Suppose a man came to you and said that an earthquake would strike the California coast in a few days, and the very next day, a big earthquake on the California coast is reported in all the papers. Then the man comes to you again and says that in two weeks time, on Halloween, he will try to cause a UFO to be seen and reported in the newspapers. And sure enough, on Halloween night, a UFO is seen by numerous persons in Camden, N.J., headed for Philadelphia (where the man making these predictions then lived). It is written up in the newspapers, just as the man said it would be. The same man comes to you and says that in the days ahead, an early hurricane will appear off Florida. Five days later, a hurricane (Alma) appears, and hits Florida - the earliest hurricane in history to do so. When Hurricane Inez is born, this man comes to you and tells you that, contrary to what the Weather Bureau says, Inez will turn right at Cuba and go to the US. It does. Then, contrary to what the Weather Bureau says, the man says the hurricane will back up and take the same track Hurricane Betsy took last year, which Inez does. The man comes to you and says that in the near future, President Johnson will have a breakdown in health. Within 120 days, an unexpected public announcement is made that Johnson will need to have surgery. This same fellow then says that an attack on our warships in Vietnam is imminent. And sure enough, two days later, North Vietnamese torpedo boats strike with a sneak attack at our aircraft carriers. You are told that within just days, a UFO will be seen flying over Philadelphia. In six days, the now famous "Fireball Over the East Coast" is written up in all of the national magazines and papers. Then he comes to you and says that in the near future, the U.S. will suffer a naval catastrophe involving aircraft carriers or submarines. Within 120 days, the U.S. aircraft carrier Criskany burns, and the U.S. nuclear sub Nautilus crashes into the U.S. aircraft carrier Essex. Altogether, there are ten U.S. catastrophes involving aircraft carriers and submarines within this period of time. But all of these miraculous predictions are nothing new to you, because this same man has been doing this same thing for years! You would like to try and pooh-pooh all this, but you cannot, because you know the man has given you the predictions in writing, ahead of the events, and you know that he has also furnished various government agencies and scientists with the same information, always ahead of the event. I am the man making these predictions. The "how and why" of it all is quite a long and involved account, and will be put into print here for the first time. As you might have guessed, UFO intelligences were behind all of these predictions, plus over 200 others like them. What you might not have guessed is that the UFO intelligences caused these things to happen. Let's get one thing absolutely straight. I am not a ".” It all began in Fort Worth, Texas, where I had sorted out a group of three super-ESP people (one of them a doctor), who were quite advanced in clairvoyance and telepathy. I systematically used hypnotism with them, endeavoring to send their minds to seek out UFOs, and to establish mental contact with them.

This they did, with considerable success, but that is another story. At that time, I lived with my tiny daughter Lornie, age eight. One particular evening, I was our driving along a lonely road in the Texas countryside, with my daughter in the seat next to me, just after dark. Suddenly she said, “Daddy, look! What is that?" and pointed out my driver's window to the left of our car. I took one look and immediately pulled over to the side of the road and parked. There coming across a field towards us, about 500 feet away, was a cigar-shaped object, with vivid colors streaming from it. White, blue, red, and green are the colors I remember strongly now. It seemed to be floating or gliding towards us, making no noise whatsoever. It came fairly close to our car (I would say to within 50 feet or so), then dipped downward and vanished completely. We had watched it for about two minutes.

After that evening, strange things began to happen, Ideas began to come to me in a flood. First, these ideas helped me to write a book about healing. Then, as the years passed, something seemed to give me early intelligence about national and international events that later came to pass. I thought at first that I had somehow tapped into the intelligence behind Nature. I worked with this intelligence, whatever it was, and accomplished miracles with it. Finally, I brought my family to Washington, D.C., to place all of this information at the disposal of the United States government. But they couldn't seem to grasp what on Earth it was I was doing. One evening with the kids (I had my son with me then, too), the intelligence came to me stronger than ever. It told me to give a man I knew in the CIA a message. It would do something at the North or South Pole, which would change the electromagnetic field there, and it would make the newspapers. They said that when this happened, it would be absolute proof of my contact with these then unknown intelligences. Weeks passed, and nothing happened. But after five months, there it was: a UFO had parked itself over two scientific expeditions at the South Pole. It made sure it was photographed, and it altered the electromagnetic equipment at the bases involved. This was, of course, widely reported in the newspapers. After this, I knew that my contacts were UFOs. Shortly after that happened, I received a different sort of intelligence from them, while seated at the dining table with my two children. First, a triangle and rectangle popped into my mind, then the letters A, B, and C. I realized that this had never happened before, and that the UFOs must be contacting me. So I hushed the kids, grabbed a pencil and paper, and began making notes. The following is what came through at 10 p.m. on February 6, 1965:

Can't come. Later we'll go find them and blot out. Here they were talking about some satellites the government had sent up, which the kids and I had been talking about just before the interruption. “When can we meet? We know you. We are friends. Tonight is late for us. Power low. Keep open mind. We will be back with you. Your needs will be met. A study is being made of how to bring this about. Why are your people crazy? Your Earth is disorganized. We would like to help organize it. We did once before, long ago in your time. People wore robes, as you call them, then, and wore beards on their faces. "Can you give me an instrument, like a pencil or something that would do unusual things, which I could use to convince our government of your reality?"

You could not use what you call a pencil, but it is a good idea, and we will send you a tool for the purpose. You will know you have talked with us tonight. We will arrange, in the next few days, to be seen by your people, and by that method, you will know we are making a signal for you. Count the number of different places we are seen, and this will be the number of days before we are able to contact you again. A magnetic condition makes it hard for us to get through to you at all times. "Yes, but I need money, say $59,000, to buy a car and go across country to meet you. This is money," I said, holding up a bill that I had in my pocket.

Yes, we know money, but do not use it. Can't you use diamonds? I immediately answered that diamonds could be used to obtain the needed cash. They replied that where they came from they had lots of diamonds. My suggestion was that they fly over me, and drop the diamonds. Their reply was as follows: "We will think of it. If we do, we will include the tool you need to prove to your people there must be no war on Earth, with atomic weapons. To this, I responded that I have tried to stop war, but to no use. Their answer was a fitting: "Yes, we did not think. Goodbye now, friend." So concluded their contact of February 6, 1965. One month, to the very day, they again saw fit to communicate with me; this time, with the following trade of words:

We have a plan. Do you have a car machine? “Yes, but it will not work. It's broken. That's why I need money." We are going to take care of that money. Do not worry about it. You will be richer than anyone in your country before long.

(This is one thing that has not come to pass. In fact, if anything, I have been very much without money since that time.) We want to see you, and talk to you. Can we come down? “Yes, in my backyard. I'll let you in." Will you be alone? "Yes, I'll have my family upstairs." No harm will come to us? "No. Absolutely no. Lower your flying machine near my back door, and step onto my back porch. Knock loudly on the door. I will let you in, and we can communicate. I am very pleased and anxious to meet you." Yes. We have what you need to convince your crazy people - your government - that we exist, and can control your world. You can use it. It will be yours to keep. I somehow managed to blurt out a thank you. You need a car, so that you can go far away. We will try to get you one. "My child is sick with German measles. Also our friend is in a hospital. Will you heal them?"

We will, indeed, heal them. Worry not. (My child got well almost instantly. The friend, previously given up for dead because of a crushed skull, began to recover, and is now living in West Virginia.)

Listen carefully; no time to be lost. Your people must pay attention to you and listen to you, else we must destroy most of the earth's peoples, to begin all over again. “You mean what is happening now has happened before?" Many times. “When are you coming to see me?" Tonight we will try. Flash your flashlight upward every hour, as long as you can. "Can you locate me from signals from my brain?" We can. I then told them that I would "leave a light on so you can see.” To this they replied: "No, turn it off, so we will not be seen by others. This is important." "Where are you from?"

Some from Jupiter, others from other places – even from inside this Earth. Goodbye now. Several hours later they contacted me again, that same evening. This time, their message was: Do not go away, far, to Vietnam. (I was trying to do so at the time, through the government.) Your people will try to kill you. We need you alive. Listen carefully, there are others like us, but against us, who could cause you harm. Be careful of your life - of your shell (body). It has taken us ages, in your time, to find a shell like you who can communicate with us. We do not want to lose you. But remember that you are every moment in great danger from "them” – who also use shell bodies. They look like and seem like real people, but they are not. "Can you end the war in Vietnam and help my country, the United States, to become healthy and great again?" (By "great" I didn't meant money and power, but doing away with murders, gang wars, teenage violence, wholesale corruption in high and low places - a return to great moral values this country once had.)

We can and we will. But, you must not go there (Vietnam). Instead, go to Hong Kong or Japan as a tourist. Go by freighter ship. We can contact you on the ship. We will defeat your enemies for you, in Vietnam, and bring peace. We will help your country. But your country must help you, for you are our instrument. Do your people not approach certain fish, in order to communicate with fish? (They flashed a picture of people training dolphins.) We do likewise. We go now to try to approach you. Be ready for us. I immediately told them I would be ready. But they never came, and I was most disappointed. However, from the happenings at the South Pole, I knew that it was not just my imagination. Our money got short, and so Lornie and Rick, my two teenagers, went off to California, at the invitation of my ex-wife, who offered to see that they got into college. This was against my wishes, but the kids wanted to go, so I let them. And I moved to Philadelphia. Then things began to happen fast.

The UFO intelligences went much further than the "contactee" stage. They trained me. They gave me the tool with which to prove, without a doubt, to the U.S. government agencies, that they were real. What I am, instead of a contactee, is the only human representative of the Saucer Intelligences on this earth, able to receive intelligence from these people and transmit it to humans. In Philadelphia, the Saucer Intelligences told me to write the newspapers, and say that I would make it storm. I did so, naming the dates, and they turned loose some fine storms (this during the height of the drought). The papers wrote this up, and I was asked to appear on a big radio show in Philadelphia. The night before I was to go on radio, "they contacted me, directed me to a YMCA typewriter, and had me type out a message from them to the United States. They told me to take it to the radio show, and they would see that the message got to the people. I typed it, and next day went to the radio station.

Since that time, I have been amazing a great many people, including radio commentators, scientists, and assuredly the U.S. government contacts, with predictions of national and international events that came to pass. It was even more amazing when UFOs would be predicted and seen, and then written up in the newspapers. Of course, the Saucer Intelligences gave me all of the information. In these predictions, the SIs have demonstrated their tremendous powers, including the changing of weather conditions all over the U.S., the guiding of hurricanes, the making of tornadoes, and many other unbelievable things. They would tell me to write to my contacts, and then they would cause a California earthquake within days or weeks. And sure enough, California had several big ones. I went to Washington, D.C. in 1965. I had come all the way from California, to present a gift that they could never buy with all the gold in the U.S. mint. I had been writing the government for almost a year, and they knew I had something tremendous, because so many of the major events I had predicted had come to pass. I spent hours with George Clark of the Central Intelligence Agency. My two children, Lornie and Rick, were with me there, to attest to many of the unbelievable things that had occurred. Mr. Clark was a fine and intelligent man, and paid the closest attention. Another time at the CIA office, I was interviewed by a Mr. Dunn. At NASA, I spent hours with Mr. Eastwood, of the Inventions Department, because much of the proof the Saucer Intelligences have been giving me involved NASA. But NASA refused to take act on what I had told them. I was offering to place these tremendous powers in the hands of the U.S. government. So, meeting my defeat in Washington, I headed for Philadelphia. Here, the Saucer Intelligences gave me a plan, which I mentioned before, of making it storm. The Philadelphia Bulletin printed the story, and after that, I appeared on the Jack McKinney "Night Talk” radio show, heard on WCAU. For four hours, I was grilled by Mr. McKinney and his assistant, who attempted to find a major flaw in my work. They couldn't. They even called one of several witnesses to my predictions, and had him verify what I was saying, right on the program. Several days later, I was asked to appear on the Ed Harvey "Talk of Philadelphia” radio show, again on WCAU, and was asked to make it storm within three days. The weather was quite clear when they called and asked. I said I would try, and signaled the Saucer Intelligences. The day I appeared on the show, Philadelphia was nearly ripped apart by thunder, rain, and lightning Still, unbelievably, nothing came of all this. A full year later, I was invited on the show again, this time to attest to the amazing accuracy of my predictions. But still no word from the United States government would be forthcoming. Many more strange and "out of this world” experiences were about to happen, though, which would prove the Saucer Intelligences were with me. Meanwhile, the Saucer Intelligences had given me another assignment. They had found a way to get through to me, and they wanted to get through to other humans. So they told me to put an advertisement in Fate magazine regarding their existence; people answering the ad would receive a ring that I had made. When I sent the ring to a particular person, the SIs would trace it, and perhaps contact them. Even though I had never made anything in my life, I found myself making complicated rings in a ceramic oven. I wasn't taught how to do this; I just suddenly knew how, instantly. As far as I know, no other rings have been made like this, in this way, with these materials. It is interesting that the Saucer Intelligences had me put a certain design on the rings. Just recently, long after I began sending rings out, a UFO was observed by police officers to rise out of some woods. The officers found a car on that spot, loaded with radio equipment, and with my same design painted on the door of that car! The only deviation was that my ring design had a UFO with lightning beneath it, and the car door was painted with a triangle with the lightning bolt inside it. Since I have been selling these rings, one lady in Connecticut, a doctor, has seen UFOs appearing in her area. Evidently, the Saucer Intelligences are following up with whatever they are doing. Now let's get down to business. What is this all about? Here is exactly what the Saucer Intelligences want - what I told the U.S. government long ago, and what I told Jack McKinney on his radio show. They are trying to put the world in balance by canceling out wars, hate, killing, upset weather conditions, drought, famine, etc. They can do all of these things easily! But first, they want a base to work from; and they have chosen the United States. The hitch is they will not allow themselves, or their apparatus, to fall into the hands of humans, who are already destroying each other fast enough. They do not trust government officials, scientists, or military men. Unfortunately, since these are about the only three categories of people that are listened to, or who have any “standing," the Saucer Intelligences have a problem on their hands. They absolutely must meet with the President and top leaders, but there is only one way this can be arranged, according to the SIs. This is the plan they sent me with to the government. The U.S. would send me to Europe with one Special Forces man, who would be my bodyguard and witness. I would be guided by the SIs to select an old deserted castle in an isolated location. I would live there for one year. Sometime during that time, the Saucer Intelligences would appear to me for a face-to-face meeting, and arrange a way to meet with the President. They would give me materials as proof. And the Special Forces man would be right with me as a witness. Why for one year? It would be difficult for agents of the United States (or some other power) to keep a trap set for one year, in an attempt to snare a craft. But when I talked to the "powers that be" in Washington, they would not consider the SI plan. So the Saucer Intelligences have tried an alternate plan. They don't have money, so they can't easily furnish me with it. They want me to find a comfortable house in an isolated or semi-isolated location, and live there for a year, during which time they definitely will appear to me.

