E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 2018 No. 39 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was And guess what? The cynics were brought to him and he rejected them, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- right, and Congress has taken no ac- saying that he wanted to eliminate pore (Mr. HARPER). tion. There have been a few attempts, various types of legal immigration ave- f but the reality is that Congress has not nues used by people, especially people passed a bill, and the opportunities for of color and people from the developing DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO us to pass a bill are dwindling. world. Without these massive cuts to TEMPORE How did we get here? How is it that legal immigration, the President just The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- we always end up here when it comes wasn’t interested. fore the House the following commu- to immigration? And we offered him money for his nication from the Speaker: Well, it has been a failure of both silly, mindless, stupid, dimwitted, rac- WASHINGTON, DC, parties to act, to compromise, and to ist wall, but he rejected that, too. March 6, 2018. legislate. But let’s be honest, the Presi- In the end, this is not about Dream- I hereby appoint the Honorable GREGG dent doesn’t want these immigrants in ers, it is not about the wall, it is not HARPER to act as Speaker pro tempore on this country, and Republicans in Con- about border security. Do you know this day. gress only want to do what the Presi- what it is about? It is about a deeply PAUL D. RYAN, dent wants them to do because they held core belief of the President, and Speaker of the House of Representatives. fear his tweets and the effect it might many of his advisers, that there are f have on their voters in November. just too many people of color coming MORNING-HOUR DEBATE The President said he loved Dream- legally to the United States. There are ers. Remember? He wanted to preserve too many family members of immi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- DACA and treat them ‘‘with heart.’’ He grants, unless those immigrants are ant to the order of the House of Janu- said he wanted to give a pathway to members of Trump’s own family. ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- citizenship for Dreamers, and he told a It is clear that the President doesn’t nize Members from lists submitted by group of lawmakers on national tele- want immigrants who look like the di- the majority and minority leaders for vision that he would take the political verse and colorful fabric of the world. morning-hour debate. heat and sign whatever bipartisan ap- And he doesn’t want Dreamers who The Chair will alternate recognition proach they were able to come up with, were raised in the U.S. alongside of our between the parties. All time shall be but he was lying, again. own children, who reflect the diversity equally allocated between the parties, Just like his conversations with law- of America. and in no event shall debate continue makers on guns after the massacre in Now, to be fair, some of my Demo- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other Florida—also with the television cam- cratic colleagues are just as happy than the majority and minority leaders eras rolling—what the President says about the injunctions in the Federal and the minority whip, shall be limited in public, what he does behind closed courts that are keeping the Trump de- to 5 minutes. doors, what he tweets, and what he portation machine from fully engaging f thinks from moment to moment do not and going after Dreamers. Law- seem to be connected in any logical makers—both Democrats and Repub- SECURING THE FUTURE OF way. licans—don’t need much encourage- DREAMERS And when the cameras are turned off, ment sometimes to just kick the can The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the radical rightwing whispers their or- down the road. Chair recognizes the gentleman from ders in the President’s ear, and he falls But let’s not kid ourselves. Relying Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. right in line—whether it is with gun on the courts to save Dreamers is a Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, yes- manufacturers or the anti-immigration cop-out, and a lot of people are left out terday was the deadline for the U.S. nativists. if they do not already have DACA. And Congress to secure the futures of hun- And when you cannot trust the Presi- for the ones who can renew their sta- dreds of thousands of Dreamers. Our dent to have a stable opinion for more tus, we may be back here in a few days constituents, who grew up in the than 2, maybe 3, hours, it makes it or weeks trying to prevent the deporta- United States, have been here at least hard for Republicans to figure out what tion of Dreamers and lots of other im- 10 years, but do not have permanent will please him and make him happy migrants if the courts change course, legal immigration status and, there- from moment to moment. which they may. fore, are deportable, vulnerable, and Bipartisan proposals that could have So I will not let my colleagues in ei- exploitable. passed the House and the Senate were ther party rest.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:57 Mar 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.000 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 For now, every person who has DACA his mission of speaking the truth about have to be milked every day year- should renew their DACA as quickly as the Putin regime and calling attention round to produce the finest quality possible for whatever time they have to the human rights abuses in Russia. milk, cheese, and butter. left. I say run, don’t walk, to renew. He has carried on the legacy and As I walked through my orchard, I I have been here long enough to know brought Boris’ message to the world. remembered the countless stories and that even when faced with an issue on And through Vladimir’s efforts, the insights by my fellow California farm- which 80 percent of the American peo- legacy has been memorialized right ers, ranchers, dairymen and -women ple agree—whether it is sensible gun here in Washington, D.C. shared with me over the past year, and control or preventing the deportation Last week, Mr. Speaker, I attended I think about my father, who farmed of children raised in America—it is the the unveiling of the naming of the all of his life, and my grandfather. 20 percent of the American people who plaza right in front of the Russian Em- In anticipation of the 2018 farm bill, Republicans are listening to, and play- bassy after Boris. Boris personified the I have held round tables and listening ing to, and tweeting to, and playing fight for human rights in Russia. sessions, attended agriculture town- nice-nice with the White House to ap- And now, in front of the Russian Em- halls, and met with our farmers and pease. bassy in Washington, D.C., 3 years after farm workers, who, every day, work so And the rest of us, what do we get? Boris was murdered, he is now memori- hard to put those food products on Nothing—on immigrants, on guns, on alized as a symbol—a symbol signifying America’s dinner table. climate change, on healthcare, or on that one person or one idea can be I have done this to hear firsthand the taxes—unless we, as voters, simply re- more powerful and more threatening to concerns and priorities of our local pro- shuffle the deck. a corrupt regime than even the biggest ducers, farm workers, and nutrition or- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- army. ganizations regarding our Nation’s food bers are reminded to refrain from en- That plaza also serves as a symbol supply. I have also had numerous meetings gaging in personalities toward the for the future because one day Putin with key agriculture and trade offi- President. will be gone and Boris’ dream will be- cials, including Agriculture Secretary come a reality. When that day comes, f Perdue, who has been out to California the diplomats who come to the United BORIS NEMTSOV a number of times. States, representing a free and demo- And as we in Congress move together The SPEAKER pro tempore. The cratic Russia, will be able to look out Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from with farm bill negotiations, we must the windows of their embassy beaming maintain strong support for the cul- Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- with pride at what Boris’ sacrifice tivation and production of fresh fruits utes. helped them realize. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, and vegetables, which are the founda- And they will honor Boris’ legacy tion of a healthy diet. California pro- last week sadly marked the third anni- and everyone else who told the truth versary of the murder of the Russian duces over half of the Nation’s fruits about the regime of Putin and who and vegetables. It is truly amazing. human rights activist Boris Nemtsov. gave everything for a free and demo- On February 27, 2015, Boris was assas- Three hundred crops. cratic Russia, where human rights and We must also make sure that we do sinated while crossing a bridge near the rule of law are respected, not not abandon our Nation’s most vulner- the Kremlin in Moscow, shot in the feared. I hope that day is soon upon us, able through inhumane cuts to the nu- back in the most cowardly manner. Mr. Speaker. trition programs that provide a steady Boris’ murder was no doubt directed by f source of food to our Nation’s food sup- Putin, because Boris had actively orga- ply. We are talking about our safety nized rallies against the regime and PASSING A STRONG, BIPARTISAN FARM BILL net, we are talking about the SNAP even had the courage to report in de- program, and we are talking about tail on corruption in the Putin regime. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Women, Infants, and Children. This has His death was a great loss for the peo- Chair recognizes the gentleman from been part of the glue on a bipartisan ple of Russia who are fighting for a free California (Mr. COSTA) for 5 minutes. basis that has kept Democrats and Re- and Democratic society. Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today publicans together in the reauthoriza- I was lucky enough to have known to talk about the challenges that we tion of the farm bill. Boris and met with him several times face, not only in my constituency as it But we must have a safety net for over the years. I had the great privi- relates to California agriculture, but a those who are most unfortunate in our lege to work with him on getting the host of other issues as well. society. We should work to expand for- Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Ac- We are in the process of trying to re- eign markets for our products and to countability Act passed into law in authorize the farm bill, something we incentivize sound conservation prac- 2012. In fact, I met with Boris right do every 4 years. It used to be—and we tices and research. Research is very after the House passed that bill. hope it will continue this year—one of important to ensure the sustainability. That day, Boris told me something the more bipartisan efforts we are en- Sustainability is critical—and contin- that resonated with me, Mr. Speaker. gaged in. ued growth of American agriculture. He told me that Putin had made stop- I represent not only the heartland of We have the opportunity with the ping the Magnitsky Act his utmost pri- the San Joaquin Valley, but third-gen- farm bill to address the crippling agri- ority. eration farmer. culture labor crisis afflicting our Though that resonated with me, it Last week—as I do every weekend farms, and it must be addressed as we did not surprise me, because I was born when I go home—I was walking the look at a broken immigration system in communist Cuba, and I was forced to rows of the almond trees on my ranch that not only impacts our Dreamers— flee my homeland with my family to outside of Fresno, California. They are the DACA program—but a reliable sup- get away from the Castro regime. And beautiful. They are in full bloom this ply of farm labor. I know that Castro would have had the time of year. There is not a time, These are all among the issues that same reaction as Putin, because thugs though, in the year, in the San Joaquin we must address to ensure that our Na- fear the people who are brave enough Valley, where the incredible bounty of tion’s food supply is reliable, because, to challenge their authoritarian rule. the 300 crops that we grow are not on guess what, it is a national security That is why Putin feared Magnitsky; display because they are always out issue. People don’t look at it that way. that is why Putin feared Boris; and there. People go into the grocery store and that is why Putin fears my friend and The blossoms in the spring grow into they think: Well, what is the problem; close friend of Boris’ Vladimir Kara- the almonds, walnuts, and pistachios grocery stores have all the food in the Murza, who the Putin regime has tried until late summer. Tomatoes are har- world. They go to the restaurants, and to kill on two occasions, both by poi- vested in August and September, fol- they have all the food that you need. soning. lowed by cotton in October and Novem- But the food doesn’t go to the gro- Vladimir has bravely picked up the ber. The dairymen and dairy processors cery store or to those restaurants with- mantle from Boris, and he carries out work every day because those cows out it being grown by America’s men

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:57 Mar 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.002 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1377 and women who labor—less than 3 per- converted into a small business hub. Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her cent of the Nation’s population—to And new businesses are popping up all works praise her in the gates. produce the finest, highest quality, over. It is an exciting time for the Mr. Speaker, many may ask why I greatest yield, most nutritious food Alton community, and they can’t wait would read such a Scripture this day anywhere in the world, every night on to show the Nation southern Illinois’ on the floor. Well, because 38 years ago, America’s dinner table. spirit of innovation. tomorrow, I married a beautiful young That is why we must come together— RECOGNIZING THE DETERMINATION OF ROWDY woman who has grown to become the Democrats and Republicans—to im- LOYD very woman described in this Scrip- prove our Nation’s food supply by pass- Mr. BOST. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ture. She is very beautiful and very ing a strong, bipartisan farm bill. to recognize the determination of a charming, but most of all, she is vir- FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF VIOLENCE AGAINST young man from my hometown of tuous. WOMEN REAUTHORIZATION ACT Murphysboro, Illinois. With that, I want to wish her an Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Rowdy Loyd has cerebral palsy and a early happy anniversary. I love you, to commemorate the fifth anniversary nerve disorder, but that has not Tracy. of the Violence Against Women Reau- stopped him from trying out for the f Murphysboro Red Devils basketball thorization Act, otherwise known as IN DEFENSE OF DREAMERS AND team year after year. While he hasn’t VAWRA. THOSE WHO BROUGHT THEM HERE Protecting the Violence Against made the official roster, he serves as Women Act is one of our top priorities team manager. Going to every game all The SPEAKER pro tempore. The in the Victims’ Rights Caucus, a bipar- through his high school career, and Chair recognizes the gentleman from tisan House caucus that Congressman every practice, Rowdy had a constant Texas (Mr. AL GREEN) for 5 minutes. TED POE and I organized some 10 years presence with the team, coaches, and Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- ago. our community. er, it is an honor for me to rise today Last month, Rowdy finally got the in defense of Dreamers and those who b 1015 chance to see game time. Rowdy scored brought them here. I rise in defense of The law seeks to both prevent vio- 10 points on the night, including a them, Mr. Speaker, because, quite lence in our communities and provides buzzer-beating 3-point shot. In Rowdy’s frankly, there was a desire for persons services to survivors of violence, in own words: to come here. There was a desire for part, by encouraging collaboration I got a whole lot of school behind my back, them to come and to work, and to work among local law enforcement, tradi- and my family. I’ve got a lot of people that at wages that some considered subpar, tional personnel, and the private sector support me. So it was awesome to know that a desire for them to work under condi- organizations, NGOs. In my district, they all came to the game to watch me play. tions that were not the best. There was these organizations collaborate, and Rowdy, we are all proud of you. a desire for them to come, and they they have been vital in helping sur- WISHING A HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO TRACY BOST came. vivors of violence. Mr. BOST. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, I rise in defense of them because, Mr. We must have numerous organiza- if I could, to take a moment. I would Speaker, we are complicit in this be- tions working tirelessly together to like to read a part of a particular prov- havior. We were complicit because we support the victims of crime. In my erb, Proverbs 31:10–31: knew they were coming, and we wanted them to come. district, they include the Marjaree An excellent wife, who can find? She is Mason Center, Central California Legal more precious than jewels. I rise in defense of them because I Services, Choice Women Empower- The heart of her husband trusts in her, and don’t believe that a country as great as ment, Centro La Familia, and Valley he will have no lack of gain. the United States of America can ask Crisis Center. This is critical to end vi- She does him good and not harm in all the young people to accept a pathway to olence not only in our valley, but in days of her life. citizenship but not give it to the people our Nation, and that is why we must She seeks wool and flax and works with who brought them here: their parents, willing hands. in most cases, but, in a good many come together to end this violence, to She is like merchant ships; she brings her ensure that the survivors have access food from afar. cases, other persons who cared for to services for essential recovery. She rises while it is yet night and provides them. We cannot stop, and we must end this food for her household and portions for her To ask these young people to sell out horrendous violence once and for all. maidens. their parents, to borrow a term that we That is why we must support the Vio- She considers a field and buys it, and from use, is more than a great nation should lence Against Women Act. the fruit of her hands she plants the vine- ask of young people; to say to them, yards. ‘‘You can stay, but your parents may f She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong. have to go,’’ what kind of country are CONGRATULATING THE CITY OF we if we demand this of young people ALTON, ILLINOIS She perceives that the merchandise is prof- itable, and her lamp does not go out at who came with people whom we wanted The SPEAKER pro tempore. The night. to come, who have done us no harm, Chair recognizes the gentleman from She puts her hands to the distaff and her who have worked hard in our kitchens, Illinois (Mr. BOST) for 5 minutes. hands to the spindle. who have worked hard cleaning our Mr. BOST. Mr. Speaker, I rise today She opens her hand to the poor and reaches homes, who have worked hard tending to congratulate the city of Alton, Illi- out her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of snow, for all her house- our fields, who worked hard bringing in nois. Alton was selected from hundreds hold is clothed with scarlet. the fruits of the labor that they of cities nationwide to be featured on She makes bed coverings for herself. Her brought to this country? the reality TV show ‘‘Small Business clothing is fine linen and purple. What kind of country says, ‘‘You are Revolution—Main Street.’’ The city Her husband is known in the gates when he going to go back,’’ after many years of will also receive a $500,000 investment sits among the elders of the land. being here, and send the young people for its small businesses. She makes linen garments and sells them. back to places of which they know very She delivers sash to the merchants. Alton has a rich history. It is home Strength and dignity are her clothing, and little? to historic buildings, and has a deep she laughs at time to come. Mr. Jose Escobar is a case in point. manufacturing heritage. It was the site She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the He was sent back to San Salvador. He of one of the Lincoln-Douglas debates, teaching of kindness is on her tongue. hadn’t been there in many, many a route on the Underground Railroad, She looks well to the ways of her house- years. He came here around 15 years of and home to blues musician Miles hold and does not eat the bread of idleness. age. Davis and history’s tallest man, 8-foot- Her children rise up and call her blessed. Mr. Speaker, now is the time for this Her husband also, and he praises her: Many 11-inch Robert Wadlow. women have done excellently, but you sur- country to take the affirmative action These days, Alton is undergoing a pass them all. to correct what will be an injustice if small business revolution, from a self- Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but we pursue the path that the President pour craft beer taproom to a post office a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. would have us pursue. Now is the time

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:57 Mar 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.004 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1378 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 for us to make sure that every person first methane digesters in Pennsyl- Germany, and then 3 weeks later by is receiving the kind of liberty and jus- vania. Now the farm generates revenue Communist Russia, Poland suffered an tice for all that we extol in the Pledge by selling power back to the grid and unimaginable loss of 20 percent of its of Allegiance. Now is the time for us to reduces electricity costs for the farm. population that perished during World make sure that all of these young peo- Schrack Farms is a model operation War II, the most of any nation in that ple are given the opportunity to suc- that is at the forefront of modern-day war. ceed on their merits or fail on their de- farming practices. Their operation ef- Of the 14 million civilians killed by merits in the country that they know fectively demonstrates that invest- Nazi Germany and Communist Russia, as home. ment in environmentally friendly prac- over 6 million were killed in Poland; 3 Mr. Speaker, we are a great country. tices can lower costs, provide new rev- million Jews and 3 million Christians, A great country does not do what the enue streams, and offer greater effi- as well as Roma and Sinti, the dis- President is proposing, and I will not ciencies on the farm. abled, homosexuals, and other inno- stand with the President on this. I They also educate local legislators cents. stand and defend the Dreamers and the and the general public about their op- Poland never surrendered. There people who brought them here: in most eration’s positive economic and envi- never was a collaborationist Polish cases, their parents. This is what a ronmental benefits. Jim Harbach said Government. Establishing a free gov- great nation ought to do. the farm’s practices and beliefs go well ernment in exile, Polish armies fought I know that there may be people who beyond the borders of farming. Family on every front in Europe, including differ, but when you are standing on members and farm staff are involved in alongside American soldiers at Nor- right, you don’t worry about those who associations and organizations that mandy. differ. This is the right thing for the promote dairy farming and its environ- Despite the Nazi and Soviet cam- United States of America to do. mental impacts. He has traveled across paign to wipe out Poland’s most edu- f the country speaking about the prac- cated and accomplished and, indeed, tices that they use right there in CONGRATULATING SCHRACK Poland’s history, Poland resisted at Loganton, Pennsylvania. FARMS ON ITS 2018 INNOVATIVE home with the largest underground re- Schrack Farms accepted the award DAIRY FARMER OF THE YEAR sistance movement in Europe. Poland earlier this year at Dairy Forum 2018 AWARD never surrendered, nor did it ever sur- in Palm Desert, California. Pennsylva- render to Nazi nor Communist, mur- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The nia’s Secretary of Agriculture Russell derous ideology. Chair recognizes the gentleman from Redding nominated the farm for the At Katyn, Communist Russia, with Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 award, and I was pleased to add sup- bullets to the back of their heads, minutes. porting comments to the nomination. Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. killed over 12,000 Polish leaders from Mr. Speaker, I am most proud of its military, civil society, their edu- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratu- Schrack Farms and the entire family late Schrack Farm Resources of cational community, and their reli- for being a leader in dairy farming not gious leadership. Loganton, Pennsylvania, for being only in the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- named the 2018 Innovative Dairy Farm- 1945 brought allied liberation to a vania, but nationwide. I whole- war-torn Europe, but not to Poland, er of the Year. heartedly congratulate Jim, Lisa, The national award celebrates U.S. which fell under the Soviet yoke, re- Kevin, and their families and employ- pressed, and blocked from its own iden- dairy producers that apply creativity, ees on this outstanding achievement. excellence, and forward thinking to tity, indeed, even denied a true rep- f achieve greater on-farm productivity resentation of its wartime history of and improved milk marketing. The COMMEMORATING 100TH ANNIVER- heroism, tragedy, and terror. award is presented annually by the SARY OF POLAND’S REEMER- But in 1989, after 43 years of increas- International Dairy Foods Association GENCE ing resistance to occupation inside Po- and Dairy Herd Management magazine. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The land, its fierce love of liberty spilled Mr. Speaker, Schrack Farm Re- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from over into successful resistance and massive electoral victory won by sources has a rich history in Clinton Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR) for 5 minutes. County. Located in the heart of farm Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I am Solidarnosc, the labor movement that country, Schrack Farms is operated by pleased to join my colleague, Rep- yielded ultimate liberty for Poland. This was the first wave of major pop- Jim and Lisa Harbach and Kevin resentative JACKIE WALORSKI, as co- Schrack. Lisa and Kevin are siblings. chairs of the Polish Caucus. ular and anti-Communist opposition They run the farm with the help of This year, we commemorate the across the Soviet bloc that resulted in their children and grandchildren, who 100th anniversary of Poland’s reemer- the Berlin Wall’s collapse in 1989, the now represent the 11th-generation gence as a European nation in 1918. As wall that divided liberty from tyranny farmers of the land. Yes, that is right; grateful Polish Americans, we join to- and, ultimately, communism’s demise. Schrack Farm Resources has been in gether on a bipartisan basis to ac- Poland has accomplished much in the operation since 1773, 3 years before the knowledge this historic achievement of generation of freedom that followed. Declaration of Independence was even freedom’s advance. She has achieved a steady economic issued. They have 22 full-time employ- The reality is history has been brutal growth in each year since its return to ees and some part-time help as well. to Poland. In the late 1700s, Poland was freedom, the most robust of any nation The owners said it is teamwork that erased from the map of Europe for 123 in Europe. Yet, the millions of souls makes it possible for them to receive years by three adjacent predatory em- who perished in Poland across every this award. pires because it passed a constitution faith, confession, and ethnic origin, It is especially meaningful to see a inspired by ours, which included a sep- most remain unknown to history. Our Pennsylvania farm with such a long aration of powers. globe is still weighed down with the history of good stewardship being Poland became the first nation in Eu- collective sense of unresolved grief and named the leading innovator, nation- rope to abolish serfdom by the Polaniec the lack of historical truth that hu- wide, for dairy farming. Today, Manifesto on May 7, 1794. Then, in 1918, manity must address. Schrack Farms is managing an 1,100- following World War I, with the sup- For the millions who perished, this head dairy herd while advocating for port of President Woodrow Wilson, Po- anniversary year of Poland’s rebirth no-till farming and maintaining soil land was restored to the map of Europe should be an occasion to uplift that health and promoting awareness of the and resumed its torturous climb to historical truth to heal, not divide. As Chesapeake Bay watershed. freedom. we speak, vicious Russian aggression Its farming practices truly focus on aims to destabilize Europe and our pre- conservation. Schrack Farms also was b 1030 cious transatlantic and NATO alliance, an early adopter of renewable energy But then, in 1939, World War II began. essential to liberty. Free nations, in- technology and installed one of the As Poland was invaded, first by Nazi cluding Poland and her critics, should

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:57 Mar 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.006 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1379 use this moment to recommit to lib- This year, this organization will con- Eternal God, we give You thanks for erty and rule of law, setting aside lan- tinue to expand its efforts, increasing giving us another day. guage and gestures that inflame divi- the number and range of speakers at The Prophet Isaiah, in the first chap- sions across Europe. their meetings, creating a mentoring ter, begins his message with these Now is a time for unity, not division. program where older kids can mentor words: ‘‘Hear, O heavens, and listen, O Now is a time for restraint, not antag- younger children about the effects of Earth, for the Lord speaks.’’ All the onism. Now is the time for reasoned type 1 diabetes. They will, in the com- heavens and all the Earth cannot grasp dialogue, not media taunts. And let me ing months, award several scholarships or contain Your Word, O Lord. Once commend the Polish-Israeli Reconcili- to local families so that kids can at- spoken and unleashed upon the world, ation Commission for its reasoned tend the American Diabetes Associa- Your Word catapults imaginings to progress and recent statement. tion’s Camp Freedom, a week-long their heights and penetrates every- Now is the time for diplomatic excel- overnight camp for kids with diabetes. thing to its depths. May our hearing lence and military readiness, not pro- Mr. Speaker, I want to thank Chris- turn to listening and our listening vocative gestures, legislative or other- tine, Alli, and Kim for all the work make us so attentive that it leads to wise. Now is the time for robust archi- they are doing to keep kids safe and new understanding and new ways of val restoration so the full truth of mil- help kids in our community and edu- acting. lions who perished can be known and cate our community about children Your Word provokes Isaiah to cry out recorded forever. Now is the time to facing this challenge. to the people: If only we were free strengthen freedom’s umbrella, not f enough to be raised up by its power or weaken it. strong enough to be embraced by its DEMOCRATS HAVE A BETTER May I extend all congratulations and full passion. Then we, like Isaiah, PLAN blessings to Poland on its 100th anni- would be able to hear in our broad- versary of reborn nationhood. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The casted news the voice of violence com- f Chair recognizes the gentleman from ing from our own children, and we New York (Mr. JEFFRIES) for 5 minutes. would lament as a nation searching for CELEBRATING THE ACCOMPLISH- Mr. JEFFRIES. Mr. Speaker, the MENTS OF KEVIN LEZYNSKI prophetic vision until we and our ways reckless, regressive, and reprehensible of acting change. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Republican budget cuts funding for So- We pray for this vision now, and may Chair recognizes the gentleman from cial Security, cuts Medicare, cuts Med- all that is done this day in the people’s Pennsylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK) for 5 icaid. The Republican budget cuts House be for Your greater honor and minutes. funding for Meals on Wheels, cuts fund- glory. Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, re- ing for school violence prevention pro- Amen. cently, I was fortunate to meet an im- grams. It even cuts funding for the pressive young man, Kevin Lezynski, Special Olympics. f and celebrate with him as he earned Who does that? THE JOURNAL The Republican budget seeks to bal- the rank of Eagle Scout. The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- Kevin, of Harleysville, Pennsylvania, ance itself on the backs of working ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- is a senior at Souderton Area High families, middle class folks, senior citi- ceedings and announces to the House School. He is involved in the commu- zens, the poor, the sick, the afflicted, his approval thereof. nity as a member of the Unified Spe- veterans, rural America, and the safety Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- cial Olympics and the regular Special of our children. It is an abdication of nal stands approved. Olympics, where he competes in soccer, responsibility. It is a dereliction of swimming, bocce, baseball, and track duty. It is a stunning act of legislative f and field. He is the manager of the malpractice. The reckless Republican PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE school lacrosse team; he is involved in budget is a raw deal for the American this year’s musical; and he was voted people. The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman homecoming king. Democrats have a better deal focused from Florida (Mr. DEUTCH) come for- As an Eagle Scout in Troop 91, Kevin on better jobs, better wages, and a bet- ward and lead the House in the Pledge earned 36 merit badges and led a group ter future for the American people. of Allegiance. of 38 others in building a gazebo on the Democrats have a better deal focused Mr. DEUTCH led the Pledge of Alle- high school grounds in just 2 days. Stu- on higher pay, lower costs, and pro- giance as follows: dents and teachers now use the space viding the American people with the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the to learn and socialize. tools to succeed in a 21st century econ- United States of America, and to the Repub- Kevin is a shining example of com- omy. Democrats have a better deal fo- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. mitment to community service and cused on improving the quality of life what you can accomplish when you put of everyday Americans. f your mind toward a goal. f MOMENT OF SILENCE HONORING Congratulations, Kevin, on earning RECESS THOSE KILLED OR WOUNDED IN this well-deserved rank of Eagle Scout. SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY RECOGNIZING CHRISTINE GUNSIOROWSKI, ALLI The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The SPEAKER. The Chair asks that CURRO, AND KIM MCCLEARY FOR FOUNDING ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair THE TYPE ONE PARENT PROJECT FOUNDATION declares the House in recess until noon the House now observe a moment of si- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I today. lence in honor of those who have been rise today to recognize Christine Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 38 killed or wounded in service to our Gunsiorowski, Alli Curro, and Kim minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- country and all those who serve and McCleary for their work in the commu- cess. their families. nity combating type 1 diabetes. f f After all three women had a child di- b 1200 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER agnosed with diabetes in 2014, they began raising money to find a cure. In AFTER RECESS The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- 2016, they took their efforts even fur- The recess having expired, the House tain up to 15 requests for 1-minute ther, starting the Type One Parent was called to order by the Speaker at speeches on each side of the aisle. Project Foundation focused on pro- noon. f viding support and guidance for fami- f lies in my district in Bucks and Mont- HONORING RICHARDSON POLICE gomery Counties, as well as raising PRAYER OFFICER DAVID SHERRARD general awareness about type 1 diabe- The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick (Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas asked tes. J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: and was given permission to address

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:57 Mar 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.008 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1380 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 the House for 1 minute and to revise Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise and dedication of our north country and extend his remarks.) today to draw attention to Washington Olympians, who made history at the Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. inactivity that has locked up hundreds 2018 Winter Games in Pyeongchang. Speaker, I rise today to honor the of thousands of acres of Montana pub- The United States women’s bobsled memory of Richardson Police Officer lic lands. team, trained in Lake Placid in my dis- David Sherrard. In the 1970s, Congress designated over trict, finished strong with an incredible Last month, Sherrard and other offi- 1 million acres of Montana as wilder- silver medal win. cers responded to a domestic disturb- ness study areas. The U.S. Forest Serv- We are also incredibly excited for ance, where Sherrard was shot and ice and BLM were charged with deter- Saranac Lake’s very own Chris later succumbed to his wound. mining whether to include them in the Mazdzer, who made Olympic history Mr. Speaker, David Sherrard served National Wilderness Preservation Sys- this year, taking home Team USA’s with the Richardson Police Depart- tem. first ever medal in men’s singles luge. ment for 13 years. He was known for his By the early 1980s, the Forest Service Chris trained tirelessly at the Olym- generosity and bravery, but above all, and BLM had made their recommenda- pic Training Center in Lake Placid, he was known for his faith in God, tions, but Congress did not act. Now, and I know he has inspired the next which he shared with others. nearly 40 years later, Congress still generation of New York-21 athletes Sherrard was the first Richardson po- hasn’t acted, and those study areas are from across our region. lice officer to die in the line of duty. still locked up. Mr. Speaker, the north country has His death is a great loss. His wife and Mr. Speaker, last week I introduced been buzzing with excitement since the daughters remain in my thoughts and the Unlocking Public Lands Act and Winter Games began, and seeing Chris prayers. the Protect Public Use of Public Lands on the podium was an incredible mo- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to Act. These bills will release nearly ment for us all. join me in honoring the service and 700,000 acres of lands found to be not Congratulations to Chris and to all sacrifice of David Sherrard, a true suitable for wilderness designation and our Olympians, who showed the world hometown hero. return them to Forest Service and just what the north country has to f BLM management. offer. County commissioners, State legisla- WILLIE O’REE SHOULD BE IN- f tors, and impacted communities sup- DUCTED INTO THE HOCKEY GREAT LAKES WEEK port this overdue action. HALL OF FAME Congress is about 40 years late in (Mr. KILDEE asked and was given (Mr. QUIGLEY asked and was given unlocking Montana’s public lands and permission to address the House for 1 permission to address the House for 1 increasing public access to them. It is minute.) minute and to revise and extend his re- time to finish the job. Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, this week marks.) f is Great Lakes Week. Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, 60 years As a Michigander, I am proud of the ago, Willie O’Ree broke the color bar- THE NATION WILL NOT FORGET fact that Republicans and Democrats rier in professional hockey, all while PARKLAND in Congress continue to work together overcoming racial slurs, doubt, and (Mr. DEUTCH asked and was given to highlight the importance of our blindness in his right eye. permission to address the House for 1 shared water resources and to protect Often referred to as the Jackie Rob- minute and to revise and extend his re- the Great Lakes. inson of hockey, Willie has been a marks.) The Great Lakes generate billions of trusted champion for diversity, a pro- Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, it has dollars in economic activity and pro- ponent of inclusion, and an inspiration been just 20 days since the shooting at vide drinking water to 40 million peo- for so many young players both off and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High ple. We have to do everything we can on the ice. School in Parkland, Florida; but when to protect them from harm. Each February, we celebrate Black you spend those days going to funerals Unfortunately, President Trump re- History Month as well as Hockey is for and memorial services and vigils, and cently unveiled his proposed budget, Everyone Month, and no one embodies when you spend those days meeting which cuts funding to the Great Lakes both of those tributes as profoundly as with grieving parents who don’t know by 90 percent. An important restora- living legend Willie O’Ree. what life is without their loved one, tion initiative that has succeeded and He is as humble as he is inspiring, and when you spend those days de- has had bipartisan support, the Presi- often reminding fans that he only manding that this House take action, dent nearly eliminates. played in the NHL for 45 games, and it feels a lot longer. Protecting our Great Lakes has while that may be true, he changed the Life moves on, new headlines fight to never been a partisan issue. Democrats game forever. push our pain aside. and Republicans have come together There are few players worthier of One Parkland student, starting her before to restore funding cuts that being inducted into the Hockey Hall of first full week back at Marjory were proposed by President Trump. I Fame, and it is long overdue that Wil- Stoneman Douglas since the shooting, am confident that we will come to- lie’s name be added to that list. said this on Twitter: ‘‘There are no gether again. As the Hockey Hall of Fame con- media trucks in sight. Don’t forget This Great Lakes Week, as every tinues to accept and review nominee about Parkland.’’ week, I stand up for the Great Lakes submissions before the March 15 dead- Mr. Speaker, the fight is not over. and those who depend upon them. They line, I want to remind everyone of the Mr. Speaker, this Congress cannot and are a critical water resource that must countless ways Willie strengthened and will not just move on from this trag- be protected. supported this sport. edy. f I thank him for his continued efforts The Nation will not forget Parkland, RECOGNIZING ALBERTO to increase access for all people of all because this time, we join with the CARVALHO backgrounds to get out on the ice and Marjory Stoneman Douglas students in play the greatest game. declaring: ‘‘Never again.’’ (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was f f given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend UNLOCKING MONTANA’S PUBLIC RECOGNIZING OUR NORTH her remarks.) LANDS TO INCREASE PUBLIC AC- COUNTRY OLYMPIANS Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I CESS (Ms. STEFANIK asked and was given rise today to recognize Alberto (Mr. GIANFORTE asked and was permission to address the House for 1 Carvalho, the superintendent of Miami- given permission to address the House minute.) Dade County Public Schools, the Na- for 1 minute and to revise and extend Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise tion’s fourth largest school system, his remarks.) today in recognition of the hard work with more than 500,000 students.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:57 Mar 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.011 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1381 For the past decade, Alberto has These lines of investigation clearly He was right. The enemy losses were worked tirelessly on behalf of students violate the scope of the special counsel, staggering. and educators throughout my congres- which is limited to: ‘‘. . . any links The Alamo volunteers gave General sional district. His efforts have pro- and/or coordination between the Rus- Sam Houston time to organize another pelled Miami-Dade public schools into sian Government and individuals asso- army. So, on April 21, Houston and his a position of national prominence, and ciated with the campaign . . .’’ troops vanquished and routed the it is now one of the Nation’s highest In the interest of justice, the inves- enemy and secured Texas independ- performing urban school systems. tigation must be limited. The Deputy ence. Recently, Mr. Carvalho was offered Attorney General should do so imme- Then Texas was a republic for 9 the opportunity of a lifetime to run the diately to ensure a fair process. years. largest school system in the country, A rogue investigation should not be Independence was successful because and that is chancellor of New York allowed to continue. the valiant, relentless Alamo defenders City schools, but he showed his dedica- f believed death was preferable to tyr- tion and commitment to south Flor- anny. Today we honor their sacrifice ida’s students and teachers when he de- b 1215 on the altar of liberty. cided to stay in Miami-Dade. As a FLORIDA HOUSE PASSES GUN And that is just the way it is. former Florida certified teacher, I am SAFETY BILL f so glad that he is staying to continue (Ms. NORTON asked and was given TRADE AND TARIFFS leading Miami-Dade County Public permission to address the House for 1 Schools. (Mr. LAHOOD asked and was given minute and to revise and extend her re- Mr. Speaker, on behalf of our grate- permission to address the House for 1 marks.) ful community and countless individ- minute and to revise and extend his re- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, MARCO uals who have been positively impacted marks.) RUBIO’s Florida State Senate got by Alberto Carvalho’s unwavering dedi- Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, last week shocked enough by the Parkland shoot- cation, I want to say: Thank you, I was invited to the White House to ing to pass a token gun safety bill. The ‘‘friend,’’ ‘‘amigo.’’ Please stay. meet with President Trump and his ad- Florida House has yet to act. Whatever f visers to discuss trade and the renego- Florida does, RUBIO’s token gun bill in tiation of NAFTA. My district is the WE SHOULD NOT ROLL BACK Washington is belied by his pending eighth largest agriculture district in FLIGHT SAFETY LAWS bill to eliminate virtually all of the the country. For districts like mine, (Mr. HIGGINS of New York asked and District of Columbia’s gun safety laws. free trade is crucial to ensuring that was given permission to address the Worse, RUBIO has put his D.C. bill in there are new markets for our farmers House for 1 minute.) the Congress to raise his NRA rating and manufacturing to sell their prod- Mr. HIGGINS of New York. Mr. for the last two Congresses. It did raise ucts and goods. That is why I urged the Speaker, 9 years ago, Continental his NRA rating from B plus to A. President to maintain and strengthen Flight 3407 crashed in western New I have managed to save D.C.’s gun our existing trade agreements, includ- York, killing all aboard and one on the safety laws, but RUBIO’s shamefully ing NAFTA, not withdraw or create ground. token responses in the Senate to the new barriers to free trade. The National Transportation Safety Parkland tragedy will be seen as one The American economy is currently Board found that the cause of the crash more act of hypocrisy until he stops booming, thanks to once-in-a-lifetime was pilot error and poor training. meddling in the District of Columbia’s tax reform, with disposable income see- Prior to the enactment of flight safe- affairs and withdraws his D.C. gun bill. ing its highest jump since 2015. We ty laws, there were two levels of safety: The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. should be working to build upon this one more stringent for the commercial GIANFORTE). Members are reminded to success, not instituting protectionist carriers that we are all familiar with, refrain from engaging in personalities tariffs that could start a trade war. In and one considerably less stringent for toward Members of the Senate. the end, the cost of tariffs are passed the ones that we are less aware of. f on to consumers and act like a new There were two levels of safety. form of taxation, which could undo THE ALAMO—MARCH 6, 1836 Now there is only one because of the much of the gains we have seen since courageous work of the families of the (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was tax reform. survivors who came to Congress and given permission to address the House I urge the President and his team to helped Congress enact very strict safe- for 1 minute and to revise and extend reconsider the blanket tariffs discussed ty regulations. We have not had a com- his remarks.) last week, and instead focus on fight- mercial crash that ended up in fatali- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in ing specific unfair trade practices that ties since that time. the early morning hours it was cold, put American businesses at a disadvan- It is important that we not roll back damp, and dark in the old, beat-up tage. these safety standards, as they are Spanish mission. f based on the National Transportation It was the Alamo. THE UNHRC MUST STOP Safety Board’s findings and the work of It was March 6, 1836. UNFAIRLY TARGETING ISRAEL this Congress. It was a battle for Texas independ- f ence. (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina The volunteers were from most of the asked and was given permission to ad- LIMIT SCOPE OF SPECIAL States and several foreign countries, dress the House for 1 minute and to re- COUNSEL including Mexico. vise and extend his remarks.) (Mr. SMITH of Texas asked and was The small band of 186 Texians and Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. given permission to address the House Tejanos, led by defiant Colonel William Speaker, Israel is America’s treasured for 1 minute and to revise and extend Barrett Travis, had already repelled ally in the Middle East, and we must his remarks.) two attempts by Dictator Santa Anna stand up for our friends when they are Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, and his army of thousands to take the being treated unfairly. Recently, we the special counsel investigation has garrison. have seen the United Nations targeting pushed way beyond its authorized pur- But on this morning, after a fierce Israel with six anti-Israel resolutions pose. battle, the enemy overwhelmed the passed in the last year alone. This is Recent reports indicate that individ- volunteers and killed them all. Sur- hypocritical discrimination. uals have been questioned about Presi- vivors were murdered. That is why I introduced House Reso- dent Trump’s business activities prior However, Travis wrote in a letter on lution 728, which recognizes that the to his entering the 2016 campaign. The March 3 that ‘‘a victory by the enemy United Nations Human Rights Council private interests of Trump family will cost Santa Anna more than de- wastes U.S. taxpayers’ money by tar- members also are being probed. feat.’’ geting Israel and reiterates that they

