TOWARDS March 2017 The Parish Council Magazine Directory of Local Services and contacts The Parish Clerk is Kathryn Staley and can be contacted on 01664 454529. There is an answering machine for out of hours messages. Email: [email protected] Address: 20 The Field, Somerby, Melton Mowbray, Leics LE14 2PT All telephone numbers are the local code (01664) unless otherwise indicated. Local Facilities & Organisations Age Concern Melton Mowbray 410253 Allotments Margaret Glover 454213 Burrough Church bookings Emma Heygate 454966 Church of England David Perril 452117 Citizen’s Advice Bureau Oakham 0845 1203705 Horticultural Society Chris Fisher 454265 Leisure Club – Seniors John Weeks 454393 Methodist Hall Michael Bates 454201 Methodist Minister Leo Osborn 01572 720721 Melton Borough Council Switchboard 502502 Melton Times newspaper Switchboard 410041 NHS Direct 0845 4647 Pickwell Hall bookings Shirley Campbell 454231 Police Non Urgent 101 Somerby Hall bookings Rosie Edwards 454698 Somerby School Philippa Plant 454334 Somerby Shop Angela Clark 454380 Somerby Surgery 01572 490399 South West Framland Parish Office, Vic Allsop 01664 561909 www.somerbyparish.org.uk Cover photo by Kathryn Staley 2 Parish Council Chat Well it is just over two months past the winter solstice and we are on our way to summer. I know this because here in my study at 5:30pm I glanced out of the window and I can still see All Saint’s Church, the roof no longer shrouded by scaffolding. Spring is on the way. I know this because as I go round the parish I see snowdrops and crocuses begin to burst through the ground. Enough of all this musing, there are far more pressing issues affecting our parish. Planning issues take up much of a councillor’s time, and it is important that our community pulls together as we face the possibility of a large number of new houses. The Neighbourhood Plan group is working tirelessly to set out how both the village and parish of Somerby can fulfil its required quota of new housing in an acceptable fashion. Until then we have to fight to protect the rural way of life that we all as parishioners cherish. Another issue occupying our time includes the touchy issue of parking on Somerby High Street, in particular that in the invisible parking bay opposite The Little Shop of Loveliness. Please do not abuse this space by staying longer than 30 minutes during the hours specified on the notice. Thank you. The parish council is working to have the road marking repainted. This however may not happen until the High Street has been surface dressed according to LCC in 2017/8. As I finish off this month ’s chat I glance to my left and catch the picture displayed on my Somerby Camera Club calendar. What a talented lot you are and how lucky we are to have such a variety of clubs, groups, activities and amenities available to us. Read on and support your local community by joining in, you’ll get a warm welcome. Lynne 3 Parish Council Meeting Somerby Methodist Hall 8th March @ 7.30pm All welcome! Diary of Parish Events This diary is to help everyone to plan and publicise local events. If you are planning events please let us know and we will include it in this diary and also on the parish web site. Date Event Location 4 Mar Neighbourhood Plan ‘drop in’ Burrough Church 8 Mar ‘Cold War – Fast Jet’ Burrough Church 8 Mar Leisure Club talk Somerby Memorial Hall 10 Mar Flicks in the Sticks Somerby Memorial Hall 11 Mar Neighbourhood Plan ‘drop in’ Somerby Methodist Hall 16 Mar Horticultural Society meeting Somerby Memorial Hall 18 Mar Burrough litter pick Outside Grants pub 18 Mar Neighbourhood Plan ‘drop in’ Pickwell Village Hall 18 Mar Midsomerby Murders Somerby Memorial Hall 19 Mar Pickwell litter pick Millennium sign, Pickwell 25 Mar Somerby litter pick Somerby Memorial Hall 28 Mar Community Lunch Ashby Folville Village Hall 7 Apr Flicks in the Sticks Somerby Memorial Hall Bin Collections for March Black Brown & Green 10 March 3 March 24 March 17 March 31 March 4 SOMERBY PRIMARY SCHOOL This half term the school has been following the theme of 'Active Planet' with a scientific focus on learning about animals. Therefore we had to fit in a trip to the zoo. We also invited along parents, siblings and community members to share in our experience. Everyone had fabulous day learning about the animals. Also last term our year 4, 5 and 6 pupils represented our school at the Leicester Tigers tag rugby festival in Melton Mowbray. Everyone played extremely well and comments were made about our sportsmanship. A huge ‘well done ’ to everybody involved. This term we are developing the pupils ’ ‘writing for a purpose ’. To support this we have used the online site 'Pobble' to publish our best writing. This enables the pupils to have a worldwide audience for their work. It has caused a real buzz about writing in our school. Next