March 2017 The Parish Council Magazine Directory of Local Services and contacts

The Parish Clerk is Kathryn Staley and can be contacted on 01664 454529. There is an answering machine for out of hours messages.

Email: [email protected]

Address: 20 The Field, Somerby, , Leics LE14 2PT

All telephone numbers are the local code (01664) unless otherwise indicated.

Local Facilities & Organisations

Age Concern Melton Mowbray 410253 Allotments Margaret Glover 454213 Burrough Church bookings Emma Heygate 454966 Church of David Perril 452117 Citizen’s Advice Bureau 0845 1203705 Horticultural Society Chris Fisher 454265 Leisure Club – Seniors John Weeks 454393 Methodist Hall Michael Bates 454201 Methodist Minister Leo Osborn 01572 720721 Melton Borough Council Switchboard 502502 Melton Times newspaper Switchboard 410041 NHS Direct 0845 4647 Pickwell Hall bookings Shirley Campbell 454231 Police Non Urgent 101 Somerby Hall bookings Rosie Edwards 454698 Somerby School Philippa Plant 454334 Somerby Shop Angela Clark 454380 Somerby Surgery 01572 490399 South West Framland Parish Office, Vic Allsop 01664 561909

Cover photo by Kathryn Staley

2 Parish Council Chat

Well it is just over two months past the winter solstice and we are on our way to summer. I know this because here in my study at 5:30pm I glanced out of the window and I can still see All Saint’s Church, the roof no longer shrouded by scaffolding. Spring is on the way. I know this because as I go round the parish I see snowdrops and crocuses begin to burst through the ground. Enough of all this musing, there are far more pressing issues affecting our parish. Planning issues take up much of a councillor’s time, and it is important that our community pulls together as we face the possibility of a large number of new houses. The Neighbourhood Plan group is working tirelessly to set out how both the village and parish of Somerby can fulfil its required quota of new housing in an acceptable fashion. Until then we have to fight to protect the rural way of life that we all as parishioners cherish. Another issue occupying our time includes the touchy issue of parking on Somerby High Street, in particular that in the invisible parking bay opposite The Little Shop of Loveliness. Please do not abuse this space by staying longer than 30 minutes during the hours specified on the notice. Thank you. The parish council is working to have the road marking repainted. This however may not happen until the High Street has been surface dressed according to LCC in 2017/8. As I finish off this month ’s chat I glance to my left and catch the picture displayed on my Somerby Camera Club calendar. What a talented lot you are and how lucky we are to have such a variety of clubs, groups, activities and amenities available to us. Read on and support your local community by joining in, you’ll get a warm welcome. Lynne

3 Parish Council Meeting

Somerby Methodist Hall 8th March @ 7.30pm

All welcome!

Diary of Parish Events

This diary is to help everyone to plan and publicise local events. If you are planning events please let us know and we will include it in this diary and also on the parish web site.

Date Event Location

4 Mar Neighbourhood Plan ‘drop in’ Burrough Church 8 Mar ‘Cold War – Fast Jet’ Burrough Church 8 Mar Leisure Club talk Somerby Memorial Hall 10 Mar Flicks in the Sticks Somerby Memorial Hall 11 Mar Neighbourhood Plan ‘drop in’ Somerby Methodist Hall 16 Mar Horticultural Society meeting Somerby Memorial Hall 18 Mar Burrough litter pick Outside Grants pub 18 Mar Neighbourhood Plan ‘drop in’ Pickwell Village Hall 18 Mar Midsomerby Murders Somerby Memorial Hall 19 Mar Pickwell litter pick Millennium sign, Pickwell 25 Mar Somerby litter pick Somerby Memorial Hall 28 Mar Community Lunch Ashby Folville Village Hall 7 Apr Flicks in the Sticks Somerby Memorial Hall

Bin Collections for March Black Brown & Green 10 March 3 March 24 March 17 March 31 March