The Saucer Intelligences warn that time is growing short. Only they can stop our inexorable approach to a nuclear war, with the resulting destruction of the U.S. and the deaths of countless humans. According to them, we probably have only a year or two, at maximum, to avoid being destroyed. There is no time for years of "UFO investigation," by teams of scientists. I have the immediate answer, not only for our government, but also for the entire world. But there are no takers, it seems. It is utterly laughable. Billions of dollars will go down the drain in Vietnam, or to foreign countries that hate us, while I can't get enough money to meet with the SIs and save the U.S. and the world. Now let me show you some proof of what I have been saying. I wouldn't want you to accept anything just because you've read it here. You can check into the following for yourself, and know that what I have said in the preceding pages has been absolutely true, based upon actual contact with pilots of flying saucers. On March 9, 1965, I wrote to George Clark's CIA, and others, as follows:

In the near future, there will be a change in the North and South Poles. I believe Nature will use extreme heat to affect both of those places, and change the magnetic condition of the poles. The result will be strong enough to make the newspapers, where you will be able to read about it. (At this time, I thought Nature itself was in contact with me, not knowing it had anything to do with flying saucers.) On July 8, 1965, approximately four months later, the newspapers were filled with the account of a UFO that parked in the air over two scientific expeditions at the South Pole. It allowed itself to be photographed, and it changed the electromagnetic apparatus at the scientific bases there. Also note that during my stay in Washington, D.C., while I was taking my message from the SIs to the government, there was a tremendous appearance of UFOs in the Washington, D.C. areas. On July 21, 1965, I wrote to my governmental and scientific contacts: The SIs state that they will begin an attack campaign on the United States with lightning. Lightning bolts will be everywhere, and soon. My friends say that they will appear over one of our major U.S. cities soon, in one of their flying machines. They won't name the city, for security reasons. On July 31, 1965, the newspapers reported UFO sightings flooding not only this country, but also the world. It was the most sightings since 1957. On August 4th, thousands watched UFOs across the nation's midlands, and in the Southwest. The newspapers stated it was the fourth consecutive day of UFO sightings. As for my lightning predictions, here is the list of freak events that the SIs claim they caused:

July 30: three U.S. Marines in Vietnam were hit with a bolt of lightning August 9: two golfers in Louisville, Georgia were hit by bolts of lightning. August 17: a bolt of lightning hit a stockpile of dynamite in Auburn, California, killing three men. August 19: Albert Regeis of White Haven, Pennsylvania, was hit by a bolt of lightning on the beach. August 19: a boy scout was hit by a bolt of lightning in Stokes State Forest, Branchville, . August 19: "Old Solo," one of the oldest and largest living things on the face of the earth (a giant redwood tree in Porterville, California), was struck by lightning in such a way that the fire could not be put out. But perhaps the most amazing freak lightning event happened on August 4th, at Cape Kennedy in Florida. One man was killed, and five injured, when a bolt of lightning struck a rocket pad then under construction. So you see, when the Saucer Intelligences demonstrate, they demonstrate. And they call their shot beforehand, using a human: me. Need more proof? On August 6. 1965, I wrote to the usual contacts as follows: Now, I will let you in on something. I am calling fleets of UFOs here to Philadelphia, from everywhere. Trouble is, I do not know what they can do to prove to people that I'm for real; but I will think of something. I believe they are here already, because I sent for them this afternoon. With all that power - whatever kind it is that they have (and it seems to be miraculous) – judging from what they've accomplished this past year, they should do something startling. I am trying to convey the idea to them of coming right over the city and hovering. But they think we might have some kind of rays, like they have, and hurt them. So, they are reticent to do this. I am trying to tell them we haven't any such thing, and that it's safe. I want to bring one down right over Market Street, and have it hover there for 20 minutes. What else they'll do, on their own, is anybody's guess. January 12, some five months later (evidently they waited, so that the government couldn't set a trap), they appeared at the Wanaque Reservoir, near here, and were watched by police, the mayor, the Civil Defense director, and countless people. The SIs stayed all night in the area, maneuvering with their craft. They even showed their ray! They shined it down onto the ice. The police, and others who went to the spot, found a large hole burned through the thick ice. On April 19, 1969, I wrote my contacts: "When you read about a UFO in Philadelphia, in the days or weeks ahead, you will know who it is linking up with." Only six days later, the famous “East Coast Fireball" Alashed over the Atlantic Coast, and over Philadelphia. News clippings read “Flaming Meteor Seen Over Philadelphia," etc., and it was written up in national magazines. As I have gotten it from "them," they have worked with me since early childhood, attempting to get through to me. As I grew up, they kept trying. I worked for Dr. Rhine at Duke University in the ESP experimentation there, and was found to be loaded with ability. But the SIs still hadn't gotten through to me. It seems to have been a combination of the close approach of their UFO, to our car in Fort Worth, and then my work in the field of hypnosis in Fort Worth. My further work in allied fields finally made it possible for them to get through to me. I might add that at this point, years ago, I did quite a bit of wandering over deserts and mountain - even across Mexican desert, where I am sure they must have contacted me. I recall now several instances when I was alone on a mountaintop, or in a desert valley, under the stars, wrapped in a blankets, when various "odd” things occurred. You may be interested to know that my wife and I have had a small circle of spinning, vividly colored light (many colors) in our apartment in Philadelphia. We woke up one night, and there it was, suspended overhead in our room. We were not dreaming. We watched it, fascinated, until it went away. Then she and I saw some strange things, separately, in our apartment. And just a few Mondays ago, she went out onto the fire escape for a breath of fresh air, and something alive, about two feet high, dropped down from nowhere, onto the fire escape - not more than three feet from her. It just crouched there. She saw it fall, heard the thump as it landed, and watched it for a split second as it crouched there, only moving slightly. Then she ran for dear life. She dashed inside, scared to death. Also, we have gotten what looks like long, insect-like antennae on our TV screen many times. These twitching antennae mimic lifelike movements. Some other odd things have appeared on there, too. We are fairly certain this must be another way for the Saucer Intelligences to let us know they are watching over us. AFTERWORD A FRIENDLY WARNING

It seems as if Orwell may have been correct. As a nation and as a culture, we seem trapped in a growing maze of doubletalk and illusory personalities. No one can be trusted; loyalties seem unclear and malleable. And everything, it seems, is for sale. This is particularly true in the UFO field. Ted Owens gave it his best shot. He attempted to trust the SIs and the MIB, until one night, in the wee hours of the morning, he found one of them in his bedroom. Since the intruding MIB seemed to be after Ted's wife, Owens struggled with him, and eventually fought him off. But the fight was lengthy and strenuous, and so it became clear to the bloodied Owens - standing in his shattered apartment - that the MIB and their "bosses” (the SIs) could no longer be trusted. Owens also learned that once the SIs "mark" you, there is no way to completely sever the connection. Wisely, he and his terrified family fled - clear across the country - to the Pacific Northwest, where he has lived in seclusion for years. Still, he hasn't been able to stop making startling predictions that come true.

(Unfortunately, he has never been paid what he is worth for his predictions, despite the fact that certain players" in the sports-betting industry have made a lot of money off of him.) In fact, Owens' powers seem to have increased in intervening years, even after he had distanced himself from the Sls, the Las Vegas gamblers, and “George Rogers," his mysterious “CIA” contact. Perhaps the final crescendo came in 1981, when Owens claimed to have set off the eruption of Mount Saint Helens in Washington State! Owens was living somewhere east of Vancouver, Washington at the time, which is very close to Mount Saint Helens. One day, when he was feeling particularly miserable about something, he absent-mindedly thought of Mount Saint Helens erupting. The next day, the eruption occurred. Meandering, negative thinking is probably not something someone like Owens - who clearly has "PK" or psychokinetic powers - should engage in, because a “PK Man" can move physical matter with his mind, and make terrible things happen! It was the "PK spark," according to Owens, that "caused the SIs to make the mountain explode." Is it possible that Owens, despite his "break” from the SIs, did actually acquire some of their powers? If so, doesn't he have a responsibility to use his own discretionary powers? Couldn't he decide not to hook up with the SIs, so as to not get involved in their next caper or catastrophe? An even more disturbing thought: Could Owens have been making these terrible things happen himself, all along, yet blaming it on someone else - someone who maybe doesn't exist? Could it be that the SIs did not really intervene, and that Owens alone set the mountain off? (He often claimed to be able to change the course of hurricanes, in order save human lives, so why couldn't he make a volcano erupt, too?) More importantly, could there be some way to use this alien PK power to stop the murders of UFO researchers, as so dramatically described by ? Clearly this alien PK power has a "good" side to it, as evidenced by the many letters we received from grateful, "healed" recipients of Owens' PK Disk. Who or what is killing these UFO investigators? Unfortunately, these strange deaths have continued, unabated, in the dozen or so years since this pamphlet was first printed. Binder himself came into the galaxial crosshairs when, in 1967, his 14-year-old daughter was killed by a "freak accident" (a car ran off the road and hit her). Binder's grief-stricken wife had a nervous breakdown, and the despondent Binder died in 1974, less than three years after publishing his article on the liquidation of UFO investigators. It is likely that some of the deaths presented herein were, in fact, natural, accidental, or self-inflicted, due to stress or mental imbalances. But, as Binder noted more than a decade ago, there are too many examples for it all to just be coincidence. Common sense and logic tell us that the high incidence of premature death in such a specialized field – with a limited number of investigators – is very disproportionate, compared to the population at large, Beyond that, we must consider that some of these deaths were, indeed, purposeful. If so, who might be behind them? If it is not the saucerians, are we looking at official intelligence agency involvement? Or could this be the work of an occult group, "think tank," or secret society? As to the question of how they are doing it, we must contemplate the possibility that the perpetrators are making skilled use of “psi" (psychic) powers such as telepathy, , or "white noise" hypnosis - a technique rumored to have been used on Morris K. Jessup. The deployment of new, untraceable drugs and poisons should also be considered, as well as the "heart attack gun," an electromagnetic weapon reportedly developed in secret by the Pentagon. The public at large is not aware of the real risks UFO investigators run, and many of the investigators themselves are oblivious to the danger. They seem to feel that the forces responsible have softened their tactics. The evidence, however, does not seem to support such a conclusion. The annals of are filled with the deaths of ufologists from unusual cancers, heart attacks, and questionable suicides. Ufology is not the safe hobby it was (mistakenly) perceived to be in the 1950s. As I discuss in my new book, : The Secret Terror Among Us, we are still dealing with a largely unknown and seemingly lethal force. You run a real risk by approaching flying saucers, UFO occupants, and Men in Black, Never investigate UFOs alone. Always use the "buddy system," and quickly move to a safe area whenever confronted by strange lights, "spaceships," ufonauts, creatures, or the MIB.


By Otto Binder

[ending Gray Barker's advice in preventing your assassination] LIQUIDATION OF THE UFO INVESTIGATORS


By Otto Binder

Edited By Gray Barker

First Printing: Saucerian Press, Clarksburg, West Virginia (1972) CONTENTS

INTRODUCTION .... Flying Crackpots Beware!

FOREWORD. Scrolling Through the Cosmos

PUBLISHER'S NOTE The Bizarro World: MIB, Space Intelligences, and Murder .....

CHAPTER 1..... Liquidation Of The UFO Investigators! - Otto Binder - Saga Magazine (1971)

CHAPTER 2... The Flying Saucers' Mission to Earth - Orto Binder - Saga Magazine (August September 1970) "Monstermen" and "Humanoids"... PK Silver Linings...... CHAPTER 3.... The Space Intelligences Speak - Ted Owens – 1972 Used As a Tool of the Sis.....

