOCSKAI Infantry Brigade, in Debrecen, which is the second largest in Hungary. This is still my home Unit. My exact position is recce platoon NCO of the 39 Infantry Battalion.

About the Mission: This is my fifth (5) mission abroad. For my first mission in 2006 I served in Kosovo as an infantry section commander. I was in the same position in Afghanistan in an ISAF-PRT (Provincial Recontruction Team) in 2010 and 2014. A few years later, in 2017, I had an opportunity to serve in Iraq (Coalition Deployment). Now I have returned to KFOR as an infantry company first sergeant. I am in Camp Novo Selo (CMLT) from September Name: Csaba Sós 2018 to March 2019.

Family Reaction: I have been married since 2009, my wife knows well what it is Rank: OR-7 like to be the partner of a military person and certainly she always stands beside me. We have two children, who are proud of me. Both of our sons have started Nationality: HUN their education in elementary school. My family is looking forward to being together with me again when I complete my tour of duty.

Unit: KTRBN ACOY Hobbies: I always like to spend my time with my family. Additionally, body building is very essential in my life both as a healthy man and professional soldier. After training I like to watch good movies.

KFOR CHRONICLE 12/2018 23 Th e KFOR Magazine for KFOR Soldiers December 2018