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:57 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.013 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1382 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 need to stop the shameful, prejudicial Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mrs. ROBY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today behavior toward Israel. Even U.N. Sec- in support of the Comprehensive Regu- to share the news that I recently re- retary-General Ban Ki-moon has ex- latory Review Act. ceived that Alabama’s Second District pressed disappointment with the As a former regulator at the FDIC, I has the 13th largest population of mili- Human Rights Council singling out can tell you that the road to a really tary retirees in the Nation. Israel, given the multitude of other bad economy is paved with seemingly It goes without saying that this is human rights violations occurring good regulations. Regulations like the significant. At the end of last year, around the world. ones that came out of Dodd-Frank were there were more than 16,000 military I was grateful for the opportunity to intended to protect the consumer, but retirees living in Alabama’s Second have attended the AIPAC Policy Con- ended up creating more burden, more District. ference this weekend, where I partici- complexity, more cost, and fewer But, Mr. Speaker, while I am glad pated in a panel discussion on the choices. that these retired servicemembers threat to Israel from Gaza. There I By the way, it destroys relationship chose us, we are truly honored to have highlighted the broad security con- banking in rural America and districts them. As their neighbors, it is our job cerns Israel is facing, such as the I represent. The best way to protect to make sure that they feel at home, Hamas tunnels, and discussed ways in consumers and weed out the bad-acting welcome, and, most of all, appreciated. which the United States can assist to businesses is a healthy market with ro- Mr. Speaker, to the 16,000 retired address the threats of kidnapping and bust competition, transparency, and military personnel who call Alabama’s murder, such as the murder of Taylor more choices for the consumer. Second District home, I join our State Force. The last 8 years gave us an adminis- and community in thanking them for In conclusion, God bless our troops, trative state in place of the freest and their service to our country. We thank and we will never forget September the greatest economy in the world. We in- them for sacrificing on our behalf. Now 11th in the global war on terrorism. herited trillions of dollars in regu- let us care for them. That starts with Americans appreciate Prime Minister latory costs, millions of hours in paper- making sure that our veterans are re- Benjamin Netanyahu, a world states- work, and an economy that has grinded ceiving the care that they were prom- man, for his visit to Congress today. to a near halt. ised when they signed up to put their f Let’s continue to rein in the unneces- lives on the line for this Nation. sary regulations. Let’s get this econ- RECOGNIZING THE IMPORTANT If you are a veteran who needs any omy growing again, and let’s make ROLE OF SNAPa IN THE LIVES kind of casework assistance with the America great again. OF STUDENTS Department of Veterans Affairs, the f Social Security Administration, or (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania other Federal agency, please contact asked and was given permission to ad- HONORING CALIFORNIA FIREFIGHTERS my office now. Do not put this off. My dress the House for 1 minute and to re- staff and I work for you. We are grate- vise and extend his remarks.) (Mr. CARBAJAL asked and was given ful for you. As the Representative from Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. permission to address the House for 1 Alabama’s Second District, I am here Mr. Speaker, this afternoon I will meet minute and to revise and extend his re- to fight for you. with leaders from the School Nutrition marks.) Association of Pennsylvania, com- Mr. CARBAJAL. Mr. Speaker, last f monly known as SNAPa, which is a December, the Thomas fire raged COMPREHENSIVE REGULATORY statewide organization of school nutri- through Ventura and Santa Barbara REVIEW ACT tion professionals. Counties, eventually becoming the Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, pur- SNAPa works to advance quality largest wildfire in California’s history. suant to House Resolution 747, I call up child nutrition programs through edu- Our heroic firefighters left their fami- the bill (H.R. 4607) to amend the Eco- cation and advocacy. Organized in 1955, lies behind during the holiday season nomic Growth and Regulatory Paper- SNAPa is an all-volunteer board of di- to fight tirelessly on the front lines, work Reduction Act of 1996 to ensure rectors elected by its membership, saving homes, businesses, and lives. that Federal financial regulators per- which currently stands at more than A few short weeks later, our first re- form a comprehensive review of regula- 2,300 individuals. As chairman of the sponders were called back into action tions to identify outdated or otherwise Agriculture Subcommittee on Nutri- when heavy rains brought debris flows unnecessary regulatory requirements tion and a senior member on the House that tragically claimed the lives of 23 imposed on covered persons, and for Committee on Education and the people in Montecito. As residents were other purposes, and ask for its imme- Workforce, I know the essential serv- evacuating, these brave firefighters ran diate consideration in the House. ices that SNAPa works to provide. Stu- towards the disaster without a second The Clerk read the title of the bill. dents throughout the Commonwealth thought, pulling people out of the mud The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. receive high-quality, low-cost meals and debris for days afterward. ARRINGTON). Pursuant to House Resolu- thanks to SNAPa. I would like to thank all our first re- tion 747, an amendment in the nature Mr. Speaker, it is important to re- sponders who so bravely answered the of a substitute consisting of the text of member that, for some students, the call of duty in these difficult condi- Rules Committee Print 115–61, modified only meal they may receive may be at tions. by the amendment printed in part B of school. This organization works to Mr. Speaker, with us here today are House Report 115–582, is adopted, and keep our children healthy and ensure firefighters from IAFF Local 2046, CAL the bill, as amended, is considered that they have healthy food options FIRE Local 2881, and the Ventura read. through the school meal programs. County Professional Firefighters Asso- The text of the bill, as amended, is as I look forward to speaking with Trav- ciation, and the California Professional follows: is Folmar, a food services director from Firefighters. H.R. 4607 State College. I sincerely thank SNAPa I thank them all for their unparal- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- for advancing the availability, quality, leled level of service to keep our loved resentatives of the United States of America in and acceptance of school nutrition pro- ones on the central coast safe. Congress assembled, grams as an essential part of education Thank you for your service. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. in Pennsylvania for more than 60 f This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Comprehensive years. Regulatory Review Act’’. A MESSAGE TO THE MILITARY RE- f SEC. 2. AMENDMENTS TO DEFINITIONS OF THE TIREES OF ALABAMA’S SECOND ECONOMIC GROWTH AND REGU- SUPPORTING THE COMPREHEN- DISTRICT LATORY PAPERWORK REDUCTION SIVE REGULATORY REVIEW ACT ACT. (Mrs. ROBY asked and was given per- Section 2001(c) of the Economic Growth and (Mr. ARRINGTON asked and was mission to address the House for 1 Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996 (12 given permission to address the House minute and to revise and extend her re- U.S.C. 252 note) is amended by adding at the for 1 minute.) marks.) end the following new paragraphs:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.015 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1383 ‘‘(8) COVERED PERSON.—The term ‘covered The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill overly burdensome, duplicative, or out- person’ has the meaning given such term in sec- shall be debatable for 1 hour equally di- dated, while maintaining our safety tion 1002 of the Consumer Financial Protection vided and controlled by the chair and and soundness standards. And, again, Act of 2010 (12 U.S.C. 5481). ranking minority member of the Com- Mr. Speaker, all this is is a review. It ‘‘(9) FEDERAL FINANCIAL REGULATOR.—The term ‘Federal financial regulator’ means the Of- mittee on Financial Services. ensures a review. fice of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Fed- The gentleman from Texas (Mr. HEN- Additionally, H.R. 4607 will require eral Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Board SARLING) and the gentlewoman from that these agencies meet every 7 years of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the California (Ms. MAXINE WATERS) each for a comprehensive regulatory evalua- Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, and will control 30 minutes. tion, as opposed to the current 10-year the National Credit Union Administration The Chair recognizes the gentleman standard. This is especially important. Board.’’. from Texas. I salute the gentleman from Georgia SEC. 3. ENSURING A COMPREHENSIVE REGU- GENERAL LEAVE for his leadership, because we have LATORY REVIEW. seen our financial sector of the econ- (a) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (a) of section Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- omy suffer under the weight, the load, 2222 of the Economic Growth and Regulatory the burden of regulation, particularly Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996 (12 U.S.C. bers may have 5 legislative days in because six of the seven heaviest regu- 3311(a)) is amended— which to revise and extend their re- latory years occurred under the last (1) by striking ‘‘10 years’’ and inserting ‘‘7 marks and to submit extraneous mate- administration; so we need a more years’’; rial on the bill under consideration. thorough review of these regulations. (2) by striking ‘‘each appropriate’’ and all The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there that follows through ‘‘review’’ and inserting And requiring our Federal agencies to objection to the request of the gen- ‘‘the Federal financial regulators shall each simply review their actions in a trans- tleman from Texas? conduct a comprehensive review’’; parent manner on a more frequent (3) by striking ‘‘such appropriate Federal There was no objection. Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I basis, it is simple; it is fair; it is banking agency’’ and inserting ‘‘such Federal straightforward; it is wise. financial regulator, jointly or otherwise,’’; and yield myself such time as I may con- Mr. Speaker, a healthy financial sys- (4) by inserting ‘‘or covered persons’’ after sume. tem that provides equal opportunity to ‘‘insured depository institutions’’. Mr. Speaker, before proceeding to the all Americans to achieve financial (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—Such section bill before us in the House, not unlike independence can only exist if we have is amended— yourself, I am a proud Texan—in my (1) in subsections (b), (c), (d), and (e), by smart regulation. And the explosive striking ‘‘the appropriate Federal banking agen- case, a fifth-generation Texan. growth of regulation, following the en- cy’’ each place that term appears and inserting In listening very carefully to the gen- actment of Dodd-Frank, has made it ‘‘the appropriate Federal financial regulator’’; tleman from Texas, Judge POE, I do significantly harder for our community and wish to remind all my colleagues that banks and credit unions to serve their (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ‘‘the ap- it was this day in 1836 that brave men customers and members. propriate Federal banking agencies’’ and insert- in Texas took on the minions of tyr- ing ‘‘the appropriate Federal financial regu- And, in fact, the complexity and cost anny at the Alamo. And although they of this regulatory burden has forced lator’’. lost that battle, they inspired their na- SEC. 4. CONSIDERATIONS FOR COMPREHENSIVE many of them out of business or has REGULATORY REVIEW. tion at the time, Texas, that would forced them to cut back services to Section 2222 of the Economic Growth and Reg- later become part of our Nation. So, on their customers and members, and it is ulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996 (12 this day that is special to all Texans, it one of the reasons why, on average, we U.S.C. 3311), as amended by section 3, is further should be special to all Americans. continue to lose one community bank amended— We remember the cradle of liberty. or credit union a day, or every other (1) in subsection (c), by striking ‘‘10 years’’ Remember the Alamo. God bless Texas. day, in America. This should not be and inserting ‘‘7 years’’; and (2) in subsection (d)— b 1230 happening. Ultimately, Mr. Speaker, it is not the (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘and’’ at the Mr. Speaker, otherwise, I rise also, end; banks and credit unions we are so con- today, in support of H.R. 4607, which is cerned about. It is their customers. It (B) in paragraph (2), by striking the period at a very important piece of legislation the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and is customers like Missouri mom, (C) by adding at the end the following new brought to us by a very hardworking Michele, who explained to us how frus- paragraph: member of the Financial Services Com- trating it has been for her 20-year-old ‘‘(3) tailor other regulations related to covered mittee, the gentleman from Georgia daughter, with a full-time job, to get a persons in a manner that limits the regulatory (Mr. LOUDERMILK). loan to buy her first car. And, again, compliance impact, cost, liability risk, and other It is a bill that helps address the bur- her daughter has a first-time job. And burdens, unless otherwise determined by the den of unnecessary, duplicative, and Council or the appropriate Federal financial as Michele explained to us: ‘‘It’s a outdated regulations that too often catch-22. You need credit to get credit, regulator.’’. have imposed cost on our community SEC. 5. REVIEWS CONDUCTED BY THE BUREAU. but no one will give you the credit to financial institutions that ultimately begin with. I would like to see our Section 2222 of the Economic Growth and Reg- make credit more expensive and less ulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996 (12 young adults be able to build the credit U.S.C. 3311), as amended by section 4, is further available to our constituents. It passed they need so they can have a decent fu- amended by adding at the end the following out of our committee with a very ture.’’ new subsection: strong bipartisan vote of 38–17, and I Mr. Speaker, it is for people like ‘‘(f) REVIEWS CONDUCTED BY THE BUREAU.— congratulate him for his bill. Michele and her daughter that we need The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Specifically, Mr. Speaker, this bill this regulatory review. It is why we shall— requires that all of the prudential fi- need the bill from the gentleman from ‘‘(1) use any relevant information from an as- nancial regulators that now include Georgia. These are the people we are sessment conducted under section 1022(d) of the the CFPB and the NCUA, the National Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 (12 trying to help. U.S.C. 5512(d)) in conducting the review re- Credit Union Administration—it en- Like Anne in Wisconsin, who was quired under subsection (a); and sures that all of our financial regu- trying to get a loan to remodel her at- ‘‘(2) conduct such review in accordance with lators, not just some, but all, will par- tached garage when her son was born, the purposes and objectives described in sub- ticipate in the Economic Growth and and she said: ‘‘My husband and I have sections (a) and (b) of section 1021 of such Act Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act, very high credit scores, and we have (12 U.S.C. 5511).’’. known as EGRPRA, a law that dates equity in our home, but because my SEC. 6. REDUCTION OF SURPLUS FUNDS OF FED- back to the Clinton era, and this en- husband has a seasonal job and finds ERAL RESERVE BANKS. sures that our agencies review all rules other employment in the winter, the (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 7(a)(3)(A) of the that are prescribed by themselves that many banks we contacted rejected our Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 289(a)(3)(A)) is amended by striking ‘‘$7,500,000,000’’ and insert- impact our insured financial institu- loan request. They base that on our an- ing ‘‘$7,495,714,285’’. tions. nual income only on the job he was (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—Subsection (a) shall The purpose of this review, again, is currently in and said it was part of the take effect on May 1, 2018. to reduce regulation that is proven new regulation.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.002 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1384 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 Well, of course it is, Mr. Speaker. thoughtful recommendations to im- Consumer Bureau should be making That is why they need to be reviewed. prove rules. Many of these would pro- sure that its rules are appropriately It is people like Anne in Wisconsin we vide relief for community banks and protecting consumers and the interests need to help. credit unions but in a way that also of the public, not the big financial cor- Or Dan, a Navy veteran from Illinois, maintains safeguards for consumers porations. who actually had to close down—close and protects the interests of the public In addition, the Consumer Bureau is down the small auto finance company and the broader economy. already subject to unique account- he started with his wife 25 years ago, Unfortunately, H.R. 4607, this bill, ability and oversight measures that and he had to close it down because of would make three major mistakes in the other financial regulators are not. new Federal regulation. He explains: changing the current review process. These special checks and balances in- ‘‘Large companies can afford a separate First, this bill actually requires regu- clude the requirement that the Con- legal department to deal with these lators to change regulations so that sumer Bureau have small business re- issues and the myriad of new regula- they are less costly and burdensome for view panels as a part of its rulemaking tions. A small business like ours can- ‘‘covered persons.’’ process and the ability of the Financial not. We had to make a decision. It was Well, who are these covered persons? Stability Oversight Council, that is, just not worth the risk to continue op- Are they the millions of consumers FSOC, to repeal any of its final rules. erations in this antibusiness environ- who were harmed by Wells Fargo’s And the Consumer Bureau is already ment.’’ scheme to open fraudulent accounts required to review all of the significant So, Mr. Speaker, it is people like without their knowledge? Were they? rules within 5 years of the time they go Michele, it is people like Anne, it is No. into effect, but in a balanced—bal- people like Dan who deserve the oppor- Are they the many consumers who anced—manner. tunity to have credit for their homes, learned just a few days ago that The third problem with H.R. 4607 is their autos, their small businesses, and Citigroup violated the law by charging that it would make it harder for the so we must ensure that all of our Fed- them too much interest on their credit regulators to do their jobs. The bill eral regulators—all of our Federal fi- cards? No, no. would require a comprehensive review nancial regulators take a thorough Are these covered persons in this bill of all banking and consumer protection comprehensive review of their regu- the Latino or African-American fami- regulations once every 7 years instead latory burden so that we can continue lies who were discriminated against by of every decade. If regulators take to support the people who need credit. JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, these reviews as seriously as their pre- H.R. 4607, again, has garnered strong and so many other banks steering them vious reviews, as I believe they would, bipartisan support. It is practical; it is into more costly mortgages when they then that would mean they would be common sense; and I urge all of my col- qualified for more affordable loans? No, tied up spending nearly half of each 7- leagues to adopt it. not at all. year cycle doing regulatory reviews in- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Are they—the ones who are being stead of supervising their regulated en- my time. protected—are they seniors or service- tities and enforcing the law. Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. members who fall prey to payday lend- This bill would impose an unbalanced Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time ers that trap them in a cycle of debt? review process on regulators that fa- as I may consume. No. vors industries’ wishes—favors indus- Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to Are they college graduates who are tries’ wishes over consumers and the H.R. 4607, the so-called Comprehensive harassed by debt collectors for their economy. The methodology in this bill Regulatory Review Act. So instead of student loan debt? No. promotes deregulation. That is what advancing legislation that improves Under this bill, Mr. Speaker, covered this is all about. This is a bill about de- our financial regulatory framework, persons are defined as ‘‘any person that regulation instead of creating a robust process to identify gaps or deficiencies the Republican majority is pushing yet engages in offering or providing a con- in oversight that harm consumers, un- another bill that is a giveaway to Wall sumer financial product or service; and dermine the safety and soundness of Street and predatory lenders. any affiliate of’’—such—‘‘person . . . if Let’s be clear. This bill is intended to such affiliate acts as a service provider our financial system, or jeopardize the dismantle rules considered inconven- to such person.’’ You know what that country’s financial stability. So I cannot support a bill that forces ient by the financial services industry. means? You know who these so-called the Consumer Bureau to weaken rules If this bill were enacted, financial serv- covered persons in this bill are who for Wall Street and payday lenders. I ices regulators would be forced to they are talking about? That means am talking about the Consumer Finan- spend more time and resources on Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, cial Protection Bureau. I urge my col- backward-looking reviews and deregu- Citigroup, Bank of America, payday leagues to oppose H.R. 4607. lating the financial services industry lenders, mortgage brokers, debt collec- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of rather than strengthening protections tors, and thousands of other financial my time. for consumers and the economy. companies. Allow me to explain. The Economic All of these companies would get b 1245 Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Re- easier rules that limit their costs and Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I duction Act, or EGRPRA, currently re- burdens without appropriately consid- yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from quires the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, ering the impact they are going to Georgia (Mr. LOUDERMILK), a very hard- and the OCC to conduct a review of the have on their customers. And this bill working member of the Financial Serv- regulations that they have issued in does nothing, absolutely nothing, to ices Committee and the author of H.R. order to identify outdated or otherwise strengthen protections for consumers 4607. unnecessary regulatory requirements where there might be deficiencies or Mr. LOUDERMILK. Mr. Speaker, I imposed on insured depository institu- gaps in our regulatory framework. want to thank my colleague from the tions. Second, unlike the other banking Republic of Texas, Chairman HEN- The banking regulators conduct this regulators, which are tasked with en- SARLING, for giving me this time to review every 10 years, but until now, suring the safety and soundness of the move away some of the hyperbole that this review has been a relatively bal- financial services sector, the Consumer you may hear today and speak about anced, careful assessment that the Bureau’s unique mission is the protec- the truth of what this really simple banking regulators have done twice in tion of consumers and of ensuring that and commonsense measure really does. the last two decades, and the regu- the consumer marketplace operates in Mr. Speaker, the Comprehensive Reg- lators have taken this process seri- a fair, transparent, and competitive ulatory Review Act is a bill that I in- ously. manner. troduced simply to reduce the burden The last review took about 3 years to Although it may make sense for the that outdated and unnecessary Federal complete. It involved field hearings banking agencies to periodically re- regulations place on our small banks and public engagement. The final re- view their prudential rules, with a and lending institutions across the view included many balanced and focus on their regulated entities, the landscape of America.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.019 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1385 I would like to start by thanking Dodd-Frank requires the CFPB to re- Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act, some of my colleagues on both sides of view its regulations every 5 years after I see that their mission is to conduct a the aisle who have worked tirelessly to they are enacted, but this leaves out review of their regulations to identify make this a strong, bipartisan piece of rules which are considered nonsignifi- outdated or otherwise unnecessary reg- legislation. I appreciate the gentleman cant. It also excludes rules that were ulatory requirements imposed on in- from New Jersey (Mr. GOTTHEIMER) for adopted before the CFPB was created. sured depository institutions. negotiating reasonable changes to this Also, the CFBP’s regulatory reviews This deregulatory bill that we have bill and for being an original cospon- are under a single, 5-year look-back pe- before us goes a lot further. As I said, sor. I also appreciate Mr. DUFFY and riod. it is about deregulation, and it is about Ms. SINEMA and the others who have We must ensure that each regulatory reducing cost and liability risk. This reached across the aisle to cosponsor agency is comprehensively reviewing does not benefit our consumers at all. this important piece of legislation. its rules, and on a regular basis. Again, what we would do in the pas- To fully understand this bill, Mr. This bill is not duplicative because it sage of this bill is simply open up op- Speaker, we have to go back to 1996, requires CFPB to use its findings from portunities for the big banks and finan- when Congress gave the financial regu- its existing regulatory reviews in its cial institutions to get rid of the kind latory agencies a useful tool by passing EGRPRA reports so the CFPB does not of oversight, the kind of laws that we the Economic Growth and Regulatory waste time on rules it has already re- have worked so hard for because it is Paperwork Reduction Act, or, as you viewed. And, most importantly, Mr. inconvenient for them or it interferes have heard today, more commonly Speaker, this bill will require the agen- with their bottom line in some way. known as EGRPRA. This law directed cies to tailor rules that they find to be So I do not want our Members to be the Office of the Comptroller of the unnecessary based on the size and risk tricked or fooled to think, number one, Currency, the Federal Reserve, and the profile of the bank or the credit union. this is simply about further getting rid FDIC to review their regulations once Mr. Speaker, I would like to repeat of paperwork or that this is about sup- every 10 years to identify those regula- that last point because it is so impor- porting the small banks. This is about tions that may be outdated, unneces- tant. This bill does not require the new ways by which to deregulate so sary, or overly burdensome. After that, agencies to cut regulations with a that the big banks that are now found the regulators were to send a report to broad brush, as it has been presented so to be defrauding, found to be discrimi- Congress and eliminate any regulations far, nor does it cut regulations on the nating, found to be doing things like they determined were unnecessary. payday lending industry, as some have Wells Fargo has done, this is about de- This law has been somewhat useful, argued. It simply states the rules will regulation that will further enhance and it was a good idea back in 1996 be- be adjusted based on a company’s risk their ability to do the kinds of things cause, after all, who would be opposed if the regulators determine that to be that we claim to be so opposed to and to eliminating rules that even regu- appropriate. that harm our consumers. lators thought were unnecessary? But The bill ensures that if the financial The Consumer Financial Protection too often, EGRPRA has been viewed as regulators—the regulators—determine Bureau that they are now including by merely a check-the-box exercise by the that a regulation is important to con- way of H.R. 4607 should be looked at agencies and the financial sector. sumer protection for safety and sound- very carefully. Now that we have two EGRPRA re- ness, the agency will still have every First of all, my friends on the oppo- ports, a 2007 and a 2017, it is obvious right to leave that regulation com- site side of the aisle hate the Consumer that EGRPRA could have been more ef- pletely intact. Financial Protection Bureau. They fective and produced more useful rec- This bill is not just about elimi- want to get rid of it. They have tried, ommendations to policymakers. In ret- nating unnecessary regulations; it is time and time again, to undermine it rospect, we also realize we need more about good government and cleaning in so many ways. The President has direct action from the regulators to up unnecessary red tape that inevi- sent Mr. Mulvaney over there, who is clean up outdated and unnecessary tably hurts the consumer. supposed to be over at the Office of rules. That is why it is important for Mr. Speaker, the Treasury Secretary Management and Budget, to basically Congress to revisit EGRPRA, as this came to our committee for a hearing destroy it. bill does. last month, and I asked him about this Mr. Speaker, we cannot allow the My bill contains several reforms to very issue. He simply said: Members of Congress to be tricked or the EGRPRA review process that will Rules and regulations need to be con- fooled that somehow this is helpful breathe new life into this law, this tool stantly looked at as markets continually that they are bringing in the Consumer for the regulators, and make sure it is change. Financial Protection Bureau. What not simply a check-the-box exercise. He also said: they want to do is tie the hands of the This bill will require more frequent I’m not sure why the CFPB was exempted Consumer Financial Protection Bureau regulatory reviews by moving the re- from EGRPRA, so I agree with the change. and basically change their mission view cycle from once a decade to once Mr. Speaker, this bill passed out of from protection for consumers to de- every 7 years. It will expand EGRPRA committee with a strong bipartisan regulation for the biggest banks in to include all regulated financial insti- vote of more than two-thirds of the America. tutions instead of only depository-in- committee members, and I urge my Why do we have the Consumer Finan- sured institutions. It will codify the colleagues to join us in support of this cial Protection Bureau? That is the National Credit Union Administration bill. centerpiece of the Dodd-Frank reform into EGRPRA, since the agency par- Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. legislation that we worked so hard on. ticipated in the latest review volun- Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time Are we forgetting about what hap- tarily. as I may consume. pened in 2008? The bill will also add the controver- Mr. Speaker, I knew that my friends Are with forgetting about the reces- sial Consumer Finance Protection Bu- on the opposite side of the aisle would sion that was caused by the big banks reau, CFPB, to the EGRPRA review basically refer to small banks. who had been involved with all of these process. This provision is especially This is what is normally done when exotic products and ways by which important because, before Dodd-Frank, we see deregulatory efforts being made. they were enticing would-be home- consumer financial laws were imple- They talk about how they are trying to owners to try and get mortgages? mented by the three banking agencies; help small and community banks, and We can’t forget about all of that. We but when Dodd-Frank was enacted, the they fail to talk about the major finan- have to know that not only did we have CFPB was given the responsibility for cial institutions that I have talked a recession, we were headed for a de- enforcing consumer financial laws. about in my presentation that are the pression. Dodd-Frank reform has gone Since the CFPB is exempt from beneficiaries, also, of this deregulatory a long way toward eliminating some of EGRPRA, these laws and regulations effort that is being put forth. the bad practices that were in place are no longer being comprehensively When I take a look at the existing that got us into that situation in the reviewed. law now and the Economic Growth and first place.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.021 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1386 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 Now, little by little, my friends on chairman of the Financial Services that institutions can appropriately the opposite side of the aisle keep try- Subcommittee on Oversight and Inves- navigate the compliance landscape. ing to creep in with new ways that tigations. Mr. Speaker, by requiring regulators they can support these big banks and Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, I thank to more frequently review and tailor financial institutions and deregulate the chairman for this time to be able regulations, this bill will help put Main and let them get in the position again to speak to an important piece of legis- Street back on the path to prosperity where they are tricking our consumers, lation. and help to end the tale of two econo- where they are coming up with these In my home State of Colorado, we mies in Colorado and throughout the exotic products that caused our con- have a tale of two economies. The Nation. Making these adjustments will sumers to eventually get into fore- urban areas have realized economic re- help community banks and credit closure, and that would allow the big covery since 2008, while the more rural unions once again be able to meet the banks again, like Wells Fargo, to come communities have been slower to find needs of their neighbors and encourage up with all of these tricks that they sustained economic growth. Essential our businesses to be able to grow. use in order to enhance their bottom to these areas and their ability to be Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to line. I think we are smarter than this, able to recover, a topic that I speak support this legislation. and I don’t think that we are going to frequently on, is access to credit. Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. go for this legislation that is just an- As Treasury’s report to the President Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of other way to open the doors to deregu- in June of 2017 notes: Regulations on my time. Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I late. capital, liquidity, and leverage require- yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ments, as well as regulatory param- Minnesota (Mr. EMMER), who is yet an- my time. eters that guide loan underwriting, other hardworking member of the Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I have undermined the ability of finan- House Financial Services Committee. yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from cial institutions to deliver attractively Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, the House Ohio (Mr. CHABOT), who is the chair- priced credit in sufficient quantity to Financial Services Committee has been man of the Small Business Committee. meet the needs of the economy. working hard for consumers, local Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in b 1300 banks, credit unions, and American en- support of H.R. 4607, the Comprehen- In other words, our community fi- trepreneurs during the 115th Congress. sive Regulatory Review Act. Today, we continue our work with H.R. I want to thank Chairman HEN- nancial institutions have lost access to 4607, the Comprehensive Regulatory SARLING and the entire Financial Serv- the tools that they need to be able to Review Act. ices Committee for their continued help their communities recover as they have struggled to comply with regula- Introduced by my colleague from critical work on financial regulations. Georgia, Representative BARRY As chairman of the House Small tions intended for the largest institu- LOUDERMILK, this bill brings account- tions. Mr. Speaker, it is our local com- Business Committee, I consistently ability and modernization to the cur- munities, our small businesses, our hear from Main Street businesses, rent regulatory review process for first-time home buyers, and our work- small businesses from all over the banks, credit unions, and financial in- ing families who suffer the con- country, that overregulation is pre- stitutions across the country. venting business expansion and job sequences from these regulations. Currently, the regulatory audit con- growth. Mr. Speaker, let me give you one ex- ducted by our Federal financial regu- Just last week, I chaired a hearing on ample of what unbridled regulation lators happens just once every decade, a recent report by the nonpartisan does and how it impacts families trying and the Consumer Financial Protection Government Accountability Office that to be able to live that American Bureau and the National Credit Union explored whether financial regulations Dream. Administration are not technically a were adversely impacting community I have an example of a credit union part of that review. banks and credit unions. One of the in my home State of Colorado that had It has been 21 years since we evalu- major takeaways from that report was to stop offering home equity lines of ated possible changes to this anti- that we need to improve the tools credit to its members because the cost quated and inefficient system. That is available to financial regulators to re- of keeping the forms in compliance why we need Representative duce those burdens. with Federal regulation exceeded the LOUDERMILK’s Comprehensive Regu- Because small businesses most often income generated by the program. In latory Review Act to ensure the regu- rely on conventional bank borrowing other words, regulation priced this lations we have in place are working to to finance their development, any addi- credit union out of a critical market do what they are supposed to do: pro- tional red tape that reduces access to and at a time when the rural environ- tect consumers. capital can be a monumental problem ment the credit union serves needed ac- This legislation is made even more for the Nation’s smallest firms. The cess to credit most. urgent given that unchecked and ineffi- bill that we have before us today, Fortunately, Mr. LOUDERMILK’s legis- cient regulations are working against which would reform the Economic lation being considered here today will the very consumers our regulatory re- Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Re- take important steps to require regu- gime was designed to help. Take, for duction Act of 1996, is a move in the lators to consider the institution’s size example, the fact that the United right direction. and risk profile as they evaluate the States lost nearly 12,000 of its federally Making sure all financial regulators necessity and effectiveness of regu- insured banks between 1984 and 2016, have a comprehensive process in place latory rulemaking under the self-re- making it harder for small business en- to review regulations will strengthen view mandated to them by the Eco- trepreneurs and families to access the our financial sector and make it more nomic Growth and Regulatory Paper- credit and capital they need to create possible for America’s small businesses work Reduction Act. Importantly, Mr. new opportunities and grow. to have access to the capital that they LOUDERMILK’s legislation will also ex- These banks struggled under the need to grow and expand and create pand the EGRPRA process to the Con- weight of new regulations, either to more jobs for more Americans. Mr. sumer Financial Protection Bureau disappear completely or to be swal- Speaker, I therefore urge my col- and the National Credit Union Admin- lowed up by the big banks that are able leagues to support the commonsense istration, encouraging the tailoring of to absorb the heavy cost of compliance. reforms that are in H.R. 4607, and I regulations across the regulatory spec- For those banks that are able to sur- urge them to support this legislation. trum. vive, significant tradeoffs are required. Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. This legislation takes steps to en- In Rockford, Minnesota, for instance, Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of courage regulators to allow small insti- instead of adding another lender to my time. tutions adequate leeway to exercise their team, one small community bank Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I reasonably constructed consumer lend- needed to hire a full-time compliance yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from ing regimes to make sure consumers officer simply to keep up with the reg- Colorado (Mr. TIPTON), who is vice have the broadest array of choices and ulatory onslaught from Washington.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.022 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1387 That same bank is spending over and our economy. This bipartisan regu- Harmonization is the goal of this bill, $100,000 each year on compliance costs latory relief bill does just that. It up- and that should not be partisan or even instead of using that money in ways dates and expands regulators’ manda- controversial. We simply want less peo- that would benefit the local commu- tory review of financial institutions ple buried in paperwork and more peo- nity. while protecting consumers. It also re- ple starting businesses through their Minnesota’s credit unions have also quires the review be performed every 7 local financial institution. been hit hard by unchecked and out- years rather than every 10. This bill is supported by folks across dated regulation. One study found that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the political spectrum, and I am ex- credit unions in my State of Minnesota time of the gentleman has expired. cited about the good it will do for our have incurred $102 million in costs di- Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I financial institutions back home and rectly related to the increased regula- yield the gentleman from New Jersey consumers in my district. tions created by the Dodd-Frank Act. an additional 30 seconds. I want to again thank Mr. Worse still, one in every four Min- Mr. GOTTHEIMER: It requires regu- LOUDERMILK for introducing this im- nesota credit union employees spends lators to consider tailoring regulations portant piece of legislation that will their time solely on regulatory compli- when appropriate. In short, the Com- ensure our financial system is func- ance. prehensive Regulatory Review Act will tioning efficiently for hardworking Mr. Speaker, we have a duty to stand cut bureaucratic red tape and help our Americans. up for these struggling financial insti- economy thrive without putting con- Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. tutions and, more importantly, the sumers at risk. Mr. Speaker, I continue to reserve the consumers whose communities are There should be nothing partisan balance of my time. hurting without them. We can do that about helping entrepreneurs and busi- Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I today. nesses of all sizes grow, create jobs, yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from Representative LOUDERMILK’s legisla- and expand the economy. With this Missouri (Mr. LUETKEMEYER), who is a tion sailed through committee in Janu- measure, Democrats and Republicans real leader on our committee for com- ary receiving support from both sides join together to ensure outdated, un- monsense regulation and the chairman of the aisle because Republicans and necessary, and burdensome regulations of our Financial Services Sub- Democrats know that H.R. 4607 takes are eliminated or reformed to better fit committee on Financial Institutions necessary and important steps to ease the needs of individual financial insti- and Consumer Credit. the regulatory burdens which challenge tutions, which ultimately saves Ameri- Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I community financial institutions in cans money, helps consumers and fami- thank Chairman HENSARLING for all his each and every congressional district. lies grow—and businesses, too—and it great work and leadership on our Fi- I appreciate the hard work of the protects, always, American consumers. nancial Services Committee and also bill’s sponsor and the chairman of the Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. thank the gentleman from Georgia committee to bring this legislation to I continue to reserve the balance of my (Mr. LOUDERMILK) for crafting a com- the floor today, and I urge my col- time, Mr. Speaker. monsense, bipartisan bill that requires leagues to vote ‘‘yes’’ on the Com- Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I the Federal financial regulators and prehensive Regulatory Review Act. yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from the Consumer Financial Protection Bu- Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. North Carolina (Mr. BUDD). reau to conduct a comprehensive re- Mr. Speaker, I continue to reserve the Mr. BUDD. Mr. Speaker, I thank my view of all the regulations promulgated balance of my time. friend from Georgia for leading on this with the intent of identifying those Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I issue. that are outdated or duplicative. yield 1 minute to the gentleman from I rise today in strong support of his Across the Nation, financial compa- New Jersey (Mr. GOTTHEIMER), who is a bipartisan bill, the Comprehensive nies continue to suffer as a result of Democratic member of the Financial Regulatory Review Act. the burdensome regulations. What my Services Committee. It strikes me as common sense that friends on the other side of the aisle Mr. GOTTHEIMER. Mr. Speaker, I Federal regulators should review their don’t always recognize is the impact first want to thank Congressman regulations and rules on a consistent that has on the ability of those compa- LOUDERMILK for working together on basis. They should also seek comment nies to serve their customers. the Comprehensive Regulatory Review from the people whom these rules actu- Take cybersecurity as an example. Act. Congressman LOUDERMILK has ally affect. Mr. LOUDERMILK’s bill helps Financial firms of all sizes are forced been a true partner who has been tire- accomplish this goal by requiring the to adhere to an overlapping regulatory less in pursuing smart regulatory re- CFPB and National Credit Union Ad- regime that is focused on fighting yes- form policies and in finding solutions ministration do so every 7 years. terday’s war. for the people he serves. We both want Mr. Speaker, since the implementa- I spoke with a major bank just last to get something done for the people tion of Dodd-Frank, community banks week that has cybersecurity examina- we represent. and credit unions have had a more dif- tions from the Federal Reserve, the I also want to thank Congresswoman ficult time serving their customers. Comptroller of the Currency, the FDIC, SINEMA for her help and support in The red tape and additional burden the Treasury Department, and multiple leading this legislation. brought on by Dodd-Frank has in- State banking agencies; and that I urge my colleagues on both sides of creased costs for the consumer and re- doesn’t include the foreign entities the aisle to support the bipartisan duced their choices in the market for that regulate the international busi- Comprehensive Regulatory Review Act. financial products. nesses of this bank. Each agency has a America’s economic engine has been One agency in particular that is slightly different exam process and re- under pressure for some time now from guilty for this additional burden is the quires slightly different information. unnecessarily burdensome and out- CFPB, which has finalized over 60 rules This type of regime doesn’t protect dated regulations building up on the since their creation. Many of their companies from cybersecurity threats. books of our regulators. It costs us in rules are duplicative and unnecessary. The lack of coordination means this in- economic growth. And while there are I think, at the very least, they should stitution spends more time reacting to clear times where smart guardrails are review and study how their regulations the regulators than it does protecting necessary, there are others when it ac- are affecting real folks in the real its customers. tually holds back smart growth for our world. Or look at the antiquated regime sur- country and for our families. I hear from financial institutions rounding examination and enforcement We need a smarter, more efficient back home how the CFPB has done of the Bank Secrecy Act and anti- government. It is time to relieve these nothing but harm their community money laundering laws. What was unnecessary burdens and spur business bank or their credit union. They are originally intended to be a reasonable job growth and access to credit in New being overwhelmed by the volume and process that fostered collaboration be- Jersey’s Fifth District and across the complexity of regulations, and that is tween financial institutions and law country while protecting consumers just not okay. enforcement to root out bad actors and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.024 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 illicit financing has become so onerous regulators to loosen their rules to ben- making process to repropose a rule, to that banks are choosing to drop cus- efit bad actors on Wall Street. The bill get public comment. So, again, in and tomers or close entire books of busi- doesn’t even allow regulators to con- of itself, it changes no rules. I almost nesses just to avoid compliance bur- sider how to improve safeguards to bet- want to ask my friend on the other side dens. Processes like these do very little ter protect consumers. of the aisle: What is she scared of? to help consumers or the integrity of It is absurd that we are here today What is so wrong with simply looking the financial system. discussing yet another bill that leads at the rules that have been promul- Every time I speak to a bank or cred- to massive deregulation and seeks to gated to see if they are actually work- it union in Missouri, I ask what one tip the scales in favor of the financial ing? Are they helping our constituents? rule or regulation they find to be the industry. The interests of the public Are they making economic opportunity most burdensome or they would like to are what we should be focused on. more available for all? see changed. The answer is always the This bill is yet another piece of the What is so odd is, the original same: It isn’t just one. It is the weight harmful and reckless Republican agen- EGRPRA legislation that dates back to of all the rules combined that is re- da. Only a few months ago, Repub- the Clinton era was overwhelmingly stricting credit and the availability of licans jammed their tax scam legisla- supported on both sides of the aisle. financial services in our communities. tion through this Chamber. They added So what the gentleman from Georgia We have to make a change, Mr. $1.8 trillion to the Federal debt in is doing in H.R. 4607 is simply saying Speaker. Mr. LOUDERMILK’s legislation order to line the pockets of Wall Street all financial regulators, including the would institute a more thoughtful ap- and other megacorporations with bil- National Credit Union Administration proach to regulations that will not lions in tax cuts, leaving families on and the Consumer Financial Protection only offer regulatory relief, but also Main Street and generations of their Bureau, which really didn’t even exist foster a more responsible and stable fi- children just to pick up the tab. Demo- in the Clinton era, ought to do the nancial marketplace. crats rejected that terrible piece of leg- same thing. They are saying, instead of As the gentleman from Georgia has islation and should now reject H.R. 4607 doing it every 10 years, let’s do it every said in the past, this bill isn’t just as well. 7 years. Just take a look and report. about regulatory relief; it is about Americans for Financial Reform, a That is all it is. good government. This should not be a coalition of more than 200 consumer It is a self-reporting requirement, partisan exercise. I hope every Member civil rights, investor, retiree, commu- which I think, Mr. Speaker, is why this of this body stands for responsible gov- nity, labor, faith-based, and business has already been supported overwhelm- ernment and joins me in supporting groups said that H.R. 4607, ‘‘contains ingly on a bipartisan basis in the House H.R. 4607 today. no consideration of the public benefits Financial Services Committee. Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I that are the justification for creating So with all of the various scare tac- have no further speakers, and I am pre- the regulations in the first place, and tics and horror stories that we have pared to close. which regulators should be seeking to heard from the other side of the aisle Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. preserve. Any mandate to tailor regu- on a mere reporting requirement, Mr. Speaker, I yield myself the balance lations must include consideration of again, I ask, Mr. Speaker: What are of my time. public benefits, rather than being a they scared of? Mr. Speaker, before I proceed with one-sided directive to reduce business What we are ultimately trying to do my closing, I would just like to make a costs.’’ I agree. here is make sure that the regulatory few comments about some of the infor- For Members who are concerned with burden is not such that it harms the mation that was shared with us by maintaining strong protections, I very people I spoke about earlier in my Members on the opposite side of the would highlight that Trump’s OMB Di- opening comments: that it doesn’t hurt aisle. I want to remind them that these rector, Mick Mulvaney, has been ille- Dan, a Navy veteran from Illinois who, poor little banks that you are talking gally installed as Acting Director of because of the regulatory burden, was about, which include all of the big the Consumer Financial Protection Bu- forced to shut down his small business; banks in America, made record profits reau and is working every day to dial that it doesn’t hurt Anne in Wisconsin, in 2016—more than $170 billion—and back the important work of the Con- who is just trying to get a loan to re- they are going to make billions more sumer Bureau from within. model her garage; that it doesn’t hurt from that tax bill, that tax scam give- Congress should not be giving Mr. Michele and her daughter in Missouri. away to Wall Street. Lending is up 75 Mulvaney, or anyone the President Her daughter was just simply seeking a percent since 2010. eventually appoints and is confirmed car loan to buy her first car. So when my friends on the opposite to serve as the next Director of the These are the people whom we are side of the aisle continue to talk about Consumer Bureau, a green light to gut trying to help. how the banks are suffering, I don’t consumer protections and reduce the And by the way, all banks—small, know who they are talking about. As a Consumer Bureau’s ability to hold bad medium, and large—are lending to matter of fact, the real bipartisanship actors accountable. businesses and to consumers, and we of this committee is about community Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to want them to do that in a robust but banks, and Democrats have led and will oppose H.R. 4607, and I yield back the responsible way. continue to lead on every way and ev- balance of my time. So, from time to time, let’s look at erything that we can do for community Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I the regulations and ensure that they banks. yield myself the balance of my time. are still helping us achieve equal finan- Mr. Speaker, I listened very carefully cial opportunity for all so that our con- b 1315 to my friend on the other side of the stituents can achieve their share of the Mr. Speaker, I notice that when my aisle. Again, her comments were very American Dream, that they can friends on the opposite side of the aisle heavy on thematics, very heavy on ex- achieve financial independence. come in with deregulation, they frame traneous material. Unfortunately, it This received strong, bipartisan sup- it in such a way that you would think was a little light on the facts of H.R. port, Madam Speaker, in the House Fi- that it is all about community banks, 4607. nancial Services Committee. It ought when, in fact, they always attach any- The text of the bill is 31⁄2 pages long; to receive strong, bipartisan support on thing they do for community banks to so it doesn’t take very long to read. the House floor. the biggest banks in America. But I remind all of my colleagues that Madam Speaker, I urge all Members So, Mr. Speaker, H.R. 4607 dem- this is common sense. In and of itself, to vote for and adopt H.R. 4607, and I onstrates just how much my colleagues this bill changes no rules. All it does is yield back the balance of my time. on the other side of the aisle value the tell our regulators that every 7 years, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. interests of Wall Street over families why don’t you look at what you have ROBY). All time for debate has expired. and consumers on Main Street. done and publish a report. Pursuant to House Resolution 747, This bill would direct the banking, If you want to change any rule, you the previous question is ordered on the credit union, and consumer protection have to go through the formal rule- bill, as amended.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.026 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1389 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Who in the administration gets rich- cluded in this originally and putting it question is on the engrossment and er when our coasts are opened up to oil under the purview of this bill so that third reading of the bill. drilling, when tariffs are levied on there can be a review of the rules and The bill was ordered to be engrossed steel, or when predatory lenders are al- regulations. and read a third time, and was read the lowed to prey on college students? Is there lack of transparency on the third time. President Trump has rejected the other side? MOTION TO RECOMMIT norm that all modern-day Presidents Do we no longer want to be con- Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. have followed. His refusal to release his cerned about what is going on? Madam Speaker, I have a motion to re- tax returns or to remove himself from Do we no longer want to know that commit at the desk. his family business necessitates codi- the rules and regulations are appro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the fying the norms and practices of pre- priately adjudicated here by these gentlewoman opposed to the bill? vious Presidents into law in this disclo- agencies? I think that is the wrong way to go. Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. sure. I think that we need to have more Madam Speaker, I am opposed. Congress must do its job and provide transparency. Reducing from 10 years The SPEAKER pro tempore. The a necessary check on a President who down to 7 gives us an opportunity to Clerk will report the motion to recom- has shown contempt for his basic duty have a more constant review of these mit. to put Americans first. All of these The Clerk read as follows: policies affect American families. They things to make sure that the bureau- cratic folks in the executive branch of Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts moves to re- affect the taxes we pay, the air we commit the bill H.R. 4607 to the Committee breathe, and whether our kids can af- the government don’t run away with on Financial Services with instructions to ford to go to college. what should be, in my view, the au- report the same back to the House forthwith We deserve to know if these decisions thority of the Congress. with the following amendment: are being made to enrich a President b 1330 Page 3, line 21, strike ‘‘otherwise deter- and if they are being made at the tax- mined’’ and insert ‘‘such action is at the re- Madam Speaker, I think that the mo- quest of and for the personal gain of the payers’ expense. This simple act of dis- tion to recommit is way out of line President, his or her immediate family mem- closure will allow the American people here, and I don’t think we need to bers, or senior Executive Branch officials to judge for themselves who this ad- waste any more time on it. who are required to file annual financial dis- ministration is really looking out for. Madam Speaker, I ask folks to de- closure forms, or is otherwise determined in- Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- cline the amendment, and I yield back appropriate’’. ance of my time. the balance of my time. Mr. LEUTKEMEYER. Madam Speak- Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Madam Speak- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without er, I reserve a point of order on the mo- er, I withdraw my reservation of a objection, the previous question is or- tion to recommit. point of order. dered on the motion to recommit. The SPEAKER pro tempore. A point The SPEAKER pro tempore. The res- There was no objection. of order is reserved. ervation of the point of order is with- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Pursuant to the rule, the gentle- drawn. question is on the motion to recommit. woman from Massachusetts is recog- Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Madam Speak- The question was taken; and the nized for 5 minutes in support of her er, I claim the time in opposition. Speaker pro tempore announced that motion. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- the noes appeared to have it. Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. tleman from Missouri is recognized for Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. Madam Speaker, this is the final 5 minutes. Madam Speaker, on that I demand the amendment to the bill, which will not Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Madam Speak- yeas and nays. kill the bill or send it back to com- er, I appreciate the opportunity to dis- The yeas and nays were ordered. mittee. If adopted, the bill will imme- cuss this matter today. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- diately proceed to final passage, as It is kind of interesting that we have ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- amended. before us an amendment that basically ceedings on this question will be post- My amendment is a commonsense is something that deals with a finan- poned. measure that protects the American cial services bill, something that deals f people from corruption and conflicts of with a financial services issue, yet we ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER interest. had the EPA and a whole bunch of PRO TEMPORE My amendment simply states that other agencies brought into the discus- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- before taking any action to eliminate sion here, which has nothing to do with ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair or change a regulation, regulators what we are trying to talk about here will postpone further proceedings must disclose any communications today. today on motions to suspend the rules from the White House or the Presi- The amendment talks about the on which a recorded vote or the yeas dent’s family advocating for the action President or his immediate family and nays are ordered, or votes objected and whether the President, his family, members. How is it possible that, un- less those family members have the au- to under clause 6 of rule XX. or any senior administration officials The House will resume proceedings thority to make the request, they even would benefit financially from such ac- on postponed questions at a later time. tion. should be considered? The American people need to have This is sort of pulling things out of f confidence that their government is the air here that make no sense to me. PORTFOLIO LENDING AND working in the best interest of the peo- This is a very simple bill that we have MORTGAGE ACCESS ACT ple and not to enrich a President and where all we are looking at trying to Mr. BARR. Madam Speaker, I move his family and wealthy friends. do is take the EGRPRA law that says to suspend the rules and pass the bill Every day, the news is filled with that, every 10 years, all the rules and (H.R. 2226) to amend the Truth in Lend- stories that raise this very question. regulations are reviewed. ing Act to provide a safe harbor from Does the Trump family benefit when All we are doing is putting two agen- certain requirements related to quali- the EPA loosens environmental safe- cies back into this group of agencies fied mortgages for residential mort- guards on construction projects? that are under review, one that was not gage loans held on an originating de- Does Jared Kushner’s deeply indebted even in existence at the time of the pository institution’s portfolio, and for family business receive favorable treat- bill’s passage back in the nineties, the other purposes, as amended. ment when he advocates for certain CFPB; and the other one that needs to The Clerk read the title of the bill. policies? be included is the National Credit The text of the bill is as follows: Do the President’s sons get special Union. All we are doing is taking that H.R. 2226 permits from foreign governments 10-year review down to 7. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- when the President changes policies to- Why is this controversial? We are resentatives of the United States of America in wards those countries? taking an agency that was not even in- Congress assembled,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.029 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1390 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. made under the loan to be applied solely to the mortgage business altogether be- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Portfolio accrued interest and not to the principal of cause of the difficulties associated with Lending and Mortgage Access Act’’. the loan; and the QM rule as currently constructed. SEC. 2. MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ‘‘(v) the term ‘negative amortization term’ MORTGAGE LOANS. Indeed, a third of the National Asso- means a term of a residential mortgage loan ciation of Realtors survey respondents Section 129C(b) of the Truth in Lending under which the payment of periodic pay- Act (15 U.S.C. 1639c(b)) is amended by adding ments will result in an increase in the prin- reported being unable to close mort- at the end the following: cipal of the loan.’’ gages due to a requirement of the ‘‘(4) SAFE HARBOR.— The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- qualified mortgage rule. Residential ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—A residential mortgage ant to the rule, the gentleman from mortgages were the product or service loan shall be deemed a qualified mortgage most often identified by surveyed loan for purposes of this subsection if the Kentucky (Mr. BARR) and the gen- loan— tleman from Michigan (Mr. KILDEE) banks as a candidate for discontinu- ‘‘(i) is originated by, and continuously re- each will control 20 minutes. ation as a result of Dodd-Frank. A re- tained in the portfolio of, a covered institu- The Chair recognizes the gentleman cent study by the John F. Kennedy tion; from Kentucky. School of Government at Harvard Uni- ‘‘(ii) is in compliance with the limitations GENERAL LEAVE versity documents the falling share of with respect to prepayment penalties de- Mr. BARR. Madam Speaker, I ask bank participation in mortgage origi- scribed in subsections (c)(1) and (c)(3); unanimous consent that all Members nations. ‘‘(iii) is in compliance with the require- Everyone agrees, especially after the ments related to points and fees under para- may have 5 legislative days in which to graph (2)(A)(vii); revise and extend their remarks and in- 2008 financial crisis, that a borrower ‘‘(iv) does not have negative amortization clude extraneous material on this bill. should be required to show a demon- terms or interest-only terms; and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there strable ability to repay. The only ques- ‘‘(v) is a loan for which the covered institu- objection to the request of the gen- tion is: Who is in the best position to tion considers, documents, and verifies the tleman from Kentucky? make that determination—a commu- debt, income, and financial resources of the There was no objection. nity banker with a professional and, consumer in accordance with subparagraph Mr. BARR. Madam Speaker, I yield perhaps, even a personal relationship (C). myself such time as I may consume. ‘‘(B) EXCEPTION FOR CERTAIN TRANSFERS.— with the borrower who has full view of Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to a resi- Madam Speaker, H.R. 2226, the Port- that borrower’s character, credit- dential mortgage loan if the legal title to folio Lending and Mortgage Access worthiness, financial situation, and such residential mortgage loan is sold, as- Act, represents a very simple solution who is willing to assume 100 percent of signed, or otherwise transferred to another to a significant policy challenge facing the downside risk of default; or is it an person unless the legal title to such residen- our economy: how to expand access to unaccountable, unelected bureaucrat in tial mortgage loan is sold, assigned, or oth- mortgage credit without replicating Washington, D.C., who literally knows erwise transferred— the accumulation of excess risk in the ‘‘(i) to another person by reason of the absolutely nothing about that bor- bankruptcy or failure of the covered institu- mortgage-backed securities market rower? tion that originated such loan; like we witnessed in the run-up to the By bearing 100 percent of the risk, fi- ‘‘(ii) to an insured depository institution 2008 financial crisis. nancial institutions have every incen- or insured credit union that has less than My legislation achieves both goals by tive to make sure that a borrower can $10,000,000,000 in total consolidated assets on extending the qualified mortgage legal afford to repay a loan. Banks and cred- the date of such sale, assignment, or trans- safe harbor to small creditors, banks, it unions would have more than just fer, if the loan is retained in portfolio by and credit unions with total consoli- skin in the game. Under this legisla- such insured depository institution or in- dated assets of $10 billion or less, that sured credit union; tion, their interests would align per- ‘‘(iii) pursuant to a merger of the covered originate and hold residential mort- fectly with that of a borrower. institution that originated such loan with gage loans in portfolio, rather than As one witness in front of our com- another person or the acquisition of a the selling or securitizing them, allowing mittee testified: ‘‘A financial institu- covered institution that originated such loan those lenders to satisfy Dodd-Frank’s tion that retains a loan’s credit and in- by another person or of another person by a ability-to-repay rule. terest-rate risk has a keen interest in covered institution, if the loan is retained in Such a policy would actually engaging in thorough, sound under- portfolio by the person to whom the loan is incentivize private sector risk reten- writing to determine the borrower’s sold, assigned, or otherwise transferred; or tion—a goal of the Dodd-Frank Act ability to repay. Allowing a financial ‘‘(iv) to a wholly owned subsidiary of the covered institution that originated such loan itself—and mark a return to relation- institution to make a customer-spe- if the loan is considered to be an asset of ship lending in which a bank or credit cific lending decision on a loan it in- such covered institution for regulatory ac- union can tailor products to a con- tends to hold in its portfolio can be a counting purposes. sumer’s needs and credit risk, without more effective way of protecting con- ‘‘(C) CONSIDERATION AND DOCUMENTATION running afoul of one-size-fits-all gov- sumers than regulatory attempts to REQUIREMENTS.—The consideration and docu- ernment requirements. Under CFPB micromanage mortgage terms with in- mentation requirements described in sub- regulations, only government-defined flexible standards.’’ paragraph (A)(v) shall— qualified mortgages enjoy a presump- No less than Barney Frank, former ‘‘(i) not be construed to require compliance with, or documentation in accordance with, tion that a lender has satisfied the chairman of the committee, endorsed appendix Q to part 1026 of title 12, Code of Dodd-Frank law’s ability-to-repay re- this concept in a hearing before this Federal Regulations, or any successor regu- quirements. committee, saying he ‘‘would like the lation; and Small banks and credit unions have main safeguard against bad loans to be ‘‘(ii) be construed to permit multiple meth- been disproportionately impacted by risk retention, because that leaves the ods of documentation. these rules, given their reliance upon decision in the hands of whoever is ‘‘(D) DEFINITIONS.—In this paragraph— residential mortgage lending and making the loan,’’ the CFPB also, ‘‘(i) the term ‘covered institution’ means greater involvement in small dollar or itself, acknowledged this key point in an insured depository institution or an in- balloon loans that run afoul of current sured credit union that, together with its af- its own rulemaking, where it recog- filiates, has less than $10,000,000,000 in total QM regulations. It is no surprise that nized that portfolio lenders ‘‘have consolidated assets on the date on the origi- Harvard researchers have found that, strong incentives to carefully consider nation of a residential mortgage loan; since Dodd-Frank’s passage, commu- whether a consumer will be able to ‘‘(ii) the term ‘insured credit union’ has nity banks have lost market share at a repay a portfolio loan at least in part the meaning given the term in section 101 of rate double that experienced between because the small creditor retains the the Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C. 1752); 2006 and 2010, a period including the en- risk of default.’’ ‘‘(iii) the term ‘insured depository institu- tirety of the financial crisis. It is also This legislation also presents a viable tion’ has the meaning given the term in sec- not a surprise that many small com- alternative to the ‘‘originate to dis- tion 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813); munity financial institutions have tes- tribute’’ mortgage lending model that ‘‘(iv) the term ‘interest-only term’ means a tified in front of the House Financial contributed to the subprime mortgage term of a residential mortgage loan that al- Services Committee and to many of my meltdown and bubble in residential lows one or more of the periodic payments colleagues that they have simply left real estate and taxpayer bailouts. The

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.004 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1391 result is expanded access to mortgage have talked about this issue for quite H.R. 2226, as amended in the com- credit without additional risk to the fi- some time, and I am really pleased to mittee, provides this targeted and, I nancial system or to the taxpayer. see it move forward. think, reasonable relief. In fact, this is particularly important Madam Speaker, I urge my col- As Representative BARR and I have for young families and first-time home leagues to support H.R. 2226, the Port- indicated, there are additional refine- buyers, who tend to have difficulty folio Lending and Mortgage Access ments to the bill that I would have meeting the ability-to-repay require- Act, which would allow certain mort- still liked to have seen adopted, such ments due to circumstances, such as gages that are originated and retained as additional guardrails on the types of significant student loan debt, but who in portfolio by a bank with less than products offered. I am glad, however, are otherwise creditworthy. $10 billion in total assets to be consid- and as Mr. BARR indicated, the leader- I have been working on this legisla- ered as qualified mortgages. ship of the committee, the majority, tion for 5 years now, and I am happy to In the lead-up to the financial crisis, agreed to crucial language offered by announce that, this year, we had a bi- there were a number of mortgage lend- Mr. CAPUANO to improve the bill. partisan breakthrough. That is be- ers that did not do their due diligence As amended, lenders are required to cause, at the committee markup, I of- in underwriting mortgages. We saw a continually hold these loans in port- fered an amendment that limited the number of exotic products being of- folio, and not only consider and docu- scope of this bill to financial institu- fered to individuals and families pre- ment, but verify a borrower’s income tions with less than $10 billion in as- mised on a continually rising housing information. sets. And my distinguished colleague, market. Congress should not be in the busi- Representative CAPUANO, offered a These included ‘‘no doc’’ loans where ness of allowing lenders to underwrite technical amendment that enhanced the lender did not document or verify a and offer mortgage loans that bor- the legislation by clarifying a few key borrower’s income. There were real rowers have no ability to repay. provisions. I am pleased to report that, consequences for those sorts of loans. I am supportive of this bill for that because of those two amendments, the Many of these borrowers never really reason, but also because I believe it Portfolio Lending and Mortgage Access had any hope of paying back those will help in areas of the country that Act passed with unanimous support in loans. As those mortgages went into have weaker housing markets. This has the committee and is now on the floor default, the foreclosures helped lead to really been the reason that I have been today for consideration. a financial crisis that devastated the interested in the issue of portfolio lending. I want to thank Chairman HEN- U.S. economy, and millions of families As many know, I represent Flint, SARLING, Ranking Member WATERS, were stripped from their single source Michigan, which not unlike a number Representative CAPUANO, the Kentucky of wealth: the equity in their home. of communities across the country Bankers Association, the Kentucky In the wake of that crisis, Congress have very weak and very low cost mar- Credit Union League, the American passed the Dodd-Frank Act and re- kets. You can purchase a single family Bankers Association, the Independent quired lenders to assess a consumer’s home in Flint for $25,000—not $250,000— Community Bankers of America, the ability to repay their mortgage loans. $25,000. Credit Union National Association, the We also provided statutory penalties Under the QM rules, financial insti- National Association of Federal Credit for mortgage lenders that did not fol- tutions sometimes, justifiably, strug- Unions, the National Association of low these new underwriting standards. gle to make these small mortgages, re- Home Builders, and the United States Congress also directed the Consumer sulting in even more stagnant mar- Chamber of Commerce for their hard Financial Protection Bureau to enact kets—it is a vicious cycle—and weak- work on this important legislation. regulations to create a safe harbor for ening these markets permanently. If If passed by the House, it is my hope creditors, where it would be presumed we can’t get people financed into mort- that the Portfolio Lending and Mort- that the creditor evaluated the bor- gages, these communities and the mar- gage Access Act moves quickly rower’s ability to repay. ket will never recover. through the Senate. Eleven of our In 2013, under the direction of former Democratic colleagues in the upper Director Cordray, the Consumer Finan- b 1345 Chamber support this exact language, cial Protection Bureau released its This bill will encourage community which is in Chairman CRAPO’s commu- ability-to-repay and qualified mort- banks and credit unions to make those nity financial institution relief bill. gage rule. This rule defined how lend- smaller mortgages, to help weaker Together, Republicans and Democrats ers could take advantage of that safe markets. can deliver on the regulatory relief harbor. It is for that reason and many others, that many of us in this body have Qualified mortgages, commonly re- but particularly for that reason, that I promised to our constituents that will ferred to as QM loans, are a special cat- encourage my colleagues to support enable more of them to buy the home egory of loans that have strong under- this legislation. It is a big step in the of their dreams. writing standards and certain non- right direction for weak markets. I Madam Speaker, I invite all of my predatory loan features that help make hope my colleagues will join me in sup- colleagues to vote for this important them more likely that borrowers will porting it. pro-homeownership legislation that be able to afford their mortgages. Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- perfectly aligns lender and borrower in- So if a lender originates a QM loan, it ance of my time. terests to the benefit of America. means that the lender met certain re- Mr. BARR. Madam Speaker, I yield Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- quirements, and it is assumed that the myself as much time as I may con- ance of my time. lender followed the ability-to-repay sume. Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, I yield rule as drafted by the Consumer Finan- Madam Speaker, I want to thank my myself such time as I may consume. cial Protection Bureau. This also al- friend, the gentleman from Michigan Madam Speaker, I thank my col- lows the lender to be shielded from cer- (Mr. KILDEE), for his constructive com- league for his persistence in offering tain types of liability associated with ments, his support. And the gentleman this legislation. As he said, in com- originating bad loans. is absolutely correct. He engaged with mittee, we had a successful markup I and my colleagues were pleased me and my colleagues who were co- where we were able to unanimously that the Consumer Financial Protec- sponsoring this legislation in a very support this legislation. It is important tion Bureau tailored the rule to ensure constructive manner. He made valuable legislation. that lenders who serve rural and under- contributions, along with Mr. CAPUANO We don’t agree on everything. One served communities have flexibility in and the ranking member. Several other doesn’t have to go very far. Back in serving their customers. members on the other side of the aisle, committee, right now, where we have a While that was a very good first step, Mr. PERLMUTTER, for example, offered rather contentious markup on a budget Congress has pushed to expand this tai- his thoughtful comments as well. I ap- using estimates, as I said in that meet- loring to include even more commu- preciate the support, the bipartisan ing: When we do agree, we should come nity banks and credit unions, con- support, working through a com- together. Representative BARR and I sistent with safe and sound operations. promise to get this legislation to where

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.033 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1392 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 it is today, so I thank the gentleman Congresses now, and I feel that we are think we could find areas of disagree- for that. finally in a place where we can get ment. But when it comes to the spe- Madam Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to some commonsense changes to the cifics of this legislation, I think it the gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. CFPB’s qualified mortgage rules that strikes a good balance. The balance, for EMMER), who is also a sponsor of this provide relief to community banks and me, being the notion that we can deem legislation and a distinguished member credit unions. these mortgages held by smaller insti- of the Committee on Financial Serv- I was very pleased to see this legisla- tutions, as long as they are held in ices. tion get a unanimous vote in the Com- portfolio, as meeting the QM require- Mr. EMMER. Madam Speaker, when mittee on Financial Services earlier ments. the House passed the Financial this year. I am also very happy to see In exchange for that, what we get is, CHOICE Act to repeal Dodd-Frank last that the Senate Committee on Bank- in weak markets, we get a chance for year, we did so because we believe in ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs is tak- folks who essentially have been locked Main Street, we believe in the con- ing note of this issue and has advanced out of home ownership to be able to get sumer, the American consumer. similar legislation. a small mortgage literally on a $25,000, Dodd-Frank promised to protect con- The Dodd-Frank Act required the $30,000, or $40,000 home and begin to sumers from the big banks on Wall Consumer Financial Protection Bureau build equity that will return value to Street. In reality, Dodd-Frank has pun- to come up with a series of new rules that family and to that community for ished small banks and credit unions regarding mortgage lending. One of a long, long time. and, ultimately, the American con- these rules was the so-called qualified For that reason, I support this legis- sumer. mortgage rule, which provides a safe lation and I urge my colleagues to join The loss of community financial in- harbor to loans if they meet certain me in voting ‘‘yes’’ on it. stitutions tells the story. In my State criteria prescribed by the Bureau. This Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- of Minnesota, we had 513 community effectively means that the market ance of my time. banks in 2000. Today, we have about Mr. BARR. Madam Speaker, I yield treats any loans that are not qualified 309, and continue to experience a myself the balance of my time. mortgages as being much riskier. In closing, let me just reiterate that drought in de novo charters. The Bureau’s rule is especially chal- Credit unions have, unfortunately, this legislation solves two problems. It lenging for community banks and cred- faced similar challenges. This means solves the problem of responsible ex- it unions. These lenders do not tend to there are fewer places for Americans to pansion of access to mortgage credit, be as automated as larger financial in- turn when they are seeking a loan for access to that American Dream of stitutions. They also tend to put more their first home or perhaps to get a home ownership; and, at the same time into underwriting mortgages to small business off the ground. time, preventing the mistakes that led One specific provision in Dodd-Frank reflect the unique circumstances of the to the 2008 financial crisis, the origi- requires lenders to deny loans to indi- customers in their communities. nate to distribute model where origina- However, the CFPB’s qualified mort- viduals who do not meet government- tors of mortgages had no skin in the gage rule took away much of this flexi- prescribed standards. This, according game and they allowed those mort- bility from these lenders by doing to Washington, makes loans safer, gages to be poorly underwritten or not things like instituting a 43 percent since, of course, government knows underwritten at all, with no docu- debt-to-income ratio. This might be a best. But in reality, these mortgages mentation, and then securitized and good indicator of repayment risk for a have not been made safer. They have sold into the secondary market, really lot of mortgages, but a one-size-fits-all been made unavailable. As a result, the without any eye towards the consumer is almost never a good approach. likelihood of getting approved for a and the borrower’s ability to repay. The CFPB’s rule also did not ac- loan and becoming a homeowner has Everybody in this institution, as evi- knowledge the fact that small lenders plummeted. denced by the bipartisan work here, we do not tend to sell these loans into the Representative BARR’s legislation, all recognize that a borrower should the Portfolio Lending and Mortgage secondary market. They keep 100 per- demonstrate an ability to repay that Access Act, takes steps to empower cent of the risk on their portfolio. This loan, but the crux of this legislation, at lenders in Minnesota and across the means these lenders have a very strong the core of this legislation is a recogni- country and to better serve the needs incentive to issue loans that they be- tion that a local community banker, a of their customers by extending impor- lieve will be repaid. local credit union, a lender with a per- tant protections to institutions and en- If loans held on portfolio can be sonal relationship with a borrower is in suring access to credit for American treated as qualified mortgages, then the best position to determine whether borrowers. these banks and credit unions will have or not that borrower, that prospective At the end of the day, the most effec- a stronger incentive to manage any homeowner, can repay that loan. tive way to ensure an individual has risk associated with these mortgages. When there is risk retention, when the ability to repay does not always The Portfolio Lending and Mortgage that lender is charged with the respon- need to be government-prescribed. Access Act would treat loans held on sibility of maintaining that loan in I appreciate my colleague from Ken- portfolio by community banks and portfolio, the lender is much more tucky’s hard work to protect and rein- credit unions as qualified mortgages if incentivized to properly underwrite vigorate our community financial in- they meet some other criteria, such as that loan and make sure that that cus- stitutions, and I urge my colleagues to not having a negative amortization or tomer, that borrower, that future support H.R. 2226, the Portfolio Lend- interest-only features. homeowner, has a demonstrable ability ing and Mortgage Access Act, as it This change to the CFPB’s qualified to repay. I think it is a much better comes before the House for a vote. mortgage rule will go a long way to- substitute to a one-size-fits-all credit Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, I re- wards simplifying how our community box from, frankly, bureaucrats in serve the balance of my time. financial institutions can help families Washington, D.C., who have no eye to- Mr. BARR. Madam Speaker, I yield 3 achieve the dream of home ownership. wards the creditworthiness of that par- minutes to the gentleman from Illinois I have been hearing about this legis- ticular borrower. (Mr. HULTGREN), who is also, I believe, lation from community banks and We have worked with our friends on a sponsor of the legislation. credit unions in Illinois, and I am con- the other side of the aisle to make this Mr. HULTGREN. Madam Speaker, I fident it will help my constituents. a bipartisan piece of legislation lim- thank Chairman BARR for yielding. Madam Speaker, I want to encourage iting the size of the institutions that Madam Speaker, I rise today to all of my colleagues to support this im- can access this regulatory relief. But, speak in support of H.R. 2226, the Port- portant legislation. clearly, when community financial in- folio Lending and Mortgage Access Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, I yield stitutions, bankers from around the Act, and I am proud to be an original myself the balance of my time to close. country, every part of the country, are cosponsor of this legislation. Madam Speaker, just to reiterate, we saying that they see the QM rule as not This is something that Chairman don’t agree on everything. Even some ‘‘qualified mortgages,’’ but as ‘‘quit- BARR has worked on for at least two of the debate in this conversation, I ting mortgages;’’ and when we see an

