E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 2018 No. 39 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was And guess what? The cynics were brought to him and he rejected them, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- right, and Congress has taken no ac- saying that he wanted to eliminate pore (Mr. HARPER). tion. There have been a few attempts, various types of legal immigration ave- f but the reality is that Congress has not nues used by people, especially people passed a bill, and the opportunities for of color and people from the developing DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO us to pass a bill are dwindling. world. Without these massive cuts to TEMPORE How did we get here? How is it that legal immigration, the President just The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- we always end up here when it comes wasn’t interested. fore the House the following commu- to immigration? And we offered him money for his nication from the Speaker: Well, it has been a failure of both silly, mindless, stupid, dimwitted, rac- WASHINGTON, DC, parties to act, to compromise, and to ist wall, but he rejected that, too. March 6, 2018. legislate. But let’s be honest, the Presi- In the end, this is not about Dream- I hereby appoint the Honorable GREGG dent doesn’t want these immigrants in ers, it is not about the wall, it is not HARPER to act as Speaker pro tempore on this country, and Republicans in Con- about border security. Do you know this day. gress only want to do what the Presi- what it is about? It is about a deeply PAUL D. RYAN, dent wants them to do because they held core belief of the President, and Speaker of the House of Representatives. fear his tweets and the effect it might many of his advisers, that there are f have on their voters in November. just too many people of color coming MORNING-HOUR DEBATE The President said he loved Dream- legally to the United States. There are ers. Remember? He wanted to preserve too many family members of immi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- DACA and treat them ‘‘with heart.’’ He grants, unless those immigrants are ant to the order of the House of Janu- said he wanted to give a pathway to members of Trump’s own family. ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- citizenship for Dreamers, and he told a It is clear that the President doesn’t nize Members from lists submitted by group of lawmakers on national tele- want immigrants who look like the di- the majority and minority leaders for vision that he would take the political verse and colorful fabric of the world. morning-hour debate. heat and sign whatever bipartisan ap- And he doesn’t want Dreamers who The Chair will alternate recognition proach they were able to come up with, were raised in the U.S. alongside of our between the parties. All time shall be but he was lying, again. own children, who reflect the diversity equally allocated between the parties, Just like his conversations with law- of America. and in no event shall debate continue makers on guns after the massacre in Now, to be fair, some of my Demo- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other Florida—also with the television cam- cratic colleagues are just as happy than the majority and minority leaders eras rolling—what the President says about the injunctions in the Federal and the minority whip, shall be limited in public, what he does behind closed courts that are keeping the Trump de- to 5 minutes. doors, what he tweets, and what he portation machine from fully engaging f thinks from moment to moment do not and going after Dreamers. Law- seem to be connected in any logical makers—both Democrats and Repub- SECURING THE FUTURE OF way. licans—don’t need much encourage- DREAMERS And when the cameras are turned off, ment sometimes to just kick the can The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the radical rightwing whispers their or- down the road. Chair recognizes the gentleman from ders in the President’s ear, and he falls But let’s not kid ourselves. Relying Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. right in line—whether it is with gun on the courts to save Dreamers is a Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, yes- manufacturers or the anti-immigration cop-out, and a lot of people are left out terday was the deadline for the U.S. nativists. if they do not already have DACA. And Congress to secure the futures of hun- And when you cannot trust the Presi- for the ones who can renew their sta- dreds of thousands of Dreamers. Our dent to have a stable opinion for more tus, we may be back here in a few days constituents, who grew up in the than 2, maybe 3, hours, it makes it or weeks trying to prevent the deporta- United States, have been here at least hard for Republicans to figure out what tion of Dreamers and lots of other im- 10 years, but do not have permanent will please him and make him happy migrants if the courts change course, legal immigration status and, there- from moment to moment. which they may. fore, are deportable, vulnerable, and Bipartisan proposals that could have So I will not let my colleagues in ei- exploitable. passed the House and the Senate were ther party rest. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1375 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:57 Mar 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.000 H06MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H1376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2018 For now, every person who has DACA his mission of speaking the truth about have to be milked every day year- should renew their DACA as quickly as the Putin regime and calling attention round to produce the finest quality possible for whatever time they have to the human rights abuses in Russia. milk, cheese, and butter. left. I say run, don’t walk, to renew. He has carried on the legacy and As I walked through my orchard, I I have been here long enough to know brought Boris’ message to the world. remembered the countless stories and that even when faced with an issue on And through Vladimir’s efforts, the insights by my fellow California farm- which 80 percent of the American peo- legacy has been memorialized right ers, ranchers, dairymen and -women ple agree—whether it is sensible gun here in Washington, D.C. shared with me over the past year, and control or preventing the deportation Last week, Mr. Speaker, I attended I think about my father, who farmed of children raised in America—it is the the unveiling of the naming of the all of his life, and my grandfather. 20 percent of the American people who plaza right in front of the Russian Em- In anticipation of the 2018 farm bill, Republicans are listening to, and play- bassy after Boris. Boris personified the I have held round tables and listening ing to, and tweeting to, and playing fight for human rights in Russia. sessions, attended agriculture town- nice-nice with the White House to ap- And now, in front of the Russian Em- halls, and met with our farmers and pease. bassy in Washington, D.C., 3 years after farm workers, who, every day, work so And the rest of us, what do we get? Boris was murdered, he is now memori- hard to put those food products on Nothing—on immigrants, on guns, on alized as a symbol—a symbol signifying America’s dinner table. climate change, on healthcare, or on that one person or one idea can be I have done this to hear firsthand the taxes—unless we, as voters, simply re- more powerful and more threatening to concerns and priorities of our local pro- shuffle the deck. a corrupt regime than even the biggest ducers, farm workers, and nutrition or- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- army. ganizations regarding our Nation’s food bers are reminded to refrain from en- That plaza also serves as a symbol supply. I have also had numerous meetings gaging in personalities toward the for the future because one day Putin with key agriculture and trade offi- President. will be gone and Boris’ dream will be- cials, including Agriculture Secretary come a reality. When that day comes, f Perdue, who has been out to California the diplomats who come to the United BORIS NEMTSOV a number of times. States, representing a free and demo- And as we in Congress move together The SPEAKER pro tempore. The cratic Russia, will be able to look out Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from with farm bill negotiations, we must the windows of their embassy beaming maintain strong support for the cul- Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- with pride at what Boris’ sacrifice tivation and production of fresh fruits utes. helped them realize. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, and vegetables, which are the founda- And they will honor Boris’ legacy tion of a healthy diet.
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