13 January 2015

*Chairman: Councillor Adrian Chandler *Vice-Chairman: Councillor Pauline Searle

*Councillor Melanie Bright Councillor Julia McShane *Councillor Lizzie Griffiths *Councillor James Palmer Councillor Angela Gunning Mr Mike Parsons Councillor Jayne Hewlett *Councillor Tony Phillips Mrs Stella Howarth *Councillor Mrs Jennifer Powell Councillor Philip Hooper *Councillor Neil Ward * Councillor Diana Lockyer-Nibbs Councillor Jenny Wicks


Councillor Matt Furniss, Lead Councillor for Transport, Infrastructure and the Environment, Councillor Gordon Jackson, Lead Councillor for Economic Development, and Councillor Caroline Reeves were also in attendance.

In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 23(j), Councillors David Goodwin and Nikki Nelson-Smith attended as substitutes for Councillors Julia McShane and Jenny Wicks respectively.

CC45 – APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND NOTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUTES Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Angela Gunning, Jayne Hewlett, Philip Hooper, Julia McShane, and Jenny Wicks. The Committee was advised of substitutions as detailed above.

CC46 – LOCAL CODE OF CONDUCT – DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS In relation to item 7, – Working Group, and item 8, Yvonne Arnaud Annual Grant Award and Monitoring, a number of non-pecuniary interests were disclosed:

 Councillor Mrs Jennifer Powell advised that she was a trustee of the Trust, a member of the Yvonne Arnaud Management Board, a trustee of the Book Festival, and a Friend of the Electric Theatre.

 Councillor Tony Phillips advised that he was a trustee of the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Trust and a member of the Yvonne Arnaud Management Board.

 Councillor Adrian Chandler advised he was a Friend of the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre.

 Councillor Gordon Jackson advised he was a member of the Vanbrugh Club at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre.

CC47 – MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the Customer and Community Scrutiny Committee held on 2 December 2014 were confirmed and signed.

The minutes of the meeting of the Joint Scrutiny Committee held on 13 November 2014 were confirmed as accurate.




A Committee member commended the recent improvement to the Wey Ahead newsletter.

CC49 – SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE The Principal Engineer introduced Mr Alistair Cotton (Urban Water Planner, CH2MHILL) to the Committee. Mr Cotton gave a presentation summarising the methods and outputs of the Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) for the Borough.

The Lead Councillor for Transport, Infrastructure and the Environment commended the SWMP to the Committee. The Committee was advised of the need for a partnership approach to address identified flood hotspot locations.

Questions from the Committee raised the following points and information:

 There was a need to encourage the formation of flood forums in some areas of the Borough.

 The Bellfields Green Space Project had not been consulted during the preparation of the SWMP.

 Large puddles on the highway in the locality of York Road were due to blocked gullies and the need for more strategic capacity.

 The Committee was advised that floods in the Borough commonly had more than one source and surface water was not being considered in isolation, but addressed in conjunction with other sources of flooding, including the .

 Wetspots data from County Council had been utilised in the preparation of the SWMP.

 The action plans within the SWMP included details of the agencies that would need to be involved and identified potential funding.

 Information on underground springs in the Borough was available from the Environment Agency website.

 The Committee was advised that there was limited scope for the Council to charge for maintenance of watercourses and grilles on non-Council land. In response to questions from members, the Executive Head of Environment indicated that watercourse and grille clearance would not cease unless ownership of the land was known and suitable arrangements were in place.

The Committee agreed that the maintenance of watercourses and grilles on non-Council owned land should not cease and officers should undertake to recover the costs for the work from relevant landowners.

The Committee,

RESOLVED: That, subject to the points above, the recommendations in the report, as set out below, be adopted:



(I) That the Committee support the Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP), approve the findings of the SWMP, and support the proposed Action Plan.

(II) That the Committee recommends that the Executive:

(a) Endorses the Surface Water Management Plan and Action Plan.

(b) Agrees that the SWMP Project Board continues to oversee the management of the project with key partners.