AFTERWORD ...... A Friendly Warning INTRODUCTION


For twenty years, a pathetic assortment of crackpots and cultists have ruled the " field," screaming to an amused world that we are being invaded by tiny green men from some other planet, and passing on absurd messages of faith and goodwill, which they claim they receive telepathically from the all-seeing, all-knowing "Brothers" in Outer Space. And for most of those twenty years, the general press and the public have laughed at the "UFO nuts," and ridiculed anyone who reported seeing anything unusual in the sky.

The real mystery in this multifaceted enigma, however, has been how our governments and our scientific establishment could overlook the astounding amount of sincere reports from honest, and often well-trained, citizens. Equally baffling, there has been an almost complete lack of reasonable, rational investigation into this subject. Hardcore "ufologists," as they call themselves, have frantically collected random newspaper clippings and indulged in fanciful speculations, based upon a narrow range of pseudo- scientific knowledge, tainted with the mystical and the occult. Very few of the many books published on "Aying saucers" have attempted to collate the available "hard facts" and review, statistically, the vast amount of data now available. Now, at long last, a highly qualified science writer, Otto Binder, has reviewed this overwhelming mass of material and distilled it into a meaningful and lucid pamphlet, focusing not only on the saucer threat, but also on one possible approach to deterring it. Despite the offbeat nature of the "psychic" or "PK" approach he suggests, Otto has done a remarkable job of sifting fact from fantasy, and truth from nonsense. If there is a "secret to the UFO mystery, it may be found somewhere in these pages.

-John Keel


SCROLLING THROUGH THE COSMOS Ted Owens is a controversial figure in the UFO field. He claims to have first been contacted by the Sls (Space Intelligences) in 1965. Otto Binder, in his August 1970 Saga article states that Owens “is not a wild-cyed 'contactee.' He has never met an SI face to face, nor has he traveled in their ships." Owens certainly has a lot of credentials, more than any other person before him who claimed contact with extraterrestrials. Owens is a member of Mensi, a select organization whose members must have an IQ of 148 or more (only two percent of all humans would qualify for membership). Owens has a recorded IQ of 150, which is above genius. Owens claims some 200 predictions, all of which are documented. Owens' bestselling How to Contact Space People contains a number of sworn affidavits that back up his claims of having made predictions well in advance of the events occurring. Owens is said to have predicted such things as the East Coast Blackout, UFO appearances at specific times, and odd weather phenomenon. Publisher Gray Barker claims he has received "close to 10,000 letters from people all over the world, telling me that Mr. Owens had cured them of various illnesses, or brought them good fortune, by putting them in contact with the Sls." Owens also has a space scroll, which will "be shown to the Sis." People aan get their names placed on the scroll, free of charge. The scroll "already has brought many signers good luck." Owens claims the Sis will bring good luck to all signers, to show their good intentions. Recipients of Owens' red plastic disk have also achieved remarkable success, including recovering from terminal cancer, according to Barker and Owens. One of Ted Owens healing acts, related by Otto Binder in the September 1970 issue of Saga, concerns a young Washington, D.C. girl. She received a skull fracture after being beaten by a gang. Doctors gave her only hours to live. Owens, however, went to her and the girl recovered, much to the astonishment of the doctors. Owens sent a telegram to the CIA on October 26, 1965, warning that a terrible catastrophe would occur within ten days. November 9 was the dare of the big northeastern blackout. On March 10, 1966, Ted Owens predicted that the six-year long drought in the Northwestern states would come to an end with phenomenal rainfall "in the days, weeks and months to come." In the spring of 1967, his prediction came true. In May 1966, Ted Owens warned Lyndon Johnson that a man "is planning to load a small plane with high-explosives, and send the plane, kamikaze style, into the White House or the Johnson Ranch." Owens also stated he believed the man was an ex-Army flier. The following May, a former Air Force pilot was arrested for threatening to crash into the White House.

Owens' most impressive prediction was his June 1967 prediction of three simultaneous hurricanes. In September hurricanes Beulah, Cleo, and Doris fulfilled that prediction. It should be noted that there have only been four examples of simultaneous hurricanes since 1886. On March 4, 1968, Owens predicted "one or more highly placed U.S. government officials would be assassinated. Within three months, both Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were shot and killed. Finally, on July 30, 1969, Owens wrote President Nixon warning him that Cubans were planning to kidnap the president from his Key Biscayne, Florida residence. He told Nixon they would strike by water, at night, with fast boats. Not four weeks later, a plan was uncovered, whereby Cubans were planning to study Nixon's movements at his Florida home, using scuba divers, in a mission involving "Presidential security." Owens says he is 85% accurate with his predictions, and admits there are some misses. A letter published in Saucer News #74 (Spring-Summer 1969) puzzles mc. In this letter, written by Ted Owens, he states that he actually met one of the Men in Black (MIB), and that the MIB turned out to be one of the

The man, dressed in a black suic, asked Owens if he could help Owens with his grocery bags. Owens found himself mechanically saying, "Sure." When asked if he was from India, due to his dark complexion, the MIB said "yes." When they reached Owens' house, the MIB gave Owens the "code phrase," which identified the MIB as an "SI Man."

Owens crossed the street, and when he looked back, he found the man had vanished. Now who is right, Binder or Owens? -Kurt Glemser



While the subject matter may be a bit grim, Saucerian Press is nonetheless happy to present to readers this pamphlet by Otto Binder, about the apparent murders of UFO investigators in the United States. (There are also concerns about investigators worldwide, who also seem to be dying or disappearing at a higher-than-normal rate.) Binder, as many Saucerian and Saucer Neus subscribers know, is a well known artist, who drew the original Captain Marvel cartoons. He has created or co-created cartoon characters such as "The Mighty Samson, "Captain Wonder," "Krypto the Super Dog," "Brainiac." "Supergirl," and has written cpisodes for cartoons like Superman, Captain America, and The Submariner. These days, Binder, a frequent lunch-buddy of John Keel's, is busy adapting several classic stories to the comic book genre, such as Franken stein, The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, Lost in Space, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and Mysterious Island Binder has been officially credited with creating the increasingly popular "Bizarro Universe line of comics, in which well-known animation characters meet in different universes, under completely different conditions. (Rumor has it that Keel may have had something to do with the creation of the Bizarro Universe, after he and Binder met with some bad hotdogs at a "greasy spoon" on 's lower east side.) Binder sold his first UFO story, "The First Martian," to Amazing Stories in the year 1930, making him one of the very first people to be interested in flying saucers and interplanetary lore. In a certain sense, Binder is a forefather of the field. Binder's status as a longtime "interested observer” of ufology has given him the ability to research this "liquidation" issue dispassionately, while at the same time displaying the empathy and compassion of the creative artist. Binder seems to have chosen wisely in how to deal with the menace of the ufonauts - choosing diplomacy over guns (which any interplanetary force could easily render useless). Here Binder advocates for the position taken by famous psychic Ted Owens (who claims to be in near-constant contact with the space intelligences), which is that we should try to communicate with them." In other words, we should try to find out what makes them "tick" before we pull out our pitchforks and torches. A native of Virginia, and now a resident of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Owens has a long track record of accurate predictions - of sporting events, tornados and hurricanes, power blackouts, and so on. Mr. Owens has written in to Saucer News many times, in some cases making predictions that later came true. In one instance, in Saucer News Issue 68 (Summer 1967), he accurately predicted a major blackout that would be caused by the space intelligences during our annual Convention of Scientific Ufologists: I will be contacting the saucer intelligences immediately, and ask them to appear strongly in the New York area throughout the Cupcoming] UFO convention, to draw attention to New York and to themselves. I'll stress as best I can to them that they should do something unusually spectacular at that time, like another total New York blackout, or something of that scope. I trust that this will meet with your group's approval. Mr. Owens is the author of a new saucer booklet entitled The Space Intelligences Speak, which deals with his purported communications with the pilots of UFOs. (This booklet can be obtained through Saucerian Press.) He has had many dealings with various entities connected to the saucer enigma, such as the Men in Black - whom Owens suspects are working with the space intelligences. In a letter to Saucer News (Issue 71, Spring 1968), Owens described a recent encounter he attributes to the "Sls," or space intelligences: Today an amazing thing happened. Do you recall my letter to you some time ago, telling you of strange phenomena that have occurred in my own apartment? The other night, I woke up and saw a man's face and torso ten feet high in the air. On another night, I woke about the same hour (4 a.m.), and saw a circular disc, filled with beautiful colors, floating near the ceiling. My wife woke me to see it. My wife and I are positive this is "SI phenomena." She woke up at 4 a.m. several nights ago, and found a bright beam of light shining through the wall over her head! (After she saw the beam of light, it vanished.) Today, I received a letter from a lady in California. Weeks ago, I sent her an "SI disc," as per my article in Fate magazine. This disc is "charged with power from the SI dimension, in a way the SIs taught me. In her letter, she states that after she received my disc (and she had never, in her whole life, seen a vision of any kind), she woke up at 2 a.m. in the morning, saw a clcud of smoke, and a man appeared. Also, she saw "something floating on the ceiling." In other words, what has happened in my own apartment has been duplicated in this lady's apartment! I do not know her. She is a complete stranger. I just answered her letter request for a disc. The SIs are, indeed, getting very close to the people receiving these SI discs! (We don't think we want one of these discs ourselves, for we like to have peace and quiet at night. But if you want an “SI Disc," you may write Mr. Owens at P.O. Box 17005, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19105.) Soon afterwards, Owens wrote us another letter, telling us that a recent photograph of a spaceman (which we used on one of our magazine covers) looks exactly like the space intelligences he has been communicating with for the past several years:

Your picture of the creature discovered in Russia - presumably from a UFO - greatly excited me. Because in 1965, I drew, with crayons, a picture of the intelligences that I communicate with - of two creatures that work for the SIs. They receive my communications on a machine they call a "Men-Tel” (for "mental "). I nicknamed them "Twitter" and "Tweeter," because of the hissing, squeaky, high pitched noises they make when they converse with each other. There is absolutely no doubt that the UFO creature pictured on the front of the recent Saucer News is the same as the one I sketched in crayon in 1963! I have noted three distinguishing similarities in their features: huge eyes on the side of the head, the triangular shape of the head, and the mouth that comes to a point. You can see that my drawing (enclosed) is completely accurate! Believe it or not, Ted Owens was probably the first witness to sketch what we today call a "Grey alien!" A few weeks later, Owens wrote us to say that he had come face to face with the MIB: Yesterday I actually met, and talked with one of the "Men in Black!" And he was an SI! He proved it. I'll explain. Remember some time ago, I told you that I had received some ten thousand letters from all over the world, and several thousand of these letters ended with an unusual phrase? The SIs have marked these certain humans as “SI people” – people they are in charge of, or with whom they are in close contact. Keep this point in mind. I was walking home after work at the office, carrying several bags of groceries, when a tall man in a black suit crossed the street toward me, and walked in front of me to the corner, where we both waited for a traffic light to change. Suddenly the man turned and faced me. “May I help you carry those?” he asked. “You are going this way (he swept an arm down the street), aren't you?" I started to thank him politely and decline, for I take pride in carrying my own burdens, but strangely, almost mechanically, as if I had to, I accepted. "Sure," I said, and gave him one sack of groceries. "That's mighty nice of you." I looked him over closely, because no one, ever, has stopped me on the street and offered to help me carry anything. As we walked along, side by side, I said, "You're from India aren't you?" (He had a dark complexion.) He smiled a gleaming smile, and just said yes. I asked what part of India, and a blank look came over his face. He was obviously at a loss for an answer. Then he said, "Oh, the southern part." I asked him what he did. “I am a securities analyst," he said, with another smile. (This did not go with his plain black suit and scuffed shoes, since my idea of a securities analyst is that they dress richly.) Strangely, I then found myself talking - in a stream - about the Sis! I wondered why on Earth I would be doing that. He said practically nothing - just walked beside me. We must have gone eight blocks, when I saw my wife and child across the street. The man stopped. I took my sack of groceries. I started to thank the man, but he took my hand, looked deeply into my eyes, and with a smile, said the "code phrase" that was in all of those letters I had received! It shook me to the core. I crossed the street to my wife, and then looked back to where the man had been, but he had vanished! I looked up and down the streets, all four ways, and there was no sign of him!

Figure all that out. I can't.