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.035 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1393 unnecessary constraint of mortgage allow for a reduced reporting requirement While new technologies are helping credit; and when the National Associa- for a covered depository institution when the bring banking services to anyone with tion of Realtors are reporting that institution makes the first and third report an internet connection, many people they are unable to close mortgages due of condition for a year, as required under still prefer the personal one-on-one paragraph (3). banking style that they grew up with to this onerous qualified mortgage ‘‘(B) DEFINITION.—In this paragraph, the rule, clearly the pendulum has swung term ‘covered depository institution’ means and the personal interaction often that too far. an insured depository institution that— helps the banks themselves understand So, yes, we needed some reforms in ‘‘(i) has less than $5,000,000,000 in total con- the exact needs of their customers. the aftermath of the financial crisis. solidated assets; and b 1400 This QM rule went too far. This is a re- ‘‘(ii) satisfies such other criteria as the ap- calibration of that. And this is impor- propriate Federal banking agencies deter- The Dodd-Frank law was almost 2,300 tant regulatory relief for our commu- mine appropriate.’’. pages and required dozens of agencies nity financial institutions that will The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- to create new regulations or revise ex- isting ones. As a result, these agencies inure to the benefit of the American ant to the rule, the gentleman from issued hundreds of regulations and, ac- home-buying public, and it will do so in Kentucky (Mr. BARR) and the gen- cording to the Mercatus Center, the a responsible way, providing a viable tleman from Michigan (Mr. KILDEE) law placed about 28,000 new restrictions alternative to the originate to dis- each will control 20 minutes. on the banking industry, effectively tribute practices that really led to the The Chair recognizes the gentleman doubling the number of regulatory re- financial crisis. from Kentucky. strictions in title 12 of the Code of Fed- Madam Speaker, let me just make Mr. BARR. Madam Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume, eral Regulation to more than 52,000. one final observation, and that is to Although not part of the Dodd-Frank give credit to the administration. The and I rise today in support of H.R. 4725, the Community Bank Reporting Relief rush of regulations, a growing number Department of the Treasury, in their of banks have cited the Federal Finan- findings and recommendations in their Act. Community banks were hit hard by cial Institutions Examination Coun- report on banks and credit unions, they cil’s, or FFIEC, Consolidated Reports recognized that this was a problem in the Great Recession and the ensuing regulations. Numerous bankers have of Condition and Income—or call re- the mortgage lending space and they ports, as they are commonly called—as made a recommendation also to in- told me they are spending more and more money and resources and time on too burdensome. crease the portfolio lending safe harbor Each quarter, all national banks, compliance costs and less money and to institutions with $10 billion in as- State member banks, insured State resources on actually providing serv- sets or lower; and that, as they argued, nonmember banks, and savings associa- ices to customers. This is particularly will accommodate loans made and re- tions are required to file these call re- alarming because these small banks tained by small depository institu- ports. The reports contain approxi- are so critical to their communities. tions, provide that needed regulatory mately 50 pages of financial data on From sponsoring the local T-ball team, relief to our community financial in- each bank, including their assets, li- to lending money to a farmer for the stitutions, and also expand access to abilities, capital accounts, expenses, mortgage credit in a responsible way. next year’s crop, to helping the single and income. However, these reports are Madam Speaker, I thank my col- mom purchase a used car so she can get very burdensome for community banks leagues for their support. At this time to work, these banks are involved at with limited resources and offer little I have no further requests for time, and every level of our communities all value to the regulators relative to the I yield back the balance of my time. across America, but because of over- last quarter’s report. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The regulation, these banks are rapidly Thankfully, H.R. 4725, the Commu- question is on the motion offered by closing and consolidating. nity Bank Reporting Relief Act, is the gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. Unfortunately, the headline for fighting back against the bureaucratic BARR) that the House suspend the rules banks in the Commonwealth of Ken- nightmare of complying with these and pass the bill, H.R. 2226, as amend- tucky is no different. Since the enact- 52,000 restrictions by allowing banks ed. ment of the Dodd-Frank financial con- with less than $5 billion in consolidated The question was taken; and (two- trol law, we have seen a 20 percent drop assets to file their call reports every 6 thirds being in the affirmative) the in the number of banks in our State months as opposed to every 3 months. rules were suspended and the bill, as and there has been a dearth of charters The impact of this regulatory change amended, was passed. for new banks. In fact, since 2010, there will be a huge development for banks A motion to reconsider was laid on have been only a few de novo charters across the country. Now they will the table. for banks nationwide. spend less time on call reports and f Now, some people say that consolida- more time on actually helping cus- tion and mergers have been a long- tomers. This means more capital will COMMUNITY BANK REPORTING term trend for the last 30 years and, be flowing into our local economies, RELIEF ACT therefore, not related to the recent up- spurring job growth and economic de- Mr. BARR. Madam Speaker, I move tick in regulations unrelated to Dodd- velopment, while making a real dif- to suspend the rules and pass the bill Frank, but they are clearly not seeing ference in the lives of Americans try- (H.R. 4725) to amend the Federal De- the bigger picture, because even after ing to access affordable capital to buy posit Insurance Act to require short mergers, many branches in rural and a new home or car or start a business. form call reports for certain depository other underserved communities are I want to thank my good friend from institutions. closing, leaving many Kentuckians to Illinois, Congressman RANDY The Clerk read the title of the bill. drive a town or two over just to get to HULTGREN, for his leadership and for The text of the bill is as follows: the nearest bank. introducing this important legislation. H.R. 4725 It is not just about a long-term trend Due to his leadership, this great com- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- of consolidation. There have been lit- munity bank bill is being considered as resentatives of the United States of America in erally no new charters, whereas before a suspension on the floor today. That Congress assembled, the Dodd-Frank law was enacted, there means that there is a great chance that SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. were many, many new charters every this bill will build on its unanimous This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Community year; and since the Dodd-Frank law support earned during the House Fi- Bank Reporting Relief Act’’. was enacted, no new charters. So the nancial Services Committee markup SEC. 2. SHORT FORM CALL REPORTS. consolidation trend has gotten a lot and will be a bipartisan provision in Section 7(a) of the Federal Deposit Insur- worse since this avalanche of red tape the Senate Banking chairman’s Eco- ance Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following: coming out of Washington, D.C., and nomic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and ‘‘(12) SHORT FORM REPORTING.— that is having a very negative impact Consumer Protection Act, which is ex- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The appropriate Federal on rural and underserved American pected to pass out of the Senate very banking agencies shall issue regulations that communities. soon.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.036 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1394 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 In addition to Congressman sor of the legislation and the vice warrants the sharp growth in our quar- HULTGREN, I want to thank Chairman chairman of the Subcommittee on Cap- terly reporting obligation.’’ HENSARLING and Ranking Member ital Markets, Securities, and Invest- The length of the call report has sim- WATERS for their hard work on this ments. ply gotten out of hand. Washington critical legislation, and I urge my col- Mr. HULTGREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise needs to get out of the way so that leagues to vote for H.R. 4725, the Com- today to speak in support of the Com- community banks can focus on meet- munity Bank Reporting Relief Act. munity Bank Reporting Relief Act. ing the needs of their communities. I reserve the balance of my time. I would like to begin by thanking The role of smaller financial institu- Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I yield Leader MCCARTHY and Chairman HEN- tions is especially important in more myself such time as I may consume. SARLING for their support in getting rural areas, such as in my district, Mr. Speaker, I rise to support H.R. this legislation to the floor. I also want where larger banks tend to not have as 4725, the Community Bank Reporting to thank and express my appreciation many branches. Relief Act, which would reduce report- to my colleagues, ANDY BARR and The Community Bank Reporting Re- ing requirements through first and TERRI SEWELL, for serving as original lief Act would require Federal banking third quarter call reports for deposi- cosponsors on this legislation. regulators to permit for a short-form tory institutions with less than $5 bil- I would also like to point out that call report every other quarter for lion in total consolidated assets. this identical language has been in- banks with less than $5 billion in assets This bill provides targeted regulatory cluded in the bipartisan regulatory re- and that satisfy other criteria deter- relief to many of our smaller financial lief bill that the Senate is expected to mined by bank regulators. institutions, as has been the desire of take up maybe sometime this week. Federal banking regulators have not both Democrats and Republicans on By way of background, the Federal demonstrated there are statistically the committee and in this Congress for Financial Institutions Examinations significant variations in this data some time. Council requires banks and savings as- quarter to quarter, and we heard testi- Under the Obama administration, the sociations to file a quarterly Consoli- mony consistent with this from Tioga Federal banking agencies began taking dated Report of Condition and Income, State Bank in the House Financial a series of steps to reduce and stream- also known as the call report. Banking Services Committee. This means the line various bank reporting require- regulators use data in the call report banking regulators are simply col- ments. Many of these requirements had to monitor the safety, soundness, per- lecting too much information too fre- existed for decades, including the quar- formance, and risk profile of each in- quently. The Federal banking regu- terly Consolidated Reports of Condi- stitution and to assess the overall con- lators would be required to take input tion and Income for a Bank, which is dition of the banking system. from our neighborhood banks under commonly referred to as a call report. I think we can all agree that our Fed- consideration when making these These efforts by regulators have in- eral banking regulators should have changes. This cannot be simply check- cluded creating a simpler call report regular updates on the overall perform- the-box exercises, but real reform is for most community banks with less ance and health of financial institu- necessary. However, nothing in this legislation than $1 billion. Regulators have al- tions. For example, this is important if would prevent regulators from having ready been exploring raising the Federal banking regulators are going access to the information that they threshold to a comparable level that is to be prudent stewards of Federal de- need to adequately understand the proposed by this legislation. The regu- posit insurance. However, this does not health of the banking system. Regu- lators also allow for some data to be mean that the Federal banking regu- lators will still receive the most impor- reported semiannually, as this bill lators need regular reports about every tant information every quarter. would allow, or annually rather than single data point on every single finan- The Independent Community Bank- quarterly. cial institution. ers of America has suggested this short I am pleased that H.R. 4725 would Unfortunately, the reporting burden form call report include three sched- give the regulators discretion to decide has grown significantly over the years, ules: schedules RI, an income state- what information should be included in which means banks have to spend more ment; schedule RIA, changes in bank a reduced call report. It is also key time with compliance issues rather equity capital; and Schedule RC, the that the bill would require a full call than working with families and busi- balance sheet. report every other quarter for banks nesses to meet their financial needs. Furthermore, in the event there is under $5 billion, including at the end of When I introduced similar legislation any reason for concern about the the year, to make sure that regulators last Congress, one community banker health of the bank, regulators would and the public have sufficient informa- in Illinois, Greg Ohlendorf, with First maintain their authority to make ad tion on the health of financial institu- Community Bank and Trust, shared hoc information requests. tions. with me: ‘‘The quarterly call report This legislation is supported by the Furthermore, this bill would permit has increased to some 80 pages sup- American Bankers Association, the regulators to limit the regulatory re- ported by almost 700 pages of instruc- Independent Community Bankers of lief, as appropriate. This would, for ex- tions, and it represents a growing bur- America, and the neighborhood banks ample, exclude banks with foreign of- den on community banks.’’ in all of our districts who are looking fices or ones that are affiliated with According to a survey that the Inde- for commonsense regulatory relief. much larger banks, as they do today. pendent Community Bankers of Amer- I urge my colleagues to vote in sup- This bill would appropriately main- ica conducted of its members in 2014, port of this legislation. We must cut tain robust oversight of our Nation’s over 60 percent of the annual cost to regulation for community banks. largest banks while providing targeted prepare the call report goes to per- Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I reserve relief for smaller institutions. sonnel salaries. This survey shows that the balance of my time. As I said, we don’t agree on every- this is not a highly automated process Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- thing. Many of us on this side believe for those institutions and that often- self such time as I may consume. that the robust protections built into times senior executives such as the Let me once again thank the gen- Dodd-Frank have strengthened the fi- chief financial officer are responsible tleman from Illinois for his tireless ad- nancial system but that there are ways for this regulatory burden. vocacy on behalf of our community fi- that we can improve and refine those We also heard testimony in the Fi- nancial institutions and providing restrictions in order to support par- nancial Institutions and Consumer some commonsense, basic relief to ticularly smaller institutions. This is a Credit Subcommittee hearing from those institutions so that, instead of step in that direction, and I urge my Robert Fisher, president and CEO of dealing with paperwork, they could ac- colleagues to support H.R. 4725. Tioga State Bank, on behalf of the tually better serve their customers and I reserve the balance of my time. ICBA, who stated: ‘‘When I first started grow our local economies. Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased in banking in the mid-1980s, the report GENERAL LEAVE to yield 6 minutes to the gentleman was 18 pages long. No change in our Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- from Illinois (Mr. HULTGREN), the spon- basic business model since that time mous consent that all Members may

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.039 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1395 have 5 legislative days in which to re- States Secret Service, the Director of the law or regulation determined to be appro- vise and extend their remarks and in- Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Admin- priate to ensure that the United States pur- clude extraneous material on this bill. istrator of the Drug Enforcement Adminis- sues coordinated and effective efforts within The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. tration, the Commissioner of Customs and the jurisdiction of the United States, includ- Border Protection, the Director of the Office ing efforts or actions that are being taken or WALDEN). Is there objection to the re- of National Drug Control Policy, and the can be taken by financial institutions, ef- quest of the gentleman from Ken- Federal functional regulators, develop a na- forts in cooperation with international part- tucky? tional strategy to combat the financial net- ners of the United States, and efforts that There was no objection. works of transnational organized criminals. build partnerships and global capacity to Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the (b) TRANSMITTAL TO CONGRESS.— combat transnational organized crime. balance of my time. (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than one year SEC. 4. DEFINITIONS. Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I will just after the enactment of this Act, the Presi- In this Act: close by reiterating what I said earlier. dent shall submit to the appropriate Con- (1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- From time to time, it is clear that we gressional committees and make available to TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional the relevant government agencies as defined committees’’ means— can come together on solutions to in subsection (a), a comprehensive national (A) the Committee on Financial Services, problems that we come across in any strategy in accordance with subsection (a). the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Com- regulation, in any aspect of the Federal (2) UPDATES.—After the initial submission mittee on Armed Services, the Committee on Government. Even in areas where we of the national strategy under paragraph (1), the Judiciary, the Committee on Homeland might find broad disagreement on the the President shall, not less often than every Security, and the Permanent Select Com- importance of many of the protections 2 years, update the national strategy and mittee on Intelligence of the House of Rep- that were put in place after the finan- submit the updated strategy to the appro- resentatives; and cial crisis, across the aisle, we can priate Congressional committees. (B) the Committee on Banking, Housing, (c) SEPARATE PRESENTATION OF CLASSIFIED and Urban Affairs, the Committee on For- often find common ground around par- MATERIAL.—Any part of the national strat- eign Relations, the Committee on Armed ticular solutions; and, when we do egy that involves information that is prop- Services, the Committee on the Judiciary, that, we should act. erly classified under criteria established by the Committee on Homeland Security and I think that is why so many of us the President shall be submitted to Congress Governmental Affairs, and the Select Com- were pleased to see this legislation separately in a classified annex and, if re- mittee on Intelligence of the Senate. come forward to give us a chance to quested by the chairman or ranking member (2) FEDERAL FUNCTIONAL REGULATOR.—The demonstrate that this is a step in the of one of the appropriate Congressional com- term ‘‘Federal functional regulator’’ has the right direction, particularly supporting mittees, as a briefing at an appropriate level meaning given that term in section 509 of the of security. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. 6809). some of our smaller institutions. I sup- (3) TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME.—The port this legislation and urge my col- SEC. 3. CONTENTS OF NATIONAL STRATEGY. The national strategy described in section term ‘‘transnational organized crime’’ refers leagues to do the same. 2 shall contain the following: to those self-perpetuating associations of in- I yield back the balance of my time. (1) THREATS.—An identification and assess- dividuals who operate transnationally for Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I have no ment of the most significant current the purpose of obtaining power, influence, further requests for time, and I yield transnational organized crime threats posed monetary or commercial gains, wholly or in back the balance of my time. to the national security of the United States part by illegal means, while— The SPEAKER pro tempore. The or to the U.S. and international financial (A) protecting their activities through a question is on the motion offered by system, including drug and human traf- pattern of corruption or violence; or (B) while protecting their illegal activities the gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. ficking organizations, cyber criminals, kleptocrats, and other relevant state and through a transnational organizational BARR) that the House suspend the rules non-state entities, including those threats structure and the exploitation of and pass the bill, H.R. 4725. identified in the President’s ‘‘Strategy to transnational commerce or communication The question was taken; and (two- Combat Transnational Organized Crime’’ mechanisms. thirds being in the affirmative) the (published July 2011). The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- rules were suspended and the bill was (2) ILLICIT FINANCE.—(A) An identification ant to the rule, the gentleman from passed. of individuals, entities, and networks (in- Kentucky (Mr. BARR) and the gen- cluding terrorist organizations, if any) that A motion to reconsider was laid on tleman from Michigan (Mr. KILDEE) the table. provide financial support or financial facili- tation to transnational organized crime each will control 20 minutes. f groups, and an assessment of the scope and The Chair recognizes the gentleman NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR COM- role of those providing financial support to from Kentucky. BATING THE FINANCING OF transnational organized crime groups. GENERAL LEAVE TRANSNATIONAL CRIMINAL OR- (B) An assessment of methods by which Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- transnational organized crime groups laun- GANIZATIONS ACT mous consent that all Members may der illicit proceeds, including money laun- have 5 legislative days in which to re- Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I move to dering using real estate and other tangible vise and extend their remarks and in- suspend the rules and pass the bill goods such as art and antiquities, trade- based money laundering, bulk cash smug- clude extraneous material on this bill. (H.R. 4768) to require the President to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there develop a national strategy to combat gling, exploitation of shell companies, and misuse of digital currencies and other cyber objection to the request of the gen- the financial networks of transnational technologies, as well as an assessment of the tleman from Kentucky? organized criminals, and for other pur- risk to the financial system of the United There was no objection. poses, as amended. States of such methods. Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- The Clerk read the title of the bill. (3) GOALS, OBJECTIVES, PRIORITIES, AND AC- self such time as I may consume. The text of the bill is as follows: TIONS.—(A) A comprehensive, research-based, Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support H.R. 4768 discussion of short-term and long-term of H.R. 4768, the National Strategy for goals, objectives, priorities, and actions, list- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Combating the Financing of ed for each department and agency described resentatives of the United States of America in Transnational Criminal Organizations under section 2(a), for combating the financ- Congress assembled, ing of transnational organized crime groups Act. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. and their facilitators. I want to, at the outset, applaud and This Act may be cited as the ‘‘National (B) A description of how the strategy is in- thank my colleague Mr. KUSTOFF from Strategy for Combating the Financing of tegrated into, and supports, the national se- Tennessee for his leadership on this im- Transnational Criminal Organizations Act’’. curity strategy, drug control strategy, and portant legislation and for bringing SEC. 2. NATIONAL STRATEGY. counterterrorism strategy of the United this solution to the Congress and this (a) IN GENERAL.—The President, acting States. solution to the American people. through the Secretary of the Treasury, shall, (4) REVIEWS AND PROPOSED CHANGES.—A re- As Members of Congress, our number in consultation with the Attorney General, view of current efforts to combat the financ- one responsibility is the national secu- the Secretary of State, the Secretary of ing or financial facilitation of transnational Homeland Security, the Director of National organized crime, including efforts to detect, rity and the well-being of the American Intelligence, the Secretary of Defense, the deter, disrupt, and prosecute transnational people. Unfortunately, transnational Director of the Financial Crimes Enforce- organized crime groups and their supporters, criminal organizations threaten the ment Network, the Director of the United and, if appropriate, proposed changes to any safety of Americans, and we must do

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.040 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1396 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 everything in our power to stop them. unanimous support in January, and it ganizations, whose primary objective is Transnational criminal organizations, is my hope that it passes with unani- economic gain. or TCOs as they are called for short, mous support today on the House floor. In a number of ways, this legislation are engaged in illegal business ventures Mr. Speaker, in addition to Congress- before us will ensure that the Treas- around the world such as money laun- man KUSTOFF, I thank Chairman HEN- ury, as well as the intelligence and dering, cybercrime, and the trafficking SARLING and Ranking Member WATERS broader U.S. national security appa- of drugs, weapons, endangered species, for their hard work on this issue. To- ratus, remains focused on some of the and even human beings. gether we can, in a bipartisan way, em- emerging threats posed by While TCOs may not be motivated by power our government to better fight transnational organized crime groups; a particular radical, political, or reli- transnational criminal organizations, including, kleptocrats, human traf- gions ideology, they are motivated by making the American people safer and fickers, drug traffickers, and money, and they will stop at nothing our economy stronger. cybercriminals. to get it. According to a 2011 report Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Additionally, the legislation explic- published by the Obama administra- vote for H.R. 4768, the National Strat- itly requires the administration to ex- tion, entitled, ‘‘Strategy to Combat egy for Combating the Financing of amine how such groups exploit the use Transnational Organized Crime,’’ TCOs Transnational Criminal Organizations of shell companies, misuse digital cur- have dramatically ramped up their Act. rencies and other cyber technologies. size, scope, and influence, and are even Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of I am also pleased that, with the con- teaming up with terrorist organiza- my time. currence of the chairman and the gen- tions and corrupt foreign officials to Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I yield tleman from Tennessee (Mr. KUSTOFF), expand their networks and conceal myself such time as I may consume. the committee agreed to adopt an their illicit financial assets. Mr. Speaker, if ever there is a time amendment offered by Ranking Mem- These TCOs cost the Western Hemi- for Democrats and Republicans to ber WATERS that sharpens the bill’s sphere about 3.5 percent of gross do- come together in a bipartisan fashion, focus on the methods by which mestic product annually, and they gen- it would be around this issue, around transnational organized crime groups erate for themselves around $870 bil- an issue to combat the financing of launder illicit funds using real estate lion, which is roughly the value of the transnational criminal organizations. and other tangible goods, such as art world’s largest company, Apple. That is what H.R. 4768 would do. Spe- and antiquities. These significant vul- President Trump, on February 9, 2017, cifically, it would require the Sec- nerabilities have been identified as issued Executive Order 13773 on ‘‘En- retary of the Treasury to lead the ef- major threats to our national security forcing Federal Law with Respect to fort, in consultation with other key and the integrity of our financial sys- Transnational Criminal Organizations agencies and departments, and update tem by a broad range of bipartisan ex- and Preventing International Traf- the strategy to fight these organiza- perts, including the Financial Crimes ficking.’’ tions at least every 2 years. Enforcement Network and the Finan- Additionally, the legislation requires cial Action Task Force. b 1415 the administration to assess the key For example, just last year, FinCEN It states that TCOs in the form of threats, financial support networks, noted in a public advisory that: ‘‘Real transnational drug cartels have a and methods used by criminal groups estate transactions and the real estate stronghold in America and threaten to launder the proceeds of illicit activi- market have certain characteristics the safety of the American people. ties. In passing this legislation, we will that make them vulnerable to abuse by From former President Obama to cur- not only build upon but also cement illicit actors. . . . For these reasons rent President Trump, TCOs are recog- the importance of the interagency ap- and others, drug traffickers, corrupt of- nized as a major risk to national secu- proach taken by the prior administra- ficials, and other criminals can and rity. That is why I am very pleased to tion in combating the impact of global have used real estate to conceal the ex- see that my good friend from Ten- criminal enterprises. istence and origins of their illicit nessee, Congressman DAVID KUSTOFF, Indeed, in 2010, the Obama adminis- funds.’’ has introduced H.R. 4768, the National tration conducted a comprehensive as- The entities and individuals that Strategy for Combating the Financing sessment of organized crime, the first have sought to exploit real estate to of Transnational Criminal Organiza- such review that had taken place since conceal illicit funds includes Iranian tions Act. the mid-1990s. The assessment came to banks subject to U.S. sanctions, Rus- This legislation requires the Presi- the alarming conclusion that the sian oligarchs and Russian-organized dent, the Treasury Secretary, financial threat of global criminal networks had crime rings, as well as Venezuelan offi- regulators, and other appropriate offi- become more complex, volatile, and de- cials found to be engaged in narcotics cials to create a national strategy to stabilizing and that such groups were trafficking. combat TCOs and their illicit use of fi- proliferating, striking new and power- The fact that these vulnerabilities nancial networks. Specifically, the leg- ful alliances, and engaging in a grow- are not merely theoretical and have islation requires them to identify and ing range of illicit activities such as we been used by a wide range of criminal assess the largest TCO threats to the have never seen before. groups should disturb all of us. We also United States. It also mandates that To combat this growing threat and know that money laundering through the strategy include the identification lessen its impact both domestically the global art and antiquities market of the people or groups that facilitate and on our foreign partners, the Obama is another key method for washing il- access to financial networks for the administration, in 2011, issued a com- licit funds, and that is undoubtedly TCOs through laundering assets, such prehensive interagency strategy that being exploited by well-organized as, real estate, art and antiquities, identified 56 priority actions across transnational criminal groups. Indeed, smuggling bulk cash, exploitation of five strategic objectives. One of these we know that the looting and traf- shell companies, and the use of covert key objectives included breaking the ficking in cultural heritage is a source cryptocurrencies and other cyber tech- economic power of transnational crimi- of revenue that has funded ISIS’ hei- nologies. nal networks and protecting strategic nous activities, and we know that the The legislation also requires the markets and the U.S. financial system opaque characteristics of the high-end strategy to include long-term and from penetration and abuse by art market and its lack of basic anti- short-term goals, an explanation of transnational organized crime. This money-laundering requirements make how goals will be integrated into exist- strategic objective, in particular, reso- it a target for illicit funds. ing national security apparatuses, and, nates with me, as I have always be- So I am pleased that the members of if needed, suggest legislative and regu- lieved strongly that following the this committee were able to agree that latory changes to better fight against money and using our economic lever- real estate and art market vulnerabili- TCOs. age is the best way to counter illicit ties should be given due consideration This legislation passed the House activity. This is especially true in when it comes to transnational orga- Committee on Financial Services with countering transnational criminal or- nized crime. Again, this is one of those

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.042 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1397 subjects around which bipartisanship The United Nations Office on Drugs that cuts off funding and other re- should be assumed. and Crime estimates that these cartel sources for transnational criminal or- Mr. Speaker, I urge all Members to and transnational criminal organiza- ganizations and to routinely report to join in this bipartisan effort and to tions generate nearly $870 billion a Congress and the American people on support this legislation. year. This money is used to directly the strategy’s progress. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of threaten the security and the pros- Our bill is a commonsense solution my time. perity of the United States of America that protects Arizona families, commu- Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 and other countries in the Western nities, and businesses from the threats minutes to the gentleman from Ten- Hemisphere. Our legislation is a crit- of transnational organized crime. nessee (Mr. KUSTOFF), a member of the ical step in disrupting this illicit fi- By focusing on the money, we take a House Financial Services Committee nance and putting an end to the need- meaningful step in combating and a former United States Attorney less crimes committed by cartels. cybercrime, money laundering, drug from the Western District of Ten- As we have seen, these organizations trafficking, and human trafficking, as nessee, who has brought considerable have evolved in a continued effort to well as other issues that transnational prosecutorial experience in drafting evade law enforcement. Therefore, in criminals bring to our communities. and authoring this legislation. an effort to stay one step ahead of I thank Chairman HENSARLING and Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee. Mr. these bad actors, we have also got to Ranking Member WATERS for sup- Speaker, I thank the chairman for evolve. These transnational organiza- porting this important legislation, and yielding. tions have developed interstate net- I will continue working with my col- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support leagues across the aisle to keep Ari- of my bill, the National Strategy for works to and from the border in which drugs come up from Central America zona families safe. Combating the Financing of Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 and the cash returns back to the coun- Transnational Criminal Organizations minutes to the gentleman from Penn- try of origin. We simply cannot stand Act. sylvania (Mr. ROTHFUS), the vice chair- idly by as these activities continue. We On February 9 of 2017, last year, man of the Financial Services Sub- must keep money out of the hands of President Trump issued an executive committee on Financial Institutions those who intend to cause harm to our order directing the Federal Govern- and Consumer Credit. Nation. ment to combat international drug Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, I thank I think this legislation does exactly trafficking. Now, before I go any fur- Chairman BARR for yielding me time. ther, I want to take note that this ex- that. I greatly appreciate the hard Mr. Speaker, I rise today to express ecutive order was issued in the third work done by my colleagues from the my support for the National Strategy week of the Trump administration. Financial Services Committee on this for Combating the Financing of This early action gives us an idea of very important legislation. I urge all Transnational Criminal Organizations how seriously we must take this issue. my colleagues to support its passage. Act. I want to thank my colleague Rep- Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 The executive order recognizes that il- resentative KUSTOFF for his work on legal drugs are pouring into our coun- minutes to the gentlewoman from Ari- this important issue. try and they are threatening American zona (Ms. SINEMA), a cosponsor of this The Subcommittee on Terrorism and safety, primarily at the hands of car- legislation and a distinguished member Illicit Finance has been examining tels and other transnational criminal of the Financial Services Committee. global criminal organizations and the organizations. Ms. SINEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise in threat they pose to the United States These criminal organizations are re- support of H.R. 4768, the National financial system. sponsible, in large part, for the rising Strategy for Combating the Financing These sophisticated and dangerous opioid epidemic sweeping across our of Transnational Criminal Organiza- organizations, like drug cartels, in- Nation. Take my district of west Ten- tions Act. creasingly pose a direct threat to the nessee, where we continue to see a rise Mr. Speaker, according to the Drug safety and security of all Americans. in the deaths caused by opioid Enforcement Administration’s Phoenix They have fueled the opioid crisis that overdoses. From heroin to fentanyl, division, the Sinaloa cartel is the big- continues to kill tens of thousands of and the more potent synthetic opioid gest, most violent, and nastiest organi- Americans each year, including the known as carfentanil, we must con- zation threatening Arizonans, even big- spread of human trafficking, among a tinue to use every available resource to ger than MS–13. It is a dangerous and host of other illicit activities. prevent the further destruction of our highly sophisticated organization. I want to remind my colleagues that communities. We have got to say Sinaloa smuggles heroin and meth- entire communities are still plagued by enough is enough. amphetamine across the border into this crisis, including hard-hit commu- The important legislation that we Arizona and, with it, a pattern of nities in western Pennsylvania. are discussing today will create a plan crime, intimidation, and addiction that Beyond the opioid crisis, though, I to track illicit money channels and cut rips at the very fabric of our commu- want to highlight an exceptionally them off at the source. Specifically, it nities. dangerous situation in which the directs the United States Treasury De- Arizonans know we need to be tough, United States finds itself. partment to develop a national strat- smart, and aggressive to confront Some of the cartels are now working egy aimed at disrupting these financial Sinaloa and other cartels. Our bill directly with organizations like crimes. The Treasury Department will cracks down on the drug cartels and Hezbollah, a terrorist organization, as work hand in hand with the Depart- other international crime syndicates reflected in a recent Politico article. ment of Defense, the Department of that threaten Arizona families and our Fortunately, the new administration is Homeland Security, the Department of quality of life by hitting them where it taking a tougher stance now with the Justice, the State Department, and the hurts: their bank accounts. announcement of a newly created Office of the Director of National Intel- Drug cartels like Sinaloa obtain Hezbollah Financing and Narcoter- ligence to produce a yearly report out- wealth and power through money laun- rorism Team. lining a strategy and detailing ways dering; cybercrime; and human, drugs, Mr. Speaker, it is about time Amer- that the United States Government and weapons smuggling. To stop the ica fought back against this growing can continue to prevent these financial drug cartels and protect Arizona fami- international threat, and this bill will crimes. lies, we need a comprehensive approach help ensure the government has a For far too long, these criminal orga- to cut off the money that fuels their strategy to stay in this fight. Lives de- nizations have used illicit business ven- operations. pend on it. tures to further finance their activi- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to b 1430 ties, which range from money laun- support this bill. dering and cybercrime to the traf- That is why Congressman KUSTOFF Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I reserve ficking of drugs, human trafficking, from Tennessee and I introduced H.R. the balance of my time. weapons trafficking, and trafficking in 4768. This bill requires the administra- Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 endangered species. tion to develop and execute a strategy minutes to the gentleman from North

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.044 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1398 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 Carolina (Mr. BUDD), a member of the transnational criminal organizations, combatting our nation’s drug problem. Simi- Financial Services Committee. and I hope that we will use those tools larly, the Office of Community Oriented Po- Mr. BUDD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to counter the threat posed by licing Services has served as the cornerstone for our nation’s crime-fighting efforts for in strong support of Mr. KUSTOFF’s bill, Hezbollah. more than two decades. With the growing the National Strategy for Combating Hezbollah is not a political party. It threat posed by transnational criminal orga- the Financing of Transnational Crimi- is not a quaint reflection of history. It nizations, it is important that we adopt a nal Organizations Act. is a web of terrorists and criminals, comprehensive national approach. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank my and that web extends here to our hemi- President Donald J. Trump took the first friend for his leadership on this impor- sphere. step by issuing Executive Order #13773, the tant issue, even if it does have a really, Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to In fact, in 2009, there was an arrest Transnational Criminal Organizations and really long name. made in Philadelphia, where Hezbollah Preventing International Trafficking a year I have seen firsthand how these operatives were looking to move 1,200 ago. The Threat Mitigation Working Group transnational drug cartels can disrupt machine guns into Syria. was set up to bring Federal agencies to- civil society. In my own district, the More recent arrests have been made gether a common goal of investigating, pros- opioid epidemic has destroyed innocent in Latin America, where countries like ecuting and dismantling transnational people’s lives, including kids, while gangs. Argentina, Peru, and Paraguay are This bill would codify part of this Execu- transnational criminal organizations, dealing with an enhanced Hezbollah tive Order by developing a national strategy or TCOs, profit on people’s misery and presence. for combatting transnational criminal orga- their death. This important legislation will help nizations. We need to attack their ability to TCOs have brought heroin to our us build a plan to leverage our allies, profit from unlawful activity-whether it is streets and, along with it, increased to leverage the Organization of Amer- money laundering, bulk cash smuggling, crime, placing additional burdens on ican States and other assets so that we shell companies or digital currencies. Simply law enforcement in local communities. put, until we can stop the flow of criminal recognize the threat that Hezbollah profits to these organized, unlawful enter- We are in crisis mode, and targeted and other terrorist organizations pose prises, they will continue to survive no mat- steps need to be taken to address this and so that we meet that threat head- ter how many individuals we arrest and pros- epidemic at all phases. We have to on. ecute. crack down on the pusher on the street. Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, obviously, On behalf of the more than 335,000 members We have to crack down on the drug car- as I said, we need a national strategy of the Fraternal Order of Police, we believe tels. We have to crack down on the this bill will make our country safe from to combat the financing of these transnational criminal organizations. drug companies that have made a prof- transnational criminal organizations. If I can provide any additional information, it from overprescription and filling This legislation requires that such a please do not hesitate to contact me or my suspect orders. strategy be put together. It is an issue Senior Advisor, Jim Pasco, in my Wash- Most of all, we have to crack down on that crosses virtually every partisan or ington office. the intricate faceless and unbelievably ideological line. It is an example of leg- Sincerely, complex international criminal organi- islation that we all can embrace and CHUCK CANTERBURY, National President. zations that allow the profits from should support. these activities into our economy. Mr. Speaker, I encourage my col- Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, as a Member of Congress representing a State that We must eradicate the international leagues to do so, and I yield back the has been ravaged by heroin and opioid illicit financing networks that are the balance of my time. addiction, I can’t think of a more im- linchpin of any criminal organization’s Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- portant thing for this Congress to do operations. But we don’t have a unified self the balance of my time. than to develop a national strategy for national plan. I, once again, thank my colleagues combating these transnational gangs Luckily, this committee has an op- for supporting this legislation. In par- that are preying on our communities. portunity to make a difference by com- ticular, I thank the gentleman from ing up with a national strategy and Once again, I commend Mr. KUSTOFF Tennessee (Mr. KUSTOFF) for his leader- for his leadership in this area and in plan to attack transnational criminal ship on this issue. organizations’ finances. this effort and in this fight. I applaud I would note, also, in addition to all my colleagues for supporting the legis- Mr. KUSTOFF’s bill would direct the of the many sound and persuasive argu- Secretary of the Treasury to provide lation on both sides of the aisle. ments that have been offered for why Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance that plan, a vital first step towards ad- we need this legislation, this National of my time. dressing the threat posed by the grow- Strategy for Combating the Financing The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ing sophistication of illicit financing of Transnational Criminal Organiza- PALMER). The question is on the mo- networks. tions Act, the National Fraternal tion offered by the gentleman from Passing this bill is a significant step Order of Police has endorsed this legis- Kentucky (Mr. BARR) that the House toward an effective, sustained national lation, and I include in the RECORD suspend the rules and pass the bill, strategy to attack the funding that their letter. H.R. 4768, as amended. makes these TCOs possible. NATIONAL FRATERNAL The question was taken; and (two- Therefore, it is critical that we con- ORDER OF POLICE, thirds being in the affirmative) the tinue to maximize cooperation among Washington, DC, February 15, 2018. rules were suspended and the bill, as Federal departments to keep our poli- Hon. PAUL D. RYAN, amended, was passed. cies ahead of these transnational Speaker of the House, House of Representatives, A motion to reconsider was laid on criminals. Washington, DC. the table. Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of Mr. Hon. KEVIN O. MCCARTHY, f KUSTOFF’s timely and important piece Majority Leader, House of Representatives, of legislation. Washington, DC. REPACK AIRWAVES YIELDING Hon. NANCY P. PELOSI, Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I reserve BETTER ACCESS FOR USERS OF Minority Leader, House of Representatives, MODERN SERVICES ACT OF 2018 the balance of my time. Washington, DC. Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 Hon. STENY H. HOYER, Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I move minutes to the gentleman from Florida Minority Whip, House of Representatives, to suspend the rules and pass the bill (Mr. GAETZ). Washington, DC. (H.R. 4986) to amend the Communica- Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, I thank the DEAR MR. SPEAKER AND REPRESENTATIVES tions Act of 1934 to reauthorize appro- gentleman for yielding me time. I also MCCARTHY, PELOSI, AND HOYER: I am writing priations for the Federal Communica- thank the gentleman from Tennessee on behalf of the members of the Fraternal tions Commission, to provide for cer- for introducing this responsible legisla- Order of Police to advise you of our support for H.R. 4768, the ‘‘National Strategy for tain procedural changes to the rules of tion. Combatting the Financing of Transnational the Commission to maximize opportu- Mr. Speaker, I look forward to cir- Criminal Organizations Act.’’ nities for public participation and effi- cumstances where this administration The Office of National Drug Control Policy cient decisionmaking, and for other will have additional tools to deal with was established to set out our strategy in purposes, as amended.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:57 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.045 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1399 The Clerk read the title of the bill. Sec. 707. Reallocation incentives. and collect application fees at such rates as The text of the bill is as follows: Sec. 708. Bidirectional sharing study. the Commission shall establish in a schedule Sec. 709. Unlicensed services in guard bands. of application fees to recover the costs of the H.R. 4986 Sec. 710. Amendments to the Spectrum Pipe- Commission to process applications. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- line Act of 2015. ‘‘(b) ADJUSTMENT OF SCHEDULE.— resentatives of the United States of America in Sec. 711. GAO assessment of unlicensed spec- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In every even-numbered Congress assembled, trum and Wi-Fi use in low-in- year, the Commission shall review the sched- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. come neighborhoods. ule of application fees established under this (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as Sec. 712. Rulemaking related to partitioning section and, except as provided in paragraph the ‘‘Repack Airwaves Yielding Better Ac- or disaggregating licenses. (2), set a new amount for each fee in the cess for Users of Modern Services Act of Sec. 713. Unlicensed spectrum policy. schedule that is equal to the amount of the 2018’’ or the ‘‘RAY BAUM’S Act of 2018’’. Sec. 714. National plan for unlicensed spec- fee on the date when the fee was established (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- trum. or the date when the fee was last amended tents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 715. Spectrum challenge prize. under subsection (c), whichever is later— Sec. 716. Wireless telecommunications tax ‘‘(A) increased or decreased by the percent- Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. and fee collection fairness. age change in the Consumer Price Index dur- Sec. 2. Commission defined. Sec. 717. Rules of construction. TITLE I—FCC REAUTHORIZATION Sec. 718. Relationship to Middle Class Tax ing the period beginning on such date and Relief and Job Creation Act of ending on the date of the review; and Sec. 101. Authorization of appropriations. ‘‘(B) rounded to the nearest $5 increment. Sec. 102. Application and regulatory fees. 2012. Sec. 719. No additional funds authorized. ‘‘(2) THRESHOLD FOR ADJUSTMENT.—The Sec. 103. Effective date. Commission may not adjust a fee under para- SEC. 2. COMMISSION DEFINED. TITLE II—APPLICATION OF graph (1) if— In this Act, the term ‘‘Commission’’ means ANTIDEFICIENCY ACT ‘‘(A) in the case of a fee the current the Federal Communications Commission. Sec. 201. Application of Antideficiency Act amount of which is less than $200, the adjust- to Universal Service Program. TITLE I—FCC REAUTHORIZATION ment would result in a change in the current TITLE III—SECURING ACCESS TO SEC. 101. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. amount of less than $10; or NETWORKS IN DISASTERS (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 6 of the Commu- ‘‘(B) in the case of a fee the current nications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 156) is amend- amount of which is $200 or more, the adjust- Sec. 301. Study on network resiliency. ed to read as follows: ment would result in a change in the current Sec. 302. Access to essential service pro- amount of less than 5 percent. viders during federally declared ‘‘SEC. 6. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. ‘‘(3) CURRENT AMOUNT DEFINED.—In para- emergencies. ‘‘(a) AUTHORIZATION.—There are authorized graph (2), the term ‘current amount’ means, Sec. 303. Definitions. to be appropriated to the Commission to carry out the functions of the Commission with respect to a fee, the amount of the fee TITLE IV—FCC CONSOLIDATED $333,118,000 for fiscal year 2019 and $339,610,000 on the date when the fee was established, the REPORTING for fiscal year 2020. date when the fee was last adjusted under Sec. 401. Communications marketplace re- ‘‘(b) OFFSETTING COLLECTIONS.—The sum paragraph (1), or the date when the fee was port. appropriated in any fiscal year to carry out last amended under subsection (c), whichever Sec. 402. Consolidation of redundant reports; the activities described in subsection (a), to is latest. conforming amendments. the extent and in the amounts provided for ‘‘(c) AMENDMENTS TO SCHEDULE.—In addi- Sec. 403. Effect on authority. in Appropriations Acts, shall be derived from tion to the adjustments required by sub- Sec. 404. Other reports. fees authorized by section 9.’’. section (b), the Commission shall by rule TITLE V—ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS (b) DEPOSITS OF BIDDERS TO BE DEPOSITED amend the schedule of application fees estab- lished under this section if the Commission Sec. 501. Independent Inspector General for IN TREASURY.—Section 309(j)(8)(C) of the determines that the schedule requires FCC. Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. Sec. 502. Authority of Chief Information Of- 309(j)(8)(C)) is amended— amendment— ficer. (1) in the first sentence, by striking ‘‘an in- ‘‘(1) so that such fees reflect increases or Sec. 503. Spoofing prevention. terest bearing account’’ and all that follows decreases in the costs of processing applica- Sec. 504. Report on promoting broadband and inserting ‘‘the Treasury.’’; tions at the Commission; or Internet access service for vet- (2) in clause (i)— ‘‘(2) so that such schedule reflects the con- erans. (A) by striking ‘‘paid to the Treasury’’ and solidation or addition of new categories of Sec. 505. Methodology for collection of mo- inserting ‘‘deposited in the general fund of applications. bile service coverage data. the Treasury (where such deposits shall be ‘‘(d) EXCEPTIONS.— Sec. 506. Accuracy of dispatchable location used for the sole purpose of deficit reduc- ‘‘(1) PARTIES TO WHICH FEES ARE NOT APPLI- for 9-1-1 calls. tion)’’; and CABLE.—The application fees established Sec. 507. NTIA study on interagency process (B) by striking the semicolon and inserting under this section shall not be applicable following cybersecurity inci- ‘‘; and’’; to— dents. (3) in clause (ii), by striking ‘‘; and’’ and ‘‘(A) a governmental entity; Sec. 508. Tribal digital access. inserting ‘‘, and payments representing the ‘‘(B) a nonprofit entity licensed in the Sec. 509. Terms of office and vacancies. return of such deposits shall not be subject Local Government, Police, Fire, Highway Sec. 510. Submission of copy of certain docu- to administrative offset under section 3716(c) Maintenance, Forestry-Conservation, Public ments to Congress. of title 31, United States Code.’’; and Safety, or Special Emergency Radio radio Sec. 511. Joint board recommendation. (4) by striking clause (iii). services; or Sec. 512. Disclaimer for press releases re- (c) ELIMINATION OF DUPLICATIVE AUTHOR- ‘‘(C) a noncommercial radio station or non- garding notices of apparent li- IZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— commercial television station. ability. (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 710 of the Tele- ‘‘(2) COST OF COLLECTION.—If, in the judg- Sec. 513. Reports related to spectrum auc- communications Act of 1996 (Public Law 104– ment of the Commission, the cost of col- tions. 104) is repealed. lecting an application fee established under (2) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—The table of this section would exceed the amount col- TITLE VI—VIEWER PROTECTION contents in section 2 of such Act is amended lected, the Commission may by rule elimi- Sec. 601. Reserve source for payment of TV by striking the item relating to section 710. nate such fee. broadcaster relocation costs. (d) TRANSFER OF FUNDS.—On the effective ‘‘(e) DEPOSIT OF COLLECTIONS.—Moneys re- Sec. 602. Payment of relocation costs of tele- date described in section 103, any amounts in ceived from application fees established vision translator stations and the account providing appropriations to under this section shall be deposited in the low power television stations. carry out the functions of the Commission general fund of the Treasury.’’. Sec. 603. Payment of relocation costs of FM that were collected in excess of the amounts (b) REGULATORY FEES.—Section 9 of the broadcast stations. provided for in Appropriations Acts in any Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 159) is Sec. 604. Consumer education payment. fiscal year prior to such date shall be trans- amended to read as follows: Sec. 605. Implementation and enforcement. ferred to the general fund of the Treasury of ‘‘SEC. 9. REGULATORY FEES. Sec. 606. Rule of construction. the United States for the sole purpose of def- ‘‘(a) GENERAL AUTHORITY.—The Commis- TITLE VII—MOBILE NOW icit reduction. sion shall assess and collect regulatory fees Sec. 701. Short title. SEC. 102. APPLICATION AND REGULATORY FEES. to recover the costs of carrying out the ac- Sec. 702. Definitions. (a) APPLICATION FEES.—Section 8 of the tivities described in section 6(a) only to the Sec. 703. Identifying 255 megahertz. Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 158) is extent, and in the total amounts, provided Sec. 704. Millimeter wave spectrum. amended to read as follows: for in Appropriations Acts. Sec. 705. 3 gigahertz spectrum. ‘‘SEC. 8. APPLICATION FEES. ‘‘(b) ESTABLISHMENT OF SCHEDULE.—The Sec. 706. Broadband infrastructure deploy- ‘‘(a) GENERAL AUTHORITY; ESTABLISHMENT Commission shall assess and collect regu- ment. OF SCHEDULE.—The Commission shall assess latory fees at such rates as the Commission

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shall establish in a schedule of regulatory ‘‘(2) of any amendment under section 8(c) ‘‘(f) ACCOUNTING SYSTEM.—The Commission fees that will result in the collection, in each or 9(d) not later than 90 days before the ef- shall develop accounting systems necessary fiscal year, of an amount that can reason- fective date of such amendment. to make the amendments authorized by sec- ably be expected to equal the amounts de- ‘‘(c) ENFORCEMENT.— tions 8(c) and 9(d).’’. scribed in subsection (a) with respect to such ‘‘(1) PENALTIES FOR LATE PAYMENT.—The (d) TRANSITIONAL RULES.— fiscal year. Commission shall by rule prescribe an addi- (1) APPLICATION FEES.—An application fee ‘‘(c) ADJUSTMENT OF SCHEDULE.— tional penalty for late payment of fees under established under section 8 of the Commu- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—For each fiscal year, the section 8 or 9. Such additional penalty shall nications Act of 1934, as such section is in ef- Commission shall by rule adjust the schedule be 25 percent of the amount of the fee that fect on the day before the effective date de- of regulatory fees established under this sec- was not paid in a timely manner. scribed in section 103 of this Act, shall re- tion to— ‘‘(2) INTEREST ON UNPAID FEES AND PEN- main in effect under section 8 of the Commu- ‘‘(A) reflect unexpected increases or de- ALTIES.—The Commission shall charge inter- nications Act of 1934, as amended by sub- creases in the number of units subject to the est, at a rate determined under section 3717 section (a) of this section, until such time as payment of such fees; and of title 31, United States Code, on a fee under the Commission adjusts or amends such fee ‘‘(B) result in the collection of the amount section 8 or 9 or an additional penalty under under subsection (b) or (c) of such section 8, required by subsection (b). this subsection that is not paid in a timely as so amended. ‘‘(2) ROUNDING.—In making adjustments manner. Such section 3717 shall not other- (2) REGULATORY FEES.—A regulatory fee es- under this subsection, the Commission may wise apply with respect to such a fee or pen- tablished under section 9 of the Communica- round fees to the nearest $5 increment. alty. tions Act of 1934, as such section is in effect ‘‘(d) AMENDMENTS TO SCHEDULE.—In addi- ‘‘(3) DISMISSAL OF APPLICATIONS OR FIL- on the day before the effective date described tion to the adjustments required by sub- INGS.—The Commission may dismiss any ap- in section 103 of this Act, shall remain in ef- section (c), the Commission shall by rule plication or other filing for failure to pay in fect under section 9 of the Communications amend the schedule of regulatory fees estab- a timely manner any fee under section 8 or Act of 1934, as amended by subsection (b) of lished under this section if the Commission 9 or any interest or additional penalty under this section, until such time as the Commis- determines that the schedule requires this subsection. sion adjusts or amends such fee under sub- amendment so that such fees reflect the full- ‘‘(4) REVOCATIONS.— section (c) or (d) of such section 9, as so time equivalent number of employees within ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—In addition to or in lieu amended. the bureaus and offices of the Commission, of the penalties and dismissals authorized by (e) RULEMAKING TO AMEND SCHEDULE OF adjusted to take into account factors that this subsection, the Commission may revoke REGULATORY FEES.— are reasonably related to the benefits pro- any instrument of authorization held by any (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after vided to the payor of the fee by the Commis- licensee that has not paid in a timely man- the effective date described in section 103, sion’s activities. In making an amendment ner a regulatory fee assessed under section 9 the Commission shall complete a rulemaking under this subsection, the Commission may or any related interest or penalty. proceeding under subsection (d) of section 9 not change the total amount of regulatory ‘‘(B) NOTICE.—Revocation action may be of the Communications Act of 1934, as fees required by subsection (b) to be col- taken by the Commission under this para- amended by subsection (b) of this section. lected in a fiscal year. graph after notice of the Commission’s in- (2) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—If the Commis- ‘‘(e) EXCEPTIONS.— tent to take such action is sent to the li- sion has not completed the rulemaking pro- ‘‘(1) PARTIES TO WHICH FEES ARE NOT APPLI- censee by registered mail, return receipt re- ceeding required by paragraph (1) by the date CABLE.—The regulatory fees established quested, at the licensee’s last known address. that is 6 months after the effective date de- under this section shall not be applicable The notice shall provide the licensee at least scribed in section 103, the Commission shall to— 30 days to either pay the fee, interest, and submit to Congress a report on the progress ‘‘(A) a governmental entity or nonprofit any penalty or show cause why the fee, in- of such rulemaking proceeding. entity; terest, or penalty does not apply to the li- SEC. 103. EFFECTIVE DATE. ‘‘(B) an amateur radio operator licensee censee or should otherwise be waived or pay- This title and the amendments made by under part 97 of the Commission’s rules (47 ment deferred. this title shall take effect on October 1, 2018. C.F.R. part 97); or ‘‘(C) HEARING.— TITLE II—APPLICATION OF ‘‘(C) a noncommercial radio station or non- ‘‘(i) GENERALLY NOT REQUIRED.—A hearing ANTIDEFICIENCY ACT commercial television station. is not required under this paragraph unless SEC. 201. APPLICATION OF ANTIDEFICIENCY ACT ‘‘(2) COST OF COLLECTION.—If, in the judg- the licensee’s response presents a substantial TO UNIVERSAL SERVICE PROGRAM. ment of the Commission, the cost of col- and material question of fact. Section 302 of Public Law 108–494 (118 Stat. lecting a regulatory fee established under ‘‘(ii) EVIDENCE AND BURDENS.—In any case this section from a party would exceed the where a hearing is conducted under this 3998) is amended by striking ‘‘December 31, amount collected from such party, the Com- paragraph, the hearing shall be based on 2018’’ each place it appears and inserting mission may exempt such party from paying written evidence only, and the burden of pro- ‘‘December 31, 2019’’. such fee. ceeding with the introduction of evidence TITLE III—SECURING ACCESS TO ‘‘(f) DEPOSIT OF COLLECTIONS.— and the burden of proof shall be on the li- NETWORKS IN DISASTERS ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Amounts received from censee. SEC. 301. STUDY ON NETWORK RESILIENCY. fees authorized by this section shall be de- ‘‘(iii) COSTS.—Unless the licensee substan- Not later than 36 months after the date of posited as an offsetting collection in, and tially prevails in the hearing, the Commis- enactment of this Act, the Commission shall credited to, the account through which funds sion may assess the licensee for the costs of submit to Congress, and make publically are made available to carry out the activi- such hearing. available on the Commission’s website, a ties described in section 6(a). ‘‘(D) OPPORTUNITY TO PAY PRIOR TO REVOCA- study on the public safety benefits and tech- ‘‘(2) DEPOSIT OF EXCESS COLLECTIONS.—Any TION.—Any Commission order adopted under nical feasibility and cost of— regulatory fees collected in excess of the this paragraph shall determine the amount (1) making telecommunications service total amount of fees provided for in Appro- due, if any, and provide the licensee with at provider-owned WiFi access points, and other priations Acts for a fiscal year shall be de- least 30 days to pay that amount or have its communications technologies operating on posited in the general fund of the Treasury authorization revoked. unlicensed spectrum, available to the gen- of the United States for the sole purpose of ‘‘(E) FINALITY.—No order of revocation eral public for access to 9–1–1 services, with- deficit reduction.’’. under this paragraph shall become final until out requiring any login credentials, during (c) PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO APPLICATION the licensee has exhausted its right to judi- times of emergency when mobile service is AND REGULATORY FEES.—Title I of the Com- cial review of such order under section unavailable; munications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 151 et seq.) 402(b)(5). (2) the provision by non-telecommuni- is amended by inserting after section 9 the ‘‘(d) WAIVER, REDUCTION, AND cations service provider-owned WiFi access following: DEFERMENT.—The Commission may waive, points of public access to 9–1–1 services dur- ‘‘SEC. 9A. PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO APPLICA- reduce, or defer payment of a fee under sec- ing times of emergency when mobile service TION AND REGULATORY FEES. tion 8 or 9 or an interest charge or penalty is unavailable; and ‘‘(a) JUDICIAL REVIEW PROHIBITED.—Any ad- under this section in any specific instance (3) other alternative means of providing justment or amendment to a schedule of fees for good cause shown, where such action the public with access to 9–1–1 services dur- under subsection (b) or (c) of section 8 or would promote the public interest. ing times of emergency when mobile service subsection (c) or (d) of section 9 is not sub- ‘‘(e) PAYMENT RULES.—The Commission is unavailable. ject to judicial review. shall by rule permit payment— SEC. 302. ACCESS TO ESSENTIAL SERVICE PRO- ‘‘(b) NOTICE TO CONGRESS.—The Commis- ‘‘(1) in the case of fees under section 8 or 9 VIDERS DURING FEDERALLY DE- sion shall transmit to Congress notifica- in large amounts, by installments; and CLARED EMERGENCIES. tion— ‘‘(2) in the case of fees under section 8 or 9 Section 427(a) of the Robert T. Stafford ‘‘(1) of any adjustment under section 8(b) in small amounts, in advance for a number of Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance or 9(c) immediately upon the adoption of years not to exceed the term of the license Act (42 U.S.C. 5189e(a)) is amended— such adjustment; and held by the payor. (1) in paragraph (1)—

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(A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘tele- scribed pursuant to paragraph (4) in the pre- (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 4 of the Commu- communications service’’ and inserting vious report submitted under this section. nications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 154) is amend- ‘‘wireline or mobile telephone service, Inter- ‘‘(c) EXTENSION.—If the President des- ed— net access service, radio or television broad- ignates a Commissioner as Chairman of the (A) by striking subsection (k); and casting, cable service, or direct broadcast Commission during the last quarter of an (B) by redesignating subsections (l) satellite service’’; even-numbered year, the portion of the re- through (o) as subsections (k) through (n), (B) in subparagraph (E), by striking the port required by subsection (b)(4) may be respectively. semicolon and inserting ‘‘; or’’; and published on the website of the Commission (2) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Section (C) by redesignating subparagraphs (A) and submitted to the Committee on Energy 309(j)(8)(B) of the Communications Act of through (E) as clauses (i) through (v), respec- and Commerce of the House of Representa- 1934 (47 U.S.C. 309(j)(8)(B)) is amended by tively; and tives and the Committee on Commerce, striking the last sentence. (2) by striking ‘‘(1) provides’’ and inserting Science, and Transportation of the Senate as (i) ADDITIONAL OUTDATED REPORTS.—The ‘‘(1)(A) provides’’. an addendum during the first quarter of the Communications Act of 1934 is further SEC. 303. DEFINITIONS. following odd-numbered year. amended— As used in this title— ‘‘(d) SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS.— (1) in section 4— (1) the term ‘‘mobile service’’ means com- ‘‘(1) ASSESSING COMPETITION.—In assessing (A) in subsection (b)(2)(B)(ii), by striking mercial mobile service (as defined in section the state of competition under subsection ‘‘and shall furnish notice of such action’’ and 332 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 (b)(1), the Commission shall consider all all that follows through ‘‘subject of the U.S.C. 332)) or commercial mobile data serv- forms of competition, including the effect of waiver’’; and ice (as defined in section 6001 of the Middle intermodal competition, facilities-based (B) in subsection (g), by striking paragraph Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 competition, and competition from new and (2); (47 U.S.C. 1401)); emergent communications services, includ- (2) in section 215— (2) the term ‘‘WiFi access point’’ means ing the provision of content and communica- (A) by striking subsection (b); and wireless Internet access using the standard tions using the Internet. (B) by redesignating subsection (c) as sub- designated as 802.11 or any variant thereof; ‘‘(2) ASSESSING DEPLOYMENT.—In assessing section (b); and the state of deployment under subsection (3) in section 227(e), by striking paragraph (3) the term ‘‘times of emergency’’ means (b)(2), the Commission shall compile a list of (4); either an emergency as defined in section 102 geographical areas that are not served by (4) in section 309(j)— of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and any provider of advanced telecommuni- (A) by striking paragraph (12); and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122), or cations capability. (B) in paragraph (15)(C), by striking clause an emergency as declared by the governor of ‘‘(3) CONSIDERING SMALL BUSINESSES.—In (iv); a State or territory of the United States. assessing the state of competition under sub- (5) in section 331(b), by striking the last TITLE IV—FCC CONSOLIDATED section (b)(1) and regulatory barriers under sentence; REPORTING subsection (b)(3), the Commission shall con- (6) in section 336(e), by amending para- sider market entry barriers for entre- SEC. 401. COMMUNICATIONS MARKETPLACE RE- graph (4) to read as follows: preneurs and other small businesses in the PORT. ‘‘(4) REPORT.—The Commission shall annu- Title I of the Communications Act of 1934 communications marketplace in accordance ally advise the Congress on the amounts col- (47 U.S.C. 151 et seq.) is amended by adding with the national policy under section lected pursuant to the program required by at the end the following: 257(b).’’. this subsection.’’; ‘‘SEC. 13. COMMUNICATIONS MARKETPLACE RE- SEC. 402. CONSOLIDATION OF REDUNDANT RE- (7) in section 339(c), by striking paragraph PORT. PORTS; CONFORMING AMEND- (1); MENTS. ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—In the last quarter of (8) in section 396— every even-numbered year, the Commission (a) ORBIT ACT REPORT.—Section 646 of the Communications Satellite Act of 1962 (47 (A) by striking subsection (i); shall publish on its website and submit to (B) in subsection (k)— the Committee on Energy and Commerce of U.S.C. 765e; 114 Stat. 57) is repealed. (b) SATELLITE COMPETITION REPORT.—Sec- (i) in paragraph (1), by striking subpara- the House of Representatives and the Com- tion 4 of Public Law 109–34 (47 U.S.C. 703) is graph (F); and mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- (ii) in paragraph (3)(B)(iii), by striking sub- tation of the Senate a report on the state of repealed. (c) INTERNATIONAL BROADBAND DATA RE- clause (V); the communications marketplace. PORT.—Section 103(b)(1) of the Broadband (C) in subsection (l)(1)(B), by striking ‘‘(b) CONTENTS.—Each report required by ‘‘shall be included’’ and all that follows subsection (a) shall— Data Improvement Act (47 U.S.C. 1303(b)(1)) through ‘‘The audit report’’; and ‘‘(1) assess the state of competition in the is amended by striking ‘‘the assessment and (D) by striking subsection (m); communications marketplace, including report’’ and all that follows through ‘‘Fed- (9) in section 398(b)(4), by striking the third competition to deliver voice, video, audio, eral Communications Commission’’ and in- sentence; and data services among providers of tele- serting ‘‘its report under section 13 of the (10) in section 624A(b)(1)— communications, providers of commercial Communications Act of 1934, the Federal (A) by striking ‘‘REPORT; REGULATIONS’’ mobile service (as defined in section 332), Communications Commission’’. (d) STATUS OF COMPETITION IN THE MARKET and inserting ‘‘REGULATIONS’’; multichannel video programming distribu- FOR THE DELIVERY OF VIDEO PROGRAMMING tors (as defined in section 602), broadcast sta- (B) by striking ‘‘Within 1 year after’’ and REPORT.—Section 628 of the Communications tions, providers of satellite communications, all that follows through ‘‘on means of assur- Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 548) is amended— Internet service providers, and other pro- ing’’ and inserting ‘‘The Commission shall (1) by striking subsection (g); viders of communications services; issue such regulations as are necessary to as- (2) by redesignating subsection (j) as sub- ‘‘(2) assess the state of deployment of com- sure’’; and section (g); and munications capabilities, including advanced (C) by striking ‘‘Within 180 days after’’ and (3) by transferring subsection (g) (as redes- telecommunications capability (as defined in all that follows through ‘‘to assure such ignated) so that it appears after subsection section 706 of the Telecommunications Act of compatibility.’’; and (f). 1996 (47 U.S.C. 1302)), regardless of the tech- (11) in section 713, by striking subsection (e) REPORT ON CABLE INDUSTRY PRICES.— nology used for such deployment; (a). Section 623(k) of the Communications Act of SEC. 403. EFFECT ON AUTHORITY. ‘‘(3) assess whether laws, regulations, regu- 1934 (47 U.S.C. 543(k)) is amended— latory practices (whether those of the Fed- Nothing in this title or the amendments (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘annually made by this title shall be construed to ex- eral Government, States, political subdivi- publish’’ and inserting ‘‘publish with its re- sions of States, Indian tribes or tribal orga- pand or contract the authority of the Com- port under section 13’’; and mission. nizations (as such terms are defined in sec- (2) in the heading of paragraph (2), by tion 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and SEC. 404. OTHER REPORTS. striking ‘‘ANNUAL’’. Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304)), or Nothing in this title or the amendments (f) TRIENNIAL REPORT IDENTIFYING AND made by this title shall be construed to pro- foreign governments), or demonstrated mar- ELIMINATING MARKET ENTRY BARRIERS FOR hibit or otherwise prevent the Commission ketplace practices pose a barrier to competi- ENTREPRENEURS AND OTHER SMALL BUSI- from producing any additional reports other- tive entry into the communications market- NESSES.—Section 257 of the Communications wise within the authority of the Commis- place or to the competitive expansion of ex- Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 257) is amended by sion. isting providers of communications services; striking subsection (c). ‘‘(4) describe the agenda of the Commission (g) STATE OF COMPETITIVE MARKET CONDI- TITLE V—ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS for the next 2-year period for addressing the TIONS WITH RESPECT TO COMMERCIAL MOBILE SEC. 501. INDEPENDENT INSPECTOR GENERAL challenges and opportunities in the commu- RADIO SERVICES.—Section 332(c)(1)(C) of the FOR FCC. nications marketplace that were identified Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. (a) AMENDMENTS.—The Inspector General through the assessments under paragraphs 332(c)(1)(C)) is amended by striking the first Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended— (1) through (3); and and second sentences. (1) in section 8G(a)(2), by striking ‘‘the ‘‘(5) describe the actions that the Commis- (h) PREVIOUSLY ELIMINATED ANNUAL RE- Federal Communications Commission,’’; and sion has taken in pursuit of the agenda de- PORT.— (2) in section 12—