(c) Authorises the Executive Head of Environment, in consultation with the Lead Member for Transport, Infrastructure and Environment and the Executive Head of Governance, to enter such contracts as are necessary to progress the Action Plan within the capital resources available.

CC50 – PARKING BUSINESS PLAN 2015-16 The Parking Manager introduced the Parking Business Plan, indicating it was a joint business plan covering off-street car parking, on-street parking, and park and ride. The Committee was advised of the importance of developing an updated parking strategy and ensuring all services are co-ordinated.

The Parking Manager explained the “drive to, not through” model of car parking and outlined the benefits, including a lessening of congestion. The Committee was advised that increasing charges in long-stay car parks and encouraging park and ride would reduce congestion. The Parking Manager highlighted proposals to reduce the costs of park and ride and lower its subsidy.

The Lead Councillor for Transport, Infrastructure and the Environment advised the Committee of a long term approach and plan for car parking and traffic in Guildford.

Questions from the Committee raised the following points and information:

 The agreement with Surrey County Council to manage the on-street parking in Waverley started in April 2013, for a five-year period, with an expectation of a rolling agreement. The Parking Manager indicated that Guildford Borough Council could provide management of on-street parking in other boroughs keen for such arrangements.

 Members welcomed the proposal to give priority for garage lets to residents in areas A,B,C,D, E, or F of the controlled parking zone. Arrangements for enforcing the use of garages in accordance with leases were discussed.

 The Parking Manager confirmed that village parking hotspots were targeted for parking compliance.

 With reference to changing people’s behaviours and attitudes in relation to car parking, the need for effective communication and engagement was emphasised, rather than over-reliance on information signage.

 The results of the public consultation undertaken as part of the recent Fundamental Service Review (FSR) of Parking Services would be shared with Committee members within the final report confirming the findings and actions related to the FSR in March 2015.

 Compared with pay and display car parking, more complex parking tariffs could be used with pay on foot arrangements. Converting existing pay and display car 22


parks to pay on foot often required redesign of entrances and exits.

 With reference to park and ride, the Committee was advised that any charges made for car parking were liable for VAT whereas charges for the bus journey were not.

 With reference to the combination of the mobile guarding service at the and the Merrow Park park and ride sites, members were advised that CCTV could be monitored at one site while the guard was at another and the guard could also respond remotely to customer enquiries.

The Committee,

RESOLVED: That the Committee recommend to the Executive that the recommendations in the report, as set out below, be adopted:

(I) a task group be established to develop a Parking Strategy which sets a framework for parking operations to support key strategic plans including the Local Plan, Town Centre Master Plan, and Local Transport Plan.

(II) that the potential to develop Millbrook Car Park continue to be examined and that ways of changing existing car parks, or developing new ones, based on the “drive to, not through” principle be explored.

(III) all interested parties discuss changes to the direction road signage, particularly where this will improve motorists’ ability to park in the first convenient car park.

(IV) to encourage greater use of park and ride and address the increase in use the following tariff adjustments be approved:

(a) Farnham Road Multi-Storey Car Park from 7.00am to 7.00pm Monday to Saturday from 90p per hour to £1.00 per hour with a maximum daily charge of £8.

(b) York Road Multi-Storey Car Park from 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Saturday from 90p per hour to £1.00 per hour with a maximum daily charge of £8.

(c) Guildford Park Car Park from £4.50 per day on Monday to Friday to £5.00 per day.

(d) Shalford Park Car Park from £2.80 per day on Monday to Friday to £3.20 per day.

(e) Walnut Tree Close Car Park from £3 per day on Monday to Friday to £3.20 per day.

(V) the charge for season tickets in York and Farnham Road Multi-Storey Car Parks is increased by five per cent.

(VI) the rental charges for garages managed by the Parking Service are increased by five per cent.

(VII) when a garage becomes available, first priority is given to any resident living in areas A,B,C,D, E or F of the controlled parking zone.

(VIII) the charge for contract parking is increased by five per cent.