This half term the school has been following the theme of 'Active Planet' with a scientific focus on learning about animals. Therefore we had to fit in a trip to the zoo. We also invited along parents, siblings and community members to share in our experience. Everyone had fabulous day learning about the animals. Also last term our year 4, 5 and 6 pupils represented our school at the Leicester Tigers tag rugby festival in Melton Mowbray. Everyone played extremely well and comments were made about our sportsmanship. A huge ‘well done ’ to everybody involved. This term we are developing the pupils ’ ‘writing for a purpose ’. To support this we have used the online site 'Pobble' to publish our best writing. This enables the pupils to have a worldwide audience for their work. It has caused a real buzz about writing in our school. Next month is set to be another busy one with Bikeability, World Book Day, and Science week. Mrs Plant Headteacher

Somerby Toddler Group

Somerby Memorial Hall Monday 9am – 11am

Pop in for a coffee and a chat whilst the children play. A different activity each week plus lots of space to run & play. Only £1.50

Contact Rosie Edwards 01664 454698

5 Midsomerby Murders Are somewhat ashamed to present “The Curious Undies of Pretence” AKA “The Pants of Mime” Saturday 18 th March 7.30pm

Come along and listen to yet another of Dr Levington's highly unlikely adventures, as he tries, with the help of numerous acquaintances, to solve the murders of pretty much every fairy tale character going. Performed live with sound effects by Dr Steve And introducing The Dark and Mysterious Co-writer known only as EB Jolly nice food will be available to buy, but bring your own liquid happiness and drink responsibly. All proceeds to Somerby Memorial Hall.

Please note! This production is not really suitable for the under 12's, or the easily offended.

6 Dear Residents of Somerby, Burrough on the Hill, Thorpe Satchville and Ashby Folville

By way of a short introduction, my name is Grahame Warner and I am the author of the soon to be published book ‘ Arnhem - 8 days to Oblivion’ which chronicles the full war-time history of the 10 th Parachute Battalion from its inception in the Middle East in December 1942 through to its heroic demise in September 1944 at the Battle of Arnhem; ‘The Bridge Too Far’.

Many of you will be aware that prior to departing for the Battle of Arnhem, the 10 th Parachute Battalion were barracked in the villages of Somerby, Burrough-on-the-Hill, Thorpe Satchville and Ashby Folville from December 1943 to September 1944.

A complete chapter of the book has been provisionally drafted which already contains much local information and stories of the men (primarily from Somerby) and covers the period that the men of the Battalion were living in your respective villages.

As book publication date draws ever nearer and with the planned launch due in September, I would like to extend a request to you for any information, photographs, recollections, anecdotes, or family stories that you or members of your family may have of this time which you would be willing to share with me for potential inclusion in the book.

I would especially grateful for any information which relates to the location, families and lodgings of the Parachutists in the villages of Burrough, Thorpe Satchville and Ashby Folville, as I know that many were housed with local families.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and please feel free to contact me directly on 07885 455877 or alternatively email me at [email protected]


7 March 2017 Community Lunch

The Parish Community Hub held its most recent get together at The Bowls Club, Melton. Thank you to all who came along and joined us on that day.

The next event will be at: Ashby Folville Village Hall Catering will be done by the Carrington Arms Tuesday 28 th March 2017 Lunch at 12pm for 12.30pm start

If you would like to come along please contact: Annette Piper 01664 840627 Davina Bates 01664 454201 Vic Allsop 01664 434697 Maureen Coleman 01664 434120 Janet Norburn 0116 269 5295

A big thank you to every one of our many valuable volunteers. In particular those who volunteer to drive and collect people for the Community Lunches. Do come and join us! New people are coming along all the time.