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(A) in paragraph (1), by inserting ‘‘, the ‘‘(ii) includes a short message service (3) UPDATES.—The Commission shall en- Federal Communications Commission,’’ after (commonly referred to as ‘SMS’) message sure that the consumer education materials ‘‘the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory and a multimedia message service (com- required under paragraph (1) are updated on Commission’’; and monly referred to as ‘MMS’) message; and a regular basis. (B) in paragraph (2), by inserting ‘‘the Fed- ‘‘(iii) does not include— (4) WEBSITE.—The Commission shall in- eral Communications Commission,’’ after ‘‘(I) a real-time, two-way voice or video clude the consumer education materials de- ‘‘the Environmental Protection Agency,’’. communication; or veloped under paragraph (1) on its website. (b) TRANSITION RULE.—An individual serv- ‘‘(II) a message sent over an IP-enabled (c) GAO REPORT ON COMBATING THE FRAUD- ing as Inspector General of the Commission messaging service to another user of the ULENT PROVISION OF MISLEADING OR INAC- on the date of the enactment of this Act pur- same messaging service, except a message CURATE CALLER IDENTIFICATION INFORMA- suant to an appointment made under section described in clause (ii). TION.— 8G of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 ‘‘(D) TEXT MESSAGING SERVICE.—The term (1) IN GENERAL.—The Comptroller General U.S.C. App.)— ‘text messaging service’ means a service that of the United States shall conduct a study of (1) may continue so serving until the Presi- enables the transmission or receipt of a text the actions the Commission and the Federal dent makes an appointment under section message, including a service provided as part Trade Commission have taken to combat the 3(a) of such Act with respect to the Commis- of or in connection with a voice service. fraudulent provision of misleading or inac- sion consistent with the amendments made ‘‘(E) VOICE SERVICE.—The term ‘voice serv- curate caller identification information, and by subsection (a); and ice’— the additional measures that could be taken (2) shall, while serving under paragraph (1), ‘‘(i) means any service that is inter- to combat such activity. remain subject to the provisions of section connected with the public switched tele- (2) REQUIRED CONSIDERATIONS.—In con- 8G of such Act which, immediately before phone network and that furnishes voice com- ducting the study under paragraph (1), the the date of the enactment of this Act, ap- munications to an end user using resources Comptroller General shall examine— plied with respect to the Inspector General from the North American Numbering Plan or (A) trends in the types of scams that rely of the Commission and suffer no reduction in any successor to the North American Num- on misleading or inaccurate caller identifica- pay. bering Plan adopted by the Commission tion information; SEC. 502. AUTHORITY OF CHIEF INFORMATION under section 251(e)(1); and (B) previous and current enforcement ac- OFFICER. ‘‘(ii) includes transmissions from a tele- tions by the Commission and the Federal (a) IN GENERAL.—The Commission shall en- phone facsimile machine, computer, or other Trade Commission to combat the practices sure that the Chief Information Officer of device to a telephone facsimile machine.’’. prohibited by section 227(e)(1) of the Commu- the Commission has a significant role in— (3) TECHNICAL AMENDMENT.—Section 227(e) nications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 227(e)(1)); (1) the decision-making process for annual of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. (C) current efforts by industry groups and and multi-year planning, programming, 227(e)) is amended in the heading by insert- other entities to develop technical standards budgeting, and execution decisions, related ing ‘‘MISLEADING OR’’ before ‘‘INACCURATE’’. to deter or prevent the fraudulent provision reporting requirements, and reports related (4) REGULATIONS.— of misleading or inaccurate caller identifica- to information technology; (A) IN GENERAL.—Section 227(e)(3)(A) of the tion information, and how such standards (2) the management, governance, and over- Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. may help combat the current and future pro- sight processes related to information tech- 227(e)(3)(A)) is amended by striking ‘‘Not vision of misleading or inaccurate caller nology; and later than 6 months after the date of enact- identification information; and (3) the hiring of personnel with informa- ment of the Truth in Caller ID Act of 2009, (D) whether there are additional actions tion technology responsibilities. the Commission’’ and inserting ‘‘The Com- the Commission, the Federal Trade Commis- (b) CIO APPROVAL.—The Chief Information mission’’. Officer of the Commission, in consultation sion, and Congress should take to combat with the Chief Financial Officer of the Com- (B) DEADLINE.—The Commission shall pre- the fraudulent provision of misleading or in- mission and budget officials, shall specify scribe regulations to implement the amend- accurate caller identification information. and approve the allocation of amounts ap- ments made by this subsection not later (3) REPORT.—Not later than 18 months propriated to the Commission for informa- than 18 months after the date of enactment after the date of enactment of this Act, the tion technology, consistent with the provi- of this Act. Comptroller General shall submit to the sions of appropriations Acts, budget guide- (5) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments Committee on Energy and Commerce of the lines, and recommendations from the Direc- made by this subsection shall take effect on House of Representatives and the Committee tor of the Office of Management and Budget. the date that is 6 months after the date on on Commerce, Science, and Transportation SEC. 503. SPOOFING PREVENTION. which the Commission prescribes regulations of the Senate a report on the findings of the (a) EXPANDING AND CLARIFYING PROHIBITION under paragraph (4). study under paragraph (1), including any rec- ON MISLEADING OR INACCURATE CALLER IDEN- (b) CONSUMER EDUCATION MATERIALS ON ommendations regarding combating the TIFICATION INFORMATION.— HOW TO AVOID SCAMS THAT RELY UPON MIS- fraudulent provision of misleading or inac- (1) COMMUNICATIONS FROM OUTSIDE THE LEADING OR INACCURATE CALLER IDENTIFICA- curate caller identification information. UNITED STATES.—Section 227(e)(1) of the Com- TION INFORMATION.— (d) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in munications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 227(e)(1)) is (1) DEVELOPMENT OF MATERIALS.—Not later this section, or the amendments made by amended by striking ‘‘in connection with than 1 year after the date of enactment of this section, shall be construed to modify, any telecommunications service or IP-en- this Act, the Commission, in coordination limit, or otherwise affect any rule or order abled voice service’’ and inserting ‘‘or any with the Federal Trade Commission, shall adopted by the Commission in connection person outside the United States if the re- develop consumer education materials that with— cipient is within the United States, in con- provide information about— (1) the Telephone Consumer Protection Act nection with any voice service or text mes- (A) ways for consumers to identify scams of 1991 (Public Law 102–243; 105 Stat. 2394) or saging service’’. and other fraudulent activity that rely upon the amendments made by that Act; or (2) COVERAGE OF TEXT MESSAGES AND VOICE the use of misleading or inaccurate caller (2) the CAN–SPAM Act of 2003 (15 U.S.C. SERVICES.—Section 227(e)(8) of the Commu- identification information; and 7701 et seq.). nications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 227(e)(8)) is (B) existing technologies, if any, that a SEC. 504. REPORT ON PROMOTING BROADBAND amended— consumer can use to protect against such INTERNET ACCESS SERVICE FOR (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘tele- scams and other fraudulent activity. VETERANS. communications service or IP-enabled voice (2) CONTENTS.—In developing the consumer (a) VETERAN DEFINED.—In this section, the service’’ and inserting ‘‘voice service or a education materials under paragraph (1), the term ‘‘veteran’’ has the meaning given the text message sent using a text messaging Commission shall— term in section 101 of title 38, United States service’’; (A) identify existing technologies, if any, Code. (B) in the first sentence of subparagraph that can help consumers guard themselves (b) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 1 (B), by striking ‘‘telecommunications service against scams and other fraudulent activity year after the date of the enactment of this or IP-enabled voice service’’ and inserting that rely upon the use of misleading or inac- Act, the Commission shall submit to Con- ‘‘voice service or a text message sent using a curate caller identification information, in- gress a report on promoting broadband Inter- text messaging service’’; and cluding— net access service for veterans, in particular (C) by striking subparagraph (C) and in- (i) descriptions of how a consumer can use low-income veterans and veterans residing in serting the following: the technologies to protect against such rural areas. In such report, the Commission ‘‘(C) TEXT MESSAGE.—The term ‘text mes- scams and other fraudulent activity; and shall— sage’— (ii) details on how consumers can access (1) examine such access and how to pro- ‘‘(i) means a message consisting of text, and use the technologies; and mote such access; and images, sounds, or other information that is (B) provide other information that may (2) provide findings and recommendations transmitted to or from a device that is iden- help consumers identify and avoid scams and for Congress with respect to such access and tified as the receiving or transmitting device other fraudulent activity that rely upon the how to promote such access. by means of a 10-digit telephone number or use of misleading or inaccurate caller identi- (c) PUBLIC NOTICE AND OPPORTUNITY TO N11 service code; fication information. COMMENT.—In preparing the report required

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.007 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1403 by subsection (b), the Commission shall pro- dress of the calling party, and additional in- ‘‘(3) No vacancy in the Commission shall vide the public with notice and an oppor- formation such as room number, floor num- impair the right of the remaining commis- tunity to comment on broadband Internet ber, or similar information necessary to ade- sioners to exercise all the powers of the Com- access service for veterans, in particular quately identify the location of the calling mission.’’. low-income veterans and veterans residing in party. SEC. 510. SUBMISSION OF COPY OF CERTAIN rural areas, and how to promote such access. SEC. 507. NTIA STUDY ON INTERAGENCY PROC- DOCUMENTS TO CONGRESS. SEC. 505. METHODOLOGY FOR COLLECTION OF ESS FOLLOWING CYBERSECURITY Section 4 of the Communications Act of MOBILE SERVICE COVERAGE DATA. INCIDENTS. 1934, as amended by section 402(h), is further (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section— (a) IN GENERAL.—The Assistant Secretary amended by adding at the end the following: (1) the term ‘‘commercial mobile data serv- of Commerce for Communications and Infor- ‘‘(o) BUDGET ESTIMATES AND REQUESTS; ice’’ has the meaning given the term in sec- mation shall complete a study on how the LEGISLATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS, TESTIMONY, tion 6001 of the Middle Class Tax Relief and National Telecommunications and Informa- AND COMMENTS ON LEGISLATION; SEMIANNUAL Job Creation Act of 2012 (47 U.S.C. 1401); tion Administration can best coordinate the REPORTS.— (2) the term ‘‘commercial mobile service’’ interagency process following cybersecurity ‘‘(1) BUDGET ESTIMATES AND REQUESTS.—If has the meaning given the term in section incidents. the Commission submits any budget esti- 332(d) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 (b) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Not later than mate or request to the President or the Of- U.S.C. 332(d)); 18 months after the date of the enactment of fice of Management and Budget, the Com- (3) the term ‘‘coverage data’’ means, if this Act, the Assistant Secretary shall sub- mission shall concurrently transmit a copy mit to the Committee on Energy and Com- commercial mobile service or commercial of that estimate or request to Congress. merce of the House of Representatives and mobile data service is available, general in- ‘‘(2) LEGISLATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS, TESTI- the Committee on Commerce, Science, and formation about the service, which may in- MONY, AND COMMENTS ON LEGISLATION.— Transportation of the Senate a report detail- clude available speed tiers, radio frequency ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—If the Commission sub- ing the findings and recommendations of the signal levels, and network and performance mits any legislative recommendations, testi- study conducted under subsection (a). characteristics; and mony, or comments on legislation to the (4) the term ‘‘Universal Service program’’ SEC. 508. TRIBAL DIGITAL ACCESS. President or the Office of Management and (a) TRIBAL BROADBAND DATA REPORT.— means the universal service support mecha- Budget, the Commission shall concurrently (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after nisms established under section 254 of the transmit a copy thereof to Congress. the date of the enactment of this Act, the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 254) ‘‘(B) PROHIBITION.—No officer or agency of Commission shall submit to the Committee and the regulations issued under that sec- the United States may require the Commis- on Energy and Commerce of the House of tion. sion to submit legislative recommendations, Representatives and the Committee on Com- (b) METHODOLOGY ESTABLISHED.—Not later testimony, or comments on legislation to merce, Science, and Transportation of the than 180 days after the conclusion of the Mo- any officer or agency of the United States Senate a report evaluating broadband cov- bility Fund Phase II Auction, the Commis- for approval, comments, or review prior to erage in Indian country (as defined in section sion shall promulgate regulations to estab- the submission of the recommendations, tes- 1151 of title 18, United States Code) and on lish a methodology that shall apply to the timony, or comments to Congress. land held by a Native Corporation pursuant collection of coverage data by the Commis- ‘‘(3) OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL SEMI- to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. sion for the purposes of— ANNUAL REPORTS.— (2) REQUIRED ASSESSMENTS.—The report re- (1) the Universal Service program; or ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding section quired by paragraph (1) shall include the fol- (2) any other similar program. 5(b) of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 EQUIREMENTS.—The methodology es- lowing: (c) R U.S.C. App.), the Inspector General of the tablished under subsection (b) shall— (A) An assessment of areas of Indian coun- Commission shall concurrently submit each (1) contain standard definitions for dif- try (as so defined) and land held by a Native semiannual report required under such sec- ferent available technologies such as 2G, 3G, Corporation pursuant to the Alaska Native tion 5(b) to the Commission and to the ap- 4G, and 4G LTE; Claims Settlement Act that have adequate propriate committees or subcommittees of (2) enhance the consistency and robustness broadband coverage. Congress. of how the data are collected by different (B) An assessment of unserved areas of In- ‘‘(B) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in parties; dian country (as so defined) and land held by subparagraph (A) shall be construed to mod- (3) improve the validity and reliability of a Native Corporation pursuant to the Alaska ify the requirement for the Commission to coverage data; and Native Claims Settlement Act. submit to the appropriate committees or (4) increase the efficiency of coverage data (b) TRIBAL BROADBAND PROCEEDING.—Not subcommittees of Congress each such semi- collection. later than 30 months after the date of the en- actment of this Act, the Commission shall annual report together with a report by the SEC. 506. ACCURACY OF DISPATCHABLE LOCA- Commission under such section 5(b).’’. TION FOR 9-1-1 CALLS. complete a proceeding to address the (a) PROCEEDING REQUIRED.—Not later than unserved areas identified in the report under SEC. 511. JOINT BOARD RECOMMENDATION. 18 months after the date of the enactment of subsection (a). The Commission may not modify, amend, this Act, the Commission shall conclude a SEC. 509. TERMS OF OFFICE AND VACANCIES. or change its rules or regulations for uni- proceeding to consider adopting rules to en- Section 4(c) of the Communications Act of versal service support payments to imple- sure that the dispatchable location is con- 1934 (47 U.S.C. 154(c)) is amended to read as ment the February 27, 2004, recommenda- veyed with a 9-1-1 call, regardless of the follows: tions of the Federal-State Joint Board on technological platform used and including ‘‘(c)(1) A commissioner— Universal Service regarding single connec- with calls from multi-line telephone systems ‘‘(A) shall be appointed for a term of 5 tion or primary line restrictions on universal (as defined in section 6502 of the Middle Class years; service support payments. Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (47 ‘‘(B) except as provided in subparagraph SEC. 512. DISCLAIMER FOR PRESS RELEASES RE- U.S.C. 1471)). (C), may continue to serve after the expira- GARDING NOTICES OF APPARENT LI- (b) RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROCEEDINGS.— tion of the fixed term of office of the com- ABILITY. In conducting the proceeding required by missioner until a successor is appointed and The Commission shall include in any press subsection (a), the Commission may consider has been confirmed and taken the oath of of- release regarding the issuance of a notice of information and conclusions from other fice; and apparent liability under section 503(b)(4) of Commission proceedings regarding the accu- ‘‘(C) may not continue to serve after the the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. racy of the dispatchable location for a 9-1-1 expiration of the session of Congress that be- 503(b)(4)) a disclaimer informing consumers call, but nothing in this section shall be con- gins after the expiration of the fixed term of that— strued to require the Commission to recon- office of the commissioner. (1) the issuance of a notice of apparent li- sider any information or conclusion from a ‘‘(2) Any person chosen to fill a vacancy in ability should be treated only as allegations; proceeding regarding the accuracy of the the Commission— and dispatchable location for a 9-1-1 call in which ‘‘(A) shall be appointed for the unexpired (2) the amount of any forfeiture penalty the Commission has adopted rules or issued term of the commissioner that the person proposed in a notice of apparent liability an order before the date of the enactment of succeeds; represents the maximum penalty that the this Act. ‘‘(B) except as provided in subparagraph Commission may impose for the violations (c) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (C), may continue to serve after the expira- alleged in the notice of apparent liability. (1) 9-1-1 CALL.—The term ‘‘9-1-1 call’’ means tion of the fixed term of office of the com- SEC. 513. REPORTS RELATED TO SPECTRUM AUC- a voice call that is placed, or a message that missioner that the person succeeds until a TIONS. is sent by other means of communication, to successor is appointed and has been con- (a) ESTIMATE OF UPCOMING AUCTIONS.—Sec- a public safety answering point (as defined in firmed and taken the oath of office; and tion 309(j) of the Communications Act of 1934 section 222 of the Communications Act of ‘‘(C) may not continue to serve after the (47 U.S.C. 309(j)) is amended by adding at the 1934 (47 U.S.C. 222)) for the purpose of re- expiration of the session of Congress that be- end the following: questing emergency services. gins after the expiration of the fixed term of ‘‘(18) ESTIMATE OF UPCOMING AUCTIONS.— (2) DISPATCHABLE LOCATION.—The term office of the commissioner that the person ‘‘(A) Not later than September 30, 2018, and ‘‘dispatchable location’’ means the street ad- succeeds. annually thereafter, the Commission shall

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.007 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1404 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 make publicly available an estimate of what (b)(4)(A)(ii) of such section 6403 have been lator station or low power television station systems of competitive bidding authorized made before July 3, 2022, the Commission on or after January 1, 2017, in order for such under this subsection may be initiated dur- shall submit to the Secretary of the Treas- station to relocate its television service ing the upcoming 12-month period. ury a certification that all such reimburse- from one channel to another channel or oth- ‘‘(B) The estimate under subparagraph (A) ments have been made. erwise modify its facility as a result of the shall, to the extent possible, identify the (d) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS.—The amount of reorganization of broadcast television spec- bands of frequencies the Commission expects auction proceeds that the salaries and ex- trum under subsection (b) of section 6403 of to be included in each such system of com- penses account of the Commission is re- the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation petitive bidding.’’. quired to retain under section 309(j)(8)(B) of Act of 2012 (47 U.S.C. 1452). (b) AUCTION EXPENDITURE JUSTIFICATION the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. (3) UNUSED FUNDS RESCINDED AND DEPOS- REPORT.—Not later than April 1, 2019, and 309(j)(8)(B)), including from the proceeds of ITED INTO THE GENERAL FUND OF THE TREAS- annually thereafter, the Commission shall the forward auction under section 6403 of the URY.— provide to the appropriate committees of Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation (A) RESCISSION AND DEPOSIT.—If any unob- Congress a report containing a detailed jus- Act of 2012 (47 U.S.C. 1452), shall be sufficient ligated amounts remain in the Translator tification for the use of proceeds retained by to cover the administrative costs incurred by and Low Power Station Relocation Fund the Commission under section 309(j)(8)(B) of the Commission in making any reimburse- after the date described in subparagraph (B), the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. ments out of the Broadcast Repack Fund. such amounts shall be rescinded and depos- 309(j)(8)(B)) for the costs of developing and SEC. 602. PAYMENT OF RELOCATION COSTS OF ited into the general fund of the Treasury, implementing the program required by sec- TELEVISION TRANSLATOR STATIONS where such amounts shall be dedicated for tion 309(j) of that Act. AND LOW POWER TELEVISION STA- the sole purpose of deficit reduction. (c) DEFINITION.—For purposes of this sec- TIONS. (B) DATE DESCRIBED.—The date described in (a) PAYMENT REQUIRED.— tion, the term ‘‘appropriate committees of this subparagraph is the earlier of— (1) IN GENERAL.—From amounts made Congress’’ means— (i) the date of a certification by the Com- (1) the Committee on Commerce, Science, available under subsection (b)(2), the Com- mission under subparagraph (C) that all re- and Transportation of the Senate; mission shall reimburse costs reasonably in- imbursements pursuant to subsection (a)(1) (2) the Committee on Appropriations of the curred by a television translator station or have been made; or Senate; low power television station on or after Jan- (ii) July 3, 2023. (3) the Committee on Energy and Com- uary 1, 2017, in order for such station to relo- (C) CERTIFICATION.—If all reimbursements merce of the House of Representatives; and cate its television service from one channel pursuant to subsection (a)(1) have been made (4) the Committee on Appropriations of the to another channel or otherwise modify its before July 3, 2023, the Commission shall House of Representatives. facility as a result of the reorganization of submit to the Secretary of the Treasury a broadcast television spectrum under sub- TITLE VI—VIEWER PROTECTION certification that all such reimbursements section (b) of section 6403 of the Middle Class SEC. 601. RESERVE SOURCE FOR PAYMENT OF TV have been made. Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (47 BROADCASTER RELOCATION COSTS. (c) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS.—The amount of (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF FUND.—There is es- U.S.C. 1452). Only stations that are eligible auction proceeds that the salaries and ex- tablished in the Treasury of the United to file and do file an application in the Com- penses account of the Commission is re- States a fund to be known as the Broadcast mission’s Special Displacement Window are quired to retain under section 309(j)(8)(B) of Repack Fund. eligible to seek reimbursement under this the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. (b) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.— paragraph. 309(j)(8)(B)), including from the proceeds of (1) IN GENERAL.—If the Commission makes (2) LIMITATION.—The Commission may not the forward auction under section 6403 of the the certification described in paragraph (2), make reimbursements under paragraph (1) Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation amounts in the Broadcast Repack Fund shall for lost revenues. Act of 2012 (47 U.S.C. 1452), shall be sufficient be available to the Commission to make re- (3) DUPLICATIVE PAYMENTS PROHIBITED.—In to cover the administrative costs incurred by imbursements pursuant to subsection the case of a low power television station the Commission in making any reimburse- (b)(4)(A)(i) or (b)(4)(A)(ii) of section 6403 of that has been accorded primary status as a ments out of the Translator and Low Power the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Class A television licensee under section Station Relocation Fund. Act of 2012 (47 U.S.C. 1452). 73.6001(a) of title 47, Code of Federal Regula- (d) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (2) CERTIFICATION.—The certification de- tions— (1) LOW POWER TELEVISION STATION.—The scribed in this paragraph is a certification (A) if the licensee of such station has re- term ‘‘low power television station’’ means a from the Commission to the Secretary of the ceived reimbursement with respect to such low power TV station (as defined in section Treasury that the funds available in the TV station under subsection (b)(4)(A)(i) of such 74.701 of title 47, Code of Federal Regula- Broadcaster Relocation Fund established section 6403 (including from amounts made tions) that was licensed and transmitting for under subsection (d) of such section are like- available under section 601 of this title), or at least 9 of the 12 months prior to April 13, ly to be insufficient to reimburse reasonably from any other source, such station may not 2017. For purposes of the preceding sentence, incurred costs described in subsection receive reimbursement under paragraph (1); the operation of analog and digital com- (b)(4)(A)(i) or (b)(4)(A)(ii) of such section. and panion facilities may be combined. (3) AVAILABILITY FOR PAYMENTS AFTER (B) if such station has received reimburse- (2) TELEVISION TRANSLATOR STATION.—The APRIL 13, 2020.—Notwithstanding subsection ment under paragraph (1), the licensee of term ‘‘television translator station’’ means a (b)(4)(D) of such section, the Commission such station may not receive reimbursement television broadcast translator station (as may make payments pursuant to subsection with respect to such station under sub- defined in section 74.701 of title 47, Code of (b)(4)(A)(i) or (b)(4)(A)(ii) of such section section (b)(4)(A)(i) of such section 6403. Federal Regulations) that was licensed and from the Broadcast Repack Fund after April (4) ADDITIONAL LIMITATION.—The Commis- transmitting for at least 9 of the 12 months 13, 2020, if, before making any such payments sion may not make reimbursement under prior to April 13, 2017. For purposes of the after such date, the Commission submits to paragraph (1) for costs incurred to resolve preceding sentence, the operation of analog Congress a certification that such payments mutually exclusive applications, including and digital companion facilities may be com- are necessary to reimburse reasonably in- costs incurred in any auction of available bined. curred costs described in such subsection. channels. SEC. 603. PAYMENT OF RELOCATION COSTS OF (c) UNUSED FUNDS RESCINDED AND DEPOS- (b) FUNDING.— FM BROADCAST STATIONS. ITED INTO THE GENERAL FUND OF THE TREAS- (1) ESTABLISHMENT OF FUND.—There is es- (a) PAYMENT REQUIRED.— URY.— tablished in the Treasury of the United (1) IN GENERAL.—From amounts made (1) RESCISSION AND DEPOSIT.—If any unobli- States a fund to be known as the Translator available under subsection (b)(2), the Com- gated amounts remain in the Broadcast Re- and Low Power Station Relocation Fund. mission shall reimburse costs reasonably in- pack Fund after the date described in para- (2) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.— curred by an FM broadcast station for facili- graph (2), such amounts shall be rescinded (A) IN GENERAL.—Amounts in the Trans- ties necessary for such station to reasonably and deposited into the general fund of the lator and Low Power Station Relocation minimize disruption of service as a result of Treasury, where such amounts shall be dedi- Fund shall be available to the Commission to the reorganization of broadcast television cated for the sole purpose of deficit reduc- make payments required by subsection spectrum under subsection (b) of section 6403 tion. (a)(1). of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Cre- (2) DATE DESCRIBED.—The date described in (B) AVAILABILITY AFTER APRIL 13, 2020.— ation Act of 2012 (47 U.S.C. 1452). this paragraph is the earlier of— Amounts in the Translator and Low Power (2) LIMITATION.—The Commission may not (A) the date of a certification by the Com- Station Relocation Fund shall not be avail- make reimbursements under paragraph (1) mission under paragraph (3) that all reim- able to the Commission to make payments for lost revenues. bursements pursuant to subsections required by subsection (a)(1) after April 13, (3) DUPLICATIVE PAYMENTS PROHIBITED.—If (b)(4)(A)(i) and (b)(4)(A)(ii) of such section 2020, unless, before making any such pay- an FM broadcast station has received a pay- 6403 have been made; or ments after such date, the Commission sub- ment for interim facilities from the licensee (B) July 3, 2022. mits to Congress a certification that such of a television broadcast station that was re- (3) CERTIFICATION.—If all reimbursements payments are necessary to reimburse costs imbursed for such payment under subsection pursuant to subsections (b)(4)(A)(i) and reasonably incurred by a television trans- (b)(4)(A)(i) of such section 6403 (including

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.007 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1405 from amounts made available under section of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Cre- bent Federal entities in designated geo- 601 of this title), or from any other source, ation Act of 2012 (47 U.S.C. 1452). graphic areas indefinitely or for such length such FM broadcast station may not receive (c) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS.—The amount of of time stipulated in transition plans ap- any reimbursements under paragraph (1). auction proceeds that the salaries and ex- proved by the Technical Panel under section (b) FUNDING.— penses account of the Commission is re- 113(h) of the National Telecommunications (1) ESTABLISHMENT OF FUND.—There is es- quired to retain under section 309(j)(8)(B) of and Information Administration Organiza- tablished in the Treasury of the United the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. tion Act (47 U.S.C. 923(h)) for those incum- States a fund to be known as the FM Broad- 309(j)(8)(B)), including from the proceeds of bent entities to be relocated to alternate cast Station Relocation Fund. the forward auction under section 6403 of the spectrum; and (2) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.— Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation (C) 55 megahertz below the frequency of (A) IN GENERAL.—Amounts in the FM Act of 2012 (47 U.S.C. 1452), shall be sufficient 8000 megahertz shall be identified for use on Broadcast Station Relocation Fund shall be to cover the administrative costs incurred by either a licensed or unlicensed basis, or a available to the Commission to make pay- the Commission in making any payments combination of licensed and unlicensed. ments required by subsection (a)(1). out of the Broadcast Station Relocation Con- (3) NON-ELIGIBLE SPECTRUM.—For purposes (B) AVAILABILITY AFTER APRIL 13, 2020.— sumer Education Fund. of satisfying the requirement under para- Amounts in the FM Broadcast Station Relo- SEC. 605. IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT. graph (1), the following spectrum shall not cation Fund shall not be available to the The Commission shall implement and en- be counted: Commission to make payments required by force this title as if this title is a part of the (A) The frequencies between 1695 and 1710 subsection (a)(1) after April 13, 2020, unless, Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 151 et megahertz. before making any such payments after such seq.). A violation of this title, or a regula- (B) The frequencies between 1755 and 1780 date, the Commission submits to Congress a tion promulgated under this title, shall be megahertz. certification that such payments are nec- considered to be a violation of the Commu- (C) The frequencies between 2155 and 2180 essary to reimburse costs reasonably in- nications Act of 1934, or a regulation promul- megahertz. curred by an FM broadcast station for facili- gated under such Act, respectively. (D) The frequencies between 3550 and 3700 ties necessary for such station to reasonably SEC. 606. RULE OF CONSTRUCTION. megahertz. minimize disruption of service as a result of Nothing in this title shall alter the final (E) Spectrum that the Commission deter- the reorganization of broadcast television transition phase completion date established mines had more than de minimis mobile or spectrum under subsection (b) of section 6403 by the Commission for full power and Class fixed wireless broadband operations within of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Cre- A television stations. the band on the day before the date of enact- ation Act of 2012 (47 U.S.C. 1452). ment of this Act. TITLE VII—MOBILE NOW (3) UNUSED FUNDS RESCINDED AND DEPOS- (4) TREATMENT OF CERTAIN OTHER SPEC- ITED INTO THE GENERAL FUND OF THE TREAS- SEC. 701. SHORT TITLE. TRUM.—Spectrum identified pursuant to this URY.— This title may be cited as the ‘‘Making Op- section may include eligible spectrum, if (A) RESCISSION AND DEPOSIT.—If any unob- portunities for Broadband Investment and any, identified after the date of enactment of ligated amounts remain in the FM Broadcast Limiting Excessive and Needless Obstacles this Act pursuant to title X of the Bipartisan Station Relocation Fund after the date de- to Wireless Act’’ or the ‘‘MOBILE NOW Budget Act of 2015 (Public Law 114–74). scribed in subparagraph (B), such amounts Act’’. (5) SPECTRUM MADE AVAILABLE ON AND shall be rescinded and deposited into the SEC. 702. DEFINITIONS. AFTER FEBRUARY 11, 2016.—Any spectrum general fund of the Treasury, where such In this title: that has been made available for licensed or amounts shall be dedicated for the sole pur- (1) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES OF CON- unlicensed use on and after February 11, 2016, pose of deficit reduction. GRESS.—The term ‘‘appropriate committees and that otherwise satisfies the require- (B) DATE DESCRIBED.—The date described in of Congress’’ means— ments of this section may be counted to- this subparagraph is the earlier of— (A) the Committee on Commerce, Science, wards the requirements of this subsection. (i) the date of a certification by the Com- and Transportation of the Senate; (6) RELOCATION PRIORITIZED OVER SHAR- mission under subparagraph (C) that all re- (B) the Committee on Energy and Com- ING.—This section shall be carried out in ac- imbursements pursuant to subsection (a)(1) merce of the House of Representatives; and cordance with section 113(j) of the National have been made; or (C) each committee of the Senate or of the Telecommunications and Information Ad- (ii) July 3, 2022. House of Representatives with jurisdiction ministration Organization Act (47 U.S.C. (C) CERTIFICATION.—If all reimbursements over a Federal entity affected by the applica- 923(j)). pursuant to subsection (a)(1) have been made ble section in which the term appears. (7) CONSIDERATIONS.—In identifying spec- before July 3, 2022, the Commission shall (2) COMMISSION.—The term ‘‘Commission’’ trum for use under this section, the Sec- submit to the Secretary of the Treasury a means the Federal Communications Com- retary, working through the NTIA, and Com- certification that all such reimbursements mission. mission shall consider— have been made. (3) FEDERAL ENTITY.—The term ‘‘Federal (A) the need to preserve critical existing (c) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS.—The amount of entity’’ has the meaning given the term in and planned Federal Government capabili- auction proceeds that the salaries and ex- section 113(l) of the National Telecommuni- ties; penses account of the Commission is re- cations and Information Administration Or- (B) the impact on existing State, local, and quired to retain under section 309(j)(8)(B) of ganization Act (47 U.S.C. 923(l)). tribal government capabilities; the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. (4) NTIA.—The term ‘‘NTIA’’ means the (C) the international implications; 309(j)(8)(B)), including from the proceeds of National Telecommunications and Informa- (D) the need for appropriate enforcement the forward auction under section 6403 of the tion Administration of the Department of mechanisms and authorities; and Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Commerce. (E) the importance of the deployment of Act of 2012 (47 U.S.C. 1452), shall be sufficient (5) OMB.—The term ‘‘OMB’’ means the Of- wireless broadband services in rural areas of to cover the administrative costs incurred by fice of Management and Budget. the United States. the Commission in making any reimburse- (6) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ (b) RULES OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in ments out of the FM Broadcast Station Relo- means the Secretary of Commerce. this section shall be construed— cation Fund. SEC. 703. IDENTIFYING 255 MEGAHERTZ. (1) to impair or otherwise affect the func- (d) FM BROADCAST STATION DEFINED.—In (a) REQUIREMENTS.— tions of the Director of OMB relating to this section, the term ‘‘FM broadcast sta- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than December budgetary, administrative, or legislative tion’’ has the meaning given such term in 31, 2022, the Secretary, working through the proposals; section 73.310 of title 47, Code of Federal Reg- NTIA, and the Commission shall identify a (2) to require the disclosure of classified in- ulations, and, for an FM translator, has the total of at least 255 megahertz of Federal and formation, law enforcement sensitive infor- meaning given the term ‘‘FM translator’’ in non-Federal spectrum for mobile and fixed mation, or other information that must be section 74.1201 of such title. wireless broadband use. protected in the interest of national secu- SEC. 604. CONSUMER EDUCATION PAYMENT. (2) UNLICENSED AND LICENSED USE.—Of the rity; or (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF FUND.—There is es- spectrum identified under paragraph (1), not (3) to affect any requirement under section tablished in the Treasury of the United less than— 156 of the National Telecommunications and States a fund to be known as the Broadcast (A) 100 megahertz below the frequency of Information Administration Organization Station Relocation Consumer Education 8000 megahertz shall be identified for use on Act (47 U.S.C. 921 note), as added by section Fund. an unlicensed basis; 1062(a) of the National Defense Authorization (b) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.—Amounts in (B) 100 megahertz below the frequency of Act for Fiscal Year 2000, or any other rel- the Broadcast Station Relocation Consumer 6000 megahertz shall be identified for use on evant statutory requirement applicable to Education Fund shall be available to the an exclusive, licensed basis for commercial the reallocation of Federal spectrum. Commission to make payments solely for the mobile use, pursuant to the Commission’s SEC. 704. MILLIMETER WAVE SPECTRUM. purposes of consumer education relating to authority to implement such licensing in a (a) FCC PROCEEDING.—Not later than 2 the reorganization of broadcast television flexible manner, and subject to potential years after the date of enactment of this spectrum under subsection (b) of section 6403 continued use of such spectrum by incum- Act, the Commission shall publish a notice

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.007 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1406 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 of proposed rulemaking to consider service SEC. 706. BROADBAND INFRASTRUCTURE DE- tation to withhold or reserve funds or ap- rules to authorize mobile or fixed terrestrial PLOYMENT. proval of a project under title 23, United wireless operations, including for advanced (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: States Code. mobile service operations, in the radio fre- (1) APPROPRIATE STATE AGENCY.—The term SEC. 707. REALLOCATION INCENTIVES. ‘‘appropriate State agency’’ means a State quency band between 42000 and 42500 mega- (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 24 months hertz. governmental agency that is recognized by after the date of enactment of this Act, the (b) CONSIDERATIONS.—In conducting a rule- the executive branch of the State as having Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Com- making under subsection (a), the Commis- the experience necessary to evaluate and munications and Information, in consulta- sion shall— carry out projects relating to the proper and tion with the Commission, the Director of (1) consider how the band described in sub- effective installation and operation of OMB, and the head of each affected Federal section (a) may be used to provide commer- broadband infrastructure. agency (or a designee thereof), after notice cial wireless broadband service, including (2) BROADBAND INFRASTRUCTURE.—The term and an opportunity for public comment, whether— ‘‘broadband infrastructure’’ means any bur- shall submit to the appropriate committees (A) such spectrum may be best used for li- ied, underground, or aerial facility, and any of Congress a report that includes legislative censed or unlicensed services, or some com- wireless or wireline connection, that enables or regulatory recommendations to bination thereof; and users to send and receive voice, video, data, incentivize a Federal entity to relinquish, or (B) to permit additional licensed oper- graphics, or any combination thereof. share with Federal or non-Federal users, ations in such band on a shared basis; and (3) BROADBAND INFRASTRUCTURE ENTITY.— Federal spectrum for the purpose of allowing (2) include technical characteristics under The term ‘‘broadband infrastructure entity’’ commercial wireless broadband services to which the band described in subsection (a) means any entity that— operate on that Federal spectrum. may be employed for mobile or fixed terres- (A) installs, owns, or operates broadband (b) POST-AUCTION PAYMENTS.— trial wireless operations, including any ap- infrastructure; and (1) REPORT.—In preparing the report under propriate coexistence requirements. (B) provides broadband services in a man- subsection (a), the Assistant Secretary of (c) SPECTRUM MADE AVAILABLE ON AND ner consistent with the public interest, con- Commerce for Communications and Informa- AFTER FEBRUARY 11, 2016.—Any spectrum venience, and necessity, as determined by tion shall— that has been made available for licensed or the State. (A) consider whether permitting eligible unlicensed use on or after February 11, 2016, (4) STATE.—The term ‘‘State’’ means— Federal entities that are implementing a and that otherwise satisfies the require- (A) a State; transition plan submitted under section ments of section 703 may be counted towards (B) the District of Columbia; and 113(h) of the National Telecommunications the requirements of section 703(a). (C) the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. and Information Administration Organiza- SEC. 705. 3 GIGAHERTZ SPECTRUM. (b) BROADBAND INFRASTRUCTURE DEPLOY- tion Act (47 U.S.C. 923(h)) to accept pay- MENT.—To facilitate the installation of (a) BETWEEN 3100 MEGAHERTZ AND 3550 ments could result in access to the eligible broadband infrastructure, the Secretary of MEGAHERTZ.—Not later than 24 months after frequencies that are being reallocated for ex- the date of enactment of this Act, and in Transportation shall promulgate regulations clusive non-Federal use or shared use sooner consultation with the Commission and the to ensure that each State that receives funds than would otherwise occur without such head of each affected Federal agency (or a under chapter 1 of title 23, United States payments; and designee thereof), the Secretary, working Code, meets the following requirements: (B) include the findings under subpara- through the NTIA, shall submit to the Com- (1) BROADBAND CONSULTATION.—The State graph (A), including the analysis under para- mission and the appropriate committees of department of transportation, in consulta- graph (2) and any recommendations for legis- Congress a report evaluating the feasibility tion with appropriate State agencies, shall— lation, in the report. of allowing commercial wireless services, li- (A) identify a broadband utility coordi- (2) ANALYSIS.—In considering payments censed or unlicensed, to share use of the fre- nator, that may have additional responsibil- under paragraph (1)(A), the Assistant Sec- quencies between 3100 megahertz and 3550 ities, whether in the State department of retary of Commerce for Communications and megahertz. transportation or in another State agency, Information shall conduct an analysis of (b) BETWEEN 3700 MEGAHERTZ AND 4200 that is responsible for facilitating the whether and how such payments would af- MEGAHERTZ.—Not later than 18 months after broadband infrastructure right-of-way ef- the date of enactment of this Act, after no- forts within the State; fect— tice and an opportunity for public comment, (B) establish a process for the registration (A) bidding in auctions conducted under and in consultation with the Secretary, of broadband infrastructure entities that section 309(j) of the Communications Act of working through the NTIA, and the head of seek to be included in those broadband infra- 1934 (47 U.S.C. 309(j)) of such eligible fre- each affected Federal agency (or a designee structure right-of-way facilitation efforts quencies; and thereof), the Commission shall submit to the within the State; (B) receipts collected from the auctions de- Secretary and the appropriate committees of (C) establish a process to electronically no- scribed in subparagraph (A). Congress a report evaluating the feasibility tify broadband infrastructure entities identi- (3) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection: of allowing commercial wireless services, li- fied under subparagraph (B) of the State (A) PAYMENT.—The term ‘‘payment’’ censed or unlicensed, to use or share use of transportation improvement program on an means a payment in cash or in-kind by any the frequencies between 3700 megahertz and annual basis and provide additional notifica- auction winner, or any person affiliated with 4200 megahertz. tions as necessary to achieve the goals of an auction winner, of eligible frequencies (c) REQUIREMENTS.—A report under sub- this section; and during the period after eligible frequencies section (a) or (b) shall include the following: (D) coordinate initiatives carried out under have been reallocated by competitive bidding (1) An assessment of the operations of Fed- this section with other statewide tele- under section 309(j) of the Communications eral entities that operate Federal Govern- communication and broadband plans and Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 309(j)) but prior to the ment stations authorized to use the fre- State and local transportation and land use completion of relocation or sharing transi- quencies described in that subsection. plans, including strategies to minimize re- tion of such eligible frequencies per transi- (2) An assessment of the possible impacts peated excavations that involve the installa- tion plans approved by the Technical Panel. of such sharing on Federal and non-Federal tion of broadband infrastructure in a right- (B) ELIGIBLE FREQUENCIES.—The term ‘‘eli- users already operating on the frequencies of-way. gible frequencies’’ has the meaning given the term in section 113(g)(2) of the National described in that subsection. (2) PRIORITY.—If a State chooses to provide (3) The criteria that may be necessary to for the installation of broadband infrastruc- Telecommunications and Information Ad- ensure shared licensed or unlicensed services ture in the right-of-way of an applicable Fed- ministration Organization Act (47 U.S.C. would not cause harmful interference to Fed- eral-aid highway project under this sub- 923(g)(2)). eral or non-Federal users already operating section, the State department of transpor- SEC. 708. BIDIRECTIONAL SHARING STUDY. in the frequencies described in that sub- tation shall carry out any appropriate meas- (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 18 months section. ures to ensure that any existing broadband after the date of enactment of this Act, in- (4) If such sharing is feasible, an identifica- infrastructure entities are not disadvan- cluding an opportunity for public comment, tion of which of the frequencies described in taged, as compared to other broadband infra- the Commission, in collaboration with the that subsection are most suitable for sharing structure entities, with respect to the pro- NTIA, shall— with commercial wireless services through gram under this subsection. (1) conduct a bidirectional sharing study to the assignment of new licenses by competi- (c) EFFECT OF SECTION.—This section ap- determine the best means of providing Fed- tive bidding, for sharing with unlicensed op- plies only to activities for which Federal ob- eral entities flexible access to non-Federal erations, or through a combination of licens- ligations or expenditures are initially ap- spectrum on a shared basis across a range of ing and unlicensed operations. proved on or after the date regulations under short-, mid-, and long-range timeframes, in- (d) COMMISSION ACTION.—The Commission, subsection (b) become effective. Nothing in cluding for intermittent purposes like emer- in consultation with the NTIA, shall seek this section establishes a mandate or re- gency use; and public comment on the reports required quirement that a State install or allow the (2) submit to Congress a report on the under subsections (a) and (b), including re- installation of broadband infrastructure in a study under paragraph (1), including any rec- garding the bands identified in such report highway right-of-way. Nothing in this sec- ommendations for legislation or proposed as feasible pursuant to subsection (c)(4). tion authorizes the Secretary of Transpor- regulations.

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(b) CONSIDERATIONS.—In conducting the Energy and Commerce of the House of Rep- by the Commission for any spectrum sold or study under subsection (a), the Commission resentatives a report that— leased under this section, the right to the shall— (1) summarizes the findings of the study spectrum shall be forfeited to the Commis- (1) consider the regulatory certainty that conducted under subsection (a); and sion unless the Commission finds that there commercial spectrum users and Federal enti- (2) makes recommendations with respect is good cause for the failure of the party. ties need to make longer-term investment to potential incentives, policies, and require- (4) REQUIREMENT.—The Commission may decisions for shared access to be viable; and ments that could help achieve the goals de- offer a licensee incentives or reduced per- (2) evaluate any barriers to voluntary com- scribed in subparagraphs (C) and (D) of sub- formance requirements under this section mercial arrangements in which non-Federal section (a)(2). only if the Commission finds that doing so users could provide access to Federal enti- SEC. 712. RULEMAKING RELATED TO PARTI- would likely result in increased availability ties. TIONING OR DISAGGREGATING LI- of advanced telecommunications services in CENSES. SEC. 709. UNLICENSED SERVICES IN GUARD a rural area. BANDS. (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (1) COVERED SMALL CARRIER.—The term SEC. 713. UNLICENSED SPECTRUM POLICY. (a) IN GENERAL.—After public notice and ‘‘covered small carrier’’ means a carrier (as comment, and in consultation with the As- (a) STATEMENT OF POLICY.—It is the policy defined in section 3 of the Communications sistant Secretary of Commerce for Commu- of the United States— Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 153)) that— nications and Information and the head of (1) to maximize the benefit to the people of (A) has not more than 1,500 employees (as each affected Federal agency (or a designee the United States of the spectrum resources determined under section 121.106 of title 13, thereof), with respect to frequencies allo- of the United States; Code of Federal Regulations, or any suc- (2) to advance innovation and investment cated for Federal use, the Commission shall cessor thereto); and adopt rules that permit unlicensed services in wireless broadband services; and (B) offers services using the facilities of (3) to promote spectrum policy that makes where feasible to use any frequencies that the carrier. are designated as guard bands to protect fre- available on an unlicensed basis radio fre- (2) RURAL AREA.—The term ‘‘rural area’’ quency bands to address consumer demand quencies allocated after the date of enact- means any area other than— ment of this Act by competitive bidding for unlicensed wireless broadband oper- (A) a city, town, or incorporated area that ations. under section 309(j) of the Communications has a population of more than 20,000 inhab- (b) COMMISSION RESPONSIBILITIES.—The Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 309(j)), including spec- itants; or Commission shall ensure that the efforts of trum that acts as a duplex gap between (B) an urbanized area contiguous and adja- the Commission related to spectrum alloca- transmit and receive frequencies. cent to a city or town that has a population tion and assignment made available on an (b) LIMITATION.—The Commission may not of more than 50,000 inhabitants. unlicensed basis radio frequency bands to ad- permit any use of a guard band under this (b) RULEMAKING.— section that would cause harmful inter- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after dress demand for unlicensed wireless ference to a licensed service or a Federal the date of enactment of this Act, the Com- broadband operations if doing so is, after service. mission shall initiate a rulemaking pro- taking into account the future needs of (c) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in ceeding to assess whether to establish a pro- homeland security, national security, and this section shall be construed as limiting gram, or modify existing programs, under other spectrum users— the Commission or the Assistant Secretary which a licensee that receives a license for (1) reasonable; and of Commerce for Communications and Infor- the exclusive use of spectrum in a specific (2) in the public interest. mation from otherwise making spectrum geographic area under section 301 of the (c) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in available for licensed or unlicensed use in Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 301) this section confers any additional rights on any frequency band in addition to guard may partition or disaggregate the license by unlicensed users or users licensed by rule bands, including under section 703, con- sale or long-term lease— under part 96 of title 47, Code of Federal Reg- sistent with their statutory jurisdictions. (A) in order to— ulations, to protection from harmful inter- SEC. 710. AMENDMENTS TO THE SPECTRUM PIPE- (i) provide services consistent with the li- ference. LINE ACT OF 2015. cense; and SEC. 714. NATIONAL PLAN FOR UNLICENSED Section 1008 of the Spectrum Pipeline Act (ii) make unused spectrum available to— SPECTRUM. of 2015 (Public Law 114–74; 129 Stat. 584) is (I) an unaffiliated covered small carrier; or (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: amended in the matter preceding paragraph (II) an unaffiliated carrier to serve a rural (1) SPECTRUM RELOCATION FUND.—The term (1) by inserting ‘‘, after notice and an oppor- area; and ‘‘Spectrum Relocation Fund’’ means the tunity for public comment,’’ after ‘‘the Com- (B) if the Commission finds that such a Fund established under section 118 of the Na- mission’’. program would promote— tional Telecommunications and Information (i) the availability of advanced tele- SEC. 711. GAO ASSESSMENT OF UNLICENSED Administration Organization Act (47 U.S.C. SPECTRUM AND WI-FI USE IN LOW- communications services in rural areas; or 928). INCOME NEIGHBORHOODS. (ii) spectrum availability for covered small (2) UNLICENSED OR LICENSED BY RULE OPER- (a) STUDY.— carriers. ATIONS.—The term ‘‘unlicensed or licensed by (1) IN GENERAL.—The Comptroller General (2) CONSIDERATIONS.—In conducting the rule operations’’ means the use of spectrum of the United States shall conduct a study to rulemaking proceeding under paragraph (1), on a non-exclusive basis under— evaluate the availability of broadband Inter- the Commission shall consider, with respect (A) part 15 of title 47, Code of Federal Reg- net access using unlicensed spectrum and to the program proposed to be established ulations; or wireless networks in low-income neighbor- under that paragraph— (B) licensing by rule under part 96 of title hoods. (A) whether reduced performance require- 47, Code of Federal Regulations. (2) REQUIREMENTS.—In conducting the ments with respect to spectrum obtained study under paragraph (1), the Comptroller through the program would facilitate deploy- (b) NATIONAL PLAN.—Not later than 18 General shall consider and evaluate— ment of advanced telecommunications serv- months after the date of enactment of this (A) the availability of wireless Internet hot ices in the areas covered by the program; Act, the Commission, in consultation with spots and access to unlicensed spectrum in (B) what conditions may be needed on the NTIA, shall develop a national plan for low-income neighborhoods, particularly for transfers of spectrum under the program to making additional radio frequency bands elementary and secondary school-aged chil- allow covered small carriers that obtain available for unlicensed or licensed by rule dren in such neighborhoods; spectrum under the program to build out the operations. (B) any barriers preventing or limiting the spectrum in a reasonable period of time; (c) REQUIREMENTS.—The plan developed deployment and use of wireless networks in (C) what incentives may be appropriate to under this section shall— low-income neighborhoods; encourage licensees to lease or sell spec- (1) identify an approach that ensures that (C) how to overcome any barriers described trum, including— consumers have access to additional spec- in subparagraph (B), including through in- (i) extending the term of a license granted trum to conduct unlicensed or licensed by centives, policies, or requirements that under section 301 of the Communications Act rule operations in a range of radio fre- would increase the availability of unlicensed of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 301); or quencies to meet consumer demand; spectrum and related technologies in low-in- (ii) modifying performance requirements of (2) recommend specific actions by the Com- come neighborhoods; and the license relating to the leased or sold mission and the NTIA to permit unlicensed (D) how to encourage home broadband spectrum; and or licensed by rule operations in additional adoption by households with elementary and (D) the administrative feasibility of— radio frequency ranges that the Commission secondary school-age children that are in (i) the incentives described in subpara- finds— low-income neighborhoods. graph (C); and (A) are consistent with the statement of (b) REPORT.—Not later than 1 year after (ii) other incentives considered by the policy under section 713(a); the date of enactment of this Act, the Comp- Commission that further the goals of this (B) will— troller General shall submit to the Com- section. (i) expand opportunities for unlicensed or mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- (3) FORFEITURE OF SPECTRUM.—If a party licensed by rule operations in a spectrum tation of the Senate and the Committee on fails to meet any build out requirements set band; or