But I do know one thing: he was an SI man. Owens' beliefs on the subject may be evolving, as the MIBs seem to becoming increasingly sinister. However, Owens is still generally sticking to his guns, explaining that the best possible approach is to at least act as if we are listening to the spacemen – not fighting them. Perhaps the best description of Owens' stance comes from his feature article in Saucer News Issue 70 (1967). The article is entitled “The Space Intelligences Want to Help":

The space intelligences, or Sls, are saucer entities whose only desire is to help our world. I say this with complete confidence, contrary to what many in the UFO field believe. The SIs are not necessarily hostile. How do I know? I have been communicating with them since 1964, and have documented proof. I am the only human being in the world able to communicate with the SIS and prove it, as I have to government agencies, scientists, and friendly contacts. I don't believe Gray Barker would print this story unless he had reasonable grounds upon which to do so. He is normally reluctant to print "contactee" stories, but then again, I cannot be classified as a typical "contactee," because no one else has done what I have been able to do. Last May, I wrote (and Saucer News printed) a letter stating that I would ask the SIs to cause a massive power blackout. It occurred three weeks later, on June 5", I then wrote to the managing editor of Saucer News, before the beginning of this year's hurricane season, telling him I would ask the space intelligences to produce three simultaneous hurricanes. They appeared, just as the power blackout did. I could go on and on, but I'm sure you will understand why the Saucer News staff was sufficiently impressed to print a story about my work. You can thank Saucer News for printing this article, just as thousands have thanked Fate magazine for running my article in their December issue. You'll find out why in a moment. For three years, the SIs have been giving demonstrations of miraculous phenomena for the benefit of the United States government, telling me in advance, so I could write various agencies and get it on the record" before it occurred - such trifles as ending the East Coast drought, ending the drought in India, guiding hurricanes contrary to the routes predicted by the Miami Hurricane Center and the U. S. Weather Bureau, and on and on. I gave 180 successful demonstrations. Why have the SIs been trying to impress the United States government? Because they are trying to establish a base - a safe sanctuary to land and meet with our top officials. This would serve the purpose of blocking a nuclear war, which everyone is saying might come soon. But would Russia or China dare attack the U.S. if we were friendly hosts to UFO entities, who would protect us? If we sheltered a UFO base where the SIs could come and go as they pleased without being interfered with? I think not! People ask: "Why did the SIs pick Ted Owens to communicate with?" Well, I have done pretty well. For three years, I have every shape and form of adversity, simply due to working for, and with, the Sls. I have never given up, or been beaten down by anyone or any thing. I am still on my feet, swinging. If you knew what I had gone through, and yet still accomplished, you would be impressed. Before I conclude this article, I am going to let the readers in on the latest SI demonstration - helping human beings who are sick or in trouble. I want you to write to me, in care of Saucer News, and tell me your problems. Send a stamped, self-addressed envelope. It costs nothing. My job for the SIs is to charge a "disc" (with power supplied from their dimension) and send it to you. You will keep it from then on, and it will change your life. I have only been sending these SI discs out for a few weeks, yet already, a few people have written back reporting miracu lous results. I have sent full details to Saucer News, but will not give out names or addresses, because such letters are strictly confidential No other human in the world can charge these SI discs, so nobody really works by my side - except maybe the SIs. Now that you have been directed to someone such as myself, you might want to take advantage of it quickly. Here is a message to Saucerian and Saucer News readers, which comes straight from the space intelligences:

If there is a small town, anywhere in the United States, which will hire our representative, Ted Owens, for a two-year period, much as they would hire a policeman, fireman, or dog-catcher, for $10,000 per year, we will make that small town our friend. We will appear in and around that small town constantly. We will heal sick and injured people in that small town, with our powers from our dimension (not yours). Among other things, we will also give that small town weather control. In short, that will be the luckiest small town in existence. Could Ted Owens be onto something? Is diplomacy - or even an alliance with the saucerians - the best hope for saving humanity? Time will tell. Otto Binder certainly believes that there is much danger to be found in studying or interacting with our otherworldly visitors. Naturally, such danger necessitates a sober and respectful course of action, not too unlike that suggested by Owens. In the face of such advanced technology (a situation in which we have almost no chance of winning), perhaps it is indeed better to send "butter, not guns." -Gray Barker, 1972 CHAPTER 1


Over the past 10 years, no less than 137 flying saucer researchers, writers, scientists, and witnesses have died - many under the most mysterious circumstances. Were these people "silenced," permanently, because they got too close to the truth? Before the 1967 Congress of Scientific Ufologists, Gray Barker, the chairman, received two letters and one phone call telling him that Frank Edwards, the noted radio newscaster and advocate for flying saucers, would die during the convention. One day after the meeting convened, there was an announcement that Frank Edwards had succumbed to an "apparent" heart attack. How could anybody know that Edwards was going to die, unless it was planned? This is called “murder!" The day was June 24, 1967, and the weather in New York City was brutally hot. But inside the Commodore Hotel, an icy shiver swept the audience as Jim Moseley made this startling announcement. "Your attention please," he said. A silence fell over the assembly. “We just heard some shocking news. Frank Edwards, the noted broadcaster and champion of flying saucers, died of a heart attack today. He was 59 years old."

A single gasp rose from 2,000 throats. Frank Edwards had been a leading voice for the existence of UFOs, and had forced the public and the government to pay attention to this puzzling phenomenon. He had brought respect to the subject, because of his stature as a news reporter. "I need not remind you of the extremely odd coincidence of this news," Moseley continued, "that Frank Edwards' death occurred 20 years after - to the day - the UFOs first made big headlines in America. It was on June 24, 1947 that Kenneth Arnold made his famous sighting of nine flying saucers." Actually, Frank Edwards died on June 23rd, a few hours before midnight. But the coincidence is still there - as if his death had been timed for that significant date. Timed? By whom? Or was it chance?

Was it chance that two other prominent ufologists died on June 24, 1967, while two more died on June 24th in other years? The four were: Arthur Bryant, June 24, 1967: The contactee who claimed to have met three Venusians, including the apparent reincarnation of , the most famous contactee in UFOdom. Richard Church, June 24, 1967: The brilliant young chairman-elect of the ufology group CIGIUFO, and an expert on UFOs.

Frank Scully, June 24, 1964: Scully wrote the first significant book about UFOs, Behind the Flying Saucers, in which he mentioned the "little men" or alien humanoids, electromagnetic saucer propulsion, EM effects, and the Air Force's campaign to hide the truth about UFOs from the public - all "ridiculous" ideas at the time, but which were later accepted. Willie Ley, June 24, 1969: A well-known writer on rockets and astronautics, Ley wasn't directly involved in ufology, but he wrote about space travel. So we have those directly connected with ufology, plus Ley, all of whom died on June 24th, three within hours of each other. Why on that date? Could it have been a warning? Whatever, the fact remains that over the past 10 years, no less than 137 UFO researchers and have died. Many of the deaths were surrounded by peculiar circumstances. The list is too extensive to be covered in its entirety; only the most prominent, then, will be named. George Adamski, April 23, 1965: Victim of a heart attack (according to the death certificate) in Silver Springs, Maryland. Dead within hours despite emergency treatment. Cremated and buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Adamski claimed to have seen a flying saucer land in southern California. He said he had spoken to its pilot, a Venusian, in front of witnesses, including George Hunt Williamson. (Williamson himself disappeared mysteriously in 1965.) Adamski also claimed to have traveled to Venus, and to have been in telepathic communication with saucermen. He toured the world until his death, lecturing and relaying messages from “our space brothers” – to live in brotherhood and peace. Truman Bethurum, May 21, 1969: Also claimed to have ridden to other worlds in flying saucers. He was a quiet man, who seemed incapable of making up the fantastic adventures he had. He wrote two books about them before dying quietly in bed.

Barney Hill, February 25, 1969: With his wife, Betty, one of the most celebrated contactees. John Fuller wrote a book about them. The Interrupted Journey. The title refers to an experience the Hills had in 1961, when they encountered a landed saucer.

The Hills remembered nothing of the incident, but later, under hypnosis, they described being conducted aboard the saucer by little humanoids, and undergoing physical examinations. The Hills told their story on TV and in lectures. Their sincerity left little doubt as to the truth of their experience. Mark Probert, February 22, 1969: The most prominent psychic in BSRA (Borderland Science Research Associates), an organization founded by Meade Layne. Probert acted as a "cosmic telephone” link between Earth and an "inner circle" of departed spirits. These spirits enabled Probert to contact saucermen. Reports of the contacts were then published in the BSRA Journal. He never claimed to have seen saucermen in person, or to have traveled in saucers. Meade Layne, 1968: Wrote several books on his beliefs in flying saucers. Dr. George Hunt Williamson: The first of two great mysteries. Williamson disappeared while on an anthropological expedition to Peru in 1965. He was noted for his explorations of ancient Indian sites in the Andes, which he suspected were saucer bases, landing fields, and cave headquarters. He believed the saucermen were still there. Later, Williamson experimented with shortwave radio contact, claiming in 1952 that he had established communications with UFOs. Saucers were observed hovering over his radio shack during these broadcasts. Williamson wrote several books about UFOs, the most noteworthy of which was The Road in the Sky.

Dr. Raymond Bernard, Sept. 10, 1966(?): The question mark is used because some believe Dr. Bernard is still alive. He produced many books about the Inner Earth (The Hollow Earth, The Inner World, etc.), which he believed to be inhabited by saucermen – making them "Inner Earthians," not extraterrestrials. Their flying saucers rise out of the earth at the North and South Poles, which, according to Dr. Bernard, are deep pits leading to the Inner Earth. Dr. Morris K. Jessup, April 20, 1959: A scientist who firmly believed in UFOs and who devoted his life to proving their existence, Dr. Jessup was a distinguished astrophysicist. He supervised the installing of the first important telescope in the southern hemisphere. He wrote several books on flying saucers, the most famous of which was The Case for the UFO (1955).

Dr. Jessup was found dead in his station wagon in a Coral Gables, Florida park. Suicide seemed apparent at first; a rubber hose was attached to the exhaust pipe and looped back into the interior. But the investigating detective thought it all looked "too professional” to be a suicide. The death certificate reads "acute carbon monoxide intoxication." Dr. Jessup's theory about UFOs was that they are vehicles by which a pygmy race from outer space visited the earth millions of years ago. The pygmies built a civilization that was later destroyed by natural calamity. Even though vestiges of this do exist in the lore of the pygmy tribes living today, the scientific establishment rejected Jessup's hypotheses. Capt. Edward Ruppelt, 1960: Capt. Ruppelt headed the Air Force's Project Bluebook for two and a half years. He was more sympathetic to the cause of UFOs than his critics admitted. In 1956, he wrote The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, in which he proved that the Air Force had no basis for denying the existence of UFOs, eventually forcing it to release UFO statistics. He kept the UFO pot bubbling publicly, and counteracted the anti-UFO theories of Dr. Donald Menzel Wilbert B. Smith, December 27, 1962: A leading scientist, he was appointed head of the Canadian government's Project Magnet in 1950. The project was designed to investigate flying saucers, which were taken seriously by the Canadians at that time. Smith claimed to have received telepathic messages from UFOs. He aided UFO groups in their researches, and analyzed the famous "Ottawa chunk," finding "oddities" indicating that it was perhaps dumped from a UFO. Dr. Olavo T. Fontes, May 9, 1968: Dr. Fontes, a distinguished young Brazilian scientist, was South America's foremost UFO booster. He investigated and reported innumerable cases, including the classic Itupai Fortress attack by a UFO using heat-rays. Unlike hesitant U.S. scientists, Dr. Fontes boldly challenged the "official viewpoint. He concluded that saucers were “sizing Earth up" for conquest. He maintained this grim view until his death.

The Rev. Della Larson, October 1965: A contactee who claimed Venusians were living on Earth among us, Larson committed suicide" in a rest home by hanging herself with a nylon stocking Gloria Lee (Byrd), December 1, 1962: She said the space people told her to stop eating - to go on a long fast - after which she died. H.T. Wilkins, 1966: Died following a heart attack. Well known for his two books on UFOs, Flying Saucers on the Attack and Flying Saucers Uncensored. Like Dr. Fontes, Wilkins was convinced the saucermen were here for the conquest of Earth. Dr. Charles A. Maney, November 8, 1965: A scientist who risked his reputation by taking UFOs seriously, he wrote The Challenge of Unidentified Flying Objects (in collaboration with Richard Hall of NICAP). A professor at Defiance College in Ohio, he utilized scientific and statistical methods to promote the case for UFOs, and "scolded” science for its indifference toward the UFO phenomena. Capt. Robert Loftin, November 21, 1968: Ironically, Loftin's book, Identified Flying Objects, was published just a few months before his death. In it, he demonstrated that aerial flying objects were "identified” – that is, were identified as real, not illusory. Clara John, 1968: Former editor of The Little Listening Post, after a long illness. Hazen Coon, 1968: One of Joan Whritenour's staff of reporters at Saucer Scoop. Ralph Holland, January 26,1962: Former editor of A Voice From the Gallery. Chuck Roberts, February 13, 1969: A police radio dispatcher who joined the staff of Saucer Scoop. Bernard Cox, January 1969: Member of SAUCERS, the Australian UFO organization. Edgar Jarrold, 1960: Australian ufologist who vanished mysteriously. Marie Ford, suicide (no date given): A young UFO enthusiast who found the body of the Rev. Della Larson. Doug Hancock, 1968: A UFO researcher who was confined to a mental hospital, Hancock managed to obtain a gun and "shoot himself." Damon Runyon, Jr., April 14, 1968: Son of the famous sports writer, Runyon was involved in the investigation of President Kennedy's assassination, and a writer on UFOs. Saucer Scoop said that young Runyon “fell, jumped, or was pushed off" a Washington, D.C. bridge. Henry F. Koch, 1966: Publicity director of the Universal Research Society of America, Koch was written up in Flying Saucers as having made a UFO sighting on April 3, 1966, and dying mysteriously a few weeks later. The death certificate said "heart attack," but the magazine suggested that the cause of death was "saucer radiation." Dr. B. Noel Opan, August 23, 1959: Dr. Opan made a UFO a sighting, and was later allegedly kidnapped by three MIBs (Men in Black) from his home in Wellington, Ontario, Canada. He was never seen again. Bryant Reeve, December 1968: Author of Flying Saucer Pilgrimage, Bryant and his wife, Helen, traveled extensively and interviewed many UFO celebrities - Adamski, Mark Probert, Truman Bethurum, and others. Dag Hammarskjöld, September 19, 1961: Known for his general "saintliness” as head of the United Nations, and no disbeliever in UFOs, Hammarskjöld was killed in a plane crash in Southern Rhodesia. A witness, Timothy Kankasa, swore he saw a craft above the airliner. The UFO emitted beams of light resembling a "flashing torch.” The question is: Did saucermen tamper electronically with the airliner, causing it to crash? And this leads us to the broader question: Did saucermen engineer the deaths of those in our above list? Let's examine this carefully before condemning it as utter "nonsense," or an attempt at "sensationalism." First, various ufologists have revealed threats against themselves, either from MIBs or other mysterious sources. In the publication MIB: A Report on the Mysterious Men in Black Who Have Terrorized UFO Witnesses and Investigators in All Parts of the Nation, Robert S. Easley writes: The first real act of violence on the part of the "Three Men" came on February 25, 1968. On that date, I had given a UFO lecture to a group of Boy Scouts and their parents. As I was walking out to my car afterwards, at about 9:45 p.m., I was shot at by two men in a car without any lights on. Later that same evening, I received another mysterious phone call saying: "If you and your buddies are not out of the saucer field by next Sunday, we will have to take other means of action to stop you. In Spacecraft News (Issue 3), Gray Barker, well-known publisher in the UFO field, tells of how, when investigating the notorious "Mothman" near Pt. Pleasant, West Virginia, he found a note on his door saying: "Abandon your research, or you will regret it. You have been warned." Similar stories have come from dozens of other UFO investigators. They can hardly all be hoaxes or pranks. Somebody, or something, has been threatening those involved with UFOs, threats that in some cases seem to have been fulfilled. We might also heed the words of John Keel, who more than any other investigator has sought to uncover the mystery of UFOs and MIBs. Keel said in Saucer Scoop that he believes the MIBs to be "the intelligence arm of a large and possibly hostile group," and that they are professional terrorists.