The Community Lunch Team

Somerby & District Leisure Club

Wednesday 8 th March 2.30pm Somerby Memorial Hall “Reminiscences of a Wimbledon Tennis Umpire” Mr Brian Gray of Stamford

Enquiries to John Weeks 01664 454393

8 { a I FLICKS IN THE STICKS Friday 10 th March 7.30pm (15 rated)

th Friday 7 April 7.30pm (15 rated)

Admission £5 (15+) Hot/Cold Snacks & Drinks on sale or BYOB

Proceeds to Memorial Hall Funds 9 SOMERBY PARISH COUNCIL COME & JOIN IN WITH THE PARISHPARISH LITTERLITTER PICKPICK Meet as follows: BURROUGHBURROUGH – Outside Grants Pub Saturday 18 th March 10am * PICKWELLPICKWELL – By the Millennium Sign Sunday 19 th March 2pm * SOMERBYSOMERBY – Somerby Memorial Hall Car Park Saturday 25th March 10am ~ ~ ~ (all equipment provided) Just an hour or so of your time to help make our part of the world a little tidier 10 What a lovely atmosphere there was on Saturday 11th February in our lovely local shop owned by Angela Clarke!! To those who baked and donated for sale cakes, biscuits, fudge, etc.etc….a very big THANK YOU! The generosity of those that came and those who have donated since the event is really staggering - £420.90 was handed to the Air Ambulance representatives on Saturday!! Since then the estimate of further contributions received and placed in the donation box at the shop, is approximately £80!!!

Thank you to everyone.

Betty Wagstaff wishes to thank the many Pickwell residents for their good wishes and gifts which have provided me with so much encouragement and support throughout my long incapacity and subsequent heart procedure at Glenfield Hospital.

11 Somerby Parish Neighbourhood Plan

Residents’ Questionnaire - the community ‘drop in’ mornings

It seems that a majority of residents are very keen to have a say in the Neighbourhood plan! With a response rate of around 60%, it was clear that residents want to have their views counted. Thank you as well to the 89 people who expressed an interest in helping with the plan. The Neighbourhood Plan team will be in contact with you explaining what there is still to do before a draft Neighbourhood Plan can be completed and what help is needed. All the responses have now been compiled and collated and the results are ready to be reported back to residents. To do this, three community ‘drop in‘ events will take place this month:- Ø Saturday 4 th March in Burrough Church Ø Saturday 11 th March in Somerby Methodist Hall Ø Saturday 18 th March in Pickwell Village Hall All sessions are open from 10am to 12 noon and all residents are welcome to call in, look at the results and take the opportunity to contribute any further ideas and opinions. The Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire prize draw was held at the Parish Council meeting on 8 th February. The winners were:- 1st Prize – Neil Rockliff 2nd Prize – Adriana Mills 3rd Prize – Alison Pepper

Meanwhile, the work of the three theme groups on housing, the historic and natural environment and facilities/economy continues with any resident welcome to contribute. You can contact the Neighbourhood Plan group at. [email protected]

12 The Little Shop of Loveliness… suggests something for those running out of ideas at the end of winter/not quite spring.

· Red cabbage salad – mix 350g shredded red cabbage, 2 sliced sticks of celery, diced eating apple, 50g raisins and 50g walnuts. For the dressing use 3tbsp mayonnaise, 1tbsp white wine vinegar, 1tbsp oil, ½ tsp sugar, 1tsp wholegrain mustard and seasoning. Mix it all together thoroughly. This is best made in advance, even the day before.

· If there is any spare cabbage just shred it, put in a bowl salting each layer. Leave for 24hrs then drain thoroughly. Pack into jars, cover with pickling vinegar and seal.

· Frikadeller – mix 500g pork mince, 2 finely chopped spring onions, 25g+ plain flour, seasoning and 1tsp dried dill (or any other strong herb). Beat an egg with ¼ - ½ pt milk and beat into the meat mixture. Melt 25g butter with 2tbsp oil and gently fry large tablespoons of the mixture until brown on all sides.

· Rhubarb Fool – gently simmer 500g chopped rhubarb with 50- 75g demerara sugar and the grated rind and juice of a small orange until it is tender. Drain and cool. Stir into 150-215ml beaten double cream, possibly with a dash of pernod!