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.007 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1408 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 (ii) otherwise improve spectrum utilization cant advancement over the current state of district court of the United States for equi- and intensity of use of bands where unli- the art. table relief in accordance with paragraph (2) censed or licensed by rule operations are al- (2) AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY.—In carrying of this subsection. ready permitted; out paragraph (1), the Secretary may— (2) JURISDICTION OF DISTRICT COURTS.—Not- (C) will not cause harmful interference to (A) enter into a grant, contract, coopera- withstanding section 1341 of title 28, United Federal or non-Federal users of such bands; tive agreement, or other agreement with a States Code, or the constitution or laws of and private sector for-profit or nonprofit entity any State, the district courts of the United (D) will not significantly impact homeland to administer the prize competitions; States shall have jurisdiction, without re- security or national security communica- (B) invite the Defense Advanced Research gard to the amount in controversy or citi- tions systems; and Projects Agency, the Commission, the Na- zenship of the parties, to grant such manda- (3) examine additional ways, with respect tional Aeronautics and Space Administra- tory or prohibitive injunctive relief, interim to existing and planned databases or spec- tion, the National Science Foundation, or equitable relief, and declaratory judgments trum access systems designed to promote any other Federal agency to provide advice as may be necessary to prevent, restrain, or spectrum sharing and access to spectrum for and assistance in the design or administra- terminate any acts in violation of subsection unlicensed or licensed by rule operations— tion of the prize competitions; and (c). (A) to improve accuracy and efficacy; (C) award not more than $5,000,000, in the SEC. 717. RULES OF CONSTRUCTION. (B) to reduce burdens on consumers, manu- aggregate, to the winner or winners of the (a) RANGES OF FREQUENCIES.—Each range facturers, and service providers; and prize competitions. of frequencies described in this title shall be (C) to protect sensitive Government infor- (d) CRITERIA.—Not later than 180 days after construed to be inclusive of the upper and mation. the date on which funds for prize competi- lower frequencies in the range. (d) SPECTRUM RELOCATION FUND.—To be in- tions are made available pursuant to this (b) ASSESSMENT OF ELECTROMAGNETIC SPEC- cluded as an appendix as part of the plan de- section, the Commission shall publish a tech- TRUM REALLOCATION.—Nothing in this title veloped under this section, the NTIA, in con- nical paper on spectrum efficiency providing shall be construed to affect any requirement sultation with the Director of the Office of criteria that may be used for the design of under section 156 of the National Tele- Management and Budget, shall share with the prize competitions. communications and Information Adminis- the Commission recommendations about (e) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— tration Organization Act (47 U.S.C. 921 note), how to reform the Spectrum Relocation There are authorized to be appropriated such as added by section 1062(a) of the National Fund— sums as may be necessary to carry out this Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year (1) to address costs incurred by Federal en- section. 2000. SEC. 716. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS TAX tities related to sharing radio frequency SEC. 718. RELATIONSHIP TO MIDDLE CLASS TAX AND FEE COLLECTION FAIRNESS. bands with radio technologies conducting RELIEF AND JOB CREATION ACT OF unlicensed or licensed by rule operations; (a) SHORT TITLE.—This section may be 2012. and cited as the ‘‘Wireless Telecommunications Nothing in this title shall be construed to Tax and Fee Collection Fairness Act’’. (2) to ensure the Spectrum Relocation limit, restrict, or circumvent in any way the (b) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: Fund has sufficient funds to cover— implementation of the nationwide public (1) FINANCIAL TRANSACTION.—The term ‘‘fi- (A) the costs described in paragraph (1); safety broadband network defined in section nancial transaction’’ means a transaction in and 6001 of title VI of the Middle Class Tax Relief which the purchaser or user of a wireless (B) other expenditures allowed of the Spec- and Job Creation Act of 2012 (47 U.S.C. 1401) telecommunications service upon whom a trum Relocation Fund under section 118 of or any rules implementing that network tax, fee, or surcharge is imposed gives cash, the National Telecommunications and Infor- under title VI of that Act (47 U.S.C. 1401 et credit, or any other exchange of monetary mation Administration Organization Act (47 seq.). value or consideration to the person who is U.S.C. 928). SEC. 719. NO ADDITIONAL FUNDS AUTHORIZED. required to collect or remit the tax, fee, or (e) REPORT REQUIRED.— No additional funds are authorized to be surcharge. (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 18 months appropriated to carry out this title, or the (2) LOCAL JURISDICTION.—The term ‘‘local after the date of enactment of this Act, the amendment made by this title. This title, jurisdiction’’ means a political subdivision of Commission shall submit to the appropriate and the amendment made by this title, shall a State. committees of Congress a report that de- be carried out using amounts otherwise au- (3) STATE.—The term ‘‘State’’ means any of scribes the plan developed under this section, thorized. the several States, the District of Columbia, including any recommendations for legisla- and any territory or possession of the United The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tive change. States. ant to the rule, the gentleman from Or- (2) PUBLICATION ON COMMISSION WEBSITE.— (4) STATE OR LOCAL JURISDICTION.—The Not later than the date on which the Com- egon (Mr. WALDEN) and the gentleman term ‘‘State or local jurisdiction’’ includes mission submits the report under paragraph from New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) each any governmental entity or person acting on (1), the Commission shall make the report will control 20 minutes. behalf of a State or local jurisdiction that publicly available on the website of the Com- The Chair recognizes the gentleman has the authority to assess, impose, levy, or mission. from Oregon. collect taxes or fees. (f) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this (5) WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERV- GENERAL LEAVE section confers any additional rights on unli- ICE.—The term ‘‘wireless telecommuni- Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask censed users or users licensed by rule under cations service’’ means a commercial mobile unanimous consent that all Members part 96 of title 47, Code of Federal Regula- radio service, as defined in section 20.3 of tions, to protection from harmful inter- may have 5 legislative days within title 47, Code of Federal Regulations, or any ference. which to revise and extend their re- successor thereto. marks and include extraneous material SEC. 715. SPECTRUM CHALLENGE PRIZE. (c) FINANCIAL TRANSACTION REQUIRE- (a) SHORT TITLE.—This section may be MENT.— on the bill. cited as the ‘‘Spectrum Challenge Prize (1) IN GENERAL.—A State, or a local juris- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Act’’. diction of a State, may not require a person objection to the request of the gen- (b) DEFINITION OF PRIZE COMPETITION.—In who is neither a resident of such State or tleman from Oregon? this section, the term ‘‘prize competition’’ local jurisdiction nor an entity having its There was no objection. means a prize competition conducted by the principal place of business in such State or Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Secretary under subsection (c)(1). local jurisdiction to collect from, or remit myself such time as I may consume. (c) SPECTRUM CHALLENGE PRIZE.— on behalf of, any other person a State or Mr. Speaker, I am pleased today that (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary, in con- local tax, fee, or surcharge imposed on a pur- the House of Representatives is taking sultation with the Assistant Secretary of chaser or user with respect to the purchase up an important bill from the House Commerce for Communications and Informa- or use of any wireless telecommunications tion and the Under Secretary of Commerce service within the State unless the collec- Energy and Commerce Committee. It is for Standards and Technology, shall, subject tion or remittance is in connection with a fi- titled the Repack Airwaves Yielding to the availability of funds for prize competi- nancial transaction. Better Access for Users of Modern tions under this section— (2) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this Services Act of 2018, or RAY BAUM’S (A) conduct prize competitions to dramati- subsection shall be construed to affect the Act. cally accelerate the development and com- right of a State or local jurisdiction to re- I thank our subcommittee chairman, mercialization of technology that improves quire the collection of any tax, fee, or sur- MARSHA BLACKBURN, for her hard work spectrum efficiency and is capable of cost-ef- charge in connection with a financial trans- in introducing and moving this legisla- fective deployment; and action. (B) define a measurable set of performance (d) ENFORCEMENT.— tion forward. goals for participants in the prize competi- (1) PRIVATE RIGHT OF ACTION.—Any person Before I get into the policy side, I tions to demonstrate their solutions on a aggrieved by a violation of subsection (c) want to touch on the meaning behind level playing field while making a signifi- may bring a civil action in an appropriate this bill’s title.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.007 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1409 H.R. 4986 is a nod to our dear friend, tional claim over the subject matters con- waive any jurisdiction over the subject mat- and mine of 30 years, the former staff tained in the bill or similar legislation that ter contained in this or similar legislation. director of our Energy and Commerce fall within the Committee’s Rule X jurisdic- Further, I request your support for the ap- Committee, who recently lost his bat- tion. Further, this is conditional on our un- pointment of conferees from the Committee derstanding that mutually agreed upon on Oversight and Government Reform during tle with cancer. changes to the legislation will be incor- any House-Senate conference convened on It is a testament of not just Ray’s porated into the bill prior to floor consider- this or related legislation. dedication to telecom policy—as you ation. Lastly, should a conference on the bill Finally, I would ask that a copy of our ex- know, he served as public utility com- be necessary, I request your support for the change of letters on this matter be included missioner, he chaired the Joint Board appointment of conferees from the Com- in the bill report filed by the Committee on with the FCC on communications mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure Energy & Commerce, as well as in the Con- issues, and was such a policy brain for during any House-Senate conference con- gressional Record during floor consideration, our committee—but also his ability to vened on this or related legislation. to memorialize our understanding. I would ask that a copy of this letter and Sincerely, work across the aisle and with all lev- your response acknowledging our jurisdic- TREY GOWDY. els of government officials. He got good tional interest as well as the mutually things done for America. agreed upon changes to be incorporated into HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Years ago, when I became chairman the bill be included in the Congressional COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE, of what was then called the Sub- Record during consideration of the measure Washington, DC, March 6, 2018. committee on Telecommunications and on the House floor, to memorialize our un- Hon. TREY GOWDY, the Internet, Ray, at my invitation, fi- derstanding. Chairman, Committee on Oversight and Govern- I look forward to working with the Com- ment Reform, Washington, DC. nally agreed to come back to Wash- mittee on Energy and Commerce as the bill DEAR CHAIRMAN GOWDY: Thank you for ington and work on the committee. moves through the legislative process. He had served as a State representa- your letter concerning H.R. 4986, RAY Sincerely, BAUM’S Act of 2018, and I appreciate your tive and as majority leader of the Or- BILL SHUSTER, willingness to forego further consideration egon House. He had been chairman of Chairman. by the Committee on Oversight and Govern- the public utility commission in Or- ment Reform. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, egon and brought a lot to our process I agree that by foregoing consideration of COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE, H.R. 4986 at this time, the Committee on as senior policy adviser. Washington, DC, March 6, 2018. Oversight and Government Reform does not In the years that followed, these Hon. BILL SHUSTER, waive any jurisdiction over the subject mat- issues remained both a priority and a Chairman, Committee on Transportation and ter contained in this or similar legislation. passion for Ray, and I believe and I Infrastructure, Washington, DC. Further, I will support the appointment of hope our bipartisan work today reflects DEAR CHAIRMAN SHUSTER: Thank you for conferees from the Committee on Oversight admirably the kind of commitment he your letter concerning H.R. 4986, RAY BAUM’S Act of 2018, which includes matters and Government Reform during any House- wanted all of us to share in making Senate conference convened on this or re- good public policy. that fall within the Rule X jurisdiction of the Committee on Transportation and Infra- lated legislation. By the way, that is Ray right there, structure. Finally, a copy of our exchange of letters for those who didn’t know. I appreciate your Committee’s willingness on this matter will be included in the bill re- The RAY BAUM’S Act reauthorizes to forego action on H.R. 4986 so that this leg- port filed by the Committee on Energy and the Federal Communications Commis- islation may be brought before the House of Commerce, as well as in the Congressional sion. It includes efficiency and trans- Representatives in an expeditious manner. Record during floor consideration, to memo- I agree that foregoing consideration of the rialize our understanding. parency reforms for the FCC, and it Sincerely, spurs the development of next genera- bill does not prejudice the Committee with respect to the appointment of conferees or to GREG WALDEN, tion 5G technologies. any future jurisdictional claim over the sub- Chairman. It is good for consumers, and it is ject matters contained in the bill or similar Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield good for our Nation’s critical tele- legislation that fall within the Committee’s myself such time as I may consume. communications services. Rule X jurisdiction. Further, I agree that Mr. Speaker, I also rise in support of Importantly, the bill before us today mutually agreed upon changes to the legisla- H.R. 4986, the RAY BAUM’S Act. This is the product of a bipartisan and bi- tion will be incorporated into the bill prior bill is the product of extensive bipar- cameral agreement, House and Senate, to floor consideration. Lastly, should a con- tisan collaboration. After exhaustive Republicans and Democrats, including ference on the bill be necessary, I will sup- port the appropriate appointment of con- negotiations, we were able to reach a my friend from New Jersey (Mr. PAL- ferees from the Committee on Transpor- deal that includes bills introduced by LONE), Senate Commerce Committee tation and Infrastructure during any House- Democrats and Republicans in both the chairman Mr. THUNE, and the ranking Senate conference convened on this or re- House and in the Senate. That does not member in the Senate, BILL NELSON. lated legislation. happen often, and I would like to thank Mr. Speaker, we bring you a good I will include a copy of your letter and this my colleagues for working with me so product today of sound policy named response in the Congressional Record during closely. for a wonderful individual, and I re- consideration of the measure on the House floor. serve the balance of my time. This bill is a real tribute to its name- Sincerely, sake, Ray Baum. Ray had a passion for COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND GREG WALDEN, telecommunications policy and a spe- INFRASTRUCTURE, HOUSE OF REP- Chairman. RESENTATIVES, cial place in his heart for broadcasting. Washington, DC, March 6, 2018. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COM- Ray was also an eternal optimist. He Hon. GREG WALDEN, MITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND GOV- never faltered in his belief that we Chairman, Committee on Energy and Commerce, ERNMENT REFORM, could find a way to work together to Washington, DC. Washington, DC, March 6, 2018. find a solution, and he was right. DEAR CHAIRMAN WALDEN: I write con- Hon. GREG WALDEN, We were able to incorporate pro- cerning H.R. 4986, RAY BAUM’S Act of 2018. Chairman, Committee on Energy & Commerce, posals from Members on both sides of This legislation includes matters that fall House of Representatives. the aisle, just the way Ray would have within the Rule X jurisdiction of the Com- DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I am writing con- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- cerning the jurisdictional interest of the liked it, and we were able to produce ture. Committee on Oversight and Government this legislation that will reauthorize I recognize and appreciate your desire to Reform in H.R. 4986, the ‘‘RAY BAUM’S Act the FCC for the first time in 28 years. bring this legislation before the House of of 2018.’’ As a result of your having consulted Mr. Speaker, I would like to briefly Representatives in an expeditious manner, with me concerning the provisions of the bill mention some aspects of this bill that and accordingly, the Committee on Trans- that fall within our Rule X jurisdiction, I I am most proud of. First, we were able portation and Infrastructure will forego ac- agree to forego further consideration by the to include the SANDy Act, which is tion on the bill. However, this is conditional Committee on Oversight and Government on our mutual understanding that foregoing Reform. named to honor those affected by consideration of the bill does not prejudice The Committee takes this action with our Superstorm Sandy, a storm that ripped the Committee with respect to the appoint- mutual understanding that by foregoing con- through the Northeast, including my ment of conferees or to any future jurisdic- sideration of H.R. 4986 at this time we do not district, over 5 years ago. During that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:57 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.049 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1410 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 superstorm, we saw firsthand how im- For these reasons and many more, I sylvania (Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE), who portant communications were for sur- urge my colleagues to support the bi- is the ranking member of the Commu- vival. From television and radio broad- partisan and bicameral agreement em- nications and Technology Sub- casters to wireless providers and cable bodied by the RAY BAUM’S Act. committee. networks, each played its own role in I would like to also thank the Demo- Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsyl- making sure people knew how to find cratic committee staff—David Gold- vania. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gen- help, look for loved ones, and stay out man, Gerald Leverich, and Dan Mil- tleman for yielding. of harm’s way. ler—for all of their hard work in get- Mr. Speaker, I would like to take a moment to speak in memorial to the b 1445 ting this bill to the floor today. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of late Ray Baum. He was a dedicated I used the lessons we learned from my time. husband and father, the staff director Sandy in writing this legislation. When Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 for the majority on the Energy and this bill is signed into law, our net- minutes to the gentlewoman from Ten- Commerce Committee, and a trusted works will be stronger, more resilient, nessee (Mrs. BLACKBURN), the chair of adviser and friend to Chairman WAL- and more capable to serve in an emer- the subcommittee, who has been an in- DEN. We were all saddened by his pass- gency. credible leader on our communications ing, and I would like to express our This FCC reauthorization bill also in- issues on the Energy and Commerce condolences to his friends and family. cludes the Viewer Protection Act. I in- Committee for some time. The legislation before us today is the troduced the Viewer Protection Act to Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I product of bipartisan and bicameral make sure no viewer loses signal as a thank the chairman for the recogni- compromise. While it is not perfect, it result of the FCC’s incentive auction. tion, and I thank him for his efforts on represents a good faith effort by Rank- Access to local information has become this. ing Member PALLONE, Chairman WAL- even more important as the number of Mr. Speaker, it really is a pleasure to DEN, Senator NELSON, and Senator natural disasters has increased over come here today to talk about the RAY THUNE. the past few years. BAUM’S Act. We have, for so long, This compromise incorporates a Not only does this bill help ensure talked about the need to push this number of Democratic priorities, in- consumers’ broadcast stations don’t go through to completion, and Ray served cluding Ranking Member PALLONE’s dark, as part of this bipartisan, bi- as our staff director and really helped Viewer Protection Act and SANDy Act, cameral deal, we have agreed to pro- the committee and our subcommittee and Congresswoman ESHOO’s RE- vide $50 million in funding to help edu- push this forward to the point that we SPONSE Act and ‘‘Dig Once’’ bill, and cate consumers about the transition. could say: Yes, we have the FCC reau- a number of provisions from other This funding is critical to make sure thorization done. members of our committee on cyberse- curity, Tribal broadband, broadband that people have access to information As Mr. PALLONE said, it has been 28 about how to get their televisions to years since this agency has been reau- access for veterans, and others. Like Ranking Member PALLONE, I am work. thorized. It is certainly an honor to say also happy to see bipartisan language My colleagues will discuss other im- we have done this in Ray’s name, and included in the bill which makes the portant aspects of this deal. But before we have done it in a bipartisan way. FCC inspector general an independent they do, I would like to point out two There are so many things that are in- important provisions that we included entity. cluded in this bill, and one of the provi- This sends a strong bipartisan and bi- as part of the reauthorization. First, sions that is in here is Chairman WAL- cameral message to Chairman Pai that we included a provision that makes the DEN’s FCC reform. Many times you will he cannot end the FCC inspector gen- FCC’s inspector general independent of hear us talk about needing to bring eral’s investigation into collusion be- the Commission’s chairman. The IG is sunlight to these agencies, bringing tween his office and Sinclair Broadcast currently conducting a number of crit- order, and the ability for constituents Group simply by firing the current in- ical investigations, including one into and citizens to know what is hap- spector general. These allegations also whether the chairman of the agency pening. We have that included in this require congressional oversight and in- has been improperly favoring Sinclair bill. vestigation. Broadcast Group. But under current We also have provisions that our I am also happy to see that we have law, these investigations are being con- whip, STEVE SCALISE—the Consolidated an agreement to provide the remainder ducted under a cloud—the very chair- Reporting Act—has included in this of the funds necessary to transition man who is under investigation can ob- bill. We have provisions from Ms. broadcasters as part of the FCC’s in- struct the review by firing the inspec- ESHOO and from Representative ENGEL. centive auction—keeping a promise tor general or his or her staff at any These are all bipartisan provisions that that we made to them that they would time. So by passing this bill, we are en- you will see included in this legisla- be held harmless. suring that these important investiga- tion. Mr. JOHNSON has a provision that The agreement also includes funds tions can conclude without any inter- is included that will change the way for consumer education about the tran- ference. the inspector general works in this sition. It is critical that the public be Finally, I do not normally support agency so that he truly is an inspector educated about the upcoming tele- unnecessarily cutting the budget of our general who is independent. vision repack and understand the what, agencies. But in this case, I would like So we have worked together in a bi- when, and where of how it will work. to thank my colleagues for agreeing to partisan way to do our repack which Mr. Speaker, I look forward to con- limit this cut to the length of this ad- deals with our broadcasters and our tinuing to work on this legislation ministration. The current leadership of spectrum to handle MobileNOW, which with my colleagues as it moves for- the FCC, in my opinion, has proven has been a priority of the Senate. They ward. that it cannot be trusted to serve the could not get it finished. We have fin- Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 public interest. Most notably, the ished that process, and then also the minute to the gentleman from New agency has ignored its statutory duty FCC reauthorization. Jersey (Mr. LANCE), who is a talented and the call of the American people by So I express my gratitude to the member of our committee. destroying our net neutrality protec- committee members, both Democrats Mr. LANCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in tions. Net neutrality safeguards our and Republicans, and the staff mem- very strong support of the RAY American values by empowering small bers from both sides of the dais to say BAUM’S Act, which reauthorizes the businesses, creating new jobs, and en- thank you for the work that is done to Federal Communications Commission suring free speech online. bring this bipartisan effort together to for the first time in 28 years. By limiting the resources that we reauthorize this agency to deal with How appropriate that this critical provide for the next 3 years, this reau- our spectrum repack and to address the legislation is named for Ray Baum, thorization will limit this Commis- MobileNOW concerns. who dedicated his tremendous public sion’s power, in my opinion, to do more Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 service to these issues, and whom we harm. minutes to the gentleman from Penn- all admired.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.050 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1411 I commend the leadership. The En- Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 having internet access makes what is ergy and Commerce Committee puts minute to the gentleman from Illinois already an incredibly tough transition more bipartisan bills on the President’s (Mr. KINZINGER), who is a great mem- process even harder. This is particu- desk than any other committee here on ber of our committee. larly likely to be the case for low-in- Capitol Hill. This is important legisla- Mr. KINZINGER. Mr. Speaker, I come veterans and veterans living in tion strengthening the FCC, protecting thank the gentleman for yielding. rural areas. consumers, and, most important of all, Mr. Speaker, I rise to support the Although we lack specific data on the expanding the information channels RAY BAUM’S Act. It is fitting that number of veterans with broadband our lives and the economy need. this bill be named for him, a shining internet access, we know that Ameri- I am pleased that this legislation in- example of public service and a great cans who live in rural areas are less cludes the Anti-Spoofing Act, a bill I friend. My heart goes out to his wife likely to be connected. This is also the have worked on with Congresswoman and all his family and loved ones. case for Americans who live at or MENG and Chairman Emeritus BARTON Mr. Speaker, this legislation reau- below the Federal poverty level. for several years. Spoofing is an insid- thorizes the FCC for the first time in 28 We must find ways to ensure that ious practice used by scammers to call years. I am proud of the inclusion of veterans, especially the more than 1.4 consumers using a faked phone num- two of my bipartisan bills. million veterans living below the Fed- ber, often pretending to be a bank or First is the Rural Spectrum Accessi- eral poverty level and the 5.3 million government agency. Millions of Ameri- bility Act, which Mr. LOEBSACK and I residing in rural areas, are not left be- cans continue to be defrauded by con introduced. It expands access to cov- hind. artists and scammers who perpetrate erage in rural communities by allowing This is why my provision directs the this despicable crime. This disgraceful licensed, unused spectrum to be sub-al- Federal Communications Commission practice must end, and it will be ended located to carriers serving rural popu- to examine the current state of in large part due to this legislation. I lations. broadband access for veterans and what am pleased this FCC reauthorization The second is the Improving can be done to increase access, with a enacts consumer protections like those Broadband Access for Veterans Act, focus on low-income veterans and vet- in the Anti-Spoofing Act. which Mr. MCNERNEY and I introduced. erans residing in rural areas. Mr. Speaker, I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote. It requires the FCC to thoroughly ex- The findings and recommendations Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 amine veterans’ access to broadband from this report will be important for minutes to the gentlewoman from Cali- and provide recommendations to in- paving the way to get more veterans fornia (Ms. MATSUI). crease access, especially for rural and connected. I urge my colleagues to vote Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I am low-income veterans. for this bill. pleased that today we are reauthor- Again, this legislation is one more Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 izing the Federal Communications example to show the majority of the minute to the gentleman from Florida Commission through the RAY BAUM’S work done in Congress is bipartisan (Mr. BILIRAKIS) to speak on this impor- Act, which, among other things, en- and sometimes even bicameral. tant legislation. sures our local broadcasters have the Mr. Speaker, I thank the chairman Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, named resources they need and will deliver ad- and everybody for working together to in memory of a hardworking and hon- ditional spectrum into the commercial get this done, and I urge my colleagues orable man, the RAY BAUM’S Act re- marketplace. Spectrum is the invisible to support the RAY BAUM’S Act. authorizes the Federal Communica- infrastructure that supports our wire- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 tions Commission for the first time in less economy. minutes to the gentleman from Cali- 28 years. As the way we do business continues fornia (Mr. MCNERNEY). This bill is the result of a wholly bi- to depend on connectivity and mobil- Mr. MCNERNEY. Mr. Speaker, I partisan process that includes impor- ity, spectrum will be a part of every- thank my ranking member and the tant provisions that will benefit all our thing from remote health monitoring chairman for yielding. I thank my col- constituents. to precision agriculture, to public safe- leagues on the other side of the aisle b 1500 ty communications and connected de- for their bipartisan efforts here. This includes further prohibitions on vices. I rise in support of H.R. 4986, the spoofing calls, reports on promoting That is why I am pleased that this RAY BAUM’S Act. In the first place, internet access for low-income vet- package includes several of my prior- this bill will help ensure that the in- erans, and improving 911 caller infor- ities, including my Spectrum Auction centive auction repack can move for- mation. Deposits Act, which I coauthored with ward in a timely fashion and that The bill also provides additional Congressman GUTHRIE. This legislation Americans can have access to their funding for the repack process and fos- will enable the FCC to continue to con- local broadcasting stations during this ters technology growth by authorizing duct auctions that will unlock the period of time. studies on spectrum available for fu- spectrum necessary to deploy next gen- On the other hand, I am very proud ture auctions. eration broadband networks. Without that this bill includes a bipartisan pro- I applaud the work of the sub- this fix, auctions to deliver more spec- vision that Congressman KINZINGER committee on getting this done. This trum into the commercial marketplace and I worked on. bill will truly benefit innovation and may be put on hold indefinitely. This provision will move us forward our constituents, and I support its pas- This package also includes my legis- in closing the digital divide for our Na- sage. lation to create a Federal spectrum tion’s veterans. Access to broadband Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 challenge prize, which would accelerate internet service is critical for the more minutes to the gentleman from Iowa the development and commercializa- than 20 million veterans across our (Mr. LOEBSACK). tion of innovative technologies to country, with the highest population of Mr. LOEBSACK. Mr. Speaker, I make spectrum use more efficient. veterans residing in California. thank the chair and ranking member It could also facilitate the applica- Having a broadband internet connec- for working to bring this bill to the tion of existing technologies, such as tion helps veterans apply for jobs more floor today. blockchain, to develop spectrum shar- easily, obtain necessary vocational Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to see the ing mechanisms that will allow pro- training, communicate with family and RAY BAUM’S Act moving forward. viders to access spectrum on a real- friends, keep up with current events, This bill really is a good example of time basis. access healthcare services, and get im- compromise. No one got everything This bipartisan legislation will pro- portant information about their bene- that they wanted, but we worked to- mote the expansion of current and next fits and military records. gether to find common ground. I think generation broadband networks across Without broadband internet access, it represents what we need to be doing America. It is an important step for- it is difficult to fully participate in to- more of in Washington and in this body ward, and I am proud to support its day’s society. Veterans face many chal- and what people and I want to see hap- passage. lenges when they return home, and not pen more often, namely, that Members

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.052 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1412 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 of Congress come together in a bipar- shortfall in funding available to relo- and increasingly wireless world. I urge tisan manner to reach a commonsense cate broadcasters who are displaced my colleagues to support H.R. 4986. agreement. from the most recent spectrum auc- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 But today I come to the floor to talk tion. It is important that we provide minutes to the gentleman from Oregon about a piece of legislation, the Rural the funding necessary to successfully (Mr. BLUMENAUER). Wireless Access Act, which I was relocate these broadcasters and ensure Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I pleased to help introduce and incor- an efficient and timely transition. appreciate the gentleman’s courtesy in porate into the larger FCC Reauthor- I urge my colleagues to support this permitting me to speak on this. ization Act. important legislation to reauthorize This bill, I think, is an example of I want to thank, in particular, my the FCC. the politics and legislation that Ray friend Mr. COSTELLO for working with Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 Baum would be particularly proud of, me on this bipartisan bill. I also want minutes to the gentleman from Cali- characterizing his work as a policy- to thank Mrs. BLACKBURN, chair of the fornia (Mr. RUIZ). maker and a policy adviser. Communications and Technology Sub- Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, I want to I had a chance to work with Ray in committee, for helping to move this thank Chairman WALDEN, Ranking his other hats: chairing the Public forward. Member PALLONE, and the committee Utilities Commission, as a distin- This bill, which I introduced last for their hard work on this bipartisan guished legislator and majority leader, year, would require the FCC to estab- bill. and, of course, his role here in Con- lish standards for collecting wireless This legislation includes my bill, gress. coverage data. Everyone at some point H.R. 5007, the Tribal Broadband De- I appreciate the product we have be- has been driving through places in ployment Act, which will direct the fore us today. I have enjoyed listening rural America that don’t get wireless FCC to improve broadband access on to people reaffirm areas that they are coverage. Unfortunately, the maps that Tribal lands within 30 months. proud of, making a difference for peo- For the communities in my congres- the FCC uses to fix coverage gaps are ple. sional district, California’s 36th Dis- often inadequate. I appreciate, in particular, the au- trict, and throughout our Nation, this Currently, the standards that define thorization of new spending to help will be a game changer. Throughout how wireless coverage is determined broadcasters’ expenses relating to spec- the Coachella Valley, the San Jacinto are not sufficient, meaning the cov- trum reallocation. This is very impor- Mountain communities, and the Pass erage maps can be incomplete or inac- tant, especially for public broadcasting regions of California, rural, under- curate. Without accurate coverage stations. developed Tribal lands are spread out But I want to raise one item of con- maps, resources needed to improve among non-Tribal communities, both cern, and I hope the chairman and wireless access will not be directed to of which are often lacking broadband ranking member would work with us to the areas that need the most help, in- internet and both of which will benefit. look at the bill’s study of spectrum for cluding rural areas. My bill will bring real resources and commercial uses dealing with the mid- I am pleased that the Energy and opportunities to these areas, improving band, or C-band, to consider public Commerce Committee agreed to in- connectivity and helping to close the broadcasting. clude this legislation, the Rural Wire- digital divide in these historically un- I fear that if we are thrust into com- less Access Act, as part of the larger derserved communities. With expand- petitive bidding with public broad- package so that we can improve wire- ing access to the internet, families, casting, they are likely to not be able less voice and mobile internet services students, workers, and businesses will to compete effectively. But it will af- and ensure the resources go to the be able to harness the power of their fect millions of people across the coun- areas that need it the most. ideas and information to achieve their try. In order to fix the problem, we have dreams and grow our local economies. I applaud the committee’s bipartisan- to get the data right. I am hopeful that I want to thank Chairman BLACK- ship and work with the Senate, but I the passage of the FCC Reauthoriza- BURN for honoring her commitment to tion Act will help folks in rural areas work with me on this issue. hope that future consideration of the get the wireless coverage they need. I urge the House to pass this impor- impact of C-band reallocation on public Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 tant bipartisan bill. broadcasting would be something that minute to the gentleman from Ohio Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 the committee could look at to make (Mr. JOHNSON), who has been a real minute to the gentleman from Penn- sure that we are protecting those vital leader on telecommunications issues. sylvania (Mr. COSTELLO), a very impor- interests. Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, tant member of our committee. Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I would I, too, want to add my strongest, deep- Mr. COSTELLO of Pennsylvania. Mr. concur with my friend’s comments. I est sympathies and condolences to Ray Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 4986, am happy to work on these issues in- Baum’s family on his passing. RAY BAUM’S Act of 2018, named after volving spectrum. I know there are Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support the late Ray Baum, who dedicated his multiple uses around, and we want to of H.R. 4986, the RAY BAUM’S Act, to life to public service. make sure that those using these fre- reauthorize the FCC for the first time Mr. Speaker, this bill includes impor- quencies are not disadvantaged. I look in 28 years. This important legislation tant provisions to modernize our tele- forward to working with the gentleman also provides transparency and effi- communications agencies and to craft on that. ciency reforms, including language policies that will fuel next generation Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the from my bill, H.R. 2636, to create an services like gigabit service and 5G gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. SCA- independent inspector general for the networks. We are going to increase ac- LISE), a distinguished member of the FCC. cess to information and services for Energy and Commerce Committee. He Currently, the IG is not only ap- millions of Americans with this bill, also happens to have a pretty impor- pointed by the chairman, but also re- Mr. Speaker. tant title around here as the whip of ports to and is under general super- 5G networks mean doctors can more the House. He has been very involved vision of the Chairman of the Commis- effectively treat patients that live in telecommunications policies since sion. This legislation would require the hours away from the closest hospital, he first came on the Energy and Com- President, with the advice and consent automated vehicles can offer mobility merce Committee. of the Senate, to appoint the inspector to our Nation’s most vulnerable, small Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Speaker, I thank general. It is simply good governance or rural businesses can compete beyond the chairman for yielding and for his and a matter of transparency and ac- their local markets, and it means that leadership working together in a very countability to have an independent first responders can more quickly re- bipartisan way to bring forward RAY IG. open critical lines of communications BAUM’S Act. Not only is this piece of Importantly, this legislation also in the aftermath of a natural disaster. legislation important to reauthorize creates and authorizes a broadcast re- By passing this bill, we can fully re- the FCC and the important work that pack fund to address the anticipated alize the benefits of an interconnected they do, but it also is a fitting tribute