Among their many duties, according to Keel, is the harassment of the UFO researchers who become involved in cases that "might reveal too much of the truth." "Many duties" may well include outright murder of victims - done in such a skillful way that the police aren't even aware that a murder has really occurred. How is this done?

CHAPTER 1: LIQUIDATION OF THE UFO INVESTIGATORS! - OTTO BINDER Frank Edwards and Frank Scully presumably died of heart attacks; Wilbert B. Smith and Dr. Olavo Fontes of cancer; and Barney Hill of a brain hemorrhage. All of them died relatively young - none over 59. We must now ask: Can heart attacks, cancer, and other diseases be induced in people, through some unusual method? Consider this angle on Frank Edwards, as reported by Brad Steiger and Joan Whritenour in Saga: “Edwards was warned to lay off UFO investigation. He had been visited by the same three Men in Black that shut up Albert K. Bender." (Bender is a former UFO investigator who was hounded into silence by the MIB.) "Nonsense," another delegate said (the authors reported). "Frank had been ill for six months." "Not true," argued yet another ufologist in the Saga article. "Frank has never been ill. Check the obituary. It reads that death was apparently' due to a heart attack. How many other researchers have died of an 'apparent something or other?" This conversation occurred at the 1967 Congress of Scientific Ufologists, following the announcement of the death of Frank Edwards. Radio personality Long John Nebel, in his recent book, The Psychic World Around Us, tells how Gray Barker, just before the convention, showed him two mysterious, unsigned letters stating that Frank Edwards would die during that convention. "On Thursday afternoon," continues Nebel, "just a few hours before he was due at WNBC (for an interview), Barker phoned again": "John," he said, "something happened a few minutes ago that really shook me up! I got a phone call from a man who said that Edwards would not live to see the end of the convention. That's all he said before he hung up. The tone of his voice scared me. It was like nothing I've ever heard before - like something not human!" So, before the convention - and before June 23d, when Edwards died -- Gray Barker is on record as having received two letters and one phone call, all predicting the death of the newsman. How could anybody know Edwards would die in advance, unless it was already planned? How was the heart attack induced? Are cases of heart attack, cancer, brain hemorrhage, and pneumonia now suspect? Even if such "natural" deaths can be induced, suicide would still be easier to accomplish. It is probably much harder to tell a man (hypnotically, or by telepathy) to have a heart attack, than it is to tell him to take his own life. This brings us to the greatest mystery of all: the alleged suicide of Dr. Morris K. Jessup. Most of his closest friends had no idea he would kill himself. But John P. Bessor, one of Jessup's intimates, points out that Jessup was a very "disappointed" and "discouraged” man, because of his losing battle to make UFOs "respectable" among scientists. Capt. Bruce Cathie of Australia, author of Harmonic 33 (about a UFO "grid" around Earth), says:

When Dr. Morris K. Jessup died in 1959, he had just completed a long and detailed report claiming to prove that the U.S. Navy, during a top-secret wartime experiment, caused a warship and its crew to become invisible. The full story has not yet been released, due to a restriction imposed by Dr. Jessup himself, when he decreed that his report should only be published five to ten years after his death. The present ending to his story is as fantastic as the invisible ship itself. In 1959, Dr. Jessup handed all of his documents on the case to a close friend, to be held in trust, and then headed for a holiday in Florida. Three days later, he was found dead in his car. But Gray Barker, in his book The Strange Case of Dr. M. K. Jessup, gives the most startling data. He reports that Richard Ogden, a UFO researcher from Seattle, Washington, sent a message saying, in part: “Now as for Jessup, his suicide was a frame-up. Jessup fell victim to hypnotism. He was sent a tape-recording that contained self-destruction suggestions. This is what happened to Jessup. It was cold blooded murder!" Ogden never documented his claims, so the validity of his charges is open to question. But Jessup did write "suicide notes” to several of his friends, including Long John Nebel. The most intriguing of the suicide theories stems from the fact that Jessup was a great friend of the medium, Mark Probert, and believed in spirit communications. Jessup was quoted by members of BSRA as giving a strange farewell comment before his death: “I go to prove, for myself, the reality of worlds beyond time and space.” After Jessup's death, Probert received a long, scientific dissertation on life after-death. The sender would not name himself, but hinted that he was, indeed, Jessup Jessup always seemed to be a special target for weird happenings. A copy of his book, The Case for the UFO, was returned with margin notes throughout, made by three men who referred to themselves as "aliens." Many of their notations indicated they were familiar with saucer craft. This marked copy was sent to the U.S. Navy, which took it seriously, and consulted Dr. Jessup. But Jessup could throw no light on the mystery. Jessup also received letters from a Carlos Allende (the famous "Allende Letters"), referring to a Navy ship becoming invisible and being teleported from one city to another. This mystery was never cleared up. The whole Jessup affair remains an unsolved riddle to this day. Another riddle is the strange disappearance of Dr. Raymond Bernard. Dr. Bernard lived his later life on the island of Santa Catarina, off the coast of Brazil. Although he himself never reached the "Inner World” he wrote about, he claimed to know others who did - but they disappeared before they could lead him below. UFO promoter Timothy Beckley claimed Bernard admitted to him that his life was in constant danger from the Inner-Earth beings. Bernard presumably died at his home in December 1966, but Gray Barker has said that efforts to "obtain a copy of the death certificate, or proper information from the American Embassy, have been to no avail." Bernard said he would allow Barker to publish his book, The Hollow Earth, only if he had died or was "successful in finding an entrance into the Inner Earth.” This was mentioned in Barker's supplemental brochure, “Was Dr. Bernard Swallowed Up By the Inner Earth?" This brochure was included with the first Saucerian edition of the book. Thus, we don't know if Dr. Raymond Bernard is buried six feet under, or 1,000 miles under. Another mystery is the disappearance of Dr. George Hunt Williamson in 1965. We can add little to this enigma, except a rumor that has him "living quietly on the West Coast." If true, why has he dropped all contact with his friends and become such a mystery figure? Could he have been silenced by the MIBs, too? We might add one other death” of a different kind: the TV show The Invaders, which was “killed" in 1967. According to Saucer News, the show was not dropped due to poor ratings, but because of the impending resignation of Roy Thinnes. The star of the show, Thinnes was supposedly threatened on various occasions - whenever the program dealt with topics "too hot to handle."

When Thinnes was asked for a comment on the show's demise, he said: “I have no comment other than the fact that there is more truth behind the TV plots than most people realize." The point was obvious. Thinnes had received threats to quit, or else he ran the risk of joining Frank Edwards, Morris K. Jessup, Williamson, and the others. His show always featured aliens posing as humans, and acting quite like the MIBs – cause enough for the real MIBs to get after him. All of this is not meant to frighten anyone who takes an active part in the UFO field. In fact, another and very startling viewpoint can be taken in regard to the "premature" deaths of ufologists. Can it be that when such important "UFO evangelists” as Frank Edwards, Morris K. Jessup, Mark Probert, and the others have “fulfilled their task" on behalf of “preaching" ufology, they are taken away" - deliberately – for their own sakes? That is, having met the scorn and blind opposition of the unheeding world long enough, are they then mercifully removed from the "battlefront?" This, you see, puts a different light on the deaths of ufologists. Maybe they are being rewarded, not punished. Maybe they are taken into the fold." Who knows? At any rate, something must account for the high death-rate among ufologists. That "something" may either be the secret machinations of the UFO hierarchy (who decide which Earth people "know too much about Alying saucers”), or the pre-planned removal of UFO crusaders who have nobly "done their job." Since we don't really know what is going on, we must proceed carefully. One UFO researcher and percipient, Ted Owens, feels that we need to "get inside the heads” of the MIB and UFO occupants. Owens has made repeated contact with the beings, and feels he has somehow tapped into their power grid. He can receive telepathic messages from them, and can somehow predict what they are going to do next. While I do not recommend this - or anything close to it - for the average saucer buff, one senses that men like Owens may be necessary to find our way out of this cosmic labyrinth. At the very least, we need to seriously consider the following story of one man's fight to communicate with the space beings. This may lead to us understanding them, and perhaps neutralizing any threat posed by them. As we learned during the last war, you have to "know your enemy," and their methods, in order to dissuade them from further aggression. Have we been sent messages from spacemen, yet ignored them? Do the Saucer Intelligences control our weather, our civilization, and our very lives with their incredibly advanced science? Has one man, Ted Owens, really been selected to “relay” their warnings and predictions?



A letter to President Richard M. Nixon, dated July 30, 1969, read in part: "The Space Intelligences (Sis) told me that there is a plot already underway. It has been completely planned, and it is to kidnap you at your Key Biscayne residence in Florida. The 'bad guys' (Cubans) know how well-protected you are, but they are going to strike at night, by water, with fast boats - a highly skilled commando group of several men." The letter was signed, "Ted Owens, PK Man." On August 24, 1969, only three weeks later, The Miami Herald carried the headline: "Spy Plot Shatters Prospects For Renewing U.S.- Cuba Ties." After revealing that Fidel Castro's U.N. diplomats doubled as spies, the text stated: “The U.S. public is likely to consider the recruitment of spies for a mission relating to Presidential security as more serious than guerrilla activities in a faraway land. There was, according to some reports, a James Bond touch to the recruitment plot. These reports claimed the plan was to study President Nixon's movements at his Key Biscayne home, using scuba divers as part of the surveillance team." On March 10, 1966, after years of drought in the Northeastern states, Ted Owens wrote to President Lyndon Johnson: “I have some very good news, from the UFO Intelligences to the PK Man, to you. The SIs have decided to end the entire drought on the East Coast. In the days, weeks, and months to come, there will be rain, rain, rain – not just a little, not just above average, but phenomenal rain." From The Philadelphia Enquirer of July 22, 1967: “We were pleased to note the admission by the United States Weather Bureau that the drought which plagued the northeast comer of the country for the last six years, has ended.” After citing that abnormal rains had been reported all through the northeast during the spring and early summer, it was stated that New York's reservoirs “could hardly be fuller." The year 1967 was also called the "year that had no spring," because it rained so much. The sunny days of blossoming flowers and awakening life were rare. The rainy spring led to an even wetter summer, as if nature was making up for the six years of drought in one year. On October 26, 1965, a telegram to George Clark of the CIA, Washington, D.C., held this alarming statement: “A rare warning. They(the Sls) will unleash a terrible catastrophe within 10 days." Signed: "PK Man" (Owens). A little more than 10 days passed without incident. But on November 9, 1965, the Big Blackout hit seven northeastern states and parts of Canada, plunging 30 million people into darkness. Without electrical power for up to 12 hours, the lights of entire cities flickered out, machines stopped, and and radios went off. Emergency measures were required to rescue people trapped installed elevators and subway trains. Hospitals switched on their own power generators for critical operations. Was this what the telegram meant? On the morning of November 14, 1969, the Apollo 12 mission was in the final stages of the countdown, ready for liftoff to man's second moon landing. North of Cape Kennedy, in Virginia Beach, Virginia, three prominent citizens (their signed and sworn affidavits are on file) heard Ted Owens state that lightning would strike either the pad or the spacecraft. Seconds after the giant rocket roared into the overcast sky, the control crew at Cape Kennedy was alarmed to see a sudden drop-off of teleme tered data from the spacecraft. Through an alternate voice circuit, astronaut Charles Conrad told how the lights had gone out within the spacecraft, adding: "I don't know what happened. I'm not sure we didn't get hit by lightning.“ The PK Man had done it again. More tragic was the prediction in a letter of March 4, 1968, sent by Ted Owens to government agencies, relaying a warning from the Sis of the "destruction of one or more highly-placed U.S. government officials by assassination." Within 12 weeks, Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were killed by assassins' bullets. The above are only a few cases out of more than 200 documented predictions and psychokinetic acts by Ted Owens. Now, just who is this Ted Owens, the PK Man? He is a tall, broad-shouldered man of 50, with a receding hairline, thin lips, penetrating brown eyes, and an IQ of 150. But that doesn't tell you who or what he really is. Let the man who knows him best do that, Ted Owens himself: "I am the only human being alive able to communicate two ways with the Sls, and prove it. I'm the PK Man." The SIs are Saucer (or Space) Intelligences. "PK" stands for "psychokinesis," the power to manipulate, move, or otherwise affect physical objects, through mental forces alone. The two are related: Ted Owens claims he gets his PK powers from the Sls. It all began, says Owens, in 1965. In order to support his wife and three children, he had already "mastered 50 professions," a bewildering variety including lecturer, jazz drummer, magician, hypnotist, bodyguard, boxer, private investigator, office manager, fortune teller, teacher of auto suggestion, instructor in knife throwing, designer of jewelry, psychiatric secretary, lifeguard, and last (of this incomplete list), but hardly least: rainmaker. He cheerfully admits he has no academic degree or official standing in the “establishment," yet it's a matter of record that he has an IQ of 150 (genius starts at 140), and for two years worked with Prof. J.B. Rhine at Duke University in various ESP experiments. In a private gathering with Rhine and his wife, Louisa, plus friends, Owens startlingly demonstrated his PK powers by causing a pair of scissors to whisk off a table and fly for several feet, without being touched. It all really began on that day in 1965. But let Ted Owens himself describe it, from his book How to Contact Space People (Saucerian Publications, 1969):

While living in Fort Worth, Texas, my daughter and I were driving in the country one night, when a cigar-shaped UFO suddenly appeared at our left over a field, and came floating toward our car, making no noise. It had red, white, blue, and green colors flaming vividly from it. Its nose was tilted down towards the ground. As we watched, it approached close to our car, then instantly vanished - just like a light had turned off.

