TOWARDS March 2017 The Parish Council Magazine Directory of Local Services and contacts The Parish Clerk is Kathryn Staley and can be contacted on 01664 454529. There is an answering machine for out of hours messages. Email:
[email protected] Address: 20 The Field, Somerby, Melton Mowbray, Leics LE14 2PT All telephone numbers are the local code (01664) unless otherwise indicated. Local Facilities & Organisations Age Concern Melton Mowbray 410253 Allotments Margaret Glover 454213 Burrough Church bookings Emma Heygate 454966 Church of England David Perril 452117 Citizen’s Advice Bureau Oakham 0845 1203705 Horticultural Society Chris Fisher 454265 Leisure Club – Seniors John Weeks 454393 Methodist Hall Michael Bates 454201 Methodist Minister Leo Osborn 01572 720721 Melton Borough Council Switchboard 502502 Melton Times newspaper Switchboard 410041 NHS Direct 0845 4647 Pickwell Hall bookings Shirley Campbell 454231 Police Non Urgent 101 Somerby Hall bookings Rosie Edwards 454698 Somerby School Philippa Plant 454334 Somerby Shop Angela Clark 454380 Somerby Surgery 01572 490399 South West Framland Parish Office, Vic Allsop 01664 561909 Cover photo by Kathryn Staley 2 Parish Council Chat Well it is just over two months past the winter solstice and we are on our way to summer. I know this because here in my study at 5:30pm I glanced out of the window and I can still see All Saint’s Church, the roof no longer shrouded by scaffolding. Spring is on the way. I know this because as I go round the parish I see snowdrops and crocuses begin to burst through the ground. Enough of all this musing, there are far more pressing issues affecting our parish.