An illustrated talk in Burrough Church

A local Harrier pilot shares his experiences of flying the famous ‘Jump Jet’ with No 1(F) Squadron in the 1980s

Wednesday 8th March at 7.30 pm, in aid of Blind Veterans UK

You may have spotted Jerry and Emma Heygate training for the 2017 London Marathon on the lanes (and hills!) around Burrough. Please come along and support them and their chosen charity Tickets £10 (£7 concessions) in advance Complimentary cheese & wine in the interval Contact: Emma Heygate 01664 454966 or [email protected]

14 Green Shoots Garden Club (Somerby and District Horticultural Group) Garden club members are coming out of hibernation and gearing themselves up for a successful gardening year! The next meeting of the club is Thursday March 16 th at 7.30pm in Somerby Memorial Hall, when our speaker will be Stuart Dixon with a talk on ‘The four seasons – a year in the flower garden’ Stuart is an experienced gardener and an excellent speaker so we are all looking forward to the evening. Tea, cakes and gardening chat will, of course, be available as usual. If you are not a member but are thinking about joining the group or would like to hear Stuart’s talk, you are very welcome to come along. Guests pay £3 for the evening which is refunded against the yearly membership if you decide to join. This year our programme includes a range of speakers, visits, seed swaps and plant sales as well as a monthly, sociable get together for gardeners of any age and experience. Villages Open Gardens Trail 10 th & 11 th June Are you interested in opening your garden this summer? We are planning to have an open garden trail across local villages and are looking for a range of gardens (and gardeners) who would like to take part. Gardens large or small, perfectly finished or work in progress...... all are welcome. If you might be interested in taking part please contact us for more details. If you would like to join the society (membership is £12 per year) or have a copy of the programme please contact Angela Fisher on 01664 454265 or [email protected] for further details

15 As we move from Winter to Spring it is always a time of renewal for nature and ourselves. You will see the invitation to join me at a dinner I am hosting with Jim Davidson who will be talking about his role in his Armed Forces Charity, Care After Combat and his 40 years in entertainment. Already I know many of you are attending and I am sure it will be a good night. It will be my honour to welcome you there if you can make it.

I have spent many years working supporting Armed Forces charities, namely being a local Standard Bearer for the Royal British Legion. However at this time of renewal it is a poignant reminder that people leaving the Forces also need to go through that renewal into Civvy Street. While many make the transition well there are those who need that little extra support and encouragement to resettle back into what many would call a “normal” life.

During March, MBC will consider the consultations and decide whether to take the Draft Local Plan to a Public Examination. I took the unusual step to make my own representations in the consultation, which is a general view, from listening to many people across the entire Ward. I hope to see some changes come through. We all need to be mindful that delays to the Plan’s progress could lead to the continued “open season” with more speculative planning applications. That said I will continue to make the case both in the Chamber if we feel, as a community rather than as a Councillor, there are parts of the Plan that can be improved, including at any Public Inquiry. Not all hard working Somerby Ward residents, who do want a home of their own, want to live in Somerby village and MBC need to strongly consider that.

Cllr Leigh Higgins [email protected]

The following advertisement is put in at the request of our Borough Councillor. It is not an endorsement of any political party by Somerby Parish Council.


Leigh Higgins invites Somerby Ward Residents to an exclusive dinner & conversation with

Jim Davidson

Saturday 25 th March 2017 7pm - Late

Jim will be talking about his life, 40 years in entertainment and his Armed Forces Charity ฀฀฀฀฀฀ (of which a contribution will be made). atat The The Marriott Marriott Hotel, Hotel, Grove Grove Park, Park, Enderby, Enderby, Leicester Leicester LE LE1919 1SW 1SW

Includes a delicious 3 course meal & coffee Complimentary After Dinner Drinks Reception

£45 Online discount code฀฀฀฀ ฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀

Book your exclusive ticket and search for “Jim Davidson”

Or call Rani on 07753121773 or email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Cheques and Payment to CAME Account C/o Kingsley Hall, Great Glen, LE8 9GP

Dress: Smart Casual

17 {ha9w.ò a9ahw ![ I![[ I     Chairman's Draw ?