month is set to be another busy one with Bikeability, World Book Day, and Science week. Mrs Plant Headteacher Somerby Toddler Group Somerby Memorial Hall Monday 9am – 11am Pop in for a coffee and a chat whilst the children play. A different activity each week plus lots of space to run & play. Only £1.50 Contact Rosie Edwards 01664 454698 5 Midsomerby Murders Are somewhat ashamed to present “The Curious Undies of Pretence” AKA “The Pants of Mime” Saturday 18 th March 7.30pm Come along and listen to yet another of Dr Levington's highly unlikely adventures, as he tries, with the help of numerous acquaintances, to solve the murders of pretty much every fairy tale character going. Performed live with sound effects by Dr Steve And introducing The Dark and Mysterious Co-writer known only as EB Jolly nice food will be available to buy, but bring your own liquid happiness and drink responsibly. All proceeds to Somerby Memorial Hall. Please note! This production is not really suitable for the under 12's, or the easily offended. 6 Dear Residents of Somerby, Burrough on the Hill, Thorpe Satchville and Ashby Folville By way of a short introduction, my name is Grahame Warner and I am the author of the soon to be published book ‘ Arnhem - 8 days to Oblivion’ which chronicles the full war-time history of the 10 th Parachute Battalion from its inception in the Middle East in December 1942 through to its heroic demise in September 1944 at the Battle of Arnhem; ‘The Bridge Too Far’. Many of you will be aware that prior to departing for the Battle of Arnhem, the 10 th Parachute Battalion were barracked in the villages of Somerby, Burrough-on-the-Hill, Thorpe Satchville and Ashby Folville from December 1943 to September 1944. A complete chapter of the book has been provisionally drafted which already contains much local information and stories of the men (primarily from Somerby) and covers the period that the men of the Battalion were living in your respective villages. As book publication date draws ever nearer and with the planned launch due in September, I would like to extend a request to you for any information, photographs, recollections, anecdotes, or family stories that you or members of your family may have of this time which you would be willing to share with me for potential inclusion in the book. I would especially grateful for any information which relates to the location, families and lodgings of the Parachutists in the villages of Burrough, Thorpe Satchville and Ashby Folville, as I know that many were housed with local families. Thank you for taking the time to read this and please feel free to contact me directly on 07885 455877 or alternatively email me at [email protected] GRAHAME WARNER 7 March 2017 Community Lunch The Parish Community Hub held its most recent get together at The Bowls Club, Melton. Thank you to all who came along and joined us on that day. The next event will be at: Ashby Folville Village Hall Catering will be done by the Carrington Arms Tuesday 28 th March 2017 Lunch at 12pm for 12.30pm start If you would like to come along please contact: Annette Piper 01664 840627 Davina Bates 01664 454201 Vic Allsop 01664 434697 Maureen Coleman 01664 434120 Janet Norburn 0116 269 5295 A big thank you to every one of our many valuable volunteers. In particular those who volunteer to drive and collect people for the Community Lunches. Do come and join us! New people are coming along all the time. The Community Lunch Team Somerby & District Leisure Club Wednesday 8 th March 2.30pm Somerby Memorial Hall “Reminiscences of a Wimbledon Tennis Umpire” Mr Brian Gray of Stamford Enquiries to John Weeks 01664 454393 8 a I FLICKS IN THE STICKS Friday 10 th March 7.30pm (15 rated) th Friday 7 April 7.30pm (15 rated) Admission £5 (15+) Hot/ old Snacks & Drinks on sale or BYOB Proceeds to Memorial Hall Funds 9 SOMERBY PARISH COUNCIL COME & JOIN IN WITH THE PARISHPARISH LITTERLITTER PICKPICK Meet as follows: BURROUGHBURROUGH – Outside Grants Pub Saturday 18 th March 10am * PICKPICK ELLELL – By the Millennium Sign Sunday 19 th March 2pm * SOMERBYSOMERBY – Somerby Memorial Hall Car Park Saturday 25th March 10am ' ' ' (all equipment provided) Just an hour or so of your time to help make our part of the world a little tidier 10 What a lovely atmosphere there was on Saturday 11th February in our lovely local shop owned by Angela Clarke!! To those who baked and donated for sale cakes, biscuits, fudge, etc.etc….a very big THANK YOU! The generosity of those that came and those who have donated since the event is really staggering - £420.90 was handed to the Air Ambulance representatives on Saturday!! Since then the estimate of further contributions received and placed in the donation box at the shop, is approximately £80!!! Thank you to everyone.
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