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.054 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1413 to Ray Baum himself and, in so many How often do we hear about things The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ways, to all of the work that our great that are on the books, laws that are on time of the gentleman has expired. staffs do to allow this Capitol to work the books that are so outdated and so Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I yield properly and to allow Congress to work unnecessary? This is one of the reports an additional 30 seconds to the gen- for the American people. that we are outdating in this bill. tleman from Michigan. It doesn’t just take Members of Con- Right now, there is still, on the Mr. WALBERG. Additionally, it re- gress, but an incredibly dedicated and books, a requirement that the FCC re- quires the FCC to report to Congress talented staff, and each of us are port on the annual competition within on its efforts to promote broadband blessed to have wonderful staffs—I am the telegraph industry. Mr. Speaker, internet access for veterans, especially surely no exception—who allow us to that is right. low-income and rural veterans. do our jobs so well. The fact that we Since Samuel Morse invented the I would love to have broadband to my are using this legislation to pay tribute telegraph back in the 1830s, that might home, as well. to Ray Baum and all of the staff of the have been important in the 1800s, even This bill is critical for consumers and Capitol, I think, is equally important in the early 1900s; but the fact that our Nation’s telecommunications infra- that we do just this. today, in 2018, there is still a require- structure, and I urge its passage today. Mr. Speaker, President Trump chal- ment that the FCC issue a report on Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, in clos- lenged Congress to make the Federal competition within the telegraph in- ing, I just want to say, again, that this Government more accountable to the dustry is a glaring example of why it is bill is a bipartisan bill. There has been American people and to eliminate red so important for us to update our laws a lot of work done on both sides of the tape that hurts job creation and eco- and eliminate outdated laws. aisle. I appreciate the fact that we are nomic growth. The RAY BAUM’S Act We are getting rid of this ridiculous able to accomplish this and also in- does just that. requirement and a number of other un- clude a lot of initiatives from Members First of all, we meet those two goals necessary and ridiculous requirements on both sides of the aisle. And, again, by doing a number of things. The legis- like that so that we can free the FCC as a tribute to Ray Baum and all that lation will reauthorize the Federal up to do the important work they need he did for us over the many years, I am Communications Commission for the to do. proud to say that we enthusiastically first time in 28 years. 1515 support the bill and urge its passage. The FCC does important work for our b So, again, I commend the chairman Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance country, especially in the tele- of my time. communications arena. I am proud to for the work that he has done in a very bipartisan way to bring forth the RAY Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I yield continue to serve on the Communica- myself such time as I may consume. tions and Technology Subcommittee, BAUM’S Act, and I urge all of my col- leagues to support this legislation. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank my which is one of the great examples of friend from New Jersey for his good United States dominance—America is Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I have no additional speakers, and I reserve work on this legislation and his kind the dominant force in technology—and words in memory of our mutual friend, it is important that we have fair rules the balance of my time. Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 Ray Baum. of the game. The FCC is that arbiter. I think it would be appropriate, as The fact that they haven’t been reau- minute to the gentleman from Michi- well, to thank the staff who put so thorized for 28 years, I think, it is long gan (Mr. WALBERG), who has been a much work into this, including Robin past due that we get this done. We also very important member of our com- Colwell, Tim Kurth, Sean Farrell, make critical reforms that will mod- mittee and active on these issues, and Lauren McCarty, Evan Viau, and Elena ernize the agencies with tools that it he had a provision in this legislation as Hernandez on the Republican side, and needs to meet the demands of con- well. David Goldman, Gerald Leverich, and sumers for the 21st century. Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, I thank This legislation creates an important the chairman for yielding. Dan Miller on the minority side. We backstop for our local radio and TV Mr. Speaker, I would first like to thank all of them for working both broadcasters who have been completing start off by remembering Ray Baum, here and on the Senate side. the final stage of the incentive auction. whom this legislation is named after, Mr. Speaker, I just want to quickly This keeps America on track to be the very appropriately, and I thank the go through the provisions again, be- global leader on 5G communications by chairman for sharing him with us. As cause this really is important. implementing new spectrum policy. was correctly stated by the whip, we For more than a quarter of a century, This is something our committee has appreciate the staff that does so much the FCC has not been reauthorized. We led on. The country needs more spec- work for us. Leaders like Ray Baum do that here, thanks to Chairwoman trum. We have been able to find cre- are special. He will be missed, but we BLACKBURN’s legislation. ative ways to free up more spectrum so will carry on in his memory and in the Second, we take care of our broad- that billions of dollars of private sector quality of service that he supplied. casters, both public and private, and investment can be used to build out The RAY BAUM’S Act does some- their translators, including FM trans- these great networks in 3G, 4G, and, thing that hasn’t been done in over 28 lators as well as public broadcasting. now, 5G so that we can continue to ad- years: it reauthorized the Federal Com- Mr. PALLONE has been a long cham- vance technology. munications Commission. It is amazing pion of the repack effort and, of course, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The to think that we have a commission as his SANDy legislation. time of the gentleman has expired. important as that and it hasn’t been You heard from Mr. SCALISE on the Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I yield authorized—or reauthorized, or reau- legislation to consolidate redundant the gentleman from Louisiana an addi- thorized. It is time to do it and bring it and outdated FCC reports: get rid of tional 1 minute. up to this century, as well, and beyond. the ones we don’t need, streamline the Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Speaker, I would This bipartisan bill is good, forward- rest, and bring efficiency. like to also thank Chairwoman BLACK- thinking policy that modernizes the Mr. JOHNSON’s legislation to estab- BURN for including the FCC Consoli- FCC to ensure it is more transparent, lish an independent inspector general dated Reporting Act that I worked so efficient, and able to tackle the issues at the FCC, this is just good govern- closely on with Senator HELLER for of the 21st century. It maintains the ment we can all embrace. years to try to get this legislation credibility of spectrum auctions and Congresswoman MIMI WALTERS’ legis- passed. This is included as part of this the promise the FCC made to Michigan lation gives the chief information offi- legislation. This will provide relief to broadcasters. cer of the FCC the authority to play a so many job creators and to the FCC by It paves the way for new spectrum significant role in planning, budgeting, consolidating and eliminating so many auctions that will allow for the United and programming. outdated reporting requirements. States to maintain its leadership in de- Congresswoman GRACE MENG’s bill to What do I mean by eliminating out- veloping and deploying technologies prohibit spoofing calls or texts origi- dated reporting requirements, Mr. such as 5G and, ultimately, win the nating outside the U.S., plus an 18- Speaker? race to 5G. month shot clock, is put on the FCC to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.055 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1414 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 conduct rulemaking in this matter. I been pushing for a ‘Dig Once’ policy, a com- The Clerk read the title of the bill. think we are all kind of getting tired of monsense proposal to ensure broadband con- The text of the bill is as follows: those spoofs we get on our phones. It duit is included in the buildout of roads and H.R. 1132 looks like they are coming from our highways when they’re being built and where Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- hometowns, and it turns out they are there’s a demonstrated need for broadband resentatives of the United States of America in not. We are going to try to get to the access, rather than tearing up roads later. Dig Congress assembled, bottom of this and have the FCC work Once will enable states to make it easier for SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Political Ap- to do that. broadband providers to enter new and under- pointee Burrowing Prevention Act’’. Congressman GUTHRIE and Congress- served markets by laying the broadband con- SEC. 2. LIMITATION ON EMPLOYMENT OF POLIT- woman MATSUI’s bill to include a spec- duit during construction. ICAL APPOINTEES IN CAREER CIVIL trum auction deposit fix, this will ac- H.R. 4986 also includes the RESPONSE SERVICE POSITIONS. tually allow future actions to go for- Act that ensures that multi-line telephones (a) IN GENERAL.—Subchapter I of chapter ward legally. They couldn’t do that commonly found in office buildings and hotels 31 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: under existing law because of an inter- are equipped with location accuracy tech- pretation, and so we fixed that. That nologies. This is essential for responders to lo- ‘‘§ 3115. Employment of political appointees was very, very important. cate a 911 caller in a large building as quickly ‘‘(a) APPOINTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The head of an agency Congressmen MCNERNEY and as possible because lives are literally on the may not appoint any individual described in KINZINGER’s legislation to require the line and every second counts. This provision paragraph (5) to a career position within the FCC to report to Congress on pro- will help save lives. agency without receiving prior written ap- moting internet excess for veterans, we I’m disappointed that the FCC Collaboration proval from the Associate Director of Merit all know how important that is, espe- Act was excluded from the final version of Systems Accountability and Compliance, cially those low-income veterans in our H.R. 4986. This is another bipartisan, com- consistent with the requirements of this sub- rural communities. monsense proposal that I have consistently in- section. Congressman LOEBSACK’s legislation troduced since 2009. It passed out of the ‘‘(2) REQUEST.—The head of an agency shall to improve mapping methodology for submit a request to the Associate Director Communications and Technology sub- to approve the appointment of any indi- mobile coverage, we need to know committee, the full Energy and Commerce vidual described in paragraph (5) to a career where we have service in America and committee, and previously passed the full position. Any such request shall include cer- where we don’t and have numbers we House, all with bipartisan support. All of the tification by the head of the agency to the can trust. former Democratic and Republican FCC mem- Associate Director that the appointment is Representative RUIZ’s legislation is bers have supported this policy one hundred necessary for the agency to meet its mission. very, very important, dealing with percent. It’s unfortunate that despite such ‘‘(3) REVIEW AND DETERMINATION.—The As- broadband in Tribal areas and carrying broad support, this provision was stripped sociate Director shall review any request re- out rulemaking to address unserved ceived pursuant to paragraph (2) and deny from the final bill despite our work in Com- any such request unless the Associate Direc- Tribal areas. We have lots of Tribal mittee. tor determines that the appointment process areas in our country that lack service. I also want to express my concerns about with respect to the request was fair, open, ANNA ESHOO’s legislation to provide some parts of the bill which consolidate the and free from political influence. If the Asso- further improvements on 911 caller in- FCC’s reporting on issues like price hikes, ciate Director makes that determination, formation that builds on Kari’s Law competition, and program diversity, and the the Associate Director may approve the re- that we have already approved, that is scaling back of provisions on critical unli- quest. really, really important. censed spectrum. I worry that we’ll regret ‘‘(4) NOTIFICATION TO CONGRESS.—With re- spect to any request approved under para- And, again, ELIOT ENGEL’s legislation weakening these public interest policies. requires the National Telecommuni- graph (3), the Associate Director shall, not Nonetheless, I support H.R. 4986 as a set of less than five days before the date the Asso- cations and Information Administra- largely positive developments for consumers, ciate Director provides approval to the head tion, the NTIA, to study and consider policymakers, and many other stakeholders in of the requesting agency, provide to the how the agency can best coordinate the the communications marketplace. I want to Committee on Oversight and Government interagency process following cyberse- thank Chairman Walden for his hard work on Reform of the House of Representatives and curity incidents. this, and urge my colleagues to vote YES on the Committee on Homeland Security and It just goes on and on, including Sen- H.R. 4986, the RAY BAUM’S Act of 2018. Governmental Affairs of the Senate the ator THUNE’s MOBILE NOW Act that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The agency certification under paragraph (2) and will help us move forward on 5G. the agency head’s rationale for that certifi- question is on the motion offered by cation. So, as you can see, this is comprehen- the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. WAL- ‘‘(5) COVERED INDIVIDUALS.—An individual sive, thoughtful, well-written legisla- DEN) that the House suspend the rules described in this paragraph is— tion on telecommunications, moves our and pass the bill, H.R. 4986, as amend- ‘‘(A) a political appointee; country forward, reauthorizes the FCC, ed. ‘‘(B) a former political appointee who held and is a fitting tribute to my friend The question was taken; and (two- any political position during the five-year and our policy leader, Mr. Ray Baum thirds being in the affirmative) the period before the date of the request de- from Oregon. rules were suspended and the bill, as scribed in paragraph (2); or Mr. Speaker, I encourage my col- amended, was passed. ‘‘(C) at the discretion of the Director of the leagues to support this legislation, and Office of Personnel Management, a former The title of the bill was amended so political appointee who held any political I yield back the balance of my time. as to read: ‘‘A bill to amend the Com- position before the five-year period described Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in munications Act of 1934 to reauthorize in subparagraph (B). support of H.R. 4986, the RAY BAUM’S Act, appropriations for the Federal Commu- ‘‘(b) RESTRICTION ON APPOINTMENT.— the first FCC reauthorization in 28 years, nications Commission, and for other ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any named for our dear friend, the late Ray Baum. purposes.’’. other law, rule, or regulation, during the 2- This bill is the product of many long hours A motion to reconsider was laid on year period following the date a political ap- of hard work to achieve a bipartisan, bi- pointee leaves or departs from a political po- the table. sition, such appointee may not be appointed cameral compromise. While no bill is perfect, f to any career position in the civil service. this legislation contains many solid policy ad- ‘‘(2) EXCEPTION.—Paragraph (1) shall not vancements for digital communications in the POLITICAL APPOINTEE BURROWING PREVENTION ACT apply to a political appointee who has not 21st century. personally and substantially participated in I’m especially glad to see two bills I’ve Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I move to any particular matter while employed in a championed for many years included in this suspend the rules and pass the bill political position. package, ‘Dig Once’ which I first introduced in (H.R. 1132) to amend title 5, United ‘‘(c) APPLICATION.—Nothing in this section States Code, to provide for a 2-year shall be construed to restrict the appoint- 2009, and the RESPONSE Act, which I first ment of an individual who is— introduced in 2010. Broadband is essential for prohibition on employment in a career ‘‘(1) entitled to reinstatement under sec- every community in our country to function civil service position for any former tion 3593(b); or today, just as the physical roads and bridges political appointee, and for other pur- ‘‘(2) eligible for reinstatement under sec- we travel on are. For nearly a decade, I’ve poses, as amended. tion 3593(a).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.057 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1415 ‘‘(d) DEFINITIONS.—In this section— States Code, as added by subsection (a), con- In closing, this bill protects the in- ‘‘(1) the term ‘agency’ has the meaning sistent with section 2641.201 of title 5, Code tegrity of the merit-based system so given the term ‘Executive agency’ in section of Federal Regulations. career politicians stay free of politics. 105; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The American people deserve nothing ‘‘(2) the term ‘Associate Director’ means ant to the rule, the gentleman from the Associate Director of Merit Systems Ac- less. Iowa (Mr. BLUM) and the gentleman countability and Compliance at the Office of Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Personnel Management; from Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY) each will support the bill, and I reserve the bal- ‘‘(3) the term ‘political appointee’ means control 20 minutes. ance of my time. an individual serving in an appointment of The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I yield any duration to a political position; from Iowa. myself such time as I may consume. ‘‘(4) the term ‘political position’ means— GENERAL LEAVE Mr. Speaker, the bill before us is H.R. ‘‘(A) a position with respect to which ap- Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- 1132, the Political Appointee Burrowing pointment is made— mous consent that all Members may Prevention Act, as amended. ‘‘(i) by the President; or have 5 legislative days in which to re- I want to thank my friends on the ‘‘(ii) by the President, by and with the ad- vise and extend their remarks and in- vice and consent of the Senate; majority for working with us to im- ‘‘(B) a position which has been excepted clude extraneous material on the bill prove this bill since its consideration from the competitive service by reason of its under consideration. by the committee. Because of the im- confidential, policy-determining, policy- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there provements we have been able to make, making, or policy-advocating character; objection to the request of the gen- I support moving this bill forward in ‘‘(C) a position described under sections tleman from Iowa? the legislative process; however, I con- 5312 through 5316 (relating to the Executive There was no objection. tinue to believe that some further Schedule); and Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- changes may be needed. ‘‘(D) a general position in the Senior Exec- self such time as I may consume. utive Service during such time as it is filled Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support The bill would make it very difficult by— of H.R. 1132, the Political Appointee to hire former political appointees into ‘‘(i) a noncareer appointee, as defined in Burrowing Prevention Act, introduced career positions in the Federal Govern- paragraph (7) of section 3132(a); or by the gentleman from Colorado, Rep- ment. It would prohibit hiring a former ‘‘(ii) a limited term appointee or limited political appointee into a career posi- resentative BUCK. emergency appointee, as defined in para- tion for 2 years after that individual graphs (5) and (6) of section 3132(a), who is This important bill will protect the integrity of the civil service and ensure held a political position. serving under a political appointment. It would also add significant hurdles ‘‘(5) the term ‘career position’ means— the American people are served by a ‘‘(A) a position in the competitive service competent, nonpolitical career work- for agencies seeking to hire an appli- filled by career or career-conditional ap- force. cant to a career position who separated pointment; Under current law, each administra- from a political appointment in the ‘‘(B) a position in the excepted service tion appoints a political staff to help last 5 years. The agency would be re- filled by an appointment of equivalent ten- advance the administration’s political quired to certify to the Office of Per- ure as a position described in subparagraph sonnel Management that the appoint- (A); goals. These political employees leave at the end of the administration to ment is ‘‘necessary to the agency’s ‘‘(C) a career reserved position, as defined ability to meet its mission.’’ in paragraph (8) of section 3132(a), in the make way for the next administra- Senior Executive Service; or tion’s appointees. There are several controls already in ‘‘(D) a general position in the Senior Exec- In contrast, the career civil service is place to ensure that the process used to utive Service when filled by a career ap- designed to carry over from adminis- hire former political appointees into pointee, as defined in section 3132(a)(4); tration to administration. These em- career positions is fair, open, and based ‘‘(6) the term ‘participated’ means an ac- ployees should be hired based on their on merit. For example, the Office of tion taken as an officer or employee through qualifications and promoted based on Personnel Management must ensure, decision, approval, disapproval, rec- their performance. Despite the signifi- right now, that the appointment proc- ommendation, the rendering of advice, inves- ess was free from political influence tigation, or other such action; and cant differences between the two types ‘‘(7) the term ‘particular matter’ includes of positions, however, political ap- and report the results of its reviews to any investigation, application, request for a pointees are currently allowed to con- Congress. ruling or determination, rulemaking, con- vert to career positions. This practice A February 2017 report found that tract, controversy, claim, charge, accusa- is known as ‘‘burrowing.’’ OPM reviewed just 16 requests by agen- tion, arrest, or judicial or other pro- As the Government Accountability cies to hire former political appointees ceeding.’’. Office explained: ‘‘Circumstances sur- from October 1, 2016, through January (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of rounding conversions can raise ques- 20, 2017, and did not find any reason to sections of chapter 31 of title 5, United tions as to whether the individuals se- deny any of those requests. States Code, is amended by adding after the We all want the best people in the item relating to section 3114 the following: lected experienced favoritism or en- joyed an unfair advantage in the selec- Federal service, and there should be no ‘‘3115. Employment of political appointees.’’. undue favoritism in the hiring process. (c) APPLICATION.— tion process.’’ (1) APPOINTMENT REQUESTS.—Section GAO went on to say: ‘‘Any appear- In comments on this bill, OPM sug- 3115(a) of title 5, United States Code, as ance of this could compromise the gested that certain provisions may added by subsection (a), shall apply to any merit system’s integrity.’’ conflict with the merit system prin- appointment or request for appointment de- H.R. 1132, the Political Appointee ciples that have formed the basis of the scribed in such section submitted to the As- Burrowing Prevention Act, will enact Federal civil service for over a century. sociate Director of Merit Systems Account- in law the requirement for OPM to re- That issue should be clarified before ability and Compliance after the date of en- view political conversions. this bill becomes enacted into law. actment of this Act. The bill also raises the bar for polit- Nonetheless, we support the spirit (2) LIMITATION ON APPOINTMENTS.—Section 3115(b) of title 5, United States Code, as ical conversions, requiring an agency with which the bill is offered us today, added by subsection (a), shall apply to any certify the conversion is necessary to and we have no objections to the legis- individual who leaves or departs from a po- meet its mission. To ensure Congress lation in front of us. litical position (as that term is defined in can continue to monitor for abuse, the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of section 3115(c)(2) of such title, as added by certification must be provided to Con- my time. such subsection) after the date of enactment gress before it is approved. Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 of this Act. Finally, the bill prohibits political minutes to the gentleman from Colo- (d) REGULATIONS REQUIRED.—The Director conversions within 2 years of leaving a rado (Mr. BUCK), the sponsor of the bill of the Office of Personnel Management shall political appointment. This ensures and my esteemed colleague. issue regulations necessary to carry out this Act. Such regulations shall include guidance sufficient time has passed between Mr. BUCK. Mr. Speaker, I thank the on the definition of the term ‘‘personally and when political appointees finish their gentleman from Iowa for the time substantially participated in a particular appointment and when they may be- today to talk about this important leg- matter’’ in section 3115(b)(2) of title 5, United come a career employee. islation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.011 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1416 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 Mr. Speaker, I want to speak on be- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I yield (5) estimates on the cost for such options half of the Political Appointee Bur- myself the balance of my time. as part of— rowing Prevention Act. This important Mr. Speaker, I do support the bill in (A) all Top Secret investigations; or legislation addresses a problem affect- the spirit in which this bill is offered. (B) all Secret and Top Secret investiga- tions. ing our Federal workforce. I think we want to make sure we pre- Our Federal civil service hiring proc- serve the integrity of the civil service The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ess is supposed to be a competitive, system that we have worked so hard to ant to the rule, the gentleman from merit-based system where the best and build in this country, where we build in Iowa (Mr. BLUM) and the gentleman brightest individuals are considered integrity and we avoid nepotism and from Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY) each will based on their qualifications and abil- favoritism and political connections control 20 minutes. ity to do their job, not because of their over merit. The Chair recognizes the gentleman political connections. However, we One caveat, though, as I mentioned: from Iowa. have seen a concerning trend where ex- once in a while, there may be a polit- GENERAL LEAVE cepted service employees, specifically ical appointee who is the best thing Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- political appointees, are converted into since sliced bread, who brings a level of mous consent that all Members may high-paying, lifelong civil service posi- expertise that we need, and we don’t have 5 legislative days in which to re- tions, bypassing the normal competi- want to make it harder to look at vise and extend their remarks and in- tive hiring process. those credentials on their merits. I clude extraneous material on the bill This process, also known as ‘‘bur- know that is not the intention of the under consideration. rowing,’’ defeats the purpose of having bill, but it may be one of the unin- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there a nonpartisan, merit-based civil serv- tended consequences, and that is what objection to the request of the gen- ice. In fact, the Government Account- we want to just make sure we are not tleman from Iowa? ability Office reports that the Obama doing as we move forward, but with There was no objection. administration converted 78 political that, I support the bill. Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- appointments into career positions, Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance self such time as I may consume. while the Bush administration allowed of my time. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support 135 political appointees to burrow into Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I urge adop- of H.R. 3737, the Social Media Use in career positions. tion of the bill, and I yield back the Clearance Investigations Act of 2017, This trend raises significant concerns balance of my time. introduced by the gentleman from that individuals who were not chosen The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Florida, Representative DESANTIS. based solely on their merits may, at question is on the motion offered by According to the Pew Research Cen- best, not be the most qualified can- the gentleman from Iowa (Mr. BLUM) ter, 7 in 10 Americans use social media didate for the job, or, at worst, may that the House suspend the rules and today. A significant portion of those not be willing to properly execute the pass the bill, H.R. 1132, as amended. Americans’ personal and professional law under a new administration. The question was taken; and (two- interactions occur online. It is just thirds being in the affirmative) the common sense that the government b 1530 rules were suspended and the bill, as should check the social media of indi- Political appointees are supposed to amended, was passed. viduals who apply for security clear- serve their appointing President’s A motion to reconsider was laid on ances, but it doesn’t. agenda for a temporary period of time. the table. H.R. 3737 will move the government Part of their duty to the Nation is to f toward implementing checks of social know when it is time to step down media for individuals we trust with our SOCIAL MEDIA USE IN CLEARANCE from their position of power. country’s most sensitive information. Congress must act to ensure this INVESTIGATIONS ACT OF 2017 The bill requires a study of the use of principle is upheld and to protect the Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I move to social media in security clearance in- independence of our merit-based civil suspend the rules and pass the bill vestigations to inform government- service. That is why I, along with my (H.R. 3737) to provide for a study on the wide implementation of social media friend and colleague, Representative use of social media in security clear- checks. The study will provide com- TED LIEU, have offered an equitable so- ance investigations. prehensive information on existing lution to ensure this problem is The Clerk read the title of the bill. pilot programs, lessons learned, and stopped in its tracks. The text of the bill is as follows: costs. Our bill, the Political Appointee Bur- H.R. 3737 We must begin the process of rowing Prevention Act, places a 2-year Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- strengthening the system now, and ban on political appointees being hired resentatives of the United States of America in that starts with determining best prac- for any job in the civil service after Congress assembled, tices for moving forward. they depart a political position. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. H.R. 3737 will help ensure that gov- Additionally, the bill ensures that This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Social Media ernment checks social media before after the 2-year ban is completed, the Use in Clearance Investigations Act of 2017’’. issuing security clearances. head of the agency seeking to employ SEC. 2. STUDY ON USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN SE- CURITY CLEARANCE INVESTIGA- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to the individual must submit a written TIONS. support this bill, and I reserve the bal- request to OPM detailing why hiring a Not later than 6 months after the date of ance of my time. former appointee is necessary to the enactment of this Act, the Director of the Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I yield agency’s mission. Office of Management and Budget shall sub- myself such time as I may consume. Furthermore, OPM is instructed to mit to Congress a report on the examination Mr. Speaker, I think this bill is long deny the application unless the agency of social media activity during security overdue and recognizes the internet head can prove why it is necessary to clearance investigations, including— world in which we live and operate. (1) the current use of publicly available so- hire this individual instead of an appli- cial media in security clearance background This bill would require the Director cant from the merit-based hiring pool. investigations; of the Office of Personnel Management This commonsense bill ensures that (2) any legal impediments to examining to issue a report to Congress on the use our Federal workforce is filled with ca- publicly available social media activity, and of social media checks in background reer civil servants who are the most whether those impediments are statutory or investigations for security clearances. qualified, not the most politically con- regulatory in nature; In recent years, a number of agencies nected. (3) the results of any pilot programs to in- have begun pilot programs to help de- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to corporate social media checks in such inves- velop the best methods of incor- tigations, including the effectiveness and support this commonsense legislation cost of such programs; porating social media into those back- that ensures our Federal workforce is (4) options for widespread implementation ground checks. For example, the Army being selected by merit, not by polit- of the examination of social media activity initiated a pilot program that found ical patronage. during such investigations; and that while checking social media is a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.061 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1417 valuable tool, it can be costly and may door to them in an apartment 10 years (D) in subclause (II), as so redesignated, by raise some legal issues. ago. striking the period at the end and inserting This bill would require that OPM I think that this bill is overdue. the following: ‘‘, including— conduct a comprehensive study on Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague ‘‘(aa) the means by which employees may seek review of any allegation of reprisal, in- from Massachusetts (Mr. LYNCH) for co- those issues and report back to the cluding the roles of the Office of the Inspec- Congress. This one-time report would sponsoring it for me, and I am proud to tor General, the Office of Special Counsel, describe the current uses of social be here today as the sponsor. I think the Merit Systems Protection Board, and media postings for investigative pur- this should have bipartisan support. I any other relevant entities; and poses and any legal concerns or impedi- think it will give us some good answers ‘‘(bb) general information about the time- ments that may arise. In addition, the and we can move forward and mod- liness of such cases, the availability of any report would summarize the results of ernize this process. alternative dispute mechanisms, and ave- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I yield nues for potential relief.;’’; and any pilot programs on the use of social (E) by adding at the end the following: media conducted to date and provide myself the balance of my time. Mr. Speaker, in closing, we think ‘‘(ii) assist the Inspector General in pro- cost estimates for implementing their moting the timely and appropriate handling widespread use in background inves- this is a commonsense bill. I agree with and consideration of protected disclosures tigative processes. the sentiments just expressed by our and allegations of reprisal, to the extent The report would greatly assist Con- friend from Florida that, in today’s day practicable, by the Inspector General; and gress, I believe, in determining whether and age, we can’t not take cognizance ‘‘(iii) assist the Inspector General in facili- further legislative action is needed of social media, and it can be a useful tating communication and coordination with the Special Counsel, the Council of the In- when it comes to the Federal Govern- tool in evaluating someone’s security clearance application. spectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, ment’s use of social media in back- the agency, Congress, and any other relevant ground investigations. We also understand it could be a tool that is used to invade people’s privacy, entity regarding the timely and appropriate This bill was approved without oppo- handling and consideration of protected dis- sition by our committee, the Com- and we want to avoid that. That is why closures, allegations of reprisal, and general mittee on Oversight and Government what this bill does is call for a report matters regarding the implementation and Reform, last year, and I certainly com- looking at all of the legal ramifica- administration of whistleblower protection mend it to our colleagues today. tions and the practicality of utilizing laws, rules, and regulations.’’; Mr. Speaker, I want to thank Mr. this tool to get to a better outcome in (2) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘Ombuds- man’’ and inserting ‘‘Coordinator’’; DESANTIS and Mr. LYNCH for their lead- the process of security clearances. Mr. Speaker, I support the bill and (3) by redesignating paragraph (3) as para- ership on what I think is a common- graph (4); and sense measure that will actually im- commend it to our colleagues. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance (4) by inserting after paragraph (2) the fol- prove the process. lowing: Mr. Speaker, I urge every Member to of my time. ‘‘(3) The Whistleblower Protection Coordi- Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I urge adop- support the bill, and I reserve the bal- nator shall have direct access to the Inspec- tion of the bill, and I yield back the ance of my time. tor General as needed to accomplish the re- Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 balance of my time. quirements of this subsection.’’. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The (b) RESPONSIBILITIES OF CIGIE.—Section minutes to the gentleman from Florida question is on the motion offered by 11(c) of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 (Mr. DESANTIS), the sponsor of this bill. U.S.C. App.) is amended by adding at the end the gentleman from Iowa (Mr. BLUM) Mr. DESANTIS. Mr. Speaker, in the the following: that the House suspend the rules and private sector, if an employer is going ‘‘(5) ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES RELATING pass the bill, H.R. 3737. to hire somebody, a lot of times they TO WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION.—The Council The question was taken; and (two- shall— will do a Google search, they will thirds being in the affirmative) the check social media postings to try to ‘‘(A) facilitate the work of the Whistle- rules were suspended and the bill was blower Protection Coordinators designated learn a little bit more about this pro- passed. under section 3(d)(C); and spective employee. A motion to reconsider was laid on ‘‘(B) in consultation with the Office of Spe- It may be hard to believe, but the the table. cial Counsel and Whistleblower Protection Federal Government often fails to con- Coordinators from the member offices of the duct a simple internet search on indi- f Inspector General, develop best practices for viduals before they are trusted with a WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION coordination and communication in pro- security clearance. EXTENSION ACT OF 2017 moting the timely and appropriate handling Publicly available social media is one and consideration of protected disclosures, Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I move to allegations of reprisal, and general matters of the best ways to understand an indi- suspend the rules and pass the bill regarding the implementation and adminis- vidual’s interests and intentions, but (H.R. 4043) to amend the Inspector Gen- tration of whistleblower protection laws, in our investigatory process still focuses eral Act of 1978 to reauthorize the accordance with Federal law.’’. on interviewing the applicant’s family, whistleblower protection program, and (c) REPORTING.—Section 5 of the Inspector friends, and neighbors. For over a dec- for other purposes, as amended. General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amend- ade, various agencies, including the Of- The Clerk read the title of the bill. ed— fice of Personnel Management, have The text of the bill is as follows: (1) in subsection (a), by amending para- graph (20) to read as follows: conducted studies and pilot programs H.R. 4043 ‘‘(20)(A) a detailed description of any in- to assess the effectiveness of social Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- stance of whistleblower retaliation, includ- media checks in security clearance in- resentatives of the United States of America in ing information about the official found to vestigations. Congress has not been Congress assembled, have engaged in retaliation; and provided those results. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ‘‘(B) what, if any, consequences the estab- What this bill will do is it will re- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Whistle- lishment actually imposed to hold the offi- quire these agencies to identify best blower Protection Extension Act of 2017’’. cial described in subparagraph (A) account- practices so that we can use this going SEC. 2. REAUTHORIZATION. able;’’; and (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 3(d) of the Inspec- (2) in subsection (b)— forward to make sure that the people tor General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is (A) in paragraph (3)(D), by striking ‘‘and’’ who are employed by this government, amended— at the end; armed with a security clearance, who (1) in paragraph (1)(C)— (B) by redesignating paragraph (4) as para- have access to sensitive information (A) by redesignating clauses (i) and (ii) as graph (5); and that puts the security of the country at subclauses (I) and (II), respectively, and ad- (C) by inserting after paragraph (3) the fol- risk, that these are people whom we justing the margins accordingly; lowing: want to have there and they are not (B) by striking ‘‘Ombudsman who shall ‘‘(4) whether the establishment entered folks who have ulterior designs. educate agency employees—’’ and inserting into a settlement agreement with the offi- the following: ‘‘Coordinator who shall— A lot of times it is going to be much cial described in subsection (a)(20)(A), which ‘‘(i) educate agency employees—’’; shall be reported regardless of any confiden- more informative to look at their pub- (C) in subclause (I), as so redesignated, by tiality agreement relating to the settlement licly available writings than to talk to striking ‘‘on retaliation’’ and inserting agreement; and’’. somebody who may have lived next ‘‘against retaliation’’; (d) REPEAL OF SUNSET.—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.064 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1418 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 (1) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (c) of section Representative BLUM and Committee ‘‘§ 1355. Prohibition on use of funds for por- 117 of the Whistleblower Protection En- on Oversight and Government Reform traits hancement Act of 2012 (Public Law 112–199; Ranking Member ELIJAH CUMMINGS in- ‘‘(a) No funds appropriated or otherwise 126 Stat. 1475) is repealed. troduced this bill to extend the pilot made available to the Federal Government (2) RETROACTIVE EFFECTIVE DATE.—The program that requires every inspector may be used to pay for the painting of a por- amendment made by paragraph (1) shall take trait of an officer or employee of the Federal effect on November 26, 2017. general’s office to have a liaison dedi- Government, including the President, the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cated to assisting whistleblowers. Vice President, a Member of Congress, the ant to the rule, the gentleman from Under this legislation, the whistle- head of an executive agency, or the head of blower protection coordinator would an office of the legislative branch. Iowa (Mr. BLUM) and the gentleman help educate agency employees about ‘‘(b) In this section— from Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY) each will ‘‘(1) the term ‘executive agency’ has the control 20 minutes. whistleblower protection laws. This bill would help employees who want to meaning given the term in section 133 of The Chair recognizes the gentleman title 41; and from Iowa. blow the whistle know their rights, and ‘‘(2) the term ‘Member of Congress’ in- it would put agency management on GENERAL LEAVE cludes a Delegate or Resident Commissioner Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- notice that it is against the law to re- to Congress.’’. mous consent that all Members may taliate against whistleblowers. (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of This bill would require whistleblower sections for subchapter III of chapter 13 of have 5 legislative days in which to re- protection coordinators to provide title 31, United States Code, is amended by vise and extend their remarks and in- whistleblowers who have suffered retal- adding after the item relating to section 1354 clude extraneous material on the bill iation information about options avail- the following new item: under consideration. able to them to have their allegations ‘‘1355. Prohibition on use of funds for por- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there traits.’’. evaluated. objection to the request of the gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tleman from Iowa? b 1545 ant to the rule, the gentleman from There was no objection. No matter how strong we make our Iowa (Mr. BLUM) and the gentleman Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- whistleblower protection laws, they from Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY) each will self such time as I may consume. will not help if whistleblowers do not control 20 minutes. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support know how to exercise their rights The Chair recognizes the gentleman of H.R. 4043, the Whistleblower Protec- under those laws. from Iowa. tion Extension Act, a bill I introduced I urge my colleagues to pass this bi- GENERAL LEAVE with Ranking Member ELIJAH CUM- partisan measure to strengthen whis- Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- MINGS. tleblower protections. I urge passage of mous consent that all Members have 5 The Whistleblower Protection Exten- this commonsense bill, this good gov- legislative days in which to revise and sion Act reauthorizes the whistle- ernment bill coming out of our com- extend their remarks and to include ex- blower ombudsman program. mittee. I thank my friend from Iowa traneous material on the bill under Whistleblowers are the front line of for collaborating with the gentleman consideration, including an exchange defense against waste, fraud, and abuse from Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) on this of letters on the House companion bill, in the Federal Government, but too commonsense piece of legislation, and I H.R. 1701, between the Committee on many Federal employees are unaware urge its adoption. Oversight and Government Reform and of the laws that protect them and the Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance the Committee on House Administra- options available for dealing with re- of my time. tion. taliation and other actions intended to Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I urge adop- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there silence them. tion of the bill, and I yield back the objection to the request of the gen- To address this problem, Congress balance of my time. tleman from Iowa? created the ombudsman program in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The There was no objection. 2012. The program directs agency in- question is on the motion offered by Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- spectors general to designate an om- the gentleman from Iowa (Mr. BLUM) self such time as I may consume. budsman for whistleblower protections that the House suspend the rules and Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support at the agency. They provide informa- pass the bill, H.R. 4043, as amended. of S. 188, the Eliminating Government- tion to employees on whistleblower The question was taken; and (two- Funded Oil-Painting Act, a bill intro- protections and remedies in the event thirds being in the affirmative) the duced by Senator BILL CASSIDY. In of retaliation. rules were suspended and the bill, as years past, the Federal Government This program was originally a com- amended, was passed. spent hundreds of thousands of dollars ponent of the 2012 Whistleblower Pro- A motion to reconsider was laid on on portraits of government officials. tection Enhancement Act and was set the table. Taxpayer funds should be invested in to expire after 5 years. Over the past 5 f programs that benefit taxpayers and years, the ombudsman program has re- our country, not oil paintings of Cabi- ceived high marks from the inspector ELIMINATING GOVERNMENT- net members to boost their egos. general community. This benefits the FUNDED OIL-PAINTING ACT That is why today we consider S. 188, country as a whole and makes the Fed- Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I move to the Eliminating Government-Funded eral Government more efficient. For suspend the rules and pass the bill (S. Oil-Painting Act, otherwise known as that reason, it is imperative that we 188) to prohibit the use of Federal funds the ‘‘EGO Act.’’ The EGO Act makes pass H.R. 4043 and make the ombuds- for the costs of painting portraits of of- clear, once and for all, that govern- man program permanent. ficers and employees of the Federal ment agencies cannot spend taxpayer Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Government, as amended. dollars on oil paintings. support this bill, and I reserve the bal- The Clerk read the title of the bill. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to ance of my time. The text of the bill is as follows: support this commonsense, bipartisan Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I yield S. 188 legislation. myself such time as I may consume. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Mr. Speaker, the need for this bill resentatives of the United States of America in my time. comes into recent focus just today with Congress assembled, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COM- reports, maybe unconfirmed, that one SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. MITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND GOV- of the Trump Cabinet members is en- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Eliminating ERNMENT REFORM, gaged in a witch hunt against a whis- Government-funded Oil-painting Act’’ or the Washington, DC, December 6, 2017. ‘‘EGO Act’’. tleblower. We need this kind of protec- Hon. GREGG HARPER, SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FUNDS FOR Chairman, Committee on House Administration, tion. PORTRAITS. House of Representatives, Washington, DC. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support (a) IN GENERAL.—Subchapter III of chapter DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: On September 13, of H.R. 4043, the Whistleblower Protec- 13 of title 31, United States Code, is amended 2017, the Committee on Oversight and Gov- tion Extension Act. by adding at the end the following: ernment Reform ordered reported H.R. 1701,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.014 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1419 the ‘‘Eliminating Government-funded Oil- I guess it was an attempt to achieve to pass S. 188, sending it to the President’s painting Act’’ with an amendment, by voice immortality, but it really is an act of desk. vote. The bill was referred primarily to the ego that is a little embarrassing, even The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, with an additional referral to the for Washington, D.C. question is on the motion offered by Committee on House Administration. This is an important bill, a common- the gentleman from Iowa (Mr. BLUM) I ask that you allow the Committee on sense bill, that brings us all back to that the House suspend the rules and House Administration to be discharged from Earth; that none of us is expendable pass the bill, S. 188, as amended. further consideration of the bill so that it and that, frankly, we make our con- The question was taken; and (two- may be scheduled by the Majority Leader. tribution and we move on. thirds being in the affirmative) the This discharge in no way affects your juris- This bill strikes at the uncontrolled rules were suspended and the bill, as diction over the subject matter of the bill, egos and, I hope, sends a message to and it will not serve as precedent for future amended, was passed. referrals. In addition, should a conference on those narcissists among us that they The title of the bill was amended so the bill be necessary, I would support your can stay that way if they wish, but the as to read: ‘‘An Act to amend title 31, request to have the Committee on House Ad- taxpayer is not going to pay for their United States Code, to prohibit the use ministration represented on the conference oil painting. of Federal funds for the costs of paint- committee. Finally, I would be pleased to in- I thank my friend from Iowa for ing portraits of officers and employees clude this letter and any response in the bill bringing up the bill. I support the bill, of the Federal Government, and for report filed by the Committee on Oversight and urge its passage. and Government Reform, as well as in the other purposes.’’. Congressional Record during floor consider- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of A motion to reconsider was laid on ation, to memorialize our understanding. my time. the table. Thank you for your consideration of my Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I would like request. to make the gentleman from Virginia f Sincerely, aware that I have no further speakers ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER TREY GOWDY. and I am prepared to close. I enjoy my PRO TEMPORE colleague from Virginia’s rather dry HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, sense of wit and humor. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- COMMITTEE ON HOUSE ADMINISTRATION, Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ant to clause 8 of rule XX, proceedings Washington, DC, December 6, 2017. will resume on questions previously Hon. TREY GOWDY, my time. Chairman, Committee on Oversight and Govern- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I postponed. ment Reform, Washington, DC. thank my friend from Iowa, with whom Votes will be taken in the following DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your I share a dry sense of humor. I will re- order: letter regarding H.R. 1701. As you know, the mind him, being Irish, that The motion to recommit on H.R. bill was received in the House of Representa- leprechauns are always on the shoul- 4607; and tives on March 23, 2017, and referred pri- Passage of H.R. 4607, if ordered. marily to the Committee on Oversight and der, especially this time of year. Government Reform and in addition to the Mr. Speaker, I like this bill. I think The first electronic vote will be con- Committee on the Committee on House Ad- most taxpayers are going to like this ducted as a 15-minute vote. The second ministration. The bill seeks to restrict funds bill. I think it is high time we acted on electronic vote will be conducted as a appropriated or otherwise made available to this kind of improvement and injected 5-minute vote. the Federal Government from being used to a sense of humility and humanity into f pay for the painting of a portrait of an offi- our enterprise here in the United cer or employee of the Federal Government, including the President, the Vice President, States Capitol. I urge passage of this COMPREHENSIVE REGULATORY a Member of Congress, the head of an execu- bill. REVIEW ACT tive agency, or the head of an office of the Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- legislative branch. On September 13, 2017, of my time. finished business is the vote on the mo- your Committee ordered H.R. 1701 to be re- Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I urge adop- ported with an amendment by voice vote. tion to recommit on the bill (H.R. 4607) tion of the bill, and I yield back the to amend the Economic Growth and I realize that discharging the Committee balance of my time. on House Administration from further con- Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act sideration of H.R. 1701 will serve in the best Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise of 1996 to ensure that Federal financial interest of the House of Representatives and today in support of S. 188, the Eliminating regulators perform a comprehensive re- agree to do so. It is the understanding of the Government-funded Oil-painting Act, an acro- view of regulations to identify out- Committee on House Administration that nym for the EGO Act. dated or otherwise unnecessary regu- forgoing action on H.R. 1701 will not preju- S. 188 is the Senate companion to H.R. dice the Committee with respect to appoint- latory requirements imposed on cov- 1401, legislation that I introduced along with ered persons, and for other purposes, ment of conferees or any future jurisdic- Representatives JIM BRIDENSTINE, CHERI tional claim. I request that your letter and offered by the gentlewoman from Mas- BUSTOS, WALTER JONES, LEONARD LANCE, this response be included in the bill report sachusetts (Ms. CLARK), on which the DAVID MCKINLEY, PETE OLSON, and TOM RICE. filed by your Committee, as well as in the yeas and nays were ordered. My friend and former House colleague, Sen- Congressional Record. The Clerk will redesignate the mo- ator BILL CASSIDY, is the lead sponsor of S. Sincerely, tion. 188 which passed the Senate unanimously on GREGG HARPER, The Clerk redesignated the motion. Chairman. September 18, 2017. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The EGO Act would prohibit Federal funds Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I yield question is on the motion to recommit. from being used to pay for the costs of paint- myself such time as I may consume. The vote was taken by electronic de- This is a sad day in the swamp, to ing portraits of officers and employees of the vice, and there were—yeas 182, nays eliminate oil paintings of men and Federal Government. Federal agencies have 228, not voting 20, as follows: women who consider themselves very spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on important, to make sure that taxpayer portraits that are displayed within agency [Roll No. 94] funds are never used for such a thing; buildings, often in secure locations that are not YEAS—182 sad day for the swamp in Washington. open to the public. Although this money is Adams Brady (PA) Clark (MA) One can come to the Capitol and look only a fraction of a percentage of the federal Aguilar Brown (MD) Clarke (NY) Barraga´ n Brownley (CA) Clay at oil paintings that bestride every cor- budget, it represents a failure to exercise fiscal Bass Bustos Clyburn ridor and wall, in hearing rooms here restraint. Every dollar the government spends Beatty Butterfield Cohen in the Capitol, and not know most of on vanity projects for federal officials is a dol- Bera Capuano Connolly Beyer Carbajal Cooper these people. We haven’t got a clue who lar that is not spent improving the lives of ev- Bishop (GA) Ca´ rdenas Correa most of them are. We recognize John eryday Americans. Blum Carson (IN) Costa Adams, but when we go to committee Congress has the responsibility to ensure Blumenauer Cartwright Courtney hearing rooms, one or two chairmen that taxpayer dollars are being used efficiently Blunt Rochester Castor (FL) Crist Bonamici Castro (TX) Crowley past, we often don’t know who they and effectively. For these reasons, I am proud Boyle, Brendan Chu, Judy Cuellar are. to sponsor the EGO Act, and urge the House F. Cicilline Davis (CA)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.016 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1420 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 Davis, Danny Kind Quigley Meadows Rohrabacher Tenney Davidson Kelly (MS) Roby DeGette Krishnamoorthi Raskin Meehan Rokita Thompson (PA) Davis, Rodney Kelly (PA) Roe (TN) Delaney Kuster (NH) Rice (NY) Messer Rooney, Francis Thornberry Delaney Kilmer Rogers (AL) DeLauro Langevin Richmond Mitchell Rooney, Thomas Tipton Denham Kind Rogers (KY) DelBene Larsen (WA) Rosen Moolenaar J. Trott Dent King (IA) Rohrabacher Demings Larson (CT) Roybal-Allard Mooney (WV) Ros-Lehtinen Turner DeSantis King (NY) Rokita DeSaulnier Lawrence Ruiz Mullin Roskam Upton DesJarlais Kinzinger Rooney, Francis Deutch Lawson (FL) Ruppersberger Newhouse Ross Valadao Diaz-Balart Knight Rooney, Thomas Noem Rothfus Dingell Lee Rush Wagner Donovan Kuster (NH) J. Doggett Levin Norman Rouzer Duffy Kustoff (TN) Ros-Lehtinen Ryan (OH) Walberg Doyle, Michael Lewis (GA) Nunes Royce (CA) Duncan (SC) Labrador Rosen Sa´ nchez Walden F. Lipinski Palazzo Russell Duncan (TN) LaHood Roskam Sarbanes Walker Ellison Loebsack Palmer Rutherford Dunn LaMalfa Ross Walorski Engel Lofgren Schakowsky Paulsen Sanford Emmer Lamborn Rothfus Walters, Mimi Eshoo Lowenthal Schiff Perry Schweikert Estes (KS) Lance Rouzer Weber (TX) Espaillat Lowey Schneider Peterson Scott, Austin Esty (CT) Latta Royce (CA) Esty (CT) Lujan Grisham, Schrader Pittenger Sensenbrenner Webster (FL) Farenthold Lewis (MN) Ruppersberger Evans M. Scott (VA) Poe (TX) Sessions Wenstrup Faso LoBiondo Russell Foster Luja´ n, Ben Ray Scott, David Poliquin Shimkus Westerman Ferguson Loebsack Rutherford Frankel (FL) Lynch Serrano Posey Shuster Williams Fitzpatrick Long Sanford Fudge Maloney, Sewell (AL) Ratcliffe Simpson Wilson (SC) Fleischmann Loudermilk Schneider Gabbard Carolyn B. Sherman Reed Smith (MO) Wittman Flores Love Schrader Gallego Maloney, Sean Sinema Reichert Smith (NE) Womack Fortenberry Lucas Schweikert Garamendi Matsui Sires Renacci Smith (NJ) Woodall Foxx Luetkemeyer Scott, Austin Gomez McCollum Slaughter Rice (SC) Smith (TX) Yoder Frelinghuysen Lujan Grisham, Scott, David Gonzalez (TX) McEachin Smith (WA) Roby Smucker Yoho Gaetz M. Sensenbrenner Gottheimer McGovern Soto Roe (TN) Stefanik Young (AK) Gallagher MacArthur Sessions Green, Al McNerney Speier Rogers (AL) Stewart Young (IA) Garrett Maloney, Sean Sewell (AL) Grijalva Meeks Suozzi Rogers (KY) Taylor Zeldin Gianforte Marino Shimkus Gutie´rrez Meng Gibbs Marshall Shuster Swalwell (CA) NOT VOTING—20 Hanabusa Moore Takano Gonzalez (TX) Massie Simpson Hastings Moulton Thompson (CA) Burgess Jackson Lee Polis Goodlatte Mast Sinema Heck Murphy (FL) Thompson (MS) Cleaver Johnson, E. B. Scalise Gosar McCarthy Smith (MO) Higgins (NY) Nadler Gottheimer McCaul Smith (NE) Titus Cramer Lieu, Ted Shea-Porter Himes Napolitano Gowdy McClintock Smith (NJ) Tonko Cummings Marchant Stivers Hoyer Neal DeFazio Nolan Granger McHenry Smith (TX) Torres Veasey Huffman Norcross Gohmert Olson Graves (GA) McKinley Smucker Tsongas Walz Jayapal O’Halleran Green, Gene Pearce Graves (LA) McMorris Stefanik Jeffries O’Rourke Vargas Graves (MO) Rodgers Stewart Johnson (GA) Pallone Vela Griffith McSally Suozzi Jones Panetta Vela´ zquez b 1617 Grothman Meadows Taylor Kaptur Pascrell Visclosky Guthrie Meehan Tenney Keating Payne Wasserman Messrs. BRADY of Texas, YOHO, Handel Messer Thompson (PA) Kelly (IL) Pelosi Schultz RENACCI, BRIDENSTINE, COLLINS Harper Mitchell Thornberry Kennedy Perlmutter Waters, Maxine of New York, Ms. HERRERA Harris Moolenaar Tipton Khanna Peters Watson Coleman BEUTLER, Mr. GROTHMAN, Mrs. Hartzler Mooney (WV) Trott Kihuen Pingree Welch Heck Moulton Turner Kildee Pocan Wilson (FL) MCMORRIS RODGERS, and Mr. Hensarling Mullin Upton Kilmer Price (NC) Yarmuth MULLIN changed their vote from Herrera Beutler Murphy (FL) Valadao ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Hice, Jody B. Newhouse Vela NAYS—228 Higgins (LA) Noem Wagner Ms. KELLY of Illinois and Mr. NOR- Hill Norman Walberg Abraham Davidson Hollingsworth CROSS changed their vote from ‘‘nay’’ Himes Nunes Walden Aderholt Davis, Rodney Hudson Holding O’Halleran Walker Allen Denham Huizenga to ‘‘yea.’’ So the motion to recommit was re- Hollingsworth Palazzo Walorski Amash Dent Hultgren Hudson Palmer Walters, Mimi Amodei DeSantis Hunter jected. Huizenga Paulsen Weber (TX) Arrington DesJarlais Hurd The result of the vote was announced Hultgren Perlmutter Webster (FL) Babin Diaz-Balart Issa as above recorded. Hunter Perry Wenstrup Bacon Donovan Jenkins (KS) Hurd Peters Westerman Banks (IN) Duffy Jenkins (WV) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Issa Peterson Williams Barletta Duncan (SC) Johnson (LA) question is on the passage of the bill. Jenkins (KS) Pittenger Wilson (SC) Barr Duncan (TN) Johnson (OH) Jenkins (WV) Poliquin Wittman Barton Dunn Johnson, Sam The question was taken; and the Speaker pro tempore announced that Johnson (LA) Posey Womack Bergman Emmer Jordan Johnson (OH) Ratcliffe Woodall Biggs Estes (KS) Joyce (OH) the ayes appeared to have it. Johnson, Sam Reed Yoder Bilirakis Farenthold Katko Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. Jones Reichert Yoho Bishop (MI) Faso Kelly (MS) Mr. Speaker, on that I demand the yeas Jordan Renacci Young (AK) Bishop (UT) Ferguson Kelly (PA) Joyce (OH) Rice (NY) Young (IA) Black Fitzpatrick King (IA) and nays. Katko Rice (SC) Zeldin Blackburn Fleischmann King (NY) The yeas and nays were ordered. Bost Flores Kinzinger NAYS—143 Brady (TX) Fortenberry Knight The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Brat Foxx Kustoff (TN) 5-minute vote. Adams Courtney Green, Al Bridenstine Frelinghuysen Labrador The vote was taken by electronic de- Barraga´ n Crist Grijalva Brooks (AL) Gaetz LaHood vice, and there were—yeas 264, nays Bass Crowley Gutie´rrez Brooks (IN) Gallagher LaMalfa Beatty Davis (CA) Hanabusa Buchanan Garrett Lamborn 143, not voting 23, as follows: Beyer Davis, Danny Hastings Buck Gianforte Lance [Roll No. 95] Blumenauer DeGette Higgins (NY) Bucshon Gibbs Latta Bonamici DeLauro Hoyer Budd Goodlatte Lewis (MN) YEAS—264 Boyle, Brendan DelBene Huffman Byrne Gosar LoBiondo Abraham Bishop (UT) Carter (TX) F. Demings Jayapal Calvert Gowdy Long Aderholt Blackburn Chabot Brady (PA) DeSaulnier Jeffries Carter (GA) Granger Loudermilk Aguilar Blum Cheney Brown (MD) Deutch Johnson (GA) Carter (TX) Graves (GA) Love Allen Blunt Rochester Coffman Brownley (CA) Dingell Kaptur Chabot Graves (LA) Lucas Amash Bost Cole Butterfield Doggett Keating Cheney Graves (MO) Luetkemeyer Amodei Brady (TX) Collins (GA) Capuano Doyle, Michael Kelly (IL) Coffman Griffith MacArthur Arrington Brat Collins (NY) Ca´ rdenas F. Kennedy Cole Grothman Marino Babin Bridenstine Comer Carson (IN) Ellison Khanna Collins (GA) Guthrie Marshall Bacon Brooks (AL) Comstock Cartwright Engel Kihuen Collins (NY) Handel Massie Banks (IN) Brooks (IN) Conaway Castor (FL) Eshoo Kildee Comer Harper Mast Barletta Buchanan Cook Castro (TX) Espaillat Krishnamoorthi Comstock Harris McCarthy Barr Buck Cooper Chu, Judy Evans Langevin Conaway Hartzler McCaul Barton Bucshon Correa Cicilline Foster Larsen (WA) Cook Hensarling McClintock Bera Budd Costa Clark (MA) Frankel (FL) Larson (CT) Costello (PA) Herrera Beutler McHenry Bergman Bustos Costello (PA) Clarke (NY) Fudge Lawrence Crawford Hice, Jody B. McKinley Biggs Byrne Crawford Clay Gabbard Lawson (FL) Culberson Higgins (LA) McMorris Bilirakis Calvert Cuellar Clyburn Gallego Lee Curbelo (FL) Hill Rodgers Bishop (GA) Carbajal Culberson Cohen Garamendi Levin Curtis Holding McSally Bishop (MI) Carter (GA) Curtis Connolly Gomez Lewis (GA)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.018 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1421 Lipinski Panetta Slaughter ELECTING MEMBERS TO A CER- is a silent killer because the disease Lofgren Pascrell Smith (WA) Lowenthal Payne Soto TAIN STANDING COMMITTEE OF often has no signs or symptoms. Each Lowey Pelosi Speier THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- year, more than 50,000 Americans die Luja´ n, Ben Ray Pingree Swalwell (CA) TIVES from colorectal cancer even though it Lynch Pocan Takano is mostly preventable and treatable if Maloney, Price (NC) Thompson (CA) Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, by di- Carolyn B. Quigley Thompson (MS) rection of the Democratic Caucus, I caught early. Matsui Raskin Titus offer a privileged resolution and ask Six years ago today, my father, the McCollum Richmond Tonko for its immediate consideration. late Congressman Donald Payne, died McEachin Roybal-Allard Torres from colorectal cancer. Colorectal can- McGovern Ruiz Tsongas The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- McNerney Rush Vargas lows: cer screening just wasn’t something Meeks Ryan (OH) Vela´ zquez people of his generation did. H. RES. 764 Meng Sa´ nchez Visclosky Mr. Speaker, my father might have Moore Sarbanes Wasserman Resolved, That the following named Mem- lived had he gotten tested for Nadler Schakowsky Schultz bers be and are hereby elected to the fol- Napolitano Schiff Waters, Maxine lowing standing committee of the House of colorectal cancer. That is why each Neal Scott (VA) Watson Coleman Representatives: year I sponsor a resolution to recognize Norcross Serrano Welch March as National Colorectal Cancer O’Rourke Sherman Wilson (FL) (1) COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND GOVERN- Pallone Sires Yarmuth MENT REFORM.—Mr. Gomez (to rank imme- Awareness Month, a time to educate diately after Mr. Raskin), Mr. Welch, Mr. the public about the disease and the NOT VOTING—23 Cartwright, Mr. DeSaulnier, Ms. Plaskett, need for screening. Black Green, Gene Poe (TX) and Mr. Sarbanes. By educating people, increasing re- Burgess Jackson Lee Polis Cleaver Johnson, E. B. Scalise The resolution was agreed to. search funding, and making Medicare Cramer Lieu, Ted Shea-Porter A motion to reconsider was laid on coverage better for seniors, we can save Cummings Marchant Stivers the table. tens of thousands of lives each year. Curbelo (FL) Nolan Veasey I would rather not have to make this DeFazio Olson Walz f Gohmert Pearce 1-minute speech every year, to have my b 1630 father still be a Member of Congress ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE from the 10th Congressional District. The SPEAKER pro tempore (during HONORING MARVIN KAHN, the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- FLORIDA CITRUS GROWER f ing. (Mr. THOMAS J. ROONEY of Florida MILITARY SAVE ACT asked and was given permission to ad- (Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given b 1625 dress the House for 1 minute.) permission to address the House for 1 Mr. THOMAS J. ROONEY of Florida. minute and to revise and extend his re- So the bill was passed. Mr. Speaker, when you drive through The result of the vote was announced marks.) Florida’s heartland in Highlands Coun- Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise as above recorded. ty, you will probably see signs that say A motion to reconsider was laid on today to speak in support of the Mili- ‘‘Kahn Groves,’’ and then you will drive tary SAVE Act. the table. through miles of citrus groves. Stated for: Last year, the Department of Defense Marvin Kahn has been a passionate reported there were an estimated 20,300 Mr. CURBELO of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I advocate for citrus over the last five military members who indicated they was unavoidably detained. Had I been decades, leading his management com- had experienced a sexual assault the present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall pany from managing 400 acres to over year prior. Many of these military sex- No. 95. 5,500 acres at its peak. ual trauma survivors expressed con- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. Kahn is one of the State’s most cerns that services available within the Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- innovative growers, caretakers, and VA healthcare system did not meet ably detained. Had I been present, I would marketers. He served on the Florida their post-trauma needs. have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 94 and ‘‘yea’’ Citrus Commission for 8 years and This bill will now require the Depart- on rollcall No. 95. worked on the long-range planning ment of Veterans Affairs to establish a committee for several years after that. 3-year pilot program to allow these f His devotion to Florida citrus and agri- survivors treatment related to their in- culture was real, and he did everything juries from the provider of their RESIGNATION AS MEMBER OF he could to share his passion with oth- choice. Then the VA will compare the COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND ers, especially with young people. care received from outside providers GOVERNMENT REFORM Each year, the Florida Citrus Hall of with the VA so that they can find ways Fame honors the most distinguished to provide better care for MST sur- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- leaders who have made significant con- fore the House the following resigna- vivors. tributions to the Florida citrus indus- Mr. Speaker, anyone who is sexually tion as a member of the Committee on try, and there is no one more deserving Oversight and Government Reform: assaulted should be able to receive the of a spot on that hall of fame than Mr. care that they need, and that stands CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Marvin Kahn. When it comes to serving true for the men and women protecting HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Florida’s agriculture industry, his pas- Washington, DC, March 6, 2018. our Nation. Members of the military sion for Florida’s citrus is unparal- Hon. PAUL D. RYAN, should be confident in the quality of Speaker, House of Representatives, leled. care they receive from the VA, and this Washington, DC. Florida is a better place because of new bill, when it becomes law, would DEAR SPEAKER RYAN: I, Val Butler Mr. Kahn, and it has been an honor to help the VA to improve the services Demings, am submitting my resignation serve him in the House of Representa- that they offer. from the Committee on Oversight and Gov- tives. ernment Reform in compliance with the f f Rules of the Democratic Caucus. It has been INFRASTRUCTURE a privilege and honor to have served on this COLORECTAL CANCER AWARENESS The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Committee. MONTH If you have any further questions, please JOHNSON of Louisiana). Under the do not hesitate to contact me. (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given Speaker’s announced policy of January Sincerely, permission to address the House for 1 3, 2017, the gentleman from California VAL BUTLER DEMINGS, minute and to revise and extend his re- (Mr. GARAMENDI) is recognized for 60 Member of Congress. marks.) minutes as the designee of the minor- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, colorectal ity leader. objection, the resignation is accepted. cancer is the second leading cause of Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I see There was no objection. death for men and women combined. It my colleagues from the great South

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:57 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.020 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1422 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 are here, and they should be listening 2018 fiscal year—that is now—are down pay is based on the stock price. What a very carefully as we discuss infrastruc- by a couple of hundred billion dollars. marvelous way to use the tax cut: end ture. I might like to draw the atten- So what is going to happen? When research on the most expensive illness tion of the House to this, if I might, a the tax bill was moving along, all of in America, Alzheimer’s and dementia, fellow that we know etched in marble the deficit hawks—and there used to and instead use that money to buy at the FDR Memorial: ‘‘The test of our be, I don’t know, a couple hundred of back stock so that you can increase progress is not whether we add more to them over here on my Republican col- your pay as the corporate president. the abundance of those who have leagues’ side—left town in December. Now, there is a good, American, cap- much’’—keep in mind the tax bill that There was not one word about the new italistic idea. That is where we are. passed here and was signed by the $1.5 trillion addition to the deficit. But So today we had a hearing on infra- President in January. ‘‘The test of our like most migratory birds, they are structure in the Transportation and In- progress is not whether we add more to going to come back when the weather frastructure Committee, a great oppor- the abundance of those who have much; warms up in Washington, and they are tunity to understand the President’s it is whether we provide enough for going to go after the deficit with a infrastructure plan. Wow. It is big and those who have too little.’’ vengeance. I will bet they are not going it is beautiful, he says, and it is going These are words to legislate by, to propose that we go back and clean to provide a gazillion jobs. wouldn’t you say? up the tax mess that was created. We took a look at it, and we said: So I ask my colleagues to please keep My guess is what they are going to do Where is the beef? Where is the money? this in mind and not leave right in the is go after programs. I think we know $200 billion over a 10-year period, $20 middle of a good discussion. If we are what programs they are, because the billion a year, said to be new money. to pay attention to what is important Speaker of this esteemed House has And then you look at the President’s here, keep in mind those who have lit- very clearly laid out in previous budg- budget proposal and you tee it up with tle. ets that he wrote when he was head of the infrastructure proposal, and you It turns out that the great tax cut the Budget Committee that he is going say: Wait a minute. What kind of shell was probably best described by the to go after Social Security, Medicare, game are you playing here? Your budg- President. Shortly after he signed the and Medicaid—the programs of the so- et removes over $200 billion from infra- bill, he went down to his Mar-a-Lago cial safety net. structure, and you come over here on club and told his friends who had gath- I had a phone call just a few mo- your infrastructure plan and you say ered there, all of whom were the great ments ago from a constituent in my you have $200 billion of new money. beneficiaries of that tax cut: I have district, saying: No, you don’t. You really don’t have made you so much more wealthy. You have got to understand that more and $200 billion of new money. You have Indeed, that is exactly what the tax more of your constituents are getting elder- $200 billion of repurposed money in pro- ly. They are getting Alzheimer’s, and they grams that actually devolve the Na- cut did. It made the wealthy in Amer- need care. Their husband or their wife needs ica even more wealthy to the tune of respite care. What about the programs for tion’s infrastructure back to the States several hundred billion dollars. The that? and the counties so that we will have a American corporations saw their tax I had the answer. It doesn’t look disconnect between an interstate in rate fall from 35 to 20 percent, and the good, because we know what the one State and an interstate in another top income earners in America saw Speaker said he wanted when he was State that connect at the State lines, their tax rate go down by 21⁄2 percent. chairman of the Budget Committee, and one is repaired and the other is It was marvelous if you have a great and unless he is having an epiphany, he not. deal of money, because 80 percent-plus is likely to want it again. In fact, I be- b 1645 of the $1.5 trillion—perhaps more—of lieve he already said they are looking So infrastructure and transportation the benefits went to the top 10 percent: at cutting Medicare and Medicaid. is a national network. But in this case, American corporations and the super- So what does that mean for the what happens is that the States are wealthy. working men and women who are tak- Is there such a thing as trickle-down said to be given the responsibility and ing care of their parents? It means the Federal Government will simply economics? Is there really a prob- there are tough times ahead. It means ability that the superwealthy are going pick and choose among those programs that the proposed discussion about the that the administration happens to to buy more cars and build new reduction in Medicaid is homes—palatial palaces—in America like. $1,400,000,000,000 over the next decade. I represent a rural area. Sure, it is with all of the new money that they re- It means that $500 billion will be cut nice to have an extra $50 billion for ceived? The answer is probably not in from Medicare. rural infrastructure. That would be America but probably on some island So, if you are a senior, you should great. somewhere where they can use the new worry. If you are among the working But what is the definition of rural? tax breaks for foreign investment that men and women of America whose fa- It is 55,000 people. are in this tax bill. ther or mother is now a senior, you How much territory? Is it an entire Oh, they were going to close the loop- should worry. State? holes for corporations and individuals The most expensive illness now and Well, there is no State that is rural, who wanted to go offshore. No, it didn’t in the future is Alzheimer’s. So what of then. happen. Instead, new offshore tax ad- Alzheimer’s research? It is going to get In a county? In a multitude of coun- vantages are created for American cor- reduced. ties? In a metropolitan statistical porations. Oh, and that corporate tax cut for area? Were inversions eliminated? No. Cor- Pfizer? Do you remember how happy We don’t know. porate inversions are not eliminated. they were to have the extra $12 billion? But I will tell you that I do have a They are, in fact, continued and in- Are they going to spend it on Alz- rural area. I have got two cities, Yuba creased. heimer’s research? No, they are not. City and Marysville together, with How did this come to pass? It prob- They stopped their Alzheimer’s re- 100,000 people. Rural is 10 miles down ably came to pass because there was search. Instead, guess what they are the road. not one substantive hearing in the going to do with the money that they So where is the line around this rural Ways and Means Committee and in the were investing in Alzheimer’s research. area? Senate Finance Committee on the They are going to use it, together with I am concerned, particularly because most important tax bill that has their tax cut money, to buy back their the Federal Government will maintain passed out of Congress in the last 25 stock which has the marvelous result control of that money. It doesn’t go years. of increasing the value of their stock out by formula, at least as we now look So now we live with this. Now we live because there are fewer shares out at the language. with the situation where the Treasury there. So it is a grand, a glorious, a wonder- Department announced a couple of It is brilliant for the managers and ful, spectacular infrastructure plan. In- weeks ago that the tax revenues for the for the corporate officers because their cidentally, there is a small problem for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.080 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1423 cities and counties. Presently, if the Think about what could have been back their stock and to increase the Federal Government is involved in a done if that tax bill had actually had stock price so that the corporate offi- levee project to prevent floods, an hearings in which the Democrats could cers can have a higher paycheck. interstate highway or one of the feder- have put forth proposals that we have Oh, did I forget to mention how gen- ally designated highways, or an air- introduced in bills—proposals to repa- erous they were in bonuses? port, they will usually come up with triate the offshore earnings of corpora- We are talking about one-time bo- somewhere between 70 and 80 percent of tions with a lower tax and then use nuses here. We are not talking about the money. That is all well. that money for infrastructure. We increasing the paycheck over time. We Well, let’s see. It is 70 to 80 percent would have real dollars for an infra- are talking about one-time bonuses. Federal and another 20 to 30 percent structure program to the tune of I do like my San Francisco-based local money. In the President’s pro- maybe $50 billion to $100 billion over a Wells Fargo, that so generously said: posal, that flips. The State and the period of time. ‘‘We are going to increase the pay for local government come up with 70 to 80 But, no. No hearings, no amendments the minimum wage workers.’’ percent and the Federal Government from Democrats. No, not at all. Good for you. You are obeying the comes up with 20 to 30 percent. The We could have used that tax bill to State laws that require minimum wage role of the Federal Government is di- create infrastructure banks so that increases. Good for you, obeying the minished. It becomes the minor part- there would be a financing mechanism law. Take credit, if you will, but it is ner, and the State or local community for those small communities around not out of the generosity. becomes the major partner. the Nation that needed to build a road, Where is the money for all this? It is gone. I had a meeting today with Hamilton needed to build a levee, needed to build What if we had a chance in that tax City, a community of about 1,600 peo- broadband infrastructure for their bill to talk about a program the Demo- ple right on the Sacramento River with community. crats have been putting forth for the a levee that is maybe good for a 10-year But no, that didn’t happen either. Not one hearing. Not one Democratic last year? high water, but not for any extended It is A Better Deal for America, a tax amount of flood beyond what normally amendment to that tax bill. Therefore, we go into the great infrastructure pro- policy that actually provides benefits occurs. They have been trying for 30 to the working men and women of years to raise the money locally to gram where we really need to do some things. America and the families that are on match the 80 percent by the Federal What do we need to do? the edge of poverty. It actually pro- Government. They did it. Some of you may have noticed just vides an infrastructure program that Are they going to be able, going into 12, 13 months ago the man-made cre- has real money—money that can be the future, to complete that flood ation of the biggest waterfall in the used to build the foundation for eco- project if this program goes into effect world, Oroville Dam, and the break- nomic growth, money that can be used and they have got to come up with 80 down of the spillway. And 200,000 of my for employing people in high-paying percent of the money? constituents had to evacuate within construction jobs. It won’t happen. hours because that spillway, the emer- By the way, it is not at all clear—in I would dare say, all across this Na- gency spillway next to it, was being fact, there are those of us who think tion, with the possible exception of overtopped by the river and eroded at this may actually be in the present in- Houston, Texas, no community is going the base and a 30-foot wall of water al- frastructure plan—all of the talk about to be able to come up with 70 to 80 per- most descended upon those 200,000 peo- Buy American, Build America. It ap- cent of the money for a flood control ple. The number of deaths would be un- pears that language in that infrastruc- project. known, but it would have been in the ture plan would do away with the Buy This is a role that has traditionally thousands because they couldn’t get American provisions in highway infra- been the Army Corps of Engineers and out of town fast enough. structure. the Federal Government. But, no. In Thankfully, the rain stopped and the We can’t let that happen. A Better their infrastructure proposal, this ad- reservoir receded. Had it not, had it Deal for America would be tax policy. ministration flips it over so that now continued and the water continued to It would be a program that would pro- the great burden lies with the local spill over the emergency spillway here, vide the education and training for the government. it would have been an unmitigated dis- men and women who we need in our ‘‘Oh, that is fine,’’ you say. Well, I aster. manufacturing sector. think not. All across this Nation, small Why did this fail? Every 6 months, I do a manufac- communities, rural communities, and This failed for lack of repair, for lack turing advisory organization meeting even urban communities do not have of maintenance. It is just one example of manufacturers. Every time over the the resources. of the thousands of dams in America last 8 years we have met, they have So here we are. Here we are in a situ- that could fail. We saw this potential come back with the very same concern. ation where we had a massive tax cut failure in Puerto Rico with one of the And that concern is: We need highly that benefits the superwealthy and major reservoirs there. Fortunately, a skilled workers. American corporations. The American third hurricane didn’t occur. How do you get highly skilled work- corporations clearly indicate—not Or maybe you are interested in ers? from me; go look at the Wall Street bridges. This isn’t a picture of a bridge You train them. You provide the job folks that have done the analysis— to nowhere. This happens to be one of training for those who have lost their clearly indicate that that tax reduc- the main bridges on Interstate 5, an jobs, for those who want to improve tion, which is now in the pockets of the interstate highway system that goes themselves. corporations, is not being used for from Vancouver to Tijuana, Mexico. It Whatever happened in our high higher wages, is not being used for the goes down through Oregon, Wash- schools to technical training, voca- plant and equipment and new jobs ington, and California. It is the major tional training? above the 16 percent. The rest of the trade route on the West Coast. This is It is critically important. The pro- money is used for acquisitions and buy- about 7 years ago. The bridge fell down. grams that are out there need this sup- ing back stock. So much for trickle I could put a picture up here showing port. The programs where American down. another bridge that failed on the Mis- unions have apprenticeship training Of course, how much can the super- sissippi River, in the Twin Cities area. are a critical way of building our econ- wealthy possibly spend? How much can We could put thousands of pictures up omy. They are highly skilled men and you possibly spend on your here of bridges that could fail and have women that earn a good, solid living as McMansion? How much can you pos- failed. welders, plumbers, and technicians of sibly spend on a fleet of Mercedes? This is an infrastructure structure all kinds. That is what we want. It The bottom line of it is, when it issue. Where is the money to rebuild takes money to do those things. comes to infrastructure, there is no this? So what are we going to do? money. It is gone. It disappeared with Well, it is in the hands of the cor- I don’t know how we are going to the tax cut. porations who are spending it to buy come back from this tax cut. It is not

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.082 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1424 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 going to be done anytime soon. But I poses to cut Amtrak—to basically President’s infrastructure program is know this: we are going to be really, defund Amtrak. If you want to go on going nowhere in Congress. At least it really short of money. It has been esti- the East corridor here, if you want to shouldn’t. mated that in this current budget year, go from Washington to Boston, if you We are going to have to find the the deficit will reach $1 trillion. want to take a plane, well, we know we money as best we can. And I have an I know that we are just weeks away have an aviation problem. If you want idea. Over the next 15 years, we are from the return of the deficit hawks on to take the train, I guess you are going going to spend $1 trillion rebuilding this floor who are going to say: ‘‘Oh, to hop a freight train, because Amtrak our entire nuclear armaments. All of my goodness, the money is gone. We isn’t going to be around to run. That is the delivery system, all of the bombs, are going to have to make cuts. We the President’s budget proposal. all of the satellites, all rebuilt. So will can’t have these kinds of deficits.’’ Schools, D-plus. Russia and so will China, and we are in I can hear them already. I hear the Solid waste. Transit. Wastewater. the midst of a nuclear arms race—well voices of the past and I hear the voices The American Society of Civil Engi- into the second quarter of a new nu- of the future. I know they are going to neers rate America in the D range. We clear arms race, exceedingly expensive come back. They are going to go after should be so proud of the most ad- and exceedingly dangerous, because the programs that are absolutely essential. vanced Nation in the world. No, I think delivery systems are stealthy, designed We have got work to do. We have got not. I certainly wouldn’t take pride in not to be observed. That is a problem things we need to do in America. our infrastructure. But it takes money. because that increases the risk. The American Society of Civil Engi- Where did the money go? Maybe we can use some of that neers points out where we need work. Well, it just happens I like charts. money to build the infrastructure to Aviation. We got a D for how good The Trump infrastructure scam cuts educate our kids, to provide for seniors our aviation system is. more than $168 billion from existing who have Alzheimer’s, to care for the Bridges, C; dams, D; drinking water, transportation and infrastructure pro- caregivers that are taking care of their D. grams. parents, to build an infrastructure pro- Is anybody here from Michigan? I haven’t talked about this one. gram that really gives America a solid Is anybody here from the Central Do you remember I told you about foundation for economic growth, one in Valley of California? the flip—80 percent Federal, 20 percent which the research facilities are the Shall we talk about water supplies? local flipped to 20 percent Federal, 80 most modern and in which the most ad- I remember when I was in college, percent local, unless you happen to be vantageous research is conducted. you would never go outside the United a private investor. Do you want to buy Maybe we could find, amongst our States and drink the water from the Dulles International Airport or maybe choices here, money to build a highway tap. Now you don’t go to the United Reagan National—excuse me, I promise system that is worthy of this Nation, States and drink water from a tap, be- not to do that. Whatever the name of one in which there are not potholes cause there is a high probability that it that airport here is. Okay, I will say every 100 yards, one in which bridges is contaminated. We have seen this Reagan. The Reagan National Airport. don’t collapse; that we can build water story. We have seen this story in Flint, Do you want to buy it? It is up for sale, systems in which you can take tap Michigan. We have seen this up and according to the Trump administra- water from every fountain in this Na- down the Central Valley of California. tion. And, by the way, the Federal Gov- tion and drink it, without a concern So what are we spending our money ernment will come up with 80 percent about contamination of lead or some- on? of the money. Not a bad deal. thing else. We could do that. We could Not on drinking water, not on energy Slashes Federal investments and systems, hazardous waste, or inland make some choices. passes the buck back to the local gov- We can go back and revisit the tax waterways. ernments. We just talked about that. Oh, this is a good one. If you are on scam in which there are specific in- We haven’t talked about the environ- ducements for offshoring American the Mississippi and the Ohio River and mental programs, the environmental you have got your tugboat and a fleet jobs. Maybe we can do that. protection programs that are signifi- Maybe we can look at some of the of barges, you depend upon the Federal cantly harmed, reduced, gutted in the military spending and say: Why does it Government lock system so that you proposal. The Senate is going to speed cost $1 billion to launch a satellite can travel up and down the river. up projects. Hello? Does anybody with one system and $90 million with b 1700 around here know that over the last another system to do the same thing? If you are out there in the maritime two transportation programs this Con- There are things we can do. and you are an international shipper gress, with Democrat and Republican And, most of all, it is time for a bet- and you want to go into one of the har- support, significantly reduced the time ter deal for America: a better deal for bors on the East Coast, where is the for an infrastructure program to be the working men and women, a better money for dredging? done? It is not 14 years. deal for the elderly, and a better deal Well, it disappeared with the tax The laws that have been in place now for the children. That is what we need cuts. It is not there. for the last almost decade significantly to do. So is your ship going to run aground? reduced the processing time for infra- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance No, you won’t let that happen. What structure projects in which the Federal of my time. you do is you will go to some other Government is involved in, without f port. harming the vital environmental pro- TAX REFORM Cuba. We love to talk about Cuba, so tections that are out there: clean let’s talk about Cuba. At Mariel, they water, clean air, all of those things. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under are building an international port for Anyway, they are gone. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- the purpose of taking the new ships We have a task before us. I see my uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from Michi- that are able to go through the Pan- Republican colleagues anxious to get gan (Mr. MITCHELL) is recognized for 60 ama Canal, bring them to Cuba, offload up and engage me in a debate. If they minutes as the designee of the major- them, and put them on a smaller ship want to, I could yield to them, and we ity leader. so they can get into American harbors. could debate the wisdom of what has GENERAL LEAVE Now, there is an American success happened here, but that is not hap- Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask story. We don’t have the money to pening. unanimous consent that all Members dredge our harbors, but we have the What is happening is there is an al- may have 5 legislative days in which to money for a new Mercedes for the ternative, an alternative that we put revise and extend their remarks and in- superwealthy. forth from our side that, unfortu- clude extraneous material on the topic Parks and recreation. Ports. Rail nately, was not considered in the tax of my Special Order. systems. legislation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Rails are doing pretty good, but not We are going to be working on the in- objection to the request of the gen- Amtrak. The President’s budget pro- frastructure bill. I dare say that the tleman from Michigan?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.083 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1425 There was no objection. Fiat Chrysler announced it will move $1,000 bonuses, and they reported to me Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, this is heavy-duty Ram truck production from that day that they jumped now on a the second week of the tax truth squad Mexico to Macomb County: a $1 billion plan that they were holding off, but effort to share the facts, the real facts investment that will create 2,500 jobs. now they are going to build a $17 mil- about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and In my district, Michigan’s 10th, lion facility to add on to their oper- the impact it has already had on the Lakestone Bank & Trust, a small com- ations. American economy and the American munity bank, operating in Lake We already heard about Fiat Chrysler people. Lapeer, St. Clair, and Macomb Coun- giving out $2,000 bonuses to all of their Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to be here ties, gave hourly employees $1 an hour workers. They are also moving produc- with my fellow colleagues representing raise. I know some consider that to be tion of the Ram heavy-duty truck Michigan and Illinois. These two crumbs. Where I grew up, $1 an hour plant back from Mexico to Michigan— States include diverse industries and more is real money. They gave all of I wanted to reiterate that—that is diverse people, from farmers, to bank- their salaried employees a $1,000 bonus coming home and creating 2,500 new ers, to manufacturers. saying: ‘‘We are very appreciative of good-paying jobs. I am humbled to represent the hard- all Lakestone Bank & Trust employees We have also seen announcements working people of the 10th Congres- and certainly what they have accom- from DTE Energy and Consumers En- sional District and the Midwest. This is plished over the years. . . . This is a ergy, utilities in Michigan and in other exactly what the Tax Cuts and Jobs once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we States, that their customers can expect Act has done: helped our constituents know we want to reinvest much of the to see lower utility bills, thanks to the work every day supporting their family savings’’—in the tax bill—‘‘back into tax cuts. In fact, they have submitted and helped their local economy. our bank, and the first place we are a request to the PSC for almost $400 My colleague before me proceeded to going to put it is into the hands of our million in rate reductions. That is real speak about we should pay attention to employees. Employees are our most money. the needs of those close to and living in important asset.’’ As Vice President PENCE said last poverty. Well, I wish he had stayed. I Stories like this are not unique. week when we welcomed him to the grew up in poverty. From CVS to Chipotle, and AT&T to Motor City, tax reform is working for Like many in Michigan, I grew up in Wells Fargo, they are reinvesting tax Michigan. a large family. I have six brothers and reform savings in our hardworking em- Here is even more good news: the sisters. My dad had a good job building ployees in our communities throughout benefits are just beginning to kick in. trucks in a line at General Motors. My the country. This tax season is the last time tax- mom often had a full-time job to help This is the second week of the tax re- payers will have to file under the old make ends meet. That is why I com- form truth squad—we are calling it—an and broken Tax Code. mitted to supporting policies that cre- initiative where Members from States Under the updated Code, individuals ate real economic growth and eco- across the Nation are invited to tell and families at every income level will nomic opportunity for families like the their stories about the benefits of tax see tax relief. The standard deduction is nearly one in which I grew up. reform. There are countless stories doubled to protect more of people’s I was but a young pup in 1986, the they are anxious to express. last time our Tax Code was modern- Mr. Speaker, at this time, I yield to hard-earned income from taxation. ized. Since then, the Tax Code grew to the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. b 1715 74,000 pages of rules and regulations WALBERG), one of those Members, my The child tax credit is expanded from that have only confused people. You colleague, serving on the Energy and $1,000 to $2,000 to help with the cost of would need to be a wizard to under- Commerce Committee, a defender of a raising kids. stand what is in the Tax Code as it strong rural economy and a good With these new reforms, the typical stood at the end of the year. That is friend, representing the Seventh Con- middle-income family of four will re- why I promised my constituents, when gressional District. ceive a tax cut of more than $2,000. I came to office, when I ran for office, Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, I thank On top of that, the law will help I would work hard to achieve meaning- the gentleman for yielding, and I ap- small businesses thrive, boost job cre- ful tax cuts and reforms for the Amer- preciate the opportunity to talk about ation here at home, and make our ican people. the truth. economy stronger and more competi- I believe Americans can, and should, We heard so much dismissal of the tive, like it ought to be, in the United make independent decisions about the tax cut plan before we passed it. Now States and in Michigan. use of their own money, the money that we passed it, not only did we read For families across Michigan, the they work for, not the government. it beforehand, but rereading it again new tax cut law means bigger pay- The government shouldn’t come first. we are seeing the truth is working out. checks and more money in their pock- The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act allowed As I travel around, Mr. Speaker, the ets, not in the Federal Government’s hardworking individuals and business Seventh District of Michigan, opti- pockets. And that is where it belongs. owners to do just that. mism about the new tax cuts is hard to Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the oppor- Across the Nation and back home, we miss. tunity at any time to put forward have already seen the direct impact of I have people coming up to me at the truth, but, more importantly, truth the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. More than grocery store, at gas stations, even in that is optimistic, that builds on our 400 companies have already announced church, saying: You know, Congress- people, that builds on letting them do pay raises, bonuses, and increased man, we heard a lot of reports that this for themselves with the resources they 401(k) contributions and benefits, or, in wasn’t for middle class people, but I have earned. the case of utility companies, lowered saw my paycheck in February and, it is Mr. Speaker, I express appreciation rates. true, I got a raise because the govern- to my colleague for holding this ‘‘truth Direct bonus announcements have al- ment is taking less out of it. squad’’ opportunity again tonight be- ready reached over $3 billion across I have heard from a number of work- cause people need more of that. They this Nation. Let me repeat that: $3 bil- ers excited about their bonuses and pay need more optimism that comes from lion. Companies in Michigan have al- raises and from businesses that are truth that impacts them in a growing ready committed more than $180 mil- looking to expand their operations. and positive way, and I am glad to be lion in bonuses to employees. Just last week, I toured Lowe’s home part of it. A couple of examples: Fiat Chrysler, center in Adrian, Michigan, to visit Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I one of the State’s largest employers, is with their team. Because of the new thank Mr. WALBERG for his comments. reinvesting its tax savings to its em- tax law, their employees are receiving I failed to recognize that I serve with ployees in our community, in addition $1,000 bonuses and expanded maternity Mr. WALBERG on the Committee on to giving a $2,000 bonus to 60,000 em- and parental leave. Education and the Workforce, on which ployees. And that is in addition to prof- I toured Cintas’ Lansing operations. he is a subcommittee chair. So I thank it sharing as part of their contract. The tax cut afforded their employees him for joining us.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.085 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1426 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 I made a notation that I want to down in Niles, Michigan, just north of in one of my counties a few years ago, share with everyone tonight as we Notre Dame, Shelton’s Farm Market. they now have a reason to come home move forward. With the changing of They have 83 employees. The owners and invest that money here. the standard deduction, with the near- gave every employee there a bonus. I So, Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the ly doubling of the standard deduction, talked to one of them who literally gentleman for hosting this hour. I look about 90 percent of taxpayers will be stocks the shelves. He got $600. forward to the other folks’ comments able to file their taxes on a form about He said: You know, Mr. UPTON ... tonight. this size. They will be able to file their I said: Call me FRED. Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I taxes like this, rather than the pile of He said: This wasn’t just crumbs. thank Mr. UPTON for joining us. I ap- paperwork they have dealt with for This made a real difference. preciate him taking time out of his years. Here it is on a larger scale. I said: What are you going to do with busy schedule to talk about how the Most are going to be able to simply that $600? Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has impacted file their wage and compensation in- He said: You know, my wife has can- his district and the State of Michigan. come and use the standard deduction. cer, and I bought her a new dress. Let me state, as we get our next They will be done except for a few He was so excited that that increase speaker to come forward, that in my other tax credits we will talk about, in the take-home pay was actually district alone, the average savings for the tax credit they can get, for exam- going to do some real benefit for him the average filer in my district is $2,700 ple, on investment tax credit or family and his family. a year. Now, I know that some of the col- child credit. We will talk about that. I was at a groundbreaking at Pfizer, leagues on the other side of the aisle But most Americans can file like this. my largest employer, in Portage, refer to that as crumbs, as meaning- That is one of the things we wanted to Michigan. Not only did they announce less, but that is real money that allows achieve, one of the great achievements that they are going to, in the next cou- people to make a difference in their of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. ple of years, invest $6 billion—that is B lives, to move forward, make decisions Mr. Speaker, next I yield to Con- as in ‘‘big’’—in new facilities here in about fixing their houses, go on vaca- gressman FRED UPTON, who represents North America, they also announced tion, put a downpayment on a new car, Michigan’s Sixth Congressional Dis- that they are going to give $100 million all things that wouldn’t be possible. trict, the former chairman of the Com- in bonuses for all of their nonexecutive More importantly, that is money mittee on Energy and Commerce, an- employees. That is real money, and they worked for. That is not money other colleague of mine from Michigan, that is thanks to tax reform. somebody gave them. That is their the senior member of our delegation, Mr. WALBERG talked a little bit money to begin with, and they get to experientially only, not age, with dec- about some of the utilities in Michi- keep it. That is what is so important ades of experience in Congress focusing gan. A little bit earlier today, I was about it. on job creation and economic oppor- with the chair of Consumers Energy, a very important player; and the chair of Mr. Speaker, our next speaker who tunity for our State and for our Na- wants to come forward and talk about tion. DTE Energy as well. Yes, because of his district is Representative SHIMKUS, Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, I thank the reduction in the corporate tax who, as Mr. UPTON said, was a conferee the gentleman and my good friend for rates, they are going to pass on those savings, as they want to, to the con- on this bill. yielding and for hosting this hour to- Mr. Speaker, I yield to Congressman sumers. In the case of Consumers En- night. I look forward to the comments JOHN SHIMKUS, who represents the 15th ergy, they are going to give back $200 by all my colleagues from Michigan Congressional District, a member of million in rate relief to virtually every and Illinois. the Committee on Energy and Com- one of their customers that they serve Let me just start out by saying a merce, a conferee on the Tax Cuts and across the board. That is good news. It couple of things. I had a great ninth Jobs Act, and who has been an advo- has to be approved by the Public Serv- grade teacher, Mr. Denekas. We learned cate for smaller government for years. about how the government worked. ice Commission, but, in fact, that Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I thank You pass a bill in the House and you money is going to be there. the gentleman very much for yielding. So whether it is a small business who pass a bill in the Senate. I learned later It is great to be here with my friends is now going to get a lower rate in that on that the House bill is always better from the State of Michigan. than the Senate. But in this case, JOHN passthrough rate, which means a lot, As a Republican, sometimes people SHIMKUS and I—and he is going to be a keeping your deductions on healthcare, ask: What is the difference? speaker from Illinois a little bit later seeing the highest corporate rate being I always say: Well, Republicans, we on this evening—were two conferees on reduced to 21 percent—and I remember believe in less government, individual this bill. well that debate that we had between responsibility, lower taxes, more per- I have got to say that, as we debated Mitt Romney and Barack Obama back sonal freedoms and liberties. this bill, there were some elements in 2012. In September of 2012, the ques- From my time here in Washington, I that were not so good. But at the end tion was on tax reform, and even have always wanted a fairer, flatter, of the day, as this bill meshed to- Barack Obama said that he would sup- simpler Tax Code. We shouldn’t have to gether, we took the best elements of port lowering that corporate tax rate fear filing our income taxes. We both the House and the Senate bill and to 25 percent, because we were already shouldn’t have to fear whether we have we got a bill that the President was at the highest corporate tax rate in the the receipts. able to sign. world. That is what this bill did, and I think the other thing that was al- I can remember being trashed left thank goodness. ways frustrating about the Tax Code is and right back in November and De- The last point I would make is I was you never know if you have done cember about what this bill was going tired of economic growth being at .7 enough of the itemizing that you are to do or not going to do: it wasn’t percent or 1 percent. We can do better actually going to get anything or not. going to provide real tax relief to the than that. This bill is now starting to And then, have you forgotten some- working class; companies weren’t real- lead the way to see that happen. In thing that you are not recouping? ly going to give bonuses; this was all fact, the report even this week, I think, So having said that, that is why—and just going to be bogus arguments. is predicting a 3.5 percent growth rate I am glad Congressman MITCHELL Now, at the end of the day, 2-plus for calendar year 2018. raised this issue, the fairer, flatter, months since the bill was signed and That is a far cry from where we were simpler Tax Code. became enacted, my constituents are just a few years ago. I dare say, in Before we passed the bill, 80 percent finding out good things about the bill. large part, it is due because workers of my constituents did not itemize. Yes, they are getting real take-home are, in fact, getting more money from Under this tax reform, 90 percent of all pay increases from the jobs that they their paychecks. We have reduced the of my filers—90 percent—will be able to do. Yes, they are getting bonuses. corporate rates so companies, instead do it on this simple postcard. And it is I was at a small, little almost farm- of having an incentive to go overseas, easy to find. People can pull it up at ers market, multigenerational market as they did with my largest employer fairandsimple.gop to check it out.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.087 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1427 Congressman UPTON was correct: this Illinois side. Boeing has announced em- about the new Ram truck production process worked. We had a House bill ployee-related and charitable invest- line that is relocating from Mexico all and we had a Senate bill, and then the ments of $300 million as a result of the the way back to Michigan, where it be- two sides merged to keep some of the tax law. longs, bringing with it 2,500 new jobs. deductions that people really thought So great things are happening. As you can imagine, there is extreme were important, and a great com- I want to follow what FRED UPTON excitement within the four walls of promise that was working. said, in that we as a body were tired of that beautiful plant. So the question is: Is the proof in the being in a malaise. Michigan is the auto capital of the pudding? Is this all we can hope for? world. We produce more than 2.2 mil- In other words, is it operating as ad- We wanted an economy that would lion cars and trucks. We produce more vertised for either side? grow and create jobs and be vibrant, cars and trucks than any other State I think we are down here to say it is that people would be excited about in the Union, and we are excited and operating as advertised and we can going back to the workforce, working proud to be the auto capital of the proudly stand down here and tell some hard, taking home more of their pay, world, the State that put the world on of these stories. investing it into the market or in their wheels. What we did is we posted a question retirement savings; and that is just The Fiat Chrysler decision will pro- on our newsletter to ask people to re- what we are having. vide more than $1 billion in U.S. in- spond, and I want to share some of Mr. Speaker, I have a lot of my col- vestment and $2,000 bonuses, $2,000 for these responses. These are on the indi- leagues here on the floor, so I could each employee, all as a result of tax re- vidual side. I will talk about the cor- talk a long time on the benefits of the form. porate side in a minute. bill. I am very, very excited about it. In Lake Orion, Michigan, Complete Ken and Pam from St. Joseph—we Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. MITCHELL Automation, they employ about 250 call it St. Joe—they say: ‘‘Personally for organizing this tonight. employees. I visited their operation to we have seen an increase in our net Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I talk with the employees about the new wages each week. With our business, thank Mr. SHIMKUS for the enthusiasm, benefits they will soon be seeing. As a we seem to have an increase in other the detail on the impact of the Tax result of tax reform, employees will see companies starting new things.’’ Cuts and Jobs Act. in their 401(k) contribution a match of Mr. Speaker, we are going to con- Gregg from Charleston says: ‘‘More 50 percent, up to 4 percent of their in- tinue on this conversation and talk a money in my take-home check.’’ vestment in their 401(k). A pretty simple statement. little bit about the trade States, be- That is a big deal for a lot of people. James from Marine says: ‘‘My retire- cause it has had a great impact not It is a great deal for their family. It is ment check just went up. Thanks.’’ only on Illinois, but also on Michigan. a great deal for them individually, but Joining us at this point is Congress- Jeff from Carlyle says: ‘‘Positive re- it is a great deal for their family. man MIKE BISHOP, a neighbor of the sults only so far, just as expected with And I also say this. With the average 10th Congressional District, a member a commonsense tax cut.’’ tax cut in my district of about $2,500 of the Committee on Ways and Means Carl from Collinsville, which is my per family, average family, that is not that had a direct impact on this bill. hometown. I am glad Carl is happy. He crumbs. That is real, real relief for He has been a leading advocate for a says: ‘‘I am seeing more on my pay- families that could really use it right fair and simple Tax Code. He represents check each week. Keep up the good now. work.’’ the Eighth Congressional District. The takeaway from all these con- Mr. Speaker, I yield to Congressman So that is just on the individual side. versations that I have had across my MIKE BISHOP. Then we briefly want to talk about district is that the Tax Cuts and Jobs what is going on from business. You b 1730 Act is working. America’s optimism is know, these are great announcements. Mr. BISHOP of Michigan. Mr. Speak- rising, and the workforce is taking no- I had the chairman of the Committee er, I thank the gentleman for yielding tice. We are finally creating an envi- on Ways and Means, my good friend, and for leading in this effort. ronment that fosters economic growth KEVIN BRADY, tell me 50 percent of all It is very exciting back in the great and brings jobs back to the United manufacturers in this country are State of Michigan, the comeback State States and back to my home State and planning expansion. Not 50 percent of of Michigan, our home State. After the comeback State of Michigan. And the manufacturers in Illinois or Michi- years of stagnant economic growth, this is just the beginning. gan; across the country. That is pretty our workforce is finally experiencing Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I awesome. the benefits of a modernized Tax Code. thank the gentleman for his feedback So what is going on in my district? So far, more than 4 million hard- on the impact of the Tax Cuts bill, and Griffith Trucking, Broadway Express, working Michiganders have received I thank him for taking time out of his Heartland Peterbilt, and Heartland bonuses, notices of increases in their schedule. Classics—which are in Effingham and take-home pay, and have benefited Next, I have the privilege of recog- Newton—gave $1,000 bonuses to 65 full- from higher wages. nizing a key player in the effort to re- time employees. Across Michigan, I have had the op- form our Tax Code and cut taxes, the FedEx has a big distribution hub in portunity to travel not only in my dis- chairman of the Ways and Means Sub- my district, same place, in Effingham. trict, but across this great State, and I committee on Tax Policy. I thank the FedEx has committed to more than $3 have seen firsthand great things, so gentleman for his leadership on this billion in wage increases, bonuses, pen- many great stories to tell, sitting down and, hopefully, continued success on sion funding, and expanded U.S. capital with folks, hearing about the new tax our tax laws. investment. law and how it is impacting their com- Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman Charter Communications is raising munity and how it is impacting their from the Sixth District of Illinois (Mr. their minimum wage to $15 an hour as businesses. I take away from this a ROSKAM). a result of this tax cut plan. number of really excited testimonials Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, I thank It is great to see Congressman ROS- from everyone that I sat down with. the gentleman from Michigan for yield- KAM on the floor. He will get a chance For example, Dan, a small-business ing. to speak later. He was a major archi- owner from Rochester Hills, Michigan, You know, I think it is so inter- tect of this. I am very proud that he shared with me that, as a result of tax esting. We are all coming together, comes from Illinois. These stories are reform, he was able to invest in his new various States, to celebrate these ac- attributed to Peter’s great work. car wash by buying new equipment. complishments and to take a step The other one I wanted to mention— Erwin, a constituent from Oxford, back: how far we have come in the past of course, I live in the metro St. Louis Michigan, is seeing extra money in his year or the past several months where area. Boeing has a big presence in St. monthly take-home pay. you look back and, basically, there was Louis, but a lot of their great workers, I stopped by the Fiat Chrysler truck a national consensus that had devel- probably their best workers, live on the assembly plant to talk with workers oped, and the consensus was nobody