At first glance, this seems to merely be one of the many vivid, although common, saucer sightings. But it was far more than that for Ted Owens, as he wrote:

From that day on, my life changed radically. While in Fort Worth, I gave my daughter, Lorrie, several demonstrations of making lightning strike in certain areas during thundershow ers. I was playfully experimenting with a theory I had on the practical application of PK or psychokinetic power, to nature's forces. Notice the word "playfully." Owens was soon shocked to discover that his "playing” was real, after his family had moved to Phoenix, Arizona, which at that time was in the midst of a bad drought: The idea to experiment with ESP for weather control came to me again, so I gathered my children together and showed them how I would make it storm. It did, so intensely that the city was declared a disaster area." We can infer that Ted Owens was more amazed at his success than he admits, and a bit dubious of his presumed PK powers: To make sure that it was I who had brought this about, and not just a coincidence, I announced to my family we would make a series of storms, and I wrote to the local papers to that effect. Owens was certainly gambling, for it would be the first publicized demonstration of his PK powers, if he had them. The results were astounding: It produced eight terrible, rocking thunderstorms, complete with tremendous lightning displays, within a period of three weeks. Owens has signed and notarized statements from his family that all this is true. But not all of Owens's doubts vanished. "Electrified by my success, and knowing for certain that I had something, I wrote to government agencies and to many important people, but to no avail. No one would believe me. We moved then to Los Angeles, also in the middle of a drought, and I made some tremendous storms there." This too is fully documented. Owens was careful to document his apparent PK feats by telling various officials or prominent people what he proposed to do, and then having them sign an affidavit before or after the event occurred on schedule. Some of these will be quoted later, in connection with more important events. But gradually, there came a greater revelation to Ted Owens. "Now, I figured that somehow I had managed to contact the essence of the intelligence behind Nature herself.” This seemed to be so, because soon after, when Hurricane Cleo began roaring off the coast of Florida, Owens excitedly drew a rough map and told his family he would "control the storm. He wrote: "To the amazement of my family, the hurricane followed my map to the letter!" Now sure of himself, Owens then stuck his neck way out. In October 1966, he boldly announced to the Florida weather bureau exactly what he was going to do: "guide” Hurricane Inez north from Cuba (instead of west as expected), then make it backtrack and hit the Florida coast, when all the "experts" said it would go out to sea. Inez followed Owens's "schedule" to the hile. Weathermen admitted it was "unorthodox" and "impossible." Even more "impertinent" was Owens' notice to the Chief of the U.S. Hurricane Center in June 1967, saying that the SIs would produce three simultaneous hurricanes. This had happened only four times before (since 1886). In September of 1967, Hurricanes Beulah, Cleo, and Doris were all active on the same weekend - something that the weather bureau admitted was “unprecedented” in modern times. Obviously, if he really had this power to turn and guide hurricanes, Owens could perform a great service for the country. He thereupon bombarded government officials in Washington with letters, telling them what he could do, and offering his “anti-disaster" powers. Some men, like Clark of the CIA and Eastwood of NASA, saw him in person, and admitted a strong interest in his claims, but the regret was, as Owens puts it: "no action." If they didn't consider him a harmless crackpot (he does not resemble one), they were apparently hamstrung in their attempts to reach their superiors. Another big turn in Ted Owens's personal life came when he discovered that he had not, by himself, created or guided storms by some eerie contact with the "essence of the intelligence of Nature." It was some other intelligence. He writes that, after moving to Washington, D.C. in 1965, "I discovered for the first time it was not Nature, but the UFO Intelligences that I had been contacting. They had been guiding me Owens had become aware of a "saucer flap" in the area, which was part of the great UFO wave of 1965-66. Quite unexpectedly, he received a message from the Sis telling him to inform the CIA that incredible magnetic phenomena would occur at the north and south poles. After sending this “prediction" to CIA man Clark, Owens wrote: "On July 8 (1965), all the newspapers carried a startling story: 'Flying Saucer Reported Over Two South Pole Bases!' This huge disc-shaped UFO was clearly seen and photographed by many scientists of several nations, and they reported that it imposed powerful electromagnetic forces on their instruments." A bombshell burst in Ted Owens's mind: “I found out, with a jolt, that what I had been dealing with were the Space Intelligences!" From then on, relates the PK Man, he was able to mentally “tune in to these Space Intelligences at any time. They arranged between them a series of phenomena, whereby Owens would “predict” something, and the SIs would make it come true. In some cases, they did this by beefing up his PK powers and letting him work the deed. In other cases, the Sis would do the job directly, keeping Owens informed. The result has been 200+ PK feats and incredible predictions - all apparently documented - that have flowed from Ted Owens during the past six years. Let's establish one thing here and now: Ted Owens is not a wild-eyed "contactee." He has never met an SI face to face, nor has he traveled in their ships; he has not been whisked to their far off Utopian world, nor has he eaten their exotic foods. Owens makes it quite plain, repeatedly, that he has only a mental contact with the SIs, and that for some reason, unknown even to Owens (as, he himself freely admits), his brain is the ideal “receiving station” for SI telepathic messages. Most significantly, he can “talk” directly to them, on a two-way hookup. Owens believes that he is the only one on earth today with this remarkable ESP ability, and that in the past, perhaps only , Moses, and the wise men of ancient civilizations had such direct SI contact. Ted Owens variously calls himself a “go between" for the SIs in their dealings - or attempted dealings - with mankind. He is their "mouthpiece” or human relay station" for messages. Owens constantly reiterates that he is not "responsible” for what the SIS do, even through his own PK powers, as they do all the planning and execution. The purpose in their paranormal doings, via Owens, is to prove their presence, so that the authorities will listen to them (via Owens) and accept help. Regardless of the seeming "disasters” Ted Owens has been connected with in the following accounts, the SIs claim they are here on Earth to prevent a greater calamity. Although Ted Owens has never been a ufologist or been active in the UFO field, in any way, his special and personal relationship with the Saucer Intelligences has shed light on certain UFO phenomena in general. In answer to the question, "Why do flying saucers affect cars and electrical instruments when they come close?" Owens says: "I'm glad you asked that, because the SIs just recently explained it to me .When they come into the area they want to investigate, they throw out a ‘net ‘, just like a fisherman throws his net overboard. They extend an electromagnetic net all around them that will trap and stop all power in the area, in order to keep anybody from being able to communicate with humans outside the SI net (who might radio the Air Force for help). The Sis could actually destroy all humans in that area if they wanted, instead of throwing out a tranquillizing net." This implies that those landings that exhibit EM effects are for the purpose of "tranquilizing" or "tagging certain human specimens. This activity, of course, is now being seen and reported in saucer sightings. We actually know very little about the strange mingling of Sis and humans. Though not always directly connected with sightings of UFOs, objects falling from the sky have been a riddle all through history: huge falls of fish, toads, chunks of meat, blood - almost anything. Hundreds of these reports were collected by Charles Fort, and these occurrences still continue in modern times. Sometimes they happen just after a UFO has flown over. One particular substance, “angel hair” (a mass of odd fibers), has often been directly seen falling from UFOs. In answer to a question about a recent report of flesh and blood falling from the sky, and whether the SIs had anything to do with it, Owens provides a fascinating answer: "I don't think flesh and blood fell from the sky. I think the flesh and blood fell out of the other dimension (from which the SIs come). In all the cases of fish or rocks falling from the sky, I believe it is caused by the SIs, opening a crack in their dimension, to let their craft in or out." Owens gives a more specific example, in which he supposes that a UFO is rising out of the water:

They see people on the bank of a lake or river, so they switch off into another dimension. But as they have come up out of the water, their power (EM field) might draw fish up with them, or rocks, or even people. When they switch on again, later, back into this (Earth) dimension - in a different area than before, perhaps clear across the world - then those same fish or rocks or people – or parts of people - come back out with them, and shower down. This is a rather gruesome explanation as to how flesh and blood might fall from the sky. Should this be considered ruthless or cruel? Maybe. But if our spacecraft someday travel to other worlds, and need to stay on a strict schedule for takeoffs and landings, would the astronauts turn off their rockets just because a few unseen natives or animals were near the blast area, and might get burned?


Owens admits he knows very little about these creatures so often seen during saucer landings. But he ventured this concept, which should interest Coral Lorenzen, who in one of her books advanced the same theory. She wrote that people saw humanoids or "hairy dwarfs” step out of saucers to collect plants or rocks Owens said: “Yes, these are the Sis' pets, who collect samples from Earth for the SIs. But for what purpose they want these samples, I don't really know."

He says the Sis do not consult him on weighty matters, nor include him in master conferences concerning Earth's fate. His messages from them are strictly limited to the PK duties he is to perform. This should make most of us pause before calling this man a charlatan or self-deluded kook. Kooks and crackpots, as everyone knows, always place themselves one step below God (if they're modest), sharing in his omniscience. Various reporters, columnists, and other influential people have said the PK Man's remarkable predictions might be coincidence or luck, but the facts seem to speak for themselves. Let's look at one of Owens's most sensational PK feats. Owens once said to a sports writer: "Sports is a superficial thing. But it's an excellent way to demonstrate the SIs power over a small group of men." Owens demonstrated the truth of his dictum by creating havoc with two Philadelphia sports teams, the Eagles of the National Football League, and the 76ers of pro basketball. Why he chose Philadelphia is a question that remains unanswered. He wrote to a dozen sportswriters before the 1968 season opened, that he "would take the Eagles apart with PK," and absolutely crush their chances for the championship. He promised that the Eagles would have at least 20 injuries, and would lose more games than they won. The Eagles had 30 injuries that season, and lost 11 games in a row. That this was totally unexpected and weirdly unbelievable is seen from these expressions and quotes in the columns of sportswriters: "Injury curse hits Eagles"... "Talk of jinxes and voodoo" ... "The bewitched Eagles". .. "Some whammy working on the team." Writer Stan Hochman wrote in The Philadelphia Daily News, September 30, 1968, after taking Owens to an Eagles game, "I figured I'd pin him (Owens) down as to his claims of hexing the team. When the Eagles scored and went ahead by 30, Owens said, 'The SIs are going to have to get Woodeshick out of the game." Woodeshick was the team's star. Suddenly, a brawl began between two players, and there was Woodeshick out there... They threw him out of the game for fighting. The game even got stranger in the third quarter." After a fumble, four Eagles were unable to pick up the ball, and the Cowboys took possession. The Eagles lost the game. In another column, Stan Hochman wrote: "For a while, Ted Owens was content to cause rainstorms where there had been no rain for six years. He did work up that satisfying power blackout in 1967 (June), when he snuffed out the lights for the East Coast. But nobody came clamoring after Ted Owens to buy his cloudbusting, light-snuffing services." Hochman then recited the incredible roster of injuries, freak plays, and hard- luck breaks that overwhelmed the Eagles during the 1968 exhibition season. (They were to continue throughout the regular season). Without endorsing Ted Owens's claims, Hochman reiterated that everything that had happened to the Eagles was foretold by the PK Man and published. Paid attendance to the Eagles' games naturally fell off, and Jerry Wolman, the team's owner, filed for bankruptcy. Was it all a fluke? Were the Eagles destined to flop on their faces in 1968 without the intervention of the PK Man's alleged powers? Owens tested himself again in pro basketball. On April 23, 1968, a prominent lawyer signed a statement that Owens had predicted the Philadelphia 76ers would lose their playoff games with the Boston Celtics, and that the 76ers would miss their shots to an incredible degree. George Kiseda, sportswriter: "The 76ers' shooting is off. They might as well have been trying to put a medicine ball in a teacup." Sam Jones of the Celtics was quoted as saying: "I don't think (our) defense is what beat them. They were just missing shots." Another sportswriter simply said, “The 76ers simply couldn't put the ball in the basket."