JANUARY £25 Mark ASHMAN (101) £10 Jenny Hornbuckle (20) £10 G Barker (66) £5.00 Lesley Bailey (80)

FEB £25 Sue Michelson (69) £10 Tim Maydwell (25) £10 Jooles & Malcolm (45) £5 Tim Maydwell (119)

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18 LAMIN & WHITE Accountants 65 Deans Street, Oakham, LE15 6AF

Preparation of Tax Returns, Financial Accounts, VAT Returns, Payroll Bureau, Book-Keeping Services

For a FREE, no obligation meeting to discuss your requirements and the level of fees charged for our services

Contact IAN BAIN 01572 756328

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June Feehan – Garden Designer

RHS Gold medal Winner 2014

§ Border design/Revamp/Complete garden design/Planting plans/Planting service/Consultancy/Maintenance

Email: [email protected]

Call June on 01664 454262 or Mobile 07967506889 to discuss project or garden requirements


The Open Door

Every Wednesday at Somerby Methodist Hall 10.30 am to 12 noon Come along and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee A space to chat and meet friends old & new All welcome

Contact 01664 454713 for more information

SOMERBY METHODIST CHURCH Sunday services for March

5th Mar 3.00pm Rev, Leo Osborn (Holy Communion)

12 th Mar 3.00pm Miss Marion Kelham

19 th Mar 3.00pm Mrs Joyce Hearn

26 th Mar 6.00pm Rev. Sara Cliff

Somerby Fellowship

Friday 31 st March Rev. John Ansley – Mystery Talk 2.30pm at Somerby Methodist Church

Open to those of any denomination or none

Enquiries to John Weeks 01664 454393

20 March Where to Worship in 2017 South West Framland Group

March 1 9.15am Holy Communion and Frisby Ash Ashing Wednesday 7.30pm Holy Communion and Somerby Ashing March 4 3.00pm Messy Church Frisby MC Saturday

March 5 8.30am Holy Communion Hoby Lent 1 10.30am Family Worship Ragdale 10.30am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion Gaddesby 3.00pm Evensong Great Dalby 6.00pm United Evening Worship Hoby MC March 12 8.30am Holy Communion Ashby Folville Lent 2 10.30am Lambing Service with the Hall Farm, Brooksby Bishop of Leicester 10.30am Holy Communion Burrough March 19 8.30am Holy Communion Kirby Bellars Lent 3 10.30am Holy Communion Thorpe Satchville 10.30am Holy Communion South Croxton 10.30am Café Church Frisby MC 3.00pm Evensong Twyford March 26 10.30am SWF Group Service of Pickwell Lent 4 Holy Communion for Mothering Mothering Sunday, with Sunday The Bishop of Leicester March 28 6.00pm Licensing of the Revd Neil Gaddesby Tuesday Stothers as Priest in Charge (Rector designate) of the South Croxton Group by the Assistant Bishop of Leicester. Wednesdays 9.15am Holy Communion Frisby Wednesdays MC 9.15am= Methodist Centre/Church VH = Village Hall MC = Methodist Centre/Church VH = Village Hall

Please note that during the interregnum in 2017 some services may be subject to alteration at short notice. Please see your weekly pew sheet for details or contact the office if you are unsure or require any clarification at any point.

21 Lent Group The York Course 2017 Receiving Christ in five different ways

This course will be led by David and Lorraine Perril and will take place at: 5 Old Brewery Court, off Church Lane, Somerby.

It will be held on Mondays throughout Lent: March 6 th , 13 th , 20 th , 27 th and April 3 rd .

The Lent Group will run from: 10.30am to 11.30am

Please contact David or Lorraine on 01664 452117 to book a place.

Visit of Rt Rev’d Martyn Snow, Bishop of Leicester

South West Framland Group of churches are delighted that Bishop Martyn will be joining us in worship on Mothering Sunday, 26 th March 2017 at All Saints’ Church, Pickwell.

The Rt. Rev’d Martyn Snow moved to Leicester in 2016 and information about his ministry in the Diocese can be found on

The service will start at 10.30am, and be followed by refreshments. Bishop Martyn will be preaching and leading the Eucharist.

All are welcome!

22 All Saints Pickwell Lent Appeal 2017

In response to a plea from the Bishop of Leicester to look beyond the parish and do something in loving service of the wider world, All Saints Pickwell has chosen the charity Send a Cow as the charity it will support this year through Lent Collection Boxes.