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.088 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1428 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 liked our Tax Code—I mean nobody. say this very often over the past 35 value family, we value children, we Nobody could defend it because it was years, but I am actually looking for- value domestic life, and, toward that absurd. It was so complicated. ward to this tax season.’’ end, we are going to support it through Those of us who are from the Chicago So we know that these things are the Tax Code. So there was a very spe- area, we know that the last time the true. We know that they are mani- cific design not just to keep it, but to Tax Code was updated was when the festing themselves. enhance it. Bears won the Super Bowl, so that is 30 I have got a constituency where Mr. MITCHELL. I want to be clear years ago. And yet we have got this there are about 30,000 people who get with folks. There is a child and family Tax Code that had been a complete hit hard by the alternative minimum tax cut, the earned income credit, and throwback. The Tax Code was such a tax, and they are not going to be hit by the higher education credit, and those throwback that the last time it was up- the alternative minimum tax. They are are all credits against your tax liabil- dated, 1986, the internet didn’t exist, going to be spared that tax. ity. This is not simply a deduction. basically, as a commercial enterprise. There are many other examples in After taxes are determined, those are There was no shared economy, per se. the State of Illinois where you see real credits back, not a tax deduction. Airbnb, Uber, Lyft, all those things, progress being made. Mr. ROSKAM. Right. they didn’t exist. Global supply chains Up by me in Chicagoland, MK Incor- Mr. MITCHELL. People don’t under- were nowhere nearly as connected as poration, a fleet management com- stand the difference some days. they are today, which all begged the pany, is giving $1,000 bonuses to 150 em- Mr. ROSKAM. That is right. question that we needed a Tax Code to ployees. So, to the gentleman’s point, a de- update things. Ameren Illinois, the customers are duction is a decrease in a taxable li- Now, here is what was interesting: using both electricity and natural gas. ability; a credit is a credit. Once the The hyperbole that surrounded the de- They will see a combined savings of tax is calculated, the credit is an bate on the tax reform bill as H.R. 1 lower utility rates. amount that comes off of that tax li- kept moving in and, ultimately, came We have talked about AT&T already ability, so it is a very significant thing. to a crescendo, passed through the today: $1,000 bonuses to 10,000 Illinois- Said another way, credits are more val- House, passed through the Senate, and based employees and, nationwide, over uable than deductions. Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I was signed into law, it was described $1 billion increase in capital expendi- thank the gentleman for clarifying by, God bless them, our friends on the tures. that, and I certainly hope people listen other side of the aisle as the worst bill There is example after example after to the difference because some people ever, Armageddon, and, obviously, now, example after example. don’t understand that. I appreciate the the famous line that the result of these Look, if all the critics can do is basi- gentleman taking time to join us to- things were crumbs. Well, none of that cally say, well, this isn’t enough or night. turned out to be true. This was a ter- this is crumbs, they have not been to my constituency. To tell a family that Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman rific bill. representing the 12th District of Illi- Let me just give you a couple of ex- I represent, Mr. Speaker, that $1,000 is nois (Mr. BOST), a small family busi- amples, Mr. Speaker, of people in my crumbs is just patently obtuse. $1,000 is real money: $1,000 is getting ahead on a ness owner himself. constituency who have written pub- Mr. BOST. Mr. Speaker, I thank the car payment; $1,000 is the ability to licly or they have written to me pri- gentleman for holding this Special move forward and say we are going to vately about this bill. Order tonight. And I also say, just be- Here is Mary from Wheaton, Illinois, go on a little extra special vacation, we cause we are following a theme, if we my hometown. She said: ‘‘Our family is are going to put a little bit more put in perspective how long ago it was already feeling the positive impact of money toward our college fund, we are that we did tax reform in this Nation, the changes made in the Tax Code. Our going to put a little bit more money I was running for my first political of- daughter and her husband just had toward our retirement. And that is just fice for county board. I had a mullet, their first baby and will be able to take one particular example. and it looked good—at least my wife advantage of the doubled child tax Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the told me it did. credit next year. Throughout our ex- gentleman for organizing this, and I But let me tell you that, after we tended family, those who work for big very much appreciate his bringing us passed this tax reform—I come from and small businesses alike are wit- together to celebrate these things. deep southern Illinois, nowhere near nessing immediate effects. Companies Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I will Chicago, a very rural district, a little are investing the anticipated benefits ask the gentleman to stay for just a bit of metropolitan—a typical family of the new tax law in the form of bo- moment for a real quick question. of four will receive a break of over First, I would say that the Bears is nuses, pay raises, capital improve- $2,000 per year. ments, and new hires. And that’s just his example—and my example is Steve Now, folks, I don’t know how it the beginning. The true value of this Yzerman was a rookie in the NHL and would be in your district or in your Tax Code will become even more evi- captain of the Detroit Red Wings. If hometown if you are listening to this dent in the months and years ahead.’’ you ask a young hockey fan now who tonight, but that is not crumbs where I Mary is absolutely right. Steve Yzerman is, they would look at come from. Some of the folks here in Or another person, Nicole, from you blankly. That is how long ago tax Washington may think that that is the Elgin. She says: ‘‘Thanks to the new was tackled. case, but that is not. tax bill, my family will be saving an I have a question for the gentleman. Let me tell you that I have been estimated $4,000 on our taxes next year. Ninety percent of our taxpayers, we be- around my district talking to people; Not only that, but I’m getting a $1,000 lieve, are going to file a standard de- and you go to barber shops and coffee bonus and an extra $1,500 in my em- duction, but we kept—we talked about shops, and my wife and I own a beauty ployee pension account from my em- it a great deal. We kept some key tax salon, and you hear from the people ployer as a result of the changes.’’ cuts in the Tax Code to actually help how much they are saving, so much so Or how about an enrolled agent, Ste- families. that we actually asked for people to phen, from Wayne. He prepares people’s Can the gentleman briefly talk start replying on our Facebook and to taxes. He says: ‘‘As an enrolled agent about, maybe, the family and child tax tell us what their story was. entering my 35th tax season, I am anx- credit and what we did with that and I am just going to give you a few of iously awaiting the smiles I will be get- why we think that is important. these. I know that we are on limited ting from my clients when I inform Mr. ROSKAM. What we did with it is time, but I am going to tell you that them how much they will be saving on we doubled it so that the family tax Bobby from Makanda, here is what he their 2018 tax return . . . the clear ma- credit is now doubled. So, you know, writes: jority of my clients will be paying when folks say, ‘‘Well, I don’t like this I am a police officer and my wife is a high lower tax rates in 2018 due to the re- tax plan,’’ really? You don’t like dou- school teacher. Combined, the new tax rates cently passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.’’ bling the child tax credit? save us over $300 a month. We have two teen- And then I will go to the end of his So there was very much an age children. The additional income will help note. He says: ‘‘I haven’t been able to intentionality, as you know, to say we us save for upcoming college expenses.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.090 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1429 Terry from Royalton writes: Bureau County, was really excited my bill, which was to lower taxes on Il- My wife is an educator and I am in about the tax cuts his small business linois’ largest employers, which is healthcare. Since these changes have af- would receive. He plans to increase small businesses, and it is called the fected my pay about the same as hers, we hourly wages and hire 7 to 10 new em- Bring Small Businesses Back Tax Re- know how much it changes our monthly in- ployees over the next 2 years. That, my form Act. come. About $300. friends, is not crumbs. That is impor- Further, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act His statement is: tant. reduced corporate tax rates to 21 per- Hey, Nancy, if that is crumbs in your The tax relief for businesses, large cent and includes provisions to deter world, it’s not in mine. and small, is being shared with employ- U.S. companies from moving their Tracy from Wood River writes: ees all over. Over the last few months, headquarters and investments abroad Tax reform allows more money for college, more than 300 companies, and count- and encouraging them to bring income more money to be put towards paying off our ing, have announced plans to add peo- and jobs back home again. Again, this home, provides more activities for our chil- ple, add bonuses, add to retirement is welcome news for Illinois residents. dren, and allows us to save more money for benefits, and give back to the U.S. Numerous companies who employ the future. economy. residents of the 14th Congressional Dis- These are just three stories of count- Employees at UPS in my district, trict have announced new investments less that we have heard. Countless have Home Depot, Bank of America, Ryder, and new hiring and giving more money come in not only from individuals on AT&T, U-Haul, and many others with to their employees, wages, bonuses, the individual tax rate, but the busi- Illinois locations will receive these bo- trainings, and more. Just a sampling of ness tax rate as well: expansion of busi- nuses and benefits. these are: AbbVie, American Commu- ness, growing of business, using it to A few weeks ago, I went to the Fiat nity Bank, First Midwest Bank, expand the 401(k)s of their employees, Chrysler plant in Belvidere, Illinois, EMKAY, Boeing, U.S. Bank, Wells giving increases in pay to their em- and I met with employees who were ex- Fargo, Wintrust Financial, Home ployees. cited and encouraged by the $2,000 Depot, Walmart, CVS, and Starbucks. The bottom line is this: The tax re- bonus they will receive in the second American manufacturers are hiring form allows people to keep more quarter of this year. more workers. In my district, a Geneva money of their paycheck. It allows According to the nonpartisan Insti- manufacturer has already brought on them the opportunity to use that tute on Taxation and Economic Policy, two new employees to manage the money in the way they see fit, not how 85 percent of Illinoisans will see a tax equipment the company invested in the government wants to use it. They cut next year, and the nonpartisan Tax under the new expensing rules. A Will earned that money. It is theirs. They Foundation has estimated that the County food distributor plans to hire should be able to keep more of it to State of Illinois stands to gain tens of two new employees in 2018, with the spend and save as they please. This new thousands of jobs from this reform. money the company saved through tax tax reform does just that. This is great news. By bringing the reform, and the list goes on and on. Tax Code into the 21st century to re- Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. Speaker, it is time Americans flect current day is real and tangible in thank the gentleman for joining us this were given the truth about the Tax terms of the benefits it will put into evening. Cuts and Jobs Act. Eighty percent of our economy. Next is Congressman ADAM U.S. households will see a tax cut in Our future is bright, our economy is KINZINGER, who serves on the Energy 2018, according to the nonpartisan Tax growing stronger, and, with tax relief, and Commerce Committee as well as Policy Center, but only 17 percent of the American Dream is once again on on the Foreign Affairs Committee. Americans actually think they will. Like many Members around here, he is the horizon for folks in my district and In fact, the bill lowers individual a very busy man. across the country. I thank the gen- rates for low-and middle-income Amer- Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman tleman for yielding. icans across the board and doubles the representing the 16th District of Illi- Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I standard deduction for both individuals nois (Mr. KINZINGER) to talk about tax thank Mr. KINZINGER for joining us this and families. If you are one of the 70 cuts in his district. evening. I appreciate the detail in his district. percent of Americans who currently b 1745 We are going to continue with Illi- take the standard deduction, getting Mr. KINZINGER. Mr. Speaker, I nois for a bit here. I guess it is Illinois’ an immediate rate cut and a doubling thank the gentleman for yielding. This night for awhile. of the earnings you can keep tax free was a great thing we did. It had been— Mr. Speaker, I now yield to the Rep- will make a big difference to you and I was 8 years old the last time the Tax resentative from the 14th District of Il- to your family. Code was reformed, and I think this is linois, Congressman RANDY HULTGREN, This bill does not cut Medicare, Med- something we, frankly, ought to do who has consistently been a voice of icaid, or Social Security, period. This every decade; at the worst case, every business owners across America bill does not get rid of the medical ex- two decades; definitely not every 30 through his work on the Financial pense deduction or the charitable de- years. So it is about time to get it Services Committee. duction. Those are protected and ex- done. Mr. HULTGREN. Mr. Speaker, I panded. The bill did not take away I wish this could have been bipar- thank Congressman MITCHELL for healthcare from Americans. Eighty tisan. I think there are a lot of fan- yielding. percent of the people who pay for the tastic things in here, and I think it is Illinois is a high-tax State. We have Affordable Care Act’s individual man- quite obvious that the economy is seen Illinois State taxes continue to go date tax are families making less than showing some really big benefit as a re- up, so it is a welcome relief that Con- $50,000 a year. This bill gets rid of the sult. I think it is hard to hide that. It gress has brought Federal tax relief to individual mandate penalty so strug- is hard to pretend that that is not the the people of Illinois, and especially I gling families aren’t burdened by yet case, even though some of our friends am grateful for the residents of the another tax. try to do that, but it is quite obvious it 14th Congressional District, the sub- It is clear: the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has worked. urbs of Chicago, who are seeing great is already delivering positive results to I just want to tell a few stories of my relief and especially the benefits that Illinois individuals, families, and small district, the 16th District of Illinois. I come to small businesses, truly the en- businesses; and to Americans every- was at a tax reform roundtable last ergy and the engine behind Illinois’ where. It is good news, and more good month at the Illinois Valley Chamber economy. news is coming. of Commerce, and I heard from my They are going to receive immediate Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I local business community about how benefits from a reduced tax burden and thank Mr. HULTGREN for joining us. I this bill affects them and what they more flexible accounting rules. I am appreciate him taking the time to ex- would like to see moving forward. One also pleased that the final version of plain the importance of this in his dis- gentleman from Walnut, Illinois, in the legislation included this portion of trict.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.092 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1430 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 My next speaker has extensive expe- named Chris, who is a small-business this process, served on the Budget rience on economic development and owner, and also the fire marshal for Committee and had input into what creating a better business climate. Springfield and Sangamon Counties. this bill is. Mr. Speaker, I yield to Congressman Chris attended a roundtable discussion Mr. Speaker, I yield to Congressman DARIN LAHOOD, representing the 18th I hosted in Springfield and talked JACK BERGMAN from the First District District of Illinois, a member to both about how the new depreciation rules, of Michigan. the Joint Economic Committee and as a part of the tax reform law, have Mr. BERGMAN. Mr. Speaker, what a Ways and Means Committee. already incentivized building owners to great opportunity to really stand up Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, I thank upgrade their sprinkler and safety here and smile and talk to the Amer- Congressman MITCHELL for yielding. I equipment, which has benefitted his ican public with the words of constitu- thank him and Congresswoman MIMI small business. Safer buildings and up- ents from Michigan’s First District, be- WALTERS for putting together and or- to-date fire prevention are a win-win cause these are not my words. These ganizing this Special Order in order to for everyone. are their words over the last 21⁄2 highlight the effects of the Tax Cuts I was glad to hear that even our local months or so since we passed the Tax and Jobs Act on families in Illinois and fire marshal was seeing the real effects Cuts and Jobs Act. across the country. of commonsense tax reform and re- You know, in November 2016, the Thirty-one years is way too long. forming our Tax Code. Stories like great people of Michigan’s First Dis- That is what it took before we passed these are coming from every district trict sent me to Washington with a di- comprehensive tax reform at the end of across this great country, and the ben- rect, yet simple, mandate: Get Wash- last year. And in my 21⁄2 years here, I efits of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act show ington, D.C., out of our pockets and off couldn’t be more proud to support the no sign of slowing down, and that is our backs. For a marine, that is a pret- bill. And when I went in to looking at good news for all Americans. ty simple mission-oriented instruction. the legislation in the bill, I really It should be clear by now that letting The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was the looked at two things as we looked at workers keep more of their hard-earned first major step to accomplishing that comprehensive tax reform. One is, how paychecks is a recipe for a healthy goal. Since we passed tax reform, I do we help middle class and lower mid- economy, and I am excited to see how have travelled throughout many of the dle class people across this country and this bill continues to improve the lives First District’s 32 counties talking in my district? And secondly, how do and security of all American families. with constituents, business owners, and we get the economy roaring again? Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, could hearing their individual stories. Farm- We, for almost 9 years, had a very the Congressman stay one moment for ers, businesses, both large and small, sluggish economy and stagnant wages. a quick question? and families are already seeing the How do we get the economy healthy, Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, sure. benefits that tax reform brings, and we robust, vibrant again? We succeeded on Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, he was are just getting started. both those counts with this bill, and I talking a little bit about the deprecia- Many of these small companies said: am very proud to support it. tion allowance and what that deprecia- Well, I don’t know yet, but I have got This historic tax reform law is mak- tion means for small business—espe- to meet with my accountant around ing a real difference for our families cially small business. the middle of April, and then we will and our workers. But you don’t have to One of the important things we did really see. take my word for it. Take it from the was to change how the taxes are struc- But now they are starting to see hardworking people I have spoken with tured for a path we call pass-through wage increases and bonuses, and busi- across Illinois’ 18th District. The work- to small businesses. Maybe he could ex- ness expansions are all beginning to ers I have spoken with are already see- plain that briefly, what was done to roll in and take effect, and it is long ing the results of the new withholding help small business be viable and grow overdue in our neck of the woods. And tables, which is no surprise. in this country. when I say, ‘‘our neck of the woods,’’ In fact, the median family of four in Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, I think that is not a figurative statement. my district will save $2,593—again, let we acknowledge that small businesses That is a literal statement. me repeat that, $2,593 every year from are the lifeblood of our economy. They You know, many families in our dis- this new law. This figure is certainly create the most jobs in our economy. trict live paycheck to paycheck, and not crumbs, as some people would de- So when we looked at comprehensive even a small crisis could send them scribe it. tax reform, we obviously talked to into a tailspin. An extra $100 or $150 in When half of Americans say they are those small businesses, those inde- a paycheck in my district is not living paycheck to paycheck, this is pendent folks, and said: What can we crumbs. It is not Armageddon. It is a real money for them. The benefits have do to help you in terms of lowering the big plus. It gives that family flexibility already gone beyond lowering the rates, depreciation, expensing? to live their life and to raise their kids rates, with more bonuses and pay We took that into account, and now and be a proud community—wage-earn- raises being announced every single you are seeing the results of that. So ing members of that community. day. when you talk to small businesses on That $1,000 a year may mean a new One example from my district is the the real effect, what does that mean? set of snow tires. And by the way, we Five Senses Spa in Peoria, Illinois. What do they do with those savings? only have, roughly, a little over 2 This is a small business. And for over a Well, they are hiring more people, weeks of winter left, but we use our decade, the owner, Paola Hinton, has they are investing in higher wages, snow tires up there through about mid- provided clients with relief from the they are investing back into their com- May. That is just the way it works. stresses of their life at her spa. With panies, which has a downstream effect That money might go for the kids to the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs throughout this country, and those are play on a sports team. Hockey is not a Act, Five Senses Spa is now providing real results; and, again, that is a posi- cheap sport to put your son or daugh- tax relief to their employees. After cal- tive nature, which will continue into ter in. Or it could be, possibly, just sav- culating the savings from her business the future, and we are awful proud of ing up in that family rainy day fund that she saw through the Tax Cuts and those provisions. for an emergency. Jobs Act, Paola handed out $500 bo- Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I We hear of businesses from Boyne nuses to all of her employees as a thank Mr. LAHOOD for detailing that, City to Marquette expanding, growing ‘‘thank you’’ for their hard work. This and I appreciate him taking time this their staff, raising wages, all a result of is real money that the employees can evening. a fairer and simpler Tax Code. put towards expenses, new purchases, We now will rotate back to Michigan, You know, when I talk to some folks, or even saving up for things like edu- a fellow freshman, good friend of mine, they say: You know what, I don’t mind cation or a home or a new car. also a proud Yooper. I am proud to in- working. I am proud to work. The dig- But tax reform also has positive ef- troduce my fellow colleague in the nity of work is what makes me strong fects beyond larger paychecks. Last freshman class from the northern re- as an individual, what makes me month, I spoke with a constituent gions of Michigan, who, throughout strong as a mother or a father.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.094 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1431 They just think, in some ways, it is We lowered the individual tax rates These Dreamers are serving in our just not fair if you don’t earn your for all tax brackets. military. They are our teachers. They wage. So there is a certain sense of We simplified the Tax Code so that are students and businessowners, law- pride that goes along with that. taxpayers can file their taxes, 90 per- yers, doctors, and engineers. They are b 1800 cent of them, on a form about this size. an ambitious group of young people No, you don’t have to mail a postcard. who are renewing our democracy and We all know that if you are looking You put it in an envelope. But the good who are some of the very best of what for thanks, running for office probably news is you don’t need multiple pages. the next generation has to offer. isn’t the field of work you should get You don’t have to hope that you have I have no doubt, despite this termi- into. Yet everywhere I go in the dis- got a wizard to help you. Ninety per- nation this week, these young people trict these last couple of months, con- cent of Americans can fill out a few will continue to fight, and we in the stituents have been coming up to me items on here, include the W–2, and Congressional Hispanic Caucus will saying: Thank you. send it on in. stand with them. We in the Democratic They don’t know who I am. We get to We expanded, as was discussed ear- Caucus will continue to stand with talking, and they say: You are the guy lier, the child tax credit from $1,000 to them. on TV. Yeah. Well, thank you for what $2,000 for single filers and married cou- I hope some of my colleagues who you did. Thank you for passing tax re- ples to help parents with the cost of have signed on to this bill in the Re- form. raising their children. We made that publican Conference will continue, but Just a few weeks ago, I was at the fully refundable up to $1,400. That is, we need a vote on the floor. Home Depot in Petoskey, and a gen- even if your taxes are zero, you get a Seventy percent of Americans al- tleman who was working there pulled refund from the government for $1,400 ready stand with our Dreamers. me aside and thanked me for getting It is true that the Federal courts this to help you with childcare and taking tax reform done. That allowed him to week have continued with their injunc- care of your dependents. keep more of his check plus a sizable tion enjoining the termination of the For taxpayers that the standard de- bonus that was paid by Home Depot. DACA program. This will help those duction did not work as well, we kept In the Upper Peninsula, U.S. Special who are already in the program, but a number of important deductions, the Delivery gave all 200 employees $1,000 that is a small fraction of the Dream- three most popular ones: Charitable de- bonuses after tax reform passed be- ers in this country. duction, kept that; the home interest cause of the money that they will save It is a sad state of affairs that deduction, we kept that; and State and as a company on their taxes this year. Dreamers could only find justice in our A couple of weeks back, when I was local taxes. courts. This is the people’s House, and What that means is, for 95, 98 percent in Traverse City, Traverse City State the people’s business needs to be done. of my tax filers in the 10th Congres- Bank announced that they are giving It is time to have a vote on the floor in sional District, even if they fill out out new bonuses. a bipartisan fashion—a clean Dream their deductions rather than do the So many more businesses in the First Act now, or in November the voters standard deduction, they are much bet- District are raising wages, adding will have their own vote regarding ter off. workers, giving bonuses, and expand- Dreamers. Since the tax reform bill passed, as I ing. HONORING SERETHA TINSLEY DURING WOMEN’S stated earlier, 400 companies, in about We know that this is just the begin- HISTORY MONTH ning, and Americans can expect much 70 days, have given a pay raise or a Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, in honor of more in the days ahead because of the bonus or both, increased benefits, Women’s History Month, I would like energy that we have put into the 401(k) contributions. to honor Seretha Tinsley. growth of our American economy. In the case of utilities, you heard in Seretha Tinsley is a Winter Haven Mr. Speaker, this confirms the very Michigan, almost $400 million a year in resident, trailblazer, and overachiever. core beliefs that I have and conserv- rate cuts, something we hadn’t thought She was the first African-American fe- atives all throughout the country be- about, hadn’t anticipated—real money male to attend and graduate from Wes- lieve in. If we get the Federal Govern- saved by our consumers. leyan College, in 1971. ment off our back, where it is not sup- Four million people have received a In the early 1980s, Seretha became posed to be, and out of our pockets, we special tax bonus, resulting in about $3 one of the first Black female general will unleash unprecedented economic billion injected into the economy. In managers in radio. potential for the citizens of our great Michigan, it is $180 million already. In 2008, she became the first African- country. That is real money. It is not eco- American president of the Winter I would just close with one note, and nomic Armageddon. I am proud to have Haven Chamber of Commerce board of that is I am Scandinavian, and there is been part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. directors. a wonderful delicacy that you can only We will continue with the Tax Truth She is an entrepreneur, civic leader, afford at the holidays, and I think Squad every week through the summer mother, and wife. more people are able to afford it now, to send a message to the American peo- Desiring to become a missionary, she and it is called a crumb cake, and it is ple that we are looking out for their took a trip to West Africa, visited six great. paychecks and the well-being of their countries, and studied with educators. Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I family. Consequently, she became an educator thank Congressman BERGMAN, and we Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance so that she could have a greater impact are wishing for spring in northern of my time. empowering young lives with knowl- Michigan sooner than mid-May. f edge. Mr. Speaker, I want to wrap up this Tinsley served as executive director THE DREAM WILL SURVIVE evening by talking a little bit about and cofounded Chain of Lakes Achiev- what all my colleagues spoke about: The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ers, an achievement center devoted to our principles. KUSTOFF of Tennessee). Under the empowering youth through tutoring, Our principles were that people who Speaker’s announced policy of January leadership, and life skills training. She worked hard should keep more of their 3, 2017, the Chair recognizes the gen- maintains her passion for teaching by money, that their families and their tleman from Florida (Mr. SOTO) for 30 mentoring on a daily basis. pocketbooks should come first and not minutes. She is a businesswoman who takes government come first. We have Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, tonight, I pride in assisting others in reaching achieved that with the Tax Cuts and rise for the 92,000 Dreamers in the their phenomenal potential. Tinsley is Jobs Act. State of Florida. Tonight, I rise for the the CFO/owner of several family busi- How did we achieve that? 3.6 million Dreamers across this Na- nesses, KFC, Tinsley Family Conces- We almost doubled the standard de- tion. sions, where she oversees administra- duction. For a married couple, the President Trump may have termi- tive and fiduciary responsibilities. standard deduction is $24,000 this tax nated the DACA program this week, Seretha’s community service and year—$24,000, and you pay no taxes. but the dream will survive. progressive leadership have earned her

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.095 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1432 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 numerous honors, recognitions, and and prevention. Her salon is an HIV ganization, a charter member of the media coverage. testing site for the Polk County Health East Central Democratic Club, sec- Seretha is involved with multiple or- Department. retary for the Polk County Democratic ganizations in the community. She is a Salon Ashanti also serves as a loca- Black Caucus, and the United Way of Winter Haven Chamber of Commerce tion for voter outreach, registration, Central Florida board of directors. business member; First Missionary and school supply drives. Children She is also a current member of the Baptist Church trustee; life member of within the neighborhood utilize Salon Agricultural and Labor Program board the NAACP; Polk Academies Advisory Ashanti as a place of refuge, and she of directors, PRIDE of Polk County, Board; Winter Haven Chamber; past prides herself as a mentor to young the Women’s Club of Winter Haven, Sil- president of the National Coalition of women. ver Life member of the NAACP, and 100 Black Women, Polk County Chap- Her ministry extends beyond her chair of the Winter Haven Dr. Martin ter; among many other accomplish- local community, as she also organizes Luther King, Jr., Commemorative ments. toiletry drives for women’s and men’s Commission as well. Seretha Tinsley, we honor you. prison ministries. Glenda has been an official sponsor of HONORING LISA LANDERS DURING WOMEN’S Twanna began Project Park Bench as the Winter Haven MLK Parade and HISTORY MONTH a drive where warm items and food other activities during King Week. She Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, in honor of could be brought to the salon for dona- is current chair of the Florence Villa Women’s History Month, I would like tions to the homeless. Items are then CRA in the city of Winter Haven and a to honor Lisa Landers. donated to the Mission of Winter past recipient of the Winter Haven Lisa Landers has served in the execu- Haven. Girls, Inc., She Knows Where She’s tive director position of the Winter Further, she also uses her salon to Going Award. Haven Housing Authority since 2009. promote other entrepreneurs. Glenda Jones, we honor you. She leads in the overall operations of In 2010, Twanna received the Commu- b 1815 the agency’s public housing Section 8, nity Service Award from the Jewett low-income tax credit, and multifamily Alumni Association and the Bringing HONORING LAKECIA GUNTER DURING WOMEN’S housing programs. Your Business Back Award from the HISTORY MONTH Known for her tenacious spirit, Lisa NAACP. Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, in honor of has been recognized for successfully In 2011, she received her associate of Women’s History Month, I would like transforming a once nonperforming arts degree from Polk State College to honor Lakecia Gunter. troubled agency into one now competi- and bachelor of applied science in su- Lakecia Gunter is a Haines City na- tively recognized by Florida housing pervision management in 2013. tive. She is currently Intel’s chief of officials. Twanna is an usher, president of HIV/ staff and technical assistant of Intel. Prior to joining the WHHA in 2004 as AIDS Ministry, and member of the Prior to her current role, she was the a volunteer, Lisa championed research Willing Workers Committee at Hurst general manager of the consumer desk- on infant mortality and neonatology Chapel AME Church. top segment marketing team in the cli- for the late Florida Governor Lawton She was the 2014 recipient of Girls ent computing group, where she was re- Chiles and wife, Rhea Chiles, at their Inc. She Knows Where She’s Going sponsible for maximizing desktop prof- Center for Healthy Mothers and Babies ‘‘George Jenkins’’ Award. itability to grow the desktop P&L. at the University of South Florida in In 2015, Twanna received the Out- She is an active member of the Intel Tampa. standing Entrepreneur’s Self-Deter- Black Leadership Council, Intel’s net- Ms. Landers is also an award-winning mination Award, presented by pre- work of Intel African Americans, and journalist for The Tampa Tribune. siding elder Jimmy Thompson and the Women at Intel. Her career includes leadership as di- Lakeland District African Methodist Lakecia started from humble begin- rector of public relations for The Episcopal Church. nings, growing up in a single-parent Spring of Tampa Bay, one of Florida’s She also received the Shining Star household. Her late mom, Barbara Grif- largest domestic violence centers. Award for outstanding ministry and fin, always described her as a curious A graduate of Florida A&M Univer- community service and was the recipi- child. She is a trailblazer who has sity with a B.S. in journalism, Ms. ent of the Minerva Achievement Award never been afraid to be the only one. Landers has also pursued advanced from the Lakeland Chapter of Delta ‘‘If they let me in the door, I’m going studies in public administration at Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. to make the entrance wider,’’ she says. USF and holds the distinguished Exec- Twanna Dewdney, we honor you. And she does just that by sharing her utive Director’s Education Certifi- HONORING GLENDA JONES DURING WOMEN’S time and talents with several non- cation from Rutgers University’s Cen- HISTORY MONTH profits focused on improving edu- ter for Government Studies. Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, in honor of cational outcomes for high school drop- Among her board and outside inter- Women’s History Month, I would like outs and underprepared college stu- ests, Ms. Landers is a member of the to honor Glenda Jones. dents. In her mentoring, she tries to Winter Haven Leadership Class of 35, It has been said that humility is impress upon kids that challenges are currently serves as the Florida State often found in those who serve others. designed to help them grow. public relations representative for the Glenda Jones best personifies that Lakecia earned an MS in electrical Florida Association of Housing and Re- statement. engineering from the Georgia Institute development Officials and its South- For 45 years, Glenda has and con- of Technology and a bachelor of eastern Regional Council, and is cur- tinues to champion the elderly by seek- science degree in computer engineering rently a member of the Leadership ing to empower them with knowledge, from the University of South Florida. Polk Class XI. skill, and resources through the Winter She also earned her project manage- Lisa Landers, we honor you. Haven Neighborhood Service Center ment professional certification. HONORING TWANNA DEWDNEY DURING WOMEN’S Inc. Her efforts in the engineering career HISTORY MONTH As a registered nurse, she provides field and the community have garnered Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, in honor of care and compassion for her commu- her national recognition. She recently Women’s History Month, I would like nity through civic engagement. Glenda was named to Business Insider’s list of to honor Twanna Dewdney. actively serves her community and has the 26 most powerful female engineers Twanna Dewdney is a Winter Haven been recognized for her participation in 2016. She was the recipient of the So- resident and proprietor of Salon with a number of organizations in our ciety of Women Engineers’ Prism Ashanti. She has proudly operated her community. Award for demonstrating outstanding salon in Winter Haven for over 13 years Glenda won Woman of the Year, the career technology leadership as well as and considers it a vital resource to the highest honor in Winter Haven, in the leadership in STEM and in the commu- community. 2008 Banker’s Cup. She is involved with nity. As a community activist, Twanna ad- St. Joseph’s school board, the Keep Further, she was named to Diversity vocates for HIV and AIDS education Winter Haven Clean and Beautiful or- MBA Magazine’s 2014 list of top 100

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.097 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1433 under 50 diverse executive leaders for which provide services to lesbian, gay, Before moving to central Florida, her technology leadership and achieve- bisexual, transgender, and all youth. Mary was a journalist. In 2004, Mary ments at Intel and in the community. Following the tragic Pulse nightclub graduated cum laude from Henderson For that, Lakecia Gunter, we honor shooting, the Zebra Coalition evolved State University in Arkansas with a you. as a leading organization in the com- bachelor of art in mass media. In 2016, HONORING GLORIA NIEC DURING WOMEN’S munity’s provision of services to vic- she graduated from Henderson State HISTORY MONTH tims and their families, and Wilkie with a master of art in art history and Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, in honor of continues to lead these efforts to en- liberal arts. In 2012, Mary graduated Women’s History Month, I would like sure the LGBTQ-plus youth in central with a master of Christian leadership to honor Gloria Niec. Ms. Niec is the Florida have a safe space to turn. with an emphasis in missions from As- executive director of the Celebration Wilkie serves on the task force for bury Theological Seminary. Foundation and has tackled serious the LGBTQ Alliance, a group of ap- Mary and her amazing husband, Mar- issues affecting Osceola County. pointed LGBTQ organizations and com- tin, have three children. She enjoys In 2012, the Celebration Foundation munity leaders formed to address our writing, preaching, and reading. In her led the effort to increase awareness of community’s needs as a result of the free time, you can find her and her those experiencing hunger in the coun- Pulse shooting. family enjoying the theme parks in ty by creating Osceola Connected. The She is an experienced executive lead- central Florida. group became very involved in com- er in the nonprofit sector with over 13 And for that, Mary Downey, we honor bating childhood hunger. Today, Osce- years of personal commitment and you. ola Connected provides food to over dedication to community service. A dy- HONORING SHERI MORTON DURING WOMEN’S 1,000 Osceola County elementary stu- namic and energetic advocate for glob- HISTORY MONTH dents every week during the school al change and equality, Wilkie contrib- Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, in honor of year. utes a strong passion for social justice. Women’s History Month, I would like While handing out bags of food or Prior to joining the Zebra Coalition, to honor Sheri Morton. taking children to summer camp, Glo- Wilkie served as chief operating officer For over half a century, Sheri Mor- ria learned that many graduating sen- for the leading central Florida domes- ton has volunteered for progressive iors had no postsecondary plans. Once tic violence organization Harbor causes. From the peace, civil rights, she learned that most students had House. During that time, she chaired and women’s movements in the 1960s to never even visited a college campus be- the LGBTQ Caucus with the Coalition voting, equal rights, and quality af- fore, Gloria and her committee began Against Domestic Violence, where she fordable healthcare, Ms. Morton has sponsoring campus tours of Technical led the statewide initiative to enhance volunteered tens of thousands of hours Education Center Osceola and Valencia services for LGBTQ survivors of abuse. to help improve the quality of life for College Osceola Campus. The first Wilkie holds a master’s degree in people in our community, our country, year, just over 100 students toured the mental health counseling from Rollins and our world. campuses. Since then, over 6,000 stu- College. Ms. Morton began volunteering as a dents have toured the campuses, which And for that, we honor you, Heather teenager and continued doing so during have helped improve the county’s col- Wilkie. her undergraduate years, when she was lege-going rate. HONORING MARY DOWNEY DURING WOMEN’S the first woman from her high school Education is one of the cornerstones HISTORY MONTH to attend Harvard College. She earned of Celebration Foundation’s mission Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, in honor of a master’s degree at Harvard Graduate ‘‘to work hand in hand with our neigh- Women’s History Month, I would like School of Education, where she later bors to build a strong and caring cen- to honor Mary Downey. worked. tral Florida community.’’ Reverend Mary Lee Downey is the ex- After receiving her JD, she became Gloria was concerned about the effect ecutive director and founder of the an attorney and is now retired. of media on girls and young women. nonprofit Community Hope Center. Sheri has held numerous volunteer She convened a group of talented The Community Hope Center is a one- political positions as well as served on women, and they formed WINGS, Wom- stop shop providing services to the the Osceola County Library Advisory en’s Initiative Nurturing Girls’ homeless and disenfranchised in Osce- Board. Strength. The goal is to help girls and ola County. In 2016, the Community A lifelong supporter of quality afford- women create powerful life journeys. Hope Center was awarded the pres- able healthcare for all Americans, she Gloria also gathered a group of archi- tigious Bank of America Neighborhood was a local volunteer spokesperson, en- tects and urban planners who are com- Builders Award and, in 2015, the Bob couraging enrollment in the Affordable mitted to preserving, protecting, and Allen Award by Walt Disney World for Care Act health insurance exchanges. advancing the principles upon which innovative approaches to helping the Ms. Morton’s volunteer work has Celebration was based. They teach at homeless in the community. ranged from teaching English to immi- Lifelong Learning, lead tours, and In the last five years, the Community grants and tutoring a blind student in sponsor an annual speaker. Hope Center has served over 25,000 indi- high school math to collecting food for The Concert Series, in its 16th year, viduals in the central Florida area. The Appalachia’s needy and warm clothes is enjoying robust attendance and Center focuses on a ‘‘housing first’’ for the homeless. Currently, she regu- sponsorship. Gloria has helped to grow model of care while also including a larly volunteers hosting Jewish cul- the series, which offers a cultural op- strong position regarding poverty alle- tural events for the residents of a local portunity for residents in Celebration, viation. assisted living facility. Osceola County, and central Florida. Reverend Downey is a deacon in the After half a century of volunteering, She has also been involved with Thriv- United Methodist Church for the Flor- Ms. Morton’s dedication to improving ing in Place and Lifelong Learning, ida Annual Conference. Her focus is on the lives of others continues unabated. programs that enable seniors to live missional outreach through social jus- And for that, Sheri Morton, we honor healthy, safe, independent, and have tice in the nonprofit organizations. She you. enriched lives. is also a clergy at the Spring of Life HONORING KATHLEEN PLINSKE DURING WOMEN’S And for that, Gloria Niec, we honor United Methodist Church. HISTORY MONTH you. Previously, Mary served as the dep- Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, in honor of HONORING HEATHER WILKIE DURING WOMEN’S uty director of Helping Others Make Women’s History Month, I would like HISTORY MONTH the Effort, HOME, a nonprofit com- to honor Kathleen Plinske. Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, in honor of mitted to ending homelessness in Osce- Kathleen Plinske serves as campus Women’s History Month, I would like ola County. She was also the program president of the Osceola, Lake Nona, to honor Heather Wilkie. and evangelism director for the First and Poinciana campuses at Valencia Heather Wilkie is the executive di- United Methodist Church of Kis- College in Orlando, Florida, and in cen- rector of the Zebra Coalition, a net- simmee, where she focused on spiritual tral Florida. She has served as an advo- work of community organizations formation, outreach, and missions. cate for increasing access to higher

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.099 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1434 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 education in historically underserved She was soon invited to join the local stitutional right for any reason or no communities and has been instru- nonprofit for the Guardian Ad Litem reason at all, as much as you might mental in Osceola County’s ‘‘Got Col- Program in Osceola County, Voices for want to parse the phrases in Roe v. lege?’’ efforts, which have resulted in Osceola’s Children, where she is serving Wade and Doe v. Bolton, Mr. Speaker. an increase in the community college’s as board chair. This nonprofit supports Of course, for me, I didn’t realize the going rate by more than 20 percent the efforts of over 200 certified local impact of this in 1973. But by 1976, over the last 5 years. volunteer GALs, as well as provides for when my first son was born, I remem- Prior to joining Valencia in 2010, the unmet needs of over 500 local chil- ber holding him in my hands and look- Plinske began her career at McHenry dren while they are under the super- ing at David Steven King, under- County College, rising up to ultimately vision of the court dependency system. standing the miracle of life and the becoming interim president of institu- She is a longtime member of Rotary miracle of birth and thinking within tional effectiveness. A graduate of Illi- International’s Kissimmee West Ro- that first hour of his life how anyone nois Mathematics and Science Acad- tary Club in Osceola County. She plans could take his life now, this little mir- emy, Plinske attended Indiana Univer- on continuing to support her club’s acle child with that big head and dark sity Bloomington as a Herman B. Wells fundraising efforts through local hair and blue eyes and gurgling a little scholar, earning a bachelor of arts in causes, including the Adopt-A-Precinct bit and crying some and squirming a Spanish and physics with highest dis- program for the Osceola County Super- lot, but a miracle. tinction and honors. A member of Phi vision of Elections. I thought: How could anyone take his Beta Kappa, she completed a master of She finds the Rotary ideal of ‘‘Serv- life now, when he is an hour old or a arts in Spanish from Roosevelt Univer- ice Above Self’’ a wonderful way to minute old or a minute before he was sity, a doctorate in education tech- meet new people who share the ideal born or an hour before he was born? nology from Pepperdine University, and work to give back to the commu- Could they take his life a day before, a and a master of business administra- nity. week before, or a month before, or a tion from the University of Florida. For that, Kathy Wandel, we honor trimester before? Actively involved in her community, you. When could you decide that this Plinske has served as a board chair of Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance child’s life could be ended, and do so the Education Foundation of Osceola of my time. within a moral framework rather than County and as president of the Rotary f a framework of maybe self-interest? Club of Lake Nona. She has also served I concluded that there was only one ABORTION IN AMERICA on the board of CareerSource Central moment, only one instant. We have to Florida, the Osceola Center for the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under choose that moment when life begins. Arts, Junior Achievement of Osceola the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- There is only one, and that is the mo- County, and the Lake Nona Education uary 3, 2017, the Chair recognizes the ment of conception. We all know that. Council. gentleman from Iowa (Mr. KING) for 30 I knew it in 1973. I am sure I knew it In 2010, Plinske was recognized as one minutes. before then, but I hadn’t thought about of 24 emerging leaders in the world by Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, it is it very much. Phi Delta Kappa. In 2012, she was my privilege to have the opportunity And here we are today and we know. named Woman of the Year by Orlando to be here on the floor of the United We know by the benefit of ultrasound. Business Journal in its 40 Under 40 States House of Representatives. I ask We are watching little babies squirm competition and the Outstanding that people who are listening to our around in the womb. We are watching Young Alumna by Indiana University. conversation weigh heavily on some of them yawn and stretch and suck their In 2014, she received the Compadre the remarks that will be made here thumbs and try to talk and stretch Award from the Hispanic Business this half hour. themselves and belch and do all the Council of the Kissimmee/Osceola I come to the floor tonight, Mr. things inside the womb that they do Chamber of Commerce and the Don Speaker, to address the situation of in- pretty shortly when they get outside Quijote Hispanic Community Cham- nocent, unborn human life in America the womb. It is life. It is miraculous pion Award from the Hispanic Chamber and to recount the path that we have life. Little hands, little feet, little fin- of Commerce of Metro Orlando. followed and to lay out a path for the gers, a little nose, little eyes. They are Plinske was selected as an Aspen future that gives us a better oppor- little babies that are defenseless. Presidential Fellow in 2016 and was tunity to save as many lives as pos- This Congress has allowed a Supreme named Pepperdine University’s Distin- sible. Court to impose abortion on demand in guished Alumna in 2017. For me, Mr. Speaker, I recall that America, and we have worked to put And for that, Kathleen Plinske, we when 1973 rolled around—January 22, together very few limitations on that honor you. 1973—on that date, we had two major abortion on demand. I don’t think we HONORING KATHY WANDEL DURING WOMEN’S decisions that came down from the have done enough, either, to send the HISTORY MONTH United States Supreme Court: Roe v. message to America that life begins at Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, in honor of Wade, which most everybody knows; the moment of conception. But Women’s History Month, I would like and the other was Doe v. Bolton. Of ultrasound has shown many of us in to honor Kathy Wandel. those two cases that dropped on us in this country—millions of us—that life Kathy Wandel comes from a career in January of 1973, not very many people, does exist inside the womb. transportation, which focused on sales, if any, understood the magnitude of We know that we can, even with a operations, and training. Upon her re- the decisions that had been made that transabdominal ultrasound, verify a tirement, she and her husband relo- day or the impact it would have on the heartbeat in 7 to 8 weeks from concep- cated from Texas to central Florida. population of the United States of tion. In 7 to 9 weeks, that little baby is She served on the board of directors America. formed by then with a beating heart. for the Senior Resource Alliance, the They did not believe that we would We know that of those babies that have Area Agency on Aging for Central Flor- see 45 years of pro-life marches coming a detectable beating heart, 95 percent ida, representing Osceola County, and to the city in the middle of the winter of those babies will experience a suc- was board chair for three years. She and sometimes marching through the cessful birth. It is at least 95 percent. also delivered Meals on Wheels for the snow from down on the Mall, all the Some say more. Osceola County Council on Aging. way up to the United States Supreme So 95 percent of them, or more, are Court building, calling upon the Su- destined to experience a successful b 1830 preme Court to correct the decision birth. Yet the most dangerous place for She became a volunteer guardian ad that was made by an activist court in a baby is in the mother’s womb. It is litem, helping to provide a powerful 1973. the most dangerous place because our voice in court on behalf of Florida’s The bottom line of that decision was hearts are hardened by a Supreme abused, neglected, and abandoned chil- that an abortion was essentially de- Court decision that some think will dren in 2003. clared to be, some would say, a con- not change, that we have to live with it