The strange part was that the 76ers were famed as a “sharp shooting." team. The payoff, as another sportswriter put it: “They went blind from the floor, and suffered a 122-104 crushing. Back to Boston, Wednesday, and the blindness continued. They shot a pathetic 18-for-68, and the Celtics had little trouble in slipping away with a 114-106 win, which evened the series at 3 games each. The Celtics, the underdogs, went on to win the playoffs - the first team ever to come from behind and win. Keeping all of the above extraordinary factors in mind, either the laws of chance went completely haywire, or the awesome forces exerted by the PK Man fulfilled his threatening prophecy. Take your pick. Some of his more recent predictions have been startlingly fulfilled, according to the available evidence. On February 10, 1970, Owens was interviewed by Lawrence Maddry of The Virginian Pilot of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Picking a distant state, Owens predicted that a flying saucer would be sighted over the Brewer Bangor area of Maine, and that some sort of power failure would occur at the same time. The deadline was two weeks, but after only one week, headlines from the Bangor area press screamed of a flying saucer sighting, the car battery of one witness had gone dead. During the interview, Maddry had asked: “Well, Mr. Owens. What do you think will happen while you're here?" "I look for some kind of power failure," he said. When Maddry went out to start his car, he had a dead battery. Maddry's column dryly says, "Informed of this, Owens' eyes rolled slightly in their sockets, and he said, “Hmm... They must be very close." In early January 1970, Owens handed a letter to a reporter stating that he would make one or more earthquakes occur for the reporter's paper on January 22nd. On that date, earthquakes were reported in Berkeley, California, and in Japan. In fact, six earthquakes were reported from January 22nd to February 12th. Owens explains this as the SIs being unable to control the "echo” earthquakes that resulted from those of January 22nd. More impressive is Owens's bold statement to Lawrence Maddry and other reporters that the SIs would carry on a "private war" with Pan-American Airways, and that the Atlantic Ocean would become a "no man's land” for their giant 747 superliners. Two days later, a Pan-Am 747 left Puerto Rico, became disabled over the Atlantic, and had to return to the airfield. The next day, a 747 leaving London had to jettison fuel and also return to base. The following day, a 747 crashed on the runway at Stockton, California. Is that guessing, or knowing? There is much more to tell about Ted Owens, such as his astounding use of PK for healing, and his intriguing explanations of who and what the Sls are, how many UFOs they have, how they operate, and what the fate of Earth will be if their battle against the evil Ols (Other Intelligences) does not succeed. Then, there is the strange way the SIs communicate with Owens, involving "Tweeter and Twitter," two amazing SI creatures. One “prediction" by Owens seems to be a message from the SIs as to their future plans. It should make all ufologists sit up and take notice. This signed prediction is dated February 13, 1970, and was confirmed to me in another letter a week later. Here it is, verbatim:

This time, the experiment (of the SIs) will not be confined to just one country; it will be a worldwide demonstration of UFO power! As of this date, I am contacting the SIs and asking them to activate a special apparatus they have to control weather on a worldwide scale! The object: to prove the existence of the Sls, and their ability to receive communications from me. The objective: to cause violent weather worldwide, from this day on, throughout the entire summer coming up in 1970. Not only that. But for the SIs "signature" to this, they will appear in great numbers, here, there, and everywhere. In short, you are now going to be privy to one of the greatest shows ever put on this earth. And it will be put on by the UFO Intelligences, using their great powers. And these powers will issue forth from the Bermuda Triangle and the Devil's Triangle in the Pacific, I am positive. Ted Owens had staked his reputation on this direct prediction to Saga. As subscribers read that issue, the world was plagued not only by violent storms and disasters, but also the greatest wave of UFO saucer sightings and landings in history. Could it be coincidence? Or could it be the word of Ted Owens, PK Man, coming true. According to the man who claims to be their one and only "contact" on Earth, the Space Intelligences are now hovering in four huge, invisible craft positioned around our globe. They are trying to put the world in balance by canceling out wars, hate, killing, drought, famine, etc.” And with their fantastically advanced science, they are determined to make their presence known by unleashing and controlling the very forces of nature! "The Space Intelligences are pure energy and are invisible," says Owens. "Only the top members of the SIs can construct a form and pour themselves into it." Where do they come from? "The SIs are from a different world entirely. They are from another dimension. But they have discovered how to switch from their dimension into ours!" To summarize, we have: the Big Blackout of the eastern U.S. on November 9, 1965; Hurricane Inez in 1966, which turned the "wrong way"; Three hurricanes simultaneously hitting the U.S. in 1967; the ending of the northeast's drought in 1967; the mysterious "hex" that made the Philadelphia Eagles football team lose 12 out of 14 games in 1968; and the lightning bolt that struck Apollo 12 in December 1969. These and other headline events are claimed as PK (psychokinesis) feats performed by one man, Ted Owens, with the aid of the SIs. And Owens has impressive documentation. Signed statements of government officials, lawyers, scientists, radio interviewers, sportswriters, and many others attest that Owens predicted those events. He was able to predict them, he claims, because the SIs gave him enormous PK powers. Whether you believe him or not, it would be difficult to explain all of those sworn affidavits. For a man to simply “guess" right, so many times, is unbelievable. Keeping a careful account, Ted Owens states that 85 percent of his predictions have been fulfilled. He admits there are misses, for not even the Sls, with their uncanny powers, can always whip up a hurricane or earthquake on schedule. But the record is remarkable: a couple hundred fulfilled prophecies in five years, from 1965 to date. The PK Man's predictions have ranged far and wide, covering almost every category of world event: sneak attacks against U.S. aircraft carriers in Vietnam, the loss of three submarines in one year, the series of earthquakes that jolted California in late 1969, the failure of various Ranger moon probes, the unexplained crashes of military planes, a violent lightning storm in 1966 - on and on the list goes. These calamitous events – at least those for which Ted and the SIs are responsible - supposedly have a "good purpose," as will be seen later. But first, let's get further insight into the life and mind of Ted Owens. In answer to the question, "Why did the SIs contact you, and you only?" Owens replies:

I have gotten it from them rather spottily, they had worked with me since early childhood, attempting to get through to me. As I grew up, they kept trying. I worked for Dr. Rhine at Duke University, in the ESP experimentation there, and was found to be loaded with paranormal ability. But the Sis still hadn't gotten through to me. It seems to have been a combination of the close approach of their UFO to our car in Fort Worth in early 1965, and then my work in hypnosis and allied fields. Those finally made it possible for them to get through to me. He goes on to explain the actual method of contact:

In 1965, when I discovered it was actually UFOs that I was dealing with (and not Nature), the UFOs gave me a system to call upon them, just as if I were picking up a phone to talk. They showed me, in my mind's eye, a small chamber. Inside the chamber were two small creatures, resembling grasshoppers, standing on two legs. These creatures looked down into a large round oval machine. In it, they could see me. If I talked, they heard the sound, but the machine quickly turned the sound into symbols, and the symbols into a very high-frequency sound that they could understand. For very important communications, I was to appear on the screen and ask for "Control," and their Higher Intelligence would appear, and listen to me. Owens bestowed on the two little creatures his own names, Twitter and Tweeter. But were they the actual physical form of the Sis? "No," says Owens, "the SIs are pure energy, and are invisible. Only the top members of the SIs can construct a form with their intelligence and pour themselves into it. Twitter and Tweeter are merely convenient bodies for handling their apparatus." Where do the SIs come from? “The SIs are from a different world entirely. They are from another dimension. But they have discovered how to switch from their dimension into our dimension." Questioned closely, Owens shrugs and confesses he doesn't know anything more about their world. They have revealed very little to him, which is quite different from the all-inclusive knowledge most contactees claim to have. “They don't confide things like that. They just give me assignments and training, all pointing at certain objectives." What are those objectives? Owens's voice turns grim and earnest as he gives this brief, chilling answer: "The SIs will allow Russia and China to destroy us (the U.S.), if we don't cooperate with the Sls. Think of the world as a large field on a farm. If one section of the field won't grow crops, or be productive, then the farmer will just quit planting it, and let it go to rot. And that's what will happen to the U.S., if we don't pay attention to the SIs." Owens has reiterated that all the earthquakes, hurricanes, crashing planes, and other events caused by the Owens-SI team are only spectacular attempts to attract attention to the SIs - to prove they exist. Owens has been chosen as their sole 'emissary to make formal contact with Earth authorities.

The Sis' lack of physical form, and the handicaps of their alien origin, preclude their ever landing and appearing, in person, on Earth. Hence their "training" of Ted Owens, and their gift to him of PK power, to perform miracles. So says Ted Owens. When asked why the SIs want to help or “guide" the U.S. in particular, Owens says: "The SIs are trying to put the world in balance by canceling out wars, hate, killing, upset weather conditions, drought, famine, etc. They can do all these things easily!" If they can lend Owens the PK power to create hurricanes and earthquakes, and cause vast power blackouts, and end drought, couldn't they also use these powers in reverse? Whatever they can unleash, can't they also control? "But first," counters Owens, "they want a base to work from; and they chose the United States, perhaps because it is the most influential nation on Earth." Another question really stumped Owens: “Just why have the SIs come here to help Earth in the first place?" His candid answer: "I don't know. I haven't the foggiest notion of why; I have wondered about that myself." Conversely, a bleak future is painted for the U.S. if it continues to ignore the SIs. “Russia and China will combine to attack America and destroy it, with both nuclear and biological weapons. The Asian race will become the main power of the world after the U.S. is destroyed, and the black people (of Africa) will become the second largest power." Eventually, Owens finishes, "whites will practically be nonexistent." Just how the Sis intend to change this course, Owens does not know. His only "job" is to keep performing his sensational PK acts, obtain the ear of the government, and introduce them to the Space Intelligences. Only then they will tell the U.S. what to do to avoid the above holocaust. This is the "mission" of Ted Owens. The sincerity of his devotion to this cause is beyond question. He has gained no wealth from his "crusade," and in fact, is today in debt with no possessions or home. “Broke at 50," as he puts it. For six years, since 1965, he has wandered with his family to several temporary locations, taking any job he could find. Any confidence man would have long ago given up this poor-paying "racket," which has netted Owens nothing. One can only assume that Owens, keeping at it doggedly for six years, has no ulterior motives, and means exactly what he says.


During his life, affluence and Ted Owens never got together. He has two children from a former marriage. After a divorce, they went with his ex-wife, who offered to finance them through college, where they are today. Owens now lives with his second wife and their son, Beau, age 8. His family is one of his strongest supporters. There are signed and notarized statements from his older children, on how he drew a map to "guide" a hurricane, or on how he made a prediction, on a given date, that later hit the headlines when it materialized. One of his most amazing prophecies came in a letter to President Lyndon B. Johnson on May 10, 1966: "The SIs warn that a man is planning to load a small plane with high explosives, and send the plane, kamikaze style, into the White House or the Johnson Ranch (in Texas). This man has planned this for a long while. He put it off once, but now is getting worked up to do it. Of course, he'll be killed, but he doesn't care. I believe he is an ex-Army flyer or service man." One can imagine the reception this got from Presidential aides. Utterly preposterous! No President-hater, no matter how insane, would pull that ridiculous manner of assassination. It couldn't happen in real life. Yet The New York Times, on May 4, 1967, carried this headline: "Flier Denied Bail on Threat of Crashing Into the White House." It turned out that a former Air Force pilot had been jailed, because of "an alleged threat to plunge a plane into the White House." Somehow, the SIs had read this maniac's innermost mind a year before, and knew that someday, he would get up the nerve to commit his spectacular deed. It is doubtful that any other so-called "seer" predicted this unlikely plot, except Ted Owens. Ted Owens still has fascinating revelations about the Space Intelligences: for instance, how they produce earthquakes. Owens reveals that: "There are four great SI craft positioned around our globe. It is these four craft that I signal when I wish to give an earthquake demonstration, as I have done twice for government agencies and scientists." Asking how big those four UFOs are, you get a staggering answer: “These craft are so big, we couldn't even imagine their size. Each one could be bigger than our earth itself." Yet being from another dimension, they are completely invisible. Owens explains vaguely that the giant UFOs send down much smaller craft, which are the familiar saucers of sighting reports, and which have somehow gained visibility. As to just how they create earthquakes: "After I signaled them, they (the four big UFOs) emitted an electromagnetic effect that slightly affected the rate of the earth's spin or orbital movement, causing earthquakes, floods, and unusual weather.” If true, it means the four SI craft must have a colossal storehouse of electromagnetic power, able to grip the whole planet and give it a slight wrench.