Why Send a Cow ? Sub-Saharan Africa is the only region where extreme poverty and child hunger continue to rise. In Africa 70% rely on the land to feed their families and make a living, but climate change means harvest are less reliable; rains fail and the land is less productive. Disease and conflict further undermine the very fabric of African communities and a family’s ability to grow enough food to survive.

Send a Cow puts farmers together working with farmers, speaking the same language and learning together to make a living off the land. Developed over 25 years it is a response that works. Donations support families who want to be lifted out of poverty for good.

Raising £215 is enough to support an entire family of six for a year in Ethiopia. That is just over £5 per day. Ten collection boxes filled at a rate of 50pence per day over the 40 days of Lent would raise £200!

The Lent Appeal is entirely voluntary and Lent Boxes will be available at church services for those who wish to participate or from Debbie Smith on 452113 . Debbie is happy to deliver a box to you.

Thank you in anticipation of your support.

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We have over 25 years ’ experience advising clients on their personal taxation affairs. For a free no obligation appointment please contact Andrew Cross on 01572 770552 or [email protected]

Knights Yard, 2b Gaol Street, Oakham


Your local beat team is: PS 2241 Williams, PC 954 John Scott, PCSO 6074 Jack Riley.

You can contact us by dialling 101 and asking to be put through/ leave a message for one of us, or by using one of our e-mail addresses below:

[email protected] [email protected]

In an emergency, call 999. For anything else, call 101.

Yoga classes

Wednesday evenings, 7pm - 8.30pm Somerby Methodist Hall Mixed Ability - Beginners welcome! £6 per session

Tel: Di Angrave on 01664 840013 or Email: [email protected] for any further info

25 Editorial

‘Towards’ is the magazine of Somerby Parish Council. The magazine is produced by an editorial team of local councillors. Items of local news and comment, including pictures are always very welcome. There are 10 issues per year and the copy date is the 18 th of the month preceding publication. We would prefer editorial by email if possible. Please send any pictures as a file attachment rather than within text. If you need any help please contact the Parish Office.


We welcome advertising. Towards is hand delivered to every house in Somerby, Burrough on the Hill, Pickwell, and . We print 400 copies per issue. Why not promote your business? Costs are only £20 full page and £12 per half page. Contact the Parish Office for more information: 01664 454529 or [email protected]

Your Parish Councillors Lynne Camplejohn Chairman - 1 Old Brewery Court, Somerby LE14 2QA - 01664 454124 email [email protected] Howard Blakebrough - Cheseldyne House, 9 Kings Lane, Burrough on the Hill, LE14 2JL 454528 email - [email protected] John Crosby 3 Old Brewery Court, Somerby LE14 2QA - 01664 454595 email [email protected] Pat Fynn 18 The Field, Somerby LE14 2PT - 01664 454634 email - [email protected] Colin Marlow 4 Surgery Close, Somerby LE14 2BY – 01664 454306 email [email protected] David Vurley 37 Stonepit Terrace, Main Street, Pickwell 01664 454443 email - [email protected]

Printed by B&H Printers, Norman Way, Melton Mowbray Printed by B&H Midland Services, Norman Way, Melton Mowbray, LE13 1JE

26 27 Est. 1905

Container Storage 8ft

8ft Looking for a secure, flexible 8ft and affordable storage solution? Need easy access to your archive files? Burrough Court is Leicestershire’s No. 1 business venue with contemporary offices; business units and bespoke meeting rooms. To solve your problem, we have custom-built storage containers to rent:- ! 8’ x 8’ ( 512 cubic feet ) purpose built containers ! Flexible Monday – Friday access (excl. Bank Holidays) ! Confidence with secure lockable units and internal storage ! Added protection with CCTV cameras located throughout site ! Annual storage for less than £1 per cubic foot with flexible payment:- Quarterly in advance £175 (incl. vat) £500 per annum (incl. vat)

Contact Tracey Horsey on 01664 454 690 or [email protected]