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.100 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1435 in perpetuity and accept the con- But it is really a telling moment tors that are onboard with this. We sequences of 60 million Americans when that prospective mother hears need a couple more of these national being aborted. that heartbeat. That is what is so im- groups to get involved and not see the There is a hole in the population of portant in this debate about having the fog, but, instead, see the clear path America that is 60 billion babies tool of an ultrasound to show what is that this is. strong. Some of those little girls who really going on here, for those who try I implore people to contact their leg- were aborted would be mothers by now. to obfuscate what is happening with islators and contact the organizations When you do the math on that just on the pregnancy. Let that prospective that are supposed to be standing for the back of the envelope, that is per- mother make an informed decision, not life and make sure they get onboard haps as many as another 60 million ba- one that is hidden, not one that is ob- with this effort, because a heartbeat is bies—a missing 120 million Americans fuscated by, ‘‘Oh, it is just a tissue a true indication of life. that would otherwise have been born in mass or something.’’ I thank Mr. KING for his effort with this country and had the opportunity The crime about a lot of this is that this. to live, to love, to laugh, to learn, to a lot of these women are not being al- Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, the worship, to be mothers or fathers lowed to make an informed decision gentleman gives me a little too much themselves. That is what we are asking about what is really going on. credit and doesn’t take enough credit for here in this Congress with 170 co- So this Heartbeat bill that Mr. KING for himself. sponsors on the Heartbeat bill. is championing here is an important b 1845 Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman moment in time for a prospective mom from California (Mr. LAMALFA), one of and her mate to be able to have an in- That is that measure of humility I those cosponsors who is a bit of a rare formed decision and really contemplate was asked about earlier today. Trent commodity himself, a conservative this life that is happening and the Franks always said: The funny thing from California. downside of what that abortion might about humility, about the time you Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I am, mean. think you have achieved it, you have indeed, pleased to join my colleague So, indeed, is it not a crime to mur- lost it. from Iowa (Mr. KING) tonight, who has der a human being with a heartbeat? Mr. LAMALFA is a solid principled been a very strong, tireless leader on It really shouldn’t be any different conservative, and I appreciate him this issue and many other important for babies that are yet to be born. coming to the floor to defend life. The ones for our Congress and our country. Arguably, since they are innocent, effort that we have had is the whip So I thank him for that and for letting isn’t it more important we protect team has gone out and pulled together me be here to be a part of this tonight. their rights? 170 cosponsors on this bill that has set Obviously, this is a very important They don’t really have someone to the stage for a path that I believe soon issue and we need to have a much bet- speak for them, except for those of us will be to the floor of the House of Rep- ter discussion than we have had in a who realize what we are truly taking resentatives. Let’s put the Heartbeat long time in this country. about here: an innocent life with a bill over on MITCH MCCONNELL’s desk. The moral of the Heartbeat Protec- heartbeat that will become a life out- That is a good place for a lot of good tion Act is extremely simple to under- side of the womb and walk amongst the things to have a chance to happen, stand. It is against the law for a physi- rest of us humans with dignity, with even though they are a little slower at cian to perform an abortion after de- passion, with ideas, with dreams. That moving over there than we are over tecting a heartbeat, other than to save here. the life of the mother. is what we are defending here. It really mystifies me how legisla- One of the nimble folks who has been Mr. KING was speaking a moment ago actively engaged in the pro-life move- about this. For anybody who uses com- tion like this is so difficult to move mon sense, life begins at that moment through this body, the Senate, the Con- ment in the House of Representatives of conception. At that moment of con- gress as a whole, or State legislatures is Mr. LAMBORN from Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman ception, you have a life. If you don’t in other types of bills we have tried in from Colorado (Mr. LAMBORN). have a conception, obviously, you don’t order to preserve life, to preserve the Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Speaker, I thank have a life. value of life. So how is it that it is even a debate? Indeed, if we are not a country that Congressman KING for his endless and How do people hide on the sidelines, in is going to value life in all of its human tireless leadership in reminding us of the shadows, somehow debating it as forms, then what are we? the humanity of the unborn. I am a something like, ‘‘Well, is it really a Our Founders placed a great value on proud cosponsor of the Heartbeat Pro- life,’’ or, ‘‘At what line do we draw that those liberties that have formed this tection Act. I am one of those 170 who point at?’’ country. Indeed, right above the dais it have stepped forward to support this That is an important point Mr. KING says: ‘‘In God we trust.’’ much-needed piece of legislation. made as well with all the different I think God watches what we do here. The development of an unborn baby ideas of when an abortion is appro- He is watching what is happening to is truly miraculous. Around 6 to 8 priate. these babies and he wants us to tell the weeks, you can detect, through We have a 20-week mark. We have the truth and know the truth and be able ultrasound, the heartbeat of the little end of the first trimester, the end of to project the truth on what is really child inside the mother’s womb; 6 to 8 the second trimester. going on with a pregnancy or those weeks. So I don’t see how people can What date is appropriate? who are contemplating a very serious deny that an abortion is the taking of We have people these days talking decision. a human life. about partial-birth abortion not being This bill will go a long way toward How many lives would we save if we a problem at all. Even in some extreme shedding the light on a quantifiable remembered that simple fact? quarters, some people are saying that moment when there is a detected What if instead of rushing to abor- post-birth is somehow an acceptable heartbeat that anybody around that tion, which some people think is their way and that it isn’t really a person ultrasound can hear. That should be a only option, we instead turned our at- with rights at that point. reality moment. I think more times tention to addressing practical needs, We are talking about a much nar- than not, a prospective mother will the needs of a woman facing a preg- rower thing here, with the heartbeat make a decision for life, given that. nancy decision? being a true detectable moment of life. I commend my colleague, Mr. KING, What if we empowered women to When prospective mothers go in for for battling this for those who have carry and raise their child? those ultrasounds, it is a very moving lost their lives so many millions of Or what if we did everything we moment for her, and, hopefully, her times in the past and had nobody to de- could to promote a stable and happy mate there with her, to see what is fend them. But he is building momen- life for the child through adoption? going on inside there with all those lit- tum on this legislation and his effort America was built on the principle tle baby parts that are being formed with so many pro-life groups around that life is a God-given gift. Here, in and the miracle that life is. the country, so many pro-life legisla- Congress, it is our duty to protect

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.102 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1436 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 human life at all stages. I will continue a right to privacy in order to buy birth behold, we saw the baby, we saw the to do so, and I know Representative control pills. It was in Connecticut in beating heart, and we were just in awe KING will continue to do so. I thank that period of time. Shortly after that at this new human life. him for his leadership. I am glad that I decision, they decided it wasn’t just a Mothers and fathers are forever can support him with this wonderful married couple that had a right to pri- changed when they first hear that piece of legislation. vacy; it was an unmarried couple that heartbeat, that tiny pulse that rein- Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I had a right to privacy in the form of forces the big and beautiful reality of a thank the gentleman from Colorado for contraceptives. That was only in the precious human life. coming to the floor to make such a mid-sixties. Mr. Speaker, that is why I rise in strong message here on the sanctity of Then Roe v. Wade came along. I support of H.R. 490, the Heartbeat Pro- human life. think that this Court can never be de- tection Act. As a lawmaker, I took an When I think about that heartbeat, a fended for the decision that they made, oath to our Constitution to protect the heartbeat is a certain indicator of life. the idea that privacy trumps life, and constitutional rights of all Americans. If the baby has a beating heart, we that the privacy of a mother will allow That is why I am cosponsoring this know that baby is alive. Statistically for an abortion at any stage, is how bill. speaking, 95 percent or more of those this all came together between Roe v. This legislation protects a pre-born little babies that have a beating heart, Wade and Doe v. Bolton. baby’s life when his or her heartbeat is that can be detected by an ultrasound But even some of our professors that detected. A heartbeat is a very basic in that 6- to 8-week period of time, 95 you might think have been on the sign of life. The pulse represents a percent of them will experience a suc- other side of the issue had their skep- unique person with inherent dignity cessful birth. ticism. In fact, there is a bit of it here and natural, human and constitutional I have asked the question to those in Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a statement rights that extend throughout the con- who weren’t supportive of the bill: Did that she made in 1985. Our Supreme tinuum of life through conception until you ever hear the expression, ‘‘Let’s Court Justice Ginsburg said: natural death. error on the side of life?’’ Roe, I believe, would have been more ac- And where do these rights come Well, let’s not error with life at all if ceptable as a judicial decision if it had not from? we can help it. If we have a 95 percent gone beyond a ruling on the extreme statute The Founders who signed the Dec- before the court. Heavyhanded judicial inter- chance of a successful birth, we can’t laration knew, for the Declaration vention was difficult to justify and appears itself says: ‘‘We hold these truths to be take a chance on ending that little to have provoked, not resolved, the conflict. self-evident, that all men are created baby’s life. I would restate the Fourteenth Mr. Speaker, this bill is a bill that equal, that they are endowed by their Amendment. It says this: ‘‘No State Creator with certain unalienable has come together over the last year shall make or enforce any law which and a half or so. Just to mention some rights.’’ shall abridge the privileges or immuni- That is interesting, Mr. Speaker, be- of the points here that I think are im- ties of citizens of the United States; portant is that we have at least 162 pro- cause the first unalienable right that is nor shall any State deprive any person identified is the right to life. life organizations and leaders that sup- of life, liberty, or property without due port the Heartbeat bill. I have a little Do you know who else knew? process of law; nor deny to any person President Kennedy. demonstration here. within its jurisdiction the equal pro- President Kennedy reminded us in a These are some of the organizations tection of the laws.’’ different context, in the struggle and leaders that support the Heartbeat This comes back to personhood. I be- against atheistic totalitarian com- bill. We have to really search pretty lieve that a conceived baby from that munism. He said these words: ‘‘And yet hard to find somebody that is not on- moment is a person. We don’t have the the same revolutionary beliefs for board. technical medical ability to define that which our forebears fought are still at You can go down through this list. I moment at this point, Mr. Speaker, but issue around the globe—the belief that could read these all off, but I think it we can define ‘‘heartbeat,’’ and we have the rights of man come not from the would be a little bit tiresome and done so in the Heartbeat Protection generosity of the state but from the maybe a little bit redundant. I put this Act. hand of God.’’ together. This may be one-third of—or Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman The right to life, defined in our Dec- maybe even one-fourth—of the overall from Pennsylvania (Mr. ROTHFUS), who laration, protected in our Constitution, list of 162 pro-life organizations and has been a leader and a fighter for life and reiterated time and again by lead- leaders that support the Heartbeat bill. since back in the 1980s or so, when I ers across the religious and political It is nearly universal across this coun- was still in the crib. spectrum, applies to every human life. try. Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, I would It is easy to see who is human, if you Of course, we don’t have Planned like to commend Mr. KING for his work look. Parenthood on here. We don’t have the on the Heartbeat Protection Act. It Twenty-six years ago, the late Gov- NARAL here. The National Abortion gives us an opportunity to reflect on ernor Bob Casey from Pennsylvania, Rights Action League is what they some of those bigger issues that we and others, including Sargent Shriver used to be. They say they aren’t any- have going on in our society. and Eunice Kennedy Shriver, signed more, but, yes, they are. This is personal to everybody. We all onto a statement regarding abortion as We have the pro-life organizations have our own stories of when we are in true today as when it was published. here: the people who care about life, a family situation and somebody be- Under the section of that document the people who understand that human comes pregnant. I certainly remember that was titled ‘‘Without a Doubt, a life is sacred in all of its forms, it be- that when my wife and I had our first Human Life,’’ Governor Casey and his gins at the moment of conception, that child. The first visit to the doctor when coauthors observed: we have to protect life from that time you got to hear the heartbeat was just From the beginning, each human embryo on, and that we have a constitutional amazing. has its own unique genetic identity. Three duty to do so. We have an equal protec- I remember also having a subsequent and a half weeks after conception, its heart tion clause in the Fourteenth Amend- appointment where the doctor couldn’t starts beating. At 6 weeks, brain activity can ment of the Constitution that tells us find the heartbeat. We were very con- be detected. At the end of 2 months, the that. cerned, very worried, so they sent us to limbs, fingers, and toes are complete. By 3 But it seems as though the United the hospital. They wanted us to have months, the baby is quite active, forming States Supreme Court, in Roe v. Wade another test. It is a small town we were fists, bending arms, and curling toes. At 4 and Doe v. Bolton, upset that. They de- in. The hospital was where they had months, vocal cords, eyelashes, teeth buds, cided that a right to privacy, which fingernails, and toenails are all present. By 5 the sonogram. My wife and I were pray- months, the baby is sucking its thumb, was a manufactured right—I don’t ing all the way: Please, let this baby be punching, kicking, and going through the think I have it in my memos—but it is okay. motions of crying. By 6 months, it responds Griswold v. Connecticut back in the Well, we got to the hospital and the to light and sound and can recognize its 1960s. It is a decision that a couple had technician did a sonogram, and, lo and mother’s voice.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.104 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1437 The statement went on: floor, and I will vote ‘yes,’ ’’ I think we spending and revenues estimated for each Advocates of unrestricted abortion do not get to ‘‘yes,’’ but we need to bring it fiscal year based on laws enacted or awaiting want the public to focus on these undeniable here. the President’s signature. Table 1 in the report compares the current facts of fetal development, but the facts can- There are concerns that, well, if we levels of total budget authority, outlays, and not be ignored. They may claim that abor- pass it off the floor of the House, the revenues to the overall limits, as adjusted, tion is a violent act, not against potential Senate won’t take it up. Well, we know contained in H. Con. Res. 71, as agreed to on life, but against a living, growing human they won’t take it up if we don’t pass October 26, 2017, for fiscal year 2018, and for being, a life with potential. it off the floor of the House. the 10-year period of fiscal years 2018 Governor Casey subscribed to that There is concern about the Supreme through 2027. This comparison is needed to belief. Court. Of course there is. We have to implement section 311(a) of the Congres- Mr. Speaker, let’s be clear. Inten- sional Budget Act, which establishes a rule challenge the Court. We are going to enforceable with a point of order against tionally stopping a heartbeat is not live with the 1 million abortions a year healthcare. measures that would breach the budget reso- in this country until we are willing to lution’s aggregate levels. The table does not H.R. 490 recognizes what science has challenge the Court and do so success- show budget authority and outlays for years already affirmed: that there is a baby fully. after fiscal year 2018 because appropriations growing in her mother’s womb, one I believe, Mr. Speaker, that we are for those years have not yet been completed. with her own distinct heartbeat. going to see one or two more appoint- Table 2 compares the current levels of Therefore, we have an obligation to budget authority and outlays for legislative ments to this Court in the next 2 or 3 action completed by each authorizing com- protect the most vulnerable among us: or more years, and we need to get the to defend the defenseless. mittee with the limits contained in the bill off the floor, onto the desk of Lead- Statement of Committee Allocations of the How can our country continue to er MCCONNELL so that it has a chance Fiscal Year 2018 Concurrent Resolution on flourish and claim itself as a champion then to go to the President’s desk, the Budget, published in the Congressional of human rights when we allow our so- where I am very confident that Presi- Record on November 2, 2017, for fiscal year ciety to rid ourselves of our own future dent Trump will sign the bill. And then 2018, and for the 10-year period of fiscal years generations? it has a chance to go—I am happy with 2018 through 2027. For fiscal year 2018 and the That is why I came to the floor today 10-year period of fiscal years 2018 through it not being litigated, but we expect it 2027, ‘‘legislative action’’ refers to legisla- to urge support for the Heartbeat Pro- will be litigated like every other effec- tection Act, to give our country a tion enacted after the adoption of the levels tive piece of pro-life legislation. set forth in H. Con. Res. 71 and the State- chance to reflect on some of the deeper I appreciate the attention tonight, ment of Committee Allocations published in questions and deeper values, to walk in Mr. Speaker, and the speakers who the Congressional Record on November 2, solidarity with one another when one have come to the floor to weigh in for 2017. This comparison is needed to enforce encounters a difficult situation, and to innocent, unborn human life and to lay section 302(f) of the Congressional Budget stand in each another’s shoes with em- out the path for the future that we Act, which creates a point of order against pathy. measures that would breach the section have to follow here if we are to answer 302(a) allocation of new budget authority for Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to to God and country for that gift from support this legislation. the committee that reported the measure. It God, which is life, in the first priority, is also needed to implement section 311(b), Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I then liberty, then the pursuit of happi- which exempts committees that comply with thank the gentleman from Pennsyl- ness. their allocations from the point of order vania for his eloquent words. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance under section 311(a). I hadn’t heard the description deliv- of my time. Table 3 compares the current status of dis- ered by Governor Casey in those years cretionary appropriations for fiscal year 2018 back. But Governor Bob Casey—God f with the ‘‘section 302(b)’’ suballocations of rest his soul—captured my attention discretionary budget authority and outlays LEAVE OF ABSENCE among Appropriations subcommittees. The years ago, 20 or more years ago. I had By unanimous consent, leave of ab- comparison is needed to enforce section a quote from Governor Bob Casey, a sence was granted to: 302(f) of the Congressional Budget Act be- Democrat, that I had on my bulletin Mr. POE of Texas (at the request of cause the point of order under that section board that I don’t have to look up any- equally applies to measures that would Mr. MCCARTHY) for after 4 p.m. today more. And it was this: breach the applicable section 302(b) sub- and for the balance of the week on ac- allocation. The table also provides supple- Human life cannot be measured. It is the count of personal reasons. measure itself against which all other things mentary information on spending in excess are weighed. Mr. STIVERS (at the request of Mr. of the base discretionary spending limits al- MCCARTHY) for today and March 7 on lowed under section 251(b) of the Balanced It rang so clear and true to me that account of his duties with the Ohio Na- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act. I cut it out of the magazine and stuck tional Guard. Table 4 compares the levels of changes in it up on the bulletin board. His words mandatory programs (CHIMPs) contained in Mr. DEFAZIO (at the request of Ms. echo in this Chamber today. I wish appropriations acts with the permissible lim- PELOSI) for today on account of flight its on CHIMPs as specified in section 5103 of they echoed in his son over in the Sen- delays. ate the same way they echoed out of H. Con. Res. 71. The comparison is needed to f enforce a rule established in H. Con. Res. 71 the mouth of Governor Bob Casey back against fiscal year 2018 appropriations meas- in those days when he was denied the PUBLICATION OF BUDGETARY ures containing CHIMPs that would breach opportunity to speak before the Demo- MATERIAL the permissible limits for fiscal year 2018. cratic National Convention because he Table 5 displays the current level of ad- is pro-life. And we look today and we STATUS REPORT ON CURRENT SPENDING LEVELS vance appropriations for fiscal year 2019 of OF ON-BUDGET SPENDING AND REVENUES FOR see this issue has been more and more accounts identified for advance appropria- FY2018 AND THE 10-YEAR PERIOD FY2018 tions pursuant to the Statement published in polarized. I hope that we can be more THROUGH FY2027 broad with this and that we can be the Congressional Record on November 2, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, 2017. These tables are needed to enforce a more bipartisan than we are. COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET, rule against appropriations bills containing b 1900 Washington, DC, March 6, 2018. advance appropriations that are: (i) not iden- Hon. PAUL RYAN, tified in the statement of the Chairman pub- We do have bipartisan cosponsorship Speaker, House of Representatives, lished in the Congressional Record on No- on this bill. It is narrow, but it exists. Washington, DC. vember 2, 2017 and (ii) would cause the aggre- I urge, Mr. Speaker, this body to DEAR MR. SPEAKER: To facilitate applica- gate amount of such appropriations to ex- take this bill to the floor. 170 cospon- tion of sections 302 and 311 of the Congres- ceed the level specified in section 5104 of H. sors is further ahead than any com- sional Budget Act, I am transmitting an up- Con. Res. 71. parable piece of pro-life legislation. To dated status report on the current levels of In addition, a letter from the Congres- on-budget spending and revenues for fiscal sional Budget Office is attached that sum- have that many cosponsors and a good year 2018, and for the 10-year period of fiscal marizes and compares the budget impact of number of other Members who have years 2018 through 2027. This status report is legislation enacted after the adoption of the said, ‘‘I am not ready to sign on the current through February 23, 2018. The term budget resolution against the budget resolu- dotted line, but you bring it to the ‘‘current level’’ refers to the amounts of tion aggregates in force.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:25 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.105 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1438 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 If you have any questions, please contact Brad Watson. Sincerely, STEVE WOMACK, Chairman, Committee on the Budget. TABLE 1—REPORT TO THE SPEAKER FROM THE COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET, STATUS OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2018, AND 2018–2027 CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET REFLECTING ACTION COMPLETED AS OF FEBRUARY 23, 2018 [On-budget amounts, in millions of dollars]

Fiscal Year Fiscal Years 2018 1 2018–2027

Appropriate Level: Budget Authority ...... 3,136,721 n.a. Outlays ...... 3,131,688 n a. Revenues ...... 2,490,936 31,171,521 Current Level: Budget Authority ...... 3,314,353 n.a. Outlays ...... 3,244,451 n.a. Revenues ...... 2,503,102 31,096,088 Current Level over (+)/under (¥) Appropriate Level: Budget Authority ...... +177,632 n.a. Outlays ...... +112,763 n.a. Revenues ...... +12,166 ¥75,433 n.a. = Not applicable because annual appropriations Acts for fiscal years 2020 through 2027 will not be considered until future sessions of Congress. 1 The FY2018 Concurrent Resolution on the Budget was agreed to in H. Con. Res 71.


2018 2018–2027 House Committee BA Outlays BA Outlays

Agriculture: 302(a) Allocation ...... ¥2,243 ¥1,991 ¥209,852 ¥206,919 Legislative Action ...... +55 +55 +1,282 +1,369 Difference ...... +2,298 +2,046 +211,134 +208,288 Armed Services: 302(a) Allocation ...... ¥1,651 ¥1,485 ¥32,949 ¥32,601 Legislative Action ...... ¥78 ¥69 ¥1,142 ¥1,082 Difference ...... +1,573 +1,416 +31,807 +31,519 Education and the Workforce: 302(a) Allocation ...... ¥16,809 ¥9,799 ¥353,852 ¥326,214 Legislative Action ...... 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... +16,809 +9,799 +353,852 +326,214 Energy and Commerce: 302(a) Allocation ...... 7,805 ¥24,661 ¥1,652,820 ¥1,656,131 Legislative Action ...... +22,268 +5,408 ¥70,992 ¥140,028 Difference ...... +14,463 +30,069 +1,581,828 +1,516,103 Financial Services: 302(a) Allocation ...... ¥10,980 ¥10,695 ¥124,012 ¥123,666 Legislative Action ...... 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... +10,980 +10,695 +124,012 +123,666 Foreign Affairs: 302(a) Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 Legislative Action ...... 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... 0 0 0 0 Homeland Security: 302(a) Allocation ...... ¥430 ¥193 ¥25,270 ¥24,689 Legislative Action ...... 0 0 ¥3,320 ¥3,320 Difference ...... +430 +193 +21,950 +21,369 House Administration: 302(a) Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 Legislative Action ...... 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... 0 0 0 0 Judiciary: 302(a) Allocation ...... ¥16,098 ¥1,528 ¥67,078 ¥67,178 Legislative Action ...... 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... +16,098 +1,528 +67,078 +67,178 Natural Resources: 302(a) Allocation ...... ¥3,816 ¥3,171 ¥60,417 ¥59,302 Legislative Action ...... +75 +26 ¥379 ¥379 Difference ...... +3,891 +3,197 +60,038 +58,923 Oversight and Government Reform: 302(a) Allocation ...... ¥12,746 ¥12,746 ¥281,830 ¥281,706 Legislative Action ...... 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... +12,746 +12,746 +281,830 +281,706 Science, Space and Technology: 302(a) Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 Legislative Action ...... 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... 0 0 0 0 Small Business: 302(a) Allocation ...... 0 0 0 0 Legislative Action ...... 0 0 0 0 Difference ...... 0 0 0 0 Transportation and Infrastructure: 302(a) Allocation ...... ¥241 ¥193 ¥122,290 ¥3,066 Legislative Action ...... ¥2 ¥2 ¥42 ¥42 Difference ...... +239 +191 +122,248 +3,024 Veterans’ Affairs: 302(a) Allocation ...... ¥748 ¥748 ¥49,022 ¥49,022 Legislative Action ...... +2,100 +1,050 +2,100 +2,100 Difference ...... +2,848 +1,798 +51,122 +51,122 Ways and Means: 302(a) Allocation ...... ¥19,499 ¥19,108 ¥800,344 ¥799,687 Legislative Action ...... ¥8,233 ¥8,584 ¥102,388 ¥87,522 Difference ...... +11,266 +10,524 +697,956 +712,165


Allocations 302(b) for Current Status Current Status General Purpose GWOT GWOT General Purpose 1 GWOT less 302(b) less 302(b) BA OT BA OT BA OT BA OT BA OT BA OT

Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 20,001 21,459 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Commerce, Justice, Science ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 53,935 64,318 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Defense ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 584,169 553,725 75,112 39,395 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Energy and Water Development...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 37,562 38,915 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Financial Services and General Government ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 20,230 22,384 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Homeland Security...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 51,989 48,687 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Interior, Environment...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 31,442 32,090 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Labor, Health and Human Services, Education ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 157,936 168,354 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Legislative Branch...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 3,580 3,697 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Military Construction and Veterans Affairs ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 88,166 84,593 638 6 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. State, Foreign Operations ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 34,469 45,194 12,019 4,725 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Transportation, Housing & Urban Development ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 56,512 120,914 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Full Committee Allowance...... n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Total ...... 1,064,806 1,167,885 76,591 43,121 1,139,991 1,204,330 87,769 44,126 +75,185 +36,445 +11,178 +1,005 General Purpose GWOT Comparison of Total Appropriations and 302(a) allocation BA OT BA OT

302(a) Allocation ...... 1,064,806 1,167,885 76,591 43,121 Total Appropriations ...... 1,139,991 1,204,330 87,769 44,126 Total Appropriations vs 302(a) Allocation ...... +75,185 +36,445 +11,178 +1,005 Memorandum Amounts Emergency Disaster Program Assumed in 302(b) Requirements Funding Integrity Spending in Excess of Base Budget Control Act Caps for Sec 251(b) Designated Categories BA OT BA OT BA OT BA OT

Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA ...... n.a. n.a. 4,868 3,125 0 0 0 0 Commerce, Justice, Science ...... n.a. n.a. 1,199 328 0 0 0 0 Defense ...... n.a. n.a. 4,921 1,087 0 0 0 0 Energy and Water Development ...... n.a. n.a. 17,420 411 0 0 0 0 Financial Services and General Government ...... n.a. n.a. 1,786 1,310 0 0 0 0 Homeland Security ...... n.a. n.a. 59,323 21,709 6,793 340 0 0 Interior, Environment ...... n.a. n.a. 1,278 920 0 0 0 0 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education ...... n.a. n.a. 3,987 1,762 0 0 1,896 1,576 Legislative Branch ...... n.a. n.a. 14 11 0 0 0 0 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs ...... n.a. n.a. 1,014 66 0 0 0 0 State, Foreign Operations ...... n.a. n.a. 0 3 0 0 0 0 Transportation, Housing & Urban Development ...... n.a. n.a. 29,829 921 0 0 0 0 Totals ...... 0 0 125,639 31,653 6,793 340 1,896 1,576 1 Spending designated as emergency is not included in the current status of appropriations shown in this table. TABLE 4—CURRENT LEVEL OF FY 2018 CHIMPS SUBJECT TABLE 5—2019 ADVANCE APPROPRIATIONS PURSUANT TO U.S. CONGRESS, TO H. CON. RES. 71, SECTION 5103 LIMITS (IN MIL- SECTION 5104 OF H. CON. RES. 71 AS OF FEBRUARY CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, LIONS) AS OF FEBRUARY 23, 2018 23, 2018—Continued Washington, DC, February 27, 2018. Hon. STEVE WOMACK, [Budget Authority, millions] Chairman, Committee on the Budget, Appropriations Bill Budget Authority Veterans Accounts Identified for Advance Appropriations 2019 House of Representatives, Washington, DC. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The enclosed report Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA ...... 0 Enacted Advances: Commerce, Justice, Science ...... 0 Accounts Identified for Advances: shows the effects of Congressional action on Defense ...... 0 Department of Veterans Affairs Energy and Water Development ...... 0 Veterans Medical Services ...... 0 the fiscal year 2018 budget and is current Financial Services and General Government ...... 0 Veterans Medical Support and Compliance ...... 0 through February 23, 2018. This report is sub- Homeland Security ...... 0 Veterans Medical Facilities ...... 0 mitted under section 308(b) and in aid of sec- Interior, Environment ...... 0 Veterans Medical Community Care ...... 0 Subtotal, enacted advances ...... 0 tion 311 of the Congressional Budget Act, as Labor, Health and Human Services, Education ...... 0 ¥ Legislative Branch ...... 0 Enacted Advances vs. Section 601(d)(1) Limit ...... 70,699 amended. Military Construction and Veterans Affairs ...... 0 Accounts Identified for Advance Appropriations 2019 State, Foreign Operations ...... 0 The estimates of budget authority, out- Transportation, Housing & Urban Development ...... 0 Appropriate Level ...... 28,852 lays, and revenues are consistent with the Enacted Advances: Total CHIMP’s Subject to Limit ...... 0 Accounts Identified for Advances: technical and economic assumptions of H. H. Con. Res.71, Section 5103 Limit for FY 2018 ...... 19,100 Employment and Training Administration ...... 0 Con. Res. 71, the Concurrent Resolution on Total CHIMP’s vs. Limit ...... ¥19,100 Education for the Disadvantaged ...... 0 School Improvement ...... 0 the Budget for Fiscal Year 2018. Special Education ...... 0 This is CBO’s first current level report for TABLE 5—2019 ADVANCE APPROPRIATIONS PURSUANT TO Career, Technical and Adult Education ...... 0 Tenant-based Rental Assistance ...... 0 fiscal year 2018. SECTION 5104 OF H. CON. RES. 71 AS OF FEBRUARY Project-based Rental Assistance ...... 0 Sincerely, Subtotal, enacted advances 1 ...... 0 23, 2018 Enacted Advances vs. Section 601(d)(2) Limit ...... ¥28,852 KEITH HALL, [Budget Authority, millions] Director. Previously Enacted Advance Appropriations 2019 Enclosure. Veterans Accounts Identified for Advance Appropriations 2019 Corporation for Public Broadcasting ...... 445 Total, enacted advances ...... 445 Appropriate Level ...... 70,699 FISCAL YEAR 2018 HOUSE CURRENT LEVEL REPORT THROUGH FEBRUARY 23, 2018 [In millions of dollars]

Budget authority Outlays Revenues

Previously Enacted abc Revenues ...... n.a. n.a. 2,658,139 Permanents and other spending legislation ...... 2,070,788 1,985,384 n.a. Appropriation legislation ...... 0 513,307 n.a. Offsetting receipts ...... ¥866,685 ¥866,685 n.a.

Total, Previously Enacted ...... 1,204.103 1,632,006 2,658,139 Enacted Legislation b National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (P.L. 115–91) ...... ¥33 ¥24 0 CHIP and Public Health Funding Extension Act (P.L. 115–96, Division C) ...... 705 205 0 An act to amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 . . . and for other purposes (P.L. 115–96, Division D) ...... 2,100 1,050 0 An act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to title II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018 (P.L. 115–97) ...... ¥8,600 ¥8,600 ¥143,800

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:31 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.029 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1440 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 FISCAL YEAR 2018 HOUSE CURRENT LEVEL REPORT THROUGH FEBRUARY 23, 2018—Continued [In millions of dollars]

Budget authority Outlays Revenues

An act making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes (P.L. 115–120, Divisions C and D) ...... 14,509 1,203 ¥1,263 Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (P.L. 115–123, Divisions A and C–G) d ...... 7,504 4,050 ¥9,974 Further Extension of Continuing Appropriations Act 2018 (P.L. 115–123, Division B, Subdivision 3) d ...... ¥315 ¥315 0 Total, Enacted Legislation ...... 15,870 ¥2,431 ¥155,037 Continuing Resolution cd Further Extension of Continuing Appropriations Act, 2018 (P.L. 115–123, Division B, Subdivision 3) ...... 1,085,570 627,733 0 Entitlements and Mandatories Budget resolution estimates of appropriated entitlements and other mandatory programs ...... 1,008,810 987,143 0 Total Current Level ce ...... 3,314,353 3,244,451 2,503,102 Total House Resolution ...... 3,136,721 3,131,688 2,490,936 Current Level Over House Resolution ...... 177,632 112,763 12,166 Current Level Under House Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. Memorandum Revenues, 2018–2027 House Current Level ...... n.a. n.a. 31,096,088 House Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. 31,171,521 Current Level Over House Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. Current Level Under House Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. 75,433 Source Congressional Budget Office. Notes: n.a. = not applicable, P.L. = Public Law. a Includes the budgetary effects of the following acts that affect budget authority, outlays, or revenues and were cleared by the Congress during the 1st session of the 115th Congress, but before the adoption of H. Con. Res. 71, the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018 the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 (P.L. 115–46); the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017 (P.L. 115–48); a joint resolution granting the consent and approval of Congress for the Commonwealth of Virginia, the State of Maryland, and the District of Columbia to enter into a compact relating to the establishment of the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission (P.L. 115–54); the Continuing Appropriations Act 2018 and Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements Act, 2017 (P.L. 115–56); the Emergency Aid to American Survivors of Hurricanes Irma and Jose Overseas Act (P.L. 115–57); the De- partment of Veterans Affairs Expiring Authorities Act of 2017 (P.L. 115–62); the Disaster Tax Relief and Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2017 (P.L. 115–63); the Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria Education Relief Act of 2017 (P.L. 115–64); and the Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements Act, 2017 (P.L. 115–72). b Pursuant to section 314(d) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (Congressional Budget Act), amounts designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Deficit Control Act) shall not count for purposes of Title III and Title IV of the Congressional Budget Act, and are excluded from current level totals In addition, emergency funding designated that was not designated pursuant to the Deficit Control Act does not count for certain budgetary enforcement purposes Those amounts, which are not included in the current level totals, are as follows: Budget authority Outlays Revenues Pursuant to Section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Deficit Control Act: Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements Act 2017 (P.L. 115–56, Division B) ...... 0 3,406 0 Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements Act, 2017 (P.L. 115–72) ...... 36,517 16,256 0 Department of Defense Missile Defeat and Defense Enhancements Appropriations Act, 2018 (P.L. 115–96, Division B) ...... 4,686 803 0 Further Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements Act, 2018 (P.L. 115–123, Division B, Subdivision 1) ...... 84,436 11,185 0 Subtotal, Deficit Control Act emergency requirements ...... 125,639 31,650 0 Other Emergency Requirements Disaster Tax Relief and Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2017 (P.L. 115–63) ...... 263 263 0 Bipartisan Budget Act, 2018 (P.L. 115–123, Division B, Subdivision 2) ...... 2,217 1,469 ¥509 Subtotal, other emergency requirements ...... 2,480 1,732 ¥509 Total, amounts designated as emergency requirements ...... 128,119 33,382 ¥509 c Pursuant to sections 1001–1004 of the 21st Century Cures Act (P.L. 114–255), certain funding provided to the Department of Health and Human Services—in particular the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health—in 2017 through 2026 shall not count for the purposes of the Deficit Control Act or the Congressional Budget Act The amounts shown in this report do not include $866 million in budget authority and $706 million in estimated outlays from such amounts. d The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (P.L. 115–123) contains seven divisions Division A, Subdivision 2 of Division B, and Divisions C–F contain authorizing legislation, of which the budgetary effects of Subdivision 2 of Division B were designated as being for emergency requirements. Subdivisions 1 and 3 of Division B contain appropriations legislation Subdivision 1 provided supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2018 for disaster relief and designated those amounts as being for emergency requirements; Subdivision 3 provided continuing appropriations until March 23, 2018, while Section 158 provided authority, for the duration of fiscal year 2018, for the Secretary of Energy to draw down and sell crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Division G of P.L. 115–123 provided for the budgetary treatment of Divisions A–F. e For purposes of enforcing section 311 of the Congressional Budget Act in the House, the resolution, as approved by the House of Representatives, does not include budget authonty, outlays, or revenues for off-budget amounts. As a re- sult, current level does not include these items.

ENROLLED BILL SIGNED the Corporation’s 2017 Annual Report, pursu- and for other purposes; with an amendment ant to 12 U.S.C. 1827(a)(2); September 21, 1950, (Rept. 115–587, Pt. 1). Referred to the Com- Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, ch. 967, Sec. 2(17)(a) (as amended by Public mittee of the Whole House on the state of reported and found truly enrolled a bill Law 101-73, Sec. 220(a)); (103 Stat. 263) and 31 the Union. of the House of the following title, U.S.C. 1115(b); Public Law 111-352, Sec. 3; (124 Mr. HENSARLING: Committee on Finan- which was thereupon signed by the Stat. 3867); to the Committee on Oversight cial Services. H.R. 1116. A bill to require the Speaker: and Government Reform. Federal financial institutions regulatory agencies to take risk profiles and business H.R. 3656. An act to amend title 38, United 4182. A letter from the Assistant Secretary for Legislation, Department of Health and models of institutions into account when States Code, to provide for a consistent eligi- taking regulatory actions, and for other pur- bility date for provision of Department of Human Services, transmitting the Depart- ment’s report entitled, ‘‘Computation of An- poses (Rept. 115–588). Referred to the Com- Veterans Affairs memorial headstones and mittee of the Whole House on the state of markers for eligible spouses and dependent nual Liability Insurance (Including Self-In- surance), No-Fault Insurance, and Workers’ the Union. children of veterans whose remains are un- Mr. HENSARLING: Committee on Finan- available. Compensation Settlement Recovery Thresh- old’’, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1395y(b)(9)(D); cial Services. H.R. 4545. A bill to amend the f Aug. 14, 1935, ch. 531, title XVIII, Sec. Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Act of 1978 to improve the examina- ADJOURNMENT 1862(b)(9)(D) (as added by Public Law 112-242, Sec. 202(a)(2)); (126 Stat. 2379); jointly to the tion of depository institutions, and for other Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I Committees on Energy and Commerce and purposes (Rept. 115–589). Referred to the Ways and Means. Committee of the Whole House on the state move that the House do now adjourn. of the Union. The motion was agreed to; accord- f DISCHARGE OF COMMITTEE ingly (at 7 o’clock and 1 minute p.m.), REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XIII, the under its previous order, the House ad- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Committees on Transportation and In- journed until tomorrow, Wednesday, Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of frastructure and Oversight and Govern- March 7, 2018, at 10 a.m. for morning- ment Reform discharged from further hour debate. committees were delivered to the Clerk for printing and reference to the proper consideration. H.R. 4986 referred to the f calendar, as follows: Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, Mr. WALDEN: Committee on Energy and ETC. Commerce. H.R. 4986. A bill to amend the f Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive Communications Act of 1934 to reauthorize PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS appropriations for the Federal Communica- communications were taken from the tions Commission, to provide for certain pro- Under clause 2 of rule XII, public Speaker’s table and referred as follows: cedural changes to the rules of the Commis- bills and resolutions of the following 4181. A letter from the Chairman, Federal sion to maximize opportunities for public titles were introduced and severally re- Deposit Insurance Corporation, transmitting participation and efficient decisionmaking, ferred, as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:25 Mar 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.035 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE March 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1441 By Mr. TIPTON (for himself and Ms. By Mr. GALLEGO (for himself, Mr. TED CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY KUSTER of New Hampshire): LIEU of California, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. STATEMENT H.R. 5171. A bill to amend the Omnibus BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsylvania, Parks and Public Lands Management Act of Mrs. LAWRENCE, and Ms. JAYAPAL): Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of 1996 to provide for the establishment of a Ski H.R. 5182. A bill to require annual reports the Rules of the House of Representa- Area Fee Retention Account; to the Com- on funds expended by the Federal Govern- tives, the following statements are sub- mittee on Agriculture, and in addition to the ment with the Trump Organization, and for mitted regarding the specific powers Committee on Natural Resources, for a pe- other purposes; to the Committee on Over- granted to Congress in the Constitu- riod to be subsequently determined by the sight and Government Reform. tion to enact the accompanying bill or Speaker, in each case for consideration of ´ ´ By Miss GONZALEZ-COLON of Puerto joint resolution. such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- Rico (for herself, Mr. SOTO, and Mr. tion of the committee concerned. KING of New York): By Mr. TIPTON: By Mr. O’HALLERAN (for himself and H.R. 5183. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- H.R. 5171. Mr. PEARCE): enue Code of 1986 to apply the rules related Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 5172. A bill to assist Indian tribes in to the treatment of certain qualified film lation pursuant to the following: Article IV, Section 3, ‘‘The Congress shall maintaining, expanding, and deploying and television and live theatrical produc- broadband systems; to the Committee on Ag- have power to dispose of and make all need- tions to Puerto Rico; to the Committee on riculture, and in addition to the Committee ful rules and regulations respecting the ter- Ways and Means. on Energy and Commerce, for a period to be ritory or other property belonging to the By Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM subsequently determined by the Speaker, in United States;’’ of New Mexico: each case for consideration of such provi- By Mr. O’HALLERAN: H.R. 5184. A bill to amend the Food Secu- sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the H.R. 5172. rity Act of 1985 to improve conservation committee concerned. Congress has the power to enact this legis- practice standards, and for other purposes; By Mr. CICILLINE (for himself, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: to the Committee on Agriculture. VALADAO, and Mr. COSTA): Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 By Mr. MEADOWS: H.R. 5173. A bill to include Portugal in the By Mr. CICILLINE: list of foreign states whose nationals are eli- H.R. 5185. A bill to make supplemental ap- H.R. 5173. gible for admission into the United States as propriations for the Cops in Schools program Congress has the power to enact this legis- E-1 and E-2 nonimmigrants if United States for fiscal year 2018; to the Committee on Ap- lation pursuant to the following: nationals are treated similarly by the Gov- propriations. Article 1, Section 8 ernment of Portugal; to the Committee on By Mr. MEADOWS: By Mr. WALBERG: the Judiciary. H.R. 5186. A bill to amend the definition of H.R. 5174. By Mr. WALBERG (for himself and Mr. a school resource officer to include certain Congress has the power to enact this legis- RUSH): veterans; to the Committee on the Judiciary, lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5174. A bill to amend the Department and in addition to the Committee on Edu- Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. of Energy Organization Act with respect to cation and the Workforce, for a period to be Constitution, which gives Congress the functions assigned to Assistant Secretaries, subsequently determined by the Speaker, in power to ‘‘regulate commerce with foreign and for other purposes; to the Committee on each case for consideration of such provi- nations, and among the several states, and Energy and Commerce. sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the with the Indian tribes.’’ By Mr. UPTON (for himself and Mr. committee concerned. By Mr. UPTON: LOEBSACK): By Mr. WALKER (for himself, Mr. H.R. 5175. H.R. 5175. A bill to require the Secretary of BUTTERFIELD, Mr. HOLDING, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Energy to carry out a program relating to JONES, Mr. PRICE of North Carolina, lation pursuant to the following: physical security and cybersecurity for pipe- Ms. FOXX, Mr. HUDSON, Mr. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. lines and liquefied natural gas facilities; to PITTENGER, Mr. MCHENRY, Mr. MEAD- Constitution, which gives Congress the the Committee on Energy and Commerce. OWS, and Mr. BUDD): power to ‘‘regulate commerce with foreign By Mr. MCKINLEY (for himself and Mr. H.R. 5187. A bill to designate the facility of nations, and among the several states, and MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsylvania): the United States Postal Service located at with the Indian tribes.’’ H.R. 5176. A bill to require the Secretary of 1585 Yanceyville Street, Greensboro, North By Mr. MCKINLEY: Health and Human Services to provide co- Carolina, as the ‘‘J. Howard Coble Post Of- H.R. 5176. ordinated care to patients who have experi- fice Building’’; to the Committee on Over- Congress has the power to enact this legis- enced a non-fatal overdose after emergency sight and Government Reform. lation pursuant to the following: room discharge, and for other purposes; to By Mr. WALZ: Article I, Section 8, Clause 3: Congress the Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5188. A bill to amend the Food Secu- shall have the Power . . . ‘‘to regulate Com- By Mr. KNIGHT (for himself and Mrs. rity Act of 1985 with respect to land steward- merce with foreign Nations, and among the MURPHY of Florida): ship, and for other purposes; to the Com- H.R. 5177. A bill to amend title 10, United several States, and with the Indian tribes.’’ mittee on Agriculture. States Code, to authorize the Secretary of By Mr. KNIGHT: By Mr. CROWLEY: Defense, in awarding a contract for the pro- H.R. 5177. curement of goods or services, to give a pref- H. Res. 764. A resolution electing Members Congress has the power to enact this legis- erence to offerors that employ veterans, and to a certain standing committee of the lation pursuant to the following: for other purposes; to the Committee on House of Representatives; considered and Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 Armed Services. agreed to. considered and agreed to. and ´ By Ms. BASS (for herself, Ms. Artile I, Section 8, Clause 18 By Ms. VELAZQUEZ: ´ H.R. 5178. A bill to amend the Small Busi- BONAMICI, Mr. KING of New York, Ms. By Ms. VELAZQUEZ: ness Act to provide for small business con- SCHAKOWSKY, and Ms. MATSUI): H.R. 5178. cerns located in Puerto Rico, and for other H. Res. 765. A resolution expressing support Congress has the power to enact this legis- purposes; to the Committee on Small Busi- for the designation of May 15, 2018, as ‘‘Na- lation pursuant to the following: ness. tional Senior Fraud Awareness Day’’ to raise Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 By Ms. BARRAGA´ N: awareness about the barrage of fraud at- The Congress shall have Power * * * To H.R. 5179. A bill to direct the Secretary of tempts that seniors face, to encourage the regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, Homeland Security to coordinate a National implementation of policies to prevent these and among the several States, and with the Cyber Hacking Competition for high school scams from happening, and to improve pro- Indian Tribes. students, and for other purposes; to the Com- tections from these scams for seniors; to the By Ms. BARRAGA´ N: mittee on Education and the Workforce. Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5179. By Ms. DELAURO (for herself and Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: CLARK of Massachusetts): f H.R. 5180. A bill to amend the Fair Labor Article I Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution Standards Act of 1938 to provide protections ‘‘All legislative powers herein granted for emloyees receving tips, and for other pur- PRIVATE BILLS AND shall be vested in a Congress of the United poses; to the Committee on Education and RESOLUTIONS States, which shall consist of a Senate and the Workforce. House of Representatives.’’ By Mr. FASO: Under clause 3 of rule XII, By Ms. DELAURO: H.R. 5181. A bill to require certain licens- Mr. SCHNEIDER introduced a bill (H.R. H.R. 5180. ees under the Federal Power Act make an- 5189) to authorize the President to award the Congress has the power to enact this legis- nual payments to the county in which a li- Medal of Honor to Francis E. Normoyle for lation pursuant to the following: censed hydropower facility is located, and acts of valor during the Korean War while a Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the United for other purposes; to the Committee on En- member of the Navy; which was referred to States Constitution and Article I, Section 8, ergy and Commerce. the Committee on Armed Services. Clause 1 of the United States Constitution.

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By Mr. FASO: By Mr. SCHNEIDER: H.R. 3867: Mr. MCGOVERN. H.R. 5181. H.R. 5189. H.R. 3871: Mr. KATKO. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3889: Mr. CULBERSON. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4052: Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. According to Article I, Section 8 of the Article I, Section 8. H.R. 4058: Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. United States Constitution f H.R. 4090: Mr. ROKITA. By Mr. GALLEGO: H.R. 4099: Ms. JUDY CHU of California, Mr. H.R. 5182. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS SMITH of Washington, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- GOHMERT, and Mr. BYRNE. lation pursuant to the following: Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 4101: Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 H.R. 4143: Mrs. TORRES. ´ ´ By Miss GONZALEZ-COLON of Puerto tions, as follows: H.R. 4177: Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto Rico: H.R. 22: Mr. PALAZZO and Mr. GAETZ. Rico. H.R. 5183. H.R. 103: Mr. DEFAZIO, Mrs. DEMINGS, Ms. H.R. 4198: Ms. JACKSON LEE, Mr. CUMMINGS, Congress has the power to enact this legis- MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New Mexico, Mr. CAPUANO, and Ms. KUSTER of New Hamp- lation pursuant to the following: Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas, Mr. DONOVAN, and shire. The Congress has the power to enact this Mr. PETERSON. H.R. 4223: Mr. DENT. legislation pursuant to Article I, Section 8, H.R. 299: Mr. COLLINS of New York. H.R. 4238: Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Clauses 1, 3, and 18 of the U.S. Constitution, H.R. 350: Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. H.R. 4245: Mr. LAMBORN. which provide as follows: H.R. 362: Mr. KHANNA. H.R. 4265: Mr. SCHWEIKERT and Mr. MEE- The Congress shall have Power To lay and H.R. 394: Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina. HAN. collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, H.R. 440: Mr. GAETZ. H.R. 4373: Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. to pay the Debts and provide for the common H.R. 681: Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. H.R. 4444: Ms. TSONGAS and Mr. SCHNEIDER. Defence and general Welfare of the United H.R. 807: Mr. ESPAILLAT. H.R. 4471: Mr. DIAZ-BALART. States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises H.R. 809: Mr. BILIRAKIS, Mr. WELCH, and H.R. 4486: Mr. CHABOT. shall be uniform throughout the United Mr. LAMALFA. H.R. 4489: Mr. WALZ. States; [. . .] H.R. 881: Mr. THORNBERRY and Mr. H.R. 4527: Ms. TITUS. To regulate Commerce with foreign Na- SWALWELL of California. H.R. 4573: Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. KEATING, Ms. tions, and among the several States, and H.R. 911: Mr. NOLAN and Mr. HIGGINS of JACKSON LEE, Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, and Mr. with the Indian Tribes; [. . .]—And New York. RUIZ. To make all laws which shall be necessary H.R. 930: Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto H.R. 4575: Mr. MESSER, Mr. MARCHANT, and and proper for carrying into Execution the Rico, Mr. PANETTA, Mr. LEWIS of Minnesota, Mr. ROKITA. foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vest- Ms. BARRAGA´ N, and Mr. PERLMUTTER. H.R. 4635: Mrs. RADEWAGEN. ed by this Constitution in the Government of H.R. 1120: Ms. SHEA-PORTER and Mrs. WAT- H.R. 4659: Mr. CONAWAY and Mr. PETERSON. the United States, or in any Department or SON COLEMAN. H.R. 4677: Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Officer thereof H.R. 1156: Mr. DUFFY. H.R. 4681: Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. Moreover, the Congress has the power to H.R. 1223: Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of H.R. 4703: Mr. GAETZ. enact this legislation pursuant to Article IV, New Mexico. H.R. 4706: Mr. TIPTON. Section 3, which provides, in relevant part, H.R. 1276: Mr. GOMEZ, Mr. BROWN of Mary- H.R. 4720: Mr. MARSHALL, Mr. BOST, and as follows: land, Mr. THOMPSON of California, Mr. Mr. VALADAO. The Congress shall have Power to dispose LOWENTHAL, and Mrs. NAPOLITANO. H.R. 4732: Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee, Mr. of and make all needful Rules and Regula- H.R. 1439: Mr. HIMES. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. GRIJALVA, and Mr. tions respecting the Territory or other Prop- H.R. 1484: Ms. LEE. BUTTERFIELD. erty belonging to the United States; and H.R. 1615: Mr. PETERS, Miss RICE of New H.R. 4747: Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida. nothing in this Constitution shall be so con- York, and Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mex- H.R. 4772: Mr. PAULSEN. strued as to Prejudice any Claims of the ico. H.R. 4779: Mr. JOYCE of Ohio. United States, or of any particular State. H.R. 1683: Mr. MARSHALL. H.R. 4800: Mr. CURBELO of Florida and Mr. By Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM H.R. 1697: Mr. CURTIS, Mr. YOHO, Ms. JACK- STIVERS. of New Mexico: SON LEE, Mr. TIPTON, and Mr. MEADOWS. H.R. 4808: Mr. DESANTIS. H.R. 5184. H.R. 1734: Mr. BARR and Mr. MAST. H.R. 4811: Mr. O’HALLERAN, Mr. CORREA, Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1772: Mr. MAST. Ms. JAYAPAL, Mr. CRIST, Mr. BERA, Mr. TED lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1828: Mr. ROKITA. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the United LIEU of California, Ms. KELLY of Illinois, and H.R. 1904: Mr. ROKITA. States Constitution Mr. NADLER. H.R. 1905: Mr. CRIST. By Mr. MEADOWS: H.R. 4821: Mr. ROSS and Mr. SMITH of New H.R. 5185. H.R. 1972: Mr. MARSHALL and Mr. BOST. Jersey. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2044: Ms. KELLY of Illinois. H.R. 4828: Mr. PETERSON, Ms. SINEMA, and lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2069: Mr. CARSON of Indiana and Mr. Mr. NUNES. Article 1, Section 8, Clause I states, ‘‘The DAVIDSON. H.R. 4841: Mrs. WALORSKI, Mr. MARSHALL, Congress shall have Power To . . . provide H.R. 2259: Ms. MCCOLLUM. and Mr. ROKITA. for the common Defence and general Welfare H.R. 2285: Mr. CRAMER. H.R. 4846: Ms. TITUS, Mr. KIHUEN, Mr. of the United States. . . .’’ H.R. 2358: Ms. SPEIER and Mr. MOULTON. SCOTT of Virginia, Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, By Mr. MEADOWS: H.R. 2452: Mr. CAPUANO and Mr. KENNEDY. and Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. H.R. 5186. H.R. 2803: Ms. LOFGREN. H.R. 4878: Mr. RUSH and Mr. PETERSON. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2856: Mr. SUOZZI. H.R. 4886: Mr. ROE of Tennessee and Mr. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2886: Ms. JACKSON LEE. ROKITA. Aritice 1, Section 8, Clause I states, ‘‘The H.R. 3207: Ms. BROWNLEY of California, Mr. H.R. 4888: Ms. TSONGAS. Congress shall have Power To . . . provide CAPUANO, Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts, Mr. H.R. 4909: Mr. MITCHELL, Mr. BLUM, Mr. for the common Defense and general Welfare COHEN, Mr. DEFAZIO, Ms. DELBENE, Mr. DOG- COLE, Ms. TENNEY, Mr. TIPTON, Ms. of the United States . . .’’ And; Article 1, GETT, Ms. NORTON, Mr. KHANNA, Mr. KING of MCSALLY, Mrs. HANDEL, Mr. BISHOP of Michi- Section 8, Clause 18 states, ‘‘The Congress New York, Ms. LOFGREN, Mrs. CAROLYN B. gan, Mr. TAYLOR, Mr. FASO, Mr. UPTON, Mr. shall have Power To . . . make all Laws MALONEY of New York, Mr. O’ROURKE, Miss NEWHOUSE, Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana, Ms. which shall be necessary and proper for car- RICE of New York, Mr. RUIZ, Ms. SPEIER, Mr. SINEMA, Mr. KHANNA, and Mr. LOBIONDO. rying into Execution the foregoing Powers, VISCLOSKY, Ms. WILSON of Florida, Mr. H.R. 4910: Mr. SCALISE. and all other Powers vested by this Constitu- ESPAILLAT, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, and Mr. NAD- H.R. 4912: Ms. BONAMICI. tion in the Government of the United States, LER. H.R. 4916: Mr. SMITH of Missouri and Mr. or in any Department or Officer thereof.’’ H.R. 3391: Mr. ROE of Tennessee. BARLETTA. By Mr. WALKER: H.R. 3497: Mr. MEADOWS and Mr. LAMBORN. H.R. 4932: Ms. HANABUSA, Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ, H.R. 5187. H.R. 3592: Mr. RUSH. and Mr. ESPAILLAT. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3611: Mrs. LOVE. H.R. 4940: Mr. KING of New York. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3613: Mrs. DEMINGS and Ms. JAYAPAL. H.R. 4944: Ms. SA´ NCHEZ. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7: To establish H.R. 3637: Mr. MOULTON. H.R. 4995: Ms. JAYAPAL. post offices and post roads. H.R. 3641: Mr. GROTHMAN. H.R. 5002: Mr. WELCH. By Mr. WALZ: H.R. 3681: Mr. LARSON of Connecticut, Ms. H.R. 5006: Mr. ROE of Tennessee. H.R. 5188. ROSEN, and Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. H.R. 5012: Mr. MITCHELL. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3773: Mr. DEFAZIO. H.R. 5022: Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3784: Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. H.R. 5031: Ms. STEFANIK and Mr. KILMER. This bill can be enacted pursuant to Arti- H.R. 3790: Mr. BARR, Mr. MACARTHUR, and H.R. 5042: Ms. ROSEN. cle I Section 8 Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida. H.R. 5062: Ms. SLAUGHTER.

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H.R. 5083: Mr. KENNEDY and Mr. HIGGINS of Mr. COHEN, Mr. CUMMINGS, Mr. DANNY K. land, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, Mr. CARSON of Indi- New York. DAVIS of Illinois, Mrs. DEMINGS, Mr. MICHAEL ana, Mr. CLAY, Ms. CLARKE of New York, Mr. H.R. 5085: Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. F. DOYLE of Pennsylvania, Mr. ELLISON, Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. CLYBURN, Mr. COHEN, Mr. CUM- DDIE ERNICE OHNSON H.R. 5086: Ms. E B J of EVANS, Ms. FUDGE, Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, MINGS, Mr. COSTA, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Il- Texas. Mr. HASTINGS, Ms. JACKSON LEE, Ms. linois, Mrs. DEMINGS, Mr. DESAULNIER, Mr. H.R. 5104: Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER and Mr. JAYAPAL, Mr. JEFFRIES, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsylvania, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, ELLISON, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Mr. EVANS, Mr. H.R. 5106: Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Ms. Ms. KELLY of Illinois, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Ms. GENE GREEN of Texas, Ms. FUDGE, Mr. HAS- WILSON of Florida, Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALO- LEE, Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. LOWENTHAL, TINGS, Mr. KHANNA, Mr. KIHUEN, Ms. KELLY NEY of New York, Mr. KIHUEN, Mr. CAPUANO, Mr. MCEACHIN, Mr. MEEKS, Ms. MOORE, Ms. of Illinois, Ms. JACKSON LEE, Ms. JAYAPAL, and Mr. DESAULNIER. NORTON, Mr. PAYNE, Ms. PLASKETT, Mr. RICH- H.R. 5116: Mr. GALLAGHER. Mr. JEFFRIES, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of MOND, Mr. RUSH, Ms. SEWELL of Alabama, H.R. 5129: Mr. HULTGREN. OHNSON AWSON Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. SCOTT of Texas, Mr. J of Georgia, Mr. L H.R. 5132: Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. SHERMAN, Virginia, Mr. SMITH of Washington, Mr. of Florida, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Ms. LEE, Mr. Mr. SUOZZI, Mr. GOTTHEIMER, Ms. SINEMA, THOMPSON of Mississippi, Mr. VEASEY, Mrs. LEWIS of Georgia, Mrs. LOVE, Mr. Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. VARGAS, Mr. WATSON COLEMAN, Ms. MAXINE WATERS of LOWENTHAL, Mr. MCEACHIN, Mr. MEEKS, Ms. SCHNEIDER, Ms. GRANGER, Mr. CULBERSON, California, and Ms. WILSON of Florida. MOORE, Ms. NORTON, Mr. RICHMOND, Mr. Mrs. LOWEY, Mr. CICILLINE, Mr. SIRES, Mr. H. Res. 128: Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN, Ms. RUSH, Ms. SEWELL of Alabama, Mr. DAVID SCHIFF, Mr. DEUTCH, Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. JAYAPAL, and Mr. CLEAVER. SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, Mr. YOUNG of Iowa, Mr. KEATING, Mr. SMITH of H. Res. 199: Mr. RUTHERFORD. SMITH of Washington, Mr. THOMPSON of Mis- New Jersey, Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- H. Res. 257: Mr. VALADAO. sissippi, Mr. PAYNE, Ms. PLASKETT, Mr. sylvania, Mr. KILMER, Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. H. Res. 344: Mr. MACARTHUR. VEASEY, Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN, Ms. MAXINE BARR, and Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida. H. Res. 361: Mr. HASTINGS. H.R. 5140: Mr. COLE. H. Res. 576: Mr. BISHOP of Utah and Mr. WATERS of California, and Ms. WILSON of H. Con. Res. 10: Mr. MCGOVERN. CURTIS. Florida. H. Con. Res. 108: Ms. ADAMS, Ms. H. Res. 632: Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. H. Res. 760: Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, BARRAGA´ N, Ms. BASS, Mrs. BEATTY, Mr. H. Res. 697: Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Mr. RASKIN, and Miss RICE of New York. BISHOP of Georgia, Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER, H. Res. 752: Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. BROWN of Maryland, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, H. Res. 755: Ms. ADAMS, Ms. BARRAGA´ N, Ms. H. Res. 761: Ms. MATSUI, Mr. KHANNA, Mr. Mr. CARSON of Indiana, Ms. CLARKE of New BASS, Mrs. BEATTY, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, LARSON of Connecticut, Mr. GRIJALVA, Ms. York, Mr. CLAY, Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. CLYBURN, Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER, Mr. BROWN of Mary- JUDY CHU of California, and Mr. PANETTA.

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