(IX) the annual revenue contribution to the Car Park Maintenance Reserve is reduced by £125,000 from April 2015.

(X) the lights in Castle, Farnham Road and York Road Car Parks are upgraded to LED lamps, as detailed in the bid attached as Annexe 8 of the Parking Business Plan, and that this be funded from the Car Park Maintenance Reserve.

(XI) the lift replacement programme proposed in the bid attached as Annexe 9 of the Parking Business Plan, is funded from the Car Park Maintenance Reserve.

(XII) the car parks detailed in Annexe 10 of the Parking Business Plan be included within the Off-Street Parking Places Order and that the Council undertakes the statutory procedures to amend the order.

(XIII) the provision of guarding services at Artington and Merrow Park and Ride sites be combined to become a mobile guard between the two sites.

(XIV) Surrey County Council undertakes a public consultation on the proposal to remove the ENCTS [English National Concessionary Travel Scheme] from the Park and Ride network for people qualifying based on age and on the introduction of a nominal charge of £1 per return journey for these concessionary pass holders.

(XV) the uncommitted surplus from on-street parking management in Guildford for 2013- 14 of £68,000 is put towards the cost of Onslow Park and Ride in 2015-16.

(XVI) the unspent surplus from on-street parking management in Waverley, £37,750, is put towards the cost of Onslow Park and Ride in 2015-16.

(XVII) officers be authorised to undertake necessary actions to bring about the changes agreed in this report, including making changes to the off-street parking order.

CC51 – ELECTRIC THEATRE – WORKING GROUP The Executive Head of Development introduced a report on the establishment of a working group to develop a business strategy for the Electric Theatre. The report advised the Committee that the working group would look at the recommendations of the Beckwith Consulting Report, the future operating model of the Theatre, and key aspects in the development of the Theatre’s business plan.

The Lead Councillor for Economic Development highlighted the enthusiasm and loyalty of the Theatre staff and indicated that the working group’s review would examine the future organisation of the Theatre.

Members endorsed the recommendations of the Beckwith Consulting Report, in principle, and supported a proposal to include the full cost of when formally reporting performance information to members.

In response to a question, the Executive Head of Development informed the Committee that the ethos and role of the Theatre would be included in the working group’s review.

The Committee considered nominations to the working group, including the suitability of members with close links to the organisations involved and the perceived integrity of the review.

The Committee,




That the Group Leaders, in consultation with the Monitoring Officer, be authorised to confirm the nominations to the Electric Theatre working group.

CC52 – YVONNE ARNAUD ANNUAL GRANT AWARD AND MONITORING The Executive Head of Development and the Head of Financial Services summarised the proposals for the Committee’s consideration. The Committee was advised that the existing grant to the Yvonne Arnaud was £310,220 and it was proposed to set the grant for 2015-16 at the same level.

The Director of the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Jamie Barber, welcomed the proposed review of the Service Level Agreement between the Council and the Theatre, and indicated his support for a future three-year funding agreement. He also indicated his approval for the proposed inclusion of at least one officer representative on the Yvonne Arnaud Trust and Yvonne Arnaud Management Board .

Committee members observed the key risk identified in the report was that if the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre ceased to trade then the ownership of the Theatre would revert to the Council and the cost of maintaining the building would fall to the Council as the freehold landowner.

The Committee,

RESOLVED: (I) That the terms of reference of the working group set up to review the Electric Theatre and the wider performing arts venues in Guildford [minute CC51 above refers] be extended to include the services that the Council grant funds at the Yvonne Arnaud.

(II) That the Committee recommends to the Executive:

(a) that the grant to the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre be set at £310,220 for 2015/16.

(b) that, subject to the outcome of the working group’s review, a three-year funding agreement be considered with the Yvonne Arnaud for 2016/17 to 2018/19.

(c) that the Guildford Borough Council representatives on the board of trustees of the Yvonne Arnaud Trust and Directors of the Yvonne Arnaud Management Company are changed to include at least one officer representative.

(The meeting finished at 9.13 p.m.)

Chairman 10 March 2015