Ted Owens must feel like a man in a goldfish bowl, or like an insect under a microscope, because for the past six years: “They have used a monitor on me wherever I go. It is like a beam of light that extends from me, through metal, rock, or any material, high up into the sky. If I happened to be in a deep cave, underground, it would make no difference." The Sls, Owens says, have often told him his life is very important" for their purposes, and that they are thus keeping constant watch on him, and lending him special PK powers whenever there is danger. Owens states that his life has been endangered at least 15 times, and recites several cases, some of which cannot be documented. As a young man, Owens was in Durham, North Carolina with a girlfriend, when six toughs approached with knives. They cornered the pair on a side street, with assault and rape in mind. Owens had a .25 automatic in his pocket, but merely handed it to the girl as a last-ditch defense. "Then," says Owens, "I walked right down the street at the gang coming toward us. I stared them all in the eyes and they froze. I grabbed the ringleader by his coat, and told him to take his gang and get away from us. And that is just what they did." On other occasions, the same thing happened: Owens staring, and some mysterious power making a would-be attacker "freeze," and lose all desire to inflict harm or death. One of the most dramatic cases, and this one fully attested to, in writing, by his daughter, Lornie, occurred when Owens and Lornie were walking along a street in San Antonio, Texas. Suddenly, a man they had never met rushed at them with a long knife, yelling insanely that he was going to kill them. Owens repeats, rather monotonously: "I stared into his eyes. Suddenly he dropped the knife, got down on his knees, and began to pat Lornie on the head, apologizing for threatening us." Since we have his family's sworn statement that this attack was not a figment of Owens's imagination, how do we explain his extraordinary power to render his assailants helpless, without even laying a hand on them? If that isn't PK power, what is? If the SIs are keeping watch on him, they are doing a darn good job. Ted Owens also makes the enigmatic statement that he is “part SI.” Then he adds, “Somehow, as time went by, they changed the right lobe of my brain, so that I could get to this point (to two-way ESP) with them, because the ordinary human brain will not pick up or send back messages to the Sis."

If his brain has been modified or altered to accept SI communications, then technically, he is part SI. Furthermore, says Owens, "The ordinary human brain will break down under SI communications. The other human beings (they attempted to work with) always had a heart attack or brain hemorrhage, or broke down completely in some way. That is why I am so rare." In a sense, Owens is then a "tailor-made" human receiver, deliberately fashioned into the most powerful PK mind living today. This brings us to another amazing facet of Ted Owens's powers: healing. Though he disclaims being another Edgar Cayce, he has, to a limited degree, been able to perform certain "miracle cures." In one case, a young girl savagely beaten by a street gang suffered a skull fracture and doctors gave her only hours to live. Informed by a friend, Owens went to the hospital and obtained permission to see the patient. Though he does not know just how he did it, Owens believes he “radiated” PK healing power, so that the girl survived. The attendant doctors shook their heads and called it a "miracle” beyond medical science. To spread whatever he could of his healing powers among the people, Owens had red plastic medallions made; on them were stamped his private emblem" - a circle with a line through it, and a lightning bolt below. By touching it before mailing it out, Owens believes he "charges" it with PK power that will benefit the recipient. Owens has sent hundreds of these, without charge to whoever requests them. He says, “This is not a commercial enterprise, but an expression of compassion, love, and affection by the SIs." Do these "charged" disks have any hidden powers? Some of the letters Owens has received may provide the best answer. Mrs. B.C. of Willowdale, Ontario, Canada, writing of her daughter: "Dr. M. (surgeon) had six or seven doctors with him when he operated on Ruth. Cancer was found in tumors that had spread all through her right side, up into each lung.” The doctor added that if she survived the operation, she might live up to six months, but no more. Mrs. B.C.'s letter goes on: “Immediately after she'd been operated on, a disk was sent by you (Owens) and placed on Ruth.” Almost a year later, doctors reviewed her case, and “they can't understand how she can still be alive, and the success they are having with her treatments." Mrs. E.B. of Lockwood, Missouri wrote in to say: "My husband seems almost entirely free of the terrible neck pains he has had for two years. They were driving him insane." Her husband kept his SI disk with him day and night. A woman in Cincinnati, Ohio, who has a PK disk, said this: "My doctor told me today that my back (vertebrae) seemed straight. He was a bit puzzled, because he had already said he could not straighten it." Mrs. L.W. of Canoga Park, California, a lady whose hands were almost completely crippled by painful arthritis, said: "As you will notice, I am able to write this letter with my hands. I am even able to use the sewing machine again, to make clothes for my family. This is how much I have improved. This past month, I have been free of pain." The PK disk's power is not limited solely to "faith cures." From Kodiak, Alaska, a woman writes about her husband's luck in fishing for queen crabs:

He put his pots out in one spot in Alitak Bay. He only had 13 pots, but in seven fishing days, he brought in a full load of tanner (queen) crabs, which is really good. Here is the oddest part: a whole flock of boats moved in on him, and had him surrounded with their buoys and pots. They didn't do any good at all, so they had to pick up their pots and leave. But my husband got another boatload of 7,500 crabs. Her husband had been carrying the Owens PK disk.

There is yet another angle to this story that makes it even more fantastic. This same woman had first written to Ted Owens, on October 30, 1967, requesting a PK disk, with this explanation:

My husband's problem is this: in 1964, we lost two commercial fishing boats in the Alaskan Good Friday earthquake. We had to get an SBA loan and went $82,000 in debt. With the high cost of living in Alaska, we are very much afraid we are going to have our (new) boat repossessed, as my husband is a crab fisherman, and just can't make it unless he catches more crabs. In reading the woman's first letter, we see why her husband miraculously caught crabs when nobody else could. Fishing luck, of course, is notoriously quixotic, but the kind of luck that fisherman had is incredible! Unless it was more than luck.

One more medical case is startling, according to this note from a woman in Pensacola, Florida: "My brother had been mentally ill for 15 years. I don't know what has happened, but his mind is okay now, and he is home from the hospital.” She had left a PK disk with him a month before. In Owens' stack of letters from grateful receivers of his PK disk, these phrases appear over and over: The doctor was amazed... The doctor couldn't believe it... The doctor acted stunned. However, Ted Owens is not touting himself as a miracle healer, nor usurping the province of doctors; far from it. He states firmly that: “PK methods certainly do not replace our human medicine and surgery. The UFO intelligences cannot pull teeth, or remove an infected appendix. Their OD (Other Dimensional) methods are to be used, with the doctor's permission, only after all regular medicine and surgery have failed." Owens is also careful not to claim godlike powers for the SIs, although he quickly adds that "the SIs are doing God's work." Owens has pondered the past six astounding years of his life, and has come to the conclusion that there are certain parallels between him and Biblical people, notably Moses and Ezekiel, who both performed “miracles." How did they do it? With the same PK powers that were bestowed upon Owens. Certainly the ability to conjure up lightning storms, turn hurricanes, and heal the sick is comparable to Moses making water pour from a rock, or Ezekiel summoning a strange mechanical "whirlwind" (UFO) to carry him away! Hence the strong linkage Ted Owens finds between God, the Space Intelligences, and his own superhuman PK powers. Another reason the SIs may be here it to act as "watchdogs" of Earth, because of the Ols, or Other Intelligences. Owens cannot elaborate on them, except to say the Ols are “evil” compared to the Sls. When asked if the SIs and Ols are using Earth as a battleground, Owens says, “I think it's more like a game of chess between several kinds of Space Intelligences, and we are the chess pieces. They (the SIs and Ols) are too advanced to shoot at each other, as we do. They think at such depths that it would be beyond our tiny, limited minds to even imagine." For this reason, Ted Owens tried to obtain $5,000 in 1968, to have a free year in which to contact the SIs more closely, and possibly find out all the answers. Owens was thwarted in gaining the backing of the U.S. government. He had planned it this way: The U.S. would send me to Europe with one Special Forces man, as a bodyguard and witness. I would be guided by the SIs to select an old deserted castle, in an isolated location. I would live there for one year. Sometime during that time, the SIs would appear to me for a face-to-face meeting, and arrange a way to meet with the President. Owens is serious about this mission, so he gave the government an alter native. He recently wrote President Nixon and offered to spend 30 days in the Bermuda Triangle, if they would furnish him with a comfortable boat, plus a submarine nearby to observe. He would also spend 30 days in the Devil's Triangle near Japan. Owens said his mission would be to make contact with the Sis. The PK Man could not guarantee results, but said the Sis might very well come to him, because he is the only human being who can "call" them. Owens believes they have been training him all along. In a letter to me, Owens states:

Yesterday I awoke, and realized that the SIs had been at work on my brain (during sleep). This time, they have given me the key to something that has been puzzling me for years. Namely, what has motivated me to learn 50 professions? Well, each profession demanded that I learn a new "language." With Gregg shorthand (my speed was 200 words per minute), I had to learn all the symbols. Typing forced me to learn the keyboard system. As a steel mill inspector, I had to learn calibration and other measurements. In teaching autohypnosis, I had to learn the symbology of the Brainwave Synchronizer. And so on. “So," concludes Owens, "when it came time for the SIs to break through and teach me their OD (Other Dimensional) symbols, I had already developed a strong muscle,' so to speak, with which to receive their information." This reminds one of the rigorous training astronauts go through in order to "think space," which, with its zero-G and Third Law of Motion characteristics, is entirely different from "thinking Earth." Without intensive training, no man could ever have mastered the semi- computerized thought-processes necessary to fly a ship into space. Similarly, no human mind could possibly grasp the intricate symbology of pure energy Intelligences, from another dimension, unless it was thoroughly programmed, like the mind of Ted Owens. Logical, understandable, and rational, Owens's whole approach to the mystery is scientific - not mystical, as with the contactees. This is clearly seen in Ted Owens' own “SI Glossary," in which he defines various ODEs (Other Dimensional Effects):

Nature's Mailbox: A "visual image mailbox," into which he puts "letters," to be acted upon by the SIs (as when requesting a storm). The Angel Box: An ODE container that releases "good" Intelligence, which can be assigned to sick or hurt persons (apparently the mechanism by which the PK disks work). The PK Bubble: An ODE force placed around a person, thing, city, or country, to perform a specific task (which may be one clue to how Owens manipulates his PK powers). Other devices used by Owens include the White Box, the Rainbow Door, Messenger Units, Sound Force PK, Weight PK, Electromagnetic Bubble PK, and Laser PK. Let us conclude with some more sensational PK feats and fulfilled predictions made by Ted Owens in the past six years, which far exceed the accomplishments of such nationally known psychics as Jeanne Dixon and Peter Hurkos. On June 1, 1966, in a written notice to the CIA and other agencies, Ted Owens predicted an early hurricane, within days, long before the traditional hurricane season. Loud laughter from the hurricane center must have turned into gasps when, on June 7th, Hurricane Alma - the earliest Atlantic hurricane ever to hit the U.S. mainland - rose in wrath. One June 18, 1966, Owens' predicted violent electrical storms would soon strike the Philadelphia area. By the end of June and into July, that city was bombarded by electrical bolts seldom seen before. During this period, with a group of friends, Owens pointed and said a lightning flash would strike over a certain building, and it did, within minutes. Owens claimed that he had made it strike there. It should interest ufologists to know that the following "classic" sightings of saucers and occupants were predicted, in advance, by Ted Owens, and in some cases "ordered” by him:

The “Michigan Monster" case of August 1966, in Monroe County, where 17-year-old Christine Van Acker, and her mother, came upon a hairy, black, seven-foot-tall monster.

The "meteor" of August 19, 1966, which was so bright that it cast shadows as it flashed across the skies above Pennsylvania and Ohio. Puzzled astronomers admitted it was too slow for a genuine meteor. It was, says Owens, a spectacular UFO that he had promised" would manifest over Pennsylvania. The semi-tragic tale of the saucer named "Floyd" (by police). In April 1966, Ohio State Police officer Dale Spaur, and several other troopers, pursued a low-flying saucer from the state of Ohio into Pennsylvania, without ever catching up. The sighting came to haunt Dale Spaur, to the point where he lost his job and his wife. He became a broken-down hermit, because the police had fired at the UFO, which Ted Owens prophesied would mean the police would be "without one officer." The "Peninsula Monster" at Erie, Pennsylvania, on July 31, 1966, where Betty Jean Klein and three other hysterical friends were accosted by a hulking, gorilla-like creature, which later flew off in a saucer. But, of course, Ted Owens' most recent and significant prediction, as of February 1970, was that the summer of 1970 would usher in the greatest UFO wave in history, as saucers would appear in "great numbers everywhere on Earth." That worldwide saucer flap is going on right now, although attempts are being made to smother it, since a news blackout has been clamped on all UFO reports since the Condon Report of 1969. A frustrated prophet is still a prophet, however. Finally, here are two more predictions by Ted Owens, which, if they haven't already been fulfilled, will be fulfilled in a short time:

Prediction 1: There is a "terrible threat" to our forces in or near Vietnam. Owens says the SIs showed him the symbolic image of a “black triangular mass' silently converging there, either through the air or the water. He is not clear as to the exact nature of the threat, but it's a "blockbuster force," and will be a major headline about Vietnam. Prediction 2: That Nigeria, because of its inhuman treatment of the conquered Biafrans, after their war ceased, will suffer greatly, unless they change their policy. *The long, unlimited hand of the UFO intelligences," wrote Owens in a letter to President Nixon, "will now reach out and strike the Nigerian government, and teach them a lesson they will never forget. From now on, Nigeria is a marked country. If they do not change, the government people responsible will be struck down with illness, death, and misery." Owens seems to imply that something akin to the "seven plagues," which struck Egypt in Biblical times, will scourge the Nigerians. It is a matter of record that as of mid-February, a deadly new virus struck Nigeria only, with a frightful fatality rate of 50 percent. Three out of five medical technicians sent by the U.S. died promptly of this “Lassa Fever," as it is called, and medical authorities called it an emergency. "The greatest mystery," to quote The New York Times, "is where the disease came from."